Level 1, 2002
Geography: Apply skills and ideas with
direction in a geographic context (90205)
National Statistics
Assessment Report
Assessment Schedule
© New Zealand Qualifications Authority, 2002
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NCEA Level 1 Geography (90205) æ 2
Geography: Apply skills and ideas with direction in a geographic context (90205)
National Statistics
Number of
Percentage achieved
Not Achieved
12 119
Assessment Report
General Comments
The majority of candidates appeared well prepared to cope with the skills and ideas contained in the
paper, with approximately 70% achieving the required standard.
While the majority of candidates removed the Resource Booklet from the middle of the paper, the
number who did not was surprising. Candidates must be encouraged to do so, as is stipulated on the
front cover. Trying to successfully engage in a précis map activity without doing so must be taxing.
Many candidates underlined key words, eg ‘Locate and label’. This aided in their understanding of the
question and is good practice.
Most candidates demonstrated a good knowledge of valuing and graphing skills and the conventions
required. Some did not use a ruler when drawing bar graphs and this was an area of concern.
Most candidates were able to complete Questions One, Nine, Ten and Eleven without much difficulty
but Question Two proved difficult, as they did not appear to recognise what a ‘ford’ was.
Candidates should practise some basic skills prior to the examination, such as working out area,
accuracy in locations on a précis map including the size and shape of features, grid references and
reading the question thoroughly.
Comments on Specific Questions
Question One
Most candidates were able to complete this task successfully.
Question Two
The majority of candidates incorrectly answered this question. Many seemed unaware of the
terminology, and common answers were ‘vehicle track’ and ‘no bridge’. Candidates who had read the
question thoroughly looked at both roads. The ford was the only feature named on both roads.
Question Three
Most candidates were able to achieve the correct answer here. Some did not apply the grid references
and merely looked on the map for the nearest ‘Homebush’ which was a road in a different direction.
Candidates need to understand the need for direction in dealing with topographic maps and practise
this skill.
NCEA Level 1 Geography (90205) æ 3
Question Four
This question required candidates to interpret the contour lines into the shape of the land, and then
identify it in the line up. Many did not do so. Candidates are encouraged to become familiar with crosssections and interpretation of contour lines.
Question Five
Many candidates were confused about the distinction between ‘steep’ and ‘vertical’ cliff.
Question Six
Only the better candidates were able to answer this correctly.
Question Seven
This question required candidates to identify evidence shown in the photograph, use this to determine
the map location of the source and translate this into a grid reference. Many skills were tested and the
level of accuracy required was high. Candidates need to practise deciphering grid references.
Question Eight
Most candidates were able to locate Glentunnel with some degree of accuracy while the trig station
proved more difficult to locate accurately and within acceptable size limitations. Many candidates failed
to provide sufficient evidence because they drew the symbol too large. Candidates who used thick
pencils or felt pens were more likely to be outside the limits of acceptance. Care must be taken with this.
Similarly, candidates needed to locate the plantation accurately and draw it in the appropriate shape.
Few candidates achieved the degree of accuracy required. Accuracy in the size and shape of symbols is
Question Nine
Almost every candidate was able to answer this correctly.
Question Ten
Most candidates were able to select the correct answer.
Question Eleven
Most candidates managed to answer well here despite common errors. There was a lack of detail in the
title (most commonly the year was missed out). Other problems included not beginning the Y-axis at 0,
and missing out the reference to 000’s on the Y axis. Candidates who obviously did not use a ruler to
complete China, and therefore drew an inaccurate graph, did not achieve well in this part.
NCEA Level 1 Geography (90205) æ 4
Question Twelve
Many candidates did not follow the task instructions carefully enough, especially the requirement to
give a full explanation and refer to both the council report and the map. Candidates who used only the
map or council report did not provide evidence of achievement. While this part of the question could
have been highlighted in the paper to enhance clarity, candidates must understand the importance of
using information directly from the resources. Many wrote of reasons not in either resource, and often
these were very complicated.
Question Thirteen
The windrose was easily recognisable for the better candidates, and they were able to interpret it
correctly. Many candidates missed this question out.
Question Fourteen
Most candidates used the more obvious time interval lines to answer. A surprising number used the 2
mm: 5 minutes calculation.
Question Fifteen
This was a challenging question. Those candidates who had experience with maps drawn to different
types of scale were able to achieve. Most were able to correctly state that the map had been drawn
according to time, but many failed to describe how this caused the distortion from reality. Some
candidates displayed a vivid imagination and there were some delightful attempts at this question.
Question Sixteen
Most candidates were able to select the correct ‘important geographic idea’ as the definitions were given.
NCEA Level 1 Geography (90205) æ 5
Assessment Schedule
Geography: Apply skills and ideas with direction in a geographic context (90205)
Race course
Only answer (A)
Only answer (A)
Only answer (A)
Only answer (B)
Only answer (A)
9 square kilometres
Only answer (B)
268 474 (allow ± 1 for the last of each set of three digits)
Accept answer with variations (B)
See map Appendix A
Category A or B depending on
accuracy of location.
• Cairn symbol – inner circle = B, outside circle = A
Note: Maximum size of symbol = size on original map; any
bigger and within circle limits = A only
• Plantation – accurate size and shape,
touches frame on east = B,
one mistake, eg no shape or wrong size but within outer limits
= A.
• Main Glentunnel residential area – accurate size,
anything on north side only and within limits = B, anything on
southern side = A.
See continuum below.
Category A or B depending on
accuracy of location.
Category A or B depending on
accuracy of location.
Two correctly identified = list A
All 3 correctly identified = list B
Only answer (A)
See graphs in Appendix B.
Five features to check. They are:
China accurately drawn and labelled
Australia, Japan labels added
title completed (needs to have projected tourist
numbers, 2005 to be acceptable)
Y-axis completed with numbers, eg 100, 200, etc but
must start at 0
Y-axis label, eg ‘number in thousands’ or ‘000s’.
2 out of 5 = 13 (A)
4 out of 5 = 13 (B)
NCEA Level 1 Geography (90205) æ 6
Only site X is acceptable; any other site is wrong.
X is the best site because it:
is situated near light industrial zone and not near
residential and therefore less impact of noise
is not situated near the ancient Mäori pa site and
therefore meets Treat of Waitangi principles
is away from the playground so it would not constitute
a hazardous environment for toddlers as at Z
has good access to the toilets nearby
is not in a family area where it could disturb young
has the carpark nearby
has the youth club established nearby which will
complement it.
List A = any two reasons given for
site X
List B = any three reasons given
for site X
Only answer (A)
1 hour
Only answer (A)
Shape is determined by the flying time, therefore Map 3 is a
time scale map. This causes the distortion as some places have
shorter flying time to Wellington than others, or similar
Only answer (B)
Only answer (A)
Judgement Statement
Achievement with Merit
Achievement with Excellence
The standard has been achieved
if any 10 answers are correct.
The standard has been
achieved with merit if any 13
answers are correct.
The standard has been achieved with
excellence if 15 answers are correct, four of
which are indicated by a + sign.
NCEA Level 1 Geography (90205) æ 7
Appendix A
NCEA Level 1 Geography (90205) æ 8
Appendix B