EE539: Analog Integrated Circuit Design; Common mode feedback circuits Nagendra Krishnapura ( 18 April 2006 Vdd M3 M4 vop + von CL CL 2 vop von M1 M2 common mode detector Vcm,out error amplifier I0 M0 Figure 1: Principle of common mode feedback • Adjust top current sources (M3,4 ) via feedback to control the bottom current source (M0 ). • Detected common mode voltage equals Vcm,out in steady state-assuming a large loop gain. 1 2 Vdd Vdd error amplifier M3 M4 CL CL replaced by a wire M3 M4 Rcm CL CL Rcm Rcm Rcm M1 M2 M1 M2 I0 M0 (a) I0 M0 (b) Figure 2: (a) CMFB circuit using common mode diode connection, (b) redrawn • Common mode diode connection: output voltage adjusts itself to ensure that I 3 + I4 = I0 . • Resulting common mode equals vcm,out = Vdd − VT − p I0 /K3 . Cannot be set independently of device parameters • Largest positive output swing = VT , implying a largest differential peak-peak swing of 4VT , independent of the supply voltage. • Common mode detector using resistors: loads the differential amplifier and reduces the gain. 3 Vdd Vdd M3,4 M3,4 W3,4 = 2W3 W3,4 = 2W3 magnitude 2CL Vf Vt cascode connection Rcm /2 large R out Vcm,in M1,2 W1,2 = 2W1 gm3 /gds3 gm1 /(gds1 + gds3 + Gcm ) Rcm /2 differential gain (no mirror pole) common mode ωu,d = gm1 /CL loop gain ω 2CL Vcm,in M1,2 W1,2 = 2W1 gds3 /CL ωu,cm = gm3 /CL (gds1 + gds3 + Gcm )/CL I0 I0 Gcm /Cgs3 M0 M0 Vf Vt = gm3 1 gds3 (1 + sCgs3 Rcm )(1 + sCL /gds3 ) (a) (b) (c) Figure 3: (a) Common mode equivalent ckt., (b) CMFB loop gain calculation, (c) Typical differential gain and CM loop gain magnitudes • CMFB loop gain: Dominant pole at the output • Second pole significant if a large Rcm is used • Feedback around a single transistor (M3,4 ). Typically stable. • No mirror pole in the fully differential amplifier’s response 4 Vdd M3 Vdd M4 CL M13 M14 CL Rcm M1 Rcm Vcm,out M2 M11 M12 Vcm ± vi /2 I0 I10 M0 M10 Differential pair Error amplifier I10 = I0 /α W10 = W0 /α W11 = W1 /α W13 = W3 /α α > 1 minimize power consumption Figure 4: CMFB circuit with explicit error amplifier • A second differential amplifier used as an error amplifier. Its output current is mirrored to the opamp’s load devices (M3 , M4 ) • To have no systematic error in the output CM voltage, aspect ratios of M 3,4,13,14 are in ratios of respective currents. i.e. without mismatches, the error amplifier operates with zero input voltage • Error amplifier current can be scaled down to minimize power consumption. 5 Vdd Vdd M3,4 M13 M14 2CL Rcm /2 Vcm,out M1,2 M11 M12 Vcm I0 I10 M0 M10 Differential pair Error amplifier Figure 5: CM equivalent Vdd Vdd W3,4 = 2W3 M3,4 M13 M14 gm1 Vx 2CL Vf Rcm /2 gm1 /2αVx gm1 /2αVx Cx Vcm,out M1,2 M11 M12 W1,2 = 2W1 Vcm Vx I10 I0 M10 M0 Error amplifier Differential pair Cx : capacitive loading from the error amplifier Vf gm1 1 1 1 = Vt 2gds3 1 + sgds3 /CL 1 + sCx Rcm 1 + sgm3 /αCp3 (Assumed that Rcm Cx << CL /gds3 ; Cp3 is the parasitic capacitance at the drain of M13 Figure 6: CMFB loop gain calculation • Differential response: Single pole at the output. • CMFB loop gain: Three poles; Approx. two poles with a small R cm ; Dominant pole at the output. CL compensates both the common mode and differential loops. • Using a large α (small current in the error amplifier) results in a lower frequency non dominant pole in CMFB loop gain. 6 Vdd M3 Vdd M4 CL M13 M14 CL M1 M2 Vcm,out M11 M12 M12 Vcm ± vi /2 I0 I10 M0 M10 Differential pair Common mode detector + Error amplifier I10 = I0 /α W10 = W0 /α W11 = W1 /α W12 = W11 /2 W13 = W3 /α α > 1 minimize power consumption Figure 7: CMFB circuit using differential pair CM detector • Split the transistor in the error amplifier differential pair into two halves and apply vop , von to their gates. Current summation ensures common mode detection. • Active CM detector does not load the opamp. • Resistive CM detector: highly linear • Active CM detector: Linearity, and consequently, the swing of the output signals, depends on the linearity of the error amplifier differential pair 7 Vdd M3,4 Vdd Vt Vf M13 M14 2CL Cascode large Rout Vcm,out M1,2 I0 M0 M11 M12 I10 M10 Figure 8: CMFB loop gain calculation using the common mode equivalent circuit • Two pole response Vf gm3 gm11 1 1 = Vt gds3 2gm14 1 + sCL /gds3 1 + sCx /gm14 • Non dominant pole gm14 /Cx moves to lower frequencies if a very small current is used in the error amplifier. 8 Vdd Common mode detector and feedback Vdd M11 M12 Rs M3 Vbias,p M4 CL Vbias,p ID CL M1 Vdd M2 vop Vcm ± vi /2 von Gs I0 Vbias,p M0 ID Differential pair Gs = 2Kp (a) vop + von 2 − VT (b) Vdd Vdd Common mode detector and feedback M11 M12 M24 W12 /L12 M3 M4 Vcm,out (W12 /α)/L12 Vbias,p M23 CL W3 /L3 W3 /L C3 L M1 (W3 /α)/L3 M2 Vcm ± vi /2 I0 I0 /2α M0 Differential pair replica biasing (c) Figure 9: (a) Common mode feedback using transistors in triode region, (b) Degenerated resistor, Degeneration using MOS transistors whose resistance depends on the common mode voltage, (c) Replica biasing to set the output common mode voltage • Parallel transistors in triode region with vop , von as inputs realize a conductance as a function of the common mode • Replica biasing with the gate of M24 at the desired common mode level • Upper limit of vop , von is Vdd − VT . M13,14 go into saturation region at a voltage slightly below this. 9 CL CL Ycm = 2sCL Ydif f = sCL /2 CL CL Ycm = 0 Ydif f = sCL /2 C2 C1 C1 C2 Ycm = 2sC2 Ydif f = s(C1 + C2 )/2 Figure 10: Differential and common mode loading • Floating capacitors don’t contribute to common mode loading • There should be sufficient common mode loading to compensate the CMFB loop 10 Vdd M3 M4 Vbias,p M13 M6 M14 Cx M5 M1 Cc M2 CL Vcm ± vi /2 Vcm,out Cc Rcm Rcm M11 M12 CL I0 I0 /α M0 M8 I1 M7 I1 M10 Differential pair Fully differential two stage opamp Error amplifier Figure 11: Two stage opamp with common mode feedback • Output common mode voltage is measured and common mode feedback applied to the first stage load. • Can use separate common mode feedback for each stage 11 Vdd M1,4 M14 M13 M5,6 Cx Vcm,out 2Cc Vcm,in 2CL M1,2 M11 M12 Rcm /2 Vf Vt M7,8 I0 M0 I0 /α M10 2I1 Figure 12: Common mode equivalent circuit of the two stage opamp • Common mode feedback: Negative feedback around two stages • Compensation through Cc • Differential response Ad (s) = p1 ≈ p2 ≈ 1 − sCc /gm5 gm5 gm1 gds1 + gds3 gds5 + gds6 + Gcm (1 + s/p1 )(1 + s/p2 ) gds3 C3 + Cc (1 + gm5 /gds5 ) c gm5 CcC+C 3 Cc CL Cc +CL CL + C3 is the parasitic capacitance at the drain of M3 . • Common mode loop gain Acmloop (s) = p1 ≈ p2 ≈ p3 = gm5 gm11 gm3 1 − sCc /gm5 gds3 gds5 + gds6 2gm13 (1 + s/p1 )(1 + s/p2 )(1 + s/p3 ) gds3 C3 + Cc (1 + gm5 /gds5 ) c gm5 CcC+C 3 CL + gm13 Cx Cc C3 Cc +C3 12 Vdd M3 M4 M13 M6 M14 Cx M5 M12 M1 M2 Cc Vcm,out Cc vop CL von I0 M0 Fully differential two stage opamp M11 M12 vop von CL I0 /α M8 I1 M7 I1 M10 Common mode detector + error amplifier Figure 13: Two stage fully differential opamp with split transistor common mode detector 13 Rcm Rcm Vi Vo Vi Vo Cload Vo Vi = Ccm 1 Vo 1 + sRcm Cload Vi = Cload 1 + sRcm Ccm 1 + sRcm (Ccm + Cload ) Figure 14: (a) Resistive common mode detector, (b) Introducing a zero to reduce phase lag • To minimize loading, increase Rcm . • Rcm with parasitic capacitance at the input of the error amplifier adds phase lag and degrades stability. • Use a capacitor across Rcm to introduce phase lead and ensure stability of the common mode feedback loop. 14 R R Vcm ± vi /2 Vcm,out ± vo /2 R R (a) Vdd M3 Vdd M4 M3,4 W3,4 = 2W3 Rout ≈ 1/gds0 CL R much smaller than without differential feedback V CL Rcm Rcm R f Rcm /2 R R M1 M2 Vt 2CL R/2 Vcm,in M1,2 W1,2 = 2W1 R/2 I0 I0 M0 M0 Vf (b) Vt = gm3 1 (gds3 + gds0 ) (1 + sCgs3 Rcm )(1 + sCL /(gds3 + gds0 )) (c) Figure 15: (a) Opamp with differential feedback, (b) Transistor level circuit, (c) Common mode equivalent circuit • Differential feedback can change CMFB loop gain. • CM loop gain needs to be evaluated with differential feedback in place.