Man-Tak Shing BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Professor Shing joined the US Naval Postgraduate School in 1988 and is currently an associate professor of computer science. He works in the areas of Software Engineering, Real-time and Distributed System Modeling and Design, Validation and Run-time Monitoring of Temporal Specifications, Service Oriented Architectures and Cloud Computing. In the past, he has conducted research in search heuristics and algorithms, real-time scheduling, path planning, reengineering and object-oriented architecture design for war-game simulations and autonomous vehicle control, design and implementation of a COTS-based Automated Communications Intercept, Analysis, & DF System, design and implementation of distributed prototyping systems, and the design and implementation of platform independent graphical user interfaces for weapons systems and software tools. EDUCATION Ph.D. in Computer Science, University of California at San Diego, June 1981. M.Sc. in Information and Computer Science, University of California at San Diego, June 1978. B.Sc. in Electronics (First Class Honor), The Chinese University of Hong Kong, June 1976. RESEARCH INTEREST Specification, Validation and Run-time Monitoring of Temporal Assertions, Real-time and Distributed System Modeling and Design, Service Oriented Architectures, Cloud Computing PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE August 1988 - present Associate Professor, Computer Science Department, Naval Postgraduate School. April 2008 Visiting Professor, Laboratory of Computer Sciences, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Labortoire d'informatique de Paris 6 or LIP6 for short), Paris, France. July 1981 - June 1988 Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department, UC Santa Barbara. October 1980 - June 1981 Post-doctoral Research Associate, EECS Department, UC San Diego. Summer 1977 - September 1980 Research Assistant, EECS Department, UC San Diego. Spring 1977 - Winter 1978 1 Teaching Assistant, EECS Department, UC San Diego. COURSES TAUGHT (A) Undergraduate Courses Taught at UCSB Introduction to Computer Programming and Organization, Foundations of Computer Science, Data Structures and Algorithms, Algorithms for Graph and Network Problems, Automata and Formal Languages, Theory of Computation (B) Graduate Courses Taught at UCSB Topics in Algorithms and Complexities, Seminar on Probability Theory and Its Applications, (C) Courses Taught at NPS Introduction to Programming (using Ada, C++, Java, Python), Introduction to Data Structures and Intermediate Programming, Operating Systems, Software Methodology, Principles of Software Design, Software Engineering, Advanced Software Engineering, Software Architecture, Weapon System Software Safety, Computed Aided Prototyping, Design of Embedded Real-Time Systems, Software Engineering Research and Development in DoD, Formal Methods, Software Reuse, Theory of Formal Languages and Automata, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Seminars on Design and Analysis of Parallel Algorithms, Symbolic Computing, SOA, and Cloud Computing, Seminars on Application of Advanced Concepts in Software Engineering and Solving Software Engineering Research Problems (D) Distance Learning Courses Taught at NPS Software Methodology, Software Engineering, Advanced Software Engineering, Principles of Software Design, Design of Embedded Real-Time Systems, Computer Aided Prototyping, Weapon System Software Safety, Software Engineering Research and Development in DoD, Formal Models for Software Automation PUBLICATIONS (A) Books 1. T.C. Hu and M. Shing, Combinatorial Algorithms (Enlarged Second Edition), Dover, Mineola, N.Y., 2002. 2. M. Shing and Y.S. Kuo, A Manual of Computer Programs in Combinatorial Algorithms, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1982. 2 (B) Chapters in Books 1. A. Olagbemiro, J. Mun, and M. Shing, “Application of Real Options Theory to Department of Defense Software Acquisitions,” in Handbook of Industrial and System Engineering, 2nd Edition, A.B. Badiru (Ed.), pp. 699-715, Boca Raton, FL., CRC Press, 2013. 2. T.C. Hu, L. Landa and M. Shing, “The Unbounded Knapsack Problem”, in Research Trends in Combinatorial Optimization, W. J. Cook, L. Lovász, and J. Vygen (Eds.), Springer, pp. 201-218, 2008. 3. M. Shing and D. Drusinsky, “Architectural Design, Behavior Modeling and Run-Time Verification of Network Embedded Systems”, in the Proceedings of the Monterey Workshop 2005: Reliable Systems on Unreliable Networked Platforms, Laguna Beach, CA, September 2224, 2005. Published as the Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol 4322, F. Kordon and J. Sztipanovits (Eds.), Springer, pp. 281-303, 2007. 4. Luqi and M. Shing, “Rapid Prototyping”, in Encyclopedia of Software Engineering, 2nd Edition, John J. Marciniak (Ed.), John Wiley & Sons, Inc., December 2001. 5. M. Shing, Luqi, V. Berzins, M. Saluto, J. Williams, J. Guo and B. Shultes, “The Story of Reengineering of 350,000 Lines of FORTRAN Code”, in the Proceedings of the 1998 ARO/ONR/NSF/DARPA Monterey Workshop on Engineering Automation for Computer Based Systems, Carmel, CA, 23-26 October 1998, pp. 151-160. Published as the Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS), Luqi (Ed.), Elsevier Science, vol 25, pp. 111-120, 1999. 6. T.C. Hu and M. Shing, “Computational Complexity of Layout Problems”, in Vol. 4 of the book series on Advances in CAD for VLSI, T. Ohtsuki (Ed.), Elsevier Science Publishers, pp. 267-294, February 1986 (Invited). 7. T.C. Hu and M. Shing, “A Decomposition Algorithm for Circuit Routing”, in VLSI: Circuit Layout Theory, T.C. Hu and E.S. Kuh (Eds.), IEEE Press, pp. 144-162, 1985. 8. T.C. Hu and M. Shing, “The α-β Routing”, in the book VLSI: Circuit Layout Theory, T.C. Hu and E.S. Kuh (Eds.), IEEE Press, pp. 139-143, 1985. (C) Refereed Journal Articles 1. M.C.B. Alves, D. Drusinsky, J.B. Michael and M. Shing, “End-to-End Formal Specification, Validation, and Verification Process: A Case Study of Space Flight Software”, IEEE Systems Journal, 7(4), Dec. 2013, pp. 632-641. 2. D. Drusinsky and M. Shing, “Validating Quality Attribute Requirements via Execution-based Model Checking,” Software: Practice and Experience (Special Issue: Rapid System Prototyping ’10), 42(7), July 2012, pp. 835-875. 3. J.B. Michael, D. Drusinsky, T.W. Otani and M. Shing, “Verification and Validation for Trustworthy Software Systems,” IEEE Software, 28(6), Nov-Dec 2011, pp. 86-92. 4. A. Olagbemiro, J. Mun, and M. Shing, “Application of Real Options Theory to DoD Software Acquisitions,” Defense Acquisition Research Journal (ARJ), 18(1), pp. 81-106, Jan. 2011. 3 5. J.B. Michael, M.T. Shing, K.J. Cruickshank, and P.J. Redmond, “Hazard Analysis and Validation Metrics Framework for System of Systems Software Safety,” IEEE Systems Journal, 4(2), pp. 186 – 197, June 2010. 6. K.J. Rothenhaus, J.B. Michael and M. Shing, “Architectural Patterns and Auto-Fusion Process for Automated Multisensor Fusion in SOA System-of-Systems”, IEEE Systems Journal, 3(3), pp. 304 - 316, Sept. 2009. 7. D. Drusinsky, J.B. Michael and M. Shing, “A Visual Tradeoff Space for Formal Verification and Validation Techniques”, IEEE Systems Journal, 2(4), pp. 513-519, Dec. 2008. 8. D. Drusinsky, J.B. Michael and M. Shing, “A Framework for Computer-Aided Validation”, Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering, 4(2), pp. 161-168, June 2008. 9. D. Drusinsky, M. Shing, and K. Demir, “Creating and Validating Embedded Assertion Statecharts”, IEEE Distributed Systems Online, 8(5), 2007, art. no. 0705-o5003. 10. M. Auguston, J.B. Michael and M. Shing, “Environment Behavior Models For Automation Of Testing And Assessment Of System Safety”, Information and Software Technology, 48(10), pp. 971-980, 2006. 11. D. Drusinsky and M. Shing, “Monitoring Temporal Logic Specifications Combined with Time Series Constraints”, Journal of Universal Computer Science, 9(11), pp. 1261-1276, 2003. 12. N. Nada, M. Shing, V. Berzins and Luqi, “Automated Prototyping Tool-Kit (APT)”, Information Sciences, 140(3/4), pp. 241-253, 2002. 13. V. Berzins, M. Shing, Luqi, M. Saluto, and J. Williams, “Architectural Re-engineering of Janus using Object Modeling and Rapid Prototyping”, Design Automation for Embedded Systems, 5(3/4), pp.251-263, August 2000. 14. Luqi and M. Shing, “Real-Time Scheduling for Software Prototyping”, Journal of Systems Integrations, Vol. 6, pp. 41-72, 1996. 15. T. Gonzalez, M. Razzazi, M. Shing and S. Zheng, “On Optimal Guillotine Partitions Approximating Hyperrectangular Partitions”, Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, Vol. 4, pp.1-11, 1994. 16. P. Agarwal and M. Shing, “Oriented Aligned Rectangle Packing Problem”, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 62, pp. 210-220, 1992. 17. P. Agarwal and M. Shing, “Algorithms for Special Cases of Rectilinear Steiner Trees: I. Points on the boundary of a rectilinear rectangle”, Networks, Vol. 20, pp. 453-485, 1990. 18. M. Shing and P. Ling, “A Knowledge Engineering Approach to Natural Language Processing”, Computer Processing of Chinese & Oriental Languages, Vol. 4, pp. 203-218, 1989. 19. D. Du, F. Hwang, M. Shing and J. Wittbold, “On Optimal Routing Trees”, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems, Vol. 35, pp. 1335-1337, 1988. 4 20. T.C. Hu and M. Shing, “A Decomposition Algorithm for Multi-terminal Network Flows”, J. Discrete Applied Math., Vol. 13, pp. 165-181, 1986. 21. T.C. Hu and M. Shing, “A Decomposition Algorithm for Circuit Routing”, Math. Programming Study, Vol. 24, pp. 87-103, 1985. 22. J. Komlós and M. Shing, “Probabilistic Partitioning Algorithms for the Rectilinear Steiner Problem”, Networks, Vol. 15, pp. 413-423, 1985. 23. T.C. Hu and M. Shing, “Computation of Matrix Chain Products, Part II”, SIAM Journal of Computing, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 228-251, May 1984. 24. T.C. Hu and M. Shing, “Multi-terminal Flows in Outerplanar Networks”, Journal of Algorithms, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 241-261, September 1983. 25. V.J. Rayward-Smith and M. Shing, “Bin Packing”, Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, Vol. 19, No. 7/8, pp. 142-148, July/August 1983. 26. M. Shing, “Optimum Bi-weighted Ordered Binary Trees”, Information Processing Letters, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 67-70, August 1983. 27. T.C. Hu and M. Shing, “Computation of Matrix Chain Products, Part I”, SIAM Journal of Computing, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 362-373, May 1982. 28. T.C. Hu and M. Shing, “An O(n) Algorithm to Find a Near-optimum Partition”, Journal of Algorithms, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 122-138, June 1981. (D) Refereed Conference Articles 1. J.S. Bolin, J.B. Michael and M. Shing, “Cloud Computing Support for Collaboration and Communication in Enterprise-Wide Workflow Processes,” Proc. 2011 IEEE World Congress on Services (SERVICES), Washington, DC, 4-9 July 2011, pp. 589 – 593. 2. S. Kelly, C. Mazyck, K. Pfeiffer and M. Shing, “A Cloud Computing Application for Synchronized Disaster Response Operations,” Proc. 2011 IEEE World Congress on Services (SERVICES), Washington, DC, 4-9 July 2011, pp. 612 – 616. 3. A.J. Nelson, G. Dinolt, J.B. Michael and M. Shing, “A security and usability perspective of cloud file systems,” Proc. 6th International Conference on System of Systems Engineering, Albuquerque, NM, 27-30 June 2011, pp. 161 – 166. 4. D. Drusinsky, J.B. Michael and M. Shing, “Rapid runtime system verification using automatic source code instrumentation,” Proc. 6th International Conference on System of Systems Engineering, Albuquerque, NM, 27-30 June 2011, pp. 1 – 6. 5. D. Drusinsky, J.B. Michael, T. Otani and M. Shing, “Putting order into the cloud: Objectoriented UML-based enforcement for document and application organization,” Proc. 6th International Conference on System of Systems Engineering, Albuquerque, NM, 27-30 June 2011, pp. 119 – 124. 5 6. M.C.B. Alves, D. Drusinsky, J.B. Michael and M. Shing, “Formal validation and verification of space flight software using statechart-assertions and runtime execution monitoring,” Proc. 6th International Conference on System of Systems Engineering, Albuquerque, NM, 27-30 June 2011, pp. 155 – 160. 7. S. Dowell, A. Barreto, J.B. Michael and M. Shing, “Cloud to cloud interoperability,” Proc. 6th International Conference on System of Systems Engineering, Albuquerque, NM, 27-30 June 2011, pp. 258 – 263. 8. M.C.B. Alves, D. Drusinsky and M. Shing, “A Practical Formal Approach for Requirements Validation and Verification of Dependable Systems,” Proceeding of the 5th Latin-American Symposium on Dependable Computing (LADC 2011), São José dos Campos, São Paulo, Brazil, 25-29 April 2011, pp. 47-51. 9. D. Drusinsky, B. Michael, T. Otani, M. Shing and D. Wijesekera, “Computer-Assisted Validation and Verification of Cybersecurity Requirements,” Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Technologies for Homeland Security, Waltham, MA, 8-10 November, 2010. 10. K. Foster, J. Shea, B. Michael, T. Otani, L. Peitso and M. Shing, “Cloud Computing for LargeScale Weapon Systems,” Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing, San Jose, CA, 14-16 August 2010, pp. 161-166. 11. K. Foster, J. Shea, D. Drusinsky, B. Michael, T. Otani and M. Shing, “Removing the Boundaries: Steps Toward a Cloud Nirvana,” Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing, San Jose, CA, 14-16 August 2010, pp. 167-171. 12. S. Driskell, J. Murphy, B. Michael and M. Shing, “Independent Validation of Software Safety Requirements for Systems of Systems,” Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on System of Systems Engineering, Loughborough University, UK, 22-24 June 2010. 13. T. Otani, B. Michael and M. Shing, “Goal-Driven Software Reuse in the IV&V of System of Systems,” Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on System of Systems Engineering, Loughborough University, UK, 22-24 June 2010. 14. D. Drusinsky and M. Shing, “Validating Quality Attribute Requirements via Execution-based Model Checking”, Proceedings of the 21st IEEE International Symposium on Rapid Systems Prototyping, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, 8-11 June 2010. 15. D. Drusinsky and M. Shing, “Using UML Statecharts with Knowledge Logic Guards,” in the Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2009), Denver, CO, USA, October 4-9, 2009. Published as the Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol 5795, A. Schürr and B. Selic (Eds.), Springer, pp. 586-590, 2009. 16. K. Cruickshank, B. Michael and M. Shing, “A Validation Metrics Framework for Safety-Critical Software-Intensive Systems,” Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on System of Systems Engineering, Albuquerque, NM, 1-3 June 2009. 17. D. Meacham, B. Michael, M. Shing and J. Voas, “Standards Interoperability: Applying Software Safety Assurance Standards to the Evolution of Legacy Software,” Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on System of Systems Engineering, Albuquerque, NM, 1-3 June 2009. 6 18. B. Michael, R. Riehle and M. Shing, “The Verification and Validation of Software Architecture for Systems of Systems,” Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on System of Systems Engineering, Albuquerque, NM, 1-3 June 2009. 19. T. Otani, B. Michael and M. Shing, “Software Reuse in the IV&V of System of Systems,” Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on System of Systems Engineering, Albuquerque, NM, 1-3 June 2009. 20. D. Drusinsky, J.B. Michael, T.W. Otani, and M. Shing, “Validating UML Statechart-Based Assertions Libraries for Improved Reliability and Assurance,” Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Secure System Integration and Reliability Improvement (SSIRI 2008), Yokohama, Japan, 14-17 July 2008, pp. 47-51. 21. G.P. Ball, K. Squire, C. Martell and M. Shing, “MAJIC: A Java Application for Controlling Multiple, Heterogeneous Robotic Agents”, Proceedings of the 19th IEEE/IFIP International Symposium on Rapid Systems Prototyping, Monterey, CA, 3-5 June 2008, pp. 189-195. 22. B. Warren, J.B. Michael and M. Shing, “A Framework for Software Reuse in Safety-Critical System-of-Systems”, Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on System of Systems Engineering, Monterey, CA, 2-4 June 2008. 23. D. Drusinsky, J.B. Michael, T.W. Otani and M. Shing, “Integrating Statechart Assertions into Java Components Using AspectJ”, Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on System of Systems Engineering, Monterey, CA, 2-4 June 2008. 24. T. W. Otani, M. Auguston, T. S. Cook, D. Drusinsky, J. B. Michael, and M. Shing, “A design pattern for using non-developmental items in real-time Java”, Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Java Technologies for Real-time and Embedded Systems (JTRES ’07), Vienna, Austria, 26-28 September 2007, pp. 135-143. 25. D. Drusinsky and M. Shing, “Verifying Distributed Protocols using MSC-Assertions, Run-time Monitoring, and Automatic Test Generation”, Proceedings of the 18th IEEE/IFIP International Workshop on Rapid Systems Prototyping, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 28-30 June 2007, pp. 82-88. 26. T.S. Cook, D. Drusinsky and M. Shing, “Specification, Validation and Run-time Monitoring of SOA Based System-of-Systems Temporal Behaviors”, Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on System of Systems Engineering, San Antonio, TX, 16-18 April 2007. 27. J.B. Michael, M. Shing, M. Perrett and J. Um, “Comparative Analysis of C2 Structures for Global Ballistic Missile Defense”, Proceedings of the 2006 Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium (CCRTS), San Diego, CA, 20-12 June 2006. 28. M. Auguston, J.B. Michael and M. Shing, “New Directions in C2 Software Quality Assurance Automation”, Proceedings of the 2006 Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium (CCRTS), San Diego, CA, 20-12 June 2006. 7 29. D. Drusinsky, M. Shing and K. Demir, “Creation and Validation of Embedded Assertions Statecharts”, Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Workshop on Rapid Systems Prototyping, Chania, Greece, 14-16 June 2006, pp. 17-23. 30. M. Shing, D. Drusinsky and T. Cook, “Quality Assurance of the Timing Properties of Real-time, Reactive System-of-systems”, Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Conference on System of Systems Engineering, Los Angeles, CA, 24-26 April, 2006, pp. 224-229. 31. W.J. Smuda, G.Gerhart, M. Shing and M. Auguston, “A software design approach for heterogeneous systems of unattended sensors, unmanned vehicles, and monitoring stations”, Proc. SPIE 6394, Unmanned/Unattended Sensors and Sensor Networks III, 639406 Stockholm, Sweden, 11 September, 2006, 11 pages. DOI: 10.1117/12.693035. 32. H. Tummala, M. Auguston, J.B. Michael, M. Shing, D. Little and Z. Pace “Implementation and Analysis of Environment Behavior Models as a Tool for Testing Real-Time, Reactive Systems”, Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Conference on System of Systems Engineering, Los Angeles, CA, 24-26 April, 2006, pp. 260-264. 33. D. Drusinsky and M. Shing, “Creation and Evaluation of Formal Specifications for System-ofSystems Development”, Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Waikoloa, Hawaii, 10-12 October, 2005, pp. 1864-1869. 34. M. Auguston, J.B. Michael and M. Shing, “Using Attributed Event Grammar Environment Models for Automated Test Generation and Software Risk Assessment of System-of-Systems”, Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Waikoloa, Hawaii, 10-12 October, 2005, pp. 1870-1875. 35. D. Drusinsky, M. Shing and K. Demir, “Test-time, Run-time, and Simulation-time Assertions for RSP”, Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Workshop on Rapid Systems Prototyping, Montreal, Canada, 8-10 June 2005, pp. 105-110. 36. M. Auguston, J.B. Michael and M. Shing, “Test Automation and Safety Assessment in Rapid Systems Prototyping”, Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Workshop on Rapid Systems Prototyping, Montreal, Canada, 8-10 June 2005, pp. 188-194. 37. M. Auguston, J.B. Michael and M. Shing, “Environment Behavior Models for Scenario Generation and Testing Automation”, Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Advances in Model-Based Software Testing (A-MOST'05), the 27th International Conference on Software Engineering ICSE’05, May 15-16, 2005, St. Louis, USA, 38. W. Ray, M. Shing and C. Kwok, “Simulation Models For Optimal Object Server Deployment”, Proceedings of the 8th IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications (SEA04), Cambridge, MA, November 9-11, 2004, pp. 430-435. 39. D. Drusinsky, J. B. Michael and M. Shing, “Behavior Modeling and Run-Time Verification of System-of-Systems Architectural Requirements”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computing, Communications and Control Technologies (CCCT’04), Vol. VI, Austin, TX, August 14-17, 2004, pp. 13-18. 8 40. D. Caffall, J. B. Michael and M. Shing, “Developing Highly Predictable System Behavior in Real-Time Battle-Management Software”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computing, Communications and Control Technologies (CCCT’04), Vol. VI, Austin, TX, August 14-17, 2004, pp. 7-12. 41. J. B. Michael, M. Shing, M. Miklaski and J. Babbitt, “Modeling and Simulation of System-ofSystems Timing Constraints with UML-RT and OMNeT++”, Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Workshop in Rapid Systems Prototyping, Geneva, Switzerland, June 28-30, 2004, pp. 202-209. 42. D. Drusinsky and M. Shing, “TLCharts: Armor-plating Harel Statecharts with Temporal Logic Conditions”, Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Workshop in Rapid Systems Prototyping, Geneva, Switzerland, June 28-30, 2004, pp. 29-36. 43. D. Drusinsky and M. Shing, “Verification of Timing Properties in Rapid System Prototyping”, Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Workshop in Rapid Systems Prototyping, San Diego, CA, June 9-11, 2003, pp. 47-53. 44. Luqi, M. Shing, J. Puett, V. Berzins, Z. Guan, Y. Qiao, L. Zhang, N. Chaki, X. Liang, W. Ray, M. Brown, and D. Floodeen, “Comparative Rapid Prototyping, A Case Study”, Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Workshop in Rapid Systems Prototyping, San Diego, CA, June 9-11, 2003, pp. 210-217. 45. Luqi, V. Berzins, J. Ge, M. Shing, M. Auguston, B. Bryant and B. Kin, “DCAPS - Architecture for Distributed Computer Aided Prototyping System”, Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Workshop in Rapid Systems Prototyping, Monterey, CA, June 25-27, 2001, pp. 103-108. 46. Luqi, V. Berzins, M. Shing, R. Riehle, and J.C. Nogueira, “Evolutionary Computer Aided Prototyping System (CAPS)”, Proceedings of the TOOLS USA 2000 Conference, Santa Barbara, CA, July 30-August 3, 2000, pp. 363-372. 47. Luqi, V. Berzins, M. Shing, N. Nada and C. Eagle, “Computer Aided Prototyping System (CAPS) for Heterogeneous Systems Development and Integration”, Proceedings of the 2000 Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, June 26-28, 2000. 48. V. Berzins, M. Shing, Luqi, M. Saluto and J. Williams, “Object-oriented modular architecture for ground combat simulation”, Proceedings of the 2000 Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, June 26-28, 2000. 49. N. Nada, Luqi, M. Shing, D. Rine, E. Damiani and S. Tuwaim, “Software reuse technology practices and assessment tool-kit”, Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS 34), 2000, pp. 307-316. 50. M. Shing, V. Berzins, Luqi, M. Saluto and J. Williams, “Architectural Re-engineering of Janus using Object Modeling and Rapid Prototyping”, Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Workshop in Rapid Systems Prototyping, Clearwater Beach, Florida, 16-18 June 1999, pp. 216221. 9 51. M. Shing, V. Berzins, Luqi, M. Holden, and C. Eagle, “Master of Science in Software Engineering via Distance Learning”, Proceedings of the 12th Annual ASEET Symposium, Monterey, CA, 27-30 July 1998, pp. 108-122. Also appeared in the ACM SIGAda Ada Letters, vol. Volume XVIII , Issue 5, Sept./Oct. 1998, pp. 111-125. 52. V. Berzins, Luqi and M. Shing “Scheduling Real-Time Software Prototypes”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Operations Research and Its Applications (ISORA'96), Guilin, P.R. China, Dec. 11-14, 1996, pp. 614-623. 53. D. Dampier, V. Berzins, Luqi, M. Shing, D. Dolk and C. Rasmussen, “A Slicing Method for Semantic-Based Change-Merge of Software Prototypes”, Proceedings of the Computer in Engineering Symposium, Houston, Texas, Jan 29-Feb 1, 1995, PD-Vol.67, Software Systems in Engineering, ASME 1995, Edited by D. Cooke et. al., pp. 87-92. 54. Luqi and M. Shing, “Functional Specification and Prototyping for a Generic C3I Workstation”, Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Command and Control Research and Technology, Washington, D.C., 19-22 June 1995, pp. 119-131. 55. Luqi and M. Shing, “Teaching Hard Real-Time Software Development via Prototyping”, Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE International Workshop on Software Engineering Education, Sorrento, Italy, pp. 199-211, 1994. 56. Luqi, M. Shing, P. Barnes and G. Hughes, “Prototyping Hard Real-Time Ada Systems in a Classroom Environment”, Proceedings of the 7th Annual Ada Software Engineering Education and Training Symposium, Monterey, CA, pp. 103-117, 1993. 57. Luqi, M. Shing and J. Brockett, “Real-Time Scheduling in System Prototyping”, Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping, Research Triangle Park, NC, pp. 150-163, 1993. 58. M. Shing and G. Parker “Genetic Algorithms for the Development of Real-Time Multi-Heuristic Search Strategies”, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Genetic Algorithms, Urbana-Champaign, IL, pp. 565-572, 1993. 59. M. Shing and P. Ling, “A Knowledge Engineering Approach to Natural Language Processing”, Proceedings of the 1988 International Conference on Computer Processing of Chinese and Oriental Languages, Toronto Canada, pp. 346-351, August 1988. 60. T.C. Hu and M. Shing, “Computation of Matrix Chain Products”, Proceedings of 1981 Army Numerical Analysis And Computers Conference, pp. 615-528, August 1981. 61. T.C. Hu and M. Shing, “Some Theorems about Matrix Multiplication”, (Extended Abstract), Proceedings of the 21st Annual Symposium on Foundation of Computer Science, Syracuse, pp. 28-35, October 1980. (E) Other Publications 1. C. Bonine, M. Shing and T.W. Otani, “Computer-Aided Process and Tools for Mobile Software Acquisition”, Proceedings of the 10th Annual Acquisition Research Symposium, NPS-SE-13C10P07R05-075, pp. 685-703, Monterey, CA, April 1, 2013. 10 2. A. Olagbemiro, M. Shing and J. Mun, “Application Of Real Options Theory To SoftwareIntensive System Acquisitions”, Proceedings of the 6th Annual Acquisition Research Symposium, Vol. 2: Defense Acquisition in Transition, Monterey, CA, May 13-14, 2009. 3. J.B. Micheal and M. Shing, “Safety Assurance of Reconfigurable and Self-Reconfigurable Systems”, Proceedings of the Conference on Reconfigurable Systems, Microsystems, and Nanotechnology (RSMN2007), Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, May 8-10, 2007. 4. M. Shing and S. Grass, “The Fire Plan Sketch Manager (FPSM) for the Command and Control Personal Computer (C2PC)”, Proceedings of the 2004 System and Software Technology Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, April 19-22, 2004. 5. J. Puett, M. Shing and Luqi, “The Graduate Education of DoD’s Software Engineers”, Proceedings of the 2004 System and Software Technology Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, April 19-22, 2004. 6. M. Shing, “Boot-strapping the Industrial State-of-Practice towards Trustworthy Software Development”, Proceedings of the Center for National Software Studies Workshop on Trustworthy Software, Monterey, CA, April 8-9, 2004, pp. 40-43. 7. Luqi, V. Berzins and M. Shing, “The Use of Computer Aided Prototyping for Re-engineering Legacy Software”, Proceedings of Monterey Workshop 2001 - Engineering Automation for Software Intensive System Integration, Monterey, CA, June 19-21, 2001. 8. M. Shing, L. Jackson, and A. Chalakatevakis, “Architectural Design and Prototyping of a WebBased War Game Simulation For Campaign Planning Exercises”, Proceedings of the 13th Annual Software Technology Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, 4/29-5/3, 2001. 9. M. Shing and G. Greenway, “Automated communications intercept, analysis, and direction finding system”, Proceedings of the 12th Annual Software Technology Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, 4/30-5/5, 2000. 10. V. Berzins and M. Shing, “Summary of the '95 Monterey Workshop - Specification-Based Software Architecture”, Proceedings of the 1995 Monterey Workshop on Increasing the Impact of Formal Methods for Computer-Aided Software Development, 12-14 September 1995, Monterey, CA., pp. 107-112. 11. Luqi and M. Shing, “CAPS - a Tool for Real-Time System Development and Acquisition”, Naval Research Reviews, Vol. XLIV, pp. 12-16, 1992. STUDENT SUPERVISION (A) Doctoral Dissertations 1. John Chen, Ph.D., UCSB, August 1985. Dissertation Title: “Query Optimization in Relational Database Systems.” 11 2. Mark R. Kindl, Ph.D., NPS, March 1991. Dissertation Title: “A Stochastic Approach to Path Planning in the Weighted Region Problem.” 3. Mauricio de Menezes Cordeiro, Ph.D., NPS, March 1995. Dissertation Title: “Distributed Hard Real-Time Scheduling for a Software Prototyping Environment.” 4. Albert O. Olagbemiro, Ph.D., NPS, December 2008. Dissertation Title: “Application of Real Options Theory to Software Engineering for Strategic Decision Making in Software Related Capital Investments.” (B) Master Theses 1. Pankaj Agarwal, M.Sc. in Computer Science, UCSB, June 1986. Thesis Title: “Multi-terminal Flows in Planar Networks: A Divide and Conquer Approach.” 2. Irvin Jones, M.Sc. in Computer Science, UCSB, June 1988. Thesis Title: “An Efficient Linear Programming Algorithm for Global Routing.” 3. Paul Ling, M.Sc. in Computer Science, UCSB, June 1988. Thesis Title: “A Knowledge Engineering Approach to Natural Language Processing.” 4. Michael M. Mayer, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, June 1989. Thesis Title: “Persistent Search: A Bridge between Depth-first and Breadth-first Search for Physical Agents.” 5. Ivan Garcia, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, December 1989. Thesis Title: “Solving the Weighted Region Least Cost Path Problem Using Transputers.” 6. Roy K. Calcote and Richard A. Howard, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, June 1990. Thesis Title: “User Interface to an ICAI System that teaches Discrete Math.” 7. Attilla Bakan and Yavuz Bas, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, June 1990. Thesis Title: “A Design of Computer-Aided Instructions (CAI) for Undirected Graphs in the Discrete Math Tutorial (DMT).” 8. Timothy M. Hayden, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, March 1991. Thesis Title: “Simulation of an Intelligent Submarine Adversary.” 9. Cary A. Hilton, Jr., M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, June 1991. Thesis Title: “A Stochastic Approach to Solving the 2-1/2 Dimensional Weighted Region Problem.” 10. John G. Levine, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, September, 1991. Thesis Title: “An Efficient Heuristic Scheduler for Hard Real-Time Systems.” 12 11. Mark A. Compton, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, March, 1992. Thesis Title: “Minefield Search and Object Recognition for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles.” 12. Gary B. Parker, M.Sc., Computer Science, NPS, September, 1992. Thesis Title: “Genetic Algorithms for the Development of Real-Time Multi-Heuristic Search Strategies.” 13. T.C. Chang, M.Sc., System Engineering, NPS, September, 1992. Thesis Title: “Static Scheduler for Hard Real-Time Tasks on Multiprocessor Systems.” 14. Chen-Hua Fu, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, March, 1993. Thesis Title: “An Implementation of Traffic Monitoring For UNIX Network Performance Management.” 15. M.J. Timmerman, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, September, 1993. Thesis Title: “A Genetic Algorithm Based Anti-Submarine Warfare Simulator.” 16. M.E. Rowshanaee, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, December 1994. Thesis Title: “A Friendly Editing Environment for Computer-Aided Rapid Prototyping of Hard Real-Time Systems.” 17. C.S. Eagle, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, March 1995. Thesis Title: “Tools for Storage and Retrieval of Ada Components in a Software Base.” 18. E. Ertugual, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, March 1995. Thesis Title: “Computer-Aided Course Enrollment System for Computer Science Curriculum Office.” 19. M.J. Holden, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, September, 1995. Thesis Title: “Ada Implementation of Concurrent Execution of Multiple Tasks in the Strategic and Tactical Levels of the Rational Behavior Model for the NPS Phoenix Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV).” 20. S.R. Grosenheider, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, March 1996. Thesis Title: “Enhancements for the CAPS Prototyping System Description Language SyntaxDirected Editor.” 21. R-W. Hong, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, March 1996. Thesis Title: “User Interface and Database Design for Software Database of the Computer Aided Prototyping System (CAPS).” 22. M.G. Moore, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, March 1996. Thesis Title: “Prototype Supervisory and Summary Displays for the Advanced Tomahawk Weapon Control System (ATWCS).” 23. D.S. Angrisani and G.S. Whitbeck, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, September, 1996. Thesis Title: “Software System Requirements for the Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) End-to-end System using the Computer Aided Prototyping System (CAPS) Multifile approach.” 13 24. K. Moeller, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, September, 1997. Thesis Title: “Evolution of a Graphical User Interface for the Rapid Prototyping of Real-Time Systems.” 25. M. Howell, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, September, 1997. Thesis Title: “Analysis of a 3-Tier Distributed Architecture for the Sector Anti-Air Warfare Center”. 26. J. Drummond, M.Sc. in Software Engineering, NPS, September, 1997. Thesis Title: “Real-Time Event Execution Monitoring”. 27. J. Hirschfelder and L. Nixon, M.Sc. in Software Engineering, NPS, March, 1998. Thesis Title: “Re-engineering of a Mission Critical Satellite Communication Component TD-1271B/U”. 28. George K. Hunter, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, March 1998. Thesis Title: “The design and implementation of the Petite Amateur Naval Satellite (PANSAT) user services software”. 29. J. de Almeida, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, September 1998. Thesis Title: “Software Architecture for Distributed Real-Time Embedded Systems”. 30. Omer Korkut, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, September 1998. Thesis Title: “Software Architecture for a Multi-Level Real-Time System.” 31. J. Williams and M. Saluto, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, March 1999. Thesis Title: “Re-engineering and Prototyping a Legacy Software System – Janus Version 6.X”. 32. Ilker Duranlioglu, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, March 1999. Thesis Title: “Implementation of a Portable PSDL Editor for the Heterogeneous Systems Integrator”. 33. George Greenway, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, September 1999. Thesis Title: “Automated communications intercept, analysis, and direction finding system”. 34. Gary Kreeger, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, September 1999. Thesis Title: “Requirements analysis and design of a distributed architecture for the computeraided prototyping system (CAPS)”. 35. William Carroll, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, March 2000. Thesis Title: “Demonstration of a concurrently programmed tactical level control software for autonomous vehicles and the interface to the execution level code”. 36. Thomas Nguyen, M.Sc. in Software Engineering, NPS, September 2000. Thesis Title: “Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS)/Legacy Systems Integration Architectural Design and Analysis”. 37. James Allen and Tam Tran, M.Sc. in Software Engineering, NPS, September 2000. Thesis Title: “Interoperability and Security Support for Heterogeneous COTS/GOTS/Legacy Component-Based Architecture”. 14 38. Shen-Yi Tao, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, September 2000. Thesis Title: “Design and Implementation of a Platform Independent Prototype Specification Editor”. 39. Eric Stierna, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, September 2000. Thesis Title: “Aviation Mission Planning System Migration to the Joint Mission Planning System”. 40. Antonios Chalakatevakis, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, September 2000. Thesis Title: “Architectural Design and Prototyping of a Web-Based War Game Simulation for Campaign Planning Exercises”. 41. Matthew Lisowski, M.Sc. in Software Engineering, NPS, December 2000. Thesis Title: “Development of a Target Recognition System Using Formal and Semi-Formal Software Modeling Methods”. 42. Wayne Mandak, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, June 2001, and Charles Stowell, M.Sc. in Information Technology Management, NPS, June 2001. Thesis Title: “Dynamic Assembly for System Adaptability Dependability and Assurance (DASADA) Project Analysis”. 43. James A. McDonald III, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, September 2001. Thesis Title: “The design and development of a web-interface for the Software Engineering Automation System”. 44. Minh X. Ta, M.Sc. in Software Engineering, NPS, December 2001. Thesis Title: “Re-engineering a Legacy System –ISABPS”. 45. Tolga Demirtas, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, March 2002. Thesis Title: “Scheduling and prototyping of distributed real-time systems (an approach using JINI/JAVASPACES)”. 46. Jeffrey Hoaglund, M.Sc. in Information Technology Management and M.Sc. in Software Engineering, NPS, September 2002. Thesis Title: “Analysis and Design of an Improved Sensor Formula for the Tactical Remote Sensor System (TRSS)”. 47. Håkan Bergön, M.Sc. in System Engineering and M.Sc. in Software Engineering, NPS, September 2002. Thesis Title: “VHDL Modeling and Simulation for a Digital Target Imaging Architecture for Multiple Large Targets Generation”. 48. Miguel Ayala, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, September 2002. Thesis Title “Execution Level Java Software and Hardware for the NPS Autonomous Underwater Vehicle”. 49. Stephen Shedd, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, September 2002. Thesis Title: “Semantic and Syntactic Object Correlation in the Object-Oriented Method for Interoperability”. 15 50. Butch Caffall, M.Sc. in Software Engineering, NPS, March 2003. Thesis Title: “Conceptual Framework Approach for Systems-of-Systems Software Developments”. 51. Neji Hasni, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, March 2003. Thesis Title: “Towards an Interoperability Ontology for Software Development Tools”. 52. Mathew Behnke, M.Sc. in Software Engineering, NPS, June 2003. Thesis Title: “An Implementation Methodology and Software Tool for an Entropy Based Engineering Model for Evolving Systems”. 53. Art Clomera, M.Sc. in Software Engineering, NPS, June 2003. Thesis Title: “Extending the Computer-Aided Software Evolution System (Cases) with Quality Function Deployment (QFD)”. 54. Steve Grass, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, June 2003. Thesis Title: “Developing the Fire Plan Sketch Manager (FPSM) for Command and Control Personal Computer (C2PC)”. 55. Michael Miklaski, M.Sc. in System Technology and M.Sc. in Software Engineering, NPS, December 2003, and Joel Babbitt, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, March 2004. Thesis Title: “A Methodology for Developing Timing Constraints for the Ballistic Missile Defense System”. 56. George E. McCarty, Jr., M.Sc. in Software Engineering, NPS, March 2004. Thesis Title: “Integrating XML and RDF Concepts to achieve Automation within a Tactical Knowledge Management Environment”. 57. Adel Boukraa, M.Sc. in Software Engineering, NPS, March 2004. Thesis Title: “Decision Support System for Management of Military Constructions”. 58. Richard B. Jones, M.Sc. in Software Engineering, NPS, June 2004. Thesis Title: “Requirements Analysis and Architectural Design of a Web-Based Integrated Weapons of Mass Destruction Toolset”. 59. Brenda J. Powers, M.Sc. in Software Engineering, NPS, September 2004. Thesis Title: “A Test Methodology for Reliability Assessment of Collaborative Tools”. 60. Noureddine Trigui, M.Sc. in Software Engineering, NPS, September 2004. Thesis Title: “Design and Implementation of a Database for an Integrated System for Daily Management in an Industrial and Commercial Organization”. 61. Russell H. Menko, M.Sc. in Software Engineering, NPS, December 2004. Thesis Title: “Process Enhancement and Database Support for Vehicle Operational Readiness Reporting”. 62. Steven Nedd, M.Sc. in Software Engineering, NPS, September 2005. Thesis Title: “Self-Diagnostics Digitally Controlled Pacemaker/Defibrillators: A Design Plan for Incorporating Diagnostics and Digital Control in the Schema of a Pacemaker/Defibrillator Design”. 16 63. Kadir Demir, M.Sc. in Computer Science and M.Sc. in Software Engineering, NPS, December 2005. Thesis Title: “Analysis of TLcharts for Weapon Systems Software Development”. 64. Willie Brown, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, March 2006. Thesis Title: “Analysis and Design of a Cooperative Weapon Assignment Module for Advanced Battle Manager of a Ballistic Missile Defense System”. 65. Matthew Ghen and Matthew Mackay, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, March 2006. Thesis Title: “A Performance Analysis of Using GIG-BE as a Backbone for BMDS”. 66. Alberico Estevez and Leslie Sobol, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, March 2006. Thesis Title: “An Analysis and Design of a Track Processing Module for the Advanced Battle Manager of a Ballistic Missile Defense System”. 67. Joon Um and Mitch Perrett, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, March 2006. Thesis Title: “Comparative Analysis of Command and Control Structures for the Advanced Battle Manager”. 68. Karen Lafond, M.Sc. in Software Engineering, NPS, June 2006. Thesis Title: “The Evaluation of Project Management Performance On Two Software Maintenance Projects Based on a CMMI Framework”. 69. Keith Shockley, M.Sc. in Software Engineering, NPS, June 2006. Thesis Title: “Intelligent Maintenance Aid (IMA)”. 70. Linda Reynolds, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, June 2006. Thesis Title: “A Framework for the Management of Evolving Requirements In Software Systems Supporting Network-Centric Warfare”. 71. Muharrem Aksu, M.Sc. in Computer Science and M.Sc. in Software Engineering, NPS, September 2006. Thesis Title: “Environment Behavior Models For Real-Time Reactive System Testing Automation”. 72. Curtis Smith, Jr., M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, September 2006. Thesis Title: “GPS Correlation: Integrated GPS Solution for Battlefield Units Optimized for 802.11b Networks”. 73. Michael H. Villar and Carsten Krause, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, December 2006. Thesis Title: “Development and Implementation Of An Interactive Uniform Regulations Manual For The United States Marine Corps”. 74. Douglas Wahl, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, December 2006. Thesis Title: “Modeling Extended-Range Munitions in the AUV Workbench”. 75. Leslie Glosby, M.Sc. in Software Engineering, NPS, March 2007. Thesis Title: “Analysis of the Requirements of Digital Nautical Charts in Submarines”. 17 76. Chiheb Saidane, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, March 2007. Thesis Title: “Decision Support System for the Management of an Army’s Tracked and Wheeled Vehicle Fleet”. 77. Carlus A. Greathouse, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, March 2008. Thesis Title: “Software Reuse in The Naval Open Architecture”. 78. Bradley R. Warren, M.Sc. in Software Engineering, NPS, March 2008. Thesis Title: “A Framework for Software Reuse in Safety-Critical System of Systems”. 79. Timothy L. Clarke, M.Sc. in Information Technology Management and M.Sc. in Software Engineering, NPS, September 2008. Thesis Title: “An Ontological Approach to Developing Information Operations Applications for Use on the Semantic Web”. 80. James J. Sordi Jr. And Colleen A. Sybor, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, September 2008. Thesis Title: “An Approach for Developing and Validating Libraries of Temporal Formal Specifications”. 81. Kristian J. Cruickshank, M.Sc. in Software Engineering, NPS, March. 2009. Thesis Title: “A Validation Metrics Framework for Safety-Critical Software-Intensive Systems”. 82. Feng S. Liu, M.Sc. in Software Engineering, NPS, December. 2009. Thesis Title: “Raising the Degree of Service-Orientation of a SOA-Based Software System: A Case Study”. 83. Wee Lee Chia, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, December 2009. Thesis Title: “Enhancement of the Acquisition Process for a Combat System – A Case Study to Model the Workflow Processes for an Air Defense System Acquisition”. 84. Joshua Sanders, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, December 2009. Thesis Title: “Rules of Engagement Policies Automation for Ballistic Missile Defense System”. 85. Jason Bolin, M.Sc. in Software Engineering, NPS, September 2010. Thesis Title: “Use Case Analysis for Adopting Cloud Computing in Army Test and Evaluation”. 86. Shawn Kelly, M.Sc. in Information Technology Management and M.Sc. in Software Engineering, and Corey Mazyck, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, September 2010. Thesis Title: “Cloud Computing in Support of Synchronized Disaster Response Operations”. 87. Javier Palomo, M.Sc. in Computer Science, NPS, September 2010. Thesis Title: “Analysis and Design of a Distributed System for Management and Distribution of Natural Language Assertions”. 88. James Torres, M.Sc. in Information Warfare Systems Engineering and M.Sc. in Computer Science, and Charles Spivey III, M.Sc. in Information Warfare Systems Engineering, NPS, September 2010. 18 Thesis Title: “Analysis, Design, and Prototyping of Accounting Software for Navy Signal Intelligence Collection Systems Return on Investment Reporting”. 89. Konstantin (Chris) Beylin, M.Sc. in Software Engineering, NPS, March 2011. Thesis Title: “Using Statechart Assertion for the Formal Validation and Verification of a RealTime Software System: A Case Study”. 90. Christopher D. Cullen, M.Sc. in Software Engineering, NPS, March 2011. Thesis Title: “The Effectiveness of Software Project Management Practices: A Quantitative Measurement”. 91. Carsten Fehse, M.Sc. in Information Technology Management and M.Sc. in Software Engineering, NPS, September 2011. Thesis Title: “Infrastructure Suitability Assessment Modeling for Cloud Computing Solutions”. 92. Erik S. Roberts, M.Sc. in Information Technology Management, NPS, September 2011. Thesis Title: “Virtualization of AEGIS: A Study of the Feasibility of Applying Open Architecture Technology to the Surface Navy’s Most Complex Automated Weapon System”. 93. Phuong Phan and Karen Myers, M.Sc. in Software Engineering, NPS, September 2011. Thesis Title: “Recommended Oversight Plan For A Software Intensive Major Defense System Acquisition”. 94. Crystal McGruder, M.Sc. in Software Engineering, NPS, September 2011. Thesis Title: “MVC for Content Management on the Cloud”. 95. André Camenzind, M.Sc. in Software Engineering, NPS, March 2012. Thesis Title: “Achieving Network Centric Warfare Goals through Bridging Existing Systems”. 96. Duy Luc, M.Sc. in Software Engineering, June 2012. Thesis Title: “Improvement of the DHRA-DMDC Physical Access Software DBIDS using Cloud Computing Technology: A Case Study”. 97. Joni Pepin, M.Sc. in Computer Science, June 2012, and Tarrell Giersch, M.Sc. in Computer Science, September 2012. Thesis Title: “Cloud-Based Collaborative Communications Planning and Interoperability”. 98. Lesley W. Chiu, M.Sc. in Computer Science, September 2012. Thesis Title: “Extensions to the iCalendar Data Model: Hierarchical Schedules and Temporally Related Events”. 99. Nancy Kelley, M.Sc. in Software Engineering, December 2012. Thesis Title: “An Investigation into Specifying Service Level Agreements for Provisioning Cloud Computing Services”. 100. Matthew S. Moreno, M.Sc. in Information Technology, NPS, December 2012. Thesis Title: “Modeling and Assessment of Alternative Cooling Methods of the Combat Operation Center”. 101. Christopher B. Bonine, M.Sc. in Computer Science, March 2013. Thesis Title: “Specification, Validation and Verification of Mobile Application Behavior”. 19 102. Sallouha Fazai, M.Sc. in Information Technology, NPS, March 2013. Thesis Title: “Three-Dimensional Space to assess Cloud Interoperability”. 103. Vasileios Karagiannakis, M.Sc. in Computer Science, September 2013. Thesis Title: “Application of Architectural Patterns and Lightweight Formal Method for the Validation and Verification of Safety Critical Systems”. 104. Wen Chong Julian Chow, M.Sc. in Engineering Systems, September 2013. Thesis Title: “Capability Delivery with Fog of Emergence”. PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Senior member, IEEE Program Committee member, the 8th IEEE International Conference on System of Systems Engineering (SoSE2013), Maui, Hawaii, 2-6 June 2013. Steering Committee and Program Committee member, the 23rd International Symposium on Rapid System Prototyping (RSP2012), Tampere, Finland, 11-12 October 2012. Program Committee Co-Chair, the 6th IEEE International Conference on System of Systems Engineering (SoSE2011), Albuquerque, New Mexico, 27-30 June 2011. Steering Committee and Program Committee member, the 22nd International Symposium on Rapid System Prototyping (RSP2011), Karlsruhe, Germany, 24-27 May 2011. Program Committee member, the 2011 Brazilian Embedded Critical System Symposium, São Carlos, Brazil, 11-13 May 2011. Program Committee Co-Chair, the 5th IEEE International Conference on System of Systems Engineering (SoSE2010), Loughborough, UK, 22-24 June 2010. Steering Committee member and Finance Chair, the 21st International Symposium on Rapid System Prototyping (RSP2010), Fairfax, Virginia, 8-11 June 2010. Session Chair, the 4th IEEE International Conference on System of Systems Engineering (SoSE2009), Albuquerque, New Mexico, June 1-3, 2009. Steering and Program Committee member, the 20th International Symposium on Rapid System Prototyping (RSP2009), Paris, France, June 23-26, 2009. Program Committee member, the 11th High Assurance Systems Engineering Symposium (HASE2008), Nanjing, China, December 3-5, 2008. Program Committee member, the 13th International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies (Ada-Europe2008), Venice, Italy, June 16-20, 2008. 20 Organized Sessions Co-Chair, the 3rd IEEE Conference on System of Systems Engineering (SoSE2008), Monterey, California, June 2-4, 2008. Steering Committee member and General Co-Chair, the 19th International Symposium on Rapid System Prototyping (RSP2008), Monterey, California, June 2-5, 2008. Session Chair, Conference on Reconfigurable Systems, Microsystems, and Nanotechnology (RSMN07), Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, May 8-9, 2007. Program Committee member, the 2nd IEEE Conference on System of Systems Engineering (SoSE2007), San Antonio, Texas, April 16-18, 2007. Steering and Program Committee member, the 18th IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping (RSP2007), Porto Alegre, Brazil, May 28-30, 2007. Program Committee member, the 12th IEEE International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies (Ada-Europe 2007), Geneva, Switzerland, June 25-29, 2007. Steering and Program Committee member, the 17th IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping (RSP2006), Ghania, Crete, June 14-16, 2006. Steering and Program Committee member, the 16th IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping (RSP2005), Montreal, Canada, June 20-22, 2005. Program Committee Co-Chair, the 15th IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping (RSP2004), Geneva, Switzerland, June 28-30, 2004. Program Committee member, the 13th IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping (RSP2002), Darmstadt, Germany, July 1-3, 2002. Local Arrangement Chair, the 2001 Monterey Workshop "Engineering Automation for Software Intensive System Integration", Monterey, California, June 19-21, 2001. Local Organization Chair, the 12th IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping (RSP2001), Monterey, California, June 25-27, 2001. Program Committee Member, the 11th IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping, Paris, 21-23 June, 2000. Organization Committee Chair, the 1998 Monterey Workshop "Engineering Automation for Computer Based Systems", Carmel, California, October 23-26, 1998. Program Committee Member, the Object-Oriented Databases and Software Engineering track of the 1996 International Conference on Data Engineering, 1996. Panelist, The DoD Graduate Studies Panel, the 3rd DoD Software Engineering Education & Training Symposium, sponsored by Joint Logistics Commanders (JLC) Joint Group on Systems Engineering (JGSE), June 1996. Local Arrangement Chair, the 1995 Monterey Workshop "Specification-Based Software Architectures", Monterey, California, September 12-14, 1995. 21 Program Committee Member, the 1994 Monterey Workshop "Software Evolution", Monterey, California, September 7-9, 1995. Program Committee Member, the 1993 Monterey Workshop "Software Slicing, Merging and Integration", Monterey, California, September 7-9, 1995. Co-chairman of an invited session, the 26th International Meeting of the Institute of Management Science, Copenhagen, Denmark, 17-21 June 1984. Reviewer of research proposals for National Science Foundation, Army Research Office, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Reviewer of journal publications for Networks, Computer Networks, Algorithmica, IEEE Expert, IEEE Software, IEEE Tran. on Software Engineering, IEEE Computer, IEEE Tran. on Computers, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Trans. on CAD, IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans, IEEE Systems Journal, Advances in Software Engineering, SIAM J. on Computing, Communications of ACM, Technique & Science of Informatics, Naval Research Logistics, Computer & System Science, Systems Integration, Information Processing Letters, Software: Practice and Experience, Advances in Software Engineering, IET Software. Reviewer of conference publications for the IEEE International Symposium on Circuit & Systems (1983), Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (1991, 2009), International Conference on Data Engineering (1996), Monterey Workshops (1992-1994, 2001), IEEE International Rapid System Prototyping Symposium (2000-2012), IEEE International Conference on System of Systems Engineering (2007, 2009-2011, 2013), IEEE International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies (2007, 2008), International Conference on Information Systems (2003), System and Software Technology Conference (2004, 2005), 2nd IEEE Cloud Forum for Practitioners (2011), International Conf. on Engineering and Meta-Engineering (ICEME 2010), Brazilian Embedded Critical System Symposium (2011). RESEARCH/TEACHING GRANTS “Computer-aided process and tools for mobile software acquisition”, NPS Acquisition Research Program – OUSD_13, FY13, $48K. “Investigation of Timing as a Web Service”, SPAWAR PMW/A 170, FY12, $30K. “Continuous Learning Module on Software Reuse in the Naval Open Architecture”, CoPI with Bret Michael, PEO-IWS 7B, FY08, $25K. “Application of Real Option Theory to software-Intensive System Acquisition”, NPS Acquisition Research Program – OUSD_08, FY08, $64.3K. “DoD Software Engineering Certificate Programs”, Naval Postgraduate School, FY0607, $170K. 22 “Education Support for the Testing of Large-Scale Software Intensive Systems (Year 3)”, SPAWAR SSC San Diego, FY05, $27K. “Education Support for the Testing of Large-Scale Software Intensive Systems (Year 2)”, SPAWAR SSC San Diego, FY04, $37K. “Distance Learning Thesis Support for the Automated Policy Specification Research (Year 3)”, SPAWAR SSC San Diego, FY04, $10K. “Distance Learning Thesis Support for the Automated Policy Specification Research (Year 2)”, SPAWAR SSC San Diego, FY03, $25K. “Testing of large software intensive systems”, Co-PI with Bret Michael, SPAWAR, FY03, $73.8K. “Enhanced Sensor Formula for the Tactical Remote Sensor System (TRSS)”, MARCORSYSCOM, FY02, $27K. “Distance Learning Thesis Support for the Automated Policy Specification Research”, SPAWAR SSC San Diego, FY02, $10K. “Distance Learning Support– Web-based Course Development”, CNET, FY02, $62.7K “An Object-oriented Distributed Architecture for the CAMPEX software”, TRADOC Analysis Command, FY00, $8K. “Automated Communications Intercept, Analysis, & DF System”, Co-PI with LT. G. Greenway, ONR (NSAP), FY99, $68K. “Distance Learning Degree Program - M.Sc. in Software Engineering”, SPAWAR SSC San Diego, FY98-00, $410K. 23