MBA Energy Management TU Campus EUREF Syllabus 2015–17 25th January 2016 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim M ÜLLER -K IRCHENBAUER Prof. Dr. Georg E RDMANN Prof. Dr. Dodo ZU K NYPHAUSEN -AUFSESS Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dr. h.c. Franz Jürgen S ÄCKER Prof. Dr. Kai S TRUNZ Prof. Dr. Christian VON H IRSCHHAUSEN Prof. Dr. Jan K RATZER TU-Campus EUREF An-Institut der Technischen Universität Berlin Torgauer Str. 12-15 10829 Berlin Managing Directors: Prof. Dr. Frank B EHRENDT Dr. h.c. Lothar DE M AIZIÈRE Contents Introduction 6 Course Structure 10 Orientation Week 14 First Semester 18 Module 1 Technological Foundations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Module 2 Economic Fundamentals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Module 3 Strategic Leadership and Global Management . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Module 4 Energy Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Second Semester 31 Module 5 Power Grids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Module 6 Energy Economy and Energy Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Module 7 Investments in Grids, Storage, and Power Plants . . . . . . . . . . 37 Third Semester 42 Module 8 Elective Compulsory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Module 9 Master Thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Graduation Ceremony 48 Alumni Programme 48 Contributors 50 Lecturers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Students . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 3 Introduction 5 MBA E NERGY M ANAGEMENT Introduction Energy Management Master Programme Dear Students, As the global environment changes and new technologies evolve, energy management becomes a complex, fast-paced field, requiring new solutions to be delivered by highly skilled and appropriately trained individuals. Our Master programme “Energy Management” at TU-Campus EUREF not only conveys the latest insights in energy management issues, but discusses toady’s challenges and prepares students for leading roles in shaping the industry, and society, for the future ahead. The course is based on a dynamic training concept combining classic in-house teaching with online learning and innovative forms of group work, training individual skills prerequisite in the increasingly interactive environment. The premises of the EUREF-Campus are a unique study, work, and networking location adequate to this content. We are looking forward to welcoming you and to the start of this exciting programme. We wish you success in your studies and enjoyable team work with your fellow students. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim M ÜLLER -K IRCHENBAUER Academic Director Jan S UCHANEK Supervisor 6 MBA E NERGY M ANAGEMENT Introduction Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim M ÜLLER -K IRCHENBAUER Academic Director MBA Energy Management Energy and Resources Management Technische Universität Berlin Jan S UCHANEK Supervisor Christine D IETZ Supervisor Sandra L UBAHN Manager 7 Course Structure 9 MBA E NERGY M ANAGEMENT Course Structure Lectures Lecture times in the 1st and 2nd semester: Fridays 9:30 am—1:00 pm 2:15 pm—5:00 pm Saturdays 9:30 am—1:00 pm 2:15 pm—5:00 pm Standard times, may be subject to change. Lectures start sin tempore, i.e. sharp. Exact titles of lectures, names of lecturers and literature lists to be published in due time. Attendance is obligatory. Additional lectures may be offered in the third semester. Exams A written exam, paper, oral examination, presentation, or portfolio concludes each module. Exams take place on Fridays. Exams start sin tempore, i.e. sharp. Attendance is obligatory. A failed examination may be repeated twice. For more detail, please refer to the official Study and Examination Regulation. Tutorials Wednesdays 10:15 am—12:15 pm. Tutorials repeat lecture material, supply supportive information, offer additional training, e.g. in scientific writing, or help prepare for lectures and tasks. Tutorials start 10:00 cum tempore, which equals 10:15 sin tempore. Additional tutorials may be offered in the third semester. 10 MBA E NERGY M ANAGEMENT Course Structure Peer Groups Wednesdays 1:15 pm—3:00 pm Aim and Scope The peer group serves for independent learning, academic exchange, and especially for training presentation and interpersonal skills such as team work, leadership, and negotiation. Groups are autonomous, yet coached. E-Learning Online learning platform for academic exchange, preparation, recapitulation, and research. Distribution tool for materials, exam results, etc. An introduction into e-learning is offered in the orientation week. Additional Events Students are free to participate in any of the open access programms at TU Berlin and its partner institutions. Additional events such as company presentations, excursions, and leisure activities are published separately. Students are encouraged to enrich the programme with their own initiatives. Participation Students are encouraged to self-organise, form committees, and vote a speaker. TU statutes stipulate student’s participation in committees as the examination board. Students may book and use campus premises and equipment. Students are asked to provide feedback on lectures, lecturers, tutorials, coaching, organisation, service, etc. 11 Orientation Week 13 MBA & MBL Opening Ceremony October 9th 2015, 4pm–6pm House 4, ground floor Torgauer Str. 12-15, 10829 Berlin Welcome Addresses Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dr. h.c. Franz Jürgen S ÄCKER Academic Director MBL Energy Law Keynote Speech Energy Management and Energy Law in Industrial Enterprises Ulf G EHRCKENS , Aurubis AG Team & Student’s Introduction Elvira A LEVIZOU, Christine D IETZ, Sandra L UBAHN, Jan S UCHANEK, Xenia Z WANZIGER Students briefly introduce themselves Piano: Falk N INDEL Refreshments, Socialising MBA E NERGY M ANAGEMENT Introductory Events Sun Oct. 11th – Sonntagsspaziergang (Sunday Walk) 3pm Meet Brandenburg Gate, Berlin Mitte Walk through Mitte to S-Friedrichstraße 6:00pm Sunday Roast Ratskeller Köpenick Townhall Köpenick, Alt-Köpenick 21, 12555 Berlin The Brandenburg Gate is a widely known icon of great historic significance for the city, the country, for Europe and the world. Köpenick is a picturesque historic town within the boundaries of the city-state of Berlin. Plan for about one hour to get there from Alexanderplatz by public transport. Its town hall has a beautiful gothic vault with local German cuisine served. Please calculate EUR 10-15 per meal, plus drinks, if you attend. Reservation is from 6pm. Mon Oct. 12th – TU Campus Schöneberg 2pm–5pm House 4, EUREF Campus Campus Walk, Gasometer, BBQ The historical gasometer offers a stunning view on the EUREF campus and the city skyline. It may well be windy up there so make sure you are dressed appropriately; cameras need to be secured to be allowed up there. Wear outdoor shoes. In parallel, we will walk around the campus and the vicinity for orientation, and hold a barbecue. 15 MBA E NERGY M ANAGEMENT Introductory Events Tue Oct. 13th – TU Campus Charlottenburg 10am Main Building TU Berlin, foyer, Straße des 17. Juni 135 11am Tour Library of Economics and Management Main Building, Room H5150 (5th floor) first group 12am dto. – second group 1pm Lunch Break TU Mensa (i.e. refectory / cafeteria / dining hall) 2pm Institute for Energy and Resource Management, Steinplatz 2 3pm TU Main Library Introduction and Tour (room BIB012), everyone The main campus of Technische Universität Berlin is in Charlottenburg, with many institutes, libraries, and other facilities. We shall show you the most important of these, and the library teams will show us how to use their institutions. Wed Oct. 14th – TU Campus Schöneberg 11am Software Hookup and Introduction to Online Tools House 4, EUREF Campus 1pm Lunch Break 2pm Introduction to Peer Group work Forming of groups, initialisation of Peer Group Work. Setting up passwords; establishing a VPN-connection with the TU internal network; tubCloud; other tubIT software; accessing university library material; using the online learning platform Moodle. This day serves to get acquainted with the technical aspects and establish IT communication. Bring your passwords and devices, and think about some photos from back home and other data you may wish to share. 16 Winter Semester 2015-16 17 MBA E NERGY M ANAGEMENT First Semester 2015-16 Module 1 Technological Foundations Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim M ÜLLER -K IRCHENBAUER Aims and Scope This module repeats and deepens student’s knowledge of energy technologies and systems in the framework of today’s changing world. Keywords Technologies, infrastructures, markets and companies; nuclear, fossil; storage and transport; fundamentals of electrical engineering; renewable energy sources; transitions in energy production and consumption; climate change. Schedule Fri. 16/10/15 Introduction: Energy and Energy Markets L1 Framework, technologies, infrastructures, markets and concepts; global trends, reserves and resources, fundamental relationships Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim M ÜLLER -K IRCHENBAUER Sat. 17/10/15 Energy Sources and Conversion Technologies; exploration, drilling, L2 production, and processing of fossil fuels, geo- and solar thermal sources Prof. Dr. Gioia FALCONE Wed. 21/10/15 Tutorial: Thermodynamics T1, P1 Benjamin G ROSSE Peer Groups Fri. 23/10/15 Electric Grids, Renewable Energy Sources L3 Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Rolf H ANITSCH Sat. 24/10/15 Wed. 28/10/15 Wind Power and Generators Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Rolf H ANITSCH L4 Tutorial: Q&A, Module Repetition T2 Jan S UCHANEK Peer Groups Fri 30/10/15 Exam, written, 90 minutes, graded Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim M ÜLLER -K IRCHENBAUER 18 E1 MBA E NERGY M ANAGEMENT First Semester 2015-16 Recommended Readings [1] Uwe Ahrens, Moritz Diehl, and Roland Schmehl, editors. Airborne Wind Energy. Springer, 2014. [2] Elke Bruns, Dörte Ohlhorst, and Bernd Wenzel. Renewable Energies in Germany’s Electricity Market. Springer Netherlands: Dordrecht, Dordrecht, 2011. [3] C Julian Chen. Physics of Solar Energy. John Wiley & Sons, 2011. [4] European Wind Energy Association. Wind Energy - The Facts: A Guide to the Technology, Economics and Future of Wind Power. Taylor & Francis Ltd., 2009. [5] Roger Fouquet, editor. Handbook on Energy and Climate Change. Edward Elgar, 2015. [6] Martin Kaltschmitt, Wolfgang Streicher, and Andreas Wiese. Renewable Energy. Technology, Economics and Environment. Springer, 2007. [7] Jaime Klapp, Jorge L Cervantes-Cota, and José Federico Chávez Alcalá. Towards a Cleaner Planet. Energy for the Future. Springer, 2007. [8] Frank Kreith and Susan Krumdieck. Principles of Sustainable Energy Systems. CRC Press, 2014. [9] Keith Lovegrove. Concentrating Solar Power Technology. Elsevier Science & Technology, 2012. [10] Volker Quaschning. Understanding Renewable Energy Systems. Earthscan, 2005. [11] W Shepherd and D W Shepherd. Energy Studies. Imperial College Press, 2008. [12] F P Sioshansi. Energy, Sustainability, and the Environment : Technology, Incentives, Behavior. Amsterdam ; Boston : Butterworth-Heinemann, Amsterdam ; Boston, 2011. [13] Henning Struchtrup. Thermodynamics and Energy Conversion. Springer, 2014. 19 MBA E NERGY M ANAGEMENT First Semester 2015-16 Module 2 Economic Fundamentals Prof. Dr. Georg E RDMANN Energy Systems Technische Universität Berlin International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE) Aims and Scope This module presents the economic basics for the understanding of energy markets and their regulation, the framework for operational Energy Management. Keywords Welfare analysis, prices and markets, ressources and reserves, market forms, merit order, external effects, market failures and regulation, sustainability, global commons, security of supply. Schedule Wed. 4/11/15 Preparatory Tutorial: Economics Jan S UCHANEK Fri. 6/11/15 Fundamentals of Economics and Energy Economics L5 Prof. Dr. Georg E RDMANN Sat. 7/11/15 Energy Markets I L6 Prof. Dr. Aaron P RAKTIKNJO Wed. 11/11/15 Tutorial: Fundamentals of Economics and Energy Economics Georg E RDMANN Peer Groups Fri. 13/11/15 Energy Markets II L7 Prof. Dr. Aaron P RAKTIKNJO Sat. 14/11/15 International Economic Relations Christian C LEUTINX 20 L8 MBA E NERGY M ANAGEMENT Wed. 18/11/15 First Semester 2015-16 Tutorial: Module Repetition Q&A T3, P3 Jan S UCHANEK Peer Groups Fri. 20/11/15 Exam, written, 60 minutes, graded Prof. Dr. Georg E RDMANN Recommended Readings [1] Subhes C Bhattacharyya. Energy Economics: Concepts, Issues, Markets and Governance. Springer, 2011. [2] Endre Bjørndal, Mette Bjørndal, Panos M. Pardalos, and Mikael Rönnequist, editors. Energy, Natural Resources and Environmental Economics. Springer, 2010. [3] Christopher Decker. Modern Economic Regulation: An Introduction to Theory and Practise. Cambridge University Press, 2014. [4] Georg Erdmann, Peter Zweifel, and Aaron Praktiknjo. Energy Economics. Springer, Forthcoming. [5] Joanne Evans and Lester C. Hunt, editors. International Handbook on the Economics of Energy. Edward Elgar, 2009. [6] Martin Kaltschmitt, Wolfgang Streicher, and Andreas Wiese. Renewable Energy. Technology, Economics and Environment. Springer, 2007. [7] Jean-Jacques Laffont and Jean Tirole. A Theory of Incentives in Procurement and Regulation. MIT Press, 1993. [8] Pippo Ranci and Guido Cervigni. The Economics of Electricity Markets : Theory and Policy. Edward Elgar Pub., 2013. [9] V W Ruttan. Technology, Growth, and Development. An induced innovation perspective. Oxford University Press, 2001. [10] F P Sioshansi. Energy, Sustainability, and the Environment : Technology, Incentives, Behavior. Amsterdam ; Boston : Butterworth-Heinemann, Amsterdam ; Boston, 2011. [11] N Stern. The Economics of Climate Change. Cambridge University Press, 2006. [12] Steven Tardelis. Game Theory: An Introduction. Princeton University Press, 2013. [13] Jean Tirole. The Theory of Industrial Organization. Cambridge (Mass.): MIT Press, 1988. 21 E2 MBA E NERGY M ANAGEMENT First Semester 2015-16 [14] H L Varian. Microeconomic Analysis. Norton, 1992. [15] W Kip Viscusi, Joseph E Harrington Jr., and John M Vernon. Economics of Regulation and Antitrust. MIT Press, 2005. 22 MBA E NERGY M ANAGEMENT First Semester 2015-16 Module 3 Strategic Leadership and Global Management Prof. Dr. Dodo ZU K NYPHAUSEN -AUFSESS Strategic Leadership and Global Management Technische Universität Berlin Aims and Scope This module presents the foundations of strategic management and discusses basic tools and applications in the context of the Energy industry. Keywords Fundamentals of management and business administration; shareholder and stakeholder value approach; the concept of strategy; competitive and parenting advantages; strategic business units; industry analysis; generic strategies; vertical integration; portfolio analysis; diversification; strategy process; case studies; incentive channeling Schedule Fri. 27/11/15 Fundamentals of Management & Business Administration L9 Prof. Dr. Dodo ZU K NYPHAUSEN -AUFSESS Maximilian WACHTER Sat. 28/11/15 Global Management in the Energy Sector L10 Market Roles, Functions & Participants in Liberalised Energy Markets Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim M ÜLLER -K IRCHENBAUER Wed. 2/11/15 Tutorial: Management & Business Administration Fundamentals T5, P5 Maximilian WACHTER Peer Groups Fri. 4/12/15 Strategic Leadership and Global Management 1 Prof. Dr. Dodo ZU K NYPHAUSEN -AUFSESS 23 L11 MBA E NERGY M ANAGEMENT Sat. 5/12/15 First Semester 2015-16 (continues) L12 + Distribution of case studies Wed. 9/12/15 Tutorial on Case Studies T6, P6 Maximilian WACHTER Presentation: Recruitment Schneider Electrics Fri. 11/12/15 Regulation, Industry Analysis L13 Jan S UCHANEK , Maximilian WACHTER Sat. 12/12/15 Company Analysis L14 Maximilian WACHTER Wed. 16/12/15 Tutorial: Presentation Techniques T7, P7 Jan S UCHANEK Peer Groups: Case Studies Fr. 18/12/15 Exam: Presentations, 8 hours, pass / fail Prof. Dr. Dodo ZU K NYPHAUSEN -AUFSESS Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim M ÜLLER -K IRCHENBAUER Recommended Readings [1] Ali Nezilhi Bilge, Mehmet Erdem Günay, and Ayham Özgür Toy Toy, editors. Energy Systems and Management, 2015. [2] Mark E. Mendenhall, Joyce S. Oland, Allan Bird, Gary R. Oddou, Martha L. Maznevski, Michael J. Stevens, and Günter K. Stahl, editors. Global Leadership : Research, Practice, and Development. Routledge, 2008. [3] Jack R. Meredith and Jr. Samuel J. Mantel. Project Management. A Managerial Approach. John Wiley & Sons, 2006. [4] Lynne Pepall, Dan Richards, and George Norman. Industrial Organization. Contemporary Theory and Empirical Applications. Blackwell, 2008. [5] Hugo Priemus, Bent Fyvbjerg, and Bert van Wee, editors. Decision-Making on Mega-Projects. Cost-Benefit Analysis, Planning and Innovation. Edward Elgar, 2008. [6] Susan McHugh William G. Nickels, James McHugh. Understanding Business. McGraw-Hill, 2013. 24 E3 MBA E NERGY M ANAGEMENT First Semester 2015-16 Christmas Dinner Dec. 18th 2015, 6pm 25 MBA E NERGY M ANAGEMENT First Semester 2015-16 Module 4 Energy Law Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dr. h.c. Franz Jürgen S ÄCKER Academic Director TU-Campus EUREF gGmbH enreg Institute for Regulation and Energy Law, Director Aims and Scope This module presents the legal framework of today’s Energy Markets on the global scale, the EU plane and Germany. Keywords International Energy Law, Energy Trade and International Contracts; UN Conventions, WTO, ECT, Contract Law, EFET-Contracts; The Legal System of the EU and the Third Energy Package; Germany’s “Energiewende” and EEG; EU Secondary Law v. Regional Developments, Environmental Law, State Aid and Tax Excemption Rules: EU, ECT and WTO Rules; Kyoto–Paris, Energy Union. Peer Groups Students discuss specific cases in the light of lecture’s material. Schedule Fri. 8/1/16 Introduction to European Union Law: Fundamental Freedoms, En- L15 vironmental Law, Renewable Energy Directive, “Energiewende” in Germany (EEG) Prof. Dr. Lydia S CHOLZ Sat. 9/1/16 EU Competition Law for the Energy Sector L16 From Competition Law to Regulatory Law—and back? Prof. Dr. Torsten KÖRBER Wed. 13/1/16 Tutorial: EU Law T8, P8 Eleni-Aristea A LEVIZOU Peer Groups 26 MBA E NERGY M ANAGEMENT Fri. 15/1/16 First Semester 2015-16 The Goals of Energy Policy in Relation to National, International and L17 EC Law Peter H OHAUS Sat. 16/1/16 The EU Legal Framework for Infrastructure Regulation, Third Energy L18 Package, TEN-E Guidelines, Connecting Europe Facility Dr. Carsten KÖNIG Wed. 20/1/16 Tutorial: Metering T9, P9 Xenia Z WANZIGER Workshop: Scientific Writing Jan S UCHANEK Fri. 22/1/16 Energy Law in Practise L19 Dr. Oliver F RANZ Sat. 23/1/16 The EU Legal Framework for Energy Wholesale Trading and Energy L20 Exchanges (REMIT, EMIR etc.), EFET Trading, IFRS Dr. Annegret G ROEBEL Wed. 27/1/16 Tutorial: International Law & Module Repetition Q&A T10, P10 Dr. Thomas D ÖRMER Presentation: Forschungscampus Mobility2Grid Module and Semester Feedback Q&A Mon. 1/2/16—Mon. 8/2/16 Paper, 10 pages, graded Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dr. h.c. Franz Jürgen S ÄCKER Prof. Dr. Dr. Jürgen E NSTHALER Recommended Readings [1] Bram Delvaux. EU Law and the Development of a Sustainable, Competitive and Secure Energy Policy. Opportunities and Shortcomings. intersentia, 2013. [2] Bram Delvaux, Michaël Hunt, and Kim Talus, editors. EU Energy Law and Policy Issues. Intersentia, 2014. [3] Hilary Glasman-Deal. Science Research Writing for Non-Native Speakers of English. Imperial College Press, 2009. [4] Angus Johnston and Guy Block. EU Energy Law. Oxford University Press, 2012. 27 E4 MBA E NERGY M ANAGEMENT First Semester 2015-16 [5] Franz Jürgen Säcker. The Concept of the Relevant Product Market : Between Demand-side Substitutability and Supply-side Substitutability in Competition Law. Lang, 2008. [6] Kim Talus. EU Energy Law and Policy. A Critical Account. Oxford University Press, 2013. [7] Kate L. Turabian. A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations. University of Chicago Press, 2013. [8] E.B. White and William I. Strunk. The Elements of Style. Pearson Longman, 1999. 28 MBA E NERGY M ANAGEMENT First Semester 2015-16 Spring Excursion April 1st 2016 Exam Retakes April 11th—Technological Foundations April 14th—Economic Fundamentals Summer Term Starts First Lecture: April 15th 2016 29 Second Semester 30 MBA E NERGY M ANAGEMENT Second Semester, 2015-16 Module 5 Power Grids Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kai S TRUNZ Sustainable Electric Networks and Sources of Energy Technische Universität Berlin Aims and Scope This module deals with the technical and managerial challenges of grid management in a changing energy environment, with a focus on transformation processes between different forms and sources of energy and the novel developments in demand response, IT, and metering. Keywords Grid management, balancing; liquid fuels and pipelines vs. electricity transmission; convergence, substitution and inter-operability; redundancy principle; power-togas; power-to-heat; mobility-to-grid; CHP; virtual power plants; demand response, smart meters, contracts; RES integration; grid management technologies, prosumers, IT and conversion of grids, next-generation-networks, micro smart grids. Peer Groups Peer groups work on a self-chosen topic, presenting their results in the form of a presentation or paper to the course. Schedule Fr. 15/4/16 Transport, Infrastructure, Logistic, Interfaces, Security of Supply L21 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim M ÜLLER -K IRCHENBAUER Sat. 16/4/16 Power Grid System Management L22 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kai S TRUNZ Wed. 20/4/16 Tutorial: Grids I T11, P11 Peer Groups 31 MBA E NERGY M ANAGEMENT Fri. 22/4/16 Second Semester, 2015-16 Integration of Renewable Energy Systems; L23 E-Mobility / Vehicle-to-Grid; Energy Storage Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kai S TRUNZ Sat. 23/4/16 Smart Grids and Smart Markets L24 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kai S TRUNZ Wed. 27/4/16 Tutorial: Grids II T12, P12 Peer Groups Fri. 29/4/16 Excursion: 50Hertz Control Room Neuenhagen L25 Sat. 30/4/16 Grid Expansion Management L26 Dr. Bodo H ERRMANN, Dr. Frank-Peter H ANSEN Wed. 4/5/16 Tutorial: Q&A, Module Repetition Fri. 13/5/16 Exam, 2 hours, graded. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kai S TRUNZ Recommended Readings [1] Bert Droste-Franke, Boris P. Paal, Christian Rehtanz, Dirk Uwe Sauer, Jens-Peter Schneider, Miranda Schreurs, and Thomas Ziesemer. Balancing Renewable Electricity. Energy Storage, Demand Side Management, and Network Extension from an Interdisciplinary Perspective. Springer, 2012. [2] Steven A Gabriel, Antonio Conejo, J David Fuller, and Benjamin F Hobbs. Complementarity Modeling in Energy Markets. Springer, 2013. [3] Siegfried Heier and Rachel Waddington. Grid Integration of Wind Energy Conversion Systems. John Wiley & Sons, 2006. [4] Krzysztof Iniewski. Smart Grid Infrastructure & Networking. McGraw-Hill, 2013. [5] Lawrence E Jones. Renewable Energy Integration: Practical Management of Variability, Uncertainty, and Flexibility in Power Grids. Academic Press Inc., 2014. [6] Nikolai V Khartchenko and Vadym M Kharchenko. Advanced Energy Systems. Taylor & Francis Inc., 2013. [7] Eric D Knapp and Joel Thomas Lagill. Industrial Network Security: Securing Critical Infrastructure Networks for Smart Grid, SCADA, and Other Industrial Control Systems. Syngress, 2014. 32 T13, P13 MBA E NERGY M ANAGEMENT Second Semester, 2015-16 [8] Markus Lehner, Robert Tichler, Horst Steinmuller, and Markus Koppe. Power-toGas: Technology and Business Models. Springer, 2014. [9] Henrik Lund. Renewable Energy Systems: A Smart Energy Systems Approach to the Choice and Modeling of 100% Renewable Solutions. 2014. [10] James Momoh. Smart Grid. Fundamentals of Deigns and Analysis. John Wiley & Sons, 2012. [11] Juan M. Morales, Antonio J. Conejo, Henrik Madsen, Pierre Pinson, and Marco Zugno. Integrating Renewables in Electricity Markets. Springer, 2014. [12] Steven Stoft. Power System Economics: Designing Markets for Electricity. John Wiley & Sons, 2002. [13] Kai Strunz, Akihiko Yokoyama, and Rodrigo Palma Behnke. Collaboration is Key Internationally. IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, 1(4):50–55, 2003. [14] Joshua Adam Taylor. Convex Optimization of Power Systems. Cambridge University Press, 2015. [15] Mini S. Thomas and John Douglas McDonald. Power System SCADA and Smart Grids. Apple Academic Press Inc., 2015. Visit to Connectium Job Fair April 28th 2016 Meetup: University of Alberta May 6th 2016 33 MBA E NERGY M ANAGEMENT Second Semester, 2015-16 Module 6 Energy Economy and Energy Business Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim M ÜLLER -K IRCHENBAUER / Prof. Dr. Georg E RDMANN Aims and Scope This module looks at energetic aspects of enterprises and the implications of the changing energy landscape for industrial organisations. How to engineer efficiency and manage engineering efficiently, given changing energy markets and legal conditions? Keywords Changing energy sources and changing legal background; capacity markets and alternatives; taxation, customs and currency issues; generator concepts; system services and energy services; management of idle power; energy storage and conversion; operational excellence. Seminar This module starts with a two day seminar, to which participants will be given individual topics to prepare and present. Schedule Fri. 20/5/16 Seminar: Energy Transition Evaluated L27 Profes. Dres. Georg E RDMANN & Joachim M ÜLLER -K IRCHENBAUER Sat. 21/5/16 (continues) L28 Wed. 25/5/16 Tutorial T14, P14 Peer Groups Fri. 27/5/16 Utility Management and Current Systemic Challenges L29 Prof. Dr. Ronnie B ELMANS Sat. 28/5/16 (continues) L30 Wed. 1/6/16 Tutorial T15, P15 Peer Groups Fri. 3/6/16 Operating in Dynamic Utility Environments L31 Dr. habil. Hans-Günter S CHWARZ Sat. 4/6/16 (continues) L32 34 MBA E NERGY M ANAGEMENT Wed. 8/6/16 Second Semester, 2015-16 Tutorial T16, P16 Peer Groups Fri. 17/6/16 Exam, written, 2 hours, graded. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim M ÜLLER -K IRCHENBAUER Recommended Readings [1] Christian Artigues, Sophie Demassey, and Emmanuel Néron, editors. ResourceConstrained Project Scheduling. Models, Algorithms, Extensions and Applications. ISTE Ltd., John Wiley & Sons, 2008. [2] A. Bausch and B. Schwenker, editors. Handbook Utility Management, 2009. [3] Ali Nezilhi Bilge, Mehmet Erdem Günay, and Ayham Özgür Toy Toy, editors. Energy Systems and Management, 2015. [4] Steve Doty and Wayne C Turner. Energy Management Handbook. Fairmont Press, 2012. [5] Roger Fouquet, editor. Handbook on Energy and Climate Change. Edward Elgar, 2015. [6] Paul W O’Callaghan. Energy Management. McGraw-Hill, 1993. [7] Kit Oung. Energy Management in Business: The Manager’s Guide to Maximising and Sustaining Energy Reduction. Gower, 2013. [8] Lynne Pepall, Dan Richards, and George Norman. Industrial Organization. Contemporary Theory and Empirical Applications. Blackwell, 2008. [9] Hugo Priemus, Bent Fyvbjerg, and Bert van Wee, editors. Decision-Making on Mega-Projects. Cost-Benefit Analysis, Planning and Innovation. Edward Elgar, 2008. [10] Georg Schaub and Thomas Turek. Energy Flows, Material Cycles and Global Development. A Process Engineering Approach to the Earth System. Springer, 2011. [11] W Shepherd and D W Shepherd. Energy Studies. Imperial College Press, 2008. [12] F P Sioshansi. Energy, Sustainability, and the Environment : Technology, Incentives, Behavior. Amsterdam ; Boston : Butterworth-Heinemann, Amsterdam ; Boston, 2011. [13] Benjamin K Sovacool. The Governance of Energy Megaprojects : Politics, Hubris 35 MBA E NERGY M ANAGEMENT Second Semester, 2015-16 and Energy Security. Northampton, Mass. : Edward Elgar Pub., Northampton, Mass., 2013. [14] Sebastian Thiede. Energy Efficiency in Manufacturing Systems. Springer, 2012. [15] Werner Vogel and Henry Kalb. Large-Scale Solar Thermal Power. Technologies, Costs and Development. Wiley-VCH, 2010. 36 MBA E NERGY M ANAGEMENT Second Semester, 2015-16 Module 7 Investments in Grids, Storage, and Power Plants Prof. Dr. Christian VON H IRSCHHAUSEN Economic Policy and Infrastructure Policy Technische Universität Berlin DIW Berlin (German Institute for Economic Research) Massachusetts Institute of Technology Aims and Scope This module looks at energy infrastructure from a financial point of view. Grids, storage facilities and power plants are large-scale long-term investments of national, if not international, scope and importance. How are such projects financed, how can they be insured, how can their risk be assessed, etc. Keywords Investment in infrastructure, power plants, grids and storage; special purpose vehicles (SPV’s); foreign direct investment (FDI); financial tools, insurances, derivatives, virtualisation; risk assessment and risk management; fuzzy sets; corporate finance; behavioural finance; investment and portfolio management; investment in replacement and maintenance; mergers and acquisitions; asset management; international financial reporting standards (IFRS). Peer Groups Peer groups work on a self-chosen topic, presenting their results in the form of a presentation or paper to the course. Schedule Fri. 24/6/16 Grid Operation Incentive Channeling L33 Prof. Dr. Klaus H EINE Sat. 25/6/16 Power Generation Confines and Inducements L34 Dr. Christian N ABE Wed. 29/6/16 Tutorial T17, P17 Peer Groups 37 MBA E NERGY M ANAGEMENT Fri. 1/7/16 Second Semester, 2015-16 Investment in Grids, Storage, and Power Plants L35 Prof. Dr. Christian VON H IRSCHHAUSEN Sat. 2/7/16 (continues) L36 Wed. 6/7/16 Tutorial T18, P18 Peer Groups Fri. 8/7/16 Investment in Renewables L37 Dr. Florian L EUTHOLD Sat. 9/7/16 (continues) L38 Wed. 13/7/16 Tutorial: Q&A Module Repetition T19, P19 Peer Groups Fri. 22/7/16 Exam, written, 2 hours, graded. Prof. Dr. Christian VON H IRSCHAUSEN Recommended Readings [1] Fred Espen Benth, Valery a Khodolnyi, and Peter Laurence. Quantitative Energy Finance: Modeling, Pricing, and Hedging in Energy and Commodity Markets. Springer, 2013. [2] Markus Burger, Bernhard Graeber, and Gero Schindlmayr. Managing Energy Risk: An Integrated View ond Power and Other Energy Markets. John Wiley & Sons, 2014. [3] Antonio J Conejo, Miguel Carrión, and Juan M Morales. Decision Making Under Uncertainty in Electricity Markets. Springer, 2010. [4] A K Dixit and R S Pindyck. Investment under Uncertainty. Princeton University Press, 1994. [5] Alexander Eydeland and Krzysztof Wolyniec. Energy and Power Risk Management: New Developments in Modeling, Pricing, and Hedging. John Wiley & Sons, 2003. [6] Steven A Gabriel, Antonio Conejo, J David Fuller, and Benjamin F Hobbs. Complementarity Modeling in Energy Markets. Springer, 2013. [7] Tom James. Energy Price Risk. Palgrave, 2003. [8] Vincent Kaminski. Energy Markets. Risk Books, 2013. 38 MBA E NERGY M ANAGEMENT Second Semester, 2015-16 [9] Ortwin Renn. Cross-cultural Risk Perception : a Survey of Empirical Studies. Kluwer, 2000. [10] Ortwin Renn. Risk Governance : Coping with Uncertainty in a Complex World. Earthscan, 2008. [11] Ehud I. Ronn. Real Options and Energy Management - Using Options Methodology to Enhance Capital Budgeting Decisions. Risk Books, 2002. [12] E Schwartz and L Trigeorgis, editors. Real Options and Investment and Uncertainty. Cambridge (Mass.): MIT Press, 2004. [13] Betty Simkins and Russell Simkins. Energy Finance: Analysis and Valuation, Risk Management, and the Future of Energy. Kolb Series in Finance, 2013. [14] Leslie A. Solmes. Energy Efficiency. Real Time Energy Infrastructure Investment and Risk Management. Springer, 2009. [15] Glen Swindle. Valuation and and Risk Management in Energy Markets. Cambridge University Press, 2014. [16] Christian von Hirschhausen, Thorsten Beckers, and Kay Mitusch. Trends in Infrastructure Regulation and Financing: International Experience and Case Studies from Germany. Edward Elgar, 2004. 39 MBA E NERGY M ANAGEMENT Second Semester, 2015-16 Semester End Celebration July 23rd 2016 Details to be announced 40 Third Semester 41 MBA E NERGY M ANAGEMENT Third Semester, 2016-17 Module 8 Elective Compulsory Aim and Scope In this last module, students look at current energy related practical issues and challenges. Students choose either sub-module Module 8-A Building Energy Efficiency or Module 8-B Technology and Innovation Management. Topics and supervisors are individual, may be chosen in close collaboration with enterprises in a work-study program and tie in with the Master Thesis due in the same term. This module has the form of an online project. Schedule October 2016—January 2017. Module 8-A Building Energy Efficiency Prof. Dr. Joachim M ÜLLER -K IRCHENBAUER Aims and Scope In this sub-module, students look at physical projects and products such as buildings, plants, city planning, etc. and apply the knowledge gained in prior modules in practise. Supervisors Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter D. G ENSKE , Torsten H ERDAN , Dr. Erich L ANDEK, Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang S CHNEIDER, Prof. Dr. Jens S ÜDEKUM Keywords Buildings and energy efficiency; green house gas emissions; demand side management; public service conglomerate; combined heat and power generation; process chain: primary energy to secondary energy to net energy to energy service; precedence diagram method, project management. Schedule Fr. 4/11/16 Introduction Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim M ÜLLER -K IRCHENBAUER Sa. 5/11/16 Macroefficiency Fr. 25/11/16 Microeffiency I Sa. 26/11/16 Microeffiency II 42 MBA E NERGY M ANAGEMENT Fr. 27/1/17 Third Semester, 2016-17 Master Students Advanced Seminar Efficiency Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim M ÜLLER -K IRCHENBAUER Sa. 28/1/17 (continues) Exam Portfolio, pass / fail. Prof. Dr. Joachim M ÜLLER -K IRCHENBAUER Recommended Readings [1] Ali Nezilhi Bilge, Mehmet Erdem Günay, and Ayham Özgür Toy Toy, editors. Energy Systems and Management, 2015. [2] Ranjan K. Bose, editor. Energy Efficient Cities : Assessment Tools and Benchmarking Practices. World Bank Publications, 2010. [3] Steve Doty and Wayne C Turner. Energy Management Handbook. Fairmont Press, 2012. [4] Edward E. Lawler III and Christopher G. Worley. Built to Change. How to Achieve Stustained Organizational Effectiveness. Jossey-Bass: John Wiley & Sons, 2006. [5] P. Giridhar Kini, editor. Energy Management Systems. InTech, 2011. [6] Walter Leal and Richard Kotter, editors. E-Mobility in Europe: Trends and Good Practise. Springer, 2015. [7] Paul W O’Callaghan. Energy Management. McGraw-Hill, 1993. [8] Kit Oung. Energy Management in Business: The Manager’s Guide to Maximising and Sustaining Energy Reduction. Gower, 2013. [9] Lynne Pepall, Dan Richards, and George Norman. Industrial Organization. Contemporary Theory and Empirical Applications. Blackwell, 2008. [10] Hugo Priemus, Bent Fyvbjerg, and Bert van Wee, editors. Decision-Making on Mega-Projects. Cost-Benefit Analysis, Planning and Innovation. Edward Elgar, 2008. [11] Georg Schaub and Thomas Turek. Energy Flows, Material Cycles and Global Development. A Process Engineering Approach to the Earth System. Springer, 2011. [12] Sebastian Thiede. Energy Efficiency in Manufacturing Systems. Springer, 2012. [13] Mini S. Thomas and John Douglas McDonald. Power System SCADA and Smart Grids. Apple Academic Press Inc., 2015. 43 MBA E NERGY M ANAGEMENT Third Semester, 2016-17 [14] David Thorpe. Energy Management in Buildings. Taylor & Francis Ltd., 2013. [15] Werner Vogel and Henry Kalb. Large-Scale Solar Thermal Power. Technologies, Costs and Development. Wiley-VCH, 2010. 44 MBA E NERGY M ANAGEMENT Third Semester, 2016-17 Module 8-B Technology and Innovation Management Prof. Dr. Jan K RATZER Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management Technische Universität Berlin CfE Center for Entrepreneurship at TU Berlin Aims and Scope In this sub-module students look at innovations, team building, management processes, administrative, financial or theoretical issues in a specific practical context. Supervisors Prof. Dr. Jan K RATZER , Prof. Dr. Hans Georg G EMÜNDEN Keywords Innovation management; technically, economically and socially sustainable implementation of innovations; team building and team management; innovation assessment; systematic modelling; agile methods; software; synergy; innovation pathways; venture teams; temporary task forces; restrictive vs. promotive control; inter-organisational teams. Schedule Fr. 4/11/16 Introduction Prof. Dr. Jan K RATZER Sa. 5/11/16 Technology and Innovation Management I Fr. 25/11/16 Technology and Innovation Management II Sa. 26/11/16 Technology and Innovation Management III Fr. 27/1/17 Master Students Advanced Seminar Technology and Innovation Management Prof. Dr. Jan K RATZER Sa. 28/1/17 (continues) 45 MBA E NERGY M ANAGEMENT Exam Third Semester, 2016-17 Portfolio, pass / fail. Prof. Dr. Jan K RATZER Recommended Readings [1] Donald L. Anderson. Organization Development. The Process of Leading Organizational Change. Sage Publications, 2010. [2] Thomas Bieger. Zukünftige Geschäftsmodelle : Konzept und Anwendung in der Netzökonomie ; mit 3 Tabellen. Springer, 2002. [3] Roman Boutellier and Mareike Heinzen. Growth Through Innovation: Managing the Technology-Driven Enterprise. Springer, 2014. [4] Peter F. Drucker. Innovation and Entrepreneurship. HarperBusiness, 2006. [5] Jack R. Meredith and Jr. Samuel J. Mantel. Project Management. A Managerial Approach. John Wiley & Sons, 2006. [6] Barbara Praetorius, Dierk Bauknecht, Martin Cames, Corinna Fischer, Martin Pehnt, Katja Schumacher, and Jan-Peter Foß. Innovation for Sustainable Electricity Systems. Exploring the Dynamics of Energy Transitions. Physica, 2009. [7] V W Ruttan. Technology, Growth, and Development. An induced innovation perspective. Oxford University Press, 2001. [8] Melissa A. Schilling. Strategic Management of Technological Innovation. McgrawHill Education, 2013. [9] Joe Tidd and John Bessant. Strategic Innovation Management. Wiley, 2014. [10] Paul Trott. Innovation Management and New Product Development. Financial Times Prent., 2011. 46 MBA E NERGY M ANAGEMENT Third Semester, 2016-17 Module 9 Master Thesis Supervisors Individual. Aims and Scope Students proof with the Master Thesis their ability to research a topic scientifically and deliver scientific results in a limited time frame. Once registered for the thesis, students have four months to conclude. Schedule October 2016—January 2017 Contents Individual. Form Fifty pages, plus introduction and annex(es). In English. Scientific standards prerequisite. More detailed formal requirements to be announced. 47 MBA E NERGY M ANAGEMENT Third Semester, 2016-17 Graduation Ceremony MBA/MBL March 2017 Details to be announced Alumni Programme With a master degree from TU-Campus EUREF, you become part of the alumni network. Alumni receive invitations to participate in the further extension of the academic programme, and to events held on the campus and within the network. As the programme rolls over, you are cordially invited to participate in the curricular and extracurricular events of the following academic year(s). 48 Contributors 49 MBA E NERGY M ANAGEMENT Lecturers Lecturers Christian C LEUTINX Clingendael International Energy Programme Previously European Commission, DG Energy and Transport Nuclear Safeguards Directorate, etc. Prof. Dr. Dr. Jürgen E NSTHALER Business and Technology Law Technische Universität Berlin Prof. Dr. Georg E RDMANN Energy Systems Technische Universität Berlin International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE) Prof. Dr. Gioia FALCONE Institute for Petroleum Engineering Clausthal University of Technology Geothermal Engineering & Integrated Energy Systems 50 MBA E NERGY M ANAGEMENT Lecturers Oliver Helge F RANZ Regulatory Manager RWE Deutschland AG Dr. Annegret G ROEBEL International Relations Bundesnetzagentur Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Rolf H ANITSCH Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Technische Universität Berlin Frank Peter H ANSEN TenneT Management Regulatory Affairs Former Bundesnetzagentur 51 MBA E NERGY M ANAGEMENT Lecturers Prof. Dr. Klaus H EINE Law and Economics Erasmus School of Law, Rotterdam Jean Monnet Chair of Economic Analysis of European Law Dr. Bodo H ERMANN Head of Unit: Grid Development / Expansion Bundesnetzagentur Prof. Dr. Christian VON H IRSCHHAUSEN Economic Policy and Infrastructure Policy Technische Universität Berlin DIW Berlin (German Institute for Economic Research) Massachusetts Institute of Technology Peter H OHAUS Economic Policy Advisor Uniper A.G. 52 MBA E NERGY M ANAGEMENT Lecturers Prof. Dr. Dodo ZU K NYPHAUSEN -AUFSESS Strategic Leadership and Global Management Technische Universität Berlin Dr. Carsten KÖNIG Research Fellow, Institute for Energy and Regulatory Law (enreg) Berlin Prof. Dr. Torsten KÖRBER Civil Law, Antitrust Law, Insurance Law, Corporate Law and Regulation Law Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Prof. Dr. Jan K RATZER Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management Technische Universität Berlin CfE Center for Entrepreneurship at TU Berlin 53 MBA E NERGY M ANAGEMENT Lecturers Dr. Erik L ANDECK Member of the Managing Board, Finance and Strategy Stromnetz Berlin Dr. Florian L EUTHOLD Vortex Energy Group, COO TU Berlin Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim M ÜLLER -K IRCHENBAUER Academic Director MBA Energy Management Energy and Resources Management Technische Universität Berlin Dr. Christian Nabe ECOFYS Power Systems an Markets Previously Technische Universität Berlin 54 MBA E NERGY M ANAGEMENT Lecturers Prof. Dr.-Ing. Aaron P RAKTIKNJO RWTH Aachen University E.ON ERC Energy Research Center Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dr. h.c. Franz Jürgen S ÄCKER Academic Director TU-Campus EUREF gGmbH enreg Institute for Regulation and Energy Law, Director Prof. Dr. Lydia S CHOLZ Economic and Business Law Hochschule Bremen Dr. habil. Hans-Günter S CHWARZ Trading+Supply / Energy Trading Energy Economic Modelling and Business Development RWE Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kai S TRUNZ Sustainable Electric Networks and Sources of Energy Technische Universität Berlin 55 MBA E NERGY M ANAGEMENT Lecturers Maximilian WACHTER WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management 56 MBA E NERGY M ANAGEMENT Students Students Energy Management 2015–17 1 Kamelia A BASIAN 6 Israel F ERRER Gonzalez Iran (1986) Mexico (1988) MSc: Engineering: RES BSc: Engineering Risk Management, Environmental Impact Assessment Persian, (Arabic, German) Thermal Engineering, Gas Spanish, German 7 Xavier-André F ISCHER 2 Erideta BASHI Albania (1976) BSc: Marketing Unbundling, Regulation Autority Albanian 3 Julian Felipe B UITRAGO Cortes Colombia (1986) BSc: Economics: Finance Equity trading Spanish, German, (Portuguese) France (1990) MSc: Business Bilingual Auditioning, Mazars Consultancy French, German, (Spanish) 8 Stephan F RANZ Germany (1978) MSc: Politics Büro F: RES Consultancy; dena; GTZ German, Spanish, (Portuguese) 4 Christian B USCH 9 David F UCHS Germany (1986) Germany (1981) MSc: Engineering: Machines MSc: Politics: North America, Asia, Logisitics (BW) (Sen.) USA, Australia German, (French) Russia 5 Miguel C UÉLLAR Brito 10 Alina G ALIKEEVA Mexico (1988) Russia (1988) BSc: Engineering: Machines MSc: Engineering Field Engineer; Offshore Oil Spain Spanish, French, Catalan, German Gazprom: Electricity, Heat; Oil Schneider Electrics Scholarship Russian, German GIZ: Asia; SME's German, Russian, Spanish 57 MBA E NERGY M ANAGEMENT Students 11 Pascale H ARB 16 Oliver K RIEGER Lebanon (1988) Germany (1978) MSc: Economics MSc: Engineering PWC Consultant UAE, Czech Republic Arabic RES / Grids: dena; buildings German, French, Italian 12 Monica H UANG Jiezhi 17 Alex L AURA Portugal Singapore (1988) Peru (1987) BSc: Engineering: Machines BSc: Engineering: Electricity & Machines Consultancy Ipsos; Mergers, Telcos Nepal, Germany Mandarin, German SCADA; Mining; large-scale projects DAAD Scholarship Spanish 13 Mohamad Hani I SKNDARANAI Syria (1978) 18 Dr. Gabriela M ARCANO Romero BSc: Structural Engineering Venezuela (1975), Germany Project Management Kuwait Arabic, (German) PhD (rer.nat.): Engineering: Geology GFZ Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam Spanish, German, (Italian, French) 14 Dr.-Ing. Karolina Julia K APSA Poland (1979) 19 Christina N AKHLE Germany Lebanon (1993) PhD: Environmental Engineering BSc: Engineering RES; HTW Berlin Project Management; waste-to-energy; auditor Polish, German, Italian RES; buildings; geothermal Arabic, German, French 15 Carsten K LEMM 20 Oladipupo Ademola O MODARA Germany (1983) Nigeria; UK MSc: Engineering MSc: Economics, Int. Business Automotives, hydraulics; Daimler German, French, (Mandarin) Contracts, Insurances, Business Development, Oil & Gas 58 MBA E NERGY M ANAGEMENT Students 21 Alejandra P RADA Guevara 26 Daria U SPENSKAIA Colombia (1984), Brazil Russia (1987) MSc: Engineering: Electricity Russian Federation RES; Accounting & Finance Volvo project analyst Spanish, French, Portuguese BA Design Project management, information and communication; Gazprom Russian, German 22 Manish R AM Thulasi India (1983) 27 Leandro VALMORBIDA BSc: Engineering Brazil (1972), Italy RES; Politics Greenpeace, analyst Kannada, Hindi MSc: Finance; Engineering 23 Harpreet S INGH 28 Chirayu Ketan VORA India (1987) India (1991) BSc: Engineering BSc: Engineering: Electricity Hindi Gas; Finance; New Business Development Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, (German) Project management, power distribution Gujarati, Hindi 24 Emma Alice S MITH UK (1990), Spain, Russia 29 Maggie Y IP Mei Kee MSc: Politics, French Malaysia (1991) French & German Nuclear Energy Law & Policy French, Spanish, (German, Russian) BSc: Chemistry Sales and Applications Malay, Mandarin 25 Manuel S OSA Rivas Mexico (1979) 30 Daniel YOO Weixin MSc: Economics; Statistics; Malaysia (1993); UK Chemical Engineering MSc: Engineering: Electricity Regulation Authority CFE Spanish Turbines, power plant design Malay, Mandarin 59