Introduction to Database Systems

CptS 451 – SPRING 2015
Sakire Arslan Ay
Introduction to Database Systems
The home page for this course is hosted at:
The course announcements, lecture notes, homeworks, and homework/exam solutions will be posted at the
Blackboard portal.
Class Meeting Times and Location:
Tue-Thu 12:00pm- 1:15pm, Sloan 7 (Jan 12—May01)
Name: Sakire Arslan Ay
Office: EME 102D
Telephone: (509)335-4089
Office Hours: Tu, Th, F, 11am-12pm
Teaching Assistant:
Name: Fuat Arslan
Office: Dana 115
Office Hours: Mon, Wed 1:15PM-2:15PM
Text Book and Reading Materials:
Required Textbooks:
[DMS] Database Management Systems (3rd Edition), Raghu Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gehrke, ISBN-13: 9780072465631 ISBN-10: 0072465638 McGraw-Hill , 2003
- Also known as the “Cow Book”
Recommended Reading:
[DS-CB] Database Systems: The Complete Book (2nd Edition), Hector Garcia-Molina, Jeffrey Ullman, Jennifer
Widom, ISBN: 0131873253 Pearson , 2009
Course Overview:
This course provides students with an introduction to the design of databases and the use of database management
systems for applications. We will cover the design and implementation of traditional relational database systems
as well as advanced data management systems. We will discuss the fundamental principles of databases such as
the (ER) approach to database design, the relational model, relational design theory, abstract query language such
as relational algebra, and programming in SQL. Students will get exposure to how relational database
management systems are used to implement a database. We will also cover core database implementation issues
including storage and indexing, and query processing and optimization. Time permitting; we will also consider
challenges in modern data management systems, including parallel and distributed data management systems, Big
Data management systems, and NoSQL.
Prerequisites: "Cpts 223 Advanced Data Structures", " Cpts 224 - Programming Tools"
Course Format:
The CptS451 class meets twice a week for lectures. Lecture notes will be made available online at Blackboard
( While the lectures are designed to be clear and self-contained, you are strongly
encouraged to read the assigned chapters in the course textbook (Gehrke et al - see above).
CptS 451 – SPRING 2015
Sakire Arslan Ay
Overview of Database Systems
Project Overview and JSON Data
Introduction to Database Design – ER Model
Relational Model
SQL Overview: Queries, Constraints and Triggers
Relational Algebra
Database Design Theory and Normal Forms
Database Application Development
Storage and Indexing
Query Evaluation
Query Optimization
NoSQL Databases (if time permits)
DMS Ch 1
Reading Material
DS-CB Ch 1
DMS Ch 2
DMS Ch 3
DMS Ch 5
DMS Ch 4
DMS Ch 19
DMS Ch 6
DMS Ch 8,9,10,11
DMS Ch 12,14,
DMS Ch 15
DS-CB Ch 4
DS-CB Ch 2
DS-CB Ch 6,7,8,10
DS-CB Ch 2,5
DS-CB Ch 3
DS-CB Ch 9
DS-CB Ch 13,14
DS-CB Ch 15,16
DS-CB Ch 15,16
# of Lectures
Grading Scale:
The below percentages are subject to change as circumstances dictate.
Overall Grading:
1. Midterm………………………………………………………...….… 20%
2. Final……………………………………….........……...……..........… 30%
3. Project…………………………………………..……...……......…… 25%
4. Homework assignments………………………………...……......……22%
5. In class quizzes + attendance…………………………...……....………3%
The above percentages are subject to change as circumstances dictate.
100 %
HW and Project Grading:
The weights of the project milestones are as follows:
1. Milestone 1 (ER Diagram, JSON Parsing).…… ……...……....……. 3%
2. Milestone 2 (Relations, Constraints, SQL DDL, Populate DB)……...4%
3. Milestone 3 (Application to search businesses)…...…. ……...……. 13%
4. Milestone 4 (Additional search feature) ……………..……………. ...5%
The above percentages are subject to change as circumstances dictate.
Homework assignment weights will be announced later.
Letter Grades:
Letter grades will be assigned based on the scale shown below. The scale ranges will be adjusted according to the
average and spread (standard deviation) of the student scores. The below scale assumes class average is 80%.
93% 100%
90% 93%
86% 90%
83% 86%
80% 83%
76% 80%
73% 76%
70% 73%
66% 70%
- 66%
- 60%
CptS 451 – SPRING 2015
Sakire Arslan Ay
Homework Assignments:
There will be total 6-7 homework assignments (around every 10 to 14 days). The HW assignments will be
posted on Blackboard. The tentative deadlines for HWs are listed on the course schedule on Blackboard. Please
check the announcements regularly for updates. First few HWs will be submitted as hard-copy and will be due in
class. Later HWs will be submitted electronically on Blackboard. The submission instructions for the HWs will be
provided along with the HW descriptions.
Homework assignments turned in “late” shall be penalized at a rate of 15% per day. The students who have valid
excuses may request extension on HW until one day before the deadline. A student may request at most 2 excused
extensions. All homework and exams must be solved and written independently, or you will be penalized for
In your semester long CptS451 project you will gain experience in database modeling, design, loading, querying
and updates. The progress of semester-long project will be measured by 4 milestones. The objectives,
requirements, and deliverables of each milestone are posted in the project description.
All project work must be done independently, or you will be penalized for plagiarism. The instructor and the
TA will be carefully looking into your code.
Project Submission: Unless posted, project documents shall be submitted electronically on Blackboard (one
submission per student). Late penalty is 15% point deduction per day. Late project deliverables may be turned up
to 3 days after the original due date. Exceptions/extensions can be given to students with valid excuse. Students
need to provide evidence for their excuse and must notify the instructor beforehand for the late submission.
Database Access:
You will use MySQL database platform for the course project and HWs. You are allowed to use the standard SQL
functionality and features only. Please check with the instructor if you are planning to use a MySQL specific
You can download MySQL for free at the link
There will be one midterm and one final. Midterm will cover all material covered until the midterm date. The
tentative midterm date is March 3rd 2015 (see the schedule). The Final Exam will be comprehensive and cover all
of the course material. The majority (75%+) of this exam will focus on the material presented after the mid-term
exam. Both exams will be given in class.
Student Work Load for CptS 451:
CptS 451 is a 3-credit course. The 3-credit designation normally implies that on average the student is expected
to spend 3hrs ("lectures") + 6hrs ("homework+projects+exams") = 9 hours per week working on this course.
Academic Integrity:
WSU definitions and procedures for cases of academic dishonesty are given at the URL: . Please read the material at all links at this URL. These
procedures will be followed rigorously. Academic dishonesty in CptS 451 results in a grade of “F” for the course.
All work submitted for grading is to be original. Material submitted that is not original must be cited as described
in technical writing text books.
Students with Disabilities:
Students with Disabilities: Reasonable accommodations are available for students with documented disability. If
you have a disability and may need accommodations to fully participate in this class, please visit the Access
Center (Washington Building 217) to schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor. All accommodations
CptS 451 – SPRING 2015
Sakire Arslan Ay
MUST be approved through the Access Center. Additional information can be viewed at the URL
Campus Safety:
The Campus Safety Plan, which can be found at, contains a comprehensive listing of
university policies, procedures, statistics, and information relating to campus safety, emergency management, and
the health and welfare of the campus community. The left side bar at this safety plan homepage contains many
important links to safety information.