Overcoming Triple Quadrupole Selectivity Challenges by Use of High-Resolution Accurate Mass Spectrometry to Enable Sensitive Quantitation of a Small Molecule Therapeutic in Rabbit Plasma Daniel Mulvana1, Robert Sturm1, Chet Bowen2, John Buckholz1, Raymond Biondolillo1, Kathlyn McCardle1, Chris Evans2, Barry Jones1 1Q2 Solutions, 19 Brown Road, Ithaca, NY, USA. 2GlaxoSmithKline, King of Prussia, PA, USA. 40 40 0 0 Stable-isotope Labeled Internal Standard (SIL IS) NL: 5.58 × 104 Retention Time (RT): 3.07 Area: 92833 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Time (min) 3.0 3.5 0 0 4.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Time (min) 3.0 3.5 4.0 • High baseline noise from an isobaric interferent was observed in the analyte extractedion chromatogram (XIC) channel even when a resolving power of 140,000 was used. • Negligible baseline noise was observed in the analyte channel when HRAMS selectivity was applied to HCD generated product ion spectra at 17,500 resolving power. • Note: RT differed from the final method because an Acquity UPLC HSS T3 1.8 µm, 2.1 x 50 mm column with an analytical flow rate of 500 µL/min was used. Method Overview 20 0 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 Time (min) 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.0 • HRAMS using a Q Exactive was investigated as an alternative technique. Initial efforts using MS1 multiplexed targeted selected ion monitoring (MSX) were unsuccessful due to the isobaric interference, even at 140,000 resolving power. • Improved selectivity, and thereby sensitivity, was achieved using HCD to enable MS/MS detection. • Using HCD and 80 µL of rabbit plasma, a 10 pg/mL LLOQ was achieved. Additional method refinement enabled a LLOQ of 2 pg/mL using 200 µL of rabbit plasma. Exact Mass [M+H]+ GSKA 390.065 Da m/z 391.073 SIL IS 397.088 Da m/z 398.096 40 Chromatographic Conditions LC System: Dionex/UltiMate 3000 RSLC (Thermo Scientific) Column: XBridge BEH C18 (2.1 x 50 mm; 2.5 µm particle size; Waters) Column Temperature: 55 °C Injection Volume: 30 µL Mobile Phases*: A: 1000:5 Water (MilliQ)/Ammonium Hydroxide B: Methanol (NOWPak) Flow Rate: 250 µL/min Retention Time: 2.80 min *Teflon mobile phase bottles were used in place of glass mobile phase bottles. Time (min) Flow Rate (μL/min) Mobile Phase B (%) Gradient: • The triple quadrupole method was originally validated in rat plasma using a hydrophiliclipophilic-balanced (HLB) solid-phase extraction (LLOQ = 0.25 ng/mL). Background interferences prevented reduction of the LLOQ to levels needed for rabbit plasma. The method was modified to use double liquid-liquid extraction with MTBE to improve recovery. 0.00 250 45 3.00 250 95 4.00 250 95 5.00 250 45 6.50 250 45 Mass Spectrometry Conditions Scan Rate vs Chromatography • Orbitrap transient times as a function of required resolving power are displayed below. • The validated UHPLC triple quadrupole method exhibited a baseline peak width of ~3 sec. Resolving Power at m/z 200 Approximate Scan Speed (Hz) Approximate Scan Time (ms) Transient Length (ms) Suggested Maximum Injection Time (ms) 17,500 13 77 64 50 35,000 7 145 128 110 70,000 3 290 256 240 140,000 1.5 580 512 500 • The maximum injection time was matched to the orbitrap transient length to maximize sensitivity and minimize duty cycle. 40 6. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 and transfer to same evaporation plate. 40 20 • The approximate scan time was matched with the best resolution for analysis based on obtaining at least 10 scans across the chromatographic peak. 60 60 20 0 100 Q Exactive Transient Times for Various Resolution Settings 0 60 7. After evaporation, reconstitute in water/methanol. • To facilitate adequate peak sampling on the Q Exactive, chromatography was modified to generate a baseline peak width of ~6 sec for mid/high analyte concentrations by reducing flow rate and changing column particle size from 1.7 to 2.5 µm. 20 5. Transfer 600 µL of the organic layer to a clean collection plate and evaporate. Acquisition Mode Targeted MSX (MS1) Quadrupole Isolation Width ±0.5 m/z units Automatic Gain Control Target 5 × 105 Maximum Injection Time 240 ms Normalized Collision Energy ‒ Orbitrap Resolution 140,000 Accurate Mass Processing Analyte: m/z 391.073 (±3 mmu mass tolerance) SIL IS: m/z 398.096 60 90 Method Development Challenges 80 Mobile Phase Considerations 70 • The validated rat plasma method used a basic mobile phase (0.1% ammonium hydroxide/acetonitrile). Improved sensitivity was achieved using 0.5% ammonium hydroxide/methanol. • Sodium adducts were observed to contribute to reduced analyte response. • Previous in-house data showed methanol solvent in glass reservoirs contains high levels of sodium. We now routinely use mobile phase solvents shipped in NOWPak (HDPE/PTFE lined). • Additionally, use of Teflon mobile phase reservoirs reduces sodium adduction. These are used for some sensitive methods in-house. Mass Spectrometric Detection • The Q Exactive enabled very high resolution mass detection, up to 140,000 resolving power. This is usually sufficient to resolve most isobaric interferences seen under unit mass resolution conditions. • Targeted MSX was evaluated but was not found to sufficiently reduce background interference using 3 millimass unit (mmu) processing. • HCD (MS2) fragmentation provided added selectivity, enabling low detection limits. LLOQ HCD Mass Spectrum (Zoomed in) NL: 1.37 × 104 159.117 SRM Transition Interferent 158.976 20 0.5 20 psi 50% 370 °C 400 °C 60 Analyte 80 Analyte NL: 1.59 × 105 RT: 4.08 Area: 371191 80 60 40 40 20 0 20 100 80 RT: 4.09 Area: 88801 SIL IS NL: 4.13 × 104 10 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 3.6 3.7 3.9 3.8 4.0 4.1 Time (min) 4.2 4.3 4.4 Analyte channel XIC: Interferent m/z 159.117 ± 0.003 NL: 4.71 × 104 IS channel XIC: Interferent m/z 159.117 ± 0.003 NL: 2.73 × 105 60 398.23 [M+H]+ 159.5 160.0 2.4 2.6 SIL IS NL: 5.45 × 104 2.8 3.0 Time (min) 3.2 16 2.7 2.8 Time (min) 2.9 0 2.5 3.0 100 RT: 2.73 Area: 8858 2.6 2.7 2.8 Time (min) 2.9 3.0 60 60 40 40 422.18 30 3.6 3.7 3.9 3.8 4.0 4.1 Time (min) 4.3 4.2 4.5 4.4 398.24 [M+H]+ 20 20 2.6 Analyte NL: 6.07 × 106 2.7 2.8 Time (min) 2.9 3.0 SIL IS NL: 3.88 × 105 392.20 100 RT: 2.73 Area: 10948947 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 100 400.20 60 50 40 [M+Na]+ 390 395 408.38 406.42 393.46 400 405 409.44 413.43 415.32 410 m/z 415 427.44 420 420.24 402.30 424.43 425 4 0 200 10 392.43 390.39 0 390 408.40 419.95 406.37 412.46 415.33 397.33 395 422.34 400 405 m/z 410 415 420 2.6 2.7 2.8 Time (min) 2.9 3.0 • HRAMS enabled the analyte and SIL IS to be separated from the interferent ion to improve selectivity and overall sensitivity. • Sodium adduction was decreased by use of Teflon mobile phase reservoirs for mobile phase solutions. • The difference between the HCD product ion and interferent ion was only 0.141 Da. • A 2-fold gain in sensitivity was observed in UHPLC runs on the Q Exactive. • Unit resolution mass spectrometers were unable to resolve the interferent from the analyte and SIL IS ions. • Note: These data were collected on a TSQ Vantage MS equipped with the same HESI-II source in Q1 only mode. 800 1000 1200 1400 Nominal Concentration (pg/mL) 1600 1800 2000 QC1 6.00 QC2 60.0 QC3 800 QC4 1600 Mean 2.29 6.41 62.8 799 1570 SD 0.178 0.325 1.88 26.3 61.5 CV (%) 7.8 5.1 3.0 3.3 3.9 RE (%) 14.5 6.8 4.7 -0.1 -1.9 18 18 18 18 18 • Quality control (QC) sample statistics indicate good accuracy and precision from three method validation runs across the linear dynamic range of 2.00 to 1600 pg/mL. 2.6 SIL IS NL: 3.62 × 105 0 2.5 100 Analyte NL: 0 600 LLOQ QC 2.00 2.7 2.8 Time (min) 2.9 3.0 • The LLOQ in rabbit plasma was established at 2 pg/mL because adequate precision was not demonstrated at 1 pg/mL (data not shown). Inter-Lot Accuracy and Precision GSKA Concentration (pg/mL) 2.6 RT: 2.74 Area: 651550 2.7 2.8 Time (min) 2.9 3.0 SIL IS NL: 3.42 × 105 Plasma Lot LLOQ Replicate 1 2.00 pg/mL Replicate 2 Replicate 3 Mean SD CV (%) RE (%) n Lot 1 2.01 2.06 1.79 1.95 0.144 7.4 -2.5 3 Lot 2 1.80 1.66 2.33 1.93 0.353 18.3 -3.5 3 Lot 3 2.11 1.86 2.22 2.06 0.184 8.9 3.0 3 Lot 4 1.94 1.46 2.13 1.84 0.345 18.8 -8.0 3 Lot 5 2.55 2.12 2.00 2.22 0.289 13.0 11.0 3 Lot 6a 1.65 1.69 1.57 1.64 0.0611 3.7 -18.0 3 ULOQ Replicate 1 2000 pg/mL Replicate 2 Replicate 3 Mean SD CV (%) RE (%) n 2290 2290 2370 2320 46.2 2.0 16.0 3 1960 1930 1960 1950 17.3 0.9 -2.5 3 1930 1880 1900 1900 25.2 1.3 -5.0 3 1900 1970 1990 1950 47.3 2.4 -2.5 3 1930 1890 1900 1910 20.8 1.1 -4.5 3 1980 1970 1920 1960 32.1 1.6 -2.0 3 aPlasma Inter-lot 1.94 0.283 14.6 -3.0 18 2000 151 7.6 0.0 18 lot with 2% hemolysis. • Adequate inter-lot accuracy and precision and inter-lot selectivity were observed when processing the HCD data with a ±0.003 Da XIC mass tolerance. • QC sample statistics indicate good accuracy and precision from six individual lots of rabbit plasma, including one lot with 2% hemolysis. RT: 2.73 Area: 612583 • In addition, there were no chromatographic interferences observed among the same six individual lots of rabbit plasma, including one lot with 2% hemolysis. 80 80 60 60 Conclusions 40 40 • Sensitivity was a challenge in the development of the GSKA method in rabbit plasma due to isobaric interference and sodium adduction. 20 20 • Isobaric interference was not resolvable by MS1 high-resolution mass spectrometry alone. HCD (MS2) fragmentation was required for selectivity and sensitivity. 424.37 425 400 GSKA Concentration (pg/mL) RT: 2.73 Area: 673149 Primary Carryover Blank 20 402.22 6 CV (%) = (SD/Mean) × 100 RE (%) = [(Mean − Nominal)/Nominal] × 100 0 2.5 80 0 2.5 NL: 3.52 × 106 30 20 8 Inter-Day Method Accuracy and Precision Upper Limit of Quantitation (ULOQ; 2000 pg/mL) 70 40 10 n 100 100 400.26 [M+Na]+ 12 Excellent linear dynamic range was observed with this method on the Q Exactive with HCD. 80 80 420.22 14 2 90 50 0 Analyte NL: 6.34 × 103 RT: 4.08 Area: 122596 Teflon Mobile Phase Bottle NL: 2.63 × 106 18 LLOQ (2 pg/mL) 0 2.5 0 3.5 4.5 60 10 20 159.0 m/z RT: 4.07 Area: 502609 • Note: RT was different than the final assay because a Waters XBridge BEH C18 2.5 µm, 2.1 x 50 mm column with an analytical flow rate of 100 µL/min was used. 392.41 40 158.5 Analyte NL: 2.24 × 105 2.6 4.0 • A 1.5-fold gain in sensitivity was observed by increasing the ammonium hydroxide concentration in Mobile Phase A. 70 0 0 3.5 RT: 2.73 Area: 634939 Regression Method = Linear; Weighting Factor = 1/x2 Response = Slope x Concentration + Intercept Slope = 0.009153; Intercept = -0.006931; r-Squared = 0.9982 0 100 80 20 80 3.0 20 90 40 100 2.5 Time (min) 0.5% Ammonium Hydroxide in Water 100 60 0 3.5 RT: 2.82 Area: 705437 60 30 2.0 Standard Curve 0 Glass Bottles vs Teflon Bottles as Mobile Phase Reservoirs 0 20 80 Glass Mobile Phase Bottle 100 20 • Note: RT was different than the final assay because an Acquity UPLC HSS T3 1.8 µm, 2.1 x 50 mm column with an analytical flow rate of 500 µL/min was used. 100 SIL IS channel XIC: m/z 158.976 ± 0.003 NL: 3.88 × 105 1.5 RT: 2.81 Area: 7147 0 40 0 2.5 0 1.0 4.0 0.1% Ammonium Hydroxide in Water 20 80 3.5 3.0 40 100 40 100 2.5 2.0 Time (min) 1.5 1.0 SIL IS NL: 6.40 × 104 60 • A 2-fold gain in sensitivity was observed by changing Mobile Phase B to 100% methanol. 20 40 0 158.0 40 20 40 60 50 40 100 HCD (MS2) ±2.0 m/z units 1 × 106 50 ms 40% 17,500 Analyte: m/z 158.976 SIL IS: m/z 158.976 Analyte channel XIC: m/z 158.976 ± 0.003 NL: 6.08 × 103 80 100 60 0 0 RT: 1.75 Area: 160126 80 Mobile Phase: Increasing Percentage of Ammonium Hydroxide in Mobile Phase A Is the SRM Interference Observed and Resolved in the Q Exactive HCD Data? 100 0 100 60 80 Instrument: Q Exactive Auxiliary Gas Pressure: Source: HESI-II S-Lens Radio Frequency Level: Polarity:Positive Capillary Temperature: Spray Voltage: 3.8 kV Heater Temperature: Sweep Cone Pressure: 0 psi SIL IS NL: 2.70 × 104 RT: 1.02 Area: 64550 80 20 60 SIL IS NL: 3.70 × 105 Instrument Response (Analyte/SIL IS Peak Area Ratio) 60 SIL IS NL: 1.83 × 104 Analyte NL: 2.69 × 104 RT: 1.75 Area: 63696 80 Relative Abundance (%) 80 60 20 RT: 1.01 Area: 45434 80 100 Analyte NL: 0 80 Relative Abundance (%) 100 Analyte NL: 1.28 × 104 RT: 1.02 Area: 34030 4. Mix on hematology mixer for 10 min. Matrix Blank with Internal Standard 80 Relative Abundance (%) 0 100% Methanol 100 Relative Abundance (%) 80 20 90:10 Acetonitrile/Methanol 100 Relative Abundance (%) SIL IS NL: 8.60 × 103 3. Add 800 µL of MTBE to each well using the Microlab STAR (Hamilton Company). Relative Abundance (%) RT: 1.00 Area: 21675 40 Relative Abundance (%) Relative Abundance (%) 100 2. Add plasma sample (200 µL) plus SIL IS to the 96-well plate. Relative Abundance (%) Analyte Normalized Target Level (NL): 1.27 × 104 40 Relative Abundance (%) 0 60 • At low analyte concentrations on the Q Exactive, the baseline peak width was decreased due to limits of detection at the shoulders of the peak elution profile. 60 80 20 100 Mobile Phase: Changing Mobile Phase B to 100% Methanol Relative Abundance (%) Triple Quadrupole Selected Reaction Monitoring (SRM) Transition Noise (1 pg/mL) 100 40 Method Development Changes to Improve Sensitivity 1. Wash a 2-mL round 96-well plate by adding 500 µL of MTBE to remove possible contaminants. Dry plate. Relative Abundance (%) • Triple quadrupole rat and human plasma methods for the small molecule GSKA were challenged by high chemical noise due to isobaric interference. Efforts to generate cleaner extracts included double liquid-liquid extraction with methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) and pre-rinsing of the 96-well plate with extraction solvent. 80 High Baseline Noise Sample Extraction Introduction 100 80 Analyte NL: 1.49 × 105 Relative Abundance (%) Results: • An LLOQ of 2 pg/mL using 200 µL of rabbit plasma was achieved. • The method was validated to full regulatory compliance. 60 RT: 1.01 Area: 416902 Relative Abundance (%) Method: • GSKA was extracted from rabbit plasma using a double liquid-liquid extraction. • Chromatographic separation was performed by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC). • Heated electrospray ionization (HESI) was used for detection on a Q Exactive (Thermo Scientific) mass spectrometer. Higher energy collisioninduced dissociation (HCD) was used to enable tandem mass spectrometric (MS/MS) detection. 80 100 Analyte NL: 6.33 × 104 RT: 1.00 Area: 153826 Sample Preparation HCD (MS2) at 17,500 Resolving Power MSX (MS1) at 140,000 Resolving Power 100 Relative Abundance (%) Purpose: • Validated triple quadrupole rat and human plasma methods were used as starting points for the development of a rabbit plasma method for the small molecule GSKA. The lower limit of quantitation (LLOQ) for the rat plasma method was 250 pg/mL using 25 µL of plasma and the LLOQ for the human plasma method was 10 pg/mL using 200 µL of plasma. • A lower LLOQ (1 pg/mL) was desired for the rabbit plasma method; however, interfering chemical noise due to isobaric interference hindered this effort. • High-resolution accurate mass spectrometry (HRAMS) was investigated as an alternative technique to enable higher sensitivity by increased selectivity. Results Method Relative Abundance (%) Targeted Multiplexed MSX (MS1) vs HCD (MS2) on the Q Exactive (2.5 ng/mL) Overview 0 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 Time (min) 2.9 3.0 0 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 Time (min) 2.9 3.0 Excellent selectivity and negligible carryover were observed with this method on the Q Exactive with HCD. • Sodium adduction was minimized by use of non-glass mobile phase solvent reservoirs. • The method for GSKA in rabbit plasma was successfully developed, validated, and used in regulated preclinical sample analysis. Acknowledgment: Suzanne Spencer for poster creation