Cynthia B. Lloyd CV - Population Council

April 2014, Lloyd
Cynthia B. Lloyd
1016 Fresno Ave, Berkeley, California 94707
Independent Research Consultant
Population Council, New York
Consulting Senior Associate (2009- )
Senior Associate (1989-2009)
Director, Social Science Research (1989-2006)
Williams College, Mass.
Professor (Class of 1946), International Environmental Issues, Center for Environmental
Studies (Winter/Spring semester)
Population Division, United Nations, New York
Chief (1982-1989), Fertility and Family Planning Studies Section
Population Affairs Officer (1979-1982)
Columbia University, New York
Co-Director, Program on Sex Roles and Social Change, Center for the Social Sciences
Barnard College, Columbia University, New York
Assistant Professor (1972-79), Department of Economics
Instructor (1970-72), Department of Economics
Institute of Education, University of London
Demographic and Health Surveys, MACRO, Calverton, Md.
Girl Hub (Nike Foundation/DFID), London, U.K.
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Menlo Park, California.
UK Department for International Development (DFID), London, U.K.
Population Council, New York, N.Y.
World Bank, Washington D.C.
PLAN-U.K., London, U.K.
Center for Universal Education, Brookings Institution, Washington D.C.
Center for Global Development, Washington D.C.
International Center for Research on Women, Washington D.C.
UNESCO, Paris, France.
UNICEF, New York, N.Y.
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), New York, N.Y.
Secretary, Board of Trustees, Institute for Women’s Policy Research, Washington, DC. 2006—
Member of Critical Friends Group, Room to Read, San Francisco, Ca. 2009-
April 2014, Lloyd
Theme Convener, Education and Labor Force, General Conference of International Union of
Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP), Busan, Korea, August 26-31, 2013.
Member, Learning Metrics Task Force, Center for Universal Education, Brookings Institution,
Washington D.C. 2012-2013.
Member of Advisory Group, Learning Initiative, Center for Universal Education, Brookings
Institution, Washington. D.C. 2011-2012.
Member of Advisory Board. Girl Rising, Educate Girls and Change the World. The Documentary
Group. 2009 – 2013.
Member, Advisory Panel, Gates/Hewlett Foundations’ Quality Education in Developing
Countries Initiative (QEDC). Hewlett Foundation, Menlo Park, Ca. 2006-2013.
Member, Editorial Board, Pakistan Development Review.
Articles: Journals, Edited Books and Conference Volumes (books/monographs, p.6)
Juarez, F., T. LeGrand, C. B. Lloyd, S. Singh and V. Hertrich. 2013. “Introduction: Youth migration and
transitions to adulthood in developing countries.” Annals of the American Academy of Political and
Social Science (July): 648(1): 6-15.
Grant, M. J., C.B. Lloyd and B. S. Mensch. 2013. “Menstruation and school absenteeism: Evidence from
rural Malawi,” Comparative Education Review, Vol. 57(2): 260-284.
Mete, C., C. B. Lloyd and N. Salam. 2012. “Learning versus working; Factors affecting adolescent time
allocation in Pakistan,” Pakistan Development Review. Vol. 51(2): 131-151.
Ghuman, S. and C.B. Lloyd. 2010. “Teacher absence as a factor in gender inequalities in access to
primary schooling in rural Pakistan.” Comparative Education Review. Vol. 54(4): 539-554.
Ghuman, S. Z.A. Sathar, and C.B. Lloyd. 2010. “Is fertility behaviour changing in Pakistan? Evidence
from rural Punjab and North-West Frontier Province, 1997 and 2004." Asia-Pacific Population Journal.
Vol. 25(1): 5-26.
Lloyd, C.B. 2010. “The role of schools in promoting sexual and reproductive health among adolescents
in developing countries.” In: Malarcher S, ed. Social Determinants of Sexual and Reproductive Health:
Informing Future Research and Programme Implementation. Geneva, World Health Organization: 113131.
Lloyd, C.B. and P.C. Hewett. 2009. “Educational inequalities in the midst of widespread poverty:
Diversity across Africa in primary school completion.” Journal of International Development 21(8):
Lloyd, C.B. C. Mete, and M.J. Grant. 2009. “The implications of changing educational and family
circumstances for children’s grade progression in rural Pakistan: 1997–2004.” Economics of Education
Review. 28: 152-160.
April 2014, Lloyd
Biddlecom, A., R. Gregory, B.S. Mensch, and C.B. Lloyd. 2008.“Premarital sex and schooling transitions
in four sub-Saharan African countries.” Studies in Family Planning. Vol. 39(4): 337-350.
Lloyd, C.B. M.J. Grant, and A. Ritchie. 2008. “Gender differences in time use among adolescents in
developing countries: Implications of rising school enrollment rates,” Journal of Research on
Adolescence. Vol. 18(1): 99–120.
Lloyd, C.B. Mensch, B.S. 2008. “Marriage and childbirth as factors in dropping out from school: An
analysis of DHS data from sub-Saharan Africa.” Population Studies. Vol. 62(1): 1–13.
Lloyd, C.B. C. Mete, and M. Grant. 2007. “Rural girls in Pakistan: Constraints of policy and culture,” in
Maureen Lewis and Marlaine Lockheed (eds.) Exclusion, Gender and Education: Case Studies from the
Developing World (pp. 99–118). Washington DC: Center for Global Development.
Buvinic, M. J.C. Guzmán, and C.B. Lloyd. 2007. “Gender shapes adolescence,” Development Outreach,
June: 12–15. World Bank Institute.
Lloyd, C.B. and M. Grant. 2005. “Growing up in contemporary Pakistan: The separate experiences of
males and females,” in C.B. Lloyd, J. Behrman, N.P. Stromquist, and B. Cohen (eds.) The Changing
Transitions to Adulthood in Developing Countries: Selected Studies (pp. 320–366). Washington, DC:
National Academies Press.
Hewett, P.C. and C.B. Lloyd. 2005. “Progress towards ‘Education for All’: Trends and current challenges
for sub-Saharan Africa,” in C.B. Lloyd, J. Behrman, N.P. Stromquist, and B. Cohen (eds.). 2005. The
Changing Transitions to Adulthood in Developing Countries: Selected Studies (pp. 84–117). Washington,
DC: National Academies Press.
Lloyd, C.B., C. Mete, and Z.A. Sathar. 2005. “The effect of gender differences in primary school access,
type, and quality on the decision to enroll in rural Pakistan,” Economic Development and Cultural
Change. 53(3): 685-710.
Lloyd, C.B. 2004. “The changing transitions to adulthood in comparative perspective: The case of
Pakistan,” Pakistan Development Review. Vol. 43(4): 441–463.
Lloyd, C.B., S. El Tawila, W. Clark, and B. Mensch. 2003. “The impact of educational quality on school
exit in Egypt,” Comparative Education Review. 47(4): 444-467.
Lloyd, C.B. 2003. “Education,” in P. Demeny and G. McNicoll (eds.) Encyclopedia of Population,
Revised Edition. Vol. 1. New York: MacMillan Reference USA: 278-283.
Sathar, Z.A. C.B. Lloyd, C. Mete, and M. ul Haque. 2003. “Schooling opportunities for girls as a
stimulus for fertility change in rural Pakistan,” Economic Development and Cultural Change. 51(3): 677698.
Amin, S. and C.B. Lloyd. 2002. “Women’s lives and rapid fertility decline: Some lessons from
Bangladesh and Egypt,” Population Research and Policy Review. 21(4): 275-317.
Lloyd, C.B. 2001. “World population in 2050: Assessing the projections,” in J. S. Little and R. K. Triest
(eds.) Seismic Shifts: The Economic Impact of Demographic Change. Conference Proceedings,
Conference Series No. 46, June 2001. Boston: Federal Reserve Bank of Boston: 114-122.
April 2014, Lloyd
Mensch, B.S., W.H. Clark, C.B. Lloyd, and A.S. Erulkar. 2001. “Premarital sex, schoolgirl pregnancy
and school quality in rural Kenya,” Studies in Family Planning. 32(4): 285-301.
Lloyd, C.B., C.E. Kaufman and P. Hewett. 2000. “The spread of primary schooling in sub-Saharan
Africa: Implications of fertility change,” Population and Development Review. 26(3): 483-515.
Lloyd, C.B, B.S. Mensch, and W.H. Clark. 2000. “The effects of primary school quality on school
dropout among Kenyan girls and boys.” Comparative Education Review. 44(2): 113-147.
Lloyd, C.B. and B.S. Mensch. 1999. “Implications of formal schooling for girls’ transitions to adulthood
in developing countries,” in C. Bledsoe, J. B. Casterline, J. A. Johnson-Kuhn, and J. G. Haaga (eds.),
Critical Perspectives on Schooling and Fertility in the Developing World, Washington, DC: National
Academy Press: 80-104.
Montgomery, M.R. and C.B. Lloyd. 1999. “Excess fertility, unintended births, and children’s schooling,”
in C.Bledsoe, J. B. Casterline, J. A. Johnson-Kuhn, and J. G. Haaga (eds.), Critical Perspectives on
Schooling and Fertility in the Developing World. Washington, DC: National Academy Press: 216-266.
Lloyd, C.B. 1998. “Household structure and poverty: What are the connections?” in M.L. Bacci and G.
de Santis (eds.) Population and Poverty in Developing Countries. Oxford: Oxford University Press: 84102.
Mensch, B.S. and C.B. Lloyd. 1998. “Gender differences in the schooling experiences of adolescents in
low-income countries: The case of Kenya,” Studies in Family Planning. 29(2):167-184.
Ibrahim, B., L. Nawar and C.B. Lloyd. 1997. “Women’s autonomy and the limits of population policy
in Egypt,” in N.S. Hopkins and S. Ibrahim (eds.) Arab Society: Class, Gender, Power, and Development.
Cairo: American University of Cairo Press: 123-140.
Lloyd, C.B. and M.R. Montgomery. 1997. “The consequences of unintended fertility for investments in
children: Conceptual and methodological issues,” in International Union for the Scientific Study of
Population, International Population Conference, Beijing, 1997, Vol. 2. Liège, Belgium: 699-718.
Bruce, J. and C.B. Lloyd. 1997. “Finding the ties that bind: Beyond headship and household,” in L.
Haddad, J. Hoddinott, and H. Alderman (eds.), Intrahousehold Resource Allocation in Developing
Countries: Methods, Models and Policy, Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press: 213-228.
Lloyd, C.B. 1996. “Family and gender issues for population policy,” in United Nations, Population and
Women: Proceedings of the United Nations Expert Group Meeting on Population and Women, Gaborone,
Botswana, 22-26 June 1992, New York: United Nations: 65-80.[Shortened version originally published in
1994 in L. Mazur (ed.), Beyond the Numbers: A Reader on Population, Consumption, and the
Environment, Washington, DC: Island Press: 242-256].
Lloyd, C.B. and A.K. Blanc. 1996. “Children’s schooling in Sub-Saharan Africa: The role of fathers,
mothers, and others,” Population and Development Review. 22(2): 265-298.
Montgomery, M.R. and C.B. Lloyd. 1996. “Fertility and maternal and child health,” in D.A. Ahlburg, A.
C. Kelley, and K. O. Mason (eds.), The Impacts of Population Growth in Developing Countries, Berlin:
Springer-Verlag: 37-66.
April 2014, Lloyd
Lloyd, C.B., and A.J. Gage. 1995. “High fertility and the intergenerational transmission of gender
inequality: Children's transition to adulthood in Ghana,” in P. Makinwa-Adebusoye and A. Jensen (eds.)
Women’s Position and Demographic Change in Sub-Saharan Africa, Liège, Belgium: Ordina Press: 127146
Nawar, L., C.B. Lloyd, and B. Ibrahim. 1995. “Women's autonomy and gender roles in Egyptian
families,” in C.M. Obermeyer (ed.) Family, Gender, and Population in the Middle East: Policies in
Context, Cairo: The American University of Cairo Press and New York: Columbia University Press:
Blanc, A.K. and C.B. Lloyd. 1994. “Women's work, child-bearing and child-rearing over the life cycle in
Ghana,” in A. Adepoju and C. Oppong (eds.) Gender, Work and Population in Sub-Saharan Africa.
London: James Currey: 112-131.
Lloyd, C.B. 1994. “Investing in the next generation: The implications of high fertility at the level of the
family,” in R. Cassen (ed.) Population and Development: Old Debates, New Conclusions. Washington,
D.C.: Overseas Development Council: 181-202.
Lloyd, C.B. and A.J. Gage-Brandon. 1994. “High fertility and children's schooling in Ghana: Sex
differences in parental contributions and educational outcomes,” Population Studies. 48(2): 293-306.
Sathar, Z. and C.B. Lloyd. 1994. “Who gets primary schooling in Pakistan: Inequalities among and
within families,” Pakistan Development Review. 33(2): 103-134.
Lloyd, C.B. 1993. “Policies seeking a reduction of high fertility: A case for a family and gender
perspective,” in IUSSP, International Population Conference, Montreal, 1993, Vol. 3, Liège, Belgium:
IUSSP: 407-416.
Lloyd, C.B. and A.J. Gage-Brandon. 1993. “Women's role in maintaining households: Family welfare
and sexual inequality in Ghana,” Population Studies. 47(1): 115-131. [Republished in N. Folbre (ed.).
1996. The Economics of the Family. Cheltenham, U.K: Elgar References Collection.]
Lloyd, C.B. and S. Desai. 1992. “Children's living arrangements in developing countries,” Population
Research and Policy Review. 11: 193-216.
Ross, J.A. and C.B. Lloyd. 1992. “Methods for measuring the fertility impact of family planning
programmes: The experience of the last decade,” in J.F. Phillips and J.A. Ross (eds.) Family Planning
Programmes and Fertility, Oxford: Clarendon Press: 28-55.
Lloyd, C.B. 1991. “The contribution of the World Fertility Surveys to an understanding of the
relationship between women's work and fertility,” Studies in Family Planning. 22(3): 144-161.
Weinberger, M.B., C.B. Lloyd, and A.K. Blanc. 1989. “Women's education and fertility: A decade of
change in four Latin American countries,” International Family Planning Perspectives.15(1): 4-14.
[Reprinted in Spanish in Perspectivas Internacionales en Planificacion Familiar, 1989: 1-12.]
Lloyd, C.B. and S. Ivanov. 1988. “The effects of improved child survival on family planning practice and
fertility,” Studies in Family Planning. 19(3): 141-161.
Lloyd, C.B. 1987. “Multicountry analysis,” in J.Cleland and C.Scott (eds.) The World Fertility Survey:
An Assessment, Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press: 599-617.
April 2014, Lloyd
Lloyd, C.B. 1984. “Fertility and the family: Highlights of the issues in the context of the World
Population Plan of Action,” in C.B. Lloyd (ed.) Fertility and Family: Proceedings of the Expert Group
on Fertility and Family, New Delhi, 5-11 January 1983, New York: United Nations: 45-74. [Originally
published in 1983 as “A decade of experience” in Populi. 10(1): 36-55.]
Niemi, B. and C.B. Lloyd. 1983. “Inflation and female labor force participation,” in N.Schmukler and E.
Marcus (eds.) Inflation Through the Ages: Economic, Social, Psychological and Historical Aspects, New
York: Brooklyn College Press: 820-837.
Niemi, B. and C.B. Lloyd. 1981. “Female labor supply in the context of inflation,” The American
Economic Review. 71(2): 70-75.
Lloyd, C.B. and B. Niemi. 1978. “Sex differentials in labor supply elasticity: The implications of sectoral
shifts in demand,” The American Economic Review. 68(2): 78-83.
Lloyd, C.B. 1975. “The division of labor between the sexes: A review,” in C.B. Lloyd (ed.) Sex,
Discrimination and the Division of Labor, New York: Columbia University Press: 1-24.
Lloyd, C.B. 1974. “An economic analysis of the impact of government on fertility: Some examples from
the developed countries,” Public Policy. 22(4): 489-512.
Brown, C. 1969. “Recent Trends in Socio-Economic Fertility Differentials in Japan and the United
States.” in IUSSP, International Population Conference, London, 1969, Vol. III.
Books, Monographs and Edited Collections
Juarez, F., T. LeGrand, C. B. Lloyd, S. Singh and V. Hertrich (eds). 2013. Special Issue: Youth
Migration and Transitions to Adulthood in Developing Countries. Annals of the American Academy of
Political and Social Science: 648(1).
Lloyd, C.B. , S. el Kogali, J.P Robinson, J. Rankin and A. Rashed. 2010. Schooling and Conflict in
Darfur; A Snapshot of Basic Educational Services for Displaced Children. New York: Population
Lloyd, C.B. 2009. New Lessons; the Power of Educating Adolescent Girls. New York: Population
Levine, Ruth, C.B. Lloyd, M. Greene, and C. Grown. 2008. Girls Count: A Global Investment and Action
Agenda. Washington, DC: Center for Global Development.
Sathar, Z., C.B. Lloyd, M. ul Haque, M. Khan, M. Grant. 2006. Fewer and Better Educated Children:
Expanded Choices in Schooling and Fertility in Rural Pakistan. Islamabad: Population Council
National Research Council and Institute of Medicine. 2005. Growing Up Global: The Changing
Transitions to Adulthood in Developing Countries. Panel on Transitions to Adulthood in Developing
Countries, C. B. Lloyd, (ed.). Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.
Lloyd, C. B., J.R. Behrman, N.P. Stromquist, and B. Cohen (eds.). 2005. The Changing Transitions to
Adulthood in Developing Countries: Selected Studies. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.
April 2014, Lloyd
Sathar, Z.A., C.B. Lloyd, M. ul Haque, J.A. Diers, A.Faizunnissa, M.Grant, and M. Sultana. 2003.
Adolescents and Youth in Pakistan 2001-2002: A Nationally Representative Survey. Islamabad:
Population Council.
Menken, J., A. Blanc, and C.B. Lloyd (eds.). 2002. Training and Support of Developing Country
Population Scientists: A Panel Report. New York: Population Council.
El-Tawila, S., C.B. Lloyd, B.S. Mensch, and H. Wassef. 2000. The School Environment in Egypt: A
Situation Analysis of Public Preparatory Schools. Cairo, Egypt: Population Council.
Sathar, Z.A, C.B. Lloyd and M. ul Haque. 2000. Investments in Children’s Education and FamilyBuilding Behavior in Pakistan: Findings from Rural NWFP and Punjab. Islamabad: Population Council.
Montgomery, M.R., C.B. Lloyd, P. Hewett, and P. Heuveline. 1997. The Consequences of Imperfect
Fertility Control for Children’s Survival, Health and Schooling. DHS Analytical Report Series No.7.
Calverton, MD: Macro International Inc.
Bruce, J. and C.B. Lloyd. 1996. The Unfinished Transition, Population Council Issues Paper No.3, New
York: Population Council.
Bruce, J., C.B. Lloyd, A. Leonard, and contributors. 1995. Families in Focus: New Perspectives on
Mothers, Fathers, and Children. New York: The Population Council.
Naguib, N.G. and C.B. Lloyd. 1994. Gender Inequalities and Demographic Behavior: Egypt. New York:
Population Council. [Updated, translated and published in Arabic, 1997. Misr: Adam el-mousawah fel
nouh walselouk el-demokraty. Cairo: Population Council.].
Lloyd, C.B. (ed.). 1993. Fertility, Family Size and Structure: Consequences for Families and Children.
New York: The Population Council.
Lloyd, C.B. and C. Marquette. 1992. Directory of Surveys in Developing Countries: Data on Families
and Households: 1975-1992. New York: The Population Council.
Lloyd, C.B. and S. Ivanov. 1987. Family Building by Fate or Design. New York: United Nations.
Lloyd, C.B. (ed.). 1987. Fertility Behavior in the Context of Development: Evidence from the World
Fertility Survey. New York: United Nations.
Lloyd, C.B. and A.K. Blanc. 1985. Women's Employment and Fertility: A Comparative Analysis of
World Fertility Results for 38 Developing Countries. New York: United Nations.
Lloyd, C.B. (ed.). 1984. Fertility and Family: Proceedings of the United Nations Expert Group on
Fertility and Family, New Delhi, 5-11 January 1983. New York: United Nations.
Lloyd, C.B. and B. Niemi. 1979. The Economics of Sex Differentials. New York: Columbia University
Lloyd, C.B., E. Andrews, and C. Gilroy (eds.). 1979. Women in the Labor Market. New York: Columbia
University Press.
Lloyd, C.B. (ed.). 1975. Sex, Discrimination, and the Division of Labor. New York: Columbia University
April 2014, Lloyd
Commissioned Papers
Lloyd, C.B. 2012. “Education for Girls; Alternative Pathways to Girls’ Empowerment,” Girl Hub,
Lloyd, C. B. 2012, “Cash for studying,” Because I am a Girl; the State of the World’s girls 2012;
Learning for Life. PLAN-UK: 62-67
Lloyd, C.B. 2011. “The demography of the classroom in the primary grades; Patterns of enrollment by
age and implications for early learning”, Hewlett Foundation.
Lloyd, C.B. 2011. “Evidence Paper for Girls’ Education Challenge Fund”, DFID.
Lloyd, C.B. 2010. “Translating education gains into labor force gains for young women; alternative
education strategies.” Background paper. EFA Global Monitoring Report. 2011. Paris: UNESCO.
C.B. Lloyd. 2006. “Schooling and adolescent reproductive behavior in developing countries.” Paper
commissioned by The United Nations Millennium Project for the report Public Choices, Private
Decisions: Sexual and Reproductive Health and the Millennium Development Goals. New York: UN
Millennium Project. Available at:
Book Reviews and Commentary
Lloyd, C.B. 2007. “World Development Report 2007. Development and the Next Generation.”
Population and Development Review, 33(1): 181-187.
Lloyd, C.B. 2005. “United Nations World Youth Report 2003: the Global Situation of Young People”
Studies in Family Planning. 36(4):326.
Lloyd, C.B. 1995. “Review of T. Paul Schultz (ed.), Investments in Women’s Human Capital.”
Population and Development Review. 21(4): 887-889.
Lloyd, C.B. 1994. “Adolescent fertility in sub-Saharan Africa.” Review of National Research Council
Report on Population Dynamics of sub-Saharan Africa, Population and Development Review. 20(1):
Lloyd, C.B. 1993. “What is the family (and who does the planning)?” Populi. 20(4): 8-11.
Lloyd, C.B. 1979. “Do women earn less under capitalism? Commentary,” in John Moroney (ed.), Income
Inequality: Trends and International Comparisons, Lexington, MA: Lexington Books: 161-168.
Past advisory groups and board memberships (pre-2010):
Member, Panel on adolescent life course in developing countries, International Union for the
Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP). 2005-2010
Invited Resource Person on Girls’ Education, Clinton Global Initiative Meetings, New York,
Sept. 2007 and 2008.
April 2014, Lloyd
Chair, Fred H. Bixby Fellowship Committee, Population Council. 2006—2009
Member, Committee on Population, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and
Education, National Academy of Sciences. 2001— 2007.
Senior Advisor, World Bank’s World Development Report 07 (“Development and the Next
Generation”). 2005-2006.
Member, Advisory Group, Population and Development, Center for Global Development, 2005.
Chair, Panel on Transitions to Adulthood in Developing Countries: Implications for Interventions
Affecting Reproductive Health, Committee on Population, National Academy of Sciences’
Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, 2001-2005.
Member, Board of Trustees, World Learning, Inc. (School for International Training),
Brattleboro, Vermont, 1992-2004; Vice-Chair 2000-2003.
Member, Nominating Committee, 2005–2006; Vice-President, 1999; Vice-President elect, 1998;
Board of Directors, 1995–1999; Chair, Finance Committee, 1997; International Affairs
Committee, 1994-96; Population Association of America, Washington, DC.
Member, Nominating Committee, International Union for the Scientific Study of Population
(IUSSP), 1997–2001.
Member, International Agenda Planning Group, Radcliffe Public Policy Center, Radcliffe
Institute for Advanced Study, Cambridge, MA, 1998-1999
Member, External Advisory Committee, Strengthening development policy through gender
analysis, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, 1996-1999.
Member, Steering Committee, Task Force for Social Science Research on Reproductive Health,
World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 1988-1989, 1991-1996
External Advisor, Research program on status of women and fertility, Rockefeller Foundation,
New York, 1984–1991.
Member, Technical Advisory Committee, International conference on better health for women
and children through family planning, Nairobi, Kenya, 1986-1987.
Member, Fertility and Family Planning committee, International Union for the Scientific Study of
Population, Liège, Belgium, 1985–1989.
Member, Advisory Board, Committee for women in non-traditional trades, New York, 19761980.
Other Professional Participation (2005-)
Invited talks:
Stanford University; School of Education, U. of California, Berkeley; Harvard School of
April 2014, Lloyd
Education, Cambridge, Mass.; 2012 Mid-Year Clinton Global Initiative, New York; World Bank,
Washington; UNGEI, Dakar, Senegal; Room to Read, San Francisco; United Nations Foundation,
Washington; Economic Research Forum, Cairo, Egypt; Gates Institute on Investing in young
people’s Health and Development, Abuja, Nigeria; Iowa State, Ames, Iowa; University of
California, Santa Cruz; Africa Regional Forum on Youth Reproductive Health and HIV, Dar es
Salaam, Tanzania; Regional Institute for Population Studies, University of Ghana Legon, Ghana;
Columbia University School of Public Health, New York; New School University, New York;
Woodrow Wilson International Center, Washington D.C.; Center for Global Development,
Washington, DC, University of Montreal; Johns Hopkins University; International Center for
Research on Women; Penn State University; U.S. Agency for International Development; U.K.
Department for International Development; U.N. Population Fund (UNFPA); Pakistan Society for
Development Economics, Islamabad, Pakistan; Colégio de Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico.
Journal reviews:
St. Anthony’s International Review, Demographic Research, Education, Finance, and Policy;
Population Studies; Journal of Development Economics; Pakistan Development Review; Journal
of Marriage and the Family; Economic Development and Cultural Change; Demography;
Population and Development Review; Comparative Education Review; Studies in Family
Planning; World Development; International Family Planning Perspectives.
Other invited reviews:
Demographic and Health Surveys, Nike Foundation, UNESCO; CARE; NIH; UNDP; Brookings
Institution; NSF; Academy for Educational Development; Spencer Foundation, Wellcome Trust,
MacArthur Foundation, Hewlett Foundation, American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
External Reviewer for academic promotions, tenure, and doctoral degrees:
McGill University, University of Capetown (South Africa), Cornell University, Brown
University, University of California, Berkeley; University of Minnesota.
Other Professional Recognition
Quoted in The Economist, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post,
among other newspapers, and interviewed by Voice of America, National Public Radio and the
United Nations Radio, among other radio stations.
Elected Rapporteur: U.N. Expert Group Meeting on “Population and women,” Gaborone,
Botswana, 1992.
Ranked among top 15 nonacademic women economists in M.H. Medoff and I.L. Skov. 1990.
“Ratings of women economists by citations,” Journal of Economics and Business. 42: 81–88.
Listed in Mark Blaug (ed.). 1999. Who's Who in Economics, Third Edition, Northhampton, Mass.:
Edward Elgar Publishing Co. (and two previous editions: 1987 and 1983).
Named as author of one (The Economics of Sex Differentials) of seventeen Outstanding Books in
Industrial Relations and Labor Economics, 1970–1979 by Industrial Relations Section, Princeton
Ph.D. 1972, Economics, Columbia University
M.A. 1967, Economics, Columbia University.
B.A. 1964, Economics, Bryn Mawr College.