570 Chapter 8 䊏 Feedback 8.5.2 Series-Series Feedback Consider the series-series feedback connection of Fig. 8.12. The effect of nonideal networks can be calculated using the representation of Fig. 8.16a. In this case the most convenient twoport representation is the use of the open-circuit impedance parameters or z parameters because the basic amplifier and the feedback network are now connected in series at input and output and thus have identical currents at their terminals. As shown in Fig. 8.17, the z zS Basic amplifier ii io z22a z11a + + z12a io z21a ii – – + vs (a) z11f z22f + + z12f io z21f ii – ii zL Feedback network – – zS New basic amplifier z11a io z22a + z21a ii zL – + (b) z11f vs z22f – New feedback network + z12f io – Figure 8.16 (a) Series-series feedback configuration using the z-parameter representation. (b) Circuit of (a) redrawn with generators z21f ii and z12a io omitted. parameters specify the network by expressing terminal voltages in terms of terminal currents, and this results in simple calculations when the two networks have common terminal currents. The calculation in this case proceeds as the exact dual of that in Section 8.5.1. From Fig. 8.16, summation of voltages at the input gives v s = (zS + z11a + z11f )ii + (z12a + z12f )io (8.79) 8.5 Practical Configurations and the Effect of Loading 571 i2 i1 + + v1 v2 – – v1 = z11i1 + z12i2 v2 = z21i1 + z22i2 z11 = v1 i1 i2 = 0 z12 = v1 i2 i1 = 0 z21 = v2 i1 i2 = 0 z22 = v2 i2 i1 = 0 Figure 8.17 The z-parameter representation of a two-port. Summing voltages at the output we obtain 0 = (z21a + z21f )ii + (zL + z22a + z22f )io (8.80) zi = zS + z11a + z11f zo = zL + z22a + z22f (8.81) It is useful to define (8.82) Again neglecting reverse transmission through the basic amplifier, we assume that |z12a | |z12f | (8.83) Also neglecting feed-forward through the feedback network, we can write |z21a | |z21f | (8.84) With these assumptions it follows that io =A vs −z21a a zi zo = −z21a 1 + af 1+ z12f zi zo (8.85) where a=− z21a zi zo f = z12f (8.86) (8.87) A circuit representation of a in (8.86) and f in (8.87) can be found by removing generators z21f ii and z12a io from Fig. 8.16a in accord with (8.83) and (8.84). This gives the approximate representation of Fig. 8.16b, where the new basic amplifier includes the loading effect of the original feedback network. The new feedback network is an ideal one as used in Fig. 8.12. The transfer function of the basic amplifier of Fig. 8.16b is the same as in (8.86), and the transfer function of the feedback network of Fig. 8.16b is given by (8.87). Thus Fig. 8.16b is a circuit representation of (8.86) and (8.87). Since Fig. 8.16b has a direct correspondence with Fig. 8.12, all the results of Section 8.4.4 can now be used. The loading effect of the feedback network on the basic amplifier is included 572 Chapter 8 䊏 Feedback by connecting the feedback-network terminal impedances z11f and z22f in series at input and output of the basic amplifier. Terms z11f and z22f are defined in Fig. 8.17 and are obtained by calculating the terminal impedances of the feedback network with the other port open circuited. Feedback function f given by (8.87) is the reverse transfer impedance of the feedback network. Consider, for example, the series-series feedback triple of Fig. 8.18a, which is useful as a wideband feedback amplifier. RE2 is usually a small resistor that samples the output current io , and the resulting voltage across RE2 is sampled by the divider RF and RE1 to produce a feedback voltage across RE1 . Usually RF RE1 and RE2 . The two-port theory derived earlier cannot be applied directly in this case because the basic amplifier cannot be represented by a two-port. However, the techniques developed previously using two-port theory can be used with minor modification by first noting that the feedback network can be represented by a two-port as shown in 8.18b. One problem with this circuit is that the feedback generator z12f ie3 is in the emitter of Q1 and not in the input lead where it can be compared directly with v s . This problem can be overcome by considering the small-signal equivalent of the input portion of this circuit as shown in Fig. 8.19. For this circuit v s = ii zS + v be + ie1 z11f + z12f ie3 (8.88) Using ie3 = io α3 (8.89) in (8.88) gives v s − z12f io = ii zS + v be + ie1 z11f α3 (8.90) where the quantities in these equations are small-signal quantities. Equation 8.90 shows that the feedback voltage generator z12f (io /α3 ) can be moved back in series with the input lead; if this was done, exactly the same equation would result. (See Fig. 8.18c.) Note that the commonbase current gain α3 of Q3 appears in this feedback expression because the output current is sampled by RE2 in the emitter of Q3 in order to feed back a correcting signal to the input. This problem is common to most circuits employing series feedback at the output, and the α3 of Q3 is outside the feedback loop. There are many applications where this is not a problem, since α 1. However, if high gain precision is required, variations in α3 can cause difficulties. The z parameters of the feedback network can be determined from Fig. 8.20 as v 1 RE1 RE2 z12f = = (8.91) i2 i1 = 0 RE1 + RE2 + RF v 2 z22f = = RE2 ||(RE1 + RF ) (8.92) i2 i1 = 0 v 1 z11f = = RE1 ||(RF + RE2 ) (8.93) i1 i2 = 0 Using (8.84), we neglect z21f . From the foregoing results we can redraw the circuit of Fig. 8.18b as shown in Fig. 8.18c. As in previous calculations, the signal fed forward via the feedback network (in this case z21f ie1 ) is neglected. The feedback voltage generator is placed in series with the input lead 8.5 Practical Configurations and the Effect of Loading 573 io Q3 Q2 zS Q1 zL RL2 RL1 + vs – feedback network RF RE1 RE2 (a) io Q3 Q2 zS Q1 + vs zL RL2 RL1 ie3 = ie1 io α3 – z22f z11f + + z12f ie3 z21f ie1 – – (b) io zS z12f i α3 o + – Q3 Q2 Q1 zL RL2 RL1 + vs – RF RF RE1 RE2 RE2 RE1 (c) Figure 8.18 (a) Series-series feedback triple. (b) Circuit of (a) redrawn using a two-port z-parameter representation of the feedback network. (c) Approximate representation of the circuit in (b). 574 Chapter 8 䊏 Feedback ii zS + + vbe vs gm1vbe rπ1 – – ie1 z11f + z12f ie3 Figure 8.19 Small-signal equivalent circuit of the input stage of the circuit in Fig. 8.18b. – and an ideal differencing node then exists at the input. The effect of feedback loading on the basic amplifier is represented by the impedances in the emitters of Q1 and Q3 . Note that this case does differ somewhat from the example of Fig. 8.16b in that the impedances z11f and z22f of the feedback network appear in series with the input and output leads in Fig. 8.16b, whereas in Fig. 8.18c these impedances appear in the emitters of Q1 and Q3 . This is due to the fact that the basic amplifier of the circuit of Fig. 8.18a cannot be represented by two-port z parameters but makes no difference to the method of analysis. Since the feedback voltage generator in Fig. 8.18c is directly in series with the input and is proportional to io , a direct correspondence with Fig. 8.16b can be established and the results of Section 8.4.4 can be applied. There is no further need of the z parameters, and by inspection we can write a io =A vs 1 + af (8.94) where f = z12f RE1 RE2 1 = α3 α3 RE1 + RE2 + RF (8.95) and a is the transconductance of the circuit of Fig. 8.18c with the feedback generator [(z12f /α3 )io ] removed. The input impedance seen by v s with feedback applied is (1 + af )× (input impedance of the basic amplifier of Fig. 8.18c including feedback loading). The output impedance with feedback applied is (1 + af ) times the output impedance of the basic amplifier including feedback loading. RF + + i1 v1 – RE1 RE2 i2 v2 – Figure 8.20 Circuit for the calculation of the z parameters of the feedback network of the circuit in Fig 8.18a. 8.5 Practical Configurations and the Effect of Loading 575 If the loop gain T = af is large, then the gain with feedback applied is A= RE1 + RE2 + RF 1 io = α3 vs f RE1 RE2 (8.96) EXAMPLE A commercial integrated circuit2 based on the series-series triple is the MC 1553 shown in Fig. 8.21a. Calculate the terminal impedances, loop gain, and overall gain of this amplifier at low frequencies. The MC 1553 is a wideband amplifier with a bandwidth of 50 MHz at a voltage gain of 50. The circuit gain is realized by the series-series triple composed of Q1 , Q2 , and Q3 . The output voltage is developed across the load resistor RC and is then fed to the output via emitter follower Q4 , which ensures a low output impedance. The rest of the circuit is largely for bias +VCC RA RB CP RC Q5 Q4 Q3 RK Q2 Vo Q1 Vs RF RG CF RE1 RE2 Q8 RD CB Q7 Q6 RE1 = 100 Ω, RE2 = 100 Ω, RF = 640 Ω, RA = 9 kΩ, RB = 5 kΩ, RC = 600 Ω, RD = 12 kΩ, RG = 3 kΩ, RK = 6 kΩ (a) i3 Q3 Q2 Q1 88 Ω 9 kΩ + vs – RC 5 kΩ 88 Ω (b) Figure 8.21 (a) Circuit of the MC 1553 wideband integrated circuit. (b) Basic amplifier of the series- series triple in (a). 576 Chapter 8 䊏 Feedback i3 + rπ 1 + vs – + v1 rπ 2 gm1v1 + gm2v2 v3 – v4 v2 88 Ω + rπ 3 – 88 Ω – IC1 = 0.6 mA IC2 = 1 mA IC3 = 4 mA rπ 1 = 4.33 kΩ 1 Ω gm1 = rπ 2 = 2.6 kΩ 1 Ω gm2 = rπ 3 = 650 Ω 4 Ω gm3 = 43.3 RC – 5 kΩ 9 kΩ gm3v3 26 26 (c) Figure 8.21 (c) Small-signal equivalent circuit of the basic amplifier in (b). purposes except capacitors CP , CF , and CB . Capacitors CP and CF are small capacitors of several picofarads and are included on the chip. They ensure stability of the feedback loop, and their function will be described in Chapter 9. Capacitor CB is external to the chip and is a large bypass capacitor used to decouple the bias circuitry at the signal frequencies of interest. Bias Calculation. The analysis of the circuit begins with the bias conditions. The bias current levels are set by the reference current IRK in the resistor RK , and assuming VBE(on) = 0.6 V and VCC = 6 V, we obtain IRK = VCC − 2VBE(on) RK (8.97) Substituting data in (8.97) gives IRK = 6 − 1.2 A = 0.80 mA 6000 The current in the output emitter follower Q4 is determined by the currents in Q6 and Q8 . Transistor Q8 has an area three times that of Q7 and Q6 and thus IC8 = 3 × 0.8 mA = 2.4 mA IC6 = 0.8 mA where βF is assumed large in these bias calculations. If the base current of Q1 is small, all of IC6 and IC8 flow through Q4 and IC4 IC6 + IC8 (8.98) Thus IC4 3.2 mA Transistor Q8 supplies most of the bias current to Q4 , and this device functions as a Class A emitter-follower output stage of the type described in Section 5.2. The function of Q6 is to allow formation of a negative-feedback bias loop for stabilization of the dc operating point, and resistor RG is chosen to cause sufficient dc voltage drop to allow connection of RD back to the base of Q1 . Transistors Q1 , Q2 , Q3 , and Q4 are then connected in a negative-feedback bias loop and the dc conditions can be ascertained approximately as follows. 8.5 Practical Configurations and the Effect of Loading 577 If we assume that Q2 is on, the voltage at the collector of Q1 is about 0.6 V and the voltage across RA is 5.4 V. Thus the current through RA is 5.4 RA 5.4 = = 0.6 mA 9000 IRA = (8.99) If βF is assumed high, it follows that IC1 IRA = 0.6 mA (8.100) Since the voltage across RE1 is small, the voltage at the base of Q1 is approximately 0.6 V, and if the base current of Q1 is small, this is also the voltage at the collector of Q6 since any voltage across RD will be small. The dc output voltage can be written VO = VC6 + IC6 RG (8.101) Substitution of data gives VO = (0.6 + 0.8 × 3) V = 3 V The voltage at the base of Q4 (collector of Q3 ) is VBE above VO and is thus 3.6 V. The collector current of Q3 is IC3 VCC − VC3 RC (8.102) Substitution of parameter values gives 6 − 3.6 A = 4 mA 600 The voltage at the base of Q3 (collector of Q2 ) is IC3 VB3 −IE3 RE2 + VBE(on) (8.103) Thus VB3 = VC2 (4 × 0.1 + 0.6) V = 1 V IC2 may be calculated from IC2 VCC − VC2 RB (8.104) and substitution of parameter values gives 6−1 A = 1 mA IC2 5000 The ac Calculation. The ac analysis can now proceed using the methods previously developed in this chapter. For purposes of ac analysis, the feedback triple composed of Q1 , Q2 , and Q3 in Fig. 8.21a is identical to the circuit in Fig. 8.18a, and the results derived previously for the latter circuit are directly applicable to the triple in Fig. 8.21a. To obtain the voltage gain of the circuit of Fig. 8.21a, we simply multiply the transconductance of the triple by the load resistor RC , since the gain of the emitter follower Q4 is almost exactly unity. Note that resistor RD is 578 Chapter 8 䊏 Feedback assumed grounded for ac signals by the large capacitor CB , and thus has no influence on the ac circuit operation, except for a shunting effect at the input that will be discussed later. From (8.95) the feedback factor f of the series-series triple of Fig. 8.21a is f = 100 × 100 1 = 12.0 0.99 100 + 100 + 640 (8.105) where β0 = 100 has been assumed. If the loop gain is large, the transconductance of the triple of Fig. 8.21a can be calculated from (8.96) as 1 io3 1 = A/V vs f 12 (8.106) where io3 is the small-signal collector current in Q3 in Fig. 8.21a. If the input impedance of the emitter follower Q4 is large, the load resistance seen by Q3 is RC = 600 and the voltage gain of the circuit is vo io3 =− × RC vs vs (8.107) vo = −50.0 vs (8.108) Substituting (8.106) in (8.107) gives Consider now the loop gain of the circuit of Fig. 8.21a. This can be calculated by using the basic-amplifier representation of Fig. 8.18c to calculate the forward gain a. Fig. 8.18c is redrawn in Fig. 8.21b using data from this example, assuming that zS = 0 and omitting the feedback generator. The small-signal, low-frequency equivalent circuit is shown in Fig. 8.21c assuming β0 = 100, and it is a straightforward calculation to show that the gain of the basic amplifier is a= i3 = 20.3 A/V vs (8.109) Combination of (8.105) and (8.109) gives T = af = 12 × 20.3 = 243.6 (8.110) The transconductance of the triple can now be calculated more accurately from (8.94) as 20.3 a io3 = A/V = 0.083 A/V = vs 1+T 244.6 (8.111) Substitution of (8.111) in (8.107) gives for the overall voltage gain vo io3 = − RC = −0.083 × 600 = −49.8 vs vs (8.112) This is close to the approximate value given by (8.108). The input resistance of the basic amplifier is readily determined from Fig. 8.21c to be ria = 13.2 k (8.113) The input resistance when feedback is applied is Ri = ria (1 + T ) (8.114) 8.5 Practical Configurations and the Effect of Loading 579 Substituting (8.113) and (8.110) in (8.114) gives Ri = 13.2 × 244.6 k = 3.23 M (8.115) As expected, series feedback at the input results in a high input resistance. In this example, however, the bias resistor RD directly shunts the input for ac signals and is outside the feedback loop. Since RD = 12 k and is much less than Ri , the resistor RD determines the input resistance for this circuit. Finally, the output resistance of the circuit is of some interest. The output resistance of the triple can be calculated from Fig. 8.21c by including output resistance ro in the model for Q3 . The resistance obtained is then multiplied by (1 + T ) and the resulting value is much greater than the collector load resistor of Q3 , which is RC = 600 . The output resistance of the full circuit is thus essentially the output resistance of emitter follower Q4 fed from a 600- source resistance, and this is Ro = 1 gm4 + RC = β4 26 600 + 3.2 100 = 14 (8.116)