LABORATORY 4 FEEDBACK AMPLIFIER CIRCUITS OBJECTIVES To learn about the effects of feedback on amplifier circuits by simulation and by experimental work. INFORMATION Negative feedback structures are used in electronic amplifiers mainly to: Desensitize the amplifier gain from variations in circuit elements values (for example, variations in transistor beta have negligible effect on feedback amplifier gain) Extend the bandwidth of the amplifier Control the input and output impedance of the amplifier Reduce the nonlinearity of the amplification Reduce the noise generated by amplifier components or external interference In this experiment, the shunt-shunt (or current-mixing voltage-sampling) topology will be investigated. 1. Shunt-Shunt Feedback Amplifier The basic structure of a shunt-series feedback amplifier is shown in Figure 4.1. The input source is either a current source or its Norton equivalent circuit and the output is a voltage signal; therefore, it is a transresistance amplifier. The basic idea of this feedback scheme is to sense the output voltage then adjust the input current, depending on what the output voltage is. The output voltage is sensed (or sampled) by a circuit connected in shunt and a feedback signal is generated that is fed to the input. The feedback signal is a current that can be mixed with the input current in shunt. 4- 1 Figure 4.1. Basic shunt-shunt feedback amplifier structure (from Sedra and Smith). An example of a shunt-shunt feedback amplifier is shown in Figure 4.2. The feedback network in this circuit is the resistor Rf, which connects the output of the circuit to the input side. Vcc Rc Vo Vcc = 12 V Rs = 10k Rc = 3.3k Rf = 56k Rf Is Q1 Rs Rof Vs Rinf Figure 4.2. A shunt-shunt feedback amplifier circuit. The overall shunt-shunt feedback amplifier can be analyzed by separating the feedback network from the basic amplifier or A-circuit, then modeling the effect of the feedback network on the A-circuit (called "loading effect") using appropriately placed resistors. The analysis procedure is shown below. 4- 2 Figure 4.3. General analysis procedure for shunt-shunt feedback amplifiers (from Sedra and Smith). The closed loop gain of the feedback amplifier ( ) is calculated based on (Equation 4.1) where is the gain of the basic amplifier without feedback but with considering the loading effects of the feedback network and is the feedback network gain. This type of feedback decreases the input and output impedances of the amplifier according to: (Equation 4.2) and (Equation 4.3) 4- 3 EQUIPMENT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Digital Multimeter (Fluke 8010A, BK PRECISION 2831B) Digital Oscilloscope Tektronix TDS 210 Function Generator Wavetek FG3B. Two DC Power Supply (one is ungrounded) PROTO-BOARD PB-503 (breadboard) BJT 2N3904 and 2N2222, two each Resistors according to the circuit figures Capacitors 5 x 47F. PRE-LABORATORY PREPARATION The lab preparation must be completed before coming to the lab. Show it to your TA for checking and grading (out of 15) at the beginning of the lab and get his/her signature. 1. Shunt-shunt feedback amplifier 1.1. Calculate the DC quiescent conditions ( , and ), the voltage gain ( ), the feedback gain ( ), the input resistance ( ), and the output resistance ( ) for the feedback amplifier of Figure 4.2. Use (transistor forward beta). 1.2. Figure 4.7 shows the basic amplifier (including the loading effects of the feedback network) and the feedback network for the shunt-shunt feedback amplifier of Figure 4.2. The power supply is used to bias the transistor to the same operating point as in the previous step (Step 1.1). Calculate the amplifier gain ( ), feedback gain ( ), input resistance ( ), and output resistance ( ). Compare to , to , and to according to Equations 4.1 to 4.3. Vcc Vcc = 12 V Rs = 10k Rc = 3.3k Rf = 56k C1 = C2 = 47 Rc Vo Is Q1 Vb Rs Rf Vo Rf Vs C1 Rf Ro If C2 Rin (a) (b) Figure 4.7. The shunt-shunt feedback amplifier: (a) basic amplifier (A-circuit). (b) feedback network 4- 4 1.3. Simulate the circuit in Figure 4.2 by MicroCap and record the operating point DC values in Table 4.1, and the small signal parameters in Table 4.2. Note that is determined by (Equation 4.5) Compare the results of simulation to the results of your calculations in Step 1.1. 1.4. Run AC Analysis in MicroCap and plot and print the frequency response of the feedback amplifier circuit. 1.5. Simulate the basic amplifier circuit in Figure 4.7(a) by MicroCap and record the small signal parameters in Table 4.3. Compare the results of simulation to the results of your calculations in Step 1.2. 1.6. Run AC Analysis in MicroCap and plot and print the frequency response of the basic amplifier circuit. PROCEDURE 1. Shunt-shunt feedback amplifier 1.1. Build the circuit in Figure 4.2 using BJT transistor 2N3904 and the other provided components. When the layout has been completed, have your TA check your breadboard for errors and get his/her signature on the Marking Sheet. 1.2. Initially apply only DC power to the circuit, measure the amplifier's Q point using the Digital multimeter, and record them in Table 4.1. Compare the measured data to the DC quiescent conditions from the MicroCap simulations. VCE [V] VBE [V] IB [A] IC [A] Simulation Experiment Table 4.1. DC quiescent conditions for the shunt-shunt feedback amplifier 1.3. Turn ON the Function Generator to supply the input AC signal to the amplifier circuit. Set the frequency to 10 kHz. 1.4. Connect CH1 of the oscilloscope in parallel with the input AC source to measure VS. Connect CH2 of the oscilloscope in parallel with the transistor collector-emitter terminals to measure the parameters of the output signal Vo. 1.5. Set the input voltage level to VS = 50 mV (RMS), as measured by the CH1 of the oscilloscope. Since the values are small, read the peak-peak values of the VS (CH1) and Vo (CH2) from the oscilloscope display and record the data in Table 4.2. 4- 5 1.6. To determine the input current, IS, first measure the voltage across the resistor RS. To do so, measure the voltage at each of its two terminals using CH1 of the oscilloscope. Subtract the lower value of the higher one, and divide the result by the actual measured value of RS. Record the calculated IS in Table 4.2. 1.7. Calculate voltage gain (VO / VS), feedback amplifier gain (Af = VO / IS), and the input resistance (Rinf = VS / IS – RS), and record in Table 4.2. VS [V] VO [V] IS [A] VO / VS Af [V/A] Rinf [ohm] Simulation Experiment Table 4.2: Shunt-shunt feedback amplifier parameters 1.8. Turn OFF the AC signal generator and DC power supply, replace the existing BJT transistor with 2N2222, turn ON the DC power supply and AC signal generator, measure the input and output voltages and ) and calculate the voltage gain ( / ). Compare this value with the / value from Table 4.2 and provide an explanation in your report. 1.9. Change your circuit to the one shown in Figure 4.7(a) (the basic amplifier). Replace back the BJT transistor with 2N3904. Use the DC power supply for Vb, which provides the required bias voltage for the BJT. NOTE: Please note that the value for Vb is small around 0.8 V. Its value can be calculated through: Vb= VBE + RS IB (Equation 4.6) where VBE and IB are the measured values from Table 4.1. 1.10. Turn ON the DC power supplies and measure the DC operating points. If needed, change Vb slightly to get the same VCE you had measured and recorded in Table 4.1. 1.11. Turn ON the Function Generator to supply the input AC signal to the amplifier circuit. Set the frequency to 10 kHz. 1.12. Connect CH1 of the oscilloscope in parallel with the input ac source to measure VS. Connect CH2 of the oscilloscope in parallel with the transistor collector-emitter terminals to measure the parameters of the output signal Vo. 1.13. Set the input voltage level to VS = 50 mV (RMS) or any other value which will not result in clipping at the output voltage (CH2). Since the values are small, read the peak-peak values of the VS (CH1) and Vo (CH2) from the oscilloscope display and record the data in Table 4.3. 1.14. Similar to Step 1.6, measure the input current IS and record in Table 4.3. VS [V] VO [V] IS [A] A [V/A] Simulation Experiment Table 4.3: Parameters for the amplifier circuit in Figure 4.3. 4- 6 Rin [ohm] REPORT 1. For the shunt-shunt amplifier, compare Af to A/(1+AB), Rinf to Rin, and Rof to Ro resulting from pre-lab simulations in Steps 2.3 and 2.4. Are the results consistent with feedback theory? 2. For the shunt-shunt amplifier, compare the bandwidth of the feedback amplifier to that of the basic amplifier. Comment on any differences between the two and briefly explain. 3. When an amplifier with feedback has its transistor(s) changed, what is the effect on its operation? Briefly explain why this is so? 4. Compare simulated and experimental results and comment on any differences or lack thereof. Your lab report is due one week later. Note: You must copy/print the Signature and Marking Sheet from your manual before coming to the lab session. 4- 7 SIGNATURE AND MARKING SHEET – LAB #4 To be completed by the TA during your lab session Student Name:____________________ Check boxes TA Name:___________________ Task Max. Marks Pre-lab completed 20 Shunt-Shunt Feedback completed 35 Overall Report Preparation 45 TOTAL MARKS 100 4- 8 Granted TA Marks Signature