FYSE400 ANALOG ELECTRONICS LECTURE 12 Feedback Amplifiers 1 FEEDBACK AMPLIFIERS Approximate analysis of a feedback amplifier Assumptions 1. The basic amplifier is unilateral. 2. The gain A OL of the basic amplifier is determined without feedback. 3. The calculated gain A OL is loaded gain : loading of the feedback network, source and load resistanses are noticed. 4. The feedback network is unilateral. 2 ©Loberg University of Jyväskylä FEEDBACK AMPLIFIERS Outline of Analysis Approximate analysis of a feedback amplifier 1. Identify the topology → Xf is current or voltage. 2. Draw the basic amplifier circuit without feedback Replace each active device by its proper model. Identify Xf and Xo on the circuit obtained. 3. Evaluate : β = X f Xo Evaluate AOL by applying KVL and KCL to the equivalent circuit obtained. 4. From AOL and β, find T and AF 5. From the equivalent circuit find RID and ROD. Apply the Backman's impedance formula to obtain RIF and ROF. 3 ©Loberg University of Jyväskylä FEEDBACK AMPLIFIERS Topology of a system Approximate analysis of a feedback amplifier Input First step Identify input loop It contains Vs , and (a) base-to-emitter region of the bipolar transistor. (b) gate-to-source region of the first FET in the amplifier (c) the section between the two inputs of a differential or operational amplifier. Topology of input loop Series topology ( Voltage source Vs ) In the input circuit, there is a circuit component W in series with Vs . And W is connected to the output (portion of the system containing the load). ⇒ Voltage across W is feedback signal X f = Vf 4 ©Loberg University of Jyväskylä FEEDBACK AMPLIFIERS Approximate analysis of a feedback amplifier Topology of a system Input First step Identify input loop Topology of input loop Shunt topology ( Current source Is ) Define input node (a) The base of the first BJT (b) The gate of the first FET (c) The inverting terminal of a differential or operational amplifier. Shunt topology if there is a connection between the input node and the output circuit. The current in this connection is the feedback signal Xf = If 5 ©Loberg University of Jyväskylä FEEDBACK AMPLIFIERS Approximate analysis of a feedback amplifier Output Second step Topology of a system Define Output Node The voltage Vo (with respect to ground) at the output node appears across the load resistor (RL) and output current Io is the current in RL. Topology of output loop Shunt topology Set Vo = 0 (RL → 0) (short-circuiting the output) ⇒ Xf → 0 ⇒ ( Voltage sampling ) Topology of output loop Series topology Set Io = 0 (RL → ∞) (open-circuiting the output) ⇒ Xf → 0 ⇒ ( Current sampling ) 6 ©Loberg University of Jyväskylä FEEDBACK AMPLIFIERS Amplifier without feedback Approximate analysis of a feedback amplifier Third step AOL and β Calculate the gain of the basic amplifier without feedback but taking the loading of the β network into account. Modify circuit first Input circuit : Output topology is shunt Voltage sampling Output topology is series Current sampling Short-circuit output node → V o =0 Open-circuit the output loop → Io = 0 Output circuit : Input topology is shunt Input topology is series Current comparison Voltage comparison Short-circuit input node → Vi = 0 Open-circuit the input loop → (none of the feedback current enters to the amplifier input) (none of the feedback voltage reaches the amplifier input) Ii = 0 7 ©Loberg University of Jyväskylä FEEDBACK AMPLIFIERS Approximate analysis of a feedback amplifier One Stage Example of analysis of emitter follower. Input : Topology of the Emitter follower Input loop Serial topology Voltage comparison Input loop contains RE , which is connected to the output. Vi Vf Output : Shunt topology Voltage sampling By setting Vo = 0, the feedback is eliminated and Vf = 0. Thus the output is shunt connected. Series-Shunt topology 8 ©Loberg University of Jyväskylä FEEDBACK AMPLIFIERS Approximate analysis of a feedback amplifier Amplifier without feedback One Stage Example of analysis of emitter follower. Modified input circuit Output has shunt topology Short-circuit the output node. Basic amplifier without feedback Modified output circuit Input has series topology Open-circuit the input loop. Equivalent circuit of modified feedback amplifier 9 ©Loberg University of Jyväskylä FEEDBACK AMPLIFIERS Approximate analysis of a feedback amplifier Example of analysis of emitter follower. From picture (c) we get : Amplifier without feedback One Stage AOL and β Vf = −Vo ⇒ β ≡ Vf Vo = −1 Vo = gmVπ R'E where R'E = RE ro and Vπ = ⇒ rπ Vs Rs + rπ Vo AOL = ' E gmrπ R Rs + rπ + Equivalent circuit of modified feedback amplifier 10 ©Loberg University of Jyväskylä FEEDBACK AMPLIFIERS Amplifier with feedback Approximate analysis of a feedback amplifier One Stage Example of analysis of emitter follower. T and AF T = − AOL β β = −1 g m rπ RE' T= Rs + rπ ⇒ where R'E = RE ro AOL β0 R'E AF = = 1 + T Rs + rπ + β0 R'E 11 ©Loberg University of Jyväskylä FEEDBACK AMPLIFIERS Amplifier with feedback Approximate analysis of a feedback amplifier One Stage Example of analysis of emitter follower. AF If we assumed that RE << ro we can write : β0 RE AF = Rs + rπ + β0 RE when nonunilateral feedback network R ≈ RE ' E Approximation unilateral feedback network (1 + β0 ) → β0 (assumption) AF = RE (1 + β0 ) when Rs + rπ + RE (1 + β0 ) R'E ≈ RE See Millman, Grabel table 10-3A 12 ©Loberg University of Jyväskylä FEEDBACK AMPLIFIERS Amplifier with feedback Approximate analysis of a feedback amplifier One Stage Example of analysis of emitter follower. RID and RIF Dead system impedance RID RID = rπ 13 ©Loberg University of Jyväskylä FEEDBACK AMPLIFIERS Amplifier with feedback Approximate analysis of a feedback amplifier One Stage Example of analysis of emitter follower. RID and RIF Input has Series topology TOC Open circuit the input : T → 0 when Rs → ∞ TOC = T TSC Short circuit the input : ( =0 T → gm R'E when Rs → 0 TSC = T ⇒ Rs = ∞ Rs =0 ) RIF = rπ 1 + gm R'E = rπ + β0 R'E (1 + β0 ) → β0 RIF = rπ + (1 + β 0 )R'E = gm R'E Approximation unilateral feedback network See Millman, Grabel table 10-3 14 ©Loberg University of Jyväskylä FEEDBACK AMPLIFIERS Amplifier with feedback Approximate analysis of a feedback amplifier One Stage Example of analysis of emitter follower. ROD and ROF Output has Shunt topology Dead system impedance ROD ROD = ro 15 ©Loberg University of Jyväskylä FEEDBACK AMPLIFIERS Approximate analysis of a feedback amplifier Amplifier with feedback Example of analysis of emitter follower. One Stage ROD and ROF Output has Shunt topology TSC Short circuit the output : T → 0 when RE → 0 TSC = T TOC Open circuit the output : T → β0 ro Rs + rπ TOC = T ⇒ ROF = ro 1 + [β 0 ro (Rs + rπ )] ≈ Rs + rπ β0 RE = 0 RE = ∞ =0 when RE → ∞ = β 0 r0 Rs + rπ when ro >> (Rs + rπ ) β0 16 ©Loberg University of Jyväskylä FEEDBACK AMPLIFIERS Example of analysis of amplifier having several stages Approximate analysis of a shunt-triple In general, practical amplifiers have two or more stages. High closed-loop gain AF High return ratio T A bipolar shunt-triple feedback amplifier Feedback network RF Ii Is Q1 Rs Three Common-emitter stages RC 1 Local feedback Q3 Q2 RC 2 Vo RC 3 - Internal amplifier Z IF Global feedback + RL The internal three-stage amplifier can be modeled as a single equivalent amplifier. ZOF Input: Output: Current comparison Voltage sampling SHUNT topology SHUNT topology RF Ii Is ro ≈ RC 3 RS Vi ro ri Zm I i Vo RL ri ≈ rπ 1 + rb1 Zm = ? 17 ©Loberg University of Jyväskylä FEEDBACK AMPLIFIERS Example of analysis of amplifier having several stages Approximate analysis of a shunt-triple A bipolar shunt-triple feedback amplifier Voltage gain of the first (input) stage is : Feedback network RF Ii Is Av = − Q3 Q2 Q1 Rs RC 1 RL RC 2 RC 3 + β01 RC1 rπ 1 + rb1 Vo - Internal amplifier Z IF ZOF Vi − I i ri = 0 ri = rπ 1 + rb1 RF Ii Is RS Vi ri ro Zm I i Vo RL ⇒ Vi = I i (rπ 1 + rb1 ) ⇒ The unloaded voltage gain of the input stage (first stage). Vo1 = Vi Av = − I i (rπ 1 + rb1 ) β01 RC1 rπ 1 + rb1 = − I i β01 RC1 18 ©Loberg University of Jyväskylä FEEDBACK AMPLIFIERS Example of analysis of amplifier having several stages Approximate analysis of a shunt-triple RF Ii Is RS Vi ri ro Vo RL Zm I i Total gain (transimpedance) of controlled source is: Zm = Vo = β01 RC1 Av 2 Av3 Ii remember load effects 19 ©Loberg University of Jyväskylä FEEDBACK AMPLIFIERS Example of analysis of amplifier having several stages Approximate analysis of a shunt-triple The approximate model of the basic amplifier (shunt-triple) without feedback Feedback is removed, but not loading effect of RF . Modify Output side: Modify Input side: Output has shunt topology Input has shunt topology Short circuit output Short circuit input RF RF Ii RF Is RS Vi Ii ro ro Vo ri Zm I i RL Is RS Vi ri RF Zm I i Vo RL 20 ©Loberg University of Jyväskylä FEEDBACK AMPLIFIERS Example of analysis of amplifier having several stages Approximate analysis of a shunt-triple AOL The approximate model of the basic amplifier (shunt-triple) without feedback Feedback is removed, but loading effect of RF on the input and output circuits is included. Is Ii ro RS Is Vi ri Vo RF Is RL Zm I i RF I s − I i − I 's = 0 ⇒ Vi − I i ri = 0 Ii I 's AOL Vi − I 's R's = 0 ' RS Vi ri ro I ' Zm I i RL Vo R's Vo R'L = = − Zm ri + R's ro + R'L Is Vo − Iro + Z m I i = 0 R's = Rs RF where R'L = RL RF Vo + IR = 0 ' L 21 ©Loberg University of Jyväskylä FEEDBACK AMPLIFIERS Example of analysis of amplifier having several stages Approximate analysis of a shunt-triple K X i = t21 X s + t22 X o K =− Is Is I Xo Xs =− X i =0 t21 t22 Vi = 0 RS ri See a General Analysis of Feedback Amplifiers Is + I = 0 RF Ii = 0 (Millman 12-23) Vo − IRF = 0 ro Vo Zm I i RL ⇒ K =− Xo Xs = X i =0 Vo = − RF Is 22 ©Loberg University of Jyväskylä FEEDBACK AMPLIFIERS Example of analysis of amplifier having several stages Approximate analysis of a shunt-triple T return ratio AOL R's R'L T= = − Zm K ri + R's ro + R'L 1 − R F See a General Analysis of Feedback Amplifiers Zm RL Rs RF RL + RF R'L + ro R's + ri RF + Rs = ⇒ AF = AOL A + KT KT = D ≈ 1+T 1+T 1+T when dead system gain AD is very low 23 ©Loberg University of Jyväskylä FEEDBACK AMPLIFIERS The End of Part 12 24 ©Loberg University of Jyväskylä