PRIVACY ADDENDUM This Privacy 1 Addendum 1-06-2015 (hereinatter "Addenclum") to the Agreement between the parties (hereinalter "Agreement") ano' Calcasieu Parish School Board (hereinafter "School tsoard ) "Vendor"). This Addendum is efTective us of the 06 day is into by and between entered Pearson of November. 20 dated the (hereinafter 15 . the coltection' disclosure and use of students' The State of Louisiana recently enacted new laws governing that any contracts berween a school system and a personally identifiabre informaiion. The new laws require intb.raiion of any student contain the statutorily third-party w5o is enrrusted with personally identifiutl" personally identifiable intbrmation (hereinafter prescribed minimum elements regarding th! use of student ..Pll"). Vendor agrees to comply with those new laws which are now designated La' R'S' 17:3914' as "'F" thereto. and to protect the privacy of student data and Pll' amended. particularly subsection allows access to student information' including Vendor agrees to protect student infbrmation in a manner that information' pll. only by those individuals who are authorized by the Agreernent or Addendum to access said including' but not persorrally identifiable information rnust be protected by appropriatc security measures. security questions. and other similar limited to. the use of user names. secllre passwords. encryption. level of electronic protection to ensure the integrity of measures. vendor.s network must nraintain a t',igt', in these systems. The vendor agrees to pertbrm sensitive intbrrnation and to prevenr unauthorized access system auditing to maintain protection of its systems' regular reviews of its protection merhods and perform access that are patched. up to date' and have all Vendor agrees to maintain systems secure ttom unauthorized appropriate security updates instal leci' an<J/or receive student data are those that have To ensure that the only individuals and entities who can access data' access and/or receive personatly identifiable student been specit'ically authorized under the Agreement to identify the specific individual who is accessing or vendor shall implement various fbrnrs of authentication to determine the level of security that will provide the has accessed tlre information. Vend.r must individually it maintains. Vendor shall not allow any individual statutorily required level of protection for the student data identitiable student records or data at any time' or entity unauthenticated access to confidential personally of the terms of the Agreement or this only those individuals whose job duties Ji.ectly involve fult'illment shall be permitted to access Pll or student data' Addendurn. and who are in a..need to know"'position. and positions of those persons who are Vendor shall provide School Boarc. upon request. with identities authorizedtoaccessPllundertheAgreementortheAddendum. the contjdentiality and security of personally Vendor shall implement appropriate measures to ensure access or disclosure of information' and prevent any identitlable infbrnration, protect agairrst any unauthorized individual identified by the data' could result in substantial harm to the School Board or any other action that and maintained data will be stored. processed. Vendor agrees thar any and all personally identiflable student No School Board data" at any time. will be processed on in a secure location and solely on designated servers. portable storage medium' unless that storage medium or transt'erred to any portable .o*p,,ting device or any 1 processes. All servers' storage. backups' and is in use as part ofthe vendor's designated backup ancl recovery witlrin the United states unless network paths utilized in the delivery of the service shall be contained specifically agreed to in writing by tire School Board' shall be used expressly and solely for the Vendor agrees that any and all data obtained from the School Board or shared for any other purpose' purpor"rlnumerated in the Agreemcnt. Data shall not be distributed' used. any kind shall be revealed' As required by Federal and State law. Vendor f'urther agrees that no data of parties. Except as specifically permitted by transmifted. exchanged. or otherwise passed to other vendors or process any student data for any the terms of the Agreement. vendor shall not sell. transf'er. share. or commercia[. advertising' or marketitl g purpose' The policy shall require the storing Vendor shall develop a policy for the protection and storage of audit logs. the audit trail. Vendor must of audit logs and records on a ser\er separate from the system that generates of ar.rdit trails shall be Retention data. restrict access to audit logs to prevcnt tampering or altering of audit technical. risk management. and legal based on a schedule determined atter consultation with operational. staft. subcontractors. agents' vendor is permittecl to disclose pll and student data to its employees. authorized provided that all srrch subcontractors. agents' consultants and auditors on a need to know basis only, to Vendor and the School Board consistent consultants, and auditors have writtcn confidentiality obligations termination of any agreement with the terms of this Addendum. The cont.identiality obligations shalt survive is longer. and will inure to the with vendor for so long as the infbrmation remains confidential. whichever benefit ofthe School Board. protected information may Vendor acknowledges and agrees that unautlrorized disclosure or use of could not be obtained solely irreparably damage ihe schoolboarcl in such a way that adequate compensation seek injunctive relief restraining in monetary damages. Accordingly. the School Board shall have the right to protected intbrrtation. in addition to any other the actual or threatened unauthorized disclosure or use of any Vendor hereby waives the posting of a bond remedy otherwise available (including reasonable attorney fees). t'urther grants the School Board the by School Board with respect to anilction for injunctive retiefl. vendor Parish. Louisiana. in vendor's ,igt r. ur, not the obligation. to enlbrce these provisions by suit in calcasieu representatives. agents. owners. name against any oi vendor's employees. otficers. board members. contractors. and subcontractors. thereof. a clear data breach Vendor shall establish, implement. and provide to School Board evidence addressing a potential breach. Vendor's response plan outlining organizational poiicies and procedures lbr of any further data loss and of any response plan shall require prompt response for minirnizing the risk individuals. A data breach is any negative consequences of the breach. including potential harm to atrected of personally identifiable information instance in wlrich there is an unautlrorized or unlawful release or access of whether vendor or other infbrmation not suitabte fbr public release. This definition applies regardless provider' service cloud a as stores and manages the data directly or through a contractor, such seq. (Louisiana Database Breach Vendor agrees to comply with the requirements of La. R.S. 5l:3071 el of individuals of data breaches. notitication Notification Law) as weli as any other applicable laws regarding t rtttilttlhrtrl/ctl :tr"'ucs' lli{l i1' lrtil\ ill! rl.tltllritltrrtt ll, ilt(l rl!*rlr rrr lltt' crcltl 'rl trrcrrtlt' ltt":il.'i:,;'. ;tir'ttlrli;rtrlr-. illlrlltr|.llrr,!t ilt irlltdi .l .i;rr {rurrr lrr rlru ercnr \lcn.lo, rFrcc'i ltl 'l ;r tlltlrtttn(lct xnp.llci'Il,il;i. .\'\ ilt tl!, rrhi lt..{t tl ilt\ il(,lrliLillr{rrr .r.:r r.,.cnl ru(ll]lilnu cntirlr:d to rlotru.. il.,litttitlCl i,t ttorlr 1i'1ltl'. !ll( \r..ltrrr,l tili.rttl rrttrrrr..rlllttr ,,,,,i ,,*,,,,,. rc',p,rtr'rl'rlrtr lor ttrhrntttng:ll '"t]i;;',,. ",rpto1'*ti illirir t .rlrliltL.rlril .rrn ,1111i 1,, ;1111g1.1. ;lr. lrtrltl hrtrtrrlesr ,r,rd tlt:1cn*J tlrr: \chtxrl l-|t[;;rr-unei'.r rclull\c Ittti .r,,itrn,l .lt,r. .ulrl ,ril r i;ri:nr. ri:rllr ,L.\. or airll\c\ ttl itctl(ln rr-'lalcrl l(! lhr tlllillltllurl/i :::'i':,,t:,t;Jl:'il"tiilfil: il, r, , '11.1.,t,.,. r,,,llr .llrllltL:rlrlt ,.tili ''i'r!' .l'rr,lr'. .t. rr.'11 ,r.. ,r!r.irt,'t" .r ' '( .rllrir' ll', rr'r ',,t :tr .lllri l'1 .r,,:,1. i)('' .{irlir'.. r.,,'1. ',,r'i11 1 rl' lt{)lrl lln\ *tott' ti'dr"'r't]-'t]r\ \"cnd{tr tr't t111111111 trr cudil lltltl illl{lllllt'\ittti lt'rlernl lltu' \'cttrlot 'tgrucr 'iit"'i'titttti-i'ut" it'\rrlililtc{l l,r I t'e sel"""t llutllt\ trr nrrrlrt'r lllld \uctlnt\ \,",t.( ilNrlr(rrnr hrrl rrrrl lrrnttctl ltoarul whcn nr:qucstl;ti h, ,t;ttlu .1\:l.lilhlc ,.r,u"i'i"'l' irnd tlr.j Schtxrl ('()ntfilet cxplrcs' \'CndOr *hlll I,^i r, lt:r.trrtlr,,:rt rlr tl llW,rr{tttitl \rldcnduttr to lhc Schrrol 'rr:rnr:u rrl it* rvrtrk lln(lL'r thc '\r:rt:crncnt ttr tlrc ri ltr'!1' l rcndcr unlltfbtu ltfllrt'r illlrcr\ to thcrcltltcr crasu' duslrtr)'' ilnd contracted lirr thc '\r!\\c\\rrru ol pcrsotls lll'x.l cnllilt:\ rttlh rtlrrur rt hux thal ptcvcnts tts lllanncr ln 3 -. \r:rr:crrrsrtt or ,\tltlctttittlrr. tn rls l;nllrcl\' Vcntlor shall certif-v in urtltn'J ';tl,,tr- ll ilti :\t' or ;rrllllillrle liL'ru\loritlr()tt utillltc\' t)l"tlrc ('ontrltct or within sevcn {?) r....r . lrltlllir -'rl \\rthln .i(l tlavs ol llru lcrntillirlion rr' \t'ltortl llollrrl. rr l'ttuhcvrr clrttt*s lirrl I !'ri{t('\l r\ \ ir. crrtlor ' ,li I t'r ':11 (lii,:\riit!'11 .ll;li \ill]plclllll.nli|n(|\u|)cr\edcatrr-U(rnlltgtiltslcnrls()rconditionsoi.thc t)rl!:lnirl Agrcement shall remain ttr \r. :cct lt) lllc lilrcuorrr5." rltu lcrtrrr r!l'tlrE \ r'rrill, , \ --ri \llll""' ( \1.(' \sll'lt l'\ltlsgs('ll()ot' Itlltll tltitltttrt <_,{ '- "'' . 1|lirll! i !-'l!ittltl-U \ tr t hr rii zctl (' l'Sli I{cprcsclltitlil BOARI) c Sisn*turc ( llNL Pw.(1t4 i l' !rl ! \ ut ltuirzctl l(cprc'cntirtlvc Niunc { Printt 5ul*v*ra^.a*d 'i tli' lrll,; { .\l ('\SlUl; l!,\RlSllS('tl(X)L ,, I ttrlrt' I)ltc i,;t 1r / =)=),, * 4 I