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Annual Report 2013/14
All Contracts which include RAP, YOT and Probation were delivered and contractual
targets achieved.
Activities at HIMMAT
(Year ending 31/3/14)
Number of
Average per
Youth Club
Saturday Club
Homework Drop-In
Himmat, as in previous years, continues to offer a range of nationally recognised
qualifications from our portfolio of accreditations.
Himmat Annual Report 2013/14
Report from The Chair
I keep reminding myself when I write this, that I am reflecting on the period ending 31/3/14- we are now
six months on from that and we are still here and have reasons to be cheerful but we are not out of the
woods yet but this has been the most difficult year and most difficult period ever.
I’ve been involved with Himmat since its inception and we have had some tough times but nothing like the
last twelve months. At the “top of the shop“, Assi left the organisation following a period of poor health
and this wasn’t simply about losing a project director, this was losing an inspirational leader and friend someone who was highly respected both within and outside of the organisation.
This was a Project that had been developed by Assi through a successful period of growth, stimulated by
national and local initiatives which really put Himmat on the map. The workforce had largely been
recruited and nurtured by him. In hindsight, as a Board, we probably left Assi to develop the various
services and structures without too much interference.
Perhaps we should have been more ‘active’ as a Board and a bit more insistent about succession planning.
Anyway, we are where we are and Rahat was thrown in at the deep-end, to take this on as Interim Director.
These were big shoes to fill and against a backdrop of vicious cuts, Rahat stepped in at a time when we
had to reduce the workforce as a result of a reduction in funding in particular from Bradford Education and
we had to reduce the salary bill in order to balance the books.
Furthermore, the Board lost some key figures - Robin Prescott stepped down as chair though stayed on for
a few months but we lost his vast experience and financial expertise. It was only in the second half of the
financial year that we realised the extent and severity of the financial challenges, fortunately Zia Syed was
recruited and joined us on the Board and brought his knowledge and accountancy skills and gradually we
devised a plan which would ensure our survival. We also relied heavily on the knowledge and experience
of Cllr. Jenny Lynn who feels passionately about Himmat. I also have to mention Jeff Rafter who is a critical
friend, and consistently provides challenge and sound advice. Peter Henning remained a solid and active
member of the Board and could be relied on to ask the questions the rest of us had overlooked. Others
played their part but attendance at Board meetings has been a problem throughout the year - perhaps this
is no surprise, we are all busy and we are all pulled in many directions. Thanks to everyone who has given
up their time as a Board member and/or Trustee to keep the Himmat show on the road.
I suppose one of the challenges for me has been to our principles and ethos, about whether we provide
open access or only go where finance permits with no cross-subsidies. Such an approach would put the
Halifax end of the operation in jeopardy and the Board are not prepared to do this. We know our strengths
and have a unique offer which, at its heart is about helping young people and their families.
It is against this background that staff continue to deliver high-quality services to adults, young people and
their families. Bake Street, as a school, has developed remarkably within a short space of time as a result
of good leadership and a staff team willing to go the extra mile - I have witnessed staff come in on nonworking days to do additional work. I am also aware of Families First workers, and those in the YOT, being
complimented for their work. Probation, as we all know, is in a ‘transitional phase’, yet we have retained
the contract and continue to do some great work, an example of which you will read about later. I must
also acknowledge the contribution of the support staff who ensure we keep things running smoothly and
who do a great job behind the scenes.
So, my final comments and thanks are reserved for the staff and volunteers - without their strength and
enthusiasm this challenging role would be almost impossible and I/we are indebted to them.
Richard Ian Smith
Himmat Annual Report 2013/14
I n t e r i m D i r e c t o r ’s R e p o r t
This is my first report as the Interim Director as Assi is not able to continue due to his poor health. It begins a new
chapter for Himmat, and for me personally, as it will be the first time in 20 years that I will not have my Director,
mentor and a dear friend Assi at my side, a partnership which has spanned some 20 years (when we were Kings)
with some notable success. I also acknowledge, as did the Chair in his foreword, the critical contribution to Himmat’s
growth and development played by the board members, and in particular Robin and others, who have been ardent
supporters of Himmat for many years. Without their unwavering support Himmat would have not flourished as it
did. We have a hard act to follow.
However, move forward we must - the only constant is change and we are prepared to face the uncertain future
without some key personnel. I am clear on the action we need to take and the direction we need to take. Some of
these actions will be through choice whilst most will be through necessity, as a result of external political and
financial pressures. We need to ensure we continue to stream-line, strengthen our processes, structures and staff
development, in addition to looking for opportunities to expand our portfolio of projects. Change is being imposed
with considerable speed and we have to be ready. How we are funded and monitored has changed and is more
onerous. In addition we face new competition as the “markets” are being opened up.
We have made some difficult choices in reducing the workforce, rationalising our buildings so we can remain viable
for the long term as a result of reduced income. I am pleased to say that that in reducing staffing we have supported
95% of the team into new jobs with new employers, with some of the interviews having been held at our site. This
is a clear indication of our good reputation as an organisation.
One of the key milestones has been the success in registering with Ofsted as an Independent Special School, then
passing our first ever Ofsted, an outstanding achievement by Joanne and her team. It will no doubt provide us a
competitive edge, as well as providing confidence to referring schools and agencies. We have good working
relationship with Localities whose support has been most welcome as they guided us to secure funding from the SIB
to develop Himmat’s contract capacity. In addition, Himmat is registered with NEST and providing pension
opportunities to all staff.
We remain focussed, despite the distractions, in supporting the most vulnerable in our communities although it is
becoming more challenging as we face the impact of long-term austerity measures but we are not alone in this, and
as long as our partners remain sympathetic and understanding we will persevere and continue to provide quality
services. I am confident that we have the skills, abilities and expertise in our staff and board to ensure we can face
the future and move forward. I believe we have to hang on to our core values of working with integrity and
transparency as these are timeless traits and imbedded in all our operations and activities.
Ultimately, it’s about ensuring we meet the needs of the service users.
Rahat Khan
Interim Director
Himmat Annual Report 2013/14
Probation Services
The Probation Project has had another
successful year working across its various
locations in West Yorkshire. The project
provides support to the probation service
through home, prison and hostel visits,
temporary license reports, sentence plans
and multi-agency public protection
arrangement (MAPPA) consultations.
Cases are referred to the project on a
regular basis and the ability to deal with
high-risk and complex cases result in the
Probation Service viewing Himmat as an
integral and valuable resource which they
need and utilise in order to manage
“Every UMMID
worker I have the
good fortune of
working with has
enhanced my
ability to do my
This view can be seen through feedback
received from Probation Service staff:
Michelle Hanley
Keighley Probation Office
11 - 23 Cavendish Street,
West Yorkshire Probation Trust
Hi Qamar
The work that you undertake with my service users is vital; essential in
terms of me gaining a greater understanding of actual and potential risk
issues that I simply would not be aware of. The local knowledge you have of
the Asian community in Keighley and Bradford offers me a real insight into
my service users perceptions/priorities. When looking at religious and
cultural issues that impact upon a service users choices re. offending or not
offending, again your insight is invaluable. It enables me to have a much
more whole view of my service users and a greater depth in my assessments.
Quite simply, I have said this over and over again and will keep saying it,
in my opinion UMMID is the most important partnership agency we have;
and also the most reliable and motivated. Every UMMID worker I have the
good fortune of working with has enhanced my ability to do my job,
developed positive relationships with my service users and their families. I
totally value the work you do Qamar! Thanks.
Himmat Annual Report 2013/14
YOT Projects
RRR (Respect, Rights
The last year has seen the partnership
between Himmat and the Bradford Youth
stronger. The RRR programme is available
for all young people involved in the
criminal justice system and offers support
Participants are helped to develop a
positive approach and explore what they
can do as individuals to make a positive
contribution to Bradford as a society.
Over the last year, the team has
participated in a number of training
Bradford Council to implement the new
Prevent Strategy. Two members of the
team also successfully completed The
Certificate (YJEPC).
The team's role this year has included
working on a one-to-one basis with
young people and their families to tackle
misconceptions they may have around the
subject. Himmat has received positive
feedback from the Youth Offending
Team, parents and young people for the
outcomes achieved and we hope our work
locally will help to provide equality in the
district. The support of YOT management
has played an integral part in the team's
“H i m m a t h a s r e c e i v e d
positive feedback
from the Youth
Offending Team,
parents and young
people for the
outcomes achieved.”
Custody Team
Himmat's staff plays a crucial role as part
of the custody team managing high risk /
high vulnerability cases that come
through the Youth Justice System. The
aim is to provide appropriate intervention
and support to young people utilising our
local and cultural knowledge to reduce
their vulnerability and risk.
Himmat staff have also supported
colleagues within the custody team
whenever possible and played a central
part in Bradford's Youth Offending
T e a m ’s e f f o r t s t o m e e t t a r g e t s i n t e r m s o f
re-offending, and breaches for noncompliance.
Work carried out over the last year has
Carrying out of assessments
Creation of risk
management/vulnerability plans
Attendance of risk/vulnerability
strategy meetings, review meetings
and welfare visits
Providing parental support to attend
review meetings
Cover duty for custody/ISS team
Providing appropriate intervention
aimed at reducing risk of harm,
vulnerability and re-offending
Himmat also provides specialist one to one
support for young people and parents
Building Bridges programme - aimed
at improving family relationships
Escape - Parenting programme
Time Out For TEENS
Anger management support
Himmat Annual Report 2013/14
Ummid Independent School
The Second Chance Project has developed
rapidly over the year to meet Ofsted standards
and align Himmat with potential future
commissioning work. After months of policy
change and restructure, Ummid Independent
School, was successfully registered with the
Department For Education, demonstrating
Himmat's commitment to working towards
the required standards.
Ofsted noted that our teaching skills are
good, however we should not rely on the
Pupil Referral Unit for tracking and
measurement of learning and should create
more robust in-house systems including
formal performance management of teaching
Safeguarding and teaching practices are
achieved by ensuring staff regularly attend
teaching and appropriate safeguarding
training with each department having a
safeguarding lead. The inspection team also
positively commented on the projects
commitment and outcomes when working in a
challenging environment.
Over the period April 2013-March 2014, 132
students successfully attended the school over
five sites.
“Ofsted noted that our
teaching skills are good.”
Himmat Annual Report 2013/14
Families First
The Families First team is continuing its work
successfully working with disadvantaged
families throughout the Bradford District.
There are currently 6 workers within the team.
The project is funded through payment by
results and most of the staff are working to
full capacity, after receiving referrals from
Bradford's Families First team.
Himmat has an excellent track record for
successfully getting family members back into
work, education or training and this is due to
the continued efforts of the staff involved and
their commitment to on-going professional
“Himmat has an
excellent track record
for successfully
getting family
members back into
work, education or
Himmat Halifax
Not in Employment, Education or
Training (NEET)
The NEET project is currently subcontracted
from Calderdale & Kirklees (C&K) Careers and
Himmat's NEET advisor has worked with a
caseload of up to 55 young people.
Conversion targets have been met and often
exceeded and the project has seen more
networking with outside agencies over the
last year. The project has worked using the
C&K Careers methodology and structure
alongside the individual and unique methods
used by Himmat staff.
These methods are valued and appreciated by
partners who see the community links formed
and cultural approach used by Himmat
produce results when others struggle to
engage young people. These methods help
young people to make the transition from
Youth Club
The evening youth club provision has seen
steady and regular attendance by local young
people and the facilities provided give them
the perfect environment to build relationships
with both staff and other young people. The
youth workers on hand give advice on such
areas as employment and CV building,
volunteering opportunities, money and time
management and educational support. There
has also been various trips organised including
visits to Premier League football matches and
the local cinema and the youth club continues
to be a key part of Himmat's work in the
Halifax area.
In conjunction with the Sports Project, Youth
Club staff ran a weekend trip to London for
17 young people aged 16-18. The trip
consisted of a friendly football match with a
multi-cultural youth organisation based in
West London and a visit to Notting Hill
Many of the participants were
visiting London for the first time and the trip
proved to be a success with the young people
gaining a large amount of positive social
Himmat Annual Report 2013/14
Homework Support
The homework support sessions run three
times a week and are extremely popular with
an average of 30 young people attending per
session. The fun and informative delivery is
linked into the current school curriculum and
the benefits are seen by young people from
across the community as well as by parents
who can access the free additional learning
support for their children.
The junior cricket team fulfilled its league
fixtures and its continued partnership with
Greetland Cricket Club continues to blossom.
This provides disadvantaged young people
with an opportunity to take part in a sport
which can be expensive, and reduces the risk
of them dropping out because of the cost.
Sports Project
The Sports Project continues to grow and its
capacity to engage young people has
expanded over the last 12-months. Young
people access sports such as football, cricket,
handball and mountain biking under the
supervision of experienced and qualified staff.
Another focus of the project has been the upskilling of staff involved and the recruitment
of new volunteers to keep the project
sustainable with a view to future expansion.
Spring 2014 saw the football project well
represented at the Calderdale Junior League
Cup Finals held at The Shay Stadium, Halifax.
The project had three teams in finals with all
three putting in excellent performances and
players thoroughly enjoying the occasion,
with the Under-16's team crowned as Cup
Winners 2014.
The Under-9's showed remarkable progress in
their first season together and this will result
in a future focus on getting young people
(both boys and girls) involved with the sport
from an early age. February 2014, also saw
the project receive Charter Standard
Development Club status as recognition for
the quality of provision offered and standards
Himmat Annual Report 2013/14
Our Communities Award
2014 saw our Sports Co-ordinator, Asad Qureshi (right, below), collect an award for Contribution to
Sport and Play in the Park/Warley wards from the Our Communities network for his work with Himmat.
The award reflects the significant amount of growth that the sports project has seen recently and the
amount of young people now accessing the provision.
As well as this, the provision has received quality certificates from the Football Association, the Street
Games Network and the Calderdale Clinical Commissioning Group.
Himmat Annual Report 2013/14
Summary of Income and Expenditure
For the Year ended 31st March 2014
Total Income - £1,323,831
Total Expenditure - £1,174,577
Resources expended
Incoming resources
Bradford MDC
Richard Ian Smith
Jenny Lynn
Zia Syed
Management Committee
Finance Director
Richard Ian Smith
Jenny Lynn
Zia Syed
Governing Costs
Charitable Activities
Other Grants
Education Bradford
Calderdale MBC
West Yorkshire Probation
Richard Ian Smith
Jenny Lynn
Zia Syed
Jeff Rafter
Shabina Mir
Cllr. Abdul Jabbar
Finance Director
Finance Director
Katie Crowther, Hassan Mahmood, Sumaya Arif, David Larmar, Emily Harland, Mohammed Nabeel,
Farida Hussain, Aisha Zafar, Zeshan Shabbir and Waqar Azam.
Himmat Annual Report 2013/14
The Himmat Project
The Ummid Project
34/36 Hanson Lane
West Yorkshire
The Old Sunday School
Bakes Street
Great Horton, Bradford
t: 01422 348045
t: 01274 577866
Himmat - Charity No. 1059600
Himmat is a company limited by guarantee - No. 3277918