SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy • Article • October 2014 Vol. 57 No. 10: 1875–1878 doi: 10.1007/s11433-014-5401-9 Epitaxial growth and in-plane dielectric properties of orthorhombic HoMnO3 films GAO Ping, WANG WeiTian*, ZHANG Wei & SUN YuMing Institute of Opto-Electronic Information Science and Technology, Yantai University, Yantai 264005, China Received September 7, 2013; accepted October 12, 2013; published online April 17, 2014 Orthorhombic HoMnO3 (HMO) thin films were grown epitaxially on LaAlO3 (001) substrates by using pulsed laser deposition technique. The films showed perfect orthorhombic crystallization and were well-aligned with the substrates. The in-plane dielectric constant and loss of HMO films were measured as functions of temperature (80–300 K) and frequency (120 Hz–100 kHz) by using coplanar interdigital electrodes. Two thermally activated dielectric relaxations were found, and the respective peaks shifted to higher temperatures as the measuring frequency increased. The in-plane dielectric properties of epitaxial orthorhombic HMO films were considered as universal dielectric response behavior, and the dipolar effects and the hopping conductivity induced by the charge carriers were used to explain the results. dielectric properties, interdigital electrodes, HoMnO3 thin films, orthorhombic PACS number(s): 81.15.Fg, 77.22.Gm, 77.55.+f Citation: Gao P, Wang W T, Zhang W, et al. Epitaxial growth and in-plane dielectric properties of orthorhombic HoMnO3 films . Sci China-Phys Mech Astron, 2014, 57: 18751878, doi: 10.1007/s11433-014-5401-9 1 Introduction The stoichiometic rare earth manganites have attracted intensive theoretical and experimental research interest because of the various exotic properties, including ferroelectrics, ferromagnetism, colossal magnetoresistance effects and multiferroics [1–4]. Many multifunctional-designed devices made of these materials were reported to exhibit fascinating dielectric, magnetic, and electric tunable functions. Among these rare materials, HoMnO3 (HMO) is a prototypical material and shows unusual interplay of magnetic and electric properties. Most researches have focused on the antiferromagnetism and ferroelectricity properties of HMO bulk or single crystals at low temperature, and large magnetoelectric effects were reported [5–7]. *Corresponding author (email: © Science China Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014 Generally, HMO forms a stable hexagonal crystal structure. Concurrently, orthorhombic HMO (o-HMO) can also be prepared by means of special synthesis methods although it is not the thermodynamically stable phase at ambient conditions [8–10]. Thus, HMO thin films can be fabricated in hexagonal or orthorhombic structure expediently by choosing suitable substrates. Comparing with bulk materials, HMO thin films exhibit unusual phenomena during certain physical process. Moreover, the preparation of high-quality films is an indispensable requirement for modern practical applications [11,12]. Herein we report the growth of epitaxial o-HMO films on LaAlO3 (LAO) substrates by using pulsed laser deposition technique. The in-plane complex dielectric properties were measured as function of frequency (120 Hz–100 kHz) with interdigital electrodes (IDEs) to conduct a comprehensive study of their surface dielectric properties. The universal dielectric response (UDR) models were used to explain the observed results. 1876 Gao P, et al. Sci China-Phys Mech Astron October (2014) Vol. 57 No. 10 2 Experimental The thin films were deposited using a KeF excimer laser (=248 nm, =17 ns, 3 Hz repetition rate) focused onto the high purity target of HMO ceramic which was prepared through conventional solid-state reaction process using high quality Ho2O3 and Mn2O3 raw materials. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) profile of the HMO ceramic target exhibited a well-crystallized hexagonal structure (a=0.613 nm, c=1.14 nm) and no impurity phases could be detected in the X-ray spectra. The typical laser energy density used was approximately 2.5 J/cm2, sufficiently high to ablate the ceramic HMO. The target was mounted on a rotating holder, 40 mm from the pseudo cubic LAO (001) substrates (a=0.3792 nm, 0.5 mm in thickness) which were maintained at 700°C under oxygen pressure of 30 Pa during the deposition process. After the deposition, the thin films were cooled at an atmospheric pressure of oxygen with a cooling rate of 5°C/ min. The thickness of the fabricated HMO thin films was about 120 nm. The crystalline structure of the deposited HMO films was investigated by XRD with Cu K radiation at 1.54 Ǻ. The low-frequency (120 Hz–100 kHz) surface dielectric measurements were performed with interdigital electrodes (IDEs) by using a QuadTech1730 LCR Digibridge in a cooling run from room temperature to 77 K, followed by a heating run to room temperature. The data of both runs were reproducible and reversible. 3 Results and discussion Figure 1 shows a typical -2 XRD pattern of an asprepared HMO film on a LAO (001) substrate. In addition to the diffraction peaks from the substrate, the presence of the two reflections along with their peak positions can be consistently described by (110) and (220) peaks for the o-HMO, indicating that the as-prepared HMO thin film is in orthorhombic structure and in the preferable (110) orientation. The results are consistent with other reports [13,14]. To investigate the in-plane texture of the films, the X-ray scans in proximity the o-HMO (112) and LAO (112) reflections were measured. As shown in the inset of Figure 1, fourfold symmetry peaks indicate that the o-HMO films are epitaxial and in orthorhombic structure. The azimuthal scans of substrate are identical with that of the film, suggesting the film is well aligned with the substrate. At room temperature, the lattice parameters of the bulk o-HMO phase are a=5.255 Å, b=5.826 Å, and c=7.365 Å [15], whereas lattice constants of two times along the [010] and [100] directions of LAO substrate are 7.584 Å ×7.584 Å, which is acceptable to accommodate the (110) plane of o-HMO. The mismatches along [110] and [001] directions of HMO thin films are 3.4% and 2.8%, respectively. Figure 1 Typical XRD -2 patterns of o-HMO thin films grown on LAO (001) substrates. The inset shows the azimuthal scans of the (112) peaks of o-HMO and substrte, displaying the alignment of crystallographic orientations between film and substrate. The characterization of the dielectric properties of HMO thin films is important for a variety of potential electronic designs. However, for many applications, it is the in-plane electrical properties of the film that need to be characterized [16,17]. For this purpose, the IDE structure is widely used to electrically achieve the in-plane dielectric properties [18–20]. The Au IDEs were deposited on the top surface of HMO film by using a combination of magnetron sputtering and lift-off photolithography. Figure 2(a) illustrates the Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) image of the fabricated IDE pattern, and the schematic measurement is shown in Figure 2(b). The top Au electrodes were approximately 0.1 m thick. The IDE patterns consisted of 50 fingers with identical finger width (15 m) and spacing (20 m); the fingers were 0.7 mm long. The dielectric constant of a thin film with the IDE pattern can be calculated using the following expression [17], f s C K 1 s 4.6h K 1 exp G W , where f and s are the film and substrate dielectric constants (s of the LAO substrate is 25), respectively, h is the film thickness and K is a constant in units of picofarads. C is the measured capacitance per unit finger length per electrode section of width. G and W are the finger width and gap spacing, respectively. Figure 3 shows the calculated in-plane dielectric properties of o-HMO films. The temperature dependence of the real part ′ of the complex permittivity and loss tangent tan were presented respectively. It is seen that ′ consists of two distinct transitions, and the peak positions shifted to higher temperatures as the measuring frequency increases. The first peak of ′(T) at the low frequency reached a value as high as Gao P, et al. Sci China-Phys Mech Astron October (2014) Vol. 57 No. 10 1877 Figure 3 Temperature dependence of (a) the dielectric constant ′ and (b) the loss tangent tan of a HMO film at different frequencies between 120 Hz and 100 kHz measured with IDE. The inset in (b) shows the fitting result (solid curve), which is composed of two Gaussian peaks and an exponential background (dashed curves). Figure 2 (a) SEM image of an IDE formed by photolithography; (b) the schematic model of dielectric measurement with IDE. 260, corresponding to the peak in loss tangent with the same development with the frequency, while the other one can not be discerned in tan because of the exponential-like increasing background. Two Gaussian peaks superimposed upon an exponential function can be used to simulate the experimental data of tan. Typical results for frequency 120 Hz are shown in the inset of Figure 3(b). The solid curve is the fitting result, which is the sum of the three dashed curves representing two Gussian peaks and exponential background, respectively. This indicates that there exist two sets of thermally activated relaxations in HMO films, which resemble the dielectric behavior of other rare earth manganites with comparable crystal structure [21]. The similar in-plane dielectric results were obtained in HMO thin films with different thickness (120 nm, 150 nm, 190 nm), which suggests that the film thickness (>100 nm) or internal stress has little effects on the surface dielectric properties of epitaxial HMO films on LAO substrates. The exponential-like increasing background in loss tangent implies that the background is associated with the hopping conductivity indued by the charge carriers. The localized charge carriers hopping between spatially fluctuating lattice potentials can also result in dipolar effects. Such behavior was first reported by Jonscher [22] for such a wide variety of materials that this behavior was denoted as the UDR. According to this model, the imaginary part of the complex dielectric constant can be expressed as '' A s 0 , where A and s are temperature dependent constants and ε0 is the electric permittivity of free space, =2f is the angular frequency. As a consequence of the KramersKronig relation, the real part of the complex dielectric conA stant is given by tan( sπ / 2) s , where 0 is the high-frequency value of ( ). According to these two equations, a straight line with the slope of s can be obtained in the plot of log(f′) vs. logf at a given temperature, and the same characteristic can be observed in the log(f′′) vs. logf pattern. Figure 4 shows the inference in log-log graph. Approximate straight lines can be obtained in Figure 4(a) for the frequency dependence of f′ with s~0.76, which is consistent with the assumption given by Jonscher [22]. With decreasing temperature, the activity of the localized carriers 1878 Gao P, et al. Sci China-Phys Mech Astron October (2014) Vol. 57 No. 10 dipoar effects and the hopping conductivity were used to explain the results. This work was supported by Shandong Province Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. ZR2011AM014). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Figure 4 (Color online) Log-log plot of frequency dependence of (a) f′ and (b) f′′ of o-HMO films at given temperatures. is suppressed, which reduces the dipolar effects, resulting in the gradual deviation from the straight line. Figure 4(b) shows the frequency dependence of ′′. The imaginary component of the complex dielectric constant ′′(T) was determined from the loss tangent (tanδ) data. The data of log(f′′) fall on a straight line with logf with the slope of s=0.1–0.3. In general, the exponential increasing background in loss tangent implies that the relaxation is associated with the hopping of carrier ions with appropriate relaxation of surrounding ions. Below 180 K, the points of f′′ deviate from the straight line at high frenquency. Perhaps some other energy dissipation mechanisms arising from relaxation is stimulated into action in the high-frenquency range. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 4 Conclusions 17 Epitaxial o-HMO films were fabricated on LAO (001) substrates by pulsed laser deposition. The in-plane dielectric properties were investigated using Au IDE patterns. Two peaks of the real part of the complex permittivity were obtained and the peak positions shifted to higher temperatures as the measuring frequency increases, corresponding to the peaks in loss tangent with exponential-like increasing background. 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