PROPERTY SPECIFIC CRITERIA FOR EXTON SQUARE MALL ARCHITECTURAL CRITERIA Building Construction Type: 2B Unprotected Storefront Typical Storefront Height = 10’- 6” Storefront must be constructed to be supported independently from the landlord’s mall bulkhead above. No attachment to the mall bulkhead is permitted. Mall tile is provided by Landlord to the storefront lease line. Any tile damaged by the Tenant shall be replaced at Tenant expense. Mall tile is not to extend beyond the lease line into the tenant storefront entry unless specifically approved by Landlord. Minimum Clear Height to the underside of structure above = 15’- 4” Landlord has provided a neutral pier at the storefront located on the centerline (lease line) of the demising wall (See attached detail). Concrete Floor Slab Unless existing, Tenant shall provide a 4” concrete slab on grade, or a supported composite floor structure designed to support a minimum live load of 125 pounds per square foot plus applicable dead loads, or as required by applicable building codes, whichever is greater. Concrete floor slab shall be installed in a true plane with a maximum surface variation of ½” (depression or bowing), in the center of any four points on the plane of the slab that defines a 20’-0” by 20’-0” floor area. Concrete floor slab may slope side-to-side or front-to-back as much as 1/16” per lineal foot, provided the slope is a uniform plane. Property Specific Design Criteria for EXTON SQUARE MALL 1 of 15 4/23/2010 All openings through structurally-supported slabs must be core bored, sleeved, grouted, sealed, and made waterproof. Sleeves, except for water closets, must extend at least 2" above the finished floor. Location of all floor openings must be approved by Landlord in writing. Waterproofing (membrane) must be inspected and approved by Landlord before any flooring material is installed. Tenant is responsible for taking whatever measures are necessary to assure that core boring will not damage Landlord's structure, conduits, etc. Penetrations in Interstitial (Overbuild) Slab – Much care must be taken to absolutely minimize the number of penetrations made through the interstitial slab. Only one penetration (for sanitary connection to the floor below) is greatly preferred by the Landlord and West Whiteland Township, and more than one penetration will only be allowed under special circumstances. Suggestions of makes and models of wall-hung sinks are included in Appendix. The Landlord requires the Tenant to utilize a detail previously approved by the Landlord and West Whiteland Township to make and seal the penetrations through the “floating”/interstitial slab area. There are no exceptions. This detail is included under Appendix. In addition, the following criteria must also be maintained: 1) A 0'-6" diameter or smaller core or cut through the slab is allowable, provided that any other penetration is at a minimum 3 diameters or more away from the original penetration. Therefore on a 0'-6" core, any adjacent cut of any size must be at least 18" away from the original cut as to not compromise the slab. 2) Cuts larger than 0'-6" must be discussed and approved by you prior to completion. 3) Installation of any tenant security mat, or any linear cuts/”trenching” that requires the cutting of the slab must also go through your office for review and approval/non approval. The location (referenced to grid lines), size, and depth of the installation must be placed on a drawing by the Tenant contractor and forwarded to the Tenant Coordinator for review. No work must be started without the prior approval of the Tenant Coordinator. The Landlord is requiring the Tenant’s contractor to utilize the following subcontractor to complete (locate, cut and seal only) all interstitial penetrations according to the aforementioned detail (Appendix): The Tenant may use his own plumber to complete the work. Property Specific Design Criteria for EXTON SQUARE MALL 2 of 15 4/23/2010 DC Electric Office Cell Fax Dennis Carr 610-584-9500 610-888-4132 610-584-8744 The Tenant’s contractor must request pricing from DC Electric directly, and must provide 1 week (min) notice for all work. Demising Walls Interior demising walls separating adjacent tenant spaces shall be constructed of 3 5/8” (20 gauge) metal studs spaced no greater than 16” on center and extending from floor to underside of roof deck or floor slab above. Tenant shall provide one layer of 5/8” fire-rated gypsum board, taped, spackled and fire caulked to the underside of the roof and/or floor structure above. Rear Service/Egress Door Unless otherwise existing and to remain, Landlord shall provide one (1) service/egress door at the rear of the Premises accessing a common service/exit corridor as required by applicable building code. The service/egress door shall be a 3’-0” x 7’-0” high, 1 hour fire-rated hollow metal door with a welded hollow metal frame and associated hardware in compliance with applicable building code. The service/egress door will be located in a recessed vestibule located within the Premises. MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL CRITERIA HVAC Design Criteria The information and associated diagrams describe the configuration of the HVAC system and identify specifics of Landlord and Tenant responsibility. Property Specific Design Criteria for EXTON SQUARE MALL 3 of 15 4/23/2010 Design Conditions: Summer Outside: Summer Inside: Winter Outside: 91 degrees F DB 73 degrees F WB 76 degrees F at 55 % Relative Humidity 3 degrees F with inside at 68 degrees F Note: HVAC Supply is designed to provide no less than 1 ton of conditioned air per 300 sq. ft. Description of Heating, Ventilating and Air-Conditioning systems permitted Individual HVAC system with Roof-top Package Units Individual Split Unit HVAC system (Roof-top mounted condensers and in space Air Handling Units) Food Court Tenants ONLY All tenant HVAC systems shall be designed to provide not less than 1 ton or cooling per 300 square feet of area of the Premises, unless otherwise required by governmental regulation. In tenant spaces serviced by Landlord supplied VAV any cooling capacities in excess of the above Design Conditions are subject to Landlord approval. Any additional Landlord Work required to be performed shall be at Tenant’s expense. Tenant is responsible for providing all associated roof-top equipment, air-handling units, distribution systems, diffusers and grilles, including all utility connections along with thermostatic, fire alarm and smoke detection controls and devices in compliance with all applicable codes and governmental regulations. Smoke evacuation fan(s) and power wiring for fan(s) shall be furnished and installed by the Tenant as required by local government agencies. For Food Court Tenants – The Tenant HVAC design must include the contribution of 400 FM from the Common Area HVAC System to insure the Premises are maintained at a negative pressure to the common mall area. Property Specific Design Criteria for EXTON SQUARE MALL 4 of 15 4/23/2010 Where any HVAC units, ductwork and/or diffusers or outlets are provided by Tenant or existing to be reused by Tenant, Tenant shall engage the services of a certified air balance contractor to adjust and completely balance Tenant’s portion of the system. Tenant shall provide to Landlord a copy of the certified balance report showing design and measured quantities, static pressure, fan motor RPM, motor current, and exhaust quantities. Tenant accepts all existing HVAC components to be reused in the construction of HVAC system servicing the premises in an “as-is” condition and is required to repair or replace any worn or damaged components to a serviceable condition as required by all applicable governmental regulations. Tenant design shall conform to the following criteria: a. All calculations shall be in accordance with the latest edition of the ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook, all applicable codes and regulations, and good engineering practice. All calculations shall be certified by a Registered Professional Engineer and submitted to Landlord for approval. b. Tenant shall submit completed HVAC data forms or provide equivalent information on the HVAC drawings. Tenant Load Calculations shall include the following: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Block peak cooling load. Block peak heating load. Instantaneous peak cooling load for each space served by an individual terminal unit if more than one unit is provided. Circulated CFM required for peak cooling load. Instantaneous heating load for each heated space. Toilet room exhaust air calculation, including calculation of static pressure required if applicable. Calculation of static pressure required from Tenant provided air conditioning equipment. Exhaust quantities and static pressure calculations for kitchen exhaust, if applicable. Make-up quantity and static pressure calculations for make-up air, if applicable. Tenant’s air conditioning system shall provide outside air ventilation of at least 15 CFM per person for all areas, or outside air ventilation quantity required by any applicable code, whichever is greater. Property Specific Design Criteria for EXTON SQUARE MALL 5 of 15 4/23/2010 Ventilation air from the restaurant dining and waiting areas must be transferred into the kitchen as part of the make-up air for the kitchen exhaust. At all times the restaurant premises are to be maintained at a negative pressure to the common mall area and adjacent tenants. The source of outside air for ventilation varies based upon the location of the leased premises, confirm location and method for outside air with Mall Management. All exhaust fans must discharge vertically & shall be located a minimum of 15’-0” away from any supply air intakes or inlet openings. Natural gas is available for tenant rooftop HVAC package units at a location on the roof in close proximity to the Premises. For Food Court tenants requiring natural gas for cooking, natural gas is available at the utility company manifolds located on the roof in close proximity to the Premises. Tenant is responsible for arranging for gas utility service with the local utility provider, including coordination of the final connection and installation of the gas meter. Ductwork All ductwork shall be fabricated from galvanized sheet metal in accordance with ASHRAE best recommended practices, and in strict compliance with all applicable SMACNA standards, latest editions. All supply and outside air ductwork shall be insulated. Air distribution devices shall be grilles or ceiling diffusers installed as required to achieve draft-free air circulation. Diffusers and grilles shall have lockable manual volume control devices. Tenant shall indicate the location of fire dampers, as required, on the mechanical drawings. Provisions shall be made for easy access to reset each fire damper. All fire dampers must be UL approved. Property Specific Design Criteria for EXTON SQUARE MALL 6 of 15 4/23/2010 Tenant shall furnish and install all secondary air duct distribution systems from the discharge side of the VAV boxes, including, but not limited to, electric duct heating coil, supply diffusers and return air grilles. The location of return air grilles shall be provided b Tenant as required. Flexible duct work shall be limited to lengths not to exceed six (6) feet and shall be properly sized to allow for the greater pressure drop. Tenants in spaces #2355, 2375, 2390, and 2395 and all tenants in the upper level renovation should anticipate required return air grilles and transfers which will be designed and installed by Landlord. Locations of these grilles will be denoted on the final Tenant review. Piping Systems All piping systems must be compatible with the type of materials used by the Landlord. Condenser water piping shall be black steel Schedule 40, ASTM A53 with threaded end and malleable iron threaded fittings. Type L copper tubing as specified may be permitted. Di-electric couplings shall be provided between dissimilar metals, pipe supports and valves. Condensate lines must be insulated with a minimum ½” insulation and terminate within the premises. Refrigerate piping should be installed using best practices as identified in ASHRAE Refrigeration Handbook, latest edition. All suction piping must be insulated. Walk-In Coolers, Refrigerators and Freezer Boxes All walk-in coolers, refrigerators or freezer boxes shall be provided with insulated floor construction and shall be air-cooled only. No walk-in cooler, refrigerator or freezer box shall be permitted without the proper floor system. Using the concrete floor slab provided by the Landlord will not be permitted. The combined weight of either the walk-in cooler, refrigerator or freezer box, together with the contents therein, shall not exceed the allowable live load for the floor, and must be approved by Landlord’s structural engineer at Tenant’s Expense. Property Specific Design Criteria for EXTON SQUARE MALL 7 of 15 4/23/2010 Fire protection sprinklers shall be provided as required by applicable codes. Plumbing Design Criteria Landlord shall provide sanitary sewer, cold water, and if applicable vent, connections for Tenant’s use in locations as determined by Landlord, unless existing. The size and location of these connections must be surveyed by the Tenant’s engineer. All Tenants shall install a water meter at Tenant’s expense as required by Mall Management. For Tenants located on floors above grade, floor drains and pipe sleeves shall have flashing collars and/or flange collars integrated with the Tenant’s waterproofing system to insure no leaks to the areas below. Tenants are required to provide their own hot water heaters or instantaneous recovery type water heaters as necessary for their specific needs. The Tenant is required to have their engineer verify the water pressure provided to the premises in the field. If Tenant requires additional water pressure than available, Tenant shall provide a booster pump at Tenant expense. Gas service is available for cooking purposes only. Gas piping shall be installed in accordance with all applicable code requirements and must be approved by Landlord. Landlord makes no warranty as to the continuing availability or interruption to this service. Tenant must coordinate directly with the Gas Utility for provision of gas service. Gas piping shall be black steel pipe Schedule 40, ASTM A53 with threaded ends and malleable iron threaded fittings. All piping systems must be compatible with the type of materials and construction utilized by Landlord and installed in compliance with all applicable governmental regulations and codes. No PVC piping is permitted in any plenum areas or in any below grade installations. Location of all valves shall be identified and access provided for easy maintenance and servicing. Property Specific Design Criteria for EXTON SQUARE MALL 8 of 15 4/23/2010 Pipe is to be supported securely from hangers as follows: a. b. c. d. e. Pipes supported from the steel structure shall be supported from steel beams and joists with approved clamps and other structural attachments. In areas with concrete slabs or concrete and metal deck assemblies above, self-drilling anchors or power driven anchors will be allowed. No pipe hangers will be supported from the metal roof deck. Hangers shall not pierce piping insulation or vapor barrier. All steel hangers, rods, beam clamps, etc. exposed to public view shall be painted to match adjacent finishes as approved by Landlord. Appearance and spacing of hangers exposed to public view are important aspects of the visual environment. Specific details of support methods and location of hangers must be detailed and submitted to Landlord for approval. All hangers must be evenly spaced and grouped as much as possible to minimize the quantity of hangers required for all trades. Support systems must be neat and workmanlike, and free of excess length of support rods below the supported member. Hardware and accessories must be selected with a smooth finished appearance. If additional structural supports are required to meet applicable code requirements, Tenant’s contractor shall provide additional intermediate structural supports as required. All structural modifications are subject to approval by Landlord’s structural engineer. Provide escutcheons for all exposed piping through walls, floors and exposed ceiling. All pipe insulation in areas visible to the public shall be installed in a neat workmanlike manner and is subject to approval by Landlord. Tenant shall dispose of all condensate flow within the Tenant’s premises. The installation of condensate drainage shall be through indirect connection to the sanitary sewer system in accordance with applicable governmental regulation. Grease traps are required for all food service tenants and must be vented as required by governmental regulation. Traps shall be furnished and installed within Tenant’s Premises, above floor. Tenant is responsible for the proper care, cleaning and maintenance of all grease traps and associated plumbing. If exterior grease interceptors are required by governmental authority, Tenant-at their own expense-shall coordinate the location and installation with Mall Management. Property Specific Design Criteria for EXTON SQUARE MALL 9 of 15 4/23/2010 Garbage disposals are not permitted. Tenant accepts all existing plumbing components to be reused in the construction of plumbing system servicing the premises in an “as-is” condition and is required to repair or replace any worn or damaged components to a serviceable condition as required by all applicable governmental regulations. Fire Protection Design Criteria All fire protection work must be performed by a licensed sprinkler contractor using materials and methods approved by the Landlord’s designated Insurance Underwriter and in accordance with all applicable governmental regulations. Two sets of fire protection documents must be submitted to the Landlord’s Insurance Underwriter for approval. Pipes should be sized according to the pipe schedule method. Heads must be placed under any obstructions exceeding four (4) feet in length or width. No obstruction or material storage is permitted within eighteen (18) inches of a sprinkler head. All fire protection system work within the Leased Premises must be performed by Landlord’s designated contractor. Tenant’s licensed sprinkler contractor must provide Landlord and local Fire Department (as required) with shop drawings and specifications detailing the sprinkler system modifications. Tenant shall submit one (1) set of complete sprinkler plans NOT TO BE RETURNED to: Jeff Patton II, PE, CFPS HPR Sr. Account Engineer Fireman's Fund Insurance Co. 4 Johnson Drive East Berlin, PA 17316 717.619.7109 O 888.275.7303 F Property Specific Design Criteria for EXTON SQUARE MALL 10 of 15 4/23/2010 No work may commence on the sprinkler system until the Landlord’s insurance carrier and the local fire department have approved Tenant’s sprinkler drawings. Fire Alarm System Verify Requirements with local government agency having jurisdiction. The duct smoke detector along with the proper programming of the smoke detector can be procured through the Fire Alarm Company: Kistler O’Brien Fire Protection 2210 City Line Road Bethleham, PA 18017 Tel: 610-231-0113 Fax: 610-266-7110 Contact: Thomas Findlay Electrical Design Criteria Description of Electrical Service available at the Landlord’s distribution equipment. 480/277 volt, 3 phase, 4 wire Unless otherwise existing to remain, Landlord has provided conduit with pull string from the Landlord’s distribution equipment to and within the Premises. Available capacity is based upon 10 watts per sq. ft. Food Court electrical capacity will be based upon 50 watts per square foot. Property Specific Design Criteria for EXTON SQUARE MALL 11 of 15 4/23/2010 Tenant accept all existing electrical components to be reused in the construction of the electrical system servicing the premises in an “as-is” condition and is required to repair or replace any worn or damaged components to a serviceable condition as required by all applicable governmental regulations. The Tenant’s electrical engineer is responsible for verifying the electrical service capacity and distribution components in the field. All costs to increase wire, service or distribution equipment sizes, whether within the premises or extending to the premises from utility distribution equipment are Tenant’s responsibility. Materials, products and equipment, including components thereof, shall be new and be UL rated as suitable for the prescribed purpose, and shall meet the requirements of all applicable governmental regulations and codes. Materials, products and equipment, including components thereof, shall be sized in conformity with the requirements of other recognized standards, such as ASTM, IEEE, IPCEA, NFPA and NEMA, where the requirements of such standards are more stringent than those cited above. Fuses for use in the Landlord’s Distribution Panel shall be furnished and installed by tenant. Fuses are to be 600 Volt, RK-1 Type. All service equipment (including but not limited to distribution centers, circuit breakers, switches, transformers, etc.) must be sized at 125% of Tenant’s stated cumulative coincident demand. All conductors shall be copper. Minimum size shall be #12 for power wiring and #14 for control wiring. Wire shall be run in rigid conduit or EMT. No flexible conduit is permitted except for final connections to devices wherein the maximum permitted length is six (6) feet. All hangers and supports exposed to view must be shown in detail in the plans submitted to Landlord for approval. All hangers must be uniformly spaced and neatly installed with no excess material beyond what is required for support. Paint all exposed conduit to match adjacent finishes. Dry type transformers shall be used for all 120/208 voltage requirements. Transformers shall be located within the premise. Property Specific Design Criteria for EXTON SQUARE MALL 12 of 15 4/23/2010 Distribution and lighting panels within the premises shall be of the three phase, four wire distributed phasing type. Tenant’s circuiting shall be arranged to provide an evenly balanced load on all phases. Panelboards shall be circuit breaker type only. All circuit breakers shall have interrupting capacity at least 10% greater than the available fault current at the breaker location. Available fault current will be stated on the Tenant’s panelboard schedule. Tenant’s electrical engineer shall complete and include the Electrical Data Tabulation Form attached with the submission of Tenant’s construction documents for Landlord’s approval. Telephone Unless existing to remain, telephone service shall be provided via an empty 2” conduit with pull string from the Landlord’s telephone distribution backboard to the rear of the Premises. Tenant must arrange telephone service directly with the telephone utility provider. Contact Verizon at 1-800-640-4155. The Tenant will be billed directly through Verizon. Utility Metering Refer to property contact information sheet for utility company information. PREIT Services is responsible for billing all Electric, water and sewer. Tenant is responsible to assume payment of all utilities as of the date of possession. Contact PECO at 1-800-494-4000 to establish a new gas account. The Tenant will be billed directly through PECO. Property Specific Design Criteria for EXTON SQUARE MALL 13 of 15 4/23/2010 GENERAL INFORMATION EXTON SQUARE MALL 260 Exton Square Parkway Exton, PA 19341 GENERAL MANAGER: Tim Smith Additional Insured: Exton Square Property LLC; PREIT Services, LLC; PREIT Associates, L.P. UTILITY SERVICES GAS WATER Aqua 1010 Greenhill Rd. West Chester, PA 19380 610-430-0747 SANITARY SEWAGE PECO 610-941-1850 800-841-4141 Emergencies (Food Court/Restaurant Tenants Only) ELECTRICAL 800-841-4141 Emergencies PECO supplies power; each tenant space sub-metered and billed back from LL TELEPHONE COMPANY REQUIRED ROOFER Brown and Guarino Attn: Boskovich (856) 232-6400 GAS No gas on property. Property Specific Design Criteria for EXTON SQUARE MALL West Whiteland Township 101 Commerce Drive Exton, PA 19341 Tel: 610-363-9525 Fax: 610-280-7739 Verizon 800-479-1919 14 of 15 4/23/2010 PERMIT & PLAN REVIEW INFORMATION West Whiteland Township 222 North Pottstown Pike Exton, PA 19341 610-363-9525 Fax: 610-280-7739 Chester County Health Department Government Services Center 601 Westtown Rd, Suite 288 West Chester, PA 19382-4543 610-344-6574 Fax: 610-344-5934 CORPORATE CONTACT LIST PENNSYLVANIA REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT TRUST Corporate Headquarters 200 South Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19102 Tel: 215/875-0700 TENANT COORDINATION 200 South Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19102 (215) 875 -0774 Phone (215) 545 - 0565 Fax Tenant Coordinator: Marcella Hudson Property Specific Design Criteria for EXTON SQUARE MALL 15 of 15 4/23/2010 GENERAL INFORMATION EXTON SQUARE MALL 260 Exton Square Parkway Exton, Pennsylvania 19341 Tel: 610-363-2865 Fax: 610-363-9586 GENERAL MANAGER: Timothy Smith (ext. 20) OPERATIONS MANAGER: Alex Kupinski (SMS) (ext. 17) UTILITY SERVICES WATER GAS Aqua 1010 Greenhill Rd. West Chester, PA 19380 610-430-0747 PECO 610-941-1850 800-841-4141 Emergencies (Food Court/Restaurant Tenants Only) ELECTRICAL 800-841-4141 Emergencies PECO supplies power; each tenant space sub-metered and billed back from LL TELEPHONE COMPANY Verizon 800-479-1919 PERMIT & PLAN REVIEW INFORMATION West Whiteland Township 101 Commerce Drive Exton, PA 19341 Tel: 610-363-9525 Fax: 610-363-5099 Mark Moses – Code Enforement Officer/ Fire Marshall Dave Katzaman – Asst. Code Administration Officer SANITARY SEWAGE West Whiteland Township 101 Commerce Drive Exton, PA 19341 Tel: 610-363-9525 Fax: 610-280-7739 CORPORATE CONTACT LIST PENNSYLVANIA REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT TRUST Corporate Headquarters 200 South Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19102 Tel: 215-875-0700 TENANT COORDINATION 200 South Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19102 Tel: 215-454-1257 Fax: 215- 545-0565 Tenant Coordinator: Lauren Meillier