Abbreviations used in standardisation A AECMA AENOR AFNOR AG AI AIA AIS AM ANEC ANI ANIS ANSI ASB ASME ASNT ASRO ASTM AWS Association Européenne des Constructeurs de Matériel Aérospatial Asociación Espanola de Normalización y Certificación (National Member for Spain) Association Française de Normalisation (National Member for France) General Assembly of CEN Authorized Inspector regularly employed by an ASME accredited Authorized Inspection Authorized Inspection Agency, that is the Inspection Organization of a State or municipality of the United States Authorized Inspector Supervisor. Amendment European Association for the coordination of consumer representation in standardization (an Associate of CEN) Authorized Nuclear Inspector. Authorized Nuclear Inspector Supervisor. American National Standard Institute. Associated Body American Society of Mechanical Engineers. American Society for Nondestructive Testing. Romanian Standards Association American Society for Testing and Materials. American Welding Society. B BDS BEP BOSS BSI BT BT TCMG Bulgarian Institute for Standardisation Boiler External Piping Business Operations Support System British Standards Institution (National Member for the United Kingdom) Technical Board (of CEN) Technical Board Technical Committee Management Group C CA CCB CD CECIMO CEFIC CEN CENELEC CEN/TR CEN/TS CMC CNI CWA CYS Administrative Board (of CEN) CEN Certification Board Committee Draft European Committee for the Co-operation of the Machine Tool Industries (an Associate of CEN) European Chemical Industry Council (an Associate of CEN) European Committee for Standardization Comité Européen de Normalisation Europäisches Komitee für Normung (the acronym is invariable) European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization Technical Report Technical Specification CEN Management Centre Czech Standards Institute (National Member for the Czech Republic) CEN Workshop Agreement Cyprus Organisation for Standardisation (National Member for Cyprus) D dav dam DE DM doa dop dor dow DIN DIS DS DTR DTS Date of Availability Draft amendment Design Engineer. Design Manager. Date of Announcement Date of Publication Date of Ratification Date of Withdrawal Deutsches Institut für Normung (National Member for Germany) Draft international standard Dansk Standard (National Member for Denmark) Final Draft technical report Final Draft technical specification E EBW EC EEA EFTA ECISS ECOS EDI ELOT ENAPS EN ENV EOTA EOTC ESO ESW ETSI ETUI-REHS EUCOMED Electron Beam Welding. European Commission European Economic Area European Free Trade Association European Committee for Iron and Steel Standardization European Environmental Citizens Organisation for Standardisation (and Associate of CEN) Electronic Data Interchange Hellenic Organization for Standardization (National Member for Greece) Environmental Aspects in Product Standards European Standard European Prestandard European Organization for Technical Approvals European Organisation for Conformity Assessment European Standards Organizations Electroslag Welding. European Telecommunications Standards Institute European Trade Union for Research, Education, and Health and Safety (an Associate of CEN) European Confederation of Medical Devices Associations (an Associate of CEN) Abbreviations used in standardisation EVS EWF Estonian Centre for Standardisation (National Member for Estonia) European Federation for Welding F FIEC FCAW FDAM FDIS FprEN FSM European Construction Industry Federation (an Associate of CEN) Flux Cored Arc Welding. Final Draft amendment Final Draft international standard Final Draft European Standard for formal vote Field Site Manager. G GMAW GTAW Gas Metal Arc Welding. Gas Tungsten Arc Welding. I IBN/BIN ICS ICTSB IIS IIW IPQ IPR ISO ISSS IST ITP Institut Belge de Normalisation/Belgisch Instituut voor Normalisatie (National Member for Belgium) International Classification for Standards (managed by ISO and also used by CEN) Information and Communications Technology Steering Board Istituto Italiano della Saldatura International Institute of Welding Instituto Português da Qualidade (National Member for Portugal) Intellectual Property Rights International Organization for Standardization (CEN) Information Society Standardization System Icelandic Standards (National Member for Iceland) Inspection and Test Plan J JCG JPG JTC JWG Joint ISO/CEN Co-ordinating Group of the Technical Boards Joint Presidents Group CEN/CENELEC/ETSI Joint Technical Committee Joint Working Group L LBW LST LVS Laser Beam Welding. Lithuanian Standards Board (National Member for Lithuania) Latvian Standards Ltd (National Member for Latvia) M MAWP MDMT MDR MSA MSZT MT MTR Maximum Allowable Working Pressure at Maximum Allowable Temperature. Minimum Design Metal Temperature at MAWP. Manufacturers (Partial) Data Report (not to be mistaken for Manufacturers Design Report). Malta Standards Authority (National Member for Malta) Hungarian Standards Institution (National Member for Hungary) Magnetic Particle Examination. Material Test Report. N NB NCR NDE NEN NORMAPME NP NSAI NSB NWI National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors. Nonconformity Report. Nondestructive Examination. Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut (National Member for the Netherlands) European Office of Crafts, Trades and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises for Standardization (Associate CEN) New proposal National Standards Authority of Ireland (National Member for Ireland) National Standards Body New Work item O OFW ON Oxyfuel Welding. Österreichisches Normungsinstitut (National Member for Austria) P PAS PAW PDTR PDAM PKN PQ PQP prEN prENV prTR prTS PT PWHT PWI Publicly Available Specification Plasma Arc Welding. Preliminary draft technical report Preliminary draft amendment Polish Committee for Standardization (National Member for Poland) Primary Questionnaire Project Quality Plan draft European Standard draft European Prestandard draft Technical Report draft Technical Specification Liquid Penetrant Examination. Post Weld Heat Treatment. Preliminary Work item Q QA QAW QC QCI Quality Assurance. Quality Work Procedure. Quality Control. Quality Control Inspector. Abbreviations used in standardisation QCM QCR QTP Quality Control Manager. Quality Control Inspector Receiving. Quality Test Plan R RPE RT RW Registered Professional Engineer. Radiographic Examination. Resistance Welding. S SA SABE SAW SB SC SD SEE SFA SFS SIS SIST SMAW SN SNV SR STAR SUTN Ferrous Materials. Strategic Board on Environment (CEN advisory group) Submerged Arc Welding. Non-ferrous Materials. Subcommittee Standards Distribution Service de l'Energie de l'Etat (National Member for Luxembourg) Welding Filler Materials. Suomen Standardisoimisliitto (National Member for Finland) Standardiseringen i Sverige (National Member for Sweden) Slovenian Institute for Standardization (National Member for Slovenia) Shielded Metal Arc Welding. Standards Norge (National Member for Norway) Schweizerische Normen-Vereinigung (National Member for Switzerland) Systematic review Standardization and Research & Development (CEN advisory group) Slovak Standards Institute (National Member for Slovakia) T TC TF TR TS Technical Committee Task Force Technical Report Technical Specification U UAP UDS UNI UQ UT Unique Acceptance Procedure Users Design Specification (only Division 2). Ente Nazionale Italiano di Unificazione (National Member for Italy) Updating Questionnaire Ultrasonic Examination. V VT Visual Examination. W WD WE WFM WG WL WPQ WPS WTS Working Draft Welding Engineer. Welding Filler Material. Working Group Qualified Welders List. Welder's Performance Qualification. Welding Procedure Specification. Welding Procedure and Testing Schedule.