FINAL REPORT nd International Trade Fair of Electrotechnics, Electronics, Automation, Communication, Lighting and Security Technologies BRNO EXHIBITION CENTRE 9. – 12. 4. 2013 VÝSTAVIŠTE BRNO BRNO EXHIBITION CENTRE BASIC INFORMATION Basic statistics of AMPER 204 Trade Fair BRNO EXHIBITION CENTRE Trade fair took place in halls P, F, V Total exhibition space: 30 000 m2 Net exhibition space: 14 300 m2 Number of exhibitors: 632 from 20 countries Foreign exhibitors: 157 Number of visitors: 43 280 AMPER websites visitors: (from 1.2. till 31.3.2014) 64 349 Patronage 45 professional partners from Czech Republic and abroad Association of manufacturers of conductors and cables, Association of elektro-motive industry, Association for the development of investment – ISA, B.I.D. services, Association of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Crafts CZ, Brno Regional Chamber of Commerce, Brno University of Technology, Chamber of Trade and Industry for CIS Countries, Czech ICT Alliance, CzechInvest, Czech Association of Telecommunications, Czech and Slovak Society for Photonics, Czech Electrotechnial Union, Czech - Moroccan Chamber of Commerce, Czech - Mexican Chamber of Commerce, Czech - Turkish Chamber of Commerce, Czech electro Union, Czech space office, Czech Association of Energy Sector Employers, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Photovoltaic Association, Department of Physics and Plasma of the Academy of Science of the Czech Republic, Electronic Industry Association of Slovakia, Embassy of the Republic of Poland, ESET software, Hong Kong Trade Development Council, IAESTE LC Brno, ICT UNIE o.s., Institute for the Development of Towns and Municipalities, Italian - Czech Chamber of Commerce - CAMIC, mFORCE, Physics Institute of Academy of Sciences, PowerGuru, Slovak Electrotechnical Society, Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency, Switzerland - Czech Chamber of Commerce, The Engineering Test Institute, Union of Czech and Moravian Production Co-operatives, Union of electrotechnical industry of the Slovak Republic, Technical University of Ostrava, Technical Museum in Brno, West Bohemia University in Plzeò 143 media partners from Czech Republic Agrospoj, All for Power, APC Asociace pro certifikaci, Alternativní energie, Ateliér, Automa, Automatizace v potravináøství, Automobil Industry, A-Z ELEKTRO, BigMedia, BEN - technická literatura, Business Life, CAD, Computer, Consulting Services, Control Engineering Èesko, Country rádio, DIREKTA GROUP - Katalog dodavatelù pro energetiku, DPS - Elektronika od A do Z, E15, Ekonom, EEM - Electronic engineering magazine, Elektrika.TV, Elektro, Elektro a Trh ET, Elektroinstalatér, ELEKTRO MANAGEMENT, ElektroPrù, ETM - Elektrotechnický magazín, Elektrotechnika v praxi, Energie 21, Energie kolem nás, ERA média, Facility manager, Facility management, FANDA elektronik, FCC Public, For manufacturer, ForTECH, Hospodáøské noviny, HW server, CHAMANNE, IBS motorpress, IDG Czech Republic, Industry Media, Inform, Inteligentní budovy, JMO - Jemná mechanika a optika, Katalog „Elektroinstalaèní úložný materiál“, Katalog „Elektrotechnický a energetický prùmysl ÈR“, Katalog „Kabelové nosné systémy“, Kompass Czech Republic, Kovoinzert, L.P. ELEKTRO, Marketing a media, Metropolis, MM Prùmyslové spektrum, NEW energy, odborná publikace „ELEKTROTECHNICKÝ A ENERGETICKÝ PRÙMYSL ÈR 2013-14“, ORSEC, Praktická elektronika, Priemysel Dnes, Rádio Blaník,Rádio City, Rádio Èas, Øízení & údržba prùmyslového podniku, Sborník pøednášek pro rok 2014 (1. Pololetí – L.P.Elektro), Sdìlovací technika, SECURITY Magazín, Solar Technika, Stavebnictví a interiér, Stavební a investorské noviny,, Strojírenství, Svìt balení, Svìt Prùmyslu, Svìtlo, T+T Technika a trh, TechMagazín, Technický týdeník, Technik, Topinfo, Výstavba mìst a obcí,,,,,,,,,,,, www.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 49 media partners from abroad Aimagazine, Association of Polish Electrical Engineers - SPEKTRUM magazíne; BUSINESS MEDIA SK, s.r.o. - Priemysel Dnes; Czech Business Park, Ltd.; Digital Visions, s.r.o., Electronic Specifier Ltd.; ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD. - ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY magazine; energy online, EXPO CENTER Trenèín; Feliciter Kiadó; Heiling Média Kft. - ELEKTROnet magazine; Goodwill Publishing, HMH, s.r.o. - ATP journal; INFOMA Business Trading, LUT-SATRADIO Prešov, TEEMA - Taiwan Electrical and Electronic Manufactures´ Association; LEADERpress, s.r.o. – „ai magazíne“; Media/ST, s.r.o. - Strojárstvo; SON MEDIA, s.r.o. - Revue priemyslu; Publish Industry Verlag GmbH –, E&E – The Fascination of Electronics magazíne; Springer Verlag GmbH - E&I Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik magazinie; Techmonitor Media Ltd. - Techmonitor magazine; TECHNIK & MEDIEN VerlagsgesmbH - MM Maschinen Markt magazíne; TechPark, Trilobyte - Komunálna energetika, Utrzymanie Ruchu Polsko, Velvyslanectví Polské republiky, WEKA-Verlag GmbH. – PUNKTUM magzine; WILEY-VCH Verlag Gmbh & Co. KGaA – Optik & Photonic magazíne, XPEDIENT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, AMPER ® 2014 VISITORS Number of visitors: 43 280 Data sample - 70% of visitors (registered participants) Domestic visitors according to regions Structure of visitors Czech Republic x foreign countries FOREIGN COUNTRIES 11% CZECH REPUBLIC 89% 3% 3% 5% 2% 20 % 6% 11 % 5% 4% 89 % 7% 11 % 8% 4% 22 % South Moravia Prague and Central Bohemia region Moravian – Silesian region Zlín region Vysoèina region Pardubice region Olomouc region Hradec Kralove region South Bohemia region Plzeò region Liberec region Ústí nad Labem region Karlovy Vary region 22% 20% 11% 8% 7% 6% 5% 5% 4% 4% 3% 3% 2% From abroad have registered visitors rom these countries: Belgium Bulgaria Denmark Egypt Finland France Ghana Hong Kong Croatia Ireland Italy Lithuania Latvia Hungary Germany Netherlands Poland Austria Russia, Slovakia Slovenia USA Serbia and Montenegro Spain Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Turkey Ukraine Great Britain Occupational structure of visitors Electro technicians (heavy/weak current) Technicians Managers Dealers, Buyers Others Project architect Student Managing directors, Executives Constructors, Developers Owner, Co owner Exhibitors with the most registered visitors AMPER ® 2014 13,21% 12,93% 11,99% 9,24% 8,69% 7,36% 6,94% 6,48% 5,41% 5,13% Engineering inspectors Entrepreneurs Electro mechanic Technologists Electro fitter Service engineers IT technical Representatives of public administration Architects 2,14% 2,11% 1,95% 1,68% 1,45% 1,32% 1,31% 0,51% 0,14% EXHIBITORS Number of exhibitors: 632 Number of exhibitors in the years 2011 - 2014 650 632 611 600 Domestic exhibitors according to regions 2% 620 1% 3% 1% 580 40 % 4% 7% 2% 4% 550 2% 5% 3% 26 % 500 Prague and Central Bohemia region South Moravia region Moravian-Silesian region Zlín region Pardubice region Plzeò region Hradec Králové region South Bohemia region Liberec region Vysoèina region Olomouc region Ústí nad Labem region Karlovy Vary region 450 400 350 300 2011 2012 2013 2014 40% 26% 7% 5% 4% 4% 3% 3% 2% 2% 2% 1% 1% Nomenclature fields by number of representing companies (one exhibitor can present more fields) Automation, control and regulation Electric installation technologies and smart electric installation Electroenergetics power generation, transfer and distribution Electronic components and modules Conductors and cables Measuring and testing devices Media and institutions Lighting devices and systems Drives and power electronics, power systems Services for electrotechnics industries Tools, accessories and equipment Security technologies and systems Production facilities and components for electrical industry Information, communication and navigation technologies OPTONIKA optical and photonic technology Electro thermal technology The total number of foreign exhibitors: 157 165 139 138 129 103 101 88 87 81 64 43 42 40 35 29 27 Structure of exhibitors Czech Republic x foreign countries Geographical structure of foreign exhibitors: AMPER ® Slovakia 52 Great Britain 3 Germany 24 Belgium 1 Austria 18 Belarus 1 Poland 16 Hong Kong 1 Switzerland 9 Croatia 1 Taiwan 9 India 1 China 7 Japan 1 Hungary 5 South Korea 1 France 3 Russia 1 Italy 3 2014 FOREIGN COUNTRIES 25 % CZECH REPUBLIC 75 % GOLDEN AMPER AWARDS 2014 COMPETITION FOR THE MOST BENEFITIAL EXHIBIT Within the 22nd year of AMPER Trade Fair was held traditional ZLATÝ AMPER (GOLDEN AMPER) competition for most beneficial exhibit. The competition entered 37 exhibits from 33 exhibiting companies, which is highest number in history of the competition. About the winners had decided 10 experts of jury from Czech Technical University in Prague, Technical University in Brno, University of West Bohemia, VŠB Technical University of Ostrava, Institute of Economic Research SAS Bratislava and Electrotechnical Testing Institute Prague. Chairman of the jury prof. Ing. Radimír Vrba, CSc. and his colleagues had awarded five honorable mentions for beneficial exhibit and five main GOLDEN AMPER awards. foto GOLDEN AMPER awards for award-winning exhibits Most beneficial exhibits of AMPER Trade Fair 2014 and award-winning exhibits of GOLDEN AMPER are: Honorable mention from the expert committee received: UniGear Digital ABB s.r.o Web Self-Service JABLOTRON JABLOTRON ALARMS a.s. Type series of compact drive axles for light duty vehicles with integrated electric drive EVEKTOR, spol. s r.o. High Bay industrial buildings luminaire HbLED400 Osvìtlení Èernoch s.r.o. Switchgear 8 DJH Compact Siemens, s.r.o. Contactless encoder TURCK s.r.o. Control system Tecomat Foxtrot Teco a.s. SOLAR KERBEROS UNITES Systems a.s. U-remote modularly designed remote I/O system Weidmüller, s.r.o. Representatives of company EVEKTOR - new holders of GOLDEN AMPER awards 2014 AMPER ® 2014 Modular-XL T - INDUSTRY, s.r.o. Director of company Terinvest Ing. Jiøí Šviga with event moderator Tereza Nedvìdová Representatives of company Osvìtlení Èernoch receiving honorable mention of expert committee of GOLDEN AMPER PROFESSIONAL ACCOMPANYING PROGRAM SEMINARS AND CONFERENCES In addition to expositions of exhibitors, visitors had been attending accompanying program of professional workshops, conferences, trainings, specialized forums and meetings. The accompanying program covered all nomenclatural branches, which has been represented at the AMPER 2014 trade fair. These workshops dealt with safety in automation, fire security, energy and electrical engineering for the future, prospects in automation, intelligent buildings and lighting, PCB and electrotechnical components and last but not least electrical mobility, ICT systems and robotics. • • • • • 48 seminars about 195 professional topics More than 146 renowned experts from CZ and abroad Accompanying program took 110 hours Audience of 1 696 professionals 176 journalists from 3 countries registered at the trade fair Partners of accompanying program: 2014 AMPER FORUM At the exhibition venue grew again Elektrika.TV mobile studio, which was the first in the Czech Republic transmitting the actions of the trade fair on the internet. The project is called Ampere forum. Created by in cooperation with renowned electro media from Czech and Slovak Republic. Live broadcast from the fair have a tradition since the first edition of the AMPER fair in Brno. The project is improving every year in order to deliver better services to presenting companies as well as to the audience. Live broadcast from the 22nd AMPER Trade Fair New version of mobile studio has been updated with LIFE SUBTITLING 31 hours of live broadcast provided by fifteen-membered team 89 interviews Major topics of the interviews had been about Electric installation technologies, house automation and electromobility • Online broadcast has been viewed by approximately 9 500 spectators • Distribution of online broadcast has been enhanced to the web pages of wholesale stores • Compared to the last year, interest of exhibitors about this nontraditional kind of publicity increased by 50 % • • • • • Live broadcast partners: AMPER ® 2014 AMPER MOTION 2014 AMPER MOTION 2014 – electro mobility show 2014 motion Third season of AMPER Motion project has been attracting lots of visitor's attention. Exhibits placed outside and inside of the halls F and V have been representing innovationsin the world of electromobility. AMPER Motion 2014 offered: • • • • • • Czechoslovakia rally of Tesla S electro cars; World premier of electro bus Škoda 26BB PERUN; Presentation of fast recharging station from ELMARK PLUS, capable to recharge within 30 minutes; Introduction of electric go-cart “e cart” from the workshop of VOŠ, SPŠ a SOŠ Strakonice and Czech made electric car “FIDO” for two persons Electric cars of following brands: AIXAM, ALFA ROMEO, BMW, Citroën, Nissan,Peugeot, Škoda, Tesla and others; Professional accompanying program focused on Prospects of Electric Mobility and Electric Mobility in the Public City Transport. Basic statistics Number of exhibitors: Number of exhibits: Number of represented countries: Net exhibition space: 11 37 2 (Czech Republic, Slovakia) 147 m2 List of exhibitors 4 freetime s.r.o. AIXAM AUTO-ROCH Asociace elektromobilového prùmyslu (ASEP) AUTO IN s.r.o. BRNOCAR a.s. ÈEZ, a.s. Elektromobily - o.s. ELMARK PLUS s.r.o. EUROGREEN CZ s.r.o. ŠKODA ELECTRICS a.s. List of represented electric cars brands AIXAM (AIXAM AUTO – ROCH s.r.o., ASEP) ALFA ROMEO (Elektromobily – o.s.) BMW (ÈEZ, a.s.) CITROËN (BRNOCAR a.s.) E-Worker (EUROGREEN s.r.o.) FIAT (ÈEZ, a.s.) FIDO (Elektromobily – o.s.) iOn (ASEP) Nissan (ASEP, AUTO IN s.r.o., ÈEZ, a.s., ELMARK PLUS s.r.o.) Paøez Elektro (Elektromobily – o.s.) Peugeot (Elektromobily – o.s.) Škoda (ASEP, ŠKODA ELECTRICS a.s.) Tesla (ASEP) Partners of the project ELEKTROMOBILY O.S. Tesla model S, interior and recharging input hidden behind rear light AMPER ® 2014 Official carrier of AMPER Trade Fair 2014, electro bus Škoda 26BB PERUN TRAFFIC ANALYSIS Number of unique visitors: 64 349 web traffic in the period 1. 2. – 31. 3. 2014 (source: Google Analytics) Growth of 77% compared to the year 2013 Visits New visitors Returning visitors Visits Unique Visitors Page views Pages / Visit Avg. Visit Duration Bounce Rate % New Visits Traffic analysis according to the country of origin Country / territory Product News Visits % New visits Share from whole in %: Avg. of web: 38 companies published 52 product news on the web page WAGO-Elektro spol. s r.o. WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 XTR Vacon s.r.o. Frequency converter VACON® 100 BMZ Poland Sp. z.o.o. BMZ iON Storage EUCHNER electric s.r.o. ESL – Door handle with integrated security switch GHV Trading, spol. s r.o. FRABA POSITAL KBR measuring power transformers Incremental rotary encoders with segmented core AMPER ® 2014 FOTOGALERY PRE Group at AMPER Trade Fair 2014 Presentation of lighting sources from McLED Schmachtl and Kopos Kolín - traditional exhibitors of AMPER Trade Fair BAKS - leading polish manufacturer of cable support systems ABB at AMPER Trade Fair 2014 Exposition of company Radeton s.r.o., representative of measuring and testing devices ifm electronic, spol. s r.o. - manufacturer of industry automation components JABLOTRON ALARMS a.s., representative of security technologies Island exposition of company AUTOCONT CONTROL SYSTEMS spol. s r.o. Exposition of PBT Rožnov pod Radhoštìm Trade Fair AMPER, meeting point of professionals Outdoor campaign of AMPER Trade Fair 2014 Czech electric car Fido took attention with its design AMPER ® 2014 Exposition of SOS Electronic, distributor of electronic components TRADE FAIRS ORGANIZES BY TERINVEST Brno Exhibition Centre AMPER International trade fair of electrotechnics, electronics, automation, communication, lighting and security technologies ® 9. – 12. 4. 2013 VÝSTAVIŠTE BRNO Prague - Holešovice Fairground BRNO EXHIBITION CENTRE WOODEN BUILDINGS International Trade Fair of wooden and low-energy buildings, constructions and materials MODERN HEATING International Trade Fair for Heating, Air Conditioning and Energy Savings FIRES AND STOVES Trade Fair of Fireplaces, Stoves and Design Heating WINDOOR EXPO Trade Fair of window, door and screening technology TENDENCE Trade Fair for interior decoration, tableware and gifts Boat expo BOAT EXPO Trade fair of boats and water sports 4x4 DRIVE Trade Fair of SUV, off-road, sport cars and four wheelers AVIATIC EXPO Trade Fair of sport airplanes and flying Prague - National house of Vinohrady FOTOEXPO Trade Fair and festival of contemporary photography prestižní veletrhy. com TERINVEST, spol. s r.o., Trade Management, Bruselská 14, 120 00 Prague 2, Czech Republic