Minutes - Town of Chelmsford

January 27, 2016
Members Present:
Edmond Roux, Michael Raisbeck, Glenn Kohl, Monica
Gregoire, George Zaharoolis, Henry Parlee
Nancy Araway, (9:15)
Others Present:
Evan Belansky, Community Development Director
Colleen Stansfield, Dept. Asst.
6:30 P.M. Meeting Call to Order
Chairman Raisbeck called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. He stated that this meeting
is being televised by Chelmsford Telemedia and recorded for the purpose of taking
Approval of Meeting Minutes
12/16/15, 1/6/16, 1/13/16
Mr. Roux made a motion to approve the meeting minutes of 12/16/15 as presented.
Seconded by Ms. Gregoire, unanimous, 5-0
Mr. Roux made a motion to approve the meeting minutes of 1/6/16 as presented.
Seconded by Ms. Gregoire, unanimous, 5-0
Mr. Roux made a motion to approve the meeting minutes of 1/13/16 as amended.
Seconded by Ms. Gregoire, approved, 4-0-1 Mr. Parlee abstained
Request for Minor Modification of a
24 and 26 Worthen Street
previously approved site plan
Blake Funeral Home requests a minor modification to a previously approved site
plan dated 10/01/2015. Katie Enright, representing the applicant described the changes
to the plan which included elevation changes and an added additional 644 sq. ft. The
Board also discussed changes in the drainage system and was assured that the drainage
meets all requirements. There being no further questions Mr. Roux made a motion to
approve the modification as presented, seconded by Mr. Kohl, unanimous, 5-0
Request for a Minor Modification of a
18 Alpha Road
previously approved site plan
Request for reduction of sq. ft. and an increase of parking. Brian Geaudreau , Hancock
Associates representing the applicant described the changes which included a reduction
in parking from 82 spaces to 52. The applicant requests a reduction in the contribution to
the 53G account by $3000. The building location is being moved away from the existing
building by 12 ft and will be 34ft away with employee parking being created in that space
along with a new 14 ft. curbcut for an exit only egress. The Fire Department is requesting
a change in the hydrant location to be more central and to also add a hydrant towards the
other end of the new building. The building was proposed as 21,000 sq. ft. and is being
changed to 11,800 sq. ft. with 800 sq. ft. garage and a 400sq.ft. mezzanine for a total of 7
individual bays. Drainage is being maintained and will still be a hybrid of both pervious
pavement and traditional drainage. The Board questioned if this was a minor modification
being such a large change, abeit going with a smaller building with less impervious but
also adding a curb cut/egress. The Board agreed that this could move forward as a minor
modification. The Board requested that the hydrants be put on the plan, possible
dumpster placement, the lighting plan be updated and that the new updated plan be sent
to the Board for review. Mr. Roux made motion to continue to February 10, 2016,
seconded by Mr. Kohl, unanimous.
53 Parkhurst / Jean Ave
CEIOD request for Applicability
Jeffery Brem, Misner Brem Corp. representing the applicant requests approval of
applicability under the CEIOD Overlay District. This project requires special permits
under 195-111.D(2) for more than 20,000 sq.ft. of development, 195-111.D(5) for less
than 50 % compliant with certain parking area setbacks, 195-114.C, no legal access.
195-116.C less than 50% required landscaping.
Jeff Brem, Misner Brem Corp., representing the applicant described why this application
should fall under the CEIOD. He described the area around the proposed project
showing the old car wash that was recently approved to be redeveloped and the
owner’s current building for his business, Allied Paving. He referred to it as Joyce
Business Park 1, and the project he is presenting is Joyce Business Park 2. The parcel
has access from Parkhurst Road on an old 15 ft. right of way. This happened due to the
Rt. 3 construction. The proposal is to raze the building and remove all the asphalt and
replace it with a new building. The building will be a 20,213 sq.ft contractor’s yard. Mr.
Joyce plans to move his paving business to the new location. It would in 10 separate
bays, 8 being 20 ft wide and one 20 x 65 ft wide, one 20x75 ft wide, and one 40x85 ft
wide. Access would come off Jean Avenue which is privately owned and have
emergency access from the back of the Chelmsford Car Wash site. Mr. Brem has been
in touch with the owner of that site and plans to work together to ensure the 2 projects
compliment each other. The property line between Joyce Business Park 1 and Joyce
business Park 2 will need to be moved in the future with an ANR Plan as part of the
process. The required parking is 111 and this project proposes 127. Joyce Park 1 does
include some of the parking that is interior, Joyce Park 2 will have all exterior parking.
The front of the new building will face Joyce Park 1 and the bays will be on the opposite
side with garage doors. Mr. Brem explained that the current building has gone beyond
its useful life and that the new private access along with the emergency access will
improve the neighborhood. All municipal services are available on site. The project will
be very well screened being behind the car wash redevelopment, and this site will
service business to business and have no retail. Drainage on site will be vastly
improved with a new drainage system. No impact to wetlands. The project will
enhance parking, traffic, roadways and create foot traffic between the 2 buildings. The
architecture is an improvement on Joyce Park 1. The Board asked if there would be
any storage of materials on the parcel and it was stated that there will be no storage on
site. The Board asked that the applicant consider giving up some parking for green
gathering space. There meing no further comments, Mr. Roux made a motion to
approve the Applicability of CEIOD, seconded by Mr. Kohl. Unanimous 5-0
One Ward Way
PB 2016-02
Special Permit CEIOD
Rivard Family Trust requests approval under Article XXI, Community Enhancement and
Investment Overlay District and associated Special Permits per Sections 195-111.D (4),
195-114.A, 195-114.B, 195-114C, 195-116 and any other permit relief as may be required
under the Chelmsford Zoning Bylaw to allow the proposed use/project.
Rivard Family Trust requests approval of property located at One Ward Way for the
construction of an 9,800 sq. ft. addition with associated site improvements. Mr. Kohl
opened the hearing with reading the legal notice and then all the departmental letters
into the record. Sue Carter, Places Associates, representing the applicant, described
the proposed project which included constructing a building that would house the truck
washing and maintenance that is currently done outside. The existing 6 bays are
insufficient. This will be an improvement on the site environmentally, to help lower the
noise level from the site and safer for the employees. The building will also house the
mechanical room, compressor room, a break room and bathrooms for the employees.
The applicant does not expect any major change in the daily activities on the site. No
increase in the amount of business but only moving the operations in doors and making
the use on site more efficient. Ms. Carter then wanted to address the noise complaint.
She stated that the disposal service they are using was coming at off hours and that the
applicant has fixed that situation by only allowing them to come during normal business
hours. She also addressed the delivery of trailers on off hours stating that the applicant
tries to keep deliveries to mainly regular operating hours but on occasion these trailers
are coming from different parts of the country including Canada and there is no good
way to address this issue. Ms. Carter made the point that having the garage bays to
bring work inside that is now done outside in front of the bays by the entrance to the site
will allow more room on site for deliveries to be parked on off hours and alleviate the
use of Ward Way. Ms. Carter then addressed the wetlands issues and the comments
from engineering. She stated that many of the concerns from engineering have not
been addressed to date and that the applicant has filed with conservation and is waiting
for their review before making any changes to the plan. She then went over all the
special permits that are being requested and waivers. She also stated that the
applicant hopes to have solar on the roof tops of both buildings. The Chair read a letter
from an abutter that addressed the noise concerns and it seemed that some of the
issues with the property have been addressed. The Board opened up the hearing to the
Public. Matt Rivard spoke to address the newer vehicles and issue of idling on site.
Most are equipped with a unit (APU) that keeps the heat and a/c running but uses less
fuel and is much quieter. He also stated that if the drivers have animals in the vehicle
they are not required to shut the truck off. He went on the state that many of the drivers
keep pets as companions since they are on the road so often and so long. Dan
Castelano, an abutter, stated that he would be satisfied if the truck deliveries were
moved off Ward Way and further into the property owned by the Rivards and the
business. Steve Jahnle explained the process to request signs that will be enforceable
by the police and approved by the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Roux made a motion to
continue this hearing to February 24th, seconded by Mr. Kohl, unanimous. 5-0
106 Middlesex Street
PB # 2015-21
Minor Site Plan
& Special Permits
James Dolan, Dolan Funeral Home, requests approval of a Minor Site Plan and
Special Permits for the construction of an addition and a garage on the property at 106
Middlesex Street. Will Arvidson Representing the applicant handed out a new revised
plan that was updated earlier today along with a letter from engineering. The only
outstanding concern left in front of the Board was that the applicant wanted to speak
with Fire Prevention regarding the requirement of the sprinklers. The Board discussed
this and decided that this issue had no bearing on their decision. Mr. Kohl made a
motion to close the hearing, seconded by Mr. Roux. 4-0-1 Mr. Parlee abstained. Mr.
Roux made a motion to approve the Site Plan with the changes submitted this evening.
Seconded by Mr. Kohl, 4-0-1 Mr. Parlee abstained.
Roux made a motion to approve the special permits under 195-8c with the departmental
letters as presented. Seconded by Mr. Kohl, 5-0-1 Mr. Parlee abstained.
Roux made a motion to approve the special permits under 195-11 with the departmental
letters as presented. Seconded by Mr. Kohl, 5-0-1 Mr. Parlee abstained.
Ms. Araway has now joined the meeting 9:15pm
ZBA Reviews –
1 Barry Drive, to demolish a garage and rebuild – no concerns
7 Spruce Street, LAA addition – concerns about size of addition
14 Edgelawn, to construct a garage – concerns about driveway
Committee Reports: NMCOG no news, CPC looking to have $1 million in reserve.
North village Master Plan committee, having a Winterfest event.
Executive Session. (No ES anticipated).
No Executive Session.
Mr. Roux made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Kohl, unanimous
Submitted by: C. Stansfield