Term-End Examination Bachelor'sPreparatory Programme (B.P.P.) (For Non 10+2) PCO-01 : Preparatory Course in Commerce December,2006 Maximum Marks : 50 Tirne : L20 Minutes v{id qfrenr ffi (fr.fi.fi.) ffi (k{r 10+zl ff.S.4il-01:ErftFTfinrqfu W 'i'. 2006 k, tu {r{m: lso ftffi P'CO.01 ( 1 ) w s : 50 la P.T.O. . . l ( i l General. Instructions .: 1. ' All questions are compulsory, each of which carries one mark. ' ,Preparatory Course in Commerce (PCO-01) Questions.l-50 S.sh question has four alternatives one of which is correct. Write the Sl. No. of your correct 2. ' alternatives/answers below the corresponding question number in the answer sheet and then r .rhark the rectangle for the same number in that column. If you frnd that none of the given alternativesiscorrectthenqrite0andmarkincolumn.0. 3. i.1,'Donot waste ti-" i" reading the whole question paper. Go on solving questions one by one. , ' You'may come back to the left out qugstions, if you have tirire at the end. , rtrr,qfrdp; . qril TsI 3ffiqg .: F f\ 1, O r \ . E I Rtr YFTt fgq qd Bis Frril t I Etlturwtt HrtFrqqr{Tmqtqt'qr.3i[.-01) t\ TsT 1-50 xffi lnra * qlq qR fd6.€ t' fu1q t qd wT t I strr gksT q fti$1gR wr wtr/Fseit sr ili6F':nrq€qr * fi+ ffit s*{ ftF{sS iri-{ * sn{rdqr sS 6frq t z. Fr6Et'rqr qrn errvw{ f* *i S'trirq q-fitrfi t n} o ffi silt +isqrt fd m'n( r ; . ' e \ B. ,qRysT-wrfri qg+if qrrqqqiqrd dRq r gq * ErE'qswq d re a',rtqrger , :'.,fr,qn fr qqq'w, fr q+ gqs{i * gcnrtgr qr v+nrt r PCiO-01 ( 3 ) P.T.O. l. ' Commerce is mainly corr"eroed with the distribution of goods. Statemcnp B : Commeree is a business activity in the form of,trade ind aidg to trade. Read the above statements and dnswer which of the following is correct i ' I (f) Shtement A is correctr'and. statement B is wrgng; , : '2. Q) Stalernent'B'is correct arid' statement A is #ons (3) Both statements are wrong (4) Both statements are right . l ' Finadcial position of the business means . (1) Net effect of the business operations (2) Systematic records of the business transactions ' tgl (4) 3. What the business owes to others and whatit;ciwns at a given point of time All of the above . ,, Which of the following branches of accounting is concerned witJl the measurement and control of costs ? r 4. Statement A: (1) Financial Accounting (2) Cost Accounting (3) Management Accounting (4) Accountgncy A bookseller buys 1O copies of a book froq a publisher prioed at Rs. Sd. fn" publisher allows a discount of LOVo and chargesRs. 450 net. (List price RS. 500 minus discountof pays only the net price. The recordingof this traneactionwill be"made for (1) the net amount only the list price and discount both : (3)', the nbt amount and s4e'vwr! dispount both wu (4) the u*""ut, ""rif's Read the question no. 4 given abovq. In this question th. piUUrfr* is offeriag the bookseller at a discount of Rs. 50, Which of the followihg discounts is the publisher atlowing to ttre buyer ? ' ' , (1) Cash'discount (Z) Trade discount ' (3) Rebate (4) B i l l d i s c o u n t .: (2) J fD. I 6- Mr. vinod started business with Rs. b0,000 cash. He purchased go€d$ on credit frsm Mohan for Rb. 5,000, His Total As$ets will be (1) Rs. 50,000' (3) Rs. 55,000 i' (Z) Rs. 45,000 (4) Rs. 5,000 i PCO-o1 (4) 1. fisnefij qrFrrqsr x5q 6d Eqeit t5,rr{fiul t't s qdsfliq t mrs,r q!{q qTqRdqr qqrt it wrm 6wGr; elFrrsqq-sG 6 qFi*,f,rfr, t i r -sqrfqq'rqE6sit* qf-dq FqIqdr{qffi frqffi fr n d$r s& t I (r.) 6fi q crfi t nqr 6T{ s n-oa{ (2) 6fi q v€r t dsTrsffi m rrea i (s) qr;frffrT trcc t (4) rtil om vfr t z. qirqFTfr ffiq Rqfr 61 3T{t (1) *fiTr{T qRqrffi q,r $q qRun-q i (z) eqq$fuse{-Hi or trFr+afisT-d qrtr qR{qRdiHqr i;; frfi firfi Hrrqqr sr{rq sl aa1dqrsq* qrqfrtnr *r+t, t{dpll fr Rqfr (4) sq{fr qS s. ffifu'f, q't qt FrqtPI irsrqrur 61 6\rei yffqt 6r qtrrq drlrd qE{ s{iT dqT ss tgqrt ? (1) trf'q tgtqtq (2) EIFkTercllt5{uT (s) sr*[ terfr{q (4) ffifu 50T't ' t w gwn"61roqfrrdgtf*.t]ry.{s+ 4. qs gw{ trhfrr}r-srqrfr IrfI{FFgffs {s qr nvoS t" t dsnqd gffi 450u. ago-ryr t r lq.fr gfr b00€. qerbol. *, r t* i,q€ fffd Xs tar t r gs +{-tq * ftTqnsid ffiqr qrqlr . d. (1) *+q fr+e {rRrei (2) qS qrt dqrqr rtif *} (s) fffn rrRrcErqe *ii si ; i'*q.* sqt fq rI( xqq{. a d qGq r qe :rsTit rqrvm5.ffi fqtdr d sot' * W tat t l F w f n t u d q r f r t m r v r * * n T d r y q c i azr t (r) ;rm<qa 6. ' e) qrqrRqW (4) f+e ga {. 6,rtns sqn sfiqr r €. +FEt q*nq Es fo+rrEqi ieq t b,000 fr*q t b0,000 €Ffr @ gs qRiqR€tr 45,000s. (1) 50,000d. Q) (3) 55,ooo {'. (4) 5,ooo €' Pcopl (5) 'P.T.O 7. 8' Aman promised to purchase a building from his friend for Rs. 1,00,000. Its market value is Rs. 1,50,000. With what amount will he record this transaction in his books ? 'l (1) Rs. 1,00,000 (2) Rs. 1,50,000 (3) Rs. 50,000 g) He will not record this transaction As per which concept are the business enterprise and its owner treated a,s two separate entities ? (1) 9. (2) Business entity concept Dual aspect concept (3) Flistorical record concept Which of the following is a Personal Account ? (1) Kamal's Account (2) 10, (3) Loan from Aman Account Indian Bank Account (4) All of the above Salary Outstanding Account is a ( lt Real Account (2) 11. : Personal Account (3) Real and Nominal Account (4) Nominal Account Real Accounts are the accounts which relate to (1) Assets only (2) Expensesonly (3) Assets and Losses (4) 12, Incomes Narration must be written (1) for every transaction entered in the Journal (2) at the time of preparing Trial Balance (3) while classifying the transaction (4) Both (2) and (B) PCO-01 (6) F. i5r qflq qffi 7. , sTrR+ 3[qi fr? t 1,00,000 EFfHr(t rd,ql I {q rFsH Sr qgR qrq t. t r errt errs gwd if 6 i-{-h d frT {rftr+ nstr 6t-{r? 1,50,000 (1) 1,00,000{'. (2) 1,5o,ooo {. (3) 5o,ooo t'. (4) T6 Eq Aq-ta s1 RsTdT& EfoIT 8.' nrs riqffi{r * ergsn-trqflfrs ssrq* eq+ Tqrfrt erirr qnr qrf,It ? (1) aqr+qrFffiqfrI {q.tril (z) fdqqfrq{trffir (B) tfdtrfusnetd+1*qmt (4) qrra qi {+€{r e. fr t 61qqTurcr qffiin erm t ? FTtrTldfud (1) 6,rltT 6,t €RII (z) offi{ t ETTttrdt (s) qrtrq tq rsmr (4) qs "r$ffi 10. qsrqraf,q €rfrr t (1) Ercf,rS€rtrr (2) dTfuqf, €lf,T sTrq-qq EIrdT (3) ERdr.fi, HedT (4) 3{rq-Eqqqrdr 11. ERf,ffi 1g|a{rsqtr{frt (1) tild qfr$nTfr4t t (z) hnm 6ry4ft (B) ffi Trqn ETFriit . (4) 3Tr{T t L2. anG4rsrdrq ftfid qrfr qGq (1) qdq tr-tq t m ffi Grdntf Ed frqr qrff t (2) ffirre flqR qrt srq (s) Ar-h irt Effflq q,'r} rrrq (4) (zi)e*{ (s)+ii fr PCO-O1 ( 7) P.T.O. 13. Journalising is the process of recording the business transactions, in'the , (1) Book of prime entry : (2) Balance Sheet (3) Petty Cash Book U) All of the above I 14. 15. 16. 17. Amount realised for the goods sold or services rendered is called (1) Revenue (D Profit (3) Gain (4\ (4) Eorritv Equity Posting will be done in the (1) Ledger (2) Trial Balance (3) Journal (4) AII of the above which of the following accounts normally show a debit balance ? (1) Assets accounts Q) (3) Debtors'accounts (4) All of the above Trial Balance is prepared (1) 18. 19. ! Expenses accounts (2) before preparation of final accounts after preparation of final accounts (3) before posting in the ledger (4) AII of the above \ A system of ad.vancing a fixed amount to the petty cashier periodically is called (1) Single entry system (2) Double entry system (3) Imprest system (4) All of the above A copy of the customet's account as maintained by the bank is called (1) Pass Book (D Cheque Book (3) Cash Book (4) Sales tsook PCO-O1 (8) qnfigi-sqli qi'qFrqr rs. nq{rrqrt anqsrfs i{-ei (1) p xFtrq1{fr fr . (z) (er{-q*(tdfsYta)t I , (B) g-flr t*,g qd q 1aywfrr eS a \\ l,4. ti 'rq qrf, qr { T$ frqpif + tdq qrq {rf{r qrmrfi t ' (1) sP[ r (3) qF{rdh a @) ikd rtr...Et-rttfr si qfi'fr ' ' (1) frd{q (z) rsqa C ' (s) qdfi t (4) .r{tn qq1 . t \ : ,16. 'FTEafdfur fr + dS urt wr;rm gfdc*q qvrttt I , (1) qnrtg{frETt , (z) ffii + rgri (s) qq ert (4) sqtd qlr1 f . --i I ' \ 17. (€Te fi{m qror € ru eifrHsri fuR +.ri t q-dd (z) 3iFirq€rd +qn sii * qK : (a) s€tr qS , \ ' a a sffid +A +Rrqrfr sryq-q{q.rt qd f{fdd {rRrM i 18. tS FF, ffi qrfr i, q,edr,ir t ^ \ A \ (1) {+-d{Iaqr f+r \ ' (B) {ds fqFT a (4) sq$ffi qS rQ. i* aru tg qq qr6fr s qrd qi, 6T.fr.s-ffifr, i (1) qrq Ss Q) i6 g{ ' (B) trg m . PCO-01 : (4) Erq TS * sq it qT 20. For nominal accounts the rule of debit and credit iB '' - 12) Debit all cxpenses and losses, Credit all gains and incomes (3) Debit a! gafns and,incornes, Credit all expenses,and losses ' ',. ' (4) 21. 22. Debit all incornes and gains, Credit what goes out , : , Bank overdr aft means ; i (1) amount withdrawn from the bank in excessof amourlt of balance"in the Banh Account (2) credit balance in the Bank Account (3) when there is no balance in the account in the bank (4) All of the above When'a cheque is returned dishonoured,it is recorded on the (1) debit side of Cash Book in the cash column (2)creditside'of.CashBookinthebankcolum (31 debit side of Cash Book in the bank column (4) credit side of Cash Book in the cash column 1F' 23. A cheque is received.on 1s1;February and is not deposited into the'bank 0n the same day. ItwiI1beenteredinthethreecolumnCashBook (1) in the bank column on the debit side (2) in the bank column on the credit side (3)inthecashco|umnonthedebitside ' (4) in the cash column on the credit side I 24. A cheque payable at the counter of the bank without identification is called (1) Bearer cheque ,(3).: Order cheque : 5rtr -.raa' (2) Crpsqed cheque (4) Specific cheque . . ' ' .. ' ( . t i l , . 30,.2005,, the Cash Book of Rakesh shswed a.bank balance-of Rs. 28'000..4 O'n,Novemper 'Cash deposited Book with Pass Book revealed lhat a cheque of Rs. ZO;OOO of comparison bank as perr fie but:not collec,tedby November 30, and interest on iiiveetment cslleatedlbXn standing iu-structions appearing in the Pass Book only of Rs. 400O' Fek9$,h;prepar6d Bank Reconciliation Statement on November 30, and ascertained Pass Book balance is : (1) Rs. 6,000 PCo-01 : (2) Rs. 8,000 (4) Rs. 42,A0A (10) 20. srm-q.Tsrd t Cfdc-if,sc+ firq Fffiqt (1) q$ qq *t afpf efdcq,t aqrqlt qra * iFe q* : q,t (2) qs qq .ft EFd gm. u* dqrgilq 3ft €Ttild *trc i;; *fi .* s+r€Fii* irdc qt nqrqs qq "L SS |Rz q;'t 1t 6t efu-s+ dqrs qrdt'qffft ss *rsc (4) e$ qrq sk ETFil zr,' *s sil{qr€ m q{ t (1) +s €Tet qqr tq {rRrg 31ftr+op1fa*rc+r (z) ts qre qr if,sE tq ' i;; wtofr€refrgetqat) (4) s€ffi qIfr : ', : zz. qq qd aq srffi * qr1rrdtz1ffir qrff t, Tqq6nsTdffiqrWr t ' (1) tdg rfr * itdc qqTt t6g @ lt * de qfoqt (z) nw {fr * *Fa qqT (B) tw frr + nr{c qer* ** qrsqq * af,scwr * i.r.g 6Tnqt i;; +* "A qqr {fi ffi4 :116| T€ fra eil€q zs. q.s** r s{Efi 6} rn6 gq1€nhs+ sS ffi +d d q|d tc'g {S t nsfd ffiqr qrq'n (z) *fse qq + +s qfdq t (3) sTdc l{tt i5 {f€ qiqiq q (4) if,se qeT* tw eilqq it snfl 6, qWrcr e 24. rc t+ fr ds * ors;n qt frqr RriTw * 5a1q1 (1) tTR-dis qS (3) 31TE{T (z) tnin +d (4) fqf{Rs+{ d. 6l +s iq i ' 1W d L6, soqEtER,zoosd {r*{r m *'+g cA * eiyn 28,000 rm' ifi'r qffi gs t FrdH ott qt qRTwrff t fr zo,o00{. in't lrd +d EttlTiF{qt .1s! 'rfi g$ q *urfr FRTfqqR ts fftr 1Ft frqTT .T!E 30iFrEKds 3-qfr 'tf t, t r {I*vr } 3sq1qt d A$il qt ailq + *{m o* gs tFos:g.n t, z,ooo +6 qrilqn rffirur sTrqTfffT qrq gs * lr+,qr -ir t (1) 6,000€. Q) 8,ooo€. (g) lo,oooT. €. (4) 42,000 PCO-o1 ( 1 1) P.T.O. 26. ' 27 28. sales Return Journal is also called (1) Returns Outwards Journal (2) Returns Inwards Journal (3) Day Book (4) Invoice Book Entries passed in the Journal Proper to record certain - unrecorded items like closing stock, land depreciation on : fixed assets uh. *u called . (1) Closing entries e) Opening entries (3) Rectification entries (4) Adjustment entries which of the following entries will be recorded in Journal proper ? (1) Credit purchases of frxed assets (2) (3) (4) 29. 3l' . which of the following errors would affect the Trial Balance ? (1) sales of Rs. 750 to Radha was completely omitted from the books (2) Wages paid for installation of machinery were debited to Wages Account (3)CreditpurchaseoffixedassetsrecordedinPurchaseJournal (4) 30' Withdrawal of goods from the business by the owner for personal use Writing off bad debts . i : All of the above salary paid to Mohit recorded in cash Book as payment to him An expenditure incurred on repairs of machinery debited to Machinery Aecount would affect (1) Cash Account only (D Machinery Account only (3) Machinery Account and Machinery Repair Account (4) Machinery Repair Account and Cash Account Whieh of the fgll.olinc concepts implies that while measuring ineome of a business ----:' for an " accounting period the non-material facts can be ignored ? (f) Matching concept e) Consistency concept (3) Conservatis*.o.r""pt (4) PCO-o1 Materialityconcept (12) - zB, f{fiq qrrs qfe w fr wernl t (1) Ffrrd qlq-qTwitT (z) gfl{6 qrq$ qff, (s) tr{s ftr (4) fus {fr aq qqET 27. gi6 qt t$ *fi t ffi $E asr Ffsii fr ;rfr3 Ilfr st $q.d* qrfr dqffif qr dt€re qirRr fr{ rfqEqlEnrrt qdf61rArug-s qt€ fr 61 t r€ q,6et (B) T€-grilRqEfuf , I (4) qqdqr ffiq ;. d 5w cdq fr ftf'd f*,,qrYrEn ? zE, trefrfira t t f*,{ (1) enqmqFtsqf#if * =* # (2) qrw + Fnqi ERrqrqR + qfu'rd sqqt'r+ rdq fuq 'rqr qre (s) sr{nq Etif * €fi q gtffrT (4) sr$-d qS 2s. trcrFoFrtfr t 6t+S .r{E ftilre +1 xqrf{d 6t'fr ? (1) rnm* ?80{'. qr fwq wr FimqSRlit q f{r$.d rfr qfltqFrqr (2) qqr{ qi} q.'n} + lirq { rrrt q-qfr 61 qwq$qre t €ra s{ RqFHr (a) rqrfi' {qfrdt d' sqn qfi'q en 5q vf,o t nsfd f*,qrrr'n (4) Ii]rfi qit rflr rrqriaq {sg qEi fr ritrd en 5'nra * sq q fiftTdfqqr rrqr it etrc frqr rrql I qE Tqltrd 6trn qqffi u.Ie rmr qt ur t+e frn rrq mr arq arr d * qsffi urt fr go. qtm d rrqd (1) *+q tw ertt (z) *+o qqffi srdr (s) q{fiFrtl EIrff defl q{ffi qtcffi €kIT (4) q{ffi q{trrf, EIKTilefi tW qrcr ' sr. Fmrnnrd t + frq {6tr{r sl sTet€ 1-6qqR fi El-€ilsfqftl 6T Ei_r'{'{-iGffi'ffi E,u{ffiqA A ? (1) Fffirqfr {s,,w{r 12y (frstliTTd, t+,wqr tgt"sqEKqtRfrIfrtqwqT (4) wtq fr Pco-01 ( 13 ) F.T.O. 32. 33. The accountingsystem wrluchconsidersincorneon cegh fasis anfl expensoson,actrual basis is called (1) Hybrid system (2) Cash basis of accounting (3) Mereantile system of accounting (4) Single entry system Which of the following concppts isralso called .prpflgnce concepf ?, (1) Conservatism concept:i., , , t (D Consistencyconcept , , ! (3)Matchingconcept'..i...(4).Full.disclosureconcept g4. If any capital expendituie id *rorrgfy classifibd:as idvenue'expenditure, it would result in (3) No change in profits ,, (4) Understatement of losses 85.WhichofthefollowingisacapitaIexpenditure?l'l:;l-'..i (1) (2) Rs. 4,000 paid as brokerage in connection,yith pqchape of |and Rs. 1,00,000 spent on construction of railway siding (3) A second-harid machine was bought for,R$i :ZO,bOO ana ns. 5,000 were spent on its o v e r h a u l i n g , ) " i (4) - 36. . . All of the above a i Stock in hand January 1, 2005 8,s. Raw materials L0,000 Work in progress S,OOO l Stock on December 31, 2005 Raw materials 5,000 Work in.progress 15,000 Purchase of raw materials 50,000 Carriage in Direct wages 8,000 Motiye piwer 6,000 Depreciation on machinery 6,000 From the above particulars find out'the cost ofgoods produced during the year ended December 31, 2005. The cost of goods produced will be (1) Rs. 80,000 (Z) Rs. 8b,000 (3) Rs. ?0,000 (4) PCoe01 Rs. 95,000 (14) (1) lie't frfBT (z) €giq.r EFI{I-*:9 sITtrR (B)'frsffi +1qrqrRsftfrr (4) {dtt, qm fqF{ gs : frqffid fr + tr-srimeqrd''qfE{rfit s4. qRpTrq fr,rn q'f-it if 6q1 (1) ( B )f f i q q t $ q n g d q € q q 6tilSf ar gE. --l-l : Q) qnfrfrqffi (4) ti^lfirrn qzT i &vll-l\l s.fr ?! {. imffi .' tT{ sffi + fdq 4,ooo Ttr '*-a . e l qrqfgrrffiur frTi q 1,00,000 d. s't q{T gsTr qs 5{rqTqqfiT 20,000 Q. fr g{rEr Heilb,000{. sqqfi q{sqil I|-t qq Tfi.q r{q f. a\ gq€q qql r qffiS, zoob s6. .F!E[T qlTT . , . i w 10,000 5,000 qff, FTqiurnfrq 31R{rR, 2005 s-Eqf qff, qff, FI${IUITTIFT qTf, TTTSI 5,000 15,000 W 50,000 5,000 8,000 6,000 6,000 ryN, i Frrem {|fr (q}riiq TIYffi ' T {qq6rq s.q{ Rq {9 tr{{q i ,el Rgqt, zoos* q'IIqTdi qra q{ t silrRfi fle s'?fitTfr Frm rq I + srqrftnw sT ErF EIrfr (2) 85,000€. (4) 95,000{. ( 1 5) P.T:O. S?.' Readthe questiorrno. 36. From:its'particulars find out the .ost of raw materials consumed. It will be (1) Rs, 55,000 (2) Rs.,60,000 $ (3) Rs. 65,000 38. 89; , ' lO. (4) Rs. 50,000 Manufacturing Account is prepared to find out (1) Cost of $ales , (.2) Direct Expenses (3) Gross Profrt (4) Cost'of Production Salanes and wages are shown on the (1) debit side of Trading Account (2) credit side of Trading Account (g) debit side pf Profit .lia mr, (4) credit side of Profit and Loss Account : ' ' ,, .t .qorrt ' , ,, l , WUich of thg following items are'chargcd to Profit and Loss Account ? (1) Carriage out , (?) Samples (3) Packing ';' :i;;*"1'*-i';, 41. Wages paid to workers*engug"d i1r the construction of buildings should be '' ,,t. , (1) debited to l}ading Acgount ,: ' (2) debited to Profit and Loss eccount ' (3) added tq the costiof asset co;lcerned - (4) added to the cost of good" p-ao".a {2. All the indirect expensep are shown in (1) Trading Account (2) Profrt and Loss Account (3) Manufacturing Account : ' 48. f ' : -. Any amount realised from sale of scrap is treated as income and hence shoutrdbe (1) added in the capital (2) shown in Profrt and Loss Account (3) adjusted in the cost af goods produced (4) adjusted in the cost of sales PCO,01 ({s) $il{ s{s+Flqtur+ cq+rr,frq trq qS' q-s,+1drrraf{d6dq I Td&ft w.;. {W {. 36qF-dq ' . , (.1) 55,000F, (3) 65,000d'- ' ' (2), 60,0008. (4) 50,000F. " ' :' ' l ' , . , ' ': ' r ' ' I s8. fqfrqiurEndrFil flRTsFT + idq strqT ETktri Z (1) trtr4ary (2) TFRI 6qg (3) TF5',eT ETq \ ' 3e. irq . ' c) (z) (B) .'. Evtfqrqrdl t gfdc qq{fr *tre qq it t iffe w fr aqr rq{tt: d . E{rqR€fr * anqn sre t gtd HlrT-trFT . ' : " ral apr-arhrgril+ *tra qq fr ) { t fr-{ rrfr +} enr-erF{qft fi fqqrqrqrdri i a0. ffifu6 (1) f{rtd EIrFI qq \ (?) rT4 ' (3) rlliFrr (+) vq{ffi qrt \a.. ' 41. ?rq{F trt fr Ht qq(fr q} q1q{ -r-{{frfi} (1) qHR rrm fr gfdcfr'qrqt;tTqrfu (2) qI.ETtrsr* fr gFe FFqrW qrfdq T ssr 6{ t{r {|q Fsi HrIkTq qrTTtFq EFTqTlEq (4) rflrffi Er{TRilq 4?'. qqr 3{5rFTqT tilri t qw sre iT Q) eIq-EIh'srAt (B) EFffiftry srft fr (4) *rfm qql , A F _t. .\ \. : 43. € qrfr t ffitrq t Tqil !*.q } s{Lqqrqr qrnTt, qqp.*1q (1) ffi q qqrffiqTqnr gT_.frq (z) Hrq-ortrsrd if Rsrqr qrqrqTFq ir\ \ (s) 3ffirffi qrfr qfTetrrrTq g{FFTqqr?iq{ fqrqr qF{Tqrfdq Ffir fr Hqrztmqfuqr qi4T qTFq PCO.0'1 ( 1 7) P.T.O. jll4."''A statebeiit:showing. asbets'and;liatilitids of "thb:buCiness::asiattlie,end of an accounting year is called , . r : 1 : . . . , , , : . . ( 1 ) T r i a l B a l a n c e i . ( 9 B a l a n c e S h e e t ' (3) Ledger ' (4).Jo;alProper rr' .t , ' ' i . ' l 45.'r':Oapital bn January.,l.ri2005wab Rs.'SO,000On Oclbber1, 20OEproBrietorintroduced.a fur.thercapital of Rs.'6,000.The interest at 1Vqis to be allowed on capiital.The interest on , capitatrtill December31, 2005 will be 46, ' (.1) Rs. 2,500 (2) Rs. 2,800 (3) Rs. 2,750 (4) Rs. 2,625 Interest o"ndrawings is shown on the (1) credit side of Profit and TrossAccount (2) debit side of Profit and Loss Account (3) credit side of Trading Account (+) debit side of Trading Account : 4f. Itthe debit and'credit sides,'of tlie frial Bhlanice do not,,tafu,:the difference is put against ', ' the . ; (1) Suspense Account ' ( 2 ) P r o f l t a n d L o s s A e c o u n t . . . : . ' ' , . : ] , . . , . , . . . , " (3) : 48. , , Trading Account @t) Adjustment Account ' , l . Which of the'follbwing is an'exalriple of current asset ? : (1) Stock (2) Sundrydebtors tgl (4) Shod-f,erm investments : ' ' , AII of the above ' 49. Cooa#n is a (1) ) , (4) - ' ' Intangible asset, ' ' . . Tangible asset (3), Fixed asset PCO-01 : : . : .: qlqr ffi{q qrancr't' 44, ,itr[ q{ + sifdqf{q qen{rq* qn$qfrdidq{Ardrsii''* m , (1) ft1re (2) gtr{-qdftfu lfre) @) 5@ q.-im (3) dcR ' ; S I rwqn, 200bfrsrrn i e,ooor.d srfrRffi 46. rqffifr, zoord {S so,ooot'. am tfr c'n$ r {fr vt6zaffiq,,qqS'41-qfr*t vRr$' t slfrsqt, zgo5ils'{fivt t'n (1) 2,500d'. (2) 2,800{. .: (3) 2,750F' . (4) 2,626I'' qt qrsT f€Hr qnr t 46. eTr6qor (1) qmafr sre * itre qHfr ' (z) arFT-afr rgril* 3t+sqq{fr (s) qIqRsre + *Fa qq if (4) qrqn€ril+tfrawfr $. " i r gfdenqr'if,ee'qql'frFrdlqTfr A slFF,{,6q $RR,+1 qR nrcTrc,+ ffi ffi vrer t gre fr (1) FFitrd (suspense) (z) €rq-tlfrsr} fr (B) qrsnqre t (4) qqrqNFT EIRTq urq vRsefr ql cEroqur 48.,Frqfuba { * *tq$ qR-{$gft t r (1) o-d Hd q,r d* (z) Rfqq tff{ ' A : A \ (3) €reFffiil?Tfq+{r (4) Hql "r$i6 4e. lg|rdt (1) Tf qnKF{R (3) rql{ qffi bo. ts Biq{gT€ t (1) q,rqqn$sqfr (3) trteTqRgqfr : l e) ErfrqRsqR (4) .ffi qnrrsTfr (2) qrq, qTtTT (4) {Wq *rdr I PCO-o1 ( 1 e) TtD'6rd b frg ry SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK PCO-O1 (20) 11,000