Planning Services Department Last Updated January 31, 2011 CITY OF BARRIE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING BY-LAW 2009-141 (August 2009) Proposed additions and/or modifications to the following prescribed Sections of Zoning By-law 2009-141 by By-law as approved by the City of Barrie, and for minor housekeeping revisions to both the text and Zoning Map Schedule. 1. Section Amendment By-law Comment 13.1.XXX Rezone to RM2 (SP-439) (H-88) 2009-097 Chris McCaskie No appeals In effect 2009-116 Blue Simcoe Developments Inc. No appeals In effect July 21, 2009 2009-127 998817 Ontario Inc. (Pratt) No appeals In effect July 30, 2009 Text amendment No appeals In effect July 30, 2009 544 St. Vincent Street 2. 3.2 Add definition: Roof Top Garden shall mean an outdoor space comprised of ornamental shrubs, flowers and trees, located on the roof of a residential building which is directly accessed from a dwelling unit and/or corridor. 3. 13.2.XXX Rezone to C2-2 (SP-436)(H-114), C2-2 (SP-437)(H-114), C2-2 (SP-438)(H-114) 51, 53, 55 and 75 Bradford Street and vacant lands South of Checkley Street and West of Lakeshore Drive 4. 13.1.XXX Rezone to RM2 (SP-441)(H-166) 39 Ferndale Drive South 5. Bed and Breakfast Establishment 2009-131 Delete the words “within the shaded areas set out in Appendix “B”.” Add the words “or 5 guest rooms within the City Centre Planning Area” following the words “maximum of 3 guest rooms,” Table 5.2 Add permissions for Bed and Breakfast Establishment Page 1 of 8 Planning Services Department Last Updated January 31, 2011 11. Section Amendment By-law Comment 13.2.XXX Rezone to C4 (SP-451) 2010-053 Landowell Richmond Investment Group Inc. No appeals In effect April 15, 2010 2010-075 Pratt Hanson Group Inc. In effect May 3, 2010 2010-084 Karita Towers Ltd. and Auburn Hills Developments Inc. No appeals In effect Karita Towers In effect June 14, 2010 599 Dunlop Street West 13.3.XXX Rezone to EM3 (SP-451) 599 Dunlop Street West 12. 13.1.161 Delete (H-113) and related text from RM2 (SP-433)(H-113) 268 Penetanguishene Road 13. 13.2.XXX Rezone to C1-1 (SP-455) (H-116) 15 Maple Avenue 14. 13.2.XXX Delete (H-116) and related text from C1-1 (SP-455) (H-116) 2010-100 15 Maple Avenue 15. 13.1.XXX Rezone to RA1 (SP-457) 2010-117 363 Duckworth Street 16. 13.2.XXX Rezone to C4 (SP-454) (H1-98)(H2-99) 2010-130 Parts 1-18, 19, 23, 24, 25, 28, 31, 40 and 41 on Plan 51R-31901 13.3.XXX Rezone to: EM1 (SP-407) (H1-100)(H2-101) EM3 (SP-408) (H1-102)(H2-103) EM4 (SP-409) (H1-104)(H2-105) Parts 1-18, 19, 23, 24, 25, 28, 31, 40 and 41 on Plan 51R-31901 Page 3 of 8 Red Brick Reality Corp. and Ivest Ltd. No appeals In effect July 27, 2010 North American Acquisition Inc. (Park Place) OMB Decision PL050527 Issued June 28, 2010 Planning Services Department Last Updated January 31, 2011 17. Section Amendment By-law Comment 13.1.XXX Delete (H-166) and related text from RM2 (SP-441) (H-166) as enacted by By-law 2009-127. 2010-138 998817 Ontario Inc. (Pratt) No appeals In effect August 23, 2010 Patricia Taylor No appeals In effect Dec. 8, 2010 39 Ferndale Drive 18. 13.2.XXX Rezone to C2 (SP-458) 2010-165 208 Bayfield Street 19. 13.1.158 Delete (H-115) and related text from R2 (SP-415) (H-115) as enacted by By-law 2009-031. 2010-170 Dan Henderson In effect Nov. 29, 2010 2010-195 Text Amendment No appeals In effect Part of Lot 4, Concession 13, being Part 1 on Reference Plan 51R-33062 20. 3.2 Amend the definition of Accessory Building or Structure Add the words “in a Residential Zone” after the words “raised play structure” 3.2 Add definition: Raised Play Structure shall mean a structure at least 0.5m in height which is secured to the ground or a building and which is used for play or recreational purposes. 5.3 Delete and replace Table 5.3 which references the development standards for all uses permitted in the Residential Zone. 5.3.5 a) Revise section as follows: Delete “exceed a height of 5m” and replace with “exceed a height of 4m”. 5.3.5 h) Add section as follows: “collectively exceed 10% lot coverage for detached accessory structures or a maximum of 50m2 whichever is lesser”. Page 4 of 8 Planning Services Department Last Updated January 31, 2011 21. Section Amendment Zoning Map Schedule 1. Amendments and Special Provisions: By-law a) Identify 544 St. Vincent Street as RM2 (SP-439) (H-88) per By-law 2009-097. b) Identify 51, 53, 55 and 75 Bradford Street and vacant lands South of Checkley Street and West of Lakeshore Drive as C2-2 (SP-436)(H-114), C2-2 (SP-437)(H-114), C2-2 (SP-438)(H-114) per By-law 2009-116. c) Identify 39 Ferndale Drive South as RM2 (SP-441) per By-law 2009-127 and By-law 2010-138. d) Identify Part of Lot 18, Concession 5, designated as Parts 1, 2 & 3 on Plan 51R-32812, formerly Township of Vespra as RM1 (SP-426), RM2-TH (SP-426), RA1-3 (SP-427), C4 (SP-428), OS (SP-426) per By-law 2009-152. e) Identify 214 and 216 Essa Road (220 Essa Road) as C4 (SP-450) per By-law 2009-158. f) Delete reference to (H-55) for (C3) (SP-161) (H-55) at 48 Dean Ave. by By-law 2010-023. [Text modified in August 2009 version] g) Delete reference to (H-41) for C4 (SP-103) (H-41) at 1 Cheltenham Road and 274 Penetanguishene Road by By-law 2010-031. [Text modified in August 2009 version] h) Identify 586 Yonge Street as RM2 (SP-453) per By-law 2010-049. i) Identify 599 Dunlop Street West as C4 (SP-451) and EM3 (SP-451) per By-law 2010-053. j) Identify 356 Bryne Drive as C4 per By-law 2010-068. k) Delete reference to (H-113) for RM2 (SP-433) (H-113) at 268 Penetanguishene Road by By-law 2010-075. l) Identify 15 Maple Avenue as C1-1 (SP-455) per By-law 2010-084 and By-law 2010-100. m) Identify Parts 1-18, 19, 23, 24, 25, 28, 31, 40 and 41 on Plan 51R-31901 as C4 (SP-454) (H1-98)(H2-99) per OMB Approved By-law 2010-130. n) Identify Parts 1-18, 19, 23, 24, 25, 28, 31, 40 and 41 on Plan 51R-31901 as EM1 (SP-407) (H1-100)(H2-101), EM3 (SP- Page 5 of 8 Comment Planning Services Department Last Updated January 31, 2011 Section Amendment By-law 408) (H1-102)(H2-103) and EM4 (SP-409) (H1-104)(H2-105) per OMB Approved By-law 2010-130. o) Identify 208 Bayfield Street as C2 (SP-458) per By-law 2010-165. p) Delete reference to (H-115) for R2 (SP-415) (H-115) at Part of Lot 4, Concession 13, being Part 1 on Reference Plan 51R-33062 (Sedgewood Way) by By-law 2010-170. 2. Minor Revisions: a) Identify lands at the northeast corner or Dunlop St. W. and Town Line (Dunwest) as an application currently before the Ontario Municipal Board. b) Identify 261 Essa Road as C4 (SP-308) (H-71) and 231-241 Essa Road as C4 (SP-308) (H-71)/C4 (SP-311) (H-71)/C4 (SP-312) (H-71) per OMB Approved By-law 2003-009. [Text existing in August 2009 version] c) Identify 31 Wright Dr. as I-E (SP-447) per Council Direction 09-G-293. [Text existing in August 2009 version] d) Identify Sunnidale Park as OS (SP-445) and EP (SP-446) per Council Direction 09-G-265. [Text existing in August 2009 version] e) Identify Part Block 264, Plan 51M-371 as C4 (SP-341) (H-79) by By-law 2005-007. [Text existing in August 2009 version] f) Identify 480 Dunlop Street West as EM3 (SP-87) in accordance with Zoning By-law 2005-275. [Text existing in August 2009 version] g) Identify 190 Blake Street as C4 in accordance with historic mapping for existing uses with adjoining properties at 196-198 Blake Street. Page 6 of 8 Comment Planning Services Department Last Updated January 31, 2011 22. General Text 1. Revisions: a) Delete and replace Section 1.4 with the following: 1.4 REPEAL OF EXISTING BY-LAWS Except for By-Law 85-95 insofar as it applies to the lands legally described as Part of Lots 7 to 9, Concession 12, Township of Innisfil, City of Barrie, which shall continue to remain in full force and effect, and except for the following temporary use by-laws: By-law 2010-047 2010-085 2011-016 Description Lot 3, Plan 51M-634, City of Barrie, County of Simcoe and municipally known as 576 Bryne Drive shall permit a school as a temporary use. Lot 6, Plan 51M-634, City of Barrie, County of Simcoe and municipally known as 111 Commerce Park Drive shall permit playing fields as a temporary use. Lot 2, Plan 51M-845, City of Barrie, County of Simcoe and municipally known as 122 Commerce Park Drive, Units G and H shall permit a Place of Worship as a temporary use. Part of Lots 16 and 17, Plan 67, City of Barrie, County of Simcoe and municipality known as 112 Caplan Ave., shall permit an automotive sales and leasing establishment as a temporary use. Expiry Permitted use until March 7, 2013 Permitted use until May 17, 2013. Permitted use until December 31, 2013. which shall remain in full force and effect until their expiry date, all other By-laws passed under Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990. C.P.13 or predecessor thereof are hereby repealed insofar as it is necessary to give effect to this By-law and such repeal shall come into effect upon the date this by-law comes in force. b) Delete and replace Section 4.6.3 to add text as to clarify parking requirements in the C3 zone: 4.6.3 Additional Parking Standards Parking is not required for commercial uses and places of worship in the Central Area Commercial (C1) Zone. Page 7 of 8 Planning Services Department Last Updated January 31, 2011 Off-street parking spaces in a Shopping Centre Commercial (C3) Zone shall be provided at the minimum of 1 space for each 18.6m2 of gross leasable area of the shopping centre buildings irrespective of the use that is permitted. c) Add Section 4.8.9 at the request of TransCanada Pipeline, renumber existing 4.8.9 to 4.8.10: 4.8.9 No permanent building or structure may be located within 7m of the pipeline right-of-way. Accessory structures shall have a minimum setback of at least 3m from the limit of the right-of-way. d) Table 5.3 Two Unit Dwelling: Add footnote (6) to RM1, RM-TH, RA-1 and RA2 to ensure consistency with standards for RM1. e) Delete Section 13.2.1 referencing C4 (SP) for 114 Blake Street (The Lake Simcoe Motel), move text to Section 13.1 and identify property as RM2 (SP) to reflect intent of Official Plan for residential development at 114 Blake Street. [Identified as RM2 on Schedule in August 2009 Version] f) Delete Section 13.1.151 referencing RM2 (SP-376) (H-88) at 544 St. Vincent Street. Rezoned to RM2 (SP-439) (H-88) per By-law 2009-097. 2. Format: a) Renumber Section 13 as necessary. b) Revise Table of Contents to remove Appendix “B” and replace reference to Appendix “C” with Appendix “B”, also revise in Section 4.5.8 Minimum Setback from Rail Lines Page 8 of 8