Colorimetric Characterization of a Computer-Controlled Liquid Crystal Display Ellen A. Day, Lawrence Taplin, Roy S. Berns* Munsell Color Science Laboratory, Center for Imaging Science, Rochester Institute of Technology, 54 Lomb Memorial Drive, Rochester, NY 14634-5604 Received 1 March 2003; revised 26 January 2004; accepted 17 February 2004 Abstract: A new method was used to characterize computercontrolled liquid crystal displays (LCDs). The characterization, which was performed to enable colorimetric image display, included channel independence, spatial independence, screen uniformity, and colorimetry. The colorimetric model consisted of three one-dimensional look-up tables (LUTs) describing each channel’s optoelectronic transfer function and a 3 ⫻ 4 matrix transformation that included black-level flare. The matrix coefficients were estimated statistically by minimizing the average CIEDE2000 color difference for a data set sampling the display’s colorimetric gamut. The LUTs were recreated dynamically throughout the optimization of the matrix coefficients. The characterization was implemented with three different instruments to evaluate the robustness of the method with respect to measurement uncertainty. The average performance ranged between 0.1 and 0.4 ⌬E00 and was well correlated with instrument precision. The optimization approach improved performance by a factor of two compared with direct measurements. Despite differences in instrument design, the chromaticities of each primary following optimization and black-level flare compensation were very similar. This excellent performance was a result of the display’s optoelectronic properties well matching the model assumptions. The technique was also used to characterize three additional LCD displays ranging in their matching of the model assumptions. In this case, performance worsened. For one display, more complex models would be required for colorimetric characterization. Finally, a colorimetric characterization based on measurements at the center of the display and perpendicular to the face was used to predict measurements at the edges and at different angles. The *Correspondence to: Roy S. Berns, Munsell Color Science Laboratory, Center for Imaging Science, Rochester Institute of Technology, 54 Lomb Memorial Drive, Rochester, NY 14634-5604 (e-mail: © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Volume 29, Number 5, October 2004 results indicated that characterizations would be required at multiple positions and angles in order to achieve sufficient accuracy. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 29, 365–373, 2004; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience. DOI 10.1002/col.20046 Key words: LCD colorimetry; display colorimetry; display profiles; color management INTRODUCTION Flat-panel liquid-crystal displays (LCDs) are gaining recognition as being superior to cathode-ray-tube displays (CRTs) in terms of luminance, contrast ratio, sharpness, and spatial uniformity and have begun to replace CRT monitors for display-based visual experiments. It is critical that these psychophysical images can be transformed to colorimetric definitions accurately. Careful colorimetric characterization of a display, whether it is a CRT display or an LCD, will ensure the greatest degree of accurate representation. A significant amount of research has been carried out in modeling the colorimetry of computer-controlled CRT displays and in evaluating characteristics such as channel independence, spatial independence, and spatial uniformity, summarized by Katoh, Deguchi, and Berns,1–2 and Berns and Katoh.3 Research exploring the colorimetric characterization of computer-controlled LCDs is ongoing. In 1998, Fairchild and Wyble, recognizing the fundamental differences between liquid-crystal and cathode-ray-tube technologies, developed a highly successful approach to LCD colorimetry.4 The theoretical underpinnings of their research are summarized below. The relationship between the signal used to drive a display and the radiant output produced by that channel is termed the optoelectronic transfer function, OETF.5 This is usually a nonlinear relationship for computer-controlled devices. To characterize such a device, this relationship must be modeled. For example, CRT monitors are usually 365 characterized using the gain-offset-gamma or gain-offsetgamma-offset models, often referred to as the GOG or GOGO models, respectively.1,3 Unfortunately, these models cannot be used to characterize an LCD accurately. Essentially, a CRT OETF has a physics basis, whereas an LCD OETF depends on the specific cell construction, the operating mode, and usual remapping via a voltage ladder or look-up table to compensate for a suboptimal relationship between voltage and perceived lightness or to mimic CRTs. As a consequence, analytical functions such as the GOG, GOGO, or other functions, typically sigmoidal,6 will only coincidentally describe an LCD OETF well. The solution is to build one-dimensional look-up tables (LUTs), generally formed by subsampled measurements and linear or nonlinear interpolation, described by Eq. (1) R ⫽ LUT共dr 兲 G ⫽ LUT共dg 兲 (1) B ⫽ LUT共db 兲 0 ⱕ R,G,B ⱕ 1 , where d defines digital counts and R, G, and B are radiometric scalars for the red, green, and blue channels, respectively. By definition, these scalars are constrained between zero and unity. That is, L,r ⫽ RL,rmax, where L is spectral radiance and the subscript “rmax” specifies the maximum output for the red channel. Similar expressions can be written for the green and blue channels. Flare can be especially detrimental to colorimetric accuracy if not taken into account. Three main types of flare have been described for computer-controlled CRT displays. These are external flare, which comes from reflections on the monitor from ambient room light; internal flare, which comes from internal scattering; and a second type of internal flare, which comes from output from other channels at the same pixel location, a result of improper display setup. Katoh et al.1,2 (see also Berns and Katoh3) derived how the two types of internal flare cascade into a single flare term, corresponding to the display’s black level. For LCDs, there is often significant radiant output at the black level caused by the liquid crystal having a minimum transmittance factor well above zero. This flare also cascades into the single flare term. Thus, Eq. (2) is used to describe the relationship between the radiometric scalars and CIE tristimulus values: 冋 册 冋 X Y Z ⫽ EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES Equipment 1 X r,max ⫺ Xk,min Xg,max ⫺ Xk,min Xb,max ⫺ Xk,min Xk,min Yr,max ⫺ Yk,min Yg,max ⫺ Yk,min Yb,max ⫺ Yk,min Yk,min Zr,max ⫺ Zk,min Zg,max ⫺ Zk,min Zb,max ⫺ Zk,min Zk,min ⫻ 366 where the “max” subscript defines each channel’s maximum output and subscript “kmin” defines the black-level radiant output. Eqs. (1) and (2) were first used by Fairchild and Wyble,4 and later by Gibson and Fairchild,7 characterize computer-controlled LCDs to colorimetrically. Implicit in the use of Eq. (2) are the assumptions of channel scalability and independence.8 That is, the spectral radiance spectra of each channel following black-level compensation are scalable and drive signals in a given channel do not affect the spectral radiance of other channels. It is known that the spectral transmittance of liquid crystals vary as a function of voltage.9 Their peak wavelength shifts toward shorter wavelengths with decreasing transmittance. Depending on the spectral properties of the display light source, these wavelength shifts result in spectra that are not scalable. Furthermore, for some LCDs, there can be a significant lack of independence, due to inherent optical and electronic properties. More details about both assumptions can be found in Silverstein,10 Marcu and Chen,11 and Yoshida and Yamamoto.12 If the assumptions of channel scalability and independence are not met, more complex approaches are required (e.g., see references 6, 12, 13, and 14). In our experience, colorimetric performance has been constrained by measurement uncertainty rather than model complexity. In particular, uncertainty in black-level radiant output has led to reduced performance. Accordingly, a method was developed to statistically estimate the blacklevel flare, important if the measuring device has poor low-light sensitivity.15 In the current experiments, we extended the reference 15 approach and estimated all of the matrix coefficients simultaneously using nonlinear optimization, changing the LUTs dynamically with each iteration of the optimization. The objective function minimized the mean CIEDE2000 color difference between measured and estimated colors sampling the display’s color gamut. This optimized matrix accounted for the limitations in channel scalability and independence, to some extent. It also reduced the need for very precise measurements of the blacklevel flare. The purpose of this article is to describe methodologies and performance of a typical LCD colorimetric characterization for use in psychophysics and colorimetric image display. 冤 冥 R G B 1 , 册 (2) A 22⬙ flat-panel Apple Cinema liquid crystal display controlled by a G4 Power Mac was characterized. This monitor has a 160° viewing angle and an antiglare hard-coat screen treatment. It is a thin film transistor (TFT) active-matrix liquid crystal display with 1920 ⫻ 1200 pixel resolution. The gamma was set to “uncorrected gamma (native)” in the ColorSync Profile of the monitor. The white point was set to “no white point correction (native),” and the brightness was set to the maximum setting. A white stimulus on this monCOLOR research and application TABLE I. CIEDE2000 mean color difference to the mean (MCDM) across backgrounds and stimuli for eight stimuli. Digital counts CIEDE2000 MCDM Color Red Green Blue Across backgrounds Across stimuli Black Gray White Dark red Red Dark green Green Dark blue Blue 0 128 255 128 255 0 0 0 0 0 128 255 0 0 128 255 0 0 0 128 255 0 0 0 0 128 255 0.06 0.30 0.06 0.12 0.04 0.18 0.03 0.07 0.01 0.06 0.06 0.21 0.06 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.07 0.15 itor (dr ⫽ dg ⫽ db ⫽ 255) with this setup had a luminance of 111 cd/m2. Three instruments were used in the characterization to check the robustness of the method: an LMT C1210 Colormeter, recording tristimulus values in units of lumens per square meter; a PhotoResearch Spectrascan 650 spectroradiometer, recording spectral radiance, chromaticities, and luminance (Y) in units of candelas per square meter; and a Minolta CA-100 Color Analyzer, recording chromaticities and luminance (Y) in units of candelas per square meter. We expected each instrument to result in different colorimetric characterizations: The LMT and Minolta colorimeters have different filter fits to color-matching functions. The three instruments have different collection geometries, measurement apertures, polarization sensitivities, and dynamic ranges. All equipment was warmed up and calibrated as necessary. Five measurements of each displayed color were averaged. Software The colorimetric characterization was performed through the MATLAB16 software environment. MATLAB was used to display test colors and interact with the measurement instruments. We also use MATLAB for psychophysics and colorimetric-image display; it is critical to display the stimuli for colorimetric characterization within the identical software environment. Other software may rerender the display profile. Lighting Measurements are taken using the identical lighting conditions as those to be used for the psychophysical experiment, in this case, a completely darkened room. Any flare resulting from the display itself was corrected for in the model. The spectral power distribution of the white point of the display was used for all CIELAB calculations, along with the CIE1931 2° standard observer. Volume 29, Number 5, October 2004 Test Image A 400 ⫻ 400 pixel square stimulus was displayed in the center of the LCD. The remainder of the display was set to black (dr ⫽ dg ⫽ db ⫽ 0) during the colorimetric characterization and to other defined colors during the preliminary experiments. Preliminary Experiments A set of simple experiments was first performed using the LMT illuminance colorimeter to evaluate spatial independence, screen uniformity, and additivity, in similar fashion to analyses we perform when evaluating CRT displays for use in visual experiments.17 Our philosophy has been to seek out displays that have acceptable optoelectronic properties rather than model and account for their deficiencies. On an ideal monitor the background color will not affect the foreground color. For this monitor, spatial independence was evaluated with nine colors measured on nine backgrounds for a total of 81 measurements. Table I lists the digital counts used to create the colors and backgrounds. CIELAB values were calculated for each color combination using the white measurement as the reference white. The average CIELAB value for each color was calculated over all the backgrounds and CIEDE2000 color differences18 were calculated between each measurement’s CIELAB coordinates and the color’s average value. The average of these CIEDE2000 values for the nine colors on a given background is called the mean color difference from the mean (MCDM)19 across stimuli. The average CIEDE2000 value for each color over all nine backgrounds is called the MCDM across backgrounds. The calculated MCDMs are shown in Table I. The overall MCDM was 0.10⌬E00. Based on these results, this monitor had excellent spatial independence. Uniformity across the horizontal center of the screen was also evaluated. Gray, red, green, and blue colors were measured on the left, center, and right portions of the screen and compared. Table II shows the color differences among these colors as a function of position; all of these color differences are small. The average MCDM for these measurements was excellent at 0.18⌬E00. The tristimulus values of the red, green, and blue channels at their highest output should add to equal the tristimulus values of the display white; this assumption is called additivity. However, this is rarely achieved exactly. For this display, the measured white’s tristimulus values were lower than the sum of measured peak red, green, and blue by 1%. This display exhibited excellent additivity. TABLE II. CIEDE2000 color differences between different locations on the display. Left and middle Middle and right Left and right Gray Red Green Blue 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.7 367 mization, the coefficients of the 3 ⫻ 4 matrix were adjusted until the average CIEDE2000 color difference between measured and estimated tristimulus values for all three data sets was minimized. After each adjustment to the 3 ⫻ 4 matrix the look-up tables were recalculated. The optimization included a constraint that bounded the radiometric scalars between zero and unity. Figure 1 shows a flowchart of the measurement, calculation, and optimization process. CIELAB values were calculated from both the measured and predicted tristimulus values. Color differences between the measured and estimated values were calculated using CIEDE2000. This entire procedure was repeated for each of the three instruments. FIG. 1. Experiment flowchart. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Procedure Three data sets of RGB values were created. The first was 11-step ramps, equally spaced in digital counts from 0 to 255 for the red, green, and blue channels individually, as well as in combination to create neutrals. The second set was a regular sampling of the RGB color gamut made up of a 5 ⫻ 5 ⫻ 5 grid (125 colors). The third set, also a regular grid, was created to more carefully check the model performance for dark colors and was made up of a 5 ⫻ 5 ⫻ 5 of digital counts from 0 to 25. All of these colors were displayed on the monitor and their colorimetric values measured using each of the three instruments. Each recorded measurement was an average of five successive measurements. The remainder of the display was set to black. The measured tristimulus values were normalized so that the Y value at white digital counts (dr ⫽ dg ⫽ db ⫽ 255) was equal to unity (i.e., luminance factor). This normalization was desirable because the LMT is an illuminance colorimeter. For vision research, these tristimulus values can be converted to units of luminance by multiplying by the luminance of the display’s white point (e.g., 111 cd/m2). The measured tristimulus values of each primary ramp were transformed to radiometric scalars by inverting Eq. (2), shown below in Eq. (3.) Three one-dimensional LUTs of radiometric scalars corresponding to 256 digital counts were created for each primary ramp from the 11-step measurements using piecewise cubic-spline interpolation. 冋 册 冋 R G B ⫽ X r,max ⫺ Xk,min Xg,max ⫺ Xk,min Xb,max ⫺ Xk,min Yr,max ⫺ Yk,min Yg,max ⫺ Yk,min Yb,max ⫺ Yk,min Zr,max ⫺ Zk,min Zg,max ⫺ Zk,min Zb,max ⫺ Zk,min 冋 X ⫺ X k,min Y ⫺ Yk,min Z ⫺ Zk,min 册 册 ⫺1 . (3) The 3 ⫻ 4 transformation matrix was initially defined using direct tristimulus measurements of the black level and each channel’s maximum radiant output. Using nonlinear opti368 The red, green, and blue ramp spectral radiance data were each analyzed using principal component analysis. One eigenvector (dimension) accounted for 99.999%, 99.999%, and 99.997% of the total variance for the red, green, and blue ramp spectra, respectively. Although liquid crystal spectral transmittances vary with voltage, for this particular display, this transmittance dependency had a small effect on reducing each primary’s scalability. The relative spectral radiance of the first eigenvector for each ramp, normalized by peak height to unity, is plotted in Fig. 2. It was expected that the red and green channels would have excellent scalability given the narrow bandwidth of their spectra. We would have expected that for the blue channel, the total variance explained by one dimension would have been lower given its wide-band radiant output. To visualize channel scalability, the estimated black level tristimulus values were subtracted from the measured tristimulus values of each ramp. The tristimulus values were FIG. 2. Relative spectral radiance (normalized by peak height) of each channel based on principal component analysis. COLOR research and application FIG. 3. Chromaticities of each 11-step primary ramp following optimized flare correction. FIG. 5. Radiometric scalars, R, G, and B, (data points), and interpolated values (lines) following optimization. then transformed to chromaticities and plotted in Fig. 3. If each channel has scalable spectra, its ramp chromaticities will plot as a single point. The red primary ramp chromaticities have the least variability, whereas the blue primary ramp chromaticities have the largest variability. The direction of the variability is consistent with changes in liquidcrystal spectral transmittance as a function of voltage. The amount of variability is correlated with the spectral properties of each channel. As a comparison, the chromaticities of each channel are plotted without subtracting the black level, shown in Fig. 4. This is equivalent to using a 3 ⫻ 3 transformation to relate scalars and tristimulus values, as commonly used in the colorimetric characterization of CRT displays. Clearly, this approach would lead to very poor performance because the assumption of scalability would be violated dramatically. At first glance, it might appear that the principal component analyses and chromaticity plots are inconsistent. Although over 99.99% of the total spectral variance is described by a single dimension, the chromaticities are not invariant. In our experience, extremely small variation in spectra results in clear differences in colorimetry; we have often observed limited correlation between statistical analyses of spectra and colorimetry.20 Furthermore, principal component analysis behaves as a spectral noise filter, removing bias and measurement noise. The chromaticities are still subject to measurement uncertainty. The chromaticities most different from the average corresponded to the lowest digital signals. In addition, the black level tristimulus values were derived to minimize error throughout the display’s color gamut. Had the black level been optimized for only these primary ramps, better chromaticity invariance would have resulted.15 The final primary-ramp look-up tables are plotted in Fig. 5. The shape of the OETF is the same as for a CRT, indicating that the display manufacturer has designed this LCD to mimic CRTs used in computer display. The 3 ⫻ 4 transformation matrices (rounded to two places past the decimal), based on direct measurements and optimization, are shown in Eqs. (4) and (5), respectively, for the LMT instrument. The greatest change occurred for the blue channel, confirming that this technique is compensating for the lack of scalability of this channel. (The differences analyzed via their chromaticities and luminance factor are described below.) 冋 册 X Y Z ⫽ measured 冋 51.09 30.12 12.05 0.41 27.74 61.52 11.63 0.43 0.83 6.22 58.41 0.33 册冤 冥 R G B 1 (4) 冋 册 X Y Z FIG. 4. Chromaticities of each 11-step primary ramp based on direct measurements and without flare compensation. Volume 29, Number 5, October 2004 ⫽ optimized 冋 51.11 30.17 12.09 0.41 27.74 61.59 11.57 0.43 0.86 6.26 58.44 0.33 册冤 冥 R G B 1 . (5) 369 TABLE III. CIEDE2000 color differences between the measured and estimated stimuli using the optimization technique for the LMT illuminance colorimeter. Average RGB ramp and gray-scale data Full color-gamut data Dark color-gamut data 0.1 0.1 0.1 Standard Deviation 0.1 0.1 0.1 Maximum 0.4 0.4 0.3 The color differences comparing measured and forwardmodel predicted data are shown in Table III. For comparison, Table IV shows the color differences resulting when an optimization of the 3 ⫻ 4 matrix and updated LUTs are not used. The optimization improved performance by a factor of 2. Both sets of color differences are quite low, indicating that this display has excellent optoelectronic properties and is well suited for psychophysics and colorimetric-image display. The characterization was repeated using both the PhotoResearch PR-650 spectroradiometer and the Minolta color analyzer. The results of these characterizations are shown in Tables V and VI. The spectroradiometer had worse performance than the illuminance colorimeter by a factor of 2. The color analyzer had worse performance than the illuminance colorimeter by a factor of 4. However, the worst case scenario (average accuracy of 0.4⌬E00) is still quite good. All of these colorimetric characterizations would be acceptable for use in psychophysics and colorimetric image display, whether large colored areas or complex images were displayed. The performance ranking is consistent with the measurement precision of each instrument. The measured and optimized chromaticity coordinates for the three instruments based on the Eq. (2)-type matrix transformations are shown in Table VII. The black-level flare was subtracted from each primary’s tristimulus values before chromaticities were calculated. The white was based on a summation of these primary tristimulus values. The black-level was calculated from the last column of the transformation matrix. Also shown is the luminance factor (Y) for each stimulus. The differences in colorimetry between measured and optimized values for the primaries were quite small. This is further evidence that for this display, limitations caused by changes in liquid-crystal transmittance as a function of drive level were nearly negligible. A comparison of the differences in absolute accuracy in TABLE IV. CIEDE2000 color differences between the measured and estimated stimuli using direct measurements for the LMT illuminance colorimeter. RGB ramp and gray-scale data Full color-gamut data Dark color-gamut data 370 TABLE V. CIEDE2000 color differences between the measured and estimated stimuli using the optimization technique for the PhotoResearch PR-650 spectroradiometer. Average Standard Deviation Maximum 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.8 0.8 0.5 RGB ramp and gray-scale data Full color-gamut data Dark color-gamut data Average Standard Deviation Maximum 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.8 0.4 0.7 measuring the colorimetric properties of this display is given in Table VIII. The PhotoResearch spectroradiometer and the LMT illuminance colorimeter or Minolta color analyzer had similar chromaticity measurements for red, blue, and white. The green-channel chromaticities were dissimilar. The Minolta and LMT had similar measurements. The luminance factor measurements were all similar. It is unknown whether the green-channel difference between the spectroradiometer and the colorimeters was due to wavelength error in the spectroradiometer or filter fit for the colorimeters. Given that the peak radiances of the green and red primaries are very close to the peak tristimulus values of y and x, respectively, we expected, in general, reasonable similarity between all the instruments. Overall, the similarity was quite good, though unexpected because the two colorimeters have different spectral sensitivities and different spectral fit to color-matching functions, each instrument has a different dynamic range, each instrument has a different measurement aperture, and each instrument has different polarization sensitivity. CONCLUSIONS Having an accurate transformation between digital signals and colorimetry (or spectral radiance) for computer-controlled displays is critical for visual psychophysics and color reproduction. For at least 10 years, we have had good success with CRT displays. For the last 5 years, we have been even more successful with LCDs. The LCD approach, as described in this publication, requires characterizing the OETF via three one-dimensional look-up tables and each channel’s maximum output and black-level flare via a 3 ⫻ 4 matrix. When these parameters are first directly measured and then empirically optimized, the performance can be excellent. Perhaps the key to our success is our philosophy to use only displays with good optoelectronic properties TABLE VI. CIEDE2000 color differences between the measured and estimated stimuli using the optimization technique for the Minolta TV color analyzer. RGB ramp and gray-scale data Full color-gamut data Dark color-gamut data Average Standard Deviation Maximum 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 1.6 1.1 0.9 COLOR research and application TABLE VII. Measured and optimized chromaticity coordinates for all three instruments based on Eq. (2)-type matrix transformations. LMT Measured Optimized Difference PhotoResearch Measured Optimized Difference Minolta Measured Optimized Difference x y Y x y Y ⌬x ⌬y ⌬Y x y Y x y Y ⌬x ⌬y ⌬Y x y Y x y Y ⌬x ⌬y ⌬Y Red Green Blue White Black 0.6458 0.3479 0.2730 0.6454 0.3478 0.2732 ⫺0.0004 ⫺0.0001 0.0002 Red 0.6458 0.3466 0.2686 0.6459 0.3462 0.2682 0.0001 ⫺0.0004 ⫺0.0005 Red 0.6529 0.3416 0.2666 0.6522 0.3423 0.2694 ⫺0.0007 0.0007 0.0029 0.3074 0.6317 0.6108 0.3073 0.6315 0.6117 ⫺0.0001 ⫺0.0002 0.0009 Green 0.3182 0.6208 0.6104 0.3184 0.6207 0.6107 0.0002 ⫺0.0001 0.0003 Green 0.3054 0.6335 0.6199 0.3033 0.6351 0.6178 ⫺0.0021 0.0016 ⫺0.0021 0.1439 0.1384 0.1120 0.1444 0.1377 0.1114 0.0005 ⫺0.0007 ⫺0.0005 Blue 0.1468 0.1468 0.1186 0.1468 0.1468 0.1187 0.0000 0.0000 0.0001 Blue 0.1447 0.1363 0.1078 0.1446 0.1360 0.1073 ⫺0.0001 ⫺0.0003 ⫺0.0005 0.3594 0.3889 0.9957 0.3594 0.3886 0.9964 0.0000 ⫺0.0003 0.0007 White 0.3632 0.3895 0.9971 0.3632 0.3886 0.9976 0.0000 ⫺0.0009 0.0004 White 0.3619 0.3899 0.9953 0.3619 0.3902 0.9945 0.0000 0.0003 ⫺0.0008 0.3469 0.3686 0.0043 0.3498 0.3682 0.0043 0.0029 ⫺0.0004 ⫺0.0001 Black 0.3245 0.3674 0.0029 0.3256 0.3672 0.0028 0.0011 ⫺0.0002 ⫺0.0001 Black 0.3524 0.3670 0.0047 0.3514 0.3682 0.0048 ⫺0.0010 0.0012 0.0000 such as spatial independence and additivity. Accordingly, we perform preliminary testing on candidate displays as described in the text. However, we have encountered some limitations using this display in visual experiments. The characterization described using the LMT colorimeter was used to render spectrally or colorimetrically defined images.21 Paired-comparison visual experiments were performed where observers evaluated a pair of images, displayed side by side (hence the spatial preliminary analysis), and compared with actual objects viewed in a light booth.22,23 For some observers, the viewing angle for the leftmost images were too extreme, resulting in color changes caused by viewing angle rather than by the image-capture technique. These observers seemed to orient between the display and light booth and rotated their head rather than moved it to be perpendicular to both the display and light booth. This contributed to greater observer uncertainty than we usually encounter. For these observers, the colorimetric characterization based on measurements perpendicular to the faceplate were not indicative of the light the observers saw. In future experiments of this type, we will have the image pairs viewed successively in a single spatial location rather than simultaneously side by side. Angle of view dependencies, of course, is a known limitation of LCDs; however, with each new generation of these displays, this limitation becomes less problematic. To start to investigate the issue of viewing geometry and ambient lighting conditions we conducted an additional experiment. The appendix contains the results of using the PR-650 spectroradiometer to measure three additional displays for several viewing angles and ambient lighting conditions. Another area of concern is the color appearance of these TABLE VIII. Differences in chromaticity and luminance factor between each listed instrument for the optimized data listed in Table VII. Instrument pair PhotoResearch - LMT Minolta - LMT Minolta - PhotoResearch ⌬x ⌬y ⌬Y ⌬x ⌬y ⌬Y ⌬x ⌬y ⌬Y Volume 29, Number 5, October 2004 Red Green Blue White Black 0.0005 ⫺0.0016 ⫺0.0050 0.0068 ⫺0.0055 ⫺0.0038 0.0063 ⫺0.0039 0.0012 0.0111 ⫺0.0108 ⫺0.0011 ⫺0.0040 0.0036 0.0060 ⫺0.0151 0.0144 0.0071 0.0024 0.0091 0.0073 0.0002 ⫺0.0017 ⫺0.0041 ⫺0.0022 ⫺0.0108 ⫺0.0114 0.0038 0.0000 0.0012 0.0025 0.0016 ⫺0.0019 ⫺0.0013 0.0016 ⫺0.0031 ⫺0.0242 ⫺0.0010 ⫺0.0015 0.0016 0.0000 0.0005 0.0258 0.0010 0.0020 371 TABLE IX. Description of additional LCD monitors tested. LCD Manufacturer Model Diagonal/Size (inches) 1 2 3 Samsung Apple Sony SyncMaster 210T ibook G3 Laptop SDM-N50 Desktop 21 12 15 displays in typical viewing environments. Although there is ample information about surround effects and partial adaptation issues,24 we suspect that the higher luminances generated by LCDs may require different approaches (likely simpler) to those we have used for CRTs. Also of concern is the errors introduced when a model is implemented in the workflow for colorimetric visual display, whether for psychophysics or ICC-type color management. Quite often the CRT display is an output device for specific colorimetric coordinates. The forward model and its evaluation are testing the inverse relationship. Although not described in this publication, we perform additional analyses to validate the quality of the inverse model, in essence, specifying tristimulus values, calculating their digital counts, displaying and measuring these colors, and comparing the measured and specified colorimetric coordinates.25 This approach has been used to evaluate color-gamut mapping.26 Computer-controlled LCDs are an integral part of our research programs at the Munsell Color Science Laboratory. By preselecting candidate displays, using the approach described in this publication to define the display’s colorimetric properties, and careful attention to viewing geometry and ambient conditions, these devices are excellent to represent object colors. We are particularly enthusiastic about the latest displays that have very high resolution and maximum luminance while exhibiting minimal horizontal angular dependencies. As a final comment, we are also using this optimization technique for CRT colorimetry. For CRT setups where it is desirable to have minimal radiant emission at the black level, very few instruments have sufficient dynamic range to directly measure the black level. This approach is very effective in estimating the black-level radiant output. APPENDIX The colorimetric characterization technique described in this publication was repeated using three additional LCD displays. To test the color variation that would occur from a user viewing the full width of a display from a fixed location, measurements were taken from the center of the display at the incident angle that would occur if the viewer looked at the edges from a viewing distance of 0.5 m. Of the instruments used in the previous experiment, only the PhotoResearch Spectrascan 650 spectroradiometer allowed for accurate angular control and, therefore, was used for all measurements. The three LCD displays were selected based solely on their availability within our laboratory and are listed in Table IX. Measurements were made of 11-step RGB ramps and the 5 ⫻ 5 ⫻ 5 RGB grid sampling of the entire color gamut. The stimulus was a 400 ⫻ 400 pixel square area surrounded by black. The results for the forward-model estimations of each experimental setup are listed in Table X. The perpendicular measurement angle corresponds to the measurements made of the Apple Cinema Display, described above. The model accuracy for all three displays was considerably worse than those achieved for the Cinema display. None of these displays would be used for psychophysics research, particularly when compared with the accuracies we have achieved with other displays. For colormanagement purposes, LCD 1 could be used, having average performance less than 1⌬E00. LCD 3 should not be used unless higher accuracy could be achieved. The assumptions required to use a 3 ⫻ 4 matrix [Eq. (2)] effectively were not met, in particular, channel independence and additivity. Perhaps the more complex approaches described in references 12–14 would result in sufficient accuracy. LCD 2 had intermediate performance. TABLE X. CIEDE2000 color differences between the measured and estimated stimuli using the optimization technique for additional displays, measurement geometries and lighting conditions. LCD 1 Measurement angle Room lighting Perpendicular Right 23° Up 18° Down 18° Perpendicular 2 Right 14° Perpendicular 3 Right 17° 372 5 ⫻ 5 ⫻ 5 RGB grid RGB ramps Mean Max Mean Max On 0.70 0.63 0.81 0.76 1.70 1.25 1.65 1.67 0.43 0.33 0.46 0.38 1.02 0.79 1.18 0.91 2.25 1.82 2.63 2.17 0.41 0.32 0.47 0.41 On Off On Off 1.13 1.31 1.21 1.33 3.13 3.48 3.20 3.35 0.69 0.83 0.74 0.76 1.66 1.72 1.70 1.72 3.71 3.66 3.44 3.58 0.74 0.73 0.69 0.73 On Off On Off 1.84 1.94 1.75 1.89 4.84 5.03 4.66 4.98 1.42 1.44 1.36 1.51 3.17 3.26 3.13 3.24 7.18 7.40 7.00 7.20 1.58 1.65 1.58 1.64 COLOR research and application TABLE XI. CIEDE2000 color differences between the measured and estimated stimuli using the optimization technique based on perpendicular characterization. LCD 1 Measurement Angle Room Lighting Perpendicular Right 23° Up 18° Down 18° On Mean Max Mean Max 0.70 5.41 1.31 2.36 1.70 13.67 4.60 6.89 0.43 3.35 0.97 1.63 1.02 5.33 1.97 2.98 2.25 11.87 4.23 6.17 0.41 2.60 0.84 1.32 LCDs 2 and 3 were evaluated with the room lighting both turned on and off with very similar results, verifying that the various sources of flare could be cascaded into a single black-level term, as derived for CRT displays.2,3 In many viewing environments, ambient illumination is present; the technique described in this publication is an effective method to account for its affect on colorimetry. To test how an observer’s viewing geometry affects the accuracy of the model estimates, the predictions for the perpendicular measurements of LCD 1 were compared with the measurements at the other viewing angles. The results are listed in Table XI. These angles correspond to the viewer looking straight at the display (perpendicular to the display) and at the right, top, and bottom edges. The horizontal variability was quite large resulting in average color differences above 5. The vertical variability was smaller, ranging between 1.21 and 2.98 average ⌬E00. These results indicate that the LCD should not be used for psychophysical experiments where the center of the screen will be directly compared with the edges. However the model would be sufficient to predict the display output for two positions relative to a fixed viewer if they were characterized separately. That is, for images displayed side by side using large-diagonal-size displays, typical of paired-comparison psychophysics, two colorimetric characterizations should be performed. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research was supported by the National Gallery of Art, Washington DC, the Museum of Modern Art, New York, and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. 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