45th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit st 2 - 545 August 2009, Denver, Colorado Joint Propulsion Conference AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE AIAA 2009-4815 & Exhibit AIAA 2009-4815 2-5 August 2009, Denver, CO Characterization of the NASA NEXT Thruster M.W. Crofton,* J.E. Pollard,† E.J. Beiting,‡ R. Spektor,§ K.D. Diamant,** X.L. Eapen†† and R.B. Cohen‡‡ The Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, CA, 90245 and M.J. Patterson§§ NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH, 44135 The NASA NEXT thruster is engineered to be extremely flexible in terms of input power and specific impulse, while maintaining acceptable efficiency, and embodies a number of technological advances over previous ion engine systems. Some of its operating characteristics are being examined in detail in a study conducted in a test facility at The Aerospace Corporation. The work in progress is performed under the umbrella of a Space Act Agreement, with NASA participation in readying thruster hardware for the measurements. A series of measurements is in progress to verify basic characteristics of operation and expand on the available database of information. Among the work elements planned and/or in progress, are in-depth EMI/EMC, plume particle and plasma probe, and laser diagnostic measurements. I. EM = EMI/EMC= HiVHAC = I = Ib = Isp = MT = MT-TOT = NEXT = NSTAR = Pin-PPU = PM = PPU = sccm = TL = TRL = Vbps = XIPS = η = Nomenclature Engineering Model Electromagnetic Interference/Electromagnetic Compatibility High Voltage Hall Accelerator total impulse, Newton-seconds ion beam current, i.e. current of expelled ions from thruster, Ampere thruster specific impulse, seconds total propellant mass flow rate into the thruster system total propellant mass throughput, kg NASA’s Evolutionary Xenon Thruster NASA Solar Electric Propulsion Technology Application Readiness Program power entering the PPU, kW Prototype Model (proto-flight hardware) Power Processing Unit (provides power to the propulsion system) standard cubic centimeters per minute (of xenon flow) thrust level, a standard operating point of NEXT Technology Readiness Level, a maturity scale for evolving technology beam power supply voltage Xenon Ion Propulsion System efficiency * Senior Scientist, Propulsion Science Department, M2-341, AIAA Senior Member. Senior Scientist, Propulsion Science Department, M2-341, AIAA Member. ‡ Senior Scientist, Propulsion Science Department, M2-341, AIAA Associate Fellow. § Senior Member of the Technical Staff, Propulsion Science Department, M2-341, AIAA Member. ** Research Scientist, Propulsion Science Department, M2-341, AIAA Senior Member. †† Senior Research Associate, Propulsion Science Department, M2-341. ‡‡ Principal Scientist, Space Materials Laboratory, M2-247, AIAA Member. §§ Senior Technologist for In-Space Propulsion, AIAA Member. † Copyright © 2009 by The Aerospace Corporation. Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., with permission. Copyright © 2009 by The Aerospace Corporation. Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., with permission. II. Introduction T he NASA NEXT thruster is engineered to be extremely flexible in terms of input power and specific impulse, while maintaining acceptable efficiency, and embodies a number of technological advances over previous ion engine systems. Some of its operating characteristics are being examined in detail in a study conducted in a test facility at The Aerospace Corporation. The work in progress is performed under the umbrella of a Space Act Agreement, with NASA participation in readying thruster hardware for the measurements. The non-reimbursable Space Act Agreement (SAA) was drafted by NASA and The Aerospace Corporation to establish a collaborative measurement program intended to examine the plume particle and field environments of latest generation NASA ion propulsion technology. While the NEXT ion engine is the current subject of this effort, subsequent work on Hall thruster technology is anticipated under the same umbrella agreement, with HiVHAC1 the likely candidate. A series of measurements is currently in progress to verify basic characteristics of NEXT operation and expand on the available public-domain and internal databases regarding NASA technology and its potential use on non-NASA spacecraft systems. Among the work elements planned are in-depth EMI/EMC, plume particle and plasma probe, optical emission and laser diagnostic measurements. This work is of considerable relevance to future spacecraft integration of the subject thrusters. NEXT incorporates design improvements not utilized in the previous generation system (NSTAR, the 30-cm derated ion propulsion system used on Deep Space 1 and Dawn missions). Among these are better magnetic materials and circuit performance with respect to temperature tolerance and flat ion beam production, more advanced grid-clear and recycle-recovery systems, better ion optics and cathode technology, higher efficiency and greater input power flexibility, and higher thermal rejection performance that contributes to lower operating temperatures and higher power-processing capability.2-4 The ion optics have tighter tolerances with respect to aperture alignment and gap control, and together with some beam blanking around the periphery they exhibit much reduced levels of direct grid impingement.2,4 The cathode keeper material is now graphite instead of molybdenum, extending the life of this component. As a result of numerous design changes working in concert, NEXT has very high estimated figures for lifetime, total impulse and total propellant processing capability4,5, superior to any other xenon electric thruster system. However, the range of specific impulse over which NEXT operates efficiently has limited overlap with competitors of the Hall-thruster type, and due to its relatively high specific impulse normally achieves lower figures for thrust and thrust-to-power ratio for the same power input. Larger physical size and weight are also drawbacks for NEXT. Charge exchange ion erosion of the accelerator grid is expected to be the first thruster failure mode across the throttling range, with an estimated minimum grid lifetime of 36,000 hours.4,5 Except at the extreme ends of the basic throttle table, throughput capability has been estimated at about 800 kg of xenon with total impulse of approximately 3 107 N-s.6 Despite the large throttling range and greater power processing capability of NEXT, these critical figures are substantially higher than NSTAR performance.7 NEXT capabilities are also improved relative to the XIPS-25 system8, a second-generation ion engine that benefits from extensive flight heritage and manufacturing experience, by a lesser margin. For example, XIPS-25 efficiency is between that of NEXT and NSTAR, while estimated xenon throughputs for NSTAR and XIPS-25 are 20-25% of the NEXT value.9 The basic 40-level throttle table6 (see Appendix) was developed for NASA missions outside of Earth orbit.10 Electrical power available to operate the thruster system would not be constant, due to the varying sun-spacecraft distance. As a result, the system would need to operate efficiently over a very wide range of input power parameters, with appropriate output power and specific impulse. Work has recently been performed on an expanded performance envelope11, indicating that substantial increases in thrust, power processed, and thrust to power ratio are possible. The precise limits of these parameters have not yet been determined, but clearly the thrust to power gap between ion engine and Hall thrusters can be narrowed. Particularly when the expanded performance envelope is considered, the applicability of NEXT is not confined to deep space. Its performance is generally very attractive for high delta-V earth-orbit missions, due to a large reduction of on-board propellant mass enabled by the high specific impulse and efficiency. The NEXT development program at NASA is currently directed toward achieving TRL 6 by the end of calendar 2009, with prototype model thruster and gimbal, engineering model power processing unit and propellant management assemblies, and control unit simulator comprising the highest planned hardware fidelity until a space mission is identified. All of this hardware is already built, and most of the requisite testing has been performed 2,4,1215 , therefore the system is presently very close to TRL 6. An area in which further NEXT work has been needed is that of precise plume particle and field characterization. Diagnostic instrumentation was integrated with the long duration test16 (LDT) and the multi-thruster array test17 (MTAT). For the LDT, which uses an upgraded EM3 thruster, a Wien filter measures the charge state ratio 4,18 and 2 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics three Faraday cups measure radial beam current density profiles,4 while six CCD cameras monitor erosion rates and patterns throughout the test. For MTAT, the plasma density, electron temperature and plasma potential were mapped in the near field of the thruster array.17 EMI characterization, detailed optical emission and plume contamination measurements, and precise determination of thrust losses have not previously been performed on NEXT, but are being addressed by the current project. In addition, many of the NASA measurements have not been performed with the highest fidelity hardware (Prototype Model thruster and Engineering Model Power Processing Unit). The overall measurement program at The Aerospace Corporation includes work elements to measure ion beam flux and divergence, charge state ratios, charge exchange ion flux, plume optical emission spectrum and absolute flux, radio frequency and microwave absolute emission spectrum plus time-domain emissions, carrier wave attenuation and phase effects, plume erosion and molybdenum contamination effects, absolute thrust and thrust correction factors. This report represents work in progress, therefore results of the various measurement programs will be described in greater detail in the future. Also, additional NEXT measurements are planned that are not yet in the implementation phase. Current work is being performed with an engineering model NEXT thruster (unit #4, designated EM4) manufactured by NASA GRC. It has a form and function very close to that of the NEXT prototype model (PM) thruster manufactured by Aerojet under contract. It is anticipated that a PM thruster will become available for this project, and critical measurements can be repeated with that system. This PM thruster will have form, fit, and function identical to a flight article. III. Test Apparatus The vacuum chamber is 2.4 meters in diameter and 10 meters in length. The test facility has eight installed cryopumps. Four of these are re-entrant and the remaining four are conventional 48-inch-diameter CVI cryotubs. Figure 1. Photograph of NEXT, installed in The Aerospace Corporation’s facility. 3 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics The re-entrant pumps currently perform more than 25% below their rated speed, probably due to carbon contamination effects. They are among the oldest pumps on the chamber; two of these have been used in day-to-day operations since 1993. Each pump is independently operable, so that not all 8 pumps are necessarily operated unless flow conditions and the desired background pressure demand it. For NEXT operating points of relatively high flow rate, approximately 150 kl/s can be obtained with all pumps operating. The NEXT thruster was installed in the facility (see Fig. 1), with core ions directed toward a composite carbon beam stop mounted on the downstream end dome. More divergent ions impinge on graphoil sheets lining the cylindrical wall of the chamber. The thruster installation was designed with the flexibility to be positioned either inside a fiberglass chamber in an anechoic room for EMI work as shown in Fig. 2, or on the axis of the main chamber as shown in Fig. 1 for all other measurements. NASA personnel managed all aspects of the installation, which was performed at a high standard with respect to tubing connections, mounting fixtures, flow calibration, thruster system checkout, etc. NASA has also managed thruster operations during the acquisition of diagnostic data. For work described in this document, the EM4 thruster was utilized with a NASA-supplied laboratory power console and xenon feed system. Research grade xenon and rigorous inspection and process control procedures consistent with those employed for flight hardware were implemented by NASA to ensure xenon purity. DOWNWARD VIEW 5/2.5 Gnd RCVR Pass Thru Panel GATE VALVE 2.4 m diam x 10 m long VACUUM CHAMBER SEMI-ANECHOIC ROOM 4.25 m x 5.5 m PYRAMIDAL CARBON BEAM DUMP Antenna 60 CM PYRAMIDAL ABSORBERS 3.4 m PLUME THRUSTER DIELECTRIC TANK GRID FERRITE-BACKED 20 CM PYRAMIDAL ABSORBERS Figure 2. Scale drawing of the electric propulsion electromagnetic compatibility facility. 5/2.5 Gnd 4 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Diagnostic equipment in use or planned for future use with NEXT is similar or identical to that employed at The Aerospace Corporation for other thruster evaluation work (see, for example, Refs. 19 and 20). This equipment includes a retarding potential analyzer, deflection analyzer, spectrum analyzers and various specialized equipment for EMI and plume attenuation/phase shift work, laser equipment, a thrust balance under construction, and an optical spectrometer. IV. Plume Characterization Ion Beam Plume characterization tests were performed on the NEXT thruster to enable predictions of erosion and deposition on spacecraft surfaces and to help define stay-out zones for spacecraft appendages. The fluxes of primary ions and charge-exchange ions were measured for all 40 thrust levels in the basic throttle table as functions of axial and radial position. The flow angle of primary ions was measured at these locations for a subset of thrust levels. Instrumented witness plates were used for a preliminary assessment of surface erosion and metallic deposition in the periphery of the plume. Future measurements will include xenon charge-state distributions vs. radial position near the exit plane to support modeling of grid erosion and thrust correction factors. A retarding potential analyzer21 was scanned through the set of axial and radial positions shown in Fig. 3, while recording the ion current vs. retarding potential at each position. Examples of differential ion flux curves as a function of the energy per unit charge, E/q, are presented in Fig. 4, indicating the fast primary and slow chargeexchange ions. Because there was minimal ion flux at intermediate energies, a partial scan of retarding potential from 0 V to 40 V E/q was sufficient to distinguish the fluxes of primary and charge-exchange ions. Partial scans of 1.0E+00 Primary ion flux (mA/cm2) 70 60 50 TL01 TL02 TL03 1.0E-01 TL04 TL05 TL06 40 Axial (cm) 1.0E-02 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Radial distance (cm) 30 1.0E-01 Primary ion flux (mA/cm2) 20 10 0 -10 0 10 20 30 Radial (cm) 40 50 60 1.0E-02 TL01 1.0E-03 TL02 TL03 1.0E-04 TL04 TL05 1.0E-05 TL06 1.0E-06 1.0E-07 -20 0 20 40 60 80 Axial distance (cm) Figure 3. Positions and viewing directions for RPA measurements, with examples of primary ion flux vs. position at thrust levels 01 through 06. E/q were recorded for all 40 standard thrust levels of the throttle table (see Appendix) to yield spatially dependent ion flux data, examples of which appear in Fig. 3. Thrust levels 01, 02, and 03 use beam supply voltages of 275, 300, and 400 V, resulting in a much more divergent primary ion beam than the higher thrust levels with beam voltages of 650 V and above. The charge-exchange flux was about 5 x 10-4 mA/cm2 at all axial positions for thrust levels 01 through 06. 5 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics The electrostatic deflection analyzer shown in Fig. 5 was used to determine the flow direction of primary ions as a function of axial position for a subset of thrust levels. At each axial position the repeller potential was scanned over the primary ion peak while stepping the viewing angle through a range that captured the entire signal. The mean angle of the flow for thrust level 01 is plotted as data points in Fig. 5 with error bars representing the range over which the signal was observed. The magenta and yellow curves show what the angle would be if the probe TL01, axial scan, radial radial 51 51 cm, cm, 2/17/09 2/17/09 1.0E-02 cm (mA/cm2/V) flux (mA/cm2/V) RPA differential flux Primary 57 1.0E-03 51 CEX 44 1.0E-04 38 32 1.0E-05 25 19 1.0E-06 13 6 0 1.0E-07 -6 1.0E-08 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 E/q (V) Figure 4. Differential ion flux vs. E/q measured by the RPA at thrust level 01 for a set of axial distances with a radial distance of 51 cm. TL01, radial 51 cm, 2/11/09 100 Vrep 80 Angle (deg) E/q = 2.67 Vrep E / E = 2% FOV = ± 2 deg Flow 60 Center Edge 40 Xe+ A 20 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Axial (cm) Figure 5. Electrostatic deflection analyzer and measured flow angle vs. axial distance for thrust level 01 with a radial distance of 51 cm. The direction perpendicular to thruster centerline is defined as 90°. were viewing the center and the edge of the ion optics. For axial distances of 30 cm or less the flow appeared to originate at the extreme edge. A similar variation of flow angle with axial position was observed at the other thrust levels. The results in Fig. 5 determined the programmed viewing angle for axial scans of the retarding potential analyzer. Erosion/Deposition Glass witness plates were exposed to the plume at a subset of the axial positions where the ion flux was measured. In situ monitoring of erosion and deposition was by conductivity measurements, either from the progressive removal of a chromium oxide film or from the accumulation of molybdenum produced by sputtering of 6 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics the ion optics. As shown in Fig. 6, thrust levels 01, 02, and 03 produced net erosion at axial distances from 0 cm to 38 cm, consistent with primary ion flux being present at all of these positions. Thrust level 12 was anticipated to have the highest erosion rate for outer-radius apertures of the ion optics, leading to higher molybdenum levels in the plume. For TL12 net deposition was detected at axial positions between 0 cm and 25 cm. The presence of Molybdenum films, radial 51 cm 0.8 60 0.7 50 TL01 40 TL02 TL03 30 3 TL's 20 10 Deposition rate (Ang/hr) Erosion rate (Ang/hr) Chromium oxide films, radial 51 cm 70 Preliminary data 0.6 0.5 0.4 TL12 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0.0 0.0 12.7 25.4 38.1 Axial distance (cm) 0.0 12.7 25.4 Axial distance (cm) Figure 6. Witness plate measurements of chromium oxide erosion rate vs. axial distance for thrust levels 01, 02, and 03, and of molybdenum deposition rate vs. axial distance for thrust level 12. molybdenum in the deposited film was confirmed by post-test Auger analysis. The peak deposition rate corresponded to one monolayer in approximately 4 hours. The elevated erosion rate at the accelerator grid periphery for TL12 results from poor beam focusing there, brought about by the combined effects of low beam current density and high total extraction voltage. A partial masking process used to eliminate most but not all of the beamlets in the annular region between 18 and 20 cm grid radius was incorporated in the grid set under test. The PM optics and new optics now available for the EM4 reduce the entire circumference from 40 cm to 36 cm and are expected to produce a significantly lower grid erosion and plume deposition rate. Grid-to-grid shorting caused by spallation of the accelerator grid and flake formation may occur at TL12, necessitating an occasional grid-clear operation. Even at TL12, the first failure mode of the ion optics will be structural failure of the accelerator grid at the center apertures. Thrust The NEXT 40-level throttle table contains thrust values calculated from thruster terminal characteristics and estimated correction factors for off-axis vectoring and multiply charged ions. Insufficient data exist for accurate calculation of the correction factors, and collection of these data for the full throttle table represents a formidable experimental task. Direct thrust measurement is anticipated to be a more efficient approach to characterization of the full throttle table. Figure 7 is a conceptual illustration of the thrust stand, currently under construction. It is designed as a standard pendulum with counterweight, and will feature a hardened steel knife edge pivot, a passive magnetic (eddy current) damper, and a high precision inclinometer for measurement of angular displacement. Gas and electrical connections will be made as close to the pivot line as possible, with loose or looped leads/tubing to minimize external moments. Calibration will be performed by applying known moments and measuring the resulting angular displacement. An elementary analysis of the pendulum, assuming lumped masses and small angular deflections, results in the following expressions for steady state angular deflection and undamped natural frequency n: F g ( mt mcw g ( mt n [ (1) l ) L mcw l L(mcw ( ) 2 L l ) 1 L ]2 mt ) 7 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (2) where F is thrust, g is the acceleration due to gravity, mt and mcw are the thruster and counterweight masses, and L and l are the thruster and counterweight moment arm lengths about the pivot respectively. It is clear from these expressions that use of a counterweight permits magnification of the angular deflection as well as reduction of the pendulum natural frequency. The latter may be useful for reducing the pendulum’s response to vacuum chamber vibration. We intend to target, by adjustment of the counterweight, angular deflections between 1 and 2° over the complete throttle table (25.5 to 236 mN). In preliminary testing, the temperature controlled inclinometer has demonstrated repeatability to within 0.002°, and therefore will not preclude achieving our targeted thrust measurement accuracy of less than 1%. Beiting has demonstrated the effectiveness of magnetic damping as a non-contact means of reducing pendulum oscillation.22 A very approximate treatment of the eddy current effect for a single eddy current loop yields the following expression for the required magnetic field B: B L 2R l [ (mcw ( ) 2 dH L mt )] 1 2 (3) where d is the effective scale length for the eddy current loop, H is the damper moment arm about the pivot, R is the resistance to eddy current flow, and is the time constant for the exponential decay of the pendulum oscillation. For the purpose of estimation, d can reasonably be assumed equal to the size of the magnet pole. Equation 3 provides a conservative estimate since the aluminum plate (see Fig. 7) will be sized to extend beyond the magnet, and the magnet (an assembly of four NdFeB permanent magnets) is designed with a field reversal in the path of the plate. Eddy current loops will be present at the magnet assembly edges, and at the position of field reversal. The magnet assembly design produces peak field strengths near 0.9 T along the gap centerline, and < 60 seconds is anticipated. Counterweight Inclinometer Pivot NEXT N S Magnet Aluminum plate Figure 7. Thrust stand conceptual diagram. Electromagnetic Evaluation Another work element is concerned with electromagnetic studies of the plume. These include radiated emission spectral scans, radiated emission time domain measurements, and effects on a carrier wave passing through the plume of the thruster. Carrier wave effects include attenuation, phase shift, and phase noise. At this writing these measurements are just beginning and only preliminary measurements of radiated emission spectral scan will be presented. 8 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Radiated emission from the NEXT thruster is being measured for a subset of six of the 40 standard operating points. The characteristics of these six points are given in Table 1 (see Appendix also). Because studies of Hall thrusters have shown that appreciable emission is caused by the neutralizing cathode23, the emission measurements are being made with the cathode operating in different modes for the two extreme thruster operating modes (TL01 and TL40) and with cathode operating without thruster operation. The cathode is normally operated in “spot” mode and all results presented here will have the thruster operating in this mode. Table 1 Mode 0A 0B 0C 1A 1B 1C 2 3 4 5 6A 6B 6C Thrust Level TL00 TL00 TL00 TL01 TL01 TL01 TL05 TL08 TL25 TL37 TL40 TL40 TL40 Cathode Mode spot transition plume spot transition plume spot spot spot spot spot transition plume Vbps (V) 0 0 0 275 275 275 679 1021 1396 1179 1800 1800 1800 Ib (A) 0 0 0 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.20 1.20 2.35 3.52 3.52 3.52 3.52 Power (kW) 0 0 0 0.540 0.540 0.540 1.120 1.520 3.685 4.710 6.860 6.860 6.860 Neutralizer Xe Flow (sccm) 6.00 3.50 2.00 3.00 2.75 2.50 3.00 3.00 3.50 4.01 4.01 2.50 2.00 The measurements are being taken in The Aerospace Corporation’s Electric Propulsion Electromagnetic Compatibility Facility (see Fig 2). The facility comprises: a small, all-dielectric tank which is largely transparent to electromagnetic radiation that houses the thruster and is pumped by the main vacuum chamber; a semi-anechoic room which surrounds the dielectric chamber and isolates the operating thruster from the ambient electromagnetic environment and absorbs radiation from the thruster at frequencies higher than 80 MHz; and a set of receivers, low noise amplifiers, and antennas to detect and record the radiation emanating from the thruster. The receiving antennas are placed sequentially outside the vacuum 1-m from the thruster centerline. The pressure in the main chamber during these tests varied between 2.6 x 10-6 and 1.1 x 10-5 Torr (corrected for xenon), depending on the xenon flow rate from the thruster. The base pressure in the main tank was 9 10-9 Torr. The pressure in the dielectric tank is about double these values. Details on the design and performance of the EMC facility are available.24 Table 2 Scan 1 2 3 4 5 6 Band 10 - 150kHz 150kHz - 30MHz 30 MHz - 200 MHz 0.2 - 1 GHz 1 -12.5 GHz 12.5-18 GHz Antenna Active Rod Active Rod Biconical Log Periodic Double Ridge Horn Standard Gain Horn 6 dB RBW (kHz) 1 10 100 100 1000 1000 Scan Rate (sec/MHz) 75 7.5 0.75 0.75 0.03 0.03 Scan Rate Factor 5 5 5 5 2 2 A composite view of the 36 vertically polarized (E field perpendicular to the axis of the plume) scans of emission from the NEXT thruster for the six operating conditions given in Table 1 is shown in Figure 8. We emphasize that these data are preliminary because it is suspected that some scans are contaminated with intermittent backgrounds emission. This is a log-log plot of the electric field from 10 kHz to 18 GHz measured from a distance of 1 meter. In this plot a change of 20 dB in the vertical axis is a factor of 10x change in electric field. These data were taken 9 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics under MIL-STD 461E RE102 specifications. Salient scan information is given in Table 2. The frequency scan rate used was slower (by the factor shown in the last column) than the fastest permitted by 461E to ensure that peak emissions were recorded. Note from this table the bandwidth increases by 10x at several frequencies (as required by 461E), which explains the discontinuities in amplitude seen in the data in Figure 8 at these frequencies. In the Figure, the blue curve at the bottom of the graph is the sensitivity of the instrumentation. The lower black curve is the background emission (thruster off) in the anechoic room taken at an arbitrary time before or after the scans taken with the thruster operating. The red line is the MIL-STD 461E limit, which is given for reference but is seldom relevant for a specific spacecraft. The remaining curves are the emission from the thruster for the six conditions defined in Table 1. Although the density of data in this figure is too high for detailed analysis, it is useful to obtain an overview of the emission. First, we note that there is no emission above the background at frequencies between 1-18 GHz. This is in stark contrast with the emission from Hall thrusters, which show significant radiation in the L-, S-, and Cbands, i.e. 1-8 GHz (see Ref. 23 and references therein). Second, similar to the Hall thrusters, the radiation from the NEXT thruster is significantly above the 461E limit at frequencies between 10 kHz-20 MHz. We also see that below a few MHz, the emission scales with power in that the emission for thruster modes TL1, TL5, and TL8 (0.51.5 kW) is significantly below that of modes TL25, TL37, and TL40 (3.7-6.9 kW). Interpretation of the data between 20 MHz-1000 MHz is problematic due to a possible high intermittent background, i.e. it may or may not appear in the background scan and can randomly appear in a thruster scan. The background in this region is high because of the passage of radiation from the main vacuum chamber into the anechoic room through the 1-m diameter plume exhaust port. The carbon fiber grid used to attenuate this background leakage24 into the anechoic room by approximately 20 dB was not in place during these measurements. This background makes the interpretation of the data at these frequencies ambiguous and additional data will be acquired with the grid in place. The data in the first scan listed in Table 2 (10 kHz and 150 MHz) do not suffer from this possible background problem. Figure 9 shows a linear frequency plot of this scan for all six thruster modes studied where the resolution bandwidth is a constant 1 kHz. This scan registered the highest radiation levels observed for this thruster. This spectral segment illustrates the detail available in these scans and is interesting because of the strong quasi-periodic coherent emission appearing near 25, 45, 75, 95, 118, and 142 kHz for all thruster modes studied. This emission is strongest for the TL37 and TL40 thruster modes for the lowest four frequencies but highest for the three lowest Figure 8. Log-Log plot of emission from NEXT thruster from 10 kHz to 18 GHz. 10 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Figure 9. Linear-Log plot of emission from NEXT thruster from 10 kHz to 150 kHz. power thruster modes for the highest two frequencies. The switching frequency of the beam supply is near 22 kHz and switching frequency of the discharge, neutralizer and accel power supplies are all near 50 kHz. It is likely that these emissions are caused by the harmonics and mixing of these frequencies. Switching frequencies are a characteristic of the commercial power supplies used in the laboratory power console, and the associated noise is not representative of what EM or flight model PPU hardware will produce. The apparent detection of these noise sources provides additional impetus for further testing with higher fidelity equipment. Scan data such as these are useful for a survey measurement of the emission of the thruster. When integrating this thruster with a particular spacecraft payload, more detail measurements are required, including measurement in the time domain for the frequencies were the payload has vulnerabilities. Optical Emission, general considerations The purpose of the optical spectroscopic measurements is to characterize the absolute plume light emission and to investigate the feasibility of erosion analysis. Characterization of the absolute emission is needed for potential light sensitive payloads, such as telescopes and photon detectors. For such measurements we are interested both in the total light intensity and the spectral nature of the emission. For a typical spacecraft configuration where the thrusters are placed on the opposite (or adjacent) side from the payload the light sensitive instruments are shielded from the light emanating from the thruster itself. However, the plume of the thruster may extend far enough to have a line of sight to the instrument. In general, one would want to determine how much light is produced in each region of the plume. Such a measurement would allow an accurate determination of the absolute light intensity at an arbitrary payload location. This approach, however, is unfeasible since spectroscopic measurements produce the line-integrated intensity. A simple optical calculation can show that spatially-resolved optical emission measurements require at best a very fast optical system, and at worst cannot be performed at all. Figure 10a shows a single-lens system, where an object o, which is located at a distance lo from a thin lens of diameter d and focal length f is imaged onto a photo detector of diameter i, which is located at a distance li from the lens. Since a plasma plume constitutes a distributed light source, we can imagine that another region at a closer distance to the lens lo’ will be mapped at some distance behind the photo detector. Thus, the photo detector will collect less light from that region. The decrease in the amount of light from that area measured by the detector will roughly be proportional to the detector area (¼πi2) 11 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics divided by the area of the light cone at the detector position (¼πi’2), as indicated by the diagram. Using a few basic geometrical optics equations we can derive a formula for the light detection at an arbitrary distance lo’ around the object o, i2 i '2 2 l d 1 1 2 i' o lo li f li lo . (4) Figure 10b shows a sample calculation using Eq. 4 with the lens system employed for the reported measurements, and shown in Fig. 11. The x axis of Fig. 10b is the normalized distance between the lens (x = 0) and the object of the system (x = 1). The right axis shows that the amount of the detected light decreases as one moves away from the object position. The left axis shows that the total light collected by the detector is about 9 times the light collected from the plasma disk located at the object distance lo. Furthermore, there is significant light collection even at the FIG. 10: Extended light source calculations. Panel a) shows a schematic of a one-lens optical system. Panel b) shows a sample calculation of the light detected from an extended source, such as plasma plume, as a function of distance from the lens using Eq. 4. Here, the x axis is the normalized distance between the lens (x = 0) and the object (x = 1), while the right axis shows fraction of collected light, and left axis shows total light as a fraction of light collected from the source at x = 1. FIG. 11: Experimental setup for measuring NI-UV spectra emitted by the NEXT thruster. 12 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics midpoint between the lens and the object. Thus, with the lens focused in the middle of the thruster beam and light collection across the beam (with beam diameter of ≈ 20cm) there is significant contribution of light from the entire line of sight across the beam. Equation 4 implies that a faster optical system can in principle produce a measurement with sufficient spatial distribution. However, in reality that expression provides only the best case scenario, because it ignores vignetting. An analytical expression similar to Eq. 4 that includes vignetting requires challenging computations and is beyond the scope of this paper. It is quite possible that once that effect is taken into account one will find that the detected light is homogeneously distributed throughout the line of sight across the plume, and thus a localized measurement is simply impossible. An alternative method of measuring absolute emission would be to simulate the light sensitive payload by a diode photo detector placed and oriented similarly to the simulated payload relative to the thruster and without any additional optics, such as focusing lenses. By moving such a detector to various locations one can obtain a measure, albeit imperfect, of the impact on the payload. The spectral nature of the light radiation can be measured by a collocated spectrograph, or a selection of band-pass filters. The other purpose of the spectroscopic measurements is to determine the feasibility of quantitative non-invasive grid erosion estimation. Such measurements have previously been attempted with various success. Rock et al.25 have developed a Kinetic Steady-State (KSS) model for erosion rate of Molybdenum grids using the MoI 379.8 nm line. Domonkos and Stevens26 evaluated the KSS model for erosion studies of the NSTAR thruster. Same MoI line has also been detected by Crofton27, and thus seems to be a reliable feature of the molybdenum gridded thrusters. Consequently we should expect to see the 379.8 nm line in the emissions of the NEXT thruster as well. Application of the KSS or other erosion models should allow us to estimate erosion rate of the NEXT thruster grids without performing the time-consuming life test. Another and more accurate way to estimate the amount of Molybdenum in the thruster plume is to perform an LIF measurement. Feasibility of such a measurement has been successfully demonstrated by Crofton et al.28 Figure 12. Spectrum obtained at the thruster exit plane under TL37 conditions, with identification of prominent lines. Spectroscopic Measurements Preliminary spectroscopic investigation of the NEXT thruster emission has been performed during the test campaign at The Aerospace Corporation. A schematic of the experimental setup is shown in Fig. 11. Measurements were performed with a single-lens system (f = 100), which was placed outside of the vacuum chamber next to a 4 inch diameter BK7 window with a direct view to the thruster and its plume. The lens focused the light from the 13 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics centerline of the thruster plume onto an optic fiber, which was fed into an HR4000 spectrograph. The spectrograph recorded the light emission from 200 to 1000 nm. The other end of the optic fiber was placed on a translation stage such that the light from various points along the plume could be collected. Light emanating from within the thruster through the grids (along the centerline) could also be collected by moving the fiber into the appropriate position. In the following discussion 0 cm corresponds to the position where the outer grid meets the thruster body. At the centerline the grid extends to ~2.35 cm. Beyond that point the collected light was assumed to come from the thruster plume. For these preliminary measurements we used a BK-7 vacuum window, and thus most of the light below 400 nm was not transmitted to the spectrograph, as can be clearly seen in the sample spectrum shown in Fig. 12. The purpose of these preliminary measurements was to survey the spectrum for the planned detailed absolute emission measurements. During the test campaign we collected emission at the following thruster operating points: TL01-12, TL19, TL29, and TL37-38 (see Appendix). Here we will present data only from TL09, TL19, TL29, and TL37. These thrust levels correspond to the same beam voltage (1179 V) and variable beam currents, increasing from 1.2 to 3.52 A for TL09 to TL37 respectively. The sample spectrum shown in Fig. 12 was obtained at TL37. The measurement was taken at the thruster exit, corresponding to axial position of 2.35 cm. The spectrum presents an expected combination of the prominent Xe neutral and ion lines. Furthermore, some Ti and Mo lines were tentatively identified, however further analysis is needed to verify their identities. Unfortunately, the 379.8 nm MoI line would not be observable due to the transmission properties of the window. We anticipate the observation of this line once a quartz window has been installed. Using the quartz window we plan to observe the functional dependence of the MoI line on the various thrust levels, and use the KSS model to estimate erosion rates. Furthermore, in addition to the spectroscopic measurements we hope to investigate spatially-resolved grid erosion with the LIF technique.28 Figure 13 shows spatial variation of xenon neutral (881.9 nm) and ion (529.7 nm) lines. Emission of both lines is 5 to 10 times stronger in the thruster than in the plume. Furthermore, the maximum intensity at all thrust levels, except at TL09, occurs at the thruster exit (2.35 cm). At a given position the line intensity (for both ion and neutral lines) increases linearly with the beam current. With the preliminary spectroscopic measurements completed, we plan to perform an absolute intensity measurement with diode photodetectors. These detectors will be mounted on a swing arm behind the thruster. The swing arm will allow placing the detectors at an arbitrary position and orienting with respect to the thruster. Collocating multiple detectors with various optical band-pass filters will enable us to determine a rough absolute FIG. 13: Xenon ion and neutral line intensity as a function of beam current for beam voltage V b=1179 V. Radiation intensity from both species scales linearly with the beam current. Intensity increases toward the thruster exit and then drops an order of magnitude in the plume. spectral signature of light emission at the payload location. In addition to that, we plan to place an optic fiber to collect the spectrum similarly to the already performed preliminary measurements. The spectrograph can also be calibrated for the absolute intensity measurements. 14 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics V. Conclusions A comprehensive plume characterization study is in progress that will significantly improve the knowledge base concerning particles and fields associated with the NEXT ion engine plume. This is a collaborative effort intended to result in the evaluation of selected NASA electric thruster technology that is of interest to the space propulsion community. Preliminary results include new EMI, optical emission, ion beam, contamination, and charge exchange ion data. Further measurements and more detailed reporting are planned. VI. Appendix NEXT throttle table at beginning of life, from Ref. 6b. TL Vbps, V F, mN Isp, sec TL40 TL39 TL38 TL37 1800 1567 1396 1179 236 221 208 192 4190 3910 3690 3395 TL36 TL35 TL34 TL33 1800 1567 1396 1179 208 194 184 169 4150 3875 3660 3360 TL32 TL31 TL30 TL29 TL28 1800 1567 1396 1179 1021 181 169 160 147 137 4150 3875 3660 3360 3125 TL27 TL26 TL25 TL24 TL23 1800 1567 1396 1179 1021 158 147 139 128 119 4100 3830 3615 3325 3090 TL22 TL21 TL20 TL19 TL18 1800 1567 1396 1179 1021 134 125 118 108 101 4310 4025 3800 3490 3250 TL17 TL16 TL15 TL14 TL13 1800 1567 1396 1179 1021 107 99.9 94.3 86.7 80.6 4190 3910 3690 3395 3155 TL12 TL11 TL10 TL09 TL08 TL07 TL06 TL05 TL04 TL03 TL02 1800 1567 1396 1179 1021 936 850 679 650 400 300 80.2 74.9 70.7 65.0 60.4 57.8 55.1 49.2 48.1 37.3 31.9 4000 3735 3525 3240 3015 2885 2745 2450 2400 1860 1590 TL01 275 25.6 1410 Pin-PPU, ηPPU kW MT = 5.76 mg/sec; Ib = 3.52 A 0.71 7.240 0.948 0.70 6.385 0.948 0.69 5.780 0.945 0.68 5.000 0.941 MT = 5.12 mg/sec; Ib = 3.10 A 0.70 6.390 0.948 0.69 5.645 0.947 0.68 5.095 0.947 0.67 4.420 0.941 MT = 4.46 mg/sec; Ib = 2.70 A 0.70 5.570 0.950 0.69 4.930 0.948 0.68 4.450 0.947 0.67 3.870 0.941 0.65 3.435 0.938 MT = 3.92 mg/sec; Ib = 2.35 A 0.69 4.870 0.948 0.68 4.310 0.947 0.67 3.900 0.944 0.66 3.380 0.941 0.64 3.010 0.937 MT = 3.16 mg/sec; Ib = 2.00 A 0.71 4.215 0.950 0.70 3.745 0.947 0.69 3.400 0.944 0.67 2.955 0.941 0.65 2.635 0.938 MT = 2.60 mg/sec; Ib = 1.60 A 0.68 3.420 0.950 0.67 3.040 0.947 0.65 2.765 0.944 0.64 2.410 0.941 0.62 2.160 0.935 MT = 2.05 mg/sec; Ib = 1.20 A 0.65 2.575 0.948 0.63 2.285 0.946 0.62 2.075 0.944 0.61 1.810 0.943 0.59 1.625 0.936 0.58 1.520 0.935 0.56 1.420 0.931 0.53 1.215 0.922 0.52 1.185 0.918 0.43 0.890 0.884 0.37 0.770 0.868 MT = 1.85 mg/sec; Ib = 1.00 A 0.33 0.630 0.868 ηt Lt, khr MT-TOT, kg Xe I, x107 N-s 0.671 0.663 0.653 0.637 37.6 37.6 37.6 40.5 780 780 780 840 3.20 2.99 2.82 2.80 0.663 0.654 0.646 0.629 43.0 43.0 43.0 46.3 795 795 795 855 3.22 3.01 2.84 2.81 0.662 0.653 0.644 0.626 0.610 49.1 49.1 49.1 52.9 65.7 790 790 790 850 1055 3.20 2.99 2.83 2.80 3.23 0.652 0.642 0.632 0.616 0.600 56.5 56.5 56.5 60.8 75.5 795 795 795 860 1065 3.21 2.99 2.83 2.80 3.23 0.670 0.658 0.646 0.628 0.609 66.4 66.4 66.4 71.5 88.9 755 755 755 815 1010 3.20 2.98 2.82 2.79 3.22 0.642 0.630 0.618 0.598 0.577 83.6 83.6 83.6 90.1 112 785 785 785 845 1050 3.22 3.01 2.84 2.81 3.25 0.611 0.600 0.589 0.571 0.550 0.538 0.523 0.486 0.479 0.381 0.323 110 110 110 119 147 196 293 366 212 65.2 47.2 815 815 815 875 1090 1445 2160 2705 1565 480 350 3.18 2.97 2.80 2.78 3.21 4.07 5.80 6.49 3.68 0.88 0.54 0.282 68.0 500 0.63 ηSystem 15 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Acknowledgments This work was supported under The Aerospace Corporation's Independent Research and Development Program and NASA’s In Space Propulsion Technology Program, Science Mission Directorate. 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