Quality System Requirements for Documents, Records and Change Control Katja Sundström, CI Manager 20.03.2013 1 © 2009 PerkinElmer TURKU SITE ONE OF THE LARGEST MANUFACTURING AND R&D FACILITIES IN PERKINELMER Centre of Excellence for Diagnostics Devices 2 We develop and manufacture instrumentation, reagents and software for screening and research purposes We are the world leader in newborn screening systems and 1st trimester prenatal screening We have extensive capabilities in cytogenetics 3 OUR CUSTOMERS We provide products and services to over 90 countries over the world, to all continents. Our customers are public and private hospitals and laboratories around the globe, served by our own sales organization and nearly 100 distributors Customer sales 2011 by region North America 19 % Western Europe 44 % 10 % South America 16 % 11 % 4 Eastern Europe, Middle East, Africa APAC In the US, our biggest customers are the states of: CALIFORNIA TEXAS FLORIDA OREGON GEORGIA ALABAMA NEW JERSEY ARIZONA NORTH CAROLINA ARKANSAS Medical Device Regulatory Environment Quality System certified against ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 13485:2003 (Medical Devices – QMS) Gives general structure and modern approach IVD Directive European CE mark Competent Authority Notified Body audits of both the quality system and specified products US 21 CFR Part 820* CFR US Code of Federal Regulations 21 Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act Part 820 QSR = Quality System Regulation 510(K), PMA (licenses) Comprehensive inspections for both QS and PAI Brazilian National Health Vigilance Agency 5 Document, Record and Change Control Requirements Expected to establish and maintain a documented system to develop, identify, distribute, change and control all documentation required by Quality System System applies to all product, process, and quality assurance documentation Required to keep all records mandated by, or kept in order to comply with, the Quality System, whether or not the record is product specific, available and accessible Control changes made to product, process and documents in such a manner that the change, reason, impact analysis including risk, and implementation tasks are identified, traceable and documented 6 Document, Record and Change Control Traceability (jäljitettävyys) Accountability (vastuuvelvollisuus) Authenticity (oikeellisuus) Evidence of Business (todistusvoima) All products must be safe, effective, and fit for its intended use; the quality characteristics of a product (determined during the NPD process) that make it safe, effective and fit for its intended use are established in documents. Documents declare product standards and describe how to monitor, test and judge for compliance with these standards. Developing, writing, and implementing the specifications, manufacturing records, and procedures establish quality. 7 QMS Documents and Records External standards Regulatory Quality Policy Quality Records Quality manual Device History Records requirements Procedures Guidances Work instructions Records, documents 8 Device Master Records Design History Files Document Control 9 Document Control Requirements FDA CFR 21, 820 820.40 Document Controls 820.180 General Controls ISO 13485:2003 4.2.1 Documentation requirements - General 4.2.3 Documentation requirements – Control of documents Requirements are similar; the standard has an additional requirement of control of documents of external origin. 10 Document Control Requirements In one way or another, document control affects all aspects of a manufacturer’s operation and activities in Design Purchasing Production Testing and inspection Quality assurance Installation Service Materials Product Equipment 11 820.40 Document Control QSR 820.40 Document Control 12 a) Approval and Distribution a) Hyväksyntä ja jakelu - Establish (= define, document, do) and maintain procedures to control all required documents - luo ja ylläpidä menetelmät jolla hallita kaikki vaaditut dokumentit - Designate individual(s) to review documents for adequacy and approve prior to issuance - määrittele vastuuhenkilöt tarkastamaan ja hyväksymään dokumentit ennen voimaan astumista - Make documents available at designated locations - varmista että dokumentit ovat saatavilla määritellyissä paikoissa - Remove obsolete documents from all points of use to prevent unintended use - poista vanhentuneet/ei enää voimassa olevat dokumentit 820.40 Document Control QSR 820.40 Document Control b) Document changes b) Dokumenttien muutokset - Review/approval of changes by individual(s) in the same function/organization as original review and approval - tarkastajat ja hyväksyjät samasta toiminnosta kuin alkuperäisessä dokumentissa - Kommunikoi muutoksista - 13 Communciate approved changes to appropriate personnel 820.40 Document Control QSR 820.40 Document Control b) Document changes b) - Maintain records of changes, including - - 14 Description of change Identification of affected documents Signature of the approving individual(s) Approval date When change becomes effective Dokumenttien muutokset ylläpidä muutostallenteita jotka sisältävät - Kuvauksen muutoksesta Mihin dokumentteihin muutos vaikuttaa Hyväksyjän allekirjoitus Hyväksymispäivämäärä Voimaan astumispäivämäärä Document Control Requirements Typical document control process mechanics: The need for the document is justified The scope fo the change is described The new document is evaluated (e.g. regulatory status, effect on risk, design change requirements, validation) The current and proposed revision levels are identified The effectivity of the change is assigned by e.g. date If applicable, the disposition of raw materials, components, work in progress, finished goods and distributed devices is assigned The responsibility for implementing the change is designated Training requirements is determined The document is routed for review and approval The document/changes is communnicated The document is distributed and obsolete versions removed 15 Document Control Requirements The documentation system must encompass all new documents AND changes to existing controlled documents It must ensure that Accuracy and use of documents are controlled Obsolete documents are removed or prevented from being used All documentation is adequate for its purpose 16 Record Control 17 Records Control FDA CFR 21, 820 820.180 Records, General Controls 820.181 Device Master Record 820.184 Device History Record 820.186 Quality System Record ISO 13485:2003 4.2.4 Documentation controls – Control of records 18 Records Control Requirements Comparison 19 21 CFR 820 13485:2003 Similarities 820.180 General None Regulation specifically requires back up of records stored in data prosessing systems. Regulation requires the availbility fo records to officials and FDA employees. 820.180(a) Confidentiality None Regulation provides for marking records confidential during inspection. 820.180(b) Retention 4.2.3., 4.2.4 Similar requirements. 820.180(c) Exceptions None Regulation excempts certain records from review by FDA during inspections. 820.181 DMR 4.2.1, 7.1 Similar requirements. 820.184 DHR Similar requirements. 820.186 QSR None Standard does not require QSR but does require the types of records and documents that should be kept in the QSR Records Control Records of product development, product manufacturing, and testing events are a products in themselves. Without records, a product can not be introduced to the market; if destroyed or lost, a product may be recalled. Therefore, records should be managed in as controlled manner as products. 20 Records Control – Electronic records When records are electronic: Backups are required Validation of electronic recordkeeping systems is required general validation requirements in CFR 820.70(i) Validation applies to any system used to create or maintain records Specific requirements for an eRM system and validation are in 21 CFR Part 11 ”Electronic Records; Electronic Signatures” 21 Subpart M – Records; 820.180 General Requirements QSR 820.180 General requirements/yleiset vaatimukset Maintain all required records at manufacturing establishment, or other reasonable location Make records readily available for review and copying by FDA Ensure records are legible and stored to minimize deterioration and prevent loss Back up records stored in automated data processing systems Säilytä tallenteet paikanpäällä (= arkisto) Varmista että tallenteet ovat saatavilla tarvittaessa 24 tunnin sisällä tarkastustilanteessa Varmista että tallenteet säilyvät luettavina, ja säilytettynä siten että ympäristön haitalliset vaikutukset voidaan minimoida ja jotta voidaan ehkäistä häviäminen Varmista sähköisten tallenteet varmistuskäytäntö 22 Subpart M – Records; 820.180 General Requirements QSR 820.180 General requirements/yleiset vaatimukset a) - Confidentiality Mark to aid FDA in determining whether information should be disclosed under the public information regulation a) - Luottamuksellisuus Varmista että luottamuksellinen materiaali on merkitty luottamukselliseksi b) - Record retention Retain for a period of time equalent to the design and expected life cycle of the device, but in no case less than 2 years form the date of release b) - Säilytysaika Säilytä asiakirjat ainakin tuotteen eliniän mutta ei koskaan lyhyemmän aikaa kuin 2 vuotta valmistuspäivämäärästä c) - Exceptions (to FDA inspections) Does not apply to reports required by c) Poikkeukset (tarkastuksen yhteydessä) Ei tarvitse näyttää MR pöytäkirjat, sisäiset audit raportit (laatu ja toimittaja) - 23 Management review (820.20(c)) Quality audits (820.22) Supplier audit reports used to meet the requirements of 820.50(a) - Subpart M – Records; 820.181 Device master record QSR 820.181 Device Master Record (DMR)/Tuotteistamisdokumentaatio DMR means a compilation of records containing the procedures and specifications for a finished device. Purpose is to document the performance and configuration charachteristics in order to control them. DMR on kokoelma asiakirjoja jota sisältävät lopullisen tuotteen menetelmät/ohjeet ja spesifikaatiot. a-e) establish and maintain for each type of device, including Device specifications Production process specifications QA procedures and specifications Packaging and labeling specifications, Installation, maintenance, and servicing procedures and methods a-e) Ylläpidä jokaisesta tuotetyypistä sisältäen Tuotteen spesifikaatiot Tuotannon prosessin spesifikaatiot QA’n menetelmät ja spesifikaatiot Pakkausten ja etikettien spesifikaatiot Installoinnin, ylläpidon ja huollon menetelmät ja ohjeet Prepare and approve DMR in accordance with 820.40, Document Controls 24 Tarkoitus on dokumentoida suoritus ja konfiguraatio ominaisuudet jotta ne voidaan hallita. Valmistele ja hyväksy DMR’t noudattaen 820.40 vaatimuksia Subpart M – Records; 820.184 Device history record QSR 820.184 Device History Record (DHR)/Tuotantodokumentaatio DHR means a compilation of records containing the production history of a finished device. Intended to provide objective evidence that the requirements of the DMR were met and to provide traceability. a-f) maintain the DHR in accordance with procedures including Date of manufacture Quantity manufactured, and released for distribution Acceptance records Primary identification label and labeling used for each production unit Any device identificaiton(s) and control number(s) used 25 DHR on kokoelma asiakirjoja jota sisältävät lopullisen tuotteen tuotantohistorian Tarkoitus puolueettomasti toimittaa todisteita siitä että DMR:ää on noudatettu, sekä toimittaa jäljitettävyyttä tuotteisiin. a-f) ylläpidä DHR kuten ohjeet vaativat, sisältäen Valmistumispäivämäärä Valmistumismäärä ja määrä vapautettu toimitettavaksi Hyväksyntät Ensisijaiset tunnistettavuustiedot sisältävät etiketit ja pakkaukset jokaiselle tuotantoyksikölle Käytetyt tunniste- ja kontrollinumerot Subpart M – Records; 820.186 Quality system record QSR 820.186 Quality System Record (QSR)/Laatutallenne Establish and maintain a QSR to include procedures and documentation of activities not specific to a particular type of device - - Prepare and approve QSR in accordance with 820.40, Document control Examples - 26 Nonconformance procedures CAPA procedures and records Calibration records Preventive maintenance records Complaint procedures Luo ja ylläpidä laatutallenne sisältämään menetelmät ja dokumentointi toiminnoista jotka eivät ole tuotespesifisiä - Valmistele ja hyväksy laatutallenteet noudattaen 820.40 - Esimerkkejä - Poikkeama menetelmät CAPA menetelmät ja tallenteet Kalibrointitallenteet Ennalta ehkäisevän huollon tallenteet Valitusmenetelmät Documentation process summary Essential Characeristics of the documentation process 1. The document directing the process is appropriately written, reviewed and approved. 2. The document is appropriate for the task or process. 3. The data to record the task or process is authentic. 4. The data is accurate. 5. The data is complete. 6. The data is legible, consistently recorded, and trustworthy. 7. The data collected fulfills specifications. 8. The data is accessbile to those who need it. 9. The original data and document is retrievable for review or audit. 10.The original record is secure. 27 Change Control 28 Change Control In accordance with many regulatory standards and guidelines, change control - or controlling or managing change within an organization- must be conducted to ensure that the organization can maintain and improve quality by identifying changes that could improve the product, ensuring proper review and analysis of the changes, and documenting and communicating the changes to the appropriate stakeholders. For example, the ISO regulations, having a continual improvement and document control tone, infer that change should be managed. In addition, the medical device regulations of 21 CFR Part 820, specifically regulate change management. 29 Change Control Scope Change control activities and procedures apply to: design; components, including software; labeling and packaging; device manufacturing processes; production equipment; manufacturing materials; and all associated documentation such as quality system procedures, standard operating procedures, quality acceptance procedures and data forms, and product-specific documentation. 30 Change Control Scope 31 Change Control Requirements CFR 21, 820.30 (i)Design changes. Each manufacturer shall establish and maintain procedures for the identification, documentation, validation or where appropriate verification, review, and approval of design changes before their implementation. CFR 21, 820.40 (b)Document changes. Changes to documents shall be reviewed and approved by an individual(s) in the same function or organization that performed the original review and approval, unless specifically designated otherwise. Approved changes shall be communicated to the appropriate personnel in a timely manner. Each manufacturer shall maintain records of changes to documents. Change records shall include a description of the change, identification of the affected documents, the signature of the approving individual(s), the approval date, and when the change becomes effective. CFR 21, 820.50 (b)Purchasing data. Each manufacturer shall establish and maintain data that clearly describe or reference the specified requirements, including quality requirements, for purchased or otherwise received product and services. Purchasing documents shall include, where possible, an agreement that the suppliers, contractors, and consultants agree to notify the manufacturer of changes in the product or service so that manufacturers may determine whether the changes may affect the quality of a finished device. Purchasing data shall be approved in accordance with 820.40. 32 Change Control Requirements CFR 21, 820.70 (b)Production and process changes. Each manufacturer shall establish and maintain procedures for changes to a specification, method, process, or procedure. Such changes shall be verified or where appropriate validated according to 820.75, before implementation and these activities shall be documented. Changes shall be approved in accordance with 820.40. CFR 21, 820.75 (c) When changes or process deviations occur, the manufacturer shall review and evaluate the process and perform revalidation where appropriate. These activities shall be documented. 33 Change Control In order for an organization to minimize the risk that changes can have on the organization, the organization must identify these potential changes, thoroughly evaluate the impacts of the changes and the risk of not doing them, obtain the necessary approvals, communicate with the affected parties, and create action plans to implement the changes. 34 Change Control Process Describe the current process Describe the proposed change Perform a risk analysis and impact assessment Develop a qualification program where necessary Develop a regulatory strategy Develop an implementation strategy Implement the change Execute the qualification studies where necessary Implement the regulatory strategy Monitor the process to determine any long term effects from the change 35 Document, Record and Change Control – Summary repeated Expected to establish and maintain a documented system to develop, identify, distribute, change and control all documentation required by Quality System System applies to all product, process, and quality assurance documentation Required to keep all records mandated by, or kept in order to comply with, the Quality System, whether or not the record is product specific, available and accessible Control changes made to product, process and documents in such a manner that the change, reason, impact analysis including risk, and implementation tasks are identified and traceable DEFINE, DOCUMENT, DO - IN A CONTROLLED MANNER 36 Thank you! 37