November-December 2008 - New Zealand Clay Target Association

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November/December 2008
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P.O. Box 5355
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Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Official Journal of the N.Z. Clay Target Assn. Inc. ISSN 0110-0912
Registered at Post Office Wellington as a Magazine.
Permit Post
Gunshot 3
Open Team
Back Row (L-R) S.Gregory, M.Reid, B.Washbourne, J.Malcolm,
K.Gutsell, I.Marshall, A.Barnett, G.Searle, D.Everett
Middle Row (L-R) C.Erceg, E.Erceg, R.Schraag, J.Norwood,
G.Discombe, P.Johanson, N.Pratt, S.Ackland, P.Dunnett
Front Row (L-R) H.Wilson, R.Prince, B.Malcolm, B.Hartley,
G.Geater, T.Truss, G.Wells
Juniors Team
Ladies Team
Back Row (L-R) M.Dunnett, L.France, J.Manson
Front Row (L-R) N.Curtis, N.Rooney
Juniors Team
Back Row (L-R) W.Rooney, C.Maxwell, C.Waghorn
Front Row (L-R) K.Chadwick, C.Rooney
Veterans Team
Back Row (L-R) M.Pratt, R.Everett, R.Smith
Front Row (L-R) A.Andreassend, R.Anderson
Results on page 42
Ladies Team
Open Team
Veterans Team
Official Journal of the New Zealand Clay Target Association Inc.
Beretta 2 Day High Gun Boys Daniel van
Tiel with Martin Coe from Beretta NZ Ltd.
Report Page 22.
New Zealand’s World Open DTL Champion
Colin Waghorn. Colin shoots for the Gorge
Road Club in Southland and won the event
in Ireland by two points shooting 892/900.
Colin is also the current Beretta Junior
Scholarship recipient.
Macintosh Team photographs History made at World Championships in Ireland President’s Report Secretary’s Notes North versus South Postal Shoot Canterbury Provincial Championships Auckland Provincial Championships Waikato Provincial Championships World DTL Championships in Ireland New Zealand Secondary School Championships Scott Shield to Central Southland Thames Secondary School Shoot McGregor Shield held at Nightcaps Otago Provincial Championships World Sporting Championships Sporting Clay News Macintosh Teams Results ATA Shoot at Waikato Around the Clubs Shoot Calendar 4
National Executive
George Ellis, 30 Mitchell St, Green Island
Dunedin 9018. Ph (03) 488 3499
Mobile 0274 324 377, Fax (03) 488 2137
Evan Johnston, PO Box 319, Greymouth
Trevor Manson, Lorneville, RD 4, Invercargill
Ph (03) 235 8042 Fax (03) 235 7042
Mobile 0274 324 621
Bus (09) 303 3295, Mobile (021) 948 500
Keith Livingstone, Ph Mobile 0274 746 535
A/H (07) 575 2482. Fax (07) 575 2402
Neil Winsloe, Alexandra. Ph Pvt (03) 448 8264
Mobile 027 471 0010
Steve Ackland, 80 Major Aitken Dr, Christchurch.
Ph A/H (03) 337 3713, Mobile 021 737 348
7840. Mobile 0274 342 123
George Johnston, PO Box 28410
Remuera Auckland. Ph Pvt (09) 524 0918
Ian Swale, PO Box 25111
Christchurch 8144. Ph (03) 365 9980
Fax (03) 365 9979, Mobile 021 377 216
Martin van de Wetering, PO Box 11
Paeroa 3640. Ph A/H (07) 862 8146
Fax (07) 862 8640, Mobile 021 430 345
Tom Begg
George Ellis
Murray Havill
Vince Peterson
Ewen Pirie
Colin Stott
Graeme Webber
June Briggs Ph Pvt (03) 768 5370
Ann Paton Ph Pvt (09) 298 8169
Gavin Paton Ph Pvt (09) 298 8169
Rick Aitchison Mobile 0274 442 085
Phone (03) 352 8577, Fax (03) 352 0077
Web Site:
Mrs Adrienne Sears
No responsibility is accepted by the
publisher for the accuracy of information
contained in the text, illustrations or
advertisements. The opinions expressed in
this magazine do not necessarily represent
those of the publisher.
Gunshot 5
By Adrienne Sears
The NZCTA has been asked what has been done to advertise/
promote the recent results from the World DTL Championships.
I would like to outline our frustration in dealing with the media
and getting them both to acknowledge the significance of the
results from the NZ shooters, and to feature these results.
Long before any NZ shooter headed off to Ireland, the media
were contacted about this event. With Tony Brogden being
a wheelchair shooter, qualifying for the Open team was
considered as a positive news story about shooting. The media
were contacted and TV 1 agreed it would make an interesting
story. Tony’s details were given to TV 1 in Auckland but they
failed to contact Tony.
Ewen Pirie (NZ Team Manager) got his son, Clark, out of bed at
3.30am the morning the results were finalised and gave him
all the information on the placings. This was given to Radio
Sport, TV 1 and TV 3 by 6-7am that morning. There was a
brief mention on Radio Sport and Newstalk ZB on the Sunday
morning, but it appears the radio media were more interested
in a young golfer who had just won a world title that day.
Ron Madden (a clay target shooter who is a cameraman for TV
1) was contacted by both myself and Ewen Pirie as soon as we
were back in NZ. He spoke to the sports reporter for TV 1 who
is based in Christchurch and who had asked to be advised
when Colin Waghorn came back to NZ, as he was travelling
with family for a couple of weeks immediately after the Worlds
finished. This person was given details of when Colin was to
arrive back in Invercargill. He suggested doing an interview
in Christchurch on Colin’s way through. His comment to
Ewen was “it’s not worthy news, some guy coming off a plane
carrying a big cup.” The person from TV1 was advised that
both Colin Waghorn and Natalie Rooney would be at the
Canterbury Provincials the following weekend. Colin’s contact
details were given with a view to an interview on the Sunday.
He didn’t show up and Colin hasn’t heard from him.
When Colin arrived in Invercargill, the Southland Times,
Southland TV, Venture Southland (a District Council operation)
and a District Councillor (the Mayor was unavailable) were all
present at the airport to welcome him home. The Southland
Times have featured at least two articles, including photos
with Colin, the paper also featured Tegan Sutherland, who is
from Southland as well. All other newspapers see these news
items. Southland TV has done a feature on Colin that lasted
for 12 minutes.
Immediately on my return, a press release was sent to the
Christchurch Press, with a note asking them to put it out to
the NZ Press Association. A copy was also sent to Mediacom.
Mediacom is the NZ Press Association’s public distribution
agency. The media release was also sent directly to the sports
editor at the NZ Press Association.
I am not sure how many, if any, newspapers around the
country have chosen to pick up the information from the NZ
Press Association but from the comments coming back from
shooters, I suspect that not many have.
If you have a grizzle that the World DTL Championships have
not featured in your local paper, can I suggest that you contact
the sports editor and ask him why he has chosen not to run
this information.
From the Association’s point of view, I’m not sure what more
we can do.
Gunshot 6
The success of the New Zealand shooters was not the only
momentous thing that happened in Ireland during the World
DTL Championships.
The International Clay Target Shooting Federation (ICTSF)
was formed. This organisation was officially formed and will
be responsible for the World DTL, English Skeet and English
Sporting Championships.
The founding countries of the ICTSF are: Sweden, South Africa,
England, Wales, New Zealand, Australia, Northern Ireland,
France and Scotland. It is envisaged that in time many more
countries will join this organisation.
The President of the ICTSF is our very own Ewen Pirie. John
McCormick (Ireland) is the Vice President.
The NZCTA congratulates Ewen on his election to this
prestigious position and wishes him well.
New Zealand has been very active in getting this organisation up
and running over the last few years and it is with considerable
pleasure we now see an official body to oversee the world
championships. With a common set of rules, everyone will
benefit and there will be no surprises for competitors that
enter into these events.
The World (English) Skeet Championships will be held at
Doveridge Clay Sporting Club, (Derbyshire) from 29th July to
2nd August, 2009.
South Africa will be hosting the 9th World DTL Championships
in Cape Town on 12-21 March, 2010.
Nominations were called for countries to host the World
(English) Sporting Championships in 2011. Both New Zealand
and South Africa will be putting proposals to the ICTSF Board,
with a decision to be made at the end of this year.
The 2012 World Skeet (English) Championships will be held in
the southern hemisphere at a country yet to be decided on,
and the 2013 World DTL championships will revert back to the
northern hemisphere.
President’s Report
At the World DTL Championship level
New Zealand has an enviable result
record over all the categories. The
recent Worlds held in Ireland were
no exception. Watching young Colin
Waghorn shoot the way he did under
difficult conditions and see him come
out on top and be crowned the world
champion was something special. Going
into the last fifty targets Colin was two
points ahead, but was even going into
the last 25 and then to come out 2 points
ahead to win was something else.
Dull overcast drizzly weather and low
variable targets made things difficult.
Colin’s temperament under pressure
was to be admired, something even
the most hardened expert would have
found difficult to maintain under the
conditions. He looked as cool as, and
on the mark, but I’m sure it wasn’t quite
that easy. I, along with the rest of New
Zealand shooters, congratulate Colin
on this fabulous result that has put us
on top of the world in DTL shooting.
Colin had already done some shooting
in Wales prior to the Worlds and he did
very well at the Home International, so
he was well adjusted to shooting on the
other side of the world. What makes
Colin’s result so much more special for
me is the fact that he comes from my
home town and learnt to shoot through
the school system at my club under my
wife Jan’s coaching. Colin’s achievement
is something she will treasure for a long
Natalie Rooney of Timaru, who claimed
the World Ladies Championship,
achieved the other exceptional result
at the tournament. Natalie was a few
ahead of Natalie Curtis from Matamata
going into the final 50 targets. The
results seesawed with both the girls
having a chance to beat the other until
Natalie Rooney dug in and eventually
won the day. It’s a shame that there
can only be one winner but having
a one-two finish is fantastic. Also
special congratulations to Natalie for
her success. This is a girl who’s going
places in her sport of shooting.
The success story continued with the
Open Team coming in only two points
behind England for a silver medal, the
Juniors also won a silver and the Veterans
with a bronze, not forgetting of course,
the Ladies team, who won the gold
medal. In the grades Ewen Pirie won a
bronze medal in A grade. I personally
would like to thank and congratulate
all the team members who participated
and shot for New Zealand. Overall this
would be the best result ever for New
Zealand at this competition. Selecting
teams is never an easy job or in some
cases not a popular one but in this case
the selectors got it pretty right.
The selection of a squad to travel to
Ireland and the decision to make the
final team selection on results in Ireland
caused a few comments. I do think that it
was the right decision. Picking the team
on the Wednesday night was not however
ideal and would have been better with a
day between selection and competition.
The pre- world programme didn’t allow
us the opportunity to get the results of
the shooters collated any earlier, plus,
some shooters arrived at Esker later
than others and were not able to post
scores and get acclimatised. I myself
was disappointed with my shooting and
I’m sure that a lot of others were as well.
To put things in perspective, I found the
grounds very noisy and very different
from what I was used to. There was a
long 15 trap layout and the shooting
alternated from outside layouts to
shooting under enclosed shelters. We
were shooting towards a 2 meter high
peat bank with 10 to 12 years old pine
trees on top, approximately 20 meters
from the distant peg. One would have
thought the noise would have been
soaked up within the peat and the
trees, but the reverberation of the shot,
especially inside the shelters was very
intense. Some people had earplugs
within their earmuffs. The gravel where
people walked and cars drove was only
about 4 meters behind where we were
shooting and that added greatly to the
The microphones were just a pain, from
not working at all to letting targets
go without calling. To their credit the
Laporte technicians worked very hard
for many an hour night and day and did
improve them eventually. This, along
with the rain, wind and dull overcast
days, added up to make the shooting
conditions difficult to say the least. At
the presentations it was great to see
so many of our team members up on
the stage. It was very special when
after Colin had received his cup the
Kiwi Mums spontaneously led the New
Zealanders into singing the national
anthem. A very fitting and heart felt
tribute appreciated not only by us but
by everyone at the presentation. Well
done girls.
Ireland is a great place and the Irish
people are fantastic. The shoot did
have several management problems
and this did take some time to sort out.
This combined with ‘behind the scenes’
politics made for a very interesting
shoot. Looking forward to 2010 in South
Africa. The boys over there assure us
it will be one of the best and is to be
held in a beautiful and safe part of the
country. I was going to comment on
the media coverage on the Worlds or
lack of it but I know that Adrienne has
dealt with this in her report. I would
however like thank our local paper who
gave Colin front page status and the
local TV who were at the airport on his
arrival home and who followed up with
a 12 minute interview on their sports
At the recent Secondary School
South Islands and Nationals held
in Christchurch we had just on 280
competitors. This is up on previous
years at Christchurch showing that as
yet there has been no let up in numbers.
The conditions on the Saturday turned
out to be shocking with a screaming
southerly coming through with force.
Some targets ended up coming back
toward the shooters and landing
around the traphouse. The wind and
then rain made conditions pretty tough
and yet the HOA for the day in the boys
was only 2 points down and the girls,
4 points. Luckily on the Sunday the
conditions were pretty good and the
shooting results reflected this with the
some very good scores, shootoffs etc.
The single rise shootoff went to 156
targets, not bad.
Once again special thanks must go to
Rudi Hoetjes for the New Zealand Fish
and Game sponsorship. The trophies
on the table, the medals and the two
beautiful shields for the regional teams
are a credit to Fish and Game and very
well sort after. Once again to Fish and
Game, thank you for your effort to
make this shoot such a success. I look
forward to working with you Rudi in the
In past years at the Secondary School
Nationals, we have had a gun put up
for HOA. One year for the boys and
the next year for the girls. Although
appreciated it did make things awkward
with the Nationals being in alternate
islands. When Beretta took over the
sponsorship of Benelli, Martin Coe was
quick to see the potential in secondary
Gunshot 7
school shooting and was happy to rectify the HOA gun
anomaly by agreeing for Beretta New Zealand to present two
guns per Nationals, one for each the boys and girls HOA. When
I am up on the stage doing the presentations and I see the
faces of the winners receiving their prizes the effort involved
in the sponsorship makes it all worthwhile. To Martin Coe
and his Beretta New Zealand company many many thanks
on behalf of all the secondary school shooters out there. A
fantastic gesture. I said at the presentation that our trophy
table for secondary school shooting between Fish and Game
and Beretta New Zealand would be the envy of anywhere in
the world.
When you look at our school programme and see the school
shooters going on to the juniors ranks and note their success,
we are certainly the envy of many countries and it is a subject
which is well spoken about internationally and it is often
questioned as just how do we do it. The results speak for
themselves with 13 members of the recent 30 strong World
DTL team originating from school shooting being represented
in all categories except the veterans.
At the last New Zealand Shooting Federation meeting in October
we had a very full and frank discussion that I think may have
helped the moving process. Tony Weymouth is on his way
back from the United Kingdom albeit for only a few months
and this should put us on the path for the future. Someone
will still have to take over from him and will be employed in
the new year under Tony to learn the ropes. Tony will still
be used as needed in an advisory capacity and will probably
operate from England. Hopefully we can move on and settle
the demands and criteria requirements with SPARC. It’s been
pretty frustrating for the last 18 months but hopefully we will
be heading in the right direction.
Trevor Manson
Secretary’s Notes
Postal Shoots
Clubs are reminded that score sheets for the Allan Brown
and HC Walker Postal Shoots must be in the National Office
no later than 14th December. The original score sheets
must be sent in.
Entries for the Hawkes Bay Shield (Points Score) close 31
January with the event to be shot in February. Team entries
are $5.00 per team.
Annual Registration Invoices
The annual registration invoices to individual shooters will
be mailed out in November. Shooters are reminded that the
2009 handicap book sticker will be sent to your nominated
club for collection at your convenience. This is the ideal
time to pay the club subscription and collect any programme
information for the coming year from your club.
Next Issue Close Off Date
Copy for the next issue (Jan/Feb) will close off on 1st
December. No late copy will be accepted. All clubs hosting
Open Shoots and Association Championships must advertise
these in Gunshot.
Buy/Sell Column in Gunshot
Members are reminded that the Buy/Sell Column in Gunshot
is free to financial members. All advertisements must be
sent to the National Office, either by email or in writing,
before the close off date.
Adrienne Sears
National Secretary
Gunshot 8
From time to time I get requests from other shooters and
club secretaries for shooters information, usually a telephone
number or email address so you can be contacted. Under the
Privacy Act, unless I have your specific written permission, I
cannot give this information out.
Where I believe the information being requested is in your
interests or in the interests of clay target shooting, I will give
contact details to another person (subject to your prior consent
on the account form). Unless I receive permission, in writing,
each year, I cannot give your contact details to anyone who
requests this.
Information on our members is NEVER given out to commercial
interests. Your privacy is treated extremely seriously.
The information the Association keeps on computer is your
name, address, phone numbers, email address, firearm licence
numbers, club registered, date of birth, current handicap
percentages and membership status. You are entitled to
review this information at any time. Please don’t forget to let
me know if you change address.
Your email address is also requested, as this is often the
most cost-effective way to contact people. This is requested
from all shooters each year as it can change. Please consider
keeping this up to date in case we need to contact you.
Shooters’ dates of birth are collected for statistical information.
From time-to-time, we are requested by government and
funding agencies to provide statistics on members. These
statistics never personally identify individuals. The date
of birth also allows the Association to identify Juniors and
Veterans as these differ for various disciplines (eg ISSF and
sporting juniors are under 21, for DTL is it under 18 but the
Mackintosh and World Juniors are under 21). Junior and student
members must supply their date of birth to qualify for the fee
reduction that they enjoy. The competition programme that
runs at major tournaments also automatically picks up juniors
and veterans if their date of birth is held. If your date of birth
is not held, your account will ask you to provide this.
If you have any queries, don’t hesitate to contact me.
Adrienne Sears
National Secretary
Club Rates
Clubs are urged to check your rates account; a number of clubs
have had their rates have increased dramatically. I would like
to advise members to approach their local council to insure
that you are saving at least 50%. Copied below is the section
from the Rating Powers Act for your information.
1. Land owned or used by a society incorporated under
the Agricultural and Pastoral Societies Act 1908 as a
showground or place of meeting.
2. Land owned or used by a society or association of persons
(whether incorporated or not) for games or sports, except
galloping races, harness races, or greyhound races.
3. Land owned or used by a society or association of persons
(whether incorporated or not) for the purpose of any branch
of the arts.
For the purposes of this Part, unless the context otherwise
land does not include land used for the private pecuniary
profit of any members of the society or association
land, in clause 2, excludes land in respect of which a club
licence under the Sale of Liquor Act 1989 is for the time
being in force.
Bodkin Shield NORTH VS SOUTH
Recent changes to the North/South competition have been met
with confusion so here is a brief outline of the competition(s).
The North/South DTL event has qualifying events over all
districts and provincials. Qualifying scores include the Single
Rise, Single Barrel and Points Score (as points). The possible
is 125. A minimum of 3 qualifying events must be posted but
shooters can post as many qualifying scores as they wish, or
as many events as they attend.
There is a $5.00 entry fee for the Open team qualifying scores.
If the $5.00 is not paid, then the score cannot count for the
Open Team.
Winning Team Bodkin Shield 2008 Dunedin 90/90. L–R Tom
Begg, Len Hurley, Lindsay Phillips, Wayne Larsen, Nigel Wilson,
Ross Roy
The 2008 Bodkin Shield, the pinnacle of teams shooting in the
South, was won with a very rare possible when the event was
conducted by the Moa Creek Club in August. Dunedin No. 1
won with the 90/90 score, closely followed by Alexandra with
89/90. The event will be conducted by Alexandra next year as
the right to hold it goes to the highest scoring Central Otago
club. Twenty-one 6 shooter teams contested the event this
year in cold, calm and dull conditions.
Champion Ammunition to sponsor
NZ Skeet Handicap Championship
at 2008 Skeet Nationals
The NZCTA is pleased to announce that Champion Ammunition
NZ Ltd. will sponsor the NZ Skeet Handicap Championship
for the next three years, commencing with the 2008 Skeet
Nationals at the Waitemata Clay Target Club later this month.
NZ distributor Craig Pulman is a strong supporter of clay
target shooting in the Auckland region through sponsorship
at several club events.
In addition to having the NZ distributorship for Champion,
Craig is also the agent for White Flyer targets and a range of
shooting accessories.
The NZ Championships sponsorship will allow Champion
Ammunition to have a greater national focus for the brand and
supporting the Skeet Handicap event means that shooters at
all levels will be exposed to Champion through the targets-in
Australia’s largest online
shooting accessories shop
The Ladies, Juniors and Veterans teams do not have an entry
fee for these category teams. Ladies, Juniors and Veterans
can pay the $5.00 fee for the Open Team qualification and will
also have the score count towards the category team.
Note: All Ladies, Juniors and Veterans who attend the Districts
and Provincial events must indicate they wish their scores
to be included in the qualifying for the team. If the Juniors,
Veterans and Ladies do not tick a box on the entry form at
qualifying events to indicate they wish their scores to qualify,
then their scores will not be counted.
The qualifying period runs from each Island Championship.
The Island Championship is not a qualifying event; this is
used to break any ties for team places over the Points Score
The teams from each Island come together at the DTL
Nationals to compete against each other. The team travel on
a self-funded basis for the Ladies, Juniors and Veterans teams
and the Open Team travelling inter-island get their travel costs
The North/South Skeet event has qualifying events over a
minimum of two Districts and Provincial Skeet Championships
plus a minimum of two 100 target events that must be
advertised as such in Gunshot.
There is an Open team in each Island plus a Ladies, Juniors
and Veterans team. All shooters are eligible to compete for
the Open team and a $5.00 entry fee applies to all shooters
intending to submit a qualifying score. Ladies, Juniors and
Veterans can pay the $5.00 fee for the Open Team qualification
and will also have the score count towards the category
Note: All Ladies, Juniors and Veterans who attend the district
and provincial events plus 100 Target qualifying events must
indicate they wish their scores to be included in the qualifying
for the Skeet team. If the Juniors, Veterans and Ladies do not
tick a box on the entry form at qualifying events to indicate
they wish their scores to qualify, then their scores will not be
It is recommended that clubs use some sort of entry form
to enable the Ladies, Juniors and Veterans to identify
themselves, plus indicate if they wish to enter for the North/
South competition.
The qualifying period for the Skeet teams is currently under
review by Council because of the difficulties caused by the
changed dates of the NZ and Aust Skeet Nationals at which the
Glenn Trophy teams compete. Currently our team is selected
from the North/South competition. There will be an update on
this in the next Gunshot.
Gunshot 9
By Steve Ackland
The Canterbury Provincials were shot
over the weekend of 13th and 14th
September 2008. A good turn out of
competitors arrived from the North
Island, Marlborough, West Coast,
Canterbury, Otago and Southland.
A very special thanks to Colin Waghorn
and Natalie Rooney for displaying
their respective trophies and gold
medals recently won at the World
DTL Championships in Ireland. It goes
without out saying what an absolutely
fantastic result it was by these shooters,
with Colin becoming World Open
DTL Champion and Natalie the World
Woman’s DTL Champion! Both of these
shooters are incredibility humble about
their success, but I’m sure all shooters
have taken immense pleasure and a lot
of Kiwi pride with Colin and Natalie’s
For the 70 competitors shooting day
one, the weather on Saturday dawned
overcast but fine. Unfortunately with
the grey overcast cloud came very
dull light conditions, which meant
for a challenging day’s shooting, but
at least there was no wind! The day
started with the Double Rise and with
the only possible scored, Barry Foster
of Timaru took out High Overall. The
next event shot was the Minis, which
produced 4 possible scores and after
the resulting shoot-off the title went to
local Canterbury Committee Member
Doug Evans. Skeet was next on the
program and produced only 4 possible
scores, with the eventual winner being
Timaru shooter Ray Everett. The Skeet
Five Person Teams match was taken
out by Timaru. Day one concluded with
the Triples and 2 possible scores were
shot by Pop Andreassend and Cameron
Rooney both of Timaru, with Pop being
the eventual winner.
Canterbury Clay Target
Club 13-14 September
Gunshot 10
Day two of the shoot produced
ideal conditions with clear skies and
little wind which all meant for great
targets. A pleasing turnout of 100
competitors took part in activities which
commenced at 9:30am and concluded
with presentations at 4:30pm. The day
commenced with the blue ribbon event
Single Rise which had 25 possible scores
and at the conclusion of the shoot-off
the honours went to Cameron Rooney
of Timaru. I need to make a special
mention of two B Grade shooters, Scott
Rissman (Timaru) and Russell Wall
(Darfield), who both held their own
in the single rise shoot-off for a good
period of targets. The second event shot
was the Points Score with 4 possible
scores and the eventual winner from
Southland being another very promising
shooter, Daniel Warnock (Gorge Road).
The Teams Match shot over the Points
Score event was taken out by Timaru.
Finally the weekend concluded with
the Single Barrel producing 11 possible
scores and the title eventually going to
Pop Andreassend of Timaru.
The High Gun was closely contested, with
Ray Everett of Timaru just piping fellow
Timaru competitor Pop Andreassend.
Pop took out the A Grade, B Grade was
Mike Sheppard of Waihora, C Grade was
Murray Palmer of Canterbury, Veterans
was also Ray Everett and Juniors was
young William Rooney of Timaru.
Once again thank you to all of those
shooters you attended these provincials
and who also helped throughout the
weekend. A special thanks to the
ladies in the office! Finally, thanks to
the Committee of the Canterbury Clay
Target Club, who give so much of their
own time in organizing and running
these events!
Take Care & Good Shooting – Best
Regards Steve
Skeet – HOA Ray Everett, Timaru 25. A
grade 1st Cameron Rooney, Timaru 25,
2nd Tom Begg, Dunedin 25, 3rd Stanley
Childs, Ellesmere 25. B Grade 1st Hamish
Wilson, Waihora 24, 2nd Chris Helem,
Mead Te Pirita 23, 3rd Bevan Brown,
Darfield 23. C grade 1st Simon McMillan,
Ellesmere 22, 2nd Craig Robertson,
Nightcaps 22, 3rd Peter Wright,
Amberley 20. Juniors William Rooney,
Timaru 21, Veterans Ray Everett, Timaru
25. 2 Person Team 1st Cameron Rooney,
Ray Everett 50, 2nd Shane Watson, Pop
Andreassend 48. 5 Person Team 1st Ray
Everett, Pop Andreassend, Cameron
Rooney, Mike Sime, Natalie Rooney 120,
2nd Lindsay Rodgers, Michael Dobbie,
Phil Harraway, Colin Waghorn 119.
Double Rise – HOA Barry Foster, Timaru
20. A grade 1st Tom Begg, Dunedin
19, 2nd Ian Burt, Amberley 19, 3rd
Derek Sheen, Canterbury 17. B grade
1st Peter Wright, Amberley 17, 2nd
Mike Sheppard, Waihora 17, 3rd John
Bradford, Amberley 16. C grade 1st
Robert Costella, Amberley 15, 2nd
Murray Palmer, Canterbury 15, 3rd Des
Draper, Amberley 15. Juniors William
Rooney, Timaru 16, Veterans Tom Begg,
Dunedin 19.
Minis – HOA Doug Evans, Canterbury 15.
A grade 1st Michael Dobbie, Southland
15, 2nd Clark Pirie, Mataura 15, 3rd
Michael Smith, Mataura 15. B grade
1st Mike Sheppard, Waihora 14, 2nd
Peter Williams, Mataura 14, 3rd Simon
McMillan, Ellesmere 12. C grade 1st
Des Draper, Amberley 14, 2nd Vincent
Bayley, Marlborough 11, 3rd Robert
Costello, Amberley 9. Juniors William
Rooney, Timaru 13, Veterans Michael
Smith, Mataura 15.
Triples – HOA Pop Andreassend, Timaru
50. A grade 1st Cameron Rooney,
Timaru 50, 2nd Colin Waghorn, Gorge
Road 49, 3rd Gary Rooney, Timaru 48.
B grade 1st John Berry, Methven 47,
2nd Dick Connolly, North Canterbury
46, 3rd Peter Williams, Mataura 46. C
grade 1st Vincent Bayley, Marlborough
44, 2nd Des Draper, Amberley 43, 3rd
Murray Palmer, Canterbury 43. Juniors
William Rooney, Timaru 48, Veterans
Pop Andreassend, Timaru 50.
Single Rise – HOA Cameron Rooney,
Timaru 25. A grade 1st Michael Dobbie,
Southland 25, 2nd Lindsay Rodgers,
Southland 25, 3rd Evan Johnston,
Barrytown 25. B grade 1st Scott Rissman,
Timaru 25, 2nd Russell Wall, Darfield
25, 3rd Mike Sheppard, Waihora 25. C
grade 1st Robert Costello, Amberley 24,
2nd Murray Palmer, Canterbury 24, 3rd
David Harkerss, Ellesmere 23. Ladies
Natalie Rooney, Timaru 25, Juniors
William Rooney, Timaru 24, Veterans Pat
Marshall, Marlborough 25.
Points Score – HOA Daniel Warnock,
Gorge Road 75. A grade 1st Steve Ackland,
Canterbury 75, 2nd Michael Smith,
Mataura 75, 3rd Shane Watson, Methven
74. B grade 1st Peter Wright, Amberley
75, 2nd Guy Spooner, Canterbury 74,
3rd Dave Philip, Amberley 72. C grade
1st Andrew Harkerss, Ellesmere 71, 2nd
David Adams, Ellesmere 68, 3rd Robert
Costello, Amberley 68. Ladies Natalie
Rooney, Timaru 72, Juniors Robert
Costello, Amberley 68, Veterans Michael
Smith, Mataura 75. Club Team 1st
Timaru (Pop Andreassend, Ray Everett,
Gary Rooney, Natalie Rooney) 294.
Single Barrel – HOA Pop Andreassend,
Timaru 25. A grade 1st Ray Everett,
Timaru 25, 2nd Natalie Rooney, Timaru
25, 3rd Evan Johnston, Barrytown 25. B
grade 1st Malcolm Smith, Canterbury
24, 2nd John Hare, Barrytown 23, 3rd
Rebecca Searle, Canterbury 23. C
grade 1st David Adams, Ellesmere 23,
2nd Robert Costello, Amberley 22, 3rd
Tracy Searle, Canterbury 21. Ladies
Natalie Rooney, Timaru 25, Juniors
William Rooney, Timaru 23, Veterans
Pop Andreassend, Timaru 25.
High Gun Ray Everett
Single Rise HOA Cameron Rooney
High Gun (L-R) Mike Sheppard B Grade, Pop Andreassend A Grade, Murray Palmer C
Single Rise A Grade (L-R) Lindsay Rodgers 2nd, Michael Dobbie 1st, Evan Johnston 3rd
High Gun – Ray Everett, Timaru 227. A
grade Pop Andreassend, Timaru 226, B
Grade Mike Sheppard, Waihora 209, C
grade Murray Palmer, Canterbury 193.
Juniors William Rooney, Timaru 211,
Veteran Ray Everett, Timaru 227.
Australia’s largest online
shooting accessories shop
Single Rise Veterans Pat Marshall, Ladies Natalie Rooney, Juniors William Rooney
Gunshot 11
Triples A Grade (L-R) Colin Waghorn 2nd, Cameron Rooney 1st, Gary Rooney 3rd
Points Score HOA Daniel Warnock
Minis B Grade (L-R) Peter Williams 2nd, Mike Sheppard 1st, Simon McMillan 3rd
Minis HOA Doug Evans
Single Rise B Grade (L-R) Russell Wall 2nd, Scott Rissman 1st, Mike Sheppard 3rd
Double Rise HOA Barry Foster
Single Barrel C Grade (L-R) Robert Costello 2nd, David Adams 1st, Tracy Searle 3rd
Single Barrel and Triples HOA Pop
Gunshot 12
The weather on the Saturday was
reasonably good, with some cloud
cover providing favourable conditions
for shooting.
Skeet was the first event with 54
shooters competing. Five shooters shot
the 25. After the first shoot-off round,
Steve Cooper and Dean Everett were
still going and Steve finally won the
The Double Rise was the next event
with 3 competitors shooting 18 out of
the 20. In the end young Jack Norwood
took top honours with Graeme Gilby
coming 1st A Grade.
Triples were to follow with two shooters
shooting 49 out of 50. Ron Thomassen
won overall with Rob Maskell 1st A
The final event for the Saturday was the
Minis, in which three shooters shot the
15 targets. They were Jack Norwood,
Dave Wordley and Mike Nola. In the
final analysis Mike Nola came out on
top with Jack Norwood 1st A Grade.
Sunday dawned with rain and wind and
the inclement weather caused havoc
for the competitors, but competition
In the first event, the Single Rise, four
shooters shot 25 and at the conclusion
of the shoot-off Jack Norwood came
out on top with Gordon Tucker 1st A
No one actually shot the 75 points in
the Points Score, but Alan Vickers shot
74 and took the championship with
Keith Livingston 1st A Grade.
Finally the rain stopped and the wind
decreased. Two shooters shot the 25
targets in the Single Barrel. Once again
Jack Norwood and Alan Vickers were
the successful competitors and Jack
won this title from Alan.
In the High Gun event there were two
shooters tied for this title. Jack Norwood
and Tony Truss were in a close shootoff with only one point difference and
once again Jack Norwood came out on
top with Tony Truss taking A Grade. B
Grade was won by Clinton Hunt from
the Auckland Met with C Grade won by
Toby Clarke from the Auckland Met.
Auckland Metropolitan Clay
Target Club Inc 23rd and
24th August 2008
From my perspective, when watching
the shooting, I must congratulate these
three young shooters, who performed
exceedingly well over the weekend. They
were Jack Norwood, Clinton Hunt and
Toby Clarke. I am sure all these young
men will become very good shooters to
watch in future competition.
Skeet HOA Steve Cooper, Rotorua
A Grade 1st Dean Everett Waikato
2nd Michael Hirtzel Kopuku 25,
Tony Truss Rotorua 25. B Grade
Myles Browne-Cole Auckland Met 24,
2nd Oliver Saxton Kopuku 24, 3rd
Dave Grant Hutt Valley 24. C Grade 1st
Kerri Wrigley Waitemata 24, 2nd Wayne
Cowley Auckland Met 24, 3rd Greg Ross
Auckland Met 23. Junior Jack Norwood
Rotorua 23, Ladies Kerri Wrigley
Waitemata 24, Vets Merv Pratt Waikato
24. 2 person team Steve Cooper and
Tony Truss 50, 2nd Dean Everett, Merv
Pratt 49. 5 person Team Merv Pratt,
Dean Everett, Jack Norwood, Michael
Hirtzel, Ron Thomassen 119.
Double Rise HOA Jack Norwood Rotorua
18. A Grade 1st Graeme Gilby Waitemata
18, 2nd Paul Hunter Auckland Met 18,
3rd Tony Truss Rotorua 17. B Grade 1st
James Elliot-Forster Auckland Met 16,
2nd Max Andrews Auckland Met 12,
3rd Andy Veltmeyer Waitemata 12. C
Grade 1st Ben Browne-Cole Auckland
Met 12, 2nd Phil Waugh Huntly 9. Junior
Jack Norwood Rotorua 18, Vets Rob
Anderson Auckland Met 16.
Triples HOA Ron Thomassen Putaruru
49. A Grade 1st Rob Maskell Auckland
Met 49, 2nd Peter Borrie Wairarapa 48,
3rd Jack Norwood Rotorua 47. B Grade
1st Max Andrews Auckland Met 47, 2nd
Oliver Saxton Kopuku 46, 3rd John
Tonkin Waitemata 43. C Grade 1st Phil
Waugh Huntly 41, 2nd Ben Browne-Cole
Auckland Met 37, Veterans Phil Brown
Tauranga 47.
Minis HOA Mike Nola Northern Wairoa
15. A Grade 1st Jack Norwood Rotorua
15, 2nd Dave Wordley Northern Wairoa
15, 3rd Graeme Gilby Waitemata 14.
B Grade 1st Don McBeath Auckland
Met 11, 2nd Oliver Saxton Kopuku 11,
3rd Max Andrews Auckland Met 11. C
Grade 1st Ben Browne-Cole Auckland
Met 12, 2nd Phil Waugh Huntly 7. Junior
Jack Norwood Rotorua 15, Vets James
Elliott-Forster, Auckland Met.
Single Rise HOA Jack Norwood 25. A
Grade 1st Gordon Tucker Tauranga 25,
2nd Grant Castles Tauranga 25, 3rd Guy
Brooks New Plymouth 25. B Grade 1st
Clinton Hunt Auckland Met 24, 2nd Don
Vincent Waikato 21. C Grade 1st Toby
Clarke Auckland Met 18. Junior Jack
Norwood Rotorua 25, Vets John Farrow
Kopuku 24,
Points Score HOA Alan Vickers Tauranga
74. A Grade 1st Keith Livingston
Tauranga 73, 2nd Ian Hovenden
Waitemata 71, 3rd Les Ingley Waitemata
71. B Grade 1st Clinton Hunt Auckland
Met 64, 2nd Don Vincent Waikato 53. C
Grade 1st Toby Clarke Auckland Met 65.
Junior Josh Saunderson Auckland Met
66, Vets Les Ingley Waitemata 71.
Single Barrel HOA Jack Norwood Rotorua
25. A Grade 1st Alan Vickers Tauranga
25, 2nd Keith Livingston Tauranga 23,
3rd Rob Maskell Auckland Met 23. B
Grade 1st Clinton Hunt Auckland 21,
Gunshot 13
High Gun Jack Norwood
High Gun A Grade Tony Truss
Minis HOA Mike Nola
Points Score HOA Alan Vickers
Single Rise Vets John Farrow
Single Barrel Vets Murray Havill
Points Score Veterans Les Ingley, Junior
Josh Saunderson
Double Rise (L-R) Paul Hunter 2nd, Tony Truss 3rd, Graeme Gilby 1st, Jack Norwood
2nd Don Vincent Waikato 18. C Grade
1st Toby Clarke Auckland Met 14. Junior
Jack Norwood 25, Vets Murray Havill
Points Score Teams Event Top 4 Scores
counting. 1st Tauranga (Grant Castles,
Gordon Tucker, Ben Tuck, Neville
Crawford), 2nd Waitemata (Les Ingley,
Ian Hovenden, Barry McDonald, Gary
Vittle )
High Gun – Jack Norwood, Rotorua 218.
A grade Tony Truss Rotorua 218, B grade
Clinton Hunt Auckland Met 109, C grade
Toby Clarke 97. Juniors Jack Norwood,
Veterans Barry McDonald Waitemata
Gunshot 14
Single Barrel A Grade (L-R) Robert Maskell 3rd, Keith Livingstone 2nd, Alan Vickers 1st
Magnificently fine and sunny weather
was enjoyed the whole weekend.
Saturday attracted 47 shooters for
Skeet, Minis, Double Rise and Triples.
All three North Island Councillors were
present for the weekend and Martin
and Sally van de Wetering provided
the computer programme, which was
a great help to our Secretary and very
much appreciated.
Both Skeet fields were in operation until
a major breakage in High House 2, now
operational again. Three possibles in
Skeet resulted in Dean Everett taking
out the HOA.
Double Rise HOA was won by Keith
Livingstone on 19 and the Mini event
was won by Craig Pulman of Waitemata.
There were four minis possibles
which resulted in a fiercely contested
Last event on day one, the Triples, saw
only one possible being scored by Brian
Hartley with two shooters on 49 and one
shooter on 48. Third place getter, Laurie
Coppins, also took out the Veterans.
DAY 2 - All three events were shot with
the shoot-offs left until the end of the
Single Rise saw 22 possibles. Myles
Brown-Cole dropped his 61st target
for 3rd A, Martin van de Wetering his
69th for 2nd A. It then became target
for target between Jon Beddis and Dean
Everett. Eventually, Jon missed his 99th
target and Dean shot his target to take
out HOA Single Rise.
Points Score HOA was Les Ingley, a
renowned Point Score shooter, followed
by John Farrow, Myles Brown-Cole, and
John Malcolm, in that order. Les Ingley
also took out the Veterans.
Single Barrel: Two possibles were
attained, Jon Beddis and Jack Norwood.
Norwood missed his 1st target out to
take 1st A and Junior, which left Jon
Beddis HOA once he shot his target. Les
Ingley won the Veterans.
High Gun for the weekend was Brian
Hartley, Tauranga.
The Huntly Club Executive thanks all
shooters for their participation and
their fellowship, particularly those who
travelled from the South Island and the
central North Island. The Club’s next
major event is the N.Z. College Games
in December.
Huntly Clay Target Club
20 – 21 September
Skeet – HOA Dean Everett, Waikato
25. A Grade 1st Merv Pratt, Waikato
25, 2nd Brian Hartley, Tauranga 25,
3rd Ray Everett, Timaru 24. B grade
1st Jimmy Dobson, Tauranga 25, 2nd
Brendon Malcolm, Hawkes Bay 24,
3rd Craig Pulman, Waitemata 24. C
grade 1st Dave Smith, Dannevirke 22,
2nd Owen Robinson, Waikato 22, 3rd
Robert Waugh, Huntly 21. Juniors Owen
Robinson, Waikato 22, Veterans Merv
Pratt, Waikato 25. 2 Person Team 1st
Dean Everett, Merv Pratt 50, 2nd Ron
Thomassen, Jack Norwood 45.
Double Rise – HOA Keith Livingstone,
Rotorua 19. A grade 1st Chris Cassin,
Patangata 18, 2nd John Malcolm,
Hawkes Bay 18, 3rd Brendon Malcolm,
Hawkes Bay 18. B grade 1st George
Johnston, Waitemata 15, 2nd Bill Smith,
Te Aroha 14, 3rd Denis Hillman, Huntly
14. C grade 1st John Travers, Tauranga
15, 2nd Jackson Corbett, Waikato 12,
3rd Grant Forster, Huntly 8. Juniors Jack
Norwood, Rotorua 17, Veterans Ray
Everett, Timaru 17.
Minis – HOA Craig Pulman, Waitemata
15. A grade 1st Chris Cassin, Patangata
15, 2nd Laurie Coppins, Waitemata
15, 3rd Peter Krippner, Waikato 15. B
grade 1st Bill Smith, Te Aroha 14, 2nd
Peter Lapwood, Huntly 13, 3rd James
Elliott-Forster, Auckland Met 12. C
grade 1st Jackson Corbett, Waikato
12, 2nd John Travers, Tauranga 11, 3rd
Grant Forster, Huntly 10. Juniors Jack
Norwood, Rotorua 12, Veterans Laurie
Coppins, Waitemata 15.
Triples – HOA Brian Hartley, Tauranga
50. A grade 1st Martin van de Wetering,
Thames 49, 2nd Brendon Malcolm,
Hawkes Bay 49, 3rd Laurie Coppins,
Waitemata 48. B grade 1st Peter
Lapwood, Huntly 44, 2nd Denis Hillman,
Huntly 42, 3rd Brian Smith, Dannevirke
41. C grade 1st John Travers, Tauranga
47, 2nd Jackson Corbett, Waikato 44,
3rd Grant Forster, Huntly 26. Juniors
Shaun Travers, Tauranga 48, Veterans
Laurie Coppins, Waitemata 48.
Single Rise – HOA Dean Everett, Waikato
25. A grade 1st Jon Beddis, Huntly 25,
2nd Martin van de Wetering, Thames 25,
3rd Myles Browne-Cole, Auckland Met
25. B grade 1st Brian Smith, Dannevirke
25, 2nd Dave Smith, Dannevirke 24, 3rd
James Elliott-Forster, Auckland Met 24.
C grade 1st Jackson Corbett, Waikato
22, 2nd Grant Forster, Huntly 22, 3rd
Andrew Muggeridge, Waikato 21. Juniors
Jack Norwood, Rotorua 25, Veterans Les
Ingley, Waitemata 25.
Points Score – HOA Les Ingley, Waitemata
75. A grade 1st John Farrow, Kopuku
75, 2nd Myles Browne-Cole, Auckland
Met 75, John Malcolm, Hawkes Bay 75.
B grade 1st Bill Smith, Te Aroha 72,
2nd Peter Lapwood, Huntly 69, 3rd
Victoria Collie, Waitemata 66. C grade
1st Jackson Corbett, Waikato 68, 2nd
Grant Forster, Huntly 67, 3rd Andrew
Muggeridge, Waikato 64. Juniors Jack
Norwood, Rotorua 73, Veterans Les
Ingley, Waitemata 75.
Single Barrel – HOA Jon Beddis, Huntly
25. A grade 1st Jack Norwood, Rotorua
25, 2nd Myles Browne-Cole Auckland
Gunshot 15
Dean Everett, Skeet and Single Rise HOA
Single Rise A Grade (L-R) Martin van de Wetering 2nd, Jon Beddis 1st, Myles Browne-Cole
Keith Livingstone, Double Rise HOA
Single Rise B Grade (L-R) Dave Smith 2nd, Brian Smith 1st, James Elliott-Forster 3rd
Brian Hartley, High Gun
Triples B Grade (L-R) Denis Hillman 2nd, Peter Lapwood 1st, Brian Smith 3rd
Met 24, 3rd Paul Basten, Tauranga 24. B
grade 1st James Elliott-Forster, Auckland
Met 22, 2nd Dave Smith, Dannevirke 22,
3rd Cameron Muggeridge, Waikato 20. C
grade 1st Andrew Muggeridge, Waikato
23, 2nd Jackson Corbett, Waikato 22,
3rd John Travers, Tauranga 21. Juniors
Jack Norwood, Rotorua 25, Veterans Les
Ingley, Waitemata 24. Club Teams 1st
Tauranga 291 (Brian Hartley, Ben Tuck,
Gordon Tucker, Ross Ellis),
High Gun – Brian Hartley, Tauranga 228.
A grade Brendon Malcolm, Hawkes Bay
226, B grade Dave Smith, Dannevirke
199, C grade Jackson Corbett, Waikato
201. Juniors Jack Norwood, Rotorua 220,
Veterans Ray Everett, Timaru 219.
Gunshot 16
Skeet B Grade (L-R) Craig Pulman 3rd, Jimmy Dobson 1st, Brendon Malcolm 2nd
Points Score C Grade (L-R) Grant Forster 2nd, Jackson Corbett 1st, Andrew Muggeridge
Ray Everett Veteran High Gun, Jack
Norwood, Junior High Gun
Double Rise C Grade (L-R) Grant Forster 3rd, John Travers 1st, Jackson Corbett 2nd
Craig Pulman, Minis HOA
Minis A Grade (L-R) Peter Krippner 3rd, Chris Cassin 1st, Laurie Coppins 2nd
Les Ingley, Points Score HOA
Jackson Corbett (L) C Grade High Gun, Dave Smith B Grade High Gun
Jon Beddis, Single Barrel HOA
Gunshot 17
The Esker Shooting grounds
2008 DTL World Champs
Ireland, August 2008
By Adrienne Sears
After many months of anticipation the
time had finally come where a group
of New Zealand shooters presented
themselves at the Esker Gun Club
for the pre-world and World DTL
The first pre-world event had only 62
competitors, but New Zealand featured
prominently on the honours board,
taking 1st, 2nd and 3rd in AA Grade,
1st and 3rd Ladies, 3rd Juniors and all 3
Veterans places. The second event also
saw New Zealand feature prominently.
This pattern repeated itself over the next
few days, even though the competitor
numbers slowly grew. By the third day
Colin Waghorn had shown the world he
was there and took the HOA from 142
other competitors. The ladies also won
the 3 places, with the Juniors taking 1st
and 3rd and the Veterans also taking 1st
and 3rd. The next day saw the Veterans
take all 3 places and Natalie Rooney
won the Ladies in the first event of the
day. Tuesday had 131 competitors – not
as many as you would expect for a
pre-world event, but again the New
Zealand shooters held their own and
featured in the dispatches. Wednesday’s
100 DTL event had 319 competitors and
Brendan Malcolm won the High Gun
with Natalie Rooney taking 2nd Ladies.
On Wednesday night the New Zealand
teams were named and the shooters
went home to focus on the World
Championships, which started the next
day. The naming of the team was always
going to make some happy and others
not so. Experience has yet again proved
that travel to the other side of the world
does have an impact on many shooters.
Gunshot 18
Some that were on form in New Zealand
didn’t shoot so well in Ireland and others
just seemed to focus on hitting those
targets. There had been problems with
the voice release system, which caused
many shooters to become irritable. The
host club had an agent from Laporte
on the grounds, but he was unable to
get the voice release system operating
properly so two people were flown in,
one direct from Beijing and one from
England. They worked all night and
made considerable improvement to the
system so they worked quite well for
the World events. The light conditions
varied and some of our competitors
found shooting in the huts difficult to
get used to. There were 16 traps, with
half of the shooting stations being
enclosed in a hut. These shooting huts
were a god-send when it rained. Did
I mention the rain? It rained every day
except one. Not all day but there were
showers and a distinct lack of sun. If
that’s the Irish summer, then we don’t
do so badly in New Zealand. To be fair,
it was the wettest summer in memory
for the Irish. There were houses being
evacuated as the water was almost up to
the window sills, roads closed because
of wash-outs and paddocks flooded
everywhere. Even at the club grounds,
which had the pathways covered in
chip, the paddock over the road from
the club which was intended for general
use had to be restricted to 4x4’s as cars
would just get stuck in the bog. The
Esker Shooting Grounds were built
especially for the World Championships.
Two years ago there was nothing there.
With the very wet summer and the high
water table the toilets didn’t work so
everyone was using the port-a-loos.
All the rain seemed to be a wonderful
breeding ground for the wasps which
were just a nuisance. Tegan Sutherland
got stung on her arm while shooting
her second target on the second day of
the Worlds but being a true Southland
girl, she just kept going.
With the rain either just finished or
about to start, most shooters looked
for somewhere to sit and chat. The
only place available under cover was
the army tent erected as a dining area.
Unfortunately the wasps also thought
this was a good place to hang out. Ray
and Pat Mac had the only trade site on
the grounds so hopefully business was
good for these seasoned travellers.
The formal dinner on Thursday night was
a grand affair. The Irish Prime Minister
attended and there were the usual
speeches and presentations. Those New
Zealand shooters that attended seemed
to enjoy themselves. The Worlds saw
competitors from England, Ireland,
Northern Ireland, Wales, Australia,
Sweden, France, Scotland, Isle of Man,
Germany, Bulgaria, South Africa, USA
and New Zealand attend.
The final day of the Worlds was by far
the wettest of the week. This didn’t stop
Colin Waghorn from shining. Colin had
just turned 21 in July and was the Beretta
Junior Scholarship winner this year.
Shooting with his new Beretta Colin
took the HOA Individual medal from
635 competitors from 14 countries. It
was such a magical time, especially for
his parents who were there to see him
win. Natalie Rooney continued her run
of excellent shooting and took Ladies
1st and Natalie Curtis took 2nd place.
Ewen Pirie won 3rd A Grade. The Irish
Prime Minister presented the awards at
the prize giving in front of a large crowd.
Colin’s magnificent cup was brand
new and was accompanied by a large
cheque. Natalie Rooney was presented
with a wonderful crystal trophy.
The NZ teams did extremely well with
the No 1 Open team taking 2nd place,
the Ladies taking 1st, the No 1 Juniors
winning 2nd and the Veterans winning
3rd place. This was an outstanding
result from our shooters.
All the New Zealand shooters behaved
with dignity and decorum. The black
tracksuits were very smart and eye
catching. I’m not sure how the French
boys managed to keep their white suits
clean with all the mud around.
All too quickly the event was over and
everyone left to either make their way
home or to have a holiday before going
home. Natalie Curtis and Anja van de
Wetering left the shoot not knowing
where they were going – they intend to
stay in Ireland for a year to have a look
around and work. We wish them all the
very best for their O.E.
The 9th World DTL Championships will
be held in Cape Town, South Africa, on
12-21 March 2010. This date will mean
some re-arrangement of our own DTL
Nationals may have to take place but
I’m sure there will be many shooters
who will be keen to attend. The event
will be held at the Valley Gun Club, one
of the oldest clay target shooting clubs
in South Africa and is nestled below
the Simonsberg Mountain in the lush
vineyards of the Paarl Valley and is set
on 40 hectares of rich vegetation. Cape
Town rates as one of the most beautiful
cities in the world and offers tourists
an abundance of opportunities ranging
from pristine beaches, the Waterfront,
Table Mountain, the historical Robben
Island, the Paarl and Stellenbosh Wine
lands to nearby game parks and nature
reserves. For more information visit:
Full results, Pre World Events
Friday 15 August 62 Competitors
Event 1 50 DTL
221/225. AA Grade 1st Martin van de
Wetering, New Zealand 220/225. 2nd
Colin Waghorn, New Zealand 145/150,
3rd Gary Rooney, New Zealand 208/225.
A Grade 1st Cliff Pain, England 146/150,
2nd Gerry O’Donoghue, Ireland 215/225,
3rd Geoff Moore, Australia 213/225.
B Grade 1st Nick Harvey, Bulgaria
136/150, 2nd Cahal McDonald, Ireland
136/150, 3rd Stewart Crain. Australia
127/150. C Grade 1st Diamuid Duffy,
Ireland 134/150, 2nd Tom O’Grady,
Ireland 132/150. Ladies 1st Natalie
Curtis, New Zealand 145/150, 2nd Viv
Moore, Australia 143/150, 3rd Anja van
de Wetering, New Zealand 211/225.
Juniors 1st Glenn Barton, Australia
215/225, 2nd Tobie De Wet, South Africa
211/225. 3rd Cameron Rooney, New
Zealand 138/150. Veterans 1st Graeme
Williams, New Zealand 144/150, 2nd
Peter Williams, New Zealand 218/225,
3rd Malcolm Mitchell, New Zealand
Event 2 50 Single Barrel
HOA John Carroll, Ireland 72/75. AA
Grade 1st Nathan Power, Australia 48/50,
2nd Robert Viney, Australia 72/75, 3rd
Robert Prince, New Zealand 70/75. A
Grade 1st Gerry O’Donoghue, Ireland
48/50, 2nd Geoff Moore, Australia
47/50, 3rd Dave McCormack, Ireland
47/50. B Grade 1st Dan O’Halloran,
Ireland 43/50, 2nd Stewart Crain,
Australia 42/50, 3rtd Danny Kearns,
Ireland 41/50. C Grade 1st Diamuid
Duffy, Ireland 43/50, 2nd Brendan
Connaughton, Ireland 38/50. Ladies 1st
Viv Moore, Australia 46/50, 2nd Helen
Overton, Australia 43/50, 3rd Natalie
Rooney, New Zealand 42/50. Juniors
1st Glenn Barton, Australia 48/50m,
2nd Ricky Schraag, New Zealand 71/75,
3rd Brendan Malcolm, New Zealand
70/75. Veterans 1st Paul Schmidt, New
Zealand 49/50, 2nd Laurie Coppins,
New Zealand 48/50, 3rd Tim Catling,
Australia 72/75.
Saturday 16th August
Event 3 50 Double Rise 61 Competitors
HOA Paul Chaplow, England 90/100.
AA Grade 1st Ian Mullarkey, England
85/100, 2nd Nick McKeown, Northern
Ireland 44/50, 3rd John Bach, Ireland
43/50. A Grade 1st Dave McCormack,
Ireland 43/50, 2nd Noble Patterson,
Northern Ireland 80/100, 3rd Terrie
Busiko, Australia 79/100. B Grade 1st
Noel Walsh, Ireland 37/50, 2nd Stewart
Crain, Australia 35/50, 3rd Marguerite
Keane, Ireland 34/50. C Grade 1st David
Hackett, Northern Ireland 36/50, 2nd
Maura Walsh, Ireland 35/50, 3rd Damien
Sellars, Ireland 34/50. Ladies 1st Helen
Overton, Australia 40/50, 2nd Tracey
Barton, Australia 37/50, 3rd Natalie
Rooney, New Zealand 35/50. Juniors
1st Glenn Barton, Australia 44/50, 2nd
Brendan Malcolm, New Zealand 35/50,
3rd Cameron Rooney, New Zealand
39/50. Veterans 1st Graeme Williams,
New Zealand 47/60, 2nd John Campbell,
Ireland 43.60.
Event 4 50 DTL 104 competitors
HOA Geoff Faulkes, Australia 149/150.
AA Grade 1st Paul Chaplow, England
147/150, 2nd Ian Mullarkey, England
147/150. A Grade 1st Cliff Pain, England
145/150, 2nd Noble Patterson, Northern
Ireland 145/150, 3rd Darryn Cutting,
Australia 144/150. B Grade 1st Cahal
McDonald, Ireland 145/150, 2nd Stewart
Crain, Australia 143/150, 3rd Paddy
O’Reilly, Ireland 138/150. C Grade 1st
David Hackett, Northern Ireland 136/150,
2nd Martin Hoary, Ireland 135/150, 3rd
Damien Sellars, Ireland 131/150. Ladies
1st Viv Moore, Australia 143/150,l 2nd
Natalie Rooney, New Zealand 142/150,
3rd Tracey Barton, Australia 141/150/.
Juniors 1st Tobie De Wet, South Africa
148/150, 2nd Glenn Barton, Australia
145/150, 3rd Cameron Maxwell, New
Zealand 141/150. Veterans 1st Graeme
Williams, New Zealand 144/150, 2nd
Tim Catling, Australia 143/150, 3rd
Laurie Coppins, New Zealand 143/150.
Sunday 17th August
Event 5 100 DTL 142 competitors
HOA Colin Waghorn, New Zealand
299/300. AA Grade 1st Paul Chaplow,
England 298/300, 2nd Ian Mullarkey,
England 297/300, 3rd Ray Collinson,
Australia 296/300. A Grade 1st Cliff
Pain, England 292/300, 2nd Sean
Hoban, Ireland 284/300, 3rd Sandy
Gall, Scotland 283/300. B Grade 1st
Cahal McDonald, Ireland 276/300, 2nd
Marguerite Keane, Ireland 275/300, 3rd
Stewart Crain, Australia 271/300. C Grade
1st Aidan Rochford, Ireland 275/300,
2nd Paddy Mockett, Ireland 274/300,
3rd Martin Hoary, Ireland 273/300.
Ladies 1st Anja van de Wetering, New
Zealand 290/300, 2nd Natalie Rooney,
New Zealand 289/300, 3rd Natalie
Curtis, New Zealand 286/300. Juniors
1st Brendan Malcolm, New Zealand
295/300. 2nd Glenn Barton, Australia
294/300, 3rd Cameron Rooney, New
Zealand 290/300. Veterans 1st Laurie
Coppins, New Zealand 292/300, 2nd
Peter Arrowsmith, England 290/300, 3rd
Paul Schmidt, New Zealand 289/300.
Event 6 Deauville Duo. 28 Teams. 1st
Robert Prince, Brendan Malcolm, New
Zealand 29/30, 2nd Paul Chaplow, Ian
Mullarkey, England 48/50, 3rd Stewart
Crain, Nathan Power, Australia 47/50,
4th Pat Donaghy, Mike Noone, Ireland
Monday 18th August
High Gun Paul Chaplow, England
92/100. AA Grade 1st Domingo Diaz,
Australia 88/100, 2nd Arty Del-Ben,
Australia 87/100, 3rd Jim Doherty,
Ireland 79/100. A Grade 1st Alan
Loughnane, Ireland 45/50, 2nd Geoff
Moore, Australia 93/100, 3rd Darryn
Cutting, Australia 79/100. B Grade 1st
Thomas McMahon, Ireland 40/50, 2nd
Stewart Crain, Australia 35/50, 3rd
Joseph Noone, Ireland 31/50. C Grade
1st Dairmuid Duffy, Ireland 38/50, 2nd
Martin Hoary, Ireland 25/50. Ladies 1st
Natalie Rooney, New Zealand 40/50,
2nd Helen Overton, Australia 38/50, 3rd
Tracey Barton, Australia 36/50. Juniors
Tobie De Wet, South Africa 45/50, 2nd
Gunshot 19
Andrew Waddington, England 42/50,
3rd Glenn Barton, Australia 41/50.
Veterans 1st Graeme Williams, New
Zealand 40/50, 2nd Jim Tarrant, New
Zealand 36/50, 3rd Malcolm Mitchell,
New Zealand 35/50.
Event 8 100tgts 114 Competitors
High Gun Glenn Barton, Australia
140/140. AA Grade 1st Ian Mullarkey,
England 99/100, 2nd Mike Noone,
Ireland 99/100, 3rd Gerard McCoy,
Ireland 99/100. A Grade 1st Barrie
Jonkers, South Africa 98/100, 2nd Geoff
Moore, Australia 97/100, 3rd Dieter
Allwardt, Germany 97/100. B Grade
1st Joseph Noone, Ireland 111/120, 2nd
Gerry Maginess, Australia 109/120, 3rd
Thomas McMahon, Ireland 93/100. C
Grade 1st Martin Hoary, Ireland 96/100,
2nd Henry Hartl, Germany 96/100, 3rd
Paddy Mockett, Ireland 93/100. Ladies
1st Natalie Curtis, New Zealand 138/140,
2nd Tracey Barton, Australia 98/100,
3rd Viv Moore, Australia 97/100. Juniors
1st Alex Sikorski, England 119/120, 2nd
Brendan Malcolm, New Zealand 117/120,
3rd Andrew Waddington, England
117/120. Veterans 1st Lars Bager,
Australia 98/100, 2nd Jim Tarrant, New
Zealand 113/120, 3rd Paddy O’Reilly,
Ireland 112/120.
Event 9 100
High Gun Paul Chaplow, England
98/100. AA Grade 1st Glen Castellaro,
Australia 99/102, 2nd Ian Mullarkey,
England 98/102, 3rd Steve Atkins,
Australia 104/108. A Grade 1st Robert
Agar, England 94/100, 2nd Gerry
O’Donoghue, Ireland 97/104, 3rd Peer
Iuel, South Africa 96/104. B Grade 1st
Gahal McDonald, Ireland 94/100, 2nd
Rob Henderson, South Africa 89/100,
3rd Thomas McMahon, Ireland 89/100. C
Grade 1st Kieran Kearns, Ireland 88/100,
2nd Noel Kearns, Ireland 85/100, 3rd
Breda O’Halloran, Ireland 83/100.
Ladies 1st Tegan Sutherland, New
Zealand 98/108,. 2nd Natalie Rooney,
New Zealand 97/108, 3rd Tracey Barton,
Australia 89/100. Juniors 1st Tobie De
Wet, South Africa 97/100, 2nd Tom Holt,
Australia 104/108, 3rd Anthony Rullo,
Australia 103/108. Veteran 1st Malcolm
McClelland, South Africa 97/105, 2nd
Graeme Williams, New Zealand 96.105,
3rd Laurie Coppins, New Zealand
Wednesday 20th August Event 10
100 DTL
High Gun Brendan Malcolm, New
Zealand 299/300. AA Grade 1st Gerry
McCoy, Ireland 297/300, 2nd John
Stafford, England 297/300, 3rd David
Goulding, Ireland 297/300. A Grade 1st
Quentin Smit, South Africa 296/300,
2nd Enda Clerkin, Ireland 295/300,
3rd Geoff Moore, Australia 294/300.
Gunshot 20
B Grade 1st John Devenney, Ireland
294/300, 2nd Cahal McDonald, Ireland
291/300, 3rd Michael Robson, England
290/300. C Grade 1st Henry Hartl,
Germany 281/300, 2nd Henry Kermeen,
Isle of Man 276/300, 3rd Tony Dornan,
Northern Ireland 276/300. Ladies 1st
Tracey Barton, Australia 288/300, 2nd
Natalie Rooney, New Zealand 283/300,
3rd Sam Sharpe, England 282/300.
Juniors 1st Tom Holt, Australia 296/300,
2nd Anthony Rullo, Australia 294/300,
3rd Kevin Purcell, Ireland 292/300.
Veterans 1st Robert Taylor, England
290/300, 2nd John Winn, England
289/300, 3rd Peter Arrowsmith, England
New Zealand Teams:
Open No 1: Robert Prince, Kelvin
Gutsell, Gavin Searle, Colin Waghorn,
Sam Gregory.
Open No 2: Daniel Warnock, Martin
van de Wetering, Tony Brogden, John
Malcolm, Gary Rooney.
Open No 3: Trevor Manson, Charlie
Stewart, Jan Manson, Ricky Schraag, Jim
Veterans No 1: Laurie Coppins, Paul
Schmidt, Graeme Williams.
Veterans No 2: Graham Geater, Peter
Williams, Ewen Pirie.
Juniors No 1: Brendan Malcolm, Cameron
Rooney, Nick Gavin.
Juniors No 2: Cameron Maxwell, Kriston
Chadwick, Tegan Sutherland.
Ladies: Natalie Curtis, Natalie Rooney,
Anja van de Wetering.
Team results:
Open – 1st England 2923, 2nd New
Zealand No 1 (C.Waghorn 596, R.Prince
587, G.Searle 581, S.Gregory 581,
K.Gutsell 576) 2921, 3rd Australia No 1
2915, 4th Northern Ireland No 1 2896,
5th Ireland No 2 2883, 6th England No
2 2867, 7th Northern Ireland No 2 2866,
8th Wales 2866, 9th France 2845, 10th
Scotland 2845, 11th Ireland No 1 2838,
12th Sweden 2833, 13th Ireland No 3
2833, 14th New Zealand No 2 J.Malcolm
581, D.Warnock 574, G.Rooney 562,
T.Brogden 555, M. Van de Wetering 530)
2802, 15th Northern Ireland No 3 2798,
16th South Africa 2754, 17th Germany
2745, 18th New Zealand No 3 (R.Schraag
563, C.Stewart 545, T.Manson 542,
J.Manson 538, J.Tarrant 537) 2725
Ladies – 1st New Zealand (N. Curtis
582, N. Rooney 581, A. Van de Wetering
546) 1709, 2nd England No 1 1690, 3rd
Australia No 1 1662, 4th France 1649,
5th Scotland No 1 1610, 6th Wales 1600,
7th Ireland No 2 1592, 8th Ireland No 1
1577, 9th Northern Ireland 1575.
Juniors – 1st Australia 1755, 2nd New
Zealand No 1 (B.Malcolm 575, C.Rooney
580, N.Gavin 579) 1734, 3rd England No
1 1725, 4th France 1701, 5th Northern
Ireland No 1 1700, 6th Ireland 1692,
7th Northern Ireland No 2 1700, 8th
Ireland No 1 1692, 9th New Zealand
No 2 (C.Maxwell 559, K.Chadwick 556,
T.Sutherland 534) 1649, 10th Ireland No
2 1627, 11th Wales 1609.
Veterans – 1st England 1 (R.Taylor
962, G.Win 588, T.Barrable 573) 1753,
2nd Australia 1 (D.Diaz 589, G.Faulkes
589, L.Bager 573) 1751, 3rd New
Zealand 1 (G.Williams 581, L.Coppins
576, P.Schmidt 576) 1733, 4th France
1695, 5th New Zealand 2 (E.Pirie 584,
P.Williams 557, G.Geater 553) 1694, 6th
Northern Ireland 1660, 7th Ireland No 1
1639, 8th Ireland No 3 1555, 9th Ireland
No 2 1549, 10th Wales 1315.
Individual Competition.
635 Competitors.
Open: 1st Colin Waghorn, New Zealand
892/900, 2nd Robert Taylor, England
958/975, 3rd Lynne Curtis, Australia
957/975, 4th Aaron Smyth, Northern
Ireland 887/900, 5th John Stafford,
England 885/900, 6th Marc Crimmins,
Australia 883/900, 7th Steve Guest,
Australia 957/975, 8th John Bellamy,
England 799/900, 9th Nick McKeown,
Northern Ireland 955/975, 10th Paul
Chaplow, England 953/975.
AA Grade 1st Hendy Hume, Northern
Ireland 880/900, 2nd Arty Del Ben,
Australia 952/975, 3rd Sean Doherty,
Ireland 950/975.
A Grade 1st Phillip Murphy, Ireland
875/900, 2nd Robert McLaughlin,
Northern Ireland 945/975, 3rd Ewen
Pirie, New Zealand 943/975.
B Grade 1st Tommy Johansson, Sweden,
868/900, 2nd Martin Jansson, Sweden
864/900, 3rd McDonald Cathal, Ireland
C Grade 1st Patrice Carriere, France
867/600, 2nd Mathias Vezier, France
862/900, 3rd Christian Bergdahl,
Sweden 861/900.
Ladies 1st Natalie Rooney, New Zealand
865/900, 2nd Natalie Curtis, New
Zealand 859/900, 3rd Denise Humphrey,
England 853/900.
Junior 1st Glen Barton, Australia
873/900, 2nd Chris Toner, Ireland
870/900, 3rd Anthony Rullo, Australia
Veteran 1st Robert Taylor, England
958/975, 2nd John Winn, England
878/900, 3rd Geoff Faulkes, Australia
SEE Letter to Editor. Page 31
Colin Waghorn and Natalie Rooney
A Grade (L-R) Ireland Prime Minister, Ewen Pirie 3rd, Phillip
Murphy 1st, Robert McLaughlin 2nd
The Ireland Prime Minister and the NZ No 1 Open team (L-R)
Kelvin Gutsell, Gavin Searle, Colin Waghorn, Sam Gregory,
Robert Prince)
NZ No 1 Junior Team (L-R) Cameron Rooney, Brendan Malcolm,
Nick Gavin
NZ Ladies Team (L-R) Anja Van de Wetering, Natalie Curtis,
Natalie Rooney with the Ireland Prime Minister
Natalie Curtis, Natalie Rooney and Anja van der Wetering
Individual Ladies (L-R) Denise Humphrey 3rd, Natalie Rooney
1st, Natalie Curtis 2nd with the Ireland Prime Minister
NZ Veteran Team (L-R) Laurie Coppins, Graeme Williams, Paul
Gunshot 21
2008 Fish & Game South
Beretta 2 Day High Gun Girls Maria
Beretta 2 Day High Gun Boys Daniel van
New Zealand Overall High Gun (Including
Skeet) Cameron Rooney
NZ Single Barrel HOA Nick Gavin
NZ DTL Boys High Gun Joel Hobart
NZ DTL Girls High Gun Tegan Sutherland
South Island Overall High Gun (Including
Skeet) and NZ Single Rise HOA, James
South Island Points Score HOA and
South Island DTL High Gun Issac
NZ Skeet 2 Person Team winners (L-R)
Jacob Reid, Andrew Sutton
New Zealand Skeet HOA Luke Vitasovich
SI Single Rise HOA Robert Greig
South Island Skeet HOA Elliot Wilson
Gunshot 22
Island AND New Zealand
Secondary School Championships
Canterbury Clay Target Club, 27-29 September
The 2008 South Island and New Zealand Secondary School
Championship competition got off to a very rough start on
Saturday 27 September. It was the type of conditions that
only the Canterbury Clay Target Club at Christchurch could
dish up. From the howling nor west in the morning it turned
straight around to a howling southerly in the afternoon. It
is the only time I have seen targets thrown and then return
to the trap house landing beside it. I’m told this can happen
at Norfolk Island. Regardless, there was still some very good
shooting by the 289 competitors from 44 schools (19 South
Island schools represented and 25 from the North Island).
This was a firm increase on the 270 competitors in 2006 in
Saturday night saw an AGM take place and the election
of the Secondary School Committee for the coming year.
The highlight of that meeting was the reconfirming of the
recommendation to Council to remove the $10 student fee
and to make all students become junior members at the junior
membership cost of $35. This allows them all to receive our
Gunshot magazine (costed at $25) so that they can be up to
date with shoot information, results, sponsors products and
the overall news of our sport. It also entitles them to shoot at
any event and any club, instead of the very restrictive student
registration that only allowed them to shoot at school events
and only their local club. Only 44% of our 627 junior members
actually used the student membership with 351 opting for the
junior membership outright.
Sunday saw the National Championship take place in good
conditions. There was a very healthy shoot-off for the Single
Rise event with James Morgan from Waimate High School
coming out on top having shoot 176 targets to win.
Monday for the skeet events was again a very average day but
with 116 skeet shooters and with the Fish and Game Shields
shot for first up, it was a very eventful day
The level of shooting was a pleasure to see and a great
complement to our sponsors Fish and Game New Zealand
who dedicate a lot of time, effort and money into fostering
secondary school shooting. Thank you very much and long
may this relationship continue because the continued growing
success of our junior shooters is directly attributable to your
help and sponsorship. To Beretta and Martin Coe a big thank
you and I just wish I could have won one of those 686’s.
Kilwell and Geoff Wells – they are always there and give us
magnificent help, service and sponsorship. Thank you very
Lastly, but not least it is well worth mentioning that shooting
at this event were four juniors that represented New Zealand
in Ireland in 2008 – Tegan Sutherland, Nick Gavin, Ricky
Schraag and Cameron Rooney. It was fitting to see Nick and
Cameron shooting off for the National High Over All High Gun
at the end of the tournament as their last involvement with
Secondary School Shooting.
South Island Single Rise Championship – HOA Robert Greig,
Kings College 20. Boys 1st Garth Gallagher, Ashburton College
20, 2nd Jock Saxton, St Pauls Collegiate 20, 3rd Gareth Havill,
Christchurch Boys 20. Girls 1st Melissa Jager, Thames High
School 19. 2nd Bronte Wodward. St Peters 19, 3rd Laura Bray,
Waiuku College 19.
South Island Points Score Championship – HOA Issac Gutshlag,
Otago Boys High 60. Boys 1st Geoff Morris, Otago Boys High
60, 2nd Max Andrews Waiuku College 60, 3rd David Carswell,
Te Aroha 59. Girls 1st Maria Dunnett, Matamata College 59,
2nd Jessica Scott, Central Southland 58, 3rd Tegan Sutherland,
Central Southland 57.
South Island Points Score Teams Boys 1st Te Aroha College
(Ryan Budd, Eric Van Lankveld, David Carswell, Simon Van
Lankveld, Stuart Hines) 279, 2nd Waiuku College (Liam
Shadgett, Clinton Hunt, Jesse Whitehead, Josh Sanderson,
Todd Hamilton) 277, 3rd Lindisfarne (Kurt McCormick, Hamish
Gannon, Sam Tod, Flether Black, Wilson Colin) 271. Girls 1st
Matamata College (Ashley Payze, Maria Dunnett, Brittany
Hobart) 172, 2nd Hauraki Plains (Amy van Bysterveldt, Jessica
Wenham, Charlotte Duffy) 149, 3rd Pukekohe High (Stacey
Matheson, Emma Millen, Brooke Robertson) 144.
South Island Single Barrel Championship – HOA Andrew
Mackay, St Pauls Collegiate 10. Boys 1st Robert Greig, Kings
College 10, 2nd Josh Sanderson, Waiuku College 10, 3rd
Trent Robinson, Pukekohe High 10. Girls 1st Charlene Ruffell,
Dunstan High 8, 2nd Maria Dunnett, Matamata College 8, 3rd
Ashley Payze, Matamata College 8.
South Island Single Rise Trophy – HOA Robert Greig, Kings
College 20. Boys 1st Garth Gallagher, Ashburton College 20,
2nd Jock Saxton, St Pauls Collegiate 20, 3rd Gareth Havill,
Christchurch Boys 20, 4th Luke Vitasovich, Huntly 20, 5th
Clinton Hunt, Waiuku College 20, 6th Tod Hamilton, Waiuku
College 20, 7th Jake Michelle, Pukekohe High 20, 8th Logan
Rankin, Whangarei Boys 20, 9th James Morgan, Waimate High
20, 10th Jordan Berry, Matamata College 20. Girls 1st Melissa
Jager, Thames High School 19. 2nd Bronte Woodward. St
Peters 19, 3rd Laura Bray, Waiuku College 19, 4th Chloe Tipple,
Avonside Girls 19, 5th Maria Dunnett, Matamata College 19.
Winchester Interschool Challenge Trophy (over NI & NZ Points
Score) Te Aroha College 554 (L-R) Simon van Lankveld, Stuart
Hines, Ryan Budd, David Carswell, Eric van Lankveld
Gunshot 23
South Island High Gun – Boys
Isaac Gutschlag, Otago Boys
88, Girls – Maria Dunnett,
Matamata College 86.
Tegan Sutherland, Central Southland College 23, 2nd Melissa
Jager, Thames 21, 3rd Sarah van Bysterveldt, Hauraki 18. 2
person teams 1st Hamish Bell, Elliott Wilson, Central Southland
College 49, 2nd David Gow, Matthew Williams, Gore High 47.
New Zealand Points Score
Championships – HOA Daniel
van Tiel, Kings College
60. Boys 1st Joel Hobart,
Matamata College 60, 2nd
Nick Gavin, Whangarei Boys 60, 3rd Josh Wilson, Whangarei
Boys 60. Girls 1st Tegan Sutherland, Central Southland College
60, 2nd Alannah Withers, Karamu High 57, 3rd Maria Dunnett,
Matamata College 56.
New Zealand Skeet – HOA Luke Vitasovich, Huntly 25. Boys 1st
William Rooney, Timaru BH 24, 2nd Jamie Peryer, Rathkeale
24, 3rd Andrew Sutton, Dunstan High 24. Girls 1st Amy van
Bysterveldt, Hauraki 22, 2nd Melissa Jager, Thames 22, 3rd
Tegan Sutherland, Central Southland 20. 2 Person Team 1st
Andrew Sutton, Jacob Reid, Dunstan 47, 2nd William Rooney,
Cameron Rooney, Timaru Boys 47.
New Zealand Points Score Team – Boys 1st Whangarei
Boys (Nick Gavin, Brent Martin, Ethan Erceg, Tim Mannion,
Logan Rankin) 281, 2nd Kings College (Daniel van Tiel, Paul
Sutherland, Daniel Spratt, Robert Greig, Robert Horrocks) 280,
3rd Whangarei (Ian King, Hugh McKenzie, Hayden Coote, Rhys
Were, Josh Wilson) 275. Girls 1st Matamata College (Ashley
Payze, Maria Dunnett, Brittany Hobart) 159, 2nd Central
Southland College (Jessica Scott, Tegan Sutherland, Brooklyn
Sutherland) 140, 3rd Pukekohe High (Stacey Matheson, Emma
Millen, Brooke Robertson) 138.
New Zealand Single Barrel Championship – HOA Nick Gavin,
Whangarei Boys 10. Boys 1st Kurt McCormick, Lindisfarne
10, 2nd Sam Sidey, Christchurch Boys High 10, 3rd Ian King,
Whangarei Boys 10. Girls 1st Maria Dunnett, Matamata College
10, 2nd Jessica Scott, Central Southland 9, 3rd Melissa Jager,
Thames 9.
New Zealand Single Rise Championships – HOA James Morgan,
Waimate 20 + 176. Boys 1st Rhys Were, Whangarei Boys 20,
2nd Logan Rankin, Whangarei Boys 20, 3rd Brent Martin,
Whangarei Boys 20.
Girls 1st Melissa Jager, Thames 20, 2nd Jessica Scott, Central
Southland 20, 3rd Ashley Payze, Matamata College 19.
North vs South Skeet 1st North (Luke Vitasovich, Ethan Erceg,
Matthew King) 67, 2nd South (Andrew Sutton, Hamish Bell,
Elliott Wilson) 56.
Overall High Gun (Including Skeet) South Island – James
Morgan, Waimate Boys 110. New Zealand – Cameron Rooney,
Timaru Boys 110.
Fish & Game Regional Teams Challenge – Open Teams
1st Hawkes Bay (Matthew Hedley, Hamish Gannon, Simon
Schaw, Kurt McCormick, Chris Schaw) 234, 2nd Auckland/
Waikato (Max Andrews, Todd Hamilton, David Carswell, Eric
Van Lankveld, Daniel Tiel) 228, 3rd Wellington (Tim Groves,
Callum Beattie, Sam Andrew, Matt Linch, Jamie Peryer) 224.
Girls Teams 1st Southland (Tegan Sutherland, Rachael Dickie,
Jessica Scott) 127, 2nd Auckland/Waikato (Maria Dunnett,
Melissa Jager, Ashley Payze) 124, 3rd Central South Island
(Vanessa Johnson, Jessica McDonald, Georgina McCullough)
109. Individuals – HOA Matthew Hedley, Hawkes Bay 50, 1st
Chris Schaw, Hawkes Bay 49, 2nd Eric van Lankveld, Auckland
Waikato 49, 3rd Sam Campbell, Easters 49. Girls HOA Maria
Dunnett, Auckland/Waikato 49, 1st Tegan Sutherland,
Southland 46, 2nd Jessica Scott, Southland 43, 3rd Vanessa
Johnson, Central Southland 41.
New Zealand Single Rise Trophy HOA James Morgan, Waimate
20. Boys 1st Rhys Were, Whangarei Boys 20, 2nd Logan
Rankin, Whangarei Boys 20, 3rd Brent Martin, Whangarei Boys
20, 4th Max Andrews, Waiuku College 20, 5th Jack Norwood,
St. Pauls Collegiate 20, 6th Todd Hamilton, Waiuku College
20, 7th Cameron Rooney, Timaru Boys 20, 8th Matthew
King, Whangarei Boys 20, 9th Hamish Gannon, Lindisfarne
20, 10th Kurt McCormick, Lindisfarne 20. Girls 1st Melissa
Jager, Thames 20, 2nd Jessica Scott, Central Southland 20, 3rd
Ashley Payze, Matamata College 19, 4th Amy van Bysterveld,
Hauraki Plains 19, 5th Alanah Withers, Karamu High 19
Open North vs South Teams event – 1st North Island (Joel
Hobart, Daniel van Tiel, Ricky Schraag, Matthew Hedley,
Scott Verran) 209, 2nd South Island (Tegan Sutherland, Simon
Parsons, Tom Reed, Cameron Rooney, Scott McFadden) 206.
Top 5 Scores: Matthew Heldey, Ricky Schraag, Scott Verran,
Simon Parsons, Cameron Rooney.
North/South DTL winners, North Island (L-R) Ricky Schraag, Joel
Jobart, Matthew Hedley, Scott Verran, Daniel van Tiel
Girls North vs South Teams event – 1st South Island (Jessica
Scott, Vanessa Johnson, Rachael Dickie) 122, 2nd North Island
(Alanah Withers, Melissa Jager, Maria Dunnett) 110. Top 3
Scores: Vanessa Johnson, Rachael Dickie, Alanah Withers.
Winchester Interschool Challenge Trophy over NI & NZ Points
Score teams – Te Aroha College (Ryan Budd, Eric van Lankveld,
David Carswell, Simon van Lankveld, Stuart Hines) 554.
New Zealand High Gun – Boys Joel Hobart, Matamata College
90, Girls Tegan Sutherland, Central Southland College 87.
Beretta 2 Day High Gun – Boys Daniel van Tiel, Kings College
173, Girls Maria Dunnett, Matamata College 170.
South Island Skeet – HOA Elliot Wilson, Central Southland
25. Boys 1st Ethan Erceg, Whangarei Boys 25, 2nd Luke
Vitasovich, Huntly 24, 3rd David Gow, Gore High 24. Girls
Gunshot 24
North South DTL Girls 1st South Island (L-R) Rachael Dickie,
Jessica Scott, Vanessa Johnson
NZ Single Rise Girls (L-R) Jessica Scott 2nd, Melissa Jager 1st,
Ashley Payze 3rd
NZ Single Rise Boys (L-R) Logan Rankin 2nd, Rhys Were 1st,
Brent Martin 3rd
NZ Points Score Boys (L-R) Nick Gavin 2nd, Joel Hobart 1st, Josh
Wilson 3rd
NZ Points Score Girls (L-R) Alannah Withers 2nd Tegan
Sutherland 1st, Maria Dunnett 3rd
SI Single Rise Boys (L-R) Jock Saxton 2nd, Garth Gallagher 1st,
Gareth Havill 3rd
SI Points Score Team Boys 1st (L-R) Ryan Budd, Eric van
Lankveld, Simon van Lankveld, Stuart Hines, David Carswell
South Island Points Score Girls (L-R) Jessica Scott 2nd, Maria
Dunnett 1st, Tegan Sutherland 3rd
NZ Points Score Boys Team 1st Whangarei (L-R) Tim Mannion,
Logan Rankin, Ethan Erceg, Brent Martin, Nick Gavin
Gunshot 25
Canterbury Clay Target Club
4 -5 October 2008
Skeet HOA Malcolm Duff. A Grade 1st Geoff Jukes
North South DTL Top 5 Scorers (L-R) Matthew Hedley, Simon
Parsons, Cameron Rooney, Scott Verran, Ricky Schraag
Trench HOA Graeme Ede. A Grade 1st John Duff, 2nd John
Hillock. B Grade 1st William Rooney, 2nd Hamish Wilson, 3rd
Jessica Scott. Juniors – William Rooney. Veterans – John Hillock.
No ladies as only one competitor
No entries for Double Trap
Fish & Game Regional Teams Challenge Open 1st Hawkes Bay
(L-R) R.Hoetjes, Fish & Game, Matthew Heldey, Kurt McCormick,
Chris Schaw, Hamish Gannon, Simon Schaw
29th & 30th
Saturday 29th -Time 9.00 am
75 targets trap+skeet open graded event
75 targets womens trap+skeet plus 25
targets final+presentation
Sunday 30th -Time 9.00 am
Fish & Game Regional Teams Challenge Girls 1st Southland (L-R)
Tegan Sutherland, Jessica Scott, Rachael Dickie
Custom made hearing
Sue & Grant Rowles
12 Devon Street, Rotorua 3010 A/hrs: (07) 3480 908
Mobile: 027 659 1583 (Sue), 027 275 6848 (Grant)
Email: Web:
Gunshot 26
50 target trap and skeet plus 25 target final
open graded event At conclusion of the trap event
75 pair double trap plus 25 pair final open
graded event
Presentation for trap/skeet/double trap
Targets 28cents. Entry as per NZCTA Rules
For your accommodation or Ammo
requirements contact
John Turner, Ph (03) 201 6084,
Please note: we do not hold much
ammo in stock. If you need some,
tell us what you require and we will
endeavour to have what you want
here on the day. Please let us know
before 17th November 2008.
By Grant Castles
At the recent Secondary School AGM held at Christchurch Gun
Club, the issue regarding the secondary school membership
fees was raised and that there had been no reasons given as
to why the decision was made to drop the Student Member
Following is an explanation why the Secondary School
Committee (SS) recommended to the Council that the student
($10.00) membership be dropped and all secondary school
shooters be Junior Members ($35.00) as discussed at the
Secondary School’s AGM held at the SS Nationals.
NZ Secondary School Shooters
Junior vs Student Membership Statistics
Membership proportion
Junior 56%
Student 44%
From the information that was held at the NZCTA office, we
knew that 56% of SS shooters were already Junior Members.
Of the 44% of SS Student Members only 25% were active
shooters. One of the big messages we got from SS shooters
was that they did not know what was going on with Clay Target
Shooting events other than Secondary school shooting.
This point was again raised at the AGM.
351 Junior Members, 276 Student Members = 627 Junior
Members in total
The biggest changes that comes from the change from Student
Membership to Junior Membership is that they all get a Gunshot
magazine and are able to compete at all Clay Target events.
Student membership shooters
The Committee felt that the biggest way to get these non
active shooters involved more with our sport was through the
Gunshot and then being able to compete at all events.
No Percentage 75%
Has a Percentage 25%
The Gunshot magazine is a very good window into our sport
from which all shooters get to know what is happening around
the clubs. The Gunshot not only tells all shooters what is
happening, but also all rule changes that have been made.
Junior shooters are now a big part of our sport, not only at SS
level but at all levels and competitions. These junior shooters
are now featuring all through the Gunshot (these juniors are
now beating us older fellows).
Secondary school shooting is evolving (in my opinion) into
our greatest ever achievement within our sport. With this SS
programme producing world-beating sports people we need
to continue to move forward with this growth.
This year we have a total of 627 SS registered shooters. What
a great achievement.
The sponsorship that we now receive for our SS Competitions
is regarded as some of the best support given as quoted by
our President at presentations at the SS Nationals.
We have major sponsors with Fish and Game and Beretta
New Zealand. These sponsors now invest many thousands of
dollars into SS shooting.
The only way that all SS shooters get to see what these sponsors
are putting into their sport is through the Gunshot. We do not
think it is a great ask of these SS shooters that they invest an
extra $25.00 per annum into their sport to be informed and to
show appreciation for the sponsorship received.
From comments made, we know that their $35.00 per annum
fee for clay target shooting is no greater that what is being
asked from schools to compete in other sports.
These issues for the fee changes that were made at a special
meeting last November were discussed at the AGM this year
and were presented as a motion and it was passed at the AGM
that the new fees were to stay in place.
I hope this article clarifies the reasons why the SS Committee
made this change.
Thanks for reading
Secondary School Committee
Out of all 276 student membership shooters, 25% (69) have a
Secondary School
North Island
Co-ordinator: Grant Castles, PO Box 1111, Tauranga. Castles. Ph 07 544 2010 mob 0274 737 484
Gavin Paton, 3 Rushgreen Ave, Papakura.
Ph 09 298 8169 mob 027 486 1981
Les Clarke, 20 Bayview Drive, Waiuku.
Ph 09 235 9362 mob 021 920 771
Judy Garshaw, 176 Bothwell Park Road, RD 2, Waiuku. Ph 09 235 2844 mob 021 712 3745
South Island
Co-ordinator: Gary Rooney, Studholme, RD 10, Waimate. Ph 03 689 9800
Win Morris, 40 Earnscleugh Rd, Alexandra. Ph/Fax 03 448 6243
Gavin Searle, 296 Mairehau Road, Christchurch 8083
Ph 03 383 2074
Bruce Stuart, Wrights Bush, Waianiwa, RD 4, Invercargill. PH03 235 2882 mob 0274 360029,
Fax 03 235 2887
Gunshot 27
Held at Nightcaps Clay
Target Club
20 July 2008
The club was all ready for an influx of
shooters, and as usual they were all
lining up at the window three quarters
of an hour ahead of time. It is so nice to
see keen shooters ready to get on with
the business of shooting. The day was
overcast with the odd shower of rain
and quite cool, but that didn’t seem to
deter the quality of shooting.
In the Point Score there were seven
possibles, two in the senior and five
in the juniors. After a shoot-off of
40 targets, Tim Evans from Northern
Southland came out the winner from
Jessica Scott from Central Southland
College. Next was the Single Barrel
with six possibles, and Andrew Sutton
from Dunstan took this out.
Scott Shield winners, Central Southland College (L-R) E.Wilson, H.Rose, L.Carey,
W.Lindsay, H.Bell
HOA Single Barrel A.Sutton with M.Rodway (Fish & Game)
We then re-squadded the shooters
for the Scott Shield teams match
incorporating the Single Rise individual
cups as well. We had 12 possibles in
this. This shoot-off went to 65 targets,
with David Gow of Gore High School
winning from Michael Sutherland of
Northern Southland College. When
the scores were added up, Central
Southland Red came out on top for the
Scott Shield by one point from Gore
High School. Then it came down to who
was to win the HOA Cup for the days
shooting. Two junior shooters from
Northern Southland had not missed a
target for the day, which in itself was a
great achievement, but one had to win
HOA and the other would then take the
Junior medal. So off they went and shot
5/5/5 as per High Gun rules. Michael
Sutherland finished one target down
and Tim Evans was two targets down.
I would like to thank all shooters,
coaches and parents who came and
supported our club’s shoot, especially
the five new junior shooters who came
down from Craighead with their coach.
I hope you all enjoyed your day’s
shooting. I would also like to thank our
members and visiting members who
came and helped run this day. Also
thank you to M.Rodway and Fish and
Game for their continuing support of
this event. Without them we wouldn’t
have the medals to hand out to our
winning shooters. So hope we see you
all back again next year and good luck
with the rest of your year’s shooting.
Points Score Senior (L-R) J.Reid 2nd , J.Scott 1st, M.Williams 3rd
Gunshot 28
Points Score – HOA T.Evans, Northern
Southland College. Senior 1st J.Scott,
Central Southland College, 2nd J.Reid,
Dunstan, 3rd M.Williams, Gore High.
Scott Shield Senior High Gun J.Reid
Scott Shield Ladies High Gun winner
Scott Shield HOA High Gun M.Sutherland
Scott Shield Junior High Gun T.Evans
Single Rise HOA D.Gow
Junior 1st M.Sutherland, Northern
Southland College, 2nd I.Gutschlag,
Otago Boys, 3rd B.Harper, Southland
Boys High.
Single Barrel – HOA A.Sutton, Dunstan.
Senior 1st C.Ruffell, Dunstanm, 2nd
D.Gow, Gore High, 3rd T.Sutherland,
Central Southland College. Junior 1st
College, 2nd T.Evans, Northern Southland
College, 3rd T.Goatley, Menzies.
Single Rise –HOA D.Gow, Gore High.
Senior 1st A.Sutton, Dunstan, 2nd
L.Carey, Central Southland College, 3rd
J.Reid, Dunstan. Junior 1st M.Sutherland,
Northern Southland College, 2nd H.Bell,
Central Southland College, 3rd T.Evans,
Northern Southland College. Ladies 1st
T.Sutherland, Central Southland College,
2nd J.Scott, Central Southland College,
3rd C.Ruffell, Dunstan.
Scott Shield Teams 1st Central Southland
College (E.Wilson, L.Carey, W.Lindsay,
H.Rose, H.Bell), 2nd Gore High No
1 (M.Williams, R.Catto, M.Paterson,
C.McLeod, D.Gow). Ladies Team 1st
Central Southland College (J.Scott,
B.Sutherland, T.Sutherland).
High Gun – M.Sutherland, Northern
Southland College. Senior J.Reid,
Dunstan, Junior T.Evans Northern
Southland College. Ladies J.Scott,
Central Southland College.
Conservation Prizes – Senior L.Euston,
Central Southland College, Junior
K.Pearson, Craighead.
ILT Postal Shoot – 1st Central Southland
College 197 (E.Wilson, T.Sutherland,
L.Carey, W.Lindsay, H.Bell), 2nd Gore
High School Gold 196 (M.Williams,
R.Catto, M.Paterson, J.Hastie, D.Gow).
Australia’s largest online
shooting accessories shop
Many years ago in Scotland, a new game was invented. It was
ruled ‘Gentlemen Only... Ladies Forbidden’... thus the word GOLF
entered into the English language.
Everyday more money is printed for Monopoly than the U.S.
Men can reader smaller print than women can; woman can hear
Coca-Cola was originally green.
If a statue in the park of a person on a horse has both front legs
in the air, the person died in battle. If the horse has one front leg
in the air, the person died as a result of wounds received in battle.
If the horse has all four legs on the ground, the person died of
natural causes.
In English pubs, ale is ordered in pints and quarts... So in old
England, when customers got unruly, the bartender would yell at
them ‘Mind your pints and quarts, and settle down.’ Its where we
get the phrase ‘mind your P’s and Q’s.’
The San Francisco Cable cars are the only mobile National
Gunshot 29
Thames School Shoot
Steve Chapman of Waikato Fish and
Game presenting Cameron Muggeridge
with the key to the shooting pond for next
season while a proud mum watches on.
Jack Norwood, High Gun for the day
It was a very successful day, perfect
weather throughout, no wind. There
was an excellent turnout with 116
shooters, up slightly on last year.
went to 17 targets, was won by Curtis
Blyth - Tauranga Boys High School.
Second was Sam Campbell also from
Tauranga and third, Mathew Fisher from
Hauraki Plains College.
The highlight of the day was the Neil
Carseldine Memorial shoot. The Neil
Carseldine Memorial shoot is a 20 target
Points Score event, five shooters per
team and we had 24 teams competing
from the Tauranga, Rotorua, Taupo,
Hamilton and Auckland regions. The
team event has a maximum score of 60
points per shooter, 300 per team.
The team shoot was won by Tauranga
Boys High School after a shoot-off
with Hamilton Boys High School. Both
schools scored 284 out of a possible
300, with Tauranga Boys High School
winning the shoot-off in convincing
fashion. Scores were: Sam Campbell
57, Curtis Blyth 57, Shaun Travers 56,
Scott Verran 58, Mitch Black 56. Total
284. Hamilton Boys High School was
second, also scoring 284 out of 300
(Matt Lanigan 56, Cameron Muggeridge
60, Thomas Potter 57, Matt Catley 54,
Adam Hussey 57). Te Aroha College was
third, with a score of 278 out of 300.
Previous winners of this competition
were: 2004 Waiuku College 294/300,
2005 Hauraki Plains College 278/300,
2006 Kings College 293/300, 2007
Waiuku College 283/300.
The ladies team event - three people
per team - was won again by Matamata
High School. The team comprised
of Ashley Payze, Maria Dunnett and
Brittany Hobart. Total score 169/180,
an excellent score. Last year two of
the same team members won the ladies
prize with a score of 142/180.
Two individual events, being the single
rise of 20 targets and the single barrel
of 10 targets, were amalgamated for the
prize giving as one event, a maximum
score of 30. Three shooters scored a
perfect 30/30. The shoot off, which
Gunshot 30
A further 11 boys scored 29 out of 30
and entered a minor shoot off for the
smaller prizes.
The ladies event was won by Maria
Dunnett with Laura Bray second and
Brittany Hobart third after a shoot-off.
The overall high gun award for the day
covered the 20 target single rise, the
20 target points score and 10 target
single barrel. The possible score over
the three events was 90 points. Eight
shooters scored 87/90. The shoot-off
was won by Jack Norwood of Rotorua.
A highlight of the prize giving were the
six drawn prizes donated by Fish and
Game New Zealand Auckland/Waikato.
They donated five 2008 junior shooting
licences, which went to Lucas Hadley,
Matt Lanigan, Jessica Wenham, Ben
Walker and Mathew Fisher
The NZ Fish and Game Waikato branch
also donated the exclusive use of one
of their shooting ponds for the full
shooting season next year. Suitable
for two shooters, this prize went to the
shooter with the highest score in the
high gun event who would be under
18 as at May next year. Of the eight
shooters who scored 87/90, only two
would be still under 18 next year. These
two shooters entered a shoot-off, with
Cameron Muggeridge of Hamilton Boys
High School winning this. Cameron
receives the exclusive use of the pond
and a free shooting licence.
Steve Chapman of Fish and Game
Auckland/Waikato was on hand to
present the prizes.
Many thanks to our sponsors: Toyota
NZ, Thames, Kilwell Sports Limited,
Rotorua, NZ Fish and Game-Auckland/
LETTER To The Editor
Dear Sir
I wish to draw to the attention of the NZCTA Executive and
members some of the inconsistencies that occurred at the
recent World DTL Championships at Esker, Ireland.
Those shooters who were successful, under very trying
conditions and organisation, deserve the highest praise but
the organisation on the part of NZCTA leaves a lot to be
desired. There are several points that need to be mentioned,
these being:
(1) Qualifying and competing in the event.
If the NZCTA is going to set qualifying standards and
guidelines in regard to selection for the various teams,
then these MUST be adhered to by the Association. It was
quoted in those standards and guidelines:
(a) There will be a requirement to submit at least five
scores from various competitions.
(b) The national selectors will make their squad selections
from the scores recorded by members who declare an
intention to attend.
(c) The squads selection, position or placing of individual
members (and or any reserves, if taken) will be made
by the selectors after shooting at the pre-worlds event
in Ireland.
(d) Attendance at and competing in the pre-worlds being
hosted in Ireland will be a requirement of the final team
(e) Shooters have been asked to advise the NZCTA office
of their intentions if they are considering qualifying for
teams at the World Championships….. we cannot take
responsibility for non-communication with shooters
who have not registered an interest.
(f) All squad/team members will be expected to attend
arranged team meeting(s) in Ireland prior to the Worlds
event briefing.
If these were advertised and given to members then,
why were they not followed in the final team selection in
Ireland? Why was only one team meeting ever held, and
that was only to announce the team (which not everyone
attended). How can a squad member be selected as a
Junior, Veterans etc and then shoot in a different squad?
Maybe the NZCTA feels that making the statement “a
condition of having individuals considered for the squads
will be that no correspondence will be entered into, and the
selectors decisions are final.” If that is the case, then why
should members travel at huge expense to themselves to
qualify, to represent their association and country at the
World Championships? Maybe it would be cheaper to just
draw the names ‘out of the hat’ after asking for names of
members who would be interested in attending.
(2) Management
(a) How can a person(s) be squad members, selectors,
managers? Are these positions advertised by the
Association? Is there a Job description given to these
appointed or is it ok for managers to stand around
and not do their jobs, especially in the development of
team spirit and communication?
(b) Why was no social get-together organised so that
squad members and families could meet?
(c) Why were shoot times/squads changed and no
communication made about changes given to shooters?
It makes a big difference waiting around for six and half
hours waiting to shoot through poor communication.
(d) Is the NZCTA that poor financially that at the
presentation of the World Trophies our winners had
nothing to exchange with their fellow winners. It did
look very bad on our part.
(e) When is the NZCTA going to employ a funding manager
to assist with sponsorship etc for these events at all
levels? This has been talked about at many AGMs.
(f) What press releases has the NZCTA made to ‘cash in’
on the success of having both the World Champion and
Ladies Champion plus all of the other winners.
If we are going to build on this great success then, the NZCTA
needs to evaluate their role/selection process/sponsorship.
They need to support their members who take the time from
work commitments, who finance their own travel costs, to
represent their association, country and fellow shooters at
various competitions. One positive way of evaluating this
Championship would be to supply each shooter that attended
with an evaluation/comment form which then the NZCTA
could act upon.
We do not come from a third world country, so why should
the NZCTA expect the members who represent them to come
under that category. If the Association wants support, then
it should be seen to be supporting its members to the full.
Let’s hope that 2010 World Championships in Cape Town has
a 100% improvement in support/management from NZCTA.
Yours faithfully
Malcolm Mitchell (Mitch)
Reply to Malcolm Mitchell’s letter to the Editor
I would like to reply to Malcolm’s letter regarding the World
DTL Championships and the issues he raises.
The qualifying criteria were well advertised prior to any squad
selection. The shooters were well informed that SQUADS were
to be named, not individual team compositions. The squads
formed the make-up of the Open, Lady, Junior and Veteran
teams with the final open team being made up of a composite
from the Open, Lady, Junior and Veterans squads. It was
always going to be the case that the composite team, being
the number 3 Open team would be made up of those who
did not make the category teams or the No 1 or No 2 Open
team. Malcolm was named as a non-squad reserve as he had
indicated right from the outset that he was going to Ireland
regardless of whether he was in a team or not. There were
two others who were named as non-squad reserves and they
were put into squads as places became available when named
squad members withdrew from (being available).
Malcolm asks why no correspondence will be entered into as
selectors decisions are final. At some stage a firm decision has
to be made as to who will shoot in which team and a decision
cannot be left hanging while various members appeal and
argue over team placings.
Malcolm also asked how can squad members be selectors
and managers? This has been done for many years when the
Association has had team members acting as team managers.
Quite simply it is often a matter of pure economics and
having the best person for the job available. I was fortunate
Gunshot 31
to be funded as assistant team manager as Council felt it was
important that someone other than a volunteer from within
our sport knew what would be required to take a team away.
This would give me the knowledge to pass on to whoever
Council elects to act as a team manager in future. It was also
questioned by Council if should we be continually relying on
volunteers to fill these roles, which often takes considerable
time and is it fair to ask a person who is paying their own
way to solely bare the burden of managing a large team while
also trying to compete for their country. The other team
manager (who was also a selector) was Ewen Pirie. Ewen
has had considerable experience in both overseas travel and
team competition. Ewen was selected on merit, along with the
other squad members, into the Veterans squad. Ewen advised
right from the outset that he did not mind which team he
ended up in, being the Veterans or the composite team. His
placing in the Veterans category and grade placing suggests
that he was in the right team. Martin van de Wetering was the
other selector who was also in the open squad. Martin had
put in extremely good scores leading up to leaving NZ but
wasn’t in good form in Ireland so he took himself out of the
number 1 team in favour of Gavin Searle. Again, the number
1 open team scores proved this to be the right thing to do.
Both Martin and Ewen have proved over numerous years of
service to this sport that they are not in this for personal gain
and have the best interests of shooters at heart. As Martin
is also a NZCTA Councillor, he was in the perfect position
to be able to report to Council on the selection process and
how successful this was. Malcolm will be aware that many
various selection processes have been tried over the years
with the view to selecting the very best team possible for the
event. A long delay between the selection and the final event
can often be detrimental as shooters’ form either wanes or
increases. Having the final team placings determined by the
initial qualifying scores, plus the scores shot in the pre-world
events, has proved to be the right thing to do as the results
speak for themselves. The impact of international travel
should not be underestimated.
The 100 target event the day immediately prior to the Worlds
was not the best and perhaps leaving the team selection to
the night before was not ideal for the shooters but no doubt
those shooters who were shooting at their best were in the
right teams.
Malcolm asked why there was no social get-together so squad
members and families could meet. Experience has shown
that with 30-40 shooters, who have paid their own way
and are often travelling with family, all scattered in various
accommodation venues, getting them together is extremely
difficult. It is acknowledged that in Ireland the facilities at the
club did not lend themselves for sitting around in groups as
the clubhouse was used as an office and competitors were
discouraged from going in there. The weather did not make
sitting outside an option for big chunks of the day. Many
shooters want to get out and about and see the country they
had paid a lot of money to visit and did not want to be tied
to “feel-good” get-togethers. There was an official function
that all team members were offered to attend (at no cost to
themselves). Admittedly their partners had to pay for this
function but many New Zealand shooters and their families
chose to attend and enjoyed themselves. Malcolm was always
named as a non-squad reserve, which meant he did not form
part of the official NZ team and would have had to pay for his
tickets to this event.
Squad details and times were changed for all team members
as the final make-up of teams was established so teams could
shoot as a squad. They were all advised but unfortunately as
Malcolm was not part of the NZ team the shoot office did not
attempt to communicate the details to Malcolm.
Gunshot 32
Admittedly, New Zealand was in the embarrassing position of
not having anything to exchange with fellow winners. Other
countries had banners to give out. This will not happen again
and investigations are currently being undertaken to source a
supply of suitable banners for team members to exchange.
Many funding agencies will not fund overseas teams as their
criteria exclude the funds going off shore. Also, professional
fund raisers are being excluded from making funding
applications to many of the recognised funding agencies. The
NZCTA did contribute $20,000 to the team members. There
would never be enough money to fully fund a team of that
number to the other side of the world. The ongoing funding
of future World teams will be discussed at the next NZCTA
Council meeting because New Zealand has the opportunity to
send teams overseas every year with the formation of the new
world body (International Clay Target Shooting Federation).
See the article about this body elsewhere in this issue. But is it
realistic to have an expectation of a hand-out for a team of 30?
Many team members were successful in obtaining individual
funding and the Association was able to help with part of the
application process.
Regarding what has the NZCTA done to “cash in” on the success
of the winners, what has been done to get media recognition
is outlined in an article also elsewhere in this issue. If anyone
has any suggestions on what else can be done I would really
like to hear from them.
Adrienne Sears
A Trial Glenn Cup style team event between New Zealand and
Australia will be held as part of the Australian ISSF Champs at
Cecil Park from Tuesday 20/1/09 to Sunday 25/1/09.
The trial Glenn Cup events is for trap only and 5 person teams
to shoot 50 targets of trap over 2 layouts on Wednesday 21st
Pending a review of the success of this initiative we envisage
this would become an annual event to be shot in alternative
countries as per the current Glenn Cup. Therefore it would be
next shot in New Zealand at our 2010 ISSF Nationals.
Selection for the New Zealand Glenn Cup team will be from
the top 5 New Zealand competitors competing in the 125
target Commonwealth Trap Championship on Tuesday 20th
For any further information contact Keith Livingstone
ISSF Convenor NZCTA or refer to
Australia’s largest
online shooting
accessories shop
The following format must be adhered
to in all zone matches and Island
matches when stand alone only.
Day 1 - 75 targets trap and skeet (open
graded event)
- 75 targets trap and skeet
women’s (plus 25+ final)
-Women’s presentations only.
Day 2 -50 targets trap and skeet (plus
25+ final open graded event)
McGregor Shield winning team, Southland (L-R) S.Evans, T.Manson, M.Dobbie,
L.Rodgers, P.Harraway
The day dawned remarkably well
considering all the snow that we had on
the Friday and Saturday. There was none
under foot, but it was very cold, and it
was winter time, so it was very pleasing
to see all you hardy shooters turn up
to make this a very successful day. As
the club celebrated 50 years last year,
this year the McGregor Shield turned
50. This was donated by the McGregor
family from Mount Linton Station, and
has been keenly contested every year
since then. This year the club added
miniatures to go to the winning club
as well as the winning team shooters,
engraved with 50 years on them. When
the scores were added up at the end
of this match we had a three-way tie
between Southland, Western Southland
and Gorge Road. So off they went to
battle it out, with Southland coming out
on top. Congratulations go to Michael
Dobbie, Phil Harraway, Trevor Manson,
Lindsay Rodgers and Shannan Evans.
Second placing went to Gorge Road
with Western Southland 3rd.
In conjunction we are most fortunate to
have Shooters World sponsor out trophy
match. This was run as a handicap by
distance shoot under NZCTA new rules.
There were 5 possibles all spread over
13 to 18 metres. After the shoot-off
Michael Smith from Mataura came
out the winner from Lindsay Baird of
Nightcaps, both shooting off 18 metres.
Third was David Dickie (16m), 4th
Trevor Manson (18m), 5th Ricki Egerton
(13m), 6th Shannan Evans (20m), 7th
D.Chambers (13m).
High Gun for the day went to Shannan
Evans from Western Southland.
At conclusion of trench event
- 75 pair double trap plus 25 pair
final (open graded event)
- Presentations for trap/skeet/
double trap.
This is done to standardise the
programme and allow as many shooters
as possible to compete in the Trench
and Double Trap events over 2 days.
20 Single Rise – A grade 20’s B.Warnock,
G.Harrison, G.Matheson, B.Thurlow,
grade 20’s J.Marshall, R.Kelly. 19’s
E.Sinclair, R.Sinclair. C grade 20 A.Diack,
19 H.Bell, D.Chambers, B.Rodgers.
20 Single Rise – A grade 20 G.Jukes,
G.Evans, P.Williams, S.Diack, T.Manson,
C.Waghorn. B grade 20 D.Robertson,
R.Kelly, B.Brand. C grade 20 E.McKnight,
R.Egerton, 19 H.Bell.
15 Single Rise McGregor Shield Teams
Match – possible M.Dobbie, G.Evans,
L.Baird, L.Wilson, S.Evans, P.Harraway,
C.Waghorn, D.Warnock. Winning Team
– Southland (M.Dobbie, P.Harraway,
T.Manson, L.Rodgers, S.Evans), 2nd
Gorge Road, 3rd Western Southland.
20 HBD Shooters World Trophy Match –
possible M.Smith, R.Egerton, T.Manson,
L.Baird, D.Dickie. 1st M.Smith, Marauera,
2nd L.Baird, Nightcaps, 3rd D.Dickie,
Nightcaps, 4th T.Manson, Southland,
5th R.Egerton, Western Southland,
6th S.Evans, Western Southland, 7th
D.Chambers, Western Southland.
10 Pr Double Rise – A grade 17 J.Munro,
J.Manson, L.Rodgers, M.Dobbie, S.Evans,
L.Baird. B grade 17 E.Sinclair, 16 R.Kelly,
D.Dickie, B.Brand, A.Wilson. C grade
14 F.McKnight, 12 H.Bell, D.Chambers,
Letters to the Editor
The Association welcomes letters
from members.
However, for future issues they
should be no more than 250
words per letter.
Members are reminded that the
Editor has the discretion to not
print any letters that are too long,
defamatory or inaccurate.
Ph (03) 352 8577 Fax (03) 352 0077
Gunshot 33
Otago Provincial
Wanaka 2-3 August 2008
‘I’d like to welcome you to the Gavin
Searle Show’ sorry Eminem…….
Canterbury, Southland and Dunedin
had snow down to sea level, the Crown
Range and Lindis Passes were dodgy
being open one minute and closed the
next and guess what?..... it was the
Wanaka Gun Club’s turn to host the
Otago Provincials.
Gallons of soup, dozens of pies,
savouries and other treats waited to be
devoured. Who would be able to make it
to the shoot? The irony of it all was that
Wanaka was sitting in the middle of all
the rough weather basking in windless
sunny conditions (typical for us).
We were very happy to see the 70 or
so shooters make the effort and attend
what we are calling the Gavin Searle
Show. Some of the shooters were using
this as a final tune up before heading
of to the Worlds in Ireland and by their
performances here they were clearly on
track for some great things over there.
We were lucky to see some fantastic
shooting in the Double Rise with three
shooters achieving possibles in the
qualifying round. Len Hurley was rapped
to have won the HOA and you couldn’t
wipe the smile of Guy Spooner’s face
with his effort.
The skeet featured, who else, Kelvin
Gutsell hanging on to overcome an in
form Geoff Jukes. Russell Kelly gets a
special mention here for his C grade
possible to take the grade with John
Sutherland ‘only’ managing a 24.
Minis are always challenging at the
Wanaka Gun Club, it's the way we like
them (yeah right). Clark Pirie has been
in great form in the skeet, lately posting
some impressive scores around the
central clubs so it was good to see him
grind out a win in the A grade minis
while Rob Dixon of Alexandra seemed
to be in every shoot-off category
(except Ladies and Juniors) Rob winning
the Veterans and the B grade with his
club mate Michael Benne grabbing 3rd
in the same grade, clearly something in
the water there.
Triples had four possibles and once
again a prolonged shoot-of with Lindsay
Rodgers taking the A grade followed by
Evan Johnson and Wayne Larsen. John
Talbot shot a possible to take B grade
in fine style.
Gunshot 34
Day one finished in good time with
plenty of good scores shot, excellent
targets and great shooting conditions.
“Be here early tomorrow………” (Trevor
Manson, President, NZCTA)
No further comment on that one
Day two and the weather conditions
were the same, sunny, no wind. The
targets were like dinner plates only
smaller and orange and set up in a clear
Half the field shot possibles in the
single rise and I’ll get back to the shoot
off later.
In the Points Match we only had three
possibles with B graders Allan Wilson
and Jacob Reid joining Phil Harraway in
the sweep. Twenty shooters on 74 fought
it out for the leftovers. Congratulations
to Bob Wilson from Wakatipu. Not only
did he gain a first place in the C grade,
but after all the shoot-offs etc he had
amassed his first 100 straight DTL.
The eleven Single Barrel possibles took
a while to sort out as they kept on
breaking targets. Tegan Sutherland not
only hung in there to win the Ladies
title but achieved a 3rd A grade in the
process. You do need to be on your
game when competing against Natalie
Ok the Single Rise story………………
as mentioned half the field shot their
25s so the shoot off was going to be
a marathon, and it didn’t disappoint.
The squads went on a ramble over the
five DTL traps back and forth, back
and forth until, after about 125 targets,
we were down to 6 shooters. Daniel
Warnock was playing catch up and
needed to shoot a batch of 25 targets
on his own before joining the final
squad, which, thankfully, he did. In
the fading light nature was taking its
course and after about 200 targets we
had 2 shooters left: Daniel Warnock and
Wayne Larsen. Another 60 targets with
‘spotters’ helping the ref and eventually
the inevitable happened.
The one name missing from above is
Gavin Seale because I wanted to leave
the best for last. Over the course of the
weekend Gavin shot a High Gun score of
234/235, the only glitch being a second
barrel in the Points Score. Along the way
he won HOA Minis, HOA Triples and HOA
Single Barrel. While there was a whole
heap of red chalk on the scoreboard
it was the solid line next to his name
which had everybody talking……. Could
he shoot the weekend clean? There were
about 70 people who had their fingers
crossed hoping he would.
In his speech at the prize giving Gavin
used his time to offer encouragement to
those heading away to the Worlds and
in true Gavin style praised his fellow
competitors. His High Gun win along
with his words were heavily applauded.
A real champion (no pun intended).
Cheers 2low8s
Minis HOA Gavin Searle. A grade 1st
Clarke Pirie, 2nd Wayne Larsen, 3rd
Phil Harraway. B grade 1st Rob Dixon,
2nd John Talbot, 3rd Michael Bennie. C
grade 1st Paul Johansen, 2nd Tom Cray,
3rd Bob Wilson. Junior William Rooney,
Ladies Tegan Sutherland, Veteran Rob
Dixon. Possibles Rob Dixon, Wayne
Larsen, Gavin Searle, Clarke Pirie.
Double Rise HOA, Len Hurley. A grade
1st Gavin Searle, 2nd Graeme Smith, 3rd
Jan Manson. B grade 1st Guy Spooner,
2nd Edward Talbot, 3rd Rod McKenzie.
C grade 1st Paul Johansen, 2nd Bon
Wilson, 3rd Phil Shuker. Junior Edward
Talbot, Ladies Natalie Rooney, Veteran
Rob Dixon. Possibles Guy Spooner, Len
Hurley, Gavin Searle.
Skeet HOA, Kelvin Gutsell. A grade
1st Geoff Jukes, 2nd Gavin Searle, 3rd
Lindsay Rogers. B grade 1st Stuart
Cunningham, 2nd Dougal Norrie, 3rd
Len Hurley. C grade 1st Russell Kelly, 2nd
John Sutherland, 3rd John Talbot. Junior
Andrew Sutton, Ladies Natalie Rooney,
Veteran Dougal Norrie. Possibles.
Russell Kelly, Len Hurley, Dougal Norrie,
Stu Cunningham, Ray Anderson, Geoff
Jukes, Gavin Searle, Lindsay Rogers,
Lindsay Maxwell, Kelvin Gutsell.
2 person skeet team Gavin Searle and
Russell Smart
5 person skeet team. Southland.
Triples HOA, Gavin Searle. A grade 1st
Lindsay Rogers, 2nd Evan Johnson, 3rd
Wayne Larsen. B grade 1st John Talbot,
2nd Len Hurley, 3rd John Sutherland. C
grade 1st Paul Johansen 2nd Thomas
Cray, 3rd Max Spooner. Junior William
Continued on page 40
Gavin Searle, High Gun, HOA
Minis, HOA Single Barrel,
HOA Triples
Single Rise HOA Daniel
Points Score HOA Phil
Double Rise HOA Len Hurley
High Gun (L-R) Junior William Rooney, Ladies Natalie Rooney
Single Rise A Grade (L-R) Denis Nyhon 2nd, Wayne Larsen 1st,
Mike Sime 3rd
High Gun (L-R) John Talbot B Grade, Phil Harraway A Grade, Bob
Wilson C Grade
Single Rise Junior Jacob Reid, Ladies Rebecca Searle, Veteran
Derek Sheen
Single Barrel A Grade (L-R) Tegan Sutherland 3rd, Quinton
McDowell 1st, Daniel Warnock 2nd
Single Barrel B Grade (L-R) Rob Dixon 2nd, John Talbot 1st, Guy
Spooner 3rd
Points Score B Grade (L-R) Jacob Reid 2nd, Allan Wilson 1st, Len
Hurley 3rd
Minis A Grade (L-R) Wayne Larsen 2nd, Clarke Pirie 1st, Phil
Harraway 3rd
Gunshot 35
Typical building in Cyprus
David Alley in action shooting at the green targets
The 30th FITASC Sporting World Championships
were held 25th to 28th September in Limassol,
Cyprus. A keen team of nine shooters and 3 wives
from N.Z. decided to make the long journey and
see what the island of Cyprus in the south east
Mediterranean had to offer.
The first field of the day
Some of us had a stopover in Dubai, while others travelled
through Bangkok, and roughly 20 hours of flying time later
we arrived at Larnaca airport. We had decided to arrive about
5 days before the competition started, in order to get our
bearings, catch up on some sleep, collect ammo, get in some
practice, etc. While this suited most, unfortunately a couple
of the team ended up in bed with head colds a day before the
shoot started; hardly ideal preparation.
On the evening of the 23rd, FITASC held their Annual General
Meeting. Russell Cooper and Geoff Wells attended on behalf of
the N.Z.C.T.A. The meeting covered a review of the previous
years meeting, Annual Reports, Rule modifications and
changes across all disciplines governed by FITASC (Sporting,
Helice ZZ, Compak Sporting, Universal Trench and the new
Combined Game Shooting), Competition calendar for the next
two years, and some other general business. Following are
the key points that were discussed;
On the way to the Gun Club, looking back at Limassol
1. In 2007 a total of 44 international championships were
held across the 5 disciplines, with over 6300 participants
– up on the previous year.
2. FITASC has made solid financial progress – a change from
recent years.
3. a)An Oceania Cup has been formed to start in 2009. This
will be a combination of the Oceania Championships
(held at Rotorua 27-29 March) and the Grand Prix (held
at Geelong, Victoria in May – dates to be confirmed).
b) New Zealand has the opportunity to hold an annual
200 target Grand Prix, which will become part of the
Oceania Cup. This will most likely start in 2010.
4. Various organisations from Chile, Finland, Azerbaijan,
Ireland, Sweden and Holland have all been affiliated with
FITASC under various disciplines.
A typical shooting field
Gunshot 38
5. Organisations from Slovakia and Georgia have been
suspended for not paying their affiliation fees. (Although
Russia has offered to pay for Georgia – not a joke…)
6. From 2009, shoot-offs will only be used for deciding
places 1-3. Beyond that a count back will be used starting
from the last layout used (ie. if an 8 layout course has
been shot over, then field number 8 will be used for
the count back, regardless of the last field shot by each
7. Rule modification for Compak Sporting: Any shooter on
a stand without hearing protection or safety glasses is
considered absent and will not be entitled to shoot.
8. Rule modification for sporting: In a report double where
a malfunction occurs on the second shot, or the second
target is broken, the result of the first target is noted
and not recorded. The reason being that the shooter
can still break both targets with the second shot. The
shooter repeats the double, but is obviously unable to
break the first target with the first shot if it was missed
in the original double. He still can however break both
targets with the second shot if he chooses to do so. In
a simultaneous or rafale double, the double is repeated
and no score established (no change to this rule).
9. Combined game shooting has been added as a discipline.
This is basically a combination of simulated live hunting,
running boar, firing at silhouette targets of deer, chamois
etc. All done with rifles larger than 22 Hornet. This
discipline is in its infancy, but is tipped to grow strongly
in Europe.
10.FITASC is considering affiliating with the World Anti
Doping Agency. There was debate for both sides of this
argument, but it would appear that it is inevitable at
some stage in the near future.
11.2009 Compak European Champs – Italy 12-14 June
2009 Compak World Champs – France 4-6 September
2009 Sporting Oceania Champs – Rotorua 27-29 March
2009 Sporting European Champs – France 11-14 July
2009 Sporting World Champs – Warrnambool, Victoria,
Aust. 16-22 November
2010 Sporting Oceania Champs – Australia date & venue
2010 Sporting European Champs – Russia date & venue
2010 Sporting World Champs – Italy date and venue TBC
That covers most things that will be of interest to us in N.Z.
Geoff Wells has a copy of the full report if anyone wants to
take a look.
On the evening of the 24th we all attended the opening
ceremony. This was a great occasion with a large number of
the 876 competitors attending to watch the national teams
from 30 countries parading. After discussions with Council
it was agreed that New Zealand would enter a Senior and
Veteran team. The main reason was to show our support
to FITASC, as apart from USA in 2006, this would be the
first NZ team entered at a World Championship since 2001
in Mataura. We were not after national recognition, as all
but one member of the two teams have represented NZ
recently anyway, most as recent as the Oceania Champs
in New Caledonia in April. We were personally thanked by
Jean-Francois Palinkas (President of FITASC) for our efforts, it
did not go unnoticed.
Thursday 25th saw the competition start – a long time in the
waiting for those of us that had booked our trip in December
last year! First squads started at 8.00am, with everyone
shooting 50 targets per day for four days. Doesn’t seem
a lot, but it has to be done this way due to the number of
entries. Start times changed each day to ensure fairness for
all competitors.
Four shooters shot the first 50 straight, including former
Champion Ben Hustwaite (U.K.) and defending Junior
Champion Brett Winstanley (U.K.). Defending World Champion
Richard Faulds (and Olympic Double Trap Gold Medallist in
Sydney 2000) was in touch on 49. Best of the Kiwis were
Cooper and Wells on 44, Brian Deadman 40, Ron Madden 39
and David Alley 39.
Day two saw Hustwaite stretch his run to 100 straight – the
fourth time this has happened over the first 100 targets in
a World Championship in history. Faulds was still keeping
in touch on 99. After a slow first day shooting 45, multiple
World Champion George Digweed was on 92, but with a lot
of shooters ahead of him shooting near perfect scores he had
a lot of work to do. Kiwis at the half way mark: Cooper 82,
Wells 80, Alley 79, Deadman 79, Madden 74, Simon Hawkin
72, Chris Parkinson 69, Blair Masters 67 and Graham Scott
Shooting conditions were tough, with temperatures hovering
in the low 30s most of the time, interrupted by one torrential
downpour – this first in years apparently! The terrain was
dry and rocky with little vegetation, and transport to most of
the grounds was by army trucks that were bumpy and very
dusty. However, we knew this would be the case and it was
the same for everyone.
A change in fortune on day three saw Faulds take the lead
with a perfect 50 to reach 149. Hustwaite on the other hand
effectively put himself out of the competition by shooting 45
to finish with 145 to be tied with Anthony Matarese (U.S.A.),
and one ahead of Kevin Jobling (U.K.).
Things were also getting tense around the Kiwi dinner table
with Cooper, Alley and Wells all tied on 119, and Deadman
close behind on 116. With 50 to shoot, who could withstand
the non-stop abuse, mocking, and pressure we were throwing
at each other!
The final day saw Faulds drop only his second target (the
first one being his very first target back on day 1) to finish
on 198 – a new world record and World Champion for the
third time. Hustwaite and Matarese both shot 49 to tie on
194. The shoot off saw Matarese win 2nd place, 22 targets
to 20. Fourth place went to Jobling on 192, and Digweed
finished strong on 189 for 5th. Best of the Australians were
Damien Birgan on 183 tied for 17th, and Brenton Irons 178
tied for 45th.
Alley saved his best for last shooting 46, including a 25
straight. He finished on 165 to be the best of the Kiwis, tied
for 158th out of the 876 strong field. Cooper shot 158, Wells
157, Deadman 156, Parkinson 150, Madden 143, Hawkin 140,
Masters 139 and Scott 102.
John Bidwell won Veterans with 186, Joe Cantey III Super
Veterans on 170, Brett Winstanley won Juniors again with
187, and Cheryl Hall picked up another Ladies crown with
Gunshot 39
Team Placings:
Continued from page 34
1st USA 739
2nd France 734
3rd Great Britain 728
20th New Zealand 628
1st Great Britain 540
2nd France 516
3rd Italy 497
12th New Zealand 403
Super Vets:
1st USA 473
2nd Great Britain 465
3rd France 457
1st Great Britain 484
2nd USA 482
3rd France 467
1st Italy 538
2nd Great Britain 518
3rd France 518
Ben Hustwaite won the World Cup by 0.9 of a point from
George Digweed. Damien Birgan from Australia was 4th. Brian
Deadman finished 4th in the Junior World Cup by 4 points.
Sadly being unwell for three days probably cost him a World
Cup medal.
After a mammoth prize giving and closing ceremony, many
farewells and goodbyes to foreign friends, we headed for the
hotel. Half of the travelling team left for home the next day,
while the others were taking the opportunity to see some
more of Europe and North Africa since we were so close.
All in all a great trip, many good memories, and already
planning a comeback in Australia in November next year!
South Zone (NI) Sporting
Clays Championship
Hutt Valley Gun Club 14th September 2008
Hutt Valley Gun Club had a very busy weekend hosting the
South Zone North Island Sporting Clays Championships. These
were qualifying matches for selection to New Zealand Sporting
Clays teams and so saw shooters from around the country
joining in. A warm up 100 target match on Saturday found 36
shooters chasing the club level targets. The slightly tougher
FITASC course on the Sunday kept 38 shooters guessing as
they tried to hit all the targets. At least the weather was as
near to perfect as you could ask for.
Unlike other disciplines offered for competition in clay target
shooting, sporting has a large variety of targets flying in all
directions, in an effort to simulate game shooting. Nothing
can be more frustrating (or addictive!!) than trying to hit a
‘rabbit’ rolling along the ground, and immediately having to
hit a ‘teal’ flying almost straight up into the sky.
Rooney, Ladies Natalie Rooney, Veteran Ray Everett. Possibles.
John Talbot, Evan Johnson, Gavin Searle, Lindsay Rogers,
Single Rise HOA Daniel Warnock. A grade 1st Wayne Larsen,
2nd Denis Nyhon, 3rd Mike Sime. B grade 1st Alan Wilson,
2nd Jacob Reid, 3rd Rebecca Searle. C grade 1st Bob Wilson,
2nd Paul Johansen, 3rd Thomas Cray. Junior Jacob Reid, Ladies
Rebecca Searle, Veteran. Derek Sheen. Possibles Paul Johansen,
Thomas Cray, Bob Wilson, Eddy Talbot, John Talbot, Dougal
Norrie, Alan Wilson, Rebecca Searle, Jacob Reid, Graeme
Hughes, Rob Dixon, Wayne Larsen, Ross Roy, Allan Booth,
Russell Kelly, Mike Sime, Natalie Rooney, Stu Cunningham,
Evan Johnson, Graeme Smith, Derek Sheen, Gavin Searle,
Michael Dobbie, Phil Harraway, Lyndsay Maxwell, Kelvin
Gutsell, Michael Williams, Michael Smith, Rex Smart, Daniel
Warnock, Quinton McDowell, Ray McDowell.
Points Score HOA Phil Harraway. A grade 1st Gavin Searle, 2nd
Ray Everett, 3rd William Rooney. B grade 1st Allan Wilson, 2nd
Jacob Reid, 3rd Len Hurley. C grade 1st Bob Wilson, 2nd Paul
Johansen, 3rd Phil Shuker. Junior Jacob Reid, Ladies Natalie
Rooney, Veteran Rob Dixon. Possibles Allan Wilson, Jacob Reid,
Phil Harraway Jacob Reid 74s (x 20)
Single Barrel HOA Gavin Searle. A grade 1st Quinton McDowell,
2nd Daniel Warnock, 3rd Tegan Sutherland. B grade 1st John
Talbot, 2nd Rob Dixon, 3rd Guy Spooner. C grade 1st Mark Eade,
2nd Paul Johansen, 3rd Max Spooner. Junior Andrew Sutton,
Ladies Tegan Sutherland, Veteran, Derek Sheen. Possibles Rob
Dixon, John Talbot, Guy Spooner, Tegan Sutherland, Natalie
Rooney, Gary Rooney, Derek Sheen, Gavin Searle, Daniel
Warnock, Quinton McDowell, Geoff Jukes.
HIGH GUN; Gavin Searle 234/235. A grade Phil Harraway, B
grade John Talbot, C grade Bob Wilson. Junior William Rooney,
Ladies Natalie Rooney, Veteran Derek Sheen
Provincial club team points score; Wanaka #2. 296/300 Ray
Anderson (74) Jerry Cray (74) Denis Nyhon (74) Rex Smart (74)
The Taupo Clay Target Club
will be holding
on December 26
All shooters are welcome to attend
Hams, chickens, turkeys
& lots of other prizes
Trophy match results over 100 targets. A Grade: 1st B
Deadman 88, 2nd B Quin 87, 3rd R Cooper 85. B Grade: 1st M
Davidson 72, 2nd B Manton 71, 3rd J Davidson 67. C Grade: 1st
G Rastrick 77, 2nd E Olsen 71, 3rd M Hoverd 67
Four 10-Target DTL matches
plus “Consolation”
Zone match results over 100 targets. High Over All B Deadman
92. A Grade: 1st C Parkinson 87, 2nd D Coe 83, 3rd B Quin 80.
B Grade: 1st A Saunders 75, 2nd R Edwards 72, 3rd J Saunders
71. C Grade: 1st G Rastrick 80, 2nd T Bishop 73, 3rd B Manton
67. Veterans: G MacPhee 80. Ladies: J Davidson 64, Junior: T
Bishop 73
Information (07) 378 0530
AH (07) 377 6253
(07) 378 2479, (07) 378 1260
Gunshot 40
By Ian Swale
It is envisaged squads would be made up as follows:
Open Team 20-25
Oceania’s 2009 Team Qualifying
Starting after the nationals in 2008 the number of team
qualifying targets was lifted to 700 being made up of
the following to qualify for the 2009 Oceania’s which are
programmed to be held in NZ.
One island, 100 targets compulsory
Nationals, 200 targets compulsory
One zone, 100 targets compulsory
Plus 3 qualifying events (which could be zone championships
or identified competitions) making a total of 700 targets.
The Sporting Committee, after much consideration and
consultation with shooters, has decided to reduce the minimum
qualifying criteria to 600 targets, down from the original
700 targets. It is still compulsory to attend the Nationals in
February, an Island Championship and one Zone shoot, this
makes 400. The other 200 can be made up from any qualifying
shoots, zone shoots or the Island Championship.
The main reasons behind this decision are the changing
economy, and increased cost for shooters to attend the
required events. Also, the Northern Zone South Island shoot
was cancelled as no club was able to run it in the time frame
set down. We feel it is in the best interests of the shooters to
make it easy to attain team qualifying standards, not harder.
We trust that you accept our decision.
Qualifying shoots held so far are:
Province of Southland:
President’s Cup Rotorua:
Southern Zone North Island Upper Hutt:
Qualifying shoots still to be shot are:
Veterans 15
Super Veterans 10
Juniors 12
Ladies 8
Before the Oceania’s in 2009, anyone could join any of the
above squads on completion of the shooter’s agreement, as
it is our intention to have a training day the day before the
normal qualifying shoots, where squads would be made up
from the squads above. Some of the training days would be
compulsory. The final selection for the world teams would be
over the following shoots which will be compulsory, after a
short list of shooters is made at the conclusion of the 2009
Oceania’s. Shoots to count are the following:
Oceania’s 2009 plus either 2 or 3 shoots of 100 targets, which
will be held after the Oceania’s, but must be held by the first
week in August 2009. The naming of all team members will
be made at the conclusion of the 3rd shoot. This will give
the team members time to get all their paper work to enter
Team selection
To be at the discretion of the Sporting Committee, in liaison
with the NZCTA Council.
On attaining a qualifying score the NZCTA reserves the right
for the final team selection, which may not necessarily be
based on the qualifying scores. Also at the moment we are
trialling another system to help select teams, as we know
there are some distortions in the system that we are currently
November 9th Greymouth S.I Sporting champs
Shooters’ agreement
November 15th TVDA Northern Zone N.I
All members who are wishing to be selected in a NZ team for
the Oceania’s must sign a Shooters’ Agreement form and sent
back to Ian Swale by the 25th January 2009.
November 16th TVDA Anniversary shoot 100 Sporting
February 5th TVDA N.I. Sporting Championships
February 6th &
Final team selection is to be at the discretion of the Sporting
Committee, in liaison with the NZCTA Council. On attaining a
qualifying score the NZCTA reserve the right for the final team
selection and shall not necessarily be based on the qualifying
2009 Oceania: All team members will have their individual
entry fee and team fees paid for.
2009 World Team Qualifying
Selecting and qualifying for the Worlds in 2009
The Sporting Committee is going to ask shooters who at this
stage are intending to attend and seek selection in a team to
join the development squads. This will be done by January
Shooters are invited to show their intentions to attend the
Worlds in 2009 at Warnambool in Australia. The squads would
then be requested to attend a number of training shoots,
to get used to shooting targets that would be up to world
standards. It is our thinking that these training shoots would
also give the selection committee a better overall appraisal of
a shooter’s consistency and team commitment.
Address: Country Glen Lodge, 107 Bealey Avenue,
Christchurch 8013.
This can be downloaded from the NZCTA web site from the
form’s page.
Guns, equipment and ammunition
General. (a) All devices, ammunition or equipment which are
not in these rules, or which are contrary to the spirit of these
regulations and rules, are not allowed. The referee, shoot
management or jury has the right to examine the shooter's
guns and ammunition at any time. Guns. (a) All types of
shotguns, including semi-automatics, may be used, provided
their calibre does not exceed 12 gauge. Guns smaller than 12
gauge may be used. (b) Slings or straps on guns are prohibited.
(c) Guns with magazines must have the magazines blocked so
that it is not possible to put more than one cartridge in the
magazine at one time.
Hearing protection
The shooters, referees, staff and members of the public on or
near a layout event must wear hearing protection.
Safety glasses
The shooters, referees and staff must wear safety glasses.
Gunshot 41
Open Team: 1st Canada 5961, Runner Up Australia 5939. Other scores: Northern Ireland 5911, New Zealand 5905, England 5886,
Ireland 5875, Scotland 5845, Wales 5815, South Africa 5703.
Ladies Team: 1st Australia 1184, Runner Up England 1161. Other scores: New Zealand 1159, Canada 1158, Wales 1135, Scotland
1133, Ireland 1133, Northern Ireland 1105.
Juniors Teams: 1st England 1176, Runner Up Wales 1170. Other scores; New Zealand 1169, Ireland 1169, Australia 1167, Canada
1152, Northern Ireland 1149, Scotland 1116.
Veterans 1st Canada 1191, Runner up Australia 1185. Other scores: England 1185, Scotland 1170, Northern Ireland 1169, Wales
1158, New Zealand 1155, Ireland 1153.
The NZCTA congratulates the winning teams.
New Zealand Open Team:
1st 25
1st 25
2nd 25
2nd 25
3rd 25
3rd 25
4th 25
4th 25
Brian Hartley
Brendon Malcolm
Tony Truss
Graham Geater
Barry Washbourne
Kelvin Gutsell
Ian Marshall
Gary Discombe
Robert Prince
Dean Everett
Peter Johanson
Samuel Gregory
Neil Pratt
Gavin Searle
Ricky Schraag
Chris Erceg
Jack Norwood
Alan Barnett
Geoff Wells
Mark Reid
Top 20 Scores
Ethan Erceg
Steve Ackland
Paul Dunnett
Hamish Wilson
John Malcolm
New Zealand Ladies Team:
1st 25
1st 25
2nd 25
2nd 25
3rd 25
3rd 25
4th 25
4th 25
Natalie Curtis
Natalie Rooney
Jan Manson
Maria Dunnett
Top 4 Scores
Lois France 273
Gunshot 42
New Zealand Juniors Team
1st 25
1st 25
2nd 25
2nd 25 Tgts
3rd 25
3rd 25 Tgts
4th 25
4th 25
Total Pts
Cameron Rooney
Cameron Maxwell
William Rooney
Colin Waghorn
Top 4 Scores
Kriston Chadwick
New Zealand Veterans Team
1st 25
1st 25
2nd 25
2nd 25
3rd 25
3rd 25
4th 25
4th 25
Pop Andreassend
Rob Anderson
Rob Smith
Ray Everett
Top 4 Scores
Merv Pratt
Taieri Shield at Alexandra
Results from the Inter Collegiate Shoot held at the Alexandra
Clay Target Club on 24 August. Shooting conditions were
excellent with a fine day after a very hard frost. Shooters
from Coastal Otago and Southland came and enjoyed the sun
after the wet they had endured
We were pleased to hear that Colin Waghorn and Natalie
Rooney had topped the scores and this proved the point that
all the time put in by coaches of secondary school shooting
is paying off. Colin’s and Natalie’s success as well as that of
Cameron Rooney and Cameron Maxwell, was greeted by a
huge round of applause
Skeet 1 Andrew Sutton DHS 2 James Morgan WHS 3 Michael
Sutherland NSC
Single Rise Boys 1 David Gow GHS 2 Josh White GHS 3 Dylan
Girls 1 Jessica Scott CSC 2 Vanessa Johnson CDS 3 Sharmaine
Love DHS
Other possibles Tom Willocks, Michael Sutherland, Baden
McNab, David Gow, John Hastie, Alex Catto, Henry Watson,
Hamish Bell, Elliot Wilson
Points Score Boys 1 Michael Williams GHS 2 Ryan Catto GHS
3 Isaac Gutschlag OBHS. Girls 1 Jessica Scott CSC 2 Rachael
Dickie GHS 3 Vanessa Johnson CDS
Single Barrel Boys 1 Jacob Reid DHS 2 Tim Evans NSC 3 Craig
Robertson WBHS
Girls 1 Jessica Scott CSC 2 Mandy Unwin NSC 3 Vanessa Johnson
CDS Other Possibles Isaac Gutschlag, Michael Williams, David
Gow, Nathan Bosker, Michael Sutherland, John Hastie, James
Galloway Trophy Single Rise David Gow (GHS)
J Swan Ltd Trophy Points Score Jessica Scott (CSC)
J Swan Ltd Trophy Single Barrel Jacob Reid (DHS)
Best Presented team Waitaki Boys High School
Taieri Shield Gore High School no 2 70/75 John Hastie, Nathan
Orr, Josh White, Alex Catto, Rachael Dickie
HOA Girls Jessica Scott, HOA Boys David Gow
Ray Waghorn Trophy for DTL aggregate over 5 inter school
shoots Michael Sutherland (NSC)
Otago/Southland Skeet Challenge Southland 62 Otago 61
Otago/ Southland Triples Challenge Otago 117 Southland 107
Abbreviations DHS Dunstan HS. NSC Northern Southland
GHS Gore HS. WBHS Waitaki Boys HS, CDS Craighead Diocesan,
OBHS Otago Boys HS, JMcG John McGlashan. Waimate HS WHS.
Southland Boys HS SBHS, Menzies College MC, CSC Central
Southland College
Scotts Gap Skeet
4 January 2009
100 Tgts skeet
Ellis Webber North/South
12 noon Start
Tgts 22c
Dunstan Trophy Skeet Andrew Sutton (DHS)
Gunshot 43
Results from the ATA Shoots at Waikato
July 12th shoot.
Our luck finally ran out on the weather with rain or showers
for most of the day. What a good effort from everyone who
attended. It would have been an easy day to find something to
do inside. Thanks again to everyone who helped with the day
and the Waikato club for allowing us to use their facilities.
In the Singles Graeme Williams got first with a 96. Gordon
Tucker 2nd on 95 and Bryce Schou finding good form after a
break from shooting with 3rd on 94.
In Handicap, Wayne Cowley took 1st with 94 Chris Cassin and
Bryce Schou 2nd on 88 and Graeme Williams 3rd with 87.
With the weather conditions and getting the targets set
correctly we didn't get round to the doubles until late so only
25 pair were shot. Graeme Williams 1st with 38 Wayne Cowley
2nd on 36 and Barry Peake 3rd with 34. They were a very
difficult pair to shoot.
The ATA would like to welcome Liam Buchanan as a new junior
August 9th shoot.
After some trap mechanic work by Wayne Cowley we actually
managed to get a full round of reasonably consistent almost
even doubles targets. A welcome sign for the Reloaders 200
pair of doubles day on September 6th.
Des Coe won the doubles with another 95 to take 1st and also
the HOA for the day. Chris Cassin 2nd on 84 and Bryce Schou
3rd with 72.
On the subject of Doubles, there was a mention recently about
Kay Ohye, a reasonably competent ATA doubles shooter,
being inducted into the Eastern U.S. Hall of Fame. He has
accomplished some impressive shooting stats:
196 x 100 straights in Doubles
198 x 200 straights in Singles
17 x 100 straights in handicap from the 27yd line
The Singles and Handicap are all shot single barrel and the
hundred straights are at a single event on the day not built up
over several events. The main singles events are 200 targets
shot in two rounds of 100 usually one round in the morning
and the other in the afternoon.
We had another day of unusually inclement weather for
Waikato providing a cold grey day with a few light showers,
as well as a few rays of sunshine late in the day. Thanks again
to Dean Everett for making himself available on behalf of
the Waikato club to help with trap setting and reloading and
helping to keep the day running smooth. Thanks are also due
to everyone else who helped with trap loading and scoring etc.
It all helps to make the day run smooth, which in turn allows
us the chance to shoot a 300 target day. Also a big thanks
to Karen Woodward for running the office and cashiering the
His lifetime averages to date;
The Singles were won by Des Coe on 95 Graeme Williams 2nd
on 92 and Wayne Cowley 3rd with 91.
Also, a reminder that you need to be a current ATA member to
shoot any registered shoots.
In Handicap Des Coe 1st on 95 Wayne Cowley 2nd on 85 Bryce
Schou 3rd on 83.
Good shooting,
Paul Basten
Singles 99.0 over 252,750 targets
Handicap 93.02 over 217,900 targets
Doubles 97.06 over 154,000 targets
Kay was the first to win all 5 majors at the Grand American and
commented at the time that one of his goals was to achieve
200 x 100 in doubles and 200 x 200 in singles.
Stats courtesy of Trap & Field and the ATA.
The ATA would like to welcome Purdey Woodward, Jason Pole
and Joel Hobart as new junior members.
Pair Doubles Day
Following are the results for Reloaders sponsored 200 pair
doubles day September 6 2008.
We were back to the unusual day of great Waikato weather
with clear skies and mostly calm conditions.
A huge thank you to Sally Sterritt for driving up from Te
Kuiti and bringing her laptop to run the shoot programme.
Her involvement and help made a huge difference in making
the shoot run smoothly. Also, thanks to Brant Woodward for
his help trap setting and loading traps etc as well as Karen
Woodward for handling the office and cashiering the shoot
again. THANK YOU.
Everyone enjoyed the chance to work on their doubles
technique and timing with few targets to work on and the
chance to shoot them 5 pair per lane. More than one comment
was made about looking forward to another doubles shoot
and how easy and quick it was to shoot 400 targets.
Thanks again to Reloaders Supplies for their generous
sponsorship of this event.
The ATA would like to welcome the following new members:
Russell Cooper
Buzz Kronfeld
The High Gun was won by Des Coe with 374
Arthur Hinds
Jack Norwood 1st A with 373, Peter Borrie 2nd A 343, Chris
Cassin 3rd A 340, Neville Crawford 1st B 319, Paul Basten 2nd
B 306, Barry Peake 3rd B 304, Buzz Kronfeld 1st C 295, Arthur
Hinds 2nd C 272, Russell Cooper 3rd C 268
Peter Borrie
Gunshot 44
Good Shooting.
Paul Basten
Barry Larman, Waitemata
Lawrence McBreen-Smith, Canterbury
Daniel McDonald, Ashburton, Student
Scott McFadden, Ashburton, Student
Galen Mander, Canterbury, Student
Andrew Marshall, Central Southland
Jacob Marthovich, Whangarei Student
Philip Abbot, Whakatane
Jaden Matson, Whangarei Student
Luc Akurangi, Wairoa, Junior
Conway Mildon, Wairoa Junior
Kenneth Anderson, Whangarei Student
Steve Nearns, Waitemata
Cory Andrews, Dunedin Junior
Morgan Nimmo, Dunedin Junior
J Bajwa, Waitemata Junior
Damian O’Leary, Wairarapa Junior
Aaron Ashford, Kopuku Student
Kenny Read, Ashburton, Student
S Bajwa, Waitemata
Jarrod Ribbon, Wairoa, Junior
Richard Barry, Ashburton, Student
Brady Roberts, Whangarei Student
George Bell, Oamaru Waimate, Junior
Sean Roberts, Whangarei Student
Scott Bennett, Dunedin Junior
Marc Robertson, Southland Social
Ben Berridge, Whangarei Student
Terry Robertson, Whangarei Student
Scott Booth, Wairarapa, Junior
Hamish Rose, Nightcaps, Student
Ben Bringans, Waimate Oamaru, Junior
James Ross, Palmerston North, Junior
Alexander Brown, Nightcaps, Student
Tom Russell, Waimate Oamaru, Junior
L Brown, Canterbury Junior
Chris Scott, Dunedin Junior
Mackenzie Brown, Nightcaps, Student
Daniel Shirtcliffe, Kopuku, Student
George Buchanan, New Plymouth
Kieran Sinnock, Kopuku, Student
Mitchell Budgen, Whangarei Student
Bradley Skelton, Whangarei Student
Brandon Clark, Tauranga, Junior
Jonathan Smith, Darfield, Social
Laura Clark, Kaikohe, Student
Adam Stephen, Waitemata Junior
Ian Claughton, Waitemata
Al Stephen, Waitemata
Tasman Collins, Dunedin Junior
Sam Stevens, Canterbury Junior
Regan Curline, Dunedin Junior
Lewis Sutton, Waimate Oamaru, Junior
2x Shot Shell Loading Machines. 2500
P/H capacity 7s
Michael Dean, Waitemata
Alistair Tait, Ashburton, Student
Matthew Ellmers, Kopuku Student
Jim Enright, Kopuku
Luke Euston, Nightcaps, Student
Grayson Thyme, Whangarei Student
Mitchell Ewing, Ashburton, Student
Dylan Townshend, TVDA
Mac Fauvel, Te Aroha
Marc Townshend, TVDA
Hamish Fenn, Waitemata
Chrissie Urlich, Tauranga
Ben Fraser, Palmerston North, Junior
Richard Vanstone, Whakatane, Family
Garth Gallagher, Ashburton, Student
Kaki Waenga, Taupo
Brendon Graham, Whangarei Student
Dalton Ward, Waitemata
Denis Gunn, Hawkes Bay
Dylan Wear, Waimate Oamaru, Junior
Mike Hardy, Waitemata
Brett Harpham, Wairarapa, Student
Brad Heinz, Waimate, Student
Taylor Helm, Dunedin Junior
Eli Hodgson, Waikato, Junior
Robert Hubber, Nightcaps, Student
Colin Hughes, Waitemata
Malcolm Hurst, Auckland Met
Wayne Jones, Putaruru
Raniera Kakarana, Kaeo, Student
Jill Kay, Waitemata
Regan Keay, Whangarei Student
Brad King, Waimate Oamaru, Student
The shoot scheduled for 7
December at the Timaru Clay
Target Club has been cancelled.
25 School DTL – A. Sutton, Alexandra.
J. Reid, M. Smith, T.Keen, B.McNab, M.
Sutherland, H.Bell.
50 DTL – L. McGhie, Western Lake. J.
Hobart, Putaruru. S. Barclay, Te Kuiti. I.
Harrison, Amberley. L.McGhie, Western
Lake. F. Wright, Darfield
50 DTL – D. Pollard, Dannevirke.
T. Cleminson, Dunedin J. Russell,
75 DTL –A.Wilson, Wakatipu
100 DTL – T.Mannion, Whangarei. R.
Maskell, Auckland Met. T. Hamilton,
Auckland Met. M. Vincent, Waikato.
300 DTL – G. Tucker, Tauranga
50 SINGLE BARREL – R.Lilley, Methven
50 SKEET – P. Wilkey, Woodville
75 SKEET – G. Roys, Hawkes Bay
Buy and Sell
1x Shot Shell Loading Machines. 2500
P/H capacity 4s
1x Shot Shell Loading Machines. 1800
P/H capacity B.B.s
Priming machine, Hoppers, Packing
Lead S.G. maker and Moulds for Sinkers
and Diving Weights + more
Contact Glen Castellaro
Australia A/H 0061 2 6963 6433,
MOB 042874324
largest online
accessories shop
Gunshot 45
Balfour Gun Club
Williams & Kay 200
Skeet weekend
15th – 16th
November 2008
10-00am start
100 targets each day
Saturday Alpine View Motel
Te Anau Trophy 100tgts
Sunday ABC Grades Trophies
over both days
Entry $50 per day incl tgts 28c
Ellis Webber North South
qualifying both days
Contact John Turner 03 2016084
Gunshot 46
TO GUNSHOT - The Official Journal of the
New Zealand Clay target Association Inc.
Write for further details:
Freepost 1897
New Zealand Clay Target Association Inc
PO Box 5355, Papanui, Christchurch
don’t build momentum in golf, it’s called
a putt). The follow-through is actually
visual. You should still be looking down
at the spot where the ball was, before
you look up to see where the ball is.
Fundamentally sound: the
If we’re going to take our trapshooting
game to the top of our ability level,
we must have great control of all the
fundamentals. Much of what we talk
about in this column are fundamentals,
how they work, how to apply them
and why they are so important. This
column will fit right in with our quest to
master the fundamentals and therefore
improve our game.
fundamentals is that sometimes,
readers think they know all about the
particular fundamental being discussed
but, as it often turns out, they have
been given wrong information and
therefore their understanding of that
particular fundamental is flawed. It is
more common amongst newer shooters,
but occasionally I will come across an
experienced shooter who is lacking
in the understanding of a particular
fundamental. I hope your name is not
Jack because that’s the name of the
shooter we will be talking about.
Jack has been shooting for nearly 20
years, and when he stood on Post 1
and got any angle that went to his left,
you would see him fire at the target and
then swing his gun almost to the next
trap on his left. He would break some
of the targets he was shooting at, but
he would also miss a good number of
them. After observing Jack’s wild swing
toward the left angles, I made a mental
note to ask him what he was intending
to accomplish with the extra move he
made after he fired. As he moved down
the line to the other posts, I noticed that
he made an additional move beyond
the target after most all his shots. On
straightaways, his move would find
his gun pointing almost straight up in
the air. On the hard rights from Post 5,
he would end up twisted to the right
toward the adjacent trapfield.
After observing his entire round,
during which he broke 18x25, I had the
opportunity to ask him about the wild
moves after he shot at each target. He
looked at me like I was an idiot and said,
“You have to have follow-through if you
plan on being a trapshooter, I’ve been
told that I’ve got great follow-through.”
Despite his years of experience and
his relative lack of consistent success,
Jack continued to throw his gun around
after shooting at a target because he
thought he was following through. This
is a perfect example of a shooter who
doesn’t understand what follow-through
really is. I asked Jack how his version
of follow-through was helping his
shooting. He informed me that he was
spreading his shotstring out so that
he had a better chance of breaking
the target. I asked him if he had ever
heard of gun control. He told me that
he didn’t get into politics and wasn’t
concerned with gun control because
he was a member of the National Rifle
Association and they take care of things
like gun control.
If you are following
through – controlling the
gun and seeing what you
just did to break the
target – you are also
adding one more ingredient
to the mix that will help
you break targets
What Jack was doing was actually
keeping him from breaking many of
his targets. He had a total lack of gun
control and a poor understanding of
follow-through. If any of you have ever
golfed, you will remember that one
of the first things you are told is to
keep your head down and look at the
ball when you are about to drive. You
should continue to look at the ball, or
the target area, until after your swing
drives the ball down the fairway. You
must visually see that the ball is gone,
after your swing, before you look up to
see where it has gone. The swing of the
club after it has struck the ball is not
the follow-through in golf. That is the
momentum you build as you attempt
to drive the ball a long distance (if you
Now, how do we relate this to
trapshooting? In trapshooting as
well, the follow-through is visual, not
physical. If you are building momentum
with your gun as you approach targets,
your gun is out of control, and it will be
extremely difficult to point the gun as
well as you need to in order to break
targets consistently. There should be no
momentum generated when shooting
targets. The follow-through actually
occurs by keeping the head on the stock
and letting the eyes see what you just
did to your target. If the gun flies past
the target after the shot, you probably
moved the gun far too quickly to make
an effective point on the target,. In
addition, if the gun flies past the target
that you just broke, the eyes probably
went with the gun – and you just shot.
If the gun ends up in the vicinity of
the target you just broke, you will see
what you did to the target, and you
should see that result from the stock of
the gun. This is true follow-through in
What exactly does this follow-through do
to promote good shooting? It certainly
isn’t intended to spread your pattern, as
Jack was trying to do. First of all, it will
help to prevent the number-one reason
why trapshooters miss targets: lifting
the head. I don’t know whether shooters
want to admire their work or just want
to see better, but head-lifting is a major
problem for many trapshooters, and
follow-through will prevent it.
The next thing follow-through will do for
your shooting is allow you to approach
your targets with great gun control. If
you are going to follow through, you
can’t throw the gun at the target and
build momentum, or the follow-through
(seeing the target break with the head
still on the gun) will be difficult at
best – primarily because the gun is no
longer in the vicinity of the broken (or
missed) target. By moving the gun with
good control, you will be better able to
place your shot where it needs to be.
There will be no momentum and it will
be easy to stay on the gun and see what
you just did to that target. You will also
come to realise that the move of gun to
the target is very minimal and doesn’t
require a long sweeping move.
If you are following through – controlling
the gun and seeing what you just
did to break the target – you are also
adding one more ingredient to the mix
that will help you break targets. When
you are able to see the result of your
Gunshot 47
efforts, you will automatically add muscle memory to your
trapshooting databank. In other words, you are eliminating
the need to think your way through each shot. If you merely
see the target, recognise the target and move the gun to the
target, you will break the target because the muscle memory
automatically allows you to point the gun the way you have
done in the past when you successfully broke that same target.
The more times you break each target, using follow-through,
the more information gets stored in the databank. The more
information you have in the databank, the easier it is to breach
each target. The easier it is to break each target, the more
targets you break. As you can see, each of these feeds on the
others, and this is why they say “Practice makes perfect”. Of
course the practice must include follow-through to get things
Jack now has perfect control of his gun, and when you watch
him shoot, you will notice that he approaches his targets
without a lurch and without building momentum. When he
fires, the gun doesn’t fly past the target; it stays in the area
where the target was broken. Jack’s head is still on the stock,
and his eyes are looking at the ball of smoke he just hung out
there. His databank is gaining some great information, and
the task of breaking every target is getting easier and easier.
Jack is now putting more shot on more targets than he has
done in 20 years because he has a true understanding of the
term “follow-through”.
By Courtesy of Trap & Field
Provincial Champs
6-7 December 2008
Balfour Gun Club
Saturday: 8-30 am start
25 skeet
15 minis
10 pair double rise
30 triples
Sunday: 8-30 start am
25 Single rise
25 Points Score
25 Single Barrel
Buck Knives North/South DTL
qualifying $5 for Open Team
Ellis Webber North/South Skeet
qualifying $5 for Open Team
Speights and Borthwick Shields
Entry fees as per NZCTA, Targets 28c
Lunch and ammo available
Contact John Turner 03 2016084, fax
Gunshot 48
There were four shooters from New Zealand competing at
the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. Yang Wang (Pistol), Robbie
Eastham (Rifle), Graeme Ede (Men’s Trap) and Nadine Stanton
(Women’s Trap). The NZ team left New Zealand on 30th July
and returned to NZ on 26th August. It was a requirement that
all team members had to be there for the whole duration of
the Games. This has a significant impact on the athletes as
the time is taking them away from their work and business
commitments. New Zealand’s shooting team were in the
minority as they were totally amateur athletes as opposed
to many other countries that had semi-professional or
professional athletes.
Everything is organised and provided by the NZ Olympic
Committee, including all meals, visa’s and transport. Security
was very tight but didn’t cause any problems. Everyone was
checked in and out of the Games Village and you couldn’t go
anywhere without your accreditation (competitors/manager
The facilities were purpose built apartments. These had been
on sold for private luxury accommodation after the Games.
The meals were on-demand 24/7 and there was an excellent
range of food available from MacDonald’s to health food.
The dining hall seated 5,000 people at any one time.
There was an extensive range of back-up facilities available
to the New Zealand athletes, which included dentists, 2 MRI
scanners, a mini hospital fully staffed with medical teams and
eye specialists.
It was hot and humid. The temperature was around 38 with
85% humidity. Some days it was high 20s to low 30s with
100% humidity. The athletes had to just deal with this, mainly
by drinking lots. The smog was not a problem as the Chinese
Government had closed the factories and taken at least 50%
of the vehicles off the roads.
Graeme Ede and Nadine Stanton had attended a World Cup
at the Beijing venue in April, along with Myles Browne-Cole
and Natalie Rooney. This was a lot larger field who were
familiarising themselves with the ground in the lead-up to the
Games. All the Olympic prospects were present. At the World
Cup the equipment worked well, including the Laporte traps
The Games Village
Outside the Village (it’s the humidity that makes this one look
Spectators seating
The range in action
The dining area
The dining hall
but the Chinese-made targets were very hard. The targets had
improved significantly for the Olympics.
For the Olympic event Graeme shot over 2 days. There were
35 shooters all shooting 125 targets. The top 6 scores go on
to shoot a 25 target (Single Barrel) final, then both scores are
combined for the total score. Graeme shot 114/125. It was
the 119s that shot off to determine the last places to continue
on into the final. The winning score was 121+25. Graeme
struggled on the first day but regained some form on the
second day to shoot a score equal to the top scorer.
Athletes waiting for the closing ceremony
Nadine Stanton shot after Graeme. Her event was over one
day comprising of 75 targets plus a further 25 targets for the
final for the top 6. Nadine was 10th out of the 20 competitors
with a score of 64/75. The 69s went into the final with the
winning score being shot by Finland on 70 +21. Nadine was
the top scorer from the Commonwealth countries.
Gunshot 49
This year we are again grateful to Kilwell Sports for the
donation of the following prizes:
5 medals to be awarded to the members of the winning
Open team (5 shooters)
• 3 medals to be awarded to the members of the winning
girls team (3 shooters)
Boys Individual (L-R) Tim Mannion 2nd, Brent Martin 1st, Jacob
Reid 3rd
• Trophies for the first three places in the boys individual
Trophies for the first three places in the girls individual
Open Teams:
1st Tauranga Boys High (Sam Campbell, Curtis Blyth, Shaun
Travers, Scott Verran, Mitch Black) 219
2nd Whangarei Boys High Team 1 (Brent Martin, Ethan Erceg,
Tim Mannion, Logan Rankin, Hayden Coote) 210
3rd Timaru Boys High School (Cameron Rooney, Sean Johnson,
Scott Rissman, Jesse Smith, William Rooney) 208
Girls Teams:
1st Matamata College (Ashley Payze, Maria Dunnett, Brittany
Hobart) 117
2nd Central Southland College (Jessica Scott, Brooklyn
Sutherland, Tegan Sutherland) 97
3rd Craighead Diocesan School No 1 (Vanessa Johnson, Jessica
Sutherland, Bella Hargest-Slade) 93
Boys Individual:
1st Brent Martin, Whangarei Boys High 177
2nd Tim Mannion, Whangarei Boys High 174
3rd Jacob Reid, Dunstan High School 100
Girls Individual:
1st Vanessa Johnson, Craighead Diocesan School 46
2nd =Maria Dunnett, Matamata College 40, Teagan Storey,
Matamata College 40
Girls Individual (L-R) Maria Dunnett 2nd=, Vanessa Johnson 1st,
Teagan Storey 2nd=
After retiring, I went to the Benefits Office to sort
out my pension. The woman behind the counter
asked me for my driver's licence to verify my
age. I looked in my pockets and realized I had
left my wallet at home. I told the woman that I
was very sorry, but I would have to go home and
come back later.
The woman said, “Unbutton your shirt”.
So I opened my shirt revealing my curly silver
hair. She said, “That silver hair on your chest
is proof enough for me” and she processed my
Pension application.
When I got home, I excitedly told my wife about
my experience at the Benefits Office.
Girls Team 1st Matamata College (L-R) Brittany Hobart, Ashley
Payze, Maria Dunnett
Gunshot 50
She said, “You should have dropped your trousers.
You might have got disability, too”
and then the fight started.....
Blaser have introduced many outstanding totally new design features in the F3.
Modular construction allows total interchange
ability of all components. By purchasing extra
components one gun can easily be converted
for Game, Sporting or Competition shooting.
World Champion John Bidwell, three
times World Sporting Clays winner, used a
prototype at the UK Sporting Championships,
followed by the World Championships a
fortnight later, and won both titles.
For detailed information visit
Contact Barry Foster Supplier of Blaser Shotguns and Hull Cartridges
Phone (03) 343 6339, mobile 0274 325 195, email:
Gunshot 51
Mental Training by Michael J. Keyes, M.D.
Inconvenient Truths
No, this is not a lecture from Al Gore.
What I want to talk about is how we tend
to find truth inconvenient much of the
time and how this tendency can help us
deal with match pressure. Most of us live
with inconvenient truths. And most of
the time we ignore them. It is a built-in
mechanism of the human condition
to ignore things that might otherwise
bother us enough to either discourage
or frighten us off. Sometimes it is a
defense mechanism that helps us get
through rough times, other times it is
just plain common sense. Nonetheless,
we do have a tendency to not want to
change in spite of reasons that exist
which tell us we should change.
Al Gore talks about global warming
in his movie An Inconvenient Truth. I
don’t want to get into the arguments
for or against the possibility of total
destruction of the human race due
to climate change, but it is a good
example of the type of situation with
which most people don’t want to deal.
The scenario presented by the prospect
of global warming (or cooling, for that
matter) has two things specific to it: It
might not happen and, if it does, it is in
the remote (meaning, not today) future.
We have a tendency to either ignore
such problems or deny they exist. If it
is something more immediate, such as
a comet about to hit the earth, or taxes,
our response would be different.
And so it is with competition shooting.
The inconvenient truth is only one of us
will win a match and, even if you include
all the classification winners (with the
exception of the Lewis Class) in this
equation, most participants are going
to be losers. So, in a rational world, it
does not make sense to compete unless
you have a good chance of winning. But
“rational” has nothing to do with how
the human brain works. Most of us are
hardwired to make sure we survive in a
dangerous world, and that hardwiring
often does the thinking for us.
cards, and why is there $950 billion of
credit card debt?
The answer lies in an experiment done
by a group of behavioural economists.
They took a group of subjects and
asked them to choose between fruit
and chocolate. How the subjects replied
depended on the timing of the offer. If
the researchers said they would give the
gift a week from the time they offered
it, most of the subjects took the fruit
after realising it was more healthy. If
the timing was immediate, the subjects
took the chocolate almost every time.
When they looked at the data, the
researchers came to the conclusion
people make immediate choices based
on their desires and remote choices
based on rational needs. Credit cards
offer instant credit with no warning
bells. Only later do people have buyer’s
remorse. Keep this in mind, because
later we will discuss how this can help
your competitive shooting.
Another factor that affects target
shooting is the shifting brain activity
that occurs when mistakes are made.
In an earlier column (see July 2008),
I wrote about experiments I helped
with that showed timing/performance
faltered before score in pistol shooters.
An article in Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences recently showed
a change in the location of activity in
the brain when inattention occurs. This
switch occurs up to half a minute before
the change in a repetitive task occurs.
Thirty seconds is about the same time
lag between timing loss and poor
score we saw in the test with the pistol
Where is this leading us? The primary
purpose of mental training is to combat
the effects of match pressure. Having
a sophisticated understanding about
the workings of the brain is just as
important as knowing point of aim,
shot patterns and which technique to
use on a target. This knowledge allows
you to plan for disaster and have a set
of alternatives available when problems
Let’s start with an easy one. If the odds
are so daunting why do we shoot in a
match? Remember that business about
chocolate versus fruit? Well, I love
chocolate and, in small amounts (less
than half a pound), I believe it is good for
you. The fact my brain wants chocolate
when it is offered is a good thing, as
far as I am concerned. The same holds
true for the shotgun sports. We shoot
because we like to shoot. Pleasure over
rationality is a good thing in that case.
The drive to achieve immediate pleasure
is also a positive factor when it comes
to dealing with match pressure. If used
properly, it assures we continue to focus
on what we are doing. It is the reason we
are told to “stay in the moment” when
we shoot. The rational part of the brain
that chooses fruit is often our enemy in
competitive situations. It causes us to
start looking at the consequences of
our actions, and when we do that, we
get more anxious.
Match pressure occurs because we
have to measure ourselves against a
standard of perfection most of us are
not capable of reaching when the match
starts. This is an inconvenient truth.
Our desire for immediate satisfaction
Take, for example, our use of credit
cards. Ideally, credit cards allow us to
carry small amounts of cash and still
buy items without fear of losing the
cash or having to save up large amounts
of money beforehand. In addition,
credit cards let us buy from remote
sites without all the hassle of mailing a
cheque or cash and worrying about the
mail getting through or stolen. So, why
do so many people have multiple credit
Gunshot 53
overrides this fact as we enter a match.
We either rationalise it by saying we are
just there for the fun or to win our class.
We choose to deny the fact we can’t
possibly win it all. While therapists point
out such behaviour is not rational, in
this case it is the best thing you can do.
The trick is to keep up these defenses
throughout the match and shoot your
average performance.
As I pointed our earlier, the tendency
of most people is to ignore the
inconvenient truths. Once you start the
match, however, other brain factors try
to interfere. The first is what is called
“automatic thoughts.”
Match stress is a variant of another
survival function called the fight-or-flight
response, which causes the brain to
send a signal you need to get out of the
way of danger. Part of this response is
having the thought you are about to
lose and need to run. You know there
is no real danger, but the thoughts still
come. If you are prepared to deal with
them, the effects of these thoughts
can be blunted. If you are not ready to
shunt them into a different direction,
they will change the way you shoot.
Self-talk, relaxation, knowing automatic
thoughts are coming and preparing for
them and minimizing their effect are all
mental tools you can develop.
The other problem that often arises is
the opposite of match stress – boredom.
One of the goals of training to shoot in
competition is minimizing the number
of factors that can come into play
when you attempt to shoot a target.
You only have to focus on one aspect
of your shooting and all the rest is
automatic. That is why skeet shooters
are most likely to shoot a perfect
score – skeet has the fewest variables
on the course and the answer to each
of the 25 problems offered is generally
well-known. It is a matter of learning
to focus on each problem and putting
together a good match. As you go up
the ladder (trap, sporting, hunting) the
variables expand. Shooting a perfect
score in a big sporting clays match is a
little hard to do.
There goes another
beautiful theory, about to
be murdered by a brutal
gang of facts.
Duc de La Rochefoucauld,
French writer and moralist
(1613 – 1680)
As you become more adept at shooting
targets in your chosen sport, you tend to
get more relaxed and comfortable with
the course of shooting. This can lead to
a loss of focus and concentration as the
shooting becomes more repetitive in
your mind. In a sport where perfection
rules, a small slip of concentration can
cost you greatly.
Fortunately, score and performance
are not the same thing. As you learn
to monitor your performance you can
often figure out when you are losing
concentration and adjust your level of
focus. This takes time, practice and
dedication, just like all the other skills
you acquire.
Shooters have known these things for
years. The best shooters have developed
the skills needed to deal with these
human tendencies in shooting. What is
exciting is now we have a lot of data
that verifies the observations of coaches
and shooters over the years and can
help point you in the right direction to
solve problems more efficiently.
Humans don’t always act in a rational
manner when it comes to dealing
with pleasure or the effects of match
pressure. We tend to go with the
hardwired responses that can hurt
or help us and were not designed for
rational thinking. The more you know
about these responses, the more you
can plan to use them to your benefit.
By Courtesy of Shotgun Sports
3-5 JANUARY 2009
Saturday 3rd January
Sunday 4th January
10 Pr Double Rise Champs 25 Single Rise Champs
25 Tgt Skeet Champs
25 Points Score Champs
15 Tgt Minis Champs
25 Single Barrel Champs
30 Tgt 18m Triples Champs
Monday 5th January
$2000 cash Trophy
50 Tgt Points Score
4 Grades. Entry $50
Plus Continental Champs
Buck Knives North/South DTL Qualifying Event $5 entry for Open Team only
Ladies, Juniors and Veterans DTL North South team entry = no charge
Ellis Webber North/South Qualifying Event $5 entry
Ladies, Juniors and Veterans Skeet North South team entry = no charge
Prices as per NZCTA. Targets 28c, Minis 30c.
Contact: Damian Briggs (03) 731 1836
Gunshot 54
the top of the stock. If it’s right on,
the stock can be finished, and you will
be hammering targets with a gun that
suits you perfectly.
Detecting your pattern, Part 2
Last month we talked about patterning
and what it can tell us about our guns.
We also talked about our friend, Jim,
and his problem with a trapgun that
was no longer shooting high enough
now that he was an experienced
shooter and was shooting his targets a
bit more quickly.
With a gun that has no available
adjustments to change the point of
impact, Jim had a dilemma. He tried to
point his targets on the high side but
found that this was not the solution.
With his low-shooting gun (50/50) he
found that he couldn’t be consistent
when trying to cover targets. He found
himself measuring targets rather than
just seeing them, moving to them
and shooting them. He was trying to
make himself adjust to a gun that just
wasn’t shooting high enough for him.
Jim discovered that he had to cover the
target to break it. When he covered
the target, he couldn’t see it. When he
couldn’t see it, he would lift his head to
see it. When he lifted his head to see it,
he couldn’t hit it.
The simple solution to Jim’s problem is
a gun that shoots higher, but without
adjustments, how was he going to
accomplish this task?
Any shooter who suspects that he
needs a higher-shooting gun can find
out if this is the cure by making the
gun shoot higher. Since Jim’s gun didn’t
have the needed adjustments available
he went to the corner drugstore and
bought some Dr Scholl’s mole foam and
moleskin. These products are available
with a sticky backing and work great for
adding height to a stock. Jim cut some
strips of foam (thicker than moleskin
and with a layer of form padding
between the soft material portion and
the sticky back). The strips were a
couple inches wide, and Jim placed two
of them on top of each other and then
on top of his comb. He wrapped a full
piece of moleskin over the foam pads
to smooth things out. He then placed
electrician’s tape on all the outer edges
to help hold everything in place. Now
he mounted the gun and found that he
could no longer form the figure-8 sight
picture he was accustomed to seeing,
(That is a good thing at this point. If
he could still see the figure-8, the gun
would still shoot 50/50). Jim could
see rib between the middle and front
beads and decided that a figure-8 was
not necessary.
Knowing what your
correct point of impact
is will allow you to
adjust any gun to shoot
perfectly for you
The padding felt comfortable to him
as he mounted the gun and called for
his first target. He came to the target
naturally, and pointed it in his normal
manner, and fired. The target turned to
a ball of smoke. He continued to smoke
targets until he got to wondering just
how high his gun was now shooting.
Combined with the thinking, the
pointing went south for one target, but
Jim got back on track and smoked the
rest of the targets for a 24. Jim’s gun
was now shooting where he wanted
it to. He had made an adjustment that
suited him perfectly. If necessary, he
could have started over with more
or less mole foam until he found the
perfect point of impact.
Now that he knew what he wanted, he
could pattern the gun and find out what
the ideal point of impact is for him.
The biggest mistake many shooters
make is having a custom stock made
without knowing where the point of
impact should be. Once you know
your perfect point of impact, you can
go to a custom stockmaker and let
him measure the stock with the mole
foam in place. When the stock is rough,
you can pattern it to see if the point
of impact is correct. If the pattern is
too high, take a little more wood off
Knowing what your correct point
of impact is will allow you to adjust
any gun to shoot perfectly for you. If
the gun has an adjustable rib, adjust
it to your point of impact. With the
adjustable ribs, in combination with
an adjustable stock, you can not only
adjust the gun to shoot perfectly for
you, but it can also be adjusted to any
sight picture you want to see at the
same time. Keep in mind that knowing
exactly where you want a gun to shoot
is a good starting point, but because
some guns will move differently than
others, there may be some tweaking
necessary to get the desired result.
Length of barrel(s), gun weight and gun
balance will often make two guns that
are set up to shoot identically actually
shoot a little differently. You will be
able to tell if the gun is set up correctly
by shooting some targets. If you do
what you are supposed to do and point
the target the way you want to point it,
the target should turn to smoke.
Point of impact can also be adjusted by a
barrel guru. The amount of adjustment
available through barrel boring may not
be enough to suit you, but the barrel
experts can work wonders when you
know that you want the gun to shoot
two or three inches higher or lower.
Add-on ribs can also be utilised to
change point of impact. These ribs
can be made to make the gun shoot
higher or lower. If the rib is high in the
back, toward the receiver, and low in
the front, toward the front sight, the
gun will shoot higher. If the goal is to
make the gun shoot lower, the height
of the rib at the front and the back can
be adjusted to accomplish that goal as
well. Add-on ribs are not as expensive
as some other forms of point-of-impact
adjustment, but they seem to be quite
effective. Drastic adjustments may
also require stock adjustments to
compensate for the higher rib.
Competent gunsmiths can also turn
most trap stocks into adjustable stocks
by cutting the comb and adding the
hardware necessary for the stock to be
adjusted upward for a higher-shooting
gun, as well as sideways for a perfect
fit that allows the eyes to remain level.
If an adjustable buttpad is added, the
gun can be made to shoot exactly
where you want it to, with the eyes
level and looking straight forward,
and the mount will be as comfortable
as sitting in your lounge chair. You
can even purchase a stock with all the
Continued on page 67
Gunshot 55
Far North “Mini Marathon”
250 Targets Single Rise 15m
Kaikohe Clay Target Club
29 th & 30 th December 2008
9-00AM Start
$1500 Trophy Shoot
4 Grades AA, A, B, C.
Prizes proportionate to entries
Total Entry $120 Includes
Targets/trophies/NZCTA Levy
Trophies all grades including
Optional sweeps available
Extra events, time permitting
Corsivia High Dome Targets used exclusively.
Trophies & this advert sponsored by
Reloaders Supplies Ltd
Lunch available both days
Enquiries: B.Sanderson (09) 407 6226
Gunshot 56
Around the Clubs
17 May Central Otago Championships.
Cold, calm and foggy
Match 1 Skeet HOA Kelvin Gutsell
(Mataura) 25. A grade D McKenzie
(Alexandra) 25. B grade J Manson
(Southland) 23. C Grade G Harrison
(Gorge Rd) 22. Ladies J Manson 23
Juniors A.Sutton (Alexandra) 24 Veterans
T Begg (Dunedin) 25
Match 2 Minis (15) HOA Colin Waghorn
(Gorge Rd) 15. A Grade M.Dobbie
(Southland) 15. B Grade A Stuart (Moa
Creek) 15. C Grade B Rodgers (Southland)
14. Ladies J Manson 15 Juniors B Rodgers
14 Veteran A Stuart
Match 3 Points Score HOA Tom Begg
(Dunedin) 75. A grade K Gutsell 75.
B Grade N Kelland (Moa Creek) 75.
C Grade P Johansen (Southland). 68
Ladies J Manson 71 Juniors A Sutton 71
Veterans T Begg 75
Match 4 Double Rise HOA Stuart
Cunningham (Mataura) 18. A Grade C
Waghorn 18. B Grade N Kelland 17. C
Grade A Rule (Southland) 16. Ladies J
Manson 14 Juniors A Rule Veterans T
Begg 18
Match 5 Single Rise HOA Andrew
Sutton (Alexandra) 25. A grade G Evans
(Western Southland) 25, B Grade A
Wilson ( Wakatipu) 25, C grade P Shuker
(Wakatipu) 25. Ladies J Manson 25
Juniors A Sutton Veterans P Williams 25
Match 6 Single Barrel HOA Colin Waghorn
25. A Grade K Gutsell 25, B Grade S
Clearwater (Dunedin) 24, C Grade P
Johansen 22. Ladies J Manson 24 Juniors
A Sutton 19 Veterans P Williams 23
High Gun Colin Waghorn 181. A Grade
Kelvin Gutsell 180, B Grade N Kelland
167, C Grade Aaron Rule 153
August Day 3 of the Bodkin Shield
Tournament Cool but calm conditions
Match 1 Possibles R Digby, J Smith, D
Robertson, N Johnstone, W Watson, Tom
Cray, Trev Cray, B Wilson, N Kelland, B
Waugh, S Gawn, A Kerr, B Molyneux, O
Williamson, K Grant, S Manson, B Foster,
D Dow, W Darling, R Roy, L Phillips, M
Dobbie, J Robertson, P Muntz,
Match 2 Possibles: J Young, E Sinclair, D
Robertson, J Straith, H Albert, Tom Cray,
P Shuker, P Bayne, A Rule, B Waugh, P
Templeton, C Hughes, B Molyneux, G
Matheson, K Grant, G Hughes, J Willetts,
S Robertson, D Folley, J Marshall, W
Larsen, R Anderson, L Hurley, J Turner, L
Rodgers, D Taylor.
Match 3 Possibles:- R Kelly, W Winskill,
Trev Cray, P Nelson, B Waugh, N Wilson,
P Templeton, C Robertson, S Gawn,
B Molyneux, G Matheson, R Watson,
G Hughes, J Willetts, P Armstrong,
T Appleby, J Cray, L Hurley, R Roy, L
Phillips, D Taylor, P Muntz
Trophies over Matches 2 & 3 L Hurley 1,
B Waugh 2 , G Hughes 3, P Templeton
4, G Matheson 5. Other Possibles B
Molyneux, J Willetts, D Taylor
Sir William Bodkin HOA for Alexandra B
Waugh 60/60, R/U B Molyneux 60/60
Ernie Barrett Memorial for 3 days at
Wanaka, Moa Creek, Alexandra
Watson 174/180, R/U D Robertson
4 person teams over 3 days Last In
(Southland) 684 1st, The Coasters
(Dunedin) 677 2nd, Timaru 675 3rd
3 August
Past Members Remembrance Day HOA
D Coe, AA grade 1st J Norwood, 2nd
B Woodward, A grade 1st T Hamilton,
2nd B Schou, B grade 1st C Hunt, 2nd T
Robertson, C grade 1st J Tonkin, 2nd B
7 September
Champion Ammunition Handicap by
Distance 100 targets 1st M Browne-Cole,
2nd J Elliott-Forster, 3rd O Saxton, 4th R
Walton, 5th G Paton, 6th B Schou, 7th M
Matsell, 8th L Ingley 9th G Ross.
17 August Snow on tops, cold showers
25 Points Score – A grade 1st Evan
Johnston, 2nd Graeme Smith. B grade 1st
Brent Whittington, 2nd Dave Stewart.
30 Triples Championships – A grade
1st Graeme Smith, 2nd Evan Johnston.
B grade 1st Brent Wittington, 2nd= Tom
Dunn, Dave Stewart
25 Continental – A grade 1st Evan
Johnston, 2nd Graeme Smith. B grade 1st
Brent Whittington, 2nd Dave Stewart.
20 Tgt Sweep – possible I.Marshall,
Rex and Pat Calder Tribute Cup – winner
P.Krippner, R/Up S.Martin
Trophy Match – A grade 1st I.Marshall,
2nd G.Williams, 3rd P.Krippner. B grade
1st B.Middlemiss, 2nd B.Walters, 3rd
D.Vincent. C grade 1st A.Vincent.
29 June Secondary School Shoot
Single Rise – A grade 1st Tom Reed
CBHS, 2nd Cameron Donald CBHS, 3rd
George Scott STAC. B grade 1st James
Feary, CBHS, 2nd Angus Gibb CBHS, 3rd
Henry Pinfold DHS
Points Score – A grade 1st Cameron
Donald, 2nd Tom Reed, 3rd Jamie Havill
CBHS. B grade 1st Nathan Hughes CBHS,
2nd Henry Pinfold, 3rd Matt Deans
CBHS. Teams 1st Christchurch Boys
High School (Jamie Havill, Tom Reed,
Sam Sidey).
Single Barrel – A grade 1st Sam Gawn
STAC, 2nd Cameron Donald, 3rd Jamie
Havill. B Grade 1st Galen Mander STAC,
2nd Henry Pinfold, 3rd George Adams
HOA for day- Cameron Donald CBHS
Schools attending: Christchurch Boys
High School, St Andrews College,
Darfield High School, Lincoln High
School, Burnside High School and
Craighead Diocesan School
27 July
TA Everett Memorial Points Score –
HOA Gavin Searle. A Grade 1st William
Rooney, 2nd Colin Miller, 3rd Gary
Rooney. B Grade 1st Hamish Holland,
2nd Jim Hannah, 3rd Laurie Hastie.
C Grade 1st Dave Theyers, 2nd Kay
Perrett, 3rd Richard Moon.
Triples Championship – HOA Duncan
Jefferis. A Grade 1st Gavin Searle, 2nd
Natalie Rooney, 3rd Wesley Oldham.
B Grade 1st Laurie Hastie, 2nd Andy
Sheppard, 3rd Jim Hannah. C Grade
1st Karl Perrett, 2nd Richard Moon, 3rd
Dave Theyers.
24 August
Mini Championships – HOA Bevan
Brown. A grade 1st Shane Watson, 2nd
Rex Scott, 3rd Graeme Everett. B grade
1st Paul Lefevre, 2nd Leith McLachlan,
3rd John Bradford. C grade 1st James
Barnett, 2nd Alasdair Bennett, 3rd
David Adams.
Vale Shield Teams Match – 1st Ellesmere
No 1, 2nd Ellesmere No 3, 3rd Mead Te
3 August Weather Calmish, coolish and
Event 1. 10 tgt eye-opener A Grade
B.Johnson, D.Folley 10's. B Grade
M.Robertson, G.Macdonald 10's. C
Grade C. DeBressac, F.Wright 10's
Event 2. 25 tgt Handicap Ross Shield
Round 2. A Grade Sam Gawn, B.Brown,
T.Stuart, D.Jefferis 25's. B Grade
C.Robertson, M.Robertson, J.Bradford
25's. C Grade G.Wall 25, R.Digby, L.
McBreen 24's Winner of the Ross Sheild.
Gunshot 57
and Jim Mollaun Shield
Hosted by Hutt Valley Gun Club Inc
Wallaceville Rd, Mangaroa
Sunday, 16th November 2008
9.00 am start. Noms close 10.30 am.
Event 1. 25 Tgt Skeet Event 3. 25 Tgt DTL
Event 2. 25 Tgt Sporting Event 4. 25 Tgt Ball Trap
$1500.00 Trophies sponsored by Target Products Ltd & Pyms Tawa Motors Ltd,
including 3 Slabs Falcon Ammunition and $250.00 Shell Petrol vouchers as a
drawn prize from HOA and first five in each grade (16 in draw). 2 Slabs
Falcon Ammunition and $50.00 Shell Petrol Vouchers to HOA (Top Gun).
Prizes down to five places per grade.
Jim Mollaun Shield to be run in conjunction with Top Gun
3 person teams, 1 A grade, 1 B grade & 1 C grade.
Day Entry $60.00.
Ammunition, Lunch and Refreshments available on grounds.
Club House
Blue Freeman
(04) 527 4368
Ph (04) 438 5238
Wayne Pym
Ph (04) 234 6306
Hosted by Hutt Valley Gun Club Inc
Wallaceville Rd, Mangaroa
30 th November 2008
9.00 am start. Noms close 10.30 am.
Event 1: 15 Tgt Single Rise. 15m, A, B, C Grades. Graded Sweep $2.00
Event 2: 25 Tgt Points Score. 15m. A, B, C Grades. Graded Sweep $2.00
Optional ungraded Sweep $5.00.
Event 3: Dale Shield. 20 Tgt Single Rise. A=16, B = 14, C=12. Sweep $2.00. Five
person teams shot in 2 x 10 Tgt visits to trap each.
Optional $300.00 cash trophy on event 3. Entry $8.00 ea.
Team entries $10.00 per team. 50% paid to winning team.
Day entry $43.00 incl optional.
Ammunition, Lunch and Refreshments available on grounds.
Club House
Blue Freeman
(04) 527 4368
Ph (04) 438 5238
Gunshot 58
Wayne Pym
Ph (04) 234 6306
Around the Clubs
Murray Robertson.
Event 3. 15 Pair Double Rise Champs
A.Grade 1st B.Brown 29, 2nd D.Jefferis
27, 3rd I.Macdonald 26. B Grade 1st
G.Macdonald 27, 2nd M.Robertson
24, 3rd J.Bradford 23. C.Grade 1st
D.Maindonald 25, 2nd L.Jefferis 24, 3rd
R.Digby 23
Best junior Sam Gawn
7 September
Weather Light Easterlies, coolish and
Event 1 15 tgt Single Barrel A Grade Steve
Gawn, Sam Gawn, Bevan Brown 15's. B
Grade I.Harrison, J.Bradford, R.Wall 15's.
C Grade L.Jefferis, A.Macdonald, J.Scott
Event 2 25 tgt H.O.A. DTL Champs
High Gun Steve Gawn. A Grade 1st
D.Jefferis, 2rd I.Macdonald. B Grade 1st
G.Macdonald, 2nd C.Robertson, 3rd
M.Robertson. C Grade 1st F.Wright, 2nd
P.Thorp, 3rd J.Scott
Event 3 25 tgt Points Score Cup Winner
Dave Folley 75/75.
10 August. Frosty start, then fine with
light winds
Skeet: A Grade: S Cookson, R Fraser, G
Larson, R Roy (23). B Grade: P Carr (23);
M Field, M Marsh, L Hurley (22). C Grade:
R Yardley (20)
Skeet Aggregate: A Grade: R Roy (25); G
Larson (22); S Cookson (19). B Grade: M
Field, M Marsh (23); T Cowan, L Hurley
(22). C Grade:.R Yardley (22)
25 tgt Single Rise Aggregate: A Grade: S
Cookson, P Carr (23), R Roy (22). B Grade:
T Willocks, G Larson (25); C Twist, L
Hurley (24). C Grade: H Wadsworth (24);
Ramsay (23); T Cleminson, R Didham
25 Tgt DTL (Trophies): A Grade: S
Cookson, R Roy, L Phillips (25). B Grade:
T Cowan, G Larson, L Hurley (25). C
Grade: T Cleminson (25); Grant (23); H
Wadsworth (22)
Cup Winners: Stevenson Cup: R Roy.
Weir Cup: L Hurley
Fooks Cup: T Cleminson
30 August
Skeet: A Grade: R Roy (25); R Fraser, S
Cookson, T Begg (24). B Grade: L Hurley
(23); M Field, T Cleminson (19). C Grade:
M Jameson (20); N Barnes (16)
Skeet Aggregate: A Grade: R Roy (25); S
Cookson, T Begg (24). B Grade: L Hurley
(24); M Field (21); T Cleminson (17). C
Grade: M Jameson (23); N Barnes (21)
25 tgt Single Rise Aggregate: A Grade:
R Roy, T Begg, L Hurley, W Larsen (25).
B Grade: G Larson, T Cleminson (24); N
Wilson (21). C Grade: S Bennet (17); M
Nimmo (13)
25 Tgt Points Score: A Grade: L Hurley
(74); W Larsen (71); R Roy (69). B Grade: T
Cleminson (70); N Wilson (67); G Larson
(66). C Grade: M Nimmo, S Bennet (47)
15 Pr D Rise: A Grade: W Larsen (27); L
Hurley, R Fraser (24). B Grade: G Larson
(24); T Cleminson (23), N Wilson (19)
4 October 2008.
Conditions: Very windy, rain with fine
25 Target Skeet A Grade: M Smith,
T Begg, R Everett (25). B Grade: S
Clearwater, G Harrison (23); D Sheen,
T Sutherland, T Cleminson, P Nyhon
(22). C Grade: D Warnock (24), E Park
(22), N Johnstone (21). HOA: R Everett.
A Grade: 1st: M Smith 2nd: T Begg 3rd:
C Waghorn. B Grade: 1st: S Clearwater
2nd: G Harrison 3rd: T Cleminson. C
Grade: 1st: D Warnock 2nd: E Park 3rd:
N Johnstone
15 Target Mini’s A Grade: M Dobbie (15);
T Begg, C Pirie, D Warnock, D McKenzie,
L Maxwell (14). B Grade: E Park (14);
S Clearwater, N Wilson (13). HOA: M
Dobbie. A Grade: 1st: L Maxwell 2nd: D
McKenzie 3rd: T Begg. B Grade: 1st: E
Park 2nd: S Clearwater 3rd: N Wilson
10 Pair Double Rise A Grade: B Foster,
D McKenzie (19); T Sutherland, C Pirie,
C Waghorn (17). B Grade: E Park (16); T
Cleminson (14); C Robertson (12). HOA:
D McKenzie. A Grade: 1st: B Foster 2nd:
C Waghorn 3rd: T Sutherland. B Grade:
1st: E Park 2nd: T Cleminson 3rd: C
25 Target Single Rise A Grade: M Sime, M
Smith, D Warnock, D McKenzie, J Munro
(25). B Grade: S Clearwater, C Robertson
(23); N Wilson, E Park (22). C Grade: R
Greatbanks (15)
HOA: M Sime. A Grade: 1st: D McKenzie
2nd: D Warnock 3rd: J Munro. B Grade:
1st: S Clearwater 2nd: C Robertson 3rd:
N Wilson. C Grade: 1st: R Greatbanks
25 Target Points Score A Grade: A
Booth, C Pirie (74); T Begg (72); D Sheen,
C Waghorn (71). B Grade: S Clearwater,
C Robertson (63), N Wilson (63); E Park
(62). C Grade: R Greatbanks (48). HOA:
C Pirie. A Grade: 1st: A Booth 2nd: T
Begg 3rd: C Waghorn. B Grade: 1st: S
Clearwater 2nd: C Robertson 3rd: N
Wilson . C Grade: 1st: R Greatbanks
25 Target Single Barrel A Grade: B Foster,
M Sime, T Begg, A Booth, C Waghorn
(23). B Grade: S Clearwater (20); E Park,
C Robertson (19). HOA: C Waghorn. A
Grade: 1st: A Booth 2nd: M Sime 3rd: T
Begg. B Grade: 1st: S Clearwater 2nd: E
Park 3rd: C Robertson
High Gun: C Pirie (174) A Grade: T Begg
(173) B Grade: E Park (155)
5 October
Club DTL Championships Conditions:
Fine with moderate winds
Skeet 25 Targets A Grade: R Everett
(25); L Phillips, T Begg (24). B Grade: W
Larsen (25); P Nyhon (24); D Sheen (23).
C Grade: T Willocks (23); R Yardley (22);
N Barnes (20). Championship Winners:
A Grade: R Everett B Grade: W Larsen C
Grade: R Yardley.
Mini’s 15 Targets A Grade: W Larsen
(14); M Sime, L Phillips, T Begg (13).
B Grade: J Wilson (13); T Willocks, N
Wilson, G Larson, P Nyhon (12). C Grade:
I Campbell, R Yardley (13); J Young
(11). Championship Winners: A Grade:
W Larsen B Grade: J Wilson C Grade: I
Double Rise 10 Pair A Grade: M Sime,
D Sheen (18); L Hurley, M Smith (17). B
Grade: G Larsen (15); J Wilson (14); S
Clearwater, T Cleminson, N Welsh (12).
C Grade: R Yardley (12); C Twist (11); J
Young, N Didham (10). Championship
Winners: A Grade: M Sime B Grade: G
Larsen. C Grade: R Yardley
Single Rise 25 Targets A Grade: L Hurley,
R Campbell, L Phillips, M Smith, R Everett,
W Larsen (25). B Grade: S Clearwater
(25); T Willocks, P Nyhon (24). C Grade:
R Yardley (23); I Campbell (22); C Twist
(19). Championship Winners: A Grade: W
Larsen B Grade: S Clearwater C Grade:
R Yardley
Law Shield Teams Match: Dunedin 4: S
Clearwater, T Cleminson, L Phillips, R
Yardley (94/100)
Arch Begg Memorial Tray: L Hurley
Aburn Veteran Trophy: M Smith (25)
Points 20 Targets A Grade: T Begg (59);
A Booth, W Larsen (58). B Grade: T
Cleminson (56); J Wilson (54); G Larson
(53). C Grade: J Young (53); I Campbell
(50); N Didham (49). Championship
Winners: A Grade: T Begg B Grade: T
Cleminson C Grade: J Young
Single Barrel 15 Targets A Grade: M
Sime, A Booth, M Smith (14). B Grade:
N Wilson, S Clearwater (13); G Larson,
J Wilson (12). C Grade: C Twist (14); J
Young, I Campbell (10). Championship
Winners: A Grade: M Sime B Grade: N
Wilson C Grade: C Twist
High Gun: T Begg (146). A Grade: W
Larsen (146) B Grade: G Larson (138) C
Grade: J Young (119)
Gunshot 59
Wanaka Gun Club
50 th Anniversary
Waitangi Weekend 2009
Friday 6th Feb Anniversary Dinner and Awards
Saturday 7th Feb. Shoot programme will include
‘Gentleman’ Jim Haugh 50 target skeet teams match
‘Gillespie’ 25 target single barrel
Plus more………….
Anniversary medals will be awarded to HOA and
places in grades for both skeet and DTL.
You know this will be good
Expressions of interest to:
Rex Smart, 8 Larch Place, Wanaka 9192
03 443 5470 0274 860 472
Whangarei Combined Gun Club
Saturday 27th December 2008
Kaeo Clay Target Club
Sunday 28th December 2008
100 Single Rise Targets each day 4 x 25 Targets.
Four prizes A,B,C Grades $65, $45, $30, $20.
Sweeps on each 25 Tgts and 100 Tgts.
$100 cash divided between any possible on each day.
HOA = $100
Total cost $60.00 each day.
Contact John Richardson, Kaeo (09) 407 6214
George Gee, Whangarei (09) 435 1742
Gunshot 60
Around the Clubs
14 September
25 Skeet 1st Alan Muphy 25, 2nd= Mike
Havill 23, Jamie Havill 23.
Points Score Champs – A grade
J.Houghton 75, B grade G.Roberts 72, C
grade D.Mason 73.
Triples Championships – A grade
G.Gadsby 50, B grade D.Smith 47, C
grade B.Smith 46.
Rigby Memorial – K.Andrews
Eketahuna/Western Lake Shield
Western Lake after a shoot off.
25 Skeet – 25 S.Childs, B.Marshall.
Trophy A grade 1st S.Childs, 2nd
D.West. B grade J.McCormick, CGrade
1st B.Marshall.
Minis Championship – Open winner
B.Washbourne, R/Up J.Pateman. Club
B. Washbourne. Club Bars A grade
J.McCormick, B grade G.Lemon, C grade
30 Tgt Winchester Trophy – 1st 15 Tgts
possible S.Elms, B.Marshall, B.Tait,
C.Wesley, J.Pateman, S.Everett, R.Wall,
B.Washbourne, R.Wilson. 2nd 15 Tgts
G.Wall, R.Wilson, A.Harkerss. Over
30 Tgts possible B.Marshall, R.Wall,
S.Everett, R.Wilson. Trophies 1st R.Wall,
2nd S.Everett, 3rd B.Marshall.
WH Winchester Cup and IH Winchester
Cup – winner B.Marshall, R/Up
Sweep – A grade 19 R.Wilson, 18 W.Hill,
J.McCormick, C.Greenwood, S.Watson.
B grade 20 B.Marshall, 18 R.Wall, 15
G.Lemon. C grade 18 A.Harkerss,
S.Elms, 17 D.Maindonald.
10 August
50 Sporting Clays 1st Alan Muphy
40, 2nd Barrie Greenall 39, 3rd Evan
Johnston 37. 15 Target Eye Opener,
Possibles, Graeme Smith, Evan Johnston,
Alan Murphy,
25 Single Barrel HOA Evan Johnston
24, A Grade 1st. Brian Forest 23, 2nd.
Graeme Smith 22, 3rd Alan Murphy 21,
B Grade, 1st Dave Stewart 23, 2nd Peter
Bayliss 20, 3rd= Bob Broadhurst, Derek
Hutchinson 18. C Grade, 1st Rae Eder 20,
2nd Jim Eakin 19, 3rd= Mike Coll, Tom
Jellyman 16. 15 Target Minis, Graeme
Smith, Evan Johnston, Bob Broadhurst,
Peter Bayliss 13s.
15 Target Eye Opener Possibles Alan
Murphy, Brian Forrest, Pieter Muntz.
30 Triples A Grade 1st Pieter Muntz 49,
2nd Alan Murphy 48, 3rd Mike Havill 47.
B Grade 1st Jamie Havill 49, 2nd Derek
Hutchinson 47, 3rd Brian Forrest 45.
C Grade 1st Gareth Havill 45, 2nd Jim
Eakin 38, 3rd Greg Compton 37.
15 Target Minis Club Championship HOA
Mike Havill 14. A Grade 1st Alan Murphy
12, 2nd Pieter Muntz B Grade 1st Peter
Bayliss 13, 2nd= Brian Forrest, Jamie
Havill 11. C Grade 1st Greg Compton 10,
2nd Les Saxton 9.
25 Single Rise – A grade 25 J.Nash,
B.Jones, 24 G.Sixtus, W.Cowley, J.Beddis.
B grade 24 M.Lanigan, 23 J.Kempthorne,
P.Lapwood, D.Constantine. C grade 23
G.Forster, 19 T.Lawry, 16 P.Waugh.
25 Single Rise – A grade 23 C.Kennedy,
G.Wallace, B.Jones, J.Beddis. B grade 24
J.Kempthorne, G.Beddis, 22 D.Hillman,
D.Constantine. C grade 22 G.Forster, 20
T.Lawry, 15 P.Waugh.
25 Points Score – A grade 74 J.Beddis,
72 G.Wallace, 69 G.Sixtus. B grade 71
M.Lanigan, 64 P.Lapwood, 63 G.Beddis.
C grade 59 G.Forster, 50 T.Lawry, 48
25 Single Barrel – A grade 22 B.Jones,
J.Beddis, 21 J.Bond, W.Cowley. B grade
22 D.Constantine, 20 M.Lanigan,
19 D.Hillman. C grade 14 G.Forster,
T.Lawry, 11 P.Waugh.
Trophy – A grade 1st J.Beddis,
= G.Wallace, B.Jones.
B grade
M.Lanigan, 2nd D.Constantine,
D.Hillman. C grade 1st G.Forster,
T.Lawry, 3rd P.Waugh.
25 Skeet – A grade 24 J.Beddis, B.Jones. B
grade 18 G.Sixtus. C grade 21 R.Waugh,
20 G.Forster, L.Vitasovich.
25 Single Rise – A grade 25 J.Beddis, 23
B.Jones, R.Waugh, L.Vitasovich. B grade
21 D.Hillman, M.Lanigan. 20 D.Garrett.
C grade 19 P.Waugh, 18 G.Forster, 9
25 Single Rise – 24 G.Sixtus, L.Vitasovich,
23 R.Waugh. B grade 23 D.Garrett, 22
P.Lapwood, 21 D.Hillman, M.Lanigan.
C grade 19 P.Waugh, 14 G.Forster, 7
25 Single Rise – 25 B.Jones, J.Beddis,
24 G.Sixtus, J.Bond, L.Vitasovich. B
grade 24 J.McDonald, 21 M.Lanigan,
P.Lapwood. C grade 23 G.Forster, 19
P.Waugh, 12 M.Beddis.
15 Pr Double Rise – A grade 26 G.Sixtus,
21 B.Jones, J.Beddis. B grade 17
D.Garrett, M.Lanigan, 15 P.Lapwood. C
grade 134 P.Waugh, 12 G.Forster.
Trophy – A grade 1st J.Beddis, 2nd
L.Vitasovich, 3rd B.Jones. B grade 1st
D.Hillman, 2nd M.Lanigan, 3rd D.Garrett.
C grade 1st P.Waugh, 2nd G.Forster, 3rd
15 June
Kelly Taylor Cup/Shield – Possibles
W.Kurney, on hdcp K.Butters, R.Edwards,
P.Peryer, D.Turner, B.Shortis, A.Green,
T.Anstey, J.Mason, G.Walsh, W.Pym,
M.Hanor, G.Caird, R.Prince, D.Grant.
B.Shortis, T.Hannah, P.Peryer, J.Peryer,
J.Mason, G.Walsh, W.Pym, M.Janor,
G.Caird, D.Turner, R.Prince, D.O’Neil,
5pr Double Rise 1st W.Kurney 10, 2nd=
K.Butters, D.Turner, R.Prince 9.
Kelly Taylor Cup – D.Turner
Kelly Taylor Shield – W.Kurney.
50 Points Score – A grade 1st D.Turner
150, 2nd- K.Butters, B.Freeman, D.Grant
148. B grade 1st G.Walsh 145, 2nd
H.Prince 143, 3rd P.Peryer 141. C grade
1st E.Sawtell 140, 2nd B.Shortis 126, 3rd
H.Cumming 123.
9-10 August
100 Tgt Skeet – A grade 1st= C.Matthews,
M.Cameron 99, 3rd P.Boyd 96. B grade
1st D.Brough 90, 2nd W.Pym 85, 3rd
T.Benson 85. C grade 1st D.Feutx 91,
2nd G.Bentley 83, 3rd A.Markham 83.
100 Skeet Famous Grouse Trophy –
possible G.Walsh, S.Rae, G.Girvan,
Winner – M.Janor.
50 DTL – A grade 1st= D.Turner, M.Janor
50, 3rd= A.Green, C.Parkinson, P.Borrie,
W.Pym, J.McKinstry 49. B grade 1st
J.Peryer 49, 2nd= D.Feutz, T.Dixon 48.
C grade 1st= J.Robertson, M.Harrison
44, 3rd J.Rose 43.
17 August
100 Tgt Sporting Club Champs – A grade
1st C.Parkinson 89, 2nd P.Hullett 84, 3rd
Gunshot 61
Around the Clubs
C.Matthews 83. B grade 1st D.Feutz 88,
2nd J.Saunders 80, 3rd K.Butters 77. C
grade 1st K.Owen 72, 2nd K.O’Riley 72,
3rd B.Coe 68. Junior 1st E.Sawtell 61,
2nd J.Rose 50, 3rd M.Shortis 38.
50 DTL – possible B.Cates, C.Browne,
B.Smith, R.Kay.
25 Ball Trap Championships – A grade
B.Cates, B grade E.Goodhue 21.
10 Pr Double Rise – G.Hare 17, C.Browne
17, J.Horricks 17.
16 August Bodkin Shield
20 Tgt Sweep – possible D.Jefferis,
R.McKenzie, A.Sutton, O..Williamson,
A.Kerr, T.Cleminson, R.Dixon, B.Walker,
S.Plaisted, E.Sinclair, N.Winsloe, B.Geary,
L.Phillips, T.Begg, S.McBreen, R.Craigie,
W.Watson, R.Smart, E.Park, B.Brand,
B.Souness, W.Winskill, A.Thompson,
B.Foster, T.Lewis, B.Brown, W.Darling,
G.Jukes, M.Sime, B.Holden, S.Robertson,
J.Robertson, P.Cleave, D.Taylor, S.Gawn,
20 Tgt Sweep – possible B.Waugh,
M.Smith, S.Plaisted, E.Sinclair, B.Geary,
L.Hurley, R.Roy, L.Phillips, S.McBreen,
P.Johansen, B.Dickie, W.Watson, R.Smart,
E.Park, B.Brand, B.Souness, A.Thompson,
J.Mason, J.Dundass, A.Wilson, P.Shuker,
P.Armstrong, H.Robertson, J.Robertson,
P.Cleave, N.Rule.
20 Tgt Sweep possible B.Waugh,
L.Johansen, R.Roy, L.Phillips, T.Begg,
J.Loudon, R.Craigie, W.Watson, P.Bayne,
J.Cray, R.Smart, J.Smith, B.Warnock,
J.Mason, C.Pirie, B.Brown, M.Sime,
P.Andreassend, W.Larsen, B.Holden,
R.Watson, P.Muntz.
Trophy – 1st R.McKenzie, 2nd D.Jefferis,
3rd B.Waugh, 4th T.Stuart.
Bodkin Shield – Dunedin 90/90
(L.Phillips, R.Roy, N.Wilson, T.Begg,
L.Hurley, W.Larsen), R/Up Alexandra
No 2 89/90 (J.Reid, A.Kerr, A.Sutton,
R.Dixon, D.McKenzie, J.Marshall)
Gunshot 62
B Grade J McQuarters 142, C Grade L
Shailer 135
20 Tgt Presidents Aggregate – A grade
20 S.Watson, B.Lilley, A.Tait, R.Lilley,
R.Richards. B grade 20 Ben Lilley, 17
D.Bell. C grade 19 M.Redmond, 17
20 Tgt Single Barrel Championship – A
grade 19 S.Watson, A.Tait, R.Lilley. B
grade 19 Ben Lilley, 14 D.Bell. C grade 15
C.DeBressac, 13 G.Read, M.Redmond.
HOA R.Lilley. A grade A.Tait, B grade
Ben Lilley, C grade C.DeBressac.
25 Tgt Points Score trophy – A grade
1st S.Watson, 2nd R.Richards, 3rd
G.Middleton. B grade 1st B.Lilley, 2nd
D.Bell. C grade 1st M.Redmond, 2nd
C.DeBressac, 3rd G.Read.
3 August
Skeet A Grade 1st D Reid 25, 2nd G
Cockburn 24, 3rd D Connolly 23, B
Grade 1st J Whitford 24, 2nd D Evans 23,
3rd D Gane 22, C Grade 1st B Quinn 23,
2nd = V Witham, V Luisetti 21.
Eye Opener A Grade 1st = M Maniatis,
C Wesley, I Burt, D Evans 10, B Grade
1st = P Wright, M Sheppard 10 2nd = H
Porritt, D Gane 9, C Grade 1st B Quinn
10, 2nd = V Witham, V Luisetti 9.
3rd Fiddler Memorial Shoot A Grade 1st
= G Maniatis, C Wesley, I Burt, D Evans
15, B Grade 1st = P Wright, D Reid 15,
2nd = M Sheppard, J Whitford 14, C
Grade 1st B Quinn 15, 2nd M Adams 14,
3rd V Witham 13.
Single Rise A Grade 1st G Maniatis
24, 2nd = G Cockburn, C Wesley 23, B
Grade 1st = D Connolly, P Wright 24, 3rd
H Holland 23, C Grade 1st B Quinn 24,
2nd W McGregor 23, 3rd = V Luisetti, M
Adams 22.
Points Score Championship
Overall: C Wesley 71
A Grade 1st A Burt 71, 2nd D Evans
71, 3rd G Cockburn 69, B Grade 1st D
Connolly 69, 2nd H Holland 67, 3rd D
Reid 66, C Grade 1st W McGregor 56,
2nd V Luisetti 56, 3rd M Adams 49.
10 August
25T Skeet A Grade W Hancock 25, B
Grade M Free 24, C Grade Callum Beattie
W A Thomson 50Tgt S/Rise Possibles
D Turner, B Taylor. HOA B Taylor 50, A
Grade D Turner 50, B Grade D Peck 48,
C Grade C Shailer 48
Fred Farmer 50Tgt P/Score HOA D
Thomson 147, A Grade V Butcher 147,
High Gun A Grade W Hancock 218, B
Grade B Taylor 208, C Grade L Shailer
14 September
B A Hedley 50Tgt Skeet HOA D Matthews
47, A Grade E Dais 47, B Grade B Taylor
46, C Grade M Lynch 41
Norm Hansen 50Tgt S/Rise Possibles
W Hancock, Chris Beattie, D Turner, J
Caldwell, V Butcher. HOA Chris Beattie
50, A Grade D Turner 50, B Grade B
Taylor 49, C Grade S Andrew 48
10PR D/Rise A Grade D Turner, V
Butcher 16, B Grade B Taylor 16, C Grade
S Andrew 13
High Gun A Grade Chris Beattie 191, B
Grade B Taylor 119, C Grade S Andrew
19 July Alan Kemp Memorial
20 Tgt Single Rise - A Grade: P Carr,
L Phillips, D Merrett, P Cleave 20. B
Grade: G Hughes 20. H Matheson 18.
G Muir 17. C Grade: K Ferguson 18. P
Brown, W Blackmore 17.
20 Tgt Single Barrel - A Grade P Carr,
L Phillips 20. R Roy, N Sutherland 19. B
Grade: H Matheson 19. G Hughes 18.
C Grade: P Brown, W Blackmore 18. K
Ferguson 16.
20 Tgt Point Score - A Grade: M Sime, L
Hurley 60. N Sutherland 58. B Grade: G
Hughes 57. G Muir, H Matheson 50. C
Grade: K Ferguson 53. P Brown 49. W
Blackmore 48.
Alan Kemp Memorial Tray winner Lindsay Phillips.
High Gun. - Len Hurley
28 June
10 Single Rise – 10 A.Crosbie, J.Mason,
25 Single Rise – 24 A.Thompson, 23
J.Mason, 22 J.Andrews.
25 Single Rise 23 J.Andrews, 22 J.Mason,
21 K.Thompson
Illingworth Memorial – A.Thompson
HA Burgess Memorial – J.Andrews
27 July
10 Single Rise – 9 J.Smith, J.Andrews, 8
20 Single Riuse – 20 J.Smith, 18 J.Mason,
40 Single Rise – 38 A.Thompson,
J.Mason, 36 J.Smith.
Glem Wilson Memorial – J.Smith
TR Burgess Memorial – A.Thompson
Around the Clubs
Jelevich Cup winners Putaruru No 1
(Pete Goodwin, Jack Norwood, Ronnie
Thomassen, Maria Dunnett, Paul
Dunnett) 74/75
Cucksey Cup winners Putaruru No 1
(Pete Goodwin, Jack Norwood, Ronnie
Thomassen, Maria Dunnett, Paul
Dunnett) 358/375
Results 25 tgt Skeet possible Dean
Everett, Andy Sanders, Tony Truss
10 pr D/Rise 1st A Grade J Norwood, G
Carroll 19/20. 1st B Grade K Fitzgerald,
2nd D Vincent, 3rd J Hobart and M
Noakes. 1st C Grade L Needham-Jones
2nd A Vincent and
C Hill
20 Single Rise A Grade M Milne, R
Campbell 20. B Grade T Willocks 19, E
Webb 18. C Grade J Fenton 20, W Hughan,
G Begbie, J Young 19, L Marshall, K Blair,
R Blair, L Kelly 18.
Skeet – HOA C.Heard 25. A grade 1st
T.Truss 25, 2nd= K.Livingstone, P.Borrie,
M.Holmes, B.Peake 24. B grade 1st
T.Tyrrell 23, 2nd T.Ewens 23. C grade
1st E.Campbell 18.
20 Single Barrel A Grade – M Milne,
R Campbell 19. B Grade E Webb 15, T
Willocks 13. C Grade C Blair, G Begbie
17, W Hughan, L Marshall, J Young 16, R
Blair, L Kelly 15.
10 Pr Double Rise – HOA T.Truss 19. A
grade 1st R.Tucker 18, 2nd= N.Pratt,
P.Krippner, C.Short, L.Coppins 18. B
grade 1st J.Corbett 16, 2nd R.Anderson,
B.Peake 15. C grade 1st E.Campbell 12.
HOA for day – M Milne 61.
3 August King Country Districts
15 Minis – HOA K.Livingstone 15. A grade
1st T.Ewens, 2nd= C.Short, B.Tresidder,
R.Tucker, T.Brogden, C.Heard, T.Truss
15. B grade 1st R.Anderson 13, 2nd
B.Peake 13. C grade 1st E.Campbell 12.
Triples – HOA B.Peake 50. A grade
1st P.Krippner 50, 2nd C.Heard 49. B
grade 1st D.O’Neil 46, 2nd= D.Meehan,
B.Larsen 45. C grade 1st E.Campbell.
Single Rise – HOA K.Livingstone. A
grade 1st P.Krippner, 2nd T.Truss, 3rd
L.Ingley. B grade 1st R.Anderson 24, 2nd
B.Peake 24, 3rd J.Corbett 24. C grade 1st
E.Campbell 25, 2nd J.Corbett 24.
25 tgt Ball Trap Championship HOA
Andy Sanders 25/25, A Grade Toby
Nicholl. B Grade K Fitzgerald, C Grade
A Vincent
25 tgt HBD Championship HOA Pete
Goodwin, 1st Runner up K Fitzgerald,
2nd Runner-up M Vincent
Presidents Cup Sporting Clays – HOA
P.Goodwin 88. A grade 1st D.Coe 86,
2nd Adam Hanson 86, 3rd G.Wells 85. B
grade 1st A.Sanders 78, 2nd F.Levesque
77, 3rd L.Stephenson 76. C grade 1st
G.Rastrick 74, 2nd D.Townshend 71, 3rd
D.Feutz 71. Ladies 1st L.Groundwater
71, 2nd K.Hrstich 67, 3rd J.Davidson 65.
Veterans 1st G.Allen 81, 2nd R.Cooper
70, 3rd B.Nickelson 68. Juniors 1st
J.Norwood 74, 2nd D.Townshend 71,
3rd T.Bishop 65.
23 August. Fine weather Skeet B Grade
– P Carr 24, M Milne 21, W Begg 20. C
Grade – R Blair 23, K Blair 21, G Begbie,
W Hughan, M Darmody, M Farquhar 19.
20 Single Rise A Grade – P Carr 20. B
Grade – M Milne 20, W Begg 19, E Webb
18. C Grade – M Darmody 20, G Begbie
19, J Young, W Hughan, M Farquhar 18.
20 Point Score A Grade – P Carr 57. B
Grade – M Milne 59, W Begg 54, E Webb
31. C Grade – C Blair 57, W Hughan 54,
J Young 52.
HOA for day – P Carr 101
6th September Fine weather.
Skeet B Grade M Milne 22, R Campbell
21. C Grade E Webb, C Blair, L Marshall,
J Young 21, T Willocks 20, W Hughan, R
Blair 19.
Gunshot 63
North Island North Zone ISSF Championships
Hosted By
Waikato Gun Club Inc
12 th – 14th December 2008
Friday 12th – Afternoon Practice (Trap & Skeet)
Trap & Skeet Practice from 1.00pm
SORRY NO FOOD AVAILABLE ON FRIDAY – Drinks & light snacks only.
Saturday 13th – Trap & Skeet Day 1
75tgt Nth Zone Open Trap & Skeet Championships
75tgt Nth Zone Women’s Trap, Skeet & Finals
Entries Close at 9.00am, Trap Draw at 9.30am, Start at 10.00am.
Sunday 14th – Trap & Skeet Day 2
50tgt Open Trap & Skeet plus Open Finals
10.00am Start
150tgt Nth Zone Double Trap Championship at Conclusion of Trap Final
(Double Trap Practice available all Sunday prior to competition)
Entry Fees as per NZCTA Rules. Targets 28 cents
Contact: Peter Krippner 021 949 929 or 07 871 3942
Northland Districts 2008
To be held at
Whangarei Combined Gun Club
McAllister Road, Mangapai.
Saturday 6th December
25 Skeet, 10 Pr Double Rise, 15 Mini’s, 30 Triples
Sunday 7th December
25 Single Rise, 25 Points Score, 25 Single Barrel
COST Targets at 28 cents, Mini’s 40 cents
Championship entry $6.00 ($8 for Single Rise)
Ellis Webber North/South Skeet
Buck Knives North/South DTL
Whangarei Combined Christmas Shoot
Sunday 23 rd November
Great Prizes
Gunshot 64
Around the Clubs
Points Score – HOA L.Coppins 75. A
grade 1st K.Livingstone 75, 2nd T.Truss
75, 3rd S.Webb 75. B grade 1st B.Peake
75, 2nd R.Anderson 75, 3rd D.Meehan
70. C grade 1st E.Campbell 67, 2nd
J.Corbett 67.
Single Barrel – HOA L.Ingley 25. A grade
1st C.Short 25, 2nd D.Wordley 25, 3rd=
K.Livingstone, C.Pullman 24. B grade
1st R.Anderson 24, 2nd D.Meehan 22,
3rd D.O’Neil 21.
27 July Club Champs
Skeet – HOA T.Birdsall 25. A grade
G.Allen, I.Lindsay 24. B grade C.Shaw
24. C grade B.Wilson.
Handicap Skeet – HOA T.Birdsall 25.
C.Shaw, R.Hayes, B.Wilson, T.Lindsay,
R.Mitchell 25.
ISSF Skeet – HOA M.Hoverd 20. G.Allen
Ball Trap – HOA G.Allen 24. A grade
S.Hanford 22. B grade B.Nickelson 22.
T.Birdsall 22, C grade T.Lindsay 23.
Double Rise – HOA S.Hanford 15. A
grade G.Allen 15, B grade B.Nickelson
15, C grade B.Wilson 15.
Minis – HOA G.Nixon 14. A grade
A.Sanders, I.Lindsay 13. B grade G.Ferris
12, T.Birdsall 12. C grade R.Mitchell 14.
24 August Club Champs
Single Rise – HOA G.Nixon. A grade
G.Nixon, L.Stephenson 25. B grade
G.Ferris 25, R.Mitchell, T.Birdsall 24. C
grade B.Wilson, T.Lindsay 22, T.Holt,
J.Cannard 21.
Points Score – HOA J.Waldon 75, G.Allen
74, L.Stephenson 72. B grade R.Mitchell
71, B.Sharp 69, M.Noakes 66. C grade
T.Holt 66, B.Wilson 63, T.Lindsay 62.
Hcp by Distance – G.Nixon, S.Hanford,
L.Stephenson 24.
Single Barrel – HOA A grade S.Hanford
24, G.Nixon 23, C.Shaw, J.Waldon,
L.Stephenson 21. B grade R.Mitchell
22, B.Sharp, M.Noakes, A.Olivera 19.
C grade T.Holt, B.Wilson 21, B.Gould,
J.Cannard 15.
28 September
10 Pr Tower Shoot – B.Nickelson 16,
T.Bishop 15, R.Hayes 14.
Barry and Audrey Flight Trophy (pairs)
– B.Nickelson 22, G.Allen 23 = 45, 1st,
C.Heard 22, Z.Waenga 19 = 41, 2nd.
25 Tgt Five Stand A grade C.Heard 21,
A.Sanders 17, B.Nickelson, G.Allen 16.
B grade G.Ferris 17, T.Bishop, B.Wilson
16, R.Hayes, L.Stephenson 15. C grade
G.Nixon, M.Hoverd 15, J.Cannard 13.
25 Tgt Five Stand A grade C.Heard 21,
G.Allen 20, B.Nickelson 19. B grade
Z.Waenga 20, T.Bishop 19, B.Wilson 17.
C grade A.Olivera 19, J.Cannard 16,
M.Hoverd 15.
7th September cool temperatures and
light winds
Event 1: Lamming Memorial (100 Tgts
Points Score). Grant Castles HOA; A
Grade, Paul Schmidt 1, Darren Castles
2, Ben Tuck 3: B Grade, Joel Hobart 1,
Murray Fraser 2, Don O'Neil 3. C Grade,
Brittany Hobart 1, Jarred McLeod 2, John
Travis 3.
Event 2: Club Continental Championship
Murray Havill HOA; A Grade, Darren
Castles 1, Lindsay Thomson 2, Grant
Castles 3. B Grade, Dick Leece 1. C
Grade, John Travers 1, Jarred McLeod 2
Brody Clark 3.
moderate to strong northerly wind
Event 1.100 Target Single Barrel
Handicap by Distance. Paul Schmidt
1, Alan Vickers 2, Neville Crawford 3,
Des Coe, Jack Norwood and Ben Tuck
4th equal, Ross Ellis 7, Craig Pulman
and Scott Verran 8th equal, and Brian
Hartley 10th.
Event 2. Anderson Memorial (25 Skeet).
Paul Schmidt HOA; A Grade, Des Coe
1, B Grade, Craig Pulman 1, Jim Hunt
2, Neville Crawford 3. C Grade, Jimmy
Dobson 1, Shaun Travers 2, Scott Verran
60 Target Trophy HOA Steve Martin
60,1st A grade Rex Mikkelsen 58, 2nd
Eric Van Lankveld 58, 3rd Ian Spencer
58. B Grade 1st Shane Walters 56, 2nd
John Mathieson 54, 3rd Mick Menzies
54. C Grade 1st Callum Treloar 53, 2nd
Ethan Richmond 52, 3rd Bob Menzies
25 Target Points Score 1st Steve Martin
75,2nd Eric Van Lankveld 74, Shane
Walters 74, 3rd Michael Keightley 71.
15 Target Ball Trap Mick Menzies 15 Rex
Mikkelsen 15
25 Lawrence Trophy – B.Rissman,
M.Sime, D.Philip. A.Saunders, J.Talbot,
B.McCarthy, G.Rooney, W.Rooney 25.
Winner – Gary Rooney.
Mitchell Cup Teams Match – possibles
B.Rissman, M.Sime, D.Philip. J.Talbot,
A.Andreassend, N.Rooney, C.Rooney,
S.Rissman, T.Henderson, A.Henderson,
S.Wills, P.Gallagher, B.McCarthy. Winner
Timaru No 1 99 (B.Rissman, S.Rissman,
C.Rooney, W.Rooney, G.Rooney).
A.Andreassend, D.Sheen,
W.Fenwick 75.
25 Single Barrel – J.Talbot, W.Rooney,
D.Sheen 25.
7 September Sth Canty Dist
Minis – A grade 1st R.Everett, 2nd D.Dow,
3rd M.Sime. B grade 1st J.Morgan, 2nd
P.Brown, 3rd D.Philip.
Double Rise – A grade 1st= R.Everett,
B.Foster, 2nd T.Maaka, 3rd C.Helem. B
grade 1st P.Brown, 2nd R.Aitchison, 3rd
Triples – A grade 1st W.Rooney, 2nd
B.Foster, 3rd R.Everett. B Grade 1st
D.Philip, 2nd S.Rissman, 3rd D.Brough.
Skeet A grade 1st R.Everett, 2nd T.Begg,
3rd G.Smith. B grade 1st P.Heney, 2nd
T.Maaka, 3rd D.Sheen. B grade 1ST
P.Heney, 2nd T.Maaka, 3rd J.Morgan. C
grade 1st P.Brown, 2nd S.Rissman, 3rd
Single Rise – A grade 1st B.Rissman, 2nd
N.Rooney, 3rd R.Everett. B grade 1st
P.Brown, 2nd J.Morgan, 3rd S.Rissman.
C grade 1st S.Davis, 2nd S.Rooney, 3rd
Points Score – A grade 1st D.Sheen,
2nd E.Johnston, 3rd A.Andreassend.
B grade 1st S.Rissman, 2nd D.Philip,
3rd J.Morgan. C grade 1st S.Davis, 2nd
K.Ridgen, 3rd S.Rooney.
Single Barrel – A grade 1st C.Rooney,
2nd E.Johnston, 3rd W.Rooney. B grade
1st P.Brown, 2nd D.Brough, 3rd D.Philip.
C grade 1st K.Ridgen, 2nd S.Davis, 3rd
8th August
3 August
3rd night shoot 1 G Bonniface, 2 N
Shirley, 3 T Maaka, 4 G Cameron.
25 Skeet – D.Philip. A.Andreassend,
C.Rooney. 25.
25 Skeet – T.Maaka, P.Heney, M.Sime,
A.Andreassend, C.Rooney 25.
15 Pr Double Rise – D.Blanchett, B.Foster
28, D.Philip, A.Andreassend 27.
17th August
Target Products 5 Stand H.O.A B Quinn
92/100. A Grade 1 B Masters 89, 2 P
Lassen 87, 3= R McGowan 82, 3= W
Philpott 82. B Grade 1 G Maniatis 85,
Gunshot 65
Sunday 4th January 2009
9am Start
Prizes HOA, A, B, & C Grades
Entry $75 including sweeps
Don’t miss the Seafood Lunch Compliments of the Kaitaia Gun Club
President: Mark Shaw Ph 09-4082999 or 027-4908260
Start 9 am
25 Skeet
15 Minis
10pr Double Rise
25 Single Rise
25 Points Score
25 Single Barrel
Ellis Webber and Buck Knives North/South Qualifying $5 each
Entry Fee $90.00 plus $5.00 optional sweeps on each event.
Secretary Claire Symes 06 3465664 Waverley
Gunshot 66
Continued from page 55
Around the Clubs
2 J Truscott 79, 3 M Sheppard 78, 4 M
Wellsford 76. C Grade 1 W Watts 72, 2 J
Leary 70, 3 B Vial 68, 4 E Kerr 67.
Ladies A Woolley 72
6 September
Hammond Memorial S Everett, A Sloan,
G Cockburn & P Askey tied on 50/50.
Shoot-off won by A Sloan 60/60.
1 June
Bob Parker Memorial Trophy - A Grade:
Doug Turner, B Grade: Ian Evans, C
Grade: Dick Kelly
Jury Cup - Ian Evans Wharekauhau Auto
Shoot -Jamie Peryer, Grahame Roberts
H.O.A Bob Parker Memorial Shield - Ian
19 Sept
3 August
Final Night Aggregate 1 P LeFevre,
2 D Richardson, 3 G Cameron, 4 J
Single Rise Champs A Grade: 1st G
Gadsby, 2nd N Parker. B Grade: 1st I
Evans, 2nd T Monk, 3rd G Roberts.
C Grade: 1st G Bentley, 2nd D Mason,
3rd= K Sim, B Hoey, Enid Evans Novice
C Grade Cup - Greg Bentley
Aggregate Cup P Lassen 133/140.
28 Sept
Ballingers H&F 5 Stand HOA W Philpott
92/100. A Grade 1 G Maniatis 90, 2 D
Pilbrow 86, 3 A Stringer 83. B Grade 1
D Gane 82, 2 G Cain 80, 3 D Reid 79.
C Grade 1 E Kerr 72, 2 R Dillon 68, 3 W
Watts 87.
Double Rise Champs A Grade: N Parker,
B Grade: L McGhie, C Grade: G Bentley
McQuilkin D/R Cup - Lance McGhie
August 3.
Skeet,1st round, A Grade R O’Connor, S
Bell 23, K Ellison 22, B Grade R Gregory
23, P Brownlie 18, B Smart 10, C grade D
Dockary 21, R Spence , B Young 20,
Skeet 2nd round A Grade S Bell, 23,
B Lane 21, R O’Connor 20, B grade R
Gregory 25, B Smart 21, P Brownlie 19,
C grade B Young 22, R Spence 21, D
Dockary 19
Single Rise , A grade K Ellison 25, R
O’Connor, R Spence 24, B Grade R
Gregory 25, J Harkness, B Young 24,
D Dockary 22, C Grade J Ribbon 24, G
Watson, 23, C Smith 22
Under 21 Trophy, Jarrod Ribbon
Points Score, A Grade R O’Connor 75,
R Spence 74, K Ellison 72, B grade J
Harkness 74, R Gregory 71, D Dockary
70, C Grade G Watson 70, J Ribbon 65,
C Mildon 64
Double Rise A Grade, S Bell 19, B Lane
18, R Spence , R O’Connor 17, B Grade,
R Gregory, B Young, D Dockary 13,
C grade C Smith 13, G Watson, 12, T
Jarden 11
McKinnon Trophy, Stuart Bell
6 April
Points Score Champs. A Grade: 1st M
McGhie, 2nd G Gadsby, 3rd Andrew Sim.
B Grade: 1st P Conwell, 2nd = R Smith,
L McGhie. C Grade: 1st G Bentley, 2nd D
Donald, Alison Sim.
2nd Round Jury Cup Possibles - P Kelly,
M McGhie, G Roberts, C Henderson.
Tasman Cup Aggregate - Mark McGhie
H.O.A. Jared Rogers Memorial Trophy Noel Parker
100 Skeet “Wagner” Trophy A Grade
1st: Mike Hertzel, 2nd John Dangen,
3rd John Hendriks. B Grade: 1st: Eddie
Webb, 2nd Russell Collinson, 3rd Doug
Jecentho. C Grade 1st: Roger Alexander,
2nd Logan Rankin, 3rd David Henry
September 7
Wright Hick Patterson Cups 100 DTL
A Grade 1st Chris Erceg 2nd Grant
Nilsson 3rd Chas Mellor. B Grade 1st
Andrew O’Hara 2nd Russell Collinson
3rd Maurice Bourke. C Grade 1st Jamie
Sanderson 2nd Dave Donaldson 3rd
Amy Van Bijsterveld
A new monk arrives at the monastery.
He is assigned to help the other monks
in copying the old texts by hand. He
notices, however, that they are copying
from copies, not the original manuscripts.
So, the new monk goes to the head monk
to ask him about this, pointing out that
if there were an error in the first copy,
that error would be continued in all of
the subsequent copies. The head monk
says, "We have been copying from the
copies for centuries, but you make a
good point, my son." So, he goes down
into the cellar with one of the copies to
check it against the original. Hours go
by and nobody sees him. So, one of
the monks goes downstairs to look for
him. Hearing sobbing coming from the
back of the cellar, he finds the old monk
leaning over one of the original books
crying. He asks the old monk what's
wrong, and in a choked voice came the
reply, "The word is celebrate."
adjustments necessary for point of
impact, comfort and perfect fit. These
are the Precision Fit Stocks, available
from Vern Brown in Colorado. Vern will
also help you with the adjustments
necessary to make the gun do what
you want it to do.
By starting with a pattern board,
shooters should be able to determine
exactly where they want their guns to
shoot. Don’t be afraid to experiment
with point of impact but always make
sure you have a good gun mount before
you start to make any adjustments.
The eyes should be level and looking
out the front. To accomplish this, the
gun should be mounted by bringing it
to the face with a roll of the shoulder,
rather than placing it on the shoulder
and then crawling onto the stock in
an attempt to get a sight picture. By
rolling the shoulder to get the gun to
your face, you will add consistency
to your mount, and you will see your
targets better. If you need to tip your
head sideways, cant the gun, or bend
the neck forward to get the sight
picture you need, I would bet that your
stock is not fitted properly.
For the last two columns, we’ve
been talking about the reasons for
patterning our guns, and what to
do with that information once we’ve
acquired it. Jim is waiting for his new
stock and is confident that when he
puts it on his old gun it will now shoot
where it is supposed to. If we could all
shoot guns that are perfectly suited to
our style, pace and body configuration,
I’m confident that we would all be
putting more shot on more targets
consistently. Having a perfected fitted
gun that shoots where we look makes
the game easier, the scores higher,
the application of the fundamentals
more consistent – and it also makes
the game more fun. Now, if we can
just execute perfectly, we probably
wouldn’t miss another target all year.
That perfect execution is now the key.
Good fundamentals, good gun control
and finally, the mind game. Oh, yeah;
the mind game. Sounds like a subject
for another column to me.
By Courtesy of Trap & Field
Australia’s largest
online shooting
accessories shop
Gunshot 67
31 Oct/1
Hutt Valley
Auckland Met
Te Kuiti
Hutt Valley
Hutt Valley
South Island DTL Championships
ISSF South Zone Champs (NI)
Reid Cup
South Island Sporting Champs
Waikato 300 (1st day)
Waikato 300 (2nd day)
Taranaki Districts 66
Sporting Clays North Zone (NI) Champs
200 Tgt Skeet Nth/Sth
Hawkes Bay Provincials
200 Tgt Skeet. Nth/Sth x 2 46
Anniversary Shoot
Williams & Kay Top Gun 58
New Zealand Skeet Championships
100 Tgt Skeet Nth/Sth
ISSF South Zone Champs (SI) 26
Dale Shield 58
Balfour Whangarei
Southland Provincials
Northern Districts
ISSF North Zone (NI)
Christmas Shoot
Northland 200
Northland 200
Far North Mini Marathon
31/1 Feb
31/1 Feb
Dunedin Balfour
Hutt Valley
Hutt Valley
100 Tgt Points Score Hogmanay Haggis
100 Tgt Skeet Nth/Sth
Westland Provincials 54
100 Tgt Skeet Nth/Sth 43
Andy Yerkovich Mem. 100 DTL 66
North Island ISSF Championships
Wellington District Championships
North Island DTL Championships
BOP Provincial Championships
Skeet Festival Nth/Sth x 2
100 Tgt Skeet Nth/Sth
NI & NZ 5 Stand Champs
NI & NZ Sporting Clay Champs
50th Anniversary
SI & NZ ISSF Champs
NZ DTL Champs
FITASC Oceania Championships
Here at Last!
A clay target designed to give you...
Stepped Edge
To resist the shot, break the
target and improve your scores
Knurled Edge
Increases spin to improve
directional control & distance
Angled Edge
Strengthens the most vulnerable
point in a target
Weather Edge
Vents air between targets
to prevent sticking in damp
Chamfered Edge
Together with the bevelled edge
this chamfer creates the perfect
gap for knife seperators
Bevelled Edge
Uniquely angled to assist knifeseperator entry
So much goes into making our clay targets,
we chose to be the first to take something
out – coal tar pitch.
All our targets are now made from an
environmentally friendly formula that’s kinder
to the countryside.
l CPC clays are broken throughout New
Zealand. For the same prices as clays
manufactured from toxic coal tar pitch you
can buy CPC NON TOXIC clays. Think
about this before your next purchase.
l CPC clays are engineered right to fly right.
From standards to rabbits, from minis to
battues – all our clays are engineered to
consistently perform better.
l That’s why CPC should always be your
first choice clay target.
Give yourself
Call us now to
arrange your sample
delivery Exclusively
available from Mark
Willis see details below.
Our Targets
are Kinder
to the
Contact: Mark Willis,
tel (09) 525 4372,
mobile (0274) 932 785,
fax (09) 525 4374,
Full container loads shared with other
clubs for a more competitive price.