Issue 617 - The Mercury Bay Informer

Mercury Bay
Issue 617 - 31 December 2014
Phone 07 866 2090
Wishes for the new year
What are your wishes for 2015? For many the New Year is a time to reflect on what is important to you as the next year dawns and
to be positive about the future. Whether it be a focus on personal health and wellbeing or more time out for relaxation, a project
coming to completion or something much more outward focused, we think New Year resolutions are a tradition worth keeping.
Alison Smith spoke to a handful of prominent individuals with strong ties to the Coromandel and the wider Mercury Bay area about
their wishes for the coming year.
Circulation 6,000
And also from us at
The Informer a happy and
New Year to all!
Some of those who were happy to share their wishes for 2015 with us. Clockwise from the top left - Glenn Leach, Bruce Gilberd, Gary Fitzsimons,
Mary Petersen, Scott Simpson, Father Leo Doyle, John Wright and Catherine Delahunty. See what they have to say on page 2.
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Prominent individuals on their wishes for 2015
Glenn Leach, Thames Coromandel District
Council Mayor - We're heading into 2015
where obstacles have been removed and
we have no more hidden issues around
historical projects. I look back on where
this Council has come since being
elected in 2010 and reflect on how much
we've achieved. We've made significant
cost cuts to our operating expenditure
resulting in a six per cent decrease in
2012/2013 from what was charged in
2010/2011, we've implemented our
Community Empowerment model and
are making real progress on our three key
anchor projects, the Coromandel Great
Walks, the Kopu to Kaiaua section of the
Hauraki Rail Trail and the Coromandel
Harbour. I'm also really proud to be
involved in the development of the
New Zealand World War One Memorial
Forest which we will launch on Anzac
Day 2015. My wish is for 2015 to be a
strong, steady and smooth road ahead.
recognise that status and wealth and
“things” are transitional and we need
to go deeper. Really, I wish for us all
(including me, of course) to recognise
that at the heart of the universe,
our global relationships and our intimate
relationships, is an incandescent love.
In the meantime - be joyful!
Bruce Gilberd, retired Anglican Bishop,
Tairua - What I wish and hope for is
that people keep taking care of one
another and do them no harm. Another
is for a peaceful world based on justice,
that short-term economic benefit does
not undermine long term care of the
environment, anywhere. I wish for
parents to treasure their children, for
people to review their life aims and
Scott Simpson, Coromandel Member of
Parliament - My wish for 2015 is that
the Kiwi way of life we cherish so much,
will be nurtured, preserved and enhanced.
I know the values of democracy,
free speech, individual responsibility
and care for the vulnerable will continue
to form the foundation stones of our
society and local communities in 2015.
I’m looking forward to a busy year
Gary Fitzsimons, Mercury Bay Business
Association Chairman - We’ve seen a lot
of growth in Whitianga and Mercury Bay
over 2014, including in the retail sector
where there’s been some great potential
realised. That’s all really positive and
long may it continue, but I would like to
see 2015 as the year when we get on with
the Whitianga town centre upgrade.
Mary Petersen, St Andrews by the
Sea Community Church Minister,
Whitianga - I think I would just like to
see that the community all get along
with each other and that everybody finds
somebody that will take care of them.
representing all Coromandel people in
Parliament. The economy is performing
solidly, jobs and wages are growing
and businesses are confident and hiring
more staff. More Kiwis are voting with
their feet, either staying in New Zealand
or coming home. 2015 is shaping up to
being an excellent year. Best New Year
wishes to you and yours.
Father Leo Doyle, St Patrick’s Catholic
Church Priest, Whitianga - Improvement
in the world at large and it doesn’t seem
very promising at present. It seems to be
getting worse and not better. We haven’t
got enough Christians and those we have
aren’t leading the full Christian life,
they are trying to hide their Christianity
rather than bringing it to the fore. In New
Zealand we have declining numbers
and you can’t blame the young people we must blame ourselves if we haven’t
been inspiring them as examples.
Leaders could be doing more to bring
Christianity to the fore. We’re living in
a materialistic society and it’s a massive
undertaking to stop the rot. Prayer is
good, but it’s not enough.
Walter Russell QSM, Whitianga - Peace on
Earth... You think how lucky we are to
live where we do live, especially when
there is so much going on in the world
at the moment. I would only wish that
everyone could live in harmony.
Gary Fowler, Paunui-Tairua Trail
Visionary - Obviously my wishes for
2015 are to finish the Pauanui to Duck
Creek section of the Pauanui to Tairua
Trail. This would be a great achievement
and would show how a community can
come together to build a facility that will
benefit their area as a whole. I would
also like to spend more time with my
wife and family in 2015… Just relax and
do things with them. Building the Trail
has been pretty much a full time job in
Jeanette Fizsimons, first female coleader of the Green Party - In 2015 I
hope the world will take a major step
towards reducing greenhouse gas
emissions and protecting our children
and grandchildren and all other creatures
from dangerous global warming and
climate disruption. I hope investors
will take their money out of fossil fuels
and put it into clean, renewable energy.
I hope many people will discover the joy
of living sustainably on the earth and
sharing its resources, with each other
and with future generations.
John Wright, Mercury Bay Area School
Principal - For me it is always about our
young people being happy, well-cared
for, engaged learners and contributors
to our school and wider community.
I know our learning culture is really
(Continued on page 4)
High & Low Tides
for Mercury Bay and Hot Water Beach
Wed 31
Thu 1
Fri 2
Sat 3
Sun 4
Mon 5
Tue 6
Tide data sponsored by
4 Dakota Drive
Tel 07 869 5990
The Mercury Bay Informer is published weekly on Tuesdays and circulated
throughout the Coromandel Peninsula.
Readers’ contributions of articles and letters are welcome.
Publication of contributions are entirely at the discretion of the Editor.
Contributions will only be considered for publication when accompanied by
the author’s name and surname, telephone number and residential address.
All reasonable steps are taken to ensure accuracy. Opinions expressed are
not necessarily those of the owner or publisher.
Published by: Mercury Bay Media Limited
Publisher: Petra Roodt
Editor: Stephan Bosman
Contributing Editors: Rowena Brown, Bryan Layton, ,
Hayden Smith, Len Salt, Meghan Hawkes and
Alison Smith
Motoring Columnist: Jack Biddle
Like us on Facebook.
Follow us on Twitter.
Deliveries: 14 Monk St, Whitianga 3510
Mail: PO Box 426, Whitianga 3542
Tel: (07) 866 2090 Fax: (07) 866 2092
Editorial - email:, tel: (07) 866 2090
Advertising - email:, tel: (07) 866 2094
ISSN 2230-2719 © 2014 Mercury Bay Media Limited
Should Whitianga
get a statue of Cook and Kupe?
Have your say - at
Want to view a PDF copy of every week’s Informer online?
Just visit
Page 2
What’s that Number?
Emergency (Ambulance, Fire, Police)............................................................111
Police (Whitianga) ...............................................................................866 4000
Police (Tairua) .....................................................................................864 8888
Police (Coromandel) ...........................................................................866 1190
Fight crime anonymously - Call Crime Stoppers .................. .......0800 555 111
Dog and Noise Control .................................................. .....................868 0200
Poison Centre ................................................................ ..............0800 764 766
Dental Emergency (Mercury Bay) .......................................................869 5500
Civil Defence ......................................................................................868 0200
Medical Centre (Mercury Bay) ............................................................866 5911
Doctors Surgery (Mercury Bay) ..........................................................866 4621
Medical Centre (Tairua) ........................................................................864 8737
Harbour Master (Whitianga) .........................................................027 493 1379
Harbour Master (Tairua) ................................................................027 476 2651
Coastguard Radio Operators .............................................................866 2883
Social Services Whitianga ............................................. .....................866 4476
Do you want the local community to celebrate your new baby’s arrival with you?
Please phone or email us, it will be our pleasure to publish
your baby’s photo and details in The Informer.
Think there’s a local resident who need some recognition?
Let us know and that person may just be our LOCAL OF THE MONTH.
At The Informer LOCAL IS WHAT WE DO!
The Mercury Bay Informer -
Issue 617 - 31 December 2014
Hahei generosity for lifeguards
Paying the overwhelming support they receive from the local community forward,
the Hahei Community Library donated a scoop stretcher to the Trust Waikato Hot
Water Beach Lifeguard Service on Christmas Eve.
An amount of $375 was also donated to the lifeguards. “Every Christmas Eve the
Grange Road businesses in Hahei have a sausage sizzle,” said Penne Clayton,
Hahei Community Library chair. “The Hot Water Beach Lifeguards were badly burgled
earlier in 2014 and for the Hahei community it really was a no-brainer to give them a
stretcher and to raise some money for them. They do a tremendous job and we hope
the bit we’ve done will make their new year just that little bit better.”
Pictured is Penne with Gary Hinds, chair of the Hot Water Beach Lifeguards.
Yes, it is very important that your child visits a dentist or a dental therapist,
as well as their orthodontist, once every year.
Orthodontists specialise in straightening teeth, making them bite
together properly and creating a great smile. Orthodontists are dentists
who’ve completed an additional two to three years of specialised university
education in orthodontics. They belong to the New Zealand Association
of Orthodontists (NZAO) - the professional organisation committed to
ensuring you receive specialist orthodontic care.
However, your orthodontist will NOT be examining your child’s teeth
to look for cavities or gum problems. Your child needs to visit a dental
therapist or dentist for this. A dental therapist or dentist will also provide
treatments such as fissure sealants, fluoride varnishes, oral health
education and tooth cleaning, all of which can prevent tooth and gum
problems from happening in the future. This is especially important for
children with braces on their teeth, as braces can trap extra plaque around
them, leading to gum irritation, irreversible staining or tooth decay.
If your son or daughter is in Year 9 or above, once a year he or she
is eligible for FREE basic dental treatment from Tamsin McCarthy,
our dental hygienist and dental therapist at Lumino The Dentists Whitianga.
Tamsin will work together with your child’s orthodontist to ensure he or she
ends up with a good-looking, healthy smile.
We wish you all a happy and healthy New Year!
Lisa Lailey BDS
Ryan Smagalski DDS
Tasmin McCarthy Dental Therapist/Hygienist
12/1 Blacksmith Lane, Whitianga (opposite the Whitianga Hotel)
Practices nationwide | Ph: 07 869 5500 |
Issue 617 - 31 December 2014
The Mercury Bay Informer -
Page 3
Wishes for 2015
Wellbeing Fair in full swing
(Continued from page 2)
positive - that comes from the students,
community, parents and caregivers
and critically from the staff ourselves.
We need to have an environment into
which our young people happily come
in each day that is positive, uplifting,
engaging, caring and challenging.
On a practical front my determination
for 2015 is clearly rooted on the
Ministry of Education providing us
with the property our students, staff and
community deserve and I shall not shy
away from that challenge - we will get
to “yes.” Safe holidays, fun times with
family and friends, enjoy our beautiful
Peter Abrahamson, Chairman of the
Mercury Bay Events Trust - I would like
to see Mercury Bay build on what has
been achieved so far in attracting events
to the district. I want to see a structure put
in place that encourages event promoters
and organisers to come to Whitianga to
host their event.
Paul Kelly, Mercury Bay Community
Board Chairman - New Chums and our
other isolated iconic beaches like Otama
and Opito are all worthy of people taking
extra care when they visit. I would like
to see people “pack out and pack in”
when they visit these places. Let’s all
take more care of our environment and
be a bit more responsible when we enjoy
the beautiful Mercury Bay in 2015.
Catherine Delahunty, Green Party
Member of Parliament - My greatest
wish would be that 2015 is a year when
violence is reduced. This means violence
against women and children at home as
well as violence in our global political
environment. We also need to start urgent
action on climate change both locally and
nationally. I wish that we could change
Government policy so that inequality and
poverty could be genuinely reduced and
that the mining companies would give
us all a break and leave the Coromandel
alone. I also hope it’s a year when we
win protection for iconic places like
New Chum/Wainuiototo. Apart from
that, let’s have a great summer season
and I wish everyone a slower pace of life
and more tolerance towards each other.
Best wishes to you all.
Pork Spit Roast
Closed Today!
Hangover cures
Tonight Live music
@ 7pm the Mighty Wood fired pizza’s
Chris Gill and the
Salads .
On Fire House Band Gluten free options
Buy One Main
and enter into
the draw to win
Dinner for Two!
Open 10am
The Recliner Rockers
live &
Corona Night
Outside Bar!
The Whitianga Wellbeing Fair is in full swing in the Whitianga Town Hall in Monk
Street. Stallholders include massage therapists and vendors selling organic sun
care products, jewellery, oils and soaps, organic teas, herbal remedies, soy candles
and natural creams.
Live talks on a range of topics, from tea tasting to exercises for self-healing, are
also being held.
The fair will continue until 10 December. Opening hours are from 10:00am to
5:00pm. Entry is free.
Pictured is Claudia Pentner from Body Balance in Whitianga working her magic on
a client.
Jazz and blues
review. Opened
for Elton J, Slash,
Ozzy Oz & Joe Sat.
Live music from
No cover charge
Estrella Damm
and Asahi on TAP!
Outside Bar!
Open 10 am
Open 10am
The House
rock the
Ted Clarke
The House Warmers
Live @ 8pm featuring
Check out our new Fish Curries - Open Every Day
Delicious and Affordable Indian Food.
Enjoy restaurant quality food in the comfort of your own home.
Food made with freshly ground spices. Enjoy real curry pies.
Enjoy Full Club
Courtesy Car
Club Open &
Lunch 11am
11am - 2pm
Games Room
Tribute to
Joe Cocker
Open for
Tim Armstrong
Live Show
everyday from 9am
See the New
Year In With
Courtesy Car
“Look Who’s
Open 7 days
From 12 noon
until late
Lunch Menu
Our Specialty
Home Grown
Pacific Oysters
$22 per dozen
Happy Hour
5 - 7pm
Tuesday to
Open from
“Look Who’s
Free entry before
10am for Big
9pm $20 after
DJ Dick Johnson
from 9pm
Drink 100 Asahi
beers to earn your
Thirst Ninja
Black Belt!
Ask at the bar for
Open from 10am Las Vegas style
Free Pool
$5 Handles all
from 9:30pm
$25 entry fee
after 9pm
DJ from 9pm
Club Opens HOLIDAY FAMILY Meat/Seafood
Garden Bar
Sports Bar
Pool Tables
Serving fine wine,
beer and cocktails.
Quality small plates and platters.
Open from
10am for Base
Big Brekkies
Open 7 days
a week
10am - 1am
What’s New REVIEW
How to Train Your Dragon 2 (PG) (Out Now)
Five years on and Hiccup (Baruchel) and Toothless are living in a Viking/dragon Utopia. But trouble looms when they
learn of Drago Bludvist (Hounsou), who captures dragons to build his army. As Hiccup tries to find Drago and negotiate
peace, he discovers a new, mysterious colony of dragons... This is a wonderful sequal that expands on the world that
charmed us in the first film while also having lots of humour, excitement and a whole load of new characters (dragons and
vikings). This is a great family film to enjoy this summer. Reviewed By Cara.
Page 4
Happy Hour
Every Week
Quiz night
The Mercury Bay Informer -
Hunger Games 2
Captain America 2
Wolf of Wall Street
About Time
Issue 617 - 31 December 2014
Grand Theft Audio
D.J. Pari
$25 Pre-Sales
$30 On the Door
Garden Bar
Vegas Trio
Agent Smith
The Great Brian
Lunch &
Live music
Open daily from 8am
Come and enjoy a gourmet breakfast with
coffee, or lunch with a glass of wine.
2pm - 5pm
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We are Restaurant, Beer
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day every day Dinner
11A Coghill Str, Whitianga
Tel: 07 866 2200
Mon - Thur 3pm - 10pm
Fri - Sat 3pm - 10:30pm
Sunday 3pm - 9:30pm
Ph. 867 1215
Hair of the dog?
Cheeky Banter?
Early Morning Lala Fix?
Dine In • Takeaway • Delivery
13 / 1 Blacksmith Lane, Whitianga
Opening Hours:
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Bookings required
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Hash Stack
Big Breakfast
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Coffee is not just a
It’s a cup of liquid sanity!
Dine In FREE
on your Birthday
One main, rice & naan.
Minimum 2-person party.
Tim & crew
Dinner from
Big Breakfast in Mercury Bay
Open 7 Days
From 5pm
Issue 617 - 31 December 2014
Open 9am - 2pm
Come In for the Biggest
for bookings
Closed Tue
Clash of the
big screens
Finalist in the
Silver Fern Farms
Premier Selection
Open 7 Days
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Wide selection of seafood,
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Children’s menu available.
69 Albert Street,
Ph 07 866 5858
Coolest place to be
this summer
07 866 0456
The Mercury Bay Informer -
Page 5
Seven Days
Unexpected honour for fireman
$2.50 CHIPS - $15
$2 CHIPS - $11
$2 DRINK - $9.50
Whitianga butcher and volunteer fireman Nigel Jackson was unexpectedly honoured
when the Stratford Volunteer Fire Brigade presented him with a life membership two
weeks ago.
“I was a member of the Stratford Brigade for more than 16 years, five of them as
station officer,” said Nigel. “I transferred to the Rakaia Fire Brigade six years ago
when my family and I moved to the South Island. Coming to Whitianga earlier this year
I immediately joined the local Whitianga Brigade.
“Being a fireman is in my blood. My next aim is 25 years of service.”
Pictured is Nigel with his life membership jacket and medal.
Open 7 days from
3:30pm for the freshest
seafood in Whitianga.
Serving the freshest seafood in town
Limited Time - Blackboard Menu
Remember we are licenced...
Open until 8pm
See you at...
The Espy Cafe
10 The Esplanade
07 866 0778
Free coffee & muffin
Rewards card no 10020
Got guests coming? Need an affordable bed?
See your sleeping specialists - Bedpost Whitianga
Lee Street, Whitianga P: 07 866 2448
Page 6
The Mercury Bay Informer -
Issue 617 - 31 December 2014
The Whitianga world record set on the night of
the Millenium
Did you know Whitianga holds a world
Information on all the amazing, weird
and wonderful world records held
by Guinness World Records includes
the town of Whitianga and the man
behind the event that made Whitianga
momentarily famous says many
The man behind Whitianga’s Millenium world record - Noel Hewlett on Buffalo
Beach, the venue where the record was set.
residents may not realise they are living
in a record-holding town.
The longest human chain is a record
set in Whitianga on the night of the
Millennium - 31 December 1999 when 3,000 people linked arms along the
Buffalo Beach coastline in torrential rain
and driving winds to set the record.
The record attempt was organised by
former Thames Coromandel District
councillor Noel Hewlett, who still has
certificates available for those who took
part in the event.
“A lot of people don’t know about
it, it’s like the forgotten world record,
and it’s still retained by little old
Whitianga,” says Noel.
The event was given the catchword
of the Millennium Hug, which would
be one of the first world records set in
the new millennium. Noel says support
came from the community by genuine
people who felt that the significance of
the Year 2000 deserved commemorating.
Preparation included lighting up
3km of beach area, the printing of
certificates, and arranging publicity and
event paraphernalia that helped with
the fundraising required. And then on
the day, says Noel, the heavens opened
and the wind increased, forcing a
postponement of the planned fireworks
display that would happen at the same
time as the record attempt.
“The lights along the beach were
turned on at 10pm and I must admit
to a little cry and a major prayer
that all the effort of three years’
planning would not turn to custard,”
Noel said of the event at the time.
“What followed was the greatest
experience of my life and my faith in
the people of New Zealand was truly
“At 11.45pm a beach invasion
took place when thousands of people
descended from all directions and this
was all in torrential rain and driving
winds. The countdown was done,
arms were linked, Auld Lang Syne was
sung, everyone had a Millennium Hug
with friends and strangers alike and a
word record was claimed. This was taken
over 1.5km of continual arm linking and
the number of people, from babies to
great-grandparents, was 3,000.”
The fireworks were postponed until the
next day when the weather was perfect
and made for a truly memorable event.
Noel says it’s a cherished memory for
him and he would like all new residents
of and visitors to the town to know about
it. He also wants to let people know that
if they took part in the world record
and did not receive a certificate at the
time, they can contact the Mercury Bay
Museum for a certificate. The certificates
are free, but people are welcome to make
a donation to the museum if they would
like to.
Great value.
Limited time.
Midnight & e
Ebony So
A n y m a t t r e s s c a n l o o k g r e a t,
I t ’ s w h a t ’ s i n s i d e t h a t c o u n t s.
Indigo &
Dusk Sola
Check out
these prices
Mattresses - great prices!
See your bedding specialists - Bedpost Whitianga
Lee Street, Whitianga
P: 07 866 2448
Issue 617 - 31 December 2014
The Mercury Bay Informer -
Page 7
News from Whitianga Airport
Whitianga’s newest café, the Departure Lounge, opened last week at the Whitianga Airport.
According to café owner Amy Sammons (pictured in the top photo), the purpose of the café
isn’t just to cater for light aircraft pilots and passengers flying in from other places for
breakfast or a hamburger (the so-called “$100 hamburger”), but also for Mercury Bay locals
who are looking for a relaxing place to have a coffee or something to eat. “Our new deck is
a great place to sit and enjoy the activity on the airfield,” Amy said.
Other news from the Whitianga Airport is that Sunair is experiencing a very busy summer
since the announcement of scheduled flights between Whitianga and Auckland (Ardmore
Airport), Tauranga and Great Barrier Island. “On the morning of Christmas Eve alone we had
six flights from Whitianga to Great Barrier Island,” said Ryan Bergman, one of the Sunair
pilots flying in and out of Whitianga. “People may not realise it, but in our six-seater Piper
Aztec planes, Ardmore and Great Barrier Island is less than ten minutes flying time away.”
Pictured is Ryan with one of the Sunair Piper Aztecs at Whitianga Airport a few days ago.
Rides day at Whitianga Airport
Mercury Bay Aero Club in conjunction with NZ Warbirds is staging a “rides day” at Whitianga
Airport on Saturday 3 January 2015.
For anyone who missed out on the flight experience of a lifetime at the Warbirds
and Wheels event that was held in Whitianga in January 2014, some of the
genuine Warbirds from Ardmore Airport on Auckland will be back in Whitianga,
weather permitting. This is not an airshow, but an opportunity for anyone interested to take
a flight in a genuine World War II aircraft.
Become a “top gun” pilot for the day and fly your very own adventure flight with NZ
Warbirds. Pre-bookings are essential to ensure the appearance of the Warbirds’ Spitfire and
According to Bill Beard, president of the Mercury Bay Aero Club, NZ Warbirds is certified
under CAA Part 115 (the rules to conduct adventure aviation flights). To the public, this
ensures flights are authorised in strict compliance with New Zealand Civil Aviation Rules.
There will be no entry fee to the airport for the rides day. Please pre-book flights directly
with NZ Warbirds. For further information visit or email frankly@xtra.
In addition to the Warbird rides, flights will also be available in helicopters and Cessnas.
At the Airport there will be a tent with more information on the day or call the following Warbird Adventure Rides Phone (09) 298 1899/ Liz 021 247-0717.
Helicopter Rides - Helitrips Phone (09) 299 9442.
Mercury Bay Aero Club - Cessnas and Vans RV-12 Phone (07) 866 5128.
In the event of rain, the rides day will be held on Sunday 4 January 2015.
See us on
The Espy Cafe
Ice-cream Parlour
FRIDAY 2nd JAN - 8.00pm
Playing Classic 80s & 90s rock & today’s hits!
Fleetwood Mac - Bruno Mars - Dragon - Pat Benatar - Van Halen
Michael Jackson - Lady Gaga - Kings Of Leon - Doobie Brothers
and more.....
Opposite the playground Bring the kids out!
• Real fruit smoothies
• Real fruit juices
• 21 ice-cream flavours
• We stock Movenpick
• Try our competition entry
milkshake (Oh Fudge I crushed my n_ tz)
and get $1-00 off any other shake
10 The Esplanade
07 866 0778
Page 8
The Mercury Bay Informer -
Come see
s ab
hat t
Issue 617 - 31 December 2014
Bumper Coroglen summer
concert series
The Coroglen Tavern is experiencing a bumper concert series. According to owner Jed
Harper more than 1,000 people attended the Boxing Day Katchafire, The Black Seeds
and Sons of Zion concert, while the Shihad FVEY concert with The Datsuns, I Am Giant
and Cairo Knife Fight last Sunday evening attracted the same amount of revellers.
“The great thing is that people get exactly what they expect,” said Jed. “The bands
are holding nothing back. Katchafire was brilliant and Shihad gave the crowd what
Shihad is best known for - loud and outstanding rock. We expect 1,800 people for
the New Year’s Eve Clash of the Titans concert with Dragon, The Feelers and The
Capturing the essence of the Coroglen summer concerts is this photo of The Datsuns
taken on Sunday evening - professional lighting, highly professional musicians and a
very satisfied crowd.
10 , F M E S
0 & C E
–1 S 2 N
1. U 8
30 N –
The Cooks Beach area offers beautiful beaches, superb fishing
and boating, and a mix of parks, reserves, tennis courts, boat
launching and a selection of local shops and eateries.
Master-planned subdivision of spacious sections
designed to maximise views and waterfront access to
the Purangi estuary.
Sales office & site entrance located at 60 Charles Green
Drive and will be open throughout summer. Please feel
free to visit the site yourself or phone one of the
Richardsons’ team for a personal tour.
Sensitive and design-conscious landscaping and
architectural design controls to protect your precious
From $220,000 for large 800m2+ sections.
Lot size and layout subject to survey and TCDC approval.
Contours, dimensions, availability, pricing and timing subject to change without notice.
Phillip Dawson
Paulette Tainsh
Mob. 027 477 3443
Bus. (07) 866 5826
Mob. 027 241 2001
Bus. (07) 866 5826
Issue 617 - 31 December 2014
The Mercury Bay Informer -
Page 9
Chuck Edwards on a Cook and Kupe statue
Long time Mercury Bay local,
Chuck Edwards, is passionate about
Whitianga. He was delighted when Ron
Morgan, curator of the Mercury Bay
Museum, publicly initiated a debate on
whether Whitianga should get a statue
of the great explorers Kupe and Captain
James Cook.
Chuck has for a long time behind the
scenes advocated for a monolith or
statue that can become a Whitianga icon.
He was happy to share his thoughts,
penned down a few years ago already,
with us.
An icon or trade mark is a thing that
belongs solely to a particular property or
objet or theme. It should have qualities
that pertain solely to the property or
object that it represents, so we need to
make sure that there is no mistaking
in identifying our trade mark as being
distinctly Whitianga. It should be
absolutely memorable, aesthetically
appealing and appropriate to the place
where it is sited.
I am in favour of a monolith or statue
representing any of the following • An explorer (Maori or European),
or a combination of explorers.
We could choose from the
following - Kupe, Toi Whatonga
and Cook.
• The early Industrialists like
sawmillers, miners, settlers and
• The significant Maori history of our
• The modern day developments in
our area like tourism and fishing.
Where should the monolith or statue
be placed?
With such a historical spot as The
Esplanade, with its association firstly
with the Polynesian explorers from
which our town got its name, then the
visit of Cook with the Endeavour and the
subsequent activities of the first settlers,
to me the most obvious place for a statue
has to be the Esplanade.
Firstly there’s the beautiful natural
backdrop of the estuary and the bush
(come regrowth) on the southern
slopes and a grass reserve dotted with
Secondly this whole area is so readily
accessible to the holidaying pedestrians,
the ferry patrons, the wharf users and
visitors and passing boaties that it has to
be considered the ideal spot.
And we have already done a little to
enhance the area by building a children's
playground and having a museum right
where Kupe and Cook must have walked
and where the bushmen and farmers
were so active.
So, in my view, the area for locating
our monolith or statue is obvious it just
needs to be pinpointed.
Such an icon or trademark needs a
dramatic siting for it to create an impact
on the memories of our visitors, so why
not place it in the shallows of the little
Esplanade bay, so that when the tides
comes in, it will be surrounded by water
and of course light it up at night. Wow!
What a place to visit, a place to share a
coffee, have lunch nearby or just sit at a
table, lie on the grass and take it all in,
a place that is quite memorable and
makes you want to experience it again,
a place that visitors will talk about with
Chuck Edwards
I am not sure about dimensions,
their friends when they return home.
By creating our monolith in such a other than to suggest that it should be
spot, we are setting up a memorable obvious and it should be appropriate.
Many places in New Zealand, indeed
vista unique to Whitianga because it
creates a focus on all the good things that the world, have their very own icon
which visitors identify as being the
are Whitianga.
Personally, my choice would be a symbol of that locality and associate with
statue of Cook and Kupe along the the attractions of the town or district.
explorers theme with perhaps a waka In Whitianga we have the opportunity
on a pedestal lifting out of the water. for the same to happen.
It has to be along those lines because The
I am sure that there can be no other “Should Whitianga get a statue of
place in the Pacific where such famous Cook and Kupe?” will run until the
explorers such as Kupe, Toi Whatonga end of January 2015. To vote go to
and Cook converged.
Mercury Bay Community Patrol
We would sincerely like to thank the following companies and individuals
for their generosity and assistance in the construction of
our carport at the Whitianga Police Station -
Peninsula Roofing & Scaffolding Ltd
Platinum Homes Ltd
Mercury Bay Plumbing & Drainage
Peninsula Concrete Laying
Allied Concrete Ltd
Building Team - Bob Ford, Merv Sills, Duncan Farmer
Laurie Johnston
Page 10
The Mercury Bay Informer -
Issue 617 - 31 December 2014
New Year’s music roundup
The entertainment heart of the Mercury
Bay area is pumping strong for this
New Year’s Eve and the coming few
days, with a cornucopia of music and
events going on all over the area.
With so much to choose from it’s going
to be difficult to decide where to start and
end, so we’ve put together a mini guide
with suggestions of some highlights to
watch out for.
New Year’s Eve - Lots to choose from
to end the year on a high note.
Whitianga Hotel features Grand
Theft Audio with help from DJ Karl in
the Garden Bar and DJ PARI inside.
Base Bar in Whitianga features top UK
music producer and DJ Dick Johnson
(now New Zealand based). On Fire Cafe
has local performer Chris Gill and the
On Fire House Band, while Look Who’s
Talking plays at Frankies Sports Bar
(and again on 1 January). Mercury Bay
Club features Andy Bowman and there’s
of course the New Year’s Eve Clash
of the Titans at The Coroglen Tavern Dragon, The Exponents and The Feelers.
Friday 2 January - On Fire Cafe has
Recliner Rockers, a high energy rock
and roll band with the bass player
doing impossible things on his big
standup bass, including standing on it!
A great live show and well worth a look.
Frankies has rock and blues man Tim
Armstrong doing originals and covers.
Tim also has a Beatles cover band,
so he knows how to string a song
together. Performing at the Mercury Bay
Club is Rocket Covers Band - a six piece
playing 60s-70s-80s-90s music through
to today’s hits.
And there are more highlights
coming up.
Saturday 3 January - watch out for
guitarist Kara Gordon returning to On
Fire Cafe. He’s getting rave reviews
everywhere he plays.
Monday 5 January - Frankies has a
Joe Cocker tribute by jazz and blues
performer Col Jones. Jones is originally
from London and has performed with
some top names. It’s a timely booking
after Joe Cocker passed away last week.
Also worth a special outing on the ferry
if you’re not already on that side of the
creek is Mercury Bay Estate just outside
Cooks Beach. They have Soul Sax Plus
playing Saturday afternoon 3 January,
2:00pm to 5:00pm. Take a blanket or
deck chair for a picnic style concert.
They do fabulous gourmet platters and
the wines are alone are worth the trip.
Whitianga Hotel has their Ten Day
Weekend running right through the
New Year’s period with wall to wall
music and quality bands including Vegas
Brown, Agent Smith and the Great
Brain Robbers. Mixed in with this is a
Hawaiian fancy dress night on Saturday
3 January.
To top things off, there’s a new service
laid on by Go Kiwi Shuttles, something
Michelle Harper of The Coroglen Tavern
is buzzing about. “Lots of people are
jumping on the Hip, Hops and Vines
deals that Go Kiwi has put together,”
Michelle said. “Their shuttle picks you
up from home or town and they do the
Coroglen Tavern, Pour House Brewery
in Hahei and Mercury Bay Estate circuit.
You get a sober driver, tasty nibbles and
free ferry transfers at the end of the trip.
It’s become really popular since they
started it.”
The Go Kiwi shuttle will also get you
safely to Coroglen and home again after
the New Years Eve Clash of the Titans
gig. Go to to enquire
or to book.
One One One, a band that performed as part of the Whitianga Hotel
Ten Day Weekend mesmerising the crowd last Monday.
Losec - Extra 20mg Tablets 14s
Treats the root cause of
heartburn and acid relux
Planet Earth - Pure Simplicity Hair Care Set
Tablets 100’s
Cream 15g
Free first aid kit with
every Crystaderm
Bath House Body Bliss Pack
Issue 617 - 31 December 2014
Cream 25g
with purchase
Tablets 12s
NZ’s #1 travel sickness
*Aztec data July 2014. May
cause drowsiness. Avoid alcohol & driving.
The Mercury Bay Informer -
Page 11
The new beach at New World
hair • beauty
869 5000
14 coghill st whitianga
Revitalize with
Sleep better
Less Pain
More Energy
Nick Reynolds
onal i
tute of reflexology
0274 799 763
7 Punga Place
To Ruth
who found
a $50 note on
Christmas Eve
and turned it in to
the Police.
From 9 to 17 January Whitianga will have an extra and very busy beach, right next to
New World.
“Every day we’ll have events from 11:00am to 2:00pm in our big new sandpit,” said Stacey
Rolton, New World owner. “Things like sack races, egg and spoon races, gumboot - or rather
jandal - throwing, beach volleyball and junior surf lifesaving activities. We’ll also have a bouncy
castle and a Cadbury candy carnival.”
Throughout these events there will be loads of spot prizes and giveaways. Details of every day’s
activities will be announced on Coromandel FM at 9:30am and at 10:30am.
Stacey said New World wouldn’t have been able to host the beach events without the help from
PlaceMakers Whitianga, Cove Construction, Firth, Fun Zone, Urban and Rural Excavations and
Trust Waikato Hot Water Beach Lifeguard Service.
Spotted last Saturday levelling the sand on the new beach were, from left to right Jonty Abrahamson, Riley Rolton, Kobi Abrahamson, Olivia Turnock, Maya Rolton (in front of Olivia)
and Georgia Bernhard. Stacey (far right) was keeping a watchful eye.
Sunday 4 January
9am to 3pm
Cooks Beach Reserve
taxi, or walk from ferry
with the Cooks Beach
Richardson’s Real Estate
✹ Stalls
✹ Games
✹ Food
✹ Music
✹ Rides
✹ White Elephant
✹ Raffles
✹ Climbing Wall
Cooks Beach
Summer Gala
All Proceeds to Whenuakite School
Need a fridge?
Page 12
Robert Lindsay Dip Phty(Otago) ADP(OMT), Dip.MT.
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Sports Injuries / Post Surgery and Fracture Rehab
Acupuncture / Hand Therapy / Women’s Health Clinic
Physiotherapists with the qualifications to provide
excellence in physical health care
Dr Adam’s and Hemmes’s Surgery - Ph 866 4621
No problems.
See 100% Whitianga
The Mercury Bay Informer -
49 Albert Street,
P: 07 866 5726
Issue 617 - 31 December 2014
A weekend of fun and dung drops
By Len Salt
This Saturday, Sunday and Monday are
the three big days to put in your calendar
for an excess of summer fun.
Saturday 3 January is the annual
Hahei Big Library Book Sale, where the
shelves of the Hahei Community Library
are cleared of near new books, classics,
coffee table treasures and many other
volumes to make way for new stock
arriving after the big fundraising event
two days later on Monday 5 January.
Every year a big Market Day is held to
raise funds for new books and to support
the operations of the library. The annual
Market Day has become a community
icon event after more than 20 years.
Chairperson of the Hahei Library,
Penne Clayton heads up a large team of
willing volunteers and helpers organising
the big day. “For many years the Market
Day was held on the grounds outside the
Hahei Community Centre,” she said.
“However, each year it became more
and more popular and we have moved
the event to Kotare reserve in Hahei.
It’s great to see familiar faces,
often visitors from out of town, coming
back each year with their families.
We have stalls, food and crafts and a
fabulous location. It’s a fun day for
Head Librarian Carol Price brought
me up to speed with how the library
works. “Although we get some support
from Thames Coromandel District
Council, Hahei Library is almost
entirely funded by the local community.
We are fortunate in having many people
who make regular donations of books.
Christmas is great because people often
read their presents, and then pass them
on to us in excellent condition,” she said.
The library was started in the 1970s
by Florence Harsant and Pat Nugent,
working out of a caravan. Today the
library has 400 members, over 13,000
books, and is staffed by a dedicated crew
of 14 local people. All of them, including
Carol, are volunteers who do a two-hour
tour of duty every fortnight. “We could
always do with some more helpers,
either for the library or for the Market
Day, so if you are available we’d love to
hear from you,” says Carol.
Over the last two years donations of
books have been so good that the funds
raised from the market and the book
sale were available to make donations
to the Hot Water Beach Surf Lifesaving
Club, St John Ambulance and Kuaotunu
Search and Rescue for new equipment.
“We had around $4,000 to pass on to
these organisations, so our Market Day
efforts have been very worthwhile,” says
Sandwiched in between the Hahei Big
Library Book Sale and the Hahei Market
day is the not-to-be-missed Cooks
Beach Summer Gala, held each year on
4 January, and the chance to win $1,000
in the Daisy Dung Drop. This is another
great day of family fun with rides,
a climbing wall and other entertainment,
music and lots of great food. All the
funds raised go to Whenuakite School.
This year the money is targeted at literacy
and numeracy resources, building
upgrades, teacher aides, playground
equipment and information technology
So, with only a few days to go,
I’m off to the farm to have a chat
with Daisy about how I can win that
$1,000... For more information go to
Images from the 2014 Cooks Beach Summer Gala.
New hope for long term back pain sufferers
Inversion Therapy is rapidly gaining a
reputation for success with long-term
sufferers of Back pain.
Inversion New Zealand was started seven
years ago by Dave and Nancy Hare, Dave had
suffered over twenty years of back pain from
Degenerated Discs and had basically given up
and decided to just live with it. “To me surgery
was never an option,” he said. “As long as I still
could walk, there was hope”.
Dave tried everything. Every time he was
overseas he would search for anything that
could possibly help. While on one of these
overseas trip eight years ago, Dave discovered
the Teeter Hang-Ups. “The first time I tried
it, the pain disappeared and I was completely
pain free for about 30 minutes, nothing had
done that,” he told me. Dave never believed it
would fix him, “... as specialists had told me it
was irreversible. I now knew I had a place to go
every time I wanted some serious relief ”.
To Dave’s surprise the more he used the table
the longer the pain stayed away, until after
nearly three months he was completely pain
free. “I couldn’t believe it,” he told me. “I had
spent large amounts of money on every form
of treatment available and here was something
I had never heard of sorting it out for me in a
very short period of time.” It was then Dave
decided to introduce Teeter into New Zealand
and Inversion NZ was born.
Over the years INZ have helped thousands of
Issue 617 - 31 December 2014
people get some serious relief and have seen
results in not only backs, but necks, hips,
knees, posture, circulation, increased height,
blood pressure and lots more.
“We have testimonials from people with over
fifty years of back problems and even have
them in a number of schools in New Zealand
for their special needs children,” he told me.
“The blood to the brain helps these kids and the
results are excellent.” What this means for the
aging population is that it maintains the health
of the brain as we all get older.
INZ now have a division putting them into
Industry as Back Pain costs companies a
considerable amount of lost production.
Both Dave and Nancy will be attending the
fairs and festivals. Dave told me that he realised
that, had he not tried the Teeter for himself,
he would still be suffering, “I would still be
a miserable grumpy bugger, living with pain.
“That is why we do the shows, people need to
try it for themselves. We let the tables do the
talking,” he told me.
Come along to the following fairs and festivals
for a treatment. If you have completely
resigned yourself to having Back Pain for the
rest of your life, the chances are you will be
pleasantly surprised 2 January - Keltic Fair Coromandel, 3 January
- Pauanui Market Kennedy Park, 4 January
- Cooks Beach Summer Gala, 8 January Mercury Bay Seaside Carnival Buffalo Beach.
See us
2 January
Keltic Fair, Coromandel
3 January
Pauanui Market, Kennedy Park
4 January
Cooks Beach Summer Gala
8 January
Mercury Bay Seaside Carnival Buffalo Beach
The Mercury Bay Informer -
Page 13
Reappearance of an old
Monday this week an old Mercury Bay acquaintance reappeared, although under a
different name.
Early in 2003, after the Americas Cup in Auckland, wealthy American businessman
and philanthropist Gerhard Andlinger arrived in Mercury Bay with his family on their
50m luxury yacht Perseus. The Andlinger family fell in love with the area and during
their visit they purchased a property on Lees Road outside Hahei.
Fast forward almost twelve years. Perseus has been sold and renamed Silencio.
And it’s Silencio that was in Mercury Bay on Monday. During her visit, two of The
Lost Spring in Whitianga’s massage therapists paid the yacht a visit to pamper her
passengers. And that’s not the only connection the yacht has to The Lost Spring.
When she was still Perseus, her captain was Jonathan Kline, son-in-law of Lost Spring
owner Alan Hopping.
Mr Kline is at the moment programme manager of P2, the high performance yacht
Mr Andlinger had built when he sold Perseus.
Pictured is Silencio off Cooks Beach on Monday.
Hahei Community Library Fundraiser
Monday 5th January 2015, 9am – 2pm
A huge variety of stalls. Fun entertainment for the kids
Music for all to enjoy
…and don’t miss the Library’s
Big Library Book Sale
Saturday 3rd January, 10am - 1pm
At the Hahei Community Centre, Hahei
Fantastic books to suit all tastes
• near new • popular authors • classics
• kids collection • coffee table selections
HIP, HOPS & VINES Summer Tour With Go Kiwi
Need transport to Auckland?
Catch your locally owned & operated Go Kiwi shuttle!
We are local, we are friendly and we will go the
extra mile for you
Departs daily from the iSite or even from your house!
Stopping at the hip COROGLEN TAVERN ....
the POUR HOUSE BREWERY for your hops ....
and MERCURY BAY ESTATE WINERY for the vines!
We supply the sober driver and free tasty nibbles
and free ferry transfers.
Departs Whitianga 7.30am every day
Arrives Auckland Airport 10.30am, Auckland City 11.00am
Departs Auckland City 1.30pm, Auckland Airport 2.00pm
Arrives Whitianga 5.00pm every day
Bookings are essential on all services:
book online
AVO: departs Whitianga 12 noon, finishes Ferry Landing 5pm
EVE: departs Ferry Landing 3:30pm, finishes Whitianga 8:30pm $34 pp
Page 14
The Mercury Bay Informer -
freephone 0800 44 65 49
local 07 866 0336
Issue 617 - 31 December 2014
Issue 617 - 31 December 2014
The Mercury Bay Informer -
Page 15
Mercury Bay Game Fishing Club (Inc.)
• Pacific Coast Marine
Top Ten Tuna Tournament
• Ladies
3-4 Jan 2015
• Bonze Skins**
• Billfish Classic
• Tristram Marine Open
• Nationals
• Stabicraft Trailer Boat
• Ladies Blue
• Alto**
• Kids Easter
• Junior Tournament
• Snapper
• Soft Bait/Slow Jig
24 Jan 2015
(Anniversary Weekend)
6-8 Feb 2015
21-23 Feb 2015
21-28 Feb 2015
21-28 Feb 2015
12-14 Mar 2015
21-22 Mar 2015
21 Mar 2015
4 Apr 2015
11-12 Apr 2015
30 May 2015
20 June 2015
** Sponsored tournaments hosted by MBGFC
NB: Placemakers Tournament in Whitianga Fri-Sat 13-14 Mar 2015
Waterways Tournament in Whitianga Fri-Sat 13-14 Mar 2015
12 The Esplanade, Whitianga Phone: 07 866 4121
E: W:
Page 16
The Mercury Bay Informer -
Issue 617 - 31 December 2014
Issue 617 - 31 December 2014
The Mercury Bay Informer -
Page 17
The Fire Alarm with SSO Derek Collier
ww P
w. h
co 02
as 7
ta 44
lc 9
ow 9
hi 77
de 4
Sponsored by Safety + Apparel Tel 0800 726 726
to the Coromandel
Another year comes to an end and
another is about to begin. The last twelve
months have been relatively quiet as
far as calls have gone with 120 for the
Whitianga Volunteer Fire Brigade,
we often get as many as 160.
The calls may not have been as many,
but we have had our share of variety.
Motor Vehicle Accidents have played
a major part this year - a lot minor,
but some have been tragic with loss of life
and serious injury. This affects everyone
involved, not least the people who have
lost a loved one. So please take it easy
out there on the roads. The weather took
its toll this year, with high winds in June
causing 24 calls in 24 hours with roofs
being blown off and trees blown over.
Highlights for the year - our Road
Crash Team once again competed at the
New Zealand Nationals and again made
us proud coming second equal and once
again representing NZ in Australia.
Two of our members again took on the
challenge and climbed the Sky Tower
wearing full BA and fire fighting kit.
Well done Max and Sean. I believe we
have four doing it next year.
A big fund raiser for the Brigade,
our biannual community phone book
is now out and available from the
Whitianga i-Site, Whitianga Sports
and Guthrie Bowron. A big thank you
to the businesses that supported us by
advertising in this publication.
Have a happy and safe new year and
remember if you can't
be good, at least be
Senior Station Officer
Derek Collier
Cowhides|Calfskins|Ottomans|Bags|Picnic Mats
4thJanuary 2015
Cooks Beach Summer Gala
8thJanuary 2015
Mercury Bay Seaside Carnival
10thJanuary 2015
Tairua School Wine & Food Festival
Need a
Page 18
No problems.
See 100% Whitianga
The Mercury Bay Informer -
49 Albert Street,
P: 07 866 5726
Issue 617 - 31 December 2014
Students share what New Chum means to them
By Gerry Church - Member of Preserve New Chum for Everyone Inc
Students at Te Rerenga School recently
participated in a colouring competition
sponsored by Preserve New Chum for
Everyone Inc, with the prize being lunch
with Phil Keoghan, host of The Amazing
Race television program.
The entries were creative and colourful,
but underlying the artistry were heartfelt
expressions of what New Chum means
to the students and how they feel about
anyone disturbing it.
Judging was a difficult task but four
entries stood out. They were from Flynn
Simpson, Quinn Gibson, Ike Tonkin and
Briar O’Keeffe. The runners-up were
Mason Grice, Anna Mikkelsen, Donald
Holzgang and Sheridan O'Keeffe. Each
of the runners-up received an autographed
photo from Mr Keoghan.
Here are some of the thoughtful words
of the winners and the runners-up Flynn Simpson (8 yrs) - I play in the
beautiful Pohutukawa tree, I see the fresh
sea about to tumble on me. I hope New
Chum will be here when I come back.
Quinn Gibson (9 yrs) - Save my
beautiful paradise, leave the Nikau forest.
Only leave footprints in the sand.
Ike Tonkin (10 yrs) - I feel that this beach
is a miracle from God. I hope that in the
future New Chum is still there.
Briar O’Keeffe (11 yrs) - When I sit on
the sand I feel like a king. Beautiful New
Chum will never fade away. I hope it will
stay as a famous young bay!
Mason Grice (8 Yrs) - I hear the birds
Phil Keoghan with the New Chum colouring competition winners at
Luke’s Kitchen and Gallery in Kuaotunu. The students are, from left to right Flynn Simpson, Ike Tonkin, Quinn Gibson and Briar O’Keeffe.
chirping in the swaying trees. Please don’t
take my special beach!
Anna Mikkelsen (9 Yrs) - Shimmering
shells, ancient Nikau trees, sand as gold as
treasure, New Chum Stay With Me!
Donald Holzgang (10 Yrs) - The waves
crash onto the silk soft sand. Birds chirp
through the strong Pohutukawa’s tree
branches. When the day is over, only
footprints are left on the beach.
Sheridan O'Keeffe (11 Yrs) - The seagull
squawks he talks and he talks, as some
lucky tourists embark on this wonderful
walk. I love this place, it’s like a treasure,
I hope it remains like this.
After viewing the winning entries,
the Keoghan family reproduced them
poster size. Look for them in shops and
restaurants around Whitianga and other
areas on the Coromandel.
New Chum subdivision
application to be publicly notified
Thames Coromandel District Council announced on 18 December an application to subdivide
land at New Chum Beach will go out for public notification on Friday 16 January 2015.
The application was submitted to TCDC in October 2014. During this time the TCDC Planning
Team requested further information from the applicants, which has delayed processing.
According to TCDC this information has now been provided.
“While we had hoped to publicly notify pre-Christmas, with Council offices closing over
Christmas and people away for the summer holidays, we feel it is more appropriate to
notify in January when we have a full quota of staff to deal with submissions coming in,”
said TCDC Planning Manager Michael Jones.
The application for subdivision has been made by Ross and Deidre Mear and is on the
same piece of land on which a previous application was lodged in January 2014 by Coastal
Land Trust Holdings. TCDC said the application by Coastal Land Trust Holdings, which is
a separate identity, is currently on hold due to further information being sought from the
The application from Mr and Mrs Mear is for a four lot subdivision, all approximately 15
hectares in size, together with a fifth "beach conservation lot" of 1.2 hectares. The beach lot
is proposed as a conservation area allowing for public access along the beach.
TCDC said Mr and Mrs Mear have agreed to the notification of their application in January.
The notification period will run for 20 working days.
Tile & Grout restoration work
including cleaning, repair work
Grout clear/colour sealing,
re-colouring silicone work
Shower glass/glass cleaning/treatment
Phone/txt Jack 021 775 118
Kitchens Bathrooms WardroBes Furniture shopFitting Custom Renovations or neW Builds
17 Coghill Street, Whitianga. Phone 07 866 4513,
Bad night’s sleep? Need a better bed?
See your sleeping specialists - Bedpost Whitianga
Lee Street, Whitianga P: 07 866 2448
Issue 617 - 31 December 2014
The Mercury Bay Informer -
Page 19
What’s On the next few weeks
Sponsored by Dive Zone Whitianga Tel (07) 867 1580
• Kitchens
• Laundries
• Vanities
• Walk in robes
• Splash backs • Media Units
Contact Carol Harker: 866 4111 or 027 22 66 289
Op-Shops and JP
Social Services Op Shops - 2 Cook Drive, Whitianga. Open Monday to Friday, 9:00am - 4:30pm and
Coghill Street (west of Albert Street), Whitianga. Open Tuesday to Saturday, 9:00am - 1:00pm. Also JP at
Social Services, every Monday 10:00am - 12:00 noon. Phone (07) 866 4476 for more information.
The Church Op-Shop, at St Andrews by the Sea Community Church, Owen Street, Whitianga.
Open Thursday to Saturday 8:30am - 12:30pm.
St John Op-Shop, Coghill Street (east of Albert Street), Whitianga. Open Tuesday to Saturday,
10:00am - 4:00pm. Phone 869 5416. Every first Saturday of the month a special promotion.
Free Community Meals
At St Andrews by the Sea Community Church, Albert Street, Whitianga. Phone St Andrews on 867 1102
or email for more information.
Mercury Bay Community Bus
Available for transport to hospital, specialist or health related appointments outside of the Whitianga area.
Phone 866 4993 for information and bookings.
“Whitianga Movers and Losers” (the Old WW’s)
Wednesdays 5:00pm - 6:00pm at St Peters Anglican Church, Dundas St, Whitianga. $2 donation
(to cover cost of room rent). We promote a slow, steady weight loss based on eating well, nourishing foods
and moving more - towards maintaining our our ideal weight and optimal health. New members always
Whitianga Social Services Youth Space
Will re-open on Wednesday 4 February. Local (Whitianga) youth will be contacted regarding dates for
outdoor activities. For more information see the Youth Space’s Facebook page.
Whitianga Toy Library
Isabella Street (off Coghill St), Whitianga. Open Tuesday 4pm - 6:30pm and Friday 10am - 12.30pm.
New members welcome.
Coroglen Farmers Market
Every Sunday from 9:30am - 1:00pm at the Coroglen Hall, SH25, Coroglen.
Mercury Bay Museum
Extended opening hours from 28 December - 2 January, 10:00am - 8:00pm.
Whitianga Health & Wellbeing Fair
Sunday 28 December 2014 - Sunday 10 January 2015 at the Whitianga Town Hall, 10:00am - 5:00pm
Pauanui Summer Series
Sunday 28 December - Sunday 25 January. A variety of events. Coming up - King of the
Mountain and Miss Pauanui (Friday 2 January), Market Day (Saturday 3 January), Swim and
Sand Sculpture Competition (Sunday 4 January), Ladies Mad Hattter Fishing Competition
(Sunday 4 January) and Great Outdoors Expo (Monday 5 January). For more information
see or The Mercury Bay Informer Summer Guide
Mercury Bay Boating Club New Year’s Race
1 January - Start time: On the line at 11:00am. Entries accepted on channel 77 up to 15 minutes before the
start. $10 entry. Skippers briefing at 9:00am at the Mercury Bay Boating Club clubhouse on 1 January.
Keltic Fair
Friday 2 January from 9:00am - 4:00pm at Coromandel Area School, Coromandel Town. For the benefit
of Coromandel Area School.
Whitianga Art, Craft and Farmers Market
Saturday 3 January from 8:30am - 1:00pm at Soldiers Memorial Park, Whitianga.
“Rides Day” at the Whitianga Airport
Saturday 3 January. Catch a ride in a Warbird (genuine World War II aircraft). For more information see or email
Mud Splash ‘n Dash and Scruffs Dog Show
Saturday 3 January at the Pepe Reserve, Tairua at 10:00am.
Matarangi Beach Summer Series
Saturday 3 January to Sunday 11 January. A variety of events. Coming up - Thunder Cat Boat Racing
(Saturday 3 January) and Sandcastle Competition (Monday 5 January). See The Mercury Bay Informer
Summer Guide 2014-2015 for more information.
Mercury Bay Game Fishing Club Pacific Coast Marine and Diesel Top Ten Tuna Tournament
Saturday 3 January - Sunday 4 January. A total prize pool of $18,000 (including $10,000 for the biggest
tuna over 100kg). Rules and entry form available at
Hahei Community Library Big Book Sale
Saturday 3 January from 10:00am - 1:00pm at the Hahei Community Centre.
Whitianga Art Group’s Annual Exhibition of New Work
Sunday 4 January - Saturday 31 January, 10:00am - 4:00pm every day. At the Whitianga Art Centre,
School Road, Whitianga. All welcome.
Cooks Beach Summer Gala
Sunday 4 January from 9:00am - 3:00pm at Cooks Beach Reserve, Cooks Beach. For the benefit of
Whenuakite School.
Hahei Market Day
Monday 5 January from 9:00am - 2:00pm at Kotare Reserve. For the benefit of the Hahei Community
Mercury Bay Seaside Carnival
Thursday 8 January from 9:00am - 3:00pm at Buffalo Beach Reserve, Whitianga. For the benefit of
Mercury Bay Area School.
Tairua Wine & Food Festival
Saturday 10 January from 9:00am - 4:00pm at Tairua School, 110 Main Road, Tairua. For the benefit of
Tairua School.
Weekly Church Services
Mercury Bay Co-operating Parish
St Andrews by the Sea Community Church, 9:30am every Sunday worship service and kids friendly Bible
sessions with Rev Mary Petersen, Albert St, Whitianga.
Anglican Services
St Peter the Fisherman, 9:30am Sunday services. All are welcome, Dundas St, Whitianga.
Crossroad Encounter Fellowship
10:00am Sundays, cnr Joan Gaskell Drive and Cook Drive, Whitianga.
St Patrick’s Catholic Church
Weekend Mass Saturday 5:30pm and Sunday 8.30am, Monday - Friday 9:00am (except Tuesday no Mass,
Wednesday 12:00 noon). Tairua Sunday 10:30am, Tuesday 9:00am, tel 866 2189.
Whitianga Baptist Church
10:00am every Sunday, children’s programme, 112 Cook Drive, Whitianga, tel 866 4027.
C3 Whitianga
10:30am every Sunday, children’s programme, 23 Coghill St, Whitianga, email
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons)
Meet on Sundays 10:00am - 11:30am in the Mercury Bay Community
Boardroom (at the back of TCDC’s offices at 10 Monk Street,
Whitianga). Children’s programme. Phone 021 277 2126 for more
Seventh Day Adventists
Home study group. Phone Laurie/Lois on 866 2808 for more information.
Mobility equipment available available for locals or visitors.
Walking frames, crutches, walking sticks and mobility scooters
Phone Roger on 07 867 1986 for more information
Page 20
The Mercury Bay Informer -
Issue 617 - 31 December 2014
About “Buffalo Week” and
“Buffalo Weekend”
Ron Morgan, curator of the Mercury
Bay Museum, announced a few days ago
that an exciting week of both formal and
informal activities is being planned for
the commemoration of the grounding and
sinking of the Buffalo 175 years ago.
The week will last from Tuesday 28 July
2015 to Saturday 1 August. Highlights will
include the laying of a commemorative
buoy on the wreck site on the Tuesday the day the Buffalo ran aground, an evening
of entertainment at the Mercury Bay Club
on the Friday, the laying of a wreath on the
Saturday and a “Shipwreck Ball” on the
Saturday evening.
The ball will be organised by Rekha
Percival and Rebecca Edwards of RnR
Events, who were responsible for the
Gothic Glam Ball earlier this year an event that raised more than $10,000 for
the Mercury Bay Community Swimming
Pool Trust. “Like the Gothic Glam Ball,
a local charity will benefit from the
Shipwreck Ball,” said Rekha. “We will
announce the charity in the next few
weeks. Once again all the money raised
will stay in Mercury Bay.”
Also being planned for the week is a
street parade, a performance by the Navy
band, Navy vessels visiting Mercury Bay,
a workshop by acclaimed marine artist
Paul Deacon and fun activities like a polar
bear swim, a sandcastle competition and a
“monster Buffalo Beach dig” (a treasure
Ron also would like to see the celebrations
coinciding with a first “homecoming
weekend” for the wider Mercury Bay area,
a popular North American tradition for
many smaller towns.
“One of the complaints ex-residents or
family members returning to the Bay have
is that they didn’t meet many of their friends
when visiting,” he said. “Often, sadly the
biggest meeting is at funerals, which is not
the ideal time. While teaching in Canada
many years ago, I witnessed the smaller
towns enjoying a fantastic weekend where
locals and visitors mixed and mingled in
a really convivial atmosphere and a dream
was to develop this for Mercury Bay.
“I hope that sporting clubs will back
the weekend with past v present activities
such as Mercury Bay Area School has
run previously for volleyball, basketball,
football and netball and the Mercury Bay
Rugby Club has run for touch and rugby.
I also hope there will be market days and
variety performances.
“I really hope ‘Buffalo Weekend’ will
become two days every year where as
many people with some sort of connection
to Mercury Bay as possible will return for
mini-reunions, get-togethers and to enjoy
all the fun and activities on offer.”
Watch this space for more on “Buffalo
Week” and “Buffalo Weekend.”
For more
information and
photo’s visit our
• Inspection Drilling
• Cone Penetrometer Tests
• Ground Anchoring
• Foundations - Excavations
• Drilling - Piling
• Retaining Walls - Digger Hire
Mike 0274 720 882
Ph/Fax 07 866 4643
07 866 0070
Ron Morgan, Mercury Bay Museum curator, in front of the museum’s famous
mural depicting the wrecking of the Buffalo.
Issue 617 - 31 December 2014
The Mercury Bay Informer -
• Spouting
• Roofing
• Water treatments systems
• Septic tanks
• Hot Water cylinders
• New Housing
• Alterations
• General Maintenance
• Solar water heating
• All LPG gas installation
Page 21
Police Report
Ideal Buildings Coromandel
71A Cook Drive, Whitianga
07 866 5544
Quality workmanship guaranteed
Design-Build or Your Plan
Alterations & Maintenance
Now available for more work in all areas
Contact Bernie on any of the following
Mob 0274 946 019 Ph 866 4877 Fax 866 4879
Monday 15 December to Monday 22 December 2014
on Garages, Carports,
Sleepouts and Cottages,
Hurry, Ends 31st January 2015.
with Sergeant Andrew Morrison
This week there has been a couple of
thefts from shops, which is even more
disappointing when we see most shop
owners work extremely hard to make a
living during the winter months, to then
have criminals stealing their earnings.
If you see anyone acting suspicious in
shops please let the staff know so that
thefts can be prevented and the pressure
becomes too hot for criminals.
Welcome to everyone visiting our area
and we hope that you all have an enjoyable
Usually when people interact with the
Police during their holidays it is due to
the theft of their property, vehicle crashes,
they have been assaulted or their behaviour
is unacceptable.
You can prevent thefts by securing
property as much as possible, while traffic
crashes can be reduced by ensuring your
vehicle is in good condition and that you
are well rested and not under the influence
of alcohol and drugs when driving.
Alcohol and drugs are major factors when
attending assaults and disorder, so reduced
consumption of alcohol and having
nothing to do with illicit drugs will help
prevent you becoming a victim.
20th - 1 x 22yr old local woman for
Assaulting a Child and Dangerous
Timber & Cork Floor
Three domestic incidents attended last
On the 15th a separated couple at a 309
Road address required Police to keep the
peace while they sorted out property, while
on the 20th a father and adult daughter
were arguing at a Cook Drive address and
direct advice was given. Then on the 21st
a separated couple were arguing and called
Police to calm the situation.
On the 15th farm fence wires were
cut at a SH25 Whenuakite property and
thankfully no stock got onto the road,
while on the 16th a couple entered a Monk
Street shop and stole property. The store
owner managed to recover some items,
but they thieves decamped with a pouch of
costume jewellery.
A store worker’s handbag was stolen
from the storeroom at an Albert Street
address on the 19th and later recovered
without the money that was in it.
On the 21st offenders attempted to break
into a car at a Springbok Avenue address
without success.
On the 19th the driver of a ute crashed into
a van on Kennedy Bay Road and failed to
stop. Our enquiries are continuing with the
registered owner.
Two drunk drivers apprehended this week.
18th - 1 x 26yr old local man 364/250.
19th - 1 x 34yr old Clevedon man 592/250.
Ph 07 866 0937
Mob 021 063 8367
coating & colouring
chris mcKibbin
M: 021 046 7169
Need a TV?
Page 22
No problems.
See 100% Whitianga
The Mercury Bay Informer -
49 Albert Street,
P: 07 866 5726
Issue 617 - 31 December 2014
To the Editor
See page 2 for our requirements with regard to letters and contributions
Dear Editor - Mr Winkler’s Trucks Through Kuaotunu (The Informer of 17 December)
Do the multinational logging company actually do the logging of the trees? I believe
the contractors cutting the trees and loading the trucks were Kiwi men.
I believe the trucks were Kiwi owned. If this is the case these men pay taxes,
don’t they? The truck owners pay road tax. The chainsaw shops and machine shops
who look after the machinery pay tax.
I had no idea the hills at Kuaotunu were being stripped of native trees. I believed
the land was leased to multinationals to hire Kiwi men to plant trees, then contracted
out to Kiwis to harvest said trees.
I don’t understand why you would want to pay someone to run you over.
I hope all the forestry workers and truck drivers have a happy New Year.
Patricia Clapham
Te Rerenga
Dear Editor - The Mercury Bay X-Ray Machine
Your issue of 24 December rightly praises the efforts of our community to obtain longoverdue radiography facilities. This is a fine achievement and those involved must be
Alas there is more to a health service than equipment and this was highlighted by
our recent experience.
Around noon on 20 December my wife, who is handicapped due to a stroke,
fell backwards on uneven paving on a private property. Apart from some skin damage
she seemed stable, but had severe pain in her pelvic region. We immediately went to
the local Medical Centre which however helpfully closes at 11:00am on Saturdays.
Thence we went to the St John unit on Cook Drive. They were very helpful, but were
concerned that she might have a fracture. An X-Ray would have decided.
Coincidentally a young person fell at home and probably suffered an arm fracture.
In our case a negative X-Ray would have assured that there was no fracture and my
wife could have gone home. The other individual could have the nature of the fracture
defined and might have been treated locally. St John staff tried to find a radiographer,
but were informed that the service only ran Monday/Wednesday/Friday by appointment
and other times if you were lucky - we weren't.
Thus an ambulance had to transport both individuals to Thames at considerable
Let us
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of it
for you!
& rules
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Squeaky Clean
Dear Editor - Our Political System
I smiled at reading John Macassey's letter in the Informer of 17 December.
Does anyone really bother to read Scott Simpson’s opinions anymore?
Anyone would get in representing National in this electorate and that is precisely what
happened. Looking at the alternatives, it was a no-brainer that the opportunistic Mr
Simpson would go back in representing himself.
When one has a banker who made his money out of other people's and has no passions
about anything as a prime minister, it is natural that others with displaying the same
lack of passion will gravitate to him for a ride on the gravy train. That's politics and
especially so in New Zealand where our small population inhibits obtaining people
who aspire to government with wisdom, passion and ability so sorely lacking in those
in government today.
Until we have a complete change of the way people are anointed to the position of
“Representative of the People,” we will continue to spend vast amounts of our taxes on
people not achieving anything for others, but for themselves.
The system is corrupt and in need of change. This will never happen with an acquiescent
population and a bureaucracy that has its healthy salaries pegged to what politicians
Charles Russell
AutoCare Whitianga Limited Trading As
• Window cleaning inside & out • Meet & greet holiday homes
• Specialist cleaning for:
• Meeting quests for instructions
Moving in or out
Office & Commercial
Sanitary bins
expense to ACC. My wife proved not to have any fracture and after an overnight stay
was discharged.
Your readers may not be aware that although ACC may cover transport to emergency
medical care, they do not provide for a return. This might be fine if the individual lived
close to Thames or had family close by. But Whitianga is a long way away.
Fortunately our son was visiting and could come to Thames to enable us to return.
Overall a large amount of money was expended for what should have been managed
in Whitianga for both patients. Especially during the summer when we have many
visitors who may suffer accidents, this service is still woefully inadequate.
Perhaps this can be addressed by discussion and cooperation among the various
agencies involved.
John Birkbeck
Subaru Authorised Parts & Service Centre
We Will Service & Repair Any Make & Model
WoF Electronic Diagnostics
On Car Brake Lathe
New & Used Vehicle Sales # Tyres~Fitted & Balanced
Test Drive the exciting new 2014 Subaru XV Today!
Call Wayne Wilson & the Team
6 Abrahamson Drive
Vehicles sold in conjunction with Bay Subaru
Whitianga Tractors
Summer is here.
Time for a
We promise
you a superior
job at a
Phone Nick on
866 4724
021 522 041
07 866 4134
Dave and Karen
Ph Ian Sloane
Phone 07 867 1046 a/hrs 0275 832 343
Dakota Drive Whitianga
866 4235
027 7263 797
Your local Husqvarna dealer
Need a decent pillow? Large selection in store.
See your sleeping specialists - Bedpost Whitianga
Lee Street, Whitianga P: 07 866 2448
Issue 617 - 31 December 2014
The Mercury Bay Informer -
Page 23
1 95
6 2 87
Fishing Report with Alan Proctor
Sponsored by H&M Pascoe Tel 0274 852 046
Puzzle 617
Name: ___________________________________________________________
Tel no: ___________________________________________________________
Fill in the boxes using the numbers 1 to 9. Every row and column, and
every group of nine boxes inside the thick lines, must contain each
number only once. Deliver or mail your entry to The Mercury Bay Informer,
14 Monk St, Whitianga or PO Box 426, Whitianga, to reach us by 6:00pm
Monday each week. The weekly prize is one free Current Release from
Civic Video, Whitianga. The winner must please claim his/her prize from
Civic Video directly.
Last week’s solution
Last week’s winner - Andy Beauchamp
What a difference a few days can
make! For the last couple of weeks
prior to Christmas, fishing for snapper
was about as productive as trying to
get milk from a bull.
In the last few days though,
things seem to be sparking up enough
to provide some interest for those
in search of a meal. The areas over
sand around the puddle seem to
be producing the best results and
especially the northern end. Many of
the traditional spots around the islands
just out from the Bay are still proving
fairly hard work, with shorter bite
times making good preparation very
important. Cruising out at lunchtime
and throwing a frozen squid on a hook
over the side may not quite get you the
results you are looking for.
Several reports that the schooling
snapper are occupying the mid-water
column may explain why long lines
set on the seafloor have not been as
effective in recent weeks.
Softbaiting is proving a bit of a
winner with pink being the colour of
choice for the lures. Fishers choosing
to use smelly bait will need to be on
location long enough for the burley
trail to do its work. Most reports
coming in are fairly consistent
from those using baited hooks no burley = no fish.
The good news for divers gathering
scallops is that they seem to have
regained most of their condition after
having spawned a week or two ago.
Although the seafloor is not thick with
them, many of these are coming in
from the southern end of Home Bay.
For larger pelagic gamefish,
a milestone was reached this week for
our locality. On Sunday the first marlin
for the season was caught in our fishing
area and several reports were given
of skippies and saury showing up
everywhere, with large bird workups
acting as giant signposts. Later the
same day a yellow fin tuna was
caught and weighed - the first of this
species caught here for several years.
Whilst neither of these fish were huge,
it’s a great sign this early in the season
and reports of large bait schools is
particularly encouraging. On Monday
morning a short billed spearfish was
also caught, so we are starting to cover
all bases and once again proving to the
world what a great fishing destination
this is.
Several days ago three big eye tuna
were taken into Whangamata and we
are still receiving excellent feedback
from the commercial tuna fishermen
who are reporting these larger tuna
species to be much closer to shore than
in recent times.
This is looking very good for our
Pacific Coast Marine Top Ten Tuna
Tournament which will be fished
this weekend on 3 and 4 January.
Details for the tournament can be
found at or call
into our clubrooms opposite the wharf.
It is very timely that these larger tuna
are beginning to appear locally as the
new sponsor of our Top Ten Tuna
Tournament, Pacific Coast Marine and
Diesel, has organised an additional
$10,000 cash prize for a tuna weighing
over 100kg, bringing the total of cash
prizes up for grabs to $18,800.
Remember you don’t need to be
a full member of the Mercury Bay
Game Fishing Club to enter as day
memberships can be purchased for the
days of the tournament.
For those staying on shore, you can
keep up to date on your VHF with
where the action is taking place easy when you keep the sponsors grid
handy which is printed in this issue of
The Informer
alongside our
Tight lines,
Your local caring funeral directors
Keeping you on the water
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Deals on now... Sounders, Fish Finders and New Outboard Engines
*Ask us about Mercury Finance
“We know marine and we know great deals”
Top of bed. Large selection.
See your sleeping specialists - Bedpost Whitianga
Lee Street, Whitianga P: 07 866 2448
Page 24
The Mercury Bay Informer -
Issue 617 - 31 December 2014
New Cooks Beach triathlon to be
held in February
Cooks Beach is the venue for the
inaugural Transfield Triathlon which is
open to adults and children aged eight
and older and which will take place at
10:00am on Sunday 1 February 2015.
Devised by Thames Coromandel
District Council’s Mercury Bay Sport
Park coordinator Sue Costello and Sport
Waikato, there will be short and long
courses to cater for different ages and
fitness levels. The short course involves
a 300m swim, 12km bike and 5km run.
The long course is a 500m swim, 25km
bike and 5km run.
“Last year we held our first triathlon
in Whitianga from Robinson Road,”
says Sue. “We had a good turnout with
85 adults and children competing.
This year we wanted to make the event
a little more challenging, which is why
there is a long option available. We also
want to try and get 100 people signed up
this time around.”
The swim will be along Cooks
Beach, which the Hot Water Beach
Surf Lifesaving Club will marshal.
The short bike and run will be around
Cooks Beach, but the long bike option
will take competitors out around the
Hahei Loop. The Whitianga Lions Club
will assist with the road marshalling for
the bike and run.
“We're extremely grateful to both the
It’s digital.
Hot Water Beach Lifesavers and the
Whitianga Lions for their assistance,
along with the Mercury Bay Community
Board, which has given a $2,400 grant
toward the event,” says Sue.
“We also want to thank Transfield for
being our official sponsor and taking
care of the traffic management and
safety plans the event requires.”
Entry fees are $25 for individuals and
$30 for a team, with any profits going
back to the volunteer groups helping on
the day and in developing the event for
the future. Entries received before 18
January will receive an event T-shirt.
sports codes and individuals young and
old in our community to join together
and take up the challenge,” says Sue.
“It's great to be able to provide a
community triathlon locally,” adds
Justine Baverstock, Sport Waikato
“The popularity of the Weetbix
Tryathlons show how keen kids are to
try the sport of triathlon. Now people
don’t have to leave the Coromandel to
experience this particular sport.”
If there is any cancellation it will be
notified on Coromandel FM at 8:00am
on the day or just check the TCDC
website, or the TCDC
Facebook page.
Call for all your
installation and
maintenance needs.
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dedicated LOCAL
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Thames Coromandel District Council’s Sue Costello and her daughter Macy
getting into the spirit of the inaugural Transfield Triathlon to be
held in Cooks Beach in February.
Contact Peter Thomas
M: 0274 806 288
A/h 07 866 4358
Over 25 years experience
in the building trade
5 Monk Street, Whitianga
Office Ph: 07 8671087
David: 027 4994833
Tracey: 027 4907988
See us for all your land development,
planning and resource consent requirements.
Issue 617 - 31 December 2014
The Mercury Bay Informer -
Page 25
US Style Crossword
Puzzle US 617
Name: ___________________________________________________________
Tel no: ___________________________________________________________
Go in the draw to win a weekend for two in Queenstown next winter (transport to
Auckland Airport, flights, accommodation and $500 spending money included).
Deliver or mail (or scan and email) your entry to The Mercury Bay Informer, 14 Monk
St, Whitianga or PO Box 426, Whitianga, to reach us by 6:00pm Monday each
week. The winner will be notified by phone. No correspondence will be entered
into once the winner has been notified. Conditions apply.
Last week’s solution
Page 26
Delicious Affordable Indian Food
39 Albert Street, Whitianga
(Westpac Arcade)
Ph 07 866 2666 Open
Lunch 11 - 2
Dinner 5 onwards
© The New York Times
1 Where it’s lonely at, it’s said
7 Semi parts
11 Powder holder
14 It shrinks in the light
19 Pass on, as stories
20 Modern juice ingredient
22 Striped beast
23 Mrs. King on TV’s ‘‘Scarecrow and Mrs.
24 Imports
25 Host Jay and family
26 Su____ic
28 Political capital?
30 Antimalarial agent
31 Result of a burn
32 Ob____ly
35 ‘‘Game of Thrones’’ airer
37 Din
40 Italian tourist destination
41 Sultanate next to an emirate
42 ‘‘Friday the 13th’’ sequel subtitled ‘‘Jason
44 Bad-tempered, in Shakespeare
48 Something banned by international treaty
50 ____t
53 Sign of summer
54 Fish-and-chips fish
55 Bygone sports cars
56 Call for
57 Arrive casually, informally
59 They may be checked for checks
61 Opposite of ‘‘Brr!’’
63 Grp. with auditors
65 Checkout headache
66 Pack, as a car
70 D-Day locale
71 Lo____y
74 Soave, e.g.
75 Last
77 Masked ‘‘bandit’’
78 W.W. II domain: Abbr.
79 They start in middle school
80 Ransom specification
81 Soda nuts
83 Manhattan neighborhood east of N.Y.U.
85 Anne Hathaway’s persona in 2012’s ‘‘The
Dark Knight Rises’’
86 Sternward
89 ‘‘I’ve got good news and bad news’’ speaker
91 Li____nt
94 It’s often face-down in a jewelry store
97 Ibis relative
98 Messed (up)
99 Spices (up)
100 Part of town
102 Get back (to)
104 Flight-board abbr.
105 Ca____t
110 One of a Latin trio
112 It may follow you or me
113 It may be smoked in England
114 Wor____er
120 Eggs, e.g.
122 Like oysters as an appetizer, often
124 ‘‘That’s completely wrong, you idiot!’’
125 Change, as a password
126 1976 hit for Hall & Oates
127 Curved fasteners
128 Some Deco works
129 ‘‘How pathetic’’
130 Book of Mormon book
131 Not marry Mr. Right, say
1 Ride around some parking lots
2 Half3 H’s
4 Sawbucks
5 Song on a reunion tour, maybe
6 Virgin offering
7 Group of like-minded thinkers
8 Boat direction
9 Executive group
10 Pick up on
11 Relative of a pound
12 Energy unit
13 It’s on the right when you’re driving
14 Ends of the world
15 Luau staple
16 Plague, e.g.
17 Apple picker’s pick?
18 Didn’t just talk
21 Instrument in Vermeer’s ‘‘The Music
27 Shine, in product names
29 ‘‘Modern Family’’ co-star
33 Preposition between two times
34 .biz alternative
35 Fill-in-the-blanks activity
36 Like some cotton
38 Jefferson Airplane genre
39 Operate
42 Exfoliation tool
43 Let it all out
45 Chafe
46 E____hen
47 Unenthusiastic
49 Birdbrain
51 Yom Kippur War politician
52 Partial translation of ‘‘Auld Lang Syne’’
58 Ones who are never out of order?
60 Except
62 Duty
64 ‘‘Scary Movie,’’ e.g.
67 Like many toy trucks
68 Anonymous
69 Up on things
71 Mailing to a record exec, once
72 Preppy wear
73 Hot goods
76 Like talking in a theater, e.g.
79 Flap
82 Destination between LAX and Sea-Tac
84 Some computer aids
86 Modern place to buy games
87 Stew about
88 Sirloin cut
90 Negligent
92 Drop the ball
93 ‘‘So much for that’’
95 Hit TV series set in Las Vegas
96 High-school makeup test, for short?
101 Tapered off
103 Airport shuttle, maybe
106 Rats and gnats
107 What you might get by breaking 4-Down
108 0-100, e.g.
109 Classic example of corporate malfeasance
111 Building block
115 ‘‘Hawaii Five-O’’ crime-fighter, informally
116 Isn’t square, say
117 News anchor Lester
118 I.M.F. part: Abbr.
119 Ask
121 Rebel leader
123 ‘‘I knew it!’’
House Combo
1/2 Curry and 1/2 Rice & Naan $9.95*
Chicken or Vegetarian
Available anytime *(Lamb, Beef and Prawn Extra)
The Mercury Bay Informer -
Issue 617 - 31 December 2014
New kiosk for Mercury Bay
Community Swimming Pool
UK Style Crossword © Lovatts Puzzles
Puzzle UK 617
Name: ___________________________________________________________
Tel no: ___________________________________________________________
Win a $6 Big Wednesday ticket. Deliver or mail (or scan and email) your entry
to The Mercury Bay Informer, 14 Monk St, Whitianga or PO Box 426,
Whitianga, to reach us by 6:00pm Monday each week. The winner
must please claim his/her prize from the New World check out
manager directly before the Wednesday the week following the issue in
which he/she was announced the winner.
When RnR Events announced the Mercury Bay Community Swimming Pool Trust as the
beneficiary of this year’s Gothic Glam Ball, the Pool Trust immediately said they would use the
bulk of the funds received from the ball for a pool kiosk.
True to their word, as soon as there was a break in the weather, the Pool Trust arranged
for a kiosk to appear at the community swimming pool at Mercury Bay Area School.
A few finishing touches still need to be applied to the kiosk before it can be used.
The main purpose of the kiosk will be to provide a more comfortable space for the pool
lifeguards while they are on duty.
Pictured in front of the kiosk are Reuben Dimmock and Astral Bettridge, the two lifeguards who
were on duty at the pool last Monday. According to Reuben and Astral the pool is very popular
this summer, especially in the afternoons.
RnR Events has just announced that they will host a Shipwreck Ball during Whitianga’s
Buffalo Week in 2015. See more about Buffalo Week and the Shipwreck Ball on
page 21.
No job too small.
027 444 7667
07 866 3374
07 866 0059
021 1466 074
1. Gold or tin
7. Orators
8. Precious stone
10. Mused
12. Complete disorder
14. Soap foam
16. Historical periods
17. Purged
20. Ostentatious
23. To the fore
24. Restate (position)
25. Spry
1. Army officers
2. Mimicked
3. Rushed
4. Removed
5. Refund
6. Stage whispers
9. Young sheep
11. Twin-hulled boat
13. Snake-like fish
15. Steam-room
16. Attempt
18. Lag behind
19. Deep chasm
21. Wool
22. Lout
Last week’s solution
Last week’s winner - Bev Morris
Sore back at night? Need a better bed?
See your sleeping specialists - Bedpost Whitianga
Lee Street, Whitianga P: 07 866 2448
Issue 617 - 31 December 2014
The Mercury Bay Informer -
Page 27
Golf results from the past week
Men’s Golf - Wednesday 24 December
A smaller field of 18 played a stableford
competition for Round 2 of the Summer Series.
Wayne Malcom won with 41 points, one point
ahead of Bob Haase and Ron Haycock, with Bruce
Beveridge at 39.
A Christmas twist was the best total points
on all the par fives. Jim Kirkham won with 13,
Bruce Beveridge 12, with Wayne Malcolm and
Ken George on 11.
Long Drives by Ron Haycock and Bruce
Beveridge, Nearest the Pin by Gordon Kirkham
and Stuart King.
Senior Deuce Pot won by Ken George, Junior Pot
is carried forward to next week.
Visitors are always welcome to join this
scramble held every Wednesday.
Men’s Golf - Saturday 27 December
A quarter of the players were visitors, as the holiday
season moves into full swing. The big annual
tournament coming up is the Mercury Bay Open
on Friday 2 January, teeing off between 8:30am
and 10:30am. All visitors are very welcome.
Saturday's stableford scramble saw one of
the visitors win the event. Malcolm Sturgeon
(Ngahinepouri) racked up a very good 41 points,
followed by Jeff Dixon with 40. Next was Wayne
Malcolm on 39, with Rod Stewart, Jim Kirkham
(Te Awamutu) and Andrew Fleming on 38,
followed by Ken George and Bob Haase on 37
points. Rod Stewart and Mike Smith had two's.
Tournament - Saturday 27 December
A good field of 96 golfers enjoyed the good playing
conditions. Many Clubs were represented, as well
as golfers from overseas.
Many thanks to Sky Mason for his generous
Results of the three person ambrose teams 1st. T Brockelsby, R Brookes, B Palmer,
2nd L Powell, D Powell, B Watts, 3rd T Wood,
B Wood, A Kempthorn, 4th J Fellows-Ford,
R Ford, J Lush, 5th B McCabe, A McCabe, C
McCabe, 6th W Hodges, D Collins, D Warburton,
7th R Crossman, K Crossman, T Crossman,
8th P Ross, D Clark, B Cole, 9th J Bell, K Bell,
K Marshall, 10th Ross Cambie, Rob Cambie,
P Smith.
Straightest Drive - B Cole, Nearest the
Pin Ladies - M Jamieson, Men - K Marshall,
Longest Drive Ladies - R Blucher, Men - T Wood,
Most Wayward Drive - R Marshall.
Mercury Bay Game Fishing Club Kids Fishing Competition
The Mercury Bay Game Fishing Club
Kids Fishing Competition last Sunday
28 December was held in very settled
conditions and 85 keen young anglers
and their supporters (guardians) ensured a
wonderful atmosphere for the duration of
the competition. A total of 181 fish were
weighed and almost all of them returned
to the water immediately after weighing.
Everyone took something home from the
starter packs and there were many drawn
The Mercury Bay Game Fishing Club
would like to thank the following sponsors
for their generosity - New World Whitianga,
The Stunned Mullet, Birdwood Springs
Mini Putt, Longshore Marine, Mercury
Twin Cinemas, Sunny’s Whitianga and the
Mercury Bay Museum.
Several anglers received prizes for
catching snapper and trevally which were
returned immediately to the water and were
not weighed.
The other winners were -
Spotty - 1st Taling Taplin, 2nd Sam Watters,
Parore - 1st Kyla Vanrijs, 2nd Katrice
Young, Kahawai - 1st Yasmine Gort,
2nd Kyan Young, Triple Fin - 1st Mitchell
Hoebegen, 2nd Josh Muller, Mackerel 1st Dean Hall, Spratt - 1st Blake Cammell,
2nd Jackson Hillbrown.
Congratulations to all the winners.
The first place winners in the Mercury Bay Game Fishing Club’s Kids Fishing Competition receiving their prizes from Alan Proctor, Game Fishing Club Manager. From left to right Yasmine Gort, Dean Hall, Kyla Vanrijs, Mitchell Hoebegen, Taling Taplin and Blake Cammell.
Charlie Lodge
& Restoration
Residential Commercial Industrial
Carpet Cleaning & Restoration - Marine Carpet & Upholstery
Upholstery Cleaning - Stain Removal - Rug Cleaning
Vinyl Floor Restoration - Spot Dyeing - Odour Control
All work undertaken will be to the AS/NZ Standard
Institute of Inspection Cleaning
And Restoration Certification
T: 07 866 0075 M: 027 2806374
Need a
washing machine?
Page 28
Peninsula Home Kills
Processing beef, sheep,
pigs & all game
Wishing our
Top quality
valued customers
a safe and happy
bacon, ham & festive season.
Knife sharpenin
service available
Phone Nick Burcombe
866 3970 or 021 2125 260
21 Rangihau Road, Coroglen
No problems.
See 100% Whitianga
The Mercury Bay Informer -
49 Albert Street,
P: 07 866 5726
Issue 617 - 31 December 2014
Early season record for Mercury
Bay Game Fishing Club member
Classifieds & Public Notices
New to market
Coroglen High Country
- Spectacular views
• 83 Hectares – approximately one quarter in pasture and remainder in maturing native bush
• 2 titles – resource consent in place for dwelling and access
• Oteao stream boundary
• Rangihau Rd access
• For sale for $420,000 (TCDC valuation $785,000).
• Looking for a quick sale – Owner relocated.
• Fantastic opportunity
Phone 027 3619 713 for further information and viewing appointment
Mercury Bay Game Fishing Club member Julie Pirie became last Monday the New
Zealand record holder for a lady catching a shortbill spearfish with 10kg tackle.
Julie’s 16.56kg catch is subject to verification by the New Zealand Sport Fishing Council,
which is, according to those in the know at the Game Fishing Club, a mere formality.
Julie (pictured with her catch) was with her husband Brian and their two daughters on their
vessel Bounty Hunter when she landed her catch.
Julie caught her fish in the Havard Logging sponsor’s grid. See page 17 for all the 2014-2015
Mercury Bay Game Fishing Club grid sponsors and the locations of their grids.
Classifieds & Public Notices
Open 9:30am - 2:00pm, Open everyday from 27 December to 17 January
(except Sundays and New Year’s Day) - Blacksmith Lane, Whitianga
Please phone
(021) 027 45654
is looking for a casual staff to
work in our laundry and
Please email
for an application and
job description.
$ $ $
Free removal,
Peninsula wide
0800 227 3867
Beginning part-time
Phone 0273412357
A vacancy has arisen in our family owned kiwifruit orchard
operation based at Whenuakite.
The position calls for tractor skills, machinery R&M,
welding and basic engineering, orchard tasks, truck driving and
needs a "can do" attitude.
Clean HGV license required.
Phone 07 866 3513 evenings.
Qualified Arborist & Arborists assistant / ground person
Arborist will have National Certificate Arboriculture L4
(or working towards it).
Ground person will have chainsaw experience,
a drivers license and enthusiasm.
Great opportunities!
If you’re interested phone
Pete 0800 94 48 48
Land & Tree Works Ltd, Tairua - Mercury Bay
NZ & International Short Films
th Annual Festival!!!
Monkey House Theater, Coghill Street, Whitianga
Mon 5 Jan
Tues 6 Jan
Wed 7 Jan
Thu 8 Jan
Fri 9 Jan
Sat 10 Jan
Sun 11 Jan
Art Will Save the World
My Generation
Listen Up
In the Neighbourhood
Time Travellers
Audience Choice
Theatre opens 7pm • Films start 7:30pm
Admission $10 pp • Bar available
Bookings & programmes available at Marketplace,
18 Coghill Street, Whitianga
Or phone Nicola 866 5445 or Athena 869 5529
Issue 617 - 31 December 2014
Saturday 3 January
Soldiers Memorial Park, Albert Street, Whitianga,
8:30am - 1:00pm.
Unique locally created art, craft & local produce.
Anne 866 5550 or Doreen 866 5237.
We will be closed from 24 December 2014 to 19 January 2015
and apologise for any inconvenience.
Thank you to our patients for your continued support
and patience as we try (yet again) to accommodate
you all in a timely manner.
Wishing our valued patients a very Merry Christmas
and safe festive season.
Dr Wendy Lidgard & Associates - putting a smile on your dial.
The Mercury Bay Informer -
Page 29
Classifieds & Public Notices
Full range available.
Mercury Bay Pharmacy
St Andrew’s Church,
9:30 - 4 PM
In the church hall - opp Z garage
Contact Dorothy Preece
869 5452
Engines, track, signals, buildings,
scenic material, transformers, etc.
Very cheap at $700 or offers.
Phone (07) 866 4194.
Vet nurse, warm, clean,
secure, outdoor run.
Phone 866 4724.
MF30 TRACTOR - $1,000
Phone 021 239 2107.
Isabella Street (off Coghill St)
Open Tuesday 4pm - 6:30pm
and Friday 10am - 12.30pm.
New members welcome.
~Toys for Hire~
Quality late model trailer boats
needed for sale on behalf!
We have buyers waiting!
Call the team at Whitianga Marine
Centre today on 867 1182
or come in to
233 South Highway, Whitianga.
POLES, Do you need S.E.D
H5 poles for retaining or house
foundations? Timber and poles all
lengths available.
Oriental trellis made to order.
MB Timber & Fencing Supplies
225 South Highway
Ph: (07) 866 2457
28 Dec to 10 Jan, 10am-5pm
Town Hall, free entry.
LOTS of stalls, on-site massage, free daily talks,
health checks, organic skin and suncare,
natural therapies books, herbs, nutrition, readings, crystals,
art & more. 027-2929-699
St. Peter the Fisherman
Dundas Street, Whitianga
Sunday Service: 9:30am
Enquiries Ph 869 5577
STORAGE SHEDS available, various sizes, reasonable rates. Dry and
secure. Ph: 07 866 5147
STORAGE SHEDS Whitianga Total Storage opposite Carters.
Ph: 0800 944 660
Permanent rentals urgently required NOW
Tenants: Rental list changing constantly,
Holiday rentals available. Call into office at
7 The Esplanade, by the wharf or phone
Robyn Turner 866 0098 or 027 550 0120
Licensed under the REAA2008
Long term & short term needed NOW!
Good tenants waiting for good homes.
Ask for an appraisal on your property.
Phone Beth on 021 153 8593.
ILLNESS can benefit from
support of plants and nutrition.
Leanne Halliwell
0274 588 626 or
07 866 5899
from $130. Ph: 866 0038,
Detergent Soft Wash,
Roof Clean/Treatment,
Window Cleaning.
Phone Russell Short on
866 2097 or 0273 602 937.
2nd Hand Covers
Cover Repairs
Ron Cooke
Alterations, repairs, zip and hem
service. Ph: 866 5277
866 5984
027 498 4447
Tricky Trees
Stump grinding
Call Chris
Page 30
Hedge maintenance
Crown reductions
Difficult removals
Chip waste to mulch
021 240 9909
A.R.EI.N.Z Property Manager
Call Krissie Brand
Licensed Property Manager with 13 years local experience
Licensed under the Real Estate Agents Act 2008 Understanding the Coromandel Since 1960
07 866 5824 or 027 273 4420
Long term & holiday. Free rental appraisals.
Landlords & Tenants, for all your rental requirements.
Quality homes
for quality tenants.
You Park IT, You Sell IT
at the Do It Yourself Auto Sale Yard.
19 Campbell Street Whitianga
Rent a secure space at a high profile site
and sell direct to the buyer.
Enquiries Ph Craig 021974747
The Mercury Bay Informer -
Issue 617 - 31 December 2014
New Year’s Day boat race - what to expect
By Len Salt
“Come for a sail,” they said. “It’ll be
fun.” Famous last words.
The one minute marker sounds over
the VHF from race control. Within those
60 seconds we need to get ourselves
into a position where our sails are set
and ready and gather enough speed to
control the boat, but not so much that we
get over the line before the start gun.
Trouble is, there are 20 other boats all
with the same plan and they all want to
be positioned right where we are. Most of
them weigh several tons, have huge sails
pushing them along and none of them
have any brakes. Fifteen seconds to the
gun and we come around into the wind,
I grind the sheet in as hard as I can and
feel the boat leap into action. We need to
hold our course to maintain speed across
the line, but the gap between us and the
marker is rapidly filling up with boats.
There are shouts of starboard, protests
and calls for windward.
I’m still grinding hard when the wind
gusts and we take a knock and have
to come up into the wind. So do all
the others and I find myself looking at
a six tonne boat heading towards me
on a certain collision course. It’s both
terrifying and exhilarating for a newbie
not used to this close quarter action and
I brace for impact with visions of being
thrown into the water, crushed, drowned
or both. At the last second our skipper
swings our boat away and the crash is
averted. He timed it perfectly and within
a few minutes the race is on and the
flotilla is spread out to the first mark in a
spectacular display of sails on Mercury
I’m an absolute beginner when it comes
to sailing, but I found myself pressganged into becoming a crew member
on Lee and Carol Boswells boat True
Colours. It’s one of the great things
about living in Whitianga and, okay,
I didn’t need a lot of convincing.
One of the biggest events of the
Mercury Bay Boating Club’s sailing
calendar is the New Year’s Day race.
This year will see the boats going twice
around the club’s course (subject to a
few possible variations a start opposite
the clubhouse, along the beachfront
to Windy Buoy, then to Doctor’s Bay,
then to Simpsons Beach and back to the
The club’s Commodore Chris Johnston
gave me a run-down on what to expect
for the race. “We normally get quite
a few boats from Auckland, Thames,
Coromandel and other clubs coming
to town for this race,” he told me.
“The local club members are eligible
for the Millennium Trophy and this year
we’ve added a number of spot prizes
donated by local businesses to give us
a great prize pool for boats from other
places too. It’s a handicap race, so boats
of all sizes and crew numbers are in with
a chance, no matter what their setup.
Last year’s winner was Russell Chaney
on Bedouin 3.”
The boats to watch out for this
New Year’s Day will be H2Go,
otherwise known as “The Rocketship”
Motel), Matt Algie on Blue Print and
Twentysomething (Tim and Chris
Mike Phear’s new boat JJ won’t have
enough water to get around the start
marker (the start is at low tide), but he
is likely to be out on his other vessel
Integrity instead. Boats like Shadz
(Bruce Haynes), Solvieg (Al Joslin)
and Loose (Belinda Wallace) will be
hard to beat in light conditions and of
course Sound Reason (Bob Holliday),
True Colours (Boswell), Harmony
(Arnie Leigh) and Contrast (John
Wright) will all be in with a chance.
The competitors will enjoy a prize
giving and barbecue at the clubhouse
afterwards and I’m sure many war stories
will be told to start the 2015 sailing year
in Mercury Bay.
Competitors need to be on the start
line opposite the clubhouse of the
Mercury Bay Boating Club at 11:00am.
Entries will be accepted on channel 77
up to 15 minutes before the start. Entry
is $10. There will be a skippers briefing
at the clubhouse at 9:00am for those who
are interested.
A stunning photo by Matt Algie, skipper of Blue Print, of H2Go in race five of the
Mercury Bay Boating Club’s Flaxmill Bay series that was held a few weeks ago.
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Issue 617 - 31 December 2014
The Mercury Bay Informer -
Page 31
These Dreams
Magic Man
What About Love
Crazy On You
I Want To Know What Love Is
Waiting For A Girl Like You
Feels Like The First Time
Hot Blooded
Cold As Ice
Mama Told Me (Not To Come)
Black And White
An Old Fashioned Love Song
Joy To The World
* Plus booking fee.