RED BANK REGISTER RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1948 VOLUME LXX. NO. 47. Work To Start At Middletown School Board May Open Bids Tonight *—Dr. Linn's Report It Summarized The Middletown township school board tonight Is expected to award bids for waterproofing of the high school, the first step in the *160,000 repair program to the building. Last Thursday night the board passed a resolution to float bonds .for the necessary funds. The building committee has been meeting the past week to discuss the general repair program. Aylin Plerson, Woodbridgc architect, engaged by the board for the work, Is expected to attend tonight's meeting and present figures and specification on a heating system. He was instructed Thursday night to get estimates on steam and air heat and a central heating plant, The board contended that all the large scale operations, such as the heating system and the waterproofing, should begin as soon as possible and continue through the tumnier so that the work wilj not interfere with the rail session of school. Also Included in the first work will be window repair and flooring. The board members estimated that the waterproofing would cost anywhere from $10,000 to J15.000. The bonds will be paid off yearly daring a period of 20 years at an interest not to exceed six per cent. Yearly payments of from $8,000 to $9,000 will be made until 1957. From that date $10,000 yearly payments .will be made until the bonds are paid off. On the motion of H. Lawrence Scott, the Citizen's Advisory committee to the board of education was given a vote of thanks for Its interest and for obtaining a school nurvey from Dr. H. H. Linn of Columbia university. District School Clerk James Davidhelser was Instructed to send a communication to the committee. The board also moved to give the report serious consideration, The report, which was received last week, was financed by the advisory committee. Dr. Linn is expected to return in June as he owes the committee two days' work. Reviewing the report, the Advlsory committee contends that if ~Xffri3!mrlrSuggeHiionB are adopted, the taxpayers of the township will be saved cither (310,000 or $200,000. The review states, "present plan under consideration consisting of repair of the high school to house present grade school and conversion of Leonardo grade school to a high school, including the new gymnasium, would cost about 1790,000. Dr. Linn's plan consists of expansion and repair of the high school and the construction of a new 10-room onc-to-six-grade school at a cost of $250,000." The expansion and repair work would be done with the $160,000 bond issue money. Therefore, the review contends, that the Linn report suggeitlons would cost $410,000 as against the board plan of $760,000. However, If the gymnasium were included, tht saving .would be only $200,000 as latest estimates on a gym arc around $140,000. (Copies of the entire Linn report may be obtained by contacting Samuel Siege], acting chairman of the advisory committee or Mrs. Milton A. Vreeland, acting secretary.) The report's main recommendation is the construction of a oneto-six-grade school building at Leonardo, and to use the present high school and grade schools as a junior-senior school plant. Dr. Linn states, "It is clear that this building (the high school building) needs considerable repair and improvement. It would cost an estimated $2,000 per pupil capacity to build a new high school plant, and one caring for 790 youngsters would cost at least $1,800,000, There Is a strong, possibility that by 1960 the local high school enrollment will be a third greater, or approaching 1,000 pupil*. At present building costs this Shrewsbury School To Hold Flower Show- would Involve an estimated Investment of $2,000,000 and It doei not appear that your township could finance such a project. Because of this cost factor, it dot! not appear sensible to consider abandoning tht present high school buildinf." "Furthermore, this buildinf, although It presents a very drab appearance and shows maintenance neglect over a term of yean, is structurally sound and can be rehabilitated and made quite attractive with the expenditure of a sufficient amount of funds." Dr. Linn said that the high school needs new floors, greatly Improved artificial lighting, repairs to the heating plant and painting, both on the interior and exterior. The board Intends to spend the $160,000 in a manner timlliar to that advocated in the report. Smoke screens for the present open stairwells would be desirable as a safety measure, according to the report. Other Improvements suggested i elude replacement of windows and doors, the renewing of the interior trim and building teachers' cases and cabinets. The construction of a new grade school would make sufficient room at the present grade and high school buildings to provide a sixyear school, says the report. The new grade school, it contends, should be located more centrally In the Leonardo area so that children would not have to cross the high; way, A new grade-school building would permit all seventh and eighth grade pupils to be transported to the central unit, the high school* grade school building. The report states, "the adoption of a six-year Junior-senior high school plan releasing space in the elementary buildings, may allow the township to add kindergartens in those areas where groups of 20 or more would justify this arrangement. A six-year school plan should permit the development of a better educational system for seventh and eighth gradl pupils. The high school Is overcrowded at present and ought to have more space made available, states the report. An adjustment in high school space should permit smaller site classes. As a solution to this problem, Dr. Linn suggests that If the seventh and eighth grade pupils were all brought to the Leonardo school, there would be about 900' pupils in the upper six grades. This is based on enrollment as of March. These pupils could be ac commodated In the two Leonardo buildings with modifications. For example, the auditorium on the second flooor of the high school build Ing could be used a* a cafeteria with two or three dining rooms that could be arranged for multiple use. The present cafeteria could be used for some other purpose. "It would be desirable," said Dr. Linn, "to provide two gymnasiums instead of one, and especially if a junior high program were developed. At some later date it may be financially possible to erect a double gymnasium on the high school campus, one with folding doors that would permit larger community affairs, At such a time the present gymnasium might be converted to superior shop facilities." The final recommendation to that smaller classes replace the larger ones In both schools. Included in the report are several charts. One chart shows the total enrollment of grades one to eight Inclusive and plus special students, as 1,454: another chart shows the average teacher per pupil figures, while another chart shows the slie of all classes and the total average enrollment per year from 19S7-38 until 1947-48. The report also includes a statement by the Metropolitan Life Insurance company of New York which shows that enrollments in the high schools In the country will increase greatly In the y e a n ahead. DiFiore Brothers To Build On Lots interest of flower lovers throughout this section Is centered in the flower show to be staged tomorrow at the Shrewsbury borough school. Sponsored by the Parent-Teacher Red Bank, Rumion association, the third annual exhibit is expected to attract more Properties Sold entries and visitors than the previous successful shows. Doors will Michael and Arthur DIFlore, be open from 3 to 9 p. m. and there brothers, have purchased from Alwill be no admission charge. len brothers several lots extending Mrs. Richard Nevlus and Mrs, from Mechanic street through to Nathan Iseltn, co-chairmen, have Oldfleld place. The buyers Intend expressed their appreciation of the to build modern houses on this bought through the whole-hearted co-operation received property from the various committees in George S. Schanck agency. Marie Caprioni has brought from . preparation for the show and were gratified with the results of last tho Morrie-Noglow Realty company week's poster contest, details of a given-room house on the c u t tide which appeared In the Bed Bank of South street, Bed Bank. Extent. ivc alterations and improvementsRegister. will bo made to the property before Htmmtd Shades 98 Ctnii. Bring your rollers, w« put. them on occupancy is taken by the new while you wait, Wnalmble Clopay shades owner. 39 ccnti, Wo make any kind of window The Schanck agency has sold the ihHiles, National 5 L 10, frown's.— Edward Andre property on the east Advertisement. iqld,! of Lafayette street, Rumaon, Waal to Spend an Exciting Aftarnoon? to Fred A. Pomphrey of Rumson, "Brouse urotind" In this truly infor- who is connected with the service mfll House of Gifts. Dornthy Jano department of DeRlddcr Butck, iilioppc, 32 Foster street, Klvor Plum, i'hono Red Bunk 6-4227,—Advertisement inc., Hed Bank. The house has a lar^n living room, dining room, kitLtnn'a Cold Stor«m Vaults, chen, three bedrooms and b»th. Two certified vnulti on our premlsci, The aafeat place In town for your fun Slaal Lawn Chalra and winter uarmonli, Comploto Insurnncc, Handed roulomen, Leon's, 1'hont M.98 ench for fine chairs, Canvsl chain Hod Bunk 6.2800.—Advertisement, 1,1.40, bench and Inwn chairs of all kinds, licnch umbrellas 17,DC, Imsswood Chrfsler, Plymouth, Ititernntlonal, pns'fjh semens In nil ilsos, aummor porch flalas and sarvlcs, Maurlct Sehwarta, nuts at iiopular prices, Odnra closeta Phun« Rid Bank 1-0717.—Mnrtlit- of all kinds, Nations! 6 ft 10, frown's, t Lincroft Firemen Plan 2d Annual Fair The second annual fair of the Lincroft Fire company will be held on the company's (air grounds at the rear of the lire house on Newman Springs road Friday and Saturday nights. June 18 and 19, and June 26 and 26. The grand prize will be a seven-cubic foot Phllco deluxe refrigerator, advance model, with > deep-freeze unit. Matthew L. Mullln Is chairman of the fair committee and Gardner Klein is treasurer. Gerard P, Domidion Is chairman of the grounds committee. Work was started Sunday morning on the construction of fair booths. The members of the company are being assisted by the Ladles' Auxiliary. 3 Houses Sold In This Area Rum§on, Fair Haven, Middletotvn Sales Francis Dowd recently sold his house on Waterman avenue in the Weit park section of Rumson to William Robinson of Rumson. Located on the bank of the Shrewsbury river, the property commands an excellent view of Sea Bright. Of Interest to Mr. Robinson, a sportsman, is the deep water anchorage for boats and also the striped bass which generally arc caught In this vicinity. The house Is of Dutch Colonial design and has four bedrooms and two baths, The transaction was made through the Byrne real estate agency of Rumson. The Byrno agency also sold n four-room bungalow on Chestnut street, Fair Haven, for Carl Greenfield to Mr. and Mrs. John Brewer of Richmond, Va. The house lias an excellent view of Schwenker's pond, a wild life sanctuary, Mr. Brewer is a retired army man. In Glenmary park, Middletown township, Paul G. Peltier sold h b home to Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Trent of Atlantic Highlands through the Byrne agency. The property consists of a six-room house on one-fourth acre of ground. The Peltiers, because of a business transfer, have moved to Wilmington, Del. Mr. Trent, a veteran of World War II, Is associated with the, .Standard Oil company. The Trent's recently occupied their new home, Pet Shop Owner Buvs Dot* K Benj. Hallmark Sells Eatonlown Property Richard P. Cutting, owner of the Cottage Pet shop on Monmouth street. Red Bank, has purchased through the Ella A. Wiltshire agency the Vimy Ridge kennels, South street, Eatontown, from Benjamin Hallmark, who is retiring from business. The new owner plans extensive Improvements to the century-old house which has ten rooms and four fire places. The kennels originated In Chester, England, In 1789, and were called the Eastgate kennels. In 18S3 the kennels were moved by tlw Hallmark family to Liverpool and in 1909 to Chicago. The name wan changed In 1915 to Vimy Ridge kennels and was registered in London and with the American Kennel club. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kennedyr formerly of Monmouth Beach, have purchased through the same agency Major Robert Ramsay's house at 55 Irving place, Red Bank, The house has a living room with paneled ceilings and fireplace, a full-sized dining room, den, breakfast nook, kitchen and lavatory on the first floor. Mr. Kennedy is a veteran of World war II, and is affiliated with the New Brunswick Home News. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Spittle of John street, Red Bank, have bought a corner lot on Cambridge avenue, Knollwood, from the Fair Haven corporation. Mr. Spittle, who is an engineer at Camp Coles, plans to build a home on the site. Riverview Group Plans For Election A nominating committee was named to select officers for Red Bank auxiliary of Riverview hospital at a meeting lost Thursday at the B<d Bank Woman's club, The slate will be presented at the next meeting Thursday, June 3. Committee members Include Mrs. George T. Llnton, president of the combined auxiliaries of Riverview hospital, Mrs. Jacob B. Rue, Jr. and Mrs. Clifford Spoerl. Plans art being made for a card party to be, held in July on the lawns of the home, of Mrs. William A. Miller and Mrs. Paul Reussille in River lawn, Fair Haven, The party Is limited to 35 tables and reservations are being accepted by Mrs. Robert Reussille. Blinds »3.«S. Aluminum Venetian blinda with rimtic coating. Will last a lifetime, Coma and get them, They come for them from Point Pleasant to Perth Amhoy. Must hi a reason. National 5 * 10. Prown'l.—Advertisement. Boat Co. Surveys To Arrange For Dock Facilities Welfare Council For This County In Red Bank SECTION ONE-PAGES 1 TO 12 To Open Jewish Appeal Public Meeting To Be Intercoat-tal To Run Three Commuter Boats " Held Next Tliinsdi.v At Bayshore Area At Local Borough Hull The Intercoutal Navigation company of New York, will survey dock facilities In Red Bank to determine whether it will include this borough in a boat commuter service to start next month. This was announced Friday night by Jerry Floum, vice president of the company, at a dinner at Bahr'i Landing, Highlands. The dinner served as an Informsl inaugural of the first ship of the fleet, the Monmouth, a converted L.C.I, (landing craft infantry), which is expected to start service from New York to Long Branch, Highlands and Sea Bright. According to Floum, the boat line wag conceived when the company was approached by several county residents who requested boat service for this area. Under .present plans, the Monmouth, the first of a fleet of three boats, will start about June 15. It is Floum's belief that all three boats will be in operation during July. The service will «nd Labor day. The company has received a fiveyear lease at the Branchport city dock and similar leases are expected to be secured from Sea Bright and Highlands. The boat will dock at the foot of Hlver street at Sea Bright and at Bahr's In Highlands. The Monmouth is powered by twin Diesel engines. It can accommodate about 480 passengers and will have a lounge, bur and restaurant. There will be sheltered and open seating arrangements. Floum said that his firm was ready to give the commuters "a boat service of which they can really be proud." The Monmouth was used by the British during World War n In the Italian area. Floum was not sure how many dally trips would be scheduled, but stated that several persons had approached the company to Include * special race track run. The vessel Is currently undergoing repairs at Atlantic Highlands. Members of the Bandy Hook line, which contemplates a New Tork to Highlands run, stated thit.both lines would work out a schedule .whereby the public would be well served. President of tht Intercostal company is Mark Hermelln. a New York city businessman. The boat will dock at Pier 10 at New York. Among the speakers were Freeholders Victor Orosslnger, Earl Woolley and Abram Voorhees. finch expressed the hope for a promising boat line and offered congratulations to company officials. Other speakers Included Mayor Thomas Farrell of Sea Bright, Mayor A. Meade Robertson of Highlands, Mayor Paul Klernan of Long Branch and sea Bright Councilman Nells Jacobsen, who outlined th« history of earlier boat services. Introduced were Sea Bright Councllmen George Krauss, Lester Perrine and Carl Nelson, A, Henry Giordano, Long Branch attorney and Sea Bright borough attorney; Frank Hall, Highlands recorder, »nd Councllmen Everett Curry, Herman Dauster and Franklyn P> Ooode of Atlantic Highlands. Others present were Ernest R. Shaw, assistant secretary of the Monmouth Park and Jockey club, Charles Gardener, president of the Sandy Hook lines, and Councllmen Adrian C. Clough and Harry S. Koch of Oceanport. Longo Fined $175 At Rumson Police Court Held Monday Night Louis Longo of Red Bank was fined 1175 In Rumson police court Monday night by Recorder Arnold Tulp on a charge of operating a vehicle while being on the revoked driver's license list. Hi: was arrested In Red Bank last week after Capt. William Zerr of the Rumson police and Capt Carl Jakubecy of the Fair Haven police gave chase. Cars driven by Ralph Longitrset of Rumson, district school clerk of that borough, and George L. Berry of Fair Haven collided Saturday morning at Ridge road and Bellevue avenue, Rumion. Mr. Longstreet and a passenger in the Berry vehicle, Clarence Reevey of Fair Haven, were thrown from the cars. Mr. Longstreet reeelved face cuts while Mr. Reevey was not injured. Berry was lined $4 Monday night by Arnold Tulp, Rumson police recorder, on a charge of falling to stop at a stop street. Charles Laizaro of Long Branch wat lined $10 for not stopping at a atop street and Luclan Johnson of Fair Haven was lined $15 for careless driving. Crsd F, Farwell, chrjsler marina motors, marina motors repaired, also •tartan, tsneralora and Ignition. Boats ant alia towed or dallverd anywhere by Mortgage Money watir. 81 Blngham avenue, Rumson. for homea, fnrms, country eatatel, busI'hona Rumion 1-H9»,—Advertlseratnt. Incsa buildings, existing or new, Long term, ensy payment, liberal lonns nn Public Auction. acceptable properties, Joseph ti. McGua Of exceptionally fine household Roods Agency, Itealtors. Mortgage Departand furnishings, 38 Ocean Doulevard, ment. Phone Rumion l-Oias.—AdverAtlantic Highlands, Hay 21-22, at 1 1'. tisement. M. each liny. Exhibition May 20th 10180 A, M, to 6 P, M. Mra. P. Lin"Hallmark." dauer. D. G. Coots, auctioneer,—AdGraduation Cnrdi nre now on display. vertisement, I'o.v'j (lift Shop, 41 Monmouth Street. Red Bank.—Advertisement. Wadding Gifts. You'll find orljilnnl sUKKestlnns, Chryilcr, 1'lymouth, International. priced rllllit at the Rendezvous Gift Salea and lirvlce, Uatirie* Sobwarts. Shop, bi'i llanita avenue, Asbury Park, Phone Re* Bank f-0717.—AtlferUM•Mate . T Mrs. James R. Clarke, Jr., chairman of the committee orcanl/.lnRT a welfare planning commltlro for Monmoulh County, lias announced a special public meeting to be held next Thursday nlsht at Red Brink borough hall for the purpose of establishing such a council. Representatives of civic nml organizations arc serving on a general committee. Mrs. Clarke sairl yesterday "nt the present time the many welfare, health and recreational organizations, hoth public ntul prlvnte, serving: this county, have no common organization or iiwetinjr plncn where they can discuss problems of mutual Interest. Many of the organizations have expressed the desire for such an organization, especially aftor several have worked without each others' knowledge, on tim sa-Tic problems or cases. indivlduiilK and municipalities, In many Instances, do not know the firopcr agency to contact since there ia no directory of all agencies aviiJIitble. While tho agencies, both private and public, aro doing n splendid job, duplication of effort and expense exists, Tho answer to tills problem has been found in many other sections of New Jumey, nml In practically every oilier state, through tho formation of n Welfare Planning council, or as it ia sometimes called, a Council of Soclnl Agencies. The council will develop in the best possible way present cxlstlnfr services". In explaining what a Welfare Planning council can and does accomplish, Mrs. Clarke listed the following nine points: The ngencied comprising a Welfare. Planning council hold periodic, meetings for the exchange of Information and idea* on social problems In the county; through. Its mutual effort it may develop plans for a sound and economic amiroach to all ivclfaro problems in the county; tliu council, through its appointed committees, may mnduct studies which allocata specific problems to the proper agencies, thereby elminnting unnecessniy duplication of effort and expenditure of money; the council may operate a county-wiUc social service exchange. The council also may operate a special gift bureau for the mure equitable distribution of Christmas baskets and other similar donations; the council nuiy establish a central volunteer bureau for the registration and proper classification of all volunteer workers; the council" may publish a monthly bulletin on the activities of tho member agencies and their personnel; the council may collect and make available to all member agencies various kinds of welfurc statistics, and the council will prepare, periodically, a directory of social' agencies, listing the services performed by each, together with thd names and addresses of the proper individuals to be contacted, A Welfare Planning council is organized with each member agency appointing delegates to tho council, preferably its executive secretary and a lay member of its board; the delegates to the council elect executive officers and a board of directors repreecntative of both the large and small agencies; the board names committees to carry out council plans; the routine operations of the council, including social service exchange, special gifts bureau and the volunteer bureau should be in charge of a trained and experienced executive secretary in the field of community organization. The council activities will come under three main categories: family and child welfare; health and recreation and group work. Since a Welfare Planning council must be representative of all the organluatlons which it includes, necessary funds are usually obtained through an annual assessment of each member. This assessment is proportionate to the financial strength of each agency. Until the council decides that its activities require a paid executive secretary and clerical staff, the expenses should be nominal. Committee members Include Edwaid H. Conway of the Bed Bank Chamber of Commerce; Roy 13. Cotton, Red Bank Community Y/.M,C.A.; Miss Winona Darrah, Monmouth County Organization for Social Service; Mrs, Joseph F. Hunter and Mrs. Thomas H. Lafon, Junior Service League of Red Bank; Mrs, Lola Robinson, Westside Community center, Asbury Park; Miss Rhoda Southnll, bureau of Oltl Age Assistance; Mis3 Lucy E. Tompklns, the Monmouth County Red Cross chapter, and Mrs. Harry H. Neuberger, Monmouth. County branch, American Association of University Women, Whin Clover now la stock. Yankee Inwn iceil, two pounds SO cents; VIBMO in renta a package, up; screen wlro In K«IV«IIIZ«(1, seven cenla a antinrc font: brotue. 13 cent« » iquaro foot; window »rrccn> in all lllcsi sprinkling cant S 1 - " . Hoc delivery, National 5 & 10, frown a.— Advertisement. Sea Bright To Modify Plans For Public Bathing Center And Ask New Offeri School Addition Put Up To Voters Speeiul Fled ion At I'JUIOIIIOKII Tuci-<iav Conidr. J, IJ. Goldberg Jewish Appeal Campaign Opens Here Monday Comilr. (MIICIIHTJ; To Spiuik At Home ' Of Max LIMIII Tho United Jewish Appcn! en.nipriit;n to raise $1)2,500 in Ihc Itod M.'inlt nrc.i will olllclnlly opini Monilny nlffht when Cnnidr. Joshua L, f!olril»rK, assistant district chapIn 111 of the; Third Navnl District, will he I'llesL Hpenker at the Inltinl tifls mi.'fllntf »t the home of Mnx Loon, '111 Itiver road, I'^alr H.tvcn, Tho women's division of U.J.A. wll! hold Its (list function Tuesday nftornoDn when it will sponsor a tr-n. nt tho home of Mrs. Walter Topper, Buenn Vistn nvenue. Humson. Mrs. Trma Lindhelm, who recently returned from Palestine nnd who is one of the Jewish womnn leaders In this country, will bo tlie sponltcr. Comdr. Goldberg', a leading membc.v of tho American nilililnate, Is vko president of the Queens College association, grand chaplain of tliu Ijod^o of Mjusons in New York, and a former chaplain of the Department of Hospitals in New York city. Born in Russia, Comdr, Goldberg received his early educntlon in that country, Palestine and New York. Shortly after hia arrival in the United States he volunteered for tlio army nnd served with the A.E.F. in France, taking part in (ivo major cnKiifrcments. Upon his return to civilian life he became activo in Jewish educational and communal organizations. Ho was nntlnnal secretary of tho American Jewish Congress, lias lectured extensively In muny parts of the United States, nnd has written many articles on American and Jewish life. Monday night at tho Jewish Community Center, the women's division held n. meeting which served as an Introduction to tho campaign. It featured an open forum following a talk by Franz Bibo, who served as an oflicial translator for tho U. S. War Crimes commission nftcr his rescue from two concentration camnfl. Son of a wellknown German playwright and famous concert singer, Mr. Bibo told of the atrocities penpetcrated In the camps, and the need for rehabilitation of Europe. lieultoi-g To Dine Next Thursday Night Th<i next regular dinner meeting of the Monmouth County Board of Realtors will be held at Colt's Neck inn, Freehold road, Colt's Neck, next Thursdny night at 6:30 o'clock. Thp subject of tho guest speaker 111 be "Realtor Code of Ethics" and tho importance of the corrimlsn schedule as adopted by the real estate board. Realtors will have an opportunity to present questions on the subject. New members to be voted on at tho session arc Hubert M. Farrow, Jr., ot the Allaire and Son agency of Red Bank as the llrst-clasa memtor, Donald W. MacConncll of the samti agency as a ualestnan member and Margaret M. Pryor of the Allonhurst Realty company of Allenhurst as a aecond-claes memher, Cub .Scouts To See Television Shows AI: cub scouts In district two will bo tho guest* of tho J. II. Mount company of Red Bank to enjoy television shows at their store on Broad street. Tho tclovislon parties will bo held each Wednesday and Thursday nights until all of tho cubs have attended. Two dens will bo present oach night, Refreshments, i n c l u d i n g Ice cream and cake, will bo served at tho conclusion of the show. After the boys return homo they ./111 write a paper on, "Why 1 Uko Television", to be entered in a contoot sponsored by the company. Ono prize winner will bo chosen ucli den to receive a basofru hall or boy scout knife. A |irlzo winner will then be diosun from each pack to receive a baseball :love. Motht Da Damage. PfiriKAchlorflhi'liftltie will kill them. Laon'a Cold Storate .Vaults. Two certified vaults oa our promises, Only 49 ctnla u |iou:nl,,Moth bum VJ ts. mctli ItulM nml iinkca at low The safest Place in town for your furs and winter iiurments. Completo insur- Drill's, ll.ll.T. IIOIIIIII IIS cults, tnr l » l w nnce. llondcd routomen, Leon's, l'hone at nil kiiuli, National 5 4 10, l'rawn'i, -AtlvcrtiSfalniMit. Ked Bank 6-2800.—Advertisement. Mortiaie Money. W« can place any icood mortsnffe loan, large or email, low Intereat rate. Boynton Agency, B Drummonti Flaee, Rid Bank, N, J. Thone Red Dunk «• 09S2.—Advertisement. Bank Stock Wanted. Will purchase from one to 100 lhares ot the Merchants 't'rusl Oouipuuy [if Ked Dank, Answers treated connden* llallr. Thomaa Irvlnii Urown, U»'l Bank ttillitir,—AdrutlMiaiiit, Reject Pavilion Bids As Too High Chrysler, 1'lvtnoutti, Intfrnntlonal, Snlos and a«rvlc«. Maurice Hchviarta. i'hona Itsd Uank 4-0787 AilxfUst. mant. Wanted. Motor fur Doilvu ' — t o n pick-up 1031 rim.hi K.L'. Cull Kilwnnl Cross, IicJ Unnk 0.USU9.J.—Advertisement. If imllitfition Ice in ju'l iiwnke, tltkn wi Mnyjiinka for Kuodntsi suk«, All .rujftfiils,—Advertisement, 1 A . I'Jatontown next Turtfilay n ip»cial election will ho held at tliu ;<."liool on tho question of jin addition to the school building nnd 'lie issuing of bonds to finance the <irujC (.'•.. The meeting Is cnllr-d for .1 p. m. and the polls will remain open until II p. m., or us much loiiKir as may bo ncccHstiry to enable all the lojial voltM'H then present to their ballots. Tho following proposul will be submitted: IteBolved, That the Board of Education of tins Horimgh of Eatonto,vn is hereby authorized: fa) To construct an addition of two class rotims and combination auditorium and KymnaMuui, with .•ilteiidnnl facilities, to the Knlnntown School and make alterations of the cxlHtliiK building and purchase school furniture and other equipment nece^ary for .such addition, nnd to e.vpcnd therefor not cxceedlnK JlltO.OOO. tli) To issue bonds of the School District for mid pur|io«o In th« principal amount of $190,000. thus uslnir up oil of tho $1)7,897.87 borrowing margin of the Borough of Eatontown presently avnllahle for other Improvements nnd also Increasing Its net debt $20,189.67 beyond such borrowing marRln. A Strong Defense, Says Legion Head U. S. Should Be Ready To Fight For Peace The lawn of Shrewsbury post American Legion, home en Riverside avenue, waa the scene of tht annual memorial Bervlce of Monmouth volturc 40 and 8 of the American Legion Saturday night, Joseph C. Carly, state Amorlcan Legion commander, at the conclusion of a roll cull of Monmouth county men killed in World war II, aald that tho United Statea htui 'lost faith with its hattleiflclddead" in fulfilling ulms of the wara to safeguard democracy. Mr. Cnrty asserted democracy In approaching a tallspln, prevention of which, lie aald, demands military preparedness. He said that the preservation of poace la a noble objective. "But failure to prepare to light for peace," Mr. Carty continued, "Invites disaster." Colors of 15 Monmouth county posts were massed for the roll cull of the dead by Andrew Santera of Freehold, past chef de Rare of Monmouth voiturc. Eladio Rodriguez of Highlands, also a past chef dc gare and chairman of the service, gave the responses. Cecil Ackerson of Kcyport delivered Lincoln's Gettysburg address. National officers and other dignitaries present at the ceremonies included C. W. Ardery of Indianapolis, Ind., correspondent nationale; Lou Drngo of Brooklyn, advocate nationale; Mrs. Grace Colton of Montclalr,. chapeau department of the 8 and 40 of New Jersey: Mrs. Minnie Feldman, petite chapeau, Monmouth salon; Mrs. May Lewis of Freehold, county Legion auxilnry president; Mortimer S. VanSauter of Fair Haven, county Legion commander; Carl Wolf, grand chef de gare de grand volture of New Jersey, and Al Wallack of Bolrnar, incumbent county chef de gnre. Stnte Commander Wolf of the 40 and 8 was toastmaster at tho banquet at the Molly Picture hotel after the ceremony. Hta guests included Freeholder Joseph C. Irwin and Abram Voorhees. SATUBHAY CAKE SALE Tha Ladles' guild of the Chapel of Holy Communion at Fair Haven will hold a caka and food sale Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock at the chapel parlih house on Church street, Mrs, Edward Bennett Is chairman. Bird Batha I2.9«. P>rvel paper drnprs 59 cents, eocoa floor mats 9l,6tf, ruhbrr tire mnts 11.59, rivr.gallun roiif coating S?. 19, gnllons nnil Devil pnitit anil VHriiMn remover !I.S0, plant lin*'» <0 crntn. All the thintM you nord. Just call up. Free delivery, National i A 10, Provvn'a,—Advertisement. Waul lo Spend an Eacltlng Afternoon? "Hrouse around" In this truly Informal Hotisfi of (lifts. flornthy Jane Shiippc, 3^ Foster stroet, Hlver I'laia. 1'hone Red Dank 6-4227.—Advertisement In Us plins for a line pavilion, to be l,u;if nn -i-,M si'ji of tho munlcipil UMI )i. Sr-ri I'.,•;;;:".:. firind it had tried to t,i!,' nrr a l:!t:« more than it couU alTnr'l *r, fhf.v- at today'* prineM. th.i'. H. It. ijiTim,. mn,.s.Harv Friday night fnr M;i;.fj" TlK,m"i.a VixvW .ind the l«irou«li • fit:tic:i u, rpjirt ail build<•!.;' hlil.H ar.-l :(:-< p.ire ',, pl,-in over again. lii'l- •.•.::! :,e l.-ked ng.iin af!rr \\\i\ .-;M r.tic.iMuns of Robert ('. Kilwanl::. .• r --1. :•••••!. a :,! reviled (l,jwn-.v;ml. I'l-ir. 'hir.i,'f.q now are. undrr u:i;.'. As iL WK nx.pliir.^'1 by Mayor Kartell, the l.oi'-,u;;li ia r;i;.tinfr $!7,-l>0 by bond i.^'ie. Programming rails for ii-,' r»f tilts money not only lo [I'.IIM th" jiavilion, but alM> to reinoiit; .n ; ft tioroufih. hall th,, old b,M( lif:'/!.'. ilrsl nid hall. Although Mime •••irplii.i funds are available to ;HM to the bonded money to llr.;inff.' .su''h construction, funrlt are modest la amount nnd must be used uparIngly. Five bids were entered for pa* vilion construct ion Thfi lowest, nnd dlsqllalillefl became It was unfieoonipanieil by the rillod-for cer* tilled cherlt, wri.s offered by a Rum* -son builder- in the amount of $45,133. A Jersey (-'ity contractor asked for tho job for the hish bid ot $.V),00O. Council appeared In general agreement that not much more than $40,iJOQ could be considered for pavilion building this year. Therefore, on tho motion of Councilman Carl Nelson, following Mayor Farrell's suggestion, all bid* were rejected, by unanimous coun« ell vote. Mayor Firrell aald he believed It be*t now to modify the job by th« temporary elimination of certain pavilion features, such a j a wins of which a part It proposed a* a lunchroom, rather than through any aacrlflco of quality. In thla way, pavilion addition* oould b* built In future^ years and Sea Bright would bei assured of having a tlrst-quallty bathing center. It further was agreed that Jtut aa noon ni the modification of plans was completed, the borough again would advertise for bids. Mayor Farrell emphasized that when next submitted bidders should follow all rules outlined In the td> vertlslng, particularly the one {•• quiring contractors to attach c e > tilled checks In demanded arrlounta to their bids. Three of the five bids received Friday were sent in without checks and would hava been disqualified. A pleasant note In the proceedlng.«< was the totfil lack of discord. Bitter arguments had marked tha previous two council sessions la Sea. Bright, ono resulting In a walkout of throe councilmen, tha next almost In a battle royal. But agreement was genera] throughout Friday's gathering, and much win accomplished. Ordinances were passed on third and final reading governing th» opening and closing of sea gatel, the use of the municipal bathing beach, and the building of structures on the rock sea wall. Under the new law, the wooden, barriers must be kept shut from October 15 to April 1 each year. Tho sea gates may be opened from April 1 to October 15. exceptln? when the chief of police or borough, council orders them closed because, of any emergency. Failure to shut the gates will result in having this work done by the borough at a charge the owner must pay to avoid court suit. Convicted violators of this ordinance may be sentenced to pay $500 fine or serve 90 days In the county Jail. The municipal beacji ordinance) covers use of the borough's public bathing heach, a stretch of short about 1.000 feet long from the Pennsula house south to Todd Jetty. This law requires each person who Intends to use the beach bathing facilities, Sea Bright resident or not, to register name find address with the borough, and to pay a fee 'or an Insignia which must be shown to an attendant upon enterng the beach and worn continue oUftly while there. The summer bathing lesson (Continued on Pag« 2) THANKS FOR A FINE JOB During the past week, it w u our pleasure to have furnished w m i commercial Job printing to Mrj, Kenneth Wyckoff of Branch aventi* In the interest of the concert In which her daughter, Miss Evelyn Wyckoff, was guest soloist. In remitting for same, lira. Wyckoff states, "Thanks for a fine Job". Gelling Married? Pllloe your ostler now lor jrour Wld" fllnit Invitations, llci-cpUon aail Heaponl Cards, MwrrinRe or Announce, ments. At Home and Thank You Cards, etc. Fox's (Jiff. Shfip, U Monraouta Street, Itcd Hank.—Advertisement* Bank Slock Wantea. Willing to uurcbaaa up to 2,000 ananas of an; part of 2.000 shares of itoci o l Second National Bank of Had Bank. John Wermert. TVerihom Atlantis Highlands 1-0008.—Advartiaetnint Royal ryp««rller». Man I Formal CloltsM Fcr Hlrt, Portable and olllce models. Prompt Also aocessorles, l,amaat atock In delivery: also nddlnc machines, lold. Honmoutn county, Stiall's, U«Vi North tented repnired. Easy lorms. All Uroadway, Long Branch, Open evinlnfa, makes. and Sorpleo's, 105 Mor.mouth atraat. —Advertisement, I'hona Bed Dank ••04S5.—Adtertliemenu Auctlonstr and At*ralstr, B. 0, Conta, 45J It nth avenue, Lout Chrjsler, I'lrmouth, International, Orancb, 1'hona 6<35i)9. "Any kind of Sales anU service. M.urk'e Sehwartl. auetion anywhera."—Advertliemant. I'hone lied Bank «.0TS7,~Ad»ertlw. mint, Myera Pumpit Tanks nnri powrr sprayers, ate, now In stock, Ernli Majar's Tavern, Itumion, Choice) Cotiover Bros., Wlekatuiik, Fbena U I di(U)«t from ll,«0,—AdvwtliUMMe dll i - l l l l i i d r t l V RED HANK REGISTER, MAY 13, 1948 Page Two Reject Pavilion Bids A t Too High KLARIN'S the Fichter interest*, but rather in their benefit, and the ordinance was ordered to stand unchanged. After an in-£ouncll auction, a bid of $1,950 was rejected for the uale of a borough owned lot. Council also approved transfer to John J. Picknally, Jr., of the license of Regan's Blue Room, 1002 Ocean (Continued From Page 1) starting June 15, it <lvid«d Into two parts under the bathing beach law—the first period ending July 31, the Inat September 15. Tags for each of the two periods will be sold at a fee to be decided upon by the mayor and council. Children 12 year« or younger mult be accompanied by their parent*, but, it the parents are registered, the children will receive their tags without charge. The tags are nontranaferaMe, and will be forfeited If used by unauthorised persons. This law speclflei It don not prohibit anyone from u»lng the beach on a dally basis, either by paying a fee to the management of the proposed municipal pavilion's bathhouses or to any authoiUed bathIng concessional™. It does waive the borough's responsibility for nny Injuries or accidents taking place on the beach or In the water. It also prohibits dressing or undressing in automobiles or elsewhere in public view. Lifeguards, having full police power, will be on duty from June 15 to September IB, but anyone using the beach or bathing after 7 p. m., will do io at his own risk, nays the ordinance, The seawall ordinance says platforms built on the rocks must not have covered sides more than three feet high nor roofs. PAINT POTPOURRI BUT DEAR, 1 PAIMTED YOUR PIPE WITH THE; B E S T ! _ MERKIN JIGTIME SPEED ENAMEL. Councilman Nells Jacobsen, In charge o! streets, reported that effort* to eliminate the backing up of water at the river ends of New, Surf and some adjoining streets had met with meager success until now because of poor drainage. Council agreed to his suggestion that water prexura through a 2 V4MM'II ;<II :Irn;iloin* I-;Iu gut professional re-nils with IVIerInch hose should be used to try to kin Jigtlme Speed Enamel, I I l i r i o in \ hoin's, 1 n<ivt• s m> cleor the drains so this water could JJMI.-II iiiiirli? nml comes in 15 .sparkling colors, lilnck nnd be drawn off. Otherwise Jacobsen w h i l e l-"oi' iifi! inside nr onlsiilo. ( i d a r o m p M e cnlm' siilil, it might b* necessary to ini.'ni'd showing: (hn witle range colnr mill nn iulililinnnl 12 stall new drain pipes. In another street problem, couninlci-pstinp inteniiixos fruni KLABIN'8 PAINT STORE, cil agreed that bids should be ad26 Monmouth Street, Red Bank. vertised {or the laying of gravet on Ripa way. Beach way, Normandy place, Atlantic way, and Willow way to Rlverview place, streets now properly surveyed and ready for such surfacing. Council also agreed to proceed with the demolition of tha condemned parsonage located behindthe Afro Methodist Episcopal church, judgsd to be a dangerous structure, Inspection was ordered of tha John Ivins building on Ocean avenue, reported to havi a bulging wall. Mayor Farrell got the full approval of council that an immediate letter of protest be tent to the New Jersey Public Utility Commission against the proposal of the Jersey Central Power and Light Company to raise gas rates. Residents of Itnbrle place, requested council i o incorporate into the borough system their streets, now reported to be properly curbed and s!d«wallied, and. In return, the council ordered an investigation be made of the drainage of the designated roadway*, to determine if they are acceptable to the borWhaterer price you"pay lor Them'a Only On* Door ough. your korm, set aside enough With Tha Ordared to be paid were county for Tht'OVERHEAD DOOR" taxes of $46,419, the Board of EdMIRACLE WEDGE with the MIRACLE WCOOE ucation bill of $10,(22 for school —the garage door that wedge. operation! this school year, an BOLD INSTALLED Uohtlv y»t oMnseaaUy in any amount of *o,lM for tha Sea Bright police pension fund, and UnTos weather. I t ? tie to the State Police and Flrtworth far mora than men'a retirement system, and sevtha low coat—in laeteral current bills. ing arnica a n l eatis> Appearing in the interest of the (action. MIRACLE WEDGE 3. A. Fichter pavilion was Vincent McCue, who came In following final passage of the beachfront ordinance, and requested Its amendment. He said he and his client feared that someday, to enforce restrictions of the ordinance, some future council might order a fence built, shutting off the section of the beach adjacent to the Fichter pavilion. He laid MM. Fichter h u operated her pavilion for 23 yeara and therefore had, In hit opinion, the right of prescription, the same as though incorporated In Distributor for Central and Southern Nen- Jersey a grant, over accew to this ocean frontage. He asked that tha ordi84 McLaren St. Red Bank, N. J. nance be amended net to apply to this section of the beach, an area of 75 feet. However, council dtclded the ordlnanct u It stands cannot be con• strued te work in hardship against GIFTS . SO niFFFBF.NT Cut Class VASES THE ETHEL MOUNT MOZAR SCHOOL OF DANCIMG of Distinctive Beauty I I I rraaacct Are., Keel Bank 3.00 to 5.00 DOfMTHY JANE SHOPPE Telephone Bed Bank «-«20 C U M M ifj all types of Dancing for Children and AdulU. 32 Foittr Street Riv«r Plus R ank 8-4227 Open Evenlnsi Til >' -Slashed Toiletry Specials! A SURE WAY TO SAVE SHOP AT LIGGETTS I^ Quick, afenratr pretfription by highly skilled registered pharmacists! No Funs about it... HELEN CORNELL '•'• hormone cream and your hair it beautiful! GIVE YOUR Kiddies THE TONI HOME PERMANENT 'TIME' Of THEIR Y0UNC LIVES WALT DISNEY CHARACTER 2/3 off regular price in thi* gigantic record-breaking tale! wrist watches ftWm 0ISHt< MO0UC11ONS Kids will * • « ' the»«lii"«>-Pi««»"i'hbutton-bustin9 prWtl ln fl»'joll made; goily adorned DWvxt Cram* C«W W«v» with 96 ffavMbfa Mm$tk C«rf«rt with 1 of 10 Oi»n»V »•«'»• Now you can w e what natural e»trogenic hormonti do for your iklnl 7500 IU eitrogtnic hormen»t p*r o u n c * . . . \ % o r jar. Ribbed eurltri cut rolling rime) in half . . . guerentnd to tail long at $ l j ptimantnti. K* N* 80MS.' Magik Mitt NEW FORMULA/ SKCMt VASEIINI CRIAM HAIR TONIC Jet-Propelled Death to Insects B0URJOIS OFFER, 1 •'•.I- : IVININO IN PARK POWDER AND PiRFUME l a e i M Vlretei nmpmirit f j f aet. wel lustre 4 lane> Ms far Kolp hrnom. Twe eie*ras' wtaty "2-0-I" fees fsscea ef ••flow. •orMro* 2.98 HAIR CARE VALUE/ HALF PRICE SALE! SHASTA IEAUTY CRIME SNAMTOO Contain! 3% DDT to knock 'em dead in* stonily & Finger-tip Control for quick & eoiy u n l . . . 12 on.-twice as muck at »v«r before. IARIARA 60WD (' C1EANSIN6 CREAMS f fetlet Creew kine )e> imaet a dry skiif Cree« Pew* am f»r eNy skin. m inslraw. sa«l, eeitar » siaaat*. t.t Omcts M9$3.00,M. LANOLIN-RICH! Telephone MORE THAN 2/3 OFF! WILDROOT CHAM OH nog Red Bank 6-1408 .withl0%0DT.2OZS.2Je Cam N M M MINIATURES rMMiM F#)f I M M i r r l n r VRrMif r 0/fnMM n ft ftOP * QiCttt 0M*t Witt? Flit Surfaci Spray, with DDT . . . aw 35c 'rich lonella . . • 4ees nel try scale. Antrol Traps for Anfe, I3« . . . . Jtar 25c Mack Flag U p M , with D D T . . . a w 23c Moth Flak* pkg. 17c PestiMittr, with 5% DDT at* 45c . tloy'i Magk Iraid liMtct Powdtr; i n. ifc '•aearierllef. Til 1 K M awtasie. $I.O0IIZI Eiay't litttrfidaV wMi D O T . . . * * 3 * Overhead Door Products Corporation It Pays To Advertise In The Register avenue, and endorsed a public call by the American Legion for the display of flags on Memorial day. Later, the council attended the dinner given at Bahr's in Highlands by the Intercoastal Transport company, a boat-commuter service which will start operation* this summer. aoTNro* m 8-Cup Brettpn Model SILEX COFFEE MAKER •yre« upper & lower bowls, tcollopod Moldtx trim. Cloie-out modal. Bargain) Mack or Ivor/ Frandi Dry CttOMr 349 4-6 Cup BreiHon Model (discontinued). 29* Clean tnrir* wardrobt; GAL. Papor Towels SMOKER SPECIAL iflVI Soap,fcrArt mi mm . . . . «aW We Hay's Clan O M M T SALE OF POPULAR BRAND CIGARS VALUES UP TO 20* WHILE THEY C LAST 5 ea. Prince Albert Tobacco . . . . 89° Ib. Briggs Tobacco 98° Ib. Granger Tobacco 98° Ib. im.l9c 3'ifri ON, mm, iNfMtwU MM . .S m. 2SC Efay's Klm-M, 4*** * * i . . 4 » . 25c Wright's Silver M s h (mm Measured by Cost and convenience GAS . . . is far ahead ..i.mMt Red Stfll lyt, tw MMMNJ M . . n m. 17C And so far as the "shortages" that (OX OF 50 have been noticeable, in the other necessities you buy * • 2 for 25c Tropical Taste Thrill * GAS . . . has been unfailing. . . . Soda Fountain Feature PINEAPPLE *<h I. •*-,•"- -^ arc SODA... a i l Rfc/t vanilla ict crtom, Iweioi/* pineapp'e syrup, syrup,whipped whipped cream apple cream topifopl *MM'e(terelTe>a Book Matches 2 for 25' LIGGETT y DRUGS CORNfR BROAD fc MONMOUTH STRUTS. PHONE 6-1444, RID BANK KK1J liAXK UKGItiTHU, 31AV V.i, 1!»|S COAL The real cause of acule shortagei of coal in midwinter is insufficient buying during the •ummer. More coal must Ite stored in Harm weather. Why gamble with your winter's comfort. Be Mire by filling your bin now. Better phone today. Ask lh<; man who buys here. HANCE & DAVIS TIL. KID IANK 64101 Week-End SPECIAL! NYLONS Reg.. 1.3S Value // yon want to achieve that smooth, even liarvlvf; look you envy in your friend* who've basked in the sunlight for hours and hours, you will certainly buy several pair* of these No-Seam Nylon slocking* at this remarkable price. Business as usual during alterations Holy Cross ITA Holds Communion Breakfait Church Society Holds Mother, Daughter Supper Out inalienable right to religious education was the topic chosen by Rev. Dr. Rainer, frofessor of Canon Law a.t the Redemptorlat seminary, Esopus, Is'. Y., when he addrtfsed the Holy Cross ParenltcaHier association at its annual Mrs. Delwiler Moihn's Day Communion breakfast Sunday at tho Colony restaurSpeaks On Women ani. "YTDUr choice of the religious training your child will receive is In Paths Of Srivicyour privilege, make sure no im infringes upon it", Father Rainer Mrs. H. W. B. Delwiler of At- sa:d. lanlic City, of the board of misAlso addressing the sroup were sions and church extension of the P\f.v. Joseph Sullivan, pastor, and New Jersey Methcdist Conference, Mrs. George McGowan, president. was the speaker at the annual Father Sullivan told the mothers, mother-daughter supper of the "Education is training in character Women's Society of Christian Ser- and training In character rests vice, last week at the Red Bank witli you". Methodist Fellowship hall. Mrs. Sirs. John Murphy was winner uf Frank Kuhl was chairman, nnil a tiicrial award. Co-chairmen of arMiss Emma Burdgc arranged the rangements were Mrs. Cliffoid program, I Dot-rle and Mrs. Edward O'Brien. Mrs. Detwilcr chose "Women in Attending besides those already Paths of Service," as her topic nnd mentioned were Mrs. August Muugtoid her audience that much joy ge, Mrs. Henry Kruse, Mrs. Alfred could be found between mother LaBrecque, Mrs. Edmund L. Carey, and daughter in complete und<?r- J r . Mrs, Edmund L. Carey, Sr., atandlng in the home nnd in ail Mrs. Joseph Hawkins, Mrs. Paul activities. She cited understanding Hinlelmann, Mrs. William Hintclas being one of the most necessary ninr.n, Jr., Mrs. Raymond Hclikcr, things in the world today Mrs. Thomas Welsh, Mrs. Dennis she believes undei-Etnndinc within , K. Byrne, Mrs. Joseph Charles, the homo nnd family will leail to i Mrs. Hobart Leonard, Mrs. William understanding with neighbors and ! D. Cromey, Mrs. Ira D. Emery, I Mrs. Walter White, Mrs. Joseph the world In general. She asked mothers to make their ' Clancy. Mrs. William Smith, Mrs. Murphy, Mrs. Joseph G. homes 'attractive to their families. Francis McCuc, Mrs. Charles Mears, Mrs. so that their children would bring William Onderdonk, Mrs. David their friends there for entertain- , Hogan, Mrs. James K. Shea, Mrs. ment and fellowship. I Koccp Fodcrnro, Mrs. Pirie MalonMrs. Albert Lnubcr, Jr., presi- ! ey, Mrs. James Higglns, Mrs. Thorndent, announced the follow:ng j as hdKler, Mrs. Harry Cronan, Mrs. summer and fall program: Wednes- Vincent McCarthy, Mrs, Hmlson day, June 2, calendar party; Wed- Howland, Mrs. Patrick J. Byrne, nesday, September 15, missionary Mrs. Jay HDII}1, Mrs, Stephen Cas3meeting, with Rev. F. A. DcMaris granile, Mrs. John Dclsler, Mrs. of Little Silver addressing the William Douglas, Mrs. Thomas group on tlie subject, "Thy Wny in O'Lcary, Mrs. Walter Carle, Mrs. •Puerto Rico"; family night Wed- William Gigllo, Jr., Mrs. William nesday, October 6, with Rev. Her- Giglio, Sr, Mrs. Charles Sweeney, bert J, Smith, district superintend- Mrs William Reid, Mrs. Joseph ent, as the speaker; "The Knrtli Hcnly, Mrs. Henry Bauer, Mrs. and Her Increase," topic for Wed- George Grausc, Jr., Mm. George nesday, November 3 session, and Gniuse. Sr,, Mrs. John Shea and installation of olllcers nt the Mrs. Robert Longhl. Christmas program, Wednesday, .December 1. 32 Broad St. 'Oi The neck, -win? tips and giblets of fowls make an excellent soup stock when coupled with onion, parsley, carrot, celery leaves and, If desired, a bay leaf and a few THE SAFEST PLACE IN TOWN Yes, Leon's "Certified Vaults" Are The "Safest Place" For Your Precious Furs and Winter Woolens LEON'S STORAGE SERVICE PROVIDES # Bonded Routemen # Complete Insurance # Luster way Fur Cleaning # Fur Repair and Remodeling Court St. Ann C.D.A. Has Annual Election - Bridal Shower Given For Myrtle Johnson Misn Myrtle Adele Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson of Long Branch, was given a bridal shower recently at thn home of MISA Lorraine de la Motte in ROmson, by Miss dc la. Motte, Miss Ethel Carhart and Mrs, Allan Woolley, Jr. Miss Johnson will be married, Saturday, to William Herbert Marsh of Monmonth Beach. Guesta were Mrs. Pclcr Johnson, Mrs. George Johnston, Mrs. Lola Butts, Mrs. Robert Gibb, Mrs. Conrad Johnson, Mrs. Thclma Johnson, Mrs. Sherman Mischier, Mrs. Walter Minchlcr, Mrs. Harriet McCormick, Mrs. Arthur Johnson, Mrs. Albert Newman, Jr., Mrs. George VanWinkie, Jr., Mrs. William Moncrleff, Misses Betty Brown, Betty Burke, Claire Coyle, Jane Herbert, Gloria Hermandex, Evelyn Holgerson, Florence Johnson, Betty Sceley, Lois Seeley, Joan Sllva, Edith VanWinklc, Ethel VanWinkie, Audrey West and Betty Moncrleff and Donald Witt, Conrad de la Motte, William Moncrleff and Arthur Johnson. Paee Thre* Olllcers were elected at the annual meeting of Court St. Ann, Catholic Daughters of America, recently at St. Ann's school, Keansburg. They are Grace Ryan, grand regent; Mary Conk, vice regent; Carolyn McMahon, prophetess; Helen Olsen. monitor; Belle Miele, lecturer; Agnes Thome, historian; Anne Rclily, treasurer; Sadie Keclnn, sentinel; Gertrude Ahcarn, financial secretary; Clara Smith, organist, and Agnes McMahon and Louise Lake, trustee! for three yea rs. The entire court membership attended the 8 o'clock mass at St. Anns church, Sunday, marking their annual Communion service. A social meeting will be held next Tuesday night, Fire Auxiliary Arranges Benefits The auxiliary of Independent fire company wHl hold a rummage sale Saturday morning, opening at 9:30 o'clock, at the fire house on Mlchanlc street. Mrs. Harold Mangarelli is sale chairman, aided by Mrs. Calvin Carhart, Mis. Charles Julian, Mrs. William Dietrich and Mrs. Gordon Wilson. The group will also hold a cake sale In June with Mrs. Frank Madure as chairman. Red Bank's Only Cold Storage Vaults On Our Premises Why nut mine in IIIMI iiiHUiM-t our vault*. Sri* for yourself lli<; curt: with which pirnu'iils Morril at LCOII'M arc handled. LEON'S Since 1912 64-76 White St. Kcd Bank ¥<r Sportswear McGregor's Sierra Gab •. • Slacks — In 100%\ /' ' Pure Worsted Gabar-% fgf dine. Crisp, Smooth, '^A Brightly Hued — And v Tailored With The * ; Continuous Waistband That Slims Your Waistline And Trims Your Figure! among today's 125 different tire brands gives you this broad written warranty that's good on tho road for ono full year at over 38,000 authorized dealers in the U.S. and Canada! Fashioned by McGregor—with a drape that's wonderfully free and natural. The colors team perfectly with sweater or sport jacket. for town! For country! Winning wormest approval (or every worm weather event! ART-MOR'S playdresi and bolero in fine striped Sanforized chambray by AVONDALE! Lime, coral, rust, or maize stripes on grey. Sizes 12 to 20, SHOP FRIDAY AND SATURDAY $8.95 'Til, I P. M. OTHER GABARDINE SLACKS ALTERATIONS F K E E $A.95 FROM Style • Quality • Vuluv • Survive 32 Broad St. U 151 Broadway 15 E. Main St. Red Bank Long'Branch Freehold TUMEN'S First Avenue Tel. Atlantic Highlumls 1-0675 VACATION ON SMOOTH, WORN, UNSAFE TIRES.' Mk ywr b i t Dealer about tkt M W ArlH lutyl Tub*-that heldt air tan HHIM b«tHf than natural rubbirl TRAVEL ON ATLAS "The tire that makes good on tha road!" ESSO STANDARD OIL COMPANY U RED BANK HEGISTEIJ, MAY 13, 1948 Pag e I- our FIX THAT BOILER NOW! ON O l l l FHA TITLE I HOME IMPROVEMENT PLAN Avoid flinii'r Nunn Observes 40th Anniversary Joins Prudential'* Claw H, Old Guard Criarles R. Nunn of 810 Rivtr road, Fair Haven, Tuesday ob- , served this anniversary of 40 years In life insurance businees. He Is assistant auditor of Prudential Insuranc* company. Don't iW;i,v! a c t n o w ! We c a n h e l p vo\i f|t!icKlv a n d onsily t o s p r e a d SPACEMASTER REFRIGERATOR total e x p e n s e s tivcr m a n y inonllis, WHITE FOR DESCKH'TIVE HOOKMCT Mortgage Loans — I mured Swings MAINSTAY FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 21 MONMOUTH ST. Tel. Kr.l Itank M Charles n. Nunn h 16 SPARKLING Your bruih just glldei evtr the surface. Once It enough . . . no retouching neceuaryl Colors! Ai durable ei iff beautiful! For a hard long-lasting surface on furniture, toys, boats, floors, canoes, woodwork, machinery, bicycles, refrigerators, garden implements, automobiles, tools. Get Acquainted For Th« Next 10 Days W t Offtr With Evtry Purchase of $1.00 or Mor* On* 59c Can of This Enamel For Only 19 JK A CREDIT OF 50c ON A LAMGER CAN Also with Rebotimer 3 Service Drawers 195.00 229.00 Value Cooking and baking of all kinds practically does itself | on this big porcelain enameled range, with the robol timer for oven control and -he tlminder to chime when cocking time Is up. Fibreslass insulated oven, 3 roomy jervlce drawers, 6-quart economy cooker. Horhart 54-in. Cabinet Sink-A Modern Beauty With every purchnse of u quart or more, you will recciva absolutely free one pint of Plastic DeLuxe Ti'nn.spareni J'inisli. Good for Linoleum, Flours, Biire, Furniture, Houts, Anywhere on Anything. D.&H. PAINT CO. A. C. MXO.V 4 WEST FKONT ST. H. B. IIAHKISON Fuut of Broad Street Telephone fled Bank 64271 A motor boat courtesy inspection will start May It, division headquarter* of the U. 8. Oout Guard auxiliary announced Monday, Boati in the Shrewsbury a n a will be Inspected at the varlom boat clubs on dates posted on bulletin boards. Appointments can be mad* by contacting E, J, Scherer, 4S Woodlat.d drive, Pair Haven. Bout* In the Morgan, Keyport and Atlantic Highlands area will l)u Inspected at Matthews' Keyport Fishing station. This station will be open for boat Inspection every Saturday between » a. m. and 6 p. in,, and appointment* miy hi made with H. ,1. Newman of 27 John street, South River. Hale of your wed kitchen fat to your meat dealer will help meet the urgent need lor fat In manufacture ot Industrial product*. O O9 0 Reg. Price 109.50 Pull-Out Rinl<»r S p r a y EASY TERMS Modernize your kitchen with this proud step-saving beauty . . . save by getting it at Sears! Homart Deluxe 54-inch all-steel link has two heavy steel droinbocrds thickly coated with snowy-white porcelain enamel. Four spacious drawers, 3 storage compartments. See it todayl Konmoro Electric Rangette Homart Gas Water Heater •20" Kitchen Space LONG LASTING ZINC LINING SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY 20 GAL. AND SATURDAY, MAY 14-15 TANK LIGHT-WEIGHT 18" MOWER Heg. Price 21.05 Now it.SB SPRING STEEL. LAWN RAKE Reg. Price 1.10 Now .tS GREEN KARPET GRASS SEED Lb. Reg. Price ii)o Now M SPADING FORK Reg. Price 1.60 ' . CQ.95 • * W B*». Price 1S5.00 EASY 129 50 TERMS Hot water galore, at the IOVIngi you txpeet from Seartl Heavy galvoniitd lining gives long nut-fre* we. Autamatie operation . . . jutt set dial, It «Jo*i the rait. New burner d«sign giv«i •eenemicalflamedistribution. Desfgntd for klfehen, * * , , , • » « • [ »of o premium, this Km. more rangette hat 2 standard, I giant top eoofclng w^h, b | g , heavily insulated oven, hydrouHe oven thermoitatwilh prefltat, bake or broil letKngt, Now 1.4S AM\ New Allstott Spark Plugs ; Co-Ordinating Group To Hold Second Session Coast Guard To Start Courtesy Inspection* Easy Terms )ig Electric Range To Replace Honor Itull At Oceanporl The second meeting of tht newlyformed co-ordinating committee, composed of two representative* of each of the civic groups in Middletnwn township, will be held tomorrow evening at the township hall at 8 o'clock.. The group has been seeking to coordinate the) efforts of various civic groups in order la promote general community welfare. The groupi repreunttd at the first meeting were the B u t X M I U burg, Country Club, RlvtiuM*, Belfoul. Middletown village, NaveslnkLocust, Chapel Hill, Port Mon< mouth and Leonardo olvie associations There Is a rotating chairman each month. Mrs. Belle Gold Crow of Leonardo waa elected as perm anent secretary at the first nutting, 95 MM Jr ^ T Tim anniversary marks his entry | Into tlie ranks ot Class H or the | Old Guard, an organisation of com-! pany veterans. He becomes one or | 415 of Prudential'* 42,000 employees to ho in this group. I* R MenHgh. Jr., vice president and comptroller of Prudential, gave Mr. .N'unn tht Old Guard credentials. Well-known for hi» athletic activities, Mr. Nunn yearly conducts | tli:i Ijabor day mvlmnilnfr events for : the borough of Fair Haven. He I couched the swimming team of Prudential's athletic association for 15 ye.-trfj nnd competed in 25 field dnys staged by that group. He Is a former member of tlie board of governors and treasurer of the A. A. \ member of Newark's YMCA 30 yfnr», he won the state YMCA swimming championship in 1910. An avid bowler, he is a member of the Shore Firemen's Bowling league. He Is a lieutenant In the Fair Haven fire police and a menihei' of tlie Masonic lodge at South Ornnge. Mr. Nunn is married to the former Miss Nellie Ellery of East Orange They have a son, Richard Nunn of Canada, and a daughter, Mrs. David Herman of New York city. Three dogwood tretl will bi planted at the site of. the Oceanport servicemen's honor roll as perpetual memorial* to tht vetertni or World War n and especially to the three men who gave their llvei in their country's service, the borough council voted Thursday night of lait week. The trees, donated by John T. Lovett, 3d, Red Bank attorney and Oceanport resident, will honor A. Barton Cross, Jr., Leslie Rice and tAwrence A. Magulre. The council ordered the destruction of the old honor roll by Are as Mayor C. Kenneth Riddle pointed out that, like our flag It should not be left to "hang around" after it was no longer used for tta original purpose. Markers will be placed in front of each tree, Indicating the name of tlm nsnn who Is mrtnorlillitd, and that, in all, the three treel honor all war veterans. The markers will be the gift of Alexander Borosa, chairman of the board ot adjustment. Councilman Felix J. Toggle m i assigned to erect the trees and to have them in place, If possible, before Memorial day. Dedication services wil be held at that time unless it becomes necessary to plant the trees in the fall. 294 Model Illustrated • Cu. Ft. CoundfTtTPlant Memorial Trees PLASTIC DE LUXE model. COLDSPOT IITMIIIII' lipfore i t p a n s t a r t : tlie s m n n i c r nunnhs. ;irp t h e t i m e t o h a v e t h e job dune. 30% Greater Foot) Storage Capacity than a 7-cu. It. in overall t i n . . . Yet no larger Anutlnr, N e w , B a c k Mounted PERMA-THBIFT UNIT . . . Compact, practically Invisible, guaranteed 5 years. Only Coldspot has It. Top Quality Values « Rsg. Prloe 43o «o. Save up to I gal. gai in every t e nw i t h t m o o r h - i p o r k b g , f o t t I ; i i< ;« -m .i'•••• : . y « \ «|c «9 • # Rebuilt Engines pick-up ANitate plugs. Their hot f a t spark gets full power out o f every drop o f fuel. Treat your cartoANstate'i fine qwelHy.yet >ov « youwelf plenty. Ivy e M l Plymouth 'S6-'41 Exphanjre Prlrc •New cor" performance from Sean factory rebuilt precltion-fiHcd moMrs. 90-day, 4000-ml. guarantee. OIL SALE M l for y e w car todoy. . . - _ . , 1"*#.™3 ALLSTATI COMPOUNDED MOTOR OIL Reg. Price 10" At Our Oil Bar In Your Container. * | C 1/^C *»*; | J iu Reg. Price 22o Tht Ntw ALLSTATE 400" TIRE «. Now Only 9.44 6.00 x 1S Size Ptderal Tax Extra on a New Allstate Cross Country Battery # 4 6 , Illustrated, Fits Most Cars Exchange Price g.95 Rag. PHes 110.96 Guaranteed to give you 24 months' service. *7 MONMOUTH STRICT PHONE RED BANK C U M Open Dally, 0-Bi30| Fridays, »-t. I:I:D Local School Band Festival HANK ]!!•:<;ISTKI:, MAY I::, GIFT5 . so DIFFERENT Hand I'uinti-il League And Chamber Plan Window Display Can<lv Dirlicr. Vases The League of Women Voters, Red Bank region, with the Red Bank Chamber of Commerce, has Rivrr f'l.i/a arranged a window display at thr 32 Foster Street Annual Program R(.d Bank G-4227 Open Evenings Til 9 J. H. Mount company store on Tomorrow Nighl Broad street, In on effort to stimulate public Interest in World The second annual spring band Trade. The display has been tilted busilu'.*?, nutomohile and other • festival of Red Bank public school! "How the Reciprocal Trade Agree- propel ty with j will be held tomorrow night at S:1S ments Program Affects the Red IIAiVIilNS Itr.OTilKKS | o'clock in the River Street ichool Bank Area." Krai l'lNi:it«; mid Mnrtgugf1 Loan* : auditorium, with the elementary 1 71 Urnail SlrtTt, lied llniii, ami senior bandi performing. John Th« league wil! hold its annual I'hnne K, II. «-u352 IW. J.uckenbill is directing the pro- luncheon meeting Tuesday. May 25, ! gram. al the home of Mrs. Charles Camp1 Ont of the highlights will be • bell at Monmouth Hills. Mrs. Max; cornel solo by Richard Brounley, well Earup, who will tv the speak"Jupiter," with band accompani- er, is a former state league presiment. The program will be opened dent. AGAINST with O'Neill's "Majesty Overture,' and other numbers will include • Sloth Damage , "Something About a Soldier," Animal V.F.W. Fair I "Stormy Weather," "Liia" and To Be Held In July • Fire lhunaf:c "Embraceable You." Three march • Tlicfl es, "Courage," "Headway" and "Ae- The third snnunl fair of the MidItivity," will close the program. dletewn township post 2179, Veterfor I Band member! are Janet Muys- ans of Foreign Wars, will he July Your Furs and Winter i kers, Jean Ryan, Noel Nilson, Mar 23 through 24 and 29 through 31. It ! tin Ides, Morris Hoffman, Gordon will br held at Bclford on rout'- ."8. Woolens I Bedi, Milton Meckler, Robert Oi A four-door Chevrolet sodan will li^ AT I bon>, Gail Nelson. Miriam Lebe- disposed of on the corporative i dun, Louise Gilbertton, David Jan plan. ' sky, Roy Pearsall, Jane Be»n, Ed Harold E. Riddle, chairman of na Bernhardy, Bee Sweeting, Au the fair committee will be assisted drey Schiafone, Sandra Biegel, Rob- by Francis Ttnucli, treasurer: Jack Call 6-2800 ert Tatom, Harry Hoffman, Erne«l MaoGrath, in charge of stands, rind 2 - Certified Vaults - 2 Broyles, Edwin Cloth, James Rod Walter Burkhardt, in charge of the I'i^tjfz, James Richardson, Stanley car. The proceedR from the fair will Oti Our Gl'lberUon, Shirley Sims, Vlnette be v.scd for the Memorial Building Whll« SI.. I'.i'il Hunk Jones, Richard Brounley, James fund. Herclion, Barbara Btlhvell, Salva. tore Trocchia, Richard Ludwig, Al' fio Trufulo, Joseph Condlna, William Harvey, Enoch Ask, Jogeph Scotti, Thomas Pingatore, Santo Chin-.enti, Loretta Dlsapello, Elljal As!:, Richard Oilbertson, Gerard DsVuux, Yolanda Jones, Barbara Kuhl, Thomas Cook, Robert Benowitz, Edward Brock, Joseph Martella, George Savage, Robert L e w ry, Horace Booker, Betty Mason, Rubv Gaddis, Connie Gordon, Alvln Griggs, Gene Kelly, Henry Mar tin, Mabel Shomo, James Schmidt and Robert Holiday. DORATHY JANE SHOPPE INSURE YOUR HOME Dependable Workmanship • • • • • • • Quick Service Eatimates Given . At Once AIM Clock, Jewelry, and Silver Repairs Reussilles' 36 BROAD - RED BANK \j\le our noise a piece t athe COIIN8EI.I.OR8 VI LAW Wtiilfield Bulldlf| Krd Bank John I. Uulnn Thoma* I*. lljierr.u. Vincent J McCu. Krnct Faiitio V>'illi«m I . K.j.»«ll. Jt. (On Inry Drive-In Theater Opens At Collingawood Park M, I.AIlltl:< ({I i:, « A \ / O \ A K IOMIIS >er 10 Wccki) Mrs. Courtlandt White, principa of the Willow Street ichool i t Fair Haven, was elected president of the Fair Haven education association at a meeting laat week t t the school. She succeed! Mrs. H, I* Brown. Others elected were Mis* Doro j thy Brown, vice president, and | Mrs. Clara Smock, secretary-treasurer. The slate was given by Mn. Michael Daly, nominations' chair man, Mrs. Brown read a report on s I conference held recently at TeachIt E. Front St., Red Bank, N. J. I crs college at Columbia university, ' ' I attended by representatives from Telephone: Bed Bank S-SJ7B. Teachers1 associations from New ' ' York, New Jersey and Connecticut. America Fore Walker &Tindall Realtors and Insurers ID; Moninoulli St. ; io OIIIKH 4 to WIMINfi UMEIICRM 5MI Ilillurerk Circle, Philadi Iphia 30, V.\. S(» Io Sim Ha.v sl»" went, Wharo shi' .vivcl lullfn-cnt A 'tnkon* of thnnks thnt USUALLY O.\ 8 WALLET aid POUCH Combination to 12 wotks 12 to IN HON. PREMISES, (Hi C ILL TULUI'HOiNE 3IAT OHUa HOUII: Dally II a m. Io S p • F.vcnlns<: Tuc.d.iv. Thuraday, 7 In 8 I1. M. (Cloicd Wfdnridav and Flidav) 0 / aiipuuttnicnl only, Red lUnh O-CMHin J-2.>W; IM KHCIAIl ST.. UK It HANK, N .1. SPL^fALS FOUNT'N Saturday Special fridoy Special FRESH FRUIT TOMATO SALAD PLATE SURPRISE«,CU PRK(m*noni mno £ W s / * * * «• vou« OOIIOR oaotmi Cor. Brood & Wallace Sts. Red Bank — Open Fri. Eve. hr ilrlk* «a4 alkm WEEKEND SPECIAL Chocolate Marihmailew PEANUT SUNDAE 1-0 Koopt tvt I lilCt l'«t fctti • « • « ! » «l S n liy. yra M*Vl* '••"'• benai|lilrfM4l*Mt. T» ih«w ay <ryiKi<li*n. I h«v* ri«r«t*4 this *i »y«tll... wilhnt Ik* U M I h*lp d n t * • • v«rliiM| iltU. l « l i m m*. I M « lUmy tia* CMvitriaf • I I <4-al«l lk«l I MlM |i»» aty cultmn kif|« »•• ktlld »*l•MthutktycMli. Stk«Nlkuai*.l** ffttlMl c«ll*«tiM •( aMty- A Public Statement I Am Proud To Repeat: ol ><:• ( M e n Io riff i liTWf kuftiu tvtr illtital ia • y st«t. I'v* t*mM m t y ; ilia iu ay st«ck . . . iluhtd tvtty prict at Ui *t il weiU f • ' . . . to kriaf y»i Ikt kind »l »«li t i I kam y«a W M I H4 Mtd aMt. C«a* i i ft Mp y*nitUtoIkt •ittMiliaary ipKiali l'»*i3lKle«. ll'iaywtydMyiaf "Ikink yra" l « y«u lty«l ANTHONY FIORE MAMCCI. ..;:4,ni,Ai( 19c SAV-MOR MINERAL OIL With Wick DKSri.OYS HOUSKHOLIJ Kills Moths BIG HOUSECLEANING VALUES DAINT WASHING POWDER C r 25 OLD No-Rubbing INSECT SPRAY WAX Plain C PT. ENGLISH . Oenuin* Uathar F£ v With 8n«p and Zipper PKG ' SUN RAY COUPON 5Oo I Or O-CEDAH Furnitur* Fop Polish PT. BOT 'CAN SHOP SUN RflY FOR BEAUTY ECONOMY HOSPITAL 49c ABSORBENT TOILET TISSUE COTTON 1,000 Single Sheets LADV KSTHKK LADV MAKLOW SUNRAV COUPON IIKIDAL PINK IViin-O- FACE POWDER T O COMB CLEANSING Conili CREAM IN Full Pound WAVES Originally 88c i JAR TEK Craig 80c Krank Tooth Martin Marlln After •rushes Tooth Shave Shave 2 for •aiU Cream Lotion BABY 8 MM BKOWNIE MOTION ] 1.79 16 MM FILM 30 Feet SUN RAY COUPON MOVIE &> MM Projector DAYLIGHT PICTURE CAMERA You Get More For Your Money at Sun Ray! Check These! EACH Photo Supplies aTLowest Prices 8peclal Smokers! Mm Toilet Bowls Slightly Soiled 16 weeks BLACK FLAG SAV-MOR WITCH HAZEL Full Pin, PETAL-SOFT French Style 8 weeks I.ISHM.S ROBERT J. MARVIN DR. MILDRED HULSART. SLIHiWtN CIIIItOI'OIHST Ff.ot ()rlhii|i>M|lri—Dlrrlro-1luiu|>$ layANiviisStirM You'vo hcnnl nf the lliily np.nic<l Sue, SIZE CHAHGES EVEtY to 12 years MANY <:AHI; TO ODOHS Keg. 1.0U 6 to 10 years ALSO I OH SAI.I; II VIM It. II. K-'.'HIU U.8.P. every few months to keep up with * YOl'KSKI.I. ACi:\T Krd llank ,:--«> CARTON A a child's rapid rate of growth. 6 years srn:s MILTON KOSENE OF COUNCIL advises changing shoes 2 to IIOMI: ATTORNKV-AT-IJtW NOTHING TO BOY! IT'S EASY! IT'S FUN! PEROXIDE ENTER CONTEST 6 NOW! HYDROGEN sag OONTEST * 4 NATIONAL FOOT HEALTH ; S l l l i l W S I U I ! V , MOW J K I . S K Y MOl I'll TO O i l I I ! . fun Ray HALF-pENT LIMERICK CONTENT W ilson A. Kvlph How often does Your Child need New Shoes? COI H I , S349si WIHREn UP AGE Itlil.ll St., Red Bank 6-437V Mew President r riiou:i: liKiinir, Tax C'onsiillant All PopMlar I r j m r . ^ . SYCAMOItK WE BUILD TO YOUR ORDER A'.'TUKNKV AT LAW C a . l Fiont rOYSTItl CIION i; A V K M ' K , WILLIAM E. BEATY SO COLONIAL HOMES I M>i:i, COUN.SEI.I.CIIIS » l LAW a Wjlljt, t n . Krd Hank rhPolnie II t'nt..iiiiM Cilinunil I l*heiiiliiii.. J. l,ubieujUs Blilon K L'umhi Thomin J. Smith Itobert II M»i]| William II. Ulallr Ji Abraham J /.agcr a niUa MiTll a Kll Kill a Ckniltlhlt a Unlit* a Cixil a m|»li The Shore Drive-In theater a routeis 33 and 34, Colllngswood Pirk, which can accommodate «00 The value of household fur- cars, opened last night. The amphitheater covers a plot of more nishings sneaks up on you. The than 20 acres, fronting on the two value of yours is probably s e v routes. The steel screen is 72x77 feet Persons sitting In cars (00 cral times what you think it is. fed from the. acreen have no dimFor example, make an inven- cu'.ty in seeing or hearing the motion picture, it is claimed by the tory of tilings in one bedroom management. Twelve semi-circular ramps are and closet. See? Your entire acusej for parking the cars. Percumulation of furniture, clothes, formances start at dusk nightly. books, etc., is no doubt worth Directional sound is used and rethree or four times the insurance production is achieved by providing each car with an individual speakyou carry on it. er with a volume control to be opAsk us for a form on which to erated by the patrons. The theater is t.wncd by the Eastern Drive-In make a complete inventory of corporation, which contemplate! the construction of similar theater* your household possessions and in other parts of the state. let us tell you how inexpensive adequate America Fore protecTeachers Elect tion against fire loss really is. (antwr) NEW WIN 10 PHILCO ITELEVISION SET lor REFRIGERATORS) may burn all at once" Page Five WUi.VN, DORKMIJK. MC I D E * KISHKI.I. Protection Plus LEON'S mis With Case oadiiij; Film 38 Exposure? WITH i ROLL CASE PIPE SALE Colm ' •» NOW md let our trained personnel check your child'* JIIOCI for correct fit, S.00 Value SNOIS fOR'INfaMU AN» CHIIOIIN iBrudStTHt RED BANK Tel M » 7 I 7.B0 to 10.00 Value 49 FINISH 19' PHILLIKS Aluminum SNUFFER CIGARS ASH TKAY Box Quality Electricalsat LowcrCost •*. MOHNER LIGHTER ENAMEL •AYUK ROU WESTON CIGARE'ITE CLEANERS Genuine Briar Pipes 1.00 to 3.00 Value JOHN B. ALLEN CO. PIPE Reg. BOo 29' LAMP ELECTRIC STOVE W I T H CORD With Reg. 91.28 Separate Switches SUN RAY COUPON FKKE I'AL Oouble-Edj, BLADE RED BANK REGISTER, MAY 13, 1948 Pace Six RED BANK REGISTER should always be careful not to bring discredit on tlii'iiiM'lves in any way. 40-42 Broad Sti»«t, R»d Bank, N. J. KSIABIJSHFU 1871 Bj John H. Cuak and Henry Clay THOMAS IRVING BltOWN Edltor and rubliahrr JAMES J. HOGAN, Associate Editor H. HAROLD KEM.V, Assistant Editor W. HAISHV PEKMKGTON. riant Supt. Thi' of the fact ness We ciuilily clivliiiii ill ill.II there the handling are Iwppy is "f linMi'il tun innrli ballots t o n o t e Unit is ni^iii/.;iiii at c;irdesselections. they expect AOVICI MOM MR. MIEOV Editorial Views Of Other Papers to do EVENTS OF YEARSAQO FROM REQISTER FILES Fifty Yean Ago town, where the club was to mekt One of tile queerest petitions ever its headquarters. The Select Social club of Fair presented to the Board of Coms e c r e t a r y of I h e c o i i n l v board a n d i-iiiinnisHaven, which had been organ^cd ESCAI'K VIA BOM'S? missioners was handed to that s i o n e r o f r e y i s l r a i i o n . iiud .Max .\l. J'niT, body. It contained a complaint two weeks, held its first dance in The hopes of some congressmen D e i i i o i ' i ' a l i i ' n i e m b i ' i ' n f l l i e bnai'<l f r o m A s against the large number of col- Liberty hall. About 50 couples were thai they could "escape by air" Exclusive K i t i o n e l A d v t r t U i n s ReprclentRtiv*. firfflter ored men who congregated on present, and the grand march was b i i r y I'iirk, t » b l T h e IJegisli-r T u e s d a y t h a t from the unplo-'isnnt duty of voting W e e k l i e s "-h West SClh S t r e e t . Nt-w York C i t j Front street near Broad. The pe- led liy .Mr. and Mrs. William Aivas. To.Selectivc Sciviee in an election C h i r b i l d i n h i I X t i i l A .surprise party was given to m e e t i n g s o f t h e l.V> « - i u i i l y c l e c i i n i i boiirds tition read: "We, the undersigned, yen have been fading in the fast business men and pruperty owners JMrs, P. IC. Hagcmanof Middlctown. T h t Red Dank lyricistTr a s s u m e * no tinanrin] responnibiliw o u l d be held i n fn i n i l i . i i ' i / . e t h e m e m b e r s of tlic hard fact that more airThe party wns arranged by Mrs. 1 t i e i f o r typographic:!! c n u r * in ntivrrti^ctiKnt, l>ut will r«on Fiont .street, herewith protest p r i n t t h a t p a n of nri a d v e r : , s c m * r i l in which t h » t y p o n r n p h with t h e I'leciiiin l;i\\, ;iin| i m | i r e s s 111 • t<i pliinr. ! flimply mean more men. and ask for abatement of Ihe un- Rcbrcca Henrli-ickson. During the I N.T.V Representative Leo I i Allen ical eiTOT oi-eurf. A d v r r t i f r r h will p ! r n , e notify the m a n bearable nuisance of colored pea- evening a bicycle was given to w i t h llie s e r i o u s n e s s of ilieir p o s i t i o n s . I C e m e n t i m m e d i n i e l j of nny r r i n r " h U h mny o r n i r . coniri- up with what might be called pie and others ccn^rcgiiting and Mrs. Hageman by the guests. a -srlicnm to escape via bonus, obstructing travel on our street lo I George and Jesse Matthew! of T u n l e w p e n p l e o f M • • 11! t X M1111 r o i l l l l y g u T h i s n c w s p n i t r ri*Mimrs nn rcspfin^ihilitiei for He would pay volunteers to the a t a t c m t n u of op.ii.ioti>. in l e t t e r s from itn r e n d f n . the detriment of our Uusinuy.-j, .Sat- j Red Bank made a contract to put t n t h e p o l l s a s it i s i n r i s k t h e c r e n l i n n a n d nrmed forces $1,000 at the end of a urdays and Sundays especially. Os- down an artesian well at Sea Bright nOi tix S u b s c r i p t i o n J'rirrs in Advnn two-vcar enlistment, $1,500 fit the car Hesse, Ernest G-rnte, John C. for Lcighton Withers. The well was s p r e a d i n g o f d o u b t i n l l i e m i n d s i>f I b n s e rent* h f\C h th cmi of three. He alao would lower Aul, John Ka(ser, W. W. Havilund, lo be three feet in diameter and w h o d o v o l e i i v i ' f l l i e l i . ' i i n l l i i i g u f l l i c i r b a l - tha minimum ability-to-learn reU s u c d W r t k i j - . e r u r r d jih S e c o n d - C l a i s Mnttcr a t lh« I ' n s l William Cullington, Thomas Cuni- to go down 270 feet. oHict a t Red Bnnk, N . J., u n d e r t h e Act of Mnrrh 3, 1 S : 1 . -irfments for recruits. The women of Grace church held bcroon, O. G. Kowler, A. L. Morris, lots. Thi; idea should be questioned, In H. VonGlahn. G. P. Kuh!, Jacob a sociable at Mrs. Robert R. Out <>f 1 H 7 , ITU icgislereil voters i n the first plucc, on giounds of its T H U R S D A Y , M . - i Y 13, 191R. Degenring, Morris Pitch and Son, I Mount's on Monmouth street. There source. Mi-. Allen, as chairman of Patterson and Spinning, J. A. was singing and recitation/3 by . M o i i i u o i i i l i c o u n t y i n I'.'IT, o n l y -IN, l l . ' i v o t the House .Rules Committee, has Throckmortun, Thom;i3 Davis. Jr., •-Misses Elizabeth Valentine, Blanche I'll III Ilir Id 17 jieiivr; e l e r l i l l l i . T i l l ' 1111111- succeeded, by parliamentary maDustan Allaire, Sabath ami White, [Spinning and Sadie Child and VCIicii Itank Sci-ms Hank neuvering, in keeping UMT from Joseph Aul, Edwin Wolco'l, J<\ George Woithley. lid' u f .Mniiiiiniilli i-i vnlers d r o p p e d even being discussed on the floor of 1 1 Wolcott, 1. H. Sherman, W. H. Four of the oldest inhabitants of A l l o f u s r i M i i f i i i h i T I I n l i n n i h c . v i i u u l i ' f l ' i i t n I l i r p e r m a n e n t resist r n i i o n linl the Congress. Knapp, James H. Weaver, Jacob Srobeyville v.-ero sick. Thomas T t M i i p l e ( i f t i n 1 m o v i e s :i K c n l i i c U v p a s t y i ' i i r r i ' i i i - l i r i l I ' a p p a l l i n g l o l n l iif Jn tile second place, lowering I lie Kridol and Hcii'.-y CJcif. Kcwell had been confined to the ; Culoiicl. A 1 ' i i l r s t u m f o r i i i ' i i t c l i t l l i ' . t r . i i ' 1 . ! l , - 7 ! t . T h e s e u c i ' i ' | i i ' i i p l i ' w h o h : i i h i ' l v i s i t . - standards in any significant degrou Capt. Lawrence I'rice of Hroiul | liou: t! :;ince September with gastric for those who must make up the 1 fever am! .stomach trouble. J. F. street was en^i^cu to < nmmaml •\vu thmijdn thru. Of nmrsc, Shirley he- ell t h e p u l l s i n I ' o n r y < ' i i r s . nation'* first line of defense ie open nit; .K BOSKS the Albertina '.or thn scasun. l"or I Kt'obcy was sick with dropsy and to considerable risk. Not only muat I he.-irt failure. Henry Hance w*is c i i m c H L-iiIiiiiel i n l i i i n i e o n l y . .Tim rank It nr. apple blossom is like a wild a number of years he h;ul comA n o t h e r s m l CDIII i n r i l t i U ' V m i t h e i l p i l l h v American forces at present make rose in miniature, it Is no accident, manded the Helen when *he v/ris • .sick kidney trouble and Alj i i i v e h e p ii l i t t K - i i d v c i ' i i s i u } : . It d r e w p n h up In efficiency what they lack in o f D i i r c i t i z e n s i n c I c e I i o n s Wiis I h e fiicl, I lull; but rather a kinship of the kind owned by the Merchants Ktnaml;oal I brrt Pnlhenius suffered a slight siv.o, they must al.'-'o function as th« l i e i l t t e t i t i o n I n h e r . ii m l l i i ' l p i ' d h e r p e r s o i i i i l company. Later he hud char;;o of stt-olio of paralysis, l e s s t l i i i n -KM) M i i l i l l e l i i w n l o w n s h i p r c s i - nucleus or "cadre" of any needsd which links many strange cousins. The ;:!oop William Magee of KeyThe rose, the apple, the pear, the one of the South Khrev.'sbuiy rive.ut l v p i l t i i l i u n .xoiiu-wliiil. < ' e r l i i i n l y . ; i s ;i n i l ISSIJi-J ' l another wuy, chokecherry, even the shadbush, nil TIIK i l e l l l s w e n t t o t h e p o l l s liisl w e e k i n ;i s p e c - expansion. T° l' boats. Capt. Joseph I'. Chadwick poit arrived there from Virginia cve:y pfc ought to be a potential o n c l , S h i r l e y i - m i l i l d«i i i o l l i i n ^ f o r K e n t u c k y belong to the same botanical fam- ZIONIST ORGANIZATION OP resigned ns captain of the .SKI Bird with 2.503 bushels of plant oysters i a l e l c t ' t i i i n I n v o l e o n w h e l l i e r in 1 m i l l l i e sergeant, ily. And if one \vi3hcs for more and d i p t . Charles E. Tluockniur- for James G. Blown. ]ior i t s iictiniiiil nrinv, iind J v c i i l u r k y d i d n ' t AMERICA local s c h o o l h o a r d s h o n l i l s p e n i l Sl(!O,((00 m i Jn the third place, can bonuses thoiny kin, odd the hawthorns in The freight steamer Holmdel L'eton took his place, expect lior to try. Ked Rank District san her trips between Ivcyportand r e p a i r s t o t h e lii.^li s e h i i n l . T h i s w n s l e s s usocl to "buy" additional recruits be all their variations. They are nil The bond of William Cullinglon withheld fiom those who have alNew York. May 10, 1918.for So.OOO as :i water conmii;:;--io::er That son of limit: is yood for the mo- t h a n l l i e I I I I I I I I H T o f V I I I I T S a l m i l - n f l l i e rcrulj volunteered on a somewhat roses, of one kind or another. The apple is old in its own right. Edtor, \.*ns accepted by the water commisiries. Actors must sliind under klei^' lijihlx t o w n s h i p ' s n i n e p o l l i n g p l a c e s i n t i n : A p r i l less mercenary basis? Would they Prehistoric man ate upples, un Jlcd Bank Register, 'l'u cnty-Fivo Veart Ago sioner;;. His ljondsnirm were John nut have to pe paid to all drafted scientific evidence, and even eultl- Red Bank, N. J. t h a t arc wnippi'd in liction inn] color. II is -0 primary. Over 3a lots had been sold withH. Whitmore and Hany Campbell. inlo uniform should Selective Ser- vatc-d apple trees. And, being man, Dear Sir: The Shrewsbury Euchre in tile past week at Compton Paik all p a r t of the story-ieller's jinnie, mid it is vic« ultimately have to be enacted? lie no doubt enjoyed the beauty of With the creation of a Jiv/Uii at Mrs, Thorn;:.; Davis' on Blond at Belford. Each lot was 25x100 feet Ono of the most valid arguments tliei i" blossoms. Quite probably, pio- stale quite iniiocein and done in n spirit i»f fun. ,-ibout to become nn cstiilt- slrect-. The full membership, is."), and the prices ranged ' I 0 r i ' $'5U advanced for UMT is the crushing histoiic woman wore apple blos- lishud fiict within a fciv days, und Buy A P o p p y — I d i p \ VYt But, then, not everybody lmilis likt.1 S h i i k y , economic liurden of a military es- sori.s in her hair. On 1-Ilblical evi- in view of tile recent editorial, was in atlendanc-a, Tile expense of lo $300 a lot. L 1 C. R. English Df Englishlown was I'oppy day will lie observed in lied l;ilj|i. tuuent adequate to times of dence, we know that woman early "Palestine ;; Hurtling (.JiK'st.ons," we the patty \vri3 bni-ne Iiy six h:irh?either. world tension, which must b«i re- knew the taste of the Xruit, and wisli lo .sut until a brief outline uf lors, members uf tho club. Thi::-;e m:uli> manager of tliu Red Bunk IJnnk S a t u r d a y . .May I'll, nl which linn? Ihe the events leading up to this hiswere Johnson Bergen, Thomas branch of the automobile business How different wlien nn individual o r i i n cruilcd in competition with indus- ehr*e to share it. toric occasion in order lo clarlly a Field, John Mount, Robert Vandcr\v. E. Mount, distributor of Ford organization conies hffuro the public spout- now faniiliar rcil paper poppy—llie memor- try. Examine nn apple blossom. It is, few inaccuracies which now pre- veer, Harry nobinson and Robert of automobiles. Pcrliaps tlic most fundamental indeed, a small rose, flvc-petalcd vail. ial flower of all Americans who have f.illeu Hance. The women's first prize, a i n g forth ideals of community service, •rains The wages of seven employees of al-giimont against Mr. Allen'a pro- and full of fragrance. Its bud was 1. Palestine was originally set- cut-glass caralTc, was wcin by Mrs. honor for efl'ori proiiiised, hut. does nothing in battle—will lie sold on the streets. Tin; posal has been voiced iiy some of tlic same us that of a wild rose, and tled by a number of tribal nations, Daniel H. Applci'iltc, Min. Marry tho (own of Red Bank had been inhis Icltow congressmen who have one of which wus the Israelites-, Campbell won tho women's fim>ml rrea.scd from $-1 to $4.50 a day. t o merit such distinction. I'rnise :iinl use- proceeds Irun Ihis sale are spent in ivh;ili- called it "evasive" and "cowardly". as the -sr.pnls opened it had the :thc forokcars u! the present Jews. prize, a cut-glass bon-bon bux. Wil- These employees were Peter Romeo, lovely color on the furled pclals ful reputation follows Hie huntier of the ilitalion nf vi'tcraus ami in cbild well':iri.' Were C'onyrcfcs to adopt it, how that marks the rose slowly opening {I\'one of the olher tribal nations liam T. Corliea wun the men1.1! llrst Lewis Long and At-matcad Booker, w-juld such a confession of political la the biambly corner of the rap- was Arabic. Al the time of the prize, a silver-mounted hat lirusli. who were street workers, and H. people's friend; Iwl the lias; IUIII-I cuuie work. 11. Garrison, George Kichols, Stantimidity look to the men in the ture fence. It, too, ha3 the many Crusades in the 12th century. A.D., The poppy mis Ihe one loiieh of beanly Kremlin and to the hopeful people sUmcns of the i-osc, which are cin- the Christians fought the Saracens The second prize, a pair or military Icy "fil'dnoy and Donalo Granato, down if pledges are i^nered. hair brushes, wns won by Jnlm who were garbage department. (Ilius the statement that Arabs in tlic western democracies? namon-tipped. And it has a. fia- have lived in tiio land for over Mount. The consolation prize was IWe're still wailing, for exaniple, for which survived ;,liiid the hidenus tlesl ruel''o r t u n a t c 1 y, the Republican granco like that of a wild rose 2,000 years is clearly Incorrect). an image of the "Wild Man of workers. taxpayers' associations of Kril linnk and lion of two world wars. <'o|. .luhn Me- leadership says Mr. Allen is acting slightly spiced and touched with Actually, there ha." never been a Borneo." This was given lo Daniel Thieves, who used an automobile, when Jews did not furm an H. Applegate. Each of the wonirn cut and hauled away all the usMonmoutli county tu do sonirtliinj;—any- ('rca's poem iininoi'lali/.iiig Ihe poppies Unit entirely on his own. "We tiusL the cider. Watch it through the season, time parugus In a four-acre field at Nutrest n[ Congress will kcr,:> him and the apple blossom becomes a Important nart of the population of present received a Japanese fan. Palestine, and the recant partition thing—to prove themselves worthy vehicles grew among the crosses in Hauliers lields there hip, like that of the rose but bigswamp owned by Jehu Applegate plan allots to Ihe Jewish state only Harry Vnid of Belford made the and his brother, Joseph Applegate. ger, meatier, more sweet to the was one of the iui|iorlanl factors whicb esfor the build-up which many here jienerous—The Christian Science Monitor. that portion of the land where the largest catch of clams s;nglc-hntidtaste. The Star sedan, which was offered Jews form a majority. ed that had been made hy any Bclly have awarded their names, both members | tablisht'd the Mower :\s a !i;11i• m;11 living I.KGAI. i.woinlm There they stand now, the little 2. Prior to the first World war fortl or Port Monmouth cLtm aa a prize at the automobile ahow symbol of those wlm iniiile the supi't'ine saeby the Red Bank Business Men's aud officers. We've waited a long time. As Wit like funny laws, Passing roses on the apple trees, great bou- Palestine was part of the Turkish fishers this season. Mr. Vaid's association, was won by Mrs. E'.la In recognition of the ser- catch was IS bushels. l!ll!O t h e th'jtn mu3t be almost as much fun quets of small petals, buzzing witli empire. we have conic to look upon them, the rilice. t h a t d e i u o c r a e v i n a v l i v e . .N'ickcnj of Prospect avenue. as reading them, fur the Btatutc bcc3 en a sunny afternoon, sweeten- vices rendered by the Jewish peoGeorge Thonipsttn'.i team of riations' officials stand as the "colonels" of A m e r i c a n I . e ^ i o n m l o p t c i l t h e p o p p v a s t h e bunks of the land arc liberally ing every breeze, flushed with their ple in the war, particularly that horses ran away while they wtrc Seymour G. Winans of Keansburg, of Clu'.lm Wclzmann, an English own simple beauty. I he national convention sprinkled with the ludicrous. Jew, who invented a type of gun- being harnessed to a waKon at his supervising principal of the public Hie borough and the county. They stand— m e m o r i a l M o w e r — New York Times. | powder which revolutionized the place at Navcsillk. Opposite John schools * of Middlctown township, In Jollct, 111., It's illegal to try on in C l e v e l a n d , a i the I'ollowiiuj voar Ihe and do not move. {munitions industry, tlic Balfour I. Sickles' plneo the nDckyolk broke wiu engaged as chief of the departmole than six dresses in any one 'Declaration was declared by Eng- and one of the horses stopped. The ment of mathematics of the new Vet, Hie story is jintwiujr. old—how American Legion and Anxiliarv heyan llie stoic That's gooti for a laugh but O l l t KIMIT I'AVOIHTK NOSKS land. This declaration stated: other horse was caught at Rivrr- state normal school at Glassboro. it f,lso tickles ihc imagination. Wiiy nation-wide sale of I be red poppy. these organizations were huilL to hold on "His Majesty's Government view sldc drive by Thomas Weslbrou-k, The salary was $4,000 a year. A zoology professor at the Unlwas tht law passed'.' Our guess is, A I, first, poppies made in I'Vancc bv a d:ej/usteil nidnt-man wna late to veislty of Nebraska who makes a with favor tho establishment in who brought it back to NavesinU. Business at the Middlctown Dairy high the rights of our citizens, to strive iilPalestine of a national home for Its legs were cut anil bruised. had increased to such an extent town meeting because he'd been hobby of collecting pictures of the Jewish people, and will use that Thomas McGulre, the owner, watvs in the interests of Inxp'ayeri* whose Kreneli willows mid orphans were used. The shopping with his wife. noses says there are eight basic The Ladles' Aid society of the was building an addition to his their best endeavors to facilitate ctF. and we don't know what the achievement of this object." presence makes our locality great. These first puppies made in 'America wi'i'e proGet caught stealing soap in MoNavesink Methodist church held a dairy, John Dowd was doing tha they are, but our eight favorite 3. The United States, England musicalc at C. A. Mount's, and St arc noble idciils. We know members of the duced by veterans; in the hospitals in .Minne- hiiA« County, Arizona, and you'll kinds of noses arc as follows: and the Arab leaders approved the was cleared, ^ m o n g those who carpenter work and Howe brothers havt to wash yourself with it till The nose that Is followed by its Uaifour Declaration. Later the took part in tho musicalc were lire. were the masons. associations' inner-circles like to see them- sota. Todav Ihev .ire liriiiu made in nearly tile stuff's used up. What a picture John Anderson and Walter £ . owner, the nose that Is not poked League of Nations, consisting of disahled veterans.' that paints! Desert rat intent on into other people's business, the 32 countries, unanimously adopted C. A. Mount. Mrs. William Swooncy, VV.-tlsli of Red Bank opened a lunch selves well-advertised. High mention of it hundred hospitals scrubbing overalls pilfers laundry Mrs, Dora Hart and Itev. and Mrs. wagon business at Keyport. Mr, and ai-e henose that isn't kept loo close to the it, and appointed Great. Britain us J. W. Nickleson. personal service rendered as active volun- workrooms all over the en bai. Sheriff nabs grimy ruflbn. grindstone, the nose that isn't alto- mandatory power la carry out its Anderson was a constable and a teer aides, of the taxed citizenry would be inj,' snld Iiy several veiern ^ i o n s . Compulsuiy bath follows. There's gether as plain as one on a man's trust of establishing a Jewish home- The Opera house was well liiloil .-ion of John Anderson, Sr., of poetic justice for you with true face, the nose that isn't being paid land, to witness the sparrinf: contests ar- Holmdel. He had bean associated Today tin: poppy is \v llV l l l i l l i l l l l . ' j III' welcomed and most gratifying. Such iic4. The Jews, relying on the ranged by Fred Frlck of Rnd Bank with his brothers, James and WalWeftcrn flavor. through, the nose that Isn't cut nff Ainei'icaiis in inciuoi'v of all who fell in elaiui raises the standing of all it reaches. Jn Gary, Ind., you can't get un a to spite a lace, the nose that isn't promises of the rest of the world, and Joseph Little. William Lavigno, ter Anderson, in tho furniture movinvested lives and money to build brother of "Kid" Lavlgne, the streetcar if you've eaten garlic ing business at Red Bank. Mr. However, these self-valuing taxpayers' democracy's cause in hnili World wars. within the !a.n. four hours. Good for turned up at anything, and the nose- a nation out uf the desert. that, isn't looked down at anyone. 5. England in betrayal of its champion lightweight tighter of Walsh formerly had an automobile "Throujtli this Mower the heroes shall be reGaiy! Undertakers in .Shrevcport, association associates might remember: a the world, was referee. By far the accessory business on Monmouth When these eight basic noses arc mandatel and over objection of the 1 L,u., can't give away book matches. bucket without a lioltom carries little water. membered, ' writes .Mauriiie I'allerstin in That';: one anlistrikc luiv they brought together In one basic nose, Lcaguc of Nations, first carved out best bout of the night was n ten- street. Transjordan from Palestine, then rounder between Charles Lane of Edmund Wilson, €0, «. distinWe cannot, and will not, ask our citizens to the Legion Auxiliiiry's ollicial piiblicaiiou, can't blame on Tafl and Hartley. we not only like it, but the person arbitrarily clamped down on Jew- Asbury Park nnd Charles Cook of California state law says you need tha.*- goes with it.— ish immigration and land pur- Kcyport, which ended in a draw. guished lawyer and greatly beloved National News. "The poppy slmids as a applaud liny organization ur any member—The St. Louis Post Dispatch. chases, and llnally, when it could "Toe-to-toc" proved to be Cus With- citkion of Red Bank, succumbed to a hunting license to set a mouseno longer control the Jews, threw ington of Beach sti-ccl.. He worked pneumonia. lie had held many pubship whose liouor-beat'iiig ideals show them- symbol—a syiuhol nf our devolion to de- trap, and Baltimore forbids cruelly Ihc problem into the United Na- for John McClcos of Midilletown lic positions of power and responsto oystcis. You can't board a SeatKKttKO EDUCATION', selves to be no more than billows of mist. mocracy's defenders." tions. 1 ibility, but he was remembered tle bus carrying gcildllsli unless 6. Following in the • footsteps of township and ho trained on oyster. ;. must and best for the high place he Wo arc >i\\vv the response front the pub- you're emu they'll lie still. Says u Salutes should go to the banner of To world criticism of their uver ]9 (iievlous Investigating com- "Paddy Dec" was Patrick Dean, held in the hearts and affections of only when it moves forward toward fulfill- lic—always, ^enemus—will be greater than New Hampshire trattlc regulation: handling of race problems Amer- mittees, tlic commission of United who worked nn Rumson Neck. This the people of his home tgwn. He "When two motor vehicles meet icans are wont to reply that they Nations appointed to investigate was to have been asi::-rountl event, was survived by his widow and one ment. Do-nothingness ha.s its reward in ever, for the needs for which poppy day was at an intersection, each shall come put more faith in education than the problem, recommended the es- but in thn middle of the fourth son, Edmund Wilson, Jr., a writer of independent Jewish round Withington was so tired cut scorn. Xeither Monmoutli county nor Ited established art.' . w a t e r than ever. to a full stop, and neither shall pro- in legislation as a remedy for racial tablishment inequities. If this argument is to und Arab states by partition. The that the decision was given to o; large promise. ceed until the other has gone". land which was alloted to the Jcwa Dean. The bout between Tobc PliilHank needs make-believe "colonels.' 1 Their Morgan Rehrig, who wag emhave validity, they must give conWe like funny laws. Most of all was one-fifth of the area originally ployed at Red Bank by the telerank seems <|iiiti' rank, indeed. we like the good old constitutional siderably more support to minority promised in the Balfour Declar- cott of Pntcrson and Charlie Smith phone company, was building a Let T h e r e Id: L i g h t rtftnt which guarantees our free- (and particularly Negro) education. ation. Nevertheless the Jews ac- of Tied Bank was practically a house for his'own occupancy on the walk-over for the Pjiterson man. While there Is one white teacher cepted. dom to laugh at 'cm.—Denver Post. Jla.v 7 w a s the i h i n l i i n n i v e r s a r y of llie lo 122 pupils in the United States, 7. Although this plan was adopt- Smith was outmatched In weight east side or Lake avenue on a> lot Voting Is A Serious Matter there is only one Negro teacher ed by two-thirds majority of a and skill, nnd Philcott was given which lie had bought from Willis end of World War II in Kurope. Japan's VITAL QUESTION to 201 pupils. The number of Ne- democratically conducted United the decision in the secnnil round. A. Clayton. Edmonds and Sickles Prime Minister Attlee has dis- gro doctors, lawyers, clergymen, Nations, the Arab members (who, The last event wan between John wcro the contractors and the price Tuesday's recount by the county elec- surrender follnwed Uiuv months later. In the half-way position tor etc., in proportion to the total Incidentally, suported Hitler during Jeffrey and Henry Nichols, both of was 58,000. tion hoard at Freehold on the battle for lie- the three years (hut followed, Hie m a d to claimed which his government is some- Negro population is appallingly be- World war II). opcnlv defied the Long Branch. There was a good A factory for making automobile publican executive eoni mil Iceman in the peace lias been blocked lime and ajjiiin b,v Units criticized. We represent, he low that of the white community. decision, and started the violence, deal of hitting in the second round bodies had Just been completed on , which thev had promised the asd i West street for Joseph VVildanger i veto in i Ihe I'l iili'd Xalions. Jit- 8»i<J. neither "watered-down fifth AliddleLown township election district llilissia's capi- This is due in part to the fact that, sembly in tho event that partition nnd each man Rot n bloody n^sc. at a cost of $9,000. It wus provided This was the only timo any of the talism" nor Com- with Negroes denied admission to wera approved. stead of place there, is the shadow uf an- munism. "Ourwatered-down" proved several things. with the most modern machinery. task is to work out many white institutions, there are boxers got a mark. Nicholas was t. Oil and oil alone is the decida system of a new and challenging simply not enough training and ing factor, false as it is, which haa the swiftest of the two, but he' got Th 8 original Ice boat Scud, which * It proved that the count as made by the other World War. kind which combines Individual caused a tragic reversal of this tired out in the third round and made the fastest time ever recordltnssia's a ^ r c s s i v e nets can be (raced freedom with a planned economy, scholarship facilities available for nation's solemn pledge. It Is not the victory went to Jeffrey. local election board on primary election ed by an ice boat, was givan to the them at tht advanced level. 1 democracy with social justice," he the notion of sending United States North Shrewsbury Ice Boat and night was fight on the button. H had been to secret conferences of the JJi^ Three durThe Board of Commissioners reTht rtglonal graduate school troops to Palestine to implement said. Yacht club of Red Bank by James the consensus of opinion before the recount iujjf and after the war. in which llussia An economic plan, of course, Is plan endorsed by the Southern the partition plan that lias caused licensed the saloon of Humphrey B. Weaver for use aa a club boat. governors is one promising atep the Administration to back down— Hayward on Wharf avenue. Mr. James Scott of Shrewsbury moved intended to dispose the nation's re was held that this would lie so. came out on top every time. The fact tluit Department was ready to Hayward's bondsmen were James sources to the best interest of nil toward meeting this need. Mean- our Stnte our troops to support the Norman nnd W. A. VanScholck. to Navceink, where he had bought Nevertheless it took a recount lo con- three leaders cnultl secretly decide aiuonjf tha pooplepto distribute plenty while, individual Americans can do send trusteeship which it had proponed. The signers to his application were n house and lot owned by Walter something Immediate and practical. 9. Even now our State Depart- Ernest Grotc, Morris Pacb, WhiUill B. Connor. vince those wlm watched the original count Lheinisclves as lo llie fale of oilier countries fairly, or to ration scarcity. But They can give greatly needed no plan can serve peoples interests ment hns recognized that Near East S. Hill. Richard Atkins, Isaac H. Malcolm Lukcr, aged six years, that, everything was iiccording to Hoyle. m i g h t , h a v e b e e n a l l with Dictator until people arc interested enough financial support to the Negro col- oil tlclds ennnot be defended in the Sherman, John T. Tetlcy, Joseph sun of George Lukcr of Belford, leges which already arc doing a event of war. and is turning to to serve the plan. while playing on Church street fit This was due to the fact that two members, Stalin, but such acts are contrary to the iSschclbcch, John Shcchnn, J. EdExperience under both socialism valiant job of training future Ne- .sources in South America. One gar Brower, W. Albert VnnSchoick tluit place, was sti-uck by an autoneed not lie a military genius to of the election board were pulling ballots principles of our democracy, The ''papa and gro leaders. mobile driven by Harry Lang. Sevcapitalism |)iove« that a man recognize that our supply lines to and Martin Grillln. eral stitches were taken to cloaa out of the ballot box. The fact that one knows best" attitude, prevalent during the who can win people's loyalty, rouse Tht United Tttgro College Fund the Near Bast cannot be maintained The Heniy VanMqlcr house at cuts on his head, in them a spirit of national service, at 38 Eaat S7th Street, New York in 'Case of conflict, an testified be- the corner of Washington and Borint'iiiber of the board had a batch of un- w;lr, is not the liest. method for this conn- and free them from their fears and City, la conducting Its annual cam- fore a Congressional Investigating Commissioners to have charga of streets wns sold to George counted ballots in one hand, and a batch of tr.v. The oneniii ih: wus never intended greeds—free them to give their paign to raise funds for 32 private committee by one of our military den the public library to be aitabllihed Conk for $1,200 cash. lenders. best—does more for national econoIn Monmouth county had been apNegro colleges and univeralties counted. ballots in the oilier hand didn't for these tlniled States. William Ravatt was awarded the 10. The Jews do not wish troops my than any framcr of a plan. pointed, and William M. Smith of which train the majority of pro- from contract to gravel First nvenue at the United States to support lessen the confusion. Neither did the fact There is tall; now of conferences heSocial justice, too, colls for moral fessional men and women of that them, Thev nr« seeking merely the Atlantic Highlands from Jackson's Freehold, county superintendent of t h a t this helpful Henry insisted on thumb- tween our country and liussia in an t'tlort qualities rather than political he race. It deserves the widest sup- equal right with the Arabs to buy bridge to tho pier. Mr. Rp.valt was schools, wnn mnde president of the IMs, The nmn who is socially Just port from those who believe the arms here and in England, and to to receive 54 cents for every load commission. The other members ill" through the ballots, before thev wen; to close Ihe fjap Hint, hns been wider is- thi- man who gives himself in defense of democracy starts In the have the arms embargo lifted so of grovel called to tho rood. were Mrs. Georgo Bennett of Aathat they can buv nrms to defend couuled so that, one of the candidates would a n d w i d e r between t h e two p o w e r s . S o m e seltk-es service. And that depends minds of men, Mrs, Louis Bocckel Df Locust bury Park, Harry Taylor of Freeihemselve.H. Until now they have more on hb allegiance to God than —The Christian Science Monitor. not even bnen able to procure thia Point wns cleaning house when sho hold, Mrs. Bertram Borden of have advance knowledge of bow he stood. feel Ihitt such coiilerc! es would he flllilc a s to the Republican or Democratic, fell off n stop-ladder nnd xprnlneil Runtson and Mrs, Guy P. McHcnry simnlc lustier. at Atlantic Highlands. The. election law requires that one others have been siur I In: end uf the war. Conservative or Labor parties. Although WR nrc cnrtnln that her wrist. BAII.VI SPKAKIOR Where n man is spiritually uuid Tho frost of the previous week this short .nummary will evoke the James Diunimund, who chiliui'd member of the. election board select one Any move (hat keeps war away should be cd rather than materially Inclined, Mi«. Arthur Crane will h« the sympathy, as it always does, of all to he 103 yenis old, died at Npw cntisod lieiivy losses to tiuuk fainiballot al :i time front the ballot box. It furHowever, if any meetings ill')-' in fact, his political adulations arc guest speaker at the Bnhn'l public fair-minded people, we need more Monmouth after II prolonged sink-' ers in Middlctown village, who lincl nuile lnimatcrlnl. Any unselfish Sothan sympathy at thl.*» lime. In all tnmiito plnnts set out. In .some ther rei|uires thai this ballot be counted, p h i l i n n l , t h e l.'nited S t a i r s r e p r e s e n i n t i r e s cialist, guided by God. will do more meeting to- be held Sunday at S:30 lustlce, the lending democracy of ness, Me moved to Mlclillctuwn cascfi whole flcld3 of plnnts were p. ni. In the Bahn'i center, DO Monfrom rtcd Blink- about DO j-Mts checked, MUliiliL'red :ind strung before an- shonlil tleiiianil, hel'ore a n y ciin.sent, i.sjjiven, for people and for social justice moiith street. The topic for 'Ita- the world should take the first atop: previous, and for over 10 yoiirn hud destroyed. (a) In keeping with the world's than any sclllsh power-hungry capOnmnRo estimated at $12,000 was other jiallol is si.decU-d for perusal, This Hint nil iliseiissintis he niailc jiviiihihle. l o llie italist. And vice versa, The rea- cus.slon will be, "Amcrlcn'.i Spiritual promise to these dcacrvingr people; been sexton ot Ihu Mlctdlelown Mission." Mrs. Crane Is the secre- (b) In establishing a filendlv dem- Baptist church, and had been caused by fire to tho Thomas Henty wasn't done at, Linc.rof!. |»nhlin t h r o u g h I lie |iress, n o t li.v eai'cfnll.y. son a Communist cannot do a* tary of the Baha'i regional teach- ocratic stronghold In tho midst of pensioned by the chinch. Leor.nnl homestead at Chapel Hill much Is that he leaves moral and ing committee for Now Jersey. n feudal und backward world, 'ind John .7. Smith, foreninn for Wil- owned by Melvln A. Rice. Tho Kleetion boards often circumvent the w o r d e d " l i a i i d i i n i s " a f t e r llie m e e t i n g s , lint spiritual character out of the pic- Mrs. O'Harnznh Mnhnr will net aa (c) In protecting the United Na- liam O'Brien, bought the William house was occupied by Mr. nnd, tions (and thn one chance of ponco N, Gray houeo on Bench fltroftt for Mrs, Thomas O'Neill, chairman. law in order to speed up the count. When hy (Mi-tlte-spol, I'epnrls from n c w s p i i p c r r e p - tiuv, for Ihe world) by not capitulating Tlic vital question utitions fiK'R Stuart If. Sims, Glinlrmaii of llie $1,100. • there arc no lint district lights tlie* speed-up reset 11 II I ices. ' A free a n d u n s h a c k l e d p todny IH, "What aro your spiritual Rod Hank Bahn'i (issenihly, has re- to thn Anil) uroups who nto seekSplnneh should he v/nshod !n Tho Vlii Camera club of Enttinmethod is overlooked, In the event of con- a t HIICII meeliii^s is llie only i l e i u o c r a t i c w a y and moral practices?" Not, "What cently returned from the 40th an- ing to destroy II. uovcin! wntci'H hut should novcr be town mot at Rdwai-d Vanliusklilc's. Very truly yours, ai'o your economic theories and |)o. H.'sls, short cuts by election boards should Of t e l l i n g I lie penple know Vlllll i s g o l l l " : on ) lltlcHl beliefs?"—Sncrnmentu tCal,) nual Baha'i convention held in WllThe club 'had seven nionibois. A loft to snak since greens loso valuBenjamin It. Ashln, g niettt III,, where ho served as « )m|(Hl ilnrk room hiul hern llxori up over nbln nilnnriilf nnd vitamins when President of Zionist be liaudled eijiKm* car§. ITJie boards aud i New Jersey delegate, Dr. W. U, Kurtz's ufllco at Eaton- loft In water for any length of UBM. OrgunlzuLlon of Amorlcu, £or.esLull itii^; diidoiuutic Irkkciv;. union. something abuiu it. Ifayniiuid .1. O', Buy* con mn\n pockrt money hy eclllt;s The KcsiBtcr.—Advertihcntenl. LETTERS FKOM OUR READERS RED BANK REGISTRR, MAY 13, 19IS Pacre Seven Miss Betty Jane My«.«, Spanish rinril l . • '••,• p - • • ; . i :. \ i •vh-i ami English teacher, Mi.".*: Myrr.* is r "in' f'Y-i niding Mr. Pfnnstirl with I he di 1-2H .•,: At Leonardo S.'IHM»I • i ' i ; . . ;' 1 i •• inintic Instruction. .-ilile 1 The annual a i t exhibit at LeoI; , . .Mi. . \ i nardo hi^h ."chool, under the direch:w! i> ' . ' : ~ 1 ;, . -. -1 - \\ii: tion of Miss Emma Heflinp, will he <" ' A ' ' If'. llr-1,1 , if \; • given the evenings of May 20 and t !• '.] r*fi y r 21, the same evenings as the high | To Have Ail School a n,l r,i ' school operetta. j T h e VclLM-and of Foici^n Wars N e w Yd I .,. r ; : ; - . . -.:,.{ :,( I . ^ !' The exhibit will consist of work j post of Lone Branch is sponsoring empl(.'><<! S y • ; : i : . \ < ,,. - i m i that was done by tho pupl)3 duiinf? ! an a r t school directed by Joseph ur^nn i it:.-i ; ••• . 1 1 f.i ;n the year. The pictures will be disI M. Najdzlnski. The free course is i n i l m t i n - i ; , . I . i ; :r;' n-. :\ i . - . r.l i played in the corridors of the Kivtdc j held Monday nights from 7 to 1111 n i i t s , school. The exhibit will Ineludft oils, I o'clock RL the post. Any p p n u n Ir.-on).n;\\fi n f ' I . ' !• . - ' • , v . . : pastels and pencil drawing. i ;> J over 17 having some arl experience cut. ;i • t : i ' t o t ; \ _-.-r . vi)'. \i The operetta, entitled In Old I will be eligible. Those who inn. | Ml 1 i:'-r Vienna." U under the direction of should provide their own r<|ii:p- ( i d l l l ;|L John Pfansliel, music ir«K'h(M', andnirnt. but equipment will he I'm-•'flfrSi*. Operetta And Exhibit 300 More Phone Circuits i,-- v ' • ' < ] ' [ • • • ; • : • ! . •if : . • H . . e . . - • ; . • : . • ; i ..• !•'. ' . ' " • . ; . . • , I " ! . : - r, 1 i.- >•»- : - t-'.:\~. . • l • ! i . • t'.< A - T • • • • : : ;i i > : , < . .i " . i i '•:'.<• ••! i n N . 4 BE SMART r SAVE TIME AND MONEY COME TO ARTHUR MURRAY'S A N D I Loft: New Jersey Bell Telephone splicers tie together two links of a new telephone cable, which will widen voice highwny from Northem New Jersey to the MonmouUi shore men. Twenty-nine miles in length, the cable will provide more than 300 additional circuits In lime for the annual summer upswing in calling. Picture was taken on Tramp Jlollow road near Ked Bank. Above: The Red Bank exchange is nlso bring enlarged for- the summer rush in telephone trnlllc. Here a Western Electric ci|u:pment injslallation supervisor tests a newly i added section of switchboard an' Operators Doris E. Gunn and Mrs. ] Audrey Kichtor look on. Oceanport Council j T« Fi-lit Gas Hike Water Scrvit*; Also Criticized YOU WILL DANCE AFTER ONE LESSON Y(HJ 'e;|nl quickly ;it Arthur MuiTiu's. Mis famous M;ijjic Step Method assures that. You learn correctly—Hie newest steps as the lies! dancers &u them. Ami you acqiiiie lifclonjf KIace anil conlidenee. NOW! Olare-Free Driving for Less Than $1.00 POLAROID iomviNC VISOR Yes, mice yon put yourself in flie hands of an Arthur Murray expert you've found the sure sliorl-eut in new fun and popularity. So come to your nearest Arthur Murray Studio. Arthur Murray's stall is chosen fur dancing talent and cliarniinj; personality, fr'ch teacher is thnroujrhly trained in Arthur Murray's unique, melhiid-;. C o m e today—surprise your friends at your next parly. »il,\ liisl;i||)-it \ I I In i r . K i n n i i ' l K \.\\h. < An Excl j s i v e Whel Scoop / & .50 SUN ARTHUR MURRAY O . N I . V CLEARSITE Mi 11 s m i l U I I I I I I n « s h l i s 1111111I iiiul imlisliori I,. M \ Mill.' 157 Broad Street Red Bank Telephone Red Bank 6-4406 '-<?- 4»' for appointment We know of a folia n*med tohabod Purvis • W h n w;i> ,-ihviiys c o m p l a i n i n g a b o u t lack of !-rr\ir<\ But now lie's stopped cry in1 For lie's dou'blcrj'Oii-cyiii1 (And liis iliiclur reports lie's a whole Jut less jionous) WITHOL INDUSTRIES Letvig St. Kalonlimn 3-0810 CORDUROY FOR FUN IN THE SUN Sturdy corduroy mad* info jackttj, ikirli, ihorU, llacki . , , tverything you could think of to have fun outdoori. We hav» • all these for you in gray, whin, red, aqua, and gr««n. Sizei 1 0 - U . Tht borough council of Oceanport, made three protests last Thursday night as complaints were aired against 4>ropo£ed new ,533 ratci, discontinued mil service and interference with water supply. . The council directed that nn int uuiry bo made among shoru to\vn& j to consider a possible joint action i against a new schedule of rates I which tho Jersey Central Uuwer 1 and Light company plans to put into eflect soon. They adopted a resolution protesting any decrease in railroad service including the droppins of previously .scheduled stops of Pennsylvania railroad trains at tho Little Silver railroad station, which serves Occunporl. Open 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. ; ftmber) Pint Pint U l ' I ' S R ' l l Councilman Harry S. Koch led the attack on water service as he pointed out that Vionmouth C'onsol1 idatcd Water company has failed to' notify users when it has decided to temporarily hnlt service in the urea. Mayor C. Kenneth Riddle «aW that it was his understanding that the company was required by law to make such notification. The Poitaupeck water company, which supplies most of the borough buys its water from the Monmouth company. I An emergency resolution approi printing $13,000 for road repairs i was authorized after Councilman I Edward C. Wilson announced an ; urgent need for attention {0 JO ! streets in the borough. Minimum repairs he said, would cost .$17,023, hut $3,550 In state aid would be re; ceived. ' j;<i\vn i l lilll fl'oiii lll>ilili|Uill>ll>r,s I'Xclll.'i'iC I.:1111• I'cii' lifidrs IMJIlll'-lll-llI'llcl' U r i i h i l S!ni|i|ii-. wI n i v s . l l l l t i n 1 '"new look." LOUIS PHILUPPt ftngelus Bride's and Bridesmaid's LIPSTICKS Gowns and Accessories \^ Ami Flmrrr Uirl / / / T S « All. Work itII'I Ihiiul l)m\i',. III/ i'.rjiiri Tiiiluriiiij St •!ni •.•//•! » « • * , AI.XO Super Shaving Special! Ready Made Gowns CADETS OX HONOR ROLL Two cadeta from Red Bank, Dominick Acerra, son of Mr. and Mis. Louis Acerra of 11 Bridge avenue, and James H. Cottrell, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Cottrell of 1 VIsU place, earned places on the thi'd quarter honor roll at Bordcntown military institute, where they are memhers of the senior class. Dean Harold Morrison Smith announced recently that Acerra's average for the quarter was 86.50 and Cottrell averaged 88.25. The boys ranked 13 and 16 in their class, NYLON SHAVE BRUSH for liridvs • I'ruins • (!nnhitili<m • riaitlc handle. Rrmtrkabty low-prlerd «t . . . ON'LY TUXEDOS TO mm; • LOVE LANE BRIDAL SHOPPE 2 3 West Front Sheet GOLD SEAL FACIAL TISSUES GLASS WAXC O c PINT....Only33 ?400 Sheets 19' Hod Hank Telephone Red Bank 6-1172 M O T H BALLS / Boyi can maka uocket mun«r by isllini Th« He«l«tcr.—AcivertlMment. Sturdy Paper or FLAKES 1 1c I N A P K I N S 1 1 c 10 Oz. Pkg. 1 1 ispecial 80 for H SUIT 17.95 TOPPM . 17.95 Colorful Slip Covers Will Give Your Room a Spring Pick-up PARA CRYSTALS ) SHIT ilralli to ninths! POUND PIOAL PUSHERS . 6.50 Xew materials ore arriving daily . . . glorious floral prints flbsorbent TOILET TISSUE A stock up .NOW: Q C 650 SHEETS X (pkt«r«i) . . . stript'H . . . plain colors . . , guy plaids. SUCKS 7.95 SHORTS 3.95 SKIRT 7.95 All of them can he used IVORY or LUX I LUX, PALMOLIVE or nloiifi or cninhinpil fo mnko slip envoi's tlnil will roflpft ,vonr own , FLAKES Oflct LIFEBUOY origiiinlil.v nnil good lastp, , Wi! cut anil pin (it in voiif home, .mil ilic,v jirc ili-livi.Ted within two 'weeks . . . liwintifully iiiinle, pri'SMcd, ITIIIIV to iisu fur LARGE BOX . . . SOAP iUi!SMMM Jllilll V \ AT THE WHITEHOUSE TO BROAD 'STREET OPJSN miDATH TILL » SHOP FHIDAY TIL U I1. M. CONAKMK.VT Ill'DCI'T I'AVJIKNMS INTCUOH ECGHATOW VI W.«ONI HI •MUlAMiMI) Cor. Broad & White Sts. Phone Red Bank 6-0355 AT WH ELAN'S RED BANK REGISTER, MAY 13, 1948 . Page Eight CATHOLIC WAR VETERANS ST. ANTHONY'S POST 1037 SECOND ANNUAL DANCE HOTEL MOLLY PITCHER Saturday, May 22nd, 1948 DONATION Frank Maiia * Orchmtra JUST ARRIVED!! SUMMER HANDBAGS IN ALL THE NEWEST STYLES 1 ••» t o 4 * ' NYLO\ SWEATERS SPRING SHADES. SIZES M - 40. NYLONS I.G.U.. » 1 " t O * 2 " « * 1 " tO $ 1* S SHOP FRIDAY TILL * P. M. CARROLL HOSIERY SHOP CORNER OF BnOAIt AND MONMOUTH STREETS Jack Goldin Leaves Estate To His Widow Forty-One Children Attend Story Hour Mies Esther W. Bower will tell the stories Saturday morning at the story hour at the Eisner .Memorial library. Each Saturday morning between 30 and 11 o'clock, this hour for boy» and kids between the agea of four and eight Is Kev. John T. Maltlirtvn sponsored by the Red Bank-Keyport regional group of the MonMakes He<|in>ls mouth County Branch of the American Association of University Women in co-optration with the To Cliarilv trustees of the Red Bank Free Pub. All children between Jack Goldin, proprietor of Gold- lie library. n's Men shop on Broad street, who these ages ar. welcome. Miss Bower will tell "Sylvester dier) April 17, left his estate in trust, for his wife, Anna Bell Gold- the Subway," "The Little Family," in. Upon her rlrvtth the residue is "The Pied Piper of Hamelin U> £<t to their three children, Mir- Town," "The Story of Jairus' iam. Hrtty and Thelma Goldin. Mis. Daughter and "Epaminondas » n J Goldn arid the thlee children weie His Auntie."' Last Saturday 41 children frrm nnmrd rxriMitrkTS. Mr*. Lillie B. White, wife of all parts of Red Bank and nearby George E. White, who died Afjrll towns came to hear Mrs. John T. Ifft her estato to her husband, Simpson tell "Pretiel," "Five Hundred Hats of Bartholomew Cubins," who was executor. Mrs. Thadea D. Borgeson, wife of "The Little Lame Prince" and "The Carl A. Boigeson of Red Bank, who King's Stilts." This last the childied March 15 at. Little Silver, left dren acted out after the telling. her estate to her husband, who was Before the atoriea began some of the hoys and girls, who had arnamed executor. tin. Fannie Kirkegard of Middle- rived early, were pointing out the town township, who died April 16, various trees on the beautiful terleft her estate to her daughter, races of the library—the red Margaret Cornell of Washington maples, the pines, spruces, the dog avenue, Leonardo, who was named wood, oriental quince, apple and magnolia. They were all beautiful executrix. in the sun, with the river as a loveGeorge Stephen Young of Jer-ly background. sey City, who died al Rumson April Mrs. Donald English and Miss 21, left his estate to his wife, Mr«. Florence R. Kridel assisted with Daisy S. Young, who was named the children, executrix. Maria A. Baskervillc of Freehold, whu died May 24, 1947. left $100 to D.A.It. Delegate* lii-i son William of Brooklyn, and Sim- to his niece, Nettie Davis, al- Kcad Keporlt so o: Brooklyn. The rest of his Dclegatea who attended the aneatatr. was left to Nettie Davis and nual Continental Congress of the another niece, Jeanette Taylor of Scninton, PH., who was named ex- Daughters of American Revolution .society last week in Washington, ccuti ix, D. C., read reports at a recent Arthur .1. Harry of LonR Branch, meeting of Shrewsbury Town chapwho died April 22, left all his sport- ter, D.A.R., at the home of Mis. inrj outfit.*, skates and golf er|llljimo'-l to his son Krnnlt. The rest C. Kiank Horden at Shrewsbury. of 111;; clothing, tools, machinery, Delegates were Mrs. Elizabeth S. Huirj family records, mementos N'I-MI nnd Mrs. Robert Giblon, and and heirlooms were left to hisMrs. Glblon's report was given by brother, Robert Harry. The rest Mrs. C. A. Osborn. Mrs. George A. Kuhner, who diof hift estate was left in cquiil sll ire* tu his five children. Wilbur rects the D.A.R. physo-thcrapy proE. Cox of East Willislon, Lung IS' gram at Ellis Island for veterans, was the speaker. She explained land, was named executor. Rev. John T. .Matthews, retired this program anil exhibited examples of leathcrcraft, nietnl work rjui.'cupal minister, who died at I.on'4 Branch March I!7, left his all- and other projects at the D.A.fl.1 ve:- chalice and paten to the Church center there, Following the session, Elliot Lcof PL Mary liy the Son, Point Pleasvine entertained with piano solos. ant Beach, H; left tu Ihc rector, wardens Assisting hostesses were Miss Marami vestrymen nf St. James churcil, garet Bordcn and Mrs. Charles L. LOUK Branch, nil his war bonds and Reckless. United Stntes government bonds. p road to belter and bic builHis vestment^ and personal proplend* llirouifh The Regis erty were left to the Order of the l \ Holy Cros.s, West Port, New Ynilt. He left to John Owen Jones of Lon« Brunch $HJD, a silver watch and chain, a Greek cross and an Oxford Bible. II.' also left to the Order uf Holy d o t s $1,000 to become part of an cndi-wmcnL fund fur St. Andrews School for Boys in Tennessee. All his clutliing ami bedding was Icfl to Si. Andrews school. He loft $500 to tlic Sisters of St. Mmy, Peekskill, New York, to becon.c part of .in endowment fund of S!. Mary's School ior Girls, Sewanec, Tennessee. Oilier Ijcquesls inckidcd $jl) lo the Guild of All Souls, Philadelphia: 525 tu the Confraternity ol thn. Blc.^cd Sacrament, Wesl Orange' $300 to Rev. William H. Stoni- of Wcnonah; S100 to George Dcy of Lung Branch, and $50 to Malcolm Kirliy of Long Branch. The rest of his estate was left to Nashtotah house in Wisconsin. Burtlla Stein of Long Branch, who died March 14, left $300 to her Minnddiildrcn. The rest of her estate was left in equal shares to he/ children, Milton M. Stein, Joseph I'. Stein, Theresa Hcimlich jnd Regina Xeimnrk. Joseph Stein and Sol Neimark were named cxecutois, IT'S TIME TO THINK OF STORAGE PUBLIC AUCTION SALE Vtir Your Furs and Winter Garments. THIS YEAIt STOKE AT LEON'S 2-Certified Vaults-2 At I am moving from Atlantic Mighlande, will disperse at Public Auction my entire Nouaehold floods and Furniehlngt on the premises at: 38 Ocean Blvd., Atlantic Highlands, N. J. on O.V Of II rKEMISES LEON S Friday and Saturday, M-;ii White St. H. B. S-2MIO A. A. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS . Red Bank Qroup P. O. lox 49 N. J . Information Office Phone Humboldt 2-28H Experienced' Operators and ! 149 MORFOKD PLACE, HEM BAKK and 22nd EXHIBITION, THURSDAY, MAY 30 10)30 A. M. to 8 P. M. Baby Grand Piano (Chlckering), Oriental Rugs (Bi Jur-Kabls^.an-Saroult), Jfroadloom Domestic Rugi In Old Rose-Green and Maroon, Secretary (Winthrop), Tables (French), French Lamps, Brass Fireplace Equipment with Decorative Hail, Floor and Table Lamps, Corner Cabinets (Curios), Love Seat, French Clocks, Occasional Living Room Chairs, Droplcaf Tables, End Tables, Tier Tables, Radios (Console and Table Models), Lusterware, Bric-a-brac (Serves-Dresden-Limoges), French China Tea Set, Hand painted gold encrusted 142-plcce Dinner Set complete, Placi Plates, Old English Dinner Set (Blue and White), Crystalware, Chinawarc, Chinese Tables, Portable Bar (Mahogany), Silver Tea Set with Tray (English), Candle Sticks (Sheffield), Dining Room Set of ten pieces in mahogany (Chippendale), occasional Sheraton Tables, Grandfathers Clock (English) with Westminster Chimes, Coffee Table (Mahogany), Banjo Clock, Antique Sewing Table, three drawers, (Maple and Mahogany); Fine Imported Table Linens, Chairs and Sofas in SatinBrocade and Leather, Pictures, Mirrors, Books, Boudoir Chairs and Lamps, Hall..Runners (Broadloom), Porch and Lawn Furniture, two Cameras, Bicycle (Elgin), Frigldiirc, seven complete Bedroom Sets of Twin and Double Beds in Mahogany and Curly Maple with custom made Springs and Mattresses, Occasional Chests of Drawers, larg« amount of fins Glassware and many other itcnn consisting of household requisites, . • _ NOTE: Plcnse do not phone or call at the residence prior to exhibition. For any Information communicate with the Auctioneer. Sale will be held outdoors with comfortable s«ats for all viiitors. In event of Inclement weather sale will take place indoors. All items to be ramoved at conclusion of .sale. The undersigned and Auctioneers shall not be responsible In case of accident or injury to any person or persons in, on or about the premises. • y Order of FLORENCE LINDAUER I tale Conducted l y Wanted Marold Levinsohn Corporation list French, English and American Furniture, Georgian and other Silver, Chinese Art, Oriental and Domestic Rugi, Decorative Table Pieces, Objetg d Art, Fine Linens ami Laces, Porcelains, Pottery, Crystals. Leu fliers Come In fur Interview. May AT 1 P. M. EACH DAY B. G. COATS, J. W. BURNS, Auctioneers 490 Bath Ave., Long Branch, N. J. Telephone 6-3599 Member*. "Satinnul Sociclii of Auctioneers'' CLERKS: Frank Woolley, C. A. Burlc, H. E. Long. ~-~ The Auctioneers, having been favored with instructions from the above to sell by Auction, most cordially invite everyone to inspect these unusually fine offerings. Anyone who cannot at» tend the aale may nave their bids faithfully executed by the Auctioneers,. •i'1 «.« ' I N D I V I D U A L I T Y IF YOU HIT SOMEBODY WITH YOUR CAR •' It happens more uNeii ilian not . . . the men who du well 'in golf do well wilh their clothes, loo. They like to look as neat as ihc course it- self . . . and they know (hat cuinfurt contributes to the game. Our sport shirts are every golfer's would Hit l a w . . . • seize your home? O seize your things? Q seize your income? What's your protection? $ What's your protection if your car should be stolen? $ Or burn? $ Protection is too inexpensive to neglect a minute or a mile, dish . . . cut with plenty of arm and shoulder OTHIR HASH QUESTIONS... room. SLACKS FROM #10.95 Have you ample insurance tftitut burglary and other poiiible louel at home—on houiehold goodi, jewelly, (uri, silverware, clothing., etc.? O VES D ER, AH, WELL—? How about louei away tram home — luggage, golf clubs, camerai, jewelry, fun and luch? • FULLY COVERED • HADN'T THOUGHT OF IT How much would you need pet week if an accident kept you (rom SPORT SHIRTS FROM 15.00 working for 200 weeks? $ How much of K lump sum if you were totally and permanently disabled? $ „ The slacks are cut for comfort . . . for a •••••ice, trim look. The scope of fabrics in both .•sjiirts and slacks is wide, Come in before your ;'• first golf dale of the SCUSUM, AmericaFore • INSURANCl CROUP • JUJI ai the 1948 Cadillac differs from all other can in the character of its quality and pcriormance-.o docs it differ in individuality of appearance. More lhan ever before, Cadillac's inner goodness is now being mirrored in its outward beauty. You can actually sec tlic degree of Cudillnc Icadcrihip as the car flashes past on the highway. A s a result, tlmusunds who have not previously aspired ID Cadillac ownership are deciding lo make Cndillnc their next motor car. Orders placed with dealers in the past few months have broken all records in Cadillac's long history of public approval. Have you seen the new Giclillnc? If not, you are welcome to call at our showrooms at any time. HOWLAND B. JONES MOTORCO. M l •MADWAY LONG BRANCH Allaire & Son Agency III MO.VMOI Til NT, 11KU HANK 1'IIONK U-iiiM 8 MAPLE AVENUE 1 / r . W Vf HilAt RED IANK. N. J. i ' KK1) B A S K H K G I S T E K , -MAY 1 3 , lltl* CURLEY EXHIBIT HOME Party Follows Rosary Meeting SNYDERS' : h v :Y••>*-. .f lli!l. Kii.e's II r ! i » j r , M J., m: I V n l m .cl:iy, M.-i) :l:3fl i.Vl.n-i. .11 •>.< n f l m l ' u ; ! e c : . ( H i ; i ! il I ' . r - I ,<* w -I' Iti-fOfC B t l r y : : [<.r |t> M«nmmi:h from Jji,e Hills I;-I:I.!IBI. |i SPORT COAT J. rr,r: f n : a - u r n >.( n n 1 . I'.il-v : n J u m I, (,ir ship ,1.1'. • • , « • [ : , Y Jr., I !i 1 • H: f..r •!.' • • I ' T i l ' 1 Hi I ':rt S«. J Tlidi f'i" Vinril-i/i'li"1!.'*"^!,. Plans Manv Events AN ESTABLISHED RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY i l l >-»B-. l'.'io. •;:.-. N'.i. RIOT I, A tricky tray party featured the T o n U . M n n r b | . , r a f u l l o f : h . meeting; last week of the Rosaiy 1 3 1 y c n i s , l i m n J i : . , I , m , •,„ J u n e I , society of St. Dorothea's church, D c t l l i l f i l S l i t ' i ^ t i . J i ' . i o l . i H i e r n file w / l l Eatontown. Mrs. Clifford Cadman t h e ' J ' o w n i l u p O r k m . l --. p y n f l i n t wai chairman, assisted by Mrs. m . i y lie h i u l m u m n p j i l i r a t i i i ! : Helen Kreuger and Mrs. Jean i - m i l i e i l r h " c l ; a n . I I>.• i.. 1 l e ' . ' e r , • > Smock. let fnnh In tr.ff Mit , - i l i r n ' . n r s . H i K t i : i s I L - « o r v t il -.0 i t ' j r r ? n n r u " » ' ! The society decided to send a - Ii r siirrincii:^,,,,. contribution to the playground b i l lAsl,l (isl n uni '. . . h!j.i)i:s• : ! ! M :ti l f.irlh MI t!i'> M>ocommittee of the Eatontown Wot'lfrk m e m ; n l . - ;i i , ; . i t i.r '.tils mlv.rmen's Community club. If | Mrs. Virginia Piccola was named . Sllci*i'ii!.f-il li'dili r chairman of the sunshine commit.fli |. tee, of which Mrs. Cadman and fill n i s l i t i r et S! f\ n c.itiip.i ly i MM, Kreuecr arc the other mem. if. t i n ' j i l i m i hct' bers. A spiritual bouquet and a gift IJ irrucet M ! ' I(•! r d ,ii-i, H I Plub o n d m . i y l-f l i - r <>!•.<••: li : i i I Pr mb-o! n d | . r . n of flowers have been sent to Miss Jo ifr c t M t h'nI r d , f iH iM w.'h rcov.•.;..!, I I hf u t h L h « I ' o u l railM 1m K - h . - v - t d r^-ii ; Ella Conway, who la ill. yenr. I Mrs. Ross Ann Orechio and Mrs. l l d d' flic ttitli t!m Frances Eanorlno volunteered to C l e r k o n •-:• l i r f u ; . - M n - J J. ! ' . * l - , n ' nf ihl<ii*a!inii of d'ini3,-« sew gowns for the May crowninc Donations for flowers for the .May vi II n.«pp ii'l t ! i c T i t w n ; - h i> ('• i n u n . * \ iii fr event were given to Rev. Frederick :••••',!. a m i i: i t i n ] v ! !,„ i r e i v r t j w l i r r o l l l n i l i i l i ] ) ) i n ^ u n t I;: 1 h;iH | Child, n l l i i r n : n i p r ( i w il i ^ i f i r ! n i h n i n :I:J The semi-annual Communion l l i d ' I r r U a l ' n I l ^ k n l t o KTJv<* n : : r r r ; i > brsakfut will be held June 6. Mrs. i m p i l u ' K i ' m i i d . M I t l i ' i t IT li:•.c i i n o t ' Cadman and Mrs. Esther Hunter n M i r o W f i . t ! i r n r l i . ' r m n y lif, Tin T i m - m i l li i r s e r v , - . tlm rich' In j ar« co-chairmen of the event. Plans for a pilgrimage In June kr et oj rt rl l' t. i l . i*- il, - u p p i n v c o f a n y i l i i i i p ' . i . f r wein discussed. A card party will All Li.|. ni'K! hr. nil »!mtn.iltl IV... Ill f «•:,,), ; ;,••,:•I,,.,! in I I,- ! he held May 27 In the church hall. Other events planned nro a dani'P, o n v r l n i i i . l i r . n . r . i ; l i t - i i n l i m a m i n i l i l l i s . ' a food sale nnd a rummage. S;I!I\ n f 1 h i - l i i i l d i . : i n i l m i l l n l I n t . n ' datci; for which will he announced. nf MiilillrlniM' " ' i New members introduced were ntjivAuii w. I ^. ' Mi-3. Virginia Piccol.i nnil Mr?. 'IViu'lullili Cl.rli. Helen Keyon, and a guest, Mm. _ ! _ ' » • ' . I : M : i y I . I ' M - . _ _ '; Jean Mead. NOIICK TO l i l D D t R S . "" I B of tha many CURLCV HOMES told ovary buyer aaw, comparad and raturnad of hit own accord and purchand. EXHIBIT HOME OPEN DAILY 1 TO 8 P. M. MR. EIGENRAUCH ON PREMISES DIRECTIONS:—Driva •road Street, Shrawtbury, and turn down White Street, opposite Shadow Brook Inn entrance to Roblnton Plaoa. Turn left EXHIBIT HOME third house on right. PRICE $ 1 0 , 8 0 0 liidaaV Eaton town Society BOROUGH OF SHREWSBURY rage NOTICE TO BIDDERS. PHONE RED BANK 6-486S Till. Sperling Takes I'holos At Dog Shows In South 'I'liWIi.'-llip Tn»li..ll I':,I. I :,|. a • 'lilllllllllri' Hal!. .1.. I " KiMK'i n n ClIDIIlitl.r M : I | I [ ! I I I I V i n , , ! : , , , ' !»• n. ,,f hilil it • Iliulm.-iv. W n l n i s i l i i v , Of will til. ! tic- uii. r . M \ II : Nil. a, I Red Cross Training Gray Lady Volunteers I . M r i i - t ! 1 t h e Tinviihlli|i l.l( lL ; i r il i-n|iv i i j i r ! . - m y nl IMIII- h I t i c h l Telephone "Roads" * Just as additional •utomohiles requite mote roads—so additional telephones require more circuits to carry your calls in and outof town. But adding new cable is a painstaking job o f connecting many wires by hand—and it takes time as well as materials. • During the past two years, more new circuits have been installed than in any other period of our history. They are helping to handle the calls resulting from the large number of telephones we've added in the same period—along with the additional calljthatereryone seems to be making. And we're installing "srill more circuits—as fast as our supply unit can produce the cable. * * * i s i c s i r v f i l I n H I <;i I:\PI.AIDS • IIICCKS • HOI NDSIOOIH Ripht in the face of rising p Sn.vder's ,uoos to town with tinainazinj." savings event in years! This special sale of 100'.' all* wool sport coats for Boys and Husky Hoys, will he perfect buys for school f>radu;tU's. Take advantage of this wonderful offer! You are invited to see these top quality sport coats. We're sure you will want more than one! p NEW JIRSIY M I L TELEPHONI COMPANY In.- • N . To make your telephone service better and better, we're in the midst of • 52 30,000,000 expansion program. Who supplies the mDncy.'Inmtorj do,through •heir purchase of telephone securities. The mode)' you pay for telephone service is used for wages, taxes, depreciation and other operating coats and to pay investors for the use of their money. Mii'.rrliil REGULARLY i:t vi' I'MU'IISIIII Joseph E. Sperling, owner and :;::•'( o ' c l n r l . .t> In- , C n : i I n r I I I , ml I L I-...r i ; n , U . n ' . : „:'] manager of Pan Photo service uC > ' . i ! ! , i - : i Broatl street, lias returned from iin extended business trip through H i i l s f u r lliii-liin..!.- l l ' - n - i . - l N n . 'J, I . . - , H I . ; Texas, Georgia, North and South a n l ' i , f o r n l i - r t t i n f m i l ' ( I I y i ' i i r , l i i i m 1, I'J-H, III Jlllli- I, I!H!I. Carolina and Virginia, where lie Jllllr acted as official photographer for l . i HI li ii ci iNi n l o f. o fr o r CIaIi ' tl .. ini ii :i . . o f l it : h« it rni -c - t C i l N yn i. ; i r 2« ., \ most of the don shows on the cir- f r i i l l l J i l l i c I . I '.I 1 ^ t n . l u l u - I , H i ; . I . l l r t n i l n l niii-i'itii'.-i'i'itM IIi.- o n li!,. w i t h ! cuits held throughout these states. The tour started in Corpus Chris- m y I n . h i . i l i i p n i i i i p p i . - • . , • . . . - i . All I m l i IIIIIM li,' ini'i.i iiii"l l.y H ti, Texas, March IK and ended in Atlanta, Ga. April 25. This is tlio • r t i l l i - i l i - l i n l , n i . i l I , i l l i o i . i l : . t t f : - , , ; :l liirlll in tl-i-prrnu-ii'ii.i.!. second trip of thin nature Mr. Sperling has made einuc the first h i l l s , u s fcnl f o : ; h I n t i n s i i n - i t ' i i - n t l r n i * . of the year when he was invited to photograph the circuit. In Flori- Ci - li fe lrr k. ' i t i no nr se mo inn l e l i l n, i pwii nt ht o tf h e t h i sT , i w mI I lHvI rI r- P. da In January. Many ot his 4'hoto- t i s ^ n i ^ ' f i ' i ' l i f t ^ . ' l i n o n n 5 ' i i ^ f p i i i r ^ p o n t n f l , graphi have been seen In national P u r r p s s f u ' Itiilrlrr in n n y raf. m u s t fiiinisli mirr-ty rniiiii;tny linn«l, w i t h dog magazines. cninnnny sntisfnrtory tn tlip . T o w n s h i p The phase of photographic work t ' o m m i t l r r , i n l l i r i i n i r n n i r (if t l i p m i l . arose from Mr. Sperling'.-! interest ( r t i r t p f i r . , h u i IT n i h r n - y ^ n r I ' r n i \\ \ i | , tli>- i - i ' i ' l m ; i y I - '.<•: m i c l l i i r r l . in show dogs which, since tho end nI Hf ' C . IHi* hr rmitract inirc with i^'.ivi»ion t of tlie war, has been Increasing to l l u i l . t h e l i . i m l i m ; « l Im r n i c M - f i l t . i . ' l i the extent thnt he now owns, ex- y o u r . , Kulilrr must nin with tlip Tnwnsliip hibit* and raises pure-bred dnchsChrk ««ii n r Uotnrn Miiy ill!. I ' . l H , n | hunds. i-i r t i i i c i t t f of t l m Ii.riiiiiui df (himi>!i, : ' While on the most recent tour K r u i i i i i l , n n i i t i n - 'I i n v i . - h i p C r m i m n ; Mr. Sperling photographed Dr. w i l l i i i M i c r i s.iMii' I ' i ' i i r t o i x ' c i v l r i " n ! i l s 111: M : i y ^ O t h , .111-! i n . hi-1 w i l l lir ! Luis Perez Moreno, the director of M i c n . l v n l w h i ' n - t h . : <luiMttii»: i!rmin<l h i t , ' sports for the Republic of Cuba. n o t h c c i i ; i | i p n i v c f l n i » r t t i tlift n i t - w i n c . I I l i d i h r i s :I!<-I> i i b k i il h i K l v r n l d ' M K i l . I who was officiating at the Atlanta do;? show. After talking to Dr. Mo- n | . | » n » v . - i l . : h r u t i i . r n v . y I . - , \ reno through his Interpreter Jose Tin! T i t w i ^ h i t i I'^irvs th« r j;hl hi 1 Castro, Mr. Sperling was honored by an Invitation to come to Culm A I! i)iiU m u s t lie n n Munl.inl Proand act as official photographer at linsftl l-'tiini which is ntlndicrl tn thr their show next year. KI'TIIM- 9.95 til. ITI'I TII»-II-II M : I I I I I I " I I « I I . > l u For A Limited Time Only n i l , Gabardine S L A C K S . . . * " O P E N M I MAY I I I J . 9 I'. >l. r ; nf t h n hiiitli.r, a ml T(iwtii-fii|i Ciiinmitli:o of Mi<lfllcttiu-ti. 32 Broad St., Q Red Bank. N. J. wMi-Msr-iI In (fir I nf the *J*o\vtisli*t* IIUWAIU) W . ItDllRRTP, Townxtiin C i - r k . Monday the hospital and recreation corps of the Monmouth county Red Cross chapter started their third class tu train Gray Ladles »lnc» the end of the war. These volunteers will Bcrvo at Fitkin nnd Monmouth Memorial hospitals, and it the station hospital at Fort Monmouth. Classes will be held, every night this week, and will include field trips to the various places where Gray Ladies «ervc. The course Is supervl«ed by Mrs. Carl Tongrlng, corps chairman. Speakers include Mlsi Lucy E. Tompkina, chapter executive secretary; Mrs. Elmer C. Hazard, chairman of volunteer services, and Mrs, Robert G. Haley, who explained corps organization and Its objectives. Twelve women registered for the course. riiitril: Mny 1. ! ! ) ! ' . Here'i tlie o r d u t ' t inMiirwl new wordf for * ! • .My Merry Oliismobil*.* It's tlie huturamic " 9 V • ItramJ nfw model that'l l^ailihg lite w&r inlo a n t v r.olclrn l!rn (if proffreM nllfl fldvanrrmtnt! MEN Protect Your Winter Qarments With MNITONE CLEANINO I'lUH Storage in Leon's "Certified Vaults" Call R. B. 6-2800 For •> Banded Mettcnfer LEON'S Sine* 1912 •ft-76 White St. SHMPF0CU8 TILIVISION D. W. MAY CORPORATION MO'FUITON STRUT, NIW^YORK 7, N. Y. f icfusiv* Dfili/bwlen far Northern New Jeriev I en Islamite' In e tfnlenhla." tani n e j detail*. Nome :KT.s.«..-.»«. Addrtu City I.W.MitCW!, l !NMMM.,»raV«t?. N.V..I«et.O Uni « • IIJ)iilml«fl_IIU'»!u'.»_«*."«"?J»<.»«?«itJ( Stale 4 •« « . H. 6-3800 NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Th» Townihip Commiltet of the Townihip of Mifldletown, will receive bids nt ft meeting of thn Townihip Committee to he hold nt tlie Township Hall, King'* Highway, MiridJclown, N. J., on Wednefiiliiy, Mny 2§, 19 AH, at 3:80 o'clock In the afternoon fnr [lu. Collection and fJlanusnl nf (inr linen nnr] Refill! Mnterlnl for District No. 1, Port Monmouth as follows; Bldi for finrbriKe District No, 1, East Ktuniburg for t\ term of one (1) year, r » m June 1, 1943 to June 1, 1940. Bid* for Garbage District, No. 1, B u t Kcantbunr for a term of thre* (8) jrwrt, from June 1, 1048, to June 1, 1151, Detailed ipeciflcaUoni a r t on flit with th« Townihip Clerk and copy of inrne may be hnd upon application. All bidi must be accompanied by * certified check and bid bond tetter, us let forth in the Bpeclflcntioni, Rlffht li renervcd to reject any a'r nil bltls, nt let forth in the ipedficatinni. All jiroviiions set forth in the • purifications on file with tho Townihip Cttrk' a n made a putt of thli ndvrr* tlietntnt, th» »«nm B I If htreln repented. Successful hiddtr in any must furnlih mrety company bond, with compnny satisfactory to thr Tnwnehip Committee, in the amount nf the contract price, lint If a thrre-yenr term in • occfitad, the bond nmy hn for one-third of tha (writmet price with iraviitimi thnt tht bo ml must he renewed encli year. Bidder must file wilh th'1 'Counthip Clerk or. or ticforc May 'J2, 10 H, a jertlflenle nf the locution of ilumpliiir ground, nnd the Township Commltlcrwill inspect hfimc prior to receiving ut bldi nn May Ut\\, and no hid * l | | be received whrrc the iluintiiiiu uruiiii'l has not linen npprtivcil M-ioi- tu the mooting!. Blddrr It nlso nuked t» Kivn all'i'iinte dumidntr arrnunrl, tn thin IT one it not approved, the other i v y be Tlie Tawnslilji rout :i thn H*ht to reject i>r dlflnpprove of (in/ [Jumping •round, All b i d ! m u i t b i or stnnrtunl Pru* poanl Fnrm which l i ..Urn-hod to tlm apecWcnUons, nnd c n c l o v d In srnltd cnvolnpw hflurlnic th'1 nnm« Hiid Hildresn of thr htdilnt- nnd IHIIII-OXH nf tlm T o w n i h i p Commit l i e of tho Tmvtialilii nf Mlilillrtuwr, HUWAIUJ W. HUIIKKTS. Town»hl|i CUrk, ' D » U d i May 1, 1 H S , •HrdtiM.Ht white •{(Jewall ti It's the smash hit of the year , . . the big success story of W4il . . . tho ciir that has all America dinging its praises! Itvrryulicn: il grx:s, the I'utunmiir, Olilsinnhilc gop» ovfr ill a in'}; way, Walch how |n:o|ilc gather 'rounil tu inspect that mupsivi: l-'iilitrimiio f r o n l o n t l . , . IIKIK: llowing I'uliirjiinii: fcndcTj. . . tlial smartly tailored Kuluraiiiic interior. Then watch the face of the lucky driver. He's got I "Futiiraniiu Keeling." It's more Ihntt just the sn of a coil-cushioned ride. It's more than just the simp of "no-clutch, no-shift" Hvdra-Malic Drive*, l t ' i more than the breath-taking thrill of stepping on the accelerator and feeling that surge nf power M WHIRI.AWAV goes into action. 'I'luit "h'uiuramic Feeling" is a combination of all IIICM' I Ilii-iiinliilc f e a t u r e s topped off willi a giHidly iniM.-iiri' nf [.riile at driving tha best looking of all the new car* on llic ruad» today I I FUTURAMIC O L D S M O B I L E j : YOUR O L D S M O I I L E DEALER - - j HOWLAND B. JONES MOTOR CO. RID BANK. N. J. M^BHiMMHMi^OTnaMMi t MAPLE AVENUE 'J'uns in Hit\ry J, Taylor, Mutual Nthuork, Mondayi qnJ|FriVa>« H M M H M M H i a M KEJi BAXK REUISTEII. MAY i:s, Page Ten Welcome Wagon Service Greets Bride Elect t*EU»ME «*GON SEKMCC • 41 M40II0N I V t , It. T. c, STEINBACH COMPANY IROAD STREET RED SANK TPEUXIME WAGON S' HVKT I t s M»DI:OI« * v t . , ». t. c. TCFLCOME WACON SERVICE l « > MADI3QN « V f . , N. V. C, JEWKLKV and SILVERWARE 01 DISTINCTION Reussilles* PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES Monmuulli's Lanl'ini/ Jcurlers Minx D0RN PHOTO SHOP /•SSli I S Wallace St. Tel. RiB; 6-2273 Red Bank s P o srs o iv of t n U K M E WAGW iUNVM l « l IMPIIOII AM* & 1, fc Rememl)cr Only the Best at SHERMAN'S 45 Broad St. Phone 6-2646 Mi ss Almu Jianniiic, right, receives flowers and ftif Is brought to licr by Mrs. Elinor .1. Tnuglit, "engaged girl li((!ilcss'' for (he Welcome Wagon Service. .Miss Jianiiiiie's engagement to Arlliur C. Sniitit of Seattle. Washington, vas re::e!illy uiinoiinced by her iKircnl^. Mr. and Mrs. Philli;i T, Jianninc of 31 N. Bridge Avenue. Tlie first olliviul cull pictured nbove opens a iii'u1 division of the Weluoni.- Wa^on Service in ltod Bank for llie l)i'i(!i--<'!ei'i. Mrs. ian^lil uill cull on all newly en^a^ed girls with n shower of pii'ls and ^ood vis-lies from Ked Bunk civic and Uusiaess or;;uni/uti(»iis. This service is planned lo help the Itnilc-rlrct and her iiuncc uitli their vedding an-iuifjciiieiits mid chopping problems for their future liomc. The list of Sponsor carried by the hostess represeiiis a hifshly select group of men-hunts who o'Vcr the very best in sei'viue and ii!c;r!i;iin'Ue. Airs. I'aught received special Irainiiig for licr hosless duties in New York City and has recently opened her office at 107 Moiiiuoutli St. Before associating herself with the Welcome Wagon Service Inc., Mrs. Faught Mas connected with Ilie famous "Young Timers" dept. of Henri Bcndel at 1 0 W. 57th St., IV. Y. C. She is the daughter of Mrs. Thomas jardine. 19 Alston Court, Ked Bank. Mrs. Faught attended Ked Bank high school and graduated from Dwight School for (iirls at Knglewood, IN. J. SPONSOR of S P 0 N1S- 0 R of "WELCOME WACON S'llVICE M S MADISQN * V t . , N. V, C •WELCOME WAGON SERVIC8 I I I MADISON A V C , N. Y, C S P 0 NS 0 R of TPEICOME WAGON SERVICt M l M4DI9ON A V t . , N. V, 6 Drink Milk For Health INC. Red Bank RED BANK DAIRY Moiuiiouth County's lljtcliish'c FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS 11 W. Bergen PI. R. B. 64)680 Made-To-Order Bridal Salon We arc headquarters for brides vim want the "Xew Look1' . . . Our gowns are made bv oxperts to ydiir specidcatioiifi. S P 0 NT? 0 ft of WE MAKE GOWNS FOR • BRIDES • BRIDESMAIDS And Bride's Mothers •WELCOME WAGON 8EHVCE M l NUDIIOITATI., II. T, 6 We Also Have Ready Made Gowns Love Lane Bridal FRED D. WIKOFF CO. LITTLE SILVER RED BANK 6-1832 23 WEST FRONT ST. Shoppe RED BANK SPONSOR Red Bank of imUXMffi WACOW 8ERVICS I«I N«P| wars., N. f, t, YOU ARE SURE TO FIND A GIFT THAT WILL PLEASE THE BRIDE We Invite You To Come In And Look Around THE DAILY RECORD Red Bank's Most Read Daily Paper China & Qlass Shop 87 Broad St. THi: WRICvUT STORKS Phone R. B. 6-4229 54 Broad St. FOR THAT HONEYMOON TRIP CONSULT THE Hardwire • .Paints T. H. O'DONNELL TRAVEL AGENCY 7 MECHANIC ST. * Radios f •' Electrical Appliances TELEPHONE RED BANK 6-4172 COAL, FUEL OIL, FEED 19 West Front St. * Television PHONE 6-2666 RED BANK R. B. 6-0877 • 6-0878 SPONSOR of J. H. MOUNT CO. 84 Broad St. Red Bank RED BANK IJKGISTEH, MAY V\, 1018 Prominent Republicans At Dinner PUBLIC SALE SATURDAY, MAY 15th, 12:30 P.M. 77 Linden Place, Red Bank (off Broad Street) JOSEPH KELLY PLEASE NOTE: All items lo be removed at the conclusion of the sale. The owner or the auctioneer will not be responsible In case of accident or injury to any person or persons in or about the premises. The above Items may be Inspected from 11:00 A, M. on day of sale, Sale arranged and conducted by ALBERT A. SIX, Auctioneer, M Peters PI., Red Bank e-MSl-J C. Ford — Clerks — .1. Nnbert BRASS LAMPS QALORE!r Tclley's can now offer yon this fine selection of brass lampa at the UMVH'S loueet prices. HLV DIKKCI' AM) SAVK AT In.l^f, K a n d A. M. U ' n n i - c Hall Afllh.ilion) of Hfd Mink l-<"i wrck li;-' |i»llo\vin^ oflli'er.s w ^ i r rIcrtfci ,Irj seph Nelson, vvoi^hipful ini.-ici 1 . J o h n L. Jones, ^onior w n n t c n ; II;; tlolph N . H a w k i n s , Junior wnitli-n P a s t M a s t e r Thnniiis K. He?:, :rp-..« urer, a n d [J;ist Mfl^ltri \\ .i.ruii R a y m o n d AlcOun r, xevi ••l.;n y TruatepA elected werp Past M.i. i n P e t e r L. Jone.°. Huciolpti S. H;>.u kina. U a l p h S m i t h , Jr., M.ts tcr Thomajs K. Bcsi nnd Lester Cioi don. r>;i ninl W . Hhoniu, hur.ji • nry trustrp.. is a ni;i5l (•;• ;MK1 a lifo m e m b e r , w i t h S.*i yrni.H in tin 1 lodge, 1'urcel Hnllof nf the fourth Mnnoniit district, ni.iUc his ufKcliil visit a n d presided. Motlnc away, I, the underlined, will dispose o( my HWIMIMM By order ol Uclctlial l^xlfic Elects Officers A t the m e e t i n g of C P ! P » ' I H I Goods, Furnishings and Auto Mechanic Tools at Public Auetloa IMS Croaley Shclvador (9 foot), Electric Singer Sswlag Machine (cabinet model), 194? Crosley Radio and Record Plsyer <1<V tube set floor model), Gas Range (-1 burner), like new; 6-pisc* Brsakfast Set, Thor Washing Machine, 4-plece Modern Bedroom Suite (walnut), Mahogany Chest of Drawers, Cedar Wardrobe, Double Bed, Sheets, Blankets, Spreads, Toweli, Crochet Work, Curtains, 9x12 Axmimter Rug, Hand made Throw Rugi, Studio Couch, Settee, Upholstered Chairs, Maple Chairs, Electric Clock, Electric Fan, Table Lamps, Floor Lamps, Coffee Table, End Table, Wall Mirrors, Marble Top Table, Marble Top Cabinet, Card Tablt, Kitchen ware (aluminum and steel), Chlnaware, Glassware, Garden Tools, Auto Mechanic Tools: Large Metal Tool Box consisting of all kinds of wrenches (open, box and end), several socket sets, fender hammers, dollies, drills, punches, chisels, screw drivtra (all sizes), vise and many other useful items too numerous to mention. Page Eleven Cl S I O M I , K S governor, who commented briefly un state politics and expressed the liopo that Republican delegates to the national convention would rcnervo Judfment on Presidential iwplrants until the meeting In Philadelphia in June, Accusing the current federal adGovernor Speaks ministration of "muddling along," At (..O.I'. Dinner the governor urged the development of a "dynamic and construcConfining his remarks to two ma- tive foreign policy that will enjor ISBUCS, world leadership and na- dure." Ho said of the administratlonai defense, Gov, Alfred E. Dris- tion's lack of a definite, foreign polcoll flpokc at the first nnnunl din- icy, "Wo have shown a lack of npncr of the Young rtppubHc'ins nf tlUidc for world leadership . . . we Monmollth county lnM WDclt .at Sea have not impressed the world." Girt Inn, at which he nnd Mrs. Pointing out that an "adequate" defense ia not "war mongerlng," he Driscoll were guests of honor. J. Russell Woolley, county Re- said that our national leaders should "look to our own national publican chairman, introdmxcl the defense." Howard K. Stokes, chairman of Ihu Young Ilepuh!lcnn«, comrtiended the senior county Republican oiBnnlza.Uon for Its aid during the past year of organization. He .said that the purpose of the group was to interest younK people In government. "The generation which gave BO much", he said, "can check subvtrsive groups from within". Dristoll Urges Dynamic Policy LESTER moss SPINET offers you th» best dollar for Keller piano value fn the world I S«e il... Kennoth G, Stanley of Belmar, elected chairman of tho organization, also spoke briefly. A great deal of copy carried by New Jersey newspapers during thft Revolutionary period featured rcwarda for the return of slaves, horse thieves anil horse,' runaway servanta, Jail breakers 'and army deserters. hear HI .GIFTS • SO DIFFERENT Colorful Bud,Vases 1.00 & 2.00 DORATHY JANE SHOPPE STUDENT TYPE LAMP 32 Fo«t.r Strut River Plain Rtd Bank (-4227 Optn Evening Til II Red and gold or green and gold sliadi?. $9.95 RED BANK'S ONLV COLD STORAGE VAULTS for Fura and Winter QarmenU LEON'S CALL R. I . 8-2800 •ONDED ROUTEMEN VM N U M ! » n » line Hit tiara wrIM 1st j LEON'S « - M While St. B. B. 0-3BIM for PANTS SHOP HUM,., SLACKS S U C K S S7.9S - >*.'« - S»7J5" Ho:»l in SPIUI- my I-JII- and many r a i l s . If needed, I most r e i l a i n l y wi!| iififf y o u r p a p t r nRnln". All \y,,,,| WITH ITMATS AMI /.HTKKS—I.AIIGK SKI,rXTIO.V KOYS' PANTS Mrs. Lewis D. Smith, Jr.. wns instnlied as prnsldcnt of the Highlands Parent-Toucher a.sBoclntlon (it tho. fliinl mectini; of the year for th>j croup, at the school auditorium Thur.sdny night. Mrs. Fled P. P.edlc, third vieo jironident of the Mor.moiith County Council Parent. Teacher iiKsociatiuii, was installing oflicer. Others installed were .Mrs. EdWiiid l.ii.Mnn, first vice president; Mrs. Charles Hal/.enliuehler, arcond vlcn urcaidciit! Miss Mary C. O'Neill, trca-surer; Mrs. Martin FpU'man, recording secrctuiy; Mrs. .lamer McConncll, corresponding secretary, and Mrs. Juhn A, Bahrs, historian. Mrs. Lex Copeland wns inslnllcd as honorary vice president. Cucst !<pnakei* was Dr. iltchard Weiss who discussed atomic energy and itn uses. He allowed u film of tho atom homb test at Bikini last summer. Dr. Weiss wa« a. civilian observer at Bikini. Prizes were awarded to Charles Patterson, eighth grade pupil, and Joyce Keycs; third grade pupil, fur winning lieulth posters, which were displayed recently in the school. Mrs. Douglas Stanley reported there are 30 Girl Scouts nnd 33 Brownie scouts enrolled In P.T.A. sponsored troops. Mrs. John A. Bahrc, delegate to the Spring coilfcn.ncc of tho Monmouth County Council of Parents nnd Teachers, g,ive a detailed report of that meeting which was held at Anbury i'nrk. Mrs. Bernard Creigbton win appointed chairman of a committee to complete arrangements for the nnnunl P.T.A. dinner to be held June 3 at Cedar Inn. SCHOOL KEC.ISTKATION rtegistration for ptiplln entering the Shrewsbury township school» next fall will be hold at th« Tltilon Tails school May 18 from t) to 12 and a1, tho Vail Homes school, May 20. Preliminary physical examinations will be given. Children who will have reached their fifth birthclay by November 1, 1018, will bo eligible, for enrollment, The Shrewdbury township school board has requested that birth rortiflcnten nnd proof of vaccinations be shown befort! school open6 In the fall. By gnawing insulation off electrical wires, a rat in Buffalo, K Y., caused a $25,000 fire. ROOM IN n^ry Wfestinghouse RLENTYPLUS REFRIGERATORS MJNTY-nUS C M - 3 K b * 1. Sub-freezing cold , 1. Normal cold S. High humidity oaM . PLENTY-PLUS CoHvoaienw ' Eaey to defroet... S adjustable shelves MiNTY-NUS •airty ootoratylim New inte PLMfY-PLUS leoiwmy Low-eoet operation—lonf Kfc 1948 Opening Announcement... The Restaurant mid Cafe will «/«.•« on Thursday. May 20th; mid The Bathing Pavilion and Cafeteria tm Saturday, Mny 29th. RESTAURANT AND CAFE Still serving the fined Charcoal Broiled Lobsters, Steaks, Chops and Chickens; Jumbo Prawm—the finest ever!; Jumbo Crab Lumps and Sea Foods; distinctive Appetizers and home made Desserts. From Mondays to Saturdays, in addition to our usual menu, we will serva a popular priced Table d'Hote Lunch. BATHING PAVILION A N D CAFETERIA Our beach, always one of the finest on the North Jersey Coast, is now better than ever, and provides perfect bathing, with a spacious upper beach for lounfing and sports, even at high tide. Cafeteria in the Bathing Pavilion serves light lunches at popular prices, while the Bathers' Grill in the Restaurant provides full restaurant and bar service to bathers in beach attire. Restaurant: Sea Bright 2-0060 Bathing Pavilion: Sea Bright 2-0061 LOOK at America's Leading TrwksAdvance-Design TRUCKS Today, Amtrican buiirmt Opm Fridays Til »sM P. X. 5:50 P,M. 17 BROAD ST. K. B. 6-0001 RED BANK From headlight to tail light, ntw Ch»vrol«t Advanci-Omign f r « k l bring you tti* futura't itr«aniltn«d apptaranca in avtry faalvf* *4 body, cob, flndarl and hoodl looks ahead looks lo the leador'c lino of Advanco-Detign trucks for Advanco-Design features—at the lowest prices in Iho volume field! SOLD ON EASY TERMS-SEE IT TODAY Nawhaory-duty Ctwroltt 4 - i p u d 5yr.chro-M.ih Trvch tranrrMloM and Spllnsd A n l * HubCenrodlM • New Advonc«*DMlgn OaonMfl Control and Foot-Opiratcd PorkIng t r a k t In 1 i p M d rronamMwt medtli • Improvtd Val».|n-Htod Ertgint • Excluilvaly d t l l f n i d thai you tho foaluros of tomorrow— PIENTY-P\US LARGE TABLE LAMPS OTTO GILLIG. CHEVROLET |ob. Today, Chevrolet trucks bring ,«:M A. M. / • To «i:i) BANK Sea Bright, N. J. higher standards of valuo on the $9.95 from «1.95 Highland* (>i'i>np liutulls Floral design shades. Choice of 2 dilTorcnt st.vlo IMHCH. Red and gold or green mid gold sluules. . 20 wi'Si iito.vr s i . Mrs. Smith Heads Bayshore P.T.A. PAIR OF VANITY LAMPS $9.95 pr. (1f Itifr his r e m i t t a n c e for n d v e r t i s i n x in t h e R e g i s t e r stiitcfl; "The o n e nd hiuiiRlit in? a fine ruMomtr MKYS an. I V R I T K 0 1 It AIDS R i c h a r d B. HIHHK k e r s a t last week's d i n n e r d a n c e o t t h e Young fteptihlli'iin club nf Mutimuiitti r u u n t y ill Sea G i r t inn. L?fl tu riKlu: K e n n e t h G. Stanley, newly-elected c h n i r m a n "f the c l u b ; fioi-ciiiur .Alfred E._ UriscnM, C o u n t y Clerk .1. Russell Woolley a n d H o w a r d K. Klokos, r e t l n n i ; chili ch.iii imin. SACCO'S Look ahead and look at them now —on display in our showroom. Only Advonca-Daiign trudii hoy* Iha lamsui Cab thot "Iraatlwil" F m h clton, cool air II drawn li ond uitd olr (orctd oull Air li h t a t t d In (old w.olh.r. Tht Cab li Fla«l-Mounttd, tvihlontd en nibbir, with a fullyadjuttabla i t o t and allround viiiblllty with n o r corntr windo«i.» Only Chavrolaf offtrt you fht fow«i4 pricti In Int voluma faMI Htra a r t truclu wllfi tomparabla aqulpnarrl and iptcltitatlom that Hit lor Itll I/ion c o m p d d l v a molrai—«c«n modsli 91 much at ilSO. *fr*ifi ai'r tiintiHg eni o.nll. latitiQ r/lflm anrf mar tornir wintfmt ••NiMlof ftta ion. BETTER HOUSEKEEPING SHOP 46 Monmouth St. 156 Broadway PHONE 6-2506 PHONE 6 0 6 7 0 Red Bank LOING M.AINCH McKIM-LAYTON CHEVROLET COMPANY 29 MECHANIC STREET Phone Red Bank 6-3130 RED BANK RED BANK REGISTER, MAY 13, 19i8 WHEN SPEAKING OF HEALTH IT 18 NOT T R I E TO SAV "WE DID EVERYTHING POSSIBLE" l.VLESS CHIROFRACTIC HAS INCLUDED DR. WARREN FOWLER MO BROAD ST. Chiropractor Violinist Closes Concert Scries Hubert Hudir I'layrd A Varird lYnpain S-3033 'Built for Lasting Comfort and Smartness 1 3 June 10 1 3 July 10 3 Aug. 10 Robert Rudie, young violin virtuoso, was the guest artist in the final aeiies of the Kcil Bank Conceits association, Thursday night at the Red Rank Ba)itiM church. .Mcrtina Rudic, the artist's wife, was his accompanist. Mr. Rudie opened hi." program with Sonata in I) Major by Vivaldi-Respifrlii, ami followed it with Edouarrl Lnlo's Symphonic Espagnole. Two pieces for the violin alone, pinyeil by the artl«t, I weie Rrcjtjttivo and Sherzo-Cap, lice by Krcisler and Caprice, i Paj;aninl. j E'or his final mimuera in the program, Mr. Hudie selected Dance, ' from Romeo and Juliet, Nocturne in C Sharp Minor, Chopin-Milstein; Introduction and TaranUlle, Satasate, and Tzigane, Ravel. Mrs. J. Daniel Tuller, associate chairman, has announced that tentative plans arc under way tor the 1918-49 subscription serifs. Thin season's subscribers are being naked to n-fflisl by indicating their preference of artists and dntei, through questionnaires which have been mailed subscribers. V.I'.W. To Honor Commandcm Members of the Vernon Brown post, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Rod Bank, will hold a past commanders' dinner tonifilu .it the Willowbrooli, Kair Haven, in honor of Joseph V. Weeks, Udgar W. Taylor and William De La Motte. Mru. Leonard Marthens, newly installed president of the poat auxiliary, announced last Thursday that tho auxiliary would attend the dinner. A1, the auxiliary meeting Thurs* i dny night held at the post home at j Mnchcniu street, Mis. Marthens appointed standing committees. They were Mrs. Rose Frnke, membership: Mrs. William DeLaMottc, ways and means; Mrs. Ella Walling, rohabiliUition; Mrs. Agnes Caffyn, Americanism; Miss Helen Taylor, camp hospitals; Mrs. Marilyn Carroll, Lyons hospital; Mrs. RnUi Boyd, legislation and Miss Helen Shaffer, national home. Mrs. Fred Boyd will be chairman of A poppy sals May 28 and 29. BRAND Tailored by Daroff If you've uorn one—you'll buy another Rvi>re»ented locally only by J.Kridel RED BANK, N. J. Nursing Service Makes Report REMEMBER Middlctotvn Nurses Active In April WHAT BARNUM SAID Middlelown Township Public Health nurses made 1,079 visits during April, Miss Kathryn E. Cooper, supervisor of the Nursing Service of the association, reported recently. Of this number, vlsiU to bedside patients included 56 medical, 11 surgical, f)8 communicable disease, 92 chronic cases and 47 maternity. There were 815 health supervision visit* made, including 28 to infants, 90 to pre-school children, 310 to school children, 355 to adults and 32 In general activities. Ten visits were made lo patients paroled from State hospital, 16 to parolees from other institutions, and 63 to tuberculosis patients and their contacts. If It's Money You Would Sava With A Cheap Dnif Store Wave, Don't Forget What Barnum Said, And Don't Forget The Overhead. If It Comet Out A Meis Won't You Have To ConfeMj Won't Your Hair Need C a n In A Beauty Shop Chair. If You Buy Cheap Dreuet You Can Give Them Away; If You Ruin Your Trewei You'll Wear Them Every Day. Mri. Cooper pointed out that three clinics were held in the health center during the month, including one baby conference, one prenatal clinic and one mental hygiene-clinic. A total of 114 persons were transported to the hospital clinics, doctors' offices and home from school by the nurses who traveled 4,499 miles during the month while carrying out their program. One hundred and twenty-two visits were made to th» schools; 112 children examined by the school physician; 799 children weighed and measured; 79 first aid treatments given; 1,366 children inspected for pediculosis, with six exclusions; 1,379 Inspected for symptoms of communicable disease, with 19 exclusions, and 1,347 inspected for skin disease, with eight exclusions. Membership in the Order is recognized around the world as a distinction and an honor in which any funeral director may well take pride. It is an assurance to the public that the service offered is truly "measured not by gold, but by the Golden Rule." «Ll.*tUMINUH Koolvtnl Awningi Utp out * • lun end rote . . . pnrA4* • * • cool«d comfort and Indimf light. Dnignad for oll'ltaion Itrvict, *«r «**'< IOI, ruil. IOJ, tear, or burn. Remember, Ihe firil coil h fde only eoill Itoutifvl ahn. ' I • C.l.r(vl • NriprMf • W I K O M I • H»m*»»t There's But One Consolation For A Fonie Desolation Up And Down And Off The Crown A Scisior Cut Like Butter Brown. I'HONI RANDAL K. LEWIS John's Beauty Salon 10 MONMOUTH ST. TEL. RED BANK 61515 MMM'RED S i l l RV • • m i l »v • • IHI • • • (<m nrs ni'ii. WORDEN FUNERAL HOMI KKU HANK, NEW JERSEY MEMBER THE ORDER OF THE GOLDEN RULE FOR THE EIGHTEENTH YEAR WILLOW DRIVE & PARKER AVE., LITTLE SILVER, NEW JERSEY PHONE RED BANK 64392-J. NAME....-.-.-.-,.-.. ADDRESS ..- .• -.-.CITY vrrmm STATE | Red Cross Needs ,.},; Volunteer Workers Mrs. J. Joseph Connor, chairman of the stuff assistance corps of the Monmouth county Red Cross chapter, this week made an appeal for volunteer workers for cQips activities. "We need," she said, "women who can type and take dictation from an Ediphone machine, and do filing .it the chapter house." She pointed out that chapter work of this type hnr, tripled 3lnce the end of the war, and when the chapter need Is reached, staff assistance members will help in the offices of the Red Cross field director at Fort Monmouth. Volunteers wishing to serve may contact the corps chairmen, Mrs. Connor, or Mrs. Robert Drake, at the chapter house offices in Shrewsbury for further information. Volunteers may work a few hours a day, a half day or a whole day, according to their own convenience, as long as they can work on a regular and dependable schedule. kit' too Soon in think of June A beautiful gem, ntnnrtl,v set in yellow gold, 4 sid" iliiiniomk SHOULD CHECK CHUCKS Veterans who lose subsiatance compensation or pension checks should notify the Veterans Administration Immediately, it was announced this week. The V. A. slated that a veteran losing such a check should write & letttr giving full name and address claim number and the date and amount of the check. $265 Diamond Rings Splendid value in yellow guld willi -2 sum Her diamonds. «1W ft" Yellow gold set ting of stnniiiii"- simplicity. Flawless gem! • ' $275 ft? If there's a June Kride in your future, you're the man we had in mind — months back, when we slarled lo assemble these out* standing diamond ring values! A magnificent, brilliant solilaire mounted in platinum. $625 ;rn"c" AWNINGS price! Be sure and see your Registered Jeweler first J Workmanship and fUlinys uj the hhjlicsl quality. A diamond of excellent color mounted in yellow gold. STANDARD CHAS. MOKAIXEK, l'rop. •IS River Road Hcd Bank PHONE R. B. 6-0696 ESTABLISHED in and choose finer mounting, a lover Twenty-one y t a r t h a v « shown us how to help you select the proper pattern, No obligations In requesting an estimate. AWNING GO. Come yours—get a finer gem, a Nothing can give more comfort than awnings—they can be attractive, too. SERVICE OR MAIL IMIS COUPON I OK L O M I ' I H I Local Representative The Drug Store Comes In Very Handy For Aspirin Or Cherry Candy; But When You Need A Curly Top Have It Done In Our Beauty Shop!!! VKTS MAV GET CABS Seriously disabled World War II veterans eligible for automobiles at government expense have until June 30, 1948, to submit their applications, it was announced this week by the veterans administration. The Jaw provides that any World War II veteran who lost the uss of one or both logs at or above the ankre as the result of service Red Bank Man Pleads incurred injuries mny receive from tho government an automobile or Guilty To 'I Charges othet conveyance at a cost not to Edward J. Daly of 52 Sprlnj: i exceed $1,600. Those eligible are street, Red Bank, entered pleas of urged fo apply J5 days before the guilty to four theft charges when deadline. arraigned before Judge J. Edward Knight In Freehold last Thursday. In proportion to its size, a firefly H<. Is charged with breaking, enproduces more light than the most tering and grand larceny In the hefl. of property from the Leonarpowerful of ninn-made dynamos. do school April IB, breaking and entering and petty larceny at Albert Oswald's fish market In Middlctown township April 20, and breaking and entering with intent to steal at the real estate ofllce of Crawford Compton at Middletown, 19, and ttic home of Miss Jane I'ulpch of Middletown township April 20. Alexander S. May of Headden's Corner pleaded guilty to the theft of a car owned by Harry E. Warinn of Brooksido avenue, KcansIjiug, from that borough April. 25. Through the continuing approval and goodwill of those who know us best, the people of this community, we are enabled to announce at this time our reappointment as the local member of the Order of the Golden Rule. • PORCH ROOFS • PATIO ROOFS • DOORWAY COVERINGS $270 K 36 Broad Reussilles' Registered Jeweler — American Qem Society Red Bank RED BANK REGISTER New Green In Use Welch Hurls Caseys At Rumson Club To Eighth Straight As Season Begins Towners, Rangers Win U. S. Olympic Good Shore League Openers Chances Says AP Editor Sanborn Drives In Winning Tally— Leonardo, Adelphia Also Victors Red Bank's two representative issuance of m. half dozen walks tetnus in the Jersey Shore Baseball proved his undoing, league came through with victories LONG BRANCH AB n K In their season-opening contests, r( - • 0 1 while Leonardo Field club and Long Marotta, (irandinctll, e. 1 1 ft Branch Green Sox alsu managed to Volmei, 2b 2 1 I squeeze through to victories. Stlllc. ct . . . S n I) -..-. 6 In the Towner game against Sorinc. ss ' h i r , If . r 4 Freehold A. C, Ray Sanborn as- R O'Hugen, 3b. __.._ S 0 >um«d the hero's role by belting a AnaHtaslo, lb. ......... . * 0 — • R n , c.-rf. c . . •injle down third base line to score KinRrton, Llober-tnan, p Harry Estelle In the last of the Accrru, rf 9 ninth. The winning marker came I with one out. ADELPHIA Red Bank's classy first baseman AD R H had a healthy day at the plate in Roe. rf 4 a his initial workout. Besides his Mb ilffi; 2b •• —^ l „ 1 jamt winning clout, he .drove in Wilson, rf. o two other runs via a double in the Uolim. c 2 0 fifth. For the afternoon he man- Bldrldic If 4 t O'Contull. m. « »g«d three for five. t I Daley, 3b 1 Victory for the Towners came Hoiulrlcltson, p 9 3 after Estelle singled to start the Matthtws, p 8 _ 0 — 1 bottom half of the ninth.. Jim Tay- Limpert, p lor, Red Bank third baseman, SO I I puhhed him along with another ni; Branch .... H I I I I I I 2—8 ..... 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 1—1 safety and after Jim Genovese filed Adelphia out, Sanborn came up with his winField Club .Rallies ning rap. Keansburg A. C, made their de but in the Shore loop in auspicious Good Hurling fashion Sunday by pushing across Btn VentimagWa did tho hurling seven runs in the first inning and his performance was first rate. ng.ilnst Leonardo Field club, H« had the game safely wrapped The clubbers, however, seemed up until the ninth when wildness unimpressed. By pecking away at got him in trouble. In that ses- "Smokcy" Stover and Charlie Eeilsion, with two out he walked three Iy, Leonardo managed to bring the men. A single by Layton sent two count to 9-all at the end of six inn' runs in and brought the count to ings. Keansburg took a 10-9 lead in the seventh only to have the vicfour-all. Until that shaky session, he had tors tie it up in the bottom of the given up but two walks and four ninth, Reilly, showing up slightly on the hit* while striking out ten. His nervous side, issued four walks in last ball had plenty steam. tin tenth to help Leonardo to two Others batting in runs w< Taylor and Bill Wlchmann, the lat- runs, one of which was forced in. ter grabbing two singles in three The winning counter wa» accon* pllshed on a classy aqueete bunt, appearances. KEANSBURG "Lefty" Toon worked from the AB R H mound for Freehold and showed ............_..-. • plenty class. Although he gave up Durka, 2b. eight hits, his control was good and <i. W. Pelotie, W.lling,it lb he proved to have a variety of J. Peloae, cf ..................... slants and curves. His one bad Inn- McKay, If c ing w u tho fifth, when he gave up Polti, Connelly. 3b • three hits and three runs. San C, Walling, rf. born's double was a hard liner to Stover, ii left center which went for a hit JWi;. P. even though Freehold's Stiles man45 11 II aged to get his glove on the horseLEONARDO hide. AB R H Tliat the Towners survived the Stewart, 3b ( : i lack of practice occasioned by the Euidio, If 6 2b preceding weeks of cold weather Supltn, C. Sim Simpson, p. .... was evidenced by the fact that but Wood*, —...— d p. - — one error was committed. Freehold IJpnlck, rf Jeffrey, tf ... was charged with three miscues. P. Slmiisin. e — RED BANK TOWNERS Gilbert, w. ...„ _ Mi , 4 ,C Taylor, 3b. .-— Genovese, c, ...Sanborn. lb. .— Scott, cf Wichtnann, rf Aiamennone, 2b Coot'cy, 2b -• Mazxucca. if . r, . , . , , . . 5 2 3 1 1 4 4 _2 34 _ B 8 1 FREEHOLD A. O'Domiell, «» • * ' McMahon, l b J ? SUIe>. cf.. If « Br. rrt"» W :::::r:::::::::":~« Hunt, rf! ...L— J jj {jayton, If,, rf. ......—— T»»!>. !>-. 2 n ... 0 0 Malko S2 4 R 3 Fitthold ... 1 ( 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 Red Bank Z Z . . . 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 1—5 Umpires: McOovran, iampoll. Field Day Tor Ranger. While the Towners were pleaBing home town fans, Red Bank's Rangers visited West Belmar to unload a heavy scoring production, winning 10 to 2. The locals upset the home team with a five-run splurge in the second in an unexpected display of power hitting. They grabbed but eUht hits in registering the victory. Lebdell and Rousell did the pitching for the winners and had little trouble with what was expected to be rough opposition. A two-run uprising in the final half of the ninth marked the only time Belmar dented home plate. Powers with the hickory for Red Bank, were Porcelli, Bob Roussell and Adcock, each collecting two for five. RANGEHS An n n , , p Honcor. If Porcclll, c (itruni, cf Briittr, lb I o ii -.—- B. Rousell. HI. •Adcock. tt Connett, 3b _ 1. Vnccnrelll. ab P. Varcarotll, l!l A. Rousell, \ — -—- . 3 4T ia WEST BELMAR AB R H B. Cloj.t. ef Newman, p., 2b atluca, 3b Storms, c H. Clou»«, c B. Clouse, rf.. Holloway, as, Mclnlyro, «s ~ 4 4 4 - 4 * 2 2 * " • (Jrtor, I I » » » Hoffman, v (tibb», 2b " " " 3 0 0 - - - Ted Smits Believes Summer Victories In London Sure Ninth Hole Designed JIM MARTYM, Rumson Country club's good natured pro, took a busman's holiday Friday, traveling to New Rochellc on his day off ID watch the Qoodall experts . . . Besides bad weather, some of those high scores were posted because Wykagyl Is a tough layout . . . Vic Ghcz?.t carted off 450 Goodall dollars for ninth place. That should keep him in Palm Beach suits for the summer. Biggest surprise was Bobby tocke'a deportment. The prrsa has tagged him a cold, calculating divot digger. He looked Ilka a friendly competitor to Ui. And the man Is nioldrrnus when chipping or putting . . . Dulch Harrison sounds mid Innks like • good natured guy . . . If "Bantam" i> an amirutc monicker for Ben Hogan, then aUrt calling Bly "Shorty." From the wearing apparel shown, the pros must bo trying to brint; knickers hack into fashion. They all wore 'cm. We could never boost them, though, unless they go in for the really deep plus fours . . . Old time golfers claim the current crop of pros take too much time to play a round. Guess we agree. Martyn Introduced us to "Long ,11m" Barnes, one of the greatest iron shots ever to play the game. "I^mg .llm" tvim tho I'GA In 1BI6 and 1918, Urn V. S. Open In mt anil I hi' British Open in '23. While In the rcfroshiniiit lint IIIKIUIIR a downpour, we enjoyed talking to the old <'hani|>, who still ciiii Inn el the links in pretty fast company. Barnes, n Welshman, siiys Byron Nel*on Is the greatest Iron shot this eiiuntry has produced. ' A fellow felt sorry watching Johnny Paliier. Usually a top notcli performer, his game has gone to seed. Looks like lie's tlghtliiK the game on every shot . . . Most rhythmic driver for our money i.s lung-hitting Chick Harbert , . . Herman Kciser played irons nnd woods beautifully, but his putting Friday was in a class with our own. It's questionable whether or not watching nig timer* In helpful to m duffer, The pro* come up wllh bugs in their game* and they try different awing* and stance* as temporary riniedle*. If an ordinary golfer tried copying sonn; of I hi: styles, his score would zoom. Best way to improve jour gumc is to Imvn a pro watch your swing. They iipot llawa Illie a doctor illngnoDIng a case of ItieaWlen . . . (iood thing we aren't hettora. Was almost willing to wager I/>ck« would repeat. Arthur Beebe and his son were among the rain-soaked spectators . Fred Carlsen, former Craig Wood nssi.ftnnt and Deal pro, .stayed close to the pro shop to make certain none of the boys lacked liny Spalding equipment they might be needing. Fred lives in rtfd Hunk's Warwick apartments . . . When Ghczzi lets go with his driver, he belts them as fnr as the longest hitters. Vi'c holds back except when he knows there Is no trouble to catch a hook. By Eilwdrci M. Crane; dig Year Anticipated Rumson Country club Gets Second 4-Hitter Within Week —Asbury Victims Of 9-2 Thumping Hod Bank Catholic's amazing aUo played golfers baseball team maintained its unde- on Towner's fleld, t h « Green and fjuirl ha'.ters laid It oil The United States—which scored status Tuesday afternoon by heavily, hanging out 13 hits. One were treated to a new ninth hole its most historic winter victories when play hogan at that fashion- thumping y\shury Park, 9 to 2, to his inning, the sixth, spread the at the Seventh Winter Olympics at register their elshlli victury uf thn count, from ft to 3 to the final of able course last week. St. Moritz, Switzerland, this yearII to 3. Edward M. Crane, chnlrmnn of campaign. can be expected to add to its athDanny Welch, who won Ual the Riccns and tournament comllrury T a f s Knur H i t . letic renown in the main events of mittees, drsigncd Ihi! new hole. Ho Tluirsil;iy'fl game ng.'tinM .Sayrcvllle, :he 14th Olympiad at London this Again it *A-n.-; a fuiir-hitlcr fop was given IIM assist by Robert H to 3, went, to thn mound against D a n n iummer, says Ted Sin Its, general came out ! > ; W p l c h ' wh"-"« B t u f f n M ' " Trfnt Jonp.s, noted golf architect, he Bluo I1I.HI,O,M and <-:ime ports editor of the Associated will, his sixth triumph. After his i 1".rov.e!1, • i l l r h « ' m 0 ^ ' " h e a d e d in who collaborated on \he llnlshlnK •ress. l he h l U l n « a u ' r " Wa3/Jrur>'' w h o touches. Hill Joy, Kumson's mates provided him a three-run Ihha c ,l Smits spoke here last week at " l "'' f ''' L ''">' i n f o u r " P P « r grcctukeepcr, did the work with cushion In the llrst, tho Green and | he meeting of the "Y" Men's club old star threw effectively and j iinres Mn gurnnrci a triple, douhis rpgulnr crew of helpers. it Trinity Episcopal parish house. hlp and two .SIIIKI'1.^. The operation was an interefitinff with tlnease. He said the United States' world The gamp s'artcil out in as tight Wilcli ilua timid Cunt nil one. Whnt formerly wiifl the llrst sports' reputation was greatly ena rashion a a the April 22 5 to 5 no preen, was cut by special greenThe Casey hurler didn'l give up a riched when Grctchen Kuni^k .Siiymvillp HCTJIIM! one in ctittingshcnrs nnd rolled Into strips hit until the urth, when Ajbury /list :tml th<; C eys bounced Frascr of Washington won a covetsimilar to house carpel rolls. The k in their half tn <- it up. The lunched three, to srtire two run.s. ed gold medal in skiing. This was gi,L anothe sltijis were then transplanted, he- l,m).se llclriinK let in the final .score. in the third. the first time an American has ing carefully laid according to The trouble si ailed with twu out j ' " " ' the horne-townfiM grabbed two been able to wrest top skiing honplans outlined by Mr. Crann on n and two Htrikrs i on relief hurler lien i Hayrcvllli! cntno right, bark In tho ors from an international field in clay model. A fairly large green, it Harvey. Tho losers had only four fmirth with ;inot hfi- sini,'Mon, their Olympic competition, he said, contains sufllcicnt rolls and bunk- hllK, the liust coming In the sixth last. In tho C'asoy hnlf of the ' Other honors came to America ing to ninlio it a first rate test of hi'n Charlie Savage drovn a fourth, Doiirlt, Maloncy and Diury with a figure skating championship hit safely, Welrh walked and putting skill. rounder over first base, which scored by Richard Button of EngleThe new green has been In use went for a double. That also came Carbone .iunt in two more with a wood, and the excellent result scored by the United States foursince May 1. Its completion puts with two down. Welch struck out powerful dcjublf:. As S.'iyrovillc started a. pnrade of man bobsled team. the ninth and eighteenth greens live und walked two. Intent on avonglng the 4 to 3 threo pitchers thn locals went to Asked where this country may be nnd the first and' tenth tecs in expected to star In the summer proximity of the clubhouse. Thus victory Hed Hank Catholic scored town In thn sixth. In this aesalon Asbury In tholr April IB Drury knocked out (,!s fourth blow, games, Smlts listed such events as the plans connected with placing the 100 and 220-yard dashes, hurdle the clubhouse In Its present locu- meeting on tho Bishops' field, !i double with the Hacks completely I.urkt singled In two races, basketball, shot-put, discus tion have been brought to a con- Couch Ray Adltlns sent first strlng- populated. vr Dick Ganlell to th<; mound. He. runs, Mndurn tripled nnd Manning throws, pole vaults and, perhaps, clusion. and Carrol cracked out successive lasted two nnd two-thirds innings swimming. He did not believe U. S. Other changes to the Inyout, endoubles. runners would lead the competition gineered by Mr. Crane, Include u. and wa.s churned with six runs on The Caseys meet St. Rose of Belin any distance running, new practice putting grncn and the live lilts, lie walked one. Harvey, a ar tumorrow afternoon at TownSmits devoted the greater part planting of more than GO trees .sophomore, cot through the innlnj," ers' Held. Lou Dorick. who turned without further trouble, lie wa.s of his discussion to the background throughout the course. nicked for two moro runs In the in an excellent Job against Jamesand present-day meaning of tho Another large program of golfing fourth, however, via a double by will be called on for mound. Olympics, conditions as he found activities Is mi hand at Kiimson. Le.s Carbone, it walk and stolen duty. If all goes well, Eddie Bahr, them in Switzerland as compared Mrs. Martin A. Quirk, chairman of by Joe Madurc and a single to a, junior, and Tom Fransconi, a PLOWING UP TBE FAIRWAYS:—The Shore Golf league gets off with England and the rest of Euthe Woman's Golf committee, hns sophomore, may see action. The rope, and to the sportsmanship es- to a fast start today when it holds the first pro-amateur tournament of already scl up monthly medal han- ccnterllclrt by Jack Maloncy. Casey coach has been hoping for a sential for fair and successful com- the season at Homestead Country club. Ben Yasko, Homestead's licavyMwlure Geta Two Hits Beginning spot to try other possible starters, hltting pro, was unanimously elected to head tho loop. He predicts the dicap tournaments. petition in International sports. next month, each Tuesday will be his schedule gets crowded Big gun in the day's batting was After witnessing the austerity of bi-weekly tournaments will be even more popular than lost year. observed as Woman'! Golf day. Madurc, who collected a double and George Hlckey and Fred Merrlman teamed at Old Orchard within the next two weeks. St. living conditions in England he Mixed foursome tournaments will a single in three trips to the plate. I'cter'a will be ho:Us to the CathoSunday . . . Moat courses Jammed Sunday after Saturday'* wind* said he was greatly impressed by bo held the second Sunday in June, Ho drove In a pair of runs, an did lies Tuesday afternoon at New drove all but the rugged to cover . . . William G. "Cap" Urccn, the excellent food, splendid trains, July, August and September. The Lou Dorlck. Malancy pushed In Brunswick. Rumson'* pro emeritus, still tour* thoae well-kept pastures . . . and marked splendor of SwitzerUEU BANK CATHOLIC qualifying round for the Challenge three counters and Andy Manning Edward M. Crane heads R u n n n Country club'* green* and land. Because of general poverty All R H B cup will bo held August 17, Finals and Joe Carroll each accounted for Drury, cf tournament committee*. Member* there ttell-pteawrl with the throughout Europe the winter 1 1 1 t one. arc set for August 26 or 27. 1 2 1 1 new ninth hole he designed. A par four, It I* an Intcrt'Mtlng Uarbone 3b games were poorly attended and 1 a 3 1.,.,-U, „ The woman's championship qualtest. The big first Inning began with lacked the pomp and ceremony the 1 2 I M a,l n m lb a Amory L, Haskell, Monmouth Park's president, back from. Florida ifying round will be played August Charlie Drury poking a wallop to McNeil If Germans had displayed in 1936 . 1 0 1) <i ft 0 1 9 while Leone uses a rolling; front and regularly touring Rumson . . . Judge Thomas Brown nl Locust gave 31 with the winner being named by Icftfleld, good for three buses. Af- ll,:l,t II " 1 1 Mnlon, y Rumson Country club the huge holly tree planted nt the clubhouse cn- September 6. Beside* the listed ter Carbone filed out, Lucia walkud llpmli n rf a varia. ni 9, 9 t trsnee . . . Frank Plngltore, Red Bank high's athletic director, re-as- tourneys, weekly competitions will md took second on a steal. Madurc Maniil k if 1 l Howavtr, he said that arrange signed to the pott of official scorer at Shore Uolf league tourneys. 0 1 II it doubled into the trees in left field Kniiwi 1 1 feature ladles' day. A ringer conments were made to have a treT 0 t i on Towners' Held, but sharp Hold- I'.nrn.ll 1 test also will be in operation. 0 0 « Welch p mendous audience, numbered in Mrs. Quirk's committee consists ing held Lucia, an third, Dorlck the millions, witness the more elabGEMS AND DIAMONDS:—Jack Lowe, local Buick salesman, made was safe on a fielders choice when 17 9 • of Mrs. Crane, Mrs. Anthony L. orate summer games this y^ar. Ex- a "big league".catch In Rumson's right Held Sunday against Shrewsbury ASBUR1 PARK an attempt to nip Lucia at the treme Interest, he said, will center Hose. The speed he brought into action was a hangover ability of high McKIm and Miss Margaret Has- plate failed. Maloney grounded out AB R H Kahoury 31 a 1 I •i upon basketball, with 23 of 55 school days in Maryland. He WM a member of a medley relay team kell. • 3 0 1 i Ji-nklna r( Men's golf start) In full awing to send in Madure. participating countries entering which set a county record in 1932. And it still stands. 0 9 • SnvntCP Ib In the third, Lucia opened the * Decoration day when a flag tour0 0 • Will.., t teams. All told, he said there would "Lefty" Toon, hurler (or Freehold A. C, looked like a real Inning with a single and moved to C. S«.\ K rf 2 0 I 9 nament will be held. A senior's be 137 events crowded into the Donnelly, lb -».» ace. The Red Bank Towner* may well feel they went through 1 0 0 Wln«o rf second on Dorick's ground-out. With tournament, limited to players 55 summer schedule. Virtually every a tough session . . . Ed Blake, Rumaon Day school's heailmaster, 2 0 0 • ri.ntilo •» 42 12 14 „ 2 0 9 1 country, save Russia, Germany and years of age or above, will ho held two gone, Maloney banged a hot .Sliiioliiin 2b pitches for Bumnon flremen'a toam. Unles* xomn other team KeaiMburK . . . 7 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 — 1 one to the second b&scinan, who let •Swoeton 1 a 9 • Japan, will take part. This will June 5. The July fourth week-end comes up with a ringer, Ed get* the nod a* the bent tos*er In Leonardo 1 J 0 0 S 3 0 0 12 — 1 2 - - - 2 0 0 t ball go through for a two-baae Cnrriiln If mean that several events will be will be highlighted by 18 holes the the smoke-eaters' league. , 1 0 0 1 llnnlrll i error, sending Lucia home. Mulonuy • going on simultaneously at various . . „ 1 l Regarding that 11 to 0 loss Shrewsbury Hose men suffered at the medal play with handicap plus the scored on Manning's slngla, the Harve) p ^ _ • . I 0 „ athletic centers around London. hands of League Champion Rumson: We charge It up to the fact that qualifying round for the president's runner taking second on the thruw- ••Dny George Kuhn and Ray Desmond had the "whammy" evil eye on our cup. 25 2 4 I Smlts gave some of his attention ln. Carroll kept things rolling with •Hit for Currido In TLh. to amateur standings as they are boys. Walt till next year . . . Ray Sanborn of the Towners donned tho Club championship qualifying another single, which marked Gar••lilt for Ilnrvcy In 7th. recognized here and abroad, and hero's role Sunday after pounding out a hit to win the game in the hot- will be staged August 21. Finals dcll's exodus. Anbury Park... 0 0 0 0 1 0 9—I KHOIl 3 0 3 2 0 1 —» said he had noticed a much more torn of the ninth. arc set for September 6. The Vice In Thursday's Saycevllle game, Umpires—A'ehctting and C«Undrlellot liberal policy regarding the amaAI Lench, Register linotypist who weekly pulw thin hlarney President's trophy will be awarded teurs in other countries, excepting Into lead, at Yankee atadlum Sunday to chin with hi* old Navy for 36 holes of medal play handiBritain, than was to be found in pal, Fred Bradley, White Sox relief hurler . . . After tonight'* cap to be played between Septemthe United States. He declared game agalnat Wettover Held, Fort Monmuuth'* Signaleers will ber 4 and 6. Each month from June that before this country again will not be In action on the local diamond until a week from SaturRed Bank Youngster* to September, a special award will participate in Olympic hockey, a day. Manhattan'* vanity nine offer competition then. be made for the lowest four scores, clearer view on what factors are The Jersey Shore Baseball league got off to a good start, Things Amass 13-Point Edge with handicap. The men also will to be considered In rating ama- look bright for an interesting year . , . Red Bank's YMCA league cer- conduct a ringer tournament as teur standing must be made, A tainly brought in summer weather for their opener Monday . . . Sea well as take part in mixed fourIn Eventa Tuesday difference of opinion concerning Bright'* Softball league draw* big spectator crowds . . . In a special somo play. In a track meet Tuesday at Welt •uch factors, he said, caused two Memorial day meeting, Rtd Bank high meets Red Bank Catholic on the On Mr. Crane's greens commitBergen place Held, sponsored by American teams to be placed into West Bergen place diamond. The holiday offers localltes a chance to tee arc Dr. Martin A. Quirk, HowRed Bank High School Athletic as- the Olympic field this past winter see Red Bank talent in action. It should be a tight game, iand B. Jones, Amory L. Haskell sociation, Red Bank's grammar amid outspoken bitterness between Bob Feller busy talking to hundreds of kid* at the Have* and Alfred F. King, Jr. His tourschools combined to defeat Aibury the American Olympic committee and Brltton Sporting Good* Ntore opening. Milt "Red". Ntcholfi, nament committee consists of and the International Hockey Fed Park's elementary grade*, 47tt to who sell* for them, proud of the picture taken of hi* »on mid George Dwight, Grny MacW. Bryan eration. These bodies selected the Rapid Robert . . , Feller'* advice to hurling hopeful* matchc* and Anthony L, McKIm. Except in the 440-yard relays Red two teams, neither of which wantthat given by Frank Frlnch at Biumon high lust year: "Strive In the featured school champion* Other committees are: house, Bank's youngsters showed up well ed to recognize the other. for control and speed. Don't ruin your arm* trying for curve*." ship bout at Red Bank Catholic Douglas E. Cralk, chairman, Mrs. in every event, taking five Brits Red Bank Catholic's Adam Kretowlcz conducts Saturday morning high school Friday night, Harry In the eight events. baseball games for St. James grammar school against nearby grammnr Clement L. Despard, Mrs. E. CumMolekow, 155-pound senior from Competitors were memberi of the nines . . . If you're father of a son, get the boy throwing a baseball. mintr Riker, Mrs. Howland B. Jones and Mrs. Louis M. Hague; sixth, seventh and eighth grades o Eatontown, scored a decisive vie Not only is our Giant team 'hurting for hurling' but every school team polo, Joseph M. Roebling, chairboth school systems. The meet along the shore has pitching headaches. tory over Bill Hanlon of Spring man, Alfred N. Beadleston, Edwin was staged under the direction of BUI Donlgan, Manasquan high'* ace, gets a Yankee workLake in 1:20 of the llrst round. Stewart and W. Strother Jones; Coach Lou Jacoubs, who has been out Saturday. He was a star on last year's Junior American Keansburg Matches sailing, W. Dinsmore Banks, chairin charge of the grammar track Legion state championship nine . . . If they can come up with Though of short duration, the acman, Peter H. B. Cumming, Philip men, together with Assisting Coach Sel For Tuesday pitching, Red Banks Junior Legionnaire* will be tough to beat tion was fast and furious. A crowd E. Hacblcr, Charles B. Harding Vlnce Paladlno, in training the high . . . Bed Bank Catholic'* first baseman, Joe Madure, I* 15 year* Colonials Drive of close to 500 watched the leather and Manton B. Metcalf; shooting, school varsity clndermen, old. He should be on the terrific side by the time he'* a lenlur. Professional wrestling matches throwing, which came to an end Councilman Chester Apy of LitBen Venthnaglia fanned ten Freehold batters Sunday. Ho seemed Newcombe C. Baker, chairman, como to Kennsburg Tuesday night when Molskow landed a hard right Casey From Mound tle Silver was the starter. Othe mighty comfortable on the mound, having things well in check until William E. Foster and F. D. Fos- when Mushky Jackson, Eumsor. to Hanlon's Jaw, officials included Frank J. Pinglthe ninth when walks loaded the bases . . . The Red Bank Rancors' 10 ter, and entertainment committee, resident and Twentieth Century The entire card of nine bout* Freehold high .visited Leonardo to 2 victory over Belmar Sunday was the only lopsided score of the day. Mrs. Hague, chairman, Mrs. Edwin tore, Buc athletic director, and Sporting club fixture, presents his was generously applauded and each members of the faculties of th Tuesday afternoon, and although Rest of the wins In the league were made by one-run margins. D. Bransome, Mrs. Oliver A. Vic- first show in Bnlbach's auditorium. contest developed into a real scrap, competing schools. Coach Tuny Coach Arnie T r u e x paraded his tor, Mrs. Alfred F. King, Jr., and Mike Whalen, 130-pound freahFeatured will bo Rudy Dusek of Mazza was in charge of Asbury' flock of pitchers t o t h e mound, t h e INCIDENTS AND INCIDENTALS:—Eatontown, which paid $20.80 Mrs. Edward W. Scudder, Jr. Omaha and Michelc Leone of New man from Rumson, dethroned result w a s s thumping 12 t o 2 vicyoung athletes. Officers of the club were all reCharlie Naughton of Port Mun. 'The meet worked ai a warm-up tory for the Colonials, Truex had for place at Garden State a week ago Tuesday, is owned by Mrs. Alfred elected. Clement L. Despard is York. Jackson said the two row- mouth when ho gained a split de> for the Decoration day event, when 19 players in action. While most Roberts , . , Prlmo Camera will be missing from Shore wrestling president; Charles B. Harding, vice dies will decide their lingering'feud citiion. The other big upaci came the Red Bank grammar grade of tile d a m a g e had been done be- matches for the remainder of the summer, lie's on thu West cmtst . . , president; Edwin Stewart, secre- in a best two-uut-of-three falla when Ray Desmond of Rumson The show should have will be host to teams representing fore the substitutions, the line-up Our thanks to Charlie Paris for the kind words In Monmouth Junior tary, and Charles R. Belittle, basis. Dusck employing the airplane spin scored in the 115-pound event by Red Bank high school'! sending might turn up to be a record be- college's "Outlook" about the Sports Register. treasurer. Rutnaon Veterans organlxation asking the government to while Evans uacs a rolling front taking last year's champ, Bill Cherfore the s e a s o n is over. districts. ry of Union Beach, J. B. McFaul, who took up the headlock. make certain that veteran* a n appointed to draft hoard* when RESULTS R a y Casey started, but Freehold position of manager last year when they are organised . . . The »tate high school track and Held Wally Bauer of Rumson, Ufc SO-Yard Da«h—Aiiy (KB), BrooVi drove him from t h e mound in t h e Also on the card will be 30-mln(AF), Root (KB). Tiim-«:«. championship* will he held at Rutgers June S. Walter Short, the former E, W. Scudder mansion utc matches between Lou Farina pound freshman prospect, scored • Tfi-Yiinl Dash—Buturworth (AP) third. Wallli, Stover and F l e m i n g executive secretary of NJSIAA, expects 1.2M) competitor*. was converted Into the present and Abe Stein; Red Klrkpatrick technical knockout in 35 seconds of Dotta (RB), Booker IBB). Tlmt—10:5. followed in turn. T h e victors did A couple more bowling tournaments and Red Bank's Joe Menzzo- clubhouse, will again serve a* club and Jim Austerl, and Frltji Zleg- the first round after Leo Carton of IDO-Yaril Dun—Spratler (RB), Reeve. (RB). Thanton (AP). TinM—11 all their damage o n 13 hits. pane will put away his shoes for the season . . . Vnr, a candidate for manager. Jim Martyn also hegan fricd and Jim Wallls. Keansburg had started oft with a 120-Yard Low Hurdlis—Dtto (RB) LEONARDO the New Jersey Futurity July 14 at Monmouth Park, wa3 bought for his second year as club profesflurry of chopping blows. Bauer Spratlcy (RB). Reilly (AP). T i n e K l l $4,000 at last year's yearling auctions, He already has won $3,250, win, landed two damaging blows, which sional, AD n n 410-Yanl Dash—Cook (RB). Rtevt Ltuer, 2b „ i (KH), Thanton (AP), Time—1.4:6, nlng both trips to the post . . . All horses entering any of Jersey's racended hostilities In jig time. First Jones cf . 2 410-Yard Relay. (Aabur? Psrk Won Wrijht If „,.,... 2 ing areas or show grounds must be accompanied by a health certificate, was a left under the heart, quick* Three) — Thaxton, Butt, MeDouva PlpMa ifl ..........(,,.„ Kcanshurg Grammar _,,, 1 ly followed by a right to the jaw. Sport* headllner* are expected to be on hand when tho HronkH (API; Root, Oilbertaon, Booker, Merkciii c, « „ 2 llroylei (ItH), Time—SI.6. Manning, •Lehmnn Mellacl* open their new bar In Rumson . . . A survey at Middle„ o In the opening bout Joe McCoy, Meet Gels Support Dosler, Simpnon, Ramioy ( A P ) : Holiday, CuBcy, (I.. 1 b. , 3 town townahlp achool came up with the miggeHtlnn to erect a MO-pound sophomore from Union Kmmiins, Puitllsi, Condinn (RB), John. ••Ward o Keansburg Lions club. Knights of double gymnasium on the school ground*. It would have folding »on, Davln, Rlcki, Todd (AP)! Dotli, Scott! l b Beach, proved to be the night'f • •«••• 0 Columbus, Police Athletic league Antonimi, Sharnbba, Hoffman (RB| door* that would permit larger community affair*, indoor *|mrt* 1 Sharkcy-Kampfer Top only successful title defender. K t Illch Jump—Brintu (AP), Btanlol Waliin. P and borough officials are joining p „ 0 with adequate spectator apace, anil sufficient space to mark off maintained his championship rat> IRII), lleavci (RB) and Hojim (AP), Stover, Fleming, p. ...,',', 0 in an effort to make the May 39 •eparate gym* for boys and girls. Hides' Wrestling Show Ing by taking a close decision from llr.l. Holltht— 3 f«et. ••Rogowiki _ 1 grammar school track meet there Shot Put—Rfed IAP) Any (RB), •Lube, Harvey Harman, Rutgers coach, used choice words to praise AtlanTom Fraiuconl, «ophomore from rf .,, . . . . . . . . . 1 H Monis (RB). Distance—3f fett, eifhl Ryan, 3b 2 tic Highlands high school's basketball team Thursday night at Log a first-rate event. Texas "Babe" Sharkey, former Red Bank. K«el.n, 3b t Other municipal interest Is maniCabin Inn . . . The National Sweepstakes regatta association will moot Br*BHd Jumii—Apy (RBI, Reilly (AP) ••••Dlckeraon Walt Trevors, 163-pound Hlgb» I world's champion wrestler, headS|,r«tlcy (RB). Dlatancc—II fiet, 21 Gunachi tonight at 7 o'clock In Molly Pitcher hotel. Election of officers Is the fest by tho fact that the Veterans lines Saturday night's grappling lander, poked out a decision over t in of Foreign Wars havo offered the Freibott, » 1 main item to be decided. Jack Fuller, Red Bank freshman, fncilltles of tholr home to the cum- program at Aahury Park armory. and Ed Wally Bauer had to win the 145-pouml crown at lleil Bank Dobson, 135-pound title 23 S 4 Hans Kampfcr furnishes the opSucccr Football mittcc workers. Tho first aid squad Catholic by a knockout. Ill* brother, frank, wa* Judge. It holder, came through with a TKO FREEHOLD will exhibit their skill and tho Fire- position. Shore adherents to the over would have been a tough one to call . . . Harry Knlffen mii.v g» AB B H Saturday At Fort Don Grant In 1:15 of the Unit. men's Drum nntl Budo corps will grunt and groan aport know KampRuaull, lb . 4 2 0 back Into action » fight announcer If Red Hank'* llre.mim conIn tho 137-pound ovent, Esmond The all-star exhibition toccer Lloyd, H fer as a rotighlan of note. They „ . 4 a perform between ovonts. tinue, plan* for their boxing ihnw . . . Mu*hky Juckwon N<:ndn Lott. rf . 3 a foolhnll game which wa« to have J, expect tho German One Man riot Lyons declsloned Joo Clayton of word that "a alight ca*n of ninldiir will be perpetrated at HalDuckenfield, ef. „ . 4 WANT «ALI. GAMES been played laat week at Fort Mon- Bohra, 3b. to give the husky Texan a tough Spring Luke. Bob Schaad, also of „.... . r> 2l bach'* auditorium Tue»day night." That'* I ho evening Mti*hky Spring Lake, bounced back In th* , r> o mouth, will go on Saturday at 1:10 E. Duekenflcld, If make* hi* bow a* wreatllng promoter. Thu opening night headTho Somlnolcs, a soml-pro baso- going over. , a O'Gonniill, 2b o p, m. Matchmaker Roland J. Hlncs has next light to uphold that town'* liner* will be Wally Du«ek and Don Kvnii*. ball club from Snyrovlllo, nro InHsyea, c, .. ..... preatlgo by taking Bob Prolan of o Because of inclement weather, Oalbniltll, p Tennis fans will bo traveling to Newark's Sus.tcx avenue armory a terested in booking games with also lined up whnt ho calls "Three Long Branch. • last week's game wa< postponed, week from Wednesday when Jack Kramer und Bobby Rlggs moot In teams from Monmouth and Ocean snnppy supporting bouts." Marvin In action will bo the New Jersey pro tennis battle , , . That exhibition nil-star soccor football gunie, which counties. Tholi- homo field will bo Mercer will meet Bcnlto Gnrdlnl; •liuttod lor Milken In Till, lUil Hunk lU-witter la l u m w Olympic squad against an all-ata ••Ratted far Cnnoy III Itti. wnx scheduler! fnr litst Stiturrtny at Fort Monmuuth, wnn puutpunod until in Uikewood, Interested loams Andy Mcl.tncr will mucL "Auo" by Tho ai well as uut-uMowll builn • • • r l a l u i l fur l'>mlnit In ith. team of New York Stati aiioclathis weok . . . We're looking for Allan Hascall and Al Brighton. Gott» should contact Walter B, Samuel, Frccmnn, and • Frank WelU will nun.lutnlAuvortllcmeati • • • • B a t t e d for Kttlcn In 7th. agitating K tion playeri. tak* on Fred Caronl, 36 Quald street, SayrevlUt. lail* tiU ,t»« alor/,—AiivMtlMJM nnew. tbga« battles of On fairway* Young Bucs Win Against Asbury In Track Meet i Molskow Is Champ In Casey Boxing * Hilirin». 2b. n SECTION TWO—PAGES 1 TO RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1948 VOLUME LXX. NO. 47. Jtanicra 0 s I 0 2 n 2 0 o—to W»«t Rchnar .... I I I I t H I ! - J Umiilrm—Bossonc, Anchettlno. Adelphia Wln«, H-5 Long Branch's Green Sox tied up game with Adelphia in the top of the ninth, but the home team bounced back in their half to register a single run win, 6 to 8. It took a clout by Ocorgo Wilson to send Lamport homo with tho winning tally, after jittery Adelphia pitching came close to blowing the game after they had enjoyed a 6 to I) loud until tho sovonth inning. BUI Llebesmnn hurled for the Sox While, ho guvo up but five hits while his niatos wore gathering six, loose piny by Mi matci pjui th» McCoy Is Only Successful Defender —Eight Titles Get New Owners Freehold Clubs Leonardo, 12-2 Jackson Begins Grappling Show 4 Bouts Saturday On Asbury Card I t o l d t XUto RED BANK REGISTEB, MAY 13, 1918 Paire Two New First Aid Ambulance Put In Service FRIDAY &SATURDAY DNLY SHOP P, TOPPE The new Cadillac ambulance oT IIIB drsl .lid squad of the Red Bank flre department has been put into service. Open house will Ire held nt the squad's headquarters at Relief flic house, Dmmmond place, Saturday, from 9 a. m. until !i p, m. The public is Invited lo inspect, the ambulance and other squad equipment at that time. Joseph Clciiy is captain of the squad which last year answered 600 calls. The amhulancc Is at the service of residents of Red Dank 34 hours a day, and there is no charge for Its use. Itiunson FINE 100% ALL WOOL SUEDES! ONLY NOT *49 (t NOT '39 S NOT '29 WHITE, PINK, AQUA, GRAY NAVY, SKIPPER, BLUE, BEIGE, RED, KELLY GREEN, POWDER BLUE ChooM from hundred! uid hundreds of the teaton't imarteit new topper*! Flattering iwing back topper* in tingle or double breaited itylet! Topper* with handsome tailoring . . . all fully lined with fine rayon lining* t Check the icniational new colon to chooM from! Site* 9 to IS, 10 to 18, and 38 to 4 4 ! IN RED BANK IT'S MEED'S. SURPRISE STORE SPECIAL FRI. & SAT. ONLY J FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Made o! 8-oz. sanforised ihrunk lilue denim. Full cu<, stronr orange thread UMd throughout. Metal rivets at strain point*. Deep, full cut pocket*. Sturdy material and carefully tailored to withstand hard wear. ttrtty I'o.-lirrt, Bnrijnrn ri;.m>ic.»ot., Sam»r\ Sraleu, Miirjoric Chndwick, Mnry IVIo, Jf.viuiKi I'ophrrt, Kiiirl Knmrnko, ItntHTl MrNnlly, Clnir*. W't-Umiin. I Muhic Juiiii H:inii)ic 1!, iNirin Swen* j friii, Ciirn] Swiknrt, Jnmta MctJuinnesa, Jiir.o ilillikiT. JluyH* (iliyaiciil t ilucntioi. — Rrtlirrt I Iti-r !.< rF l i m u ' l i C!;iy!on, I.uuiii DeVitu, i Knicc fluff, Jiitnts ll:i!lir.:n, Klnt Htllc ib-nl, Siimii"! l.riz:irn*. Jiradford Nuyci, .Mirlui.I I'd.i. Tom l'L*<n<Uv.Ue, WuUer Itlst. Aust'n St-tiri, IMiiltips Slryker, 1 Crii-y Itf'iirJ'.t, TJioniflB Mnnd, Jn'-k Hrlai trr, Unniil'l Clnytnu, Iz-sttr Cnnovfr, i 1'trry KM, Wnrri'ti KiiriinrUm, fill! FeeJ npy, Uobfrt JitmcH, Jnmes Johnion, ' St. jihnn Iwryti'. Arthur Krlstlnnscn, | Ailtilph Knnilmii, KnbrrL II. Hlnton, | W'air.n Nnyt's, llt-njainin liUnelmnn, :,l;ur,r, SIHTI iilino, Juiiu, VV.ntKr, HayI tnotiil |l(ii>ti I, Tiinrnaa *»nrvin. Jnmei Al• l-iit. Larry Albert, Willi/im Urinter, the State First Aid council. Winners were Ruth Dudley, John Pcaola and Mary Durstewltz. Irene The following Kumson high Andre won the prize given by the school puplU received "A" for the officials of the radio program, "Cafifth marking period; techism Comes to Life," heard over Fruncli- •JHL-I. U.MJ11, Juuii K:u.;;in. radio station WCAP. The contest SpsHlibh — Juillllllt 1'Ul IlL'l 1. aslied young people to write In 25 liioltiBy- Kdwaid Coiimiy, A11tiur lJilioni>, William Kuinilru, Kobm words or less their reasons <;n Wirth, Kichani Mnr.,.lii-. "Why We Should Have Family (icticrul icicnee—1'L'ltr Catiir.Kii.sIU, Prayer." Miss Andre wrote "The RonnId Huglifi, I'litcicifi McGuinniHs. Family That Prays Together, Staya Arithmetic—Maiyy Itastili. (tern? ml mathirrmiiics—-licltn S.VMiEuri, Together." Mtirtcuret Thompson, A rummage sale, sponsored hy St. Qhrtnlatry—Joy to Anderson. Martin Mnry'B guild of St. George's church, Fi-ldt. I'hyiiw- Seme Etietmc, Jloburt M. will bo held next Tuesday evening Mtnton, Mnrtin SrlfriflKc, i'ra.lfonf a.t V o'clock and next Wednesday Noyci. morning at 10 o'clock. Mrs. John Latin—Janet Carle, Nancy Tejipcr, H. Smith Is chairman, assisted by 1 i I'i Finn , WalttV DiiiKwntl, J.'ick VI) Mrs. William Coulter u co-chnlrman and all members of the guild. I .Stem, Kflwnnl Swiknrt. Dick WftlUee, The proceeds will be used for a number of charities. Family hygiine-Mtirnti .Mill, Yvruuic 1 U,,l«.rt Wurth, Bilrnl W«Uli, Alnti Ci Hern dnn, llortH Iliilli-n. June 1'itnly, ; fii'lil, Hnlxi-i Ilruwti, JoKciih Connor, l!;ymnn:l IM.K'-IMHI, Wturrii Hnnre, JCIBHrtcn Smiiom, Mnry Sinn Icy, ftih lloi-ksliiii. liirlnirr] Hubhanl, I. mn Kiverside Heights Pi A. IJ.—Him. Ilu Lian, Mnrla Fodrr!<oui» Roomrr, Neil Hifffpl uro, Janet (icnitKui, finici- 11 r- si I y, J''!nr- Ijiimbrrfimii diet John ion, llobt rt. Minimi, Jon tin a I'Vank Hi moti, Jitmrs Thmne, Robert The Tuesday evening meeting of '/.err, Sami|r) Senl7.n, Ttobrrt Bright on Pocherl, Hevecly KnHcnhtTK, Dorothy •!nhn [in Vitn. Larry MarrinKtoii, Jnmei the Sew and So club was held at I Stnnton, Birharit Wiml. I AlKtilcn — Carol Hillin^i, Hnyinnnd MrCimiiif-sH, VViWtiim I'urlwr, t-'redrrick the home of Mrs. Charles Scott. Fagi-lbon, Jotcih Hociinioin, Niiney Mitc- .InliiiMiit, Waller Allliruul;, Jmni't Chad- Tha hualnosa meeting was followed Netll, Louis Roe met*,. Nnnry 'J'cupcr, wick, Kclwiin. Chadwirk, Willlnm Dor- by refreshment* nerved by the hoat«PV, Mrlviti Vnrcp, Utrbrrt (irrditiR, IMi'hyliii Dnvls. l't-n« treomelry-Jacl. IJixiin. I'mil wjinl Mi.rriiittton, William Unlit, f.rnry 613. Members present were Mrs. Gorman, Wtllinm muntret. .•Ynnk Traf- i .Snirr, Jniiu s Spnlsn, Richnrd Schmidt Chrie Jaeger, Mrs. Martin McGuirc, j I'd^r TlminuB, Ilnrvey Tilt on, K<l|rnr Mrn. Donald Matthswa, Sr., Mis. VniiCchrcrii Trigonometry—Martin Scuililne. chirntiu!.—Mnrtin Itnich, Hnr- Fred Bremyer, Mrs. Peter GraniJi(lirli* pliyiical education- - Mnris ry Health rolliii. Eilwiinl Hoftnnn. Rnnnld Swmion. Ilurbnni Hubbinl, Ulliiin .[•IE..'*, Hobert Spiurnk, Dnvld Willnrd nelti, Mrs. Frank Hirst, Mrs. Simmons and Mrs. Scott. Knrlrja. Anne Mnrie Traironl, l,ois I.nia Dnhl. Dnhl, Klmnore Herfer. Delores HrlMfr, Home cfonoinlca-—Eliinbeth Fnrwell, The weekly prlie was won by Mrs. Jean Dtnlfr-, J a n . HilHkcr, Hnrbnra In- Kliznbpth Hunehl, Horis Swenion, Mnraeoe, Mary Pryor, Helen SwpiiB'in, Jean ilyn Gliapinnn, Darbarn GofT, Phyllh Bremyer. WllUni, Fhyllii DHVII, Mnrthn Meyer, Mrs. Arthur a. Jones has been Joan Pnlnk, Ann* Murle Trnf. Knren Antren, Juno Uouirhty, Joan Eli, 'JosllriK. fnnl, Nuncy Wnlker, Bf-tty Po chert. confined to her home iince she was Mildred Hullen, Janet Jom<K, itnrtiiirn .hnn WUhlna, Caroline Pryor, E'llth In an automobile accident last Little, Betty liOnRilrect, llotty MonMililrod Hullen. Doris Knn week. cri«ff, Put Koonnri, Put O'Kcefi?, hnris Al.xnnd<>r, Kith Ilurjrr-BB, Sylvia Charlwlck, Saniom, Julia Terry, Joyce Anderson, snm, Mr. and Mr«. James T. Wilkinson Ulnn 1^ U*n. Jonn I^nrl.tiy. A«i1 Hnrbnra Hennstt, Joan HOKIUI, 1>. J. of Portaupeck were Mother's day 'Hower, Pat RieienbrrKcr, Mnry Stanley, I.ttnffiiti-ict, Audrey Schubrrt, MnrBfa guests at the home of Mrs. Annie Itetty M«yer, Connie Bowcii, Hylvin Shop- W'lllinni Rnimlrrr, Donald VanPclt, Mrs. Wilkinson's mother. Chndwick, Dorlt Curtis, Jonn Dinn-lrr, Rind De Iiiin, Mnrjorle De Murcn, Mnrin Smith, Mnrnn Feldt, Neil Selpel, RichMrt. Eddie Melsler, who has been Fodoruro, fir«c« Healy> ThyllU Mac- firil Hiihbnrd. Mprhnnlpiil dratvinif—Carl Grrcilns, 111, Is reported to be Improving Isanc, Dorothy Stnnton. rapidly. English—Mlchfiel Benson, llnliert Dnn* Joan Haiiimom!, Grace Healy, m, John Cnlvtct, Wlllinm Dorsoy, Kli*Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hirst of ..j>pth Fnrwell, Jonn Iliimm^lt, I'utrinii nnd Pearl Romcnko, high school Summit were vUitors Wednesday McGuinnes*. Doris SWPHMIH, Mnrtin pupils, havq hcen awarded Gregg at the home ol Mr. and Mrs, Frank Batch, Marilyn Chnpman, HurinirH tiuU, Jttmc* Mc(!tilnneia. Robert Kplwiik, shorthand speed certificates nnd Hirst. Shirley Toriortt. David Willnni, Mnr- pins for taking dlctntlon lit 100 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scott and ftitrct niRfiei-fltnfT, Cnrnl Uilllntffl. Janet words per minute and transcribing son Arthur and Mr. and Mrs. Chris Cnrlp, Phyllis Dnvis, Kric Emt, Orari' HnrrJB, Phyllis Kiivookjinn, Hetty Mocli- nccurntPly. Doria Hullen and Mary Jaeger of Belford were gueets crt, LDUIH Kouiiier, Edith AUxunilrr, Rose M.iffeo, first-yenr shorthand Thursday evening at the home of Mildred Hullen, Hnrlmra Johnson, Lois pupils, have been awarded Gregg Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bremyer, Kloise Miller, Sandra Stryker. Walter DiriKwnll, JACIC DISOII, Jane DouK'ity. Judith shorthand speed certificates for Porter of New Brunswick is spendKolhner, Elitabeth MoncriefT, Pntricin successfully passing the 80- word ing Mine time with Mr. and Mrs. O'K««(«, Ann Kcilly, WllUftm Rounttet, dictation teat. Bremyer. Edward Swllcart, Julia Terry, Jo yen AtiMiss Kay Williams has recovered Arthur Dwight Foster, son of Mr. dcrion, Ronald Clnyton, Mnrnit Fcldt, Lola Inicoe. Joan Kaplan, Wnrreti and Mrs. Franklin D. Foster of from a recent case of measles. Nojrei, June Purdy, DOHB Hullen. Mnry River road, hns be«n recently electMrs. Emma F. Snyder was hostess to the Community Social club FoJeraro, Janet (torrann, Jonn Hnm- I oniar. chapter of Delta Tnu Delta Thursday afternoon of last week. tnond,, Robert U o e l M. Mlnton, Dorothy Stiui- I fraternity at Brown university, Members present were Mrs. Mabel ton. M.rsiirrt iProvidrnco, R. J. A sophomore at Hurley, Mrs. George Hembling and Catncrlne MiiKZii, Jonnna Pochert, Hev- ! the university, Foster is a candi- Mr«. Kitty Satter of Little Stiver, crly Itonenberic, Burbarn Ward, l R History—John Gnlvcrt, Willlnm Dor- j dato for the degree of Bachelor of Mrs. John Bambach of Red Bank, sey. Jnnn Hnmmfll, P o m .SwniBrm. Science In IDnRineerinjr. He Is A Mrs. Mac Schenck and Mrs. SnyCivlci—Mnrtin llnsch, Jnmcn Mctiuingrulualo of Lawrenceville school. der. Prize* winners were Mrs. HurThi» Holy Cross Parent-Teacher ley and Mrs. Schenck. World geoRraphy—B«tty Lou Aura, tick, R\)Hi IlvirKM'Ri Janet Carle, ,)ohn association will hold Ite monthly Crill, Klnii De Mia, KnyTHond Fot'el- card pnrty tomorrow night at Holy If oysters are Immersed in cartioii, Wnrren Hnnce, Junior Ittuincurt tralnitiK—Joyce Fur- Rosary hnll. Mrs. Robert Longhl bonated water for five minutes they rinKlon, Betty Pochert, H.-1PII Swi>n»on. and Mrs. Edward Guinco nre" co- are much easier to shuck. BookkieplfK—Mildred Mullen. Hnr- chairmen. Numerable awards will bnra Johnson, Beverly Itc'aenberK. Dorifl he given, among which will be a Hullen. World hiitory—Wnltcr Dlngwnll, ha!? dozen bed sheets. Catherine Miztn, Suianne Schenck, BurPupils at Holy Cross parochial bar* Lou Ward. "Iconomka—Kenneth Clayton, Bruce school won prizes in two recent contests conJuetutl for school ChilflofT. U, S. History—Barbnrn Bennett, dren. Prizes were awarded for Jkmti W«nncr, Elliabeth Meyer, Joyce safety posters submitted in a conAnderson, Ronald Clnyton, Mnrnn Fcldt. test conducted by the Sea Bright Art—Barbxra Goff, Carol Swiknrt, B»Uy Lou Auraaek, Joyce Farringtoii, First Aid squad, In connection with NOTICE. TO: "Unknown Creditor! of Alb«rt Sidler and Elliabeth Sidler, Individually and ns adminiitratrix of th« Eg. tate of Albert SMlcr, deceaicd, whole name or namel the complainant hai been unable to ascertain." By virtue of an order of thi Cowl uf Chancery of New Jeracr, mmde on May 34, 1948, in a cause wherein the Borough of Rumson il complainant, and Joseph J. Rtivane. sole mrvlving truste« Rnd others are defendant!, you are required to appear and answer the Blli of Eaiti complainant, on or before the 6th day of July next, or the laid Bill win he tnken a! confessed sgainat you. The said Bill is filed to foreclose certificates of tux sale covering the prem* isos mentioned in the Bill of Complaint, situate on the west sido of Watarmar. avenue, in the Borough of Rumson, Monmouth county. New Jersey, made by Mnry T. Murphy, Collector oi Taxes of the Horcugh of Kumion, to the Borough of Kumson nn December 24. 1043, and recorded in the Monmoutb County Clork'H Office January 8, 1E44 in Book 1267 of McrlKiiKt-s for said county, on VHKts H, OK and 99 respectively, and yuu, Hi*. "UnVnciwn Creditors of A\li.rt Sidlrr anil Elizabeth Sidler, Individually and as miminlitratrix of the Kutn'.e of Albert Si'il'r, deceased, whnhe Hume nr name* the complainant r m bren umble In asrertaln" are made r!'fpiwlants, hfrmune any Interest which you may IIHVO ugHihFt the said Albert Sillier il • 1 Eliiahclh Sidltr, individually nnii *3 iiilmintHtratrix of the Estate of Albert Hiillr>r, deceased and/Dr against Joseph J. iljvanf, sole surviving truster, nmy be n lien on the landl and prrmists hcrrinbrfor* described. Oate4, May *th. 1949. STATE OF NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT Or STATl CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION To nil lo whum these present! may como, f>retintc; U'llKltKA.S. II appears to my satisfaction, by duly iuitlienlicated record o[ thr pi oi-i'i-il'iiiKfi fir thti voluntnry dissolution thereof by the unanimous CDnser.1 oT all the stockholders, deposited in my omce, Hint FELDW1N INC., a corporation of this State, whose principal office is silunted al No. 3 East Front Street, In the RornilRh of Red Bank, County of Monmnuth and State of New Jersey, (Harry Kletsky, being tha ssenl therein and in pruirga thereof, upon whom ]>rocePB msy be served), hns compUt'd with the retirements of Title 14, Corporntinng, General, of Reviled Statin ps of New Jersey, preliminary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dissolution, NOW THEREFORE, I, LtOVD B. MARSH, Secretary of Stnte of tht State of New Jewry, Do Hereby Certify that the sitld corporation did, en tht third ilny of Mny, 1948, file In my office n Huly executed and Attested consent In writing to the dissolution of laid corporation, executed by all the atockliolilers thereof, which tnld content and the record nf the proceedings aforesaid arc now on file In my said office aa pro* vlderl hy law. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I hnvt hereto Get tny hnna and afnaeA my offtc!nl sen), at Trenton, thla third day nf May, A, D., one thouiand nlnt hundred nnd forty-p-laht. (SEAL) LLOYD B. MARSH, Seeretarr of State, Monmouth County Orvhta't Caurt. In the matter of tha attate cf Daisy Josephine KoRcrs, dreeuedt On Petition for Sals of Landl to Far Debta. Order to thow causa. Georgt B. Curvy, executor of the estate of Dally Jos«phlnt KoKarl, deceased, having ethlbited under osth a true account of tha personal estate and debts of laid intestate, whereby it appears thnt the personal estate of the Bnld Daisy Jolephint Rogers, deceased, I< insufficient to pay her dehta and requesting tha aid of the court In the premise!. It is thereupon on thla fifth day of April, 19<8, ordered that til persons interested in the Innda, tenementa, hereditaments nnd real estate of the said Daisy Josephine Rogers, dica-aied, appear before this Court at the Court House in the Horoutfh of Fcaehold or, the, tenth dny of June, 1B48 at 10 A, M., to ahow eause why to much af the laid landi, tenements, htreditamantt and retail estate- of the said Daisy Joitphint Rotors, deceased, should not be sold at will be aurliclent tD pay her debts. It la further ordered that thll ordee be published In tht Red Bank Rtgllttr, one of the newspaper! of thll ttatt fol six weeki, at Unit one* In eteh weak, JOHN C. GIORDANO, for the added pleasure of our many customers we hare added theae new attractiom for your comfort and relaiatlou. Beginning Friday Night, May 14 Tcleviitiuu Nightly Large Modern Set * Modern Snuck Bar Serving; Sandwiches 'til 2 a.m. * J o e Schubert at the Bar (KOBMEBLY AT BAMBOO BOOM) INTRODUCING VICKY WEAVER at the PIANO FItlOAV, SATURDAY mid SUNDAY Come and have a Snack iciih Veil's Compliments Openiui) 'Xitjlil. FILL THE BASKET AT OUR BANK . . . You get allfivewhen you open a checking account with us. SECOND NATIONAL BONK 5.TRU5TC0. DORMAK MeFADDIN, Surroilt*. NOTICE. Take notice that application hal keen made to the Mayor and Council of fttd Bank to transfer to Atntrleo F, Bruno nnd Fred Bruno, trading as Commutera' Wine & Liquor Store, 184 Monmouth Street, Red Bank, New Jtrity, the Plenary Retail Distribution Llcansa Uo. D-C, heretofore Issued to David B, Mltl and Bdmund Blumcnthal. trading as Commuters' Wine A Liquor Store. 184 Mortmouth street, Red Bank, New Jtrsay. Objections, it nny, ihould be made immediately in wrlltns to Amy E. Shinn, Horaugh Clerk of the Borough of Red Bank. (SIzned) AMBRICO F. BRUNO. VliED BRUNO. "THANKS, BOSS, I'LL FEEL BETTER WITH AN EXTENSION!" . If you're crowded for living space, call ui about an extension. We'll show you how easily an extension can be added to your home, increasing its beauty and your comfort. Of course we do the work and supply you with the finest quality materials. Just come in and talk it over. I! V|.69 Sites 3 to to. Phone RED BANK 6-4444 With Suspender Strap. A quality paint for GIRLS' or LADIES &EO, WEATHERPROOFINGj and DECORATING $7^.39 Zipper Side. Girls' Sixes, 7 to II. Clan Plaid... |utl Ilkt Crondpop wen, minus Iht chokt cellar. Tiny chtcktd gingham Melchilick brick and stucco Ladles' Size*, 14 to Jfl. Hald«lnR4)d-Wh!l«orBfewn. Whl(t.Andbtirefall;ihtr«'« • k BOYS' St«v» Canyon" Cowboy Stylo For w e a i h e r p r o o f i n g ana decorating exteriors of brick «nd icucco bouses, Medusa Portland Cement Paint is unsurpassed. Thii paint, wiih its cement base, is inexpensive, tmiy to apply to damp or dry lurfacei, reiisit dampness and alkalis, is washable . . . forms a permanent " iilul, cement-like $2.40 • • • SiswItoliT •AIIMINTI. •w*. long thlfMell thai tucki Junior Jeans they'll glv* a long, lew whlill. wh«n you w«or this short »dl- J.ani. Cuffed juit obey, the Stove Canyon Cadet. ^SURPRISE itore RED BANK NO RED TAPE IN MAKING ADJUSTMENT* MONEY REFUNDED UPON REQUEST Monmouth Lumber Co. 79 CENTRAL AVE. KED BANK, N. J. Building MWrialn — ]{,;,| Bunk 6-2060 Heady Mixed Concrric — !)«.«! 7-9200 MEDUSA PAINT NO DOWN PAYMENTUP TO 7 YEARS TO PAY REMEMBER MONMOUTH FOR 3340 lien ef your eld faverit. live Hey, Kldi, ha a SO BROAD ST. VINtt & CEIL'S COCKTAIL BAR 15 NEW STKEET SEA BRIGHT ANNOUNCE = TARSONS. LABMCQUE, OANX.ONA. *. COMBS, H Wullnce Slrr.t, Red Knnk, N. J, BEST KIDDIES "The Place You Always Come Back To" kn... 10 lo I I |3.9S KISLIN'S BUOAD & FHOINT STS. RED BANK Oficn 9 A. M. to 8:30 P. M. Mon. lo Sat. Roofing Siding Garages Alterations Porch Enclosures Combination Windows Conversions Extensions MONHpUTH CmSTRICTION 0 0%jU k w35«f HiDDONS COMCR-RED SANK > 7A(64444 HED BANK REGISTER, M.W 1.1, l Page Three 40 And 8 Memorial Service Heat! BULLDOZER WORK WANTED Your Furs' Worst Enemy Keep Them Safe Keep Them Beautiful Store Them i.v SPECIAL THIS WEEK "<>rlili.«l LONG STEMMED (.rllar M ) I)n\r*v»av»» Vaults" (ul TEL RED BANK 6-2892 LEON S ROSES Vx r a % Since 1912 M-:« While S I . I!. B . C-'.'SIIO 3.00 par ae«. D Sparkle ! 9 5 from our new collection of RID IANK C-1IS3 LITTLE SILVIR MESSY MIXING WITH Scone :ibovc shows Mort V. O'Con- S::ntoro of Freehold, past county Louis Dragn, Brooklyn, avoei.t nor 0! Matawan, county 1-PKion chef dc Rare, who called the roll nationale; Andrew Kerr, Sr., Clifof deceased Legionnaires, and be-ton, past grand ehef de gare; Jovice commander, placing vvrenth on side him (holding panel'), is ElaUio seph Niblo, Pa.'^a'c, :'.i;? l.ogion artil'cial jjravc pn lawn of Shrews- Roririquez of Highlands, nlao n past vice commander; Joseph G. Calthy, bury post, American I^CRion, on chef de Rave, who \vns master of Plainilckl, state Legion commander; Harold Saiclt. Trenton, state Rivc;sidc avenue dunnp memor- ceremonies. Others In the photo, left to rlslil, Legion public relations officer; Jobe ial MITICPS conducted by Jtonare Sol Sliipltin. Red Bank, HHR Ireland, Freehold, county vice commout] vojturo, 1107, •!() and 8, Tor bearer; George Sniai't, Kali- L*;nv:*, mander; Mrs. Morrell Moore. IAUIC Monnouth county Lopionnnircs, Brand chef de train; Karl J. Wolf, Silver, first vice president Shrewswho (led the past year. East Orange, grand chef do g.iro; bury post auxiliary, and Willhni StaiJi,, K ilira-Lly bad! of Vice Chnrles W. Adrcy, Indiannpcilis, Stecle, Asbury l'ark, past comeortTrtpundant nationalc; mander nf J'^reilerick Dcmpsey post. Commijidcr O'Connor is Andrew Ind., ncsv church construction is progresCajie May. (it ihc sotitliernninst sing rapidly, as cinder block walls liojil of .\r\v Jersey, wlipre the are almost completed. stale d;,p.s Ms loe into the Atlantic The iayor and council held u The Rod n nd Gun club, sponsors ucoan, is the iddcst «'f its many special ncetlng Monday night, at which itvas voted to revise a pro- of this year's fishing derby, held a seashore rcsoils. posed n» juke box and pin-ball dinner nnd novelty dance Saturday _CIFTS - SO OirFERENT machine 'ordinance. The council night at the Jackson hotel. Alltiimiitlr originallspiiinned to sot nn annual Charles McCnll, Jr., son of Mr. fee of $'£ for each machine, but and Mrs, Charles McCall, celebratSlTVITS after proteta by Michael Monties, ud his Uth birthday Friday with I .00 represent^ the local Tavern Own- a parly at his home. About 30 chilers' nssocltlon, the nnnual fee was dren attended. reduced tcJIO. Present fee in $5. The American Legion auxiliary Rivtr I'Uia Bids for ipc defining worlc on has chosen Horan as its rep- 32 Forlrr Slrrrl Rril Rank 0-4227 Open Evfninf. Til S Valley andFourth streets will be resentative at the American Legion received Ti^diiy niRht. auxiliary unit meeting at the New Mayor A.VIcade Robertson cele- .Jersey Slate College for Women brated his lth birthday Monday .liine 3S lo July 2. evening n i t i a family party at his Mi", and Mrs. Norman Davidson home. ale the parents of n son horn inM \ CouncilmaiLoui, l.oiler, Jr., re-Thursday at Monmouth Memorial turned hoiiioti'om Hiverview bos- hospital. pltal Saturdh.p He was a surgical patient. Mrs. j0(lcr is ill at home A ha by shower was tendered Mrs. Howard Long of Hcadden's Cornelwith grip. last Thursday night at the home Kelp 15 Mitei of Kidney Tubtt The Twin l(hts post, American or her mother, Mrs. Lillian DeFluili Out Poiionout W«iU |.Legion, will hcii t barn dance S.-il- Sayda or Red Banii. AttendWhen cllsfiMcrof IcMnry function pormlbi j urday night at;ho post home. The ing from thin borough were poiflonoua matter lo remain in your l)loo<}, 'proceeds will I to the Highlands Mrs. Huttie Walstrom, Mrs. Mar- It may cmiai' na«KinK backache, rhcutnuUo rains, leff pains, low of i>rp nnd cncrKy, RCU ' Junior Anicricj I^epion baseball garet McCall. Mffi. Reginald Rob- tinpup niVhts. Hwcllinir, juifflnrnn unrlcrtho team. Webber'sjill Billy band will ertson, Mrs, Sicvcrt Walstrom, Jr., eyes, hendnches nrnl diznincsH. Frrfiiiontor cennty jmssacpfl with smarting and Imrning supply the num. and Mrs, A. Meadc Robertson. enmetimca shovva there In something wrong Mrs, Annie hdfie U ill at. Iho A car owned by Thomas Tyrol! With yruti' kidneys or Wiwlrtor. homo ot her tlifclitor, Mrs. l'cter caught fire in front of his home Don't ivnit! Ask your riruKfrftt for Dnnn'g n stimulant diuretic, mud Hiiccrnsfully Brignola. Wednesday evening of last week. Pilla, by million* for fiver Bfl yenra. Doan's (five The W.S.C.S. • the Methodist There was slight damage. Mr. Ty- hnppy rflicf and will help the IK milea of kidney tubes flush nut poisonous w«Ulrota church will holia dinner toniur- rell 1.1ftstockholder in the Water jouc blood. Get Dukn't 1'UIB. row night a t B'.v's landing. The Witch Basin company. Highlands • • ONE COAT covist MOST tuiMCit •>• DRIES SMOOTH, fi*r AND OIAMUIS DORATHY JANE SHOPPE •*• USE THE ROOM T H I I A M I DAY •»> 12 BRAND NEW COLORS NOW •• WHITE ONE GALLON PAINTS AVERAOI ROOM FLATLUX is toiy to u i t . . . there it nothing to odd... ONLY nothing to go wrong. It is complete and read/ to uw f 4 MC when you buy it. FIATIUX is a genuine Oil Point... eliiv M no» a wofer-lhinned coaling. FIATIUX it Identically * <ML Matched in color with SATIN-LUX Semi-Gloss and ClOSLUX High Gloss. ATLANTIC SUPPLY CO. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS TEL. A. H. 14)303 Coal and Fuel Oil Building Materials Electrical Appliances KIDNEYS MUST REMOVE EXCESSACIDS OPEN EVERY DAY T A P T A D V EXCEPT SUNDAY rill I Mill I 9 A. 9P.M. I nW I W l l I iN A M I WIII'I'I'J BUOHS AND WHITE JOHN B. ALLEN CO. S Broad St. RED BANK Tel. 6-0267 C T A D C C OPEN EVERY DAY J l l I l l f F •% EXCEPT SUNDAY W I V l l L i V 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. 4 2 WEST STREET, RED BANK GOING OUT OF BUSINESS BOYS; PAJAMAS 9g< 1 100?b ALL WOOL YOUNG MEN'S LOOK VT Tl1 J YOUNG MEN ALL WOOL WORTSD Wonderful Gifts For Father's Day Young M«n's ALL WOOL BOY'S WOOL SPORT COATS I SUITS 95 I SUIT! 50 SUITS 19 95 I 1 Values Up to 24*0 Sizes 33 to 40 H Values to 45.00 Values to 32.80 and 34.B0 8lze* 34 to 42 1 14 1 32 Sizes 36 to 44 SHIRTS i^iHBBaa^ii^i^B^Biaaaaaak^^ LAbiiy Boys' SUITS 95 Values to 23.80 Sizes t to 16 ALL WOOL SWEATERS PANTS Values to 2.95 ^ | } Values to 3.OT | Boys' PANTS I48 2.39 Values Up to 7.00 Sizes 28 to 38 SHIRTS Values Up to 5.85 Sizes a to 18 i Values to 7.9B Boys'Sweaters 4.00 Many Othtr bctlhnt Voluw Toe Numerous T« Mvntlen mats AND SOYS' FINE QUAUTY Leather Coats Outer Jackets 50?o OFF BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS Valuss Up to 2.6S WYS' HOSE •lues Up to BOo 1 15" EN'S TIFS . . . . 5 9 ' IVS' TIES . . . . 19* MEN'S ALL WOOL MEN'S ALL WOOL TOPCOATS ROBES BED BANK REGISTER, MAY 13, 1948 Face Four — bright boys eat here — Tlie people w l w a r e • " i i H l i e - k u u n " ilinr hr-re il.iilv, ftn' t l u V i ' e c e r t a i n of limling tlieir f . m . r . i i ' foinls. tUBlpfuilv nii.l lienltlifiill.v pivpai'Od a m i :i|i|ieti/.iiijilv a m i p l e n s i n g l v sen-eil. ' " I f von d o n ' t see \vli;.t, vim w a n t o n o u r ineiin. j u s t ask f<>r i t . " W e ' l l t r v tu uicot v o u r r e q u e s t . • Sunday Dinner Deluxe $1.50 to $2.25 • The French Ballroom al I lie Molly Pitcher is aii ideal settiup for that tveddiug reception or dinner you may be planning. GOOD WINK—GOOD FRIENDS GOOD FOOD HOTEL MOLLY PITCHER "THE GEM OF THE ATLANTIC COAST" RED BANK do not spare bait They us« a t least three big sand worms, letting them trail behind the hook, and troll a long line. fish left they will arrive a t thcic a dime a dozen. This can happen times, but the bluensh has been so to the blueflah which are followed overfished that there are not many from Maine to Florida. 12 months left In the world to arrive. I hope in the year, unless something la I am wrong, and the good old days done soon to protect them. Entries in the ninth annual will return, Timely Notes On The Great Outdoor* George Ruppert fishing contact are WANT BALL GAMES I have written an unpublished beginning t o trickle in from the article entitled "Th» Last Bluensh BV STEW VAN VLIET Btlford Blue Sox, a semi pro North. In the blackfiah clao, In the World" and in it compare baseball club made up mainly of Joaqulm Rlbelro of Hastings, N. tha mass destruction of this splen- former Leonardo high school playbridge. On* «n«;.«r boated four Y., lead! with one weighing 14 did species with the passenger ers, are looking for games with Troglodytes Aedort Aedon weighing between eight and 17 pounds, caught from a wreck off pigeon, which, before they became county teams on a. home and home How auch s poundi. Although moat of the Cifivuii, ««>iii;ii, u c i u i e LU^J utbnuic . vuuinj .luiua uii tl imme 1LHQ nome charming little catchea »r« being made trolling New Jersey. exterminated, were so plentiful that I Sunday basis or night games away, T. P . Ficklln of Raleigh, N. C , their weight broke boughs of treei..] John Adubato is managing the l.nly ;is "Jenny with sand worms, and spinners, Wren" could be they arc utartlng to hit lead squids landed the largest channel bass They were netted ana trapped by, club. He may be reached at Main caught BO far this year at Oregon the thousands and their breasts t stro't, Bclford, or at Keansburg 6JRAPETTE saddled with the at night. Inlet, it weighing 53 pounds, eight sold on tho New York markets !orl 1192 YV. TNItSTf m HOI 11 b 0 v c njipondFlounder Ashing continues good ounces. Fif?e is more than In the lower Shrew»bury river. Only one striped bas» entry has we arc able to Anglers out of Johnny'*, Ho«y'< AIR figure out. Trog- and Eahr'a landing* turned in 100 been received—a 29 pounder taken off Tucker island, N. J., and waj lodytoi sounds to a boat. caught by Edward R. Fuller of nioj'e like a preMackerel sr* on the Increase. Philadelphia. historic nioneMrs. Jack Kahn of Milwaukee, tcr, instead of a The nth have moved in close to hlrd How shore and by the coining week-end Wie., sister of Mrs. Irving Fiest of " ••Stew" VanVlict ever, it does not ahoull provide excellent sport, A Shrewsbury, leads in tho bonejieh with the Boston* U •omethlng class with one weighing 12 pounds, appear to bother Jenny,- an she day look forward to. Of course if 2'._ ounces. Thin is the third largcheerfully goes about her business to you are lucky to pick a beautiful est boneflsh ever caught, and we or selecting a house to raise her day it will add a lot to your outing. believe established a new world family. When building their nests AMERICA\ EXPRESS record taken on six-thread line for Troglodyte shape them to look L u t Thuriday evening th» Mon- this species. like a decaying knot, and shelters mouth County Federation of SportsI Oiyi-Frm N.r, i* BAWSER TOURS It with the aamc maes that covers men's clubs held its annual dinner There is a new wcakftjh-sea trout TillmliM Nit. Park the tree. She is an expert a t cara- at Sea Girt inn. Jack Woller of At- lead, which weighs 12 pounds. It was cnught from the Indian river, i oirt—rrM N. T. tt 17C-H* aufiagc ant] adapts the building lantic Highlands, retiring president 14 Dtp—Oil Vli|lili plans to suit the nest site. of ihe federation, presided and Her- Florida, by Lawrence 3. Detrick of OtKritfi, O m a r . . . . | | Q Ml trut tmtkf ft*. Man has long appreciated this ..w.j^,.,Jr.hnson of Neptune, ex-presl- Cocoa, Fla. It is loo early to expect entries I I Ban Fraa N. T.toCilifirMa cheerful, busy little friend, and hai dent of the State Federation, wan IIDllflFfMll, Y.-T. Cililtmll, j provided houses for her conven- toastmastcr. The prlnclpnl (poaker from the JN'orth on cod, fluke, Eea lit; •atlfli 441>0« TeitmlH, Irani 1 Ipncc, which fine has readily adopt- was Marvin Sp.'iulding, member of bass, and no tuna, entries have Nartkwnl tJvl | ed. Each year she or her offspring the New Jersey State Fish and been received. Added Interest and a great Inreturn to the Kanrio house, where Game commission, Cotnmiasioner I I Dip rrra »• y-eillfir»li, I I Ban ftM H. Y—Oillfirali, her cheerful chatter can be heard Spauldlng spoke on the pending crease in tntrlea this yenr is unii I* luff, tiki 7AT>o •; throughout thy summer. We have Senato Bill 27, which, if inactcd in- questionably due to tho fact that HUM Nutlmi) been on the lookout for Jenny, to la'*', would put our game war- there are seven prizes In each of knowing that she always arrives denn under tha Jurisdiction of the the 19 classes for anglers, boat •pus iix •M.US TAX about tho flral week In May, This state police. Ho said that the game captains and guides, Instead of the morning, when the bird chorus wardens are the backbone of our former three prizes for each species. AIR waa In full beat, we heard her hunting and fishing and if we lose there won't be much left for An Old-Timer Predicts chattering away In the apple tree. them, the sportsmen. Later during the day she was busy In the- many years that I have GATEWAY TOVRS poinp from house to house trying Other speakers Included Ed. Leay- known him he has never been wrong. His predictions as to the 11 to ninhe up her mlnil which one to j croft of Neptune, Ed Janata, retirDaya Thousand lilandt $65.50 Rhoono for her fnmlly. ] in K president of Essex County Fed- movements of llsh arc not based on It Is romnrknblc thi. Intelligence i € r atlon, and president-elect of the scientific research but on tho -Uns 8 Days Martha'* Vineyard 87.50 sho dispnys) in building her nest. | state Federation: Al Morten or or nature. Tim other evening while We have seen her nit on the perch Anbury Park, president-elect of Ihe Hiving liis skiff ii tri-il run down 9 Days Uursntian Mt$. - Montreal 90.50 in front of the entrance to the bird County Federation. Tho next ni pet- Sandy Hook bay n number of 8 Days Saguenay Cruis* 139.50 ' two or thrfc-lnch Ing will he held June 11 at the As- ilraguu Illcs i'laming needles) dew 8 Days Great Lakes 149.50 twig In her bill, figuring how to ; i,m-y p n r j , solarium as guests of Dver us. "When the dragon Illcs arrive Mi rally It is a sure aign It get it Inside. After a while she will L,, onP . r do Hod and Gun club. 12 Days White Mts.- Maine 167.50 turn the twig lengthwise find push is going to be one of tho best bl'le' ' The River Tuna and flsh seasons we have had'in years." 8 Days Gaspe Peninsula 181.50 it through. Lnat your we tacked Lunches of hair from on old mat- Marlin club held a meeting last thin oid-tlmer asserted. I hope he Saturday night at Shadow Brook Is right. ress on the trees to help her nest jj building. Jt proved so successful inn, Shrewsbury. These old-time Sea Bright fisherf IKUI5ES A N D TOURS j men bnfc their predictions as to jI Mint w . liava repeated this again David BrewMet of Fair Haven ( The arrival of Jenny Wren about! l l a s •lp<; of fish nn old theories, such completes our summer songsteia. i P™«ented ft seven-foot tarpon as "when the lilacs bloom the vvcakWe don't profess to he able to dig ' mounted on a plaque to the .Sun- flfh arrive.' In New England it U i tlngulsh them all from their songs. rise Rod and Gun club of Bed i shad bufili hloom that brings g Ihi! striped bass. The dragon fly but If you listen at the peep of dny is a new onr> on mo, but in the old you will hear, first, the clear, 0.,2note song of the robin, followed !>y A meeting of committees of the diiys it pnib.ibly was n sure sign i the cheery notes of th« «oni? spar- U. S. Atlantic Tuna tournament that the hliii.s were i". BONDED AGENT However. I llnd myself nimble to j row, the wild cry of the blue jay, will be held Monday, Mny 17, «t the S&varin. restaurant, Pennsylvania Ko alone with these Rigna. In the clays heforc open fishing had nrvaried, sweet song of the catbird, station, at 3:30 p. m. It is expected that the delegates rlvcd they were probably correct. and topping them all, our most will vote a t this meeting on the And, no doubt, If there nio any hoautlful songster, Then if you will listen closely you site for the 1W8 tournament, aa will hear the quick chatter of Jen- well aji ruing dates. Rivalry between New Jersey and Long Island Is keen, with BelniHr and Freeport the leading contenders. All committee men are requested to attend, Due to rough seas over the weekend, striped baso anglers failed to Although the Sea Bright, Rum' turn in a heavy catch. Mr. and Mr... Wlllitm Frank of Shrewsbury son and Highlands bridges are three of the best spot* nt this time for spent th 0 week-end a t their shack lit North Point. Frank reports that striper action, many have tried the only bass ho saw taken was a and many more \vill follow without connecting. There is only one 12-pounder which Mrs. beached through the breaker*. The successful way to fish these areas, Franks are light tackle anglers, and you will notice that tho fellows using an lg-pound test nylon line. who know are the onei who catch "We find that with this line, a two- tho fish. Usually these successful ounce sinker will hold bottom in an anglers arc natives and IIva nonr average sea. The diameter of the by. They have everything In rendiline la so small, the current drift ness—sand worms, spinners, rods has very little effect upon it, and rigged and boats ready to shove off It Is a lot of sport to whip a 12 or at the exact moment the flan start hitting. There Is only about one 15-pound greonhcad from hour's fishing to each tide—before bench with light tackle." spots along the and after slack water. If you don't coast there wore very few boss en ton them then, you might *i well taken and most of them were small. knock off and wait for the next The largest to date wdghed in a t tide, because that is the only time the main gate at Fort Hancock they feed. Also at slackwnter there Is very little trash and sea salad weighed 23H pounds. foul your line. Those fishing night* In the vicinTrolling speed has much to do ity of the Rumson bridge have been catching a few bass weighing with It—the slower the better. The up to eight and ten pounds. By far fish seem to be deep, and it is ad-! the best striper fishing is to beylsable to put on a' small sinker. I had trolling near the Sea Bright You will note that the "regulars"j SURF, FIELD AND STREAM Vacation Time Is £00 fUf t ASBIKY PURK TRAVEL SERVICE 700 TISON AVE. AS. 2-0050-51 "The Most Modem Plant in ilonmoulli County' Fifth Avenue Cleaners 37 East Front Street BABY SEAT Ctunp-on id a food man tbknow TIRES HIS SIRVICI IS COURTIOUI... HIS STATION I I CHAN MOUNTED FREE! Your Sunoco Dealer is glad to ; wipe your car's windshicld- TELEPHONE RED BANK 6-4828 IN RED BANK 42 W. FRONT ST. Open Friday Evtning WE PICK UP THE GARMENTS WE- GIVE SAME DAY SERVICE WK DELIVER THEM TO YOU $-(lnA • * • " « 6-Sirrtu W"» y-Ow* fyd |-Ch.ckOiH 4-dionMr< 10-Che*" WE DO ONLY QUALITY WORK WE DO EXPERT TAILORING OPEN DAILY 0 A. Al. TO (. P, M. C 1CC < l l e w a t e r lire ' ' ' ' »» motor » oil and battery-as a regular (part of his friendly service. He prides himself on Ihe appearance or his nation and the cleanliness of his rest rooms. HIS WORK IS I X P E R T . . . HIS EQUIPMENT EFFICIENT You don't just jet a "grease job" from your Sunoco Dealer. You get A t o Z lubrication by a lubrication expert. He uses special Sunoco lubricanti and equipment, special charts of your car. He helps stop trouble before it starts! . . . H I SILLS HIGH QUALITY PRODUCTS AND ACCESSORIES In addition to famous Sunoco Dynafuel and two great Sunoco motor oils, your Sunoco Dealer carries a complete line o/ highquality tires, batteries and accessories. Everything your car needs to help keep it running and looking its best! t««i9it SUNOCO 3-STAR EXTRA BEP BANK REGISTER, MAT 13, 1918 turn We Specialize CHRISTIAN SCIENCE In Programs WINS «:4K A. M. Every Sunday WNBC S:30 A. M. Firtt Sunday of Month Cleaning, Dyeing and Storage of Oume§tic and Oriental RUGS Monitor Broadcast WJZ 8:1 S P. M. Every Tuotday LEON'S ««-7» W'MIt St.. Bed Baiili MILK Your most important food Are You Satisfied? . SO DIFFCIWNT___ rage nve their friends and neighbors at Belmar, where they resided before Imported moving here. CIGARETTE SETS Mrs. J. E. Wells of Markhim 5.00 plac,? and Mrs. Drnmon Smith of Oceanport avenue attended the broadcast of the Uieakfast rhih conducted by Don AlcNVil m NYw .May Hasten Iliiilding 31 Faatw Slraat Kivir P l u i Voik yesterday. R.d »«»l 6-42>T Evniiiifi Til » Of Slate I'arUav Mr. and Mrs. S. I,. Sfaton of Sunnycrest drive air returning to Ah-.-ska after residing here the The priority that the Stale Highway department will give to arter- past year. The safety patrol members were ial roads in the next fiscal year program as a contribution to na- guests of Connie Mack Tuesday r>f tional defense plans may hasten las: week and saw the game bethe building of that section of the tween the Athletics and Cleveland parkway that will eventually cross at Shibe park, Philadelphia. AtI Monir.outh county, Ross E. King of tending from the local school were Ralph Scaccia captain, Jamrs TayLittle Silver, said today. Mr. King, as chairman of the lor, Joseph Martella, Noel Nilaon, Monmouth County Parkway asso- Pat Hammond, John l-sgenliergcj', ciation, quoted Highway Commis- Roy Pea nail, Mike l!ata!do, Victor sionei Spencer Miller, Jr. a s stat- Saltci. John Blair, William Hering that the growing tension in the bert, Charles Meyers ami Powell international situation has again Beylanti. They were niTonijuinieil revealed the need of adequate ar- by the school principal, Chnilrs A. terial routes through and to our Thompson. Mm. G. W. May of Utlle Silver cities,. ''Sensation of the Shore'' "In the last war'', the commts- Point has returned from .Margaret Ha?ue hospital, Jersey City, where siorer's statement continued", troop movements for France were ham- sh» was a surgical patient. Opening Special* Mis. David Perkins of Brockton, pered by civilians using all types of conveyance jn their flight to the Mat's., is pending some time with her daughter, Mrs. nichard Cliipii open country. "The Secretary of National De- uf Rumson road. Mr. Clitpp IKIS a new catboat, "Undnunlfense, therefore, has . stressed the bought Latest 1918 XcBtle Oil f requirements for emergency mobil- ?d, ' formerly owned by Ainsley Peization particularly in centers of , terson. The American Home department greatest congestion. "It is now confidently expected of the Woman's club yesterday prcthat Congress will approve greater isented Mrs. Edward Woithlcy of J 115.90 contrihutions for arterial load con- Ocennport with a monrj^ranuned struction as n n Immediate peace- gnlri compact in celebration of her Includri Feather Cut and lime aid in reducing costly travel 50th wedding anniversary, which Rc-Vlva Craam Ulnae on highways packed beyond satura- occurh Saturday, May M. Mrs. tion. Highways of this type would VVolthley is an honorary member then be available to the government of the cluli iind has long been interested in the homn department. for any epcciHc use". The Monmouth County l J arkway The next meeting of this group association is holding an important will he Monday, Juno 7, in the form meeting Wednesday evening, May of a box luncheon at the home 'if 26, at the Ued Bank borough hall, MM. Gertrude Dnvis at (ioosonmi Mr. King concluded, in which it is point. Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Krhcnck ol hoped all municipalities in the county will conic and help plan fot 378 Prospect- avenue gave a reception Wednesday night of lust week Iho important super-highway. for their son nnd his bride. Gui-sU were present from Cranfurd, Fair Lillle. Silver Hiwen, Red Bank, New York, NewIn spite of the Inclement weath- ark, Shrewsbury nnd Little Kllvei, er, If. members attended the W.&- The young couple were well rcCS. meeting Wednesday of last munbcred with gifts. week at the home of Mrs. Eincraon Mr. and Mrs. Valentine I'IICC of Qup.i'kcnbush on • Itumfion road. RuniKon road are parents of a sun Mrs. Edward Wells was assisting bom Sunday at Muninoiitli Menial3*7 Main St. Keanaburc hostess. Report* were given by the ial hospital. varicus committees on the recent (Near Church St.) supper. The society has {mid off Tel. Keaniburg 6-1022 $501* on the mortfznKe of the new Cluli parsonage. Attending the meeting Hrurs Mrs. HVMIIT wire Dr. Furman A. rjoMaris, Mrs. If You Want The Waiter MorrU, Mrs. George Ivins, Mrs. Howard C Hynirr nl Mrs. Harrison Shiimpnnore, Mrs. Shrewsbury, a member or the WoCarrie Carhart, Mrs. William T, men's Action committee for l.n.--tSawyer, Mrs. Denmon Smith, Mm. ing Peace and its observer at the Of Your Life Edunrd F. ,Elberts, Mrs. Fred A. United Nations, spoke on the ieC'mon outo Keyport Ellison, Miss Ella King, Miss Maile nc'val of Reciprocal Trade agreeWllby and Mrs . Mabel Hurley. ment." at a recent meeting of the Where men are MEN Guests included Mrs. Will Ward of Women's Democratic club of MonFurniture ii FURNITURE Henry Kenshaw of Son nioitth County at Roosevelt school, And where Terms ARE TERMS P.umson, Bright, Mrs. William Parker of Neptune city. The speaker stressed YOU CAN AFFORD!!! Utl!e Silver and Mrs. Marie Olson the renewal of the trade agreeHUNDREDS hav. founj t h . ,ni ol of Ozone Park, L. I. The next ments act that, will expire next : "lurnlturt huntlni" trail. at tat meeting will be Wednesday, June month, nnd said that the .success ( 2, at the home of Mi*. Elbcrts at of the European recovery program Fox Hill. The missionary group and the future, stability nnd prosmet Tuesday at the home of Mr. pent.\ of our country depends on and Mrs. Joseph Stevenson of continued incrcoecd world trade. NavcsinU. The olllcial board met She also said that the United lay. night at the home of Miss Wil- States cannot remain prosperous in by on Rumson road. Rev. F. A. an impovciishcd world. DcMaris was a recent speaker at Mrs. Katherine Elk us White, » luncheon at the Keyport Metho-. staie committee woman asltcd dist church for those who were 60 members to write to Senator Milliyears old. ' lian. chairman of the finance comTho youth fellowship realized S.11 mitlee, asking for the rc-uppointment of Judge Marion Harron, onfrom the cake sale held Saturday in NO MONEY DOWN tlii lobby of the Strand theater, ly woman judge, to the United Red Bank. Those who worked at Statt Tax court. Mrs, Rita H. Dougand only the sale were Mrs. William T. Saw- las asked that a .shower of playing yer, Miss Carol Jean Wells, Robert cards Tor the benefit of the Red Cross he held at the next meeting, Lowry and George Quackcnbush. YOl'li LIVlNr, ROOM: eonriitlne af J Mr. and Mrs. William Skidmore Members of the county hoard of Pc. Spring conitructed Living Room spent Sunday at Madison visiting election will he guests at the June meeting. Suitt: End Tahiti; Cocktail Tab)*: floor at the Harrington home. Umpi: Mirror: Flelurti; Oraim; Mr. and Mrs. Guy Belcher of BADIO. VACUUM CLEANER, ETC. Rumion road spent the week-end YOUR BEDROOM: tonilitlnf of I Pc. at their cottage in Netcong. Rev. Furman A. DeMaris, Mrs. Btdroom Suite: Pitlow«: Vanity Lamiu Nite Tabtt; Drape*: Scatter R u n . etc, Walter Morris and Mrs. Emerson Quackcnbush attended a luncheon YOUIt KITCHEN: eonslnllnf of 5 P c Tuesday at St. Paul's Methodist Solid Oalc Kltehm Set. S! Pc. Set of church for the benefit of the Home Dtihta: SI Pe. Set of Silverware, etc. (or the Aged In Ocean Grove. Mr and Mrs. Howard Wardsn, Free Storap Until Needed Jr., end children spent Sunday with Free Delivery Mr. Warden's father, Howard Warden, Sr., of Rumson. road. The luncheon committee of the school, consisting of 60 mothers, served 9,097 meals during the win1-11 Front St. Keyport, N. j . ter. A. tea was held yesterday for the Keyport 1-M4S new members of the Woman's club We A n U u u « On Tat Hill, Opp. at the clubhouse on Prospect aveTke r a n Office) nue. Rev. Henry C. Beck was the { Store Hourn speaker. Mrs. Albert Carhart wa* Hon. thro Than.. 1 1 . m.—• p. m. hostess, assisted by Mrs. Harry Tucker, Mrs. Joseph Wood, Mrs. Fit. and Sat • a. in.—* p. ai. Irvin Campbell, Mrs. T. W. Ridgeway, Mm. Charles Reckless, Mis. Gustav Bergman and Mre. Chris Jaeger. "The Case of the Weird Sisters," the play presented recently at the Spring Lake festival, will be repeated Thursday in Atlantic City. Tho cast includes Mrs. Lyman C, Vtnlnwegtn, director; Mrs. Gertrudf Davis, Mrs, Donald Cook, Mrs, Allan Carman and Mrs. H. R. JHacelwood, Mrs. K. West and Mrs. Irvon Campbell, who assisted with the production, will accompany the cast. 4 double birthday party was given recently for Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hotaltng of Salem lane by DOMTHY MNE SHOPFE Arterial Roads For Defense Wife Houi«wiv«t • CARS • TRUCKS • Mnlorrvr Hav* m All Th* Family'* • Wintar Clothing •ANITONE CLEANED and PERFECTION STORED LEON'S AUTO RADIATOIt AMI IIODY WOHKS 210 HNvay (Item^ 2 • Certified Vaulta • I On Our I'reinliies I ••!. I.IMI^' llraiuh 6- LEON'S I'rireil .Since 1912 6I-7H White St. v_. * 1a( K. B. ** PERMANENTS There if a difference in favor of food value in $"7.50 ** JERSEY MILK A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE. JOCEDA FARMS Tel. R. B. 6-1848-J Tel. Fhld. 8-0986-J YOUR NEIGHBOR «1 Helcne Curtis Machineless $c.oo The Cellar - _ • STAR • . . TAILOR MADE SPORT SHIRTS YOU incorporated BEAUTY SALON lias IMTII ii|i|MMiitcil Bellows & Co. IIIMI oflVrs the cxrliiMvc Krll»n§ line of »inc« anil SURPRISE LOOK NEATER SAMPLE VALUES THAT CAN'T BE MATCHED FOR LESS THAN $10.00 Kill lie delivered |iri>iii|)llv lull he Kiire to viriil u* lo eiijny shopping in llw community'* nmsl fillrao lirr lii/tntr shop. The Cellar incorporated S'U Rl VER ROAD, FAIR HA YEN, N. I. $2.82 WNkly Tailor Made Tailor Made RAYON SHANTUNG Shantung Broadcloth 50 B|iirilK ul Alniidunl |iri<r». Your telephone urden SURPRISE STORE Whtrt You Cm Buy Thrat Boutiful Rooms ol BRAND NEW FURNITURE for only $265 W O W you c:m liavc your sliiits tuiloi'-madc • . . . . designed for yon only . . . in the material, the i-lyli? m' style-combinations lliat, you wniit—Ami Iliis is ;i fact—you a c tually pay less fur Ihfsc liniulsonin tailormade sliirls. Choone from i •hade* 50 «*•• Varlet, Tailor Made Tailor Mad* CELANESE RAYON RAYON TROPICAL 7. Choose from S nhades 50 PETE THE TAILOR MAIN STREET (Open Til 7:30 P. M.) OCEANPORT Our V I I U M w e In our garment* . . . not In our More front I'ISH WIXHS .Wit KI'IHITV. IlKEIt ,l.\7> M.H It It. G>,8>,7 WE HAVE YOUR SURPRISE STORE VaU-lel, i!<:<-Ml.4 f o r YOUNG TURKEY HENS FROM 10 TO 17 LBS. NEW LOAN SERVICE LOANS UP TO '500 LOWER MONTHLY PAYMENTS 20 MONTHS T O P A Y Payments o n a $ 3 0 0 Loan Payments o n a $ 2 0 0 Loan Payments o n a $ 1 5 0Loan . . . . . . . . . . . . 819.24 P e r Month 912.83 P e rMonth $9.62 P e rMonth COME IN OR TELEPHONE TODAY We Serve All of Mninnouth and Ocean Counties. Prompt • Friendly • Private Service View of the Sunrise Turkey Farm Plant, Moniiionlh County's Largest Turkey Farm. PAINTING TIM IS HiRt BUY BPS HIH1 COMPANY 77 BROAD ST. RED BANK TEL. 6-1472 7 W. MAIN ST. v FREEHOLD TEL. 8 4 6 0 0 Both Oflkm Over J, 3. Newberry t Co. • License 742 • 773. Charge 'I'-j'/c on unpaid balance and \i% per month on all amounts over $300. SUNRISE TURKEY FARM EAST ROAD, MONMOUTH PLUMBING SUPPLY, CO., Inc. Numbing and Heating Supplier KM Went Front St., * NO DELIVERY (Near Caiiiphell'« Junction) BELFORD, N. J. PHONE KEANSBURG 6-1088 NO DKL1VEMY BED BANK REGTBTER, MXY 13, 1918 Pfeei Six mmmfiim - SO D1FFERENT__ MINIATURES 30e to S.98 KENNETH C. WASHBURNE a.J I n k «-31M kUrfcrt t-0211 The Noithwwtem Mutual LUa Inaanucw Cm. 70 Princeton Road Fair Harm, N. 1. NMTNV m mm Pl M W**f Mmt •'»•' * " %U feat #-4M» O m KvMilnri Til » WANTED! 1,000 TANS TO WITNESS MAJOIt LEAGUE WRESTLING RIOT BALBACHS AUDITORIUM 117 CARR AVE. KEANMIUIU;, N. J. TUESDAY, MAY 18 «:!.» I*. M. Feature Malcli - 2 Out of .'I I'alls • I Hour Limit MICHELE LEONE vs. RUDY DUSEK I,on larina »>. \\>c Stein , 1-VilK /ii'jsfricil %>. Jim Walli« "Roiifililioiisc'' Jim \ii-lin v». lied Kirkjiutrick RINGSIDE $ 1 " >NC TAX GEN. ADMISSION $ 1 0 0 TKKKTS CAN BK I T M 1IASKII AT SHAKABIIA SHOP 1 6 0 Moiiinuiiili Si. KCII Hank, N. J. ALSO BALBACHS - PHONE KEANSBURG 6-0399 You II ENJOY Your SPORT CLOTHES MORE When They're /* /j S Wlutagrandfeclingl ors ' "witl1 fabrics bright and fresh. Our kind of cleaning is odorless, too . . , and actually makes for longer wear! ' SAMK DAY SEKVICE CLEANERS NC 24 W. Front Street Hod Bank TO GET COMMISSION Elton T. Hammond, Jr., of Fert Monmouth, son of Col. Elton F. Hammond, is one of 34 "distinguished" JIOTC military (tudents in the Firat Army area to be nominated by President Truman for appointment as second lieutenant. HamFour Red Bank mond la a atudent «t MIT. AnConcerns Incorporate other county man similarly honored was George R. Truex, Jr., of Avon, KiRht new business In' this area a student at Rutgers university. have filed Incorporation papers at Everett Fret hold. They ore as follows; Suburban Homes Construction Mn. John Caaavas and her mothcompany, Incorporated, 3 Lake er. Mri. David Planchcon of New drive, Eatontown. Incorporated by York city, spent the week-end at Anlhony J. (Virginia) Piccola, Eat- their home here, ontewn, and Gabriel (Maria) SimW E. Wimpey attended the conjilirio, Mlddlclown, for real estate vention of the Amalgamated Clothiind construction business. ing Workers at Atlantic City over Martin & Brown, incorporated, 1 he week-end as a representative of 17 Main street, Matavrnn. Incor- the general offices In New York porated by George W. Powelson, city. Ju.«cph 1J. Lovctt find Theodore G. Mr. and Mrs. John Bcrri and Strcliel, nil of Kcyport, to deal in daughters of Forde have moved ininis-on materials. to their recently completed home Ki.Micrmen'a Landing, 80 Eajst on Everett road. Fioni street, Red BanU. Incor Mr. and rM£. E. Jackson Bacheporstcd by William IS. Beaty, Jo lar of Fairbairn farm cntcitaindc Ann Beaty and Raymond Costa, all at a party Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. of Red Bank, to deal in real estate, John Bassett of Rumson, who boat basing, etc. leaving for South America for two Edward M. Kelly company, 337 years. Broad street. Red 13anlc. Incor Mi. and Mrs. Krank N. VanEmpumlcd by Edward M. Kelly of berg of East Orange spent the Shrewsbury, Margaret A. Kelly ,ir,d wepk-emt with Mr. and Mrs. NorMary C. Kelly of Red Bank, to deal man VanEmbcrg. in real estate and construction. Ml, and Mrs, George Gould and Shore Restaurant * Diner, children, Fsye and Max, spent the corporntcd, 12 Broail street, r week-end at Atlantic City. Bank Incorporated by Milton M. flriwiird Bennett, Charles CcnAbiamo/f, Louis M. Drazin and over and Paul Morris accompanied Gertrude It. Sutphin, all of Red their classes In ftivcr Plaza school Bank, for rtlncr find restaurant I1113- on a I rip t" Philadelphia Friday. Thry vi6itcd points ot historical infteddy Klo-Brush company, Bridge teic£t. avenue. Tied Bank. Incorporated by Mr. and Mrs. Edward Townscnd Griirr. 11. Henley, George n. Brow- are bavins .Saturday for a tour of nrll und Jetyje G. Heifje?, all of 40 tli« United State;;. Wall street, New York city. Cttherine Iroreman, dnusnlcr of M.'itiiwun Underfl/u inent.s com- lli.i. Fannffi Foreman, is confined pany, (i Johnson nveruie, Mntawan to r.ei home because of illness. Inrnrpuratcd by Until Gellcr, Edna M'-. and Mra. Alfred Williams atK. Ni'.ne.s and Shirley Werter, all uf tended the program, "Strike It New York city, to deal In ladies Rich," Sundny evening at the anti children's undergarments. WCBS studio in New York city, Brighton Concrete 1'roducts comA surprise birthday party was pany. 18th avenue, West Belniar givi'n for Anthony nu.=»«, ton of IiuM.rjiorntcd l»y .loseph I*. Bonncy Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Kusoo, Sr., ' Sr. and Joseph 1*. Honncy, Jr., of who wns one year old Sunday, and Tnti'ilaKen and Kopbcrt K. Kdwarda for Ross Az/arclo of Red Bank at of Heel Bank, to Ueal in concrete the Joseph Morris residence. Decproducts, etc. orr.tions were in pink and blue. Six new trade names have also Giirst-i present, were Mr. and Mrs. been registered in tliia area, as fol- Vincent Concclln and Mrs. Elsie lows: Aioay of Brooklyn; Mrs. Joseph Wayside sanitarium, Shrewsbury Concclla of the Bronx, Mr. and Mrs. to.vnship. Owned by lilla E. Bower Nicholas Azarcllo and children, of Prrl Bank, with convalescent Chailes and RernadettR, Misses facilities for chronic sufferers. Grace, and Josephine Braffa, Jphn General Refrigeration and Elec- Brnffa and son John of Jersey City; tric .Service, Kcyport. Owned by Mrs. Marie RUSBO of Red Bank, Roy Carney, Sr., ol highway 36 anc! Mr. and Mrs. Barny Mnzza and Key port, doallnj; in electrical and son Michael, Mrs. Ros.s Aznreilo, mccrmnlml equipment. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Morris nnd Monmoutri Building supply, Mid children, Gloria, Joseph and Paul of iiverett, illctcnvn township. Owned by Edwin l.iclitig of 105 Harding road, r.;fl Bank and Louis Harvey of 230 Tinton Falls Hamilton avenue, Long Branch, Bradley Du Pree and Robert deal ins in building; materials. "Tinker" Bradley were received inConiclln's Men's and Boys' shop, 34 West front street, .Keyport. to Den 3, Cub Scouts, at a meeting Owned by Kcnnetli E. Conklln, Sr. last Thursday. Roger Willgerodt of 100 Eliza street, Kcnnetli E. has become a Scout. The winner Conklin, Jr. of 228 Main street and of a ball game between Den 3 and John H, Conklln of 100 Elizastroet, Den I teams will clash with the nil ol Kcynorl, dealing in haher- Den 2 nine next Wednesday on the Tinton Falls school diamond. Safely patrol members of the I John 1-. MinURli agency, Rumson Owned by John L. Minugh ot ;3ea Tlr.ton Falls school who went last week on a trip to Philadelphia, Bright, dealing in real estate, etc. I Bnyshore Trucking company, whert they saw the Athletics-CleveWDSI Morris avenue, Belford. land baseball game, included Capt. John Lemon, Jr.. First Lieutenant ! OwneO by John Ixivencn, box 830,Lctoy Wingo, Second Lieutenant • tin t Bank, dealing in general truck- Philip Blnaco, Ludwcll Ashton, Barbara Tice, secretary; Betty Buss, Howard Parker, Henry Baker, Geraldire Austin and Rose Lee. The. group was accompanied by William The Catholic Youth organization Ramsay, eighth grade teacher. ut St. Dorothea's church i» prePlans for a covered dish supper senting a revue entitled, "SmUe, to be served next Thursday at 6 Darn Ya, Smile," tonight and to- p. m. in the school cafeteria by thu morrow night In the recreation hall Ladles' Aid society of the Methodist uf the church, Talented members church were made at a meeting of will be seen and heard in the revue the group last Thursday at the being given for the benefit of the home of Mrs. William S. England. society.• The next meeting is set for June Mia. Dorothy Davis and Mrs. 3 at the home of Mrs. Silaa F. Edith Lewis are tlu official dele Cronk. gates from Pride of. Crescent coun Stversl local residents attended ell, Sons and Daughters of Liberty, the silver wedding anniversary celattending the state convention at ebration held last Thursday by Mr. Atlantic City. They are accompanied and Mrs. Ernest Hiltbrunner of by Mrs, Cora Wagner and Mr*. Wayside. An "open house" attractIvah Bowater, and attended the ed many friends of the celebrants. banquet last night at Hotel Morton. Mrs. William S. England, Mrs, CunvGutlon jcasiona will be held toWellington Wllkins, Sr., Mrs. John day and tomorrow. Lemon, Mrs. Silas F. Cronk and Priic* were awarded at the card Mm. George Withey attended a party Monday night by the Sons pring luncheon yesterday In St. II nd Daughters of Liberty. Among Paul's church, Ocean Grove, for the the players were Mrs. Margaret benefit of the Methodist Home for Burkott, Mrs. Sclma Davison, Mrs. th« Aged. Barbara Heycr, Mrs. Cora Wagner, Mrs. Dorothy Davis, Mrs. Jcsjic Taylor, Andrew Bolcc, Mrs. Prudence niddlc, Mrs. Ruth Lewis, •vary Thursday at tha Mrs. Mildred Hagathin, Mr«. Charlene Hartley, Mn. Althea Rule, Mrs. Ethel Stiyker, Miss Susie Allgor, Mrs. Jennie Heyer, Ifr. and Mrs. Joseph Ay'reo, Mra. Edith A Walter Heade Theatre Lewis, Mrs. Ivah Bowater, Mrs. Florence Knight,'15 Mrs. Lyda ZinASBUKY PARK sale, Mrj. Beatrice Welle, MM. Ella A. F. Blair, Mi's. Emma Brown and Mri. Margaret Lauterwald, Mies Margaret Vetter, ichcol principal, has beer granted a leave of absence became of 111 O N THE STAGE health for the balance of the achool term, and Rev, Dunham V. Relnlf, seventh grade teacher, has been appointed acting principal, lire. Ayres will substitute as eighth grade teacher for the balance of the term. The graduation evercUes will be held June 8 In the Methodist church. An old-fashioned barn dann, sponsored by Cub Pack IT, will he held Wednesday, May S«, in the The King Odom Four lire home. Music will be provided by Hart Webber and hla Bronco tinging Quartat Dusters. Soft drinks will be sold Better Than "The Ink Spoil" by the Cubs, Sully & Thomas Mrs. Mae Aumack spent Sunday with her son-in-law and daughter, "LAUGHS INC." Mr. and.Mrs. David Hllliard, of Lone Branch. It was Mrs. Aumick't Barton & Bratlv birthday. "Tha Mldnltt Sons" Misses Lyda and Virginia ZinKale, who have government posiLou & Lilyan Bernard tions In Washington, D. C, spent I he week-end with their parents, King A Quaan Mr, and Mis. Thomas Zingale, Mr. of tha Harmonica Zingnlc has been III at his home, Mrs. Wnller Harvey of Long KXTHA ADDUD Branch was. a Monday visitor at The Raymonds the home of her sister, Mrs. Florence. Knight, Featuring The Presbyterian talent workers' Varna Raymond auction pickup will he held SaturTim 4-Yeur-Old Comedy day under aupervislon of John DeSanitation Vrlos and Ely Miller, eo-chalrmon. ON THE 8CREEN ~ Tho WOIUCIH are al«o collecting newspapers and magajlnea for May "FOR YOU I DIE" 22. Percy Dangler or Benjamin VunKeuren nmy be contacted by 3 Shows Dally—3-7-9 Ihcsr rcaldcnta having paper for tiickup, New Firms File With County Clerk T A uoric A COLLAR • tern tlcM ta* small will give you • pain in the neck—but not nearly as serious an the pain In your pockethook if your Insurance Is 4 couple of figures too small and Arc clean* you uut. Have you iwimmh? Lift m rhuck up. 3 wG T|ME Klilil lllif perfect.-, -born of choice Imported Skim the frosty, full nip . . . the firm, fine texture readily identify this trmint tf luihirs, and iht trtalmtnt ii lypleil el Taylor.,. « bold, generous use of Creamy Buck, soft, deep-yielding Red Rubber Sole, Here is the leither-velvrt sol'inm of real ' foot-luxury , , , cool, comfortable, e«sy to clean. < 6i StlM. At John Marascio Sole Agent for Tnylor-Mudv Shoe* * W. From, foot Broad St. |(cd Batik Fri. - Sal. "TENTH"AVENUE ANGEL" "IF YOU KNEW SUSIE" —AI6O— "•' ROV liOGEIlS —All.— Dead End Kick "GAY RANCHERO" —In Color— "Sun. - Mon. "*~ " Sun." Mat? "GENTLEMEN'S AGREEMEN'T; Sun, • Mon. Sun. ContiniKiiu I M t JAMES STEWART HELEN WALKER RICHARD CONTE Call Nortiuid. 777 "rues. - Writ, ""' JOHN CAKKOIX VKKA ISAI.S1OX Tllrs. - Wed. I.VN.Vl: ROBERTS UONALIt BERRV "THE~FLAME" Pleasant Inn —Alio— — I n Color— —AUo— I.JCON KltliOIJ, "RailroBded ".?OK I'AI.OOIV'A K.N'WCKOrr' Thurs. ' Oni! Uay IIOUKBT YOUNG ISAM)OI.I'll SCOTT Proudly present* jor your witertitinnwiU Tluirs. AT THK IVOVAUIOKIJ " One Day CLAUDE RAIN'S CLARA STEWART "The Invisible Man* "WKSTKKN IMO.N" —Al.o— JEANETTE POOLE RICIIARIt D K M ' I M : —In— —Al.o— VINCE:;T TRICE —In— "L'AGKU I'UBV" "Invivlblc Man Return*" 81.00 II A. M. In 2 V. M. Dinner CAUI.TON—SA'I., } \ \ \ 1.1, al 11:3O P. M. licnitmiiiio (,11,1,1 in " / Uemelli" .SI.25 & ,1 I'. .V. |.i « I 1 . M. HV etitvr gat. Mai. MARGARET O'BRIEN GEORGE MURPHY JOAN DAVIS EDDIE CANTOtl RIVERSIDE DR. & HVV'Y 35 TEL. RB. 6-0410 RED BANK R.O. BOX 80 Iliisinri* Mcn'w Lunch ATLANTIC Highland!, N. J. 7Mat LAWLEY AGENCY to small iluliun Irnluri' (mil tur^v /Mirlivs. WAITES! READE'S RED BANK THEATRES Springs Kitu<! & Shrt!U>luiry Ave. li.ti Hunk <>-IIOJl • CARLTOrTl MONMOUTH ST. (;ROCKKII:S • MKAIS Tel. R. • . 1-1500 Matinee M,"> Kvnnliigs 1-9. Ciiiillnuiius Siitiirday - Sunday THANKS NOW thru SAT I'mi received our lust w t ' i i ml no ivell thai lie decided to shoir our uitpreviation by £,'<('• itiH . v o " ••>"""' '"'«' bargains this ueek-vnd. REAL VALUES SMOivKI) PORK LOINS 5 9 l b KXTRA FANCV FOWL Average JEBSKV SUN., M O N , TUES. CALA HAMS 47L — 3 DAYS ONLY — MIIIM STANWYCK HAMBURGER 5 5 l b bunch GilANtl.ATKU Von HEFLIN Charln 5-l.b. I'kg. ASPARAGUS 2 5 ( SUGAR 4 3 C W !l for KVAl'OUATEIJ MEnitIM SI/,10 IVORY SOAP 2 c5MILK 3 cans 2 5 ° TWO 11.11. CANS TWO ai-OZ. CANS 25* CORWIN'S MARKET PORK & BEANS 2 5 ( PRUNES — ADDED ATTRACTION "Alak«; Mint! F r e e d o m " in color • * • • IRENE DUNNE in thr Story of itit Crntury I Remember \lama" - (Formerly ,|&M Market) 184 Moniiioiith St. . • COiVISNG WED., MAY 19 l'reimrcd in Heat)- Syrup i I Red Bank (OPI'OSITK K.H. STATfOX) • TELEVISION • On Mezzanine at the Carlton 77it' New And Ittmttifitl DRIVE-IN COR. ROUTE 33 & 34 CIRCLE FARM'D'LE i-688/ NOW OPEN NIGHTLY STRAND •ROAD 3T. Tel. R. I . 0-1300 Matinee 5:00 Evening* 7-9 Continuous Saturday • Sunday NOW thru SAT. AT 7:30 VODVIL - MARINE THEATRE GREGORY PECK DOROTHY McGUIRE JOHN GARFIELD ST. JAMES THURSDAY, MAY 13 pain — 2nd Big Hit — ACTS - -INIONDON IRALB MOHR l , c l r - A n l . , > I n — SUN. thru TUES.— Nelson EDDY • Ilona MASSEY "Norlliwesl Oulposl" i On Qiant Screen Thru Hal. George Brent DeCarlo "8I-AVK O1RL" In technicolor Sun, thru Thiim. Franchot Tone Lucille Ball HER HUSBAND'S AFFAIItS" ' — 2nd Big Feature — Jamas Ellison in "Qhost Qoet Wild" 8tarts WED., MAY 19 ~J Wallace Beery "Alias A Gentleman" and "Twilight On The Rio Grande" Now at your ASUURY 1-AHK Walter Reade THEATRES: MAYFAIII—"Uncoii(|ucrcd" LYRIC—"Miracle cf Belli" PARAMOUNT—"To Tlio Victor" - "Campim Sleuth" ST, JAMES—Viiuilcvllli! mill "For You I Din" Ktiirt» Fill.—"Winter Meetlnf" >' *ED DANCING INSTRUCTOR IN BEGI8TER, MAY 13, 101H Seven Newly Installed Officials Of Red Bank Rolaiv Club Amtriea's tat Cwstts Fitted by Graduate Cometlerei TUCKER'S t Rr Blue Bird 1.00 a box DORATHY JANE SHOPPE CORSET SHOP DANCING CLASSES 130 Broadway :W Fn«lrr S l r « t River P l « t a Rrd B«nlc 6-4227 Op«n Ev«nln»i Til 9 Fur Children 3 Yean Up • BALLET • TAP WORRIED ABOUT • TOE • ACHOBATIC • SOCIAL . 50 DIFFERENT ard* & Writing Patter Closet Space •FOLK Store All Those Winter Garments • PRIVATE LESSONS DOROTHY TOLAND LEON'S {OF LKUK * tODIE'S, N. V. C> 2 CERTIFIED VAULTS-2 CALL KED BANK 64570-j On Our Premises CALL R. e. 8-2800 BONDED ROUTEMEN 201 East Bergen PI., Red Bank Tune in "KATE SMITH SINOS" WO«-12:15,. COOKIE-MAKING A CHORE? kl i ALL WOOL SUITS v> ,Hi Hi,mi . in l',iym»nr Plea GARB'S LEON'S 04-;» Uhli.! .si. u IN FAT TO .M'JIF.I Tin M'»»y l^mi Hranoh it. IK'SIKI MOLONEY'S MARKET Anybody who tn«» Arnold En. cichtd Whit* Brtid i«re«J on on* thing—iti/Uvir/ It'i wondtrful, and tbere'i lots of it! (Next To Hank) KMO.MOWV, X. J. OIM'N K A. M. — 6 P. M. DAILY CHICKENS ,..not now. that you etft ui« the new FLAKIE8. E n y doe* it. Juit add tn egg, •nd whtttver flavoring you prefer, to FLAK. I N , end 38 to 4» eookiei are yourt. Delieioui? Whit ein be more delicious thin your own home-baked eookiei? ltivcr Pla/tt Hratl A HtW MCMMft of •*m. u. I . Nt. ON. WAR* SURPLUS S ALS OPEN SUNDAY THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS ALL FIRST QUALITY MERCHAXDISK FOR 1 WEEK ONLY $2 BLUE DUNGAREES 3»-4» Fishing Verts.... $1.59 Navy Dungarees $2.4» 8lieaM-M There a r t three things essential to a fine, grassy front yard: good seed, good soil, and plenty of water. If you didn't seed your lawn last fall N And if nature doesn't supply enough rain to keep your grass healthy, give it a and your neighbors. Monmouth Consolidated Water Co. SMOKED CALA HAMS HOTEL BAR BUTTER c ib. Ib. SHOULDER OF GENUINE SPRING LAMB 49ft, Rebuilt $2.49 (While They Last) New Walker 8-Ton HYDRAULIC JACKS 10 D*Y TRIAL PLAN HOME DEMONSTRATION ;'-.', JUST RECEIVED $D95 Air MaUrcsscs . . . Air Pillows • • . Complete Line of Field Equipment . . . Manila Hope, Tarpaulins, Clothing and Hardware. Your OU Machine •••> • ELEttTRICALLY I MO0HNIII0 | g 95 Mr * M l Hardware Special • 1 Week 2O-INCH CROSSCUT SAW $0-25 Made hy mpular Mrwulncturer good even soaking at least once a week. Your front yard will be a pleasure to you Brands 39 s ' Navy Fishing Kits 2.95 you can still help It along with the proper nourishment.] Oilie 59fk; 59f, PORTABLE MODEL naillcoal AAF Type Sun Glasses with Case not the artistic kind.' HAMS All I ma EUctrie Sawing Mochiim cwi*«rt Limited Supply A T BEAUTIFUL GREEN LAWN does 49ib. I With Hut H Boxer Trunks .. $1.29 mean hard work, but of tht garden variety, 75 59fb; $275 WHITE DUCKS •;. • • mmd there is 69 CHOPS Ib. » GROUND MEAT Wnrrnn I)cBrown nnd Mrs. iin^cr W'ymby, ways nncl Jiican.s; Mrs. Douglas rUnff nnd Mrs. Goor{;c Voorhls, wclfnro; Mrs. V/oith IJ. Cur.nin^hnm and Mrs. Voun^, hospitality; Mrs. Spccr, membership. Mrs. Richard Thompson nnd Mrs. GCOIBC Castlcmnn, telephone; iMr.s. Jolm, Mrs. Charles Oolschalk, Mrs, Henry B. Trncy, Mrs. CurniP.fflinm, Mr.'. Castlenian nnd Mis. Pcrty. tfttcphonc: Mrs. Clifford W. Stiles, pubUcUy; Mrs. Henry C. Mnoltlrm and Mrs. Frank -S. Curtis, hipiorinns; Mr«. Snw, Mrs. Kchy, Mrs. Gotschalk, Mv&. Kelly, MM, James Goadsr>ccd nnd Mr " Chatlcs Thumpsnn, arts aiul &Irr. GftorRc Warner find Mr,<, Kelly, litidjj'ct and Mrs, Spurn*, luncheon. Tlif* i"luh v.'il] hold a rnkn sain KntiM'diiy In the Strand thc;Ucr lobby, wilh Mrs. Kelly as chairman. The aria and crnfls ilopartnicnt. will meet. Wednesday, May UBt n\. 'lie home of Mrs. Goodr.pccd in Conntty Club The final club meeting will be H picnic supper {Saturday, June 5. a.t the home di Mrs. John Olson In Chapel Hill. Following the business session, Itrv. George A. Jlobcrtshiiu*. rector of St. Gcargc'n Kpiscopai chinch, ftumson, nddrc-s.^ca the group on the subject, "InsiJirfition anfl Endeavor/ 1 Jlefs'eshmcnts were served by thr hestfiss .ind Mrs. Anna Vnllcnu and Mrs. StilC3. Mrs. Irvinp Wells, president of the Riv-er Plaza Woman'* club, appointed aland ing committee members at a meeting last Thursday at tha hom« of Mrs. Belford Truilt. Mrs, Wells was named delegate, and Mra. H. Conant Specr, nltcrnatc, for the annual convention of •FUKO Pie Crurt Mu; •FLAMCN A Bettor Way • • . LEGS OF LAMB 49fk SMOKED HAMS ol.l YouHK, Mis. \AH\PV".Sniilh, Mrs, To Attend Convention Com Multn Mil; •Qurno Biieuit ••4 Shortcekc Mit: • C w i m Cup Ctkelfix. f U K O MOOUCTI (OttOtATION There Should Be CenUr Cut All Sl/r>» Irnln li In X »>•. A ii\i^ srlrrllim. the New .lorsry Htnte FedcrrUion of ; We iron's clubs nrxt week in Allan- i lie City. Commit!no nirmhrrs int'lndn Mrs. . Vicloi Kox, Mrs. Kdwin II. Bnisch, Air*. W. Gilliprt, M»ti.«on, .Mrs. Jiarohl Perry juul MJ-S. 'I'ruilt, proprciu: Mrs*. Joseph Kelly, Mn, Hnr- Club President Names Assistants Kroilrm • rrvi-rx • Knutlrr* .S|)i-i ('(•inline At tlie reorganization meeting; of (he n.",v hoard of dirpctors oT the IlPri Bank Rotary club linld Tue^d.iy «f last weeh, Victor Sallpr was elected president, B. Allen Parker vicn jii-psiciiMit, JiJward M. Kelly treasurpr nnd Paul A. Yonnp secretary. Tlie new oflleers will he Inntnllcd and lake over their duties ThUrJtlay, July J, Members are asked to rnnkr their returns to tlmir tnbJc cuplnins for tlic Welfare commiUcc's drive us s:oon ns possible. LasL week's meeting »f thn c.\uh was one of thn hrst in n lon^j time. There were only si:; absentees out of a rjicmhcrship i>f 70, All Siws • 2l/o to "i!<.«. Tf VII AU MakH fltalns MirtilriM BELMAR 6-7190 SEU US r SINOER MAIL ORDERS CHECK OR MONEY ORDER AERO TRADING CO. 47 1st Ave. 'I'd. Atluniic Higliliinds 1-161(1 HOUKS DAILY: • A. M. tn g P. M. * U A Snt., 9 A. M, til 0 I'. M. When you buy a CMC for heavy hauling you get a truck that's heavy duty and all truck. CMC heavy dutieg have bifc, brawny frames . . . with wide, thick-leaved springs to match. They have heavy, husky axles and transmissions that combine to provide as many as IS forward speeds . . . brakes up to 21 inches diameter . . . heavy disc clutches. Engines are powerful valve-in-heads . • . with extra heavy Tocco-hardcncd crankshafts and many other durability features. Yes, CMC heavy duties have "what it takes" . . . and many models are now available for quick delivery. Th« mmiivt (ram*, hiavy ipringi and fugged radius rod drive of 4hls dump modfti typify GMC hiavy duty truck design. GMC heavy dutiei are built in grois weight ralingi of 19,000 to 90,000 pounds, far every hauling job. See your GMC dealer. - W f TRUCK OF VALUl 5T0BSS l i t 101k Av«., D««.71OO 1004 Clinton Avc.-ES 2.01114 Ncwirk M l M'kpt i l , I'.ltnon; Armory 4-TMV M M Had, Blvd., / . Cllri Jo. S . L ZOiEL CO. .KM''. I.KVY 31 1. MAIN STREET PHONE 8-0171 FREEHOLD, N. J. 1110 MAIN ST. BRADLEY BEACH, N. J. PHONE ASBURV PARK 2-2865 GASOLINE'DIESEL- BED BANK REGISTER, MAT 13, 1948 ! School News "Floicers For. Every Occa$ion" Phone R. B. 6 4 6 6 6 Telegraph l l » « . i- COLONIAL FLOWERS HAROLD r t B B V t UEORGE GI-ASSEV 5 EAST FRONT ST. FHA RED RANK FINANCING ARRANGED HOME IMPROVEMENTS may be financed on EASY TERMS THROUGH THE F.H.A. We are prepared to supply you with the necessary materials for llir MODERNIZATION, ALTERATION or IMPROVEMENT of YOUR HOME l>y n.n.n^iii^ an F. H. A. loan. Payable up to 7 year* or less, tin EASY TERMS. SO RED TAPE - NO DELAY Pay only 10% wlirn you receive your materials . . . Balmier Easy Terms. on Consult us before making your final decision. RED BANK LUMBER & SUPPLY CO. COR. PEARL ft WALL STREETS RED BANK 6-1(153 HKIJ BANK SKNIOK MICH Dramatic Club Tlip Dramatic club and the Masquers' riiib, under the direction of M»fc Barljma Deekerl, last w*;ek lirard two stories on record. They «cre "Silas Marncr" and "The Tile u| Two L'uies," After the plays were heard I he dubs discussed the .•icting and the way in which they were presented.—Don Patterson. Basketball Champ* Ruum 8 of the junior high achDol won the school basketball championship lMt Thursday afternoon when they defeated Room 17, 32 to '21, Willard Browning is homeroom irnchrr, The referee.-? of the j,'amE were 'liny (.'ntalanu nnd Jack Triola. The jsanifi was played as one of the jun! inr high school aj&cinhly program ! under1 the direction of Louis Jacoubs gym instructor. ( High scorers for the ninth grade i were Pete Reeves and Bob Root i with VI points. High scorer for |1 IlfKim 17 was Steve Morris with 8 puinU-t. The players from Boom 17 w»»re Whitney Cunrow captain and Gordon Beck, Dick Luca:;, Steve Morris and Lcfkowitz. For Room 8, csiplained by Hob Moot, Howard Btrnuss, Steven D'Anthony, Pole Jiorvcp, Cinorgn Clayion and Arthur Allyn. --Richard Ma-stria. n o u lulTerad last fill In football. Frick, a itar end on the football team, wai given a blood transfusion by VKo Lentini, a boyhood friend, who had played alongside of him at tackle during his school career. The nose had been broken for the third time, and Frick had the operation in order to aid hia breathing, which mas handicapped. He returned to tchool May 10. —Charles Dudley. Antrici's Btit Ctratts I F S . . . A N D S . . . OR BUTS Fitted by Graduate Corcetieres TUCKER'S COMET SHOP 13* Broadway Long Hrmnch All garment* brought in to our chop before 10 A. M. can be had by 5 P. M. that same day at no extra cost to you. This fast service docs not in any nay affect the quality cleaning and pressing of the garments. INSULATION Mr*. Ana Hay«oe4 Mil. Ann Haywood, a represtn . tatlve of the Packard secretarial I school of New Tork, spoke to the \ girls' assembly of Red Bank high school April 10. Mrs. Haywood spoke on "Succesuful Personality in Buaines;." The talk waj divided into two parts. The first part was on the requirements in the business wocid, and the second or manner* jnd dress In business.—Cecelia Marir.ulatein. — BV — JOHNS-MANVILLE Fireproof - Waterproof — Permanent — Installed By Joliiifi-Manville Mechanics 21 lor tCitlmatee Without Obligation Phone focal Representative P.T.A. Meeting Mrs. Sylvester Hoffman chosen president of the Junior-Senior Parent-Teacher association May t in the auditorium of the Branch avenue junior high school. The nfltrcr* who will ssniat Mrs. Hoffman are: vice preiident, Mis. Lawton Hindle; second vice president, Mrs. Harry Hotchkles; secretary, Mrs. Alfred Podell, and treasurer, Mrs. Max Benevit*. In the celebration of National Music Week, Miss Josephine Means, music teacher of River street school, presented her ninth grade pupils in a musical* entitled "The Jolly Roger."—Cecelia Marir.ulstein. WHITE Hugh H. Tyndall jr. Rumion 1-1399 or iliihiii-Manvllle Sales Corporation Union Place. FOR PROMS, GRADUATIONS, WEDDINGS Summit, Si. J. PHONK SUMMIT Reverse ('harg*** h William St'ult I Willi.'Ltn Scotl, n junior, was admitted as first bass of the New JerAll Stale tihorns for 1948. He "Soldiers' Farewell" in the | competition held April 10 at the Trenton junior high school No, 2.1 Edith Llndler The first rehearsal will be held | Edith Lindler, a senior, was chosj May 22 at the Arts high school, en April 27 to be the principal stui Newark, and Ihc /list performance dent speaker st (he senior graduawill lie nt the New Jersey Teach- tion nxcrclse June 17. j convention In i crs' Slate annual Voting was conducted in each j November nt Atlantic City. senior homeroom by the homeroom | ! William has been a member of representative. Students were aslied the high school chums for three to pick a pcrf.on who had a high [yens, and he played a tuba in the scholastic rating, was dependable, liiflh school balKl dutiiiK his sopho- and who alto had the qualities of more year. - Boveiiy Bacon. a good speaker. i After the votes were counted by , j United .Viliiiim Winners a committee of the senior class it 1 Edith Lindner and Virginia Poole was announced that Editli Llndlrr were selected as first-place winners had received first placf. The stufrom a group of nine, who repre- dent has to prepare her own speech Mlitcd Red Hank high school in on something; of interest to the | the rci'cnL United Nations contest graduating class. conducted by Ihe American AssuDuring the same activity periud, I'liillon For Ihc United Nations. were measured for the caps Their papers ;ire now to be judged seniors to he worn for graduation. Mrs. un a nationnl basis. Frances Moore Is class adviser. • The lest was of an essay type, —Cecelia Marmulsteln. based on twu booklets, "We the 'Peoples," a short history of Ihc Tradition holds that Valentine's I United Nations, nnd the "United Day derived its name from a young 'Nations Charter." Roman priest beheaded February ; Other students who took the test 14, 270 A.D., for refusing to rewere Enoch Ask, Ann Binder, Yo- nounce Christian:!,". lundn, Jones, Vincent Mcllaci, .lames Rodriguez, Allen Strassburgcr iind .Iron Wtesmnn. The lirst prize will he a trip to Europe. Barbara Kuhl. RED BAMt W. FRONT STREET Hllf IJ«KYr; 12' UKIDAL SATIN 3.29 CREPE 1.59 32" RAYON JERSEY 1.59 ,'{9" SHANTUNG 1.39 1.98 >d. WAI I Li: LIGHT STEEL WANTED POD NVDRRttlUinunG i Also heov/ iron, il«»/ and all cl/icr 1.19 til. KIHKK1) 1'H.HJE <MU yd. RHOAUCLUI'H 9tte >d. LAW^' 79c yd. J'KUM. IIMSHED .... OIU;ANDY 98c yd. DOTTED SWISS 69c >d. SPORTSWEAR 72" KAYON NET HARM GOLDBERG* SONS DIMITY :.. 8«Jc B A S K I N ' S FABRIC FAIR 10 MECHANIC ST. SfCONB, CO*. LEWIS ST. PIITH AMIOY, IJ.J. PErth Ambey 4-6500 yd. 12' GARARDINE 1.39 yd. 3 9 " SERGE 98c yd. SEERSUCKER .. 98c yd. BELGIAN LINEN 1.69 yd. AND MANY MORE mtfo/i IOP PRICES PHIS yd. yd. .... yd. RED BANK Just oft Broad SI., near Merchant* Trust Ban!:. 44 ton t l Pair Dnllm el Hithnt M u i . "Largest fabric Friday* Till 9 P. M. Store Along the Shorn" Hand Strip,. !\vst<m The stripe sjfitcm, introduced into the Muroon band, has proven .mTessful, according to John W, I.uckcnbill, director. The system was originated by the executive committee under Mr. ijiicUenbil so Iliat the improvement of each member could be noted nnd rewarded. When eai'li selected music book has been .satisfactorily completed the pupil receives a stripe. A stuJent 16 nblc to CHi-n a maximum ill" eif;hL stripes. The books chosen by the committee were Rubank'a '•Elementary," Taylor's "Intcrmedlato," "Steps to Ihc Band," liubanU'3 "Advanced" and Arban's book divided into three parts. . A .solo will accompany the completion of each part.—Nancy MeConch, I Holiert Frick Robert Krick, a senior, lias been • discharged from Rivervicw hospital, | where he was taken recently after suffering severe hemorrhages following an operation upon a broktn d h the Boict SU'El with IIS fish. Hi-Polsed fiVoboll UlaigH-cigkl. WMte sHiwall tires, os shown, a*ai/obfc at extra coif. W E don't mind admit ting we've been pretty proud of our big Fireball straight-eight engine. A lot of brain-sweat went into making il lively — and as for sinoullincss, we don't know of any power plant that gets the loving care lavished on this Micropoised* beauty. So we thought we knew the song and the •Micrcpoiie bsfancing ii Buicl'i own ir.McJ ,,, et <citnMico//)r bofarcjng Iht compfe'e engmt JN,*y?i\??'.', «//•/ assembly to tuptrfip* limit:, ^ .....,:. ; feel of an engine as smooth as automobile engines could be. Then - well, then our engineers came up with Hi-Poised mountings and really opened our eyes — and ears. A t idling speed, you have to shush all conversation and cock an alert ear to make sure the engine's running. vxix-: Rolling along the road, the whisper of your tires rises higher than this smoothie's con* tented murmur. \ 5 Yei—your friendly glass of Kruegcr Beer il topped with t natural head of its Own . . • the result of natural fermentation. Naturally, every last drop of Kruegcr tastes smoother, brisker, better! More than that, you find that the whole ride seems smoother, quieter, more restful and easy in these tidy '48 Buicks. You soon discover that it's unnecessary to ease yourself over rough spots where ordinarily you would engage in a little extra n/fcrr better automobile^ are bwlt BUICK will build them dutch work, while many fc little shudder that used to pass for clutch chatter has been wiped away. In short, as one owner hai put it, "Now it seems that Fireball power is wearing velvet gloves!" A d d all this to other things - to steady, going size and weight, to gentle coil springing, to big, cushiony low-pressure tires on the widest rims in the industry—and you've got something.too good to miss. So we suggest — get your hands on a '48 Buick, any '48 Buick, and see just what we mean. You'll meet a ride story so sweetly convincing, you'll want to get an order in — but quick! And you can do that, you know, with or without a car to trade. BUICK alone fas all tins* batons •• A OiNAHQW DNVt w w , ««-•-ui- tmm *TAn*-THKU Sm/NG >M W ..X«^.«M * HIQID JOKQUI-TUU * ROAD-IOTf UlANCI * OUO/M4T/C SPAUK ADVANCI * SAHTY-MOI KIMS * auAOKunix COH SMINOINO * WIM-SHIIloro MOI * mx-nt on mot * HIPOIUOH'IBALL M>WI* *SOUN0-SO«m TQHININQ i a ,^.-. M «...w * TIN SMART MODUS *'lODr »Y MMM Tom In HtNM J, UnOK Mutual Nttwork, Mondoyi and Friday, HUP AMIRICA MODUCI VOR PIACI - TURN IN YOUR SCRAP IRON AND STIll brew with a DE RIDDER BUICK, Inc. U, Kruejer Hrewint; Co,, Newark 3, N. J, 163 Monmouth Str«tt t«d lank, N. J. . RED BANK EEGISTEB, MAY 13, 1948 Dorothy Jane't "House of Original Gift*" _. Vets' Auxiliary Holds Card Party AN EXCLUSIVE OPENING F I N D . . . . ARE THESE 'HAND MADE" LAMP SHADES By Da B O M Floral groupings, s ° realistic the bouquets come to life on your lamp. So practical, they •wear nnrt wenr, n o need to cJiange those sliiiilos for yours to come. HI"- S*' • I i ' " - ] I"-.II!"-38"--'(I". 2.50 lo 10.00 These versatile lioxngon slirules must be seen to tnily njuJL'L'L-iittc i\\v\v "L>roatU-tnkiug" beauty.. Make your home mi>ro. ilcliglitful with De Bono Shades. Deilrerlcn Made For All 'Special Orrantnna" ALSO . . . Bird Grouping • Historical Scenes Hunting Scenes Brass Lamps Nursery Lamps By • MOON B A B Y • DOZY BUCK Tower Craft DORATHY JANE SHOPPE RIVER PLAZA, N. J. PHONE RED BANK 64227 A FINE CAR MADE EVEN FINER. ilic Mfehanii- the JIil.sjiicps nulti'i.- t . c strict si-h-mi u n d e r of t h r p l a n n i n c a M i n i n u n i ' . \\ We Specialize fliul AIRMINDED? $lnr«f£f! n f Domestic and Oriental c o m - ' RUGS ('.ni-ity! Wr«. Pearl Fogelson was clwir- M d . l H l l v - ; . n c f . H ' i i ' t y . H e n i l ! raan o( the card party held recently I ' M o f " N e w . I . ' i . - . " . ' ; ; I ' l n n s .11:.] by the Rumson Veterans auxiliary N f n l s : , , M e n t a l I l i - . i l t h " ' at the clubhouBr. Greeting cud*: c Mi*. K i n n l , l'.< t , l i e d H a n k c o m - I M-Vi White. St., Itert ItRnk were table prizes, and . pi'ciai c;;ai:m;ui, d'-iineil ' h a t awards were won by Mrs. Edith i n i t ' t ' c Kirwin, M M . George Llnd'tmni, Mrs. Ann.i Ott nnd Mrs. ciiaile? p . ' l . i ' i l I n 111' f i i M i r i t i ' i n n l • ! : • . - . . CM';.- w h i r h wii: itnli'avoi' ( n b i m i Rice. .'l! I p'll.l.r 1 ii,llli ' i t i i l l l MW.'ilil ; Member* of the ns.sisthiL: committee were Mrs. Or.-ico Mi-iliif Mrs. Tony LaKrotrrin, Mrs. Xrlllr I Hi Mullen AM-. lllKlilauiiil ili--:ib.i'il. Peters, Mrs. Alien Mnrintnsh. Mrs. ' " ' ' n i l ) ; I ' - : ' I h e l n i ' i . : . ' l l v I.'V i ; . , i . . i t 11. S n n . l . iii..;:iii.iii c r •'Ilium 3-1 t'J.'t-M Anna Wilson, .Mrs. Viola Wilron. Mrs, Lucille Morg-an a nil Miijs Hose CfiinplPt* J'rei) Srrviee— New . J i i M v w v l f a n - i ' i " . l l ' . ' i ! . -.vlii lii^ Lazarro, ]il:!>trr HI roirmnilii'.i 1:1 I ' l r M ' n l Attending were Mr. nnd Mrs, 1 i l i g ll'.t pl:in fin'a I ' u i i n ! \ - w n k ':;n(ienrrnl Curn nf Trim. Horace Smith, Air. and Mrs. Hurry c l e l y , I ' n p . n i ' n ^ n i i ' . l i \ n l ! e a i p h n . ^ i z f Ciinipleto l,and«cii|iii Service. Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rice, I I h c " f i t w.< ii."' 1 f i l e I n n i r i i t . - i l h e i * I ] , ' * I/Uwni rjircd for hy tho Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cnlli.». Mr. !M r s . I'.i-fl p a i d . ; week or mrinUi. and Mri. "William r-HKroteria, Mr. | A l . i U t o n " M e n t a l l l c n l ! ] i f r o m Kstlmali'D cheerfully s lven. and Mrs. GeorRe Lhulsirom, Mrs. 1 \'!P\viniint" will !n> Catherine Covert, Mrs. Howard Til- .II. N a t i o n a l ton, Mrs. Viola Wilson. Mrs. l.i-nn! L ' i \ r n l i y | l r . ( - | ' | - , i i ; r S . S t r v r r x i n , j Wardcll, Mrs. I.ucy Wnrdell. Mm. '•H o i ! p . a n k n 1 *--c]u-nI d i t T o ' o r o f t h e * Helen McCnrlliy, '.Mrs. James F . Wagner, l l r s . Olive Ciillii;;in, .Mrs. Ann;i Kenney, Mr.s. S. F, .stevons, . - n o i h r K a S i i i A i t h u r I I . l l i - r : l i n n . Mrs. Percy U. Rndford, Mr.'. Kllzlabeth Woodward, Mrs. William C. K . V c t i n l i f M ' - . l i r l i o r - . : u i ' l l i i - v . l l n u IjUriiurrow, Mrs. rharlcs froynr. i h, w i n , H . i i Mrs. Ralph hnnpstreet, Mr.". Mtn- U r u . i i . M c t h i i i l i . . ' . i-l L alf. nobcrtson, Mrs- Chailotir' E • Martin. S Mrs. Ktl*i Emery. Mrs. Po.ter < >nrsli«nis \iiil AMMWTS t Giiinco, Mr.". Perry Kli, Mrs. Mncw Rfiret Lowe, Mrs. .IdTcpli Cii'.il:.i. Mrs. Robert Zrn\ Jli'.t .lami'S ll-il E i.L' M ; i y I ^ n v U \\\\x\i' \ rtni r n llgan, Mrs, Joseph Bcliulirrt. .Mrs. S n>'!r«l : . i | - i*->i:i• • : ] i : - ) t i ( - n : i M ( l ( r ; i i n John Fen-ilti, Mr.«. Willi'im Allen. T , •:!•: iliMi, ,. I ' u M i r l,:i\v UW Mrs. Mntllicw Kuchs, Mrs. Alii-i' A , \ H ] . - - i H ' il \ . t - t i n , \ v ! > . i V p u r Mnclntc'b, .NT''?. I'dwin rolri.s, 0 1 i l l r s , Tallin MolliH-i, Mis. famlyn , s i i i ' i ^ v n I ii t i d n ;i 1 i t ' l i; t l i i l i t :t \ I ' m F ! t c . - i i r i ' i ^ , i-liDiihf i n . ii ' i u : ; i ^ c i n c mRovioro, Misses Mary '!l'i}:;::i, lClizabeth I.ayton, Louise Laylon, i.'ar- , p i u y i i H ' I l l r \ t - f i l l V . . I h ; i p j t ; o v : i I o f A olyn Wilson, Marri'lh 'M••I'lnln-li. i 11it- l r : i i : n n « d i l i r c r , : u n l i n c;i.--c.'! n- f R Phyllis Vinci, tt'ihnu Sickles, • . i i " ' ! ' ! ! ! . i t i . i . ' i h i t i l y , o n l y a s ;• | • j H T > V * I I j h y M i r r i i t ' M l a n U i i n il v . B ilion Baden, Catherine Tillon. lli'lrn j CJ I M i n H W o r l d W a r vchvjin U I Murphy, Margaret Jlnrphy, Ull.-i 1 (jean ijoaldoy :iml llelfin HioKol- i f t l ' i l p l r s i l I n H ( ) t II s ' ' h ( ) ( i l H11 • I * T t i l t : man and William Unas, Jr.. Slnn- ! . r : 1 M i l ] f u r I h f l l i s l - t i m e r i e \ : Mey Kenshaw, I'jd\\',it;i (linncu, ' ! ' - i ; ! W I I I M I s h u u l i l 1 : i i ' ! i i i i f ! c I n ; - m y I Frank t r odrrro, Louis Vin'i, l.oui: s Ml i : u i < I' m i l ) . s r l i M i i i ' . ' A /i V i m .t;lioiilil ; i i i . i n ^ f f o r .vuiir 1 Lazarro nnd Rny Morfnii. v r:ifr;ini:r into i'(>!!r;:e c r ul I H T M I i E 1 ~ rf* : 1 1l! M*T1 ( » f I f l l T U M U Hi I llfi C l i r l i f P l N PU^MIIIP mrinirr.t. IJ (I - W l i . i t licni'llJ?, othrr thnn E s t i l ' s i s t n v r ji!|[j\'.tmi'f, is a v n t r n m j Mlse B e t t y Kimlile nr m a Mun! flV. i l l c i l t o v : ill I ft [>M r . ' - u i n p :i r o i u ^ r C 1 1 ; nlnjr place, Koansliur«, w:>s h o n! -iil" H I : t n i c t i o n i n u l i : I l i n < M H i l l ' . ' I ! orcd a t R bridal s h o w e r R ' l t u r i h y . . A V r t i - r i i i i H A ( l n i n i : . - : l r ; i t i ( > i i w i l l R l i t W M Riven by h e r .sisior-in-lnw. | K ' y f i n h i s t i l i l i i n i , U o o l t ; , .'M'.npliiv-j, G ' M r s . F r e d Kimlile of Kcanshuii.', ' i ' < v . ; . u n i l o l l i t T ; i u 1 ' v ) r i / t ? d r x p r n s i ^ s a n d h e r a u n t , Mrs, Al Kimlilc of \ i ! h i r c i ' r t j i i n l i i n i i n t i o i i H . I. S t a t i n Tslnnd. Miss XiinMi. " i l l l.c- . , , y> , 1;lkl, ,.,,,,1,,.,,,. vv,,,k „ „ . E m a r r i e d n e x t S u p t r n i h e r to H e n r y | ( ) i , ^ ^ ,<,-. l v ii'unon'; JU'.'l'I 111 f l u e n t KHnfiky of Union Beach. A.I 7 D e c o r a t i o n s included n u i s h l n ; ; A Y c - : , if o l i ^ i l i l f , >'nii m ; i y t-JIto well a n d pink a n d while uinlireli'is. : : i p . i ( i i : ; i t » ' w u i !t n n d I T i h n S f ' r v i c ^ JMifla Klnjhlr; wore ,i corsage of o t -, n i " » ' . " s . i : ) ' ; i i l j H : - - 1 i » ! M i t A c t H I - ! H i l ! i . 1 chlds p r e s e n t e d h y h e r Jinnee. Many o[ the top men In tin; class of '48 wan: careen In aviation. But aviation Is a. tpeclallst's H e l d - and the way to move up fastest Is to learn one of the skills or trades that are needed .That's Just v.hat yon can do under LEON'S HAMMOND'S TREE AND LAWN SERVICE ( «»ffUS WITH * FUXVRt U. S. Army and U. S. Air Force the U. S. Air Forct ArlttlM Career Plan. If you're a h l | h l e K W l graduate, between 17 >Bd M years old, you can i t l t e t th« specialized tralnlnf youpr«ler, qualify for It before you enlist, and be sure of a u i j n lo It after basic training. Get a head start today by asking for all th» f a e t l S * your i!" U. S. Army tmt V. S. Air force RecruMi«0 .S:,iMijn or Air Force b ^ ROOM 8 POST OFFICE BLDG. RED BANK, N. J. m ! Belly KimMo (ihrn i Bridal Sliover Jin end of fun watching thexe fleurcn 'Ight up Inside the bull). — Open Evenings 'Til 9 ——^—" r)r, H e n r y A. (""'ton, d e p u t y c o m missioner of '.he s t a l e d e p a r t m e n t | of i n s t i t u t i o n s (IM'I a c m :cs. wiil lit I Ihc p r i n c i p a l spi'.ilif r a t n p u b l i c j mooting T l n u s i l a y nielli, May 27, i n ; n v AEROLUX BULBS and LAMPS 82 FOSTER STREET Benefit Held At Riiinson Dr. Henry A. Cotlnn To Speak Here May 27 = ON WEEK-ENDS j T o clean pnlcnt l e a t h e r wipe with 1 cloth m o i s t e n e d in vinof;,ir. OMMC &/•>->-,• -?-rrr/•>->•.'/-rr rr/•/• rr,~rr-r Bert CLOSED ON MONDAYS (titul tit tin' Holt <u (I I sum* Mof f <^< <-'•<-< <-<,<~<<A^4-<-<.-<A-*-*-*-<-4-<-4-4 Now Bui/d It... THE HOME YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FORt Top quality construction nnd one responsibility for every detail assure you of a sound investment Csnfcmpcrary Intorprololion of tUtti Enylatid crcfillctlute, Tvwt* bedrooms and bath, ttitcfico, dinejte and livinrj room on firjl floor — expansion allic on the Second, Garage and porch arc optional. Not a single thing lacking! PRECISION-BUILT ES You have probably postponed building the liomn you want — because of dhorlages in . building materials and unpredictable costs. You couldn't lie sure of the quality you would prt, or the final cost, or how long it ivouW lahc lo I'uiUl. In a Prrcisifin-fJuilt Homr, you knnw thfi uneven In lli'x: all-inijiortant rpiC5liniijtT hffnrc YOU sipn f.fic nnlr.r. You pet llic. luniji; y«vu r>}it*ct — willt \u\, t]ua)hy r»{ iunl'Ti.iN ami a m * l r u c t i o n tliroii^hout. Vnii mi]\c iiiii ili;ii Intii'.c — nrul it's fully rnarlv- fur n r a i f m n c y — on or heforr a A fierifind ilalc. T h e price q u o t e d you i s the final price. You buy your Precision-limit Home llirou^h your local real estate brnkfr; it is built — to rigid Fpccificattitn* — by Uiciil labir lainilinr ivilh local cundilion-. T o IM completely latiifanory, • motor car mutt give you many things—and Pontiac gives them all' It is big and beautiful—so big and beautiful that you can drive it anywhere, on any occasion, with pride and confidence. It performs magnificently—and is the lowest-price car with General Motors Hyara-Matic Drive.* It rides and handles so well that the longest journey is a distinct pleasure. If has a record for dependability that is unsurpassed in the emir* auto* motive industry. And it is amazingly economical, both to own and to operate. In fact, if you can afford any new cat, you can afford a Pontiac. Truly—from luxury to e c o n o m y there is not a single thing lacking in a Pontiac. And this is always true of Pontiac, year after year. So, regardless of when you expect to get your next car, make it a Pontiac—and be completely satisfied! •irai MR MTTM VA1M N e w Silver Streak Design • Unisleel Body by Fisher • N o Draft Ventilation • Shock proof Knee-Action • Triple-Cushioned Ride • Smooth and Economical Six and Eight Cylinder L-Head Engines • ScotchMist Quick Warm-Up Manifold • Gasclcctor • Vucuumntic Spark Control • Full-Pressure Metcred-Flow Lubrication • Multi-Sciil Hydraulic Drakes • Tru-Arc Safety Steering, 19-21' MECHANIC STREET Tfw Vtrxhion-UttUt Method is a brttcr, faster way of litiilding conventional lmnins. Nolhinn in this method dictates or limits your design. Your home is Will with the name materials as arc used in top quality conventional construction; the fmi'licd lintnc looks exactly the same —inside and nut. The important diffcrencca ate hidden; thpy lie in ihc way in which your home b pnl inyrthrr — morn f-fFmionlly, with inn* rhiiin ,'ircuracy. Your l*rccisitm-Huilt Uniiif is fn^inrfTPtl to be stronpiT ami quiiM'T - In provide iniT(ia=nrl ruinfrut and kiwcr living coats throughout its life. Charmihq and practical - with 6 roomi and garoge. One bedroom or itudy, and a lavatory or) the first floor; two bedroom* and bath on tho ttcond, You are not experimenting vihcn yo« fiuilcl this way. The Precision-Built Method is the outcome of a research program that enst $500,000 and twelve years* of limn. JiKH/O.OUO of iiomci hiiilt in this pcriml have fully demonstrated thr sottrnln**«s "f this system. Hundreds of I'r«cisioii-Biiilt owners are enjoying homes that ar»: en. rrptimmlly quiet, dry, frrr from draft*, willi walls that do not sag or crack. The. homr. you iranl - Every Prrri^innIfuilt Nome is architcct-ilc'iKncil. VIMI arr frcr lo upu your own architect nnd Hp^ipn yntjr home as you want it in every detail. Or ynu may find exactly what you warn in I h r ' Pn-emon-Hiiill Library of nrtliili-nrk.-ipricd liomf'5. The IKHISC may be ol any nizc or style of architecture. Precision-Built Construction Etart^ viih I lie. approved plans for the house. t'«in^ tlin most precisely engineered uroductinn methods, the floors, walls, partition?* ceil* inps and roof are built in section*-on precision tables — In a modern manufacturing plant. This work i* timed lo roin> cidc with the completion of the foundation. The sections arc then delivered by truck to the site and assembled by ttie highest quality custom-built method?. Then ihc plumbing and wirinp are in-Ullctl nnd papering, painting and finishing dune. Thi* it not VrefnbrirMtutn — I'retain1 i ration—as ihc term is commonly applied - mean; the use ol highly •Undarililed unit*. There i* only aa much freedom of defigtt •i« the *hc nn J character of the units per* mil. There arc usually many citr« wtll joints nr liatlrn strip? wlirrever Iwo siindnrilizrJ panel? nicri, Tht1 house docs not have conventional franiinc. In the IVri-iun-Huilt Sysiem there ar« no <taii'larili/c(l |iarl-. Kach section is I'tMrnivhiiili I" ci.iiturm tn the plan* of the IIOU.H- uii'ltr ciiii^trucliun. 1'recision* llniMini; i< l h - applicaliun "f the most advanced c n s i w n i n i ; mclhods lo con> vcntional cinhtriicliriii. llnying tntttif. nisy ~ We are ready to l.inlrl ynur I ' m i-i.iiilluili Horn? now— ii-ady to lindd a quality house with one I'M'.'- and unu rL-apiin-iliility covering every ilrtail. Tl'.n juici- will include henting plant, kitilien raiisi- and cabinet>. liphting IIIIIIIL'S, lini.-h hardware and decuraiing. 'I'lii' prounds will lie finish grad-d and fi.'1'ded lor fifteen feet aniunil the home. All nrrauifdiicnu for lmildinf permit, piihliu ulilitics. etc. will be made. We will be glad tu assist you in selecting the plun for your house, in arranging for the financing, even in finding the land on which ID (mild. We can give you a general estimate nf costs on any plans you .»elect nr have drawn. If >oil now have the land, » ' ran i|iiulc sun an exact ami final pries nn your limiir. .Si'f juur uirn real estalt Liukcr — ur write u_< for further details. Real Estate llrnkcr* arc invited lo write for full injormillion PREVIEWS INCORPORATED NIL* W U I M H O N C I H I PUCt-TUIN IN »0U« SCRIP IKON AND STCEL The Ncttiomil Red Estate Clearing House RASSAS BROTHERS RED BANK, N. J. R O A N at thi' I'i nn it -r->r->-r- <}-«<«<•«•<•<- r e 49 EAST 53RD STREET, NEW YORK 22, N. V. • PLAZA S-J63O DOSTON • PHILADELPHIA • PALM DEAC11 • LOS ANGELES • S A N 1KANCISCO ^ RED BANK REGISTER, MAY 13, 1948 •UY IRETERS FAMOUS IUIR ICE CIEAM IN THE ECONOMICAL Your ehoia of 6 dtliciovi flavor* • ONLY TAKE NOTICE HOME OWNERS! * * • • ALTERATIONS «* «««'• •' Re-ROOFED Re-SIDED PORCH ENCLOSURE IMMEDIATE SERVICE! MR MONTH NO MONEY DOWN UP TO 7 YEARS TO PAY MODERN HOME IMPROVEMENT CO. will take care of all your Home Improvement PI'L.loins. Phono us for a Free Estimate. W« will show you how to save a lot of money nnd still got th« best workmanship possible. We employ only experienced mechanics nnd use tho finest materials money can buy. FREE CONSULTATION. er white, are placed equally distant fiom the flagpole on the front lawn of the school. The: trees arc now in bloom, Tho executive boalil o( t-he student council headed the drive, assisted by a special committee. The n-.ombsia or Llie committee wnre S|iealicri To Tell Dorothy Kerr, Helen Lauber, John O'Reilly, Veronica Stubbs, Nina About Keds Borland, Herbert Svanson and Miss Ruth LaWnll, adviser. Ccngrensman J. Parnell Thoma», — Helen Reynolds. clipirman of House Un-American Activities committee, will be the I'ontcr Winners principal speaker at a mammoth Three Itcd Bank high school stuAnuTlcanism rally, iponjored by dents, Anne Merrill, Joanne Madrcth°. New Jersey American Legion perl and John O'Reilly, last wcuk Sunday, May 23, at 2 p. ni., In the received cash awards as • result As'jury Pirk Convention hall. of their winning three first pi-i/.cs Joseph G. Gary, SUti Lefion in the recent American Legion Commander, diicuialng tha event, poppy potter contest, said "Tti* activt opposition of ev«ry John O'Reilly's poster was true American to Communism and judged for its splendid execution oth«r guhvenlva actlvitltf Butt not and good lettering. Joanne Madreon'v be maintained—but stepped perl'a for the strength and originup. Tills Legion sponsored rally will ality of the poster, and Anne Merpretent to the public, facts which rill's for the simplicity and pouter this Communist party cannot truth- value. fully deny. The people of New Jer- The posters will be on display In sey should indlcnU their loyalty to Red Bank June 5, and then they God and Country by supporting the will go to Trenton to compote with rally with their presence May 23'. all the posters from the schools of Judge Richard Hartshorne, East New Jci'sry, The winners will reOrange, P u t State Legion Com- ceive a UOO cash award, and their mander, will preside at the rally. poster will compete for the ?l,0QO Othei prominent apcaktri will be cash award in Indinnajiolis, Incl., Jo.*cph Zack, a graduate of the the headquarters for the American Lenin school at Leningrad, and for Legion. IS year* with the RiMBlsn Secret There were eight honorable menPolice; Ralph Helnten, editor, tions awarded to Mnry Battaguro, Belleville Sun, former UP corres- for balance and proper thought for pondent for 27 years in countries poppy day; Marion Windnagcl, for now behind tht Iron Curtain; Karl potter value; Lois Barnard, for exB&rslaag, Legion Nations) Ameri- cellent poppy drawing; Shirty canism committee, handling coun- Sims, for good rhythm; Emily Edter subversive) activities, and Ed- ward.*, for poster value; Mftrgaret ward Fenlu, Newark attorney. Grogan, for neatness; Lore HcyMiss Lucille. Manners, famous man, for poster value, ami Pacor.urt soprano, will be the soloist, tricia Bennett, for neatness and accompanied by Howard C. Scott, well-balanced poster. well-known organist of Asbury The Judges were W. Goodly LawPark. Music will b« provided by an rence and Mr.s. Walter Rullman, outstanding hand. for the first prizes.—Audrey VVellJoseph Niblo, Clifton, State Le- ner. gion Vice Commander, and Charles Teachers' Aanoctatinn MacArthur, Chatham, State Americanism chairman, are In charge ot The Red Bunk Teachers' associaarrangements. tion will hold its annual banquet Legion posts and Auxiliary units at Crystal Brook Inn Thursday, throughout the elate art planning June 3. Mrs. Elsie MncLcod of the bus and auto caravans to Asbury River street school Is chairman o[ ['ark for the event, which will be the banquet committee, which will open to the public without charge. feature a chicken dinner and entertainment. The teachers' association Is now conducting a poll of members to secure a group enrollment in th;.Blue Cross Howpltiil Service pliin of RED SANK SENIOR HIGH New Jersey. The Ciispell Trees Many of the Unchcrs liavs signiTwo dogwood trees were planted fied their intention to join the plan. recently by tho student council in Miss Barbara Declsert, English memory of the late William teacher, is in charge of the enrolpcll, head custodian for 31 years. ment.—Bottle Cost?.. The student body contributed 146 Bed springs can bo denned ljy to the tree fund. The student council will later erect an appropriate using a dish mop dipped in liquid plaque In the vicinity of the trees. wax. Tho wax collects all the dust The trees, one pink, and the oth- and prevent3 rust. Legion To Hold Rally At Asbury VEW DIRECTORS Harold M. Canning, vice prceldon'. of the Asbury Park Chamber of Commerce, announced Friday that three new directors had been elected at the board of director's meeting. They are, Harry S, Jackson of The Asbury Carlton hotel, to !jl! the unexpircd term of John H. Sherburnc; Donald Haight of th2 Windsor hotel and Joseph RDdiktr of Recd'jj credit jewelers. .Mr, Haipht and Mr. Rcdikcr serve as chairmen of the hotel and retail divisions respectively. ONLY $250 KEAL HOMEMADE COOKIES For MNITONC CLEANING Fur your Bridge Parlies and Teas and STORAGE BAKED KSPKCIALLT FOR VOUR ORDER of Deliriously different party uuutuicheu and pastries made to order Any Woolen Garment IN OLIl CERTIFIED VAULTS • Value to $30.00 LEON'S Since 1912 <M-7« White St. II. B- 6-28M Phyllis Edwards RUMSON, N. I. M B1NGHAM AVENUE TELEI-HO.VE BUMSON 1-1190-J. OUR 1 6 BIRTHDAY SALE IS NOW IN FULL SWING SHOP FRIDAY AND SATURDAY FOR BARGAINS School_News * JEAN FROCKS 14 BROAD STREET RED BANK FINISH YOUR ATTIC THE UNCOLN CONSTRUCTION Bui/fas Deliherate Masterpieces We add any size addition to your home end specialize in porch enclosures. ROOFING (FIRE RESISTANT) TWO COMPLETELY NEW 1949 Modern H o w u w Johni-Manville, Fltntkotr, Barratt, Bird, Rub. rr Did. U. S C . CeitaillTled malniiU VVa alio rtpair U.ln «ui>,,, leaden and ikylifhu. FREE ESTIMATE. No obllfation! (FIRE RE8| SIDING Both the new Lincoln and the new Lincoln Cosmopolitan have low, hug-thc-road lineslines that promise sure-footedfleetnessin action. BTANT) A mart perfect engine has never been built I Completely new, 152-horscpower strong, 8-cyl- Eliminate, yearly palntlni ixpenHi. Aclt ai an Iniulallon loo— a m luel co.w. W . uie only (amoui-makt matariali: JoknlM.nvillr. Fllnlkole, tic. FREE ESTIMATE. NO obllcatlu. PORCH Enclosures 'aril see the subtle difference that means jier.cclion the moment you catch sight of these new 1949 Lincoln cats in yout Lincoln dealer's showroom. Here is the look of the car you'vo been waiting for! The first 1949 cars in any field. The most thrilling news in the entire fine car field for many a year I fader, V-type, it has been designed with the precision of an aviation engine. And what beautiful riding comfort! Perfect balance and marvelous super-balloon tires take the sway out of curves. The Lincolns were built to "cradle" you gently, and in high style. For you've never seen smarter upholstery and color combinations, nor appointments in finer taste. We sptnt years perfecting the new 1949 Lincoln cars. That's why, before you make any car deci« sion, you should look at Lincoln 1 Nothing cou/clU Rner^or Newer/ IN A CHOICE OF AAAGNIFICENT BODY STYLES AND T W O SEPARATE PRICE RANGES Sav« fuel by incloiini your frost mi ria. porck. PAINTING-WALL PAPERING Modernize your home Iniide and ou| on our small monthly Bui. fet iIan, I <K Tel.R.B. 6-4088 ^ m Mail This Coupon Now MODERN HOME IMPROVEMENT CO THE UNCOIN COSMOPOLITAN RED BANK, N. J. 1 W. BERi.EN PL Gentlemen: Please have your expert call u dlicun Ittmi checked -without obligation to me. D Construction O Shingling D Roofing • Qsragei SEE THE BIGGEST NEWS IN THE FINE CAR FIELD AT YOUR LINCOLN-MERCURY DEALER'S N'utne Add nnia _ . ENGLISH MOTOR! Inc. (Jity Ktnlci , BeM U t y ..Phoni .—Beat Tlma .._ RBR-6-US 34-36 Maple Avenue Red Bank, New Jersey RED BANK REGISTER, MAY 13, 1918 To Speak Sunday At New Monmoutli An extra pleasure to taste-an extra pleasure to drink! That's the double pleasure in every glass of Trommer's White Label Beer. Because it's always brewed the same way -solely of selected hops and fine barley- Kiwis Kcd Bank Officer Officers HOW malt, but no other grain! That's what makes Trommer's White Label America's TROMMERS I). Paludinn Jtcceivei Injury White Label OkemUim Beer JOS. PINGITORE, INC. TELEPHONE S-O1S8 LONG BRANCH. NEW JERSEY It Pays To Advertise In The Register Settlement 1S7H, liy AITrcd WalliiiK, Jr.niiCINNINc; i n n Btnko in thu ronU Icadlnif ( n u n DnrriMiLnwn to Hiltnilnlc in (I. Si'hetirk'd litiv, tlu>!ir<; ntonu saiil niiul north Lwiiily-twu i|i>Krecx nnd IHut ( -st tw*lv llukH to tlie cortur of lot No. 6 Vincent Paladlno of Leroy npnrt fifty »rnrrH»ii| 111.111; nnw owni-il liy John ments settled hta cose for injuries tliu rif/.j)»trkli; llu u<.; nlonK *iii«l nck s liliii ni si twi-nty-twn (It Kii.cs mill against Trwln Herzlg and Mrs. iiiiniitcs nmUi four chains to lot Hatlie E. Matteaon of Everett fifteen 7; thence nlouj; Ihu brunt, south road, Everett, last week for $1,000. No. twenty-two ilcgrt-H itnd flilsen mi Mr. Paladino, a Red Bank school rait clevtn chains and ninetylinks to Bit Id SoluriL'k's land; thence teacher, was Injured February 20, south degrees 11 nil twenty- four 1947, while crossing Petera place minutt 1sixty wnst four cliaini am! tliri 0 links on the weat side of Broad street, to the hcKHinfnir; containing four ncrci when a car driven by Mrs. Matte- and HI/100 of an aero, SKCONI) LOT: Also nit Hint certain aon and owned by Mr. Herzlg, tract of \nntl in the Townihip of Atstruck him on the lef. He v a i rep- lantic, In Biiid County and State, mid resented by Edmund J. Canzona. helriK a jinrt of the iireraiici conveyed Gallon for Gallon Its Miles Ahead! to Ijlsbrow Cncnon, now dficenscd, by deed from John (J. Vnndrrvecr And wife, dated May 6th, 18H8, nnd recorded in tha Monmoutli County Clerk's Ulrica in Book Q-2 of Decda folio* 40S Ac: URGINNING nt, the northweitcrly corner of the lot conveyed by snid deceased to Martin CavnniiRh, A. D. 1ST0, and In tho (Irnt lino of the dc#d from said John G. Vnnderverr nnd wife nnd running thence 11.1 the needle pointed Jnnunry Kith, 183.I, 4L) north sixty-fine degrees II nd forty-two inimil'os eiist twelve chnins itnd twenty-five liriki nloiiK tin; north line nf Enid CiivjuisiKh's t nnd u lot conveyed l>y snid daccnscil to Khudy Cannnn to HIR iioi-thrnsterly cornir of >:iid Connnn'.i lot in the road IfudinK from !(i>v. <;, U. oehrnck's to Hillsrfitle; tlnnrc {'J) north twenty <kKrcpa nnd fifty-six minut<s west nlonK snid ruutl to the BOiithcnst corner nf lot conviytd by brtirl decensed to Patrick Donohue, l-'nliruary It, 1M70, four chnlns and twenty-two links; thenc* (ii) south seventy-five.' dcKrres and twentytwo triiiiUtcs west twciVft uhnihs iiiid twenty-fiv# links nlonp the louthenHUrly line of said Donohtic'a Int to the southwesterly corner thereof, in the first line of a deed from John G, Vanderveer nnd wife- thenre (J) south twenty de^rtes and fifty-six minutes eait seven chaini and eirhtccn links to the plnca of beiniriK; contorting tix ncrea and 91/100 of nn ncre. A right of vvny twelve feet wide nloiig the gouthrrly line nf the property Sere* by conveyed Is hereby reserved as n means of communicntion between the lot before mentioned n/ soifj by said decensed to Mnitin Cavftnntrh and the nd tifore&ald, THIRD LOT: All that certain tract Comt in ... learn about tin yar't big thrift dtvloptvnt in thi fin% ear fMdl You'll discover a new kind of efficiencythree-way efficiency—in Packard's "freebreathing" engine design. gine efficiency permits more economical rear axle ratios-pays off in up to Vf/o more miles per gallon! There's the efficiency of slower piston Come in — find out for yourself how the luxurious new Packard Eights are winning special fame as gas misers! The news is waiting, along with a hearty welcome, at your nearest Packard showroom! speeds. Result: wonderful extra smoothness . . . longer, thriftier engine life. There's the efficiency of streamlined fuel distribution and new valve design. Result: instant power for "safety-sprint" acceleration. .And best of all: Packard's stepped-up en- ASK THE MAN WHO OWNS ONE Packard T. C. OTTO, Inc. Harding Road at Broad Strnt "He's trying lo h<\'.uc how we'll split the $25,000.00 Family .Siu-r/;.:!nhiv; I'riic in l/i€ Pepsi-Cola 'Treasure Top' Contests." £ $2S,n(lO.OI) L'n»li for fome t-.'.cky family! ThatH tho Rranrl payoff nf tfl Cash Priz™ in the jrrpat Family i-iv.-pciwt.-rkns, in Pfpsi-f'oln'n S2n:!,72.r>.OQ "Trpasuro Top" S\\ccp-;l.'ikn'; anri ('ot)tost^! ^ A'M, 51 Cnyli I'ri,:i"-i each month in your stale pint big Mnntlily N' I'rizfs! 'riiotL'innrln linvn WOP {-ash — thousands mom will win finli! Don't, wait—<MHi-r now! ContcHl rinses .June .10, 19-IH. 0 OCT CNTRY BLANKS AT YOUR STORC if A.l.-iry !'«-!. AMERICA'S FAVORITE HOUSE M m BRINGS YOU * • < " JeSnf. TromlMr, Inc., IrmrariM cttrooklyn, N, Y,J Oroflf*, N.i. fcrl Group Completes Jet Course Fir»t Lieut. CharlfB L. CottrKll Mrs. Raymond C. Krnnrdy of Sjuinp I.aUr was elcv'fil president of 374 Shrewsbury avenue, HPCJ Bank, w u avardpd a certiilr.itf of New JciFcy Shoic i-h.ijitoi' of the Alumn.'to ns.*ociniioM of thr College last week denoting completion uf Dr. Leana Benjamin of Xcw RoclieMo rf:itmrlny tit thethe jet transition course given at Molly Pitcher hntrl. Miss Mary the U. S. Air Force Fighter schcol. A Former .Missionary Eli7.ihrth Fnnn*1! nf Anbury Park Williams Air Force base, Arizona. and Mrs. David F. O'Connor of This course, the only one of its Dr. Lcana A. Benjamin, former Mlc!dW?to\vn v.prr re-eld-liMl .secre- kind, confilsta of ground school ind medical missionary to South India tary .tml treasurer, respprtlvoly. Hying training in the fnmed P-80 40 yeans, will speak at the 10:50 a. Mrs J. ICilwni'il Cook of Uumeon, "Shooting Star." m. Sunday service at the New Mon- president, prefinoil. Trnnjition. formation, navigation m~>tith Baptist church. I Plans for tlic drafting of n con-and altitude indoctrination make stitution wpi«'us-sod, aiul it wa« up the flying phase, while flight (ii'ciapd that at the June \2 mpel- >lunntn£, radio communication, enins. arrnnRrnionts for 11»o summer Kinecrlng maintenance, cruise cunluidn'j-fiwliion show woultl Uis trul, hiRh-s|iced fllttht and code nrc made Mrs. OmU h* ch;iii Mian t'ur included in the academic trnlnlng. i lh ! event. Another a jijuMmmrnt Ueut. Cottrcll solved |n Africa wris Miss lili/.aln'l h Ann CoujK't of and Italy during the lnst war, Ily.Mautwan. as publicity rliaintuiii. inK 03 missions ns a lighter pilot. Others piearnt u-cir Missc* Joan I In was awarded the Air Medal nnd M. Coughlin uf Ileil Hunk andNo.-H nine oak lent clusters. | Hafty and .Maraiirrt .IIIIIRO of Spring Ijakp, -uid Mrs. Joseph A. GKT8 COMI'KNSATION Burns, Jr., of Klhrrun, .fames Gyug uf Kcanshurg yp~ cived $1,375 compensation, phut Zionist* To OPiwrvf* medical and legal expenses In thr WorUmen's Compensatlnn court reEnd Ol Itriiitli 'cntly. }i\* case was the lnThe Red Bank district of t he erhoro Trucking company hy Zionist Organiz.'ilion of Amrrica whom he was employed In Novemwill hold a breakfast nt llif Jewish ber, 1946, when he sprained his Com nt unity I'ontcr, 10 Kivci'flido mck while lifting a bag of chemiavenue, Sunday, Mny 1C, at 10:30cals. He. waj represented by Eda. ni. This lircfikfnst will be held to mund J. Oanzona, a memlirr of commemorate the termination of the Red Bank firm of Parsons, Uithe British Mnmlutu and tho crea- brecr|UR, Canaona and Comba. tloa oi a Jewish state in Palestine In accordance with the decision of Dr. Leana A. Benjamin this Assembly of the United Nattor,a. Her frlendi at home and in India The program for the brenkfrwtt like to recall the time when the In- will inchitlo a report hy Philip dian people at Nellore celebrated April of Middlotown, gtnte memberthe 25th anniversary of her arrival ship chairman of S5.C.A., nml a curIn India and arrayed her In Bar-rent Mini nn tho accompllslVmpnt of landr. The year 1934 brought two tho Jews in Palestine. Benjamin H. honors: the pin granted by the Wo- Ashin, will submit his report on the man's Hocicty for 25 years of ser- activities of the organization durvice, and the gold Kalaer-i-HInd inK his term of ofllcc. Pinna will he medal awarded by tho British gov- discu^-fui for the renewal and inernment to thoae who make an out- crease of the membership. standing contribution to Indian lift. Hoys R i-tjrUt in nry hy ncllIn 1940 when Indian friends in Nelloro tried to give expression to SPECIAL MASTER'S SALK, their hig"h regard for her and their virltii! uf :iti ind.i- ,,\ the ( o u r I sense of lo?« nt her retirement, they of Hyriuiiictry «f N. iv Jcrjtcy, m;irir on arrnnged a program at the Noilore Die I'.llti fl;iy of Miin-li, nim-Wru tmntown hall and hung there among ilrcd iiinl fnrtj-riwlit. in a iTrinin cau*« in said court d t r e n d i n g wherein Cliailci portraits of their own leaders Uoinbrohkl nnd u t h i e s lire foinpluttiHtiti large photofrrnph of Dr. Benjamin. and &i(li<> Uubry ami otlicra a r e ik* At the time Dr. A. T. Plshman, ffinliiiilfl. tin; huhsiiilicr, "lie u t llit; Rjipfellow missionary, wrote: "For the rial Miisttrn nf hjii<| (,'uurt. uf ChiintMty. (in thr JlsL ihiy of Mny, niiu'trt'ii Hindus of a city of 60,000 In India will, liiinclrnl fun! forty«i*.:ht, m two o'clock to arrange a function like this In ill tilt: iifti'i-uanli, sell III pulilii- VMMIUC, honor of a missionary Is an out in thi! corridor of ihu Court lloiitf, in .standing tvent. Thli la unique In the Town of Krerliold, New J u s t y , nil t h a t t r a c t of luiul nnd irfiniSLH situiit* the history of missions In India". in the TuwiisliipH of AllinUic urul MnrlDr. Benjamin will tell from first boro, in Ihu O u n t y of J1 tin mouth iitid hand experience the notable growth Stati' nf New Ji>rf>iy, H K S T LOT: llriiik' nnd iiichnlii lK lull of tho Nellore hospital for womon 1, 2, ;{, 1 iioil F> (if runi) mul surand children and of Baptist mis- No9. voy of Uiii wfioilliiMl of John W. Consions In South India. (ivor, ilt'ci'iistil, in ado b r r e m h e r 14 A WITH THE BEER THAT'S favorite premium all-Malt beer! Alumnae Phone 6-0428 Red Bank, N. J. of Innii nnd premises, sitmite In the 'i'ownshiii of Atlantic, County of Monmouth nnd Stain i,( Now Jersey, ad* intf In nils of Thomns J . Creevy, II W, Buck nnrl OLIICTB, nnd more pnrtlculnrly d<<)rril>rd an follnw»: BEGINNING n t n pnint in t h e middle of tin- road k-iidiit^ trbin ihb HilUJjiie nnd Holmdel nuid to Coh'.s Nurk nt. tbp moat north-custcrly corner of the Innd h t r e h y tnnvcyed, tho name beinje «!«» ft corner of snid Crcevy'g Intid nnd third rorncr of a lot "ot thretj ncrt-s canvryed said Kondy Ciintinii hy Diahrnw Cnraon nnd wife; Ihcnct nlong mid Crcevy's line nnd t h e northerly line of the said three-acre l o t , its the mKinetic neerlle now points, I I ) suulh ai.xty-three de> KrecB fifteen minute* west twelve chain* enty-five links to the north westerly corner of a lot of one nnd one half acre* conveyed t o t h e snid Cnnnnn hy Hobert Cnrson und wife by Quit Claim I>etd urn] In tb« 1Tn» of H, W, Buck'i Innd; t h e n r e (2) atone Tinck'i line south nineteen deRreei twenty mlnutfi enst lliirtcc 11 rhiitiis filty*:iix l.tiks in H10 tliw.-st.-rly r o r m r »f » lot <>[ nix and ' J l / 1 0 0 ncrcs LOHVL/MI to mid CRII. , ileccnseij, by t h e snid If. W. Muck and wlff, t o a stnkn in Wnsli Hrook; tlionco nlonu thn mid Flrook (1) north ilxty-two dcKrcen fifty-fnur inimitos m a t two chains twenty-one links t o n ititko In a corner of J o h n A, Hutches' land; thenes nlonK in id Huffhm* line nnd the line of fence; (4) north twenty-three degrees Lwcnty-fuur mln 11 to* cast eleven h l n f l fifty-three links to t h e fence nml corner of the. colored burying g r o u n d ; thence (0) nlontr the aarnc north twcn> ty-flye rie«r#(!« twenty-six minutes west two chainii forty-six links to the fence t a t the northwesterly corner of snid jrintf g r o u n d ; thence (G) nlonK the northerly Una of tho inme north alxtythcee degrees fifteen minuted «ait two chains and forty-flvo links to t h e middle of t h e rond nForemenllonudi t h n n c e - ( 7 ) north nineteen degrees twenty-five mlnlt** went thr»o chnlns unVcnty-two linkJt to tho hcfrlnnlnfr; cnntnlnlntc eleven ncros 'nnd forty-six hundredth* of an acre; Brlntf tho sumo thrfo t.rncts ennvpyed by Hi0 snid Thorn 111 J, Cruevy tn AU-x< nndcr UntiihroiM, hy dpcil bvnritiK dnta of lBth, 1010. IriL'liidlnjf nlun the inchoate rights of dowct1 of thn iMimplalnimts Mury Dombroski nnd Glndyx Domliroskl, nnd thf> Inchuntn riuht of dower of the <lof<mlnnt Jcnu DnmhniHkl, nml tho Ini-hdiila riuht nf n i r t o y (if K m n r i h DdlluiH, tnKt-lhir with nil nnd sliiKiilur tli> lw.t< dllnnn'tits jinil iiiipiirtrtiiiiKM >* lo llu: .inl<l nrtiili-frs brliMixinir nr in any wine luu^rliimltu:. ('. l.KONAHU, Spccliil Mnstrr in Chnncfry of New J e r ' e y . IBM YEAH OFBEAUTY I SHERWIN-WILLIAMS SWP Best buy in home protection, for over 80 y e a r s . . . that's ShmvinWilliami SWP House Plint! America's favorite, SWP now brings you t extra bonus—beauty thai lash m full yttr bngtr than ieforc! In its whiter, brighterwhitcs—or io in cleaner, more beautiful colors — SWP now gives your home a new, "freshly-painted" look that stays on and on! The superb quality of SWP has made millions of satisfied users. Today, more than ever, Sherwin» Williams SWP gives the most vjlue for your house paint money! Now better than ever before! ' | ( HONISf.FILNUTHICKNISS! No deep brush marks.;. no weak ipots in the film! 2.QUICKIR-DRYINO! This new SWP dries before heavy dust can collect! |<IMDOTHIR SUMACH SWPs i m o o t b e r , glossier surface doesn't grip dirt! 4,IILr-CLIANSINO! Rains keep SWP bright and clean! pWHITER! BRIGHTIR! W h i t e r whites.; .brighter, lovelier, more beautiful colors! SAVES MORI MONIY! SWP does not require repainting for years! $$ iVOHf OiVZK 5 39 - ^ i«u- Klarin's Paint Store 2ft MONJ1ODTH ST. pif<ji\K'f»:i«:m SHERWIN-WILLIAMS KKD HANK PAINTS RED BAKK REGISTEB, MAY 13, 1948 PageTwelvf Ladies' auxiliary attended the funeral of James K. Alvtraon in • body. Mr. Alveraon had been active in tbe company and was to have been chairman of the fair this year. Joseph Faye, U. S. Navy, grandson of Mns. Hannah Jcffas, sailed for Egypt recently. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Fetti and daughter of North Arlington are veiling Mr. and Mrs. Charles Aiclule. Mr and Mrs. Charles Lockwood of Elizabeth opened their summer honT here for a few days. The 4—9 Republican Woman's club will hold a card and game party at Community fire house afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mre. Clifford Albcrtson celebrated tier birthday Sunday with a dinner party which was attended by Mr. nnfl Mrs. William Heffcrnan, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Costcllo, Joseph Solomonowltch, Walter Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Albertson and son Jackie. Mrs. William Pitts and daughter Mirs Florence Cilai'ella Pamela of Arlington arrived Saturday to accompany her mother, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cilarclla of 29 Easl Bergen place have an- Mrs. John R. Ronaldson, to the nnnounced the cnpctccnienl of tlioir nual mother-daughter dinner givon daughter, iliss Florence Cilarella, by Zeta chapter, Phi Gamma Sigsorority, to be held this year to Jay W. Foster, son of Mr. and at the Molly Pitcher hotel, Red Mrs. Alex Foster of Vclma, Okla. Bank. The wedding* v/ill take place July Mrs. Philip Peters, who has been IS al St. Anthony's church. Mr. Foster Is on oil Held worker and vacationing at Miami Beach, Fla., Miss Cilnrella is a former employee aincp January, returned home this week. of the White Furniture company. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Carnle are parents of a daughter born TuesAtlantic Highlands day, May it at Monmouth Memorial hospital, More than 200 persons attended the school board-borough council It la interesting to note that an .sponsored dinner last Thursday attempt wa» made to have the Fednight at Lot; Cabin inn in honor uf eral Government locate the nationthe high school i-hampionshlp bas- al capital in Middlesex county, on ketball team, H.'irvey Harman, tha banks of the Raritan River, at football coach at Jlutgers univers- or near New Brunswick. ity, was guest speaker. Councilman Everett Curry, Herman Bnuster and Franklyn P. Goodc attended a dinner Friday night at Bahr's Landing, Highlands, sponsored by the Intercoastal Navigation company, Tin- Methodist Men's club met Wednesday night of last week at the church, and elected Bradley VanBrunt president for the coming yclir. Other (illicers elected were Leonard D. Hofman, vice presidcnl: Alfred Olscn, secretarytreasurer; Raymond Taylor, chairman o[ the refreshment committee; Robert Corre, I'linhninn of the pruni committee, and Elbcrt Fri-nptcr, chairman of the membership committee. The next meeting will be held June 2. The group sponsored a Virginia Baked ham dinner Saturday night, which was attended by 200 persons. W. Balrd Wright, English teacher at Leonardo high school, headed the dinner committee. Flans for Memorial Day services in the borough were discussed Tuesday night In the office of Irving Zelchncr, local attorney. A parade and memorial ceremony will be held under the sponsorship of the local American Legion, Veteran* of Foreign Wars and Catholic War Veterans posts. Sea Scouts, Boy ami Girl scouts, Lions club, Fire department and other groups arc expected to participate. Mrs. Ethel Smith waa taken to Rlvervlctv hospital by the Kcyport First Aid squad Friday night. She received nn injured shoulder in an automobile accident on route 35, Kcyport, in which cars driven by Herman Von Busch of this borough and Walter Taylor of Bloomfleld, collided. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Posten vliited rclntives al Lewlsfmrg, Pa., last week. Joseph J. XleVey was recently elected secretary of the Monmouth County chapter of the. American Institute of Banking. The Ladles' Aid socioty of the Presbyterian church will hold a covered-dish Buppcr tonight in the church basement. The W.S.C.S. of the Methodist 4 • 4Va church held a special Mother's day service Sunday, The Junior Garden club held a "Field" day May 1 on property at the corner of Washington and Central avenues which was donated to them by Dominic A. Caruso. The group plans to build small gardens on the property. The Junior class of the high school held a May Pole dance Friday night at the school auditorium: The Fire department u*ill present special entertainment May 14 and LEAN 17 at the fchuol auditorium. The Senior class and Its advisors will visit Washington, D. C, May 20, 21 and 22. The group will make the trip by bus. The Junior class will present a play in the auditorium May 27 and 28. :. _ _ . Engaged Shadowbrook Inn BROAD ST. ON UOCTE » , IS, SHREWSBURY, N. J. NOW OPEN LUNCHEONS — DINNERS AND A LA CARTE Open /,'irn/ fhiji i'.jtxpl Mondo;/ Until J A. M. RESERVATIONS MM' ACCEPTED FOR PARTIES UP TO IOU EXCEPT OS SATURDAY 'AND SUNDAY PHONK I.KD BANK 6-1396 OK 6-1 (».'».». UNDi:i{ .MANAGEMENT OF I KKI) THOKNGREEN, Formerly of Squaiikum Inn BEAPTIFUL: — HUBER'S — ^S Cool! Comfortable! ^kSiw Handsome! TURKEYS SWEETBREADS DUCKS * While Tropical Wonted Dinner Jacket* That't tlw Safety Factor PLANTS OK BULBS ' f ' * DIRECT from f row.r to you—• f/lorioua array of tranalueent ahadea In PINKS, WHITE, GREENS, FLAMING REDSv.rlcgaled and delicately veined. Juat th. thin, FOR SHADV SPOTS. Ideal (or houec planta too. Cut leaves m.k. COLORFUL, LASTING bouputta. Complete GROWING INSTRUCTIONS INCLUDED. Other amount*—EXTRA LAUGH bulba $2.00 doi. MEDIUM LARGE 17.00 per 100-bulba or planta. All Pricea POST PAID. Armr'i Palm Gardtni 119 So. Ridiewood Drive at 829.50 Sebrlnf, Fla. T n « pendulum iwinf • to atone-aiuadeiJ ptndtnti. T o dnplrment them, beautiful matching pin pairl and earring* fa a choice of Jewel colon. M M natcrJn. pin-ard bracelet S J . S O Small OPEN EVENINGS TILL *. Pint pajr Dorathy Jane Shoppe 32 FOSTER STREET RIVER PLAZA RED BANK 6-1227 kiiew... mother The comfort enjoyed in homes • quipped wifh WEATHER-SEAL combination windows and doors SHE WOULD CALL THE WEATHER-SEAL M A N TODAYI Don't suffer through another winter with dirty, grimy window sills, drilty floors and cold areas around windows. Enjoy a cleaner, warmer and more hwlrhful hone with Ins work. Saw up to 1/3 on fuel bills — me dry cleaning com. Curtains, h a ' P ' V f h «™ wallpaper siay brighter, give longer wear when you FOR FREE ESTIMATE A N D HOME Call DEMONSTRATION 6-4031 KIEIflHNtElAF WMTEI WHOM trn'/A '8cnuin« • I Shrewsbury Avt., H.d Bank, N. J. OF SOUTH JERSEY B. • • •I $3.95 SO Broa4 St., CHILD ADULT AND WEDDING PORTRAITURE US Broadway, Bed Bank Loni Branch 35 SILVERTON AVENUE,. LITTLE SILVER, N. J. Open Friday Evenings TUI • P. M. PHONE RED BANK 6-0232 VICTORY MARKET c PREMIUM SMOKED TONGUES 4 9 c Ib. FROSTED FOODS HARD RIPE Ib. FANCY TOMATOES 19L ALL GREEN FRESH Ib. FRUITS TEL. 6-0508 EGGS 63.SQUARE B A C O N 39<Ib. 39. PORK Mi*. Edward Hnyncr of Brooklyn, u former resident of this place, arrived l'Vltltiy to uttcnd the funeral of JitmcH K. Alverson. She remained for the week-end. Members of the Brcvcnt Pork and Leonardo fire company and thi Since 1912 64-71 White St. * Evening Shim, Pique Col I ill1 attached LARGE Highest score at a pinochle party piven by the Ladies' auxiliary of Community fire company Thursday afternoon of last week was made by Mrs. Mary McLaughlln. Mrs. Cecelia Carlock was awarded the blind package while Mis. William Lawlcr won the monthly cash prize for winning the finochlc tournament. Other prize winners were Mrs. Lawlcr, Mrs. Robert Holdsworth, Mrs. Frank Jackson, Mrs, Joseph P. Rheln, Mrs. Frank Peterstone, Mrs. John Corbott, Mrs. George DcLong, Mrs. Wlllinm Senn and Mrs. Albeit W. Crest. Other players included Mrs. Louis Velgel, Mrs. Alfred Carlock, Mrs. Frank S. Wadsworth, Mrs. Alfred Groves, Mrs. William A. Maack, Mrs. Harry A. Gauch, Sr, Mrs. Harry Stcrnschus, Mrs. Alfred Knight, Mrs. Hnnnnh Jcffas, Mrs. Richard B. Nou. Mrs. Morris Josephs, Mrs. John J. Miller, Mrs. Mark Crook nnw Mrs. George Wagner. Mis. Wagner was-hostess for the afternoon and served refreshments following the games. Mis, Hubert Nylandcr and daughter Gnil of Arlington spent several days at the home of her parents, Ml1, and Mrs. Harry A. Gauch. Mr. Hnil Mis. Joseph J. Miller have their son Joseph, who is stationed at the Naval air base in Lakehurst, homo with them for SO dayt<. , Mis, Elsie Krnuse Is on the sick LION'S Midnitu blue aud black. RUMP VEAL 4 9 FOWL '^'y On Our Premlaea at $13.50 FANCY FRESH Leonardo Plus Certified Cold Storage for Your Winter Garment* t - Certified Vaulta • S * Tropical Wonted Evening 'Trouter t RED BANK 21 WEST FRONT ST. DELIVERY MILK FED LEGS 1009b Fancy Ltif CALADIUMS •- LIVER FRANKS 53 Ib. HOME GROWN ASPARAGUS 15 FRESH FROZEN SEABROOK FARMS WILSON CORNED BEEF HASH 2 9 c Ib. Can SWIFTS PREM 412 3 oz. Can c STRING BEANS GRADE AA JERSEY FRYING FANCY ROASTING C Ib. CHICKENS 5 3 CHUCK FRESH FROZEN FILLETS OF HADDOCK 43 Ib. RED BANK REGISTER RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 13,1948 VOLUME LXX. NO. 47. Judge Rules On Pichler Place SECTION THREE—PAGES 1 TO 16 Shrewsbury Play Permits Totaling Middletown Buys Attracts 250 Two New Trucks $72,150 Issued At Fair Haven For Road Work With June Johnson giving a iplendid performance in the leadng role, the play "Green StockIngs" was presented before an audience ef about 290 persons at Amount Represent* the Little Silver grade school SatBuilding Operations urday evening. The play, produced by the Young For One Month People's fellowship of Christ Episcopal church, Shrewsbury, was directed by Mm. Anne W. Ware. Building permit! totaling 172.150 A. W. W. Manson was its author, were Issued at Fair Haven during Vice Chancellor Maja Leon Berry Also included in the cast were the past month by H. Lynnwood at Toms River yesterday In a surBeverly Turner, Virginia Harrison, Mlnton, building inspector. The reprisingly quick decision, held that Anita Peyton, Ed bomerson, Pris- port was read at Monday night's restrictions on the C. Edward Fichcilia Ware, John Pohl, Thomas meeting of the mayor and council, ler property at Reckless place and Broad street were still existent. The Duncan, Robert Quackenbush, which was highlighted by a disproperty was purchased about a Robert King, Zeke Van Sant and cussion with Ronald Allen of Allen Brothers, developers of River year ago by Samuel Weinstein of Howard Ungerer. the Sterling Furniture company of In charge of production was Oiks, over the proposed water White street as a fulurc home for Donald Lord, president of the main contract with the Monmouth Consolidated Water company, his business. group, assisted by Miss Ware. The following permits were IsMr. Weinstein purchased the petition To Re-Hire Serving as committee chairmen property, which fronts on Broad were Thomas Duncan, stage man- sued by Mr. Minton: Knollwood Homes, two houses on Hance road, street and extends well up the Kussell Sletler ager; Miss Ware, program; Bevnorth side of Reckless place, from erly Turner, publicity; William J20,«00; Ells Roes, two houses on Grange walk, $18,000; Eino Mossa, Mr, Plchler free and clear of. all Is Presented Turner, tickets; Ann Rutledgc, tiouso on Harding road, $13,000; restrictions. Mr. Weinstein requestmake-up; and Robert Baynton and Charles Anderson, house on Hened and received a variance from Dcjpltc receipt of a l,SS7-name JoAnne Dunbar, scenery. drickson place, J7.000; Peter Rothe Red Bank zoning board of ad- petition lequestlng them to reapThe ushers were Elaine Inman, mano, house on Glen place, 17,000; justment to permit the westerly point Russell A. O. Stetler, superportion of the property to be In- vising principal, for another year Anne Lomerson and Wanda Austin. Andrew M. Egeland, addition, Hendrickson place, $2,000; Eleanor O. cluded with the rest of the lot, clas- or resign as a body, the Matawan Webb, addition, 897 River road, J3,lifled by the zoning board aes Broad school board voted 5-to-3 to retain 000; Irma Taylor, addition, Chestitreet commercial property. their seats. They did not alter acnut street, $1,000, and Mrs. Frank Mr. Weinstein filed a bill of com- tion taken last week In which Mr. Joseph, garage, $590. plaint to have restrictions appear- Stetler was refused a new contract, ing in the 1907 deed to the prop- also by the same S-to-3 vote. The water main question related erty from the late Mr. and Mrs. to the proposed laying of 1,000 feet More than 600 persons, including Benjamin Parker to Mr. and Mrs. students and parents, jammed the six-inch pipe on Kemp avenue County Hebrews Plan of Plchler declared invalid and non- high school auditorium Monday and 500 feet on a private street in existent. The bill was contested by night to voice their objection to River Oaks, and the installation ot Asbury Celebration Mr. and Mrs. Juius Straus, Mr. and the action taken by the board last three fire hydrants at a cost of apMrs. Oscar Leventhal, Mrs. Ida week in accepting Mr. Stetler's resproximately fSIDOO. The water comSwartz, Miss Florence Richmond, ignation. The petition was read by Maj. Philip Conay of the Hagana pany is demanding IS per cent of Morris Richmond.- and Emma L. Ren L. Cartan who Bald the paper forces in Palestine will be the prin- (he cost annually, either through Holubauh, all property owners on was circulated by the Matawan cipal speaker Sunday night in As- revenue from customers or from Reckless place. They wcro repre- Committee for Better Schools, a bury Park high school when the the borough, until the cost of the sented by Maurice Potter of Long group which is interested in non- Monmouth County Emergency com- job Is paid. The necessity for adeBranch and Alston Beekman, Jr., partisan management of the mittee for Palestine holds Its coun- quate tire protection in this area of of Red Bank. Mr. Potter showed schools. ty-wide celebration on the found- new homes was stressed, and it that Mr. and Mrs. Parker had waa agreed that if State Finance Clifford Beeves, a member of the ing of the Jewish state. created a neighborhood plan to re Mayor Charles R. English of Red Commissioner Darby at Trenton strict Reckless place as a residen- board who had voted last week for Bank is one of many public officials would declare the matter au emerthe contract renewal, offered a mo tial street. expected to attend. An invitation gency the borough would approMr. Weinstein attempted to show tion that the matter again be has also been extended to Congress- priate $800 to get the job started. that the whole Broad street pic- brought up for discussion. Mr. Allen told the officials he planBoard President Myron B. Dig- man James C. Auchincloss. ture waa changing, and that bus! Abraham J. Zager and Benjamin ned to erect a total of 23 homes ness was moving in a southerly di- gin, before opening the meeting for Ashln are on the local committee which would be served by the new rection toward and beyond Reck public discussion, stated that the for arrangements. Rabbi Ario main and that he believed that less place, He mentioned tho con- board had done what they had seen Hyams of Asbury Park, chairman sufficient revenue would b» received struction ot the new Steinbach At and that the board members of the county council, is general from consumers annually to make stores, the razing of the Max were closer to the situation than chairman of the celebration. up the IS per cent. Klarin home to be replaced by a the general public. He claimed Red Bank will have a motor cavCouncilman Tony . Hunting an business property, and the Kelly the board knew better than the alcade leaving the synagogue on building at Harding road and average person whether Stetler Is Riverside avenue at T p. m. to drive nounced that the annual Memorial qualified for the job. day service will be held Sunday, Broad street, directly opposite to Asbury Park, where activities He said he would not disclose the begin at 8 o'clock. May 30, at 10 a. m.. In the park. Reckless place. He also caid that a substantial reasons of the board in refusing to Included; la the program will be Memben ot veterans', clvle and number of properties between renew the contract because o the massing of colors by the coun- fraternal organisations wlU particl Canal street and Harding road had "mass hysteria whlih apparent!; ty Jewish War Veterans, singing pits. A letter from Thomas Irving •iness by the has seized the crowd." He aald that "The Star Spangled Banner," inbeen purcaied fo board memberi have received Gerke inUnutfi-'fe,-!* vocation by Rabbi Abraham Koolyk Brown of River road complaining anonymous letters and that peragainst speeding on River road was _ gfytm Chancellor Berry refused to of Bradley Beach,. reading of the accept testimony as to the in- sonal rumors have been spread proclamation letting up the Jewish referred to the polite, committee. about them. Mr. Dlggln felt cercreased value of Broad street propState by Mrs. Hyams, community The letter stated that became of " erty, and the contention that it is tain that no member of the board singing and solo by MUs Sarah the prevalence of speeding the road no longer economically advisable to had votett against Mr. Stetier's re- Jenath Halevy. Charles Frankel h u been called by many the "Fair Haven Speedway". Trade vemaintain a dwelling on Broad appointment for any ulterior mo- will Introduce special guests. tive. street. Rabbi B. Joseph Elefant of Free- hicles are among the wont offendEven though several persons re- hold Ward Kremer of Asbury Park, will chant a memorial prayer ers, stated Mr. Brown, who also who appeared for Mr. Weinstein, at- quested to know the. hoard's rea- for those who died in Palestine, stated that motorists paid no attenson for ltt action, the question retempted to show that it was unfair and benediction will be given by tion to the warning blinker light to Mr. Weinstein to Sorce him to mained unanswered. Rabbi Aaron Lefkowltt of Long atjHance and River road. Leon Singer, New York attorney Branch. maintain a residence on the propMayor Edgar V. Denlse dcslg and Matawan resident, said that erty in question in view of the purnated the week of May 24 as Clean the board should handle adminisc h u e price and high taxes. Up Week, and urged the co-open Vice Chancellor Berry limited trative policies but in this can, tlon ot residents In cleaning up the entire issue to the former Park- where 1,287 persons had asked the their properties. Boy Scout* will er properties, and treated the Wein- board to do something, It should be assist borough employees In the stein property, although it faced done whether an administrative clean up, he said, and at the same Broad street, as being part of the question or not, time will carry on a ntwnpaper The attorney claimed that there Reckless place neighborhood plan. magazine and scrap iron drive. The vice chancellor stated that were moro names on the petition The officials voiced their objecWise Proves House once business was permitted on the "than elected anyone of you to the tion tc the proposed IS per cent in' corner, the Weinstein property, he board" and told board members Was Up For Sale crease in gaa rates by the Jersey felt a line of stores might start up they should recognixe the wishes Central Power * Light company Reckless place. He contended that of the people. He described thi Judge Alton V. Evans of the Long and expressed willingness to join this would destroy the residential petition as a vote of no confldenci and said, "You have no moral righ Branch district court ruled this with other municipalities to carry quality of the street. week that it was inconsistent to tho flght to the Public Utilities Mr. Wclnetcin, who woo also rep- to sit here any more, if an elecresented by Milton M. Abramoff of tion were held tonight, you would list a house for sale with a real es- Commission. Permission was granted to the tate agency and at the same time the Red Bank law firm ot At)ram- all bo beaten." Two high school students spoke Institute action under the Rent Con- Legion auxiliary and Veterans of •II <fc Drazln, indicated that he Foreign Wars to sell popples in the trol act for possession on ground: would appeal to the Court of Er- on behalf of Mr. Stetler. One said he was representing 100 seniors that the owner had a compelling borough Saturday, May 29. •ots and Appeals. Payment of the following quarwho can get along every day with necessity to occupy the house. The question arose In a tenancy terly county taxes was authorized; him and asked, "Why can't six Coast Guard Sponsors board members get along with matter In which Maria Flood county $8,718.22, district ourt »5fl,him?" The other said that the Crouse was attempting to evict 80 and county library $196.17. Lecture Series Lawrence J. Fox and Us family Mayor Denlse stated he would Rolston Waterbury of Red Bank boari had expressed an objection from a house owned by her on will be in charge' of a series of lec- to Stetler because he didn't use Lakeihore drive, Middletown town- appoint a committee consisting ot forceful methods. In answer to this the building Inspector, members of tures given under the auspices of ship. Mrs. Crouse filed her comthe United States Coast Guard the student said, "He doesn't use plaint February 28, stating It was the zoning board of adjustment and forceful methods. He doesn't have three other citizens to draw up a flotilla 311. These lectures, which to, Decause he's so nice you would necessary for her to occupy the building code and revise the zonwill be on the handling and oper- feel ashamed to do anything to bi house as a dwelling for hersef, and ing ordinance. One of tho citlsoni1 ation of pleasure craft, will be brought before him." demanding possession by April 1. group of three was named Monday given by speakers well versed in Referlng to & remark made earli- To substantiate her complaint night. He is former Mayor Arthur their subjects. er by Mr. Diggln that the "board Mrs. Crouse testified that following B. Sickles. The other two will be The first of the lectures will be has spoken," Mr. Singer said, "to her divorce from Ira Crouse, she named in the near future. Monday evening at 8:15, at the sit back and say the board has and her two children had to leave Willow Street school, Fair Haven. spoken is flaunting democracy. I the home that they were then ocJames Clarke, commander ot flo- Mr. Stetler is not the man, he 1 cupying and move to a two-room Pass Zoning Ordinance tilla 311 during the war, will give still the people's wish and eithei apartment in Sea Bright, when was At Little Silver the first lecture on "Boat Con- you should appoint him or resign.' Inadequate. Mr. Fox, through his attorney, struction," which will be followed It was after this discussion tha The long-awaited revised zoning by a. question and answer period. tho board voted to remain in of- Edward W. Wise, Jr., of the Arm of Wine * Wise of Red Bank, in- ordinance became law In Little SilThere will be no charge, and all fice. ver Tuesday nlghl when the mayor troduced evidence by the Walker boat owners or persons interested et Tindall real estate agency that and council approved it on final In boating are invited. Little Silver Protests on February 2 the house had been readings. Flotilla 311 will also conduct The ordinance waa passed over listed with them for sale in the courtesy Inspections of any pleas- Railroad's Action ure boats located in the shrews- Little Sliver's mayor and council open market at $19,000, which was, the objections of the E. S. Parker estate, represented by William bury river area. Those parsing in- Tuesday night voted to write the according to the court, what pre- Blair of Parsons, Labrecque, Canspectlons will be given windshield Interstate Commerce Commission cluded Mrs. Crouse from recover- zona & Combs' law Arm. Mr. ing possession. itlckers'*which will be honored by and the Public Utilities CommisBlair's objections questioned the the Coast Guard. sion, objecting to Pennsylvania validity of changing an area which IN CBITIOAL CONDITION railroad's discontinuance of Ave already had a certain type buildTO INSTALL OFFICERS Joseph Narze of East Keansburg, train stops at Little 811ver. ing. Officers will be Installed at a final Councilman Howard Ungere who was injured early Tuesday electing of the Mechanic Street made the suggestion, He termed morning in an automobile acldent, ichcol Parent-Teacher association the railroad'* action "arbitrary." has taken a turn for the worse, it Tuesday, May 25, by Mrs, Charles Councilman Donald E. Lawes asked was reported by Monmouth MemorSMUwagon of Little Silver, presi- that a Pennsylvania representative ial hospital. His condition Is listed lent of the Monmouth County bo asked to attend the next coun- as critical. His brother, Alexander Council of Parents and Teachers. cil meeting. Narze, was killed, and another At thin time the new motion picbrother, Martin Narze, Is in fair The recount for commlttecman In SETTLES DAMAGE SUIT hire projector, purchased by tho condition at tliu MIIIU Uuaniitai;— •MWiilctown's nfth election district of Lincroft and River Plaza, held P.T.A. from funds raised at tbc Dr. Furman A, DcMaria, pastor Public Auction, ' Tuesday at Freehold by the County February bazar, will be used for of Embury Methodist church, LitOf exceptionally fine household troodi Election board, came out substan\ht first time. tle Sliver, has settled for |300 asull mil furnishings. 38 Ocean Boulavnrtl, Hlihlandi, May 21-23, at 1 P, tially the same ss the original against Musto at Bianchle of New- Atlantic each day. Exhibition May 20th count. Edwin H. Brasch was the DANCE AT HIGHLANDS Held, owners of a truck and trailer, M, 10:30 A. M. to 6 r. M, Mm, F, Lin- winner by ten votes, the count beTht Highlands Parent-Teacher and William Chester, Jr., the drl- dauer, B. (1. Conti, Auctioneer.—Ad- Inir 216 to 206. issGdatton will sponsor a dancii Cor vor, for damage to his automobile vertisement, . Mr, Brasch was represented by h»i junior group of tho Teen-Age In n collision July 2, 1948. Theodore Lcon'a Cold Storali Vaults. Thcodoro D. Pnraons of Red Bnnk Two certlflcd vaults on our promisee, '.m. Saturday night at 8 o'clock at D, Parsons of Red Bank repreand Frank S. Curtis was representsented the minister in his action The safest place In town for your furs o grammar school auditorium. and winter (rnrmonts, Complete InHllr. ed by Charles Frankel of Asbury ..itshments will bo served by iho which had boon commenced in the nnce, llonded routemen, Leon's. Phone Park, first assistant prosecutor. Red Bank (-2800.—Advertisement. • .uk committee of the tcon-age coui'l at Freehold, The recount required three and •.up and music will be supplied one-half hours, and there were 06 ColumMa Vintllsn Blladl. Sail. ' JV recordings. Tho finest, blind nude, The belt si Lndiea' nnd misses' summer wclffht disputed ballots. Without the disii very low price. Why tnk« locnnd nt fnctory prices, Sixes II) to 16, puted ballots, Mr, Brasch led by Chrrmi. t'lyinouth, International but? Frco tstlrantti. National t eV 10, toppers nil colors. Coven Corporation, 21 West Sitlet and wrvlce. Mmirli'f Schwarti l'rown i , — A l t l t nine vntrs, After s. lunchoon rccceu itrcot, Iloil mink.—Advortinemcnt, I'llune Hid Bank •-O7H7.—AdvtrUu, Mr. Frankel conceded the election inenl. / ""'• Discount Intirnntlontl. In view of the division of the disChrysler, Plymouth, Lionel tmlnt, discontinued model*. Salts and serelce. "Maurice " schaarts, Nine ballots were Don't icrntch your Ine, U u Kunil- guy now nl these' «»vinsi. Wtijht Bee) Bank «-0:i7,—Ad»irtll«. puted ballots, kToe., All drugiliti.—Advertisement. disputed because both candidates Morel, Rid Sunk.—Advertlitmeat. "eat. Vice Chancellor Berry Holds Rettrictions Are Still Valid Matawan Board Does Not Alter Previous Action Palestine Major To Speak Sunday Court Rules For Tenant Chamber Speaker James A. Farley To Speak Here Pass Ordinance For Expenditure Of $25,000 On Itoacls The Middletown township committee yesterday purchased two Studobaker dump trucks from Werner's garage, Belfovd, for $3,9551.82. An ordinance authorizing the road department to spend $25,000 on road repair was passed on final reading. An ordinance authorizing tho changing o£ leveral street names at Port Monmouth was introduced, and passed on first reading. Thj committee gave Its uproval to the transfer of the retail liquor consumption license of the Brentwood hotel, Leonardo, from John Sheehan t<> Mrs. Rose Cassman of Perth Amboy. Mrs. Gasamnn is a former member of Hie corporation which operates Bar-X on Route 31, near South Amboy. The Police nnd Firemen's Retirement system of New Jersey Informed tho township Hint its assessment for the eight policemen enrolled January 1, 194B, would lie $2,460 a year for ten years. John Korpon was approved as a new member of the liruvent Park Leonardo fire company. Exemption papers were granted to Fred Williamson of Brovont I'ark tit Leonardo, nnd Willlnni W-'irnoker, Anson Goodc, Harry Sprung, Fred Mahnken and Fred Owens of Lincroft lire company. A request of Che executive committee of the Chapel Hill Community association for tnilllc control signs was turned over to Walter J. Bills for Investignti'nn. • Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Christian submitted an offer of $150 for a lot at Hilton park. Welfare Director Chester Henry reported that 18 relief cases cost the township $501.60 in April as compared to ten cases at a cost of $240,61 In April of 19-17. Building Inspector David Simpson reported that 36 building permits for construction estimated nt $95,204.50 were Issued during April. Craig Flnnegan, township engineer, was authorized to make a survey of the estimated cost of clearing up a drainage problem Involving Pew's creek, East Keansburg. Dirk Hofman, plumbing inspector, was directed Ijy the township board of health to file a complaint against an Atlantic Highlands plumber, who was doing plumbing work in the township without a permit. Mr, Hofman announced that n plumber's license has been granted Jerry Salvatqrlello. 325 Reservation* Taken By Local And County Busineis Leaders Watson Labs To Move Piece Meal Cong. Ai Mormon Elders Speak To Lions Hed Hank Club H«'ur» Of Ueligion Elders Ralph Woodward and Rich Clark of Monmouth Be.ich, Tuesday evening pfeaentttl a Him onlitled "Historical IIIuhllyhLs of Mormonlsm." to members of tlio Bed Hank Lions club nt the Molly Pitcher hotel. After tlie lilm, Elder Woodward presented several facts concerning tl Mormons. Ho said they have tho highest birth and marriage rates, the longest life of any peoplo. in th(> wnrld, (ho lowest divorce and illegitimate birth rates and tho lowest illiteracy rate in the world. Elder Woodward stated that Mormons were considered exceptionally health, as Utah, the home of the Mormon temples, had a low percentage of men rejected for army service In World war II. Elder Woodward explained that tho Mormon church thought matrimony waa often bettered by plurnl marriage. Ho said there were very few old maids among Mormons, and that there were never more than 3% of all male Mormons who practiced polygamy. H« stated, however, that the church would excommunicate anyone who practiced polygamy now, as It Is against the laws of the land. The elders were Introduced by Thomas S. Field, Jr. Ratti Brothers Operate Bar Red Bank To Get More School Aid Six New Teachers Needed Next Term The Red Bank school board Tuesday night was olllclally informed of the amount of state aid It would receive, possibly by November 1, under a recently passed law. Paul Young, school clerk, reported that Red Bank will receive $24,308.13 in state school aid, of which $19,uO2,98 can be used for current school expenses while the difference will go to the county tax board for possible tax reduction. It was at this point that the board gave a vote of thanks to all Parent-Teacher groups and other interested groups for their work In helping to secure the state aid. The board accepted a resolution passed this week by the Monmouth county school supervisors that children must be live years of age by November 1 to be eligible to enter kindergarten in the fall. Reporting on next year's school session, Mr. Gilland stated that six new teachers were needed In the system. A bookkeeping tcuchcr Is needed in the high school, a music teacher In the junior school at Branch avenue, a special classes teacher at River street, second grade teachers at tho Oakland and Mechanic street schools and a kindergarten teacher at the new Fort Monmouth school. Three bids were received to supply the school with 110 desk-chair units. All bids were held over until a special meeting next week. Mrs. Besslo R. Bailey, art teacher, submitted her resignation which was accepted. The yearly report of the fire underwriters inspection was referred to the building and grounds committee for study. A special meeting will be held Tuesday night to rcclve bids for .school repair work. Stanley Haviland, chairman of the personnel committee, Is expected to discuss some salary troubles at that time. Edwin H. Brasch Wins Recount; Victory Margin CutBy One Vote received votes, or neither candidate was voted fov. The remaining 47, disputed because of erasures or other technical discrepancies, were evenly divided between Brasch and Curtis, Twenty-tour were ciwt for Brnach and 23 for Curtis, Ballots were drawn from tho box by County Board Member J, Jny Hatfleld, wcro then examined by Mi'. Frankel and Mr. Parsons, and read by Mrs. Ruth Sclsco, board chairman, a Thoy wei'o chocked by Board Member Max M. Burr, and recorded by election cilice employees. Fifth district election board mombora pronont woi'o Mrs. I3nld Cunningham and Matthew L, Mullln, Republlcana, and Frank E, Derby and Mrs. Mary W. VanHowc, Domocrati, Prolies For Chuniltcr James A. Farley Tony's In Oceanport Bought For War Vets Tony's bar on Main street, In Oceanport, Is now being operated by Ernest and Frank Ratti, sons of Antonio L. Ratti of Eatontown, who last week purchased the business from Anthony Anfuto of Oceanport. Mr. Ratti took possession of the property Sundny. His sons, both natives of Eatontown, will handle the business. Both of them are war veterans, Ernest having enlisted with the Red Bank 112th Field Artillery unit, with which he served five yearfi, including comhat r service in Europe. Frank Is an Air Corps veteran of four and a half years' service in the Pacific. Both were discharged with the rank of staff sergeant, Ernest, who attended Red Bank Catholic high school, la married to the former Miss Alyce Ringer of Glens Palls and Eatontown. They live In Long Branch. Prior to entering the bar business, he was salesman for Shore Point Distributors of Little Silver, handlers of Schaeffcr beer. Frank, n graduate of Long Branch high school, is married to the former Miss Rose Fiore of Long Branch. He WM associated with Eatontown Wine and Liquor company before embarking in business. Rumson Man Is Missing Although federal authorities have decided to move the Wiitson laboratories from this dintrict to Rome, New York, it will be nt least two years befuro thin undertaking will bn completed. This was brought out at the meeting of the directors •it thn Red Bank Community Chnmiier ot Commerce yesterday morn\nri through correspondence renelved from Congressman James C. Auchincloss of Rumson and governn* ofllclals. Congressman Auchlo.tfi miulc a thorough Investigation of tile propoHed change. S'j many experiments are under way at the Watson labs that there will bo no mass moving nnd tho transfer will bo clone plece-mcal. Much of tho moving program depends upon housing conditions in Rome ami there will be no decided trunsfer, except from time to timo when housing can be furnished those who move from this district to New York state. James F. Humphreys reported tha,'.. the work on canvassing the merchants In relation to the halfday or full-day closing Wednesdays during the summer was well advanced and that an onlciul closing dato will be decided upon within a week or »o. The majority of thosa who have been approached are in favor of a half-day closing; yet, there are a large numoer of merchants who would prefer to close all day. Six new members were accepted into the organization, bringing tho total to 268. An effort Is being made to reach a 300 membership by the first of January. Tht new members with their voting representatives are Crystal Brook farm, Eatontown, Anton Monoprlo; Fanny Farmer Candy shop, 44 Broad street, F. Finberg; Lynne-Sherman, 102 West Broad street, Edward J Hubtns; Frank Nero and Son, Inc, 250 Mechanic street, Michael M. Nero, and Coastwise Food, Inc., 61 Broad street, Michael Bunnetta. Edward Conway spoke) in the interest of the new Welfare Planning Council of Monmouth county, and the directors went on record as unanimously favoring such an organization, The matter of Installing parking meters In a port of the parking area In the rear of the stores on the west side of Broad street was brought up and it was suggested that the merchants who are careless about the condition of the rear of their proprieties adjacent to the parking area be called upon and urged to put them In a more presentable condition. This matter will be taken up with the mayor and council previous to the installation of the meters. The vocational department of Uie State Department of Education will conduct a salesmanship course in Red Bank In September and October, and the chamber will endeavor to get the merchants to have their sales force attend the« classes. Ray Taylor, tho executive secretary, accompanied President David W. Russell to tho recent conference of the United States Chamber of Commerce in Washington, and a detailed report of their visitation at the capital was given tho directors Mr. Taylor leported there was a big demand for tickets for the chamber of commerce dinner next Wednesday night at Crystal Brook inn, and that as of today'ticket selling for the dinner will be thrown open to the general public. Table reservations may be made by contacting Mr, Taylor at Red Bank 0-0055. Junior D.A.R. Wins National Award Jack Stern Never Checked In Hotel Mrs J. Spann Jeffers, chairman A the junior group of Monmouth chapter, Daughters American Revolution, received word this week Where Is Jack Stern of Rumson thut her group has received third rend, Rumson? On May 3 he left prize in a nation-wide D.A.R. conNew York city to go to Cincinnati. test for it« work with Junior AmerOhio On May '8 his bnggage, with ican Citizens clubs. Tho awards a 1'ennsylvanla railroad baggage was announced at the recent D.A.R. chick arrived at the Ncthcrlund national congress In Washington. palace hotel in that city. Mrs, Stern Monmouth juniors have establishthen contacted the train porter and ed a number of these clubs in this tho hotel officials and discovered area and the total membership la that her husband had never check- 380, ed In the hotel. Mrs. Jcffcrs has also announced She then asked Rumson police to that Deanna Mauser, fifth grade conlnct police in Orlando, Fla. Mrs. pupil nt Lincroft school, and a Stern had been able to speak to a member ot tho Thomas Jefferson family friend In Cincinnati who J.A.C, club there, his received1 a told her that her husband was plan- special award of |4 for her patrioning to go to Florida, tic essay, After checking with Orlando police, tho Rumson police reported Bank Slock Wealed. Willing to purchase up to X.00O ehsrei that Stem had not arrived there. or Any part ot K.OOO eaarea of itoek ol That Is where the trail ends, National Bank o( Red B»nk. Mr. Stern, who Is 56 years old, Second John WermBtL Telephone Atlantic Ultib* was recently discharged from Mon- Undt l-OOQa.,— Advertisement. muuttt .Memorial hospital and had Royal Fypewrllera. complained of belnfj 111 slnco that Portable and ofllce models. . Prompt tdnw. dellvoryt nlso adding machlnea, eold, Featuring an address by James A. Farley, former postmaster general of the United States, the Red Unnk Community Chamber of Commerce will hold its annual tllnner next Wednesday evening at the Crystal Brook Inn. Eatontown. Approximntely 100 guests are ex' pected to attend the affair, 325 reservations having- been made by today. Pajt President William Fluhr will serve as toastmaster. David \V. Russell, the chamber'! president, h:»3 expressed his keel cisure at having this opportunity to l)rin« Mr. Farley, as n speaker, boforo such a large audience of Hcd Hank and Monmouth county business leiders and residents. Tha popularity of Mr. Farley Is nationwide and multi-partisan. Not only wn« he closely associated with the late President Roosevelt as a stnff member of his "inner-circle" of confidants, but his wisdom on lonii] ;IIH1 international affairs h.'is hrrn ;i miidin^ force [n American donn'slic and foreign policy. At pre.fent, "Jim Farley's Story" Is one of tho outstanding features being printed in serial form dally on the front page of the New York Journal American. Previously this Intense and Intimate study of Roosevelt and White House associates high In U, S, politics before and during the recent war was published in book form by Whlttlcsey House. His deep loyalty to Roosevelt through his career, and yet his individuality and ability to criticise th« President's decisions, brought Mr. Farley world renown. Al Democratic National chairman, he helped to bring Roosevelt's political star to Its crest. Always the student, readily the advisor, Mr. FarIcy Is considered by a number of American leaders to have "grown with hln own wisdom," throughout hln 30 years in politics. At present, Mr. Farley la one of the top executives In the Coca-Cola Export co-operation. As juch, he will make his appearance In Red. Bank. Another of the main features of the evening will be the presentation by Mr. Russell of a plaque to the person considered by the Chamber of Commerce to havt done moit for Red Bank In 1MT. Identity of that person will b» withheld until the plaque presentation. A revlsw of what Red Bank business and the Chamber of Commerce has accomplished the part year-will be given by Robert L. Snowden, first vice president of tht local chamber. His talk will follow that of Mr. Farley. Invocation will be given by Rer. Edward W. Hughes, assistant p a * tor of St, James church. Veteran Killed In Car Accident A. W. Naraie Served Overseas 19 Months Alexander W, Narze, 29, of U S Shoreland terrace, East Keansburg, was Instantly killed about 2 o'clock Tuesday morning in an automobile accident on route 36, near Brownie's diner, East Kcansburg. His brothers, Martin Narze, 22, and Joseph Narze, 27, were injured and taken to Monmouth Memorial hojpltal by the East Keansburg First Aid squad. Their condition Is reported as fair, According to police, the car left the paved portion of the highway and overturned several times, landing upright, and when police arrived, Alexander Narz« was pinned under the car. Ono brother waa thrown into nearby weeds while the other was In back ol the car. Police do not know what caused the vehicle to overturn, while the Narze brothers, after questioning, were not able to determine whej was driving. They told police they just knew they had "been In an accident." Officers William Woodward and Jerry Generelll Investigated for Middletown township po* lice. Alexander Narze, son of Alexander W. anil Josephine Sherrj Nnrze, was born In Jersey City tnd had bi'cn u resident of East Keanaburg two years. He was a veteran of World War II and was a,n Army corporal Narze served In Italy 19 months. Ho Is survived by his parents and brothers. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock at 8t. Ann's church, Keansburg, when a high requiem mass will be offered. Burial will be in Holy Cross cemetery, Arlington, under the direction of the Scott funeral home. NEW LOW RATES. Governor Alfred E. Driscoll, Friday, signed Sennte bill 248, making it posslblo for licensed small loon companies to make loans up to 5500. i The rato of charges up to (300 and icpnlred. Easy terms, All will still ba the sumo as stated in Serplco's, 106 Mor.mouth street tho previous bill, 2W per month Red Bank J,O43S.—Advertise- on the unpaid balance; but on at! ^^^^__ amounts above $300, the rate It Lost—Tflo Men'e Hln«e, ifc imr muiilh on unimld balance^ rented Lean1! Cold Storoit Vaults. makea. Two certified vaults on our premises. Phone Tho safest pUco in town for your furt ment. tint! winter unrments. Complete InsurntiL'C. Handed routcmen. Lcon'l, i'hpni Ould, 'with rcit itnnei, vicinity Vox ^Icd Uiuik a.USUO,—AuverUume'nt. — -3TMill. Kinder enll licit Plunk I-0608. Chrtater, Plymouth, IrUernslleeii' Chrysler, L'lytnouth, IntiinidoniL Rcwaa-ii,—Advertisement, Suits anil service. Maurice 8;«"«»«C Snles Ami service. Mturlct Scbwirtt. Ernie, Maysr'e Tavern, Rumson. Choice Phone Red*Ban» |.0TI7«—MiefWK Phone lied Bank 1-0787.—AdvertiseDSDt, ... . :». . . — ~ i J dinner! from 11,49,—AlverUiemmt, mot. -. 1 . _ Two Jfoard Adopts program For grounds RED BANK REGISTER, MAY 13, 1918 Middletomi Has New Fire Chiefs Car Hadassah Croup Elects Officers Kuntson Group Plans Hat Parly Members of the auxiliary of Rumson fire company will hold a "Breakfast in Hollywood" party Tuesday, May 25. Prizes will be given for comic hats and prizes, similar to those awarded on the "Breakfast In Hollywood" radio program, James Allardice will be master of ceremonies. Mrs. Charles Tilton is chairman, assisted by Mrs. James Wagner, Mrs. Alice Robinson, Mrs. Gloria Bush, Mrs. Elmer Blumel, Mrs. Edward McSorley, Mrs. John Slocum, Mrs. Nellie Peters, Mrs. Francis Duffy and Mrs. Daniel Shea, Jr. Officers were elected at the annual meeting of the Red Bank chapter of Hadaesah Tuesday at the Jewish Community Center. Officers are Mrs. Benjamin H. Astiln president, who succeeds Mrs. David Fischer; Mrs. Victor Slegel and Mrs. Edward Lichtig vice preBldents, Mrs, Edwin Blumenthal corresponding secretary, Mrs. H. Rose Straus assisting corresponding secretary, Mrs. Sidney Milofsky financial secretary, Mrs. Fischer treasurer and Mrs. Allen Grazel recording secretory. Officers will be installed Tuesday, June 8. Mrs. Henry A, Rltterman was named chairman, assisted by Mrs. Philip Waldman and Mrs. Henry Inselberg in charge ot refreshments; Mrs. Ezra Davidson Fall Haven auxiliary of Riverand Mrs. George Ashendorf, decorations; Mrs. Harold Meistrich, view hospital at a meeting Monreservations; Mrs. Siegel, publicity; day fit the Episcopal parish house at Fair Haven made plans for sevand Mrs. Ashin, program. The chapter study group will eral benollt.i. The first will be an art exhibit at meet Sunday, June 6, at the home of Mra. Grazel on Spring street the Molly Pitcher hotel Thursday The lives of the three early found- afternoon and evening. May 27. A ers of Zionism, Theodore Hertzcl picture, by a well-known artist, will Moses HCSSB and Leo Plnsker, wli: be a special prize. Tho second benefit will be a card party Monday afbe discussed, A memorial service for Hiam ternoon, June 21, at the home of Yassky and 75 Hadassah spon- Mrs. Cromwell Watson in Rumson. sored doctors, nurses and techThe auxiliary will purchase Venenicians, murdered recently in tian blinds for the room which Palestine, was conducted by Rabbi they maintain nt Riverview hospiArthur H, Hershon. tal. The annual membership covered-dish luncheon" will be Monday Juno 14, at the Parish House. Venezuelan Pupil Scars' Leaving Team Explained By Weinlieimer Bu lldogsBea tRedBank But Bucs Hold Lead •• Red Bank high school meets Koyport high this afternoon at West Bergen place Held. The outcome will In commenting on the Inellgibil have a definite effect on the Bucs' ily of Austin Sears, over-age mem To Hire 5 Director..; Conference title hopes, Rumson ber of Rumson high school basehigh Tuesday having eased through ball team, Prank L. Welnheimer, School To Pay Costs them to a 1 to 0 victory. principal, yesterday described the The Bulldogs came up with what Of Athletic Association bay's short-term membership on must bo considered an upset. It this year's team as an oversight. marks tile second loss in ConferIn explaining the situation Mr 3 The Red Bank school board ence play for the T,om PhlppsWeinhcimcr emphasized that no JJ'uasday night authorized the uthcoaclitd nine and places additional one complained about Sears' playMonmouth Park officials are havJetic committee lo set tlie wheels in ing. He said he discovered the fact ing their troubles these days, sort- importance on the four remaining jfiotion for a summer playground that Sears had reached 19 years old ing over 3,000 applications for stall Conference engagements. **piopraru to opor;iU' from June 28' As things .stand, several teams while checking birth, dates to be with facilities for but about •jo August '-!S ' . are breathing down the Bucs' necks submitted to Shrewsbury poet, 1,000. » Thi' program was included in lhrj for Shore Conference honors. They American Legion, sponsors of the Every one of the top stables Knonthly recommendations of lid \ are in the lend, however, on the Red Bank Junior Legion team. which raced at the seashore course basis twin C. Gilland, supervising princiof less lussey than any other Red Banks baseball coach, Tom a ynar ago will be back, along with p a l . It is proposed that playground i Phipps, Is rounding up players at least one new big-name outfit, challenger. ieenters be located at Branch ave-j With a shortage of pitching talfrom Rumson, Red Bank and Red that of Walter P. Chrysler, Jr. The Jhue and at the West Bergen place j Bank Catholic high schools to or- automobile man-sportsman from ent, the schedule definitely does not iithletic field. The hours ot the pi u- ' favor the Red Bankers. Including Ranizc the local Junior Legion nine. Warrenton, Va., has asked stall ;j;rani would be from 9 to 11:30 a.m. today's game, the Bucs must gu to Mr. Weinheimcr wns emphatic in space for 20 horses. ; Tile playground program M prowork five times within the next stating that "Mr. Phippa made r.o JJjbdctl would be supervised by a dlThe ten owners who led the list complaint and had nothing to Uo it the end of last year's meeting week. They travel to Asbury tomorjicctor, who would receive a wcekrow, Leonardo Monday, • Long with the boy's removal. Whtn Plcturwl above is Mlddlctown Township Commltteeman Frank S y salary of J5O. There would be an mv-, applied for space. They inchocking on the age eligibility for :lude Joseph M. RocblinR of Tren- Branch Tuesday and then play host, F. Blalsdell presenting the keys of Middletown township's first flro -instructor and assistant. Instructor Legion pliiyors 1 discovered that ton, Mrs. P. A. B. Wldencr's El- to Asbury Thursday. After that chiefs car to Fire Chief John Mayer of the East Keansburg Ftro Sat each playground. Mr. Gllland Austin had turned 19 between the mendorf Farm, which won three comes important names with Nepcompiny. The presentation was made Saturday afternoon at the Srccommended that the instructor at tunp, May 25. and Atlantic Highbasketball and baseball seasons." Middletown township hall. The MiddleUwn fire department was or•Branch avenue receive 137.50 a itakrs at Monmouth with Poly- lands, May 2S. Rnincd-out games ganized in 1928, and the new car Is the culmination of many years' Swcck and his assistant $17.80. The The popular Rumson principal leslar. in 1947; Sonny Whitney, caused the jam-up, efforts on the part of the firemen for a car for the department chief. • instructor at the West Bergen place highly praised members of the Robert J. Kloberg's Kins Rnncti of Allliuusjii Alvin Criggs limited Blleld would receive MS a week and numson team. He said that when Texas, Samuel Riddle's Glen Ridthe Bulldogs to two hits, the RumShis assistant $25. they were ndvised that Scars was dle farm and William Helis. sonians mitmiKed to get them both 2 According to the plan, athletics Children Collect $175 ineligible, he gathered them In Rocblinff won 11 races and $35,Jvfould be provided for all. Those conference and risked them to vote (0 in purses to head the parade in the first inning to fashion the Jnot physically able to participate Fur Cancer Drive whether or not they cared to com- last year. Cacique, who captured gomes' only score. Allan Stern, the •-•would receive instruction in var- Mrs. Clarence Mntthcws, chairpose a letter of apology ,to the the New Jersey Futurity, Is return- winning huiior, muffled the Red i o u s crafts, such as belt making, man of the tag day liclcl in lied schools involved, the answer waa ing along with such other stars as Hank batters considerably, holding Wins Science Award P.T.A. To Conduct ~wood craft, etc. Included In the Bank Saturday tor the benefit of immediate and alllrmativc. the stakes-winning MacBetb, victor them to four wallops, Meeting Tuesday evening at the The game was featured by spec•program would IK a trip to New the American Cancer society, an- post Homo, the Ladies' Auxiliary of Dr. John M. Curr, headmaster of Slimmer Hound-Up The letter sent to Koyport, Rod in the Camden Handicap at QnrKYork city to see a big leagruc base- nounced lod:iy Hint Snn had lwe.n tlio Highlands Votcinnis ul' Foreign Ci-uydon Hull academy, Leonardo Dank Catholic, Leonardo, Neptune, den State last month, and the flashy tacular fielding by the winners, who managed to break a losing streak Sball game. BluePeter, a two-year old who contributed. MarRaret MacPonald, Wars post vo'ed to donnlo a Hag announced that Juan K. Lucinni of The Mechanic street school Par- Toms River, Red Bank and Mataf The board expressed concern Jeanne Squire and Anctta Podell and a nietial to the luu winners of C-aracus, Venezuela, won the liausch ent-Teacher association will b<;gin wan ia printed below. A similar let- jlictd the Garden State 4',5-furlong which had them the unenviable win-loss record of 5-5 before game, .cover what they termed the "als- served as junior chairmen. an auxiliary sponsored '•American- & Lomb Honorary Science Award Its summer round-up of pre-school ter was sent to Walter E. Short, rocc-rd to the remarkable timo of time. Rod Bnnli had 5-1. '^appointing" rosulLs of the program Salesmen wore Adeline Moore, ism" contest. medal for achieving the highest children next Monday. Members N.J.S.I.A.A. secretary. Mr, Short 52V.-, seconds recently, then finished Tho winning counter came quickNancy Clayton, Phyllis Stout, RobTh3 contost, which is open to scholastic record in science sub- ot the committee, headed by Mra. has already answered the letter, a f&Et-moving third in the Youth- ly. "Apple" Rountrcc, lead-off man, Swcro not sufficiently hriefed on the in W'ilkins, Elisabeth Levy, Frank grammar school pupils is now injects during his high school course, Arthur J. Polln, will vieit homes commending the school for their ful Stakes at Jamaica. hit safely back of short and was ~ program in lime. It i i hoped that Shnrnhha, Janet Muyslicns, Joanne progress. Mrs. Irene Oaken, jun- IH is a. senior at the school. where there are children "who will spirit of honesty In finding their sacrifice! tn second by Bill Brieter. • t h e playground program will prov« MncDonald, Pntay O'Reilly, Phyllis ior vico president of the auxiliary, As a winner of this medal, he Is enter Mechanic street school for mistake and In making It public Bob Minton illied out and Jack ••more successful thin year. Moskowltz, Rose Hoffman, Terry and Mrs. Kvn S. Marker, auxiliary eligible to compete for one of the the tlrst time next fall. The progrom The letter follows: Brister pounded the ball, back at 5 After a request from th« athletic Doremus, Bill Graham, Laura Hey- historian, will donate the Hugs, The five Hausch & Lomb science schol- will ho explained, afid parents will We had occasion lost week to the box. It went off Grlggs' glove "association the board voted to as- mnn, Bobby Gallagher, Roberta awarding of medals was suggested arships at the University of Roch- he urged to bring these children chuck our files for boys who Would for n hit, sending In Rountree. "Jsume the financial responsibilities MacDonald, Elinor Dodge, Frances by Mrs. Anna McGrnil, who felt the ester. These scholarships, valued to the school for registration ana be eligible to piny baseball in the From th;it point on, both cluba "of that body, Th« request was nude Ryan. Irene HofTman, Sally Ann winners should have a lasting tok- at $1,500 ciich, were established in examination Friday, May 28, atleague this slimmer. In so doing we played brilliant, defensivo ball, so that the association would be Nichols, Ray Sharabbs, Jack Trl- en of their work. The auxiliary 1944 by the Eausch & Lomb Opti- 10 a. m. found one of our players. Austin Red Bank high school's track ineligible, Austin was 19 with Rumsou men catching tveryable to pay bills for the remainder ola, Thomas Durback, Anthony voted to donate the medals. cal company. Miss Bculah Brcckinriage, Me- Sears, team met a well-balanced Tome Ri- thinR off tho Buc bats. Both clubs last February 8. of the year. The amount under- Dominic, Mildred Psoman, Daisy The boys, of the academy are pre« chanic street school principal, feels Mrs. Gertrude Johnson, chairaggregation yesterday at West threatened, Red Ennk leaving nine written by the board wai |800. May Nichols, Thomas Kirman, man of the patriotic committee, paring tht- grounds and buildings that the eummer round-up pro- Tliis wns an ovtrslght on our ver and we felt obliged to report Bergen place. Although they caniu men stranded on the sacks and George W. Bray recommended Harry Psomas, Mnrjorle Terhune, said that all boy and girl scouts in preparation for a tea dance to gram Is valuable because it Is Im- part, this mnttcr to all the teams we out second best, Coach Vincc Pala"that all financial obligations! of the Chic Hermandcz, John Antlnozzi, and other children who will inarch bo held Saturday In the new gym portant for u child to enter school huvo played In baseball to date, as dlno's charges made a creditable Rumson four. For Red Bank it was a case of B athletic asEociatlon be assumed by Vincent Cannellu, Joe Barkelew, in th« borough's Memorial Day par- nasium. in good health and free from reme- well us tn Walter Short. Austin showing. coming close in several innings. In • the board until «uch a timt when Recgie Pye, Marie DcFore, Peter ade, will be given flags to carry. was dropped from the team as The school's dramatic society Is dial defects. The Toms River speedsters mansoon as we discovered our error. tile second Massa doubled to lead • the association would be able to Hoffman, Donald Beers and Tony An American Day program at busy preparing for Its tlrst annual A child la eligible to enter school last we called a meot- aged to cop firsts in every dash and off tho inning but couldn't get past 3 ;;et back on Its feet. He contended Domica. Convention hall, Asbury Park, will play, "Wilfred Goes Pirating," in September If his flfth birthday -.IEOnofFriday run, It enabled them to register a third. In the fifth, a sensational tho baseball team, explained Sjthat a winning baseball team bs .held May 28, it was announced which will bo heldfttthe Leonardo falls on or before November 1. what had happened and the team 70 to 47 victory. Times were good I, would get the association out ot Court Awards !»H2."> crude school auditorium Sunday, Parents should present their chil- voted immediately that this letter in a'l events, and better than aver- double play engineered by Jack by Mrs. Isnbelle Rodriquez. Brister' quickly cut off what looked 5 the red. At that time the assoclaThe group hus chartered buses May 23, at 2:30 p. m. Takjng part dren's birth certificates 'nt the be written. Therefore, this letter age in a couple instances. like a rally. The second-sackcr 2 lion could handle itf own finances. To Injured Fireman comes not iust from the oHiclals for the evening of May 21 at which in the play are Jack Varnum, Eu- time of registration. Bob Fergueon and "Red" Schmidt leaped.high in the air to spear £ Mr. Bray, Stanley Tlaviland, Paul of the school but from the team time they will visit the veterans' gene Garry, Jack Redman, BernarJoseph Donizol of 291 Broad took Bccond and third in the 120Roth'sMlner almost directly over Uo. « A. Young, district school clerk, and hospital at Lyons. A dance will be do Bermudez, Juan Luclani, Charles ysird high hurdles. Time was 17.2. the keystone sack, doubling Origgs, g Mr. Gilland were instructed to de- street, Red Bnnli, a volunteer fire- held at the hospital and auxiliary Naef, Charles Rose, Edward Ar- Methodic* Choir With .sincere apology, we are man, received an award of comIn the 100, Louis Hughes of Red who had started for third at tne • vise a working plan. Sincerely yours, pensation In the Workmen's Com- members will act as chaperons for nold, John Scott, David Fisher and To Sing Faure Requiem Bank was clocked In 10.4, a tenth crack of the bat. S Requests from tbe American Le- pinsation court at Asbury Park girl members of the Teen Age club Paul Delehanty. Frank h. Weinheimer, behind Toms River's Snelling. Buc S g l o n and the T.M.C.A. for us* ot Friday. He Injured his buck No- who will make the trip. The auxPrincipal. Again in the sixth it appeared John B. Bell, Jr., of Locust, presCarl Glover was 3d. Victors made that Red Bank's power would come Joseph Rosatl, S t h e athletic field during tht sum- vember 11, 194T, wlvm he was iliary will supply candy, cigarettes, ident of the Methodist Church a clean sweep of the mile. In the through. With men on second and Coach. S m e r were not acted upon until thrown off the fire engine while cookies and magazines to the hoschoir ol Red Bank, announced this 440-yard dash, Al Spinney, making third and no outs, and later with 5 each group hae made a formal r«- responding to an alarm at 2 o'clock pital. The bus will leave Highweek that |he organisation will his Initial start at that distance, the bnBcs loaded with one out, it ^quest and ha- filled out the neces- in the morning. He was at Kiver- lands at 5 p. m. and will leave the present the Faure Requiein Sunday brought Red' Bank a second place. lolled us though n, scoro would be Bary blanks. hospital at. 10 p. m. Mrs. Lillian evening, May.23d. vlew hospital three days. It was won in 55.6. realized. Stern even gave the Bucs _ The Legion requeued tht use of This unusual musical work will The court made a tolal award to Snyder of Linden avenue will H in In the javelin, Red Bank made a chance to tally by heaving wildthe field Friday evening* from the him of $825, together with his charge. The Freedom Caravan will con- be conducted by Ben E. Manning, clean sweep. Dick Chadwick ly, hut Tom Romard, who was on end of .May until the end of Sep- medical and legal expenses. He W E clude a three-week tour of the church minister of music, who Is heaved it 130 feet. Dave Dillon and third, wasn't ready to make the tember as a home Held for the represented by Edmund J. Cancounty tomorrow with stops a'. at present completing graduate The Chet Bowman trophy will be Obituaries Red Bank entry in the American zona of the firm of Parsons, La-1 Highlands and Atlantic Highlands, work at the School of Sacred Music returned to bowling competition Bob Wilson clipped second and dash homo. third. Glover did the 220-d.ash in Legion Junior Baseball liigue. it was announced Tuesday by IrvAnother fielding gem was unbrecque, Canzona ft Combs. of the Union Theological seminary Wednesday at tho Highlands Rec- 23.5 to take second, again behind GEORGEHTllKLIKKK The Y.M.C.A. requested use of corked by Bill Blister. He made ing B. Zelchner of Atlantic High- New York city. reation alleys. Toms River's Snelling, who did it the softball diamond for local A requiem mass will be offered lands, chairman. shoe-string catch of Dom Soldo's LONG BRANCH PIAY. Play for the trophy ended dur- in 23.3. Hughes was third. In the along teams from slay until Auruit tour by Rev. Leo M. Cox at 9 a, m. topoke after a mad dash to Modeled after the "Freedom HAZLCT ing the war, but has been re-acti- 220-low hurdles, Red Bank's Dut- left nights a week, with poiilble w e A three-act drama, "All My morrow In Star of the Sea church, Train," the caravan exhibits have center. Grlggs, the next hitter, by the Sea Bright Business- yshyn and Schmidt took second doubled. of the field Friday evenings for Sons," by Arthur Miller, was pre- Long Branch, for George H. Hell- been viewed by thousands of school Mrc. Emma T. Rudlger was host- vatcd That, too, went for naught. canceled games. sented last night by an all-local ker, 75, who died suddenly Tues- pupils in the county. The caravan, ess to the Good Government club men's Bowling league, which met and third behind Toms River's Hop- Loo Massa, Buc Ieftflelder, nlso It was the contention ot Alston cast at the Long Branch Jewish day at his home at 215 North Fifth sponsored by the Monmouth Coun- at l>er home Monday evening. Re- lnst week In Sea Blight's first aid klnson. Winning time wag 27.6. came in for bouquets for his play squad room. Dutchyshyn made it in 27.6.5. Beekman, Jr., board president, that Community Center. It will be avenue, Long Branch. in the sixth when an accurate peg ty Executive committee of the freshments were served by Mrs. Officers of the loop are Sam either the board should underwrite given tonight and Saturday night Herb Swanson took third in the to the plate kept another run from Born in Aurora, N. Y., a son of American Legion, hat attracted Malcolm W. Feseux. Mrs. Melva the program by supplying a care- at 8:30. the late Charles and Mary Giady wide attention throughout the state Hoff won the dark horse award. Scalzo president, Tony Mellacl vice shot, but the discus event was won registering. With the bases loaded taker to be present at all games, Attending were Mrs. Jettie Dolson, president, Fred Dilllone treasurer, by tht visitors. Red Bank grabbed and none away, Massa, took a fly Abe Vogel directs the play, which Heliker, Mr. Hcliker had been a or to have the unit using tht field won the New York Drama Critics' rcsldfnt of Long Branch the past and has been the subject of many Mrs. Elsie Giese, Mrs. Llllie Wln- Herb Fowler secretary and Eda few points in the field events. in deep left, wheeled and whipped editorial comments. supply a man. Ferguson took second in the high a beautiful peg home. tortcr., Mrs. Elizabeth Huylar, Mrs. Glunco publicity director. prize last season. It is being given 37 years. He was employed as enIncluded In the exhibit, which Is Laiira Maurer, Mrs. Grace StrickMembers are Pete's Shoo Repair, jump while his mates, Chadwick .Mr. Bray suggested that the out- under the ausplceB of the Center gineer at the Long Branch City Besides the Massa-Soldo gem, housed In any Army recruiting Val and Sam's, Sea Bright First fit using the field supply the su- theater group in association with Sewer plant. and Schmidt, tied for third. It anqllier double play was recorded land. Mrs. Alvinia Strittman, Mrj. van, Is the Bible which wag read Aid Squad, Swedish Hop, Chris & pervisor. Mr. Young stated that it the Men's club. won by 5 feet, 5 inches. Chadwick Claire Orton, Mrs. Jcanette EverBesides his wife, Mrs. Jennie Carby the Bucs, Fred Mazzucea to by Capt. Eddie Rickenbacker snd Olc's and Tony Mellaci's. cost the board about (110 last year had honors in the pole vault at ten The cast includes Joe Grossman, ley Hellkcr, he Is survived by three his crew while adrift In an open dell and Mrs. Phoebe Neldlnger. Three legs of the trophy must be feet, six inches, Toms River took Roth lo Sanborn. in paying the salary of a man to The next meeting will be held June sons, Ernest Heliker of Long The outcome avenged the 8 to 1 care for the field during the ganici. Jacob Levin, Stewart Oliver, Sylvia Branch, Raymond Heliker of Rum- raft In the Pacific. Other exhibits 14 at the home of Mrs. Dolson. . won in order for permanent pos-second and third. Hughes took the defeat the Bucs handed Coach Ken session. In the three years in which broad Jump at a distance ot 18 feet, It was the. suggestion ot John F. Gaitman, Claire Lichtcnstein, Ga- son and George Hcliker of Asbury made available by the Monmouth Pupils of the Hill Crest grammar Fetrie's charges in their previous Giblon, Jr., to raise the rates for briel Levcnson, Gertrude Wellcr, Park; two daughters, Miss Alice County Historical association are school held a program on the diges- Play was conducted, Ryan* Hotel lOVi Inches. meeting this year. It nlso was a use of school facilities at the ex- Michael Wcin, Edith Nathnnson Heliker and Mrs. Norman Akcrf, a notice offering a reward for the tive system last week. Eveline & Coal, Bowman & Axclson's and In special freshman relays, a reversal of form over that pense of some users, to that charit- and Roy Sigcr. Oarl II. Cohen is both of Long Uranch; ten grand- return of a slave, a copy of the Smalo gave a recitation, "My Kline's Tree Surgery were winners, team of Root, Booth, Spratly and complete shown by Rumson the previous Since they urn not in the current able croups, such as the "V and business manager. children, and three greut-gtand- first newspaper printed In Mon-Health Huuse". Pupils of the fifth. membership, their rights to the tro- Reeves showed up Well In the 440 dny at Atlantic Highlands when the the Legion, would not have to be mouth county, a set of doctor's in- and sixth grades gave a play enand 880. They had good time in the Tigers pounded them, 11 to 5, sendchildren, DEAL ELECTION. charged at all. A complete nvlslon struments of Civil War vintage, a titled, "The Visiting Vitamins". A phy have been forfeited. 440, 46 seconds, as well as in the ing stem to the showers under nn He n*a3 a member of the TacompA surprise starter in the Deal The trophy is in memory of one 880, one minute, 40 seconds. of the rates will be studied by Mr. lottery ticket used in financing the footl chart was made by Angela avalanche of base hits in the Young, who will submit fttfures commission election campaign, Sol- sie tribe of Red Men, Asbury Park Revolutionary war, a Dutch oven, Piscitclllj a food group chart by of the county's greatest amateur fourth. The Purple Bulldogs also chapter, and was an active comomon Lautman, was high man In later. Battle ot Monmouth arms and an Carl Bailey i milk chart by Dorothy athletes. The late Mr. Bowman was Casey Tennis Temn committed four errors ngainet the municant of Star of the Scu an Olympic track star while with Tuesday's elections. He received Indian deed. Richards; Cereal grain chart by Tigers as compared to one against Syracuse. He was a member of the 444 votes from a record turnout of church. Recitation of the Rosary Will Elect Officer* Representative James C. Auchln- Rose M. Infantl; fruit and vege- Sea Bright firm of Bowman A Blanked By Asbury Red Bank. will ba held tonight at 8 o'clock In 715. tables by Rose Infant!; growth by closs has served as honorary chairthe Flock funeral home. Interment CONFERENCE STANDINGS Officers will be elected and InRed Bank Catholic high school Two other members of the re- will bs in Mount Carmel cemetery, man of the caravan. Peggy Daziel; digestive system by Axclson nt the time of his death. W T AV. stalled at a meeting of the River cently formed "Citizen's ticket," tennis team visited Asbury P a r k Re<] mnk . Petet Ol3cn and meal patterns by .714 West Long Branch. Flazn Parent-Teacher association Theodore H. Berlnger, a board Monday to lose their first match in' Neptune .Bfi7 Faith Bailey. Freehold Give Musicalc .Ml Tuesday night at the school, Mrs, member for the past 34 years, and the Central Jersey Tennis league, Point Plnaflnnt PVT. GEOKliE MAJOR .62.-. Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Bertges are Oliver Dlx Perkins will Install of- John F. P. Kelly, were also elected, I t o 0. Lukewood Madam Hermine Hudon of ElberThe funeral of Pvt. George Paul on an automobile trip out west. ficsrt. The Blue Bishop racquetcers Leonardo Beringer receiving 411 votes and Major. 29, of Keansburg, will be on presented a number of her pu- Mr. and Mrs. Roland Johnson of .lino Roy Cotton, executive secretary Kelly 400. moved through the Cascys in easy pils nt n spring musicals Sunday Springfield, Mass., spent the weekI .:,oo held tomorrow morning t 10 8 of the Red Bank Community "Y", fashion, winning both singles and HolTmiin at her studios at which more than The defeated candidates and .500 [turmoil Cciach Harold Potter's Red Bank doublet matches in straight s e t s . 5 .441 will speak on Hummer camping for their totals were ns follows: Jos- o'clock nt the Ryan funeral home 75 attended. Madam Hudon was the end with Mr. Johnson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Johnson. iilgr.'s tennis warn, meets Red Hank f» children, assisted by William Doug- eph K. Lovensteln 297, Richard L. u:n! burial will be In Fair View accompanist. SUMMARY Al.amir Hurlilitntls f, Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Latham Catholic tomorrow. Tho inexperilass, "Y" director of Camp Otkanic- Brown 235 and Chester B. Opdyke cemetery. Don Byck (API derailed Wnlly To:m UK i J 7 Pupils living in this area who Pvt. Major, son of Charles and of Uelalr spent the week-end with enced Bus racket men lost Tues- luuer, 6-1, 6-1: Ken Miller (AP) dokon for boys, and Camp Mttolllone- 183. participated were Jcanette Lucia of Mrs. Andrew J. Latham. fvatcd Tom Kiftmaiirico, 6-0, y.u; Mel Marguerite Major of Newark, was days opener to Long Branch, 5 to Holm«« (AP) defeaiMl Jim Carroll. 6-0. quay, for girls. killed in France November 10,1944. Red Bank, Elcanoro Schmidt of Vtrnon Rathbone, a student at 0, but managed to squeeze out a 0-0 J John Mudd (AD detuned Joo Mrs. George Wicks, and a comBALL FLAYER DIES Besides his parents, he Is survived Keansburg and Lois Nichols of Syracuse university, spent tho point over a competent Perth Ara- U n u n . J.2. « . l ; Byck a m | Miller Jtmittee of mothers of eighth grade Rum son, . Mr. and Mrs. James H. McGrath feited Bluer and Kitimturlce, 6-2, 6-1, weelc-end with his parents, Mr. and boy. team yesterday, pupils, will serve refreshments. of 26 Worthlcy street attended the by his wife, Mrs, Katherine Lydeu ind Holmes Mid Mutld defeated Hcrniun Mrs. Thomas Rathbone. •nd Carroll, 6-1, 6-1. Tht board, at a recent meeting, funeral of Mrs. McGrath's brother, Major of Kcanaburg. DIVORCES GRANTED Summaries: The local Veterans of Foreign Mm. Maltland Walling will entervoted to purchase six dozen cups, John H. Bailey, 41, who died May LOUR Branch I : Red Bank t . A decree of divorce was advised six dozen salad plates, and six doi- 2 nt his home at Portsmouth, N. Wan. and American Legion posts last week by Advisory Master Trapp tain the Crescent club tonight at Stuiont Unittr dcletteil Tom Osborn, Cascys T o Continue J-S. 11-11: Lenny Welnntock dtfuated cn teaspoons for use jn the school. |H. Mr. Bailey was n professional nnd the Daughters of the American for Marie V. Taylor of Atlantic St. John's church'. Revolution will hold services at 8 Mrs James Nejjdlnger entertained nick Wolf, 0-1, 8-6; Morris Rc.nikolf Weekly Boxing Bouts basebnll player with thn Newark o'clock tit the Ryan funeral home. Highlands against John E. Tay-tho O. G. Sowing club at her homo rtefcaleil Wnllncc Pohl. 6-2, 6-0; Ungjr COUNTY BIRTHS. Kenneth VanBrunt, one of the ami Welnstock defeated Onboin and lor on grounds of desertion, and Bears and the Boston lied Sox. BeBoxing will be continued at Red owners of the Eatontown RecreaNolmn. 6-0, 6-a. ami JsennlkolT and Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Wertwcin sides Mis. BcGrnth ho is survived Petitioner was permitted to resume Tuesday evening. Attending were Mark Wolnstock ileleated ToW ami Wolf. 1.1, Bank Catholic high school auditor- tion Center was elected president MISS. UOSK MAHY SC11W1NI) Mrs. Theodore G. Bailey, Mrs. Stale Highway 36, West Kcans- by a daughter. Mrs. Bart Davis her maiden name of Marie'Aheain. 3.8. and 6-3. ium another three weeks, with pu- of the bowling league at the annual Jlrs. Rose Mary Sclnvlnd, 40, of burg, are parents of a son born with whom lie lived; another sister Perlh Amboy 4, Red Bank 1, A decree of divorce was advised Junes C. Glenn, Mrs, Lilllc Hushpils of the flfth, sixth, seventh and dinner lnst Thursday nlfiht at Club son. Mrs. Cyrus Ross, Mrs, William Inborn and W o l f M K . B . ) defeated yesterday at Rivcrvicw hospital. for Mlrellle Day of Eatontown and a brother. A requiem high mass He succeeds Councilman iilrna and I,nvln, f,-l, 4.«, (.<; p r e . eighth grades of St. James gram- Ervei Mr. and Airs. John Black of Oak- was celebrated at tho Church ot las. night after an illness of sever- against John L. Day on grounds of Urstadt, Mrs. Roland Emmons, JinpiT mar school taking part. and Mnnkowlti defeated P e n Fred S. Morris, who declined rewood avenue, Rumson, are parents the Immaculate Conception, Ports- tLL j c a r s , cruelty, nnd Mrs. Day was granted Mra. Hendrick L. Bennett and Mrs. v,inl.rurcn anil Nelson, 7-5, C-l; SloTomorrow's bouts will begin at election after serving ns league Surviving are her husband, Har- custody and support of the two William Barnes. botllmi [iofi'ntpd Osborn. 6.2. 8-1: Weof a son born Tuesday at Mon- mouth. :30 p. rn. Joe Cross, popular local hen'l since Its organization four "Icon ilcfentpil Wolr, G.O.G-3, nml Levin ry Schwlndi a daughter, Mrs. Rosu children. Patty Emmons, daughter of Mr. tiufuiteil mouth Memorial hospital. fight promoter and matchmaker, lg yours ngo. Pohl, <j.(l, 6-u. Mary Rosson of Highlands; three JEW1SI1 API'KAL FUND Mr. and Mn. Donald LjunberUon A decree of annulment was ad- and Mrs. George Emrnons, celerunning the shows, along with Hnrold Duncan was elected vico Mrs. Walter Topper of Buctia brothers, Samuel, Tony and John vised Tuesday' for Alice Dor of Red brated her 11th birthday Saturday of Branch avenue, Little Silver, u e Conch Adam Krctowlcz. No admis- Pi'i'F.'dcnt to succeed Mr. VanBrunt; FIREMEN'S SOFTBALL parents of a daughter born Tues- Vista avenue, Rumsan, will hold a Romandcttl, all of Highlands, Bunk against Arthur Dor on tho with a party. Attending were Peiol sion fee Is charged. STANDINGS Edward Urion, secretary, replacing and three sisters, Mra. Agnes RausPeseux, Joyce Bennett, Anita Dexgrounds of non-age. All three peday at Monmouth Memorial hos- tea at her home Tueeday afternoon Raymond Hill, and Edward O. under the sponsorship of the wom- cher.borgcr of Highlands, Mrs. titioners were represented by Flor- helmer, David Emmons, Gail Dun- Hunmon pital. k High School Begins .Clark was re-elected treasurer. Louisi. Adelung of Wood-Ridgo and can. Morris Duncan, Shirley and 2? ,lv""r Mr. and Mrs. Louis Santellt of an's division or the United Jewish Mrs. Jullu Zlcgler ofAllentown, Pa. ence P. Forgotson, Red Bank at- Joan Giimons, Eileen Anderson, Hljriilanda Forty-two bowlers and guests atMlilillntcnvn torney. Table Tennis Tourney ~ast Garfleld avenue, Atlantic appeal. Mrs, lrma Llndcheim will tended the dinner at which CounMrs. Gitelle Emmons, Mrs. George Rcifoni Funeral arrangements are In Ighlandi, are parents of a dtugh- be the speaker. She has served Mike Tuscano Is defending h1a cilman Morris noted na master of Emmons and Anthony und Rose In- I'liii' lluvtMl THREE RE-ELECTED. j born Tuesday at Monmouth many years with Hada3sah, and has charge of the Posten funeral home. Shrewsbury table tennis championship at Rod ceremonies. It was voted by the fant i. spent several years in Palestine, llrovcnt Tnrk The three Incumbent commisMemorial hospital. Bank high school n s the second an- lnaRtio to have eight nvo-nun Mi», William M. Ackomon, Mrs, N«ve»lllk II, & L she helped create numerous Membership Drive sioners were returned to office in nual tourney gets under Way in the Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vetter of where Ollvei" Bynm D teams, If possible, Instead of six Jewish settlements. Tuesday's election in Allenhurst as J. Flank Welgand, Mra, Anthony LAST WEEK'S RESULTS HHrdlng rond gym. , , R . F. D. 1, Red Bank, are parents and an avorngo league tourney inFor New Lodge Oakhunt 11, Urovent Park 3. Mnyor William E. Selby took the Koppcnberger and Mrs. Elmer A, " o f a daughter born Tuesday i Sponsored by the school's tablo stead of nn Dpon league race, thu Fair Hn.rti 19, Nnveslnk II, a L, Bahitnburg visited the Botanical DOUBLE niKTlInAYi'ARTY "VVhltey" Roynolda Is chairman top place with n total of 285 votes. tennis club and the physical educa- average of tho competing teams not Monmouth Memorial hospital, Rumson 10, Shrowiilitlry 0, Eugene Edward and Roljovl of thi' membership campaign lining Waller W, P.citlci Jr., won second Gardens in Brooklyn last Thursday, Helfnrd 4, MUltlletov.-lv 3 UO innlnRa tion department, matches are to exceed a 8-10 total. The increase Mrs. Hnrry Hiescr nnd Infant HiKhlnmls Ii, Oliver Hymn 4. Mark!, or Worlhlcy street observed conducted by a group of lied Bnnli lihic! with 270 votes, nnd J, Frank AWAITS JURV~ACTIOV played luring activity periods. In tho number of teams would SUNDAY'S SSCIIKDULE daughter hnvo returned home from men farming a Red Bank iieiii; of Tllton won third with 250. their bilthdnys Tucsiluy, May > l , Prises arc being donated by Dr. Uiiklunxt nt Oliv.i- Hymn. Edward Reevc-y of Magnolia lun nie.ih piny the (list four days of Riverview hospital, The huby was the Fraternal Order of Eagles, Ili'lforil in Urevriil 1'arli. Morgan P. Colic Howard K, Stokes, who bad car-'d Middlctuwn township, Was H both huvinga birthday DM the.itinic Louis ResciKno, nciie organizer, tho week Instead of Ibiee. Ellen Marie. MliMli'lown at Navmlnk It. & I,. ralgncd Thursday before John V, clay. Eugene wna three years old, named Mr. Reynolds at a local ried on a vigorous campaign, lost Tin; BulltUM-n received $110 In V'nlv lltwen nt Huniitnn, Mrs. Manny Gale and her infant and ftobert was twelve. A double BUCS UO TUMBLING by a close margin. JMuhlumlB at SlirL'WHUui'y. d w e l l , Red Bunk recorder, and pr;2ts which included awards for meeting last week at ii« Went Front son have returned home from the Red Bank high Bchool'a physical was committed to the county jail birthday party was held for the street. winning tho tourney and for the Elizabeth General hospital, MBS. MINTON IS~ilX, Y.M.CA. SOFTBAIX education department will present high team score, Eugene VlerecU to grand Jury action on a children, Also assisting will bo Norman Mrs. Lavlnin Mlnton, 103, of TO a special tumbling act exhibition in charge ot atrocious assault and batSchedule: Jr. was awarded a special prize by HAROLD ELY HOME. SOCIh'l'Y MEETING DcLctto, anil Peter Spngnuolo, who Fifth street, Highlands, Is seriously tery, The alleged assault took Tunliilit: Ho ftilco'ii v«, Cnast Entorpriw tho junior high school auditorium Konneth VanBrunt nnd Arthur CotMrs. John Mullsr, president of of publicity. The Red home, She became " I. . . . . . . . . uu ->uu . III . . . nt .,v ..u.t.v, «HU ISVVUIIlt! 111. Ill .HUH April 27 nt l:,10 p. m. Louis J. srouve, proprietors of tho bowling place at 102 West Bergen place nn the Ladles' Aid society of the Red In In charge Harold C. Ely of Tlnton uvenue, MoniMiyi Faim vn. DoKulco'ii Bilny: Count ISntcrlwIio vs, ACWA Jucoubs, conch and physical educatho person of Ernest Bello, a crip- Bank Reformed church, has colled Bank g r o u p charter will bo closed week and her condition has been Tinton Falls, returned homo yesecnu-r, for tho high Individual scare Louil tion instructor, \vl)l be |n chni'B". of 24,1 n nd fllsn n prlzu for tho high ple. Bello was taken to Monmouth a special nineting for tonight at 8 Boor., and Institution of the orgtin- serious since that time. Mrs. Mln- terday from Fltlrtn linsplini, whoro Wi'illioxlnj'i J, II, Kelly v.«, Tlsero Memorial hospital, where tn opera- o'clock. The meeting will be held satlon will lain piacu May 28, Men ton has lour children, 20 grBiid- ho had been a pntlent f.vti weeks, Rciultu nvernga scoro of 170.-1S. Councilman Only about S,S per cont of all Ralph L. Lewis won Iho award for ntcicited in joining may contact > children, ISggreat ggrandchildren ""- — performed, h i l d r e n it is employed aj a carrier at tho Bomllx 7, 1, H, Kelly 1 ; la toe church Mn Reyaoldi. ohlldrcn in the United States have tho high scoro of 026 in a throe•nd 17 great-great grandchildren. Red Bank poBtofflcc. Tlttern 3, A e t n a 0 I "I ' ' • divorced, parents. ACWA7,1'aut « ,' | |I • l Come eot'lea matcU I Chrysler To Race AtMonmouthPark This Summer Fair Haven Group To Aid Riverview Legion Auxiliary To Award Medals Buc Cindermen Good In Defeat Freedom Caravan Ends County Tour Bowman Trophy Back In Play Buc Tennis Team Drops First Two Ealontown Pin League Elects New Officers BED B A S K REGISTER, MAY 1IJ, 1!M« PKE-FABRICATED ..^'JSES & GARAGES TIME PAYMENTS ARRANGED STOCK OR CUSTOM PLANS DOORS, THAT ADORN! Mill Work can add beauty to your home, as well as utility. A Door can be a decorative detail of the home in addition to being a necessity. Mill work we provide adds greatly to the beauty, but not much to costs! All Mllhvork done In our own mill. EAGLE MILLWORK AND LUMBER CO.. Inc. HIGHWAY 33, WEST KKAXSBUItO, N. J. Telephone Keanshurg 6-1060 •TndtMtrkBet. You con b i sure of fcofh beauty and value with a genuine Arf-Carved diamond ring. Made from beginning lo end by America's oldeit and largest ringmaker. Registered and guaranteed for your protection. Sea our fine collection. 1I1OVID »Y MIDES FOR ALMOST A HUNNIO YIAM WILBURS BBRQAPST JEWELERS — ~ RED BANK ESTABLISHED 64 Y£A*S AUTHORIZED ART-CARVED JEWELER Holy Cross PTA Has Installation Communion June 13 For Parochial Class Mrs. Vincent Armstrong, regent of the South Amboy district, Parochl&i PTA, officiated Tuesday night tt'hjii Holy Cross Parent-Teacher association installed its officers and committee chairmen. Serving for the ensuing year are Mre. Edmund L. Carey, president; Mrs. Joseph Hawkins, first vice president; Mrs. Claude Minaldi, second vice presidint; Mrs. Paul Hintelmnnn, treasurer and Mrs. Alfred LuBrccque, secretary. Mrs. Carey appointed the following committee chairmen: Mrs. James K. Shea, hospitality; Mrs. Harry Cronan, refreshments; Mrs. Jay Holly, supplies; Mrs. Jame; Nelson, welfare; Mrs. William Hassinger, membership; Mrs. Hartson Howiand, literature, and Mrs. Edward O'Brien, historian and publicity, Rev. Joseph Sullivan, pastor, and Sister Mary Margaret, principal, congratulated the new officers and praieed the retiring executive committee for Its lino achievements. Mis. George McGowan, past president, thanked the members for theiv co-operation and wished the new officers continued success. Gifts were presented to the outgoing executives and corsages were given to the new officers. Mrs. O'Brien and Mrs. Henry Krusc will servo as co-chairmen of tho Communion breakfast for the graduating class on Sunday, June 13, at which time the seventh grade pupils will be guests. Mothers of sevt-nth graders who will serve on the committee are Mrs. John Dockert Mrs. Walter Carle, Mrs. Albcr! A Teeter, Mrs. John Kennedy, MM. Patrick J. Byrne, Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. Raymond Helikcr, Mrs, R. J. Hearn, Mrs. EUmund Desmond, Mrs. George Lane, Mrs. James Rigney, Mrs. Dennis K. Byrne, Mrs. Jcre Carew, Mrs. Cronan. Mrs. Thomas Farrcll, Mrs. John Kcany, Mrs. Bernard Cieighton, Mrs. Vincent Manning and Mrs. Hassinger. Mra. Diskon volunteered to serve as chairman of the final card party in June, Assisting her will be Mrs. James Higerins, Mrs. Clifford Doeilc, Mrs. Herbert Langler, Mrs. Carew, Mrs. Edward Fnllon, Mrs. Joseph Goodwin, Mrs. Patrick Holland, Mrs. Francis Puchcr, Mrs. Elmer Blumcl, Mrs. Lulgi Mellnci, Mra. Rocco Foderaro, Mrs. Ann Gavin and Mrs. Loon Hillycr. The following mothers volunteered to serve breakfast to school children on the first Friday in June; Mrs. James Shea, chairman; Mrs. Jostph McCue, Mrs. Holly, Mrs. Disl;on, Mrs, Holland and Mrs. Paul Hinttlmann. The attendance award went to the third grade for having the largest representation of parents present, ter of Liberty hose company and Claude Raynor, Jr., of Lincoln hose company as assistant fire chiefs. Mr. and Mm, Jack Meisler are on a tcur of Florida and Cuba. Mr. Meisler owns the Savon drug store here. They expect to return home Sunday. Guest speaker! and a Rim, "House in the Desert", featured the supper meeting of the Men's Division of the United Jewish appeal of Keyport in the synagogue last week. The 40 men present heard Sylvan H. Kohn, executive director of Jewish education in Essex coun ty, plead for aid for Palestino and for the displaced Jewish people of Europe. Keyport's goal has been set at $6,500 in the drive, which will continue until June 1. Further plans for the observance of the 52nd anniversary on June 7, weie made at a meeting of Lady Colfax Rebekah lodge held recently at Odd Fellows hall. At the anniversary the president of the Rebekah state assembly will make her official visit and all lodges in '.he district will be invited to attend. Samuel Stein, former president of tin Cranford Businessmen's association, was guest speaker at a dinner meeting of the local association held recently at Ye Cottage inn. Mrs. Charles Hastings has been visiting relatives at Portsmouth, Va. Mrs. William O. Bennett and daughter of Nashville, Tenn., have been visiting Mrs. Bennett's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Harris. Mr. and Mrs. John Wurnock and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest E. Walling were the recent guests of Miss Kate Sterner and Mrs. Edna Hillman of Woodbury, L. I* former Keyport residents. Mr and Mrs. Robert Badbcr and daughter Audrey have moved from Bethany road, Hazlet, to 65 Main street. Mrs. Howard Pleper and infant son have returned home from Monmouth Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. David Pangborn and family of Cleveland, O., have moved to Second street. The Panuboir.3, who were former Keyport residents have returned since Mr, Pangborn, who is employed by ins United Fruit company, has been tranrferred to the New York office. Mr nnd Mrs. Roland Williams of Los Angeles, Cat., are spending 6ome time with Mrs. Williams' brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrts. Jesse Hyer. Mr. and Mrs. Charles I. Young havs returned home after spending tha winter at St. Cloud, Fla. There were 1,200 surgical pads made at a recent meeting of the Keyport auxiliary of Monmouth Memorial hospital at the home of Mrs. Elinor Santell, Mrs. Earl Snydcr of Locust Point and Mrs. Frank Hayes, public relations director at the hospital, spoke. Three Kiernan Loses At Lung Branch SKW Sherman High Alan With 1,930 Votes BAREFOOT SANDALS wonderfully cool, light and sturdy EvirymotWr with » growing child will wtlcomtthii Birgiln! Sled UpNo»...t Commissioner Walton Sherman was re-elected by a landslide, in Tuesday's city commission election at Long Branch, receiving more than 707r of the votes. Three other incumbents, however, were swept from office. They were Mayor Paul Kiernan and Commissioner.-* Frank A. Brazo nnd Pnul Nnstasio, Jr. Basil II. Bruno, Joseph J. Tomalni, Joseph P. McCarthy ,md former Mayor J. William Jones, were elected to tho commission with Mr. Sherman. Mr. Jones led Mayor Klernnn, who finished sixth, by 75 votes. The biggest urset was the defeat of Mayor Kiernan, who had served on the board for lh n Inst eight years. He was liifih man in the 1944 elections. The county Democratic lender, he hnd liocn rnnceded an excellent chance of reelection. The totnls were as follows: Sherman 4.930, Bruno 4,358, Tomainl 4,236, McCarthy 3,961, Jonos 3.036, Kiernan 3,561, Nastasio Jr.. 2834, Brazo 3,637, Stanley Cohen 1.B33, Milton P. Cranmer 1,239, Genrco W. Zlskn 901, Edgar N. Dinkclspiel 72S, William h. Protlt 701, Benjamin Grubcr 628. I.rniis Silk 485, Frisby Lnws 173 nnd Do Hayrs Butts 125. I Ion-nee Ciluirlla TII Will In July A bridal shower was yU'en recently for Hiss Helen Catherine Shcoily. daughter of Mr. nnd Mis. Jarcc;, Shcedy uf Long Blanch, l>y Mirs Dorothy VanNoto, Mrs. Mary Stiviwnali and Miss Betty Epifiino, at the home of Miss Sheedy's parents in Long Branch. The brideto-be will lie married In June in Jesse C. Orslno at tltc Star of the Sea church, LonR 13rnm:li, Quests wcro .Mrs. Sanih Vn.iiNolc, Mrs. Lillian Shcctly, Mrs. DoriH Johnson, Mrs. Arthur p funt), Mrs. George Naylor, Mia. Arthur White, Mrs. Fred VnnNolc, Mrs. William VanNoto, Mrs. Walter VnnNote, Mrs. Arthur VanNote, Mra. Alice Dunglcr, Mrs. Joseph Carlonc, Mrs. Betty Flytin, Mm. William Beckham, Mrs. William Lucin, Mrs. Roy Hendrlckson and Misses Ann Naylor, Caroline Trlola, Mary I,ucia, Joan Epifanu and Margaret Naylor. Avenue of T>v» Rivers, Dinners from 81.60 Stiffen • C'IIII|IH . Seafood Served «vcek days 6 p.m. t» 13 p.m.; Sundays IS iimin till IJ p.m. All sizes for men e^boys MIXICAN HUARACHES Amtrica's Bnt Corsets Semng R E D B A N K AND JERSEY SHORE AREA for NEON SIGNS Cold Cathode Fluorescent SANITOKE Cleaning LEON'S 7S Whltr St. Ph. It. B. I a. •••. «iUH ifl.AIII STYLE OF THE MONTH MON'IMlh A BRISK NEW HAIRDO . . SHORT, SMART A ATTENTION NEW JERSEY WOMEN LOVELY. !'V;iMil-ill,': Our N«w I iijit'rril-rm" iind Our IVriMUiiriit WIN'300.00 CASH PRIZES •pin loo m i l l Of faMOUi MUlNltlO HIINIINC H U N C/jlt.iorlJ HERE'S All YOU NEED DO AaVt on oppolntm«nt now with your b f anty ihop (or a glaffloroui Zotoi or tuttron way* . . . a hair-do, FASHIONSTYIED lo p«rftction o i only a profmionol bfaulician con give you. Vogue Beauty Salon Whf n you g«t your permontnt wavt, oik your beautician 19 givg you an inlry blank and tht (OX FRONT from lh< INDIVIDUAL patkogj uied for your wayt-Zotol, luilron, Jamut, Marinello, Vaper-Mareat or Pter. On Ihe tnlry blanfc, complete in 25 wordt or Icli, thit MnlsncB—"( likt lo nflv* mf peiifionenl wait j i y t r i by • proftuionol bteuliciaa b x a d M 1 * Send your entry together with tht SOX FRONT lo: THE ZOIOS-IUSTHON CONTEST, P.O. I 0 X M 7 , NEW YOIK • , N. T. Entriit muil bt poilmarktd r u l l a l i r than midni|hl June S, 1*41. GO TO YOU* IWUTY SHOP FOR RIMS AND ENTRY I U N K HOdtllt Sons Company, Newark, N.J. Mr. .Nllmlo Ruinlrr, Mjr. MrnihtT Inti-rnalliinsl Kiinini ol Hair Dnlcn, N, Y. C. Always At Ynur Servlr* 16 WHITE STREET. RED BANK Phone R. • . 6-0844 Diifn'bufor OPK.N FAERY BAY "ENGINEERED TO YOUR NEEDS" LAST CALL! CLEANUP of WOMEN'S SHOES Eatontown We Will Accept A Limited Number Of Reservations From The General Public For The Red Bank Community Chamber of Commerce ANNUAL DINNER FEATURING THE HONORABLE JAMES A. FARLEY Chairman Of The Board Coca Cola Export Corp. LIGHTING Former Democratic National Chairman Former Postmaster General Wednesday Evening. May 19,19481 Suedes, patenti, fabric*, leather* in 57 itylej— I broken lots I right from regular stock. JfKW IMPKUVKD KIIIIIHOII Mu*ii; tltm W .,,.„...,. '*' * ''"•>• SINIUV SANDWH:III:S TILL rKI.ICI-IIONE ICUMSOX 1-0531 Shall Re Ready at 6:00 P. M. Due to the Increased Seating Capacity at the Crystal Brook Farm Inn X-Iiny Fitting SNEAKS OarmenU Irought in •efore 10 A. M. ERNIE MAYER'S TAVERN (;M;I; CLUB CONCERT A concert will be given Tuesday, May 25, at 9 p. m. hy the Versntllc Glee club of Asbury Park in the Rei'Veytown church, of which Rev. Judith Wallace, daughter of Mr. G. W. Murphy Is pastor. Mrs. Bcuand Mrs. Merrill H. Wallace, cele- lah Ueevcy is the sponsor and Mrs. brated her fifth birthday with a Alk'e DHVenport, directress. party recently. Games were played and prizes awarded to Norman Black and green ten leaves both Miller and Marjorie Dickeraon. start life green on the samo bushes. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moore of Keyport Maple place are parents of a Several members of St. Joseph's daughter born last Thursday at Parent-Teacher association attend- Monmouth Memorial hospital. ed the recent spring conference of the South Amboy region of Parochial P.T.A.8 at St. James Catholic Receives Verdict For high school, Bed Bank. Sister Mary Jacobe, Sister Mary Evelyn and Damage To Automobile thirteen- mothers attended. Edwin R. Creawlclc of Brookdale Miss Ruth Walling was guest of farm. Lincroft, an associate of Walhonor at a birthday dinner party ter Rathbun, Inc., of Phalanx, reh'lven by her mother at Cottrcll's ceived a verdict recently in Long restaurant here. Other guests were Branch district court against Mrs. members of the Girls Friendly so- Myra Reynolds, Mr. Creswiek was driving hin new ctaly of St. Mary's Episcopal church. Miss Walling received a Buick automohlle less than half an birthday cake from Mrs. Gerald houi when Mra. Reynolds backed out of a parking spaca on the eaat Lawlcr. Plans to entertain the Past Noble sld* of Broad street, and raked the Grand clubs of Belmar and Brad- sid'- of his new car from front to ley Beach May 27 were made at a rear. William E. Beaty, Red Bank meeting of the local Past Noble attorney, represented Mr. Crcswick, Grands at the home of Miss Mar- and Isadora Friedman of Freehold was attorney for Mrs. Reynolds, guerite Dolan. ?he Fhilathea class of the Baptist church will sponsor a social evening and entertainment. In the church-school rooms Friday, May Fitted by Graduate Conetleres 21, at 8 p. m, Billy Roman, son of Mr, and TUCKER'S Mrs. William Roman, celebrated his COMET SHOP fourth birthday at a party recently. 1S9 Broadway Long Branch The decorations were in blue and yellow, and prizes for games were awarded to Corkio Hinds, Judy CIFTS . SO D I F F E R E N T _ _ Sproul and Iris Woolley. Charles P. Brower of Rarltan TRINKET JARS hose company was, installed as 1.00 chief of the Keyport Ore department during the annual inspection and installation conducted Friday night at Eagle Hose fire house. Al32 Fsitar SlrMI Mmr Pltis so Installed were Frank McCleasRid Bask e-4M7 Open Evtulni • Til 9 DOROTHY JANE SHOPPE Choice, of red, white or brown NOW AVAILABLE OKH.INAI. Broad Street, STRETCH YOUR DOLLARS WITH THESE GREAT SHOE VALUES! SAME DAY SERVICE DAVID W. RUSSELL, President. | ASBURY PARK 1-1180 PORCELAIN ENAMEL • STAINLESS STEEL Indoor and Outdoor Electrical Ditplayt & Lighting ROAD-AD SERVICE, INC. 49 So. Main St. Ashury Park IMPORTANT NOTICE If you would like to iitteml, phtiiH- Ruy E. Taylor, the IDxci-iilivc Svcniiiry, immediately! Tele phone Kcd Bank 6>(HI55 uml ascorlaiii lvhclher lie him Hi'als aVuihihlc. If lie nuyi» VES—Mail your check for $5 |iL-r ticket to the Chuinhcr HenilqiiHrtcrs— RKD BANK 77 BIIOAD STHEET, DINNER TICKETS WILL BK MAILED ON MONDAY, MAY 17TH I e Four Personals BED BANK REGISTER, MAY 13, 1948 ODD FELLOWS LODGE HONORS PAST GRANDS Raymond »nd Stephen Walling of Centervllle; two listers, Mm. John Collins of Rumson and Miss Mod a Walling of Centtrville, and four grandchildren. Mrs. Ralph Legg Is V aPresident Mary Mount Group To Hear Missionary Robert E. Burns of Madison Dr. Leana Benjamin, who served ' , ."was elected tccvetary of! as a missionary in South India for •: sophomore cln-«5 ai Ihr I'irc- , many yeare with the Woman's tl»ns held last week at Rutgcri j JOSEPH VANBBVNT Mrs. Ralph Legg was elected American Baptist Foreign Mission university. J«Mph VanBrunt, 83, of Kcans- president of the Fair Haven. Par- society of the Northern Baptist Mrs. Sloan nobcrtson of Prospect burg, died Monday after a v/eek's ent-Teacher association Tue»day convention, will speak at a meetavenue, served on the arrangement Illness. He was born at Crawford's night in the Willow street school ing of the Mary Mount chapter ol committee In charge of a meeting Corner, Holmdel, son of the late auditorium. the Woman's Missionary society ol of the New Jersey Skidmoie c ol- i Mr. and M M . Cornelius VanBrur.t. Other olllcers arc Mrs. Harvey the Red Bank Baptist church tolegc alumnae association Tuesday ; His wife w u the late Miranda Car- I Little, Jr., vice president; Mrs, morrow night at the home of Misi night in the Terrace room of the i Robert Thaler, secretary; Mrs. Edith McLean on Oak Hill road, ttr VanBrunt. Hotel Suburban at Kast Orange. j three daughters, Stephen Schultz, treasurer, and Middletown township. Surviving are Edward tV. Scuddei. publisher of Mrs. Irving Roop of Belfurd, Mrs. Mrs. Douglas Frederic, historian, Dr Benjamin served as & miatho Newark Evening New.-, ha.- re- t "~" Up Patterson of Englisiitown The officers will be installed Tuesdoctor for 32 years in Inturned to his home on Navfsink and Mrs. Wilbur Rockafcllow of day, June 9. The executive board | ^ ^ w , , ffrom rom flrst.hand ex first-hand exRivei road rtftcr a most pleasant Keansburg; ten grandchildren and will meet Tuesday, June 1, at the ,p e l ., € n c e . t htells e n o t a blc growth of the stiy of several months in Florida. lis great-grandchildren. Mr. Van-home of James Hanley, retiring N e I l o r o hospital for Women and Mr. and Mrs. Emil Hryshkanych Brunt was a former sexton of the president. Children in its services to all racei, of Shrewsbury avenue nil1 parents Keansburg Methodial church. A program on visual education and castes. Her work took of a daughter born la.^t Thursday The funeral will he held this af- and how it is used at Knollwood religions her over much of the large South at Rivcrview hospital. Mis. Hryshternoon at 2 o'clock at the Kcana- school was directed by Mrs. RoyInclin field and she is an able In"kanych Is the fornur Mis.-; Lillian j burg Methodial church, and bur-Algor. terpreter of the work to which she Wcllncr of Red Bank. ial will be In Wood cemetery, The P.T.A. will hold a white elehas devoted her life. Mr, and Mis- William Cameron Keaniburg, under the direction of phant sale Tuesday night, May 25, of Oakland street arc parents of a the Bedla funeral htmc. There arc approximately 28,000 at the Willow street school. Mrs. son born list Thursday at Mon- ] farms in New Jersey. Fred Wegel is chairman. MIUI. MAKGARKT KRIEGER mouth Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. David Azarcn of > Monmouth County Surrefait'e Offict. Mri. Margaret Krieger, 79, wlioiv Navcslnk lodge, Independent Or- presented a veteran's button to year jeweli were given to Gut work by supplying hospital bed* of John C. Krieger of Wyckoff Jewelry Stolen Diummond plnce aie parents of a In the mutter ol ttiu estate of Ettll R d Bank, B k Past Deputy DeWltt Caihart. Mr. Bcckstrom, Anntole Chameroy and and wheelchairs. daughter born Friday al Monmouth i der of Odd Fcllowo off Rod Ttiorne (tileo known ns Ettie Thoma road, Eatontown, died yesterday From Metzger Home MeUKnr), deccttacd. Notice to crediMemorial hospital. ' | celebrated rast Grands night Mon- Carhart had previously been given Raymond Boyd. Stanley Brown, Attending the ceremony were morning, Ellwood Wins, Harry Compton, About $250 worth of jewelry was tors to prcient claims ugainBt eltate. Mr and Mrs. Jack Kennc of day at the lodge room at 1(1 Mon-a 30-year jewel. (left to right, front row) Deputy Mrs. Krieger, who had been a I'ureuntit to the order of Dorman M e Marion street arc spending; a « « « ; m.iii'.h street. Before the meeting, Receiving 45-year jewels were John Giving, D. Worden Groomn Grand Master James V. CrosU, resident of Eatontown many years, stolen from the home of Harry Fdddin, SurroRiite of the County or at the Hotel Morton, Atlantic City. | lodge members were served a Geurgc L. Davidson, Horace Vine, and Clifford W. Stilea received 35- Anntole Chameroy, Bertram Birch, had been associated with the Corn Me tiger of Silverwhite Gardenf, Mminidulh, niH<!e on the twelfth day of Litlle Silver, sometime Friday, it Mjiy. IU4S, on Ihe application of Joseph Members of River Street Junior , baked han supper In the fcllow- Isaac N. Willinms and Charles K. ycar jewels. Clarence Beck, Horace Vine, Product* company of New York. Thornc, Bole executor ol th« e l t a u Hieh School Travel club, under the ship hull of the Methodist church. Hrlggs. Mr. Davidson, a resident of the Charlea Rrigga, John Hoffman, She waa one of the oldest mem- was reported by Little Silver police, W. p Entry Into the home was gained of Kttie Thct'nc Ulso known nl Ettie the direction of their supervisor. Mrs. I The mippor » a» served by Fellow* home In Trenton, will Philip Jlannine, Japhia Clayton, bers of the Eatontown PresbyterThornc MeUKar), deceased, notlct h Forty-year jewels were awarded Odd by smashing a back door. The tnClrie MacLeod. visited several I Methodist Yuuth Fellowship. _ hereby triven to the oredltori of anid receive nig jewel Sunday when the DeWltt Carhart, Frank; Grond* ana ian church. Surviving is a daughtira houae waj ransacked. Mr. dfctasfcl to exhibit to the subscriber, At the mectinR, Deputy Grand to Arthur A. Whiting, Clarence E. points of interest in New York Master James Crnsln presented 10- Beck, Bertram Birch, William I). lodge will hold service) In that city. William Baldwin, past grand mas- ter, Mrs. Thomas R. Morris, with Metiiger told The Register that 0 sole executor, os Bforeenid, their debu city Saturday. In the Kroup were Little, John 1.. HofTnmn, Jnphfe The Odil Fellow* lodge U 103 ter. (Top rnw) Raymond Boyd, whom she lived. gold traveling watch, a camera val- tujd -tlcnuiMln uv.'iitibL t!lc sni<l cstntc, James Scarsborougb. Bill VYmm- nnd la-vear jewels while PaM Clayton, Philip Jiannlnc and Ed-years old and owna the thrce-itory Clifford Stiles, Arthur Polln, StanThe funeral will be held Satur- ued at $75 and other jewelry be- under oath, within six months from the dute of the nforcfciild order, er they lcy. Euscnc Booth. Danny Dowil. Or.-, id Master William D. Baldwin ward M. Little. Frank J. Crondc building at 16 Monmouth street. ley Brown, John Olving and O. day morning at 10 o'clock at the longing to his wife was .stolen. Mr. will be forever barred uf their actions Anthony Falvo and HiiUolpli «im- pjcaentfd 25. 30-nnd 3o-yoar Jewelf 1 Mount Memorial home, with Rev. Metzger was In New York on busi- thrrefnr D^nlnst tlic snld subscriber, The lodge is active In community Worden Groonu. received a 35-ycar jewel. ThirtyI • • p Grand Arthur Polln n s l brone. ! Junior John A. Westln, pastor of the Eat-ness at the time of the theft and llnttd: l'reeiiolil, N. )„ May 11th, Bernard MacDonald of N c w n r k . j - ontown Presbyterian church, of- Mrs. Metzger was out of the house. 1949. JOSEPH W. THORNE, and operator of the T. H. O'Donnell formerly of P.ed Bank, who lost funeral home. Bearers were Burficiating. Burial will be in MoravObituaries Mr. Metzger reported that Chief R. V. No. I, Kerrort, V. i. Wedding* Travel Agency of Red Bank, The his eycsijjht when he was wounded gem Emmcns, Ambrose Ne)«on ian cemetery, New Dorp, S. I, Messrs. TarKOnx, I.abrecquc, Fred Zieglcr Is checking on a recouple arc living in Red Bnnk, a! St. Lo. France, visited friends John Regan, John Farmly, Alfred WILMAM C. BENNETT, SR. Canzonn it Combs, NAGER—SCIIENCK cent series of minor robberies in MRS. CI.ARA SARDEIXA here Sunday as the guest of Fol Red Bank, N. J. . Ferry and John Reed. the vicinity. William C. Bennett, Sr, of 48 Proctors. WOODRUFF—GHKbN'K Shlpkin. The sightless veteran ex- i Announcement is made of the Mrs. Clara Sardclla, 90, died at Drummond place, died suddenly Ann MRS. CKCIL IIKVKR poets to return to Red Bnnk in the j wedding of Mis3 Barbara tho home of her son, Umberto SarMr. and Mrs. John Woodruff or Mrs. Mary Oiella Heyer, 35, of della, Keyport, Sunday afternoon. near future to live. Before enter- Nafcer, daughter of Mrs. Mmtlm New York city announce the mar-Sunday morning of a heart attack. He was born In Keyport, a son Monmouth avenue, Navetlnk, died MM. Sardella, who was born In ing the service he was employed Nnger of Woodlawn, Va., and Henry rlnse of their daughter, Miss Ecln.'i at Loft's and Whelon's store on A., Jr., of Wheeling, W. Lcc Woodruff, lo Raymond C. of the late Henry U and Minnie yesterday morning, She waa theItaly, had lived In this country Va., son of Mr. anil Mrs. Henry A. ireenc, eon of Raymond C. Greene Clailt Bennett. H« had resided (laughter of the late Capt. and Mrs. since 1906. She was the widow of Broad street. Mill Margaret MacVeagh, daugh- Schenck of Little Silver, Saturday of New York city, and the late Mrs. In Red Bank 22 years, having Thomas Dumont. Her late father Michael Sardella, I wish to take this opportunity mo^ed here from Fair Haven. Mr. wai well known In this vicinity ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Mac-May 1, nt St. Michael'* church, Ernestine Greene. Besldei the son at whose home The wedding to thank the many friends, old and Veagh of Maple avenue, attended Woodlnwn. The ceremony wa« per- took place April 10 at the home of Bennett was chief engineer on the He had been a captain on the aha died, Mrs. Sardella is survivednew, who turned out to visit Tho the senior bnll at Notre Dame uni- formed liy Rev. Pnul Francis Nager Mrs. Bertha Lnne of Matawan, tho old Sea Bird and Albertlna steam- Mary Patten line, the Merchant by two other sons, 110111.1 Sardella boats which operated between Red Steamboat company, wlilch ran of Long Island and John B. SarCandle Light during Open House, versity at South Bend, Ind., Friday of Plttsburg, Pa., the bride's uncle. bride's maternal grandmother. Bar.k and New York, and had also from Red Bank to New York, and en a guest of Paul Lane and Mr. and since then too! The ceremony was performed by been chief engineer at the Newthe Keanaburg Steamboat com- della of Albany, N*. Y., and 1G and Mrs, Joseph Lane of Vctvillc grandchildren. Itcv. H. A. Thompson. Misa Eliza- York city aijuarlum until it was pany. It wan most gratifying anil conon the Notre Dame campus. Miss The funeral was held yesterday beth Horton of Matawan and Jo-rntcd several yoars ago. MacVeagh made the trip by plane Surviving besides her husband morning at the Cllffwooi Methotributed much to the happiness and seph Yarell of New York city were During World War II he was em- ar« t aon, Joseph Heyer, living t t dist church with Rev. Joseph C. and Sunday returned to Georgian the attendants. success we have enjoyed since ployed as a machinist at the Elco Court college, Lakcwood, where The bride was graduated from plant nt Elizabeth and more re- home; two sisters, Mrs. RUMIII Unc't officiating. Burial vraa in opening day. she Is a junior student, to particiMatawan high school and Enntcrn cently he had been a painter and Mount of Navcalnk «nd Mrs, Vir-So£« Hill cemetery, pate In the COIICRC observance of School for Physician's aids. The decorator. At the time of his ginia Baker of Mechanic street To all who have visited—many thanks—and to those who htv* World Sodality Day. HERBKRlTUlXRICH bridegroom is a graduate of Com- death, he WRJ president of the Fish Red BanV, end a brother, Capt not—Please Do come in and sign at the "Wishing Well." Mr. and Mrs. George H. Bailey of Herbert Ullrich of Elizabeth,, merce high school in New York and Game Protective aiaoelalton of Herbert Dumont of Staten Iiland McLaren street entertained Eugene The funtral will be held Saturday formerly of Leonardo, son of the city, and is a student al Hunter col- Nev; Jersey. He wat an ex-chlef Th«."Name the Canary" Contest closes Thursday, May 30th. Eallard of Chicago over the weeklege. The couple are making their of the Fair Haven flre department afternoon at 12 (TdlicJi at the W e latr Mr. and Mrs. Jamb ' Ullrich, ^Deposit'ali-names in entry box at the Candle Light. Winner will end. residence, with Rev. Charles P, died Monday at the age of 42'after home In Brooklyn. 1 and an exempt member of the de- Johnson, putor of- .All Saints Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Grant of a-'Wng Illness. Surviving are" his be annrxractd, next week. partment. Peach street arc parents of a church,' Nave'ilhk, officiating. Bur- wife and two children; a brother,* HAISMAN—M1CHELSON Surviving are li!« widow. Mr«. daughter born Sunday at Monial will tit in Pay View cemetery Ralph Ullrich of New York,,city,, niouth Memorial hospital. Miss Nancy R. Hausman, Un ligh- Matilda Grovcr Bennett: three under trie direction'of the Pflsten and two sisters. Miss Florence •U11-Mr. and Mrs. William Setaro of ter of Dr. and Mrs. Samuel W. daughters, Mrs. Dorothy Burlett of funeral h,omt. rich of New York and Mri. RobShrewsbury avenue are parents of Hausmen of Peters place, was Red Bank, Mrs. EuretU Nau of ert Search of Leonardo. KM. AWv a son born Saturday at Monmouth m&rritd Saturday at Cily Hall, Nr.w South Amboy and Mri. Elltabeth 770 mVER ROAD, FAIR HAVEN, N. J. , The funeral was held this mornYork city, to Burl Mlchelion of Adcock, living at homt; a son, Wil- The funeral of Mrt. Amy Walling" Ing at Elltc.beth and burial wa* jn Memorial hospital. New York city. Miss Doris Michel- liam C. Bennett, Jr., living at Newman'' N, wno 'died Wednesday Mount Olivet cemetery.. ' Mr. and Mrs. Louis Silver of ' son and George Micliclson, sister home six grandchildren, a sister, of last weeK' at the;home pf her Harcing road arc parents of a son and brother of the bridegroom, Mre. Ella Walker, and a brother, daughter, Mrn.' DaM«T Bchahck. ot born Sunday at Fitkin hospital. Cooked at high heat, jescf' afnd PHONE: RED BANK 6-2144 were the attendants. A reception Hvniy L,. Bennett, both of Hailet. Mv. and Mre. Charles Ad»mo nl Port Monmouth, wai held Saturday milk mixtures are likely to curdle. followed at the White Turkey Eist Bergen place are parents of a The funeral w a i hild yesterday afternoon1 at the Scott funeral Town house In New York city. son born Saturday at nivcrvleiv afternoon at the late residence, home, with Ber.-William D. Powhospital. The couple will make their home with Rev. John G. Gebhard, Jr., ell, pastor of the New Monmouth Mrs. Henry A, Schenck, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James Byrne of in New York city. The. bride was pastor of the Reformed church, of- Baptlet church, officiating. Burial Bread Etrect are. parents of a Mi.3.1 Martha Louise Nager « u graduated from Cuahing academy, ficiating. The truck of the Fair was in Fair View cemetery. daughter horn Sunday at niver- her sister's maid of honor and Wll- nnd attended Oberlln university In Hnven flre department was used to MM. Newman was born In Key vieu' hospital. lam R. Nnftcr, Jr.. the bride's Ohio, and Syracuse university. Mr. convey the flowers to the cemetery. port, daughter of the late Joel and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Mac- brother, was best man. The bride Micliclson, a liaison man between Members of the flre department Carrie Piper Walling. She wa» the Cloud of West Front street arc par- was attired irr a light beige suit, management and labor, served with visited the late residence Tuesday widow of Charles Leon Newman. ents of a son born Sunday at Rl- with a white straw hat trimmed the Army Ski troops during the night to conduct aervlces. Rev. Sin, Newman was a member of verview hospital. Christopher H. Snyder, pastor of the W.C.T.U. and the New Mon with brown veiling, nnd toast war. Mr and Mrs. John Ranito of For- brown accessories. Her corsage the Chapel of Holy Communion and month Baptist church. Surviving est avenue ar« parents of a son was white orchids. The maid of GOODALL—VERAMGE chaplain of the flre department, of- besides Mm. Schanck are another The New, Commercial Size born Sunday at Rivcrvicw hospital, honor wore nn aqua suit with navy daughter, Mrs. William Perry, Jr., tites Dorothy Evelyn Goodall, ficiated. Mr, and Mrs. John H. Cooper of blue accessories and a corsage of Burial wax In Fair View cemeof Helford; three brothers, Emmetl daughter of Mr. and Mrs, J. George Eafit Bergen place have' returned yellow roses. WARD-OLYMPICT Goodall of Elm place, became the tery under direction of the Worden Walling of Port Monmouth and from Atlantic City after spending A reception followed in the Con- bride of Anthony Vcrnngc, son of several days at Chalfonte-Hsddon tinental Room of the McClurc hoMr. and Mrs. Frank Vcrange of hall. tel in Wheeling. The couple will REFRIGERATOR Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Cle«'»nl make their home nt 13S8 National Red Bank, Saturday, Slay S. The bride was graduated from of Minneapolis, formerly of River road. Wheeling. load, visited in town Tuesday, The bride wns graduated from Red Bank high school, and until Helium, a gas widely used in air- Mount DeChantn! academy and at- her marriage wai employed as secships, was first discovered in spec- tended . Pittsburg Art Institute. retary by the Holmes ft McDowell agency at Red Bank. The troscopic itudics of the sun. She is n member of the Wheellnp Insurance is proprietor of AnArt club nnd is employed in the bridegroom thony's Plumbing and Heating esadvertising department ofTheHiib. tablishment in Red NOTICE. Bank. He Mr. Schenck was graduated from served three years In the navy and 'fake notice that Chcsler I,, Forrtir hat applied to the Mn.vor and Council Red Bank high school nnd the 1SV was in the Battle ol Normandy. of Shrewsbury UorouKh for a Retail Dis- liorial Uroailcasttnc; company's TJie couple are on a weding trip tribution license fnr premises situated school for radio announcing. He • t Broad Btreet, Shrewsbury, N. J. to New England, and upon their reObjections, if any, should lie maile Is a navy veteran, having served turn will reside on Mnplc avenue. For Hom«t... Farms... FactoriM immediately in writinc to Ortrudo C. two years in the Pacific theater, Van Vliet, clerk of Shrewsbury Borough. nnd is tin inactive member of the Stores and Warohousts Me BREEK-ALBltlNG l.Siitntu) Naval Reserve, He is employed by CHESTER L. FORBAR. WTRF radio station In Bellalie. More and more builderi Miss Marian McErccn, daughter He is n member of the Wheeling or Mr. and Mrs. James McBreen of •re uiing Reynold* lifetime Little theater. Poit Carbon, Pa., become the Aibury Park Armory Mr. nnd Mrs. Schencd ntlcrnk'd britle of Stall Sgt. John C. Albiing, Aluminum building product*. the wedding, SATURDAY 9 P. M. U, S, Marine corps, son of Mr. and They know from experience Mrs. George Albring of Oceanpo:t, that aluminum building prod* TIGH—MINTON. Saturday, April 24, at the rectory ucti are economical, durable, of the Cathedral of the Immaculate attractive... and abtolutely Miss Shirley Tigh. daughter of Charles Thomas Wood Tigh of Conception at Syracuse, N, Y. The fire-proof, rot-proof and terMontclalr, and the late Mrs. Dud-ceremony was performed by Rev. mite-proof. ley Tigh of New York city and Krank Harrison. The couple are making their Stamford, Conn., was married SatReynold.1 Lifetime Alumiurday afternoon to Warren Ben- home at 100$ Cadillac street, Syrajamin Minton, son of Mr. nnd Mrs, cuse, where Sgt. Albring is sta- num building products fit toWarren Minton of Drummond tioned nt the Marine corps Recruit' gether in a weathcrtype lock. MMPICT place. The wedding took place at in,; offices. Light, easy to handle, quickPERFORMANCE! TEXAS "BABE" SHARKEY Blackoak*. home of Mr. nnd Mrs. ly erected . . . keeps labor John L, Wntcrbury at Stamford. SEELEY—OUMOBE HANS KAMPFER Rev. Edward W. Miller, pastor of Announcement is made of the cotts low. And it imulatet Salem Baptist church of New Ro-marriage of Mrs. Eunice E. Seeley by reflecting radiant h e a t . . . MKBCKIi v». GAItUIXI chclle. former pastor of Red Bank ol Kcarugburg and James P. Gil- keeping interior* amasingly WK1.LS vs. CAHONI Baptist church, performed the cere- more of Harrison Monday, April cooler in S i i m m i r — a n d FBKEMAX v». VA.VSKr mony. 28, at St. John's Lutheran church, Me $1.25 tTS9 warmer in Winter with lei* Harrison. Rev. R. Zimmerman, pasMrs, Watcrbury and Mrs. RobGtt Ticket! Now! 224 Main St. A—INSULATION O—CONTROL DIAL Aihury P.rk, N. J. ert I, Manson, the bride's slaters, tor, performed the ceremony, and fuel. Til. A.P. 2-4296 . Sat, A,I'. 2-9JS4 the attendants were Mrs, Martin A hitvr four Inch liytr of approved Infuilatton were her attendants. Robert G. Th« luar can rctriilat* t h . forrtd ilrttt iy>itm tttwttn tli* outer und inner mttnl caiei mftkii Gllmore and Charles Anderson, both There'* a Reynold* Lifeaccording to strvlca conditions, nccordint t* Malchow of Red was best man. •Ttry bit »f let cftunt for eccnomical operation. t«mpermture detired and aceordirtf to u s u t t t of Mrs. Minton attended the Low.of Harrison. time Aluminum product for tK» taUiitt. The couple are living on Main every b u i l d i n g purpose. Hcywood school at Stamford, Ward-Bdmont junior college i t street, Kearwburg. B—EXTERIOR Check the list below for •—•HELVES Nashville, Tcnn,, and Kntharine complete information to help All matal U htavf ftnet stuel, ipii-lallv tmttil Gibbs school. Prior lo serving SACK9-WHTMAN Htavr aaiutnieUiin, nil »«ld«d stnl shclvM. Caa -t» inllHit rutt . . . all joints >r« hrattil nml you tolve your building or with the Army Air forces, Sir, ba »JiusUd to any Mrht. Baillr femortd for vaMa*. Surfacn art tovtrtd «lth hleh-btUd, — at — Announcement has been nrndoot repairing problem*! eleanlnff. Minton attended Red Bank high Psrwlle finish. school, Monmouth Junior college the marriage of Mica Ann Sacks, daughter of Mil. Bessie Sacks of and North Carolina State college r— IOE COMPARTMENT Montreal, Canada, to Jack Wctnann at Raleigh, N. C. 0—SELF-ALIGNING DOORS of Keyport, son of Joseph Wetman ncilgn<il in KlUuland acvut tnatmant, this Hpadallr cnnitrudtj lo allow flexibility, usurof Jersey City. The ceremony tool; heavy t i u f t islvanliid Haal croipartmani Is all VAN NO8THAND—O'DONNEIX place April 18 at the Mont Royal ln» tlfht fit with f«c» of refrlsarator, Succlnl waldal eonatructlon, The entire compartmtnt :i Come in, browse around, and tntist rctlitinc KiiVetii at* d«.ilgn!<i ipcclallr for nu^ncndeil within tha raftlKarator, •llmlnatlnf 72-12 Uckwtoe St., Ntwirh 5, H. J.-MArtctt 3-4470 hotel, Montreal. look over our line of Marine Dr. and Mrs. J. VnnNostmnd of rclll atrvtct. contact with aide-walls, thut consetrlat let. Hardware, Equipment and Ac- Jersey City and Mt. Tabor, anccsaorlcs. nounce the marriage of their MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY! daughter, Mi3s Ro«e Elizabeth Van Haiiilcl-Spigclinvcr Ie« . . . »nd only ice . . . gives you the high humidity needed to keep foods EASTERN ALUMINUM BUILDING PRODUCTS. INC. Nostiand, to Terence H. O'DonriPlI Engagement Announced If it's for a Boatof Red Bnnk, son of Mrs. Nellie B. T2-M Lachwoid Slrwl, Ntwtrli I , N. J. l a . ,« fresh. The New Ward-Olympic forced draft system, applying the constant O'D(.rinell of Maplewood, and the Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hnmlct- of GinlUm.m Kindly ,.*i m, | n f. r millon ab<ul th> l>ll«win. Reynold! L l l . . circulating washed air principle, removes all odors and supplies ttic moisture lad: Terence H. O'Donnell, at the Holnidel announce tho engagement llmt Aluminum buildlni ynduclll IW|T»MM L l l . . 1'alnU, Boats, Molnm. Clifton Reformed church, Satur- of their daughter, Miss Evclcne so necessary for proper refrigeration. See the Ward-Olympio at your nearest Arc you equipped to pa.i« day, May 1. Hamlet, to Sgt. John J. Spigclmyor, S « ' " ; ' " j ,M O »'V Crimp ,..r,n« .nd .)«„, Coast Guard Inspection? We The double ring ceremony was son of Frank Splgclmycr of CaliSeaboard oflice. • WM(lnrkMr4 ildlni Q Oinn fan can take care of all your performed by the pastor, Rev, fornia, and Mrs, Roy Warren of needs. • "Sn«».S.«l" rMAni rj Wall (lit George A. Ainmcrnuui, a former Long Blanch. Q Carniiau* rasllnt >nd aldlnf rj Ctlliny r pastor of tho Red Bnnk Reformed Mian Hamlet is a graduate of • Esvn Ireuik, •••ductiir pin and church, and a friend of the brklc- Red Bank high school, and la emBloom. Mrs. Kcnnoth McGnvyne of ployed by the; Puritan Milk comServing the Shore Tel. R. B. 6-0248 Glen Hock nnd Loo K. Waring of pany of Shrewsbury, Sgt, SplgclNAME Westflold were the attendants. myor spont thiec years In the ser•leriwy Marine Cn,, Inc. Mrs. O'Oonncll la a member of vice, two of which wqr» In tho PaJl M'hurf Aw. Bcrpcn clmpU'i, Daughter)! of cldc thtntcr. At the end of his 00Itfd Hank H-O.'l11 American Revolution, of Jersey day furlough he will roport to Fort ZONE cnv STATE City, ana Mr, O'Connell Ji owner Slocum, Wcw York, I. Peg Lo Piccolo Says: CANDLE LIGHT "..^For Gifts That A n Different" Ice Sensation! Available NowFrom Stock! REYNOLDS lifetime ALUMINUM BUILDING PRODUCTS WRESTLING SHARKEY OUTFITTING TIME The Boatman's Shop £««*«« WE HAVE IT! The Boatman's Shop S E A B O A R D ^ SERVKE BED HANK KEOISTKH, MAY 13, VMS Atlantic Highlands Gets Street Bids Portion Of Grand Ave. were given by Mr*. D. C. Seeley of Highlands and flowers were wired by Mr. and Mrs. Edward Johnson of Cleveland as a memorial to his POPULAR MUSIC mother, Mrs. Ida Johnson. HOWARD ISAAC Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Kelsey of PIANO STUDIO Waterview way are parents of a Pfeout B. B. C-ifilO son born last Thursday at Mon-1 • Broad St., Red Baak s) U N * Answer. Eatontows Mfttt-R. mouth Memorial hospital. - PIANO INSTIUCTIONS CIFTS - PageFlvt . SO DIFFERENT MONEY LOANED In'rhotlnvaklan CANDY DISHES 1.25 up DOMTHY JUNE SKOPPE 32 Foliar Slrte< Ri«tr Plata Broadway Loan Co. Red Bink 6-4227 Open Eveninfi Til 9 ill* Hrnaduay " • V J3 2esf y , colorful f r e , h , •Sp Lift r l l 0 f ^P'noch H ?, H - 3a». i-ancy Selected T > H0M-0MITI Mayonnaise '," 25c'!.? 45c None better at any price. An Acme feature! Salad Dressing""•",?,,.21c Our finest quality. Try it at this low price. KIAFT SA1AD DMISING c 1 Miracle Whip .!: 40c Macaroni 19c Paprika Gelatine 11c Parsley 2£Xl 9c Pepper pp D Onion Sail t.T 13c Celery Sail?":,. 10c Hellman's Mayonnaise ','«"' 29c Vinegar £ S 14c ^ r K 19c Wesson Oil, Mazola r 43c 0 YolandaSalad Oil '£*..,79c Hi-Hat Salad Oil nkm\89c \ Olive Oil " M 2 1 5 c 4k:; 23c 41 c KNOX l7 r.7ions bu nch« < • --- ^ i Onions «uow° ' 2 »• lOr n«u. Idaal 3 «* 20c I U - C I . itn n Bund ranges morke^ - 8t 39c • V bag O best orQnge 7C OPEN FRIDAYS UNTIL 9 P. M. COFFEES Ns KiMf Csffsn At Any IVicst V Ideal Coffee £Z 153c Stronger bodied. Topi thim all! Asco Coffee £.43c IX? Richer blend, ground to your order. Win-Crest &40c'£r Lighter bodied, vigoreut flavor. Farmdale Evap. Milk 2 r . 27c Jiffy Pie Crust JUICES OLINWOOB IANCT M M D A 18c «oiro«D 1*41. Wr ASCO Fancy O 1 , . Whole Beets Tomatoes Beans FAIMDAU Cut OrM» Tomato Puree l»..i. mi A l l . O !»•«. O Q r •» e«»« * 7 t '««'19c ACM M-M. cm Whole Kernel Corn 19c Butter Kernel Corn «. 19c ^J^fc ^fj* ah*!, mm *G^W*J^ wWHT#*ilH Grapefruit Juice 3 HT 23c 0UNWOO0 MNCV HOMOA SPRY Grapefruit Juice 1Z 17c Grapefruit Juice *£' 15c Tangerine Juice 3 ! £ 29c China Beauty Orange " f t T l l O c r 23c Chow Mein Apple Juice T i L . km, 17c Prune Juice . "l -l wSt I A * 25C Dinners *• 47c Apricot S T " i ~ ... 38c Grape Juice *"'",. ^ 25c Embassy Creamed Dried Beef Grape Juice % . . . « * 20c flMIDA NATIMAl SUNMH Tomato Juice 3 It? 29c Tomato Juice ""??,«. 19c Tomato Juice > U T..., 23c W Q VW. JUKI V - 0 COCKTAR •) ll*i, •)*_,. L am * 3 C Swift Meats for Babies Strains ^C j KM * J'MI. MM d«Jv Mi. ns sl CANNEB MEATS D e a n s ur>* i»nir ™ l l l l | jC^* ••» P^ Beans S S W . 2 ^ : 25c Campbell's S I ' 2 r 29c |L DHOJMED/tRV MIAES 1 Devil Food Mix 'X 24c Gingerbread Mix ",'";: 23c Fudge & Frosting '^ 29c • C/I1V1VED FBI/ITS B ' IVIMADT Has • CUlS lartbtt nt SMOKbL) 17ti. «• atjC Hams BordenHemo ^L>!59c BordenlnstantMixtr;23c lb change. STEWING 59 c Lamb "»29C | e rip c i t h e r hulf Breasts and shanks DESSERTS •lUnRCI >er Rnnet DtmitiO pk|i, A / C • CMACKE1UI, CEREAL M lb Economicol, a l l m e a t , delicious, full flavored . . . a delicious Fruit Cocktail . " S I . , 39c Segments °""^ *1S S f l 19c Pie Apples Z T 2 Sr 29c Apple Sauce 3 3 ^ 29c HIXtON Cocoamarsh clMNl ^i? 25c Acme Sav-U-Trim removes much surplus tat and bone before weighing. l i m l f A ( KINNBT POWDBR 4 l'<i**i. 4 A . AIMOUI'I Nabisco Ritz p X 31c Educator Crax ^ 27c Krispv Crackers,SSZ 25c Trio Sandwich t>T'^ 15c Corn Soya "-uooo*?; 15c Sirloin Steaks 75 S Boneless Veal 63c Libby's Peaches "::29c Yt tw Peaches " 'C»-,« 25c Libby's Prunes rv>t,...27c Claridge Franks « 51c 20-Mule Team Tumbo Puddings 2^: 15c Borax ' X 16c Corned Beef Hash r 31c l Mr Pudding 3;;;: 22c Armour Treet '!* 47c Boraxo*&.? L 15c Tapioca MISCELLANEOUS . ' BAKERY DEPT. MINZ Old Dutch Cleanser 2 r 19c Hunt Club DOG FOOD 5 ^ 65c Good & Plenty CANDY 2 *•• 9c H M O MODUCTI CORFOMTION M«w Inmiwlit, N. I. 1,0ns, Branch r i Sea Bright The Home and School association ll meeting this afternoon at th« school, with Mrs. Einar Lovgren and Mrs. Harry Lovgren as hostesses. William Rodney of South street w u well remembered Sunday on his birthday. A birthday cake decorated the table and the celebrant received many gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth W « t re turned home Sunday from a week'a trip, including a visit to Niagara Falls. • Mn, Elaine Drummond of Ocean avenue is home from a week's visit In Washington, D. C. The Woman's Society of Christian Service will meet tonight at tha Methodist parsonage, Mrs. Bloomfleld Fary and her daughter, MM. Eleanor Lindsay, will be hostesses. Rev. and Mra. Joseph S. Eldrldgi spent part of the week with the! son-in-law and daughter In Burlington Dawn Marie, Infant daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Earley, was baptized at Sunday morning's service In the Methodist church by the pastor, R«v. Joseph S. Eldrldge. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Volchmann of Beach street are parents of a son born Sunday at Riverview hospital. A large audience attended ths Mother's day service Sunday in the Mithodlst church. The pastor's wlft spoke on Motherhood, and two appropriate selections were rendered by the choir under direction of the organist, Mrs. Eleanor Lindsay. Mrs. Elisabeth P. Clough ly presided and received a bouquet of flowers for being the oldest mother present. She recently celebrated her 86th birthday. Mrs. Ronald Earley was presented flowers for being the youngest mother present. She Is the former Miss Dorothy Covert. Flowers on the altar were given by the families in memory of Mr. and Mrs. William R. Fowler, Mrs. Ida Johnson, Mrs. Matilda Benson, Mrs. John A. Johnson, Mrs. Sophie Devereaux and Mrs. Sarah Osborn. Floral gilts If r.ot iitenMcI. Ih« g*nn rro«s B s V * I.V. To kill It, IOU ou mu.t REACH" IC«S»' iruv ctori. A VTWmm TE Of. lit any druff __ „ _ r.j s-i. ide. raad* with (0% •letifcat, at. PENETRATES. Ruchaa tfor. ~ ~" Tojay at A'.ex B. ChamW'i, UK I'AV CASH r o i l OKI) GOI.ll and SILVER To Be Resurfaced The Atlantic Highlands mayor sjiii council Tuesday night received twj bids for the resurfacing of » portion of Grand avenue from Memorial parffway to East Washington avenue. The Fred McDowell company of Neptune and the Mutual Contracting company of Atlantic Highlands were the bidden. Both bids were referred to Craig Fir.negan, borough engineer, for study. It was decided at the last council meeting that all of Grand avenue would eventually have to be resurfaced but because of the lack of available funds the work was divided into sections to be handleJ at different times. ' Also concerning streets, the coun cil passed on final reading an ordinance appropriating $8,000 for repair to several borough roads, which were damaged by storms last winter. Louis Caruso was sole bidder t< receive a concession to sell gas at the harbor, Mr. Caruso operated ths concession last year as a sublessee of the Standard Oil company. Mr. Caruso's hid was referred to the Harbor board. In a routine matter, Nichols Market waa given a five-year lease to a portion of the borough building which it now occupies fronting on Jifst avenUS. The rent will b 11,200 a year. An ordinance whereby the bor ough will vacate those portions of Avenue B and West Washington avenue which pass through the firemen's memorial field, was passed on final reading. A special committee was authorlied to advertise for bids to palni the anterior of the borough building. The council voted to contributi 1300 to'the municipal band. ATHLETES FOOT G E M T KILL IT IN ONE HOUR. YOUR 35c BACK. on Jewelry, silver, Musical Instruments, < uiuerai, Hlnnrulurs, «?t*\ Licttiitd and bonded by Stale ot N J Baby Food »"•'•»• 10 ^ 89c A great variety, rushed fresh from our own bakery. MINI Chopped Food 6 •"£.' X 16c 73c Q-T Pie Crust 00c Blue Suds 2 • £ 23c DIF Powder X DIFForHand X 21c DtnertCleaner Tenlghl Serrt— DAIRYCREST Ice Cream Mek>»tf b«t ICMSI Hrml1ilisun.llclwr, irwmler, I m e • I h. tfn hull llsven. pint nrttn Enriched Supreme Breach^ 14c Tastes better, toasts better, stays fresh longer. Try a loaf today! i iNIA Raisin Breadvl 0IHi l I lT r 17c I Angel Cake r - 45c Doughnuts " :....l.., „ 21c | Snowflake Rolls W 15c Weekend SpeeUUI , VltOINIA I I I r/ ! oney Buns •*• 25c Layer Cake -* 69c KED BAXK REGISTER, MAY 13, 1948 Page Six Services Christian education will present •ArriST Monday night, the working actlviRed BanU ! tie* of the "New Curriculum," an Members e t the Masonic Iodpcs I entirely new method of Instruction K in Red BanV will be pueM. at the 31 o'clock worship service. Rev. W. I for the Sunday-school. The SunCMnton Powers will preach the lust day-school is considering using this in a serifs of .=f-rmon.- on "The "Xew Curriculum" and it U importChristian Intprpreintion of Life" as ant that every church ofllcer, Sunbe speak.- on the u>pir "1 Chef? day-school leacher and parenU of Christ". "Adoration", by Gaul will all scholars be present. l}e played hy Frederick K. Ball as METHODIST an organ prelude. The c-hoir will Red Bank piiuf "Build Thee More Stately Rev. Roger J. Squire will preach Mansions" and •• the Lord, O My Soul" church school meets ot Sunday morning at 11 o'clock on Ihe topic, "fiod Takes No One For 9:45 a. m. The young people will bold their Ornnted." Alpha Kappa Pi cla^s wiil hold a regular mec'.incs Sunday evening; ihe junior high fellowship at 0:30 banquet tonight at 7 o'clock at the. tnd the senior high at 7 o'clock. Chateau in A'bury Park. The The bouquet for the oldest molh- speaker will be Rev. George A. ir present in the morning service Rohertshs.iv, rector of St. George'*, Sunday was presented to Mrs. Bar- Rumicn. oarp, Heyer by Albert VanNoslrand. There has been • postponement Memorial flowers Sunday were of the May fellowship day ohsergiven by Mary Mount chapter, Wo- vanee until June 4, which will be man's Missionary society for thsir held in the Baptist church, wothers and by Mrs. Carrie Wchhcr The Red Bank Council of Church lor her mother, .Mrs. Alice Hoop. Women will meet next Wednesday Turing the worthy rervioe Sun- at 2:30 p, m. in fellowship hall. All thc minister dedicated Johnston, son of Mr. and Mrs. Har- will be nominated. ry R. VanRiper; Clayton Murray, FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton C. SCIENTIST "Wnlton, Jr. and Vornon Francis, Red Bank son of Mr. and Mrs. Vcrnon F. Services in First Church of Christ, Loud. Scientist, 200 Broad street, Rod Two new evergreen trees at the Bank, arc hold Sundays at II ft. in. entrance of tbe church have been Stinday-si'hool at 11 a. m., and Civtn by Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Baillanefday evenings at 8:15 o'clock. ey, Mortals and Immortals" is the The juniors will meet for their suoject for Sunday, May 16. weekly class in religious, instrucCiolden Text: "As we have borne tion tomorrow after school. the image of the earthy, sve. shall .Man.' Mount Chapter, Woninn's also bear the imapc of the heaven Missionary society will meet tomor- ly". (I Cor. 18:49). row evening at the homo of Miss Sermon: Passages from the King Edith McLean, Oakhill road. Dr, Jamru version of the Bible Include: Lena Benjamin, a retired mission"A« for me, I will behold thy face ary, will be the speaker. in righteousness: I shall be satisMembers of the junior high fel- fled, when I awake, with thy likelowship will have a newspaper col- ness". (Ps. 17:18) Correlative paslection Saturday morning for the sages from "Science an* Health benefit of their assembly fund. with Key to the Scriptures" by Thu Woman's Missionary society Mary Baker Eddy include: of. Monmouth Baptist association "An mortals give up the delusion will hold its 34th annual meeting that there is more than one Mind, at, the Leonardo Baptist church more than one God, man in God's nert Tuesday beginning at 2 o'clock likened will appear, and this eterin. the afternoon. Supper will be nal man will include In that likeserved at 6 and tbe evening session ness no material element . . . Tho will begin at 8 o'clock. An intercst- Sciencc of being reveals man and injg program has been prepared. immortality as based on Spirit." The Art club will meet Tuesday (P. 191). evening at the homo of Mrs. A. C. Beck of Hudson avenue, METHODIST The Men's fellowship will give a Fair Haven dinner Wednesday evening at the Rev. John B. Klrby, Jr., will church to which the wives have preach Sunday at the 11 o'clock been invited. Hoy Cotton of the morning service on the theme, Red Bank, Y.M.C.A. will be the "Stepping Stones." The organ prespeaker. lude will be "Andante," by Brahms, Boy Scout troop 23 will luwt at and the offertory, "Intermezzo," by the church next Thursday evening. Handel, The choir will sing the The junior high fellowship lias elected the following orlicers for the anthem, "Song of Praise," by Carcoming year: President, John rington. Church school will meet at 8:45 Crawford; vice president, Albert V&nNostrand; secretary, Ann Stry- a. m. with classes for all ages and youth fellowship at 7 p. m. ker; treasurer, Joyce Crawford, The third In a series of monthly mlsilonary meetings will be held 1'KKSHyTfcKI.VN tomorrow at 8 p. m. at the church, Ked Bank "The Holy Spirit at Work" will under the direction of Mrs. Clara Sunday morning at 11 o'clock on Lockwood. The meeting is open the subject, "Wrist Life Owes Us." to the public and both men and The music to be rendered during women are Invited, The Council of Workers with the worship service will be u follows: "Rejoice In Th« Lord Al- Children will meet Monday at 7:30 w»y»," Rathbonc; quartet selec- p. m. at the church. Men, women and young people tion; "Oh, Lord, Remember Me," Homa; soprano solo by Mrs. J. are Invited to gather at the church William Helm; "My Soul May Now In their old clothes next WednesIn Quiet Lie," Sanderson, offertory day for a "work night." Minor requartet (election. • pairs and Improvements will 1» The weekly meeting of the Junior made to the church property. Christian Endeavor society was FRE8BVTERLAN held Sunday afternoon at the Eatontown church. A covered diih supper was "The Holy Spirit at Word" will held later that afternoon in the be the theme of John A. Westln's parish house by the members of the senior C. E. group. The pro- sermon for the 10:45 ». tn, Sunday Sunday-school gram presented during the even- worship service. ing featured reports by Marian will meet at 9:30 a. m. with James Wallace, Ann Erricluon and Wal- White, superintendent. Sunday N'ighters meet at 6:10 p. ter Dingwall on the New Jersey Synod Westminster Fellowship m., and the evening service la at meeting which they attended Sat- 7;30 o'clock. urdty in East Orange. The memIntercessor}' prayer will be held bers of the Intermediate Christian Tuesday at 7130 p. m. at (h* niahse Endeavor society held its weekly and a Bible class will be conducted gathering Sunday, This meeting at 8 o'clock, at which an opporwas led by Peggy Macdonald with tunity will be given for questions the topic for discussion, "One Day and discussions on the 8th chapter a Year." The Sunday Evening of Romans. club also met at the church. The The talent committee will conprogram included a general discus- duct another icrap drive for paper sion M the religious interpretation and rags Saturday afternoon. May of current events and musical se- 22 lection* by J. W. 'Luokenblll. LITHEBAN The monthly meeting of the Red Bank Brotherhood was held Monday Sunday's services include church right In the church social hall with school at 9:45 a. m. and the worRobert K. Bursley, president, in Charge. A representative of the ship service at 11 o'clock, at which Tilo Roofing company gave a talk Holy Communion will be celebrated concerning roofs and sidingi, and and the newly-confirmed memners Illustrated his talk with slides of of tht church will receive their first Communion. New members will be, "Colorful Monmouth County." accepted into church fellowship by Several members of the congre- the pastor, Rev. Harold Hornberggation are attending the leadership er. • workshop today at Calvary PretbyTht Brotherhood will hold its an< terian church, Riverton. nuai election of officers next MonThe Golden Hour Circle men's day night. Motion pictures depictnight will be held tomorrow in the ing study and life at the Lutheran church social hall. The members seminary at Philadelphia will be of the circle ar c Invited to bring shown. their husbands or sons and other After the wedding Sunday after prospective membcrE. noon of Mlrjam Kanaas and Welm Representatives of the board of er Tuovlla, the Luther league will St. George's by the River : Waterman Avc, one block south of Riimson Bd., Rumson, (Take Sea Bright Bus) The Reverend Qeorge A. Rob«rt«h«w, Rector Sunday— 1:00 a. m. Holy Communion HiOOa. m. Morning Service and Sermon , Men and Boys' Choir of 41 voice) will ting At this aervke. Thli Church Is noted for Ita Friendly Atmosphere, Its famous Boy Choir, It* Evangelical Preaching, and the unusual Beauty of Its Worship and Building. To the service It welcome* everyone, MONMOUTH MONUMENT COMPANY - Hendden's Corner, Middletown, Route 35 L. H. Francis, Manager formerly, with Franc- O. Squiru, FrtiholU 1 ~ PHONE RED BANK 6-3810 NIGHTS: POINT PLEASANT 5-0547 go to Jersey City to visit the Kind€tfr«ud, Lutheran old aged and children's shelter. IMl'F.I, OF IIOI.V COMMUNION Fair Haven Holy Communion will be celeirated Whitsunday at the 11 o'clock service by Rev. Christopher II. Snyder, who will speak on "The jill of the Spirit.'' Mrs. Laura Smith Miller will be guest organist and the musical program will he prelude, "Pastorale," by Footc; postludc, "Allegro Appiisslonnte"; Konla No. 5, by Guilmanl: "Communion Service,'" by Merbreckc, lo be sung by the choir, and offertory anthem, "Venl Sancte Spilitus," hy Webbe. A sacred motion picture, "The Blind Beggar of Jerusalem" will be shown in Die parish house at 9:45 a. m. Sunday for the children and guests. The Ladies' guild will hold a cake sale Saturday afternoon In the parish house. REFORMED Colt's Neck At the morning- service at 11 a, m. Sunday, Rev. I^eonard Slbley, Jr., will speak on the subject, "The Gift of the Spirit", with music by llni choir and with Miss Elisabeth Matthews at the organ. Tin- youth fellowship will meet a.t Marlboro Sunday at 7:80 p. m., with the Old Brick Reformed church groiLp. Samuel Barker will he in charge. The combined groups will hold a swimming party tonight at Asbtiry Park mitnlorium, alter whkb they will enjoy refreshments at the Aslmry Park Reformed church. The group will leave, the chinch here at 6:45 p. m. A ntiraoi-y for children under live years old IK now twiintf conducted Sundays at the parsonage so par cnts with young children may uttenri the church services. Tht Coil's Neek Reformed church will be in charge of the radio program, "The Church By The Sea', a religiouri program over station W.ILK, Ashury Park, Sunday, Juno 8. Flower* were distributed to all mothers on Mother's daj' at t.he morning service hy the League for Service group. Bev. Mr. Siblcy and Charles Flock were delegates at the annual meeting of the Particular Synod of Xew Jersey. flowers in the church are being arranged this month by Mrs. Henry Hammond. ST. GEORGE'S Rumson Sunday's services are: I a. m., Holy Communion; 11 a. m., mornIng prayer and sermon by the rector; i p, m., church school service. The men and boya choir of it voices under direction of Prof. Georg& A. Wilson will sing the following at the 11 o'clock service. Prelude, Scherzo, Blah-tow; processional hymn, Webb; Venltc, Macfarren; Te Dcum In B flat, Stanford; anthem, "Evening and Morning" Oakeley; hymn Penecost; offertory, "O For a Closer Walk with God", Foster; recessional hymn, Hernias; PMtlude, Fantasia, in C, J Tours. A service of spiritual healing with short addrcw by the rector on "Personal Religion" will be held Thursday at 10:30 a. rn. A confirmation class will be held tomorrow at 4 p. m. A meeting of the vcatry will be held next Monday at 8:15 p. m. in the guild hall. OLD HH1CK BKFORMED Marlboro Rev. E. Bert Bonte will speak on the subject, "The Christian and Mulder", at the morning ssrvlce Sunday at 10.45. Music will be by Elmer Burdge, organist, and the RlrK chorus singing the anthem, "Lord of Every land and Nation". Sunday-school will be held nt the Village chapel at !t:30 a. m. Tht! youth fellowship will meet at 7:30 p. m. Sunday at the chapel, with Samuel Barker in charge. The group will attend a swimming party at Asbury Park natatorium 1Dnight, leaving the church at 6:45. After the swimming party the fellowship groups will be served refreshments at the Asbury Park Re formed church. The men's club will have a Ladies' night in the chapel next Wednesday night. The Boy Scout troop will meet Tuesday night at the chapel. METHODIST Atlantic Highlands Bev. Roy E. Williams, Jr., will preach Sunday at the 11:13 o'clock Bcrvico on the theme, "The Holy Spirit Fell". The choir will sing "O Be Joyful In the Lord", by Tours. Koy Jeffrey's organ prelude will be "Reverie", by MacDowell; the offertcry, "Quietude", by Grcgh, and postiude, "Praise Ye the Father", by Gounod. The congregation will unite at 7:30 p. m., with the Navesink Methodist church in a special service of music presented by Mr. and Mrs, William D. Matthews of Keyport, who will play the marlnui, the dulcimer and other musical Instruments in addition to vocal selections Cars will be at the Atlantic Highlands church at 7:15 to take passengers to this service. Sunday-school will meet at 9:30 a. m.. for beginner* and primary children and at 10:15 for all others, Youth fellowship will attend In a body the service at Navesink in place of the regular meeting. The official board will meet Tuesday at 8:15 p, m. Youth fellowship will hold a cake and food sale Saturday morning, Mjy 22, in front of the movie theater. MKTHODIST , Eatontown Sunday-school with clnssua for all ngea mecU nt 9:40 a. m. W, Lester Whitfleld i.i superintendent anil Clinton M. Johnson, assistant superintendent. Rev. • Dunham V. Relnlg will preuch at tho 10:80 a, m. church scrvlco on the theme, "Overcoming". His children'* message will be on the topic, "Straight Plowing". Tim choir will »ln# the anthem, "Coma, Ijet Us Sing". t o i l Holmgren will give tht OM- sage at the youth fellowship meeting at 6:48 p. m. George Cotgreave will lead the singing, Martha Melon.; will read the Scripture lesson arid Clinton M. Johnnon will give the prayer, "The Call of David" will be the subject of the paator'a message at th- 7:30 p. m. service. The choir will render the anthem, (tHe Always Knows". Sound motion pictures will be shown Monday at I and 7:18 p. m. The feature will be "Fttngi of the Wild", starring Rin Tin Tin, Jr. A mother and daughter banquet seivfd by the men Mill be held next Tuesday evening. Mrs, M. Norman Smith will be the speaker and Mrs. Jean Farley Senn will be soloiit. ' A prayer service will be held Wednesday night in the church. Deaths In Red Bank and Vicinity JAMES K. ALVERSON James K. Alverson, 59, one of the greatest football drop kickers in football history, died last Thursday at his home, Monmouth avenue, Leonardo. A retired superintendent of the Newark water department, he had been living at Leonardo 15 years. He was a famous Newark high school athlete, having won letters In football, basketball, track, boxing and swimming. Mr. Alverson graduated from Rutgers university in 1912 after beIng captain of the football, basketTRINITY KI'ISCOPAL ball and gymnastic teams. Red Bank He wa» a member of Hievcnt Rev. Robert H. Anderson, Jr., Park and Leonardo fire company, rector, announces the following Surviving arc his wife, Mrs, Esther services for Whitsunday: Holy Alverson; five sons, William AlverCommunion at 8 o'clock, church son of Jersey City and James, Jay, school, Holy Communion at 8:JO, Edward and George Alverion, all Holy Communion with sermon ut of Leonardo; four daughters, Mrs. 11 o'clock. The men's section of Thomas D. Jennings of Atlantic the choir will present as the offer- Highlands and Misses Margarcttc, tory anthem, "Oh, For a Closer Ann and Jessie Alverson, all of Walk With ttod," by Foster, A Leonardo; a litter, Mn. Thomas nursery J« provided for the chlldien Walsh of West Orange and four of those who attend the 11 o'clock grandchildren. service. The funeral waa held Sa'.urday There will bi a card party In the morning at St. Agnes church, Atparish house tomorrow at 8 p, m. lantic Highlands, where a requiem The proceeds will be used to pur- high mass was celebrated by Rev. chue rubber kncelera for the 'Joseph A. O'Connor. Members of church. i Brevcnt Park and Leonardo fire The Girls' club will sponsor a company were breaxers. Burial waa cake sale in the parish house Sat- in Holy Scpulcher cemetery, East urday beginning at 1 o'clock. Orange, under the direction of ihe There will be celebration of Holy Martin funeral home. Communion at 11 o'clock WhiUun GEORGE J. FISLER. Monday and Tuesday, May 17 and 18. Gcorgp J, Fisler, 7B, of BroadThe Woman's (,'uilil meets In the way, Belford, owner of a tavern in parish house next Tuesday at 2:30 that community, died Friday. He p. m, was born in Germany, son of the The tewing group meets in the late John and Catherine Shaver parish house from U a. m. to 3 p. Fisler. Mr. Fisler was a member m. every Wednesday. of the Odd Fellows lodge of Atlan A runimape «»le will be held next tic Highlands. .Thursday In the parish house beSurviving are bis wife, Mrs. ElizI'lnnliiK at 10 o'clock. The Men's club will meet in the abeth Geniicl Fisler; seven sons, parish house next Thursday at S;15 William Klslcr of South Amboyand p. m. The speaker will be the rec- Edward, John, George, Walter and tor, whose topic will be "Training Frank Fislcr, all of Belford; four daughters, Mrs. Clarence Miller of a Paraon." Every Friday there In a celebra- Newark and Mrs. Elizabeth Staley, tion of Holy Communion, with spe- Mrs. James Maura and Miss Marie Fisler, all of Belford; a siscial Intercessions i t 10 o'clock, ter, Mrs. Bertha Lsnge of New ALL SAINTS' MEMORIAL York city; 22 grandchildren and six great grandchildren. Navesink The funeral was held Monday Holy Communion will be celelirMcd Sunday at 8:30 a. m. Church morning at St. Mary's church, New school moots at 9:30 o'clock. A chil- Monmouth, where a high requiem dren's service Is held at 10 and Holy mass was offered by Rev. Robert Communion and sermon by the rec- T. Bulman, pastor. Burial was in tor. Rev. Cliarle* P. Johnson, at 11 Bay View ecmetery, under the o'clock. rection of the Scott funeral home. rRESBVTERMN Shrewsbury Theodore E. Franklin, student pastor, will speak Sunday at the 11 a. m., service on the subject, "The Individual's Most Destructive Weapon". Sunday-School will meet at 9:45 a. m., and all children are Invited to join the group. METHODIST Navesink A musical program will be presented by Mr. and Mrs. William D. Matthews of Keyport at the 7:30 o'clock Sunday evening service in which the Atlantic Highlands Methodi.ftB will unite. Sunday-School meets at 9:45 a. m. The Sunday-school class of Miss Alvlra Crawford will hold a cake ami food sale Saturday morning, Mar 22, in front of tho Methodist church. WILLIAM WILLETT William Wlllett, 73, of Main street, Port Monmouth, a wheelman on ferry boats in tho Metropolitan area, died Sunday night. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Lucinda Wlllett; a daughter, Mrs. Charlotte Poling of Port Monmouth; three Bons, Everett Wlllett of Bed Bank, Wilbur Willctt of Washington, D. C, and Norman Willett of PorfMonmouth; a sitter, Mrs. Catherine Lecldy, and a brother, Martin Wlllett, both of Port Monmouth. The funeral was held yesterday at the late residence and, burial was in Fair View cemetery, under the direction of the Bedlc funeral home. DR. R l F l ' S K SMITH Dr. Rufus E. Smith of Jersey City, a resident of Eaet Keansburs; until 40 years ago, died May 1, Besides his wife, Mrs. Mabel E. Chetsenian Smith, he Is survived by three Bisters, Mrs. Alida Kuhl PRESBYTERIAN of Tlndall road, Middletown, and Atlantic Highlands Mrs. Nancy Whitehead and Mrs. Rev. O. Bell Clost will preach Besale Helwig, both of East KeansSunday at the 11 a. m. service on the subject, "Money in Christian Tht funeral was held Wednesday Living", and will also bring the of last week at Jersey City. evening mc&sage. Singing and IJNDA JOVCK JOMHSOX. music (will be directed by Mn. Alice Rtuscher. Linda Joyce Johnson, threeThB Men's Brotherhood trill meet montha-old daughter of Mr. and next Tuesday evening In the Sun- Mrs. Kenneth Johnson, Jr., ot room. Chapel Hill road, Navesink, died Tin' misslonai-y society will meet Thursday morning. Besides her Tuesday nt 2 p. m. at the home of parents, she is survived by a young Mrs. George Bcrgstresser of Navesister. sink. The funeral was held Saturday The Ladies' Aid society is holdins " covered dish supper tonight afternoon at tbe Poaten funeral in the Sunday-school room. Music home with Hev. Charles P. Johnand other entertainment will be son, pastor of AH Saint's church, Navesink, officiating. Burial waa In provided. This Is the last week of the drive the church cemetery. for used clothing for overseas. HENRY MARTIN, SR. Henry Martin, Sr,, 53, of Colt's BA1TIST Neck, died Wednesday of last week Middletown at Monmouth Memorial hospital. Sunday-school will be held at Surviving are hia wife, Mrs. Isa9:45 a. m. The new men's class will belle A. Martin; a son, Henry Mar* mctt In the church building. At the tin, Jr., and a daughter, MIBJ Prlsmorning service at 11 o'clock, Rev. cilia Martin, all of Colt's Neek; two William M. Hearn will preach on, brothers, Augustus and Peter Mar"The Teitimony of the Unlverae". tin of Long Island, and two sisters, Th<? young people's group will meet Mrs. Ktitherine Lenyzch ot Long at 7:30 Sunday evening. Earl Con- Island and Mrs. Amelia Rowe or way will be in charge of th« pro* Staten Island. gram. The funeral wae held Friday at A meeting of the board of trust- the Freeman funeral home. ees will be held tonight at the home MRS. ANNA COMMBUIf. of Jamee C. Hcndrlckson. Tht BunMrs. Anna Commelln, 84, widow day-school family night supper will of Charles R. Commelln and mothbe held Thursday, May 20. Rev. Wnltcr Lake of Freehold will ue er of the late Carl Commelln, died the speaker, and Joseph Fiechler of Sunday after a heart attack at her Kej-port will tntertain with a Long Branch home, She was horn in West Long magic act, Several members of the woman's department will attend Branch, daughter of the late James the annual meeting of Women's A. and Mary E. Woolley LlpplnMissionary society of Monmouth cott. She was a member of the association at the Leonardo Baptist Shrewsbury Meeting of Friends. church next Tuesday. Surviving is a cousin, Mrs. Henry A brief buiinesi meeting will be Htvlland of Brooklyn. held after the morning service SunTht funeral was htld yestirday day. afternoon at tht Mount memorial DISTINCTIVE ARTCRAFT MEMORIALS «f M t t a i t a l M i WorkniMflil* l i •eauttttl yew Deilgfli Our mtmurisJt art manufactured toy iktUtd artisans In our well equipped plant at Weit Long Branch. home and burial was in Glenwood cemetery. OLIVER F. STRVKER. Oliver F. Stryker, 57, of 38 Rector place, operator of a taxi serL'ice in Red Bank for many years, died suddenly Saturday morning of a cerebral hemorrhage. He was born in Red Hank, son of the late Franklin P. and Anna G. Stryker. He had been a member of the Baptist church of Red Bank. Tht funeral' was held Tuesday morning at tht Mount memorial home with Rev. W. Clinton Powers, pastor of the Baptist church, ofliclatlng. Burial was in Pair View cemetery. Bearers were Ainory P. Osborn, Sr.. Ainory P. Oeborn, Jr., John H. Osborn and Frank Loversidge, Jr. Mr. Stryker i« survived by his widow, Mrs. Margaret Botticher Stryker, and an uncle, Randolph H. Stryker of P.ed Bank. MRS. KEBA~COUTES Mrs. Rcba Cowles, 61, wife of Harry S. Cowles of Holmdel, died Sunday at Riverviow hospital. She was born In Staten Island and lad been a resident of Holmdel several years. Surviving besides her husband arc four sons, Lloyd Simonton of Birmingham, Ala,; Everett Simonson of Crcaklll, Harry U. Cowlti, Jr., of Keyport and Thomas Cowles of Matawan; two daughters, Mrs, Constance Andrews of rtivir Edge and Mrs. Helen Sabey of Fort Lauderdale, Fla.; her mother, Mrs. Ida Praull of Long Island, and two listens, Mrs. Ella Chn.pman and Mrs. Edna Chadwlck, both of Long Island. The funeral V B I held Tuesday afternoon at the Bcdlc funeral home Burial was in C'cdarwooil cemetery, MRS. MINNIK H. CLAYTON Mrs. Minnie Herbert Clayton, 72: wife of Samuel H. Clayton of 270 Park avenue, New York city, a former resident of Manaiquan and mother of Kenneth C. Clayton of White street, Shrewsbury, died last Thursday right after a heart attack. Mrs. Clayton WM born in Mantoloking, and moved to New York city from Manasquan 13 years ago. Besides her husband and eoq, Mrs. Clayton is survived by a sifter, Mrs. Ailda Green of UunuquM and two grandchildren.' \ •\ The funeral was held Sunday afternoon at the Worden luneral home, with Rev, Roger, J.. Sflujri paj-tor of the McthodUt chutcB, oi, delating. Bearers i. \vei« -Lester, Leon and William Clayton;' Fred am T. Clayton; P. Clayton, Jr. d Louis L i H r., and H, Green . ,. • :$* I Burial wat In AUanUe View cemetery, Manasquan, ' ' F E U X J. HAHR, Felix J. Hahr. TO, died suddenly Friday at the home of his niece, Mrs. Bessie Griffith of M Broad street, Eatontown. Mr. Hahr, a resident of Eatontown several yeirs, was a retired real estate broker and recently had been associated with his rlccc in the antique business. He was born In Brooklyn. The funeral was held Monday afternoon at the Mount Memorial home, with Rev. John G. Gebhard, pastor of the Reformed church of Red Bank, officiating. Burial was in Fair View cemetery. Mrs. Simon it survived by throe tttp daughters Mrs. Raba Boyle* of Mechanic street and Mrs. Janice Altberg and Mrs. Stlraa I n p t m , both of Long Branch; three step suai. Lionel Simon of HMdden'a Corner, Middletown; Arnold Simon, living at home, and Monroe Simon of Augusta, Ga.; two sisters, Mrs. Nellie Moore of Monfelair and Mrs. Libhy Kimmelman of New York city, and a brother, Joseph Katz of Verona. The funeral was held Sunday at the Worden funeral home, with Rabbi Arthur H. Herthon of the Congregation B'Nal Itrat', officiating. Burial was in tht Red Bank Hebrew cemetery. KABL A. STBECKEK Karl Alexander Stncker, S3, a resident of Fair Haven 23 yean, died suddenly Saturday night of a heart attack at hit home, »t Grange avenue. Mr. Strecker was born in New K. 8. BOWMAN Raymond S. Boiyman, 40, a lifelong resident of West Long Branch and a dispatcher at Watson A. A. F. laboratories, died Saturday after • heart attack. H- is survived by three sister*, Mrs. John P. Hanndichuch of Long Branch and Miss Edna Bowman and Kiss Mauretta Bowman, both of Weat Long Branch, and three brothers, George Bowman of W»st Long Branch, Leon Bowman of Miami, Fla., and Leroy Bowman of Long Branch. First Methodist Church 247 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. PENTECOST SUNDAY, MAY 16, 1948 II A. M. Samoa—"O^ Takes Me Oew For Granted" Rev. Roger J. Squire • r.M. A d d r e u - T b * Situation In Palestine" By Mr. Paul Hartman, Associate Secretary of the Jtruitltm Y.M.C.A., who has juit arrived back In America from Palestine. Qutitlon period and rectptlon after tvening service. PUBLIC CORDIALLY INVITED SYMPATHY FLOWERS Flow»r§ ara always In good taata at a thoughtful •xprotilon of sympathy. Your order will be glvsn prompt and careful attention. All types of Funeral Designs made to your order. EGANS of Hardintr Road Greenhouses on Harding Road at Harrison Avenue PHONE It. • . «-i44S H. L. SCOTT MORTICIAN Church Street, Belford, N. J. Phone Keansburg 6-0333 Jt strut f tkaratUrtthc </ew untie* tt hu Ifirlt tf fairiuU Ihml pndam'maUt ml mil tirnt* ff/ottht Illemonal J4omt . PJ&A PATRICK AHERV Patrlck Ahern, 8«, a Ufc-long resident of East Keansburg and owner of the Ahcrn farm, died Sunday. He was the husband of tht lata Mrs. Annie McNamara Ahern. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Clinton Lohsen of Keaneburi; three sons, Walter J. and Daniel P. Ahern, both of East Keansburg, am! Thomas F, Ahern of Keansburg; six grandchildren and nix great grandchildren. The funeral was htld yesterday morning at St. Ann's church, Keansburg, where a solemn high requiem mass wat offered. Burial was in Mt. Olivet cemetery, undtr the direction of the John J. Ryan funeral home. MRS. MOIXIE SIMON Mr*. Mollle Simon, 47, wife of Abe Simon of 44 Wortliley street, died Friday afternoon of a heart attack. She had been ill a month. She was horn in New York city, daughter of Mrt. Annie Baker Katz an<t the late Max Katz. She had been a resident of Red Bank 30 years. She WM an active member of the Congregation B'Nal Israel and, of the - Ladies' Hebrew association. Besides her mother and husband, York city, a sen of the late Alexander Henry and Wilhelmlne Schenk Strecker. He is survived by hia brother, William Henry Strecker, with whom he lived. Tbe funeral waa held Tuesday morning at the Worden funeral hon.e, with Rev. Furman A. DeMaris, pastor of the Embury Methodist church of Little Silver, officiating. Cremation was held at Rose Hill crematory, Linden. Tel. 6-0228 SKVICE ANYWHERE IN AMERICA! - •*"wfcw *»*•»•>«* John E. Day Funeral Home 85 Riverside Ave. Phone 64)332 Red Bank Keyport Braneh-Ml Maple PI. yon-Sectarian Telephone 7-1IU Lady Attendant MONUMENTS Arranged With Care We belters that the floral arrangements are a very im« portent part of every service, and as a result we have spent a food man* years learning how to display tho floral offerings naott advantageously. We're sure that our floral arrangetnenU ara much appro* dated. Your Expnuion of True R«mmbranct No othw act of a normal man's life gives him man complete toul satisfaction than the building of a Memorial to hU loved onet who have (one on, Our edact Barre Mtmorials bear the Ouild mark of approval—your guarantee of a liner Memorial at no extra co»t. Visit our ihowroom and see out displays of these certified memorials. LONE BRANCH MONUMENT CO., hie. JOHN VANKIRK Wall Street TeLLB. 6-3567 West Long Branch Smi For HhMntcd Catalogw Ntal la Ml. Olivet C n i l i n Phone Red Bank 64319 R.F.D. Boi 108 Rtd Bank mmc*. JAMES A. "FUNERAL HOME RED BANK N. J, ROBiRTF. PHONE RED BANK 6 - 0 5 5 7 6OEAST FRQN T STRUT (Tver ykiriif 7/ears of Dependable, Economical Service " Another AAP Thrift Event! FAMOUS BRANDS CANNED BEANS / V WV\\ '•' // ' Ail'VSII'KU-IIHillT MEATS A£I''s attractivrly-priceil "Super liight" meati pivr you Iptiilfr, juicy pondnr 1 ^ galore bfcaiJ5e tlicv'rr sprrially •fler-trd for fin*" r|iialilv. And A i l ' « (iluff-Tririimfil nirlhrnl n( rial in™ them %\\n \m\ jirralcr value bnati-e ricr-^ «a»tn \s remnvrd hefnre vour purrlta«e i^ weighed. ThrUt'Prii-ed... A&P's PRODUCE produce prices arc always down to earth >t A&P . . . fruits and vegetables at Haror peak every tlay in the week, because they're harvested frcsli, delivered fresh and sold fresh. of II<M f und.1 «', Ifcl lb I § t S|tillacll Horn, grown Table Celery Cr,sP white Florida Grapefruit ',ih'l9t CliiK'k Honsl o r Slcak 2 •••"" 2 9 * I'ot K n a s t L»rg. »i» F l o r i d a N e wP o t a t o e s . Green Peppers . . . F r e s h Pinca|i|»lc Rllllbarl) . 3 »>• 2 3 c While Onions Sirloill Stfali For boihng «eh 19e L e g o r Kiini|> o f V e a l I'YesIl HaillS 2 ib» 15e Spam, Trcct o rRcdi-Mcat Morrell's Snack . . 12 «• can 4 7 « . . I2et.un39e . . 20«can 47« . Claridge Hamburgers . Ann Page Hcans 0, ^CAtSlc. 2 I" 2! Ann Page Itaaiis ., J C a z r i c "2 V..0.1 ». iibcmSle nollar-Stretcher* Irom A&P'g Van Camp's Menus DAIRY CENTER Friend's lleans itt&M Beans In the refrigerated cases of A&P'» Dairy Center you'll find dozens of dairy-fresh foods at dollar* stretching prices. Stop in for your favorites today! Fancy Swiss «»' Blended Swiss American et Pimante Sharp Cheddar whoia miik-cured Farmer Cheese Fcoderaft Veg. Salad Cottage Cheese Margarine Baby Goudas By ih* . . . . 44 01. can ] jje Lima B e a n s . IB « . can 3 ior 29c 4Soi. c«n23e 12 et. pkg. 1 9 e . . 6ei.pkg.4Oe bna-grc:r cut TomaloeS l°tij and othtrl Libby's T o m a t o e s Whole Kernel Corn Sold in the whole bean and Custom Ground when you buy it, just right for best results in your cofTeetnaker . . . A&P Coffee is famous for fresh flavor. No coffee givea you more for your money! Eight O'Cloeh Bokur Mild S mallow Chase & Sanhorn Instant Coffee . suitana 200,.carl"« Sunswcet Prune Juice Fruit Cocktail 11b.ck3 1 6 c 2 i b p i 9 3 1 c qt. bot. 2 5 c 30 n .can 3 7 c Sultana A*Ptancy 2001 can2ior27« ASP fancy A p p l e SaUCC 30 oz e<n 2 1 c ASP lancy C r e a m o fR i c e C e r e a l . 20 or can 2 'or 2 5 e . . . . is o< pi, 2 7 c Sunnyfield Rice Gems Whcatics . . . . 2p»gi25c 8 oi pkg 2 f°'29c Hurry's Crisp Brown B i x . . . . io°«.pkg.1 9 c Candy Bars and Gums 7% or pkg. 2 lor 3 5 c Ann Page Spaghetti 2i°'9e 10 01. iarl7« iib.pkg.15e 1 . is -* °< <•» 2 (or 2 9 e Raadyto-aat 15% 01 can2'or25e Cherry Preserves Flour Ann Paga lib. iar 3 1 c Gold Madal, Hickar'i, PMIibury 10 Ib. bag 85c 25 lu bag 1 . 9 9 Sunnyfiald-.ll-purpoi. 101b. bag 65c 251b bag 1 . 5 9 . . F c l s N a p h t h a S o a p Chips Blcachctte Blue . A-Pcnn Machine Oil . NeCtar T e a A national (avoril. Ulb. pkg. 5 1 e A - P e n n D r yC l e a n e r . . r . » • . . • » • • . . . . . . . . . . . »k.9e ib. 3a« B o n e l e s s Brisket Beef F'«i> »• "'".a »>. 75« short at-ie»wau« . . . *. 79« e . •"•'•>• *• 37« »> 83» Sunnyli.ld-lujir cur»ii ft>. 7 3 « Frankfurters «'»!•» P o r k Sausage . • . *-59« # imk Mifc M.SI A>.S3* ^-> %*.63« top Quality HmmtooH Cod StcaJ( Fra.h ib 25c Fillet of Cod Fresh Porgics ib 19« Sea Scallops fraihib. 69* Fresh Whiting * 19e Fancy Shrimp » S9« fe.69i FREE! Want 21 frte and easy recipes for praise-winning cakes, frostings, cookies, piea and tried foods? Then send for your copy of the new I'erfcct-Blend dexo Recipe Booklet, "21 Ways to Win Praise"! It's absolutely free. Just write to IJOJO, A&P (Division E), Graybar B % , New Yerk 17, N. Y. Bud§etrBeatin§ Buy* ., FROM A&P's OVENS Our Bakery Department is cram-packed with the kind oi luscious, oven-fresh treats that will do you proud. Yet prices are modest every day in the week. Come see! Iced Raisin Bread Coffee Cake % ?*•>•" isoi. w 2 0 « pig. °f 6 for 15* J«»« Parkar-3 variatiai aaeh 27« C i n n a m o n S t r e i i s e l B u n s Jan. Park« Pkj. oi6ior29e PoUIld C a k e 2oLPkg.5e Dundee Cake J»«bot. 10e Marv.i Snowflake Rolls is* "VQ. 3 2 e JanaPjrk.r-i«varal vansliai Jelly R o l l j.n. p..i.r 10 oi. cut 2 7 ** Jane Parkar .ach 3 9 # «<i 7 9 e 29 .i. 1 . 3 9 S u n d a e t t c s Buttancoich, Choc. Fudgt, Pinaippl. i n. lit 2 lor 2 9 e DESSERT LAYERS 2 liu «ftf« 8 inch « 1 » 1 2 b' They're juit the thine for a quick and ««!> itrawberry ihorteake. HEINZ BABY FOODS SIMONIZ SELF POLISHING p.m59c fr.ii- or com** *"••• pkg. 16e S p a r k l e I c e C r e a m M i x chocoiata er v.niiia 4 pig>- 2 5 e Y, Ib. pkg. 4 7 e tali can 2 (or 2 7 e io»otcanl9e . Ann Paga Franco-American Spaghetti Full il.vored and thrifty wh.t. HOUI. • • Ann Paga Macaroni o rSpaghetti Our O w n T e a E v a p o r a t e d Milk . «oriar39e 5c vimim Garden Relish Fcls Naphtha Soap . . 7101. can 28e . For greal.r iivingi buy lha 3 Ib. bag 1 . 2 4 Floor Wax *>. 4 2 » Heinz Precooked Cereal or Oatmeal 8 et. pkg 15e ^O2.pkg27c . . Bcardsley's Shredded Codfish Flour . Fig NewtOllS Beardsley's Codfish Cakes 12oi.pkg21e Junket Quick Fudge M i x . ASP fancy Duff's Hot Roll Mix . • . . . mnPkg.25e vi,oroU,.nci, Hod Circle ««• & u Yellow Cling P e a c h e s 19 ot can 2 lor 2 5 c 29 01 cSn 21°, 23c Medium si™ isoicanl"* T a n g e r i n e Juice . 1 Sultana Prunes Fri»nd'» 22 01 car>2 i»r 2 5 e 28 oV can 3 1 c D.,,ii,!d Boston Brown Bread 19 01 can 2 tor 2 5 c Fancy Sliced Beets Prune Plums FAMOIS A&P COFFEE suitma 2 2 « can2ior25e iona String B e a n s Grapefruit Sections Amerlcm'a Bl§ge$t Cotlee Vmlm* * 43a RECIPE BOOKLET! i s « can 3 for 20c each 4 9 e Foodcrall Nestle's Gruyere 2'is-27. Vegetarian . H ib pkg. 33« Cottage Cheese 2 l? Grapefruit Juice . 3 or pkg 2 lor 3 5 e Borden's Chateau Oven baVed - vegelanan or with porlc and loma'o tauca R e d B e a n s with Chili Gravy sultana 1601 .can2for23c n>. 4 4 « Bord.n'i or Krati ^ »«n bat.j e-a ™ tav.d Ib 5 7 e sorden-i ioi. t U p l 7 e cainch Cream Cheese >» ">"»•"> >•«• 2 IV 33* Red K i d n e y o r R e d B e a n s *>. 6 5 e lb ,'»9« stion cut and lomalo lauce *> 59e t n pkg. I Q e . fc. fi5« grounl fe 59» b 79« Meioin M e l - O - B i t PrOCegS llcinx Beans Libby's Beans . P l a t e aiul Navel Beef Boiled Ham "•CailS , Long lilandl Imtlt S l i c e d BatOII n « ew51« . , Smokc«l P o r k Butts Beef or Lamb Stew suhi M.y.r I ib can 39e Claridgc Frankfurters . Breast or Neck of Veal C o r n e d B e e f HasliLibbv'»oi5ahi-M.v.riibc.n32e . ^ Rih Veal Chops C o r n e d B e e f H a s h Armour'sor Iroadcail t Ib em 3 l e B & M Beef Stew . ib f»5e Wnoa or t.lh.r ha't ChoppCll Beef « \ \ \ l l > MEATS Ib BlJe ShoU!dt> Fresh P o r k Slii>ul(lt'r% V ib «,'{• Juicy lla.orlul B o n e l e s s Veal Roa«t 2bchll,'|e ID 6,'Je lb 8^e Shon cui 2 n» 2 9 e w» Strawberry variety lor. n lon»'«ii Chuck-no 111 iiiti I'orh'rhiHi!!* 1 S l e a k 3iorl9« spring crop «!i lbs I O.«T Ib STRAINED 1 f | . O Q CHOPPED /C . 7 O For labits 1 " " " O V c For Junior. O ! • " 4 O q» c MARKETS ANO SOF-SIRVia STORES SWAN SOAP SWAN SOAP For dishes, laundry or balh For dishes, launajry or bath met). COLGATE'S VEL For cjiihts, silks, wool, rayons, etc.; large • CHIFFON FLAKES (ASIIMFKF BOUQUET WOODBIKY'S SOAP SWEETHEART SOAP SWEETHEART SOAP For dishes and Una fabrics large Q Q pkg OO* A pleasantly perfumed toilet soap cakes Combination Package 4 «wi 3 3 e For toilet and bath 3 2.28- Large siia lor HM bark 2 ±27. • ' HED BANK REGISTER, MAY 13, VJib COMPLETE BATTERY WIODINC GOWNS SERVICE AM) SPRING FORMALS New • ItcnUls • Recharge Beautifully Sunilonc Cleaned Douglas Electric Co. AT OUTBOARD MOTORS REPAIRED The BOATMAN'S SHOP 35 Ea§l Front Street Reil Bank Tel.: It. B. 6 0 1 2 « LEON S M-:« White SI. K. B. S-2M0 .Jersey Marine Co., Inc. Jl Mhurf AM'. lied Rank 6-0.111 Dlstrlliiitorn for IMMMDK Here It Is! Another S &S FOOD MARKET Come SEE US SEE OUR PRICES A Complete Line of Groceries, Vegetables, Fresh Meats and Frozen Food HERE IS WHAT WE MEAN Small Oili Hams 43fb Freshly Ground Beef \% Cottage Hams b% Boneless Clinek Smoked Hams 66JL Pork Loins (Tenderized) Uco Evap. Milk (Knd Ciilo) 75j, 55t 13c Madonna Fruit C'kl'l 2lc 1 (I-Ml. can) Uco Apricols 19c ran Hearts Delight Pc'urs *J3c (large ran) * llttrrm. rnnl Florida Oranges Pineapples 29c** 16c Men *- Grapefruit Tomatoes 6ceiKh 22ch,,* A Self Service Market With Delivery Service Grand Opening May 13,1948 S & S MARKETS PHONE KEANSBL'KG 6-10HI 200-202 MAIN STKEET, KEANSBUKG, N. J. ITS TIME TO LET US REUPHOLSTER Your Old 3 Piece Living Room Suite wii Rebuild & Restyle ALL 3 PIECES IN A FABRIC OF YOUR OWN CHOICE FOR AS LITTLE A S HERE IS EXACTLY WHAT WE UU! • Cull For and Deliver Vour Suite • Sterilize II TliormiBhl.v • Kcpalr and Strengthen 111;• Frame • KedCt and Ke-TIc AI Spring! When MciwrMir}' • Replace Wcbbtug Where I Una Lout It* Strength • Add lot ton F e l t Win:: Needed • llehulld Seat I'latfimns • Rrokcn, Mlanhanen Springs Keplttced • All Work Done by Skllld Craftsmen • Frame Rtfinlshed We Can Make Your Old Living Room New Again We've ftMemnled thiiunnud* nf jtinls nf flnr falirli-s from which ,vou tan match or contrast an entirely new color Hchcmc, mill which will elve .von years more service Iriiiu vuur did living room furniture. We cuaranlcu the n'urhniiinshl|i ami materials and .vour nalirifacHnn with the j«h. ALTER DEPT. STORE 841 COOKMAN AVENUE A8IURV PARK, N. J. ASBURY PAHK LONG BRANCH FREEHOLD Phon« A. P. 1-0100 Phont L. I . 6-1319 Phone Freehold 8-0987 Mr. ind lira. James Cro«M< of Lauitl avenue, West Keansburg, .ire parents o( a daughter born last Thursday at Rlvcrvicw hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Byce of Central avenue, West Keaiuburg, arc parents ol a son born Wednesday of lajt week at Monmouth Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Howard VanSalusbury of Kentucky avenue are parents of a son born Friday at Monmouth Memorial hospital. j Mrs, Andrew Obcrman, Jr., has returned home from Monmouth Memorial hospital. Mis. Alice Wilson entertained the Luncheon £ioup Thursday of liisl week Mrs. John Lcnahan entertained the K.S.C. club last Wednesday. Mrs. Marie Petersen is confined to her home because of illness. James Tully is confined to his home because of illness. The Laurel Avenue Sportsmen's club held its last meeting for the season Tuesday evening of 1 n'-1 week. Meeting will be resumed in Hcplcmbci. Mr. and Mrs. William Sand, Mr and Mrs. Arthur Hadfldd and Mr and Mrs. Nelson Haul) attended the show, "Make Mine Manhat tan,' and'had dinner in New York cit • Wednesday of last week. Court St. Ann, 882, Catholic Daushtcr.i nf America, held its iinmial election of officers Tuesday evening (if last week at St. Ann's school. New officers elected were Grace Ryan, grand regent; Mark Conk, vice regent; Caroline McMa lion, prophetess; Helen Olscn, man itor; Belle Mlele, lecturer; Sadie Keelan, .sentinel; Agnes Thome, historian; Gcrtm&e Ahern, flnan cial secretary; Ann Hlley, treasur or; Clara Smith, organist, and Ac; ncs Thome and Louise L<ake, trus tees for three years. Mrs. John A. Lutz has been named chairman nf the West Keanaburg area in th« ciirrtnt Cancer drive. The monthly meeting of the Kcansburp Parent-Teacher association will bp held tonight at 8 o'clock at the Francis Place school. There will be an election of officers. Mrs. Adelaide Parker, county post war chairman of installation, will install the new officers at this meeting, and Miss Helen Hungerford, county supervisor of child study, will speak. Also prizes will be awarded for the two best posters made by the children under the direction of Miss Kathryn Williams of the sixth grade for lh« annual ba»ar. Refreshments and a social hour will he held after tttt tnctt- NtW COMPOUND F MILLS UGLY WEEDS AS If FEEDS THE GRASS PIUS coitinot loK-treott 2500 t q ft • $3.SO Drum-11,000 tq ft • 127S SCOTT Sprtadtrl-For taiy, quick lawn • trtotmenti, rubbtr tirtd • • SCOTTS Lawn Seed-1 Ib 2 S l b t - $21.2S. 95c 5 lbs - $4 65 THi; WRIC'itlT STORKS PFC George Noack, 19, ion of Mr, and Mra. M. E. Noack of Tyndall road, has reported to Kecilcr field. Mississippi, to begin training In the airplane and engine median ics school located there, the larn cst school of that type in the world, His training, which will extend over a period of approximately 28 weeks, will qualify him to ptf form maintenance on conventional types of aircraft flown by the army air forces, Miss Gertrude Roberts, daughter of Mr. and Mn. Wilbur Roberts of New Monmouth, was ono of eight girls who composed the May court at the Suaquelmnna university's May Dny program Saturday. The ffiris were chosen from the student body of the Sclinsgrove, Pa,, school for their lieauly, |urtonality and general popularity, The surest, most esonomical way to keep your fur scarves, coats and jackets away from harm is to let us store them for you-—the modern, scientific way. In our completely insured, friqtd air vaults on th« premises they'll be fully protected against moths, fire, dirt and theft. Let one or our bonded messen* ncrr. pick no your furs now—before the moths get in their hair ?.nd yours! TKLEPHONK HED BANK 6-0171 • SPECIALS * Diamond DeLtixe Ball Boar-inn Lawn Mower 18.95 Also in clock complete Una or Pennsylvania Quality Mowers. Sturdy Screen Doors 6.95 For the best finish ever— STEELCOTE RUBBER ENAMEL for your car - boat - furniture. 18 Modern Colors Wheeling Square Steel Rubbish Burneri pint 1.65 3.98 Brown's Speedy Paint 3prayer— complete with air compressor, hose, portable stand and spray gun 26.96 ARE YOUK INVESTMENTS SAKE? Stocks Might Pay You More—But the Red Bank Savings & Loan is uno of (he safest places to put your money. For 61 years the Saving* of* Red Bank foll'.s have steadily increased • here with the aid of uiir liberal .livi'lends—and their money ha».t>ccn here for them when wanted. Accounts of each member insured up to $5,000, Come In and start a Lump Sura Account today. . Colls Neck Middlctoun STORAGE row wftp SAVINGS »'LOAN ASSN. The Helping circle of the R«last week at the home of Mrs. John Sherman with Mrs, Annie Beck assisting as hostess for the afternoon. Mrs. Henry Halterniann presided. Other members attending were Mrs. Irving.Gcmmcll, Mrs. William Thompson, Sr., Miss Margaret Sickles, Mrs. William Clifford, Mra. Leonard Siblcy, Mrs. Chadwick Gsrow, Mrs, Fannie Sheppard. Mrs. Lewis Snyder and Mrs. Laura Mitchell. Mrs. Mitchell renewed her membership in the group a.t thia meeting. Tht next meeting will be held June 2 with Mrs. Irving Gemmell and Mrs. Fred Hepplner as co-hostesses. R Apply it dry with a spr%ader, weedt curl up, wither away while the gra>s it ftd to thicker growth, richer color. A few minutes any evening and your lawn it the belle of the neighborhood. The Church Improvement association, group 2, of the Keansburg Methodist church, met at the home of Mrs. William Warden Tuesday of list week. The Parish House club of St. Mark's Episcopal church met Monilay ot last week at th« liorae of Secure the l'earn With Government Security Bond* Available at Mra. Vcra Rockefeller. Mrs. RangRed Ba.nk Savings fc hill Carhart presided at tht business meeting in the Absence of Mrs. Marie Pcterscn. The next meeting of the club will lie held at the home of Mrs. Evelyn Schradcr May 17. DominicU Wulf of Kcansburg post. 19fiu, Veterans of Foreign Wars, has been chosen In direct the 27th annual sale of V.f.W, Buddy ST. popples In this borough, Bernard Itlum, posi commander, announced recently. Tlic sale will take place Monday, May 2«. The Indies' auxiliary and a number of women and girls have offered to sell the popples. The goal this year is 5,000 poppies sold for funds to help living veterans and widows and orphans of our war dead. The cake sale sponsored by the Ladles' auxiliary of the Atlantic Township lire company, which war. to nave been held Saturday at Freehold, was postponed to this Saturday It will bo held at 10 a m, at the Are house here. Mrs. Anna. Wylic and Mrs. Martha Declicr arc chairmen. The Sewing club of the Reformed church will meet today at the home nf Mrs. Wlnsor Heulitt with Mrs Harold Ciunther as co-hostess j There will be an all-day quilting party and a covered-dish luncheon j Mrs, William J. Shearer of Elizabeth h'iM returned home after ! spending th« past week with her i daughter rntl son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs" William Clifford. Mrs. Shearj cr was piven a fnmily dinner party by her daughter while on hor visit Two Atlantic Township flrc trucks were called out to extinguish a fire at the home of Thomas Fitzgerald Friday afternoon 1:30. Mrs. Fitzgerald, alone in the liousn with her two small children discovered the fire and called the flrc formed church met Thursday of company. Only a shed at the back of. the house was destroyed. Othei damage was slight, U STEINBACH COMPANY Asbury Park Red Bank Special Purchase! Famous Nome Jewelry 1.00 values to 3.00* 1.98 V«IUM to 5.00* NECKLACES PINS EARRINGS BRACELETS • MANY ONE OF A KIND • SOME IMPORTS • WHITE SUMMER JEWELRY You'll say it's incredible when you see the famous name on these exquisitely beautiful pieces of lewclry! And when you see ths low, low price tags you'll wont to buy rot one . . . but several of these gems! Our buyer heard of a leading manufacturer's closcout . . . hopped a plcne . . . and scooped up the most exciting collection of costume jewelry you've ever seen! J E W t U Y , Strait Floor ond Asbury Park 'Plus Tax Hetzel's Ready Mixed Aluminum Roof Paint gal. 3.M Black and Decker Portable y4" Electric Drill .... 18.85 Y-i" Electric Drill .... 36.95 We also stock stands for these drills. Accmatool Electric Hedge Clipper 44.50 with Universal Motor - T w o handle grip. WE CARRY GRASS SEED, FERTILIZERS, FENCING. WHEEL BARROWS, SCREEN WIRE, GARDEN TOOLS AND WINDOW GLASS. 7 S Hardware Store 2 WEST FRONT STRICT FOOT OF nnOAD STRKET RED BANK 6-3989 RED BANK REGISTER, MAY 13, 1948 New Small Homes Now Being Offered In This Vicinity Initial Ad In This ISMIC Of Precision* Built Dwelling! New homc«, priced from $9,000, are now being offered in thia area by Previewi Incorporated, the National Heal Estate Clearing Home, National Sales agent for precialonbuilt homes. A fabricating plant in Pennington will «upply preciaion-built houses to Monmoulh, Mercer, Middleaex, Hunterdon, lower Someraet and Eastern Burlington counties. According to Edgeworth Smith, Preview's vice president, ordera for homes arc now being accepted through local real estate broken. "To insure faithful performance and on-time delivery, a conserv* tive monthly quota has been assigned to this area," he said. Tha jiMMP.teB.-Hvj.ilt- heme, of which more than $44,000,000 worth have been built, over the last 12 years, is a conventionally constructed house, which la delivered to the buyer complete, including the financing if he desires It. In order to effect m a x produc. tion economies, the lections of tht precision-built house ar« constructed In a fabricating plant. T. Vaui Wilson, jr., who developed the precision-built system, points outtbat "the result is not a prs-fabrlca>ttd house as the term is usually ap plied, but rather a conventional house built according to modern engineering methods. Each unit is individually constructed either from the company's plant, which are available to buyers, or from tht blue-prints of the purchaser's own architect," said Mr, Wilson. "There are no atandard-alzed panels in the pieclaion-built system, and the large sections eliminate extra wall joints." "We are. well aware of the problems which home-builders have faced since the war,'" Mr. Wilson continued. "They could nst b» surf of the quality of a house, the final cost, or how long it would take to build—three essentials which anyone needs to know to be sensible.' "The precision-built system pro videi these three missing elements. It is not very convincing to talk about quality. Instead, buyers wil be advised where they can sec pre:ijion homes built eight or ten years ago, and allowed to Judge for themselves." "The buyer will be promised a specific delivery date which the company considers extremely inv portant to keep. He is given a final know-in-advance price. There are no escalator clauses. The alngle exception to thia firm price policy permits an additional charge If water or unforeseen rock formations are encountered in excavating on the buyer's land." Financing for precision-built homes is offered to the purchaser on a package basis, which includes mortgage loan (conventional, FHA or GI). Holmdel Mr. and Mrs. Henry Barron are parents of a daughter born Friday at Monmouth Memorial hospital. The teachers of Holmdel township held a meeting at Holmdel ashool Monday after school. Miss Margaret Truesdale, state helping teacner, was the speaker. On Tuesday the teachers attended a teachers' spelling demonstration at Oceanport. The Holmdel,' Atlantic and Rarltan auxiliaries of the Monmouth County Organization for Social Service will meet Monday at the health center. The Ladies' aid or the Holmdel Federated church held its May meeting Tuesday evening of last week at Fellowship hall. Final plans were made for the buffet supper held last night. Mn. William Pitcher presided. The officers to be installed at the September meeting were elected at this time. The new officers chosen are Mrs. Douglas Fromni, president; Mrs. John Mount, vice president; Mrs. Harold Holmes, recording secretary; Mrs. Carlton Klnhafer, secretary, and Mrs. Taylor Hance, treasurer. Those attending the meeting were Mrs. Joseph Holmes, Miss Lola Bouscnberry, Mrs. Joseph Phillips, Mrs. Douglas Fromni, Mrs. Harold Holmes, Mrs. C. S, Holmes, Mrs. George Schanck, Mis. John Mount, Mrs. Taylor Hance, Mrs, Daniel Ely, Mrs. Wilson Conover, Mrs. Fred Harrison, Mrs. Charles Bennett, Sr., Mrs. Joseph Kinhafer, Mrs. Robert Rex, Mrs. Carlton Klnhafer, Mrs, Bernard Goldsmith, Mrs. Charles Bennett, Jr., Mrs. Richard Boiler and Mrs. J. J, Holmes. A committee to make plans for the annual June dinner waa appointed. Jt included Mrs. Conover, Mrs. Hance, Mrs. Fromm and Mrs. Harold Holmes. World Sodality Day Observed Pace Nine RED IANK STEINBACH COMPANY ASBURY PARK County Union Has Special Ceremony Mora than 1,000 persons attended the annual World Sodality day observance of the Monmouth County Sodality union, Sunday in the Garden of ,Prayer at the San Alfonso Retreat house at West End. Miss Ann Harklna of St. James parish, Red Bank, prefect of the Monmouth County Sodality, crowned the statue of the Blessed Mother. Kev James Hornn, diocesan director Of Sodalities, led the ,issemblage In the Act. of Consecration to Mary Immaculate. A group of 100 sodallsta formed a "living Rosary," and the Bishop McFaul Ganeral Assembly, fourth degree, Knights of Columbus, formed a guard of honor durins the procejsion and benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Alsgr. Thomas IT. Reilly represented Bishop William A. Gritfln and presided at the Solemn Benediction, assisted by Rev. Gerald Celetana of Long Branch and Rev. Joseph Sheehan of Red Bank. The sermon was delivered by Rev. Maurice Grlmn, who said, "There never was a time in the history of the world when Mary, the Mother of Cod, was more desperately needed than now." He asked spreading of devotion to the Mother of God as the means of spreading the Kingdom of Christ. ( Around Monmouth County, from beach to brookside! And blue Korday denims are as hand* some looking as they arc handsome wearing. I* ft to right: Comisole top, 10-18, 1.50; euffrrl lhrrn, 10-20, 2.M. Sunback dress with sweeping skirl, bolero, 10-18, Striee-trim ikirt, 10 18, S.*f; pedal pushers, 10-18, Mandarin-cut jacket, 10-18, 5-9f; si:.:.:, 10 20, 7.*l, ).*!. CALIFORNIA SHOT Scout Mothers Group Plant) May Activity Members of the 3cout Mothers' auxiliary of Leonardo will purchase a new flag for Girl Scout troop 62 of Leonardo. They will nlso attend memorial services in Leonardo May 30, and dedication services at the praves of Matthew Stevenson and Donald Gould In Bayvlow cemetery, two men who did much to advance Scouting activities in I*onnrdo. Members of Girl Scout troop 51 will hold its annual picnic following the memorial services, and «;il he hostesses to all those tictivc in ScoutlnK and their families. Members of the auxiliary howlinr; club will meet tonight nt Ijconardo postoffice. New auxiliary members Include Mrs. Charles Jone.«, Mrs. Wlllijm Ten Cate, Mrs. Charles Boecldlnghouse and Mr3. George MticGrc/jor. ANNOUNCE ENGAGKMEJ.T George Ader of Union Beach has announced the engagement of his daughter, Miss Jean Ader, to Ivan Pederscn. son of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Pedereen of Keyport, Miss Ader attended St. Mary's high school at South Amboy. and is em ployed by the Ltvoie laboratories. Mr. Pedersen was graduated from Keyport high school and served two years in the navy. He \s emOnly three contemporary^ New ployed by his father as a boat Jersey papers date buck to the 18th builder. century, and only one of these, the Elizabeth Daily wa.i Tee read t s bitttr and licstr bml founded early enough to participate rein Itadn through Tht RegUter'i adir. the Revolution. verti*t*ii; column*.—- Advertisement. STEINBACH COMPANY Atbury Park Rtd lank TERRIFICS-SWEET 'N COOL AS SODA POP 8.98 AND AT THIS TEENY PRICE YOU CAN OWN A CLOSETFUL! Of course you recognize these cute Summer dresses... they're plucked right out of the pages of that May "Seventeen" you've been studying! And you know what? They're just 4 out of a great big wardrobe of Teena Paige prizes that our Teen Town has collected for your Summer wearing, Summer fun! Dateable darlings — sunbacks for beach or boardwalk—bib tops —sweeping skirts. And in more colors than you'd find in a jar of hard candy! The price is equally tempting—a little $8.98 to stretch your young budget! Sizes 7 to 15. TIIM TOWN, Street fleer %t* Aikvry Peik USE THE CONVENIENT PARKING LOT LOCATED DIRECTLY BEHIND OUR RED BANK STORE Off-shoulder rayon shantung doter, with a wlilta-embroldered ruffle cope. Hue, Pink, Grey, Tobaccf, Swlrl-iklrtirl broadcloth with front fullness In skirt, ruffled pique bib, M IIMV*. fink, Maiit, Hut. Si riper) rhnmhrny with mammoth pocket-.—ruflln are repeated in thi tlasticiied bollocn ilievtt, Bored to the sun boltre dr*s», while plque-touchtd on bodice^ cuHi, riven. In (Ink « Blue, RED Page Ten THERE IS NO LONGER A GARAGE PROBLEM! EHECTEK PRICE 1 CAR UNIT I I FT. % 20 FT. S33IJO 1 CAI UNIT 20 FT. K 2 0 FT. S79S.10 F E A T f B 1XG lloora—8 ft. x 7 ft. overhead Heel Roofing—210-lt), asphalt shingles I'ainl 1 coat white undercoater Matt—ix* - 1« inch writers •afters—2x4 • 16 inch centers (J car unit - 2x6) Financing Prompt Delivery. Arranged WEART - NEMETH AGENCY 42 BROAD ST. RED BANK TEL. 64240 SPECIAL OFFER! For this week only we otter a fi'cr aerial with Ihe sale of each MOTOROLA AUTOMOBILE RADIO 95 PRICED FROM * 5 4 ' Electrical Department ATLANTIC SUPPLY COMPANY 25 West Highland Ave. Atlantic Highlands Tel. I-030.H • I-0301 BANK REGISTER, MAY Two Acquitted At Freehold 13, 1948 Malayan PIANO USSONS Out-And-Out Kcpairs! At Yrar H*s» — Mr final* Rouen Gray, son cf Mr. and Mrs. FradA-Woblforth, B.3.E«J. Radiators brought to us Frank Gray, was the guest of honPianist l « Cluki. ftataptilm. Itt. or at a surprise party given at his are C L E A N E D and HEt Silvvrwhitt Ava.. •( Pinckagy ! ! • • • home Monday evening. The guests PAIRED. i\o halfway methJudge John C. Giordano Monday were Marilyn Elliot, Joan Hughes, a. a. a-4572-J planted a motion for a directed Virginia Arose, Jane Fengel, Doods here. We take the Raverdict of not guilty in the trial of ores Schuler, Viola. Stenger, Joan diator out on the bench and OKUICS ConMy, forme!" Marlboro G.ay, Patricia Egan, Robert Emer•jive it a factory-jub: If you hospital employee, on a charge of son, Fred Emerson, Jack Sherman, Skrlclirs In Oil, want a: Radiator Clean-out prand larceny, The motion nine Lcroy Youmans and Dsniel Mat- *' Cl J l O ;.. from Cor.ley'« attorney, William E. thews. and Repair thai will safe••* R»saw at HMMnaeli r n u i 1'uelel & Charcoal Bcaty of Red Bank, who contendguard your motor and give All W.rk GiMriMM* It! O M V«> Harold Smith, a student, at Ruted that the state, represented by you lasting satisfaction — H. ROSIN, Jawaltr John M. Pillsbury, assistant prose- gers university, spent the weekdrive in here! titi Baak, N. rutor, had failed to prove Ita cue. end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. la Will Frul Si, T.I. « MTI-M. Conlcy had been accused of steal- Harold Smith. Miss Lois Thompson, a student at _ _ C I F T S . SO I>lfFf.a»WT ing a camera from the store ol John Gasper, 78 Bridge avenue, New Jersey State College for«Women, spent the week-end with her Nursery Lampa Red Bank. In a second acquittal, Ernest mother, Mrs. Sterling G. J. Thomp2.98 "BuMcr" Mason of 74 Linden place, eon. 113 W. Fruit St. Red Bank, N. J. Ui3s Mary Munning, a student at was freed on » charge of contribute Kiiiiitiin I I . U t O M R. B. 6-1177 New Rochelle college, spent the to the delinquency of two 31 Fniit Sinti Rioir Plate youthfi. The case broke wide Dpen ween-end with her parents, Mr.and ftia Bub e-42ZT O»» EvMinfl Til a when one of I he boys turned hos- Mrs. Nicholas Munning. tile oa the witness aland. Mason, Mrs. Anna O'Neill was the overwho has been arrested more than night guest of Mr. and Mrs. James 6') times on minor offense*, was de- Wallace in New York city Monday. fended by Edward W. Wise, Jr., of Mr. and Mrs. John Tansey of Red Bank. route 2 are parents of a son, horn Htlp rid youiHtlf of torturing iiftm promptly. Us* NULFEY TABLETS for i Mason was accused of having ad- Sunday ac Hazard hospital, uuick action. NULFEY TABLETS. • Greeahautet on Hardlnf Road Mri. Cora Parker of Eatontown timc-tiattd formula uitd by thousand* I vi.seii Charles Lamheruon, formerAt Harrison A\f. ly of Keyport, and Donald Gal- has been the week-end guest of for ovtr fifty yciri lo temporarily rtImported I5nllis llevt minor achta and pain* of rh«umalagher, formerly of Long Branch, Mrs. Grace Curran, titm, trthfitli. tclitlca and lumhaio, The Senior Girl Scout troop en- tra alto rtcofnmpndtd for aim pit lit ad* that, the best method to escape from For .S»Hng the Children's shelter at Freehold tertained at a tea and musicale, achti and nauralg-ia and mu«ru!ir axchtM pains associated with h«(J eoldi. was tu steal a car, abandon it, and given in commemoration of music an<J (iuarantced NUU'EY TABLETS mimt steal another car. The advice was week, Saturday at Trinity Episco relieve quickly or your money back. Tha new Improved NIILFEY TABLETS art jillegeuly Riven the boys while Ma- pal parish house at 3 o'clock. sale today. Mon't wait—get htlp Mrs. P. A. Zicgler entertained the on son, a prisoner in the county jail, a t l'^aiiii iVtm right «w«.v with Keniiint NULPEY was tlctnilcd to work around the Friday evening pinochle club re- TAHLKTS. U ^ only id rilraetfd. Only 59c nt all Sun Ray Drug Stores shelter. The boys did follow hi* al- cently. Prizes were awarded to • GLADIOLUS leged advjee and, according to po- Mrs. Marguerite achuber, Mrs. Lee Natica *f Sttlltmant aff Acctunt. lice reports, they etole a car be- Pennetti and Mrs. Evelyn Latsko, • TUBEROSES Estnte of Rose Slino, <form«rly Roit longing tu Rev. Ralph Maher of A meeting of Midway Hose com Serpleo), d*reaierl. Notiet it hereby • CALADIUMS Freehold, and were arrested later pany Ladies' auxiliary was held Uivcn that the Recounti of tha lubscrlhrr, aubstUuttrl adminiilrator, of the when they were involved in an ac- Monday evening. titiitt ftf tnici rt«f*»!,*d. will bt audited • CANNAS cident inBurlington county. MM. Charles Lyons entertained nnd ita ted by the Surrogate of the • ANEMONES On tho witness stand Gallagher the Friday eveninjf bridge dub re- County nf Monmouth nnd reported for In thr Orphans' Court of said that Mason had never in- cently. Prizes were .awarded to settlement «airl county, on Thiirnday, th» t#*enSomething fluenced him. When John M. Pills- Mrs. Frank Bli3s, Mrs. AVIlliam Ra- Irrnlh dny of Junt, A. 1)., 1948, nt 10:00 o'clock, ti, niM nt which time apbury, assistant prosecutor, pre- bel and Mrs. Conrad Johannscn. More VEOKTABLC PLANT8 NOW READY . . . CABBAGE, William H. Tichcnor, a student plication will be made for the ullrmsented a statement in which Galnnre of commission* and rrmn«l feea. Than Just lagher was quoted «fl having said t L^high university, was the guest BROCCOLI, LETTUCE, BRUS8EL8 8PR0UTS, Uatcfl: April 'J!!, A. l>., 1048. that "Mason told him to etcal a of his sister, Miss Ann Tichenor JOSEPH n. SERPICO. a Battle of CELERV AND CAULIFLOWER. 11" Hiinlinir Bond. UtA Bank, N. J. at the May Festival at Hood colenr," Gallagher said, "I lied." Sultstitutcil Administrator. Milk lege, Frederick, Md., over the week- Kiiwurd \V. Ouri-ie, Ein., PHONE RED BANK 6-1113 end. 12;i Mr.ln Strrrt, Itiiiiison ('lull Plans The Fortnightly bridge club had, N. .T. June |*> Dance Proctor. dil.ner at Buttonwood manor SatThr Rumson Woman's club, at a urday evening and played cards a' MILK CO. recent mprting at Oceanic fire the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. O, house, made plans for a scmi-for- Diggin. Prize winners were Mr. Red Bank 6-0686 mal dance to' he hold Saturday, and Mrs. Joseph Baier and Mr. and Upper June 19, at Crystal Brook inn. Mrs. Gnncu McKeen. The other Broad Street liatnntoivn. Mrs. Emil Jakubccy is guests were Mr, and Mrs, Conrad chairman, iMn I'ialatro's orchestra Johannsen will play. Ed>vard Taylor and Miss Mary New officers who conducted the Lou Cartan attended the circus at meeting- were Mrs. Claire Sully, Madison Square garden Saturday | president; Mrs. Kathtrlne Mur- afternoon. i phy, vice president; Miss Mary Mr. and Mrs. Garrett J. McKeen j Alice Onderdonk, secretary; Mrs. were guests Sunday of Mr. and Adeline MacKenzic, corresponding Mrs. Richard McKeen, Jr., of East secretary, and Mrs. Ethel Perl, Orange. Richard McKeen, Jr.. returned with them for an extended treasurer A Imffrt supper for new mem- visit. bers followed the business session. Mrs. G. J. McKeen entertained New members are Mr«. Edna her nridgo club Wednesday afterBradley, lira. June Healy, Mrs. noon. Gladys Pnucls, Mrs. Charlotte Zerr, Members of Girl Scout troop SO Mrs. Helen Powell. Mrs. Afy Lang held a bazar at the health center and MIFSCS Jacqueline Dollinger, 3iluiday aflernuun. Helen Ricgelma'n and charlotte Among the people who attended Halloran. a. performance of "Allegro" in New Vork city Monday of last weeU were Mr.; Herbert Cittens, Mrs. Tendered Party Celeste Wenzel, Mrs. Mildred BenMi. anil Mrs. Francis Bennett of nett, Miss V. M. Bauer. Miss Eleahighway 33, Ealontcnvn, gave a par- nor Hawk, MM. William Bradley, COOL DINING DIRECTLY OVER THE WATER. ty Sunday in honor of their daugh- Miss Rocr Wenzel, Miss Jean ter Margaret, who celebrated her White, Shirley Burlew, Jane Ann Starting Our 30th Season. Ulh birthday. Burlew, Elizabeth Burleiv, Peggy Vnrioin games were played in Bruce, Betty Wasmuth, Florence which Francis O'Brien, Richard Wenzel, Jean Warwick, Betty Jean Caruso, Neil Lester and James Longstrcet. Margaret and Mildred .an;' u-on the prizes. Margaret re> Vreeland, Barbara Swanson, Beaccived many gifts. trice Baker, Mary Ennli. Aletha Present were Carolyn and Billy Koons, Barbara Warwick, Robert lUuxhurst, Patty Keenan. Judy Fiegel, Robert Colot and David Cilurlla, Francis O'Brl-en, Judy Lambert. Lnyton, John Maflie, Janet AuA bazar is being held at Trinity mack, Mnrgarot and Doris Bennett, Jo.m Bloom, Richard Caruso, Episcopal church. It began yesJ.'imcs and William long, George terday and is featuring a fashion, Ohio, Neil Leister, Mr, and MM. show today. The entertainers for Michael Ryan and Mm. Orville T. this evening are Yvonne- Seabury of Keyport, Thomas Dennis, Joyce Leister. # I'luurinu* npw ciiiisiiic Clark, Robert Waitt, William Stronation! ,iL' H|. in. nf liright.rlrar, ther, Carl Eggers, Paul Marino To Hold Movie Benefit •tcatly action pii'lurcs, Inchcd-inand Amos Stultz. The models are . The recently organised Air Scout Missis Betty Ann Deitz, Suzanne nine liv ilie KCA Victor I've squadron of Shrewsbury will spon- Donnel!, Jean Taylor, Rita Walling, Wiineed I'iclurc Syiwlirwnizf r . . . sor a feature motion picture and Gertrude Higgins, Shirley Baker, all-l.'l-rliaiinrl Anlninatu- Sta. movie shorts Friday night, May 31, Ann Jones, Marybelle Janscn, Mauat the Shrewsbury grammar school. reen Dennis, Frances Adlcr, Kathlinn Selector. AM-K.M radio . . . Proceeds will he used to purchase erine Mandcville, Ann Waitt, Car"Golden 'J'hrual" tone. . \ c « , <le equipment for the squadron. h u e automatic rcron) <:)mn<**-r olyn Morrell, Katherine Flynn, Air Scouts arc a senior organiza- Margaret, Ruth, Susan and Alvina has tlic "Silent Sa|>|>liire" permation of Boy Scouts. Scouts or form- McDonald, Joan Slee, Susan Chapnrnt point pickup. Walnut or ci Scout* of 15 years or older, ore man and Mrs. Charles G. VanPelt, nialiogiinv finish. A C eligible for membership. The squad- Jr., Mrs. Vcrnon Ellison, Mrs. Donron has applied for a charter from ald Mandcville, Mrs. Thomas Welii.K I*. the National Boy Scout headquar- stead, Mm Richard Fullerton, Mrs, M eh, tai aid OwMr ter.-. Joseph A. Michaels is sqund- James Morrell and Mrs. Thomas | ion leader, and charter Scouti are Dennis. Bill Frank, pilot; John Feiat, Home IteinnnfttratlmiK Arranged. treasurer; Howard Strauss, Tom Miss Jane Devlin, a sophomore RED BANK, N. J. Osborn. Carl Berber, Howard Sher- at Manhattanvllle college in New York city, spent the week-end with man. Donald Markham, Ellas Ask Fur IVIeviniini \ aim's. It's her parents, Dr, and Mra. Gerard and Enoch Ask. Devlin. FALLS IN STREET Mr. and Mri. Bruce Koopman of Mr*. Cele Mayorga of Allenhurat Caldwell were guests of Thomas caught her toe in an iron grating O. Koopman at Buttonwood manor at Broad and Monmouth streets recently. morning, and fell forward William G. Bedle, Otto Gaub and 8J Broad Si. Red Bank Tuesday on the street. She was taken to Ri- Edgar H. Pike have been elected ve r vie.v hospital, wher« ahe was trustee! of the Methodist church Phone K. B. 6 4 3 3 0 treated for lip and knee injuries by for a two-year period, and Charles Dr. Lawrence Sangmelater. Ellison, Koert C.Wyckoff and Samuel Patten for three-year terms. WITH COLOR SUPERB FABRICS AND EXPERT SKILL Eugene Lavoie and John Bolliti have been admitted aa new members ot the Fraternal Order of OUR Eagles which meets in Keyport. Mrs. Joseph Gibbons and infant daughter Christine have returned home from Monmouth Memorial hospital. Open house for the display of student activities at Matawan grammar and high schools was held . Wednesday evening of last week. A large group of parents attended, At tha Parent-Teachir as•re tailored with infinite care. Color sociation meeting which followed, blended, pattern blended and made to there was a panel discussion by four high school students, one from your order. each year, who spoke on what they expect from education tn tha fuWe have thouiandi of yards of the newture. Mayor John W. Applegate a-.d Gordon Poinsett, a teacher est fabrics. ^ from Mountainside, were gutst speakers, Sofa • 2 Chairs • 5 Cushions Mrs. Albert Peters attended'a 15 Months To Pay (1.25 f5 meeting or Lady Colfax Rebekah As Low As 1 PER WEEK lodge in Keyport recently. Mr. and Mrs. Charles C, Schock have been entertaining Mrs. Harold Thirty yrur* of cxpn'ieiu'e in the heller class White and son Laurence of DeKnrkmHii»lii|) lius made liiiiuircdij of satisfied eu»troit, Mich, " Paul A. Egan Is enjoying a vacaIOIIKT*. Our name is ucll knuwu in Monnioiilli tion from the Prudential Insurance County. company. Mombert> of the Matawan SubJunior Woman's club served as pages at the annual convention of Slip Cover Fabric tho New Jersey State Federation of Junior Women's cluba at Atlan117 WEST FRONT 8T. and Leatherette RED BANK, N. J. tic City Friday and Saturday. They ware Mary Rose, Betty Mulr, Ann Fairy, Jacqueline Haley, Doris Sold By the Yard 106 Shnwfbwy Avs. *»i Buk rlrrikaen, .lane Scott, Madolino i'rank and Betty Wtsmuth, Portraits by Jean JEWELRY REPAIRING E RED BANK RADIATOR WORKS DOMTHY JANE SHOW RHEUMATISM EGANS OF HARDIN6 ROAD Puritan Announcing the Opening of ==BAHR'S= Fresh Sea Food Restaurant HIGHLANDS, N. J. turn Burr Saifs IS YOUR HOUSE MING UP HILL OR DOWN HILL You cm make the gride with Top Quality Material* from the Hlfernun Lumber Co, In <*<'•. you oan go over the- lop and make jour horn* the beauty »pot of the neighborhood. We hnve good material* for Painting, Repairing, improving your home—•Nationall; f«mou» brand*, which a«*ure you lasting natistactlon . . . hacked by our 00-year reputation an well m the Manufacturer'*. See ua about putting your home right up on tnp In your neighborhood. Hagerman Lumber Co. 59 Chestnut St. Red Bank 6-0242 — 6-0243 > SEE THE DE LAVAL SPilDWAYfm FJtEEZER THE LARGIR FARM FAMILY THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL! FRIED SOFT CRABS ON TOAST Am retiring from business. • • MY ENTIRE STOCK FOR SALE at great reductions '595 LYSBETH GERAN 125 MOAD ST. J. H. Mount Co. GLOBE AWNING & SHADE CO., Inc. with tin EXCLUSIVE, conmitnt, economics! AWNINGS FOR EVERY PURPOSE • a lav«l Saawiway U»4 Inmt M * M M M kriiif t ytv I N Da Uval laair twlad" ariailpla-fka uhnaii in aratittiwi againil ttM air (••» fir ffaaknl acanamy, tagHhar with maximum caavaalanu la via. Twa da»ala»ial»< •utar 4»tn aravU* acctu la lha "Inmr-ltaM" lraail*| and uaraaa itmaaitmaati. Th* tar|t Iraailnf t»ma€rtmml •ccvalai Mia artira lap tkttf and li laachad thrauifi tilhtf »l Iwa laaar 4ttn. Tat MMiand Maraflt tactiaa caniith a( Ihiaa ralktr mauntad lackar Aawani Hia rlahMiaiit ittrati Mttlan c taiiiti *f ihraa camsaitaMaM kaviRfl Individual Itikif inn. Da Uval "lnn»r-5»ilid" daiifn awaai MM! aaly • imall « M la Ilia caklnat it a<aaud I* aglttit Mmat'aluia •ad ttti Ian whan Mia autir diari ara aaan. H alit laitlti in camplata •MMilklMy at ilaiad laadi and tnaklai tyilamatic pickinf. Tlia » cu. ft. capacity »f Madal MOO »lar« vf ft 1)10 Iki. af anartad fman faadi and la Maal lar Hit tartar farm family, la lura tataalttaday. SIDNEY W. REID "The He»t in Farm Machinery" ROUTE 9 4 ! IKEKHOLD, IV. J. PHONE 8-1441 Let Us Transform Your Living Room CUSTOM MADE SLIP COVERS TEMPER THE HEAT AND BRIGHTEN YOUR HOUSE WITH OUR BETTER MADE CANVAS AWNINGS GLOBE AWNING & SHADE CO, Inc. Phone Red Bank 6-3889 »59 to CALL R. B. 64038 FOR FREE ESTIMATE CUSTOM RE-UPHOLSTERING OUR SPECIALTY A D P FURNITURE V . D . U . DECORATING Page Elevejr* RED BANK REGISTER, MAY IS, 10-1S —CIT OUR ITCH DM* •e rou tarsuntast with ltchlm of tcAre tema paariaila, >a>h«,atbl«te'a loot, sunburn, infections, rceUl itching, #ou»n hand or faca of other akin trouble!". for Quick relief and good remits. uie Victory Ointaunt. Dtvalorad (or iha bojrs in tha services, now offered to the folk* back home. White, greasiest antiteptlc. cooling, pain rsliavini, vanishInf. Dots not irritate. Safe far children and Firit Aid. k war development, not a lubstltuta. Get VICTORY OINTMENT—the finest. Jars or tubes. Bold In Red Bank by Liggett, Whelan. Sun R»y or your hometown Drug Store. II kU«t»s g i n trouble. aak lor Ntl-Tn Pink Antiawtic TaUels MOTH HOLES' , KNITTID HOUS\ Annual Breakfast For Sodalists - TROPICAL FISH - DORATHY JANE SHOPPE WHV I'W MORE I OI. VOl'l, IIOBBV ? m: IIIISI: i'i!n:i;s : 'ililntana Atrl7.mi» .IS lil'li- I'lutlf, .. _ .15 HLli-k I'llltlcs . _ .. .15 <;. cn-wpiit r u i i i ' i .in Illai'U I'luty Varlatiii T. H. O'DONNELL TRAVEL AGENCY AEROSECT THE WONDER BAD SKIN-PIMPLES INSECTICIDE FOR MOTH Protection Th« hunting season in on —yai. tht killing season for moths definitely is here! Aeroseot—the full H - o i . n o n - poisonous Insecticide bomb —whiffs marauding moths to almost instant death! NON-POISONOUS—<s«n be used around humans, animals, pets, open food. Voi!—Aeroseot kills moths and most paaky Insects quickly, positively! Low Cost—The big, economical full 18-or. bomb gives up to 9 times coverage—saves money! $2.35 With Empty Bomb, Otherwise 83.98 PHONE 6-3654 Hardware AT THE STOP LIGHT B. JACOBS, Prop. BERGEN PL. & SHREWSBURY AVE., RED BANK, N. j . Main Si. X Ku.l Itoail. Garden Supplies Hums: RED BANK PARCEL DELIVERY SERVICE 10-Pound Rag 26 ytart ago in 1922 wh«it Boro Bums was born, a Bore But ridt from Rtd Bank to Long Iraneh cost 20c. Today that lam* milagt, in n«w • comfortable b u i m (till coats 20c doublt tha priea. THATS"IIK!,"ISNTIT... THATS "UNLIKE," ISN'T IT . . . Compare today's cost of living with 1922. In 1922 a roait sold at 24c a pound. Today that samt roast sails at 69c . . , mart than BORO BUSES FARES HAVE NEVER BEEN INCREASED! LOOK AT THESE PRICE COMPARISONS FOOD PRICES 1948 % 1922 BORO BUSES FARES 1948 Of Incrtoit •m ths r u n oi T i l Dall7 Rtcna III* 49 69 69 •19 69 47% 300% 37% 63% 100% 300% 400% 63% 100% 100% SPRY Pure Shortening 41 Pound Cut Krlfnni. N. J. f-'- OPENING SOON ITALIAN RESTAURANT & PIZZERIA Ili^'InMiy ,'{,1 (Ncur Five Corner-) ii iinil lliinir-.Made Mral Hulls 5ffvBWMSi ^ ^ ^ Manirorii .SI'KCIAL Sl'MJ.W DINMJJS i.itliiiiii; In I'arlii's I'IKMI Id fin (hit Tel. Miildlrtoun S>0398 «) P E N l i A I L V l l : , , 0 A.M. t o ;.:IM> A.M. MARKET CHOICE CUTS BLUE RIBBON STKKR SIRLOIN or PORTERHOUSE STEAKS FANCY MILK 1ED ALWAYS THI IEST FOR LESS Phone R.B. 6-3144 RED KIPE TOMATOES 15 CARTON, EGGS C FRIDAY ONLY JELL-0 FOWL FLORIDA LEAN SHORT SHANK JUICE ORANGES SMOKED CALA HAMS FRIDAY ONLY CHOICE CUTS BLUE RIBIiON STEEIt PRIME RIB ALL FLAVORS ASPARAGUS FANCY LARGE WHITE Dozen RED BANK SUPER Miilillrliodl TO.MATO I'lCS FRESH JERSEY BORO BUSES TEL. R. B. 6-0567 • _...J. .» Home GI-OKII 67 BORO BUSSES has always pravidid ths btst posiibls transportation strvlct to you. N«w •quipmtnt, n«w safsty ftaturas hava always bian put forsmoit in Boro IUMSS public sorvico policy. W«V« basn constantly sttting tht pact of progress; offering a foster, more comfortable ride at the same old, low fares • and this, in spite of our swollen costs of operation. We're proud of our achievement; that Boro Busses still transport you over the same distances for the tame fares that were paid at ths birth of our business 26 years ago! No other business can make this claim! CLOBE COURT Mnlllr Sphi'li>i|is M«;irf iMiiir.-unla MOLLY PITCHER SUGAR S3 SS . M l.ltra HKTAII, COLUMBIA GRANULATED 4S 16 11 • I••:••• a n i l T i l l 1 0 A. M. !•>•>!>. \ l . Kuilv Convenience DOMINO Ceffn Irtad Soap Chopped l a i f VaallFaait Cala Hamt laeen Rib Raait Butter I itarbH M>i-I.ltf Tclras /."bra llanlii ..... M • FARM • 18-20 Monmouth $L 03 07 20 21 12 16 24 43 IS Klai'K Ti-lrns B. D. Wolcott s Sons LET'S TALK ABOUT LIKES AND UNLIKES. n _. Belford Tropical Fish Hatchery LEON'S 1922 Ni'nn irtrH't f i m - n SHdrillalK VI Ki'cl \>lvi'l Sunrillallii . . .Ill) (iulil Swnrillalls .;s H'hlti- < Iniiii Mniinlalns ..I.mi WANTED SINGER Pair ....MS -Lie -I.U I'alr TRAVEL Tka romd to betUr and Metier bual. mat lead, througk Tha Rafiatar'a «.lvertlsing columns.—Advartltemint, BECKER SO UIFFERKNT he'd next Tuesday at the Cathedral h in Trenton. Shrevshury auxiliary of Rlverlf Sri* HIGH CASH PRICE vliw hospital will meet next Wed.{..",(» up nesday at 2 p. m. at the home of • ALL MODELS Mrs. E. C. Xcstler of Broad street. Mrs. Adelaide Wnlnwright, presi• ANY YEAR 32 Foster Strrrt Riiri l*la/< Holy Cross Croup Hears dent, will preside. A ham supper will be served next R.ii Bank 6-4227 Opfn Evrninci Til 9 CMv« In ar Pti«M Rev. John Sullivan Thursday at the parish house by PACKARD-RED BANK .he Christ church guild. The first Kellj BulMtei Memben of the Blegged Virgin table, will be at 5:30 and the second at 7 o'clock. Receipts u'lll go Sodality of Holy CroM church of HaraJJaf BoM al Bratf M. Rumion held their annual Com- nto a fund hcing mised for the Air - Sea - Hotel and R. 1. «-04»8 munion breakfaat recently at painting of the church huilding. Tour Shrewsbury P.T.A. members are Charles manov, Sea Bright. Rev. Bonded Agent John Sullivan, who wa* tht speak- conducting; a "summer round-up" No Charge f,r Iteiervatlona o ascertain the names of the new SooakMptag Tas Sorvici er, took for his text the fact that pupils who expect to enter the local the life of the Bleued Mother school at its opening September 13, should be followed by the members Bennett Business as a model for good and holy dally A. school census will be taken at h« e>ame lime. It any parents nf Service living. Quests included those who will children of school age arc not vio- 7 Merlisnlc St., ISO I. K m a«d, Hvatop ICiil flank Human l-OMt-J. join the eodalily at their annual tcd by one of tlic workers on this .Iu«t off Krimd St. May crowning Sunday, May 21, and project they are aslied to call Ihe Tel. R. B. 6-28M they included Miacta Joari Healy, school and give the Information reThe project should be comJoan Dangler, Ruth Dudley, Mary quested. pleted by next Wednesday. Durstewitz, Jean Frlicia, Irene Th« seventh and eiRltlh grades Here'i • new war to b*l> rid youril'll of Andre, Betty Holland, Ann Hogan, will visit Marlpit hall, Mlddletown; torturoua itchlu pimplafi acsafna, tcalas. Arlene Jackson, Jane Minaldi, the county courthouse at Freehold, icabies, sent, blotches and blemishes of Anna Mao Murphy, Margaret Tag. AM) 'xternal nature, four money bRck if Tennent church find lJcVogh'3 potpura MBUBCX OINTMENT (ilia to (lve licrl, Anita Wright and Patay tery mill at Tinton Falls on an eduyou quick cooling raillcf from Itching. Dougherty. cational trip planned for Monday. MEDKSX OlNTHtNT la blandad scle.itMembera attending were Mlas tlncaliy from sight taitad ingradlenti to halii you. B« aura and get a jar of i m . Ronnie Hcaly, prefect, and Misses FOB OVKB 5o YKAHS ulna flesh colored, traaseless MED HEX Grace Healy, Margaret Coitlgan, Occanport OINTMENT today. Peggy Shea, Elizabeth Minaldi, • Bulk Scc«U Uo • Jar si all Bun Bay Drug Stern Vera Heckt, Marie Costlgan, Joan The committee lor the buffet supper and dance of the Ocennport • I'crtili/.cis Heckt, Claudette Minaldi, Phyllis Businessmen's association to lie •"•^BK^Bs^^Ea^nBassssa^aaBfisEs^ssss Foderaro, Eleanor Desmond, Mar- held June 11 nl Oreannort Inn for # l.aun Srcil garet Ann Shea, Joan White, Betty members and their friends met «t Brown, Anne O'Uary, Patricia tha home of Mrs. Dorothy S. Uz# (>ariliii TOIIIK Tour Old Drop-Head Treadle Desmond, Joan Felui, Mary Meats, clillu Monday evening to plan flnnl 0 I'uillls & Patricia Clancy, Ann O'Brien, Mary arrangements. Those present wore Raleigh, Mary Frlacla, Pat Whalen Mrs. Ugdllla, chairman; Mri. Sally and Catherine Bcttj. Gnikill, Alfred Ceppaluni and Fred Zito. The Ernest Tomainl agency has Shrewsbury EATONTOWN Plans are being formulated for a negotiated the sale of a house at UKUVKKV SlilWICK 399 Prospect street, Long Branch, daily vacation Bible school to be TEI- 3-11051 held jointly by Old Christ church for Mrs. Velanci to Joneph. Christy ant; the Presbyterian church from of Jameshurg. Mr. Christy will convert the house into live apartments June 21 to July 2. Children up to 14 yeart of age will be urged to at-The agency also rented two homeB tend. It li augguted that this at Oceanport purk and n West End school be Included in the schedule house for the summer. Krneal Ruttl uf Eatontown purchased Tony'.s of thoaa planning a vacation. Is The Keynote cafe and the lot adjoining the The E. S. Valentine missionary Occanport postotlkc Itisl week, Round of society Is melting this afternoon Bobbin Mr. and Mrs. Wallace McGregor LEON'S at the home of Miss Bessie Green Ragardlei of Broad street. Miss Julia Klllian, were hosts Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. Certified Storage Service of A f . county librarian, will give a talk on Walter Wehr, Mr. and Mrs. Rob• iDiivihii'iil l.iii'atluii liluht ert Greenock an* children, Elionc her trip to India. No hi tho heart of lied Bank) Obligation Monmouth County Red Cross will and Dnvid, Mr. and Mm, Fred Parlei Buy SPOT • Convenient St!nlot« (lltMitlhold Its annual dinner next Tuei soni,, Mr. and Mrs. William Head, Anything CASH Jr., of Arlington and Mr. and Mrs. nd incsKMigrr* fur |ilikll|i day at 6:S0 p. m. in Crystal Brook Wa Call For Machina At Your And delivers > inn. marking the cloie of tht drive. Charles 1.. Kennimore and Mrs. Convanlcnca. Wa Go Anywhera Joseph Meslar and son Richard of Mn. Adelaide Wainwrlght, Mrs. West Orantte. • Cnnveiileiit II1111 n K (no Robert H. Dlibrow, Mis* Ulllan churges made nil jour garCharles H. Krewton of PhiladelBuquet and Miss Ruth Parker will ments are dellvmi-ii In tho phia was a suest of Mr. and Mr§. fall. rapictcnt Old Christ church at the Call Anytime annual convention of the altar Thomas Ross, Jr., last week. Call R. B. 6-2800 RB 6 4 7 0 0 Mrs. George C. D. Hurley and guilds of th« Trenton diocen to be Mm Thomas Ross, Jr., attended the p u t president's luncheon of Monmouth county Parent-Teacher Sines 1»12 amociatloni at Crystal Brook Inn While St., Red Bank Monday. ROAST LARGE TABLE CELERY .31 J RED Pape Twelve CIVIC GBOVr MEKTI.NO The Country Club Estates—Riverrlde Civic association of Middletown township will meet Morutny night at the Headdcn's Cornrr rtru hoiiM.. Anyone living in that area, interested in civic problems, is invited to attend, GIFTS - SO DIFFERENT F I C U K I N ES 1.00 to 5.00 DORATHY JANE SHOPPE 32 Foster Street Rivtr Plait Red Bank 6-4227 Open Evmint. Til 9 DON MORRIS AND H,S SOCIETY ORCHESTRA SONGS INTI.HE BY CHARLETTE TELEPHONE LONG BBANCH MS10-M HOME MAINTENANCE SERVICE and garden* mmde and rared for. Tree*, *hruba, p l u U , lertllliert, «ecds for talc, Inside and outtldc paintIng, (Xpert workmanahin. Screen* repaired, repainted and himf. All kind* of fence* hulll, repaired, repainted. And all general work around the home. Box 10, Holmdel, N. J. Holmdel 9-7681 Save the SOLES and you SAVE the SHOES Broken *ole» cause »h«e leather to crack and apread, throwing lh« whole •hoe off halanee. New half aole* will prolong and prenerve the food look* and comfort of your t,hof« for months. Our cobbler* are real crafininen. Olvc them » (rial. Reatonable I'rlcet. RED BANK SHOE REPAIR SHOP Super Shoe Service - Work Done Whlle-t-VYnlt 33 MoiinuMiili St. ltcd Bank VENETIAN BLINDS OF THE BETTER QUALITY Wt> ha*a the Better Featured Venetian Blind* la Metal or Wood, Sure Grip Cord Leek, Smooth Working Tiltnr with ratimtcd Card Leteltaf Feature*. The beat enamel paint it a n d on our blind*. You pay the M M price for onr quality blind* a* you do for the cheaper trade blind* elsewhere. When you are In the market (or Venetian Rltnd«, don't make j*NT purchaae until you have vUlted our »lore and Keen our hltatV. It will pay you. GLOBE AWNING & SHADE CO., Inc. 117 W M T FRONT ST. RED tANK, N. J. Mrs. Martha ilehnick, Mrs. Robert I Behlrjr, Mrs. John Werner and Mrs. Harold Ccpeland. Girl Scouts, Brownies and MariMr. and Mrs. John Werniert ners will hold a mother and daugh- spent Sunday at Camdcn visiting ter^fl-dish supper Wednesday their niece. evening, May 26, at li o'clock at the The caul party sponsored by the Methodist church nnncx. After the Ladies' auxiliary of Independent supper a court of awards will be nre company last Thursday night hold, and the Mariners will stage at the fire house was a success, an cxhihition. Leaders in charge Prizss vert won by Herman Wen! will !Je Mrs. Lcland Richmond, Mrs. zel of Navesink and Mrs. Sharkey ' C. R. Smith, Mrs. Robert Behlcr of Leonardo. and Mrs. John Werner. Mary Ann Zilly, daughter of Mr, Mr. ind Mis. Edward Savidge and Mrs. I. Zilly, celebrated her spent last week with Mr:. J. A. birthday Friday, Turner of Rosellc Park. Mrs. SaMrs. Rebecca Johnson, who has vidga conducted a choral concert at been confined to her home because the Washington Parent-Teacher as- of illness for the past two years, sociation meeting Friday night. went out Sunday with her daughMr. and Mrs. William Benning ter ind acn-in-law for an automoand tons spent Sunday with Mrs. bile trip. Dolph Schadler of Jersey City. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Jack O'Neii have Benning enjoyed a vacation last returned after spending the winter week. at Miami, Fla., and will reopen The mcnibcrti of the Women's their grocery store here soon, Society for Christian Service of the 'The Wcmen'a guild of St. ClemMethudist church held a mother- ent's church met at the home of daugntcr banquet at the church Mrs. Clarence Sklllman Wednesday annex last Thursday evening. afternoon The birthday of Mrs, There were 65 guest* pres- John Euler Mat celebrated at this ent. Table decoratlona under the time. Those present were Mr*. direction or Mrs, Ernest Butt were John Olais, Mra. George Schle in pink and orchid with bouquets m&nn, Mra. George Boyce, Mra. of lilacs, pink tulips and apple Shlndle, Mr*. Mary Anderson and blossoms. A baked Virginia ham Mr*. Wilson Miller. The annual dinner was served. A program fol- luncheon and show of the guild will lowed consisting of music by Miss be held at Crystal Brook inn May Roberta Fislcr, Mrs. Jack McGrath, 20. Mrs. Harold Copcl&nd and Mr*. AlMrs, Jennie Kramer was guest of bert Elgelou'. Mrs. George Yarnall honor Sunday at her home for a gave a recitation. Gifts were pre- joint day and birthday sented to Mrs. Emma Brown as party, Mother'* will celebrate her 91st the oldest mother, Mrs. Elmer Max- birthdayShe Those preient son as the youngest mother and were Mr. tomorrow. and Mra. T. R. Compton Mrs. lilda Lyke as the grandmother and daughter Lois, and Mn with the moist grnndchildren. Mrs. Kenneth Layton, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ernest Fox of Atlantic Highlands Gelger and daughter Carol Ann, was pucst speaker. Mr. nnd Mra. David Wallace and Mrs. Kdward Savidge entertained children, Mrs. Joaeph Simpson and at luncheon Tuesday at the Ye son, Mra. Daniel Ahem and Miss Cottage inn in Kcyport and later Barbara Kramer. A buffet supper nt bridge. Her guests were Mrs. was served In the evening. Russell Apgnr, Mrs. Leonard Mr.i. Elta Johnson Is spending Raupn, Mrs. A. L. I.cfferte, Mrs. William Arthur, Mrs. Paul Arthur, six weeks with her son, William Johnson and family of Brooklyn, Mrs. Allen Arthur, Mrs. A. U, Charles Young recently attended Mrs. Oscnr Smith and Mrs. J. A. a banquet for the Past-Mastera of Turner. Guests were from Roselle the fifth district of Free Masons at Park, Union nnd Kcnihvorth. the Pennsylvania hotel, New York Rev, and Mrs. Paul Myers, Mrs. city. Florence Kos, Mrs, Hazel WoodJennie Maizaroppi, daughter of ward and Mrs. Lyda Lyke attended a luncheon Tuesday at the Ocean Mr. and Mra. Philip Mauaroppl, celebrated her first birthday SunGrove Methodist home. with a party. Those attend Mr. nnd Mrs, Clarence Skillman day Ing were her grandparents, Mr. and nnd son Eilly spent Sunday with Mrs, Earl Mathews of Lakewood Mr. ind Mrs, Edward Morris of and daughters, Mrs. Thomas MaiNewark, zaroppl and daughter Loretta of Mrs. Ernest Elfrrlm and Mrs. Red Bank and other members at Charles YounB visited their sister, the family. The party table waa Mrs. Obndiah Hnllenbakc, who is a decorated in pink and blue with a patient at the Perth Amboy hospi- birthday cake at the center. She tal, Monday. received many gifts. Mrs. Mnrlon Foulks, Mrs. Marie Mr. and Mra. Edwin Helwlg en, Helwlp and Mrs. Edna Helwigr tertained Mr. and Mrs. William spent Saturday nt Newark. Bohley, Jr.. of Union City over the Misses Helen and Gloria Colson week-end. and Norman, Alvin and Richard Mra, Eleanor Roberta li a surgi< Colson attended the circus at Madison Square garden, New York c»l patient at Monmouth Memorial hospital. city, laet wcclt. Mrs. John Euler celebrated her Mrs. Ida Bnlley returned last Wednesday evening with week from St. Petersburg, Fla., birthday a small party nt her home. Those where she tins spending the winter present were Mr. and Mrs. Irving with her daughter and family, Mr. Drake, Miss Mildred Rieeken, Mrs. and Mrs. Alton White. On Sunday Evcl/n Morris and daughters Ruth sho o.nertalncd her family and and Joan and Mr. and Mrs. Wilson friends at a welcome home gather- Miller. \ ing, Those present were Mr. and Mr. and Mm. T-.ouin Ceroteno of Mrs. Stnlfa and children of Keyport, Mi', and Mrs. Al Smith and Railroad avenue are parents of a daughter, born Friday at Rlvervlew children and Mrs. Lillian Richards hospital, of Red Bank, UclTonl Mrs. hilla Bungay entertained NOTICE. mombors of the Brownie troop notlc* that Mlrhi«l J, Arnont, committee Wednesday evening. Jr.,Takt trndln* in Mlchnfl't H%r, has ApPresent were Mrs. Aline Rauscher, plied to th« Mityor ind Council PHONE RED BANK 6-3889 "We've always kept our home in f tip-top'shape.. Merchants Trust • Company F.H.A. loam have maac this possible Thousands 4 of people in Monmouth County have made it a practice to keep their homes and oilier properly in good repair . . . and modernized . . . through Merchants Trust Company V. H. A. Title 1 financing. You can do the same. The best months for doing this kind of work arc immediately ahead. We suggest (hat you inspect your properly now nnd get in touch with your coiilrarlor nr dealer. Make arrangements lo have I lie work done and see otic home-loan nonsnllanls about a loan In finance Hie. cost nnil spread the payments over an extended period. Check over I h n iisf AND AC1 BANK REGISTER, MAY 13, 1918 NOW! I. Cemplete htatlnf syitemt S. NlnHitf I 1. Iniiallallentf ell burners, steker and i n furntces « . NumMnf } 9. liuvhrtien f . Re*reeNiii and 4, Cemblnol!«n stem wlrxfowi, screens and weather itrlpplnf f • Perch enclesvres f, ftamwftling fte-MIni fO, Stittwirtftrutt Vole: A 10',; down payment I* now required on all F.H.A, Loan*. of the Borough of Red Bank for I Plenary Retail Consumption llc»n>« for nremlut iitu«t»J at 172-172-A MonRieutti >tti<t, Red Bink, N. ) . Objietioni, if try, should be made Im* mediately In m-iting to An)r E, Shlnn. Clerk of the Borouih of Red Bank. (Sinned I MICHAEL J. ARNONE, JR. Manmaulli Ceunly Surrorate'i Office. In th* matter of tht ntnte of Gecrita W. Klnncy, deceased. Notict to n-cditon to preient clalmi againtt eitate. Pursuant to the order of Dorman Mel-'addln, Surrostti of the County of Monmouth, mnde on the teventh nay of Mny, 1949, on tht application of June O'Brien Klnney, Sole E\ectitr!x of the ettnte of (ieorgi W. Klnney, deceased, notice \t hereby given to the creditors of anld deceased to exhibit to the subscriber. Sole Executrix, H3 flforesnld, their tlebtR ant] demands ntrninKt the said catnte, tinder onth, within six months froro th*> dnt* of the aforesaid order, or they will be forever burred of their actions therefor ngninat the said Htlbsrriher. Dated, toehold, N. J.. May 7th, 1941. JANE O'BRIEN KINNGY, HOM 234, P.. B. No. 1, Keynort. N. J. Messrs. Roberts, PMlsbury, Carton ft Sorcnsof. Atlantic Highlands, N, J, Proetcte. Natle* • ( S*tll«n«nl •( Account, Eittta of Anton M, Rlchcnt. deceased. Notice is hereby given thnt the accounts of the subscriber, administratrix of the estate of said dereaied, will be audited nnd stated by the Surrogate of the County of Monmouth ind reported for settlement to In* Orphans' Court of said Ciiuntr, on Thursday, the third dar of June, A. D., 194!, «t 10.00 o'clock •, m., at which tlms application trill be mtdi for the sllooanet of com millions and eounsil ftes. * Dated: April 14th, A. D, 1941. ANNE R1CHEAL. 31 Wavirly PIici, Red Bank, N. J. Administratrix. Messrs, Parsons, Labrseque, Cantons * ' Combs, Couniallois at Law, Red Bank, N. j . Proetori. IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY l*I,asi TO MILLIE MARIE O'BRIEN. By virtue of an order of the Court of Chancery of New Jeney, made < th* day of the date hereof, in a ce.lain csuit wherein Charles Rlahop O'Brien is tht petitioner and you an ths defendant, you are required to an. sirflr tht petitioner's Petition on or be1 fort tht lit day of July, next, or In if fault thereof, such decree will be taken rgilnit you at tht Chancellor ihall think egjltatle ana juat, Tht object of said suit It to obttln dtertt of dlvoret dltiolvlng tht mt. rlsga bttween you and the laid pttitiontr. Dated: April 28, m i . H. FRANK PETTIT, Solicitor of Pttltloner. :S3 East Broad Street, Wcltfleld, New Jerse)', Notici (I Miltmtnt el Atctunl. Eitatt of Ehrlck Firmly, dtceaitd. Nc-ttet ii htrtbr rlvtn thai tht accounts of tht subscriber, tubitltuttd trnatlt of tht t i U t i of said deceased, will b. Audited and atattd by tht Surrogate of the County of Monmouth flnd rtportsd for settlement to'tht Orpham' Court of •aid Count;, on Thursday, tht twinty. fourth, daf of June, A. t),. 1141. at 10:00 o'clock a, m., dnytlRht n v l m tlmt nt which tlms application will fat madt for the allowance of commliilenl and counsclifeei. Dated i April 27, A. D., Hit, NEW BRUNSWICK TRUST COMPAMI Byi Louis A, Heieroll, Truit Officer, New Hfunnwick, N. / . Subatltuled Truitit. Hlcl**, Kuhlthau, Thompson fc Mollneui. ' !I9(I Cleorffe Strttt, - < . • • Kiw Bcuntwlck, N. J. Frectuii — WINDOW SHADES — presented the Woman'* thank offering of $182 from Christ church. W . art manufsYGturlng all sizei and all grades of aid* An all-day meeting of the Ladies' aid of the Reformed church waa h t m m t i aiiadat in our own factory at the right price. W* refer*, your old ahade*. Washable Shadcx our g|irrialt>. held Tuesday In the church rooms, Miu Nancy Lee McQueen entertained at a dinner party In celebration of her birthday Tuesday 117 W . FRONT « T . TEL.: RED BANK S-38M night. The Bridge club winners at the home of Mie. Walter Grubb, Si\, were Mis. Wardell Thomas, Mrs. Kenneth Robinson, Mrs, John Warren and Mra. C. G. Bennett. The next meeting will he at the home of Miss Louise Hartshorne. Egbert W. Schwackhamcr, Jr., of I New York spent the week-end with ' hi* mother, Mrs. Ruth Schwaokhamer. Mr. and Mra, Robert Gault of Rutherford were also guecta of MM. Schwackhamer over the weekend. MUa Betay Newman entertained at a aupper party for her birthday Saturday evening. AND IAIL Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Conover * tUMSON returned recently from a trip to • INOIIIH MUtDll Florida, While there they flew to w PlOlt the Island of Eltuthera. in the Bahama*, where they visited their son, Thomaa Conovtr. New Egypt, New Jersey TWENTIETH POUO CASE, Phono New Egypt 3281 or 5874 Roger Furlong, 6, aon of Mr. and Mra. Richard Furlong of Bradley Beach, waa admitted to the polio ward of Monmouth Memorial hospital last week. He was the 20th infantile paralysis patient admitted alnce January 1, Roland J. Hines, chairman of Monmouth County chapter of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, announced. Middlelmvn Village P.. W. Beck, Jr., railroad agent ',erc, won a IS award in the Jersey Central lines' suggestion plan "or his suggestion for the relocaof the mail crane for the safcy or mall employees. Ml&s Winifred Burlinson, a misiionary to China, now home on urlough, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Baiid and daughter, Miss DorU Baird, for a few days. Richard Maggs has returned home after being in Monmouth Memorial hoapltal for several days aa the''result of a recent fall. Boy Scout troop 45 met Wednesday night a.t the Baptist chapel. Rev. Kenneth Stickney, a student at Rutgers seminary in New Brunswick, will be acting pastor at the Reformed church during the summer. Benjamin Allen will be a delegate to the general synod at Buck's Falls, Pa., May 20. Mrs. Benjamin G. Paskui of New York city visited her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mra, Garry Faskiu, over the week-end. Mlas Madeline King of New fork city a!«o waa a week-end guest. The 1—5—8 Women's Republican club met Monday night at the home of Mrs. George M. Bodman of Navesink River road. ' Mr. and Mra. Raymond Despreaux spent the week-end at Hollia, L. I. Monday, Mrs. W. B. Spofford, Mi&a Louise Hartahorne. Mrs. Mary Locke and Mra. George Bunce went to Trenton to a service In the Episcopal cathedral, where Mrs. Bunce Globe Awning & Shade Co. HOME & ESTATE IMPROVEMENT RUSTIC FENCES Harm E. Newman, Jr.sCo F. H. A. PAYMENTS ARRANGED Springtime is IctjvMful tatin-emoelh walli and weedwerk! DU PONT SEMI-GLOSS ENAMEL PAINT-UP TIME SEE US FOR ALL PAINTING NEEDS Moke* floors look better.. Jongor DUPONT Intortor Floor Enomol Mad* right to stay whif PONT Hoose Painl Bring clean, aparkling ' beauty to your wall* and woodwork with latinmnooth Du Pont Sem!> Glosa. It will make any room look iU best againl Keepa your haute always white, bright, and beautiful I Tho Du Pont House Paint label doacribe* it* "*el/-cleaning' 'action. •k turn w M i i . . . afayt while if *•.•» •• «M'»—•»»••<• anMtklir—i*«tn «*H if K*>Mti thrall* prtttcMn it wwkakto-my «* I n * For inside wood or concrete floors. Gives them a luatrous, colorful continK that protects against heavy traffic. It's easy to apply, hides solidly, ct] CO deans well. *l>tlB . . . for outside floort> if « T * * rttn tf prthcllen •(elnal if hnpNeml mnn» •k Aba) •»*IMI* la *«*«l«r wlsto thrit* calm DU PONT Exterior Porch Paint if Provldti • tough, hwd finish fw lon|-l*illni s«t> •itllori'ajtliMt •colhtr tut wt«. ' DU WHT #40 OUTMM WHITI GAl, QT. season-lor.g btauty lor your bs Brighttn outside trim and shuiiert! PORT DULUX MPOMTDUiUX III. 1.1. Ml. HI. TRIM * TRELLIS FINISHES | Rests Add now life to the outside trim on ynur home with DuPont DULUX Trim and Trellis Fin. ishes. They hold their gloss and color . •. give you these outstanding advantages: There*! e i t n durability, extra •paiUint Iwaaty in evtiy can of DULUX Marina Finiahe*. Thay'rt) made right, far hull*, •pan, deck* and interior* . . . for every aurface, from maithead to waterline. if ntwetk-riewlat, fest-tkyiii if nslMK«isnr>lHtker|MM,<iid iw«kha)i«iit •k NMla ikelr |l*ii if **ty le wiak «*»*• •*•! WgM if a*futl iMlly—<uvir teUdly if #y Itck-fret frtm 4nt mi tllrt ifm\n Ming-main fltii tni toler if ncist mliJ'jv/ $Q.9O •«!HT WHITI 010SS Make* old surfaces "new" ••.•In I * GAl. Covors walls and wallpaper "with on* coot DUCOEnam.1 For protection ' that's economical and lasting... PU PONT Mt. 1 1 HI Iff,' Hot WaH WaH Point \<B| ^ S J 4 » fM Give B«W lift) l tnd color to dull, dltify m i l l with DuPont SttMdE il type paint i ?wjdBMjr, th tte oU £ t thina thiai with water. H it* tt»t Hff» home owners ownm bt> he. popular with horn* cauat it cut* the coit of redworatiag! TUFCOTE BARN PAINT if ••• at* urara , if feta m real tat) eny-t,...! I* if tame* I* 11 ktwrtlM ttltrt *r»1 whlli it OWN (pukling new color and beauty to furniture, waUi.ind woodwork. You'll find icorn of uaea for DUCO around the houae! if kay ft mt . l l f if Cevwt atlldlr if «»** * haf*.wt*rli>|, til*. Ilk* *i«f*M $9.24 QT. t M §•'• " • * • • up H ' W Hll' • • *«IMtMk f • a ti«*M|* nem J. H. KELLY CO. COR. BROAD ST. & HARDING ROAD PHONE RED BANK 6-3900 AUTHORIZED DEALER All-weather protection and amart good looka go to* gethor with Da Pont TUPCOTE Barn Faint, Ideal for barns and outbuilding exteriors: •k Stnl-pailt, 1 fl*|, thlni wlllt lime.a nil tt niakt i gal, tf paint if if if laiy appllcallon-tKEtlltnl (•vtiagv Glvti lono-loilln* rtillt. ones I. rust, rtl, ant! Idtol for wotd and. malal <uifact* . GAL RED BANK REOFSTEB. MAY 13, 1918 St. Agnes Society Holds Breakfast Linuroft Birthday Parly For Thr Lincroft Parent-Teacher as- Sire. Dolly Norman sociation will hold a bazar and sup- Mrs Grace Dean of Oakhurst per al the fire house tomorrow from Manor, Oakhurst. entertained at a 2 td t p. m., and a buffet supper will dinner party Wednesday of last Thu annual Communion break- be sirved from 6 to 8 p. m. Af'.er week for her mother, Mre. Dolly fast of the Holy Name Society of the supper Elmor Unger of Marl- Norman of Red Bank. Among the Rt. Agnes church of Atlantic High- boro will entertain with majic guests was Mrs. Norman's sister, lands was held Sunday morning at tricta. Mrs. Lester Curtis of San Pedro, t th« Log Cabin inn. Communion was who came here for the occaThe Ladies' Aid of Lincroft cha- Calif., received at the 7:30 mass before sion. pel met last Thursday afternoon the breakfast. Other guests were Mrs. Mao home of Mrs. Stanley Speakers at the breakfast were at the Everett. Mrs. Charles Con- BaL'kstrom and Mrs. Cornelia WoolAdam Kretowicz, athletic director Ktilwell, ley of Red Bank; Mrs. Robert Cobb, presided. Plans were made for at Red Bank Catholic high school, ovu;cake sale for the beneAt of River Plaza; Mrs. Philip Carman, and Theodore J. Labrecque, Red the building fund to be held Satur- Fair Haven; Miss Margaret Schultz Bank attorney. May 29 at the ch&ptl from 2 of Belmar; Mrs. Charles Morgan, 34r Kretowicz stressed the need day b p m. Mrs. Fred Owens i» chair- Mrs. Martha Prltchard and Miss of co-operation between parents to Victorian afghan, which is Louise Prltchard, Rumson; Mrs. and children nnd advised parents man. 1Acompleted members, Woodrow Davison, Long Branch; to pay more attention to children will be disposed ofbyonthe the coopcra- Mrs. Lewis Palmer,. West Long than to the affairs of the world. Uvi plan November 6. A white ele- Branch; Mrs. Dorothy Wilde, Deal, Mr..I*brecriuc used Mothers day phant gift was won by Mrs. Jamea and Mrs. Eva Vott, Mrs. Marion as a theme for his talk. He said Thorsen. Others present were Mrs. Solmget', Mrs. Edna Nelson and that a better feeling between man Wir.Bton VanNote, Mrs. John Mau- Mm, Evelyn O'Ncil, Atlantic Highand wife would reduce the number ser, Mrs. George Vernel, Mrs. Hen- land*. of divorces and urged the men ry Voorhcca, Mrs. Ralph VanNote, present to set a matrimonial ex- Mib Charles Cox, Mrs. J. Rhea Fair Haven ample. Walling, Mrs. Florence Owens, Mrs. The well-baby conference, sponHev. Jo3eph O'Connor, pastor of George. Klchdale, Mrs. Stanley Stillsored by the Public Health NursBt. Agnee church, thanked '.he '.vel\ Mrs. Lloyd Hosan and Mill graup for the fine turnout and for Barbara. Stllwall. The next meeting ing association of Rumson, Sen co-operation shown during the will be an all-day covered-dish pic- Bright and Fair Haven, will be year nic at the home of Mrs. Charles held Thursday afternoon, May 20, between 3 and 1 o'clock, at the WilOther speakers were Dr. John CDIICVOT of Everett. low Street school. Dr. Irving K. Carr, headmaster ol Croyilon Hall P u p i l s at the River Plata Lovett will assist the mothers, academy; Frank T. Wise, county (school from this community who vice commander of the Catholic attended tho educational trip to aided by Miss Jennie Worthley and War Veterans organization and Philadelphia Friday were Jean Cor- Mrs. Ella C. Botley, association commander of St. James Catholic son, Gail Anable, Thomas Breclcen- nuiies. Veterans of Red Bank, Jumcs rldge and Harold Weiderholt. There will be a meeting of the Stump, commander of St. Atfncs board of governors of Shrewsbury parifh War Veterans, and Dr, Rob- Gtoigc C. Toop of Yonkerj, N. River Yacht club tomorrow at 8 ert McTague of Atlantic High- Y., is visiting Mr. and Mns. Frank p, m. Toop. lands. Henry Stadler received permisMr and Mrs. George StirnweiM onteitained guests over the week sion at Monday night's council Port Muiinioiilli meeting far a change In his tavern nnd. They were Mr. and Mrs. EdWill Lanagan will appear as a ward Cassidy of Albany, N. Y., and license to include a package store contestant at 8:30 tonight on "The Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Powers of addition. Lieut. Stephen Kafalas, USAF Great Talent Hunt", ;i radio pro- Sprinflleld. The Lincroft-Holmdel Kiwanis reserve ofllcer, completed a twogram broadcast over station w o n mnd thi Mutual network. Mr. Lana- clu!> in seeking to organize and weeks' tour of active duty with fan is a 73-ycar-old sln;:inK waiter. sponsor a Boy Scout troop here, All headquarters of 52nd Group at The Scout Mothers' auxiliary of pan-Ms and boys of Bcout age arc Mitchell Air Force base, Long Is' troop 88 made a donation of $5 to invited to attend a meeting of the land. He was briefed on the latest the cancer drive and 525 was don-scout committee Wednesday, May types communication* facilities. rated to Scoutmaster Al Qnackcn- 19, at 8 (i. m,, at the Lincroft flic Mr. and Mrs. Howard Young of bmh for the purchase of basketry house al which time representa- Willow street art parents of a tives of the Monmouth Ciouncil of daughter born Sunday at Monequipment. John Madden is a patient at Hul- Boy Scouts will be present, A ro- mouth Memorial hospital. loran hospital in Now York city. ccni survey shown that there arc Pupils of Willow street and He. was taken there after an mttci- enough boys of 12 years of age and Knollwood schools held music fesmjbile accident recently, and ho i.s over in the two communities to tivals last week at their respective cxptcted to be confined to the hos- start a good troop. The Kiwanis schools in observance of National committee is also looking for a Music week. The programs inpital for about two months. The Port Monmouth Parent- scoutmaster. Richard H. Hammond cluded songs by American comTeacher association will have a is in charge of the organization posers, American folk dunces and meeting next Thursday at 2:30 p. work. numbers by the rhythm band.i- of m., *t the school hall. A musical Mr. and Mrs. James McClosky the school. Performances at both program is planned for this meet- and son of Portaupeck visited Sun- schools were attended by pnrentf ing under the direction of Mrs. day with Mrs. Robert Slavcn. friends. •• Jane Beam, accompanied by Mrs. The Misses Marjorle, -Barbara' and 1 Mrs. L. S. Conovcr served on thu Annn Wencel. An election of olllunit Botty Anne Stewart visited arrangtmcntjcommlttee in charge cers will be held. West Point Military, academy SunMr*. Julia Jacobscn Is a patient day nnd were guests, ffiljrs. Sid- of—a^meetlng of UheV.New Jersey at Monmouth Memorial hospital, ney Sherwood and Dr.lRfnelope Skldniore "enllegn aluinnae association Tuesday night In the Terrace where the was taken Sunday. i T t h e .Hdtej Suburban, East Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meyers, Jr., Sherwood of Cornwall on the Hudson, N. Y. igei and friends from Oceanport were r, and Mrs. John Sims of GilSunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. und Mi's. Edward Feafces and legplc avenue are parents of a son son of Elmhurst, L. I., have recent* Charles Meyers, Sr. Mre. Hoy Mudd spent Tuesday of ly moved into a house .on, Brook- born Friday at Monmouth Memor! .Mr. and. Mrs,. F. Carl Kramer of . this week with her daughter, Mrs. dal« farm. S"lorenco Schncll of Elizabeth. The Ladies' auxiliary of the fire Hance roadi arid" children, "Bobbie" Miss Marilyn Slarkc celebrated company met Monday-evening at and "Jerry," «re spending a week her birthday April 2-1 with a party tho fire house. Mrs. Edwin Bolaui at Arlington, Mass., -where they arc at her home. Twenty of her friends presided. Plans were made for the attending- a. family celebration attended. firemen's fair, which will be held marking the SOt'n wedding anniMr. and MM. John Vurnenl uf on two consecutive week-ends, June versary of Mr. Kramer's parents, Jersey City spent Monday nt their 18 und 19 and June 25 and 26. The PUBLIC NOTICE. uummcr home here. auxiliary has planned for thru "An orilinnnce concerning hour* of oil1 Mist Jean Freibott and William booths, a food booth, Mr*. Walter by alcoholic ttevcrntre licrniccB," Miller attended a dance given by Angcrole, chairman; a nylon stock' cratlDn WKI Introduced by the Mayer nnd Ooun* Rider college, Trenton, Friday ing booth, Mrs. William Nowickl, ell on April %. 194R and WMK finally night at • the Hildebrcclit hotel chairman, and a children's booth, adopted and aivrovcd by the Mnyor on 4, 19(8. them. Mrs. Thomas Kraan, chairman. The May Dated! Mny 11. 1048. Mr«. Albert Quackenbush re- firemen will dispose of s, deep ORTKUDE C. VANVI.IET, ceived a corsage for being the freeze Phllco refrigerator on the Clerk. youngest mother at a lea given by cooperative plan for a grand prize. NOTICE. the Atlantic Highlands Presbyter An election of officers took place at Take notlca that Sandtra Cohen, trad, ian church Sunday. the auxiliary meeting, Mrs. Gerard ing aa Sanders ft Company, liaa i\v to ffayor and Council of the HOTMr. and Mrs. William Miller were Domldion was chosen as,president. piled ough of Ited Dank, for a Retail Plennry the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tho other ofllcers elected were Mrs. Distribution llcenaa for premises iltuatid Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Zucca Adolf Braun, vie* president; Mrs. tt «; Broad Btrftt, lied Bank, N. J. Objection!, If any. ehould be made im©t Union City Saturday of last William Nowicki, secretary and mediately In writing to Amy C, Snlnn, Mrs. Garrett Coraon, treasurer. At- Clerk of the week. Borough of Red Bulk. (Sinned) Mrs Anna Ruddcn, chairman for tending the meeting were Mrs. SANnERS COHEN. Gardner C. Klein, Mrs. Harold Willthe Cancer drive in Port Monteredt, Mrs. Cor3on, Mrs. Charles mollth, has collected $160 as of IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. 161/26S Tuesday. Anyone wishing to m^ke Tocp, Mrs. Charles Henschel, Mr*. a donation should contact Mrs. Glentit Stencil, Mrs. William. War- TO JOHN DONOVAN DUFFY. By virtue uf an order of the Court nelier, Mrs. John Warneker, Mre. Rudden. of Chancery of New Jcncy, miitle on Th* eighth annual dinner of the Paui Camenzind, Mrs. Harold Kel- tlin day of tht date hereof, in a certain hm\v .lean McCorquodale lodge was ly, Mrs. Edward Bolan, Mrs, Doml- cause wherein Mary T. Duffy is the petitioner tihi] yoti hr« the defendant, held Saturday evening. Music was dion and Mrs. Braun. New mem-you ara required to answer the petition* furnished by Jim Erlce and his ber: joining the auxiliary were Mre. er'a Petition on or licforc- the Cth day Royal Scots of Kcansburg. Honored Eugene Peck, Mn. Fred Hannon, of July, next, or in default thereof, Mrs. Fred Owens, Mrs. William auch decree will be taken againat you guests were Jennie Gray of Kearny, the Chancellor shall think equitable, grand deputy; Robert Munroc of McCarron and Mn. Walter Rath- aa and juat. Montclair, royal deputy; Mr. Teas- bun. Hostesses for the evening were Th« object of laid suit la to obtain a Mrs. Toop and Mrs. Stencil, decrt* of divorce dissolving the mar. dale of Pateraon, past royal chief, rlase, between you and the aaltl and Alllstcr MacKenzie of Port Mi. and Mrs. Edwin Creswick Monir.outh, chief clan Montgomery. visited, friends at Bayonne Satur- petitioner. Dated: May 5th. O4S. HOWARD LIONEL TOFT, Lady Jean McCorquodale lodge day. Sunday they visited Mrs. CreaSolicitor of Petitioner, held a past chief daughter night of wlck'i parents, Mr. and Mrs, Stan]Q" First Avenue, Veterans hall, Union Beach, Mon- ley Kip of Rose lie. Atlantic Hilhlandl, N. J, day. Miss Bettlna Thompson of New Notice s i Settlement »f Account. Ar. executive meeting of the Pur- York city is visiting her grandEitate of Dora Dlckenon, deceased, cnt-Teacher association was held mother, Mrs. Lewis 8. Thompson, Notice ia hereby (tven that the accounts of the aubicribcr. administrator, of the recently. Mrs. Olga Klaus was ap-this week. •state of eald deceased, will be audited pointed chairman for the June proWilliam P. Thompson and his and itateii by the Surrogate of the gram and (or class night for the roommate, George Wilion, of Vale County of Monmouth and reported for school's graduating class. acttlement to the Orphana' Court of university, spent the week-end at anld county, on Thursdny, the twentyTh* Order of Amaranth held a Brockdale farm. fourth day of June, A. D., 1918, at convention at Atlantic City from Mr. and Mrs. G. Mills and daugh- 10:00 o'clock a. m., Uiyllght Savinu Thursday of last week to Sunday. ter* of Sussex county, Pa., have Time, at which time application will be Ifri. Jasper Morell, Mifis Arlecn moved into to former Or. Willlun made for the allowanco of commissions and counsel fees. Morell and Mrs. Catherine Maxson P. Thompson's house hare. Druid: May 7. A. D., Hill. of thie place attended. Also attendF. LEON HARRIS, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Creswick ing were Mrs. Carrie Bowers of are attending a convention of the . 140 Union Avenue. Aabury Turk, N. J. Keyport; Mrs. John Mullcr, Mrs. Trl-State Cannera association at Admieitrator. Estelle Kelly and Mr. and Mrs. 3us Washington, D, C, today. J. Uppcrman, Etr|., Euddleraan of Red Bank; Mr. and A black and gold sign board with Walter 105 Atkina Avenue, Mrs, Jimmy Rich of Keansburg the words, Lincroft Chapel, has Albury Park, N. J. Proctor. and Mrs. Henzy Fryo ot Leonardo. now been placed over the door of PROPOSAL < the chapel. Prayer meetings are BOROUGH OF FAIR HAVEN, N. J. Sea Bright held at 8 o'clock ever Thursday Sellcd bids will be rectived by the Mr. and Mrs. Collins DcVault and night The meetings a n open to the Mayor and Council of the Horoufh of Fair Haven «t > rigultr meeting to be Cherlei Cermak of Astoria, L. 1., public. held on Monday, May :4, 1948, at 8 were week-end visitors of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs, William Schuttte of o'eloek P. M. (Daylight Savins Time) Mrs. Frank Cermak of Beach llailu farm are parents of twins, at the Borough Hull. Fair Hnvcn. anil and l«ad In public for the fura f on and a daughter, born Sunday opened atrMt. nishing of (Ire hoso as hereinafter dc* Mr. and Mrs. Frank Els have re- at r.lverview hospital. lerltxd: turned from Miami, Fla,, and are 1.650 fett of 2'i-lnch nrs hois, In lengths of 60 feet each, rubber lined, letting their beachfront bathing Rumson double jacket, wax and* porn gum treatind refreshment pavilion ready for ed, complete with ht-HSa KVu'Incb nutWilliam C, James, Jr., of Lincoln lonul standard thread couplings. Hoso tho summer season. MM. Walter Covert celebrated avenue, wan one of IS students re- must show but little, tendency to twist luti pounririi nnd tip to 400 pounds her birthday Mother's day with a ceiulj inducted u members of the at tho twist shall not exceed li'/j faerie* dinner party. A large white cake Phliosophean society, oldest honor- nor foot, The twist must be In auch was the tablo centerpiece. Present ary organization of Rutgers univer- direction al to tighten, rather than the couplings. Th«i breaking were Mr. and Mre. Harold Holmg- sity. Tho Philosophean society had loosen strength of th« rubber lining or tube trom, Edward Holmstrom, Mrs. Bea- its beginnings at Rutgers in 1825, to bt not less thin 1,30(1 pound* ixr trice Earlcy, Mies Audrey Hulms- James, an army infantry vcttian, square Inch and the length at the break. point to be not less thun five times trom, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald lflurloy, is u Junior at Rutgers and a mem- Ing the Initial length. All hoie> to ba tieMr. and Mrs. Udgar Altnuin, Miss ber of tho Rlec club, track team, llvireil to Illo llornugh Hall, I'slr Haven. Lois Covert, Waller Covert, Miss ntvl the PI Kappa Alpha fraternity. Each bid submitted miiHt be nccomEllmboth Brier, Miss Nancy Holms- Ho it. a cniduatc of Cranford high imn'iL-il t>y it certified elioel; drawn upon ttom, Frank Festcjo, Kenneth Kiir- school, where he participated :n at tiHtlonn! ur state bunk or truGt com. puny to tho order of tho "Durcniwti ley, Ru3scll Earlcy, Cltironcc Kllen- tract., dramatics and various clubs. Treitaurcr. Borough of Fair Hnvcn" in berger and Dawn Mario Eiuley. The W.S.CS of Rumson M. B. th* sum of Fifty Dollars as an evidence Word haa been received that Pvt. church • held a successful pared of icood fnlth on tho uart of tho bidder thnt he will into u contract with Walter Covert, Jr., has been with- post «nla recently, The ehureh tho Dorough enter to furnish .salil fire hoati held from overseas duty In Guam fund realized SS7 by the sales. should nn award ba made, to him, Ulits In >«alcd envelopes, nnd will enter training school at Jack Madden's Rumson inn will shnll be submitted to tho 'IRornUKh Clerk, IlnrFort Dix. open Its hotel department May 21.addressed ouuh of • Fiilr Hnv'en, N, J,," und plainly Ronald Barley hna been disCommodore Alfred P. Boyce of murkiitl on Ilia outHldo of thu envelope charged from thu navy nnd Is em- the Shrewsbury River Ynoht club "bid fur furnishing fire hone," ployed as un oloclriolun lit the Red will ohriston his new boat, Jonal 'I'ho RnrmiKh Council reccrves thi to rejuet nny and all bttla "or to Bank Bendlx plant, Ha la u son of 26, Saturday at the Red Bank Ma- -rljrnt wuhnold uctlon on tho aeciptnnco or Mrs, Beatrice Earjey of Woodbuty rine Works, where the draft wan rejection on nny 'and all bids for a Height*, who was tho former Bea- built, It Is a 1948 Sea Wulf ipcit period not exceedine. fiftffn days, . »!.. FtQV.n.. SMITHi trice Holmstrom ol Sea Bright. cruiser, ' . . . . iluiougli Clerk, Page Thirteen" wanis dub in March, had been as- privileged children; Richard Hum- ] in .'...king to organize a. Boy Scout jportiinity to eive a brief history oi kiwanis Cluli Has sisted by the Asbury Park group mo'.'d, vocational Kuidnncp; Harry troop in the arm, and another conv tha organization. First Open Meeting in the planning of its programs up W. Sprung, puhlirity, nnd JnnrpM ml'!rr i* nrfdy families in The Lincroft-Holmdel Kiwnnls until this time. Mendres, music. the community. cluu held ita first open meeting | Committee reports were made to C3TAI.VS D I V O R C E Lubience L. Buck, public. nfTnhs Fred Kink and Edwnrd Keakss Thursday night of last week with- Hcr.ty Cros.s vice president, aa the chairman, reported that thr riuii v:*re Initiated into the group by Mis. Carl S. Sr'.'hv.'enkT of Sprir.? out the assistance of its sponsoring club stucKi 1 its progrrsfi to date. had hnd a pai*t in helping a lac^il Walter Katiilmii, *iH:omi vice f>rcsiitree*. Red Bank, obtained a diorganization. The club, which wa.5 Reports uf .special interest were vptcrnr rcieivr much-nreiled meiiiorganized by the Asbury Park Ki- those of Charles S. Toop, under- cal cal F. A committee; of the club der.t and chairman of Klwaniii cdu- >\ mre. in Ron'), Nev.. April 16, from '•aiir)n. Mr. Ritiilmn took the o p - ' Carl S. Sichwcnker. MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE TOPS mfas SUN-RAYED FANCY TOMATO JUICE C 3 28 - 29' 3 " 19 Extra Large Florida DOLE or H. G. PRINCE ORANGES doz. PINEAPPLE JUICE Fancy U. S. No. 1 McINTOSH Q 19 APPLES °ib.. MOTTS FANCY Fancy Large Bunches JERSEY O APPLE SAUCE RADISHES L 9 bun. Fancy New Texas While or Yellow ONIONS FANCY ALL GREEN ASPARAGUS^, Crisp Tender PASCAL NEW FLORIDA lb. CABBAGE MY-T-FINE DESSERTS FANCY HARD RIPE ^ All Flavors TOMATOES o box SEASIDE BUTTER Noodle Dinner C REALEMON JUICE 19 2 9 29 CHILI SAUCE 29 TUNA FISH 45 H. G. PRINCE'S FINEST n L I 6SLCHCS #2»/ 2 SUCED nr HAH KS 33 DIPLOMAT CHICKEN 1 LIMA BEANS can H. G. PRINCES FINEST bottle jar FANCY, SPREAD LOBSTER can FANCY CALIFORNIA CANCY CALIFORNIA CARROTS A 25 RED RING GREEN KEKNKL PEAS can Afi 2c». 2 5 PEAS GBEE.NIES U. S. No. 1 MA1NE1A l POTATOES FLAGSTAFF APRICOTS V ';r 25 FLAGSTAFF pint Grape Juice bot. FLAGSTAFF quart Apple Juice can, BIG SWEET stalks APL FRESH H. G. Prince's Fined CORN 2 Grape Juice BEANS FANCY LIGHT MEAT can 23 CELERY can 19 19 NABISCO 8-oz, RltZ Pkg. c NABISCO 1 lb. c 23 39 ( 25 16-oz. Pkg. Premium Crackers pkg. 25' ALL SELF-SERVICE MEAT DEPARTMENT "WITH THE NEW LOOK" First In Monmouth County - Finest In New Jersey ENJOY THESE ADVANTAGES OF SELF SERVICE MEATS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. No waiting in line with numbers Large variety Every package clearly priced See what you buy. Every package is prepared in our refrigerated cutting room. Only the best meat money can buy Unconditionally guaranteed. Full purchase price refunded if not 100% satisfied We invite your critical inspection of our immaculate, refrigerated cutting and packing room. Judge for yourself. See the way your meat is handled. For sanitary, refrigerated meats of only the choicest quality— SAVE TIME AND MONEY - MAKE IT A HABIT TO SHOP AT YOUR OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS TILL 9 FRIENDLY PERSONAL STORE Page Fourteen KliU UAXK UKUISTICR, MAY 13, 1918 FOR WAKT ADS SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR FOR SALE SALE BUSINESS NOTICES AIW THAT EXTRA room to rout Route. f<o down tarnicnt, tmillll monthly payments. Monmouth Conctrurtion Co., Highway 35, «t llcaddcn'i Corntr. Fbon, R,d Bank I-44K. I'rte estimate. FOX TBBR1E11 puppi,., bro*-n «na ivhitc, ind blirk. Then* H*d Bank «• 3MI7-J. YOU GET MORE and pay l m (or your fresh tggt. brollen, atewing cbickeni, and duckiltw. J i m t i John, 41 Marion urt-tt. tied Hank. Phon« ft.'-iOXl-J YOU CAN'T GET ft better buj on t l r » than at J. H. Mount. Co, Ne» Good* year tires, guaranteed recap tires, guaranteed iiEcd tire*; pi in a liberal atlovanc« on you* tires. J . R. Mount, Co,, 11 Mapla avenue, Red Bank. Phont | . AQUARIUM—Compltte with the follow- 1IAY ANU i;HAIN Uryersi American MOTUH SCOUTBIIS and motor bikei CORN CRIB, also lime and fertilise CURTAINS WASHED and stretched, SO GARDENS AND LAWNS prepared fo, all-crop dryinK eduipmtnt on diKplay. •ntr JUrm: 2n.gallon tank, fotir-foot spreader; reasonable; in good cond: cent* per pair; org&ndie and silk curntw and used. See them a t Red Ban. re-seeding with rototiltcr. Alto lawni tvtnnd for tank, four Tropical K.BiinK W. II. Potter I Son, Midilletown, phone Radiator Works, 113 West Front strei tion. Phone Middletown 5-U366-W.1. tains washed, ironed, 75 cents; also slip cared for with small power mow** r,.(i5"^-w.» fish, trHtiitomitT for tank, htmlin^ covers washed and ironed. Call Mrs. Tuckir, phone Eatontown 3-0074-J. OEiGOS-STHATTON pump. 3.000 ga Phone lied B a n k _ ' b ! ! ^ for tank, sir jiiimp, and coral nnd rock YKS", ii'OJJEV—1 thinkT^o'Tietttr Xe< COCKBIt S'JANIKL puppies, thorougi Ions per hour: 20-inch exhaust fan <?ecrge Humey, Long Branch 6'1725-R. AT STUD—Two and a half year'u-c for tnnk. Sacrifice, IJO complete. Cal one of thot.e beautiful frttztrs from Doberman Pinscher, "Bomber o, Mibredi, black, female, 125, Call Kcani chciip. Phone Kf-yport 7-1499. Red Hank - - — Mlddlilown ricfriitration, Hijhoiiy 35.# bur s 6-ir,6S-J. Williams. 87 Hinhlan ami" Descended from many cham.ilons, PLOWING AND diicing done. Kit;Sfcl'lrJL'. TWO CHAIRS, buffet, servei LOST AND FOUND Middletow^n, phone_Mid(lletown fi-O29U. Houlevard. Kcimsburg. AKC reniBtertil. Former canine memand coFTee table. Call Long Brand matei given on large fleldi and chair* ind •*• ver, 116; three-piece MARINE RAtJIO telephone. Made""""by ber of Miami Bench Detective bureau, 6-2116.-. after 5 P. M. cd Bank 61104•mill gardem. Call Edward Croit sun porch act, 115; ulio metal bed* Fee S50. Harold Willianii. fhonc Hudson American Corp, Brand new, for demonstration of a custom bu SINGINi; CANAKIES, gold fish, turtlts LOST—Pins books on Stcond National Mrs. ft. A. Coopir, Atlantic Highland* ntver HolmJtl tt-76^3. used, complete with eryital,, T'sxtO-inch picture, in a styled wf and water plants. Come in ind tee. at Red Bank 0-0509-J evening!, afBunk nnii Trust Comwiny, Red Hank. R. V. II. No, 191. Phone Atlantic »2^C. C»JI ter 1 o'clock,* nerl_Bnjih t-30Sa-W, nut table model cabinet. Complete wi Fischer's Pet Shop, 33 Wett Front Hitrhlflntls 1.M6H-J.* ._ Numbers 4 •>.&('?. 3b,« J«j and 4J.OJS. street, Red Batik.* __^^ ^ _ _ MOllfclVS f WO-I'iECg ifvini rnom~Trt, FM railiii. ''"''illi1* '''Li'^f !"' : l ! r n t ( 1 ; 'l ) O V r bnnk. ELECflllU WAHJIKR' for"'baby~cioth« coii!,ir.tinK of couch and chati. PerBUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES (AICKKI1 SPANIEL pups. Care BATHTUB, CLOSET tank and basin, UJS7-"^Tiold" foci.11 on'Flciir iie~L:s piti. (yxcellctit condition; arry i»prviii(* uni- ftrt eondition, »I5J. Cull Red Bank 6- CHOIUK in good condition. Call Middlctow fully bred for type and dispositio Small pfJirls turroiinilirij; the Idlers form with nprnn« sir.e 42, nrvcr ln-rn 3053"* BUSINESS NOTICES a-WOi-M before « p. m* from finest AKC registered stock. Hln Rtii) HANK—Store nnd business; al.o 1. T. '/.. LPM in vicinity of Rr.i Hunk. worn. I'hone Lon« DrRnrh fi-f>471-.).» ^ . hoiist. Call nt 09 Washington atreet, CIRI.'S 20-INCH blerelc. J. C. Sentimrntill vnlur. Reward. Cull lied RCA l''.!-TUiiH"rurunle radio, in perfect THE BEST PRICES paid for ragi. Iron. Red Bitnk, from 5 to 9 p. m. Kins make, practically new, Hank t-0**6.« _ condition, {CO. Cnll lleii Hank 6- Bois. Manalaimn Road, Freehold, Phon SPINET TIANO. |:.S5 m t u l and paptr. Gettia. junk dealer up. An Eatontown 3-0S92-W." SPiUN'cJ"LAKK-^Fronted food nnd del. Frt-ehold H-0,140. 3o:,3-W. LOST—Wnl!« t. "Molly" lMtrhcr Hotel i l t Shr.wsburr avenue, Red Uar.k •Jcrsoii'i, 21 Drond s et. Five freezers, dairy cast, TKJ.EVlSioN'-KAUII) eombjiialioa con- ICEBOX, ii; iZiiil mahogany uHii Inbby TtJtsilay rvcuimi, Finder itlcnue I'hon. Red H»r.k 6-U67-K. Will cull etc.icaltssen. Ciood Ir.isc, less than inventory sole nioilrl, gond conilitiou, reasonlieneh. $1; solid mahogany liiu IT li* n lirctifc ;inii identification paper*, ALtllONKKK ANU ADlTaiber. B. (i BUY "HKHUiW'~Vuiir"anttfiJ fcU.. ably._ Cnll 1,11111; Hrnnch ti-4772-K. %", V . Garif. price, C. H. Woodruff, €7 Georgt table, | : l ; ivory metal bed. 17: colic BUSINESS NOTICES keep the money, Plrnsc phore Red Unnk Coils, 491) Bath avenut, l<ong Branch. street, FrirchoM. Phone 8.0439-W. Uidny arifj i.rott-ct your fine clolhei. m milk enna, new:7l«o • 8 ; solid mahogany frame rocking cha doura, ipfciR) 149.SO; No. 1 perB^jT6. # _ Phone 6-35'J'J fiii-inUifi iiinl iug« {or ftvt year*. Ikr tHHI\ ING bDMBlNA'I'ION liquor and liuililinc 12xS, suitable for thicken- anil liri'siile chair, lit) uach; solid m j'-Uiff- -IJinck "Ciickt-r SpjuiiLl. Answers Fl'.Et) FARWESLI^—Chrysler Marine mofection aood ahlnglta; doon, lou *:uarHiitcr5 to prevrnt moth (tjimnjtt house (if iiixron [oft. 96 Oakwnod ft%e- hoirany library, fii). All in good con grocery .[ore, adjoining seven-room tori: marine mo tori repaired; alia LAWN AND l'OBCH furniture repainted to "Midnipht," wenring brown harnovtltjr tiding, mouldlngij kiln dried or will pny for Hi* damaire. The Wrinhl •niif. I.i>iiK Hrnnch. Phone Long Branch dition. Fhf"10 lt f d Hank 6»-1O7O-J. Cslled lor and dtlivered. Wilkirn Mo. house tfor i n k ) . Immediate possession. stnrLerB, generntora and ignition. Boat!, ntfi, Mi**inK since May 41!i, Finder Stores, »'l Monmouth strret, fled Bank. 6-34S9," ACJUA sFHfNb—StllfTcoTiT also drei lilO, Ii12 whita plna. National any aizc, towed or delivered a n r wh«n 1 » Salts. Phont K.d Bank ('0040. A.k Phone Red tta nl< 6-1 47S. pleaie notify immediately. Major Hig* ( I'hone 6-2222. by wattr, ; 1 Cingham avtnut, Rum for Mr. Britton. all siic IS. Phone Red Bank Lumbir Co., 145 Balmont arenuc, sins. Eatontown 3-1060, extcniion 376. YOUR Jl7U~'r'ree catalog deacritiinat Also flat top HXSYETlffXK .. tractor, In titrfe nun, N. J., Phon*- M I 9 9 . R 400 bu&ineat ann technical eour.... Chevniltl t.uck, rtasonabk. C. B. 09SI-M. Long Branch. Farm* Long Branch co nd lit on. Large lilo with 29 at* Dobbt, IRON RA1UNGS for •orchtt, ttalf CAKPCNTER ANU BUILDER. R.;.»in, Middletown, Phont Middletown Write lnte>*natinnHi Corraapondtnra FOUND—Brown tntlt pointer. Ca.ll John enioni and automatic drinking cijpi 1-2400. SPINET S4, only 3« Inches wide. emodillnif new comtruetion, Waltw School., Box 15U3. Scrtnton, Pa. Local wajt, tte. Mtdt u ordtr bi ff Olscn, Atlantic JijKhlaiids 1-I631-M. good ihnpe; alio feid cart and cirt f.-044u-J after 7:30.~ J, Cook, Fhone Red Bunk «-0»2». phone Market 2-H64: tvtnlnft, Mont* tiow At Andeison'l, 21 Broad FOUND—Small lii'Pcr change iiurse on PoScii ERcXosuRHf with t-arrifr for munure. fhone Deal SEN'S CIENUIN'E tun cslf riding boots, ttorf Ccmptnjr, ^1 rttn at • Wttt 1 viva UH elalr «-159j, Ma>- I ' en railroad crosijng nt ARTHUR & BOYCE. painting contrtc 8-D, with st.urs, 110; tan cavalry Street, f.r..t, It.d Bank. Phont t-21l>. alt winter lcn*l Malarial! ..„.. no* 7-3047>M-1 ,• INSUliANCE AGENCY for sale. Northtor, «iterior and Inttrior painting, «• ridlnic breeches, Shrow*burj" avenue Owner tuny hnvo on porcb 13; ^heelbunow, , o u tnill hand. No down payment. Smalll It AK.RV—Oft J^ern Monmouth county. Write, " 1 , A.." tltnatct tup piled on Ut«» or m u l l juba. Uine cowhiile leather leggings, $f,5(], SINGER VACUUM cleaner nnd inme by naming contents and pnyinit monthly may need it to gather up dead rut paymenti crranctd. Call K«4 First clnkt work bf »ractieal palnttri, SEWIM, MACHINES repaired, r'ret in- Box 51 1, Ked_ IJajnV __ (or this nd. Call Rod Hani; 6-1CQ4.* cleaner, rcasanali le. Call lied Bsnk 6*4444. F r n titimale, Mori* flftrr using Vr. Hess Anturat. Frrd U like new. I'honc lied Hank 6-306'J-W, inaction. Pickup and dtlivert. I t'hone Rumaon I;;i66_<. HIGHWAY ROAD STAND. 125 feet 1 diniihy. rolor CIIK. Made mouth Conitruction Co., Highway $&, W'ikofT ft Cn. (phone Reil Bank fi-0,',54) M to 9 li. m., op Hfl^r 6 p. m." 6.066'!.' chines bought and sold. Phone Red frontnge on Highway 35. Completely AND SELL Becund-hand cloUus Bank 4-2138. Sawing Machine Servic. of plywood, i\'it!i urt of unpntntcil Hjeiidtleji'a Corner. hni it. Better buy that S ounre /nrm HR(!IJSH" COACH 'baliirearriaKe. nr»e~ BINOCULARS—Carl Zicss 8»3fi, in per mutt be in good condition. I. Kcr> eij;ii|iped. l'lire ft<,75t); bowling a l l e y s , ^ ticiilly new. I'hone Rumson 1-098". oars. Contact Chnrlca Kmn'er, Pullcn's BAHV cHiUKS, New I.arnpihirTliediiT •ito. _(.torg*. feet condition, with carrying case ber, iO9 Shrtwaliury »v*nu«, R«d Btnk Co., Silvtrsidt avenut, Llttlt Silver. 910,000. includes real estate; highway • ' BliflEAUS, OI>I) CWSIKS, porch furiii- reasonable S16 prr 100. Ordir now, Willftrodt MXTijUKi 1*Y^3lKStfBfOfp"p r tip i i iuV Phont Atlantic Hiuhlanr D»fc MUlltri.M/.IMi Up to thru tavern, $25,000, includes stock, 41-room Phone fiUSW ture, Franklin fireplace .ml combin- i ; m ! - i i ^ LOST—Fair of cycKlnsscs in vicinity of Ban,, Ntwitmn Springs Roid, !tcd aprinj and lurnmcr wear, in yeara to pay. Estimatts free, (ienera houl, liijuor tieen^e and restaurant, ...rysler ation coal and ziis stove, Call Rumson Carlton theatre and 1'rnrl slrrrt on Hank. Phone 6-3574-M, and 17, in ipun rayon, hemherc ah and alttratlons, maaunry, car- S45.O00; hardware store with spaciou, MOVING—Miist sell grandfather cloc air conditioning, hentinc and coolinl; rtptirt April 21, Phone Kry.iort 7-(UJ"-W, CiNTNG ROOM suite, walnut, lO^'iict', nnd poplin. Alao baby hpninette with t-U71B-* p.ntry. tmall or large. W . snecialit. in living quarters, 118,000, Wearl-Nemfth antique settee, antique drop-leaf tnbl fuel pumps and conttols for all oil burn- rcmodtling Jl«ward. 9llZ. I'hon. Mid- tea table game tnblp. gnld lounge dial homLs into apartments table, buffet, aervcr, china closet, and pad and quilted lining, Call KennsburR Agency. 42 Orond street, Phont Red ers In .tack for th. trade. 31 Blngham Phont Atlantic Highlands 1-1556-M. down cushion-, scatter rvigs, maple Bo iU chain, uuholitertd i t a t i . 98 Ctntw 6 -0 2 « 5-W, Blink li-;240.» Bnmson, phnnt 1-1490. ton lockor, maple full-si&e bed, sprin avenue, Atlantic High,andt. SEPTIC TANKS and ceispuola cleanto. EbARIJWAlJk (RUN" KE1J, apring 1and mattrem, PHOTO, concession. mattress, pair ni.iple end tables, tv,' DACHSHUND PVPPlt'S, AKC regiiFOR SALE also dry wtilt. drains installed. EaWIL.TON rug, apple greon, tlze; Irnn cot, soofl condition. lni,i MODERN PAINTING, t i m t t . s given. Oscar Btcker, 47 Sec- Wonderful location; bargain. Other prnctirFilly IKW, 7' 4"x]«' 6". Very beds complete, with chest of draweri tcred. main and femairi, redi and of Mr«. J. Cooprr, Third and William Ing, Modern rat« Fhont ond ttrtet, Fair Havtn. I'hon. Red Bank business * requires owner's atttntlon. r»et, Rumwon.* .easonahle, Phone Red H-nk 6-2460-M. painted ivory, Inmtis, mahogany rhcn blackt, I'hon* Atlantic Ifishlandi 1Marie S7.O00 In two months last year. NOW IS THE TIME for •iteration! to 1642, liOAT"Pl'SHfN(i rid" and reel, Prneticnl- of drawers, mahogany occasional table Ktaniburg 4-09&4-M. «-1464, Write, "Photo." Bon t i l . Bed Bans. your houie. W t arc qualified for any ly new, never been used. Cnll Atlan- antique hanging lamps, 8>12 rose broni PIANO, reconditioned, AV BALINt;. Combining, mowing and HA UK) SToiiE In Freehold. Stock, loom rug, ilrapcrics, curtains. Otht job. No money down. Small monthly tic Highland i-or'4-R. AQUAIUUM AND I'OOL inpp]| M .'AI.VilNU IJUNK, inside and autiidi. r—Seven years olil. All purpose, raking! alto plowing, discing, sowing 3100, Andcraon'i, 21 Broad ttrect, items. 7ft Gnrden Road, Little Silve truck, rppnlr equipment. Write, pijmtnti arranged. Free estimate, Alio pnper hanglntr. Sprnflng don« etc, First-elass equipment, genuine, not "Had snrrr! Clydesdale, I'hnnc Saturday, At- <)ff I'inckney road. Phone Red Banl exrluiiv.iv ; t i r u i , tropical flih. 10," Tlox 511, Hed Bank. . rhone Red Dank fi-4444. Monmouih inside flrid outside and porch furniture duration farmers lanlic I-O9H9. Ralph Maher, Holm0-UI4-W. HOUTTDS — "TTc pl rianti, iccesiorlei, liv* food. ]|ei« n Construction Co., Highway S5, Head1'—finan stntlon. C.ood l o - ? ' [leciulty. Call Hed Bank «>2Z42 or C6CKBR SPANIKL, female, six monthi del. I'hont W-63' J 1. Thomna avrmif, Shrewibu d»n'i Corner. i'hon Red Bnnk. cation, on higl Miller, tquarlil, on Ilighmiy STv olil, llonry colored, reRisterrd with COME ANI> GET your bnmboo sets nni U Mount etrcol. R«d Bunk. M. K. FOIt 1NSUI1ANCB ot all klndi, set 11. V Write, "Ons Stntion," II 511, Bed ««l |1 finlc e l J l NNN ^ ANTIQUES, UHIC-A.UUAC," furniture, Mnrson. _____ _______ between I'nlmtr »nd Lnutel aveAKC. Very eoocl with children. Wll out-door furniture, in beautiful colo R. H. Stout, Lewis building, 77-79 Bnnk. bougbt nnd sold. Hohu House An* ffOXBH--N'inc monthR old", frrnnlf!, sell to KOod borne reasonably, Call Bed nt reduced irici-s for this week only GUTTKItS, LEADERS, in copper or f t ! Broad atteet (above Newberry store.) nueB. I'hon* Middletown 6-0949, liqucs. George Martin, Froii. 7 4 Shrew*, rc«istrred, rinsonnblc, I'hone LonK Bunk 6-3V!\. ' TA i'L'OR SHOP, also prei .... machine, At Swarta l'llrililiisc, Iligaway 3.",. vanized. fail us for an estimatt nt. bury n-enue, nt the end of Monmoulh CESSPOOLS cl.mied and built. se|i>ir Hranrh.C-4803. t. Red Bnnk, Cnll at 8'J Wnlli liosito Middktown Fire comtinny. Phon nny sheet metal work, J. V. Bofarl, 78 UAUV CHICK! itrcct. Fh£ii« Red Bnnk 6*3736, U B horni, RESEUVB IlOXEfl iitipntei, B'UFFBT. CIUTJA CLOSET, snd ser tanltl cleaned and Installed, drains In. | also '?. brd, lin.\ sprinK and mHttress, I*CfI_IJ»nJi_ 6-II2 IJL l-'otttr, River Plasa, Red Bank, .tailed, i'hont any Urn. day <ir nixliv, between 5:30 and 9 p. ni.* straight run, l U per 100, etted u>t!> i r , tr^sonable. I'hone . riddmB machines and l y, ii»niitr» A i'AItl'NKH, active or silent, for profItti | 3 ; per loo. sinKlc bed, siriiiK, snd mattress: ctirner rhone Red Hank 6-0738-M. or Eaton. POW El! LAWrJ rni^iT. i i r i ^ — a ^ i K Mranrh fi-_4!( 1 ,i, Order now. Wil.geroilt Rumson 1-OT40-J. Harvey C. Tilton. 2 olltci equipment, new ami uied, h 1 itable stock trnding with chart e l d H k S;i574M Stialtnii engine: used 15 minute bought, Boid and repiilii'd. Scrplco'i, BOAT TRXfLBnTVlunTwKceis. WlTnSTTy cabinet, r-hest of drnwers, dreRscr bus pcrt. Capita] 12,000. (Kept in own LAUNDICY — family wash, 7(1 cantt, In MAlioT. A N Vn>fNTN^~^om^ifi'i7irTwo 105 Mori mouth Mrep 1, llrri Hank, up to H 2H-fnot boat, Prire $;,0. icebox, Iwn sm.ill tablrs. I'hone Kalon- Ownpr must, sell now. Phone ftiimso .M,jCAriji!«U, unm«utfrHt>tiir«. nme.) Kcfrrences exchanged. Wrltt. town .'I-'IIH-R. pounds, dry clothe, waahtd, rinttd, 1-1374.• arm, t\x itrnlght brick, ruah tioUoni nna Atlantic U^I.Lni-U |.ril«3-J, publlo utenographi, mailing, notary l'AINT—From foctory to you. High damp dried, in H-hour, whllt rou thop. ubhc Ltttercraft, 6» Broad atreet, Red •J^artner," Box i l l . Red Bank.* ftuvT. 'I'll AY Bit lioliapslliie baliy ciTrr grade paint mdmclt, varniihfa tl bl« scan. Cnn ^ he icon by appointment. WOHTHlNtitON liiKh li.Vr-f dm, "WVU WESTlStiMOUSK "ELECTRIC! UEAiJTV SALO51 o7 eiiuipment for Launderette, 114 Monmouth t t r t t t . ntar Bank. Phon sft66a nnvy blur, voi->* good iMniillllon, pump, rapacity 2,10 jcnilnnn prr niln- _ Hrns<uijiblr._ Cull UnmKon l-lllit»:i.H. •avinsf. Atlantic 1'iiitit and Wall Taper Phone Keynort 7.2759-J. f. I'hone Hollywood Golf Club, \)cnl DININf. " HC)OM"~FlJltNrfUTlE." I'oN-h full sin- linl willi Hiring, »10. Idpn the A. * I' Market. Red Bank. Co., Ill) Wen From Hi-vet, llcri Bank, 1'i-vr snot* liEATJQUAuTKiTs' Foods, VECETAft'LE STAND for summer senrorkcrj, aim i-ntnmoilc chiilr, two for aumniir cottage; Colonial oak rock AftiKT CAIU'KT laying, r«Mlrtt>g. remedies, birds and cages: fiili RIH! Phontjtcd Uank 6-U'JM-W. 4fiflfl HEAD WORK PMIS. Or just hands. son. 260 Port Monmouth rond, EastM radios, cmo tinrlable and on* calilnet, iliK chair $,',, Emcrsfin upright piani fringinit, binding and rtnovatrng YOU CAN'T" (JET a better buy on tire* aqunriums; fresh frnxen hone ment. Which? Professional oil burner Kennshurg. I'hone Kcantburg 6-1237-M licil, diefsrr nnd othrr items. Ill' finish in excellent condition nnd mr RI'ercy (iray, 45 Waverly pl«r«. Red than *t J. II. Mount, Co. New Good- 1'rce delivery. Red Hank P*?t Shop, 3 VOU CAN SAVE S0% sn.l more. wnrk. Aa you will like it. And nftrr_^ti. m, nt 1140 first nvenn*, Atlnntl' rlliiniciilly in rnnditloni 565. Ca ?_1k_ l'hnn» Hetl Bunk «-S'm. nl str«U Red Btt»k. I'honc i J*»i tlrts, KutirnnUn] recap tlren, itunrVisit our new furniture drpiirt., cost will plenst you too. Wil- iTVToii RdAiTsivTiJI) for produce on * Hired utcil tires: plus it liliernl allow. , | t on pcrrentagf bl*!l. PUPPIES,' I.'OCKBR SI'ANIKI.S.'lioifiM EASY WA.SIIINli mat'lilne'" taY~ 'got. mnit. Srcrinl thin week: linhy basDO IT NOW. Wallpapering, palnt• net on your tires, J. H. Mount, Co., COMl linm H. While, Oil Host MechnnApply Shorty's Tasty SnacV, Route 35. U Maple avenue, Red Hank. I'hont 6coniiitioa, mnlmiiniiy; two twin bed: . ilnlntilrr Pinsrhrrv. llaclisllllnds. ket, Jl enrh. Usnl ofTirc furniture int*;. SpecialititiK remodeling of kisn itnil Eltctricinn, U3 Ccdnr avcIMiddlctnwn.' HIKRI O404. l>j-ntl. WyckolT sonil, Eatontowti. l'lionc niattrr-,srs I r-rnrt ic-ally lira), spring now in stork, sincle nnd dfiuhle kiU'hcns, linthrooma and ill typei •S i*o lie nur, Fnir Hnven, Formerly of 'Irrsscr, niii-riu-. mini's chr.^t of draw BVEHYTHlNi; IN ilAUDWAUE. We Iciltslnl ilr.skR, flliiic ealiineU, mnof ntvj ctilijiB*. C, JosepK Smith, B/iAUTIr'Ul.l.V ninilliliinril ' sunarc rrs l:,il, !hrrc-|>ii'iT ninplr living roor •tock a compUte line of mechanic', it^.iS-VV-j. Lnwcs Coal Co., Inc. Tlionc Red Tnone Red Bank C-03C0. toots and builder's hardware. Levimon't KOK IIOMB P R m f i u j . Hoom nir c o n ' liofriniy roll-top desk 1(0, stools pinnd, llavni Itiiciin, mmlc oT r\prnBank «-2445 or E»tontu<vn 3-0T22, iitdlnl.strrMl chnirs $111 ench, pnrn Hardware Store, •! Weil Front slreet, i-o rosewood. Must be scon tit nnjirfJl.Tiii. Ruirll'i, 2.i Kiist Front dilioncrs. Walk-in bo.\r« and Commerfoot of Broad street, lied Bank. I'horie cial See Noel R. Nllson, ciato its heiiuty. ftorumus furniture top ix'rtihion inble, five chnirs (neril witntccl. If you have a hoiii* U K L K J L V S h o i . conT Itrcct, £.l.t,(;ri(lt; Mill OH rebuilding is our «39S .Snrriflri'. 1.1 llrlslinw avenue, for a ale; tmjrertt wailinf. Et, V. R, H. tor; Juscph O'Onofrio, proprietor: S7_ Broad, RPII Bnnk. Phone 6 business Call us for quick service. HISS nirer B:3U evrnines, and nil dn ail. Eltictrical fixLures and supp Eiitojitmyn. o«ll j.jirari.M,' Stout, 7 7 Urond stract. Phone Red. Sink : DOUBIIS Electric Co., 36 East Front 1 Pffw KR" MO W'BS; ifnT~rioinr"< Ulc"t'rrc W (JL.ASS—We stock all t i z t l household nppllancrs. L ft II rangtn atreet, lied Bsnk. I'hone 6-0128. oot slz,. . NcnK molor Kntjirdny. ft-ZMt. flrdt!s codker, het nf Hiiwkilis rlpeand will rut «la»* to any size. Lev- RANiJK SHELTERS with"'•hrnilhTiirrau I'HlLCfl " nK!'"ItM!KRAfi3RS1 washing nnd heaters. 117 Oakland street, cor. l'Alim;i(, Ki'dJIank Cj-ul.-.l.' UECOHATOK nnd^ mmr r\itt, .UU UAViNu u party/ Why not fc.\llp, heavy cuiihtructiori, 161) K.O.H tririil KUiilc. timk v.vcuuni rlcanrr. Plionc SfA~YTA(l 1'lioniInson'i IlHrdware Store, II West Front r U rid Be nvcntie, phone Red Bank «• mnchiius, television set's, rndio> WASlfEIl' Ouoil NMiiiinK rent a Juke Ui>a for thst epeclal ochnnger. 2 j years experience, tstlJC:, dclivcuil In Hnnmnutli county 'VJ'i'ilil NJ£hJiMnis_ l-0of,o. ttreet, font of Riond itrect, Red Bank. uniliiinii. I'honr Kul Itnnk fi*3fi6l.* sinks. F«n- Immi'diHtc delivery, nt r e OCttT. matci cheerfully Kivcn, Louis Ca»t»n, ension: or a V. A. iykter» for k nominal h i s h i w Hmllurs, Whnlepoml Roiul STEW A KT If AN JlT.""7nmi I 'TuMiinViuT. Phnne fi-aii.SSt.J A R'nBNS At .Swnrli Furnilurf iiAi'lllNRTTK, iiliVrnfmrnir"uTllit'if "siw-if. ilmnd nriens. Call or write. Majestic AmunecTi, Uos BUS, It. K. I). I, Snre^sbury nvs- fee'/ Ltinu 11 ranch. Phone hong Brunch SONVEKT VUUU ATTIC or second flour Iinr1:il,lr krrnsrnr lientcr. Thone AlI'LOWEIJ, jfravtl, dnd ighway 35, ul>no»lt>! Midilletown Fir Useil just short tinat, I'hunc ll«d ments, 15-17 We Be rue n [)Ur*. Red "ue, Red Bank, rhnne B-4O54-W. into apartments. Part ol rent from ^ n ^ InntiL' Mik'hliiri.l, l.ll.'.cn. l'.rix nnd i-illars dutt. Call fcaton Itimk f.-1291.• _ • partment imys for the job, No ilowi, TOiMATU FUNJ-S, l"iT iiuta. ilihiiTTi^ _ ''-i..tie 6 - a i :47 n :j-(lS2 4 or_Hed Bnnk 6-0145.W. I1A1II.IA STAKrW. while' ndiu, To jT'Pi'KS—IVetty, shorf."iiaircd~^olilen payment, stvui years to t»"J'. Frra estif'RKK STOIiAtiE and excellent cart fcrv OIL LAMPS converted for tltctrlo Ittrs, malrii!*, dolpliinium. KU |IO1 ccntfi, by thu hundrrci, C, I,. Smith, 1*RACTOtt"-McCorniirk'~'lVfrlnii W'-U. brown and while, eight weeks <ild OliSSl'DOLS CLKANEll aruTdug. ceilTtTi mate. Men mouth Const met inn Co., IMIIIIS, lily liulbs. cverercen!. llonry ( lleo -iniiy tlrnml or Spinet pinno. No rJbbpr tins in | I O nt. btffl ili'iils in Itf.- Lamps rewired. We call for pumpod, tnirkiriK and hnulinR Howbe medium Hize ilngs, <>VondM-fi Highway I!*', nt Ilcnddcn'a Corner. Phone I'lowers, Upper Broad atrcct. Red Dunk New Hunmoiitb, Phono Kcnnshurit 6children. Phono Red Hnnk 6-4171-J.' nr, powrr ii,kt-ntT. In pscilitnt ron- Will ni Tilt on. HO Center ttrect, Rurnnnn t'liiy.'ul tivts for your chiltlren, H «;ich and • deliver, Harold't KrutU and Red Hunk 6--U-U. _ Photic S-lnati. S i S HOABDKl) anil Irathfd. HorMt •lition, 'mchifUnt; xnw and table nllnrhI'hnnc 1-0973, llavo Jim a broody hrn 7 Buy cno5 ICK liOX-~ Fiv€~cubic~f.ct, war nmdei, Eltctri* SH'ol, 34 West Front Uriel, GUARANTEED used pin g»mcs. I'm v:>nttd lor male kittens, healthy, jhao. Call Middletown r.-02.Sfi-H t'KKs 511 cents each. Full setllni; In gns stove, four-burner, ovun anil t i C ,t; COMPLETE landicnpe aervtct. Gat fome lift in th»> reerc&iioh room o ter color. Vanessa Kennels, Route n.d.Bsnk.' rhone «-2744. H f KKADINc;—Also top KoirTTr structicins Kiven. Laiirtl Hill Acrei WE HAVE IOR tmrntdlatt delivery: hioikr, electric irnu. Hensoniible prireK. rellnr bar roiim. Also used juke boxes . ,|, CornLS'i. Phone Middleyour Inwn mode early, Tretl, sale. If you nted Kood toil soil, wt) Admiral DuaUTemp, 2 In l r«PJioiif.._Kiini!soti__I.14tlt »tt«r ii p. m 3100 nnd up, in liiinrrtiitecd condltlun wn S-0092-R. vn it, Mumilim, I,mini avrnur, Miil•hrubs, perennlnli aiiniilied and K i'AV rugbtat irlcus lor youi puuifriKcrators: Admiral electric mnKcs, MrXHANICAI, POULIIlV pluckr-fTVeTy "all or write. Miijestic Amutiornetiin, lfi iTTKIs's 1 0 UK lilVFN awny, Phont nluwn. Phono MidrllcKiwn 5-C)16:i »(• S itANCR. fr.iir hiinu-rs: erih, Cil try. Writ* or lihone, l,on« Branch planted In letiaon. Call Stevent, • liltlr u.eil. Cost «31S. 1-hnnc Atllin17 Wf-st Hi rgen I'lnry, Hi>d Hank Maytaif wnfthins tnachints, Maytne r_fi^['. M. Wt> lieliver_promptly.' _R.-d_H il i l l L ft.Q-77 liftwt'cn1 j « m j _ ? . ' 1500. ...»» North Brondivni. Lonu _I^jd Dunk B-IH36-R. tlHM«hll IO'jrll Red Bnnk 6-i^.'^-M, NEW—tWO-'ROW rrVn |.lnnt.r. Ciin COCK Bit SPANIKL punnics. five month" Dutch Qvt 11, j;ns ranges, fnmout llrniirh. Zwlckl's Live I'nullry Market AT ".•i'i'UU—Heavy coated dark red bunlasl, for every room in Jimr be attached In Molinc, Mnssry-Harris old, chiimpion brooding, hnusp lirokrn rw-fn" in"a~r»v : —raw: Cockor Spaniel, Copper Boy, son of UK tiOUltiAl^b loans, see II. V It. II J>t!ep-Krtt7.o frcrv.rrs. Way tie oil lumtl-cnr 10 roll! EitlcwH.1, complete for $-.l!S F e d traitor. Call Mlildirtown &. *ormrt). N iCfcD BANK. Sfun CrttU Studio* lnnruliitnl, wnmlnrful. ed friime. .Phone lied Hunk Stout, Lewis building. 77-79 Broad America's famous producing rid, Chnni* burners nnd heating systems. B • I 4 it I'I , ttiittcrns mid iiuniility limited. Kliiriu' itlctun framing; oil pRintifigH, etcn* atreet, Cover Newberry store.) Oi"H-_W. W. II. Piitlir * Son." hnne \AH\K Hrancli 6-f."fi7, EnEh's (Jolrlen Boy, Copper Boy IV. IU Stint, "0 Monmoulh itrccl, UtJ m eiii etiKcaviniift r**tt.i«d; f\... JOHN IIONATO Ma.oli and~piaVti"ri(ig toilet 1 nnd toilet seals, wash fANTrESLTTTHnr^cistnTii;, UAK lllNlNfj" tnlilo with iSTvi-i; peif. OWKR I/AWNMCAVKK":—ITsctl fii imps of excellent t)'Pe and dise friti it'teas mantel mirror», wltido» contractor, Headden'i. Cornet, Middle- position, .till type: lilirnry table with drawer little, rciifiuimlilc. Phone LOIIJ: Brunei flowers nnd linltrrl [limits. Spreialiro lnsjiection Invited. Jennnt basins, bathtubs, kitchen sinks f.nd .nnfuii ln«n «l«n«. framed mirror*.. 37 town. N'BW AND UtiE!) lumber. H and miignzitic rack nnd book case; nil *4Hfl2.M. __ In ncriinlunu. Dominlck DcVlto, Nave>uBo:r., Mnnalnpan Road, Freehold, P. O.. Itox 543. Red Bank. Phont cabinets, medlcln* cabinets, *ulu> »t t-'mnt Mtmet Phune Red Bank *V**\ hnven't put it, we can tret it, Lo\ ._ ••ink iivciiue, Riirason. Phone Rumson n good condition. Also H set of En- SlNOEU hone Freehold 8-0340, f U lad Bank 6.IH21-R. SK\VIN(i niarhlnr. perfect con mntic hot water heaters, well pumpi jiricpi in town. KcnushiKi; Lumber Co.. •ydoiK'din llritnnnicn. Cnll Red Bank 1-062(1. dlti dltidii, 12,1 1 living room B*>t, thrrt HOilVEh cleanera repaired, brushes, t t1 Inf., I[I?hnny 36 and Franklin nvenue. TAINTING and Inside wall fta&erlng for deep and shallow w«l!», sump A i pE-rcs. %2.7> • -II1K4. _ ilnut. ilrrssinit tnWlc, i ] 5 bristled. Allen Electric Shop, I * riinn on our new .mail monthly pnypumps, heating boilers for iteam or ISSNW* COMI1INAT1ON' conF liliit s i s ranK?. Call Kiimii Wlwte street, phon. Red Bank fi.imia Collitm stnKenilRhur^ 6 - l l ' 7 - l ' J^U7l~US~W HEN~b'clli7ri: "yoiiF anT\i\ me tit plan. As low as 13 a month. MUVINU OONH, very cheap. Cnll Kianti hot water arstctnn, radiaition, clrru* with blut-^rt-y cnnricl finish. In ext. Keansbilrir. washiag mnchin china, hrio-a.brnc and hotisehnld cellent cdiiilitiun. I'lico »;,-,, Call Modern Home Improvement Co. Brothers or Schwnrts Auction. Room FRGIJ FAKWEl.L. Chrysler marine moin: inachliie. llvlnir room suite, r In tors, Iron or corner pipe, fourticlcB. Sen Urijsht AntiijUe & Glfl licrfert condition insiile nnd out $r»,'. Ruiosnn |.(lfi.*,.*l. tors; niariae motors repaired, starter*., thrctj bureaus, thrcr kitchen cahlnets. 'hon. Red Bank 6-3213. Shopjir. I'hone i^f-n Hrisht l!>000!), I'hone Red Bnnk 6.4084. Inch cast iron sewer pipt and fitgetierntors. Ignition. Bontt nny site PIIOIIC Hrd Bnnk f,-40,M. te. 12 Monroe nvenue, ShruwsUNDEltWOOIf iniowritrri needs n n l*otiK Brniwh f.-4U:. towed ur delivered anywhere. 31 B'ing. tinea, valves nnd flttirgt nnd mnnf 1»] py,» _ TUb'USANO' Kirad seciimN rrpiuis; jirice *l,'i. I'hunc Kfd Bank FLOOR.WAXINQ. Call Red Bank YOUK SPfitELLA is n n indlvidunJ gi • rttUUM clt'iuieni repaired, nny miikt ijn avenue, llumson. Phone 1-1 4H9. pnvinu brick. Friink Tindery, S-4II71-M. other itcmn for tht home huilder. Allen Elcclrio Shop, U Whit* itreet ment, just for ymi, basfil I-247S. Superior Floor Waxing HiC U iXx OUlllUAR I IS. the seiuation -.Jbrnt avrnur, l.illlp Silvc_ ruhic fcot, nil p ^ - ditioii. Prlci? |lfl. i'hono Ucd Bnnk Red Hnnk. Come In and look around. Amerlcnn Tncnauremcnta of our improved Attu of it<47, now showing the IU4M line at Co, private homi our specialty. PRAM'tj TOP canvnT.woiSiTfViliil ilx **-1 1-i fljiy time after fi celnln. Cull K Binirt: 6-NGU-W. IS I'iLa perfectlj nil over. Cnll for free Frecur ft Appllane* Co.. Hlghnaj . H. Mount Co., cornet Maple avenut Inicli. Sijo -xOx.1 feet hiirh above SKUVICK STATION "« lmrn, fittings, no ob!l«nlioti to buy. Phone Hny iivtMnir, East A NEW WING or room addtd to A No. 35 mid Oahhlll Road. Middlettuck Price Jill. c . E. tiNh-KAL CON'iKACTOK and ampuol. and Wt.ii. Red Bank. Phone «• Entontown S-0-G0-M. OL-k. Call Ri1 Dunk' C-1139-R "afrtf-tiJ W1I.S0N" /.BftOSA'Fri^ ni riteht ( KM. Em 1111 dwelling ttlould pny for itPhon.. SprlnB I.skf 2 - t l a ; . ' cltaned; carting and grading, toe town. Thorn (ltd BUDV 1-3877. .1:1111 I'^m. _ _ _ ^ frcMcrs now nvtiilnblc in limitud nil, mnnure. «|| dirt, cinders, gravel and 0-FOOT IIAHNETIAT (iarvey, Austin self In reutnl Inrotne in a tmnll WE BUV AND SELL anything I Hiuintitit-5. now. Priced riKht, IMKH FURNlf UitG. RcfrlKerntor land. Estimates given. Phont Red Bank mirino converted Inboard englntj ANTIQUES! Victorian couch, $ : ; • time. From then on you get a clear Knsy term?. Middlutown Krrrik'LTnLiiin. nn .icdfl, cnnvplftc, met;il rot. sttulio Contenla of homes, stores, titaiei, 1-146(. Oscar Decker, 47 Second street. new condition: $385. Ideal shallow wa» U YSriiinilidLTttirTJoTif Victorian frames, I I ; unfrnmed Hittliwny 35. phone Middletown 5- couch, bnny'a mftnl crib, bully's bath jfofll. Small monthly payment*, air Haven. ctlliri, attics, chin*., glassware, inter boat: safest nnd roomiest boat built, ' cr, bookn, pull toys, dolls, gamei V»D.lTte n£-tl l ' o y B Wc*«l«« fcaaonnble. flowtr, (ashlonn nun hurtling i*ints, 0229.* Jloiise of Toys. 121 First avenue, At no down payment. Up to «cvtn lVtETi BROS.—Paintlnn nnel iiaptr- 6GG Ocean avenue, Sea Bright, Phont tiques, art object* and «H bric-aCOMMERClAi. "HEFIllTTElUlTON-S^rM Hailry, r I ore tire and Codnr nvcnuci Iftntlu Highlands, SO cents; sideboard, Victorinn , g a n d s , Phonr 1-0761. 10761. hanjlnK. 27 East Weitside nvenue. 2-0O79. years to pay. Modern Home Imbrac. Ruaeil'i, ^5 Bail Front itHtt.nrni Service. Middletown Uefrincra- Leontmto. WHEEL COOD&, a€-!nch bicycles: IV\ led llnnfc. Phone H-2587-J ol 6-1IJ.15.W. lS^f'ODT MAHOliANV runabout, with motif, fruit carved front, marble provement Co. Phone Red Bank tion, Stnte Mifihwny «5, nhone Mirlillc- JtiST (JOT IN (Ji neruml-lmnri budFhon* Red Bank 6-1693. H", : 0 " veloeipcdes, Calson chninfour-cylinder Continental motor. r u i O l l SANDING, refinlshlnj, painting top, I 3 o : Victorinn dresser, . 2 9 : town ri-02g9.«__ 6-4088. room seLB. Ci) pnrlor sets, (,») kitchen driVB tricyelts, nirrlane, fire tnnin and deeoratini. Estimates cheerfully Phone Red Bnnk C-iaoH-J.• O. f{. mirror, $19; tea waKnn, | : , ; enrs, icooUrs, vrimani. hnty walkSMALL ICE BOX ?4,' thrVe-biii:ncT"KTM st'ts, (3) iceboxes. In very KOOII conliven. rhon« J , U Cunderburke, 34 FAN BELTS AND PULLEYS for »ltc* pedal oition. At Furniti'fi> Center, 2fl En jilntc ?2, and thrrc-qunrter metnl bill •AicrcaViUU WUKh mid itnide pmut. j , h ers. House of Toys, 1 at First nvenue, rare china, glassware, etc. RuseU's, Mnrion ttreet, Red Bank. Phone 62C-FOOT DOUBLE end training trie oiDtora. in stock. Uouelns Kl« i 31te W l b i l rront Btrft't, Reil Hanlt. Phone 6-1fi.1T inic; built-in cabineta 11 specialty 0113-M. nmll miodd spring i5 East Front street, lied Bnnk. trie Co., 3Ji Kitsi Front itrtct. Phont Atlantic Highlands. Thone 1-0761. 31 West street. TIRE—Rubber like new, sir.c «.50x16 boats. M2K each. (Sailt extra.) rst class workmnnship; renionnbit* RaMln n M I tlliHT fnr quick snip. Sev.ll 1.(d Bunk 6-0128 Phone 6-1C93, 'rtu Helmbfrg, phone Red Bank 6E. Sehivinil, 44 South Bay avenut, S7: wired whtel, sisc IS, SI.50; ice' J C CAKPKT A P K T >wiei>cr I*. I*. 20 fe feet new 82G.\2U. tO-ply General bus nml BUGS AND UPHOLSTERY cleaned J-LJKNACK IJLUW'KRS, ulso see ua fo of hose $1.51), SimltllriK 'ork I , «3 box, *:,; double couch, 55: dining room If 170. M. $, iK k II, H h l "oil burner motors, pump motors, etc. truck ensinus; two new 90Ux20. IO-|ily 0 In your home. Floor wn»in«, -nimd tnl'U'. iTi; six walvninj.eil nwnlnK KALLtNVlS. t f h i k i t'l P f t i il OUTBOAKH MOT6VT 1947 Evinrude boxei of t-hickvn wire t'l, Perfect inn oil titncrnl bus itnd truck casinKs: twn n. _ — linnDougla» Electric Co., i j East From kitchen service. Acme Upholstery $:., und muliocany music cabinet nunrs, sue ,T4, 40 cents each: six, slsc capped 900x2u 10-ply Gcturnl bus nnd two H. P. Sportsman, full reverse ant IIOXGS mode to order by Century Weld16-l'U()l- SKIKF, Deck and locker fort^ utreeet. I'hone Ucd linnk 6>U12S. 42, 4.*i rents each: four, ti feet, |1.25 rhon« KM Bnnk 6-1416-J. truck casinm; model AH Mack, (our- weedlcss: perfect condition, Used les! Hiifhwoy 35, Middletown. ~ Phont and Carpet Cleaning Co, l*hnne ward. by S H. P. Wiieon. ELECTRIC HOTOTli;—Now ^ RTT* cylinder, rebuilt hen\y duty mntor, coir.' thaa 12 hours. oath, Call nt John, 403 Hamilton nvc- MidrMetown ri-0354. Call Red Bnnk 6Red Bank I.42SI. sm nir-eoolcd ensine with clutch. Bout plenty of new 1-C, i-4, 1-3. 1-li II Ulcte, r,ndy to work. Boro Buset, Bed .inSH-J nftcr_6 p. m.» !lill'*_.!i£nr-_ Appleton avenue, Leonardo. NEW SPINETS, Lester Betsy Hoss, anil cniclne new, 1946. In excellent conP. Also used electric motors. Douglea Hunk CO5S7. PCAT TOP ( H S " kltehcn stove, s i ? 24UOUR SKKVtUE OD the repair of 10.PIKCE DINING ROOM suite, soli Jarsscn, JRUSRCH -Nurtn&ninpt, j ^ n . Eltttric Co., 35 EBBI Front street. Pho dition: iilenl for river ftshins and famAWN MOWfti«. nanlenlim, repnl biirher, nceits slight repair. $115: also dusk walnut, perfect condition. Phone radioi mid ilictricai appliancta. cJeraon'a, 21 Brond itrcct. Hc.i yank 6-0iLia. ily Use. Fully ectili&reil viitK anchor, PAUJM1NO horses anil colls, work. Have own equipment. Harold electric refrigerntor, Cnll Red Bnnk 6# l o u n i Guernsey cow with cnlf. Shear. Red llnnl: 6-4378-M.' fciuhis. fire extinguisher, revolving WE HAVE THK muterinl to dt> yo 'avii, c»H__E»tontowii i-0'i98-R We call for and deliver. tUrolt't roofing or siding job now. 1'ay &B »Qfnl, oiiiiositi; Nursery, Colt's Nfck, WISIIOW FRAflEiTTBoxT cnmpSic 6ICYCL.B, I nclTT, A-l enlidition, $i"9 seats wllh backs, etc. Reasonably priced Rtdto and Electric shop, 94 Wtat with sash. One Mulllon 2'»4'.6" stninless steel Brill, little aa IG monthly. No down imy CHEVKOUET TKUCK. Also at_lJJiL-.. Phone Iteil Bnnk «-229a.« lso hny a Phone tie DON'T READ this—unless you d Bank C-01 , * » L ' or cnll 80 Front itrett, fU4 Bank. Paooe «inches, double b u n containcs', ment. Call Red finnk 6-4444. Mon< 1 wheat nnd rye straw. T. T. Va ono single 3'x4'.C". All for 118. ln> Hudsonn avenue, Hcd Biink,* SEAMAN BUILT open skiff, IS'SS' 2". Biink, want to heaiitlfy your home. milre at Shorty's Tasty Snneks, Itouti dimension 52 Inches, slightly mouth Construction Co., Highway 35, g Schnick, Middtctown. r NaWrnl varnish finish. Wisconsin » ffOWBR LAWN MOWERr~30.|neh cull overall Middletown. used, like new, Shrubs anil perennials available. Hcadden's Cornir. M. J . Ilruno, 24 West 5-lu-o FERTILIZER. Ft/tll "per—UitT iiis'-cooled. six-horse pnver. In water/*7 1 \it h. p, Lauioti 4-cycle engine. Does street, Hound Brook. NON-FADING, lull fiber tcxilene Bt'n Phone ..uvi*-» iii.v couditlunlns. commer* Estimate, cheerfully jivcn.S • John pounilt. or $45 tier t o n ; lltnt, 11.20 COLOfiFUfr"FlcTJEmES. Including thi a fimooth, clean job on the finest lawn Second ready to no, Price $600. Nihm't Yard, cial retnuoration and home freeteri, Amijh family, Mammy, dogs, horses and will also cut the tnll prn« n n d Bound J3rpok__«.. covcra | l 2 . 9 j at J, H. Mount Co., cor. Per 100 pounds, or 120 p«r ton. Slieclsl Koleda. Call Bed Bank 6-C60-J. West fitreet.^Monmouth Bench. GoTu" Mrst In *ir conditioning, last word in ncr Maple nvenue nnd While itreet discount on five-ton londl. Dltbroo ttc, 30 cents up. Dorathy Jane Shoppe. weeds right up to tree trunka, ihrubs WESTINCiHOUSE refrigerator. 14-FOOT" BOAT. lookTlIke skiff, «l,j Noel R. Nilson, authorS2 Foster street. River Plsia. I'hone " running condition, reasonable; haby's •efrlgeration. Red Banfr. I'hone 6.04Q4. Bros Thoin Lonii Branch t-8«»0. nnd fences, Easy to operate, Phone nigh H, r . outbowd motor. Will tell both WALL LAWSiS mowed and edied: flow zed deakr, 87 Broad itreet, Red Bank. Rtd Bank 6-42:7. chair. Phone Rumson 1.1243.J. 11L1JBI1ERKV PLANTS. Huk.l. J t r u y , Sea Bright 'J-QOTft of 8separate. Come and see It. Phone " beds erlded nnd cultivateH>•:'•"' 'hone 6-3454. ABOUT 200 PATTERNS of dlseonConcord 2-3 toot, thret-yttr old FOR BTtlDl.E anil poker needs, tee our GENERAL ELECTRIC refrigerator, T',j NO. H-2 JACOBSEM power sere mower. t t * " 1 ' 1 ( I '' ) 5 S 3 " R o r 1 4 ' M<">«louth nl, li^ht hnnlintr and movlnu. AK UciUuliv i'AlNTEUS, Let u» give you line of tallies, cards, chips, etc. Dor- jubl stock, ?o centt each. Bulk accda, fcr> tinucd waihable and sunfnst trail* 26-inch cut, crnnk stnrt, 150. Cnll Red u top toll and All dirt (or tale. Phone feet; rensonnblc; illent H common icnse CBtimiite. Good worknthy Jane Shoppe. 32 Foster ' street. 1 tllltcrs,_ garden tools. B. D. Wolcolt't LOST—Small dinghy, color bin.. Made Bank_6-0066. pupc, SO ^, off, Kiarln's, 2% MOD* nlvcr Plata. Phone Red Bank 6.4287. dlticin. Call Hnlnnlcl 9.7 smhip ii our tint dim, Phone EatonSons. Estontown. Phone 3-OOoV of plywood, with set of unpalntcd SATJDCE HORSES—(iivitiK up ridinn moulh street, lUd Bank. Phone 6> oars. Contact Charles Kupper, Pullen'a STIKPEL * FFREEMAN R E E A N •>f,. 29 inch., 1'INK LILY-OF-THE-VALLEY plants. 1 RUJiS SHAMPOOED by MPerts. Our school, 150 up. Thomas S. Field. es; perfect condition: all fittings, 135. i> a rtili LAUlKS slacKl mnde to Boatyard, Rumson. Rewajj." Very rnrc and beautiful. Blooming wide, 2« inthti d « p , 4 ! indita hish. Falco process renews beauty of 190 Plnckney rond, Red Hank. cider. W'u also triHtch pantt to your Home Comfort coal or wood burning i». ready to nlnnt. Phone Hlchlanda l'OMKKANIANS and Buston tenrkrs, Phone Red Bnnk 6-0S6I. and Domestics. Storage faelli' STUDIO KEMDffi~plnno and bench. In oat or vest direct from factory panti* Orientals MODEL EL S SUWLIES—H. . 0. trains, train flyinir range (cooking), corntilete with oil bur- 3.119.1-J. :1,-M. Jlr. J/ineent Mendes. le Falls alls LaunLaun best quality, champion bred: A.K.C. 213 Shrewsbury avenue, Red tlet available. O i l Little excellent condition, »2o0; also new tore. ner Hulalled. John S. Holmei. Phona WIRELESS REcoTln player. Fi»e" lid mode! d ! iilauca, l j andd solid jet SAILBOA'T chennT h dry. Red Bank <-2IOO. Aak for Dept. TYPE SMLBOA'T. new rhone «-10»3-M. ' shell jewelry kits. X-Aclo, ltath r craft llotmjtl 0-84S3. 'enl selections, $25. Call registered. Phone* Entontown 3-0192* lawnmower, M-Ith basket, 120; 60 feet ^nk II. Cornet, excellent condition. I. " ol garden hose, J3.50: various garden ki l i l bblock l k print, wood carv CHECK COCCID1OSIS with Co«ltrol in kits, linoleum, m.. Rtd Bnnk 6-0582-W/ POT STOVE for water heating: Jt»;n ess stool rigging, good sails. Phone '*' U H I contractor, tup soil, nil dlrl. tools: washing machine. IS, 3t St. lent condition. 13. Phone Ealontown HOME REMODELER8. Ua to MVia ina. House of Toys, 121 First nvenue. the mash. Costs ^-cent a chick. We USED~StOVES. andirons. lias wnt(r 3-0016 alfer cinders, gt-nvel, manure. Lionel SImoti. Middletown 5-0261. P,M. M." Nicholas Place. Red Bnnk.' )146 alter S r. Atlnnlie Hjghlnnds. Phone 1-0761. KUnrantec satisfaction from this Dr. heater, roal grate for fireplace, year, to pty, no down varment. l llawnS3-FOOT CAFIIN SKIFF, 90 H. r Ccny Phont Red Bank t-CSth NOTHIN(i TO CHANGE or store. TtuScy" Hess product. Fred D. WlkotT Co, Phone mower, combination sink nnd tub, bath- HAM.E iTlTCHBS~TA«i,E and tour BANTAM TRAILER, llnrdly used. Alfo motor, built in 1940. Must dispose • ( Room addition!, porch tneloaurta, fXOOTl SAN15INO—riiiisS with two p a lot of storm sash and screens. chairs; also tnhle top uns stovt. Call tub, Inmpt, china closet, chest of draw«*. metal self tiorinjf vvindowi. Hed llnnk 6-0564. coati of ihctlac, 1'2 cents tqunte foot, immeiiintely. Uive me an offer. Call f.nlnhlns attics, calntint and wall Scccens. storm sash nnd weather strip' LbADlOl.I BULBS, llloomers, 100 for ers, mclrl twin beds. 116 Shrewsbury Bed 6-1650, Lone Branch 6-441S-M. ' alto floor laying. Estimates, cnll Red O p r N A RESTAURANT'for 1200. HeTe raperini. Modern Homt Improvtpinic in fiermunenl unit, Free demun' tmie. Red_Bank;__ postpaid. Brlllinnt deep ornnite, Bank 1-2242 or 11 Mount ttreet, Red X i l R l ! OUT—IS new bouts, rowboatt, is what you get: Cns stove, CoolerFULL. SIZE KINDEL mahosany htniliun. Monmuuth Construction Co., variegated. Beautiful bouquets or OlfR COMi'I.EI'E line of boled cards mint Co, Phon* Rtd Bank «.«0«l. fishlnB, clam, life. Inboard and outBank. M. K Morton. "tor. pots nnd pans, dishes, silverware, DufoM Hlghwny 3 j . i'hone Kcri Hunk ti-4444. - flower beds. will thrill sender and receiver, all ocsleigh bed, sprlnK anil mnttress. Trlfold Co., OAttBtlBBTORB and magnetoa .ebullt. bonrd motorhoats, 10, 12 i j , ig i c - . Knildle, coffee makir, pie case and ANTIQUE OH MOUEKN. lurK|. or a m « " : ^ . _ . . «, N . j . casions, gift, thank you, cute everyday, Call Rtd Bank 6-3S39 . I t , , Thurs. Elite Rnrltan Bay Bont Works, KeyQuick factory workmanship. Douglas more thnn that nt Swnrti Furniture. USTOM plowing, discing, lowlw. harI find things: RUeriii aucUons, IBII B ASPAR\r.QT"RbOTS. Mnrtna Washlnj^ net well, birthday, tcrlttutel (1 > bos. day. vesting, tret culling, (round clear. Electric Co., as Bntt Front itrttt, Red p o r t t Hlghwny 3u, opposite Middletown Fire •hows, \ \ h a t CBII I find for you? Call ton, two-year-old, M per 100. Phont i)orathy Jane Shoppe, 32 Foster street. ng. t t c ; tractor work of any kind by Btnk. Phont «.012>. company. Phone Red Bank 6-3213. River Pla»; Fhone K«d Bank «-427 evenings Saturdays. B. L. Mnrtln, Keyjiort 7-1340-J, MERCURY autboord motors, All SEWINU MACHINE. New Home drop USED KURNlTIJRE-SofaTE'SlTfis"h"fJpr, ore, hour or contract. Flrtt class Phone Hfcd Bank 6-0741.W. ' 1'AINT KL1ES OUT of your btrn with Ralph M.h.r, Holmd.l, FOR LOW-COST trucking, "C." other makes and models. Partt head; long thutili: sood condltioni down cushion, upholstered In beauti- qulpmant, i'lAN'OS—New aTTij ustd". Liberal alFURNISHtNG NOW I Apsrtmant,, nn enrly season application of Dr. «_25._fhone Holmdtl 8-6391. 1 - . Phone Rc,l n»nk 6-2138. Stnlnn ful green fnbl-lc with slip covers, excelr'arr. Phont for i n eitlmtte, Red and accessories. Solasky, 2B9 Watlowanc* for trade-ins; easy tBrmi Hess Insecticide paint. A high grade bungnlow, and summer hornet; «MJ>"I« 8 « ' I M CO,, SilversiJe avenue. lent condition, | ! 2 t . Call S»t\lril». beBLLE BltCOftWlNOTirvTceTTiw. available. U you now own a piano, keei> cold wnter pnlnt contalnlne DDT. A|iBtnk I J I 8 I W . Ion ' avenue, Perth Amboy. Phont jeblly«r^ Bx9 fibre rue, l i ; icehoxts, 17; haniing, plain ind dtcorttlM ptlntln». )t tuntu and in k'uod condition. Bru Deal" " " n d 2'' " p l l l l »<" avonue, lily with bruih or sprayer. Fred D. 4.6430. ill Red Bank 1-0692. Offln, t o Mount ttUKD NBW vacuum cliaTitr PhoK". dressers, IS; wash stands, »4..10; h. Aiiflerson, concert tuning, regulating WikolT Co. Plione Red Bsnk 6-0551, UARAUE DOORS. Two set's AN I UN HALVOKStN. gamting cuntrti;Red Bank 8-3927.» and repairing I'tiaue Red Unnk with hardware and already painted, I.: Mil t i l NLMBKIt of sel.eted fruit bed springs, |8..iO; beds, $2.Si>: tor, Inttrior, exterior, paperhtngint:. EETH 2Vi H, F. AIR-COOLED outboard, new, or Rfd Hank fl.4fiKil. £'vviNc; MACHINE repairing complete for 125: also four.burner gas mattresses, uicTTi trcca. Apple,, «vr<ct cherries, lour Call Eatt Washington, Atlantic lawnmower, 14.50; lenther club (65; S.fool Ulnghy, new, 150; comI'hyle illnlngg room suite I r i r t h t t . iKAtibll, Ui«tiwuy » j , chtrrits. ptnthts, anil jitafs. Msron t, y suite, hmklsil. hmklsil. range v._lth oven and broiler, complete Kianshurir 8-15'8-R. Hlghtindi. Phont Atlantic Hljhl.ndt I- plete chair, $1S; pltno, $25; larfe plate set of frames for "Lightning." In- 'A t mnpls l corner cabinet, HiizlcL. h ion- open for business with Koilckj. Ntntune HI«h«Tj and South bi sets, end d tablet, bl eludes stem, atern, hollow -mast and ati ussoitnicnt of used anil antique fur- street, tntonlown. I'hont Ealontown 3. Si a IS mirror, $12, etc, Ruscll't, CknCy r0 d PLAY BETTER tennis; rackttt rteoeklall tables, odd livln« room chairs, " ' rh0ne Rcd BAVNTON RUGS and etr«ett. Rug. and boom, SI50. Cnll Saturday and Sunniture, flnn china, pattern glass, ncc. lit 4 3. living room and bedroom lultci. tlectrlo Bank 6.'"--" 15 East Front street, Red Bank. slruni by tennlt specltlilt. Paul day, Bnyside drive, corner of Hilton " r u t s cleaned ind moth-pfoof.d. casary household and Burden items i t refrigerators, washer, i n ttoves; other >LUWELL CASOUNIt pow, r IswnI'hont J-H8S, Mesiaros, i t Dartmouth ivinui, wall to wall carntlni cltantd and street, Atlantic Highlands. inoBL rtiihorihlile Urices, I'hone Key. Itemi too numerous to imntlon. mower, In perfect condition, Phona mothproofed on location. ( Broad port 7-27*3. Open dally, including Hlnhlandt Ftir Haven, X. i. Phont 11.4 Bank Burrlne.'. Wstehouso (next to SteinOUTBOARD MOTOH, Waltrwltth, « l , 3-1138. street, Phone Red Bank l-0!02. aiindity. H P., new KSS tank, runt well will v B h OUR LlSt et wrappln* baeht) Clay street, or rear of 12S M738-M after I P. M. AU1X) RADIATORS—New, uied—and OAUptiS'lltk WUHIt of an/ kind done Broad street, Red Btnli.' nnd wrltlnii paper, Dorathy Jane . r t i u c L " i i u u j i K , Hisnwuy a&, II«.H7 n l b rcl tour rucondltloned. All makes, »ll types, Shoppe, 3i Foster street, River Pins*. •>» day or contract. Jobbing a tpt- Bunk 8-U53I-W.I. Hnzlct. Buys and tells nntiquc-ff, fire< OAS RANGE, good condition, 2 West , ' I , ? . c w |l ' ire "one tires, radio rTCBctmCAL work, all>, i and on hand or available. Give Plume Ittil Bank fi.4227. j . c . Marvin * Son, Boa 43.THE POPULAR SeaBet outl wme, eh inn, Klass, curioa and nnylhinn isII ayenrs Kront '"'" "" Phone Red Bnnk «• nos; oil burncra and refriictrator, try first. Red Bank Radiator lntercb-.ini;. J'honc Kcytiort 7-'JTl<a oc }Joi;i.t, 113 West trout s t r u t , Bell tors now on display, 3 h. p. iliml. eater with 39S0.» istnllcil. Write Ucran Electric, Klcc- Btlford. Phon, Kiiniburg «-0«9|.J or ^'"i'li. 1 !" 1 blll " r , t01 " I n nnd'lndy't white lierl Itnnk G-^2i7. boiler nnd tiiiiii complct Csll RumBank. I'hone 6-11 "7.• inything in the refrlgcr- • ing Chicago toller skates, »Uo (, 110. lc conlrartor, Porl Monmouth, Phone (JMSIM)OLS ANU s.ptK' tanks, cleuned. nt only 9S9.95; 5 h, p. altcrna <° twinTai Co., ., M.p,« HUHSfcS-l.uud ninorlmtnTdf Ttrniwi^ MULL 1'liKSS, lulht, and bench Krln'iT _n 1-00,-. 1.* "Mi-liunt tl-lfi'H, nt on line, pay us a friendly visit. built and repaired. Modern dralnane walkcra: uUu some aputtcd vesttrm .iur,ii,\ I I U , - , wiishlnil mnchlnt install.d, Robert Albe, West Ktansburg. rr; also tricycle and bicycle. Cnll Red KIVE'-PIECE MA~fLE~dinctte, thre«- Mlddlclown Refrigeration, Highway 33, •nd ponlca. Vli.itora wtlconie. Chtster nlcce raised velour blue and red liv- phone Middletown 5-029P.* vlcr. Homo and commercial. Petrle. rav-rNFwri'^rc'hTinv-^FhTiH. IIIV; 6*4726 hetween 6 and 7 II. in. n t K 1 43T Horse Karm, iicnr Wickatunk, on Kn«.OilliYSANTIftMUM plants. Al.o Fteid ing room suite, sis-pleco modern bed.. Plione Red flank 6-07IH-R. 'hone Highlands 3-UlO-R. TwTn^^^ ' ^~** — SUWTDXNs, over laou onli. PiTviS rc«soti'ali?c" ny ph'" n "k |lorl ' ccl .condltlVrT. MfcMown rujii] rhone HoWntJt' ' ilnini, iiractlcall/ new, with rale, room suite, All In excellent condition, NEWBgBsrtio^inTiTfSo iKPKNTEii, PAINTER, all kinds ot ear ,al,t financed for any amount, 1& XcTTEs UP s p a " squaro tniid, three mlrs drum atleks. Phone 'rlccd for quick sale, Round tables, 16) hydraulic loaders; aim »-4-|) M e , | matlrtstes nnd chest of drawers for nonthi to pay, Sttcoatt Financ Comwork rltint. Call Red Btnk 8.2087.>• iceboxes, small gas range, two 9x12killer, »8 « gallon, W, H, PotUr t only 160 al Swarts's Furniture, HighThomas SS.FField, Bnnk 6- R»H Bunk IlJ B l d phone Hell Bank 6-HB6-K.* 618B6R. pany, «0 Broad atteit, Rtd Bank i'UUI/S AND SEPTIC ttnkl 0861, lummer rugs iintlouc bed. rhone Atwny So, opposite (Ire ecTmSon, Mollne Sales and Service, Middle, pposite ( WEWTaii FARKALL Super "A", com: Innllc Highlands 1-08611. cleaned. Bulldlm and r.palrlnii alto fhone Rtd Bank t.1834 P . n y P_Phone. hone R d ' H k 61813 town ii-On'fl-Vy,. Red'Hank 6-1813 p Ulttc with touch control, ovenUtd ood dealer, odd jobe and Irucklnf, R P I R T CELLAR water'proonng. wattr Os JU AllaCf IN V11KO to come In unct -03KG. T SBI,pl( s ,.onnkle, mr.t>o«»iiV. Ure«, welshtj, llsMi, itarttr, itar »low and moiltl radio all H.d Bank l - l l l l , * pumps, well pumps, cttpoolt and brouse around in our most Informal e l > um sized i d grandd piano; i medium genuine ' . „, '^. ti"xW: In-iivy frotil eulllvatow. Phone Mllllo llll 8-0636. Unkt. I'hont K»»nrt T.0483. S , .iDt.kehk l> " ' ^nglcfoldlng S"', t tholi. ahol. We know It It will be fun. A .bed d with largo dining room set; Ivory bedmatlren, |S, Phono R>d llnnk rwalnut sAiLTaAT'^rT^rioi^iKlrifrfr;' fe b l floor J4 x&4"; alnglc wnshlub; UO.Jnch eilI . TEItENNlAl<S, including Pa" gift 1 c m le "SPECIAL DIUVIRV." C o m housand and one items e, renlly 1*2 I 7fi* 2?JJ "J' " " '« <lolll.1e bed, drelier, 'ii w t h ilinlriff r o o m s t t ; rlii-itt of .. Hybrid Delphinium i Columhlnti Imeront. good ronditlon. Now in the w . u " FARMERS ATTENTION I Fted aloni It you wish) Light and Dornlhy Shoppc, 32 rnlhy Jnno Shppc, 32 l l s b u BATHTUB, potstnve nnd holler, ohlfforobe, end tnlilcl wooden nook table • alllardla, und Phlox: also selected vn. n w i r a : f l r r s h t r : l t d : i o h o x . 8 Mitrilr. •II iltlinson I .OBI I, botweon 6 , , J ground on premise,, ntolassit osier street, t River Ri Plmn. Pl Phono Ph Red d w In two benches nnd serving tnblei two htavy hauling. What? WhfreT "hotuL.Rj'(LBiink_J^J rltll.s ulndioll liulbs. Myron P, lank t-4227, Wilton runs, one tlxl'2, onn 1 lxl21 one added to fted It desired. Corn shelli...* UK, with uulliviitor ^iH vozlcky, Nelituno Highway, Entontown. '' UK1J; CoiiKolcum ruKi fuldlnir cot and When? 13 Cednr tvenue, Fair H«good condition. I'hone At* Ing, eraeklng. Regular ro#ea, Hilltirtlny morning be. hour. Entontnwn 8.(I64H. Saturdayi 94 ladles' dresses, sfioTo mnttrciai Incomplete chlim set for l i , ven, Fhone Red Bnnk 1-24(5 o« wend, stores well In nur frosen food TKAU|-OH--W|th corn planter und a lockers. .!« i.ngTn.w.' ton Milling, A. Irving (iullck, prowhite with Bold ed»e| odd plnltorsi two € chi uH thc Eotontuwn 8-0T22, Strikes Hnd shortngts don't 1 ' "' > curd tables nnd four folilliw chnlrs; cultivator. Cnil Enlontown 3.0430-H mean a thing. Middletown Refrlgern- s V;'.'/'." '.1 *H? " CfmB ''» MJ<-Ubr posts (or luinw Prlator, R, F. D. 1, Ntw Brunswick. w l h used chestn'jl TOWSTO J'LANTS," raised 4 Inches npart lon, ^Highway n, phono Mlildlotown C- 2. 14, i s t o H i while Chesterfield, slue coilnr uriMli nickel elertrlo percolutor i "I" Prlc WiNo MACHINKs r.pniredi gunranPhotl East Mlllslont 8-08Tt.J.a, 4, 1 6 ; men's suits, » l n 3d, tk; tino "nd tr'iyi tniiliogiiny 8-day clock; rood In cold frame. Ready for pinnllnKI Illnhlnnds 1. teed work on Singer,, Whites, etc. ! i • i" ri>(> f ' ^ r s French drapes, 44 Imrcli r'lekrri tnrpot swiioiier; garden H.UO0 valets, 2,000 i,lnm«. I', l.oSapio, 71 1 1 m chui'k-un, CKtlmnti'S, Sewing Maspool beds, nlmut 1 r,0 . « . • ?, '"'" I" ' '" nnmesrun drniicn, :ools anil heisn; cntlnh mill two chilli irkN CABINETS:—Riipiuc. your Jjioli! nyonucjind Middle lload, Kcypor'. fWo"UXFCfi nn Elchnnm, First und Ccdnr streets, , years old: sacrifice for ISO ench. 11.50: 121skirls, wiilti' old mlsfAt kitchen cabinets nml sink " d ' . . a n ' overs; two dunr lumps, tvooilcn olntlle, ioyport, J d, l n n i r ,gnn-im, l , xl 10 nnd plnttcl b 1 nhonn 1-278M-M, I wo thrccinuirltr lialr mntU'cncs, f l u °" ' 4-!j KlG . f i ; ructii icini-'ve hlivtr, I I . , 3 rncli, All imiTlinndlho In Iriir. ft 1-n slum], | l l r ) l o nlil li 1111k, largo £AWNT~M(TvYlSlt8 minrpenod ami 7T-with ntw modern units. All cnlilncli 7Kfrur7; dcslitncd ntnl cutttom-bullt to fit your CAfJo «*•«! fi.r ptcturr windows, Trinch rtonm uil ruiiilllloii. Illlicr1 IHUKIIIIIS II,,, Iriinlnir liininli man's lilatk tuieilo suit, nnd Ijaskct, I2U; iricydc tor llttcc. ach: two thrcc-iiuavlir smlngs Sill l T - l j o t , Old t o w n . r'lno~ Uttll'u! l itsetl Wwr, mowers (or sulo. Utohon. Installation Inaluilcil. Irqulrio -telu Inwnjnnwrr, nlmoit new, JUII four linn 3»; twn while Jnckols, white fliini r x f •.'", Irndcd ifli'tn, umipltli l.tmi. niuiMih UJ inriiUiin. • l)e»n'» Trnni.1.7 unoil Tor ,,,llli Vltli l «lnk and tublortahl, kerosene .lov.s *2 raeh, nnd lau iiaett snfc for sulr, Unvla Lockfrom builders nnd conlrnctors Invllcd. irl tmiiicru hnoki, Mi of linrtry, Ed•»*rf, Si a, 1'hoiie Aliantlc Hlgblsndi •i"h""f«J|'lcMV 'ill™!'1' ullou lormrrly "Almost New Khun," . Ca|| K cd Bank I. it th Rhop, Roule n.l, Kryiioil, Pick-up Phonr or write for estimate. Emell CsbV'lr Allnn Pun rook hooks, flctlnn, mil' ; I.O:TO\V/ 4726 after 1:30 p. m, and delivery iirdce, Thane Keyport "- Inet Bhnt, 4.1 (Irnnd avenue, AtlnnLIc tic, He. I'hone Rid Unnk D-383J-M,* u 1i 8S81 Hlghlnndl. I'hont 1-OIIJ-J. MISCEIXANEOUS BOATS nt i i i . ~"»i'",'i m " •- , . , ^ ' •• ————.—-^——-—-,,..— "?SSSrBSgg5gE!g« ?,'T : r^, is , "- ' »"• °*n n.d ^° "' '' "" I'hono Ked Bunk RED BANK REGISTER, MAY 13, 1948 BOATS REAL ESTATE FOR RENT BUNGALOW AND PLOT of ground [or plmitinc, on New Monmouth road. Middletown. Rent 125 • month. Inquire E, Blohm, 21S Ctendenny avenue, Jersey City.' OUBLE GARAGE, | 1 0 per month. Mrs. HeGennaro, 106 Shrcwibury avenue, ied Bank.* AUTOMOBILES APTS. and ROOMS TO RENT HELP WANTED Page Fifteen HELP WANTED REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE E(6 CROSLEY, with brand neir 1>4> irinr. Only 6.0'JO mil^s. Asking 75!l._ Phone J(um,on 1-1861-R.* 935 KORD V-8 SEDAN, Mdfor recently lOOH—With double bed. kitchen pnv- HlirSEKbKI'EK-rnMPANlUN' for eM-r- HIVER nOAD —Wonrled corner plot.. REh n. Mod RANK\y widow, j.rrm.inr:.! nt.i'i'.'in f o r il^Kef, for young couple. Inquire nt Nil-, residential area, a[,prox!miitelT e IWm, •i«U. t> IfllfiSCi. Avmlnhle i t tt.Zii. l.'htrl/s 1 Worth ley atrcet or call Red Bank B • r r ;ii '. )!.(: « i h O H ii t'fir [ i i < t i I I • -\. S i . T I I o n ' , K. a w c r n e y Afc'rncj. Monmoulh a v e n i c . 0036. r. Prr-:_-MJUl HAGCKHTY Class Ijont, fait, Phone Riiaisiin 1-1 I ? J . Ii. j i ' 11. th .;isy tc hjnrllr. Snils included. Need* ovrrhaulril. Body in KOOII condition. NEWI.V DECORATEU and n«vfy~fu7. ; H^ irm nished roorrn. 98 E«L Front iti'eci. $:>(! p r r w t . - k t>i - r v » ! ; . l a y . I ' m - a p d l ! i ! Bank_«29y. :i:nnt. 51:!.".. Phone Atlantic Highlands piilntiix-n:. p h o n e Miss l . i n r ^ ' . ' r , K.T.nn,. U'ty S ' , . : m M f i & A ' ar,.| li!"iNTERNAtjONAL y truck, mode! d__B»nk. l»»9 ,2 3 . 31;: H'nvl .-IT.. Ki>tQi.»'j«n D-40. 21-j.ton closer! Ijody. oversize NARGE ROOM, ovfrlooking'^oceAtT, by REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FAlft "HAVKN. n>inVA'n», ROW Jib AT—flood condition, 120. Phone rit.nv. K a r n . : f . i » * h .'.- » " • » : . ires find rims, motor Itcrfcct, just overefk ur keaion. Phone Monmoutli l i U I V U K I t - r l A . r l . f . - i , . . . . I M!I K r j i i i s LAU'.K YKAR-AROUNU CAi.fonun C-J{l i i i r s l i - ] ' - l . H. A ,s, Fr>n.| M a / k e i , •<i b u s . '.\<k.Tikt 1-.'•<•••• K x . laulcd, tl.395. Cm lie Been at I e.irl Bench ljJ5 3 9 1 . i l . FAI H1IAVRN — Immedi.i.e orcunsncy. trtet freinht station. Call KcnnsburK LA"RGE P L E A S A M T , nieely' Viirnisheil SITUATIONS WANTED iimr n>nm«, living room, kitrhcn, : tl,:,'••>: -i'.an ' 3l's f-»'. 'inc\m i-1106-J_iifur J |i. m.-_ I'hiittr KM! IIDI,,' « room for couple, on bus line, fivr WANTED l.iilhr'i.ini, two hrfiroom*, expansion «f• Hivrn_ •vni :< . n ' ' » r j i r r irap'n. ll.MIIDRKSSKK, » • ! . fmii.nlni!. I n inuics from Fort Monmouth. Call Unl 933 I'i-TON International stake truVk: MASON WORK wanted. Smn.1 jobs .'.«•. Full Irnuih •ftntrrpronf rcllnr, suto,-, .. ! A ' M r - - - , W f f : r , 1 1 3 N'-.r'/'i ' i r - i v r i t r f ^ * . unk «• MOO 1940 Dodse dump truck: 1B3H Chevpromptly attended to. K. J. Hawkins. U t l l . »rrrr r,| f-,,; ! i,,.r. q . l i i r i | . ' N . n . . . V I II . . i l . . i i l . itt.i: ir hof wntf r oil hfi\t; vnrntr lo', ;! ' ( - , , . I K , , , - «>..,r. B -.. BEST PRICES PAH) ror .crap Iron, rolet panel delivery, and 1(J31 Ford FURNISHED ROOM in ,,riv,Uf fnr.nily. hong Atlnntic Highland! 1-0537-M, T".\ltr.. Call Rrd nnn(> ft-43ir.-J, S . l i l i - N « . 1 . A s l . ( I T M . S S V. , ? . : . • brass, copper, lead, batteries, junk . . ' . - . j ICKI > H A N K - !• ,tif r < - v . ' l - n ' , ; a l M C l i o n . ick-up. United Auto * Parts Co., Inc.. Convenient Incntion in Red Bunk, on •ET US H ELI' you with your emplu> enri, unil farm machinery. Abe Simon, l.etll.' N'i , | , \ . n . s1 n o o l v r. i - f , n - i ' l r i i l i . - o a f l » : a irir V L m t i r 11 .-M" , n . u ' I'll 2.ri Occanporl HVemir. Occnnrort, Phone is line, (iciitlemcn prefcrrrd. Phone ment problems. Roberts' Employment J. CKAWFORO COMI'ION, Inc. -U Wurthlcy street, Red Bank. I'hon. ;,;,,*•, I'i'1' • ' • '••r.ii corn, 1\r*i>\<tr?i rfininit iOni(_J^ranch 6-07K6. A T L A N T I C H U . l M . A N h S IterJ Ilank «.fl791!-H.» Agency, 77 Broad street, Red Bank 6-UU36. r'p-.m I " " • " • » . '< ' r h r ; . . \\-i'.\-r\ pni.try. m a s t e r T W O S l L E i l i t S . M , v . . i l m e n i . i Renl tstnle xnd kiiiiimnrt. tf tt'« t w o hrilrrn,111V li.."i. !.!-«<• Va'4 ~~T'ACkARri SETTAN. ( l o o ! « m -NIOBLY FUHNIShED'robti, 6-1805. ._ ftrninirgc I'lANUS—(ir.miib and UpriaiiU. Phon, ""hone f p n u i ; I M I , - . -. : i l . : i ! . t \\« r i r u i r m > t " ( - • • • n i l , ••* . 'j'.niy npijni'imi, h o t * a t * r with llTri.:n.-r r.i.,!,•;•, ; •. h. ililioii. Will Hi-ccpt most reasonable x hunic, loti IT ininmncf, w# hsv« IVOULH LIKE TO take care of children inflows. Two Rtnlkntrn nr coupltPerth Ambiiy 4-lOH^, anytime. -liii.K l . « -V. .-I *'< • a r . . ' . Ph'.nfl IV'I Birk tin my home from 8 to 5 far five diiys ilfir. Call Atlantic Iliflilrinls 1-01141 [Deferred. J'hofit appitciatinn a KI|<"I li :l ri,-. ri i. inw. l- . r vl u, l l .lf i.t .r | I. :V, i,, ,u, -i .. : ! -•.•..,•!! Ituu-.B :ifl. Belfxtd. I'hor.c j . m o ' l r il. Stllkr, h«il'. f . I ' * • . - ) . \\ K i(Ui' l.UNS or any type or deBirip. For further information, call iftcr 5 p, m. iimif, llnlf blot-li frntn 1-roail slrrct. I n i f i n o s i . t n l i i . i v > : I ! : I I V i l ' . r i i i v . ' I r a . i i tion, used or new. KIslin's, Broad and Heelweek, Kpaiitlmrit 6-0059. I'IkSl M . O U I 1 — K e i . f :,• i , i i h.ii"i. liviivsr nf'.'lv ^132 ESSEX^G'ooTl conffitiiin. Passed lirdci-orntcd. 29 Hudson nvenur. Iterl i n w i n ' . i i . i i . Hunk <-l):6J-M. I : n I t ' i . t h i K t ' n . , :, \ \ > M lit; F l i S t ,HTI. . . . A * . :•. T ' . r Front f.treoth Open dally 8 a. m. to L ' v . m . il i,,r,^ r'.'iTr. R I . - I n ' , c o « , I c i t r r i e n , lust insjieclioii, Itmlio. Call EatonRACT1CAL NURSE wishes position as ^ l l ml|ry. .-'••.,1,1 n - o r . t h r e e b e d H i r g f i i , I'laiT. H I I !Iliiiil. __j__^_^_____!_l____ AfliAN IK! !IIi;il!,\N!>S baby's nurse. Call Atlantic HIK^- oj,n_3-0462_ ntlcr i. o'clock. i ' , i , m s a i . ' l nrv.1! in1'., i o ' i of closet r o m n t r LIT.<', nn Kmhcritir nvfnui*. CUNThlNTS OF chinii closetB, antique LOOK A M I CKSKkAI, h...isr»...k. 931 C'HEVliHLET i,'(l,in. t i r t s like s|,H-'e. J n i r ' l floor, a ' - . ca i i flooreii a n d Middlctmvn. Wriir, 'Owner," AU-ll china lamp., furniture, buttons, l.w.l- M A N ^ t o do general housework by the new; in perfect runninit order. Orisi o m , t l . n t ' U * . S t i t c h n , r •! f a r n i i i - , lull lUimstm |.r'.>S!l, REAL ESTATE WANTED i , r e r.iiim f r . . i i e d off. F ' i i ! h a s . m e n t . ry. pistols, sold coins, clocks, book! of r h f H t , fln.l » ; r <r.,u\ • ! - ! day of service dinner pirtlei and but* UILI milencc 31,000. Can lip seen at ".. ;i».v. a i ' n i i i i ' i ' h o t w a t e r heater. 1 Monmouth county, anything old; fair ATTRACTIVE NKW homes—Tour rooms t w o - c a r i t a r a s f : IT, ."') '1 • I . l i r k » » > »r,r! i J S r a r i e Billys Service Station, Shrewgbnry.* I.-.T - i j r m r ; 19,89(1 « ' » ! Kanrr.i! LIST YOUR PROPERTY for aal* cr I I O U S K M A N ' — C n n k n i K priors Piii'l I'ciirl Cilmim, 32 Spring tr work; experienced. Phone Bed Sank IlichUr.'h ;i n l co n n ] etc bnth o n lunge plots 'id C r p e n a r r p Agfiiry. A' Inn ,^s!i. 1 !•/ K . i s ' R v < r f t o a d . Rumion. 9J6 CHEVROLET loupe, »fl0. full 6-048!!. K." h o u s e w o r k . C a l l I t u n i . ' o n l " y ^ ! ' . rent. P. F, Ktnnedy, 21 Peters place. l H5M el frcntn_;e, sidewalk a n d c u r b i n g , O i l I'hone 1 -I fiO". SEAMSTRESS deilrei to do at Eatontown 3-0(!!>:-M. I' R i m . r , , , | . " J « ' . J . nijirniliKS. _ _ Phone Red [tank 1-0454. «1, nutfimntir h o t w n U r hfBier, ( a s MO1>ERIJ CHILD'S I'LAV PEN—I'hone Jiumson YBAR-'lior.wr home. Mendinff, alteration!. Phone foATAVVW* i *. i> r f i p . a - n ' a m i * p p ! « ;ONSTANCE s k l T H Agency, 14 Ml[)it f l A N l i Y M A S ' — l i n e n f VnTr i " . | i i " n t > ~ « i i u M n KC Etna p n s s r s d o n r , P r i r t i l at mms a n d f n.-ln*o'l \n> 1.0196. . Ked Bank 6-1719.* 194S STUDEBAKER. Dual wheel l i k f t o r n i p l o y :i p o r w u i w l . n w i l l m a k r fi;m I I , . .I ' . s n ';ffi. ripening avenue, Fair Haven. I'honn Red Bnnk i.rUl'i. V f t n n n s rlawn Mir m i n t J3»[>, MA~1IO<:ANY l b Century Pimrati I'hyfe CoECEGB STUDSNT, eiprmnctd in e a r i y J i .- ' , , e r 1 , . . f « . p ' » r r , l i » r ; s p p l , stake truck, 12S-inch w he d o m e . I h l n s i l f K.:.i<ri,::v i i K f . i l . T h e« m k ! u Llance like rrtiU C«mph#U a v o n u e , I ' o r t ,-:3(js. Cash buyer* for all tries of t r «1 h t M i n a , I milif d i » ' » > htyk (lining room set. Must be in tfnorl • r e - . ; o - . i . I ..• •,'-,. .ii'-'udir.:I U IlK ill,III, ilir'.ilili' uil-liniC uillllou,, earing for children, would like a po- Excellent conililion, 'i\ ,O0C mile•, renl ei'.iUf. Mnnm_njth. ^_ KM/ nvrnur K a s t K** putulHinn. No ouiect to price. Phone i M l p u r i - h i H unil r ; , ; i . iiimvin*.' I . I W I I V somr .ion for the iiimmtr. Writt, "College," S U M M E R "RENTALS—clients watinii. ll(JfS^~On?i'[tTet«l.v clfitiif'tl. Lar((B r o r tjriginnl rubber. Price 11,050. Cnn Unit lirmich «_!1 3 J'B'' Box fill, Red Bank. il r nrr I« t S'lxlufl, |fii)o. Other l o t s HIM HfJl'MK a. (irrenacre Agency, (ihone Atlantic I.),,,i ,' W i l ' l h i n i 11 I I m ' - i i n n n i , l l r n l t n r , .SECOND-HAND STROLLER. Phone Red WThDLE-ACJED WOMAN wishes pohe financed. McKim-Lnyton Chev< ;'i«-.-l. Prie. iMfiU, $4Uf) a n d | . i u u . Frank B. /tier h»»nf : i wn.cir RUIIIMIII. rili.l.r I-Niinil. Nirsery. H t h sition as baby litter, very capable. rolet Co., 29 Mechanic s t r r r t . Red IM^S. P h n n e Kr.\ Ilnnk « - 2 ' j £ . _ , I75*IDII. lii>v 11. N i EXL'BLL'KN'i'* Ul'I'DllTUNnV li uva.i". «•:.,' SB. 1'ir" > h. l' K e a m . OLli UUll.DINCS for wrecking, For c.s- Phone Red Bank «-a4»0-B.* k i i f t z i i b n . * Bank. Phone 6-313M nlilp f i . r t h r i . ' in- fmii- H i m f o . ' p » r - U ' N B k MOri'l* t w o adjoinlnit li i - . : fi. ! I I :.H i j I E l ) BANK or MTtawan, on peritiHTd wrecker. J . J . Bennett A WOM AS \V ANTS any's work. Pn"©n"e nliv lolK r.i eh ltfO-fnol (riitiU^f by 1 Til llilllL'ta pns.timi* in a M T l l l r futimizcuble iiicce, of ground; ncrtage p t t Red Uank 6-0748-W.* , • > . l.n: 4 U 1 G 0 , Sun Wricking Co. Phone Middletown 1 S:> fpil rli.Fp. T o w n - Mill of ft ion. Wfll-hiiill, l.t-BMiifullT « r r » i v . - i | M v i t h a n a ! i o l l l i l l y K.:ow!i i t i i n i i i i l i y , A p :,0_4tir,W. i n l ; tinder $12,000, No hrokt'is. O M A N IST position i WOMAN Etnd linnk. Cnll Ked Itnnk 6 - i l P L M f o r miles. In (food condition; fl.H.'K <•• lerorativei m n l ! fd'ir-rnnfii ti i r . K i i i o n tlli'anlit milr-t In i i i n l u h i i . ' ^ . I'M", w i ' l l r . -SKiT 01' r.oTTf) Comet Knils, malnsull and Kround floor, good references. Write Carlson, 81 Broad street, Eaton lown.*_ Wriie Janet B. Clneyi, 2J Apple-ton mil h a v r a i-[,l. If ; I I . | T 1 . I M I , w i l l hii.e. I'hnn* Frefllrciilflrf, w i t h r o l n r r r l t \* n t ; > l p l ' i i n l t r plj (Jlen IlMdc. N._jK jib. Phono Atlantic Hlnhlnnds 1- •Cook," Box e l l , Red Bnnk.' 37 i i C m G E ^ f l o i x r coisdltion. Call THHEE"""6"ll ;ivvn irinrnnHti ' . r u n i m n . ("all i n V . !rX)liR »crei of "v«u<l U'i.'i-M.* FAMILY LAUNfiRYToiie ivlrajhome. K i t r h r n enhinft 1 1 ' f " ; h u i l t - i n b a t h * p l e n l y r l n n f t n , M o n c ! m e t s i i i n k , l i ' i . ! on Hi N . J . S t J K r K f n : i ! i * y n i e i i t S e r v i c e , Rc-ri Rarik 6-4724 after 5:30.* ground, un Nutswamn road o r adjaTICANSPURTATIOS from Kryport or AIS S \ ! . K r Lu: " fi.Ul'.O, on Shirts, dresses nnd curtains n spc-l"a;i7 TWO-DOOR FonrVpilan,"rVii"son"- cent lo ration; alno good lorn t ion of l:,T llrna.l » t n , l. Iti-il Hank, F r i d a y . hili, s h o w e r , p l a s t i c tile wnlli n n d floor, vh-inity t(i StnndHrd Oil, Hnyway, or '!•* ny. W c r {.nr.-j Hrair-h, n » i t clnlty. Mrs. Welater, 74 IJndcn Place, lor j rie h e a l e r , electric »tovf: full r e l ble. Contact Paul Walsh, A3 Moin_. j nrca in Shrewtbury Township. Mny I I , I..,,. mL ni_IJ vicinity. HnucR arc S:30 n. m. to 5 p. rr.rT of H i i i ' v I ' U ^ . n Frtnkhn 0 r llc e t hoi WBtfr h " , » t n , Inriff h v h »lrv ' I'.i/k Rod Bank. PJi^jncjt^JISI^B, 1 _ ['_?i _ _"l ' Untik, Phone 6-H735. Wriif, "AcreBgf," B»x till, RMI UmiW. S L i ; — fin y i - i . i s in i i v r r . " I ' l l i e r i r n m l I nr 7 ft r l hik'lt: n u t o m n t i c oil l m r n « r . in. C.ill Kryport 7-4IM4-W between 6:30 A . f-»hr.t,tt. I'honn Vrt*> h»td i - i t n H Ciill_i:ril Iljink jj_-U_f"jj-fl ntttr n y, n i .crIUr. l . n m l r y n i l . . . u l t a r l m Id like to do housework WOM. "•.•iti^ClIEVltoCrTT^ sccTnn, ( 1 fill. I mini re K"HAV"E IIUTEKS" wnitlnr for all I rusts nf inai-lunrti tiarts.. manuj i . n i . mirl 6jJJ0jr^_jni* -— i i v r r h r m l i l n . I I . A i i r r f I n : > 1'IVK .\ritKS l N K W " |]UN("JALOW. \Un<\'y for i.ceuby the day. Annie Zeh, Wealthy aveTiiah, Everrtt, or cnll Red Hank «typca of homes, lots, and act'entc^. in ,ir,«- w i l l n i , rihort ili.Htjinrn fn>m V.n\ Kcij ' h o m e . I n i t n ^ ' l i n t . [ n > * e . * s i imill o r -'l lflii-1, piuii-y uuw, N e n r b i n , utop s t Camp* nue. East KeanbburK. tht [ted Bnnk ftrca, Uefore you sell, H a n k . Wi-ilf, jfiviiiK l u l l I ' n r t i r t l l a r s t n O337.R-2, _ TO liuV—DsTil Hrond'loom carpel, E x r r p l i i i n i i l l r ! m v . »PI, • M i . rh;ii'il. Will III'K JiitittiiM). P h o n e Ktnnaliurg 6- r . » x l 3 1 . l f T E H N hom«iitf. or as ehaul"runriiiiK ordrr. New contact Agency, Stntc Hinhwny " R . J . M . " Iliix 1 1 1 , Ki',1 I l n n k . l.'x^l. js'i-:iv, Uiupc. or light Kreen. fs-irrj I H . 2 : , n . C o m i . l r l . . f x r i . i t i s p avaii1'fion21.V l.nciifil in Biilfnril. fcur on any eltnte, in or near Bed FRANKLIN—Good 3^. l'hone Red Bank 6-0410. pa_Int^_ Phone Red Bank «-3tfi4.* H(ifiS'f!KliKl1hil'-~Miisl ),'f~ r x p r f i n i r e c l . Phono J_mg IJranrh «_?_!ljj _ • , m f i s l l y i i r w s r n l i l T n n i l Bnnk. Phone Red Bank fi-451 S. 'i. '/•. AURKS—ituui* rtcently n d e c o i USTINfiS WANTED—We have clients S l . , . p i n : S I J ' l p e r m o n t l i . Cnll R u i n y' f i LaSA*LL*1i:, R-tylinder, Inspection nl' Hank FKW 'lii-illJAU'r lis'cil milk cans. Cull KOUSft. Ifri* wn-rr hV»t", ale it. six roomi *ml bnth, RRIIHH. oi i i i r to purchase all types of MonlIUil ENEKAL HOUSEWORKER. ReferpasspJ. Call Red Bunk 6-04'il-W i\f- ntouth county property. For prompt acRul Bank e L 424«-M. VVn-'Jnn h;,n<|g. r»3»(innbli» hinttlci, oil lieat, new stuUc t s n k ; twol r n | s r c . . L _ Gticcn. Sleep in or out. Phone Red £_5_r ._^ _ tion, phone, visit, o r write John ' L. c t . R#d B u n k . ar ttni-fiKc; criit rnily loci ted, ftflO-fnol aOliTii Sli'iiKW.SIIIfUV nvrr nri il. liHrr CAII Itrd Hank|«'ron' i | «- 2 2-*•s.1t -r iIt. !li TONS' (JOOIl"Ilii'rsp h a y . W. H.Hank 6-0O41.* 1946 MBRCURY. tour-door neiinn, black. Mimi|[h AniMicy, Humson road. Phone ulili. lli-linHlfnl 7-roi>m l i o n , . , a n ot I'lilry-lrial linliicirc anil frontiiKO on paved strtct, '2,000 fert i)Kl>'OHh .Hmnll i->in !nw, four r o o m i __onlcs._ I'honc Rid Bank 6-0744, ;AtiABXS*~WOflANl with best of ref- Exeellpnt condition, I1.8S0. Cnll LonK Itumson 1-0 T1H.* m t i i ' h r n t ; fine l i v e r view. Owner [uiyroll, with kn.iwli'ilv;, of ^linrtlianil from m.iin hitihway, i>n« mil* to htnch, nnil hath, hut nirrn-, wst^r, (*••. IIAI1Y OAlllUACK. Must lie in good 1 crcncen. wishes evening work curing Cranrti li-jlOO-J.' Chicken houses, including two*ito»y hoiHAVE~YOU A" COTTA(rB for rent for lenviliK vii'lnity. A s k i n g 1 1 " . r . " . . Hwe,>.1 t y p i n g , , nrroiimliiiKa nnil cfinilitiun. l'hone Red Bnnk 6. or invalid or children. Coll Keansburg r940~STOT)EriAI{BR Corainnnihr. Will two lady tone fur i ? Would like op* piM-nialUMit po-ilUm. Aimwi v in o w n low ttle Ixilldinn 'lixlU U.,\, rnpnrilv I'l Itiinisi.n I . Mir.' 1S13-W. 110 0 cllirkdis; SOI) penrh trcrs, om< N K W A I T H A C T I S ' K I H I I U . M I . I I V , l . , , , : i t e . l ('on •• f sell chenp, CnllKMnsbnn.' B-ORIB-W. linti to Uviy wlio. R. O'Connor, 4HO l l w n t i i . K . full i l i t a i l s of i ' \ -•J, niro ntpphrrrii'S, l.-aere strswlttfrirs (lAHliENRR WOULD lilt* one or t St:ilTii iilrftt, Allenhunt. :, in-, . c,.ti!i.ii-iili:il. \Viiti-. "Socri-T . -r r f 5 i 7 T 0 O r r h a r i l I ' l a i - e . S.itl !<• S i l v e r , n « « r I'rK.. f l . r r . o . T . r m s . nd liud days a week, care of lawni, etc. Phone riBTrf J5rirrV?7T~ <eli,inl » i n l l m > ' I w.i l . n l m n n . . , n i l I i l . Ponr new tires, tronil comlition. 33 SMAI.I* HOTEL or momintc, All t n i y . " Hnx SI I. Id'il Hunk. f.-, i ' . . l.» s-»n h r WANTED TO RENT Ked Ba_nk_«_.S7S»-W.« gh. Good locution, It. O'Connor, b a t h , l a r s i . litinit r n u m w i l h flreiilaVe, Cht-ntniit street, Red flnnk. l'hone fi rt-or.^l-K oc A t l s n t i c COMUINATION ilcjuor and SKCONH CIK1K or y h , * t n i i l r r m n n . WIDOW WITH CHILD, school BKt; iU- 4SIS-M 4811 fjluffii Mreft, Allnihurat. grocery ttore, lHxTiij feel, with «'!• n i i r u > l e ! e m i n l e r n M r m u l l i l i M t V i t e n r n GARAr.K, NBAH Bronil street and »lre» position M hou»tk«;itv. IV MiiKt hi; ,li.|,in,lal)l(>, marrii-il m a n joining V-rnom house nnd double • » • w l t l i n h i i n t e i m sUp\ s i r k : a t t i n - h e i l an- NBAH ATI.AMTH: I I I ( ; l | [ . A N t l s r . V i i 7 . Pincknty ronil. l'hone Red Bnnk ». Uundry and plain tooklnir; sleep in, Red ni|n; lot 75x150. Prlr# |3fl,000. Apply n i t ; f u l l i-ellnr. n i l b u r n e r , l i n n i . r . with family yn-firnil. l'kaiaut nttnHr. [lv. rooms s n . I 4623-J. Bnnk preferred. Write, "W. W.," Box APTS. and ROOMS TO RENT 7fi l.iM^htnn nvetuit, Phone Ked lltnk n i j i i e d . I ' h i i u e Hi-d I l n n k r , . - U » 7 . li.illl. Fur quirk aalf. C o n n n n r , Smith, liV COUl'LE, small apartment for liKht SI I. Rod Bank,* wnrkinj: romlitioiis, ' I ' u l t l i ' s CilnPS iaB.'AOliK ""FARM. " Moili-niiinl" h.iu... B-U7S. LET US HELP you with your employ* n v i i ' i . , H-.I Ilnnk. I ' h o n . « hnuRcketpinK in vicinity <if Knt H U . I M . L a m ,• l l a r l . n r . I'lione II 1( ill TYPE WOMAN, with ii'liMii n a i l m i n l e r n l i n i l i l i n i r i . S . l i . n ' m . 11 ment problems. Roberts' Employment •j:tfii. town, Rrd Hank, Little Silver rl is posit ion, A'l cook, Hood honsi'- 58 HAPLE AVENUE. Furnished rooms. Aatncy, 17 Broad ilreet, Red Bank. (Mil Williumi, Mniindrl DNK AI'iriK • llmh ami ilrr, "soTSsTrtflf Malawali l-:n'.t!'. HOUSE—Seven roomi, n**lr r«.Shrewsbury, No cilildrHii or netl. Ona of Red Bank's molt convenient I'hon* 6-1805. woiker, wants position, Kcil Bank, Little township hull. Phono Red flunk 6.1!Hi7.M.* I .'1 ""I in llolmilr! 'on-nrliip. modeleil, imitation brick •tdinn. locations. Call Red B»nk «1€8I. M Silver, Fair Haven, Eatontown. ShrewsLADY—'1'nke ortlutft, full or jmrt lime, COWri.K Wiln i n i l n " riinkiiu.' ' a . n l IIIINflALOW—Jl.huii. !.. h ed l.y MJUDI.K A'lED couple wn'iit iipiirtmt y, {'<•< ur» frnn»n«.. P r i r . Hun Ha low, flv» rooms, all burnt*, hury, hnnv Ilrnnch, Bent of references. Dowstra. hodicry, HiiKcrlc, BOX, tics. No rnn- hiiiisi kiTP.t.K. Man, nai'il* a .,'.<! «• " l or small houso in Atlantic t{i|fhlan buyti'. llnriil'1 Willinms, nrvL t J3 SOUTH STKKET, comfortablf n^rr Availnhlo Mny 15. Write, "Hint. Tyre," m to mil lie wnttr htatcr, combirkssiiiK required. No Invest ment: Vcrr i a l farm w i n k . S t i a i l y cniptojinriit f o r \l- lilf;lll..\N|i.s l.rrs". ".Vv.n" monthly. MUM IK- elenn. Write "M. liax All, Red Bank,' I l i l ^ d i ! <owii.lii|i hnjl. lilt* rooms, Phon* Red Bank* fl-Hii iiinia'iit clientele. Rrnliilk Hoilery Milli, ,1'tlahlf i-«iiilli\ S u u , ' s a l a i y . icfisi-ni-v finj*i) in i l r s i r . i h i . location. tion storm int) icrien windoKi, In* A. C " . Hnx . i l l , Red Bunk.* iinint'r imnK Mrs. P. KUi«en. EAST KBAt :il Oiirtoii utieet, Newark. 1 PMirrii'lii't, W r i l r , "i:nu|ili.," l l n s silopp.Htf a n ' i s r } i n o ! s . N r w h o t ' utt.NISHKli apurtment for •ulated, tiled kltchtn »nd bath. ; 0-1 4SII..M. low. P h o n inn •yi'-m; ^J..KS; 1 7 , SO!.. ROOMS—By day or week. Mania Urovi MAN—Full or tiarl time, I'd-maireiTt .'ill. lint Hunk. IriK'iiess linly; nofivf>ni.nt to shoppinK Phora Long Branch l*fO(l>J, I1UMSOK SHOIIKS fthoirr " ' l.nililinK llyr;i>- Aj.-ii'-y. clientele, estntilifbed territory. No S | N T R I : K ~ M A N - F u r r « l n l r . " Tnki. i-iiro I'hnne Itumson l-ll.'i0.* [Ulian home cooking. Spaghetti aod 11 liter. Write "Business Lady," Box i t n nfffrpil « t ( ' 2 | I T f i nn' font Hralsilk Hosiery .IT'l'i.R SlI.VKli V i n , » t ' "feiTd.tills'l mli' chicken dinners our specialty. Bnthlna cnnvnsslns required. £> 11. Hed Bank.* »r HIHI u p w n r d . You rn!i lir rriLnin of s lTU5.SON~.KN acrnTwinr7nTalt lake, :jCall afti r 5 [i. ni., K.',t"iilown s'.r.^t. n . w s i x - r o o m i i o m r , WOMAN, single, reQuirei MAURICE SCHWARTZ. Chrysler, Ply- and fishing facilities In vicinity. Rooms MIMa, :U Clintun atreet. Newark. lissrmctit flt. Kiiinsun Uit.1-foot pnvfd frontagt; near oc«an dry littf lii.ilr')(.m»., l i U bath, 2K smalt unfurnished apartment; conmouth and Intcrnfttioni) truck sales w.ih hint, lurnithtd. 98 Canter aver.ue MALE—Agronomist, upholsterers, d»iry farmrrn, salesman, commiislun, KCII* MOTH KIt'S IIKLPER. H«?|iuh1f> wuinan. K:;rcllrnl neighborhood. Ideal imall en- I l l v . i f r n n i p r i « l l i . K r i . Willinm II. Mill. i r . T i n i f i i l l y . o n l ' l i i r t r . ! ; n i t a c h t d t r a venient to buses; permanent. Write and service bMdqutrttrl. Phont Red Atlantic Highlands Phon. 1-1687. t p t n m n n , BcHltfir. r l i n n r Knm«on 1tale < > r high ctmsn (Itvelajnuenl, Sacrl•'K.: flS.Dnn. Urine Aurncy. fhon. COMFORTABLE, well furnished room crul farm hands, mechmicnl drnftfimi-n, Bank (.0787. "Apnt-tmrnt," Bni fill. Red Rank.* fur |i<<riiiiiiif'tiL p o H i l i m i . T w o c l i i l d i - ^ n . .Irp, $7,000. Owntr, phont Itumion !• millmnn, wood; nrmlture winders, hiiml Kiimson l - l l . i o . . JlOUSB Oli APARTMENT—At leail USEIl (JARS bouicht. (Old and ex- ne.Nt to bath, for rent in KGntlcmnn MH4 and machine; Bursary and gicenhouse C a l l K i i i i i t f i n i l - U S f i . _ four rooms, unfurnished or partially ;ini.ir5i i.v fiii •-"KiviiuTrstiition for cbatiffed. Pontlac talsi and servlct in private home. 62 McLaren street wcrkim, (tnrdenmB, bnktra. bread; c.ili- YbUNC MAW frii- Hab«Vd»VHrry Vtorc. k'UUK-KOOM, year-'rounil houn. Afl _ inct milkers, teletype o|iunitari, vermin furnished. Refined nrlultH. no children, terms. G. M. A. C. .Rassss Brothers phone Rod Hank «i3"02^ _ srh<i(iU nml wmmutip.K. Six-room Slnte qnnlilici.ti'.ns. Writ*-, " V . M . , " hnirovementB, full cellar, hot airsitus wilh r r n t u r y ulrl slui<l<: t r r r s ; siEc year-round rentnl. Mu»t have by June J1 Mtchanla • t n t t / R l d Bank, Phone 'ffiB 'MARYLANn—rtooms, with plant? exterminator, ipott»rt, cl««nlng and dye* Hox f . l l . H.-rl Iliink. 1 on A Urite p l o t ; hitt w t t « r h e a t , heat. 112 Linden utrtct, Wat«r Witch nf [ilot» frnm m In fnur s r r n . I'rlrnil house 1. Cult Kut on town 3*0600, extenision of bot watec, Just a Few do o n from inif, bulldoicr operators, loco nin live MAM—1'nr 'iirnfttnlilr R»WIPIK)I b u s i n e s s . noction thrri.'-rar ifmaK*'. ilecorntinif. 0 frnm *.l,llll0. Wllllnm II. Ilintoliminn, of Hiifhlflnds. ImmrdUt* po§426, of wrlle, Hawthorne, 110 11th ave IKJIIOF. AND Plirmoulh pallsnltet cars. Broad street. SI Wallace atreet, phorr crane operators, iDsvchinlsti. martns; Thnnc M u s t he Hnti»l>L<l willi g o o d livinK l i t HC^ion. Trice $1,200. AI Krueifar, MnnnviiiK A«fnt, Ittimson l-oiioo. Itrok- Askinir t lU.ij'jii. Hyrrm Afttnry, nue, Uelm»r. Itumson J - l I.V).* 1-M. prinLtCH, me till polishers, bout builder*. s t i n t . Dodg* job-rattd trucki, 'authorised *•*• _B»nk fl-0881-M. W r i t e . Rfiwh-iKh'it. P«'|H. N J E , Purl Monmoulh Koad, East Ktansbura. KBiV ""ll'A^K—r"-i"nc"r"e7i(ien*ti"fti~ locatilfw. INULE KUOM—52 —52 Mec Mechanic street wuod-, machlna prMBtrs, and di» mak- l l t E - m i . n i t - s t . r , I1!..* SMALL 1UNKURlJiSHEI) hou.e urgently strvice, modern s«rvlcc •tatton.' Prank IMione Kcnnshnrn fi-0114. __ Attr.i<*tive ho int! of »?ven Ursia rooms era. Apply in person, H:80 a, m. to i (JOUPLK —Nil r h i l i l i - r . . ' ^ . u s l , i , n i | . ~ V x Call Red Bnnkk 8-362B-J, 8362BJ neon en in Red Ilnnk or nearby towns: Van Sjckle, I t ? Wtst Front Itrett. Red 1 '/•_•• a ere iiloti nmitl century -oM KIVBltKUUNT. Seven-room houn, at(frnir liprlroornn), larjtfi living r o o m with two ndults: yearly rentnl: excellent ref- Hank. West of Maple avenue.. . LARGE DOUBLE ROOM and ..... 1>. in. Mondny to Friday. New Jersey .>«rt in euro of i nn- h o r s e s on f a r m . p'mir tnchod «,irngt, modern kitehtn and cveiirrren »n«I dec id nuns trffs. llrriilarr, h o t wntrr neai : t w o - c i r g a erences. Phone Atlantic Highlands . 1- HOES YOUK CAR steer hard?. Do yout •infctst room. Kit chin privilege!. Gall State IJmpioymctit Service. 157 Jtroiut Yi'iir-'rouml ])OMitioii. F u r n i b h r d j i p i u t hntli, oil tired heat; prlvata dock, with now horn** n"w nenrine coin tile t inn. A itund buy at SI 1.000. ftyrn* 013(1. \\_ wheel! khlmmyT L«t us' correct the Red Bank 8 - n i 8 - H - l . Must provide •ttc»t, Rod tinnk. No f*e* charged. mi'iit. M u s t lie <iu.ililVd. H-f< n t i . u s r e riimrinn icratit; '^6-foot open tkiff po*< Triced from K ^ M t » JV-,IHM), Wil- raxf. L~I<tj . i b — 6 i ' L^ .::—^rrr—rrr-. Aittnpy. t'h'tn" Uurnnan 1-U30.* LOCAL VETEHAN wi.hes S or 4-roon trouble. Save your t i n s . - Li'.Ht Bear own transportation. Located nenr Red FKMALE—Stenographer!, Phnnt clerk typists, >iuir<>(i; Knoil s a l a r y . I'IKIIH' Kiiutntnwii or ..out; lot &f)x290; low taxea; IU.0DO. Wnm H . Hinlflmnnn, HritUnr. A r i , . \ N t i r ; mTim7\STTsTMon nn.uiiRi! apartment In Red Bank or vicinity nxlt snd frame straiihterilRf tqtllpment. R«nk. a-USlT, o r writ!!. J u t : F a r m , 1{. I'. D . bookkecpinic, machine opernlors, nmi Mnrln Cox Aifrney, Portaupeck, Phone Uiiinsnn I-Ofino. illu li'inxalow with live herlronm* reasonable. Write, "Local Veteran," Frank Van Syckle, 141 West Front LAHflE RUNN'Y furnished room. Privftte licensed benuticUnt. Apply In person, 1 K'.!*!1. Ki.ti»iit»w": Uranch fi».*0l. V f.n 1.11first street, Red Bank. West of Maple avenue. llnor, in i d i l i t i t m l o U r s c !!vbath, i*Ivnte entrnnce, on first floor. 8:30 a. m. to 4 p . m. Monday to Fri- MTTKl OK \V{)MAN "Steiidy Income »*vHnx ,111 Red Brink. r m i t n l n i n i r ilx r o o m s ;in*t linth. 1'ully Our own building. Ask for Jack Harder. Bui •tojis In front of house, |10 per day. New J petty State Employment itimilntpil. C o m p l t l f m n r l r r n k i t r h f n . oil irin m u m , 'Iminic ran in, moiN i n LTiittiiiK f'Ifi w e e k l y . Cull on c u s - PAUL It. STHYKEH, Realtor. Far mi 1945 INTERNATIONAL! tt-ton truck week. Call Red Hnnk I-CSU-M. Service, 157 Broad street, Ri'l Ilnnk. totni'rs for f a m u m Wntkinfi PntitucLs in HOUSE — Four bedrooms, near burnlnit hf*nt, Sir.e of plot lUUx'tMi, Con- kitrh'Mi, utortii fm:|>!;itr. tw.i e x t r ^ 1JL-J. and farm t i U t u . SUU Hightwo speed rear axle. 7(0.28 tint, high TWO FUHN1SHED bedrooms, with No fees churgij«l. vpnipnt t n tri\nft|><>rtnlim, niul HchMiln. KK.titB on srpoml tlonr, .ilt-nrn houl, 'ill IM Unnk, N o i n v o H i m i n t . ttiiMnrss schools and: bus line. Lease, r#rack body, Uk« newt only lMOO miles. kitchen privllt»cs, Inqaitc nftcr l'ritfd n t SH,r,0H. Will.uin M. Hltito[. way 34. Holmdel. Phon* Holmdct OR" F EM A LIP^fin^Kkcepp riT (Hl.tlilUht.l; inwiietli.'ih- «>jiriUn^H. Writf-, •ponsiblc. Write, "D. S.," Don 511, Walter Ackerion, Hailtt. Phone Key p. tn. 276 Mechanic street, Bed Bnr.K, M~ALS , Itf-nito*. 1'hon.. IMmiinii l-fi6nri J. R. W a t k i n a (.'ompany, l»"l-t. C, N e w . couples, domcitics, liv« In; laundry 9-0601. port 7-0nl).1-R. Bed Bank. T'AIlt if WKN^—Vrrj' aTt rnVtlVfi" c"n i •« Phone workers, blind utltch operators, scwinv Cud. KxiTlknt Ideation. U r K e llvlnic STTRACT1VELY furniBhtd rooms in »n machine operators, hand prensers, pay* (lTHirT)ir"V^)M~AN~for~HOUflt^o"Tiri on. UKAUTlFtJL thrce-badroum houst; _ . m o d i r n rtsiiirncp on Inrffp pint. K'trly inom w;ih fifoiilare, ilitiinn niont, nn-fiUSED CAR SELLERS. Will M r NEED A HOUSE in Ked Sank, with tw old house of quiet chnrtn; ideal for chintric technicians, pocket and ilecvc Inched vnrawcv hot wltar htit, oil occupniipy. Vrlcpil at *2),r.fJ't. W'ilor two diiya ii wi'i-k ol* [>:trt.time. 31 rrn kitchpn. powder room, two lur'i" or more bedrooms, Herman J. Wolf. buslneti womim or «cntlemen. Conven letters, fclllnft mnchlne operator, wait- Clay street, Fair Ha vert. h'.ikest c u h pr'.cej (or font us** Phone Ked flrcl, tiled bath, shower, powder room, linm H . Hintelmnnn, Rrnllor, Humsnn. linlriinmi, Ulr.| hath, fully inxulntfij. «il Pllnn. He.l Hunk 8-2:103. ers and wnitreBiea, couples for fnrm stove, Venetian blindi, beautifully Umiient to all tnttiRliortntion. Picnic l I'lions 1-OliOn. tiniik a-t<".i;. L «_ ear. Packard Sales * Servlee, lienl. Atkinx I N.7.-.D. Ityrr.e Aif-ncy. work. Apply in person 8:30 a. m. to WOMAN— I''or Red Bank 8-37H. MAN OVKR 40 years ol age, would lhoripu«h""t'If:inii,B, Cn'A Bcaj)i)d, nenr school tnrt buses. Phone J'rionw Hijm<iofi |._1 Hip.' Hardlns roadi a t Broad etreet. 4 p. m. Monday to Friday. Now JerKed Hunk g-aapg. like furnished room In nice prlvati four Attmctiv« houses nuiKiiik' in si£« FURNISHED ROOMS, single nnd dou sey State Employment Service, 157 _EaU)iilo\vri :t'03!i0. Phone Red Bank 1.0421. home of couple. Cnn give reference, l-'Olfft ClilJHOOMs, n«w houatf on first from five rooms "nil hath to si;VKn ro'nns ble; near Fort Monmouth and race Broad atreet, Red Bank. N o f«ei COU]*l<E^Av«iTnl)lD "iiniiif-'diiitely, (Jewish faith.I State price. Write, Owner wl.ihrs to scl! riverfront hom« flnor, recetitlon room, ltrf« living anil hnth. reaprclivrly nt l:,,7fl(l small apnrtini'iit in plciifl'mt hunio for "Private Home," B o l 611, Red Bank.' IF XOU wish to sell your automobile tTfcck; on bvia lin«. 219 B r f l h o r with lovrly view. Lnricc flv.-room K ^ _ _ _ _ _ ^ avenue. Lonit Brnnch. Phone a cmiple who air: thoniiijthly rcspoiisililc room, library, dining room. lirf« kltch• »9.80!>, fll.SOO, «nrt llr,.!r,ll. Willinm home in hen tit if nl condition. I<" replace, bring it to us. W* pay ealh for Mr* Branch G-<8iiH. HfPAN"T'S NlTk.SK, «xperlence(l. J l ^ iinrl \]hti chiUin u. l'vuU*r m i n i w i t h i n - cn, tiln buth and nutst bedroom. Sec- H. H l n t e l m s n n , Ftrnltor. Hum.on. I'honp tilotl hath, oil hrnt; attached jrarnce. vlceabla carat IO3i' to 1>42 modsls throufth September. Lovely iummer dependent jnli, whd would wnrk Kmiiruls ond floor, mnster bedroom (drtitlng BOOM for couple; central Ankini: FZl.OO'i. Ilyrne Agency. Thoni off mnster bedroom), two l«rsjc REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Mount-English Swlea Co., Bed Bank, location. 22 Chestnut street, Red home. Write, stilting qunliflctittoni. In* in spflru t : « , Womiiti t« iiu hmisr- room It 11 m n r> ti 1-1 tSjl. ^_ siTE-m , elude telephone number. H. S. Muschel, work, smutl ^^IMrvii'n laundry, pl«ln closets. Ahn two regular bedrooms tnd QUICK SALE—New 1947 hrdromatlc Bunk. Phone Red Bunk fl-2377.* tilo bnth. Full cellar, oil burner, I'hon• 235 feet on Hn«n» "VisIn fivntir. Hum- KI/lifSON—IVrffd condition throughR. F. l>, . , Box 187, Ktyport. Oldsmoblle 78, radio. iif-cor.dUlon[n2. cookinK. MudtHt salary iiivnlvrd. PerROOM, shnre kitchen, neai MAN/—Married ivefenred, to supply Ful* BAR AMI) RESTAURANT in hot.*., til Price !2,t50. Ked Hank ft-28ft2. ion. Mnny fine Rpcr-imni Ontiiry-ol'l out I Attractive seven-room hotnt ( 1 Driven only 111) miles minitnt htimc anil position, l'honc [I •quijiment; good location. Contact busei tnd train. Hot water, Call Mon Xean Keansburg 6.0860. HUMK—Seven roomi, nil improve me at*. shndu tr*»i, henutiful Inwns, and drive- bedroomst. dnairnble locution. Conr«n> ler Brush Products to regular cus- Ilank 6-12V1.* Manager, West End Ptftza, 12fl Brighton Phone MOBII day after 5 p. m, at 104 D rid Be ave< tomers wityt. Siile price f fi.flOO, Willinm II. icnt to school* and commuting. Lovely Plot 10 Ox H o ; t w o c n r s a r a g c ; two In Ktyport and vicinity, EstabAUTOMOBILES AND trucki l o a n e d , l i nvenue, Long Brunch. AND H O U S E W O K K — M n n or blocks from school and • t o r t i . Red Bank.* Aiklnir $13,800. Phone inmlsciipinK, f i r m r Very Hint*-1 m iinn, Realtor. Rumson, lished route. Profits average <6fi to *H OOOKINf"; months to pay. Seaeoast Finance woman, capuhlc, small family, K<HEl ROOM, renaon»ble. home OFFICE ROOM—Located at 8 Monmouth Company, A ifOo«l buy, Byrne Aeency. Phon* tcujotialile. I'hon* AtlanUc Highlands 1-0600. weekly, For Insneclion of rout*>, writn pcrm.mttit ill Broad street. Phone Ked liunit, nrfen.'iice. Plume Sunstreet. Phone Red Bank 6-0523, 01 Bank 8-1234 ,.ke. Cnll Red Bank ft-paag-R,* It ii m* on 1_-J IJ^,^ 1-0616-M. or call W. Flintier, 908 Atkins avenue, or ••Ii5m. BUY OF TUB WEF.Kt Atlantic ilay. Hell Hunk ti-lHJit>.* Inquire at Soviero'B Tailor Shop at I TWO ROOMS. KftThen rrivilp »i. B UlfMSON—Hu i It la •rtisPii ipeciflca* Nf.-ptufi«, SMALi; .SUMMEK bunicalowi; gai-aices; 103o I«ASALLE ambulance with equip* 4^ 1/l'l.llJJV. K l f C H B N WT)RK--VVf)rnitM t o <lu pre Monmouth street. Highland*, vntcrfrotit, lix rooms, tioni. Charming home with ituilin, ci.ltinn, and r o i d i t a n d i . Phone Key. ment. Exceptionally good condition EXpKlilp;NOEIl nli-sround nDrrntor for j i a r n t n r y work in rc»f nua-.'int. Ni •SUMMER KBNTALS. Exten»i*e listlnits, Prompt livinK mom, balcony, four bedroom*, tll« biitli, oil hvit, compute nnk action necessary. George N ROOM—For man or'coupie, JH a week. btnuty shm.. Phone Ked Hank 6- cook int; i» hakinir. S l m r l ilny w o r k port 7-tsiH'i. Monmouth Dcnch, Sen Bright, Humson, Vander May. c / o Little Falls Laundry, 10C Shrewsbury nvetuic, Red " ' " MMTtmtioii rirnm with hM..•.-• n b a r ; heav393S. llor-ri: gflrnsr. Rilllt . * 1139; fully IUli anrewiiniiry nveiuic, ueu OHIH, mul ROIKI wn_jt.'. I't>Birnn, i n tii;i llritiht, WliSj WNU—AitcK«ttv* 8*roam tiuccu river and ocean, Chnrlos E, Sweeney Little Falli, N. J, Phono Little Fall ily Inndsrai'H. Asklrc $20,000. Byrnt limisn, tile foof, thrre tile baths, ItinSUfiiG — Cook-hnusjiorkor; \Mhi~ a» m u s t live i\-r,\r uiuninh I«J triivcl, 1 DOUBLE ROOM—Use of kitchen. Adult p q n l p p d ; $10,000; 11,000 ennh. In>Agency, Monmoulh nvcauc, Phone Rum- 4-0788; after « a. m,, 4-0<95.M. Aiteticj . I'houp Hum Ron 1-1 1.1D. * some ilrlvlng. Call Wtd Ilank 6-00fifi Write, __^'K_;__WV' l*"x .",._], Rf'l Bunk.* nor el i, open porch, dry cellar with launonly. Gab, electric, hot water; ca son 1-1492, ti V M M BR~~1TE*N f AI«S'-^Wa itill h*v« • mclliitc oeriijjfiney. Dowtall Aarnry, HACK BODY TRUCK 1935 1 tb-lon; epaec Included. Shrewsbury bus at door. f o l l E A L tStktk ...le.lsdics. cl|.cr. CAFETERIA. womnn"7of"ciiftteria. in dry, lint water lit*t, oil; lot I2QX12&; HOADSTAND—On Route 34, at Colt1 Sfkction of fin* homes for iiimm^r I wo-car jciniKc. Itnrifnia a t $ZO.OO(J, AtlAntic HiRhUndi. P h o n t 1*0118. 1941 pick-up truck, iji-tori. Both in Unctii |.r»ferrcrt. but not essentlul, In Next to Certrudc Apr.rimcnts. Walking Keck. Ve.low Brook Farm. Cull good condition. • rntals. All pricei. Byrne Age tier. Call Eatontown " distance to stores, shopping district. 33< well i.stHbllshtd Arm. Write. "llnn\ £s> buttling pit vj lion. Hcrvi; iiiinlvvichcs, Marie Cox Agency, I'ortaupcck, I'houe Freehold 8-0271.-W*! evenings. liamljurtfci-H, frutiks, etc. fJood hours I'hmir llumion 1-11 r,0.• Lniik' Hr.-irich 6-1 6U2, 0430-R, iuhKBlfTw, six rooms, talc_Sftl«fcUdy," Box 511. Ret! Ran);. mid W.'IKON. J'osiliori in Hcn IliU'hl. a Broad atrcct.* GARAGE—f!» n month. FUtpattick, 2B bnth. nunoorch: lot lOuxl 1.1: n *=;«r m, IN CHOICE location. Phone Red RUMSON—Furiiiihed room* with Vitch WffM AN—For Kousework tor mwiT1936 CHEVROLET H i t o n panel, 1340, must live nenr en oil ft It ID tnivcl. Wril South ttreet, Red JHnnk. * tn tion, h«nch, schot'l, [,ijc.ilrd on ce- THE DENNIS K. BYRNE'Agincf 1» Hank fi-l!«B: _en_jirIvi 1 eRCS. Phone Rumaon 1-11,71 IIIKI, In Rumson. Call Rumson I. ^Cnfftrriii," flfix . r tll, Bed Hiink." Call JAsbiiry_Park 2-2M9.J. RtlMSON—Bu . furnished, BANK—Four-room gftrdttn apart- 0731. i n x i o j i 10 list j o u r h o u n for 17 ltDU n r yl Y TOWNSHII*. New five. ment roH)I, full ccllnr. l'hone Atlnnlic GENEKAir ilOUSEWOKKEIl. KtfVri-m-1 rooms and sleeping porch. Newly BU1CK, 1947 Koadmaater convertible Hlghliinda I-17fi7-M.« ment, furnished; summer rentnl only. ronm l>utiKnlow. LSvItm room with sul* or rent, CAII H*. I West Rlr«r HOUSEWotlHER,' Live in, three months old, fully t<_uipped. I rcipilrvi!. Children in h o u s e h o l d , iViifll decorated inside and out. Summer BCH1st to October 1st. State «i'-« fireplace, foyer hall, dining room, mod' A T T R M r r t V K VlnsTil'.*-. ; s ' o brtlriionia, references. Call Ramton l-M"ri.J. you are a buyer (or ft new car in th! June im: Tnnchiiii! nnfl runnvie. Knll limr-, r.all lit) nd. Hum son, or phon* Rumioa son only. Phone Rumson 1-0437 nfte kitchen and hath, two btd roams, rairentinii iiiom, fireplacr; nil h r . u : 'ypo, see this one* a care buy. Priced U of family »nfl P"t« \1 imy. Writ* BOV—IB or over, to work In Blore full Utd Uank <i-374!< (ill d n y TliMiMliiy, <>th- trn 1-I I SO.* expansion attic, hardwood floors me, flttncfir'l uurnk'c. Insiilnti'Mi. slimiiiiuni "CHrden," Box fill. Red Bnnk. Ktitsin'a Druic store, ^(.3 er_i|nys lwfipre_|fi j-r^ i i f t f f r , ^ 11OAKDWALK concession, season 1 . sell. Will finance. Call Long Branch OOUBLITFURKISIIED room. Ml con timt. (.tnirwuy, rockwool imulation, fine eelscreens, SHNII; II2.K0". ( j r o s l l n ^ i r A .Shrow.nbury Avenue, Red Bank. Apply SlECilAtflC'S" MKLI'KlC" Jliindy with tnr, oil-fired air conditioned hent; plenty, , Substantial green tiled roof building, 6-2468 or 6-082tjJ. llniail iiml M.rbaiii.: i t r c c t s , NfcXiP Ti KM r I. A K &~ BTiTut I f u 11 y I kluTventences, J r>H HurdinK •'oad, Re* it^_person. tools nnd willing tu Icurri ruofniK >t"i] of closets; two-car gar aye, with over* phiin. Roil linnk «-J IH'f." •with white columns; faces boardwalk 1037 CHRYSLER small Imperial aedar M:aLir<l KIOUHIU. Larico shit tic Vrtts. Bank. Phone B« t L B ?J l ' ( >-H(H. nice condition imldc and out; tadii ir<r*r)EICHB6Rs like you?~fhen you'7 hi<liiiK luihintsh. C u r ni;*:«ianry. We f'lr- henri iloors, Trlca lU.fiOO. Maria Cox on two sides. Suitable for penny nr hnrnc In Kiiir SuUtatitinl rtsidriire, 10 rjoiui, fiv« VfiMU'UdU'NU" nparlmcnt, ihtfe room be a sucreia at spare time acllt liK. iiiflh imi]h, c'j'i'P'ii'Jiil u n l Irairiiij;,', full AKoticy. Comnnchtt Drive, Portaupeck. ende, or other legitimate ikill name h«aUr, fog lights, new Urt». 11*3 oms, thrre bedr oms, lio'lrooms, [ht-r-. biiths, log fireplace, hot Have nnd bath, heat, hot wntcr and elee Chrysler small Imperial Air Flow sedai , «:r litnt. Tiln Jtocilinc Cunijinny, !>Phnne litinir Branch fi-mog. the wi.y to mske good money. Call our insuraiicp. Also excellent location for children' Troi'Tty h . n riabt of r « y l k I'lot. twi,.cir i r p . Asking 1 trie. Located in Keansburtc. Availabl 111,local mannKW for a fre« consultation W r s t HdKon P I H C P , Red H a n k . ride. For ronaideration, state propoaed very clean inside and out: radio an to I'm! Liikc, Convenient to stores And M'JO. G i £ heater. 1930 ford pick-up in vcr May 15, lr,S a month. Phone High £ He Her. tlronri n n rl sUiliun. On. mi!" lo bench. AskHbotH your ability to ,arn money. Write, "WAITRESS—Stcndy pinpToyme«t, good business, Due to location, unuauilly good 1 DRIVE THIIOUGH Oak Woodi. Mcchnnic condition, CUIM Service Static limn * 3-M3U-R or Atlantic Hifhlanrt [.hone Ked Ilnnk 6- iiiB $U.:i*ii). Itols'.on Waterbnry, Rtat"Avun," Bo« H I , Beii Bant. Kood references required. Writ* wages. Apjily Charles RealnurHnt. 1 1 Red Bank railroad station. Fhor Rumson, tf you »f« loo king lor 1-0681-M. E~7iS "Honrd«alk Concession," Box 511, Rei at tnr, 16 West Front street. Red B«nk, rontcrs hc1| Monntonth strpct. Jl'-'l Jl-i'l)l:* 6-331" WATER r K O N T h n m c . ilock. sun porch, rCRNlSHED~AFARTMl5NT. Four mile 6 - 3 3 1*7 . _ ^ a itnnll home. General Burden la Bank. Alteration work. Some e\pcrlenet "Miirkrt, ~Vlii West siN r o d n i . . fuit dir. oil h r n t ; uttarhf*! nut of Red Bnnk. Must hove cur. necessary. Call Bed Bank «-U923. Wnl. lJUTCflEh—DTctz'i 1037 FORK COUPE; hiater, batter liuildinic them. Turn louth on I-Viint street. Hod Uank. I' 6£STATE AREA on river; lovely «arag< Baragr. Low tnxes; I I l.n'J'i. l«-nshiri. MIHDMtTOWN --• "Ch1iirminj[~7b"itVK^ Four rooms, share lh« kitchen, Children tcr J. Cnok, IA7 Newman Springs roml, five months, old; clutch, motor recent apartment! fireplace, hot water heat, Her A Krllcr. llrnnil ami Mrrhanic Third stfeel, ftumton. Jlatitl-hi>vrn hfHtni in living room, flrfbrake lining installed re accepted. Call Red Bank 6-3977 aftc Red Bank. oil; nil utilities furnished, $125 month, ly overhauled, bra I'nif. ilihiiik' ronm mmlcl kitchen, t « o streets, phonf Itfcil Hnnl< fi-glpi'.' _ ccntly; tires fair. 1 p. m. ^ _ _ . fair Phone Rumson 1 HAN OR WOMAN—Steldy income, HV. lleferencos required' June 1 possession, bedrooms and liith, hot wattr h<?ai; oneLA KB "I'AitK— A l c i u d t r l i e ThilEE-ROOM furnished apartment erntrinir S4n weekly. Call nn ens-WOMAN—Past 2B, "with Kood style SlIAUUW Sweeney Ajtency, Mnnmoutn n venue, 0356. KarnRf; lovely seUitiit; flowering rtinms. Rrriilnc. -unk flours, nil hrnt, tion, »cru ulots; a modern ristrluted Kenst. Kxcellcni. opimrlunily, Kusi $90 monthly. Adults only. All utili tomers for famous Watklnn Pro.lucti in h 1337 DODKE MOTOR, 128. Call R; shrubs. Price H 2..VH). HnUton Wafer. lhonc R Rl N £ . H? 9_ 2_ _ tics included; three months' suarnntre. Red Hank, No investment. HuMnr!' ncs.s experience iiiinere.iHary. Wrili, A. residential dtveloument: F. H. A. tipbtiry, Kpnltnr, IB UVjt Kront ilrfct, Rrd AT''l2\NTIC~H"lTliHLANlJS—Kurniihed or __Bn_nk_ 6-1 as 9.11. Itrovcd; school adjoining, d o t e lo railHtlli-r, ' l l r o a i l " a m f Mrrha'nlc sti'rr!", Write. "T. B. F.," Box fill. Had Bnnk eslnbiishrd. Immediate carninss. Writr, Ilni-lh, I'. O. Ilex 4JS, Lfonnnlo. lliitik I'hoii.- n-'.l'-x'),* unfurnished, thrnp-rnnm or four-roor rond t t a t i o n ; lakt prlvllcKet. A few I n t rhiino Kril Hank S-il'i'i. 1041) PLYMOUTH 1895, 1H9 Oldsmo newly f urn lulled room J. K. Wntkins Comrany, Dcpt. C, New. aportment with bnlh; not scoiona! home, sites sUll attiUatile. Set jour realbile five-passenger opera coupe, $7oO iU!MSt>N "A11niVtivri"~fSo7.Tnized C o. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE double or twin heds, hot and con ark.* <iood i L-sidcnLlal suction. Immcdinte oc< 1931 Bulck A-l condition, ntii uuhols tor; a d o K. Altxandcr, on t h t p r c m l s t r limiM. S'.vru nmms, t h r " 1 bedroomi j four l.urRf^ Ii-.''iitr room, lirf pi «'• etipuncy. Allnirc & Son Aftencj, Inc tery anil tires. 1385; 1»3« OeSoto sc w'strr in rooms: on bust line, 10 minute SAt.KSI.AllY—hresi sho|.~eiijcriri.Je.l KED JJANK—Twu-faniily ifiinlj'.-iipciJ [i!ot; itunisi''. V»ry conven* h.itli, litd rooms, dttiix'> k i i d i r n . t j Ir .miur, fro-n train. 25,", Liberty street, LnnK I f I B;ink, h fi:M''i only, full time summer season. Ninr. dan tia:,, model A aedan 1140, 1'JB Brnnch. Phonf I^ong Brunch 8-BQIiO-R. :'ni frr co in m liter. Emrncdi.i to posse*Jl 7,a oulii.i and bnth tacli: convenient to SUNNYG'KEST, (J. I. hotn*s, Mairnnn* lavnLtiry, h m w:itrr hr;it: KHt'n« l»y lucntlon. Salary and commission, school, NBW COLONIAL house, nrnr Little Sil< Ford dump truck ISSO, 193S Dodge ton filRilfl-ROOM npnrtment, newly decor ••.oi,; jn.^'Hi. ItoUton Waterburj, IJrothcrs, Little Silver, I'hone Ked .'I'IO. Ml.'ttiun and shopping, tmnifdiate Cr.tnr.inuK £ fir II. r. lit'i.-i.l State iiunllficntions. Write. "Dresi ocuupiuity. vcr station, six rooms, tiled bath; at- and a half rack truck IS75. 1931 onellfiiltifr, 16 Writ I/rout street. Tlioa« »niik fi-JI^IT m Red Hank 6-078J1. I'ricc $11,.100. Wcnri 6McchHnic v.rccts. I'honr Knl H Shop," Box fill, Bed Bank.. nted, Irivitintr, nrivato entrance, fire Inched Kiirxfc. Available Jut,* Lit. Cfll ton Chevrolet, flat body, 1115, Horn K-d Hiink fi-.'I.'i'!«.•_ Ntmclh Agency, 4Droad street, phot; 2100. _ _ LAKtlK 'HUlLUlNli o7T~B'llfVw»y 3 5 . Mt 8 . linnet, Red Bnnk 6-0630-M nftei Unc Molor Sales, Highway »«, between place, rmnonnSle, For summer or lone WAITRESSES—At once. Apply Strsnil construction, Show room, one i p n r t m t n t . Site of l » n k »24 UOUll'LB HOUSK- I n ' K e i l Hank" (,'eii- SHHfiWlJjrUKY—I're-war er. 5S1 Pntteii avenue, Pleasure Bay Mny 13th.' Reitaurnnt, I I Broad street. Red Mnin street and Stona road, Tydol g> I*gvt!y modfrn home, four bedrooms, biiildiiiK U 3,000 ifiuare feet. Phone trally located. Hix lnrK(" rnotiM t-nch RED HANK— .Six-room h Long Branch. : Rank. atntion, Keansburg. t i d e : sdi'timle heaiittk' «ysti?ms; 31 '<,- two lil*> bHths, iMsit livine room, flreon Kast Ilcritcn 1'iacc; automatic hcut, Kcyport 7-0*H3. ____ fcungalow, four SUMMER RENTAL. Very attractive USED CARS—We" have them. I B T ARTISTIC SfUt)tO LARGE CONC(tBTt;""l.illdlrf. Full ccl- 7fill, (irosalngcr Si H e t l ' r . Mechanic tind placi, tile kitchen, powder room, auto* cjxL-cIlcnt condition. I'ric-c 511 ,.000. roomi, large living room, fireplace. THE STEINBACH Company. B e l l'nckard four-door ledan, ttiper mod four bedroom, two bath houn, Ur, Urn* pitc* of land. L.oe*t%ii on Broiid s t r e e t s . I*honc Hrii l\:tn\ B-'Jltjn, malic hent; attached jraniKC. Completely Wenrt-Ncmeth Accnt-y, 41! Brond street redeccrated. Asking $23,500. Roliton el, fully equipped, 1DIS Hudson busi- •Warden setting, qutet, convenient foi Bsnk, Is inHrestid In interview, I'lVrti Wfltorbiiry, Kenltor. 15 West Front excellent neJithborhood, convcn.ent Phone Itcd Hunk 6-2210.* .. Highway 32, in H s d e t . Phone Kcyport fflR,KOSg~>"CioE~r:ofr^oxi75. ness coupe; 1042 Packard Clipper four* summer or longer, reasonable. 681 Pat' . inff ,xpsrienc»d falhlon aaleswomen locution for t»rof«.sslonnl man. Grn*- sUrrt, Her! Bnnk. Plinr* fi-.Tr.nQ.* UIDDLKTU WN—HiKhwuy road .stand. 7-OI83_._ ^^__ door tcdnn, fully equipped, radio and ten avemif, PIcaiurr Bay, Long Brsnch to river, benches rnllrond station, .-itlHfr 4 Ifpllfr. Hmml mirl M.rlmnic nuihliiiK 16x24, !^'--runl f r o n t n ^ o FtJRKlSHer> ROOM' " R O O , ith connecting for full time or part time work. Aphealer, clcctromatlc clutch and over* All conveniences; double ffnrnge, ft 1 v'KiiFRl) N ' T - 1 if I i ^Tf.TTTcTt i T F ^ T t h tier lot 11 (tx90, Oil burner; cold ttor* trcrU._.'hi)ii»! R«l Rank »>•__!'^ Ilitduvny 3.*i. E<|iiil>PDr| fur Kfill. Pricbnth. 11S street (nt M ply Mt office on meEsnnlne, 121 drive; 1942 Quick super sedan, fully 118 Siirlnu ~ ' : nirunilHcnt vt"iv. Three bedrooms, Avnilnlilti Juno 18th to September S7,7,-,ii. Wcart-Nftnr.'tli Aftcncy, * - nx*t unit in cellar, K M l u t o m a t i c water l Ri i " ciiuipncil, radio nnd heater; 1138 Pack- LarenljRed Bank. Phone g-2877.* 1 Broad street, liitth with stall shower, pine panetlitis in hn.[pp, Tall Sunday ur nftcr 8 p . m., Bronil B t r t R t . J ' h n n c lied Ilank fi-2'2-1'). livin* r o u m , firephoc, thr'-e Ixdrooins, »Ttl limousine, like new, very low mile 7th, Call Red Bnnk S-O30S-M.* W~5fffff RUMSON—Six-room' tiuiisc with Imth. Atlantic MiKhlntids 1-O'J57-M, two I m t h s ; two-rnr iittfuh'd Knrmtv \ 11vin>r ru'im, dinitu* room, deltixp kitch" IIKC, scven-nassenKtr; 1987 Packard n 5 i S f f E n comhlnHtlon bed Ctinvcnicnt to town, Atitomntic hrnt. TWO W)T,S~ 1'lot r.U.tlO'J. ntar Kutxcrs Inrttc p l o t ; 12l,'i<)(l, Croaxin^'fr & Hcl- in, sunny breakfast room; n t u c h e d Karoom nnd kitchen. Private home. GARDENER—Murt~kWw'~rr7alidllnir~of tWO~4^ROOM~.rpartmiiiU. All improve six cylinder four-door aedalt, I39S si tractor nnd power mowir. Full ciiuip- Itnmodtntc (iccupanty. Early posies* cfillctfe, New Brunswick, SSCO c*ih, Icr, IVond nnd Mechanic i f r t c t s . I'hone rnirc; landscapir^: lock. is; 1036 Master Chevrolet, two*door sc- Couple preferred; reasonably priced. In l'ric« SI 0,/jOO. merits. Cnll Kcypnrt 7-1S77. si on. Exceptional bargain; $14, ,*0D. <liin, 9'2S0 us Is. All cars are guaranteed quire nt 6 White street or cnll Rc< ment. (>ood job, Kood pay. Write, git*. Wtiirt-Nemeth Agency, i'i Drond street. nr $ 15" down, balance 125 a month. Reil Hnnk 6-3100. Insr particulars and references, "£. E.," SUMMBU RENTALS—We still have a to puss motor vehicle inspection. Kept Bank 6-31B7-R, hetwepn 1 nnd < p, Rulslon Watcrbury, Renltcr. IB Wfit Phone MOi-(Jjy». 1'honp HPII Hunk 6-2210,* mTJKWAYI) RTVfc-J 5T Tc"» uu>«nt. AT|" only. Klce, tunny Box n i l . Reil Bnnk. Krnrit strict, R*MI Hank. Phone 6-3500.* few' listings of desirable [iroticrtfc huh,on. T. C. Otto, Inc., Harding rood TiUn HANK — l.nrKu nTiTn-riioin house. RICli "ifAtfk—UOilOO T o t . on "Be'Sen" joining inrKt; town. K-.Ml>li..h<-d husiPrivate entrnncr, Furnished foi MAN—To work oii eatntt. near Red for summer rental. They are locutO' near Urond street. Phone Red Bank 6Comfortable 7Perfect for rooming JIOIIHC or Invest street, oxtcndinK tn Shrewsbury river. ni'SK, c'nrii[i|in ly r'tniMicd. living qmirt* fiARliY T'OSSESSiON. hoiMakecpinK 63 Morford Place, nca in the -Sen Rrlirht, Rums on and Locus Q.I2S. Bnnk. Cut lawns, ruku roatla. Write, ment. rnum hiiiist.1 hi Kiiimun. Tlyee bedI'ricc |l*t,8[)b. Wenrt-Ncmrth Imiuirv, M. Witrd, 521 Halney street, c r j ; $IH.(IOH, i n c l u d e prfijicrty iim! hun* Molly Pitcher Hotel, and Eisners, Cnl nren. Call Lnwley Afrency, State High "G. P.." Hox fill', lied Rsnk, Axency, -12 I d i'h 1 Kmnklyti, New Ynrk. Phone Olenmori' Inohi. R a y H. StillniM. t A^u<*'x. riiunH, but h, hirffc nt lie, oil burner, ail* 1033 DODGE liuslnesa coupe, 1»U Rod Bank 6-H7*. - J. w«_y .Ti. Itnl Hank 6-0410. STORE CI.KRK ami Bunk B-224Q. J!.02fi2, ___ .'112 (Ira tut s t r c d , KuKmtnwu. I'Koiie tunintic K;ti hot wtitcr ht;it(?r; full cet« I'nrd, 1941 StuJtbakir. Heit offer. A FINK APARfflETTr to ahsrc, with EXfERlBNCEl) WA'LKER & TINUALL offt-r a irnod «e Phone lur: tO.SnO. Hols ton Water bury, Realish^c or\ nitka, Write, "Dry Cliiancr," f'AtlC jfAVKM—New time level hum-', UKlTlfiHTKLfl. tountry sfUIni: for your 3-0D07. Atlantic Hlllhlandi 1-II24D ilurprivate bath, for (inn or two adult lection of summer rentals. Countr. inir day, night Atlantic Hlirhlnnds 1 R(j\ ,111, RLI[ Unnk, or phone Red Uank six rooms nnil bath; Dint TOxJ'J'); ntA K H O R V I'AHK A H t i A — A t t r a c t i v e icC tor, 1G Wi'»t Front street, Red Bnnk. new rnlllnv Unil, view, trees, at g-A Linden i>l»er, Rod Hank. mid seashore, 10 East Front atrcct f)-'C'J.J after hU tnehed gnraac. 1'rke JlVJ'Jf). IIIuok; i'k mlies to lied Ilank. £<• ll^fi'rl?_^?*-wf_r.n 5 I1Q!J__T_I1' •"« tlnjf, ituilio COILHKI', J i v i n tr room, LAR(iK BBU-SITTINC room; n\ff H»tl Hank. l'hnnn_6-277fi.« SI LV Ell—Moil rrii ColonliT, WOitKING^MOTft'KR would like rcition- Ncmcth Aifcnty, ) - Broad jitrctt. I'hort cclipiit community. LsrKe t'lotn, three (lineup, kitchen, two hi'drnorn.i, bnth, oil 1JTTLE dotiblv room, on Brond • street. Cnl Urn rid new, six SPHCIOUS roomi, fire* *JfiW KIX-KOOM house, idenl location, 1041 CHEVROLET, coach, eacellcnt conto four acres, iteaionahlc. For t s r - h e a l ; c o r n e r l o t : nii-My plntitrd, ihrubn, slblo wornnn in LonK Hmnch to enre ditlon: low milmae. Cnll Long Rt>d Dnnk 6-17. til !______«___«_> __ _ nil imnrovcmefita, oil burner, ItcMnhle Binnch for child two years ot nice. For par* rvernrcpriJ, outi'ido fireplace; Sl't.S'.'O, jiliicr, copper i>liimbin_r. tile hath, «ir 6-4587-J. EI> ROOM—One block from tluulam, call Kttontown 3-10fiO, extenL'liACfi—HwmV, t:omi.tcT couplu, $12.1 IK'P motUU. Write, "SixAUVI.MJ TIMKI—We hive Ilattd mrtny Comptcttly furni^ht ii with in.'i pic furri- con ili tin n In if, oil hrnt; ntt.ifhed Rurafl*. STUDEUAKER, 12501 good buy. Com town, Hrenkfnst IT desired. I'hon sion 1430, between X n, m, nnrl 4:30 ilecttratrd, new ticiiiititf system, Room House." Box fill, Red Bank.1 vrry flnr homes In Red Bsnk nnd turr. Ray Stillnuui k Associntr*. I'hunv Near school nml bin. ImmrdiRte po<* nnd sec, 101 Enst River road, [turn Red Bnnk 6.340Q.H.r ht'stiiut: Jl.'i.lini). Roistnn Watprbury. P. m., at- Atlnntiu llighlnnth 1 - n 'J S 7 -1! burner, six rooms, nioilcrn Ixttli, Johns- vicinity. SUMMER R K N T S X S ^ W C have im ex L(t us know your need*. I Kut'iiituwn .1 - fr f ij 7. 1 on. Rfiiltni*, IB \l't*t Front street. Red Mmivillc imtutotinn; Sll,,VJd. (leurttf: S urn sure we chii satisfy th*m. ._ A PA _ _. Two lurid nfler 6 p. m. celient L'liolce of homes for rent, cith Kiln A It HA— »" iicrrn, I H \\\ 1011 PACKARD coupe. Phone Mlildlc room*, newly ilectirntctt, prlvnlc bnth, MAN—For Itnwlclsh builncsi,* Scll~to Schnncl; V\K«my, s l.imlrn I'lnLu. I'liono Wiltshin' Aiitnt-y. 7 7 Hrond street. MllilUiKTOWN" er for the racing season ur the etitir uniilc nnd IH-BCII nrtrhiinl. hulntite til" OHIO. tilf tnodrrn Improvements, hent nnd ho Mtinnur, I-< i --. t submitted on rettuefit, I.U'J" f»miUcs, WfiiD loilay. R n w l»h«»n<; JleiMtiink J-'l \t\, MENcarHiverT(iur IIISJIC ; fiumhuiMi-, uiilnl liviiik' 'niunttrs, SHKfjWSllUR^'^Twn acres. White Co". water. In Port Monmtiutti, Ten minute NASH 11137 rUUn.DOOIt scOnn, lie William H. Hlntulnmnii, Realtor. Dion I n ni nl, thi-i'c bedrooms, bnth, Inrife liMllh's, Uciit, NJK. l^K-SA, ChpRlrr, J.:vii-K n i o m , f*irt|i!ncL-. lutlf-tllc k i t c h - SPHlSlJ IS "MBRK" YOU cnn uwn «. tilril k i t e h t n , hiilh, ntcntn h e a l ; m i t from Rrd Dank. Busintss couple prc battery nml brakes. Phone Re IUt[iiiu'c, dining room, fit/ ' li.ith, fciur iicdnicims, nilt'itniitic thrcf' level harnc, aimclotii rooms, KHB hulldintTK iiirltidi' poultry houses, 1 ,HU'I living iiinnt, fnrred, write "H.," Ilos ROOFINU AND SIUIN{i mochankfl, h eii,a t .tiic Immtnliiitc red, Fcir F appointment, ttpp ' SUMMBtt U E N T A C , Exceptional value Bank «-38'2a.M.* ( $12,.'i<>(J. IICHI, liiundry, full buscment, mid stile, catmclty, 1 Hr«f tiHrn ; ^iiniiiL-; ifoud lo- klu'hrti, [lowilrr room, ntitornntii? hent i M l , HriJ BHiik. two-car (titrate; fruit f e e ^ nnd trnrdeni: t a t ion, 10 minutes t o s l m i o n ; <LH,0D0. In clKht-rnom house in Hocluded loca- HUDSON, 19<6TCommodt)re Six snoi inaiilntcd ; lul 70xl!00, A home you will Gey rue S Schiuick Atrcncy, ^ I.Imleti Must bo GXDDricnccit, Opportunity for . furniih . Uolittoa Water bury, Realtor, Hitchw«y i 16,SHfl. club coupe; excellent condition; low TKREE-ROOM thui on wnter, ottered nt ISSO from June lit pro ml to o i n . * 13,200. Down Rny Stillmnn & A i s o c l n t c t , l";iy7* ntciirly work. Modern equipment. Apiily, P l n t T , _ l t r i | U k I | REE furniihed hild 10 L i h apartment, No 16 West Front street, Ftfd IUnk. Phone Phnnr 3-0007. J a t to October U t , Also other attrnc- miloimc, fully equipped; radio, heater, [lttyniL-iit, Kila Wiltshire Agency, 4.N, E«tontnwn, d children. 10 Leigh ton nvenue,1 Red Oliati Company, Inc., 810 First avenue, fir' limit or, T7 Rrond street, l'hone Ked Ittvo summer rentals, - Sffe u* before IO- air cushions, spot light. Must ace toBnnk. A l u l l dlniiiB room, kitphun, threw lioilrno Grill lifter 6 p, _ '' Icctinr. Liuvley Apency, Hljrtiwny Uf,, npproelntc, ll,7»a. Act nulefcly for till VERY MOB ROOM, on him line, Phon llli*—Kor""llKht hoiintwcirk, mornlnKi Moilfrn bun^alnw, living ruott), IIreImthi KnniKQ, wiirm a i r h r l i t : $HI,0Ofi. Ilank 0-3161. _ Will nnnncp. Cnll Lnm IhiMliinil I..0IIH. . hnrunln. Mo n fl uy t h run KII FrI it n y. Ow n ea nl,in', i l l i i . t n . t w n lii'ilri.iinii. l . i i l . Red Unnk n-3,im-J, (JnirHf ^ . rfrlinnrk Aitr-ncy, t l.imlcn FOIt ~ r K » F K S S I o S X i / M A K """ComMji. r t l n c « . tUn Sl!MM~KI( KtSNTAL. Henutlful Hurmon flrnneh H-24(i!l or B-HJ2-J. ctilnihU1, t\% rPHldunco not neiir IMI SINOliB ItOOM—All Fniiiruvemunts f-.r h'imt> un.l I n n i n g , loctitMl In Ufd Vllfhtii. nil h i n t : «•..*..«., w u n l w-W\\IMnrt-. Kc<l llnnlc. IM-ore B-<»rMi7.• ; > ; iittiiched gft* liciim-, spacIniiH grounds, threo bed* 19:17 IXIHN SEDArJ in goad condition. lu'i'f.vihlt' ( u r cotmntitiim Hf. Cult K. W, Colimjui, HumRon l Kitchen privileges nnd. itotnc Inuntlry KITSTSON-^lit.MifriiiliiF (li-uii.'KU Vi'ii("bun Hunk's llniKt i^ i!"i)tiiil Muctitiii, Shuwn liurhun.1, iiiv., m l hv.ti. Cimvi nieiit locntion t iwinnv, Kereencd |iorchi»s. Occuimncy 1.108 Cnll Strnrtz Furnltue, R HalNhldck from1 bun ivnd stnrt'fl, ]ft Occuitiincy iimnedinlf. ll.'i.TMi It..) KtiUni.... t. As ;»!.'< ronrrif, h o t w.itcr hcni, oil, l\vn mod hy ii|ipoiiitni'-iit. Junn IS tii Srptumljcr 15 nr October 1st. Bnnk 0-321II. J.'C'HKI. KI'INIOH \V:.trM'bur), R e a l t o r , Oillcsitifj nv^nin . Fnlr Hnvrn, Phoro Kll.i VVilUhiri Atu-'ii'y, lUnltur, 77 llnni.i K o l u n t n w n 3.IIIIII7. _ on. li.Uh1;. Asking 5 I T.Uftn, Inspfctifi. Aakfnvc lit,300. Allalra Auency. Phone It) 1'n'iit h t r t r t , K t d Hunk, P h o n o ! • _ _ S A L ^ S U 111KK'- Ki» r T r ^ ^ T V i n i T l nV i-^ hivlipil, rO sUt'Elt ™n»ertlhl. black, Red Bflnk J-4fi«ri-W,» _ J CIIUIUR K. Swi!<Mif.v Anbury slfnt. Chun.. Hrd Hiink__fi*2lflt. OCKAN l i R O V K - N e i i r ' iirinin. C M I V . I I - ,i:,(n».' _ _ i I'iiono UIHUMMI I ami )U'ct'HMor|{-«, (lami inlary, I'rr- MoniiiouUi avfimr, tun top, red upholstery, red wheels, B E D R O O M "AND KEPARATK kftolmn Iitit luciillon, well cotistrti?t«il, III' 3>Jlt"VK'K "MAN""t7Biis7ereiir'ai*l!iriK THJ S U'M Jf E T ~ s i f f i S 0 8 . HiKhlnttds. Foui low pressure white sidewalk Just detiuitnble for young buBlntna couple n innnetit poHltion, mivnncement,' Jncoy's Ullt!. hent, livu-vunm bliTiaitlnw. tint water auto* room lioinc,, 1 >..j| b n t h s ,, *ti>um i n t ,n iol ;l ; M0UTiiA"(."E MO'SKVavHlliibi* for i i w i-otiuiH nnd huth, furnished, Mny 1Mb livered llviilln, hMlter, Milnige only 242, Lleuteimnl and wifp, Nn children. |K> Wumnn'n Simp, 28 Bronil itreet, Keit KUMSON— T"h rru'urri'iT.'Vjil »~t r a run; t< t ma tie h'-nt. tlrepl'tce; mi Inn IIJIP, Cnn nr t'xi.^iiiK liulliiinas nnd homeii 4 .noo, IncludcH Vcnvtinn hllmh, Uay Ilank, •n Sept cm lie p lfitli, $i'li>0. Cull firean* llest offer over 13,100. K, Sinloy, llox ill Wi'Ht atreet, Ufd Bunk,* rcionitt, thteo NITMIOI U bnlliM, hot wnh: hi: ftnanctfl tin <': !. loiui with llttlf fiAN—UnrkT fit) ytiHrs or njct, co II. Sttllmiin & Aasocintci, l'hone Knton. or .")•;!- either iimortlteil or straight nii>rtKiitfc«. Itohton Wnterhiiry, Upnttor, ULT* AKi'nr^ AUnntU; H,tfhlnmln 1*160(1 502, Polnl Plensnnt,' LAHGK lUTO^IS with prlvntL |ior<i>rn hciit, n i l ; line cotnlltion. Could noi r " Kiln Wiltshire Aucticy, Kraitm'. town a.0(l»7. Iirlcnt to take care of two IIOTI It, W o t rVont street, Red Unnk. Phons SIX~I("0"C7M[ liUfTiiT^LOW "unit bit til. Sen- 1IHII LIISALL'K CI.UII eotllU'. (looil, one with iirlviito hfitn, cnnkliu; fiR-il pvoduci! hniHQ Uu\ny (ur Mii.'HH), Avui! 77 lirnml street. 1'hor.o lleil Hnnk fi- lTt5"C7SnTElj—MS litres, i l x In'wiiuiilinTtr iipmito KI'JIHN mnwtrn nnd motor in i! ii I rent Jit no tn Lit bar day, Ar> iliNin, itipcndlible enn, Four new tlri.p Itlon, t-vii'ythliiK furnUhr-il, Lovely thrru hicliM and K^turiil Kindcn work, Watcv nlilo SrJ.ODO. hispt't'tini) invited, iawtc •11 6 I. __^ mtmlow, brmtti) bnhmr-r tillnlik; 1'nconnnndiitlnns for two fiirtiillcs, rnillii unil heater finrl (ioft'ORters, MotD room (ui'nUUctl mnu-tmoiU, prlvnt |Minri(.' Itiiininn I I IIU %\\\ n wniiit, tniffthrr with rent fret' t i n V.Miiry .livUitAHfTK LOT, ;>u\l.>U. hulf-ltloek luniit typo humr. i-Itflit rnnnu, hntli, u'oiidiiiiil p l u m four milfH fnim tircun. In perfect coiiilltliill, 3S,(l00 nrUlilll hath, Yearly tit- Hcusniiiil .Tiitnl! tmn cottriifc, BUpplitU with bnth, running N B W f l A N .STltKKT. Itivfi- PI«XH.""""Ut fnim hiu nml convrnlctit tn itucts, SIPHDI heitt, coul: three Inritfl brims; RMI Ettat* for S»le ( Mint linfe ca i-. Cnll fia ton town 3 . rollemicl (1.12S. Phono Kcantburg t heaeh, Adulu, rhont Atlantic High- wttM-, «HK nml filrctrlclty, Writs, "X. .'Oxlijo, Ml impniv-caif ntn, I", K.chiirrh iu«l -••IwM.i, Will i.f>|| icnionnble, 125,000. Any 5tlllmnn ft Alioclatei. U l l - J after 4 p. m.« Uull-J lictwtcu » lo a p. m. linda i-OOflO. Y, Z V Box 111, Red Bank. Oonttntiti on Nut Koptonnk, 21S South street. EntonLown.* Thunt Ked Uank l*tD9o*W** Phona Extontown 3-0007. SAILBOAT— If. fti-t lonjr, Perfect condition, $1 ir(,. r h u n c Atlantic High* :tnd» l - l ? 6 - ' . - J . . $•»,'.••". W . i r h » i . . i ^ . n ' r 1 o n i n j f a e h HELP WANTED AUTOMOBILES liriKfil, r i K i m . tnrf<\ n ! t h u It i r l i c i . t it r h c « ' ' i n t . . r u n ' :h. \ r , . i < : - BASK REGISTER, MAY 13, Pace Sixteen REAL ESTATE FOR SALE RL\L ESTATE FOR SALE co-op*rAt!v« apurtment. STOKE BUILDING " I l k • p i r l n u n t TOUR.HOOM 12,600. Monthly m»intern net ffiS. nbovt, in (junint villHge npar R*d Jsnk. ldcnl for antiques or tcnroom. Call Red Bank €-«ifl2«W. ,n 111! main I M I I , Ntcdi irdoccn Mine: LITTLE SILVER—"lU-ttory buiiBBlow7". BcautifviSJy situated, 100x200, near J« aOO Roislpn WntrrlniiT. Rrfihor, 16 Living room, fireiiUcc, w i l t From s'.rtc;. Red l)ar,k. Thonc 6- i-chool, bufici. two bedrooms, bath, forced hot »;r oil s:,n»,» LiTTOf SILVER—Small hunnRlow, ti- burner; attached Bflrace: $13.SOU. A!r'.udfd in fir ::ni. rour rooms nml U ire A B e n r y . ^ ' h n n r RcfJUanV fi-345'i. ba;h; Bnr«Sf. l'lm SdslTSi low ; a « i . RIIM^ON—New "loration. Kivins room, I d f . l for toiiivt: t:.r.lHi. Biiitlnn V utrr. dining room, kitchen, two bed room*, bu-v Itrai'.o:-. 16 W o ; Iror.t street, hnth. expansion nttic with dormfiB, t>\\ Rd"jlkJM5J<i"i' burner; nttached gurnet: lot -sli* Km, llfcP BANK — Near l i v e , Sunstanlinl AikiitK ?U.r>0(». Allaire Agenrv. I'honc horn* Drclrnoms mid bath. 3(1. J (not livxR room. uilh open nrciilsec. It K1» JIANK—Rivpr property/" Id nil 1»ilinir.f room, k.irhtti. lavatory: rivrr ration. I^niKC iivinj; iyom nnd fin vijihts: i.<invrii'nnl tn town: $12.9(1(1. pi JUT, two l u n norrhrf. dininu rnnm, Ro'ftcn Waterbury. ltrnhor. IS Wrs: listhrti mid l«vAtoty, amnll room for a n on d m Aoni', three bedruumB nnd lVonl 111"!. Brrl_Blllik._Phnnf_l!;3.Vii.." ilh on if rond. HoftthmiRp. l'rirj HTTSrErUlTCt TO OilllElt. Soe us f,.r !:.,«*Oi'. Allaire A Son Agency, inc. {'.inner ,i(lr.:s. llnl«!on UV.r: b.iry. utti,. Hrcl_n^ink:_«;»4ft». Hrr.llor. 16 Wifl Front I'.rrct, Ktii Hl'tk. rjir'i:P__0-"*'|1|^f Balo^, living room with fireplace, picl A V r " r s ~ f A K > r r a r r of your in«i irt re window, two large bedrooms, «>! Brnb'rm; f'T y»n. * ' slutinliio in ,rner; K?rngf; outild* fircpUcf. Asktil Viniii of :r.«ui»r.rf. Rnl.mii « » > r k" f 13,000, Immedinle occupancy, Al>ury. RfBi-.oi. 16 We*: Front stlcet, ;rr Agrnry. I*hone__R£d Bunk t-3 l.'i". Jipil Bnr.k. l'hr.r.p_li-Si.J"i.* _ _ LITTLE Sn.VEIt—Old ho'lso in :lovrly 1 IVh-ROOM HUNCAI»W. Hot wntrr htnt, oi!; two-cur s » r n g i : thr«t loU. nc'cliliorlipod. A fiiclt'iiiE n*;iii> irtly Iflndtruped. E»cfllcnl condition, oat «•::: mr.1,.- •: lo^Iy. Srvcn frA room* I ' f h . l.ircf p:rp«]*y. Asl ois 'ossession 6" dayx. in Shrewttbury: l|(1 m 1J.600. R, V. R, H. Stout. ' 7 Bro»d S3 MM'. If >['i «•••»"' '•' t* '~y" " « ••••nti lhi« :• .'• Sihwr.ii7-M»rk!:n, S i_lrect_. Phone Rfd Bnnk fi-2141.« White Mrrr:. R.-i Hi<rA. J>m._'_ J-^KM; ItEU BANK—Four-bedroom home, good LVER—Nr^rn Cnlnr.ial bun. nt ighboihood, hot Ttnttr heal, ft i f ;,-, , f l o m , nr.i! I ' ^ h ; Kftl-BKP: tace. Price 111,100. Wenrt-lNVmMh laiVplci:.'Y.M-:: '«w '• iR»»m for two sency, H Broad m e t I. Phone Rt<I : rooms npf:r. r«.» If ?nu «:r » veteran Hank f-'J24Q. — you "- "I ' ; • ' IllMtl - H'lnni-f 2.1 B. R, NICOSIA AGENCY—Lota, V*A Hnvtn, reddentlal, all improvfmrntf, years. l'i.-c .:.!"• $1^""°- SrhwnrUNackiin. ' ] ^ h . t f street, Rfd Bunk. ft'ill icll HL R hargain. 41 Kasi front el, R«d Bank. Phnn> *»iiiiaf^.* BEn'B\NK-- Hr-r ;s juf. our," of many" B: It. NICOSIA A"GBNCY—Hufntoii Stria;! ^•.rinur,: house. Has two 4hamf, len roomi, three bat hi, lava(nnmt a-(i :»o .'-;ooni npitrtmcnlt, Srp- oiy, thrct flre placet, Isrgf hrnlrd ICI>* . . , . , j . - i ; ^ fi.r tach: Rood lorntion. u s e with nix-room apart men!. Appro* • . i r P - rnm* Prim JlS.Rftn. Term* matrly iw» acre*, benvjt if ulty l;widSrhws-*'--M: k'"i.. s While aticet, Rod sriijud, ideally Incatrtl. AskiiiK I.V'MiOd, Iln'r.k. "l'h«-» B-SI21. . _ ._.... 41 Kait From si reel, Jtcd Dank. J'hnne Kl'MSOS —Krr.'-wcd two-story, Urge six rooms and br.'.h; jiarnKf. Nice buy II. H. NICOSIA AGENCV—Bunealow, •n tpdr.y> 1 markM. Owner nerupird. Fpir Haven, iix room*, hot air heat; T' cf J'.'.S'"' . 'J'nVe I look, you'll like tHi. ^t East Front street, Red Hank. : - Srh« .-m-Marklir,, S White street, h n n r fi a| _ 3ifjj^LV_r ' ."j-! —Hivcrfront looms, i - c l bath; attached itaragt. home, six-room housr, newly decorI.Iuit onr left nl this priie). '-i-acrc ..lit. Immrdint* occupancy. Hot water of Innd, many other features. Br«t hjy coal, huiiicboBt InHudcd. N«H> Bome rein the county fur JIO.OO'J. Veteran pairs: IP,BOO. 41 Kail Front ilrcet, r.crds 51 .f|fl1-'—balancr <>. I. mortcngr. Htd Bank. I'honi! fl-1 m . ^ _ , Hank* ' n i o n r B-3121. _ __' >'KW OH RBXKWEI) housrs in this scciion. frnm !7,M'(i to Sl-ViOO. Most1 romplete listing po's'.uir. Tell m yti'ii lequirimer.ts and we will ihow you the homes. We ilon't handle rMnte«. •lest «ooil »olid hoiisitiK for Kootl hol'nl clt ;inortgckte Umiblc*. We 1nki» fare nf ihnt. Com* in nn.viimr. Siliwtn-t*-Mark ] n. S White rtiTci, \U «1 Hank. J'hone O\V—Pour rooms HIIH bath; Karasr: hot water hfat, oil lniriier, Immrdiatf Dcupnncy; |S,S&0. Mario Co\ Ai^nry, ComnnrhV Mrivr, }'nruupcck. Thont Lonit Branch tOCBANPORT—Several flltrncliva tfy«r front pronertit* from > 14,^00 160,OOP. Pre MB rip Cox Atrenry, ConiAnch* Uiivr, PcrtaupfcV. Thone Itong Brantli t-160:• iTTw HOUSE—1 n Old Farm Village, Rumion. Six roomi, bath, rtowde: room: nne-cur gnraj;e. Will b* com -pitted June 1, Finance* nrrunc*d. \V. I'. Scott, ownrr and builder, "4 Moniiioulh street. Kcd B s n ^ LAW LEY AGENCV hns listed for Bale mnny desiriiblr properties in Middif town township, Red Bank, RLimson and wther j«ari» of Monmnuth rounty. They ran«e from modest bungnlow* to the more pretcntioui homci. Sfe u i before makinir * iclertion. Luwlry Agrncy, S I M * HietnvAy 35, Thone I'.cd Bnnk «f 11 f. ^^__^_______ fOLMDEHilltop 3' i - i c r i f t lute-room-be th bungalow, ttcnm neat; two-car gnragf: 16x40 chicken* housi, peach and «ppl# tre*i, ulrawbfrriei. raBpbercici; 112,900. John L Minugh Acfncy, Rumion loitd. Phone Tlumson l-f>716.» UN'CROFT—PcliRhtful nix-room bunitnlow, tilfd bath, fireplace, hot water oil hf>Kt, screened porch, expuniion a lie, ehickrnhouse; two-cnr garngp: thr> • cr#K. Prir* F20.000. John I.. Minugh Agency. Phnn* Rumson 1-OTlfi.* SBVESStTAl'TRACTlVE ImlldinTHter R«d Bank, Alston Court, with rlvci riehtl. plot !)0.\l.'iS, f-4.OOCi; Rumion »iu1 t t aren, rlcarnl nnrl rolling plot of I -.. « c r « , fS.OOt; Rumson road n\. . area, on* of Rumson'i be ft building I'lnti In fineit r*tftbliahed neiRhl>orhood, hilltop plot of approximately 8 K tand• craptd and planted acreB. 120.000 :Rumlon estate area, part wooilcd and part cleared, fivt acre!>, $S,O00. John 1. Minuph Agency. Rumsor road. Phone Rumion 1-0T1 6.* QUAINT VILLAGE farmhouse." Sev. ;OOITIF, bath, modern kitchen, h water oil1 heat, fanrn, ehicVienhousp. fruit irfei: 3 -- acre;; 116,000. John I* Minugh Agency, It urns on road. Ph Rumton I T I * NAVBSINK—Kurniihed neven roorni, 1 lj j bMhs, icrepned porch, h o t water heat, itorm tnsh. 1«*o-cpr unrase landscaped half-ncre plot, Pricp $14, 000. John L. Minuith Agency, Kamaon rnad. Phono Rumson 1-flTU.* LITTLE SILVER—Near school, nttractivt sevrn rooms, bath, knotty pin* modern kitchen, tire place, automatic heat: «srnKc; excellent neighborhood. Askinc Jl 8,000. John h. Minugh Agency, Rumson road. Thorn Rumson 1071 6 ^ Match the Bride's Radiance With "rwii-fiimsly humr Memben Are 1941 St. Jamet Alumnae * Honey Bee Flowers Russell T. IIEII HANK Hodgkiss in r \Upper Itood Sf. Tel. REd Bank 6 4020 iViti't " i". K. Bni-dni. SiirfwMtuiv. Innii' I!rd !<:>i^ 'Mnr.l. -i- (,. II. ,vin». H"! «-l fi.'13-J.* KATONJd WS l:v« -riMtni mn.l.rn bun. ihnpp':r« r't'iM'r'.' Modrrn kitchen, tilo mill; lurk'" 1'!"!. with twr-c»r detachrd fiirnK*1. J'rompt oc:cui>itnry. I'ricr $10,•,(>(>. «'. F. Hiirdcn, Shrewsbury. I'honr ftnl ]).in« fi-IBii), or <;. H. Ncvius Red BATONTOWN - Six-room bungalow, «;th lanff pl«H nnd rxtrllcnt soil for r a n k n . Triccr brdrnoms; ROOII location. •ic# I? 21!'!.' (.', I1, Rordrn, Shrewsbury. Ph<»i.e Ktd n;mk R-1661, or G. H. iili. Hffl _Hnttk «-1 63^-1." L'OI.T'S NBCK--SparioiiB Colonial honicfpn\ nf .*nlid construction, lliph t\r..nii. In riff Irrr«; 17 arrcs, mnstly rle.:tttl f"r cultivation. Four !nrse brdrnom!>, I wo tilril liath«: two Be iv ants^ and bath, mnrratinn room in JH semen t. Kxcelltnt hrntiiiR iiystrm, til; iwo-car RiirnKe and summer cotngc Ideal estate al tSfi.OOfl. C. F. Itordfr., Shrewsbury. Phone l\r<\ Hank fi-lBGl. or G. JI. Nevius, Ked Bnnk C- m MONMOUTH COUNTY i d E. R. S N Y D E R JT'I'LK HUiVKlt. Sycamore n venue. Property rcinvtnirnt fur va mm liter. Substnntinl htunr. with four bedroom*. Plot (DxlfiO, rontainiiid bnin, convcrtrrl nto threr-rnr KiunKe. (iood gnrdrn uen. Triced nt * 111,7 3 0, tn allow fi neccsinrr rede coratifin nnd improvfner.l. I*. F. Burden, Shreu.iliiity. I'honn Red Bnnk fi-ltifil. or (!. 11. Nevius, l t d ^-^,1 vr_.t.._ ?_ L • * . . . . . . '" M A R I N E • A V I A T I O N • LIFE • B O N D S l i c . n i . d New York and New Jertay Broken 135 FIRST AVE , ATLANTIC PHONE AT I HIGHLANDS, N J -0900 WK HAVEN'T Till! KKY TO TIIK C U T BUT WE DO IIAVK THIO KF.VS TO THE ltl''TTICIt HOMES Real Estate and Insurance-G. I. Leans RED BANK'S ONLY 77 BKOAII STREET WOMAN REALTOR It El) BANK, N. i . Tclcphona Red Bank t-2161 The Driveway Covering Of Distinction BLUESTONE B. A. Shoemaker & Sons LITTLE SILVER, N. J. TELEPHONE RED BANK 6-223 8-J Most Complete Selection of Formal Wear For Rent in the Shore Area Tuxedos - Dress Suits 8ummer Formats, Cutaways and Accessories Complete Uiinjtc of Sizes For Men and Jio.vs. Cliousi' From Muru Tlian SOU Suits. Expert Fitting Guaranteed SEGALLS 4 NORTH BROADWAY LONG BRANCH Open Until 9 P. M. Daily L. B. 8-3125 The Almedith club, an organic* tlon made up of young women who were graduated from Red Bank Catholic high school in 1M1, held their first social event, Monday, a. card party, at the Red'Bank Woraar.'a club. Mr a. Salvator* E. Fttrl'io, president, w u chairman, Othen assisting were Mra. John J. Pcttlt, lecretary-treaaurer, and Mrs. Lester E Shlbla and M n . R u i sell C. Stroupe, who were In charge of tickets. AI»o Mra. Eleanor Tomaino, Mliaei Mary O'Shea, Vir ginia Macho, Elliabcth Hughei, Grace Brado, Ann Nolan, Rita Gildiero, Mr:. Edward McKenna and Mrs. John Joyce. Attending were Mra. Peggy Mul vihill, Mrs. Edna Howland, Mri. Donald Hubbard, Mra. Ada Fowler, Mrs. John Hogan, Mra, Edward Healy. Mra. Harry Copperthwtlte, Mrs. E. J. Fitter, Mra. P. J. Crimmins. Mrs. F. P. Dickman, Mra. Michael Bergin, Mn, Theodore MOM, Mrs. Joseph P. Hlntelmann, Mrs, Fred Crlne, Mra. Thomas Hackett, Mra. Marie Weber, Mrs. George Harm, Mra. Harry J. Quinn, Mra. Mary Fix, Mrs. Janet Bloom, Mrs. Ralph Kllzen, Mra. Catherine McCarthy, Mrs. Charles Douglas, Mrs. Joseph Bray, Mrs. John J, Holian, Mrs. Ralph Iannarone, Mrs, Peter Marascio, Mrs. Frank Innacclli, Mrs; Ralph Ribuateili, Mra. Elizabeth King, Mrs. Marion Sutlon, Mrs. CS«orge Gardarelll. Mrs. Harry Hoffman, Mrs, Howard Havens, Mrs. B. C. Mazza, Mrs, Rose Tomaino, Mra. Arthur E. Slattery, d. Harry Smock, Mrs. Reginald VanBrunt, Mrs, Osborn Harrison! Mid, Mary Carton, Mrs, Anna Bering, Mrs. Anita Hughec, Mrs, Richard R. Thompson, Mra. Tony Cooper. Misses Dclim Prate, Janet Smith, Janet Bloom, Ruth Kilien, Jean Coolie, Dorothy K;mey, Marcella Dobbs, Claire Johnson, Ann Crelin, Dorh Shlbla, Mildred Price, Marie Costigan, Vera Heckt, Mary Heckt, Lucille P. McGough, Hilda Kahn, Ann Shlloma, Ann Nolan, Jeanne Solcmon, Jean Sweeney, Betty Hughes, Dorothy Fesler, Adele Mljure and Lilian A. Briggs. perfection—born ef choice Imported Skint the frosty, full nip . . . the firm, fine texture readily identify this trmint if mi Itaihin. <ht btitmtiti ii typical ef T a y l o r . . . a bold, generous use of Creamy Buck, Nomination* Of Presidents Dltcutsed Mrs. J. Albert VanBcholk, who attended the Republican national convention when Wendell Wllkle was nominated for prMldent, gave a report of that convention and tb« manner tn which A praaldtntlal candidate ia nominated at k netting of the 1-54 Womtira Republican club of Mlddletown townihlp Monday night at the horn* of H n , Qcorge M. Bodman on Naveilnk road, Mlddletown townahtp. Other points of prealdantial candidate nominations were explatnel by Mrs. Thomas H. Morford and Mra. Frank F. Curtis. Attending were Mr. and Mra. Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. VanScholk, Mr. and Mra. Morford, Mr. and Mn, Worth B. Cunningham, Mr. and Mrs, Henry C. Mecklem, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Tindall, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Smith, Mr. and Mn. X. S. Smith. Mrs. Walter White, Mra. C. A. Mitchell, Mn. John T. Law ley, Sr., Mrs. George Palmer, Mra. James H. Taylor, Mra. Mae E. Vogel, Mn. R. N. Crawford, H n . J. C. Htndrickaon, Mrs. WylieO.Pate, Mra. John T. Lawley, Jr., Mm. R. H. Cavanagh, H n . Victor E. Groasinger, Mra. W.' Gilbert Manaon, Mrs. M. W. Ritschy, Mra. Margaret Ryder and Mra. C. F. Grosslnger. soft, deep-yielding Red Rubber Sole. Here is the leather-velvet softness of real foot-luxury , . . cool, comfortable, easy to clean. COLLIER'S'[SQUIRE-HOLIDAY JIM MARASCIO Sole Agent for Taylor-Made Shoei 4 W. Front, foot Broad St. Red Bank THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL OFFER FOR $ .00 Complete Prict Soldier Jailed For Drunken Driving Cpl. Lewis Daugherty of Fort Monmouth waa given a 30-day sentence in the county jail Sunday by John V. Crowell, Red Bank recorder, on a charge of drunken driving. He was pronounced under the iniluincc of liquor by Dr. Philip Coata. According tot police, Daugherty wae identified as the man who atole a roofing truck owned by William Schuckei' of Branch avenue, little Silver, Saturday night. Schucke told police the truck was atolen from a lot in Globe court. He aaid he was returning to hU home in a car driven by Charles Chlnnock of Fair Haven to get copies of car numbers to aid police, when he saw his truck, driven by a soldier, along Front street. He alighted from the car and held the soldier until police arrived. A charge of car theft wan not pressed. NEW F1TKIN WING. WE REPAIR Mr ted: April 1.', 104S. ELSTON F. COMHS, Knliritor <>r Cnrnpininnnt, 1W Bnuul Sirr ct, ltcd Hnnk, New Jersey, Rfrfl Hank, N. A. CASUALTY SURVEYS and APPRAISALS NOTICE. TO RUSSELI, H. DEFFENDORF AND LUCILLE E. DEFFENDORF, hit wife Hy virtue of nn older of the Cour of Chancery Df New Jersey, mnUe on the. day of thi' date hereof, In a cnuse wherein lied Bnnk SnvlnES iintl Lonr Association, a body corporate of th< State of New Jersey, ia complainant ami RiiBselt H. Deffenilorf nnd nthrr! ar« defpiidnnts, yen nre required to nppeai* and answer the Bill of said comlilninRnt, on or before the lfith day ol June, next, or thn snid Hill will be taker as eonfesurd ncainst you. The sntil Rill is filed to foreclose r I'trlnin indenture of mortirnffc cov»r. lug llic premises tnrntiuiicil in the Hil of Complnint, sittiatr on thn east stile of BritlRc nvcnlie, in the llorouith oi Red Bank, Comity of Monnioutli nm State or New Jersey, mndc by Russet H, Dcffcndorf and Lucille K, DetTendon to Red Hunk S n v i n n ivml Loan Association, tinted September 25th, 194ft and recorded In ihe Monmouth County CleiVi Office hi Book J362 of Moilnanes for suid County, on luiKfH 4 &c, mid you, It us.sill 11, Dt'flL'ndorf, it miuto defend lint because you nre one the mort«nRors who rxecutcil the inortKflKe to Red Bnnk Snvlnns and Lo;in Astoclalion, nnd you. Lui<UI« E, |)cffendorf, pro mndc defendnnL becnusc you »r« niia of the mortBni;r>rs whr cxeclitfd the mortBiiKfi tn Red Bnnk Snvines and I/onn Assoclntion. Netict of Settlement of Account. Estate uf lionriio lvins Wurilell, ileccatcd. >i,tiCR is hereby given thnt ihc njcoimu of tlir iiibscrlbcn, r.\ccim,,s, of tnr ewnte of neiil ileconsed, will be nudltpil nnd H a n d by Ihc SurroBntt (,r tho Lounly nf Moninnulb nml reported for settlement to the Urnhnus' Court uf jnlil County, nn Thursiln>\ the Twrnty. fourth ilny nt June, A, IJ,, 1 | u s ;,i II/IUO n'clook ,,. ,„., Rl.ttrn l" n yli»i!l *"[»">» 'I'lmr, ul willed time miplicntlnn will be mmlB for tho ollownncc of commisfilmis nml cnuriEc! frtj, JJnteil: Mny f.tli, A. 1)., 1048. riiKi'i luw tnxtx. Immediate pouuRBlon. t.UCY KWZAIIKTII WAItDELL AikinK lia.'JOO, ]|t En i t Front « t r « t , 15 neiL'B olw»r, bfilriricc timber Inn. Bed llnnk, Phono 6*3776.* HI Avniim of 'I'wn lllvi'ij, witli n bnujliful denr brmil;, Ini-Re froni* itlJlnAnn, Nnw J c i x v . J>K* tm zoa\ r»n<l. Only J3,R0(i, K. C. H. AI.I.A1IIK COIt.VWKI L I'oliil, a wattr front home nf eijfht Jlrw. A a n u y . Pliorif l(«d Hnnk «l*0| 2 !•• l.ltllt Silver, N. J. loams, tivu Arfplnrm. renter hull, Imili; ojip-cnr x a m g r ; tool lioinc; InitiU Mr»»n, Annli iiiitr, Kns'l',',' "|'li ; i;tlll. f'J.••.(Hi; nml t w n ntw wlrtns «nd nlumhintt. nuic< :ili(l l.ninwiM, <r plots, iitnily fliilr Pint 73x15ft. Aiklnjr III,,' ( t n l "' ','""." »,' '•««. "" & CO. INSURANCE FIRE SHREWSBURY — Idtnl lot-ntioii nil shaded Sycnmorf iivcnue, Lncge plot with excel If nt winlcn nre:i, shade tiers residciii-r. IMPROVED HirTCbiNl; loti. City wnter, nnd (ihrnlibrry. Ku list nnt in! setter connection, curbing. Price loUH brick fmtiidation, slatr runt, [nur lirdiomj, laiRr I'losrts; exrcllcnl hut \\n\ tul ii]) I'fr Int. Frank B. I.nire». IS ewnuu Springa road, Phoie Red Bnnk hcatinir fysti-m. oil hiirntr dnm*>«;tic h Newnuu wntcr, Jtnsinrs! chuti^o romncls i):iick 7»» Nfiw"BUNGAijOW. Two bedroom!, tilt Rule. PritT «ii npplirntidii. <". 1'. liorhath, kitchen, utove, refrigerator, (UP* den. ShrcwfilMiry. Phone Ke.l Hunk fiItlncr, nil lifat, full crllar, fully hcret-ned; 1fifi1. or « . If. Ncviun, Krd Hank fi Htlnclietl icntuKC l'ricf Ill.TiOO, Finnk 1 «»<*.-_:' _ „ U. Lnu.f. I' Ketl Hank «-'JS7:..* WKST ItKIl HANK .Siibstaiitin! hoiis.. Thii-i liot]7uuit.i. oil heiit.'liiiLh, in Ktind l.iviiiK rimm. din: kitchen, elfi-tric ritnitf, porcli, dfn; rnmn, kitrlien. Iniinilry, Ilini- bt-ilniut . tiichnl garauc; lot 6O.\4uO. !*• it e JS, Imll), hnt wntir h m t ; full «ir.u c l l n r nnd .*iOli, Flunk II. Ln «(•!>, 1.' Nrwma n1 lie trampi! with 'A '--rofim npnrtm Surintri-rnnd. Phone Red Bunk fi-js7.i.» «bcivf. Lot 40x107. flood invrsimrnt VJOniOKR""AOBNUY—Outer hall; Co". nt JlO,,'inii, ('. V, Mordrn. Slirewsiniry. -,nf. Ileil Hnnk n-1fiC1. or C It. loniil; 14x2S living room, four bed NcviiiJ>. Red Hank 6 -1fi:t .1 - J. • rooms, tile hath, lavatory* den, sa heat; - V » c r t ; double garflg*; |2O,0U0 Hay Van Horn Agerry, Fair Hnvcn. Monmoulh County Surrofate'a OfTict. Phnn» HfH Hank f-41fO.* In the matter nf the e&tale nf Lillic VAN HohNXGENC'Y—Fair Hnvfn, Ex rclltnt nre-war ColonUl; 21 -font B. White, deceased, Notice to creditors living room, fireplace, dining room, to present claims acalnst enlatc. Pursuant to the order of Dorman Mrkitchen, lavatory, tiled bath, Iniuiilion. oil bur DM-; f i r a c e ; 114,750. Ray Va.i Fa dd In, Surrognte of the County nf liorn Agsncy. f a i r Haven, Phone Bed Mnnmntitli, mnde on tlic third dny of Mny, 1046, on the Application of Ur-urRp Hnnk 6-4100.* VAK HOUTJ AGENCY—Expnniion *tc- E. Whit?, mle. rxecutor, nf the eeLnta nf Llllin II. White, d e c r e e d , notice i« ond floor. LargR living room, twe hereby Bivrn to the iTcilitorn of snid bedrooms, tiled bath, hot wnter heat, dectnsed to exhibit, tn the subscriber, oil burner, dry basement; gnrBge; $11, sole rxeeulor, n» nforcsnid, their debts 100, Ha/ V«n Horn Agency, Fair ltn< nnd demands ntininst the snltl estntr, Phone Red Bnnk 6-4100." under onth, vilhln nix monthi from tho \TAN MOHH AtiBNCY-BMUtlfiillr dec- dnl« of the atorrantd order, or they ^ill omted eight •room home; inrge plot; be forever barred of their actions there tilrd buth, tiled kitchen, oil furnace, for nKninnt the snid subscriber. lireplnce. game room; doublt ifnragt. Dated; Freehold. N. J., Mny ad. 1 ft4fc Asking I'il.UtJO. Rny Y i n Horn Agency, CEORGE K. WHITE. 1'nir Haven. Phnn* Reil Rank B-4100-* 70 Wfillnco Strrct. STAR HORN AtiENC?—Fair Haven. Red Rank, N. J , Near river, ichool and »tor#i. Com- Mfiim, Wli» A Wise, pnet (lTi-room bungilow; pipelesn fur- Red Bnnk, N. J, nace, porch; garage. Asking IB,BOO Proctori. Rny Van Horn Agency, Fair Haven Phnr^ Rtd Bunk «-4100.* Monmouth County Surrogate'a Office. VAN HORN AGRNCY—Calonial tennce In the mfitter nf the estate of KdModern five-room bungalow, Cnpe Cod design. Tiled bath; Ktairi to attic, dry wnril Charles Fiedler, deceased. Notice linsemtnt, mitomntic heat; gnruRt; I I - , lo creditors to present clnimi nfrninst 700. K».T Van Horn Agency. Fair Ha- estatr. J'uriuant to the order of Dormnn McV*II. P h o y Rid Bank 6.4100.' Surrovnte of th# County of VAN HOliN AGENCY—N«ar river. Sub"- Fjiddin. Monmouth, mndc on the Sixteenth dny fcttintial hom#. icvcn roomi, porches, of April. 194S, on the application of J. fi rep] nre, two bnths, electric range, oil Wriuht nnd Kenneth Ilonrclniaii, heat; three-car it a rag* ; 113,750. liny executorj,Brown of the estnte nf Edwnrd Vnri Horn Agency- Fair Haven. Phone Charles Fifdler. deceased, notice h hereRed Wank «-4100.» by civ«n to the creditors of unid dcVAN HORN~AGBNCY—Grnng* Squire, ccated to exhibit to the subscribers, Fair Haven. One milt tn Red Bank pxecutori, ns aforcsnid, their <lebts and chopping center. Hilf-Acr« plola. Hemb demands ngainst the enid estnte, under ling rtiitom-hntlt homti. (i-K kitchens; onth, within nix months from the date S\h,-tc>Q, m.WO, Ri»y Van Horn of the aforesaid order, or thry will be Api«nry. Fair Haven. Phoii* Red Bnnk forever barred of their net in us ihi 6-4100.* for against tli« said sub»crilicrF. AGENCY—Ul» Hated: freehold, N. J., April H plot 100x140; Colonial dcaign; tix 1948. rooms, lnvatorr, tiled buth, flreplacr J. WRIGHT BROWN. mitomatie heat, insulation; garaf» P, 0 . Box 271, Krd Hnnk, N. J . 117,500, Rny Van Horn Agency, Fail KENNETH BOARDMAN, Hiv.n, rhon» Red Bunk f-4100.* 3fl East 79lh Street, New York. N. Y. VAN HORIS AOBNCr—RiverfTom: Snniy beach, bulkhead, mngnificcni ApplcKate, Knstcr, Bcussill* t Cornwall, view, nin* roomi, '2\b bnthi. flreplnce, Red Bank, N. .T. new oil furnace; garage; 12'2,000, Va Proctori. cant. Rny Van Horn Agency, Fnir Ha vent. Phone Kt«l Punk fi-4lO0.* Notlct ef Stttltmcnt ef Account. VAN HORN AGENCY—Rambling de Ksinte •ign and painted barn red. Benutl Estate of Eliai Elini DiMnr DiMnrcHiitonio, de> fully landscaped half-acre. Five room* ceased. Notice is hereby KIVCI thnt fireplace, ntw oil burner: garage; 112, Recounts of the subscriber, Admiuis trator of the estnte of said deceased trator, GOO, Rey Van Horn Agency, Fair Ha will ba audited and statci! by the Surro Phone Red Bank ••4100.* sate of the County nf Monmouth nni house with balh, large pantry, cellnr, reported for seLtltmrnt to the Orphans hot air furnace; two-cnr garnite; attir, Court of s;iid County, on Thuradny, the »un i>M-ch, Well built. Property 81x100, third dsy of Juno, A. U,, 10 is. nt 10:ut E'ceptionslly good buy for 17,(100. o'clock n. m., nt which time npplicntinr Henry Sehwciicr, Realtor, 14(1 Mnin will be made fo»- thp allownnce of corn' mi KS I nn <t nnl counsel fees. *trfctj Kewnsburg. I'hon** fl-f> 1 2!i, Dntnl: April 16th, A. 11.. 101S &A311 KBASSBURfi—Four*room houic, MATI'HEW BONGUItK. toilet nnd ahower, expamion nttl 113 Shrewsbury Avcmic, Property SOxlOO. Tiict I3.20U. Henry Red Bank, New Jrrsry. Sehwrizer. ItoHltor, 14« Main itreet Adininitlrator Keansburg. _ Phone W-0123. ' Parsons, Lnbrccque, Cini-.ona EA"St KEANSBURC;—Four-room winter Messrs. ft Combs, house with toilet; property 50x100. at Law, Asltinr price $3,S00. Henry Schweiicr, Counsellors Red Bnnk, N. J . Realtor, 146 Mnln itroet, Ktnnsburi Proctor!. Phone K-Ot2». Handiomcly renovated tcven-room house, bath, tunroom, ho air h«?fit, liny window; gtirnirr; plo 50x195; nenr bu?, ichool, stores. R* duccd to S13.S0O. John I,. Minugh Agency, M|T_H. Rumson rond. Phone Itums MTH» LOCUST—Charming old tight-room Co~ lonial, wide pi no floors, hath. ihre< fir*places, hell, no ccntrnl hr>nt, 1'inc opportunity lor rtnovation. Pric< t\ 1,500. John U. MiniifEb Agency, Runisoii rond. Phone Riinuon 1 -U" lfi.» NAVBSINK—Six-room, 1 ',j-slory bun galow, bath, aunporch. hot water hent Jtarnge; brook, hnlf-ncrc p!ot. Nted paint nnd imagination. 1'rlcr IJ.OOC John L. Minugh Attoncy, Ilumson rond \ TO !•ACRE PLOTS, in restricted Fhonf Rumson 1 -"TIB.* Orchard Manor, MiddleLown. AlItUMSON—Or. bus line. Fin^ 'eTT^T •o Il-aere tract, 1200 an acre, or room hou*e. Splendid condition, auto-will divide. Robert Marvin, Snlei matic oi! h e a l : Inrne plot, Asking 10.800. Charles E. Sweeney Agency, MonAgent. Fhon* Matawan 1--56S, mouth avenuf. Phone Humijnn i-ljfl^ THOMFSOiN AfiENCY—New Col^HT SEVEN.ROOM HOUSE; two-car Karaite Ijungalow, Living room, kitchen, hitj lot 75x322; btiiinesi and residential window, two bedrooms, bnth: plo* half-mile to station: second hmiie fion 49x1.*ifl; oil hent; 410,300, Thornt«or Rivcriidc HeiRhts Highway Ha. Immc Aurnry, SI East Front strict. I'hont dinle posuiition. Mra. R. A. Cooprr I!(d Hank 6-07O0.* Atlantic HighlatidE, R. F. t>. Nn, 191 THOMFSON~AGERfCV— Ecclient~i^ST Phone Allantic Highland* M ) f i 2 - J . lion in Hcii Hank. Srvcn rooms nnt BRANCH AVBNUEi^ LTttle Sllvcrliath, four bedroom*, living room, dinitij Uimsalow, ncur dchool, living room room, kitchen, fireplace. hut watrr htnt modern kitchen, two bedroom*; $10, SI 1,800. Thompson Apcncy, M Kni 000, furnished; 19,000, unfurnished. Ex Front street. I'hon. Krd flunk fi-fl?fi(i.' L-IUsive ivlth George S, Schanrk ARcncy THOMPSON ACENCY—Lorntcd in JlTi S Linden Plnce. Phone Red Bank 6 Livinc room, dinlns room 0 3 _ S 7 ^ _ t Bank. kitcheni three bedrooms, sewing room W"ALK~KR~7TlNi)A~LL offer a six-rno halh, registered hnt nir hent: garipc bungalow, located in Ffclr Haven. Hot ABkintr 113,000. Thomjison Asency, SI air ir hf hfat, screens, newly decorated: lew Emt Kront strict, Hcii Hnnk. Phone 6 U s e s ; immediate occupancy. Asking 0700." *.V.0t... IJ I'J Eus Eust Front street, Red Bnnk THOMPSON AGENCY—Bight rooms Phone 6-'J77ji.» 'J77ji» Living room, dinim; room, hn, WAL'KER A TINDALL Atla DALL offer in Atl nouk, kitchen, fmir bedrooms: HiKhhimis n seml-bunKulow s m l b u K l w off l HiKhhimis, fiQxlSO. Piped hot nlr htnt; 113,500, slufping poreh nnd buth, hot Thompson Agent)-, XI Kmt Front Etrect, rooms, htm, in MI lulu!, iturmiHih, screens; twoJlfij Bnnk. I'hone G-/[7_'Mi.« cur tri'tHgi. Immediate poiscBfilon, AskTHOMPSON AGENCY ollir. the "iiW inv 19,000. 10 t n s t Frunt fltrttt, Re< Previews, Inc. line of Precision Built Hnnk. Phone fJ-H778.* Homes, nistinctivn aiyllw. F.H.A. apA TINDALL offer In Littl proved. Elected comiOclp on your own WALKER Silver, a nood lubstantinl home, Koo properly! *10.'t0(l nnd tip, Thompson lotdllini, iix roomi, hot air hftit \ twn. Agency, 81 Knst Front i t r e t t , cur gnrnee; plot 65.VS00, Asking 110.. Hunk. Ph * tHio. !» KH.SI Front itreet, Red Bunk THOMi'SON AUKNCY—Modern C... Phone fi-'J77fi.« Cod bunnnlow, Scvrn r<ionu, tilr Imlh WALKER ii .TINDALL nffcr In Rum»on mnrlrl kitchen, library; Ut 70x1 Mi; (>i ii scml-butiKHlow of pighl room», two heat; I I S.'JOd, Thompson Agrncy. h Knst Front street, Jtcd Utiiik, Phone 6 baths, hot nir hcxt, g n i ransc; nne-uiti RHrrnre; rlshL of way to r h > r . Will ici O7IHI.* ' nn tonlract, Aikinir I1D.0D0, i s Eit&1 T H O M P S O N A G E N C Y — A t t r a c t t v « mod Krctnt ilrcet. Ited Bunk. Phmip B-JT7(i.» trn ColonlA 1. Ste rooms ant] Lath, ATCTff.r In R«d Ban. Invntory; plot lOOxl&O; oil heat; one nrca, a new five*room bunmlow, tile cur irurnec: hrrtzpwny* 517,500. Tliomp ^oll Ayrtiry, SI Kmt Front street, Red buth, Btfam heat, oil; onc-cnr attnehrd (THrHgc; plot T^JtlSO. Price 112,000. 10 lilt Ilk, PlllitU' ti-UHJO," K|l « t . Front street, Red Bunk, phcyie UUMSON— Nim-'Viih7; l i v e l y flvJ^UJ limui. Nf\v hot water nutumatl libiil, Moduli kitchen. Immudinlc ocHaven, a remodtlcd homo of six rutiuncy; *U,S00, Hwccncy Agency, Miimnoutli nvenur. Phonu Humaon 1 • roams, bath, Invntory, laundry, flm. Place, hot water heat, oil; o n c c m ten14V1!, Almedith Club Has First Party REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LITTLE SILVER—Attractive leven-room bunxalow, in eicHlont rrsidpntiai drf Injimcnt. Mndrrn kitchen, I lie bath, hrrr lirdrnoms. nttrprtivp libuny or den adjarptit to liviirj: rnnm; iittnrhcd n r « c : laigc plot TuxlHO. IVcr.l »t iri.nciu. i:. V. ttniflr u, Ph:cwsbtirv. hnnc Rrd Hank C-IHtil. <jr '•• II. J A U,BY"K I T«o t nnd""p"o» m (two I runout ty Mpnnting a iiliti.i! I'lifii. Plol )S'» Ur\ ilrrji Will ^• !l |.i-'ip'f'y1 nnd luiviir". .\fk:i ; ]li noil. C I ". Jjoidr ii. ShrrwOiury k ! C |{ Any Make Refrigerators Washing Machines Vacuum Cleaners Electric Ranges Electric Water Heaters Electric Ironers Electric Motors The officers of Fitkln hospital were authorized by the executive committee of the board of director! Thursday night of list week to negotiate a contract for the new south wing, which wil| eventually add 100 beds and numerous service features to the faeilitiea of the hi pital. Louis H, Burfeind, chairman of the building committee, has proposed that the first ant second floors of the new wing be completed immediately while the Interiors of the third, fourth and fifth floors be completed at a later date. Funds for the new wing were raised last summer in a campaign of which Mr. Burfeind was general chairman, THAT MARVELOUS 2% CU. FT. SHACK F1BE A small shack, occupied by Bob Tyiti and owned by the Golden Estate at 13< Leighton avenue, caught nre Tuesday afternoon. A general alarm was sounded, There w u alight damage, PHILCO FREEZER — ETC. — AbtoUjUProttetion Hurry • Hurry • Hurry G & 0 APPUANCE SERVICE CO. For t 60 WHITE ST., RED BANK PHONE RED BANK 6-2761 It Pays To Advertise In The Register Your Winter Woolant MNITONK OLIANINO riua Certified Oold Itoragi 2 Vaults On Our • Premiiet LEON'S Sine, m i «4-7# Whits St. FILLED WITH A VARIETY OF FROZEN FOODS. MlDDLETOWN REFRIGERATION STATE HIGHWAY,#35, MlDDLETOWN, NEW JERSEY MlDDLETOWN 54299