Technical Committee on Fundamentals of Fire Alarm Systems

Pre-ROP Meeting Minutes
Date: 1/24/2011
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Technical Committee on Fundamentals of Fire Alarm Systems (SIG-FUN)
Pre-Report on Proposals (Pre-ROP) Minutes
1. Meeting Location and Date: Indianapolis, IN - September 22-23, 2010.
Meeting called to order by Chair Clary at 08:04 A.M.
Chair Clary introduced himself to the committee and provided an overview of the
1.3. Chair Clary asked if there were any other business that needed to be added to the
1.4. Jim Mundy asked that a discussion on correlation opportunities with NFPA 170 be
added to the agenda.
1.5. Chair Clary indicated that Sandy Egesdal is stepping down as Secretary of SIG-FUN.
1.6. Kimberly Gruner was asked to record secretary minutes until a new secretary could be
1.7. Chair Clary announced that this will be his final code revision cycle as Chair due to
NFPA term limits.
1.8. Chair Clary announced that as a Pre-ROP meeting, there will be no assigned staff
liaison for the meeting or official ballot voting.
1.9. Chair Clary provided notification that Sandy Egesdal was stepping down as Secretary
of SIG-FUN. He indicated protocol allowed him to self-appoint a new secretary, but
would like to open the floor to nominations. Jeff Hancock indicated that he would be
willing to serve the committee as the new Secretary. No other nominees came forward
and Jeff was affirmed as the new SIG-FUN Secretary. Shane Clary indicated that he
would be informing NFPA staff of the decision for their record.
1.10. SIG-AAC Chair Schiffiliti provided opening remarks to SIG-FUN. He requested that
additional consideration be provided on content where less than a significant majority of
members supported the change. He indicated that these less than fully unanimous
topics create the most contention for users of the standard. An example would be for
alarm silence causing strobes to stop operating or be allowed to continue operating.
Consideration should be given to providing text indicating that AHJ approval be allowed
where intended by the committee rather than just relying on the AHJ to allow
deviations. The TCC requested consideration be given to the establishment of a new
chapter on system documentation. This new chapter would be a developed jointly
between SIG-FUN and SIG-TMS
1.11. Members Jack McNamara, Scott Jacobs and Daniel Gauvin from SIG-Fun gave an
summary of the inspection, testing and maintenance summit. The meeting was to
begin working on coordination between the various codes. This effort is similar to that
of NFPA 3, Commissioning Recommended Practice. Discussed challenges and
benefits of getting all trades present at acceptance or reacceptance tests. For
elevators, as an example, is the intent to just test relay or end-to-end functions of both
fire alarm and elevator control systems. The belief of the committee is that it should be
more towards end-to-end testing. The chapter may also define how to ensure qualified
support is present. It may be possible to define expected actions so that an alarm
technician can perform certain tests without the other trade(s) being present.
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1.12. Lee Richardson provided an overview on the following topics:
a. Covered committee rules and procedures.
b. Provided overview on ECommittee page and functionality.
c. Available via NFPA home page, or
d. Demonstrated the process to view a NFPA standard online that is available to the
e. Demonstrated how to access the Record of Completion and the Fire Alarm and
Emergency Communication System Inspection and Testing Form.
f. Demonstrated how to access the form for proposals and how to submit proposals
on line.
2. Committee Members Attending:
Shane Clary
Andrew Berezowski
William Wayman
Lawrence Esch
Robert Bonifas (Wednesday)
Tom Norton
Jeff Hancock
Jack McNamara
James Mundy
Daniel Gauvin
Manuelita David
Maria Marks
Todd Warner
Kevin Green
Chester Maciazek
David Frable
David Stone
Fred Leber
James Ditaranto
Scott Jacobs
Kim Gruner
Dan Decker
Louis Nash
Emily Troyanski
3. Guests Attending:
Robert Schifiliti, SIG-AAC (Wednesday)
Lee Richardson, NFPA Staff (Wednesday)
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4. Committee generated proposals/comments:
The Pre-ROP meeting agenda and TC-Fun assigned issues lists have been attached to the
meeting minutes for reference.
Agenda Item 12.a.
The task group identified the following sections of NFPA 72 under SIG-FUN responsibility where
exceptions were in use. The following summarizes the decision of the task group review and
committee plans for action:
 10.10.5 ‐ The task group believes the exception adds clarity and does not intend to develop a committee proposal to change this to proactive language.  10.15 ‐ The task group believes the exception adds clarity and does not intend to develop a committee proposal to change this to proactive language.  – The following text will be submitted as a committee proposal to eliminate the exception: Unacknowledged alarm signals shall not be interrupted if a fault on an
initiating device circuit or a signaling line circuit occurs while there is an alarm
condition on that circuit unless the faulted circuit is used to interconnect control units.
Exception: Circuits used to interconnect fire alarm control units.
Substantiation: The text is revised to eliminate the exception in compliance with the Manual of Style and
to expand the requirement in recognition of the expanded scope of this code.
Agenda Item 12.b.
Reviewed chapter on documentation.
3.3.11 – The task group proposed modifying the following text; however, there is a need to follow up with SIG‐ECS to understand their intent. 3.3.11 Alarm System. See 3.3.95, Fire Alarm System; 3.3.267, Supervising Station Alarm System; 3.3.199, Public Emergency Alarm Reporting System,, In‐
Building Fire Alarm Emergency Voice/Alarm Communications Systems. Alarm System Definition –Need to correlate proposed change with SIG‐ECS. 3.3.11 Alarm System. See 3.3.95, Fire Alarm System; 3.3.267, Supervising Station
Alarm System; 3.3.199, Public Emergency Alarm Reporting System. See 3.3.79
Emergency Communication Systems, See 3.3.144 Mass Notification System
3.3.158 – Committee Proposal to revise section as follows: 3.3.158* Nonrequired. A fire alarm system component or group of components that is installed at the option of the owner, and is not installed due to a building or fire code requirement. (SIG‐FUN) 3.3.215 – Committee Proposal to revise section as follows: 3.3.215 Record Drawings. Drawings (as‐built) that document the location of all devices, appliances, wiring sequences, wiring methods, and connections of the components of the fire alarm and/or signaling system as installed. (SIG‐FUN) 3.3.238 ‐ Committee Proposal to revise section as follows: 3.3.238 Shop Drawings. Documents that provide information pertaining to the system, such as property location, scaled floor plans, equipment wiring details, typical equipment installation details, riser details, conduit/conductor size and routing information, and other information necessary for the installer to complete the fire alarm and/or signaling system installation. (SIG‐FUN) NFPA 72 SIG-FUN
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Page No. 4 of 14 ‐ Committee Proposal to revise section as follows:  State or local licensure regulations shall be followed to determine qualified personnel. Depending on state or local licensure regulations, qualified personnel shall include, but not be limited to, one or more of the following: (1) Personnel who are registered, licensed, or certified by a state or local authority (2) Personnel who are certified by a nationally recognized certification organization acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction (3) Personnel who are factory trained and certified for fire alarm system design and/or emergency communications system design of the specific type and brand of system and who are acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction ‐ Committee Proposal to revise section as follows: State or local licensure regulations shall be followed to determine qualified personnel. Depending on state or local licensure regulations, qualified personnel shall include, but not be limited to, one or more of the following: (1) Personnel who are registered, licensed, or certified by a state or local authority (2) Personnel who are certified by a nationally recognized certification organization acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction (3) Personnel who are factory trained and certified for fire alarm system installation and/or emergency communications system installation of the specific type and brand of system and who are acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. ‐ Committee Proposal to revise section as follows: For fire alarm and signaling systems the circuit disconnecting means shall be permanently identified as to its purpose “FIRE ALARM CIRCUIT.”. ‐ Committee Proposal to revise section as follows:  For fire alarm and signaling systems the circuit disconnecting means shall have a red marking.
10.7.6. ‐ Committee Proposal to revise section as follows: 
10.7.6 Fire Aalarm evacuation signals shall be distinctive in sound from other signals, shall comply with the requirements of, and their sound shall not be used for any other purpose. Note: Look at coordination with 10.9.1. Paragraph can be deleted if this change is made.
May need to keep since 10.7.6. specific for evacuation, whereas, this section is for
signals or alarms.
 ‐ Committee Proposal to revise section as follows: All required annunciation means shall be located as required by the authority having jurisdiction to facilitate an efficient response to the fire situation.
 ‐ Committee Proposal to revise section as follows: Monitoring for integrity shall not be required for connections to and between supplementary system components, provided that single open, ground, or short‐circuit conditions of the supplementary equipment or interconnecting means, or both, do not affect the required operation of the fire alarm and/or signaling system.
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 ‐ Committee Proposal to revise section as follows: Monitoring for integrity of the installation conductors for a ground‐fault condition shall not be required for the communications and transmission channels extending from a supervising station to a subsidiary station(s) or protected premises, or both, that comply with the requirements of Chapter 26 and are electrically isolated from the fire alarm system (or circuits) by a transmitter(s), provided that a single ground condition does not affect the required operation of the fire alarm and/or signaling system.  ‐ Committee Proposal to revise section as follows:  Revision. All fire alarm and/or signaling system modifications made after the initial installation shall be recorded on a revised version of the original record of completion.
10.19.1 ‐ Committee Proposal to revise section as follows: 
10.19.1 The system owner or their designated representative shall be notified when a fire alarm and/or signaling system or part thereof is impaired. Impairments to systems shall include out‐of‐service events. The task group reviewed SIG‐FUN text and found no specific references to circuit designations. Agenda Item 12.c.
The task group did not identify any text requiring change.
Agenda Item 12.d.
The task group did not find any references to circuit designations. No changes are being
Agenda Item 12.e.
 10.3.2 ‐ Committee Proposal to revise section as follows: 10.3.2 System components shall be installed, tested, inspected and
maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s published instructions and
this Code.
 ‐ Committee Proposal to revise section as follows: Verification shall ensure that the installed system includes all
components and functions, that those components and functions shall meet the
requirements of 14.4.1 and are installed and operate as required, that the
system has been 100 percent acceptance tested in accordance with Chapter 14, and
that all required documentation has been provided to the system owner.
Exception: Where the installation is an extension, modification, or reconfiguration of
an existing system, the verification shall be required for the new work only, and
reacceptance testing in accordance with Chapter 14 shall be acceptable.
 ‐ The committee believes this text is correct as written and shown below: Monitoring shall not be required for the output of an enginedriven generator that is part of the secondary power supply, provided that the
generator is tested weekly in accordance with Chapter 14.
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Page No. 6 of 14 This section addresses supervising station reference. Add reference to Chapter 26 (section 26.4.6) to get rid of the exception. For supervising station systems, the verification shall also
ascertain proper arrangement, transmission, and receipt of all signals
required to be transmitted off-premises and shall meet the requirements of
sections 14.4.1 and
Exception: Where the installation is an extension, modification, or
reconfiguration of an existing system, the verification shall be required for the
new work only, and reacceptance testing in accordance with Chapter 14 shall
be acceptable.
10.6.1 ‐ The committee believes the printed code has a text error in the reference to which should be The committee noted that the electronic version of the document on the NFPA web site contains the correct reference to It was not clear whether or not an errata has been issued by staff to correct the reference in the printed documents to match the online content. The correct text, as seen in the online version, is as follows: 10.6.1 ECS priority signals when evaluated by stakeholders through a risk
analysis in accordance with shall be permitted to take precedence
over all other signals.
Agenda Item 12.d., Circuit Designations, and 12.e., IT&M scope items in Chapter 14.
Record of Completion Form
The Task Group stated that time beyond the Pre-ROP meeting is needed to work on and simplify
the Record of Completion form. The time allotted did not allow for a complete review to be
completed. The following summarizes the review performed at the Pre-ROP meeting:
 Section 1 of the form is fine as written  Section 2 needs the following updates: o Change title to “Install and Service Contractor Information” o Delete last 5 lines. It is the responsibility of the owner to maintain the system and he may not choose to contract testing, if for example, they do this in house.  Section 3 needs the following updates: o Change boxes to 1) Dedicated function fire alarm system – Attach Section X, 2) Non‐voice fire alarm system – Attach Section X, 3) Fire alarm system with emergency communication system – Attach Section X, 4) Mass notification system ‐ Attach Section X. o Eliminate other. o Eliminate NFPA 72 Edition” and additional description.  Section 4 needs the following updates: o Rename 4.3 to Notification Appliance Circuit Pathways.  The balance of the form will be worked on further as a continuing project by the Task Group after the conclusion of the Pre‐ROP meeting. Agenda Item F (Issue 24):
Committee Proposal to change as follows:
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Page No. 7 of 14 Monitoring the integrity of power supplies shall be in accordance
with 10.17.3. Monitoring Integrity of Battery Charger. Means for monitoring integrity appropriate for the batteries and
charger employed shall be provided to detect
a battery charger failure. Failure of the battery charger shall result in the initiation of a
trouble signal in accordance with Section 10.12. Means for monitoring integrity appropriate for the batteries and
charger employed shall be provided to detect
a battery charger failure. Failure of the battery charger shall result in the initiation of a
trouble signal in accordance with Section 10.12.
Agenda Item G (Issue 19):
Committee Proposal to change as follows: The UPS device shall be supplied by a dedicated branch circuit as
described in
Agenda Item H (Issue 21):
Committee Proposal to change as follows: The UPS device shall be configured in compliance with NFPA111,
Standard on Stored Electrical Energy Emergency and Standby Power
Systems, for a Type 0O, Class 24, Level 1 system.
Agenda Item I (Issue 4):
Previously Addressed – No new action
Agenda Item J (Issue 17):
Reviewed and it appears to be acceptable as written. No action required.
Agenda Item K (Issue 22):
Committee Proposal to change as follows:
(See revised text that strikes and and added an exception.) Secondary Power Operation. Operation on secondary power shall not affect the required performance of a system or supervising station facility, including alarm, supervisory, and trouble signals and indications. Systems operating on secondary power shall comply with Section 10.17. While operating on secondary power, audio amplifier monitoring shall comply with Exception: While operating on secondary power, audio amplifier monitoring shall be required only when an alarm is present. The task group notes that the intent is addressed by
Agenda Item L (Issue 25):
See action on agenda item F, above. No new action required.
Agenda Item M (Issue 15):
Yes, No action required.
Agenda Item N (Issue 16):
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Reviewed. No change planned.
Agenda Item 15 (Issue Email):
No changes proposed.
Agenda Item 16:
Committee proposal is being developed to revise 24.6.4 as follows:
24.6.4 Power Supply. At the central control station, the emergency communications All control units shall meet the requirements of Section 10.5. The power supply for the central control station shall include an uninterrupted power source with capacity sufficient to support the emergency response plan established for the specific premises Agenda Item 17 (UPS Applicability Issue):
Leave as-is.
Agenda Item R (Issue 18)
Task group felt that no action needed. Consensus of the committee is that it should resound
locally after 24 hours and transmit the signal. Task group will work on a committee proposal to
address for alarm and supervisory signal.
Agenda Item S (Issue 9)
The committee plans to move to 10.3.4 under the equipment section where it is more
appropriate via a committee proposal. 10.3.4 All apparatus requiring rewinding or resetting to maintain
normal operation shall be restored to normal as promptly as possible after
each alarm and kept in normal condition for operation.
Agenda Item T (Issue 10)
The TG believes the two items should not be combined into 10.14.1 The goal is not to limit a
manufacturer to specific ranges. No further action planned.
Agenda Item U (Issue 12)
The task group believes that the 10.16.5 is not needed and should be deleted. covers
the requirements for annunciation and this section is redundant. A committee proposal to delete
10.16.5 will be submitted.
10.16.5 Fire Command Center. Annunciation at the fire command center
shall be by means of audible and visible indicators.
Agenda Item O & P (Issue 27 & 28)
Committee Proposal to revise wording as follows to eliminate redundancy in requirements:
10.7.6 Fire alarm evacuation signals shall be distinctive in sound from other
signals, shall comply with the requirements of, and their sound shall
not be used for any other purpose.
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10.9.1 Fire alarm signals shall be distinctive in sound from other signals,
shall comply with the requirements of, and their sound shall not be
used for any other purpose.
Agenda Item Q (Issue 7 & 8)
Committee Proposal to rearrange text layout; however, the intent is to have silence shut off when
the alarm is silenced.
10.10* Fire Alarm Signal Deactivation.
A.10.10 It is the intent that both visual and audible appliances are shut off when the
signal silence feature is activated on the fire alarm control unit. Per the ADA, it is
important not to provide conflicting signals for the hearing impaired.
10.10.1 A means for turning off activated alarm notification appliance(s) shall be
permitted only if it complies with 10.10.3 through 10.10.7.
10.10.2 10.10.1 When an alarm signal deactivation means is actuated, both audible
and visible notification appliances shall be simultaneously deactivated.
A.10.10.1 Some designers and authorities prefer to have visible appliances continue
to operate even after audible appliances have been deactivated (silenced). The intent
is that once emergency forces have control of the building or area, they prefer to not
have loud audible signals that might interfere with their ability to effectively
communicate. They prefer to keep strobes operating in order to maintain some
continuing reminder than an alarm condition still exists. Other jurisdictions want all
signals to be either operating or not operating simultaneously to provide equivalent
facilitation to both hearing and visual impaired individuals. In other situations, such
as outside a building or affected area, only selected appliances (audible and/or
visible) continue to operate. This code paragraph defaults to requiring all appliances
to be deactivated together, but permits other governing laws, codes, standards or the
Authority Having Jurisdiction to allow alterative plans.
10.10.3 10.10.2 The means shall be key-operated or located within a locked cabinet,
or arranged to provide equivalent protection against unauthorized use.
10.10.410.10.3 The means shall provide a visible zone alarm indication or the
equivalent as specified in 10.16.1.
10.10.510.10.4 Subsequent actuation of initiating devices on other initiating device
circuits or subsequent actuation of addressable initiating devices on signaling line
circuits shall cause the notification appliances to reactivate.
Exception: Subsequent actuation of another addressable initiating device of the same
type in the same room or space shall not be required to cause the notification
appliance(s) to reactivate.
10.10.610.10.5 A means that is left in the “off” position when there is no alarm shall
operate an audible trouble signal until the
means is restored to normal.
10.10.7* 10.9.5* Resetting of alarm signals shall comply with the requirements of
A.10.10.7 A.10.9.5 Resetting of alarm signals should not require the simultaneous
operation of multiple reset switches or the disconnection of any wiring or equipment
to reset the alarm condition.
Agenda Item 14
Task group reviewed section 10.6 for correlation with Chapter 24 and found that no changes are
Agenda Item W (Issue 14)
 & ‐ pertains to the requirements for installing contractor. pertains to the requirements for third party approval. See current annex material for explanation. No change necessary. Agenda Item X (Issue 20)
Added a new section for storage. See revised text within edit for Agenda Item Y.
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Agenda Item Y (Issue 19)
See revised text, text arrangement, and new annex material below.
10.18.2 Completion Documents. Preparation.* The preparation of a record of completion documents, Figure, shall be the responsibility of the qualified and experienced
person described in 10.4.2. The preparation of a record of completion, Figure
shall be in accordance with through Parts 1 through 14 of the record of completion shall be
completed after the system is installed and the installation wiring has been
checked. Parts 15 and 16 of the record of completion shall be completed
after the operational acceptance tests have been completed. A preliminary copy of the record of completion shall be given to
the system owner and, if requested, to other authorities having jurisdiction
after completion of the installation wiring tests. A final copy of the record of completion shall be provided after
completion of the operational acceptance tests. This copy shall be updated to reflect all system additions or
modifications and maintained in a current condition at all times. Storage* Record documents shall be stored at the fire alarm
and/or signaling control unit or other approved location at the protected
A10. The intent is that the documents should not be stored inside
the panel because control units are not typically approved for the storage of
combustible material. Where not stored at the main fire alarm and/or
signaling control unit, the location of these documents shall be identified at
the main fire alarm and/or signaling control unit. If the documents are located in a separate
enclosure or cabinet, the separate enclosure or cabinet shall be prominently
labeled FIRE ALARM SYSTEM COMPLETION DOCUMENTS. Documentation Required. Every system shall include the
following documentation, which shall be delivered to the owner or the
owner’s representative upon final acceptance of the system:
(1)* A record of completion that includes the applicable information shown in
(12)*An owner’s manual and manufacturer’s published instructions covering
all system equipment
(23) Record drawings
(34) For software-based systems, record copy of the site-specific software
(45) A written sequence of operation
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A10.18.2.3 (1) It is the intent of this section to permit using forms other than
Figure, as long as they convey the same information. Revision. All fire alarm system modifications made after
the initial installation shall be recorded on a revised version of the original
record of completion. All fire alarm and/or signaling system modifications made after
the initial installation shall be recorded on a revised version of the original
completion documents. All changes from the original information shall be shown. The revised record of completion documents shall
include a revision date.
Substation for changes:
Form is typically generated at the completion of a project and not in stages.
Language in the completion form itself requiring that different parts of the form be filled out at
different times will be eliminated via a separate committee proposal generated following the PreROP meeting. can be deleted since it is redundant to material relocated in new section can be deleted since it is redundant to as modified by this committee
proposed revision.
The committee discussed whether or not the standard form should be required, or if an equivalent
user generated form would be allowed. The consensus is that it is allowable for the user to
create their own form as long as content is the same. There was some discussion regarding a
potential need to limit how the form can be modified by a user. The committee consensus was
that plans should be required to be stored in a locked box/cabinet at the protected premise. The
task group reports that they may propose additional changes to 10.18.1, and 10.18.3
following the Pre-ROP meeting.
5. Appointed task groups:
Task Group 1: Andrew Berezowski (Chair), William Wayman, Lawrence Esch, Robert Bonifas,
Tom Norton, Jeff Hancock
Scope: Tasked with reviewing exceptions and determining whether or not they
can be converted to positive language in accordance with the NFPA Manual of
Style. The task group was also assigned to work the following agenda items:
12.f. through 12.n.
Task Group 2: Jack McNamara (Chair), James Mundy, Daniel Gauvin, Manuelita David, Maria
Marks, Todd Warner
Scope: Tasked with review text where the word “fire” was used and determine
whether or not it was being used appropriately with the 2010 scope expansion.
The task group was also assigned to work the following agenda items: 12.o.
through 12.q.
Task Group 3: Kevin Green (Chair), Chester Maciazek, David Frable, David Stone, Fred Leber,
James Ditaranto
Scope: Tasked with reviewing circuit designations in Chapter 12 which were
revised for the 2010 edition and to determine whether or not Fundamentals text
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in Chapter 10 correlates with their material. The task group was also assigned to
work the following agenda items: 12.r. through 12.u.
Task Group 4: Scott Jacobs (Chair), Kim Gruner, Dan Decker, Louis Nash, Emily Troyanski
Scope: Tasked with reviewing documentation requirements for a possible new
chapter. The group was also asked to make sure there is differentiation between
fire alarm and mass notification systems. The group was also asked to consider
ways to simplify the 12 page record of completion form which was 4 pages in the
2007 Edition.
NFPA 170:
Jim Mundy (Chair), Kevin Green, Dan Decker, and Bill Wayman
Scope: Provide support to the committee for NFPA 170 on electronic type
signals as they explore development of a new Chapter 8.
Layout of 72:
Todd Warner (Chair), Jim Ditaranto, Andrew Berezowski, and Bill Wayman
Scope: Review layout and organization of fundamentals text for logical flow of
information and user friendliness.
Glossary of Terms: Jack McNamarra (Chair), Stan Mecesiak., and Jeff Hancock
Scope: Review NFPA 72 related terms from the glossary for correlation.
SIG-SSS Support: Larry Esch (Chair), Dan Decker, & Bob
Scope: Provide correlation support to committee as appropriate.
SIG-PRO Support: Dan Gauvin (Chair), Bill Wayman
Scope: Provide correlation support to committee as appropriate.
SIG-ECS Support: Jim Mundy (Chair), Maria Marks & David Frable
Scope: Provide correlation support to committee as appropriate.
SIG-ITM Support:
Scott Jacobs (Chair), Kimberly Gruner, and James Ditaranto
Scope: Provide correlation support to committee as appropriate.
NFPA 70 CMP3 Support: Shane Clary (Chair) & Sandy Egesdal
Scope: Provide correlation support to committee as appropriate.
6. Statements for Technical Correlating Committee attention:
There were no statements for TCC attention.
7. Committee actions that need to be referred to another technical committee for
SIG-FUN would like to correlation with SIG-ECS to ensure that the proposed change
addressed by Agenda Item 12.b. for Paragraph 3.3.11, Alarm System Definition, is in
agreement with SIG-ECS intentions.
8. Notes for Technical Correlating Committee, staff, or to the process in general for
The SIG-FUN committee requests collaboration with NFPA staff to develop an
electronically modifiable version of the Record of Completion form so that a user can
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select appropriate sections of the form based on the specific installation type so that
only the applicable portions will be printed into the final form.
Jeff Hancock is the new SIG-FUN Secretary.
Discussed service award for NEC committee members with 25 years of service. There
was discussion that this type of service award would be a good way to honor SIGcommittee members reaching that level of service. Chair Clay will be following up
discussion with Staff Richardson and SIG-AAC Chair Schiffiliti.
Reminded committee members of the January ROP meeting scheduled for January 1820 at the State of California’s Vacation Destination, San Diego. Once the total number
of proposals received is determined a better estimate of the meeting dismissal time will
be provided to the Committee.
The committee appreciates the dedicated support of Sandy Egesdal as committee
Secretary and thanks him for his efforts over the last two code development cycles.
Chair Clary indicated that he will be adding personnel not currently in attendance but
members of SIG-FUN into the four task groups supporting the ongoing work.
Proposals received will likely be worked by the task groups at or prior to the January
ROP meeting to expedite the review at the meeting.
Discussed Agenda Item 16 and NFPA 72-2010. No Back-up power required for radio
equipment. Shane Clary indicated that there is a typo that in effect allows this
equipment without requiring back-up power. Annex O is being provided to Task Group
1 for resolution. A proposal is needed to resolve this for 2013 Edition. Discussed
possibility of pursuing requirement for remote annunciator supporting radio repeater
communication equipment. Kevin Green is forwarding information to Shane Clary
which will be forwarded to Task Group 1. Discussed possibility of pursuing TIA to
address the back-up power requirements. Will be reviewing App. J of the IFC ’09.
David Stone, UL, brought up a discussion on 10.3.1. This paragraph requires
equipment be listed for the purpose that it is used. He indicated that one manufacturer
sources a lot of 3rd party equipment and struggles to get documentation to meet this
requirement. This Is challenging with respect to supervisory equipment primary; such
as, computers and monitors due to computer hardware production life cycle which is
normally limited. It was noted that routers only require ITE listing for example.
Something similar for computers may make sense. Discussed how it may be okay to
adopt something similar for displays, but maybe not hardware for command and control
9. Notes for the NFPA Research Foundation for their input and assistance:
Not applicable
Meeting Conclusion
10.1. Motion to adjourn 10:55 A.M. was seconded and passed on Thursday, September 23,
Jeff Hancock
Name (Please Print)
January 24, 2011
Pre-ROP Meeting Minutes
As approved by the committee on January 20, 2011.
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Appendix A: Pre-ROP Meeting Agenda
Pre-ROP Agenda
TC on Fundamentals (SIG-FUN)
September 22 & 23, 2010
Indianapolis, IN
1. Welcome (Shane Clary)
2. Self Introductions
3. Ice Breaker
4. Staff Remarks and Refresher on E-Committee Page (NFPA Staff*)
5. Approval of the agenda (Committee)
6. Approval of the 2010 SIG-FUN ROC Minutes
7. Election of Secretary (Sandy Egesdal is stepping down)
8. Comments from the Technical Committee Chair (Shane Clary)
9. Comments from the Technical Correlating Chair (Robert Schifiliti**)
10. Discussion of 2013 Revision Cycle (Shane Clary)
a. Schedule
b. Procedures for submitting task group proposals
Meeting preparedness
11. ITM Summit (Jack McNamara)
12. SIG-FUN Issues List
a. Exceptions
b. Chapter on Documentation
Review the use of the word “fire” in existing Fundamentals text.
Review circuit designations within existing Fundamentals text.
e. Review Chapter 14 (Inspection, Testing and Maintenance) for possible scope
g. Review 10.5.4 Also review the relation of 10.5.4 with the requirements of 10.5.5
through 10.5.9.
h. Review
Appendix A: Pre-ROP Meeting Agenda
Review 10.5.6
m. Review and
n. Review
o. Review 10.7.6 (two items) Also review 10.9.1. What is the difference?
p. Review 10.7.6 and 10.9.1 for redundancy
q. Review 10.10.1
Review 10,14.2.4
u. Review 10.16.5
Review 10.17 for compliance with Chapter 12.
w. Review and
Review and
13. Review the definition for the word ‘Alarm.”
14. Review 10.6 for correlation with Chapter 24.
15. Review
16. Review 10.17.2 What about ECS systems?
17. Review 10.17.3 Applicable to 10.5.4?
18. Review through What about documents for ECS/MNS? See
19. Review Is this applicable to just fire alarm systems?
20. Discussion on “Reset.” Task Group Considerations
a. ITM
b. Documentation
TG on Glossary of Terms
Appendix A: Pre-ROP Meeting Agenda
d. Correlation w/other Chapters/TCs
e. Wiring
21. Other Initiatives (Committee)
a. Upcoming code proposals
b. Other code issues
22. Old Business
23. New Business
24. Adjourn
*Depending on the schedule of the NFPA Staff Representative, this agenda item may be taken
out of sequence.
**Depending of the schedule of Robert Schifiliti, this agenda item may be taken out of sequence.
Appendix B: TC-FUN Issues List
2013 National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code®
TC-FUN Issues List
The following list contains item/question/issues that have been identified through questions at NFPA
seminars, by requests for information to staff and by general review and use of the 2010 code. These
can be reviewed by the TC or a TG of the TC and, if appropriate, proposals can be generated and
submitted either by an individual of a TG or as a Committee Proposal. These items are not directives
from the TCC. Some are written in the form of rhetorical questions – there is no need to respond, just
consider. The TCC will prepare specific directives at their Pre-ROP meeting and will provide a list to each
Chair at the start of the TC Pre-ROP meetings.
Technical Committees are permitted to explicitly require one thing, but permit an alternative where
approved or required. According to of the 2004 NFPA Manual of Style, such an alternative is
permitted to be worded as an Exception. This technique can be useful for reaching consensus
where a particular issue has two distinct and often polarized solutions. The exception should not
lower the minimum required level of protection intended by the TC and should not create any failure
path that does not exist if the base requirement is adhered to. Such exceptions are usually worded
to require explicit permission. Example:* Unless installed in an environment that precludes the use of red paint or red plastic,
manual fire alarm boxes shall be red in color.
Exception: Where required or permitted by other governing laws, codes, standards or the
Authority Having Jurisdiction, manual fire alarm boxes shall be permitted to be purple with pink
polka-dots of a contrasting color.
Another example:
Possible New: 10.10.2* When an alarm signal deactivation means is actuated, both audible and
visible notification appliances shall be simultaneously deactivated.
Exception: Where required or permitted by other governing laws, codes, standards or the
Authority Having Jurisdiction, visible appliances, or some combination of audible and visible
appliances serving specific areas shall continue to operate.
Possible New: A.10.10.2* Some designers and authorities prefer to have visible appliances
continue to operate even after audible appliances have been deactivated (silenced). The intent is
that once emergency forces have control of the building or area, they prefer to not have loud
audible signals that might interfere with their ability to effectively communicate. They prefer to
keep strobes operating in order to maintain some continuing reminder than an alarm condition still
exists. Other jurisdictions want all signals to be either operating or not operating simultaneously
to provide equivalent facilitation to both hearing and visual impaired individuals. In other
situations, such as outside a building or affected area, only selected appliances (audible and/or
visible) continue to operate. This code paragraph defaults to requiring all appliances to be
deactivated together, but permits other governing laws, codes, standards or the Authority Having
Jurisdiction to allow alterative plans.
Note: The above example has not been considered or debated by TC-FUN, is only an example.
Fundamentals should create a committee proposal to create a new chapter called Documentation.
They should draft a General section and an Application section. Their committee statement should
note that each Technical Committee will create their own section on documentation requirements
which will then be moved into this new chapter.
Review text for locations where the word “fire” is needed or not needed. Draft proposals as necessary.
Example: 10.10.
Example: 10.15* Protection of Fire Alarm System Control Equipment.
Revise to address other systems: Example: For fire alarm systems the The circuit
disconnecting means shall be identified as “FIRE ALARM CIRCUIT”., “MNS CIRCUIT”, “ALARM
Appendix B: TC-FUN Issues List
CIRCUIT”, “ALARM POWER” or as required by other governing laws, codes, standards or the
Authority Having Jurisdiction.
Review places where circuits are described or where circuit performance is specified. Where
appropriate, use the new circuit designation found in Ch. 12.
Review Chapter 14 requirements for inspection, testing and maintenance for components or systems
under the scope of your TC. Where appropriate, create and submit Proposals for additions or
changes. The Proposals should be submitted by an individual and should state that they are being
submitted on behalf of the TC or the TG.
Why does 10.10.1 reference 10.10.3 through .7, but not .2?
The only time you need to have a paragraph that says “comply with this list” is when the list is
subordinate to the paragraph. For example, see 10.12.6 and
Does that mean you do not have to meet 10.10.2?
When a subject such as this (stopping strobes or allowing them to continue) has so many who fall
into either camp, good code would not fall on one side or the other. Instead, perhaps both
techniques should be permitted, with one being the default unless otherwise directed by enabling
codes or AHJs.
10.10.1 talks about alarm signal deactivation.
What alarm signal? An occupant notification alarm signal (if used)?
What about the signal at the panel? You don’t want that visible indicator turned off do
There are several requirements regarding alarm, trouble and supervisory signals that do
not specify whether you are talking about general area signals or signals required at
control equipment.
Consider placing all equipment performance requirements that do not need to be
considered by a designer or installer, in a clearly marked section for use by the NRTLs. All apparatus requiring rewinding or resetting to maintain normal operation shall be
restored to normal as promptly as possible after each alarm and kept in normal condition for
operation. Why is this under 10.14.2 Installation and Design?
10. should be coordinated with and co-located with 10.14.1. Perhaps reword it slightly and
place it as:
10.14.1 Voltage, Temperature, and Humidity Variation Equipment shall be designed so that it is capable of performing its intended
functions under the following conditions:
(1)*At 85 percent and at 110 percent of the nameplate primary (main) and
secondary (standby) input voltage(s)
(2) At ambient temperatures of 0°C (32°F) and 49°C (120°F)
(3) At a relative humidity of 85 percent and an ambient temperature of 30°C
(86°F) Equipment shall be installed in locations where conditions do not exceed the
limits l in or the voltage, temperature, and humidity limits specified in the
manufacturer’s published instructions.
11. Consider adding a definition for Reset.
12. Is 10.16.5 needed? If so, should it be at the start of 10.16 so that the section flows from where
annunciation is required (as a min) to what and how.
13. 10.5.4 for UPS refs only for primary power from a dedicated branch circuit. None of the
other requirements such as and for Primary Power Supplies are required –
including mechanical protection, circuit identification. Should the reference simply be 10.5.5?
Appendix B: TC-FUN Issues List
14. and should go together. Look at complete outline and format of 10.18.
15. There are more requirements for a generator used for a secondary supply ( than there are
for one that makes up a primary supply (
16. Since through .7 apply to all generators, those should be placed before and .3.
17. Secondary Power Supply 10.5.6 has a section Capacity where it prescribes the capacity for
secondary power. If you use a generator, describes the required fuel capacity, but the
associated battery capacity is back in Consider having and (2) simply
refer to 10.5.6 for all capacity requirements, whether battery or fuel
18.* An audible trouble signal that has been silenced at the protected premises shall comply
with the following…
Need a similar paragraph for silenced supervisory and alarm signals – including signals
at a supervising station where no restoral has been received.
19. Where not stored at the main fire alarm control unit, the location of these documents
shall be identified at the main fire alarm control unit. If the documents are located in a separate enclosure or cabinet, the separate
enclosure or cabinet shall be prominently labeled FIRE ALARM DOCUMENTS.
First, make these generic to all signaling systems, not just fire alarm systems.
If the docs are located at the main fire alarm control unit, where should they be?
What does “at the main fire alarm control unit mean”?
“If the documents are located in a separate enclosure or cabinet” implies that
a separate cabinet or enclosuere different from the control unit is NOT
required. Therefore, inside the panel is OK.
Can they be IN the control unit – next to the transformer so they can heat up
and start a fire?
Can they be stuffed behind the control unit? Behind conduits? On top?
Why does a separate enclosure or cabinet (if used) have to have such specific wording?
Why not just say that the separate enclosure or cabinet (if used) must be labeled?
20. Why are the storage requirements for Documents contained under the section
21. should be Type O, not Type 0.
22. It is arguable whether is needed.
It says that Systems operating on secondary power shall comply with Section 10.17
(monitoring of integrity).
By explicitly requiring this for Secondary Power, a reader might then question whether it
is required or not for other conditions, such as primary power where there is no similar
Then, the next paragraph ( says that amplifiers must comply with
22.4. is redundant to, which is redundant to all of 10.17.
23. Where appropriate, particularly in 10.17, use the new circuit designation found in Ch. 12.
See 4/28/09 email (Richardson, Schifiliti, Moore, Moore, Clary, Roux) POSSIBLE: Where two or more systems are interconnected, the interconnecting circuit or
pathway shall be Class A, Class B, ?Class D?, or Class X in accordance with Chapter 12.
Question marks on allowing Class D as there is no annunciation on a failsafe circuit. This
might be a situation where Class D use is permitted, but limited in some way.???
Appendix B: TC-FUN Issues List
24. Paragraph references This "should be" 10.17.3 ... or, perhaps both and
25. Shouldn’t Monitoring Integrity of Battery Charger be located under 10.17.3?
26. 10.7.6 and 10.9.1 are redundant.
27. 10.7.6 – should T3 be permitted for any evacuation, not just fire?
28. 10.7.6 should reference all of 18.4.2, not just