SID 2010 – Seattle High Efficiency Hybrid LED Backlight for Large-area LCD TV Presenter: Dr James Gourlay, CTO, Design LED Products Ltd Co-author: Ian Miller, Program Manager, Scottish Enterprise Contributor Profiles Design LED Products Ltd – A Technology Company based in Scotland ITI Techmedia Ltd (part of Scottish Enterprise) – A Research Institute based in Scotland Design LED & ITI Techmedia developed the “Hybrid” technology presented today The “Backlight Polymer Optics” R&D Program 40” Large Area BLU Challenges Technology suitable for LCD TV market that can be scaled to >40” KEY SPECIFICATION PARAMETERS: 1. Thin << 10mm 2. Non-uniformity <15% large-scale, <1% small-scale 3. Specific white point and uniformity 4. Optically efficient >90% 5. 2-D Segmented to support future spatial/2-d dimming 6. Low cost Bill Of Material 7. Low cost manufacturing 8. Low cost tooling (NRE etc.) for each design 9. Supports a wide range of LED types and specifications 10. Enables a technology roadmap for future enhancements/cost reduction 11. Introduce colour RGB control for field sequential and colour dimming Why is high Optical Efficiency needed? Energy saving – regulation, consumer attractiveness High optical efficiency = Reduced LED requirement = reduced cost, reduced thermal management, better reliability Design LED Light-Guide Technology Patented device construction “Composite Light-guide Structure” (UK - granted, other countries pending) AIR overall thickness matches LED Etendue 0.4mm – 1mm AIR substrate matches printing 0.05mm -0.125mm 1. Thin transparent substrate – refractive index N1 2. Light-guide extraction feature on substrate 3. Thick transparent added light-guide – refractive index N2 (<= N1) 4.Light-guiding in composite layers and extraction from surface feature 5. Side-emitting LED embedded inside the light-guide structure Definition of Hybrid BLU Technology Not edge-lit Not direct-lit Not tiled Hybrid Edge-emitting/side-firing LEDs inside light-guide distributed in 2-d array Hybrid Technology Description 1 •Developed specifically for large area LCD TV backlight Main features •A thin, bendable panel •LEDs embedded inside light-guide – good coupling efficiency •Short optical paths lengths – low light-guide loss •Micro-prism extraction features – efficient light extraction from light-guide and controlled beam angle SIDE ELEVATION VIEW Top emitting light and light-guided light balanced at diffuser to give uniform and symmetrical beam output Light-guide Construction <2mm No air gaps Improved coupling Integrated solution – excellent alignment of features Microprism film is circuit substrate LOW-COST PRINTING MANUFACTURE Hybrid Technology Description 2 Narrow beam angle LED Concealment Narrow Beam Angle LED thickness +>0.2mm Substrate SIDE ELEVATION Good optical coupling – LED embedded within the Light-guide material 2nd Lightguide Lightguide Short average path length cm’s LED Heat sinking - low thermal resistance dielectric on metal . LEDs distributed across the entire surface – not edge LED Reflector Narrow beam angle of light extracted from Light-guide if required Printed Micro-prisms Printing Manufacture Light -guide NO AIR GAP Efficient Light coupling to lightguide +/-45o to +/-35o FWHM, (other values possible) Efficient distribution of light in light-guide Good thermal management Efficient delivery of light. Low glare. Low-cost commodity materials Low cost established manufacturing processes Main Technical Advantages – High Optical Efficiency AND low form factor (thinness), supporting spatial/local dimming plus opportunities for curved lighting and R2R manufacture Hybrid Technology Description 3 A DESIGN EXAMPLE Standard design cell repeat to scaled to any BLU size SMD LEDs (white in this example) LED location has an extraction feature inside light-guide (not shown here) LED positions and pitch easily changed 50mm Modified Microprism film RGB LED can be integrated TOP ELEVATION PHOTOGRAPH Short light-guide path Thermal management distributed across back of panel First 40” White Hybrid BLU Demonstrator 40” 10 Successful integration into commercial 40” LCD TV for demonstration Copyright ITI Techmedia 2009 White Hybrid Optimised Design air gap construction 5.5 mm SIDE ELEVATION 2x PET diffusers (CCFL LCD TV) Diffuser Board from CCFL LCD TV Hybrid LED Light-guide Heat sink <1mm 150mm No diffusers Diffusers as above Optical Efficiency Measurement 1 Eldim EZ160R Luminance Area Luminous Intensity Beam Angle (FWHM) Luminous Flux Power consumption Measured LED Efficacy of Efficacy Optical BLU (datasheet) Efficiency 4300 Cd/m2 0.45m2 1935 Cd 90o 3563 lm 72W 50 lm/W 62 lm/W 81% ITI 600mm x 600mm 6600 cd/m2 0.36m2 2376 Cd 90o 4375 lm 73W 59 lm/W 62 lm/W 95% DLED 150mm x 100mm 6000 Cd/m2 0.015m2 90 Cd 90o 166 lm 2.88W 57 lm/W 62 lm/W 91% #2 600mm x 600mm 4400 Cd/m2 0.36m2 1584 Cd 90o 2915 lm 46W 63.4 lm/W 78 lm/W 81% Sample size AU BLU 40" Optical Efficiency Measurement 2 XXX Sample size LED current Measured Efficacy of BLU LED Efficacy (datasheet) Optical Efficiency 150mm x 100mm 20mA 57.5 lm/W 62 lm/W 93% Integrating sphere measurement – no diffusers, white PET reflector 40” White Hybrid BLU Demonstrator Attribute Display diagonal Measurement 40” Aspect Ratio 16:9 Light-guide/gap/diffuser stack thickness Light-guide Optical Efficiency 5.5mm Luminance 7000 Cd/m2 Luminance non-uniformity (No DBEF in system) <15% no visible non-uniformity Beam angle +/- 45o +90% (no BEF) 1152 (60 Lm/W LEDs) measured Number of LEDs 768 (90 Lm/W LEDs) next design Further reduction with DBEF 98W (60 lm/W LEDs) measured BLU Power consumption 64W (90 lm/W LEDs) Predicted Further reduction with DBEF White Hybrid Technology Roadmap Based on 40” White LED BLU Low performance LED May 2010 Status Low lumen/watt High performance LED Next Generation late 2010 2011 Units High Lumen/watt High lumen/watt 1152 550 462 60 90 100 Lm/W 1.6 2.4 2.7 Cd o o o +/-45 FWHM +/-45 FWHM +/-45 FWHM Degrees 1 1.4 1.5 7000 7000 7000 Cd/m2 98 46 39 W LED Type LED Number in 40" Light-guide LED Efficiency LED Luminous Intensity at 20mA Light-guide beam angle DBEF Gain BLU Luminance BLU Power Consumption Light-guide LED Cost Projected DBEF Cost Projected Light-guide Other Cost Projected TOTAL Light-guide Cost Projected xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx US$ US$ US$ US$ performance High cost Number of LEDs Low time In general, the product needs high efficiency and high colour performance LEDs to meet market requirements. White BLU Technology Comparisons Technology Optical efficiency Description Primary Loss contribution 60% to 90% Top emitting LEDs in 50mm deep air cavity with strong diffuser Strong diffuser and cavity surfaces Edge Lit LED 50% to 60% Edge "mounted" LEDs with acrylic light-guide, white ink dots Design LED Hybrid LED 80% to+90% Edge emitting LEDs embedded in Hybrid 1cm's average light-guide path in polymer 60% Reflective Surface absorption and lamp geometry Direct Lit LED Fluorescent Lamp 2. 1. LED to light-guide edge coupling, 10cm's average light-guide path in acrylic 3. White ink light extractor Feature Fluorescent Tube Direct-Lit LED Edge-lit LED Current DLED Hybrid Future Design LED Comparison assumptions Relative Thickness - - ++ + ++ Thinner design Relative Weight - ++ + + ++ Assuming optimum heat sink fixture Relative Power Efficiency - + - ++ +++ Efficiency of optics assuming similar LEDs Relative Power saving /Carbon footprint - + - ++ +++ Based on efficiency Life-time/thermal management - ++ + ++ ++ Good thermal management Curvable - - + + ++ Redesign Relative System Cost ++ - - + ++ <$10, plus LED cost in volume BLUs Need High Optical Efficiency High optical efficiency is a technical and commercial requirement 1. Reduces LED number/specification 2. Reduces Power Consumption 3. Reduces thermal dissipation requirement 4. Reduces cost Hybrid RGB Hybrid white LED Tiled Light-guide LED Edge-lit LED (e.g. Samsung LED TV) CCFL LCD TV System-level Energy Efficiency (driven by optical efficiency and spatial/colour dimming capability, complicated by LED lm/W efficiency) RGB Hybrid BLU Platform To support colour spatial/3-d dimming and field sequential LCD Summary • Novel integrated approach – “Hybrid” BLU Technology Platform • Key challenge is to achieve high optical efficiency while retaining good uniformity with thin design • Status - 90% optical efficiency for a 40” BLU, with good non-uniformity (small-scale) <10mm module thickness • Good luminance, beam profile and power consumption • Supports spatial/local 2-d dimming. • Supports a wide range of LED types and specifications • LOW COST SOLUTION – due to lower LED requirement, Bill of Material and printing manufacturing process • We have demonstrators at the Author Interview session at 12noon. Thin, energy efficient LED BLU, supporting spatial/local dimming