October 2015

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Performance & Assurance Board - October
Minutes/Decision & Actions of Performance &
Assurance Board
Portfolio Delivery Office
Review Date
Date Issued
October 2016
October 2018
Draft Record of Decisions and Actions - Meeting Date: 6th Oct 2015
Chair – Craig Mackey, Deputy Commissioner
Members Attending:
Helen King, Assistant Commissioner TP; Martin Hewitt, Assistant Commissioner Professionalism;
Mark Rowley, Assistant Commissioner SOHQ; Patricia Gallan, Assistant Commissioner SCO; Mark
Simmons, DAC TP; Steve Rodhouse, DAC Crime Operations; Phil Woolf, Director of Performance and
Assurance; Jo Collins, Head of Risk and Assurance; Robin Wilkinson, Director of People and Change;
Martin Fewell, Director of Media and Communication; Lynda McMullan, Director of Commercial and
Finance; Julie Norgrove, Director of Audit Risk and Assurance; Faith Boardman, MOPAC, Susan
Paterson, Performance Risk and Assurance
Meeting secretary: Natasha Raj, Portfolio Delivery Office
Performance & Assurance Board 06 October 2015 (‘the Board’)
Minutes / Decision / Action
Apologies were noted from Bernard Hogan-Howe, Commissioner; Peter Terry, DAC
SC&O; Rebecca Lawrence, Director of Strategy and Planning MOPAC
Review of Minutes and Actions from last Performance and Assurance Board on
1st September 2015
The minutes from Performance and Assurance Board on 1st September were agreed
and outstanding actions were updated.
Action 48/PA: the Deputy Commissioner asked that a report be produced for AC Rowley
November’s Board covering the work being done on response times to embassies,
including the trend for response time performance over the last two or three years.
The Board noted two briefing notes which were provided by AC Gallan in response to
actions arising from the previous Performance and Assurance Board meeting.
Item 1.
NPOCC Mutual Aid – PA(15)49
AC Gallan presented a briefing note on Mutual Aid deployment provided into and out of
the Met for September 2015, and confirmed that one police officer was deployed to
another force by the Met as ‘donor’. The Met did not receive any Mutual Aid support as
‘host’ during this period.
Item 2.
Performance Priorities Presentation - PA(15)50
The Board discussed the presentation and reviewed performance on the MOPAC 7
crime reduction target.
Members discussed whether body worn video (BWV) cameras were affecting officers’
confidence to conduct stop searches. It was noted the College of Policing evaluation of
BWV, which was likely to cover this issue, should be used to inform the full rollout of
On the work to tackle gang crime, there was a discussion about the impact of changes
to the Met’s intelligence function, particularly the move away from locally based teams.
Robin Wilkinson said DAC Maxine de Brunner is developing terms of reference for a
review of the Met’s intelligence function.
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AC Rowley gave an overview of slides 27-40, focusing on Prevent case management.
He explained the new tracking process begin in May and is still developing, but does
now give a view of the source of referrals and how they are resolved.
Lynda McMullan briefed members on the service the Met provides to the Disclosure
and Barring Service (DBS). She described the work being done to reduce current
backlogs, including recruiting and training new staff and using temporary staff. A plan
to make performance compliant with required service levels has been agreed with DBS.
The Board then considered how Met performance should be assessed in the future.
Members said a new framework should reflect the breadth of Met activity and include
more of the complexity of policing London (for example vulnerability, safeguarding,
sexual offences and counter terrorism) than has been possible with the 20:20:20
AC Rowley proposed this could be achieved with between five and eight indicators.
DAC Simmons said that four years was too long for a single target to apply. AC King
said she would prefer testing direction of travel rather pursuing a single target: a
reduction of more than 19% in MOPAC 7 offences would be a significant achievement,
even if it didn’t reach the 20% target.
From the discussion a number of common themes emerged for future performance
indicators to cover:
• Counter terrorism
• Serious and organised crime
• Public order/keeping the peace
• Safeguarding
• Violence
• Acquisitive crime/neighbourhood crime and incidents
• Confidence
Members also expressed the wish that performance indicators extended beyond these
public facing ‘outcomes’ into all four quadrants of the Met’s performance framework.
Action 55/PA: Phil Woolf to bring a report back to next meeting with proposals for
future performance indicators. Once this report is agreed, circulate to COGs by
December and then disseminate with wider stakeholder.
Phil Woolf
Item 3.
The Met’s Performance and Risk Framework - PA(15)51
AC Hewitt and Director of Performance and Assurance briefed members on the paper.
Its recommendations would ensure all boroughs and OCUs are tackling the underlying
issues to give sustainable, good performance in the future.
AC King said the scorecard needed objective measures to test if performance was
getting better or worse, and there was a need for masterclasses to help leaders make
best use of the data.
Faith Boardman said other organisations have a closer link between a balanced
scorecard and a business plan.
The Deputy Commissioner summarised by saying the paper’s recommendations were
Action 56/PA: Phil Woolf to roll out the performance and risk framework as
recommended in the paper.
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Phil Woolf
Item 4.
Capital and Revenue Budget Monthly Monitoring Report 2015/2016 PA(15)52
Director of Commercial and Finance presented the report on the MOPAC/MPS finances
for 2015/2016 which provided details of the current forecast position as at Period 5 for
revenue and capital budgets. The Board were asked to note the current and projected
2015/2016 financial position in the MPS.
The year to date position is an overspend of £13.1m and the forecast is an overspend
of £39.6m (1.7% of total budget). It should be noted that any overspend in the current
year will result in an unplanned call on reserves, impacting upon the resources
available to help MPS manage the impact of the next Spending Review.
The significant forecast pressures to address are:
• Income (£15.3m) mainly due to not filling budgeted, funded posts (£11m).
Work is underway to address this.
• Supplies and Services (£11.7m) - Finance and Legal Services to agree the
financial treatment of Legal 3rd Party Provision (work underway as part of
the 16/17 budget setting process) and ACs to ensure Business Group
budgets are managed.
• Police Staff Pay (£7.9m) - caused in the main by the number of agency staff.
ACs to manage business group budgets accordingly.
• Police Officer Overtime (£3.8m) - due to the workload in SC&O and the
costs of policing the Ecuadorean Embassy.
Actions to address the above have been discussed at previous I&R Boards and
progress will be stated in the Period 6 (half year) monitoring report.
Item 5.
Commissioner’s Commitments - PA(15)53
The Deputy Commissioner presented the paper which provided an update on the
delivery of the three outstanding 2014/15 Commissioner’s Commitments and progress
of the 2015/16 Commitments.
The Board were asked to note progress on the following remaining 2014/15
Commitments and receive further update in January:
Commitment 3. We will ensure that all Neighbourhood Policing Standard Operating
Procedures (SOPs) are converted into toolkits – partially complete
Commitment 7. We will deliver a new user-friendly search facility for PNC on desktop or
tablet, reducing the need for training – partially complete
Commitment 9. Using the latest technology, a new intranet forum facility will help
people connect more quickly and easily Met-wide or in groups to ask questions, discuss
topics and share work – partially complete
Phil Woolf
Action 57/PA: Phil Woolf to provide further update on the three outstanding 2014/15
Commissioner’s Commitments in Jan 2016.
The Board noted progress on delivering the 2015/16 Commitments:
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1. We will develop effective and efficient processes to improve our capability to
retrieve, exhibit and view CCTV – it was noted this should be described as
2. All custody sites will have a digital footwear scanner installed to enable the
electronic submission of suspect footprints by April 2016 – not yet complete
3. We will continue to streamline Criminal Justice Processes through the fast time
provision of 999 call recordings for Domestic Abuse cases to the officer in
charge within 1 hour, by December 2015 - complete
4. We will pilot an innovative new development programme called Leading for
London across seven (B)OCUs and use the learning to inform leadership
training across the Met – not yet complete
5. All TP BOCUs and all RTPC sergeants will receive volume crime investigation
training by April 2016 – not yet complete
6. We will increase the number of trained detectives available to the MPS by 100
by offering Trainee Detective Schemes within Specialist Crime and Operations
OCUs – it was noted this should be described as “ongoing”
7. We will increase and then maintain the number of level 2 Public Order trained
Inspectors to 200 - complete
8. We will develop a distinctive new police high visibility jacket trial and commence
roll out by April 2016 – not yet complete
9. We will ensure that every new and existing member of police staff, volunteer
and police transferee understands their responsibilities under the Equality Act
2010 – not yet complete
Item 6.
Summary of Decisions from Corporate Boards - PA(15)54
The Board noted the summary of decisions made at corporate boards during
September 2015.
Item 7.
Emerging Risks - verbal discussion
The Board discussed the implications for the MPS of the Independent Inquiry into Child
Sexual Abuse (IICSA) chaired by Justice Goddard and the Undercover Policing Inquiry
chaired by Lord Justice Pitchford. To enable all Board members to be sighted on
potential risks it was agreed the Board should receive regular updates as a restricted
item on the agenda. When the Board discusses the first of these reports it will decide
the frequency of further updates.
Action 58/PA: AC Hewitt to provide the Board with updates on the Undercover Policing AC Hewitt and
Inquiry. AC Gallan to provide the Board with updates on the Independent Inquiry into AC Gallan
Child Sexual Abuse.
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