Annual Report of Giving - Lancaster Theological Seminary

2014 Annual Report of
Educating and nurturing leaders
to join in God’s redemptive and liberating work
so that all creation may flourish
Lancaster Theological Seminary
Thanks to your support, our
dynamic and diverse community
of faith, learning, and worship
will continue to educate and
nurture leaders to join in God’s
redemptive and liberating work
so that all creation may flourish.
Lancaster Theological Seminary
555 West James Street
Lancaster, PA 17603
(800) 393-0654
2014 Board of Trustees
Richard Kratz, Chair
Jon Gruber, Vice Chair
Beckie Meyer, Secretary
Marja Coons-Torn, Treasurer
Rev. Dr. Carol E. Lytch, President
Kharma Amos
Sandy Cross
Karen Demby
Susan Garofola
Catherine Hartley
Sadie High
Karen Horsey
Anne Lampe
Marjorie Lohnes
Cody Long
Benjamin Rader
Robert Rhoads
Harry Serio
Scott Shuck
Dr. David Mellott, Dean of the Seminary
and Vice President, Academic Affairs
Elizabeth Bennett, Vice President
Business and Operations
Crystal Mills, Vice President
Advancement and Communications
The donors listed in this report contributed during the fiscal year from July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014.
Despite our best efforts, sometimes errors occur. Please let us know about any corrections by
contacting the Advancement Department at or (800) 393-0654.
2014 Annual report
We are so thankful to you,
our faithful donors and
generous supporters, who demonstrated your affection for and commitment to Lancaster Theological Seminary by making a financial donation during the fiscal year
July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014.
For the second year in a row, your gifts to our annual fund topped $1 million!
Your support makes it possible for us to continue to provide the highest quality
educational support to transformational leaders who will serve the church now and
well into the future.
The excellence of our programs was underscored in 2014 by the achievement
of a major milestone: reaccreditation by both the Middle States Association of
Colleges and Schools and the Association of Theological Schools for the next 10
years, the maximum time allowable. ATS noted our distinctive strengths: outstanding leadership, commitment in facing institutional racism, and responsiveness to
student well-being.
Rev. Dr. Carol E. Lytch
Seminary President
We give thanks to God for all of you who have blessed us with your gifts. With
this positive momentum and renewed energy, we are able to carry out our mission:
to educate and nurture leaders to join in God’s redemptive and liberating work so
that all creation may flourish.
Dr. Richard A. Kratz
Chair, Board of Trustees
Lighting upgrades in historic Dietz
Refectory were made possible by a gift
from the S. Dale High Family Foundation.
Anonymous (3)
¢Mrs. Susan C. Adams
Mr. Ronald E. Ahlquist
Mrs. Ione Ambrose
¢Rev. Dr. Kharma Amos
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Anderson
Ms. Rebecca B. Angelo
¢Mrs. Josephine D. Appell
Rev. & Mrs. Verne E. Arens Jr.
Mr. Frank A. Aten *
Mr. Michael A. Baal
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Bade
Mr. Conrad Bare
Mrs. Ann Barshinger
Mr. John Bartholomay
Ms. Renee D. Bartholomew
Dr. Rebekah Burch Basinger
Ms. Nancy M. Basselgia
Mr. Walter E. Bastian Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Mervin R. Beck
Ms. Miriam Beiler
Mr. Chris Beldan
Ms. Judith A. Berges
Rev. Virginia A. Beyer
Rev. & Mrs. Robert M. Bistline
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Blaich
Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Blankenstein
Mr. Harvey Bomberger
Mrs. Anne Breiling
Rev. Kendal N. Brown
Ms. Eliza Smith Brown
¢Mr. & Mrs. Franklin A. Burke
Ms. Karna M. Burkeen
We are very grateful to the many friends who choose to make Lancaster Theological Seminary a philanthropic priority. It is through your steadfast support that Lancaster Seminary continues to produce
strong leaders of faith for the church and society.
¢TRUSTEE ¢TRUSTEE emeritus/a
Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Carl H. Burton
Rev. Dr. Louis A. Butcher Jr.
¢Rev. Dr. Geneva M. Butz
Mr. & Mrs. William Calder
Mr. Stanley E. Carnarius
Rev. C. R. Conrad
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Cooney
¢Rev. Dr. Marja Coons-Torn
Dr. Angela R. Cowser
Mrs. Joan Craven
¢Mrs. Sandy A. Cross
& Mr. Gary A. Cross
Ms. Jean DeLong Custer
Rev. Faith J. D’Urbano
Rev. Kenneth V. Daniel
¢Rev. Dr. Barbara Kershner Daniel
Rev. Dr. Edward S. Davis
¢Mr. Kenneth Dearstyne
Rev. Monica Dawkins-Smith
¢Dr. Karen Demby
Mrs. Mary Denlinger
Mrs. Bonnie DeSensi
Ms. Mary R. Dewar
Rev. & Mrs. Park P. Dickerson
Mr. Charles B. Diller
Mr. & Mrs. Graydon Dodson
Mr. George H. Donigian
Rev. & Mrs. David L. Donner
¢Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Dorney
Mrs. H. Stanley Dunn
Rev. Dr. Jay Ebersole
Mr. Tim Erdley
Our unique Master of Divinity
program debuts in August 2015 after
nearly a year in development. This
“bold investment in community”
offers a refreshed curriculum and
two options, a weekday program
and a weekend program, that make
it realistically possible to combine
work and school.
Dr. David Mellott, Seminary Dean
and Vice President for Academic Affairs, says, “People want
to cultivate lives that matter to themselves and to others.
Our newly designed degree program will help students engage human existence more deeply and teach them to put
their talents at the service of God’s vision for a world where
all creation flourishes.”
2014 Annual report
Ms. Glenna M. Eshleman
Mrs. William C. Fenstermacher
Mrs. Marie Achtemeier Finch
Ms. Sara J. Fitzgerald
& Mr. Walter W. Wurfel
Mr. & Mrs. Gary W. Fleisher
Mr. & Mrs. H. Lee Ford
¢The Honorable Ralph France II
Mr. Brent Frank & Mr. Steven Romig
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Frantz
Mr. Mark Frantz
Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Donald Freeman
¢Mrs. Susan Garofola
Mr. Robert L. Garrett
Mr. Roger M. Gilbert
Mr. & Mrs. Gary A. Glass
Mrs. Lois Jean Gonder
Ms. Cory Graeff & Mr. Mike Graeff
Ms. Beverly A. Gray
Mr. & Mrs. Harold N. Graybeal
Ms. Mary Ann Gregory
Mrs. Catherine H. Gregory
Mr. & Mrs. Irvin Greif Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Grew
Dr. & Mrs. Kent Groff
¢Mr. Robert F. Groff Jr.
¢Mr. Jon M. Gruber Esq.
Mrs. Grace N. Gundlach
Ms. Carol Haas
Mr. Brian Hafer
Mr. & Mrs. B. Frank Hale
Rev. & Mrs. Julian E. Hall
Mr. Ray Hamilton
Ms. Martha Harris
¢Ms. Catherine A. Hartley
¢Dr. Mary W. Helms
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Henderson
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Hershey
Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Paul R. Hetrich
¢Ms. Sadie H. High
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory High
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis J. Hitchcock
Ms. Melissa K. Hoffman
Rev. F. Michael Hooper
¢Mrs. Patricia Hopson-Shelton
¢Ms. Karen Horsey
Dr. J. Samuel Houser
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry P. Huffman
Mrs. Judi Hummer
Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Paul E. Irion
Dr. D. T. Jackson
Mr. Kenneth L. Jacobs
Ms. Catherine N. Jasons
¢Dr. Anna Johnson-Winegar
& Mr. Lucien T. Winegar
Mrs. Donna Kaplan
Miss Brenda Keener
Mr. & Mrs. Murad Kerneklian
Ms. Claire R. Kershner
Ms. Susan M. Kick
¢Dr. Richard A. Kratz
Mr. John W. Kraus Jr.
Ms. Nancy E. Krody
¢Ms. Anne M. Lampe
Mr. & Mrs. Carroll Laurence
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Lee
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Leith
Ms. D. Jean Lengacher
Mr. James S. Linderman
¢Mr. & Mrs. K. Wayne Lockard
¢Mrs. Marjorie R. Lohnes
¢Mr. Cody Walter Long
¢Rev. Anna D. Lutz
Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm MacDougall
Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Mackey
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy A. Mackey
Ms. Anna Mangigian
Mrs. Jane S. Marks
Dr. & Mrs. William A. Marshall
Mrs. June V. Martin
Mr. Jeffrey C. Mason
Mr. & Mrs. Augustus G. Mauro
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Mayberry
Mr. John J. McDermott
¢Mrs. Anne F. McGrann
Dr. & Mrs. Clark McSparren Jr.
Mrs. Barbara Mensendiek
¢Dr. Rebecca H. Meyer
Ms. AnnMarie Michael
Mr. George Miller
Mrs. Virginia C. Miller *
Ms. Diane E. Miltz
& Ms. Shirley A. Stickler
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce E. Myers
Mrs. Aileen L. Myers
Ms. Margaret J. Neff
Ms. Nancy A. Neiswender
Mr. Philip Nolt
Mrs. Kristin Oberholtzer
& Mr. Trace Oberholtzer
Mr. William E. Ogburn Jr.
Mrs. Patsy E. Palmer
Mr. Kenneth A. Parker
Rev. Gary B. Phaup
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Phillips
Ms. Whrelda Pittman
Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Riess W. Potterveld
Ms. Olga Pratt
Mrs. Carol T. Pyfer
& Mr. John F. Pyfer Jr.
¢Mr. Benjamin J. Rader
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Reading
Mr. & Mrs. G. Thomas Reese
¢The Honorable Inez Smith Reid
¢Mr. Robert I. Rhoads Jr.
¢Rev. Kathleen M. Rhyne
Ms. Ruth E. Rishel
Dr. & Mrs. T. Richard Robe
Mrs. Ginjr L. Robinson
Ms. Jessica Rodgers
Mrs. E. Florence Ruof
¢Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Rollin O. Russell
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Russo
Ms. Beverly J. Sanders
¢Rev. Curtis A. Sandrock
Mr. & Mrs. Roger W. Sandt
Dr. & Mrs. David E. Scheirer
Mr. Daniel Tietjen Schellhorn *
Dr. & Mrs. Peter Schmiechen
Ms. Helen L. Schneider
Ms. Nancy Schongalla-Bowman
& Mr. Gary Schongalla-Bowman
¢Rev. Glenn E. Schultz
Dr. & Mrs. Ira Schwartz
Dr. & Mrs. Gary W. Seldomridge
¢Rev. Dr. Harry L. Serio
Mrs. Betty P. Settlemyre
Mr. D. Wayne Shelly
¢Mr. Scott A. Shuck
Mrs. Charles W. Sigler
Mr. Herbert J. Silfies
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Sloyer
Mrs. Dona E. Smith
Mr. Harold P. Smith
Mrs. Gladys H. Snider
Mrs. Betty W. Snyder
Mr. J. Linford Snyder
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas L. Soder
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Soder
Ms. Florence M. Soghoian
& Ms. Rose Soghoian
Rev. Jennifer Sowell-Glover
Mrs. Bronson Staley
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Steiner
Ms. Lauren A. Stowe
Ms. Judith A. Sutherland
Mr. & Mrs. Sidney H. Tedford
Rev. Mary Martha Thiel
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Thompson
Ms. Patsy S. Thompson
Ms. Lisa Thorsen
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Tolbert
Mrs. Barbara R. G. Tollerson
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Trach
Mrs. Joan B. Trump
Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Umberger
Ms. Allyson Vertigan
Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Richard Vieth
Dr. Glenys A. Waldman
Rev. & Mrs. T. Dennis Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Randall E. Wambold
Rev. & Mrs. James Weaver
¢Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Lyle J. Weible
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Weidler Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Terence I. Weikel
¢Rev. Dr. Stephanie K. Weiner
¢Rev. Frederick A. Wenner
Mrs. Marie Wenner
Mr. Wilson D. Wetzel
Dr. David White
& Ms. Melissa Wiginton
Mr. William J. Whitebread
Ms. Lisa B. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Willis
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Wilson
Mrs. Gloria M. Wingenroth
Mr. David Woodruff
Mr. & Mrs. John Wylie
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Young
Mr. John P. Young
Ms. Elli Zeamer
Dr. & Mrs. Nikitas J. Zervanos
Ms. Nadinne M. Ziegler
¢Mr. John D. Zimmerman
Marking the 50th anniversary of the enactment of the
Voting Rights law along with other civil rights milestones,
several of our own “courageous clergy” returned to campus to share their memories of the turbulent 1950s and 60s.
Moderated by Rev. Dr. Nathan Baxter, ‘76/’84 (center), the
panel included (from left) Rev. Dr. Jack Seville, ‘64/’73; Rev.
Dr. Herbert Davis, ’60; Rev. Dr. Doyle Luckenbaugh, ’65; Dr.
Paul Irion, professor emeritus.
Rev. Dr. William Rader, ’54, said, “Remember that the
struggle is a spiritual one…prayer is vital for those who seem
to stand in the way and for deeper understanding, patience,
and hope.”
We welcomed more than 60 community leaders, neighbors, and friends to a unique “asset-mapping” brainstorming
session that explored new ways to open our historic campus,
engage more with the broader community, and protect and
update our architectural gems. The event, part of a two-year
program led by Partners for Sacred Places and funded by a
grant from The Henry Luce Foundation, is essential in maximizing our campus assets and developing a campus master
plan for the future.
In addition, Dr. Stephanie Crumpton, Assistant Professor
of Practical Theology, led a series of Testify conversations
that engaged our campus and the community in deep and
thoughtful explorations of race and justice.
alumNi/ae contributors
* Deceased
Rev. Addison K. Groff
Rev. William H. Daniels *
Rev. Vernon H. Baum
Rev. Thomas M. Burns Jr.
Rev. Carl K. Marks *
Rev. Dr. Richard T. Schellhase
Rev. Beatrice W. McConnell
Rev. H. Clayton Moyer Jr.
Rev. Dr. Grant E. Harrity
Rev. Ernest M. Hawk
Rev. Ray L. Harwick
Rev. Glenn E. Schultz
Rev. Milton E. Gockley Jr.
Rev. August J. Molnar Jr.
Rev. Richard H. Whitney
Rev. Theodore E. Haas
Rev. Banks D. Shepherd
Rev. Dr. Dale M. Heckman
Rev. Dr. William H. Rader
Rev. Dr. Nelson A. L. Weller
Rev. J. William Anderson
Rev. William A. Ellsworth
Rev. Richard P. Fehnel
Rev. Dr. James W. Morris
Rev. Lawrence J. Rezash
Rev. Robert H. Rezash
Rev. Dr. Robert I. Rhoads Sr.
Rev. Curtis A. Sandrock
Rev. Dr. Donald P. Flick
Rev. Harold A. Henning
Rev. Arpad de Kallos
Chaplain Harold C. Lamm
Rev. Dr. Donald B. Orander
Rev. Glenn J. Rader *
Rev. Dr. Don R. Studer *
Rev. Dr. James W. Bright Jr.
Rev. C. Larry Fisher
Rev. James H. Gold
Rev. Ronald R. Krick
Rev. Dr. Robert E. Reiff
Rev. Dr. Anna C. Schoup
Rev. Harold M. Schoup
Rev. Arlene B. Studer
Rev. Dr. George S. Fitz
Rev. Charles E. Fogle
Rev. Russell L.J. Heintzelman
Rev. Lavon Bayler
Rev. Robert Bayler
Rev. Richard E. Benner
Rev. Nevin L. Kershner
Rev. Dr. Martha B. Kriebel
Rev. John C. Oliphant
Rev. Willard S. Rabert Jr.
Rev. Dr. L. Richard Batzler
Rev. Herbert R. Davis
Rev. Howard L. Kriebel
Rev. Lila J. Butz
Rev. David H. Knoebel
Rev. George J. Miller
Mrs. S. Alberta Miller
Rev. J. Robert Musser
Rev. Dr. Paul R. Peters
Rev. Dr. Ernest B. Racz
Rev. John E. Saxton
Rev. Donald J. Stump Sr.
Rev. Douglas S. Albert
Rev. Dorothy M. Book
Rev. George O. Butz
Rev. Harold T. Lesh
Rev. William R. Swisher Jr.
Dr. Francis H. Williamson
Rev. Dr. Charles Yrigoyen Jr.
Rev. Chester W. Byerly
Rev. Dr. Gary A. Hackenberg
Rev. Robert G. Hunsicker
Rev. Dr. David S. Mohr
Rev. William A. Seaman
Rev. John P. Smeltzer
Rev. Bronson E. Staley *
Mrs. Gennie Lou L. Byerly
Rev. Merle R. Dech
Mrs. Eleanor E. Focht
Rev. Ronald D. Gerber
Rev. Richard D. Hemann
Rev. Dr. Laverne R. Joseph
Rev. Joseph F. Krabill
Rev. Raymond L. Morris
Rev. Dr. Jack J. Seville Jr.
Rev. Peter S. Shults *
Rev. Frederick A. Wenner
Rev. Kenneth J. Briggs
Rev. Gregory Kendall
Rev. Dr. Doyle A. Luckenbaugh
Rev. Peter D. Mackey
Rev. Harry G. Royer
Rev. Labert D. Altemose
Rev. Charles E. Doll Jr.
Rev. David P. Focht
Rev. Milton E. Gockley Jr.
2014 Annual report
Alumni/ae gifts help to advance Lancaster Seminary on multiple levels and
we are enormously grateful for the steadfast commitment and support of
our faithful graduates who contributed last fiscal year.
Rev. David J. Michael
Mrs. Henrietta K. Ranck
Rev. Dr. Harry L. Serio
Rev. Walter S. Snowa
Rev. Dr. Gene W. Aulenbach
Rev. George C. Martz
Rev. William E. Thomas
Rev. Dr. Robert G. Aregood
Rev. Dr. James A. Killian
Rev. Armin H. Kroehler
Rev. Robert C. Meissner
Rev. Edward Schneider
Rev. Lary G. Diehl
Rev. Frank R. Keller
Rev. Duane K. Rhoadarmer
Rev. Dr. R. Terrence Foor
Rev. Dr. Joseph R. Foster
Rev. Robert Hoffman Naylor
Rev. Vernon H. Baum
Rev. Dorothy M. Book
Rev. John F. Esbenshade Jr.
Rev. Dr. James W. Morris
Rev. Dr. Stephen L. Sterner
Rev. Cliffert F. Herring Jr.
Rev. Rodger L. Snyder
Rev. Robert E. Brown
Rev. Gordon R. Epps
Rev. Dr. James G. Keough Jr.
Rev. David H. Knoebel
Rev. Dr. Jack A. Seville Jr.
Rev. John L. Emig
Rev. James T. Fatzinger
Rev. Dr. John E. Fureman
Rev. Arthur E. Gladfelter
Chaplain Lewis C. Long III
Rev. Michael C. Romig
Rev. Dr. Gene W. Aulenbach
The Rt. Rev. Nathan D. Baxter
Rev. Linda S. Gruber
Rev. Dana R. Schlegel
Rev. Dr. Claude I. Dencler
Rev. Dr. Philip A. Lynch
Rev. Dr. James W. Morris
Rev. Dr. Gary A. Hackenberg
Rev. Melinda Miko Keck
Rev. Elmer B. Reinhold Jr.
Rev. Dr. Robert I. Rhoads Sr.
Rev. Charlotte H. Whiting
Rev. Dr. Stephen L. Sterner
Mr. John-Christian Aierstuck
Rev. Dr. Donald P. Flick
Rev. Dr. William L. Raker
Rev. Gary A. Sickles
Rev. William J. LaSalle
Rev. Scott M. Sanders
Rev. Dr. William D. Schmeling
Rev. Dr. Don R. Studer *
Rev. Dennis L. Weidler
Rev. Lila J. Butz
Rev. Dr. Barbara Kershner Daniel
Mr. Thomas R. Hoober
Rev. Dr. John R. Martin
Rev. Stephany S. Sechrist
Rev. Dr. Frank J. Stalfa *
Rev. Esther R. Ziegler
The Rt. Rev. Nathan D. Baxter
Rev. Dr. James W. Bright Jr.
Rev. Judith Gibble
Rev. Janet K. Hess
Rev. Debra A. Sickles
Ms. Sue A. Bowman
Rev. Dr. Katherine E. Brearley
Rev. Nancy A. Johnston
Rev. Dr. Robert E. Canon
Rev. Dr. Roger K. Peters
Rev. Leonard S. Knighton
Rev. Susan L. Martin
Rev. Homer E. Royer Jr.
Rev. Dr. Susan A. Minasian
Rev. Craig W. Stout
Rev. Harry F. Knox II
Rev. Gary F. Lewis
Rev. Lisa A. Gaul
Rev. Dr. David S. Moore
Rev. John R. Snyder-Samuelson
Rev. Ann N. Graves
Rev. Susan L. Martin
Rev. Dr. Harry L. Serio
Rev. Dr. Fred W. Swartz
Rev. Dr. Susan C. Bertolette
Rev. Dr. Claude I. Dencler
Rev. Urbane Peachey
Meck & Moss Awards Honor Distinguished Alumni
Each year the Seminary presents outstanding alumni/
alumnae of any denomination, nominated by their peers,
churches, or other organizations, with our highest alumni/ae
honors: The Robert V. Moss Award for distinguished service
in specialized ministry, and The Allen S. Meck Award for distinguished service in pastoral ministry.
The 2014 Meck Award was presented to The Rev. Dr. Jason
Leader, ‘00, ‘10, pastor of St. Jacob’s (Stone) UCC, Glennville,
Rev. Dr. Jason Leader
2014 Meck Award
Rev. Dr. John E. Fureman
Rev. Phyllis J. Baum
Rev. Ann T. Few
Rev. Dr. Barry J. McCarthy
Rev. Dr. Jill R. Edens
Rev. Dr. Barbara Kershner Daniel
Rev. Sandra E. Knaub
Rev. Dorothy E. Shelly
Rev. Darcy B. Bertelmann
Ms. Betty Keller Ferruzza
Rev. Victoria J. Freiheit
Rev. Deborah F. Moyer
Mr. Walter J. Wiltschek
Rev. Judith A. Meier
Rev. Dr. K. Edward Brandt
Rev. Pamela R. Dintaman
Dr. A. Richard Weaver
Rev. Elizabeth C. Colton
Rev. Patricia A. Dodds
Rev. Sherry L. Lantz
Rev. Dr. Jason A. Leader
Ms. Jean R. Moyer
Rev. Catherine Oatman
Rev. Dr. Linda L. Riccardi
Rev. Kerry W. Bart
Rev. Carol A. Bender
Rev. Debora K. Gifford
Ms. Nancy A. Hoober
PA, for his outstanding leadership in revitalizing the church,
growing the congregation, and increasing its mission work.
The 2014 Moss Award was presented to The Right Rev.
Dr. Nathan Baxter, ’76, ‘84, retired bishop of the Episcopal
Diocese of Central Pennsylvania, for reorganizing the diocese
to encourage, educate and empower lay ministries, initiating
a clergy wellness program, and using new media to communicate the Gospel.
Rt. Rev. Dr. Nathan Baxter
2014 Moss Award
Ms. Sue Ann Patterson
Rev. Dr. Kay Rader
Rev. Dr. Kharma R. Amos
Rev. Sterling Lavern Fritz
Rev. Dr. John H. Heffner
Ms. Cheryl M. Lehman
Mr. Duane W. Romberger
Rev. Corrine R. Dautrich
Rev. Mary Elizabeth Hartenstein
Rev. Kathy Harvey-Nelson
Rev. Kathleen M. Rhyne
Rev. Erin R. Snell
Rev. Sandra L. Strauss
Rev. Dr. Joanne P. Marchetto
Rev. Holly L. MillerShank
Rev. Dr. Christopher M. Rankin
Ms. Kathy D. Yoder
Ms. Carolene Snyder Brubaker
Rev. Dr. William H. Cluley
Rev. J. Matthew M. Deal
Rev. J. Gerald Egger
Rev. Megan K. Huesgen
Rev. Frances Merkel
Rev. Sheresa Simpson-Rice
Rev. Marjorie A. Egger
Rev. Paul K. Eyer
Rev. Sara A. Hertzog
Rev. Bonnie L. Hollinger
Rev. Patricia A. Leader
Rev. Wanda S. Lester
Rev. Jacquelyn Lingelbach
Rev. Barbara E. Mosch
Ms. Kathy S. Taylor
Mr. James L. Cavenaugh
Rev. Monica Dawkins-Smith
Rev. Dr. Gene M. Gordon
Rev. Donna Katherine Tabler Kone
Rev. Kathryn Kuhn
Rev. Karen L. Lovelace
Rev. Elaine C. Moyer
Ms. Marie J. Oakberg
Ms. Cheryl J. Zegers
Ms. Mary D. Conway
Ms. Rebecca R. Fuchs
Rev. Emily J. Schwenker
Rev. Bradley A. Walmer
Ms. Nancy Cook
Rev. Dr. David E. Lovelace
Rev. Anne H. Mason
Rev. Michael J. McGowan
Rev. Katherine L. Cort
Ms. Karen Horsey
Rev. Steven C. Hummel
Rev. Dr. Jason A. Leader
Rev. Lucas V. Lindon
Dr. Gail E. Burnaford
Ms. Nancy Cook
Rev. Selina Koester Hamilton
Rev. Dr. Linda L. Riccardi
Rev. Joyce E. Rowles *
Rev. Regina Barrett
Rev. Dr. Larry Covin
Rev. Susan E. Fritz
Rev. Betsy S. Ivey
Ms. Susan B. LeBaron-Tonini
Ms. Betsy Majewski
Rev. Gail A. Minnick
Ms. Cathy Morgan
Rev. Kay Rader
Rev. Katherine Seiler
Rev. Ann Bolek
Mr. Thomas Donald Busteed
Rev. John Folk
Ms. Virginia Heimer
Ms. Sarah Kneier
Rev. Dr. Susan A. Minasian
Mr. Ryan Peterson
Rev. Celestine Slater-Brooks
Rev. Dr. Matt Stillman
Mr. Anthony D. Brown
Rev. Dr. Marianne Sickles Grabowski
Ms. Elizabeth Harbin
Mr. Guy S. Johnson
Mr. Robert Wallace Johnson III
Ms. Dorcas Kamanda
Ms. Kim Kendrick
Rev. Linda L. Kozlowski
Rev. Megan A. Lester
Ms. Brenda L. Lewis
Ms. Maria E. McCabe
Ms. Jocelyn McKeon
Rev. Dr. Constance Mentzer
Ms. Jennifer Potter
Rev. Dr. Christopher M. Rankin
Mr. Louis Vetri
Churches & Judicatories
Church of The Good Shepherd, UCC
Boyertown, PA
Church of the Good Shepherd, UCC
Alburtis, PA
Church of the Holy Trinity, UCC
Hagerstown, MD
Church of the Manger, UCC
Bethlehem, PA
Colonial Park Church, Harrisburg, PA
Congregational Church, UCC
Greensboro, NC
Congregational Church, UCC
Willsboro, NY
Congregational Church, UCC
Rutherford, NJ
Corinth Reformed UCC, Hickory, NC
David’s UCC, Herndon, PA
Denmark Manor UCC, Export, PA
Dover UCC, Dover PA
Dreisbach UCC, Lewisburg PA
Dubbs Memorial Church, UCC
Allentown, PA
East Woodstock Congregational UCC
East Woodstock, CT
Eastern Pennsylvania Conference UCC
Valley Forge, PA
Elon Community Church, Elon, NC
Emmanuel Friedens UCC
Schenectady, NY
Emmanuel UCC, Allentown, PA
Emmanuel/Dorrance UCC
Mountain Top, PA
Evangelical Reformed UCC
Frederick, MD
All Saints Community Church
Lake Helen, FL
Allegheny UCC
(Alleghenyville) Mohnton PA
Armenian Martyrs’ Congregational
Church, Havertown, PA
Baer-Snavely Fund of Church
of the Apostles, Lancaster, PA
Ben Salem UCC, Lehighton, PA
Berks Ministerial Association
Pennsylvania Southeast
Conference UCC, Birdsboro, PA
Bethany UCC, Claremont, NC
Bethel UCC, (Bear Creek)
Mt. Pleasant, NC
Bethel UCC, Beloit, OH
Bethesda UCC, Bethesda, MD
Bethlehem UCC, Glassboro, NJ
Brookside Community Church UCC,
Brookside, NJ
Brownbacks UCC, Spring City, PA
Center Lisle Congregational Church
Lisle, NY
Central Atlantic Conference UCC
Baltimore, MD
Christ UCC, Temple, PA
Christ Reformed UCC,
Shepherdstown, WV
Christ UCC, Walnutport, PA
Christ UCC, Elizabethtown, PA
Christ UCC, Codorus, PA
Church of the Apostles, UCC
Lancaster, PA
At Lancaster Theological Seminary
* Deceased
Mr. & Mrs. William W. Adams
Rev. Douglas S. Albert ‘62
Rev. Dr. Kharma R. Amos ‘02
Mrs. Josephine D. Appell
Mr. Frank A. Aten *
Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Gene W.
Aulenbach ‘67 ‘75
Rev. Regina Barrett ‘12
Mrs. Ann Barshinger
Rev. Vernon H. Baum ‘47 ‘71
Rev. Phyllis J. Baum ‘95
The Rt. Rev. Nathan D. Baxter ‘76 ‘84
Rev. Virginia A. Beyer
Rev. Dr. K. Edward Brandt ‘99
Rev. Robert E. Brown ‘73
Ms. Karna M. Burkeen
We are so very blessed by the longstanding friendship that we have with
local congregations and regional judicatories, which dates back to the
Seminary’s founding in 1825. We value these partnerships tremendously,
particularly in these times of scarcity.
Heidelberg UCC, Slatington, PA
Himmel’s UCC, Dornsife, PA
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
Lancaster, PA
Hope UCC, Allentown, PA
Huff’s UCC, Alburtis, PA
Immanuel UCC, Shillington, PA
Jerusalem Western Salisbury
Allentown, PA
Jordan UCC, Allentown, PA
Lancaster Association, Penn Central
Conference UCC, Lancaster, PA
Lebanon Association, Annville, PA
Little River UCC, Annandale, VA
Local Church Ministries, Cleveland, OH
The Mercersburg Society
Myerstown, PA
Mountain Rise UCC
(Perinton) Fairport, NY
Mt. Zion UCC, York, PA
Myerstown UCC, Myerstown, PA
Naples UCC, Naples, FL
New Goshenhoppen UCC,
East Greenville, PA
New Hope (Fissel’s) UCC, Glen Rock, PA
New Jerusalem UCC, Lexington, NC
New York Conference, UCC, DeWitt, NY
North Cluster of Churches
Westmoreland Association UCC
Export, PA
Parkside UCC, Phoenixville, PA
Peace UCC, Greensboro, NC
Penbrook UCC, Harrisburg, PA
Named for the Seminary’s founding year, The 1825 Society offers two ways to invest in our school’s
future by honoring its historic past. An annual gift of $1,825 or a donation of $365 a year for five years
(one dollar a day) qualifies for Society membership and benefits. We thank these members whose
contributions help support our mission to educate transformational leaders for church and society.
Rev. Thomas W. Caruso ‘05
Ms. Mary D. Conway ‘08
Ms. Nancy Cook ‘09 ‘11
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Cross
Rev. Dr. Barbara Kershner Daniel ‘83 ‘96
Rev. Herbert R. Davis ‘60
Rev. Monica Dawkins-Smith ‘07
Rev. Dr. Claude I. Dencler ‘78 ‘93
Rev. & Mrs. Lary G. Diehl ‘69
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Dorney
Rev. Dr. Jay Ebersole
Rev. Paul K. Eyer ‘06
Rev. James T. Fatzinger ‘74
Rev. Ann T. Few ‘95
Rev. Dr. George S. Fitz ‘58
Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Donald P. Flick ‘56 ‘81
2014 Annual report
Faith Reformed UCC
Schuylkill Haven, PA
Faith UCC, Boston, NY
Faith UCC, New Cumberland, PA
Falkner Swamp Reformed UCC
Gilbertsville, PA
First Congregational, Fairport, NY
First Reformed UCC, Lancaster, PA
First Reformed UCC, Greensburg, PA
First Reformed UCC, Sunbury, PA
First Reformed UCC, Lexington, NC
First UCC, Salisbury, NC
First UCC, Berwick, PA
First UCC, Nescopeck, PA
First UCC, Hyndman, PA
First UCC, Carlisle, PA
Frieden’s UCC, Sumneytown, PA
Garden City Community Church, UCC
Garden City, NY
Glade UCC, Walkersville, MD
Good Shepherd UCC, Slatedale, PA
Good Shepherd UCC, Reading, PA
Grace (Alsace) UCC, Reading, PA
Grace Trinity UCC, Philadelphia, PA
Grace UCC, Richland, PA
Grace UCC, Shippensburg, PA
Grace UCC, Hanover, PA
Grace UCC, Northampton, PA
Grace UCC, Spring Mills, PA
Grace UCC, Frederick, MD
Greenfield UCC, Imler, PA
Hamilton Park UCC, Lancaster, PA
Hedrick’s Grove UCC, Lexington, NC
The Honorable Ralph France II
Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Donald Freeman
Rev. Sterling Lavern Fritz ‘02
Mr. Robert F. Groff Jr.
Rev. Debora K. Gifford ‘01
Rev. Milton E. Gockley Jr. ‘52 ‘66
Ms. Mary Ann Gregory
Mrs. Susan Garofola
Rev. Linda S. Gruber ‘77
Mr. Jon M. Gruber Esq.
Ms. Catherine A. Hartley &
Mr. Jeff Gordon
Rev. Kathy Harvey-Nelson ‘03
Rev. Dr. Dale M. Heckman ‘54
Rev. Dr. John H. Heffner ‘02
Dr. Mary W. Helms
Rev. Richard D. Hemann ‘64
Mr. & Mrs. S. Dale High
Rev. Megan K. Huesgen ‘05
Mrs. Christina J.
& Dr. Robert V. Iosue
Dr. Anna Johnson-Winegar
& Mr. Lucien T. Winegar
Rev. Nevin L. Kershner ‘59
Rev. Leonard S. Knighton ‘87
Rev. & Mrs. David H. Knoebel ‘61 ‘73
Rev. Harry F. Knox II ‘89
Dr. Richard A. Kratz
Rev. Nancy E. Kuhns ‘87
Chaplain Harold C. Lamm ‘56
Dr. William T. Lampe II
Rev. Harold T. Lesh ‘62
Penn Central Conference UCC
Harrisburg, PA
Penn Northeast Conference UCC
Palmerton, PA
Penn West Conference UCC
Greensburg, PA
Pennsylvania Southeast
Conference UCC, Pottstown, PA
Providence Baptist Church
Baltimore, MD
Providence Baptist M.G. Wood
Fellowship Club, Baltimore, MD
Quentin UCC, Quentin, PA
Rockville UCC, Rockville, MD
Salem UCC, Pillow, PA
Salem UCC of Rohrerstown
Lancaster, PA
Salem UCC, Dover, PA
Salem UCC, Campbelltown, PA
Salem UCC, Harrisburg, PA
Shenkel UCC, Pottstown, PA
Shiloh UCC, York, PA
Solomon’s UCC, Macungie, PA
Southern Conference UCC
Burlington, NC
St. Andrew UCC, Lancaster, PA
St. Andrew’s UCC, Reading, PA
St. David’s UCC, Hanover, PA
St. John’s UCC, Schuylkill Haven, PA
St. John’s UCC, (Gibraltar) Birdsboro, PA
St. John’s UCC, Northampton, PA
St. John’s UCC, Lansdale, PA
St. John’s UCC, Jonestown, PA
St. John’s UCC, Lewisburg, PA
Rev. Lucas V. Lindon ‘10
Rev. Jacquelyn Lingelbach ‘06
Rev. Joseph H. Lingenfelter ‘67
Mr. & Mrs. K. Wayne Lockard
Mr. & Mrs. Frederic Lohnes
Rev. Dr. Doyle A. Luckenbaugh ‘65
Rev. Anna D. Lutz
Rev. Dr. Carol E. Lytch
Rev. Susan L. Martin ‘87 ‘92
Rev. Anne H. Mason ‘09
Rev. Dr. Barry J. McCarthy ‘95
Rev. Beatrice W. McConnell ‘48
Mrs. Anne F. & Mr. Bernard McGrann
Rev. Gloria J. McPherson ‘10
Dr. David M. Mellott
Mrs. Barbara Mensendiek
St. John’s UCC, Fredericksburg, PA
St. John’s UCC, Slatington, PA
St. John’s UCC, Nazareth, PA
St. John’s UCC, Evans City, PA
St. John’s UCC, Denver, PA
St. John’s UCC, Mifflinburg, PA
St. John’s UCC, Phoenixville, PA
St. John’s UCC, Allentown, PA
St. John’s UCC, Chambersburg, PA
St. John’s UCC, Shamokin, PA
St. John’s UCC, St. John’s, PA
St. John’s UCC, Bellefonte, PA
St. John’s UCC, Sabillasville, MD
St. Luke’s UCC, (Malta) Dalmatia, PA
St. Luke’s UCC, Lititz, PA
St. Luke’s UCC, Kittanning, PA
St. Mark’s UCC, Cressona, PA
St. Mark’s UCC
(New Hamburg) Fredonia, PA
St. Matthew’s UCC, Entriken, PA
St. Matthew’s UCC, Maiden, NC
St. Matthew’s UCC, Chester Springs, PA
St. Paul’s UCC, Ringtown, PA
St. Paul’s UCC, Robesonia, PA
St. Paul’s Congregational UCC,
Nutley, NJ
St. Paul’s UCC
(Amityville) Douglassville, PA
St. Paul’s UCC
(Indianland) Cherryville, PA
St. Paul’s UCC, (Urban) Herndon, PA
St. Paul’s UCC, McConnellsburg, PA
St. Paul’s UCC, Spring Grove, PA
St. Paul’s UCC, Auburn, PA
St. Paul’s UCC, Schaefferstown, PA
St. Paul’s UCC, Selinsgrove, PA
St. Paul’s UCC, Sellersville, PA
St. Paul’s UCC, Mechanicsburg, PA
St. Paul’s UCC, Fleetwood, PA
St. Paul’s UCC, Westminster, MD
St. Paul’s-Dubs Union Church
Hanover, PA
St. Peter’s UCC, Orwin, PA
St. Peter’s Pikeland UCC
Chester Springs, PA
St. Peter’s UCC, Lancaster, PA
St. Peter’s UCC, Topton, PA
St. Stephen’s Bethlehem UCC
Buffalo, NY
St. Stephen’s UCC, York, PA
St. Thomas Reformed UCC, Reading, PA
St. Thomas UCC
(Gastown) Shelocta, PA
St. Thomas UCC, Harrisburg PA
Stanley Congregational UCC
Chatham, NJ
Stoystown Charge UCC, Stoystown, PA
Trinity UCC, Coplay, PA
Trinity Reformed UCC, Bloomsburg, PA
Trinity Roth’s UCC, Spring Grove, PA
Trinity UCC, Danville, PA
Trinity UCC, Waynesboro, PA
Trinity UCC, East Petersburg, PA
Trinity UCC, Fort Loudon, PA
Trinity UCC, Hanover, PA
Trinity UCC, Greensburg, PA
Trinity UCC, Centre Hall, PA
Trinity UCC, Conover, NC
Union UCC, Neffs, PA
Union Congregational UCC
Upper Montclair, NJ
The United Church, Washington, DC
United Church of Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC
UCC, Honeoye, NY
UCC, Norwich, NY
UCC, Hummelstown, PA
United Evangelical UCC, Baltimore, MD
Unity UCC, Shanksville, PA
Wekiva Presbyterian Church
Longwood, FL
Wentz’s UCC, Lansdale, PA
Wyomissing UCC, (Gouglersville)
Sinking Spring, PA
York Association UCC, York, PA
York Association UCC Ministerium
Red Lion, PA
Zion Blue Mountain UCC
Strausstown, PA
Zion Evangelical and Reformed UCC
Lenoir, NC
Zion Evangelical Lutheran
Baltimore, MD
Zion Reformed UCC, Chambersburg, PA
Zion Reformed UCC, Hagerstown, MD
Zion UCC, (Stone Valley) Dalmatia, PA
Zion’s Reformed UCC, Greenville, PA
Zion’s Stone UCC
(Kreidersville) Northampton, PA
Zion’s UCC, Transfer, PA
Dr. Rebecca H. Meyer
Rev. George J. Miller ‘61
Mrs. S. Alberta Miller ‘61
Rev. Holly L. MillerShank ‘04
Rev. Patrick W. Morris Sr. ‘92
Rev. Sharon S. Morris ‘99
Rev. Barbara E. Mosch ‘06
Ms. Margaret J. Neff
Rev. Haan A. Phelps ‘09
Dr. Anabel C. Proffitt
& Dr. Charles Melchert
Mrs. Carol T. & Mr. John F. Pyfer Jr.
Mr. Benjamin J. Rader
Rev. Glenn J. Rader 56 *
Rev. Dr. Kay Rader ‘01 ‘12
Rev. Dr. William H. Rader ‘54
Rev. Elmer B. Reinhold Jr. ‘79
Rev. Kathleen M. Rhyne ‘03
Rev. Dr. Randolph T. Riggs
Rev. Harry G. Royer ‘65
Rev. Homer E. Royer Jr. ‘87
Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Rollin O. Russell
Rev. Dr. Virginia R. Rye ‘87
Rev. Scott M. Sanders ‘82
Rev. & Mrs. Edward Schneider ‘68
Rev. Dr. Anna C. Schoup ‘57
Rev. Harold M. Schoup ‘57
Rev. Dr. Harry L. Serio ‘66 ‘92
Rev. & Mrs. Banks D. Shepherd ‘53
Rev. George Shultz Jr. ‘53 *
Rev. Sheresa Simpson-Rice ‘05
Mr. J. Linford Snyder *
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas L. Soder
Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Stephen L.
Sterner ‘71 ‘80
Rev. Sandra L. Strauss ‘03
Ms. Kathy S. Taylor ‘06
Dr. Anne T. Thayer
Mr. William* & Mrs. Joan Walkup
Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Robert Webber
Rev. Dr. Stephanie K. Weiner
Rev. Richard H. Whitney ‘52
Mr. David Woodruff
Mr. & Mrs. Victor Wright
Ms. Kathy D. Yoder ‘04
Rev. Dr. Charles Yrigoyen Jr. ‘62
Rev. Esther R. Ziegler ‘83
In Honor Of
* Deceased
The following gifts were made to honor an individual or group. Gifts of this kind are a wonderful way to
acknowledge someone who has achieved a benchmark in ministry or in service to the Seminary. We are
extremely thankful for those who choose to contribute to Lancaster Seminary in honor of someone special.
Rev. Dr. Carol E. Lytch
Ms. Eliza Brown
Dr. David White
Rev. Dr. David Mohr, upon the
50th anniversary of his ordination
Solomon’s Church, UCC
Nancy Norris & Myron Wolfe
The Rt. Rev. Nathan Baxter
Rev. Dr. Christopher Rankin ‘04, ‘14
Mr. & Mrs. William Sloyer
Trinity United Church of Christ
Rev. Elmer B. Reinhold, Jr. ‘79,
upon the 35th anniversary of his
Wyomissing UCC (Gouglersville)
Rev. Nevin Frantz ‘39 *,
grandfather of Mark
Mr. Mark Frantz
Carolyn & Marcy Shellenberger
Rev. J. Matthew Deal
Women & Children in Sierra Leone
Ms. Dorcas Kamanda, ‘14
Adelaide Stong ‘14
Mr. Cody Long
Ms. Allyson Vertigan
Dr. Robert & Rev. Ann Webber
Ms. Olga Pratt
Dr. Robert Webber
Rev. Susan Martin
Rev. Dennis L. Weidler ‘82,
upon his retirement
Rev. & Mrs. William LaSalle
St. Paul’s United Church of Christ
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Weidler
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Young
Rev. Richard ‘52
& Mrs. Esther Whitney
Rev. Dr. Jay Ebersole
Rev. Marcus & Mrs. Bessie
Garvey Wood
Providence Baptist M.G. Wood
Fellowship Club
Ms. Lisa Williams
Rev. Dr. Bernie Zerkel, Jr. ‘79 *
Mr. & Mrs. K. Wayne Lockard
The Class of 1959
Ms. Claire Kershner
The Class of 1962
Rev. Douglas Albert
Bill & Leona Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Anderson
John M. Aregood ‘59 * &
Robert G. Aregood ‘68
Mr. Ray Hamilton
Chaplain Greg D. Beck ‘74
Mr. & Mrs. Mervin Beck
The ministry of
Timothy C. Bistline ‘97
Rev. & Mrs. Robert Bistline
Professor Greg Carey
Dr. & Mrs. Gary Seldomridge
Cathi Cline ‘10, upon her ordination
Emmanuel Friedens Church, UCC
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Phillips
Ronnette Comfort-Butler ‘08, ‘15
Mr. John Young
Rev. Dr. Barbara
Kershner Daniel ‘83, ‘96
Ms. Helen Schneider
Rev. Monica Dawkins-Smith ‘07
Mr. Brent Frank
John A. Denlinger ‘70 *,
service to York Churches
York Association UCC Ministerium
Sue Fritz ‘12, upon her ordination
Rev. Sterling Fritz
Rev. Susan Fritz
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Myers
St. John’s Church, (Gibraltar)
Mr. Robert Groff
Mr. & Mrs. Graydon Dodson
Sadie High
Ms. Miriam Beiler
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory High
Anna Johnson-Winegar, Ph.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Irvin Greif
Staff at Lancaster Seminary
Rev. Steven Hummel
Rebecca Bradburn Langer ‘86
Rev. Dr. Robert Canon
LTS Leadership Team
Ms. Elli Zeamer
In Memoriam
We deeply appreciate those individuals and churches that honor the memory of someone influential or
special in their lives with gift to Lancaster Theological Seminary. Gifts of this kind are a thoughtful way to
remember someone special in a unique way.
In Memory of Shea
Ms. Nancy Cook
Dr. Paul J. Achtemeier, my father
Mrs. Marie Finch
Rev. Robert V. Moss ‘45
Ms. Junia Moss Jones
Rev. John Z. Martin ‘50
Rev. John Saxton
Mr. Frank Baber, Jr.
Mrs. Sandy Cross
Rev. Dr. Alfred C. Bartholomew ‘42
Rev. Dorothy Book
Rev. Chester Byerly
Mrs. Gennie Lou Byerly
Rev. Dr. Jay Ebersole
Rev. & Mrs. William Ellsworth
Rev. David & Mrs. Eleanor Focht
Rev. Dr. Carol Lytch
Rev. George Martz
Rev. John Oliphant
Rev. Dr. Paul Peters
Rev. Dr. William Rader
Rev. Curtis Sandrock
Rev. John Saxton
Rev. & Mrs. Edward Schneider
Rev. William Thomas
Mrs. Evelyn Batzler
Rev. Dr. L. Richard Batzler
Mr. J. B. & Mrs. Edna B. Conrad
Rev. C. R. Conrad
Mrs. E. Jane Daniels
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Graybeal
Miss Brenda Keener
Rev. John A. Denlinger ‘70
Rev. Vernon Baum
Mrs. Bonnie DeSensi
Rev. Dr. Joseph Foster
Prof. Robert W. Duke
Rev. Robert Hunsicker
Rev. H. Stanley Dunn ‘51
Mrs. H. Stanley Dunn
Rev. Dr. Donald M. C. Englert
Mr. John McDermott
Rev. Dr. William
Fenstermacher ‘66, ‘89
Mrs. William Fenstermacher
My grandfather,
Rev. Nevin Frantz ‘39
Mr. Mark Frantz
Rev. Paul R. Gregory ‘44
Rev. & Mrs. Park Dickerson
Rev. Dr. Paul ‘42
and Mrs. Mildred Haas
Ms. Carol Haas
Rev. Dr. Paul P. Haas ‘42
Ms. Mary Ann Gregory
Jean Slates Hawk
Rev. Ernest Hawk
Mildred Nolt High
Mr. Philip Nolt
Dr. Richard Hoffman
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Blaich
Stuart I. Troutman ‘70
Rev. Dr. Joseph Foster
Dorothy Gentry Kearney
Ms. Beverly Gray
2014 Annual report
Rev. Arthur Knoebel ‘33
Rev. David Knoebel
Joyce A. Krick
Rev. Ronald Krick
Rev. Frank R. Lehosky ‘03
Rev. Dr. Joanne Marchetto
Mr. Duane Romberger
Rev. Erin Snell
Rev. Rich Leiby ‘89
Rev. Harry Knox
Rev. Carl K. Marks ‘47
Rev. Vernon Baum
Ms. Judith Berges
Rev. & Mrs. David Donner
Mr. Roger Gilbert
Mr. & Mrs. B. Frank Hale
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Huffman
Ms. Susan Kick
Mrs. Jane Marks
Mr. Jeffrey Mason
Ms. Diane Miltz
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Reading
Ms. Lauren Stowe
Mrs. Joan Trump
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Willis
Rev. John Z. Martin ‘50
Mrs. June V. Martin
Rev. Ernest Miko ‘53
Rev. Melinda Miko Keck
My Parents
Rev. Charles Fogle
My Parents
Rev. Arpad de Kallos
Rev. Robert Myers ‘57
Rev. Darcy Bertelmann
Rev. J. Donald Paine ‘53
Ms. Nancy Basselgia
Rev. G. Melvin Palmer ‘52
Mrs. Patsy Palmer
Clara Rader
Dr. & Mrs. Kent Groff
Rev. Dr. William Rader
Rev. Glenn J. Rader ‘56 †
Rev. Dr. William Rader
Rev. Dr. Richard Schellhase
Rev. Paul Rahn ‘44
Berks Ministerial Assocation
of the UCC
Rev. Dr. Francis E. Ringer ‘50
Rev. Dana Schlegel
Leah Kaler Sanders
Ms. Beverly Sanders
Rev. Dr. Henry Schaeffer ‘39
Mr. John Kraus
Rev. John W. Settlemyre ‘49
Mrs. Betty Settlemyre
Lois K. Shelly
Mr. D. Wayne Shelly
Rev. George Shultz Jr.’53
Ms. Rebecca Angelo
Rev. Dr. Gene Aulenbach
Mr. Michael Baal
Berks Ministerial Association
of the UCC
Ms. Glenna Eshleman
Mr. Brian Hafer
Foundations, Corporations,
External Groups & Trusts
Altadis U.S.A. Inc., Fort Lauderdale, FL
Bentley Motors, Inc., Herndon, VA
The Churchill Society, Lancaster, PA
Earl and Catherine Collier
Memorial Fund, Winston-Salem, NC
Danowsky-Reeds Memorial Fund
Reading, PA
Franklin & Marshall College
Lancaster, PA
GE Foundation, Fairfield, CT †
Goldman, Sachs & Co., Princeton, NJ †
Gooding Group Foundation, Ephrata, PA
Louise C. Hench Trust, Buffalo, NY
The S. Dale High Family Foundation
Lancaster, PA
Lark Academic Building Trust
Buffalo, NY
Leonard External Trust, Lexington, NC
The Henry Luce Foundation
New York, NY
Faculty & Staff
Dr. Lee C. Barrett III
Ms. Elizabeth Palmer Bennett
Rev. Richard R. Berg
Rev. Kendal Brown
Dr. Greg Carey
Mrs. Young Choi
Rev. Dr. Larry Covin ‘12
Lebanon Association
Rev. Dr. James Morris
Ms. Nancy Neiswender
New World Pasta Company
Rev. Dr. William Rader
Ms. Lisa Thorsen
Rev. Charles W. Sigler ‘51
Mrs. Charles Sigler
Rev. Dr. Wayne L. Smith ‘61
Mrs. Dona Smith
Rev. Frank W. Snider ‘54
Mrs. Gladys Snider
Theron M. Snyder ‘47
Mrs. Betty Snyder
Rev. Bronson E. Staley ‘63
Mrs. Bronson Staley
Rev. Dr. Frank J. Stalfa ‘83
Rev. & Mrs. Verne Arens
Rev. Regina Barrett
Mrs. Ann Barshinger
Rev. Phyllis Baum
Rev. Vernon Baum
Mr. Chris Beldan
Rev. Richard Berg
Rev. & Mrs. Robert Bistline
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Blankenstein
Rev. Ann Bolek
Rev. Dorothy Book
Ms. Sue Bowman
Rev. Dr. Geneva Butz
Mrs. Young Choi
We are extremely grateful for the generous support that Lancaster Seminary receives from businesses and groups both near
and far. These significant contributions often address strategic
initiatives and capital improvement projects.
MainLion Enterprises LP
Chester Springs, PA
New World Pasta Company
Harrisburg, PA
The Bob and Donna Rhoads Fund of
Berks County Community Foundation
Samaritan Counseling Center
Lancaster, PA
The George and Josephine Schmidt
Memorial Fund of York County
Community Foundation
Joseph L. K. Snyder Trust
Pittsburgh, PA
UHS of Delaware, Inc.
King of Prussia, PA †
Wabash Center, Crawfordsville, IN
The John D. and Kathryn W.
Zimmerman Fund of York County
Community Foundation
† Matching Gift Companies
Lancaster Seminary deeply appreciates the generous contributions made by our supportive and
devoted faculty and staff. They are truly the backbone of this special institution.
* Deceased
Mrs. Kelly M. Davis
Ms. Cheryl DeMarco
Rev. Paul K. Eyer ‘06
Ms. Elizabeth Gates
Mrs. Rachel Gawn
Mrs. Rosemarie Germeyer
Ms. Meg Graham
Rev. Kathy Harvey-Nelson ‘03
Rev. Dr. Carol E. Lytch
Mrs. Karen McKinnis
Dr. David M. Mellott
Ms. Crystal Mills
Dr. Julia M. O’Brien
Dr. Anabel C. Proffitt
Rev. Dr. William Cluley
Ms. Nancy Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Cooney
Ms. Jean Custer
Rev. Corrine Dautrich
Mr. George Donigian
Rev. Dr. Jill Edens
Rev. J. Gerald Egger
Rev. Marjorie Egger
Rev. & Mrs. William Ellsworth
Rev. & Mrs. John Esbenshade
Rev. Ann Few
Mr. & Mrs. H. Ford
Franklin & Marshall College
Mrs. Rachel Gawn
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Glass
Rev. Dr. Marianne Grabowski
Rev. Ann Graves
Mr. Robert Groff
Rev. Mary Elizabeth Hartenstein
Ms. Virginia Heimer
Mr. & Mrs. John Henderson
Ms. Sadie High
Rev. F. Michael Hooper
Dr. J. Samuel Houser
Rev. Megan Huesgen
Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Paul Irion
Mr. Robert Johnson
Dr. Anna Johnson-Winegar
Ms. Dorcas Kamanda
Mrs. Donna Kaplan
Mr. & Mrs. Murad Kerneklian
Rev. Harry Knox
Rev. Linda Kozlowski
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lee
Ms. Cheryl Lehman
Rev. Megan Lester
Rev. Wanda Lester
Mrs. Marjorie Lohnes
Rev. Dr. David Lovelace
Rev. Karen Lovelace
Rev. Dr. Carol Lytch
Anna Mangigian
Rev. Susan Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mayberry
Rev. Dr. Barry McCarthy
Mrs. Anne McGrann
Ms. Jocelyn McKeon
Mrs. Karen McKinnis
Rev. Frances Merkel
Ms. Crystal Mills
Rev. Dr. Susan Minasian
Mrs. Kristin Oberholtzer
Ms. Sue Ann Patterson
Ms. Jennifer Potter
Rev. Dr. William Rader
Rev. Dr. Christopher Rankin
Mr. & Mrs. G. Thomas Reese
Rev. Kathleen Rhyne
Mrs. Ginjr Robinson
Rev. Harry Royer
Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Rollin Russell
Samaritan Counseling Center
Rev. Dr. Randolph T. Riggs
Rev. Dr. Elizabeth Soto
Rev. Dr. Frank Stalfa*
Dr. Anne T. Thayer
Rev. Dr. Daphne Wiggins
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Wright
Rev. Dr. Charles Yrigoyen Jr. ‘62
Rev. Dr. Richard Schellhase
Ms. Florence Soghoian
Rev. Sandra Strauss
Ms. Judith Sutherland
Dr. Anne Thayer
Rev. Mary Martha Thiel
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Thompson
Ms. Patsy Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Tolbert
Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Robert Webber
Rev. Dr. Daphne Wiggins
Ms. Nadinne Ziegler
Lois & Orman Stout
Rev. Craig Stout
Rev. Dr. Bela Vassady
Rev. & Mrs. Theodore Haas
Rev. Victor G. Vogel Jr. ‘55
Rev. Richard Fehnel
Rev. Dr. James Morris
Rev. Curtis Sandrock
Mr. William Walkup
Dr. Anna Johnson-Winegar
Mrs. Marjorie Lohnes
Rev. Vernon Wingenroth ‘66
Mrs. Gloria Wingenroth
† Gifts made after June 30, 2014
will appear in next year’s report
555 West James Street, Lancaster, PA 17603
(717) 393-0654
(800) 393-0654
2014 Annual Report
Published by
Lancaster Theological Seminary
Please advise us of address changes:
Office of Advancement
Lancaster Theological Seminary
555 West James Street
Lancaster, PA 17603
(717) 290-8725
The Professor
Frank Stalfa
In the Spring of 2014, friends, family, and
students of the late, beloved Professor and Dean
of Students, The Rev. Dr. Frank Stalfa,
contributed to a beautiful memorial garden
in his name where his ashes are interred.
Donors and alumni/ae who wish to inter
cremated remains in The Professor Frank Stalfa
Memorial Garden, making the Seminary their
final resting place, may contact Crystal Mills, Vice
President of Advancement and Communication, at
(717) 290-8738 or
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