Process Manual


Wholesale Lending

Conforming Loan Process Manual

Step Action

1 Create Loan by Inputting or Importing application in the Conforming Pipeline

2 Edit Application for accuracy and completeness



3 Run Findings: Using Order Services/

4 Register or Register/Lock loan

5 Application Package

Prepare a completed 1003, signed and dated by the LO and a Draft Loan Estimate

Upload both items to iDocs using the subject line: Application Package

6 Receive Notice in iDocs: Loan Estimate Issued or Deficiency

7 Underwriting Package

Use the Underwriting Submission Checklist in the Wholesale Seller Guide as your checklist and cover page

Upload to iDocs using the subject line: Underwriting Package

8 Receive Notice in iDocs: Pre-Underwriting Audit Notice (if applicable)

Upload conditions missing from the underwriting package to iDocs using the subject line: Underwriting Conditions/Resubmissions

9 Receive Notice in iDocs: Underwriting Decision

Approval, Suspension or Denial

10 Underwriting Conditions

Use the underwriting approval as cover page and checklist

Upload in iDocs using the subject line: Underwriting Conditions/Resubmissions

11 Receive Notice in iDocs: Final Underwriting approval

12 Closing Request

Use the Closing Request Form in The Wholesale Guide as your checklist and cover page

Include any closing conditions that you have on hand

Upload in iDocs using the subject line: Closing Request

13 Receive Notice in iDocs: Closing Disclosure Issued or Deficiency

Upon acceptance of electronic disclosures by the borrower(s), you will be notified and will work with the closing department to schedule the closing

14 Upload additional closing conditions in iDocs using the subject line: Closing Conditions

15 Closing Scheduled and Closing Documents sent to Settlement Agent

16 Settlement Agent sends final closing conditions and conducts signing

17 Loan Funds

A Price Scenario

B Submit a Change in Circumstance

C Check Status

D Simultaneous Second Mortgage: Home Equity Line of Credit

E Simultaneous Second Mortgage: Fixed Term Second Mortgages

F Pipeline Portal: the Conforming Pipeline

(often referred to as SellUs)

G Document Delivery and File Communication: iDocs

H Resources and Quick Reference










This document in not a Consumer Credit Advertisement and is intended for Correspondent and Wholesale Broker use only. This information is provided to assist

Correspondents and Wholesale Brokers and is not a consumer credit advertisement as defined by Regulation Z. Please consult the Seller Guide on our web site for more details

( Loan approval is subject to credit approval and program guidelines. Not all loan programs are available in all states for all amounts. Interest rates and program terms are subject to change without notice. Mortgage and Home Equity products are offered by U.S. Bank National Association. Deposit Products offered by U.S. Bank

National Association. Member FDIC. ©2016 U.S. Bank.


















Registration and Application Package Process:

Timing is critical. USBHM must produce the Loan Estimate and provide it to the loan applicant(s) within three days of the 1003 date. Note: Saturdays are included as business days. You must register the loan and submit the Application Package before 7:00 p.m. Central Time t he day after the application date.

Create Loan ~ Step 1

In the Conforming Pipeline, the “Create Loan” option is available in the left Navigation bar. You have two options for creating a new loan:

1. Manually input the application using “Input New Loan” – Chose this option and you will need to enter all the information applicable for a 1003. You will not be able to overwrite the information by uploading a 1003 at a later time

2. Upload a 1003 using “Import Application” - the file must be a DU 3.0 or 3.2 file (.fnm) format and saved to your computer

To import, click “Import Application” and then browse for and select the appropriate file by doubleclicking on it, then click “Import”

A Loan Summary screen will appear upon successful application upload. If you need a copy for your records you can click “Print Loan Summary”. Click on “Return to Pipeline” and the application will appear on the Pipeline page

Edit Application ~ Step 2

It is recommended that you edit the application to ensure that the data is current and correct.

Highlight the application in the pipeline and select “Edit Application” from the left Action bar.

On the “Edit Application” screen, use the left navigation menu or click “Next” at the bottom of the page to scroll from page to page as you confirm the loan data is accurate.

At the bottom of each page you will also see the options to “Save/Close”, “Cancel” or “Submit” the updates. Clicking “Cancel” or “Save/Close” will return you to the Pipeline view. Clicking

“Submit” will take you to the “Order Services” page where you can run LP Findings.

Run LP Findings using Order Services/ ~ Step 3

Be sure your company has set-up an LP relationship with USBHM and you will be able to pull LP

AUS findings for free in the Conforming Pipeline. Highlight the loan, and “Select Order Services /” to be taken to the “Order Services” page and begin the process.

In the dropdown menu, select “Freddie Mac Loan Prospector” and then click “Go!”

On the “Freddie Mac” screen complete only 2 fields: “Credit Reporting Company” and “Credit Reference Number”, then click “Submit”.

Findings will be run. View or print the findings by navigating to the “Order Services” page. In the “Prior Orders” section find Freddie Mac, and click on the link in the Status column to open and print the findings.

If you choose, you may run LP or DO/DU on alternate sites, but you must be able to final assign your findings to USBHM.

Be sure the appropriate relationships have been established with USBHM through Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.

Avoid unnecessary charges when running Fannie Mae findings:

If you utilize DO/DU to run AUS findings for the file, you must run the initial DO/DU as Preliminary findings

When the underwriting package is ready to be uploaded, you will need to final assign DU findings to either “U.S. Bank

N.A. DO Lender” or “Wholesale Prime Plus N.A. DO Lender” (the option you see will depend on when and how your sponsorship was setup)

Register/Lock Loan ~ Step 4

In the Conforming Pipeline, highlight the loan in the pipeline and select

“Register/Lock Loan”.

Complete all fields noted with a red asterisk (*) that did not populate from the

1003 o Include a valid email address for each applicant. If a valid email address does not exist, input “NA” to proceed with registration

 At the bottom of the page, select “Next”

If required data is missing the system will prompt you to complete

The pricing page will appear:

 Select either “Borrower Paid Comp” or “Investor Paid Comp”

Select the rate and lock period by clicking on the corresponding price

Applicable adjustments will be displayed, including your preelected compensation level for lender paid selections. These adjustments are already included in the price

Review the pricing information at the bottom of the page to confirm the desired rate, price and lock period

 Select “Register / Lock” to lock now, select “Register” to float. Lock at a later time by returning to this screen and clicking “Register/Lock”

R eview the terms and conditions and click “Agree” to proceed.

The Written List of Providers will display next:

Use the drop down to select a Service that can be shopped for

Scroll through the listed options and highlight the applicable

Service to select it o If you don’t find the service type you’re looking for, select

“Other” and a blank space will be provided for you to type in a description of the service

 Enter in an estimated fee for each Service, list the “Provider We

Identified” and include the complete Contact Information for each


Be sure to account for each fee that a borrower may shop for that is listed on the Draft Loan Estimate

After all fees a borrower may shop for have been accounted for, click

“Continue” and the Registration or Lock Confirmation page will display; review it for accuracy, print it for your records and include a copy with the Underwriting


Select “View Lock Confirmation” from the Actions menu to get a copy at any time.

Lock Policy & lock extensions

 Loans can be locked through 7:30 a.m. Central time the following business day at the previous day’s rates

Lock expiration date is based on the calendar days from the date of the rate sheet. If the expiration date falls on a weekend or federal holiday, the lock will expire the following business day

A maximum of two extensions are available per loan

A re-lock of expired locks will be priced at the less favorable of current or original lock rate. Any charges for prior lock extensions fees will be added into the pricing.

Lock Extensions

Calendar Days


Extension Fee

Additional re-locks are on an exception basis only

All loans must fund on or prior to the lock expiration date. Loans scheduled to

7 days

15 days



 fund after the lock expires will required a lock extension

The full Pricing Policy is available in the Wholesale Seller Guide; Section 600:

Pricing and Registration

30 days

30+ days


Contact Help


For questions pertaining to locks, extensions, or re-locks, contact your account executive or the Registration Help

Desk at 800-200-5881, option 1, option 2

Application Package ~ Step5

Timing is critical. USBHM must produce the Loan Estimate (LE) and provide it to the borrower(s) within three days of the 1003 interview date. Therefore, you must deliver the

Application Package to USBHM before 7:00 p.m. Central Time the business day after the application was taken by uploading it in iDocs using the subject line: Application

Submission. USBHM does consider Saturday a business day.

Shortly after registering the loan application, a reminder email will be sent to you reminding you of the Application Package requirements and the submission deadline.

Requirements of the Application Package:

1003 : complete, signed and dated by the Loan Officer

DRAFT of a Loan Estimate (LE) – do not provide draft to applicant(s) o As a best practice, be sure it is typed

Highlight the loan in the pipeline and click on iDocs Submission to open iDocs.

Upload only the applicable required documents using the Subject Line: Application Submission

 Click “Attach” to browse your desktop for the files. After all files are attached, click “Send”

Do not include other loan conditions or disclosures when uploading the Application Package

Do not upload the Underwriting Package prior to uploading the Application Package

Ensure the terms listed on the 1003 match the registration terms

Ensure the fees a borrower may shop for on the Draft LE match the fees input during registration

USBHM will not accept an application package where the broker has completed and provided the Loan Estimate to the applicant(s). Do not send them the draft LE. USBHM will issue the LE to the applicant(s) and provide a copy to you in iDocs.

Receive notice in iDocs: Loan Estimate issued or Deficiency ~ Step 6

After the Application Package has been reviewed, USBHM will post a response in iDocs. You should receive an Alert

Notification by email when that is done. You will need to get into iDocs to view the posted notice. It will include either:

A copy of the LE along with a notice that it has been sent to the borrower(s) o The borrower must give their intent to proceed after receiving the LE and prior to charging fees (including collecting information in order to charge fees)

Or you may receive a Deficiency Notice that will tell you if something is missing, needs to be corrected or if there is an uncorrectable error in the package. In the event a deficiency is correctable, please update what is wrong and send all revisions at one time by uploading them in iDocs, again using the Subject Line: Application Submission. Continue to send revisions until you receive notice that the LE has been sent to the borrower(s)

Underwriting Process:

Submitting complete and clean conditions will expedite the underwriting process.

Be sure to review the Underwriting Submission Checklist and later, your underwriting approval, to ensure you are sending all the required items. See the

Resources and Quick Reference list for assistance with any questions.

Underwriting Package ~ Step 7

Requirements of the Underwriting Package:

Complete the form Underwriting Submission Checklist o Available in the Wholesale Seller Guide; Section 1200: Exhibits and Forms > Conforming Specific >

Underwriting folder o Include the contact information for the person in your office that can answer loan questions and correct deficiencies

Gather all applicable conditions

Underwriting Package Tips: o Include a cover letter to explain an unusual request or circumstance o Include a letter of explanation for any documents listed on the checklist that are not provided and for any alternate documentation being used to clear an AUS finding o Number the conditions o Ensure all conditions are legible o Don’t forget to include the full findings and the merged credit report used to pull those findings o Remember to Final assign AUS findings to USBHM o Remember to include the additional application disclosures listed on the second page of the submission checklist o Include all conditions in one upload

In iDocs, upload the Underwriting Submission Checklist and all required conditions at one time using the Subject Line: “ Underwriting Package”.

Click “Attach” to browse your desktop for files. After you’ve attached all files in the package, click “Send.”

Partial packages or additional uploads could delay the loan process

Underwriting packages and/or underwriting conditions received after 3:00 p.m. (local time) will be viewed as being received the following business day

Underwriting Packages uploaded before the LE is issued will not be reviewed until after the LE is sent to the borrower

Receive notice in iDocs: Pre-Underwriting Audit Notice ~ Step 8

Upon receipt of the Underwriting Package the loan will be sent to Pre-underwriting to be reviewed for compliance and completeness. A Social Security Number/OFAC Check will be done. In the event of a discrepancy you will be faxed a notice of the issue(s). The notice will give details regarding what documentation will be acceptable to clear the issue(s) and where to send that documentation to.

If Preunderwriting determines that conditions are missing from the underwriting package they will post a “Pre-

U nderwriting Audit Notice” in iDocs. The notice will advise if the file has been forwarded to underwriting or if there are deficiencies in the package that prevent the file from being forwarded. If the package is complete you will not receive this notice.

For files that have not been sent to underwriting, provide the required/missing documentation by uploading it in iDocs using the Subject Line: “ Underwriting Conditions / Resubmissions.” Upon receipt of the documents, the file will be forwarded to underwriting for review.

Receive notice in iDocs: Underwriting Decision ~ Step 9

Upon review of the package by an underwriter, the underwriting decision will be posted in iDocs. You should receive an

Alert email telling you that a notice from USBHM is available for you to review in iDocs. That notice will include the underwriting decision which will fall into one of three categories:

Underwriting Approval : will list both “U” (underwriting) and “C” (closing) conditions. All “U” conditions must be cleared by underwriting before the loan closing can be scheduled

Underwriting Suspension : will list items that need to be addressed before the underwriter can proceed with issuing a decision

Underwriting Denial : speak with your account executive if your loan is denied by underwriting

Underwriting conditions ~ Step 10

Use the underwriting approval as your coversheet and checklist

Number the conditions based on the underwriting approval

 Include all “U” conditions with the upload. Do not send in partial packages

Send in a complete conditions package. Failure to upload all conditions at one time will result in underwriting delays

Sending in additional conditions before the underwriter reviews previously uploaded conditions will take the file to the end of the line and start the turn times over based on the date and time the last condition was received

Underwriting conditions received after 3:00 p.m. (local time) will be viewed as being received the following business day

Use the Subject Line: " Underwriting Conditions/ Resubmissions " to upload all “U” conditions in iDocs. Click “Attach” to browse your desktop for the files. After all files are attached, click “Send.”

Receive notice in iDocs: Final Underwriting Approval ~ Step 11

You will continue to receive revised Underwriting Decisions until all “U” Conditions have been cleared. Once only “C” conditions remain on the underwriting approval, the loan is clear to close and the signing can be scheduled.

Closing Process:

Complete the Closing Request Form to start the closing process. Upon receipt of your closing request, USBHM will reach out to the Settlement Agent for assistance preparing the Closing Disclosure and then we will send the CD to all borrowers. In a rescindable transaction, all perso ns that have the right to rescind must receive a copy of the CD. Timing is critical. Acknowledgement of electronic receipt of the CD may allow for an earlier signing date.

Closing Request ~ Step 12

Requirements of the Closing Request:

Complete the Closing Request Form o Available in the Wholesale Seller Guide; Section 1200: Exhibits and Forms o Be sure to indicate an estimated closing date

Gather all applicable documents (from the checklist on the form)

Gather any closing conditions that you have on hand

In iDocs, upload the Closing Request, all required conditions and any “C” conditions that you have gathered using the subject line: “Closing Request.”

Click “Attach” to browse your desktop for files. After you’ve attached all files, click “Send.”

If the Closing Request Form is incomplete or if documentation is missing an Alert Notification will be issued through iDocs outlining the deficiency and required corrective action.

Receive notice in iDocs: Closing Disclosure issued or Deficiency ~ Step 13

Upon receipt of the closing request, the Closing Department will collaborate with the Settlement Agent to produce the

Closing Disclosure. USBHM will issue the CD to the borrower(s).

In a purchase transaction, the Settlement Agent will provide the CD to the seller

The borrower(s) must have the Closing Disclosure for three business days prior to closing

Once the Closing Disclosure is issued, the Loan Estimate can no longer be revised

Upload additional closing conditions in iDocs ~ Step 14

 In iDocs, upload any “C” conditions that you have gathered since scheduling the closing or any additional documents requested by the closing department

 Use the subject line: “Closing Conditions”

 Click “Attach” to attach the conditions and then click “Send”

Closing scheduled and loan documents sent to Settlement Agent ~ Step 15

After issuing the Closing Disclosure the Closing Department will notify you when the borrower(s) view the CD electronically by posting a notice in iDocs

They will also call you to review the earliest allowable closing date and to schedule the signing

Once the closing date is set, loan documents will be produced and sent to the Settlement Agent

Settlement Agent conducts signing and sends closing conditions~ Step 16

The Settlement Agent will conduct the signing with the borrower(s)

 The Settlement Agent will gather outstanding “C” conditions and send to the Closing Department

Loan Funds ~ Step 17

 Closing Department will review and clear “C” conditions and review a copy of the signed documents

A funding number will be issued after review is complete

Funds will be wired to the settlement agent who will disburse all funds

The Settlement Agent will need to deliver the Original Note to U.S. Bank Home Mortgage in Bloomington, MN

The Settlement Agent will need to deliver the closed loan package to the assigned USBHM Operations Center within

7 calendar days of disbursement o There may be times when the Closing Department requires your assistance if the Settlement Agent does not respond to requests

The Security Instrument and Final Title Policy should be delivered directly to USBHM. If you receive them in error, contact your account executive for instruction on where to send them

Price Scenario

From the Actions Menu of the Conforming Pipeline, click on

“Pricing Scenario” to open the Pricing Scenario page.

Input all fields noted with a red asterisk ( * )

 Click “Pricing / Eligibility”

If the scenario does not fit program guidelines you will receive an Ineligible Product notice indicating the issue(s).

If the scenario fits guidelines the pricing page will appear.

Tabs at the top of the page will allow you to toggle between compensation types:

Borrower Paid Comp (blue prices)

Investor (lender) Paid Comp (red prices)

Available lock periods are across the top, and available rates are down the left side of the page.

Pick the price that corresponds to your desired rate and lock period

The pricing adjustments listed below are already applied, including your pre-elected compensation factor

(if LPC).

After picking the desired rate, lock period and price, the grey box at the bottom will complete confirming your election.

Modify the scenario by using use the back button to navigate back to the previous page.

If you wish to keep a copy of the pricing, select “Print” at the bottom of the page.

Submit a Change in Circumstance Request

To make changes to a loan that has been registered you will need to submit a change request in the pipeline.

Highlight the application in the pipeline and click on “Submit Change Request” to open the “Loan Information Change Form.”

Enter only the fields that are changing

 Use the “Additional Comments” section to further explain any changes (if needed)

 Click “Submit” at the bottom of the page to submit the change


Submit multiple changes that occur on the same day together in one change request

Submit a change request as soon as you are aware of the change to expedite review and re-disclosure (when required)

Submit updated AUS findings and a revised 1003 and 1008 if changes are made to any of the following: o Program o Term o Appraised value o Loan amount

Check Status

To check the status of a loan application that is in process; highlight the application in the pipeline and th en click “Check Status”.

The Loan Status screen will display key dates in the process.

Second Mortgage: Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC)

The process to add a Home Equity Line of Credit second mortgage is streamlined. Do not input or import a new HELOC application into the Conforming Pipeline. Process the

HELOC with the first mortgage.

To register the HELOC when registering the first mortgage, complete the following additional field during first mortgage registration:

 “Other Financing Amount”

 “HELOC Credit Limit”: input the credit limit being requested

 “HELOC Current Balance”: input the amount of the initial advance requested at closing

 Check the “Combo Second” box: Yes

To register a HELOC when the first mortgage has already been registered,

“Submit a Change Request”. Complete the following fields on the Loan Information

Change page:

 “Subordinate Financing Amount”: enter the credit limit being requested

 Check the Box for “HELOC”

 In the “Additional Comments” section, type the following:

Add HELOC Line = (line amount), Draw = (initial advance requested)

Click Submit to request the change

Underwriting a HELOC:

Complete the HELOC Underwriting Request Form* and gather the applicable documents. Include the coversheet and required documents as part of your first mortgage upload to iDocs. Send when uploading either the; Underwriting

Package, or Underwriting Conditions/ Resubmissions.

Eligibility will be determined: once the HELOC underwriting request form is received

You will be notified if the HELOC is denied and does not fit requirements

If approved, the file will move simultaneously through the underwriting process with the first mortgage

Receipt of the final underwriting approval / clear to close, indicates that both the first mortgage and the HELOC are clear to close

Closing a HELOC: the HELOC closing must be requested separate of the first mortgage.

Complete the HELOC Closing Request Form* and gather the documents listed.

In iDocs, upload the closing request form & required documents using the subject line: USB HELOC Closing


HELOC Closing Documents are prepared by the HELOC

Department & sent to the Settlement Agent . Be sure the settlement agent is aware that they will receive two-separate document packages from USBHM.

*The HELOC Underwriting Request w/ Non Delegated 1 st

and the HELOC Closing Request Form are available in the

Wholesale Seller Guide; Section 500: Mortgage Programs > HELOC Manual > Section 8: HELOC Forms

Second Mortgage: Fixed Term Second Mortgage

To process a simultaneous fixed rate second mortgage you must treat the second mortgage as a separate transaction.

Create the second mortgage loan by inputting or importing an application into the Conforming Pipeline. When importing, a

“Duplicate borrower found!” message will appear, click OK to complete the upload.

Edit the application for accuracy and completeness

You will not need to run separate AUS findings for the second mortgage


To register the Fixed Rate Second Mortgage:

 Select the requested second mortgage “Program”

 Select the requested second mortgage “Product”

 Complete “Other Financing Amount” = first mortgage loan amount o ensures the LTV/TLTV calculates correctly

 Select “Combo Second” = “Yes”

To register the First Mortgage when adding a Fixed Rate

Second Mortgage:

 Select the requested first mortgage “Program”

 Select the requested first mortgage “Product”

 Complete “Other Financing Amount” = second mortgage loan amount o ensures the appropriate LTV/TLTV fees and adjustments are applied to the first mortgage

 Select “Combo Second” = Yes

After registering the loans, proceed with the rest of the loan process.

In iDocs, you will be required to create and upload document packages into both the first and second mortgage files.

Upload separate transmissions to the first mortgage and to the second mortgage for all circumstances, including the following:

Application Submission Package

Underwriting Package

Underwriting Conditions

Closing Request

Closing Conditions

Tip: Use the message center in iDocs as a way to make note to the file opener that you will be uploading the documents into the simultaneous file. This will help them to keep the first mortgage and the second mortgage files together during review.

Accessing the Pipeline Portal

Navigating the Conforming Pipeline

An individual at your company has been assigned as Administrator and will work with your

Account Executive to assign you an ID and Password to access the system. Use your individual

ID and Password and login to your assigned login URL, either:

, or

Which URL do I use to login?

If you have previously logged in directly to the SellUs URL, then continue to do so

If you previously logged in directly to the USubmit URL, are only approved to broker Portfolio loan products, or previously logged in to the USubmit URL in order to gain access to SellUs, continue to login to the USubmit URL

For wholesale broker companies approved with USBHM after May 24, 2016, login through the SellUs URL

Upon successful login you will first see the message board. Click “Agency/Conforming Pipeline” to access the Conforming Pipeline and register or process a loan transaction for a USBHM agency/conforming or government first mortgage and for a simultaneous second mortgage product that is going behind a USBHM conforming first.

You can access Rate Sheets, the Wholesale Seller Guide and other key resources from the using the left navigation bar of the pipeline.

Conforming Pipeline

(Also referred to as SellUS)

Conforming Pipeline

(Often referred to as SellUs)

1. Conforming Pipeline: Displays loans that you have uploaded or input a. Current Loans Tab: shows the 10 most recent files that you’ve worked b. Advanced Search Tab: allows you to customize the view of your Pipeline page c. Inactive Loans Tab: loans that you’ve marked as inactive or without activity for 120 days are found here

2. Create Loan : Select this to import a DU 3.2 or 3.0 file or manually input a loan into the Conforming Pipeline

3. Actions: are specific to loans in the pipeline. Highlight the loan that you wish to take action on and select the Action

4. Rates and Pricing: Current Rates and Pricing and a 60-day archive or rates and pricing are available by expanding this option.

5. Resources: Expand this option to find links to multiple documents and resources that can assist you with understanding the process. Included are links to Quick Reference Sheets, Turn times, Contacts, and a link to the Appraisal ordering website.

6. User Profile: Click the index card next to your name to view your User Profile. You can update your contact information and elect to receive email notifications of locks nearing expiration.

7. Alerts: If you have a new message in iDocs, this section will indicate the number of files you have messages on and the circle will be a different color. Click on the circle to find the name(s) of the file(s) that have a message waiting for you. Highlight the application and clic k “iDocs Submission” to open iDocs and view the message for the file.

Systems Guide - iDocs

Access iDocs from the Actions section of the Conforming pipeline; h ighlight the loan and click “iDocs

Submission”. iDocs is a secure document delivery and two-way communication system, it contains a document classification engine, able to recognize & classify nearly 400 documents. iDocs restrictions: iDocs accepts only .pdf or .tif formats. Encrypted or password protected documents could create issues and delay the loan process. iDocs Communications:

Upload all loan documentation for a file into iDocs

USBHM Operations and Underwriting will respond by posting new messages on specific loan files o Types of Communications USBHM may post in iDocs: notice of disclosure delivery and copies of disclosures, underwriting decision (approval), or other responses regarding the loan conditions that have been sent or the status of the file

Your user profile should be set-up to receive Alert emails telling you when a new message is waiting in iDocs

Uploading loan documentation in iDocs: Determining which subject line to use when:

With iDocs, you direct the file to the appropriate department at USBHM. Using the correct subject line is critical when uploading documents.

Using an incorrect subject line could delay the process.

Application Submission should be used to:

Submit the Application Submission Package (1003 and Draft Loan Estimate)

Send any missing or updated documents requested by USBHM that are related to the initial Application

Submission Package or the Loan Estimate

Underwriting Package should be used to:

Send your initial underwriting package, using the Underwriting Submission Checklist as the cover sheet

If applicable: include the HELOC Underwriting Request Form, if you requested a HELOC prior to submitting the underwriting package for the first mortgage

Underwriting Conditions/Resubmissions should be used to:

Send any conditions noted as missing from a Pre-Underwriting Audit Notice that you may have received

 Send any “U” conditions listed on the underwriting approval. Send all conditions in together

If applicable: include the “HELOC Underwriting Request Form” if not sent with the original Underwriting Package

Closing Request should be used to:

Send in the Closing Request Form after all “U” conditions are cleared. Include any “C” conditions that you’ve gathered and all applicable items listed on the checklist

Closing Conditions should be used to:

Send any trailing closing conditions or additional documents requested by the Closing Department

USB HELOC Closing Request should be used to:

Schedule the HELOC to close after all conditions have cleared underwriting and the first mortgage is scheduled.

Include any items listed on the HELOC Closing Request Form, use it as your cover sheet and be sure to allow

48 hours from submitting the closing request before signing


DO NOT USE this subject line unless advised to. Use of this subject line could cause delays in processing

Conforming Resources & Quick Reference

Who to Call, Lender Fees, Key Addresses, Where to Go

Who to Call

Registration Help Desk (7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. CST)

Phone: 800.200.5881, option 1 then option 2 Email:

For assistance with:

Registration, locks, re-locks, cancellations

Conforming pipeline assistance, error messages

Price Quotes

Loan Status

Underwriting Help Desk (8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. CST)

Phone: 800.200.5881, option 2

For assistance with:

Pre-submission scenarios or guideline questions

Wholesale Seller Guide Navigation

HELOC Help Line (8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. CST)

Phone: 952.876-5476


Closing Request Fax: 952.876.5405


For assistance with:

HELOC Guidelines


HELOC Underwriting Requirements

Closing Request Fax: 417.448.8232


HELOC Closings

Early Application Submission and Disclosures


For assistance with:

Initial application requirements

Change in circumstance and revised loan estimates

Loan Estimate and early disclosures

*For questions specific to a deficiency notice, contact the USBHM representative listed on the notice

Pre-Underwriting (8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. CST)

Phone: 800.200.5881, option 5

For assistance with:

File specific OFAC/Compliance issues

Bloomington Email:

Nevada Email:

Pre-underwriting Audit Deficiencies

Loans in Underwriting

Once an approval has been issued, contact the underwriter direct or email the Shared box for the assigned Underwriting Center. In the event a file is overflowed to another Center, you will receive notification including contact information.

Wholesale Underwriting Centers – Shared mailboxes




Loans in Closing:

Once a closer has been assigned, contact the closer direct or email the Shared box for the Closing Center.

Wholesale Closing Centers – Shared mailboxes




Condominium Project Approval Department (PAD)

Review the Wholesale Seller Guide, Section 800: Condo Project Review, for the process, flow chart and list of reviewed projects. Questionnaires and

Submission Sheets are located in the Wholesale Seller Guide, Section 1200: Exhibits and Forms > Conforming and Portfolio applicable forms.

Phone: 952.876.5318 Shared Email:

For assistance with:

General condominium questions

Appraisal Help Desk

Review the Wholesale Seller Guide, Section 500: for Product Guidelines which include appraisal requirements specific to the product/program. Section

900 of the guide includes forms and manuals for using the appraisal ordering website.

Phone: 866-239.2026

For assistance with:

Appraisal ordering password resets, general appraisal questions

Password Resets

Password resets for logging into your assigned Pipeline Portal (


) should be directed to the assigned administrator at your company. Administrator reset requests can be emailed to

Lender Fees

Review the Wholesale Seller Guide, Section 600 for Pricing and Registration, include section 630 for Commitment Fees.


Conventional First Mortgage:

Second Mortgages:

NY files






- 0 -

Tax Monitoring

Service Fee



Flood Certification




Key Addresses

Loss Payee Address:

U.S. Bank National Association

Its Successors and Assigns as Their Interest May Appear c/o U.S. Bank Home Mortgage

P.O. Box 7298

Springfield, OH 45501-7298

Closing Protection Letter (CPL) Address

U.S. Bank Home Mortgage, a Division of U.S. Bank National


4801 Frederica Street

Owensboro, KY 42301

Where to Go

Pipeline Portals:


Login to your assigned URL using your unique user name and password

Access to:

Current and Archived Rate Sheets

Create, Register and process loans

Access Wholesale Seller Guide

Price Loan Scenarios

Wholesale Seller Guide: access from the Resources section of the pipeline:

Access to Program Guidelines, Policies, Requirements, Forms, etc.:

400: Compliance

500: Mortgage Programs

600: Pricing and Registration Policy

700: Underwriting/Credit Policy

800: Condo Project Review

900: Appraisals

1000: Operations Policy and Procedures

1100: Bulletins and Communications

1200: Exhibits and Forms

Glossary of terms


Wholesale Website:

Access to:

Learn about USBHM Wholesale Division

Product Highlights

Marketing Flyers

Basic Contact Information

Resources & Training Materials, including; o Conforming Loan Process Manual o Quick Reference Sheets o New User Set-up & Maintenance Manual
