REMOTE SENSING PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS General principles: radiative properties of atmosphere and ocean surface Infrared Remote Sensing Passive Microwave Remote Sensing Wind Scatterometry Altimetry Optical Remote Sensing Frédéric Mélin Joint Research Centre SOLAS summer school, 2005 The Remote Sensing Problem Satellite in orbit at altitude H: -Sun-synchronous -Geo-synchronous day night Field-of ΔΩ -view aerosols Atmosphere molecules Boundary Condition [Cox & Munk 1954] Ocean clouds θ0 θ φ wind bubbles/foam dw: absorption depth = 1/aw(λ) SOLAS summer school, 2005 Radiative Transfer Equation (RTE) the mathematical expression of the remote sensing problem scattering with probability β(α) dΩ dV irradiance E(r) dL(α) α dr E(r+dr) attenuation 3 main (spectral) processes: - absorption - scattering - emission In order to invert the RTE, you need to know the most on the propagating medium, and the boundary conditions. General expression of the RTE: SOLAS summer school, 2005 Emission of a ‘grey’ body Sun Earth VIS TIR solar irradiance black body The Sun acts approximately as a black body and is a major player of the upper boundary condition. SOLAS summer school, 2005 The Medium of Propagation: The Atmosphere ionosphere Radiative “agents”: ionospheric free electrons water vapor O O3 10 mbar 100 mbar 1000 mbar Source: clouds: liquid droplets ice crystals ozone (stratosphere) H H other gases C.-Labonnote et al. 2001 aerosols: tropospheric, stratospheric (various shapes, compositions, mixing states…) SOLAS summer school, 2005 The Medium of Propagation: The Atmosphere Wavelength dependence of the atmospheric transmittance O CO2 O2 2 H2O H2O H2O O3 CO2 N2O CO2 H2O N2O O2 O3 H2O H2O CO2 Source: Selby & McClatchey 1975 (molecular scattering becomes negligible for λ>λvis) - O3 blocks radiation with λ<0.3µm; - in the visible, a few small absorption bands by O2, O3, H2O; - for λ>3µm, CO2 and H2O mainly determine the transmittance; The atmospheric windows of absorption and transmission are an element of the remote sensing strategy. The wavelength of the selected electromagnetic radiation, as well as the characteristics of the surface, impose limitations and constraints on the design of the instrument, its resolution, its signal-to-noise ratio… It also leads to different approximations in the RTE. SOLAS summer school, 2005 The lower Boundary Condition: the Ocean Surface Index of refraction of distilled water Real Absorption, m-1 aw = 4πni/λ Penetration depth, m dw = 1/ aw nr ~ cst=1.34 in the VIS Imaginary VIS is the only domain where radiation penetrates to substantial depths. VIS 10GHz 1 cm 10 nm 1 µm wavelength 10GHz 1 cm 10 nm 1 µm wavelength SOLAS summer school, 2005 The lower Boundary Condition: the Ocean Surface Radiative interactions at the interface: θi θr na nw θt Specular reflector Lambert reflector [See Morel & Gentili 1993 for definition of bidirectional aspects in the visible] SOLAS summer school, 2005 Remote Sensors and Measurements Passive Sensors Sensor Class Optical sensors Sensor Type Multi-spectral scanners, Imaging spectrometers Derived Quantities ozone, aerosols UV 3nm 30nm wavelength, m frequency, Hz 3.10-9 Infra-red sensors Microwave sensors Microwave Radars Infra-red imaging radiometers Scanning microwave radiometers Scatterometers, Altimeters, SARs ocean colour UV-A, 320-400 nm UV-B, 280-320 nm Active Sensors brightness temp., SST brightness temp., wind, water vapor, rain, SST 400-700 nm TIR, 3.5-20 µm VIS IR 300nm 3μm surface roughness, wind vectors, surface height, slope, currents, internal waves, slicks 1-90 GHz MW 30μm 300μm 3.10-6 3mm 3cm 30cm 3m 3.10-3 30m 300m 3km 3.103 3 1THz 1GHz 1MHz 1012 109 106 SOLAS summer school, 2005 Infrared Remote Sensing SST: what is it ? “no longer an easy parameter to define” [Barton 2001] Ts T11µm T10GHz Ts ATSR-2 SST ΔT=Ts-Tb = skin T – bulk T = SSST-BSST SSST and BSST are different and are measured in the field through different means. Tb ΔT Source: Donlon et al. 2002 Tb ΔT “For many purposes, SSST is a more appropriate ocean surface temperature than the BSST: it represents a physically definable quantity that exerts significant control on the exchange of heat, gas, and moisture between the atmosphere and the ocean.” [Donlon et al. 1999] It is also what the remote IR sensor measures. SOLAS summer school, 2005 Infrared Remote Sensing With respect to VIS, IR remote sensing shifts to an absorption/emission regime Reflectance and emissivity are directly linked: e=1-r ~1 ( for θ<40o) The atmospheric transmittance is mainly influenced by water vapor, desert dust and stratospheric aerosols. 10.3-11.3 µm The necessity (and complexity) of excluding clouds required the development of elaborate cloud-masking algorithms (up to 17 channels for MODIS). 3.55-3.93 µm example of AVHRR IR channels The solar flux reflected by wave facets is significant around 4 µm used only for night algorithm. 11.5-12.3 µm SOLAS summer school, 2005 Infrared Remote Sensing How is it computed ? sum of attenuated surface radiance and atmospheric path radiance form with Planck’s function, Ti blackbody temperature associated with received radiance after linearization and spectral combination [McClain et al. 1985] many other formulations followed… Typical accuracies : ±0.3K for (A)ATSR-1,2; ±0.5K for AVHRR (1981-) ±0.3K for MODIS; ±0.7K for GOES The (ci)s are calculated by fitting match-up data bases (algorithms constrained by in situ measurements). [Kilpatrick et al. 2001] In the case of ATSR: dual-look angle, dual window (no need for match-ups) SOLAS summer school, 2005 Infrared Remote Sensing Source: Walton et al. 1998 Sources of error : - Clouds (cirrus) - Short-term solar heating (differential impact on different channels) - Volcanic (stratospheric) aerosols - Desert dust Estimation of ΔT=SSST-BSST with measurements in Atlantic transects: wind speed > 6 m s-1, ΔT~-0.17K bias wind speed < 6 m s-1, ΔT is more influenced by thermal stratification and is more variable. implications for validation! Source: Donlon et al. 1999 SOLAS summer school, 2005 Infrared Remote Sensing: Example 1 Study of the diurnal warming at global scale: particularly noticeable in the tropics, influenced by solar insolation, and wind forcing Source: Stuart-Menteth et al. 2003 SOLAS summer school, 2005 Infrared Remote Sensing: Example 2 Eddy dynamics in the lee of Hawaii using GOES-10 imagery Loretta and Mikalele eddies formed in 1999, with a life span 3-6 months, Depth-integrated N nutrients x 3-to-15. Source: Seki et al. 2001 Haulani eddy formed in Sep. 2000, with a life span ~5 months Carbon export and heterotrophic biomass 2 to 3 times higher in the eddy versus outside, Depth-integrated N nutrients x 9. Source: Bidigare et al. 2003 Vaillancourt et al. 2003 SOLAS summer school, 2005 Microwave Remote Sensing Atmospheric absorption is mainly due to oxygen and water vapor. 18-22GHz: used for water vapor retrieval. opaque atmosphere Water droplets affect transmissivity by scattering the incident radiation: cloud droplet: radius<0.1 mm (Rayleigh scattering, ~f 4) rain drops: radius ~ 1mm (Mie scatterers) creates a dip in transmissivity 2123.8 Microwave remote sensing (passive and active) is based on the properties of an antenna, in the frequency domain 1-90 GHz. increases with WV 36.5-37 18-19.3 10.7 6.6-6.9 Source: Wentz & Meissner 1999 85 increases with T can be neglected for f <10GHz, rain rate < 1mm.h-1 for f > 10 GHz, strong decrease in transmissivity due to clouds. Note: - resolution of the order 25-50 km - sensors are such that θ is constant ~50-55o (TBV independent of wind speed); - at these angles, emissivity and reflectivity are of the same order (≠IR). SOLAS summer school, 2005 Microwave Remote Sensing +D/2 idealized antenna r polarization θ I(θ,φ) φ -D/2 Main microwave imagers Instrument Plaform Life Frequencies and polarization SMMR Nimbus-7 1978-1987 6.6V,H, 10.7V,H, 18.0V.H, 21V,H, 37V,H SSMI’s DMSP 1987- 19.3V,H, 22.2V, 37.0V,H, 85.5V,H TMI TRMM 1998- 10.7V,H, 19.3V,H, 21.3V, 37.0V,H, 85.5V,H AMSR ADEOS-2 AQUA 12/02-10/03 2002- 6.9V,H, 10.7V,H, 18.7V,H, 23.8V,H, 36.5V,H, 89.0V,H AMSR Coriolis 2003- 6.6V,H, 10.6(4), 18.7 (4), 23.8V,H, 37.0 (4) SOLAS summer school, 2005 Microwave Remote Sensing Text TA TD Tsol TU TS, SS TA is sensitive to: multifrequency polarized multivariable equations (and simultaneous retrieval, constrained by measurements from buoys and radiosondes). in the atmosphere: columnar water vapor V (0.03-75mm), cloud liquid water L (0-0.25 mm) (+rain rate R, Wentz & Spencer 1998) at the surface: sea surface temperature and salinity (1.4GHz) wind vector: dependence (spectral and polarized) of e on waves (speed and azimuthal) and foam sea ice properties SOLAS summer school, 2005 Microwave Remote Sensing Accuracy: Wentz (1997): rms accuracy of SSMI products (50 km): 0.9 m s-1 for U, 1.2 mm for V, 0.025 mm for L. Mears et al. (2001): standard deviation of collocated wind speeds SSMI / buoys: 1.3 m s-1 Meissner et al. (2001): standard deviation of collocated wind speeds SSMI / ECMWF: 2.1 m s-1 ; SSMI / NCEP/NCAR: 2.6 m s-1 Gentemann et al. (2004): TRMM TMI SST vs. tropical buoys SST mean bias of -0.7oC, standard deviation of 0.57oC. Stammer et al. (2003): TRMM TMI SST vs. Reynolds & Smith SST: standard deviation of 0.54oC. [also Ricciardulli & Wentz (2004)] [,] A note on GHRSST: The existence of long time series of SST satellite products from different sensors and techniques (IR and MW) and the importance of SST for climate research has prompted the GODAE High Resolution SST Pilot Project, whose aim is to "Ensure the provision of rapidly and regularly diffused, high-quality sea surface temperature products at a fine spatial and temporal resolution that meet the diverse needs of GODAE, the scientific community, operational users and climate applications at a global scale." SOLAS summer school, 2005 Microwave Remote Sensing V-pol H-pol V-pol H-pol For sea ice: use of 18, 37, 85 GHz. In the dry atmosphere of polar regions, the RTE can be further simplified TA~eTS; The algorithms use the frequency-dependent differences in emissivity between open water and ice categories to determine ice concentration and type (but ice/water is so multiform!). ,,, young ice: high salinity surface layer FIY: first-year ice, saline, 1-2 m MIY: multi-year, hard-upper surface, fresh, containing bubbles frazil, grease ice: first stages pancake ice …. FIY pancakes FIY water MYI Source: Eppler et al., In Carsey 1992 SOLAS summer school, 2005, B. Holt Microwave Remote Sensing: Example 1 Source: Wentz et al. 2000 seeing through the clouds… imaging the cold wake of hurricane (Bonnie) with TMI derived SST studying Tropical Instability Waves in the Equatorial Pacific 3-day SST composites 24-26 Aug. 1998 [also Strutton et al. 2001, Ryan et al. 2002, Legeckis et al 2004 with GOES-10] Source: McClain et al. 2002 Source: Chelton et al. 2000 SOLAS summer school, 2005 Microwave Remote Sensing: Example 2 Microwave remote sensing has been instrumental in monitoring the changes affecting the sea ice regime in the Arctic Ocean, in terms of extent, thickness and age. [Cavalieri et al. 1997, Bjørgo etal. 1997, Serreze et al. 2003, Stroeve et al. 2005 ….] Source: Johannessen et al. 1999 Source: Rigor & Wallace 2004 SOLAS summer school, 2005 Active Microwave Remote Sensing: Radio Detection And Ranging Фt transmission τ t0 reflection I0 radar t cycle of Pulse Repetition Frequency (PRF) R0 dΩ pulse τ target dA properties of the antenna properties of the surface (transmitting and receiving) sensitive to the properties of the surface SOLAS summer school, 2005 Active Microwave Remote Sensing: Radio Detection And Ranging σ0 is sensitive to the surface roughness, influenced by wind U: normal incident normal incident specular surface roughened surface σ0 decreases with U oblique incident specular surface: no return to the sensor oblique incident roughened surface; Bragg scatter corner reflector σ0 increases with U Altimetry Wind Scatterometry [round trip travel time] [σ0] thermal noise surface signal attenuated by atmosphere instrument noise + environmental emissions SOLAS summer school, 2005 Wind Scatterometry Geophysical model function for σ0, that can be expressed for different look angles and polarizations: σ0 = F(P, U, θ, ΦR) U, ΦR polarization view angle wind speed azimuth relative to wind direction F can be written as a Fourier series in ΦR; ambiguities of ±90o or ±180o are raised by the available equations and numerical weather predictions. 10 dyn/cm2 ERS-1 1991-1996 SOLAS summer school, 2005 Wind Scatterometry Typical accuracy: 2 m s-1 and 20o. Bourassa et al. (2003): QuikSCAT vs. ships Freilich & Dunbar (1999): NSCAT vs. buoys for wind speeds of 1-18 m s-1, rms acccuracy of ±1.2 m s-1 , bias of 0.3 m s-1 for wind speeds of 2-17 m s-1, mean difference of direction of 8o, with rms directional error of 18o. AMI Source: Liu 2002 ADEOS-1 SeaWinds-1 Satellite based direction (middle swath) Missions: ship based direction SOLAS summer school, 2005 Wind Scatterometry: Example 1 The high resolution and quality of wind scatterometry products have benefited a range of applications: forcing of numerical models studies of the tropical dynamics analysis of transient features (storms, hurricanes, eddies…) Some small-scale patterns appear persistent: - in the wake of islands or continental features (e.g., Gulf of Tehuantepec) - in regions of strong SST gradients, - in regions of strong coupling with oceanic currents (western boundary, e.g. Gulf Stream) Source: Chelton et al. 2004 SOLAS summer school, 2005 Wind Scatterometry: Example 2 Dipole vorticity anomalies in the wake of the islands m s-1 Source: Xie et al. 2001 The impact on the atmospheric circulation of the Hawaiian archipelago appears to affect the coupled ocean atmospheric system very far west in the subtropical northwest Pacific. m s-1 wind speed wind speed Signature in the coupled ocean-atmosphere system SOLAS summer school, 2005 Altimetry Altimetry ±100 m orbit H h Note: gravity missions (CHAMP, GRACE) will improve our knowledge of the geoid! surface height geoid ref. ellipsoide centre of mass gravity field model SOLAS summer school, 2005 Altimetry Altimetry altimeter h Δθ Δθ pulse r1 τ r r2 tRT: round-trip travel time Фt 2t0+τ t 2t0 2t0+τ/2 SOLAS summer school, 2005 Altimetry Altimetry Sea surface height (dynamic topography): whose variability is induced by: atmospheric pressure changes tides ocean heating and cooling geostrophic flows … [Fu & Cazenave 2001] Source of errors: Missions: GEOSAT 13.5 GHz 1985-1989 ERS-1,2 13.5 GHz 1991-2004 TOPEX/Poseidon 5.3 , 13.6 GHz 1992-2002 JASON-1 5.3 , 13.6 GHz 2002- ENVISAT-RA2 3.2 , 13.6 GHz 2002- instrument noise atmospheric constituents: ionospheric free electrons, atmospheric pressure, presence of cloud liquid water and rain sea state bias: electromagnetic bias (troughs of waves are better reflectors than crests), skewness bias orbit determination On-board microwave radiometer provide ancillary data. Surface sites provide calibration data. Accuracy of 2-4 cm. SOLAS summer school, 2005 Altimetry: Altimetry Applications Applications to the study of global circulation: sea surface height variability [e.g., North Atlantic, Häkkinen & Rhines 2004, Fu 2004] heat storage [Chambers et al 1997, 1998, Polito et al. 2000] wave propagation [e.g., Chelton & Schlax 1996…] mesoscale variability TOPEX/Poseidon and ERS-1/2 data merging resulted in a 1/4o global distribution of sea level anomaly, with levels of Eddy Kinetic Energy 30% higher than T/P record alone. [Ducet et al. 2000, also Stammer & Wunsch 1999, …] EKE (cm.s-1)2 Source: Ducet et al. 2000 SOLAS summer school, 2005 Altimetry: Altimetry Applications Applications to the sea level trends: from the global ocean: [3.2 ± 0.2 mm.a-1 Cabanes et al. 2001] to basin scales [ rates up to 20 mm.a-1 SE of Crete, Cazenave et al. 2001] or local scales for small water bodies [large lakes, Birkett al. 1999, Mercier et al. 2002, Aral Sea, Stanev et al. 2004…] SOLAS summer school, 2005 Optical Remote Sensing: Ocean Colour SeaWiFS: An example of ocean colour sensors : ( Comparison: The human eye has a fov of 0.2 mrad in the blue, 3-4 channels. The mantis schrimp is hyperspectral (16), with UV and polarization!! Marshall et al. 2002 field of view 1.6 mrad SOLAS summer school, 2005 Optical Remote Sensing In the visible, the RTE is dominated by the scattering regime, and thermal emission is negligible. After ‘bright surface’ masking (sea ice, clouds, land, thick aerosols): known + vicarious calibration Rayleigh known + aerosol model intrinsic colour of the surface; 10% of Ltoa modelled (empir.) masked or corrected depend on gases and aerosols Major sources of uncertainties: Top-of-atmosphere calibration [Eplee et al. 2001, Sturm & Zibordi 2002] Aerosol optical properties [non-spherical dust: Mishchenko et al. 1997, Kalashnikova & Sokolik 2002 Foam / bubbles [Zhang et al. 1998, Stramski & Tegowski 2001, Terrill et al. 2001] mixing state: Chandra et al. 2004] Optical properties of the boundary conditions (water) Depth of the boundary condition (bottom effect in optically shallow waters) [Ackleson 2003] Cloud contamination (cirrus, shadows ) SOLAS summer school, 2005 Optical Remote Sensing classical approach (Gordon 1997) SeaWiFS, Level-1, 10 Sep. 1998, N. Adriatic ‘true-color’ derivation of aerosol Ltoa, 412 nm load in the VIS determination of aerosol model derivation of aerosol load in the NIR At 765 and 865 nm, water MAY BE dark (black pixel assumption) Ltoa, 555 nm Ltoa, 865 nm There are other possible approaches! (but RTE simulations are needed) NB: few codes are available to solve the RTE for the coupled ocean-atmosphere system [Bulgarelli et al.1999, Stamnes et al. 2003] SOLAS summer school, 2005 Optical Remote Sensing A by-product of ocean colour atmospheric correction: the aerosol optical thickness but aerosol remote sensing uses wavelengths from the UV to IR, with multi-angle or polarized measurements as well as dedicated processors [King et al. 1999] 6-year average of aerosol optical thickness from SeaWiFS Source: Wang et al. 2005 missing data the water surface underneath is not visible Validation, e.g. with AERONET [Holben et al. 1998] SOLAS summer school, 2005 Optical Remote Sensing Lwn, 412 nm absorbing /scattering waters Lwn, 555 nm SeaWiFS, Level-2, 10 Sep. 1998, N. Adriatic blue waters Apparent optical properties (AOP) / Inherent optical properties (IOP),a and b [Preisendorfer 1961] Seasonal averages of Lwn over Atlantic provinces SOLAS summer school, 2005 Optical Remote Sensing Relationship between AOPs and IOPs: normalization for incident flux: few channels many unknowns !! total backscattering (bubbles omitted) total absorption Functions of geometry, wind, IOPs (0.085-0.10) Two main approaches to invert this spectral equation: empirical formulations: depends a lot on the development data. (semi)analytical models: depends a lot on the parameters. Classical equations for IOPs parameterizations: Be careful!! SOLAS summer school, 2005 Optical Remote Sensing: Optically Significant Constituents Pure sea water: data: Einstein-Smoluchowski theory still a subject of measurements, particularly in the UV. SOLAS summer school, 2005 Optical Remote Sensing: Optically Significant Constituents Phytoplankton absorption aph(λ) is defined by a set of pigments that tend to covary with Chla. Phytoplankton: Chla : 2 major peaks at 440 and 665 nm [e.g., Trees et al. 2000] definition of specific absorption aph*(λ)= aph(λ)/Chla aph(440) for diverse locations Source: Bidigare et al. 1990 Pigments included in measurements of recent intercomparison experiments [Claustre et al 2004] Chlorophyll a, b, c1, c2, c3 Chlorophyllide a Divinyl chlorophyll a, b Alloxanthin 19’-butanoyloxyfucoxanthin Carotens Diadinoxanthin Diatoxanthin Fucoxanthin 19’-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin Lutein Neoxanthin Peridin Prasinoxanthin Violaxanthin Zeaxanthin natural variability due to other pigments, size, package effect Source: Bricaud et al. 1998 Examples of 2 absorption models: Bricaud et al. 1995 Sathyendranath et al. 2001 SOLAS summer school, 2005 Optical Remote Sensing: Optically Significant Constituents Phytoplankton: Distinction Case1 / Case 2 [Morel and Prieur 1977] Case 1 : optical properties covary with phytoplankton (Chla) Case 2 : independent variations of other optically significant constituents Case 1 mode, with all optical properties=f(Chla) Reflectance as function of Chla Band-ratio empirical algorithms hinge point Chla, mg.m-3 natural variability!! Source: Morel & Maritorena 2001 SOLAS summer school, 2005 Optical Remote Sensing: Optically Significant Constituents Dissolved and non-pigmented constituents: Colored Dissolved Organic Matter Absorption often represented by exponential functions S=0.0182±0.0041 nm-1 Non Pigmented Particulate Matter S=0.0122±0.0015 nm-1 - large variability of S in nature, possibly associated with different types of constituents - part of this variability is due to method of calculations of the slope (linear/non linear fit, spectral range) [Twardowski et al. 2004; Sds: 0.010-0.030 nm-1] Source: D’Alimonte et al. 2004 SOLAS summer school, 2005 Optical Remote Sensing: Optically Significant Constituents The ‘missing’ backscattering enigma Source: Stramski et al. 2004 Sources of backscattering: pure water turbulence bubbles (+coating) microorganisms non-living organic particles minerogenic particles colloids n(x) ~ x-4 Developments in the field of modeling and measurements of microbial optics SOLAS summer school, 2005 Optical Remote Sensing: Optically Significant Constituents Microbial optical database: BAC: heterotrophic bacteria CHLO: chlorophyte (Dunaliella tertiolecta) CYA: cyanobacteria (Synechococcus) DIA: diatom (Thalassiosira pseudonana) and others… [see Stramski et al 2001] Source: Stramski & Mobley 1997 SOLAS summer school, 2005 Optical Remote Sensing: Derived Products Primary products: Apparent optical properties: Lwn(λ) , Rrs(λ) Inherent optical properties: a(λ), b(λ), bb(λ), c(λ)=a(λ)+b(λ) + decomposition: aph(λ), ads(λ), anp(λ), cp(λ) photobiology photochemistry Derived products: pigments (Chla) SPM (suspended particulate matter) POC (particulate organic carbon) DOC (particulate organic carbon) Mass specific optical properties [ in m-1.(mg.m-3)-1 ] aph cp, bb,p natural variability!! cp, bb,p ads Others: Photosynthetically Available Radiation (PAR) Euphotic depth Secchi disk / depth Primary productivity Functional groups Photochemical sinks & sources Wave propagation & scales of variability [Uz et al. 2001, Cipollini et al. 2001, Doney et al. 2003, Uz &Yoder 2004] SOLAS summer school, 2005 Optical Remote Sensing: Primary Production The example of one model (among many), with 5-year SeaWiFS time series: PAR(0-)=35.4 E.m-2.d-1 Chla=0.30 mg.m-3 IPP=0.39 gC.m-2.d-1=47.1 PgC.a-1 turn-over: 5.5 days [see Campbell et al 2002, Carr et al. 2006 for Primary Production Algorithm Round Robins 2 & 3] PPARR3: 50.6±8.5 PgC.a-1 (35-68) with 24 models using equal inputs. SOLAS summer school, 2005 Optical Remote Sensing: Phytoplankton Distribution Some phytoplankton functional groups, or associated particles, have a distinctive spectral signature: Global detection of Diatoms Trichodesmium blooms [Sathyendranath et al 2004] Detection in coastal India (IRS-P4 OCM) Cyanobacteria [Morel 1997, Subramaniam et al. 1999,a,b, 2002] Coccolithophores Source: Westberry et al. 2005 Source: Sarangi et al. 2005 [Balch et al 1996a,b, Voss et al. 1998] Bering Sea 17 sep. 2000 English Channel Black Sea Source: Cokacar et al. 2004 Source: Gordon et al. 2001 Source: Iida et al. 2002 SOLAS summer school, 2005 Historical OC sensors Current OC sensors Source: …. SOLAS summer school, 2005 Optical Remote Sensing SeaWiFS global statistics: n=1378 mean ratio: 0.975 % diff: 33.3% r2=0.794 Validation activities: Validation of Lwn, IOPs, Chla,… using radiometry (buoys, ships, towers) & lab. samples. [Hooker & McClain 2000, Eplee et al. 2001, Carder et al. 2004,Gregg & Casey 2004, Mélin et al. 2003, 2005, Pinkerton et al. 2003, Zibordi et al. 2004, 2005, Wang et al. 2005, etc…] Northern Adriatic Consistent long-term ocean colour record: Regional comparison: Mediterranean Sea AQUA SeaWiFS Global comparison SeaWiFS MERIS POLDER-2 Source: Djavidnia et al. 2005 MERIS Conclusions and Perspectives Remote sensing: a partial-derivative equation with boundary conditions and medium characteristics partially or not known Importance of in situ data for development and validation More geophysical products available: Don’t hesitate to use them all together! Emergence of long-term time series Corollary: requirement for consistency Existence of coincident time series Corollary: activities of merging/blending New missions Drive towards operational satellite oceanography SOLAS summer school, 2005