9/29/2009 Florida Atlantic University Campus Recreation Intramural Sports Men’s, Women’s, and Co-Rec Volleyball Rules USA Volleyball rules will apply in all situations with the following exceptions: NET: The height of the net shall be: For women - 7' 4.25" For men - 8' For co-rec - 8' GAME TIME: The first two games will be rally scoring to 25 points and a team must win by 2 points (no cap). The third game will be rally scoring to 15 points and a team must win by 2 points (no cap). Game time is forfeit time. If a team does not have the minimum required players at game time (4), the opposing captain my either take a win by forfeit of the first game or of the entire match. If a team does not have the minimum required players ten minutes after game time, the match will be declared a forfeit. PLAYERS: There shall be 6 players on a team, designated as follows: Right Front, Center Front, Left Front, Right Back, Center Back, and Left Back. A team may begin with 4 players, but if injury or disqualification reduces the number to fewer than 4, the game shall be defaulted. Front and back row players must be designated to the officials when less than 6 players are used. For co-rec, 3 men and 3 women shall be placed in alternate positions on the floor. A team may begin with 4 players providing those players are 2 women and 2 men; or 5 players with 3 women, 2 men. EQUIPMENT: - Only athletic shoes shall be worn. No boots, sandals, or bare feet will be allowed. - No jewelry is allowed on any participant. All jewelry must be removed before entering the game. - No headgear aside from sweat bands are allowed. This includes, but not limited to: bandannas, hats, and visors ELIGIBILITY: A men's, women's, or co-rec team may have no more than two FAU Volleyball Sport Club Members on their team roster. Varsity players must be at least one academic year removed from their sport in order to participate. Check the Campus Recreation web site for further eligibility requirements. POSITIONS: All players except the server shall be within the team's playing area and in correct serving order with no overlapping of adjacent players front-to-back or side-to-side at the instant the ball is contacted for the serve. The center front shall not be as near the right side line as the right front nor as near the left sideline as the left front. The center back shall not be as near the right sideline as the right back nor as near the left sideline as the left back. No back line player shall be as near the centerline as the corresponding front line player. After the ball is contacted for the serve, players may move from their respective positions. GAME: a) A match shall consist of the first team to win two sets. b) At the end of each set, teams shall change courts. SERVICE: a) The order in which teams are to serve shall be called the serving order. b) Players must be in the correct serving order when the ball is served. c) A server shall continue to serve until the opponent receives a point. 9/29/2009 d) If the serving team wins the rally they score a point and continue to serve. If the receiving team wins the rally, it scores the point and gains the serve. Each time a team gains the serve it must rotate one position clockwise before serving. Failure to do so will result in side out. e) The server must serve between the sidelines extended back, and behind the end line. f) All matches will allow for let serves. (The ball is allowed to hit the net and go over on the serve) Faults, Point for Opponent:: a) Serve illegally. (not between sidelines or foot on or over the end line) b) Fail to return the ball legally to opponents' court. c) Catch the ball. d) Hold the ball (scooping, lifting, and shoving shall be considered holding). e) Strike the ball more than once in succession. (not including a block) f) Be the fourth player to play the ball (except when there has been a simultaneous hit.) g) Touch the net with any part of the body at any time except when the ball is dead. h) Reach under the net and touch the ball or a player of the opposing team when the ball is in play on that side, or interfere with the play of the opposing team by entering the opponent's court, or touching the floor on the opposite side of the center line when the ball is in play. A centerline foot fault shall be called when a player’s whole foot or hand crosses the plane of the centerline. i) Strike the ball while supported by any player or object. j) Throw the ball. k) Bat the ball against ceiling, any object, or surface within the boundary line. EXCEPTION: If Team A causes the ball to hit the ceiling or any object above their playing court and the ball comes down on their side of the net they may continue to play the ball, provided it was a legal hit and not the third hit which caused the ball to strike the ceiling or object. l) Block or attack a served ball. SUBSTITUTES: Substitutions shall be made only during a dead ball and without delay. Before each game the referee will request of the captain which substitution manner will be used. Substitutions must be made in only one of the following ways: 1. Substitute players may rotate into the service position. This procedure, if used, must be used throughout the game with the exception of one-for-one being allowed in case of an injured/ill player. Once the injured/ill player has been replaced in a one-for-one manner, he/she may not return in that game. 2. Substitution may be made in a one-for-one manner under the following conditions. a. Each team is permitted only one request for substitution during the same dead ball. Other requests by the same team will be denied. Teams may enter more than one substitute during the same request. c. Once the official has recognized the substitute each substitute shall move immediately into the game. d. The position of the substitute shall be that of the player replaced without changing the serving order as recorded on the score sheet. e. Once a player has been replaced in a game that player may only reenter for the player that replaced him/her. h. If the one-for-one procedure is being used, this substitution procedure must be used throughout the entire game. Co-Rec Substitutes: Men must substitute in for men and women for women. The actual substitution shall be made only during a dead ball and without delay. TIME OUTS: a) Each team is allowed one time out per set. b) A time out may be requested by the coach or team captain at any time the ball is dead. It shall not exceed one minute. c) A time out may not be granted to the same team more than once during each set. 9/29/2009 d) The set shall be resumed after a time-out when the team calling the time-out is ready to play, including situations where less than 60 seconds are used. e) The rest period between sets of a match shall be a maximum of two (2) minutes. GENERAL: a) A player may go out-of-bounds to play a ball. If a player plays a ball that would have been out-ofbounds, it is considered good. A player may not enter a non-playable area to play the ball (i.e. bleachers or another court.) b) A foot fault occurs when the server steps on or over the line bounding the serving area during the act of serving. Part or all of server's body may be in the air over the lines. c) A double foul shall be called when players on opposing teams commit a rules infraction at the same instant. In case of a double foul, the point shall be replayed. d) Blocking a ball, which is entirely on the opponent’s side of the net, is permitted when the opposing team has had an opportunity to complete their attack. e) If a ball is driven into the net with such force it causes the net to contact a player on the opposing team, no foul shall be called, and the ball shall continue to be in play. f) If the ball is contacted by two players simultaneously, it counts as one hit and either player may make the next hit. g) If two or more players from opposing teams hit the ball simultaneously, it shall NOT count as one of the three hits. h) A ball touching a boundary line is good. i) There is a spiking line 10 feet back from the net. A back row player may spike from behind this line. j) If only one player is attempting to block and in doing so contacts the ball, he/she is permitted to contact it a second time. k) Interchange of positions during play is legal. However, it is illegal if a back row player goes in front of the 10 foot spiking line to block or attempt to block. l) A back line player may not return a ball which is completely above the top of the net while positioned on or in front of the spiking line (or its out of bounds extension). m) Multiple contacts of the ball are touches by a player during one play of the ball and are permitted: a. When a ball rebounds from one part of a player's body to another in one attempt to save a hard driven spike not already touched by a teammate, it is a legal multiple contact and considered one hit. b. When a ball rebounds from one part of a player's body to another in one attempt to block, it is a legal multiple contact and the team's next play is considered its first hit. n) In playing the ball, a player may use any part of his body as long as the ball does not come to rest. o) Screening is an act, intentional or unintentional, which obstructs the opponent's view of the server or the flight of the ball from the server. p) A single player is screening if: a. His/her arms are held clearly above the head fully extended and the player is standing upright and the ball passes directly over the player; b. The player is making distracting movements such as waving the arms or jumping; c. The player deliberately alters his/her position to move in front of an opponent after the referee has signaled for the serve. d. A grouping of players is screening if the ball passes directly over a member of the group who is in an upright position with arms clearly fully extended overhead. e. The penalty for screening is an awarded side out to the opponent. Sportsmanship: a) Unsportsmanlike conduct includes actions which are unbecoming to an ethical, fair, honorable individual. It consists of acts of deceit, disrespect or vulgarity and includes taunting. It includes: a. Disconcerting acts or words; b. Derogatory remarks to officials or opponents; c. Questioning or trying to influence officials' decisions; d. Showing disgust with officials' decisions; e. Using insulting gestures or baiting/taunting an opponent; 9/29/2009 f. Spitting other than into the proper receptacle. b) If an intramural participant is ejected from any intramural contest, they are immediately ineligible for further competition, in any facility or intramural activity, until they are cleared by the Assistant Director for Intramural Sports or his/her designee. It is the participant's responsibility to schedule an appointment with the Assistant Director for Intramural Sports to review his/her behavior and subsequent eligibility to continue in the Intramural Sports Program or any Campus Recreation program or facility. In addition, any unsportsmanlike conduct by a player or fans may cause their team to be disqualified. c) Participants should be aware that there is a risk of injury in participation of intramural sports due to the inherent nature of the activity. Individuals are encouraged to have a physical examination and to obtain adequate health and accident insurance prior to participation. Individuals participate in intramural activities at their own risk! Definitions: Illegal Hit: Occurs when the ball VISIBLY comes to rest or has prolonged contact with a player during contact Double Hit: Occurs when a player illegally contacts the ball twice in succession. There is such thing as a legal double hit. Spike: This may be performed open or close-handed. The hand must contact the ball rapidly enough so the ball is hit, not thrown. A ball spiked with the top of the open hand (fingers) may be a miss hit rather than an illegal hit. Block: This is a rebounding skill. Make sure the blocker does not carry or have prolonged contact with the ball. Blocking techniques may involve use of wrist action. There is no forward motion of the arm in a onehand block. Forearm Pass: This is a passing skill. It can be performed with arms together with hands clasped, hands separated with simultaneous contact, or with one hand or arm.