EERA board: presentation of France research/innovation programmes Yann-Hervé De Roeck French MRE landscape Energy agency The Maritime Clusters Academic teams France Energies Marines Updated list of MRE projects in France INDUSTRIAL, PILOT & TEST SITES 2 French MRE landscape Energy agency The Maritime Clusters Academic teams France Energies Marines Updated list of MRE academic teams in France TECHNOLOGY, ENVIRONMENT, SOCIETY FRENCH Academic teams on MRE French MRE landscape Energy agency The Maritime Clusters Academic teams France Energies Marines French Environment and Energy management Agency 6 INDUSTRY LED PROJECTS FOR TECHNOLOGICAL COMPONENTS • PRISMER: connexion hub for tidal turbines and transformer • • French MRE landscape PILE & TIDE: seabed preparation by a subsea remote hydraulic submarine excavator OceanGen: test of a floating offshore wind turbine at SEMREV Energy agency The Maritime Clusters Academic teams France Energies Marines French Environment and Energy management Agency 6 INDUSTRY LED PROJECTS FOR TECHNOLOGICAL COMPONENTS • SEA-TC: wetmate by induction for medium voltage connexion • • SEA REED: design of a 6MW floating offshore wind turbine MARLIN: cold water pipe and thermal exchanger design for OTEC French MRE landscape Energy agency The Maritime Clusters Academic teams France Energies Marines Tools to initiate public-private synergies THE 2 FRENCH MARITIME COMPETITIVENESS CLUSTER • their ambition: to contribute to the sustainable development of the maritime and coastal economy • their "job": to encourage the innovation between companies and research laboratories. Promote the results at international level French MRE landscape Energy agency The Maritime Clusters MEDITERRANEE Academic teams France Energies Marines Collaborative MRE projects R&D PROJECTS CERTIFIED BY THE FRENCH SEA CLUSTERS • • • • Floating windturbines • SEAREED DCNS project • VERTIWIND (Med. Sea) • FWWF Tidal current systems • EDF pilot farm • SABELLA • BLUSTREAM • Alstom project • URABAILA Wave power converters • BILBOQUET • PMH • PH4S • MONACOREV OTEC • MARLIN • • • Survey/Monitoring/Impacts HYPERWIND BLIDAR SIMEO IMPALA GHYDRO BENTHOSCOPE EU projects MERiFIC CHANNEL MOR REMCAP Training MRE Master (ENSTA) All projects support SMEs More details on French MRE landscape Energy agency The Maritime Clusters Academic teams 7 France Energies Marines Laboratoire de recherche en Hydrodynamique, Energétique et Environnement Atmosphérique MODELLING AND TESTING CAPACITIES • WECEXPERT: Database of capture width ratios of WECs, a Tool for power absorption screening A. Babarit. A data base of capture width ratio of wave energy converters. Submitted • NEMOH: world 1st OpenSource Boundary Element Method code, > 100 downloads since jan.2014 French MRE landscape Energy agency The Maritime Clusters Academic teams France Energies Marines Research Institute of the Naval Academy MODELLING AND TESTING CAPACITIES • VIRTUAL HYDROLE: Global Simulation of Energy production of Marine Current Turbines. Matlab-Simulink coupled models for: resource, disturbance, drive train, PTO, control strategies Turbine Cp curves as a function of pitch angle and TSR Fixed Pitch Turbine control strategy with power leveling PMSG based on Marine Current Turbine associated with a Super-capacitor ESS • French MRE landscape Energy agency HYDROLE-44: design of direct double salient Permanent Magnet Generator. Modelling & test The Maritime Clusters Academic teams France Energies Marines PH4S Project HYBRID 4 SOURCES MODEL EXPERIMENTATION AT SEA PH4S : Solar, Wave, Tidal and Wind energy combination through an original power hybrid system with a single electrical generator. • Budget 1,1 M€ • Timeline : Q3 2014 Q3 2016 • PH4S challenge intends to reveal a realistic new opportunity against structural Marine Renewable Energy barriers : • Intermittent production • Marine Infrastructure CAPEX & Energy conversion OPEX • PH4S program includes 3 different pilots and PhD on global modelling.. French MRE landscape Energy agency The Maritime Clusters Public Research France Energies Marines VALEF2 project FLOATING WIND TURBINE DESIGN METHODOLOGIES VALEF2 is an R&D collaborative project involving academic and industrial members of France Energies Marines Budget 2,1 M€ / Timeline Q4 2014 Q2 2016 Floating wind farms have a huge energy market potential which could be soon exploited. Both the Oil&Gas and Wind industries have developed a strong technical expertise in their respective field. In the case of floating wind farms, aerodynamic and hydrodynamic tools need to be merged, especially to properly model aero-hydro-servo coupling effects. In the case of experiments, small scale tests are difficult due to the need of simultaneously satisfy Reynolds (aerodynamics) and Froude (hydrodynamics) number constraints. A specific approach is currently deployed in VALEF2 in order to develop, verify and validate numerical and experimental methodologies. The project considers both horizontal and vertical axis floating wind turbines. © Centrale Nantes © IFPEN Contact : French MRE landscape Energy agency The Maritime Clusters Academic teams © IFREMER - DCNS France Energies Marines BHFM project HYDRODYNAMIC BENCHMARK FOR FIXED OFFSHORE WIND TURBINE SUBSTRUCTURES BHFM is an R&D collaborative project involving academic and industrial members of France Energies Marines Budget 0,3 M€ / Timeline 2013-2014 The BHFM project aims at comparing the hydrodynamic models currently used for the simulation of massive offshore sub-structures. The objective is to identify the influence of the hydrodynamic modeling on the coupled wind and wave loads. Monopile, gravity based and tripod foundations Various sea-states using linear or non-linear wave modelisations Various loads models : Morison & MacCamy/Fuchs formulations Froude-Krylov pressure integration Linear and non-linear potential flow methods Spectral Wave Explicit Navier-Stokes Equation (SWENSE) © INNOSEA © Centrale Nantes - INNOSEA Contact : French MRE landscape Energy agency The Maritime Clusters Academic teams © INNOSEA France Energies Marines AESTUS project TURBULENCE CHARACTERIZATION FOR TIDAL TURBINE DESIGN AESTUS is an R&D collaborative project involving academic and industrial members of France Energies Marines Timeline Q1 2013 Q4 2015 Characterization of the flow variability, especially at metric and decametric scales, is of prime importance for both the optimization of tidal power extraction as well as for engineering applications such as tidal turbine design and structural fatigue assessment. AESTUS focuses on the knowledge of the turbulent characteristics of hydrodynamic flows in highly energetic seas such as the ones considered for future tidal energy farms. The aim of AESTUS is to explore the capabilities of in-situ instruments (especially Acoustic Doppler sensors) for assessing the turbulent features of intense tidal flows. Expected outcomes of the project, include innovant measurement protocols and data analysis tools. Contact : French MRE landscape Energy agency © EDF /DCNS The Maritime Clusters ©F Lecornu Academic teams ©Alstom France Energies Marines The objective of the BENTHOSCOPE project is to develop methods which are innovative because they provide quantitative environmental monitoring of the potential impacts of stream turbines on the benthic compartment of hard substrates, for which conventional methods are lacking. The rich biota in the benthos will therefore be described using passive acoustics. ALPHEUS-MACROCHELES Impala ARTIFICIAL UPWELLING’S IMPACTS ON MICROPLANKTON The IMPALA project aims at studying the potential impacts of releasing deep sea water below the surface from an ocean thermal energy plant. Effectively, the inflow of bottom water, whose temperature and chemical composition are quite different, into the subsurface layer as well as the cooling of surface water at the exchanger’s outlet, could locally induce alterations in planktonic ecosystem function. It is comparable to setting up an artificial upwelling. French MRE landscape Energy agency The Maritime Clusters Academic teams France Energies Marines