US 20030122439A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2003/0122439 A1 (43) Pub. Date: Horst (54) DOUBLY SALIENT MACHINE WITH ANGLED PERMANENT MAGNETS IN STATOR TEETH (52) Jul. 3, 2003 US. Cl. ...................................................... .. 310/154.11 (57) ABSTRACT (75) Inventor: Gary E. Horst, Manchester, MO (US) Correspondence Address: MICHAEL J. THOMAS HARNESS, DICKEY & PIERCE 7700 Bonhomme Avenue Suite 400 St. Louis, MO 63105 (US) (73) Assignee: Emerson Electric Co. (21) Appl. No.: (22) Filed: 10/035,366 Dec. 28, 2001 Publication Classi?cation (51) Int. Cl.7 .................................................. .. H02K 21/26 Permanent magnet machines including doubly salient machines having one or more permanent magnets located at least partly and preferably entirely Within the stator teeth, thereby avoiding weakening of the stator structure While reducing acoustic noise. The magnets may be located in only a subset of the stator teeth, thereby loWering magnet material and manufacturing costs, and all such magnets may have north poles directed toWard an interior of the machine, resulting in reduced cogging and negative torques With improved torque densities. The permanent magnets may also extend Within the stator teeth on an angle or diagonal, thereby alloWing use of magnets Which are Wider than the teeth themselves to produce greater ?ux. Further, a magne tizing device having a single coil may be used to simulta neously magnetiZe all the stator magnets With a common polarity. Patent Application Publication FIG. 1 Jul. 3, 2003 Sheet 1 0f 18 m 112 US 2003/0122439 A1 / Patent Application Publication Jul. 3, 2003 Sheet 2 0f 18 (00‘) QQ EE CUCU NCO gag-5% eee‘gg (U(U<U>> ONCOCUCU FIG.2 50~ 40~ 0 o o o US 2003/0122439 A1 Patent Application Publication FIG. 3A PRIOR ART Jul. 3, 2003 Sheet 3 0f 18 US 2003/0122439 A1 Patent Application Publication Jul. 3, 2003 Sheet 4 0f 18 v w t Q 1 o . w E m z w £ 8 I 9 5 Q m 0I8:5QI wIwQIEm @IwxQlEm .UE m mFoI zI¢l< $5:mw. US 2003/0122439 A1 Patent Application Publication Jul. 3, 2003 Sheet 5 0f 18 US 2003/0122439 A1 200 FIG. 4 / Patent Application Publication Jul. 3, 2003 Sheet 6 0f 18 w é Q 9 l E m ! > w m € l Q 2 u E m > 0l8o!m NiwlQEm wl@x6l56 WE EIHDHQL 111 ‘CH US 2003/0122439 A1 Patent Application Publication Jul. 3, 2003 Sheet 7 0f 18 US 2003/0122439 A1 FIG. 6 COIL-INDUCED FLUX W/ x) 600 <7" 600 MAGNET-INDUCED FLUX Patent Application Publication Jul. 3, 2003 Sheet 8 0f 18 FIG. 7A 708 US 2003/0122439 A1 Patent Application Publication l 8 Jul. 3, 2003 Sheet 10 0f 18 US 2003/0122439 A1 300 Patent Application Publication FIG. 9 Jul. 3, 2003 Sheet 11 0f 18 US 2003/0122439 A1 / 40° 492 Patent Application Publication FIG. 10 Jul. 3, 2003 Sheet 12 0f 18 US 2003/0122439 A1 / 5°“ Patent Application Publication FIG. 11 Jul. 3, 2003 Sheet 13 0f 18 US 2003/0122439 A1 / 60° Patent Application Publication Jul. 3, 2003 Sheet 14 0f 18 vmm JSE Non NH.wE US 2003/0122439 A1 Patent Application Publication Jul. 3, 2003 Sheet 15 0f 18 US 2003/0122439 A1 <2.wE EH .2 c7- mHII Patent Application Publication Jul. 3, 2003 Sheet 16 0f 18 US 2003/0122439 A1 m.“ mmH.QE rom Tom OH!r ON.... om - Patent Application Publication Jul. 3, 2003 Sheet 17 0f 18 US 2003/0122439 A1 m@cz.oH2Im<uwz+ EWm@zm2l4x mH 02.wE row ‘om [om o7- ON!r OmlL owl. Patent Application Publication Jul. 3, 2003 Sheet 18 0f 18 - QmH.wI I US 2003/0122439 A1 m ~ o O 1-! o CHIx HHDHOJ. 'UI 'q'l Om!' DWII Jul. 3, 2003 US 2003/0122439 A1 DOUBLY SALIENT MACHINE WITH ANGLED PERMANENT MAGNETS IN STATOR TEETH FIELD OF THE INVENTION [0001] The present invention relates generally to electric machines, and more particularly to doubly salient machines having stator teeth With angled permanent magnets therein. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [0002] A variety of permanent magnet machines, includ ing doubly salient machines, are knoWn in the art in Which permanent magnets are positioned Within the frame or back iron of a stator. This is typically done to accommodate relatively large magnets capable of producing signi?cant ?ux. As recogniZed by the inventor, hoWever, positioning permanent magnets each having inWardly facing north poles, a ?rst plurality of stator teeth each extending along a radial axis from the frame’s inner peripheral edge toWard the central axis, and a second plurality of stator teeth extending from the frame’s inner peripheral edge toWard the central axis. Each of the ?rst plurality of stator teeth has one of the permanent magnets located at least partly therein, While the second plurality of stator teeth each have no permanent magnets located therein. The ?rst plurality of stator teeth are each positioned directly betWeen tWo of the second plurality of stator teeth. The north poles of the permanent magnets are each oriented at an oblique angle relative to the radial axis along Which its corresponding one of the stator teeth extends. Each permanent magnet and its corresponding one of the stator teeth has a Width extending in a direction of rotation of a rotor When the rotor is mounted for rotation structure, including along those portions Where the stator about the central axis. The Width of each permanent magnet is greater than the Width of its corresponding one of the magnets in the stator frame tends to Weaken the stator teeth meet the stator frame, and often leads to acoustic noise stator teeth. problems. In many designs, permanent magnets are associ ated With each stator pole, often With an alternating polarity for each adjacent stator tooth. As recogniZed by the inventor, hoWever, such a con?guration requires an excessive number [0006] In accordance With a further aspect of the inven tion, a permanent magnet machine includes a stator of the type described herein. of permanent magnets as Well as a relatively complex device [0007] for magnetiZing the stator magnets, thus increasing the complexity and manufacturing cost of the permanent magnet machine. In accordance With yet another aspect of the inven tion, a method is provided for magnetiZing a stator of an electric machine having a plurality of stator teeth spaced about a central axis, and a plurality of magnets, using a magnetiZing device Which includes a post and a coil extend SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION [0003] In order to solve these and other needs in the art, the inventor hereof has succeeded at designing and devel oping permanent magnet machines, including doubly salient machines, having one or more permanent magnets located at least partly and preferably entirely Within the stator teeth, thereby avoiding Weakening of the stator back iron structure While reducing acoustic noise. In one embodiment, perma nent magnets are located in only a subset of the stator teeth, thereby loWering magnet material and manufacturing costs. In another embodiment, all such magnets are oriented With their north poles facing inWardly (i.e., toWard an interior of the machine), resulting in reduced cogging and negative torques With an improved torque density. The permanent ing around a central axis. The method includes positioning the stator relative to the magnetiZing device With the central axis of the stator generally parallel to the central axis of the coil, and With the post extending adjacent the plurality of stator teeth, and energiZing the coil to induce ?ux through the post, through at least some of the stator teeth, and through at least some of the magnets to thereby magnetiZe at least some of the magnets. [0008] While some of the principal features and advan tages of the invention have been described above, a greater and more thorough understanding of the invention may be attained by referring to the draWings and the detailed description of preferred embodiments Which folloW. magnets may also extend Within the stator teeth on an angle or diagonal, thereby alloWing use of magnets Which are BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Wider than the teeth themselves to produce greater ?ux. Further, a magnetiZing device having a single coil may be used to readily and simultaneously magnetiZe all the stator [0009] FIG. 1 is a cross-sectional vieW of a doubly salient machine according to one embodiment in Which permanent magnets are positioned Within the stator teeth. magnets With a common polarity. [0004] In accordance With one aspect of the present inven tion, a stator for use in a permanent magnet machine includes a frame having an outer peripheral edge and an inner peripheral edge extending about a central axis, a plurality of stator teeth each extending along a radial axis from the frame’s inner peripheral edge toWard the central axis, and at least one permanent magnet located at least partly Within one of the stator teeth, Wherein said one permanent magnet is oriented at an oblique angle relative to the radial axis along Which said one of the stator teeth extends. [0005] In accordance With another aspect of the invention, [0010] FIG. 2 illustrates torque curves for the doubly salient machine of FIG. 1. [0011] FIG. 3A illustrates a prior art sWitched reluctance motor having no stator magnets. [0012] FIG. 3B illustrates a torque curve for the conven tional sWitched reluctance motor of FIG. 3A. [0013] FIG. 4 is a cross-sectional vieW of a doubly salient machine having permanent magnets in only every other stator tooth. [0014] FIG. 5 illustrates torque curves for the doubly salient machine of FIG. 4. a stator for use in a permanent magnet machine includes a frame having an outer peripheral edge and an inner periph eral edge extending about a central axis, a plurality of [0015] FIG. 6 illustrates an exemplary stator coil for the doubly salient machine of FIG. 4.