Individual Cell Equalization for Series Connected Lithium-Ion Batteries * Yuang-Shung Lee,1a) Ming-Wang Cheng,2,3b) Shen-Ching Yang1, Co-Lin Hsu1 1 Department of Electronic Engineering Fu-Jen Catholic University 510 Chung-Cheng Rd., Hsin-Chuang, Taipei 24205, Taiwan Tel: +886-2-29031111-3791 Fax: +886-2-29042638 2 Graduate Institute of Applied Science and Engineering, Fu-Jen Catholic University 3 Industrial Technologies Research Institute, Blog77,195-5 Chung Hsing Rd. Section 4, Chutung, Hsinchu, 31015, Taiwan a) b) Abstract: A systematic approach to the analysis and design of a bi-directional Cûk converter for the cell voltage balancing control of a series-connected lithium-ion battery string is presented in this paper. The proposed individual cell equalizers (ICE) are designed to operate at discontinuous-capacitor-voltage mode (DCVM) to achieve the zero-voltage switching (ZVS) for reducing the switching loss of the bi-directional DC/DC converters. Simulation and experimental results show that the proposed battery equalization scheme can not only enhance the bi-directional battery equalization performance, but also can reduce the switching loss during the equalization period. Two designed examples are demonstrated, the switch power losses are significantly reduced by 52.8% from the MOSFETs and the equalization efficiency can be improved by 68~86.9% using the proposed DCVM ZVS battery equalizer under the specified cell equalization process. The charged/discharged capacity of the lithium-ion battery string is increased by using the proposed ICEs equipped in the battery string. Keywords: Bi-directional converter, DCVM Cûk converter, Lithium-ion battery, Individual cell equalizer, ZVS References 1. H. V. Venkatasetty, and Y. U. Jeong,“ Recent Advanced in Lithium-Ion and Lithium-Polymer Batteries,” Proceeding of Battery Conference on Applications and Advances, The Seventeenth Annual, Jan. 2002, pp. 173-178. 2. J. McDowell, A. 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Imbalanced cell voltage within a series string can be attributed to the differences in the cell’s internal resistance, imbalanced state-of-charge (SOC) between cells, degradation and the ambient temperature gradients of the battery pack during charging and discharging. Voltage monitoring and current diversion equalization schemes and battery management systems (BMS) have been presented in the literature to prevent imbalances during charging and discharging in a series connected battery cells [1]-[3]. Integrated individual cell equalization schemes (ICE) for battery pack applications have been proposed to equalize battery strings [3]-[6]. The bidirectional battery equalization scheme has many advantages such as higher equalization efficiency for non-dissipative current diverters, and a modular design approach [3]. The disadvantage of this equalization scheme is that the stored energy in the inductor is transferred to the weaker cell only in the (1-D)Ts duty cycle. The equalization time and efficiency of this equalization scheme are therefore poor for practical battery equalization applications in a smart battery management system (SBMS) [6]-[11]. Battery equalization control should be implemented to restrict the charge-discharge current to the allowable cell limitations in the battery string. Cell balancing control is designed to obtain the maximum usable capacity from the battery string. However, battery string charging and discharging are limited by any single cell reaching its end-of-charge voltage and by low voltage threshold, respectively. Cell balancing algorithms search to efficiently remove energy from a stronger cell and transfer that energy into a weaker one until the cell voltage is equalized across all cells. This enables additional charging capacity for the entire battery string [4]. Complete cell voltage balancing is performed using a bi-directional dc-dc converter based on the Cûk converter [9], [11]. This unit can be designed to operate at the DICM or DCVM to obtain soft switching in MOSFET switches [11]-[15]. The discontinuous conducting mode of a Cûk converter is generally of used in applications of the power factor correction technology [16]-[18] and the maximum power point tracker of PV panels [15],[19]. The analysis and design of the uni-directional power flow control scheme Cûk converter in discontinuous capacitor voltage mode (DCVM) was already discussed in [15],[16],[18]. The aforementioned analysis and design method of the uni-directional Cûk converter operated at DCVM can not be totally adopted for the battery equalization 3 application due to the alternating characteristics of the cell voltage balancing process in the charge/discharge of battery string [3],[4],[7]-[9]. The continuous and discontinuous inductor current modes of the bi-directional Cûk converter application for cell voltage balancing control of lithium-ion battery strings were investigated in literatures [11] and [20,21], respectively. The main contribution of this paper is the first application of the bi-directional Cûk converter operating at DCVM in the design and analysis of the individual cell equalization control of the lithium-ion battery strings. Two designed cases are used to demonstrate the performance in the proposed ICEs for reducing the switching power losses of the MOSFET switches and increasing the equalization efficiency and battery string capacity. The consideration and experience for the cell balancing control system of a lithium ion battery string are summarized as follows [8,11,21]: · The equalization algorithm will be started when the voltage difference between two adjoining cells exceeds 0.0196 (V) (hardware resolution limit of A/D converter, ADC0804) to minimize the cell-to-cell imbalance. · During the charged equalization state, the cell voltage can not exceed its end-of-charge voltage (about 4.1V/cell) to prevent overcharging to damage the active materials. · During the discharged equalization state, the cell voltage can not go below its low voltage threshold (about 2.8 V/cell) to prevent overdischarge and damaging the cell capacity and life. ·When the voltage difference between adjoining cells is large then it needs a higher equalization current to speed up the time required to execute a balancing algorithm, the maximum equalization current limit is 2.5 A. ·When the voltage difference between adjoining cells is small then it needs a small equalization current to prevent low voltage cell overdischarge, the minimal equalization current limit is 0.5 A. ·If either a cell voltage in the battery string exceeds its end-of-charge voltage during charge equalization state, or one cell voltage in the battery string reaches its low voltage threshold during discharge equalization, the BMS will send a command to stop the cell voltage balancing process. 4 Fig. 1 Studied battery charging system with ICE and microprocessor based BMS 2. Topologies description of the ICEs The studied battery charging system with the proposed ICEs and the microprocessor based BMS is shown in Fig. 1. The system is composed of N battery cells and (N-1) ICEs. The jth module is comprised of two inductors Lj and Lj+1, an energy transfer capacitor Cj, and two power MOSFETs with body diodes as the battery cell-balancing switches. The single module of the ICE is redrawn and simplified in Fig. 2. The cell voltage balancing control algorithm for this equalization scheme is instructed by a microprocessor-based BMS. The energy between the adjoining battery cells is transformed through the energy transferring capacitor for cell 5 voltage balancing. The energy transfer direction is determined by the cell voltage and/or SOC difference in the battery string and conduction from the controlled power MOSFET switches [9]. The two adjoining cells voltages are balanced by switching the MOSFETs on/off according to the PWM signals generated from the BMS. The PWM signals correspond to the respective cell voltage through the microprocessor-based BMS, which controls the switches Qj and Qj+1. The initial capacitor voltage VCj equals VBj+VBj+1. For example, the PWM control signal turns on/off the Qj to transfer some of the stronger cell voltage, VBj, to the weaker cell, VBj+1. The stronger cell energy is transferred from cell VBj to cell VBj+1. Conversely, if the cell VBj+1 is stronger than cell VBj, the stored chemical energy is transferred from cell VBj+1 to cell VBj by controlling the Qj+1. The equalization process will be uninterrupted until the voltages in the remaining cells are all equalized to the same end-of-charge or end-of-discharge level. The proposed bidirectional battery equalizer is designed to operate at DCVM for achieving the zero voltage switching to reduce the MOSFETs switching losses. The DCVM operation principle of proposed ICE is described in the following section. Fig. 2 Single stage of the proposed ICE 6 Fig. 3 Equivalent circuit of DCVM for VBj > VBj+1 (a) Qj turn-on, (b) Qj and Dj+1 turn-on, and VCj = 0, (c) Qj turn-off and Dj+1 turn-on 7 Fig. 4 Equivalent circuit of DCVM for VBj < VBj+1 (a) Qj+1 turn-on, (b) Qj+1 and Dj turn-on and VCj = 0, (c) Qj+1 turn-off and Dj turn-on 8 t0 t1 t2 t3 Vcc t0 t1 t2 t3 VBj VGSj VLj t Vcp t iLj IP VLj+1 t - VBj+1 IP IO iDSj t t iLj+1 I *P I *O t - VBj+1 VBj V Cj t 0 D1 Ts DTs iDSj+1 I *P 0 Ts t D1 Ts DTs Ts 5. (a) t0 t1 t2 t3 Vcc t0 t VCj t IP iLj+1 IO t3 VBj+1 VGSj+1 Vcp t1 t2 VLj+1 t -VBj VBj+1 VLj t -VBj IP iDSj+1 t I *P t iLj IO* 0 t D1 Ts DTs iDSj I *P 0 Ts t D1 Ts DTs Ts 5. (b) Fig. 5 Typical switching waveforms of ICEj for (a) VBj>VBj+1, (b) VBj<VBj+1 3. Circuit analysis of the jth ICE The inductors Lj and Lj+1 are assumed to be large enough to operate in continuous inductor current. In addition, the capacitor is also sufficiently small so it can be fully discharged during the switching period. Where Ts is the converter switching period, the detail equivalent circuit of the proposed battery equalization schemes are shown 9 in Figs. 3 and 4 during the various time intervals for the different cell voltage, VBj > VBj+1 and VBj < VBj+1, respectively. The corresponding typical switching waveforms for various operating states are depicted in Figs. 5 (a) and 5 (b), respectively. Referring to the capacitor voltage waveform and the dynamic state equations of the ICE in Fig. 5 (a) for VBj > VBj+1 can be explained as follows: Assume the capacitor voltage υcj has reached a maximum before the main switch Qj is turned on. From the duty cycle t0 to t1 = D1Ts, the switch Qj is turned on and diode Dj+1 is turned off at the beginning of the switching cycle t0 = 0, as shown as Fig. 3 (a). The inductor Lj is charged by input voltage VBj and the current iLj+1 through inductor Lj+1 is discharged by capacitor Cj. The energy stored in Cj is completely transferred to the cell VBj+1, and υcj becomes to zero at t1 = D1Ts. From the duty cycle t1 = D1Ts to t2 = DTs, the switch Qj was still on and Dj+1 starts conducting to allow iLj+1 to flow since υcj is equal to zero during this interval, as shown as Fig. 3 (b), VBj continues to charge Lj and the stored energy in Lj+1 is still discharged to VBj+1 for cell voltage balancing control. From duty cycle t2 = DTs to t3 = Ts, the switch Qj is turned off at t2 = DTs, and Dj+1 is still on for cell voltage balancing. Capacitor Cj is charged from zero voltage by iLj. The capacitor voltage υcj reaches maximum value at t3 = Ts, as shown in Fig. 3 (c). The proposed ICE has more than one stage, in contrast to a Cûk converter operating in CICM, where both the MOSFET switch Qj and flywheel diode Dj+1 are conducting in the DCVM operation, as shown in Fig. 3(b). The dynamic equations of the equivalent circuit for VBj > VBj+1 in Fig.3 can be expressed by the following: Stage 1 ( t0 ≤ t < t1 ), Fig.3 (a) shows that Qj is turned on and Dj+1 is turn-off, and denoted the switching variable u =1 (HIGH state): di Lj Lj dt L j +1 C = ( I S − i Lj ) R Bj + V Bj , di L j + 1 dt d vCj j dt iLj (t0 ) = I 0 (1) = − ( I S + i L j + 1 ) R B j + 1 + v C j − V B j + 1 , iLj +1 (t0 ) = I 0 = iL j +1 , v C j ( t 0 ) = V C P * (2) (3) Stage 2 ( t1 ≤ t < t2 ), Fig. 3 (b) shows that Qj is still turned on and Dj+1 is forced to start turn-on when υcj = 0, and denoted the switching variable u = 0.5 (FLOATING state): Lj di Lj dt = ( I S − i Lj ) R Bj + V Bj , i L j ( t1 ) = [ D1 I P + ( D − D1 ) I 0 ] D 10 (4) L j +1 di L j + 1 dt ⎡ D I * + ( D − D1 ) I 0 * ⎤ ⎦ = − ( I S + i L j + 1 ) R B j + 1 − V B j + 1 , iLj +1 ( t1 ) = ⎣ 1 P D vCj = 0 (5) (6) Stage 3 ( t2 ≤ t < t3 ), Qj is turned off and Dj+1 is still turned on, and denoted the switching variable u = 0 (LOW state): di L j Lj dt L j +1 C = ( I S + i L j + 1 ) R B j − v C j + V Bj , iLj (t2 ) = I P di L j + 1 dt d vCj j dt = − ( I S + i L j + 1 ) R B j + 1 − V B j + 1 , iLj +1 (t2 ) = I P (7) * = iL j , vCj (t2 ) = 0 (8) (9) The compact state equation for describing of the three states mentioned above can be combined and simplified as: ⎡ RB ⎢ − j ⎢ ⎡ diLj ⎤ Lj ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎢ dt ⎥ ⎢ ⎢ diLj +1 ⎥ ⎢ 0 ⎢ dt ⎥ = ⎢ ⎢ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ dvCj ⎥ ⎢ 1 ⎢ dt ⎥ ⎢ 2(1 − u )( − u ) 2 ⎣ ⎦ ⎢ ⎢ Cj ⎢⎢ ⎣ 0 − RB j+1 L j +1 1 −2u (u − ) 2 Cj 1 ⎤ −(1 − u )( − u ) × 2 ⎥ 2 ⎡ VB j + I s RB j ⎤ ⎥ Lj ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ Lj ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ 1 2u (u − ) ⎥ ⎢⎡ iLj ⎥⎤ ⎢ VB + I s RB ⎥ j +1 2 ⎥ ⎥ ⎢iLj +1 ⎥ + ⎢− j+1 ⎥ ⎢ L j +1 L ⎥⎢ ⎥ j +1 v ⎢ ⎥ Cj ⎥⎣ ⎦ ⎢ ⎥ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎥ 0 0 ⎢ ⎥⎦ ⎣ ⎥ ⎥⎥ ⎦ (10) where u is a tri-state switching control variable. It is also suggested that u = 1 (HIGH state) denotes Qj turn-on and Dj+1 turned off shown as Fig. 3 (a), u = 0 (LOW state) denotes Qj is turned off and Dj+1 is turned on shown as Fig. 3 (c), and u = 0.5 (FLOATING state) denotes Qj and Dj+1 are both turned on and υcj = 0 shown as Fig. 3 (b). The internal resistance of battery cell RB is neglected to simplify the steady state circuit analysis, and the charging/discharging source effect is absent in the principle operation of the converter. If Lj and Lj+1 are large enough, the ripples in iLj and iLj+1 are small. The time average values of iLj and iLj+1 are denoted as ILj and ILj+1, respectively. From Fig. 5(a), the conditions of DCVM operation can be derived as follows. The instantaneous capacitor voltage in the full duty cycle of the DCVM Cûk converter can be expressed by 11 ⎧ I Lj (1 − D )TS − I Lj +1t , for 0 < t < D 1TS ⎪ Cj ⎪ ⎪ = ⎨ 0, for D 1TS < t < DTS ⎪ I ( t − DT ) S ⎪ j , for DTS < t < TS ⎪⎩ Cj ν Cj (11) The power MOSFETs of the modified QRZVS battery equalizer are turned off at the zero current. The sub-duty ratio D1 in terms of the duty ratio D can be governed as: D I = (1 − D ) 1 I Lj (12) L j +1 The time-average of voltages of υ cj and υ D j + 1 are denoted as Vcj and VDj+1, respectively. This can be determined from (11) as V cj = Ts I L j (1 − D )(1 − D + D ) 2C Ts V D j +1 = − (13) 1 j I L j (1 − D ) D 2C (14) 1 j Therefore, the terminal voltages of the battery cells and the voltage conversion ratio are Ts V Bj +1 = − V D j +1 = V Bj = V D j +1 + VC j = V B j+1 V = Bj I Lj (1 − D ) D D (15) 1 2Cj Ts 2C I Lj (1 − D ) 2 (16) j 1 (17) 1 − D Combining (12) and (15) and substituting into (17) to yield = I Lj D 1 2 fs C jV B j (1 − D ) V 2 fsC j I = (18) 2 B j+1 (19) L j+1 To operate the proposed ICE in DCVM, the inequality should be satisfied, or equivalent D ≥ L j ≥ 2 fSC V j V Bj + 1 Ij + 1 B j + 1 (1 − D) 2 D fS I (20) 2 (21) j +1 12 L j +1 ≥ V B j + 1 (1 2 fS I − D) (22) j +1 The switching boundary surface of the converter to operate between DCVM and continuous-capacitor-voltage mode (CCVM) is depicted in Fig. 6. However, the proposed converter may not operate in DCVM when VBj is small because the cell voltages do not have constant dc voltage and depending on the equalization current of the ICE, therefore, the inequalities (20), (21) and (22) are used to design the proposed ICE that can be guaranteed to Duty cycle (D) operate in DCVM [15], [16]. DCVM CCVM Voltage (V) Current (I) Fig. 6 Switching boundary surface between DCVM and CCVM 13 Fig. 7 Configuration of MATLAB/SimuLink model 14 (V) (A) (V) (A) Time (ms) Fig. 8 Simulation results (s) (V) 9. (a) 15 Vc(V ) Vgs(V) Vgs Vc 5V/div 1A/div 20us/div Time(sec) 9. (b) (s) (V) 9. (c) VT(V) Vgs (V) Vgs VT 5V/div 5V/div 10us/div Time(sec) 9. (d) Fig. 9 Simulation and experimental results of MOSFET control signal Vgs and drain-source voltage VT for VB1>VB2>VB3, (a)(c) Simulations, (b)(d) Experiments 4. Simulation and experimental results 4.1 Three lithium-ion cells module (n=3) In order to validate the performance of the proposed bi-directional battery equalizer, a Matlab/Simulink simulation and an experiment were carried out for a three cells battery module (n=3) with the two proposed battery equalizers (2 ICEs). Matlab/Simulink simulation was performed for mathematical model of ICEs. A three-modular battery stack with two proposed equalization schemes was used to verify the analysis results mentioned above. The simple signal flow graph is defined using Matlab/Simulink simulation for the proposed 16 ICE Matlab/Simulink model for a three battery-cell, the ICE 1 (composed of L1, L2, C1, Q1 and Q2) and the ICE 2 (composed of L3, L4, C2, Q3 and Q4) comprise the block diagram shown in Fig. 7. The battery storage elements were simply assumed for the battery charge/discharge model, which was established by a battery charge/discharge profile with equivalent series resistor (ESR) from the library of the Matlab/simulink block model. The battery initial voltages, inductors and energy transferring capacitor with ESR were set as VB1 = 4.0 (V), VB2 = 3.9 (V), VB3 = 3.6 (V), L1 = L2= L3= L4 = 230µH and C1 = C2 = 0.66µF with ESR = 0.001Ω, respectively. The switching frequency was 16.67 kHz and the duty ratio was D = 0.53 for both VB1>VB2>VB3 and VB1<VB2<VB3 to ensure that the proposed bi-directional dc-to-dc converter could be designed to operate in DCVM. This can obtain a zero voltage switching (ZVS) to reduce the MOSFET switching loss in the proposed ICEs. Fig. 8 shows the simulation voltages and currents for the capacitor and inductor in ICE1, respectively. The MOSFET control signal Vgs and the corresponding drain-source voltage VT for VB1>VB2>VB3 are shown in Figs. 9 (a) and 9 (c). The simulation results of the cell voltage trajectories under static state, added 1A charging and discharging current states of the proposed battery equalizer are illustrated in the Figs. 10 (a), (c) and (e), respectively. The cell balancing process is stopped when the cell voltage is equalized to the same end-of-charge or end-of-discharge state. The experimental installation of a three-modular lithium ion battery stack with the proposed equalization scheme is used to verify the equalization performance of the three cells battery stack with the proposed ICEs. The driving signals for the equalization schemes are controlled using a microprocessor-based battery management system according to each cell voltage. The driving signals are constructed using a logical switching algorithm, and instructed by the BMS processor of AT89C52. Cell voltages were balanced within 0.0196 (V), due to the hardware resolution, which was limited by the analogue to digital converter (ADC0804). The voltage balancing process is stopped when the BMS sends an executable command to cut off the MOSFET. The experimental parameters of the batteries and the designed ICEs are listed as follows: The initial voltages of the three lithium ion batteries MRL/ITRT 10AH are 4.0 (V), 3.5 (V), and 3.0 (V), respectively. The MOSFETs with body diodes are IRF530. The inductances are L1~L4 = 230µH, C1 = C2 = 0.66µF. The switching frequency and the duty ratio of the battery equalizer are 16.67 kHz and 0.53, respectively. 17 Figs. 9 (b) and 9 (d) show the measured voltages of Vgs, Vc, and MOSFET drain-source voltage VT, respectively. The transient oscillations in the drain-source voltage of MOSFET due to the fast switching transient effect can be suppressed by well designed turned off DRC snubber circuits in the switching devices. Figs. 10 (b), (d) and (f) show the experimental results of the cell voltage trajectories under static state, added 1A charging and discharging current states of the proposed battery equalizers. Therefore, the equalization method can balance all the adjoining cell voltages of the battery string to the same voltage level. Consequently, each cell can be simultaneously charged to the end-of-charge voltage, so the total charging capacity of the battery string would be increased. Fig. 11 shows the waveform and the corresponding FFT spectrum of MOSFET switch power losses, PT = VT * iT. The experimental results of the equalization efficiency of ICE under various operating modes for the specified equalization processing are shown in Fig. 12 (a). The average equalization efficiency of the ICE operated as DICM can be improved from 52% to 60% compared with the equalizer operated as CICM, the maximum equalization efficiency can achieved 62% for this designed test sample. When it is designed as DCVM, the total power losses of the MOSFETs in the battery equalizer can be significantly reduced from 33.5% to 52.8% compared with the same equalizer operated at CICM. The average equalization efficiency can be improved from 52% to 68% compared with the equalizer operating as CICM, and the maximum equalization efficiency can achieve above 70% for this designed case. Using optimally designed passive elements and active devices the equalization efficiency can reasonably improve. The experimental installation of the proposed equalizer is redesigned by the following devices: The MOSFET is chosen as a SBL1040, Schottky diode is selected AM20N06-90D, and the low ESR inductor is wound by a stranded-wires PVF (0.4mm×4) around a SENDUST core. Fig. 12 (b) shows the equalization efficiency of the reformed equalization scheme under a specified equalization process, the average and the maximum equalization efficiency can achieve 86.9% and 89.8%, respectively. The alternating soft switching technology in the ICE design for a future study can significantly improve efficiency. Table 1 shows the differentially designed results and performance comparison of the ICEs operated at CICM, DICM and DCVM under the specified equalization procession and equalizing current, respectively. Several observations and comparison about the proposed battery equalizer can be summarized as in the following section. 18 VB1 VB2 VB3 (V) (ms) 10(a) 10(b) VB1 VB2 VB3 (V) (ms) 10(c) 10(d) VB1 VB2 VB3 (V) (ms) 10(e) 10(f) Fig. 10 Simulation and experimental results of cell voltage trajectories for VB1>VB2>VB3, (a) (b) static state, (c) (d) added 1A charging current, (e) (f) added 1A discharging current 19 11. (a) 11. (b) Fig. 11 (a) Waveform and, (b) FFT spectrum of MOSFET switch power losses Fig. 12 (a) 20 Fig. 12 (b) Fig. 12 Equalization efficiency of ICE under various operating modes (a) Original equalization scheme (b) Reformed equalization scheme 21 Table 1 Comparisons between continuous and discontinuous modes CICM DICM DCVM Inductor (Lj) 98.3µH 100.5µH 229.2µH Inductor (Lj+1) 100.7µH 101.2µH 230.3µH Capacitor (Cj) 470µF 470µF 0.66µF Switching Frequency (fs) 18.1 kHz 16.67 kHz 16.67 kHz Duty Cycle (D) 0.53 0.5 0.5 Boundary Condition Lj ⋅ fs > V j +1 (1 − D) 2 2 D ⋅ I j +1 L j +1 ⋅ f s > V j +1 (1 − D) 2 I j +1 Lj ⋅ fs < V j +1 (1 − D) 2 2 D ⋅ I j +1 L j +1 ⋅ f s < V j +1 (1 − D) D > 2 f sC j V j +1 I j +1 2 I j +1 Voltage Stress Eq. (23) Eq. (23) Eq. (23) Current Stress Eq. (24) Eq. (24) Eq. (24) Soft Switching Characteristic NO ZCS ZVS Applications Low power Low current, High voltage High current, Low voltage Equalization time Short Long Long 4.2 Twelve lithium-ion cells module (n=12) The other experimental installation of a twelve lithium ion batteries stack with the eleven proposed equalization schemes (11 ICEs) is used to verify the equalization performance of the proposed ICEs. The driving signals for the equalization schemes are from a microprocessor-based battery management system according to each cell voltage. The experimental parameters of the batteries and the designed ICEs are listed as follows: The 22 initial voltages of the twelve lithium ion batteries MRL/ITRT 50AH in charging and discharging test are shown in the below of Figs. 13, 14, 15 and 16, respectively. The MOSFETs with body diodes are IRF530. The design parameters, switching frequency and the duty ratio of the eleven ICEs are the same as the aforementioned testing case. Figs. 17 (a) and 17 (b) show the photography of the 12-cells lithium-ion battery pack and the prototype of the proposed ICEs. Two schemes, one is battery string without ICEs and the other is with ICEs are used to demonstrate the performance of the proposed equalization method. The automatic battery testing equipment is MACCOR 4000, the charging and discharging testing cycles are set as follows: CHARGING STEP_1 STEP_2 STEP_3 STEP_4 I=25A A: Voltage>50.4V NEXT STEP B: Cell Voltage>4.2V NEXT STEP C: T>50℃ STOP I=10A A: Voltage>50.4V NEXT STEP B: Cell Voltage>4.2V NEXT STEP C: T>50℃ STOP I=5A A: Voltage>50.4V NEXT STEP B: Cell Voltage>4.2V NEXT STEP C: T>50℃ STOP I=2.5A A: Voltage>50.4V STOP B: Cell Voltage>4.2V STOP C: T>50℃ STOP DISCHARGING I=50A A: Voltage<33V STOP B: Cell Voltage<2.75V STOP C: T>50℃ STOP 23 Figs. 13 and 14 show the charging/discharging cell voltages and the modular capacity under the charging test for the string without and with the proposed ICEs. The final states of the battery string are: the maximal cell voltage deviation is 52mV, the total charging capacity is 2440 Whr and the charging time for reaching the end-of-charge state is 131.45 minutes for the string without ICEs. When the system is equipped with the proposed ICEs, the maximal cell voltage deviation is decreased to 20 mV, the total charging capacity is increased to 2480 Whr and the charging time for reaching the end-of-charge state is extended to 143.36 minutes. Figs. 15 and 16 show the discharging cell voltages and the modular capacity under discharging test for the same testing schemes. The final states of the battery string are: the maximal cell voltage deviation is 0.63V, the total discharging capacity is 2343 Whr and the discharging time for reaching the end-of-discharge state is 61.46 minutes under the string without ICEs. When the system is equipped with the proposed ICEs, the maximal cell voltage deviation is decreased to 37 mV, the total discharging capacity is increased to 2379 Whr and the discharging time for reaching the end-of-discharge state is extended to 65.43 minutes. By using the proposed ICEs for the lithium-ion battery string, each cell can be simultaneously charged/discharged to the end-of-charge/discharge state. The total charging/discharging capacity of the battery string is improved under the safe operation specifications. 24 4.20 2500.00 4.00 2000.00 Legend Title Cell Voltage Cell 1 3.80 Cell 2 1500.00 Ceii 3 Cell 4 Cell Voltage (V) Cell 6 1000.00 Module Capacity (Whr) Cell 5 3.60 Cell 7 Cell 8 Cell 9 3.40 Cell 10 Legend Title Module Capacity 500.00 Cell 11 Whr Cell 12 0.00 3.20 0.00 2000.00 4000.00 6000.00 8000.00 10000.00 Time(sec) Initial and final cell voltage for charging test Module Data Cell Voltage Time Voltage Ahr Whr Cell_1 Cell_2 Cell_3 Cell_4 Cell_5 Cell_6 Cell_7 Cell_8 Cell_9 Cell_10 Cell_11 Cell_12 Time Voltage Ahr Whr Cell_1 Cell_2 Cell_3 Cell_4 Cell_5 Cell_6 Cell_7 Cell_8 Cell_9 Cell_10 Cell_11 Cell_12 Initial 60 42.30 0.4 Final 8487 50.06 50.8 17 3.493 3.534 3.536 3.491 3.529 3.550 3.540 3.540 3.529 3.535 3.533 3.539 2440 4.200 4.186 4.182 4.197 4.183 4.182 4.148 4.180 4.183 4.157 4.158 4.155 Fig. 13 Charging curves of 12 cells without ICEs 25 4.20 2500.00 4.00 2000.00 Cell Voltage Legend Title Cell 1 3.80 Cell 2 1500.00 Ceii 3 Cell 5 3.60 Cell 6 Module Capacity (Whr) Cell Voltage (V) Cell 4 1000.00 Cell 7 Cell 8 Cell 9 3.40 Cell 10 Module Capacity Legend Title 500.00 Cell 11 Whr Cell 12 0.00 3.20 0.00 2000.00 4000.00 6000.00 8000.00 10000.00 Time(sec) Initial and final cell voltage for charging test Module Data Initial Cell Voltage Time Voltage Ahr Whr Cell_1 Cell_2 Cell_3 Cell_4 Cell_5 Cell_6 Cell_7 Cell_8 Cell_9 Cell_10 Cell_11 Cell_12 Time Voltage Ahr Whr Cell_1 Cell_2 Cell_3 Cell_4 Cell_5 Cell_6 Cell_7 Cell_8 Cell_9 Cell_10 Cell_11 Cell_12 60 Final 8602 42.24 0.4 50.03 51.0 17 3.400 3.378 3.390 3.357 3.379 3.400 3.410 3.413 3.405 3.414 2480 4.195 4.194 4.192 4.195 4.192 4.188 4.192 4.189 4.189 4.190 Fig. 14 Charging curves of 12 cells with ICEs 26 3.412 4.190 3.421 4.190 4.40 0.00 4.00 -500.00 Legend Title Cell Voltage -1000.00 Cell 1 3.60 Cell 2 Module Capacity (Whr) Cell Voltage (V) Ceii 3 Cell 4 Cell 5 3.20 -1500.00 Cell 6 Cell 7 Cell 8 Cell 9 2.80 Cell 10 Cell 11 -2000.00 Module LegendCapacity Title Whr Cell 12 -2500.00 2.40 0.00 1000.00 2000.00 3000.00 4000.00 Time(sec) Initial and final cell voltage for discharging test Module Data Time Voltage Ahr Cell Voltage Whr Cell_1 Cell_2 Cell_3 Cell_4 Cell_5 Cell_6 Cell_7 Cell_8 Cell_9 Cell_10 Cell_11 Cell_12 Initial 60 48.36 -0.8 -40 4.042 4.034 4.036 4.044 4.039 4.047 4.020 4.037 4.045 4.025 4.017 4.028 Final 3688 37.29 -51.2 -2343 2.727 3.147 3.186 2.731 3.157 3.262 3.218 3.197 3.188 3.177 3.136 3.206 Fig. 15 Discharging curves of 12 cells without ICEs 27 4.40 0.00 4.00 -500.00 Legend Title Cell Voltage Cell 1 3.60 -1000.00 Cell 2 Module Capacity (Whr) Cell Voltage (V) Ceii 3 Cell 4 Cell 5 3.20 -1500.00 Cell 6 Cell 7 Cell 8 Cell 9 2.80 Cell 10 Cell 11 -2000.00 Module LegendCapacity Title Whr Cell 12 -2500.00 2.40 0.00 1000.00 2000.00 3000.00 4000.00 Time(sec) Initial and final cell voltage for discharging test Module Data Initial Final Cell Voltage Time Voltage Ahr Whr Cell_1 Cell_2 Cell_3 Cell_4 Cell_5 Cell_6 Cell_7 Cell_8 Cell_9 Cell_10 Cell_11 Cell_12 Time Voltage Ahr Whr Cell_1 Cell_2 Cell_3 Cell_4 Cell_5 Cell_6 Cell_7 Cell_8 Cell_9 Cell_10 Cell_11 Cell_12 60 48.36 -0.8 -40 4.034 4.038 4.037 4.041 4.040 4.043 4.032 4.034 4.040 4.032 4.025 4.026 3926 32.849 -52.2 -2379 2.741 2.749 2.749 2.758 2.756 2.758 2.739 2.740 2.747 2.736 2.721 2.730 Fig. 16 Discharging curves of 12 cells with ICEs 28 Fig. 17 (a) ICEs module Fig. 17 (b) Battery pack module Fig. 17 Photography of 12-cells lithium-ion module 5. Comparison of battery equalizer in DICM and DCVM In order to obtain a more complete comparison about the use of bi-directional converters operating in continuous and discontinuous modes for the battery equalizer, design results and performance will be further evaluated in detail, based on the same equalization conditions as in the Table 1. The proposed ICE schemes operating in CICM, DICM and DCVM can perform the cell voltage equalization, selecting a suitable operating mode is based on various system desired features [15], [21]. The current ripple in the CICM and DCVM are smaller than that in the DICM. Consequently, the equalization current in the DCVM is smaller, it needs a compensating controller to improve the equalization time during cell balancing process. For the intrinsic characteristics, the maximum voltage stress on a MOSFET switch, Vds max, occurs in the time interval when the switch is turn-off and the diode is turned on. The maximum voltage stress on a diode, VD max, occurs when switch is turned on and the diode is turned off. The voltage stress can be expressed as 29 Vds max = VD max ⎧ VCj V Bj + V Bj +1 ⎪ ⎪⎪ = ⎨ VCj V Bj + V Bj +1 ⎪ ⎪ 2V Bj ⎩⎪ 1 − D for CICM for DICM (23) for DCVM The voltage stress in DCVM is higher than that in the CICM and DICM under the same terminal and specified equalization conditions. The maximum current stress on a MOSFET switch and diode, Ids max and ID max at the specified time duration, it can be shown as I ds max = I D max ⎧ Lj ) ⎪ I Pk (1 + L j +1 ⎪ ⎪ 2V Bj L j +1 ⎪ ) = ⎨ I Lj ( V L D 1 + Bj j ⎪ ⎪ V ⎪ I Pk (1 + Bj ) V Bj +1 ⎪⎩ for CICM for DICM (24) for DCVM where IPk = VBjDTs/Lj and ILj = VBj(D+∆)DTs/2Lj, and ∆ denotes the duty ratio when a switch is turned on in DICM. The current stress in DICM is higher than that in CICM and DCVM under the same equalization conditions. Table 1 shows a comparison of ICE characteristics in CICM, DICM and DCVM, respectively. Detailed illustration and observation from Figs. 8-12, 13-16, and Table 1 show several features of the proposed battery equalizers that are summarized and revealed as follows: •The maximum voltage stresses in the switch and the diode in the DCVM are higher than in the other two modes. The maximum current stress is significantly reduced compared with the equalizer designed to operate at DICM. The stresses are compared and illustrated in (23) and (24). •The power MOSFET switches of the proposed battery equalizer are turned off in the zero voltage state. The total power losses of the MOSFETs in the battery equalizer can be significantly reduced from 33.5% to 52.8% compared with the same equalizer operated at CICM. •The average equalization efficiency can be improved from 52% to 68~86.9% compared with the equalizer operated at CICM. The maximum equalization efficiency of 72~89.8% can be achieved for the DCVM designed sample. 30 •The charged and discharged capacities in the 12-cells lithium-ion battery-stack module are increased 1.64% and 1.54% compared with the battery string without equipped the proposed ICEs, respectively. •The DCVM ZVS and DICM ZCS Cûk converter have spent slightly more equalization time to balance the cell voltage to reach the end-of-charge state. Therefore, as a future studied of a smart lithium-ion battery management system, it is necessary to design an equalization controller, which speeds up the equalization processing. 6. Conclusion An ICE for the ZVS soft-switching of DC/DC converters has been proposed. The zero-voltage-switching technique can greatly reduce the power losses of MOSFET switch was implemented. The proposed ICE’s MOSFET is turned off and the body diode is turned on at zero voltage of the capacitor in DCVM. When the capacitor voltage approaches zero then the body diode of the MOSFET is turned on until the capacitor energy is completely transferred to a weaker battery cell. Therefore, the MOSFET switch power losses are reduced by about 52.8% more than in CICM. The MOSFET switch power losses and the corresponding FFT frequency spectrums of the proposed battery equalizer in the DVCM are reduced than they are in the DICM and CICM. The energy harmonic spectrum is concentrated in the low frequency for CICM, and is dispersed low to higher frequencies in DCVM. Hence, the high frequency EMI emission is improved in a series-connected battery energy system with DCVM designed ICEs. The performance and capacity of the series connected lithium-ion battery string are improved by using the proposed battery equalization technology. Acknowledgments This work was financially supported by the National Science Council of Taiwan, under grant NSC 92-2213-E-030-020 and NSC 93-2745-E-030-002-URD. The authors would like to thank the MRL, ITRI, Taiwan for supplied the MRL/ITRI 10AH and 50AH lithium-ion batteries and testing. 31