Institutional Aspects of Credit Cooperatives

Public Disclosure Authorized
Public Disclosure Authorized
Public Disclosure Authorized
Public Disclosure Authorized
Policy,Manning, and Research
Agriultural Policy
Aprl 1988
of Credit Cooperatives
Avishay Braverman
J. Luis Guasch
If credit cooperatives are to be viable and help farmers,
particularly small-scale farmers, they must pay more attention to
the design of their operations - to the accountability of
managers, to the structuring of incentives, and to the monitoring
and enforcement of repayments.
The Policy, Planning, and Research Carnplex distriues PPR Wotking Papers to disseminate the findings of work in progress and to
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Analysisof RuralCreditAllocation"s..............................e
Cooperativesand Credit Group.........4...........................
The Institutional
Designof CreditGroups..........................
Dynamic Considerationsee....e...............................
** go........*0*
AvishayBravermanis DivisionChiefof the Agricultural
the Agriculture
and RuralDevelopment
Departmentof the WorldBank,
DC. J. Luis Guaschis AssociateProfessorof Economicsat the
of California,
San Diego.
Avishay Bravermanand J. Luis Guasch
Perhaps the most common form of governmentinterventionin the
rural sector has been massive lending at subsidizedinte-Ostrates. The
has been that credit programsare easier to
implement than other policies such as land reform or infrastructure
developmentand are beneficialto agriculture. Without subsidizedinterest
rates, adoptionof technical ilnnovation
would be delayed aad there would be
underusage of costly inputs, like fertilizer,goes the reasoning. Both
effects slow the growth of output and the developmentof the agricultural
sector. It has also been argued that since rural credit markets are
notoriously imperfect,access to credit is severely lirited for farmers,
particularlysmall farmers;without governmentinterventiona high price of
capital would prevail, further screeningout the small farmers from the
credit markets. Furthermore,because of distortedexchange rates, food
price controls, imports of cheap food and inefficientmarkets, farmers
receive low prices for their products,hampering their borrowingabilities.
Credit programs
aim to reach
the remarkableexpansionof credit throughoutthe rural areas of
developingcountriesover the last three decades,few farmers in low income
countries seem to have receivedor benefited from such credit. An
estimated 5 percent of farms in Africa and about 15 percent in Asia and
Latin America have had access to formal credit. Moreover, there seems to
be a high correlationbetween credit recipientsand size of land holdings,
(see Lipton (1981) and Bravermanand Guasch (1986)). The impositionof
governmentinterestrate restrictions(credit subsidies)has inducedbanks
-2to ration credit in a manner that excludes the small farmers from formal
credit markets. This is what Gonzalez-Vega(1977) has called *the iron law
of interest rate restrictions". Rather than equalizingincome inequality,
low interestrate credit programshave increasedit: on average 5 percent
of borrowers have received80 percent of ! :e credit.
It has thus been common for farmers,p&rticularlythe small-scale
ones, to resort to the formationof organizedcredit groups or
cooperatives. Although those institutionshave many advantages,they have
been prone to encourage the wrong economicbehavior. In terms of
participation,productivity,volume of credit and repaymentrates, failures
have outnumbe?:ed
successes. Given the level of resourcesinvolvedand the
in rural areas, a better understanding
significanceof economicdevelopstant
of these institutionsis needed. What follows is a normative analysisof
cooperativesviewed as institutionsorganizedto improve the plight of
small-scalefarmers. This analysis is motivatedby the theory of
incentivesin organizations. The purpose is to analyzewhich structures
are most successful. Then a policy to pro'-otecredit cooperativesand help
an optimal incentivedesign could be much more effectivethan the
subsidizedcredit policiesof the past. After a brief descriptionof how
credit tends to be allocated iu rural markets,we proceed to analyze the
issues of formation and design of credit groups, in both static and dynamic
Consider an institutionor financialintermediarywhich aims to
allocate a given budget among a number of loan applications. For
simplicity,assume that the demand for loans comes from two types of rural
agents or farmers, small-scaleand large-scale. The standarddifferences
-3 betveen the two types seem to be: a) the loan requestedby the small agents
is usually smaller than the one requestedby the large ones; b) the
collateralsmall agents can provide 'u smaller than that providedby the
large ones; c) land holdings of small agents are smaller (if not absent)
than those of large ones; d) informationon past behavior is more extensive
or less costly to collect on large agents than on small ones; and e) the
output of the smAallagents is perceived to be subject to greater variatior,
reflectingperhaps the smaller and less diversifiedresourcebase of small
Loan processinghas strong positivescale economies. Estimates
show that for small loans, processingcosts can range from
rcent to 40
percent of the loan value (see Braverman and Guasch (1986)). These cost
differentials,plus the typical lack of collateraland the higher perceived
riskinessof the small agents, induces a bias against them in credit
allocation. Interest ceilingsand limited budgets further strengthenthe
bias. Interestrestrictionsstop financialinstitutionsfrom charging
higher interest rates and induce higher demand for credit from the large
agents. Thus small agents face significantrationingor exclusion from
credit. Their alternativeis to use the informalcredit market, which
usually lends at much higher interest rates, and which also subjectsthe
small agents to rationing. In addition,arbitrariness,patronage and
corrupt practices,frequentlyundertakenby the financialintermediaries,
further limit the access to credit of the small farmers (see e.g., Landman
and Tinnermeir (1981),Robert (1979),and Adams and Vogel (1986)).
The conventionalwisdom has been that providing subsidizedcredit
would remove this bias and increasesmall farmers' share of institutional
credit. Elsewhere (Bravermanand Guasch (1987))we have argued against
that view and shown how subsidizedcredit will reduce small farmers'share,
-4and likely increasethe informalcredit market interest rate. The natural
conclusionis that subsidizedcredit should be abolished.1/ That will
ensure that small farmers'share of credit at the new higher formal market
rate will be increased. In addition,the informalmarket rates they will
face might decrease.2/ Small farmers'will still face rationing since the
arguments outlinedabove still apply albeit with somewhatless force (see
Bell and Srinivasan (1985)). We should still expect to observe interest
rate differentialsaccordingto loan size because of higher processingcost
for smaller loans, and the higher risks in lending to small farmers.
It is not our purpose here to dwell on the effectivenessof credit
policies, but rather to elaborate on actions that smL%llfarmers can take to
improve their access to credit and thus ultimatelytheir welfare. In
particular,we will focus on how credit groups can help.
The three main obstacles to obtaining credit fer the small-scale
agents are: 1) much higher transactioncosts per dollar lent for small
loans; 2) the belief, real or perceived,that small agents are riskier to
lend to than larger ones and 3) the patronage,corruptionand arbitrary
decisionsof some lending agents reduce the share of credit funds to small
agents. Small-scaleagents might form cooperativesor credit groups to
overcome these obstacles.
There are many types of credit groups ranging from purely nominal
or umbrella organizationswithout much member interactionto those fully
coordinatedin all aspects of their operationsincludingproduction
decisionsamong members. Motivationbehind their inception,organizational
structure,incentive schemes,enforcementprocedures,traditionand
-5cultural legacy, technologicalstructureand availabilityof information
are important factors in determiningtheir effectiveness.
The advantugesof credit groups are multiple. They reduce the
credit transactioncosts of both lenders and borrowers,enabling the group
to offer strong economic incentivesto their members such as lower interest
rates, price discount on inputs and relief from individualprocessingof
loans. They might promote scale economies in technical assistance. They
might help to circumventthe effects of risk, and also give leveragefor
dealingwith the financial intermediaries. From the lenders'perspective,
they may reduce the risk of loan default because of the common practiceof
joint liabilityamong groups members.
That these advantagesare clearly perceived is evident in the
large number of cooperativesthat have been establishedin the agricultaral
sector in practicallyall countries since their inceptionby
F.W. Raiffeisenin Germany in 1847. However, results have been mixed, with
Why were there so many failures? Although largely an empirical
question, to answer it properly one must first know what is the optimally
designed credit group. We focus below on the characterizationof such a
benchmark organization,and Or.the role and dlesignof incentivesin credit
a collectionof agents, each one involvedin his own
productiveactivity, say, agriculture,which is subject to uncertain
factors and where the inputs needed are capital and his own effort. In a
general formulation,we could think of those agents as facing two distinct
types of risk. One, an individualor specificrisk which is uncorrelated
-6across agents and with the other type of risk. The second risk is comon
to all agents or perfectly correlatedacross agents. The most obvious
example of the latter risk in agricultureis the variation in output or
yield cauced by weather's uncS
Lnty,while those caused by incidenceof
pests and other diseaseswould
,. an example of the firs' type of risk. We
could think then, of the random element zi. affectingi's output, as
composed cf two terms, zi - (v, hi) where v is a e:cmmon( to all agents)
the hi's
are independent
to agent i) risks. Let Qi (v, hi, ai, Ki) be the output for
agent i, which is a functionof the effort taken by the agent. ai of the
amount of capital utilized for production,Ki and of the two random factors
v and hi.
The agent's utility is a functionof income and of the level of
One is that
income can be decomposed
from the sale
of the output
two terms.
net of repaymentof the
The other is given by the proportionof the loan the agent
consumptionor other purposes,not directly linked with the productive
activity under study. Let us denote that proportionby C. Also let Y be
the income obtained from the sal4 of output net of repayment costs. Then,
we can express the utility as U((K, Y, a). Since the availabilityof those
two incomes is not concurrent,they are treated differentlyin the agent's
utility function. We assume preferencesrepresentedby a utility function
separablein those variables,U 1 (K) + U2 (Y)- V(a), where U1 and U2 are
concave functions,and V is convex. That reflectsdiminishingmarginal
utility of income and increasingmarginal disutilityof effort. Y can be
written as Y - PQi - (l+rm)Ki,where Q is output, p is its market price,
and rm is the interest
Let t be the credit
the agents
-7subject to. Now we can state the optimizationproblem solved by the agent
operatingon his own as,
U1 (aiKi) + EU2(y) - V(ai)
ai, KRi
s.t. Y - PQi - (l+rm)Ki
Q - Q(v, hi, ai, (1-i)Ki)
a@j S 1
The first order conditionsof T, for an interiormaximum, are,
EU;(PQ;l -Va - 0
U1 1 + EU2 tpQQ(-K)]- 0
Uta + EU2[PQK(1-a) - (1+rm)]
- O
Let the optimal actions taken by an agent not joining a credit group, the
solutionsto II, be denoted by Km, am and am. Let the expectedutility of
that action be em.
The higher am is the higher the probabilityof
insolvency. The choice of higher a by agents has been a common argument
used to explain the failure of credit to achieve its goal.
Considernow the possibilityof agfnts joining or forming a credit
group. The key characteristicof the arrangementis that the group assumes
liability for any loans made to any of its members or that it serves as the
recipient of all credit, which is then distributedamong the members. The
security for credit repaymentis usually provided by the joint liabilityof
group members, diffusing the risk bias argumentheld against small agents.
Credit to the whole group is stoppeduntil the default is corrected. This
-8provides diversificationof risk And induces strong peer pressure for the
proper use of credit and its repayment.
The direct benefits to agents in joining a credit group are lower
interestrates and presumablyhigher credit lines. They are a consequence
of two essential featuresof credit groups, joint liabilityand a
centralizedor block request of credit by the gro,Apas opposed to a number
of individualapplications,thereby reducingtransactioncosts.
Aside from the lower costs of inputs, another benefit the agents
can derive from joining a credit group is risk-pooling. The argument is
straightforwardparticularlywhen there is no moral hazard problem. Each
agent's income is a random variable yi, with a given distribution,induced
by v and hi.
For any realizationof
the distributionof income of each
agent is independentand identicallydistributedacross agents, with
variancevar(y). Suppose the structureof the group is such that the
agents' income is pooled together,and that the aggregateproceeds are
divided equally among the identicalagents. If theLe are n of them the
variance of the aggregate income is, var 'Y1 + Y2 +
+ yn)
n var (y).
Each agent receives (1/n)(y1 + Y2 +
income is, n var(y/n) - var(y)/n.
Thus the expected income has not
+ yn) but the variance of that
changed but its variance has been greatly reduced. With risk averse
agents, their expectedutility is now higher.
The argument is not so simple when the agent can take unobservable
actions affecting the distributionof his contributedincome (output),
since then expected income from productiveactivitiesin the group regime
will in general be different. The tradeoff is lower expected income but
also lower variance. Of course, the nonproductiveincome might be larger.
Let a, a and K be the agent's optimal choices in the credit group regime.
The solutionconcept we use to determinethose values is the Nash
-9equilibrium. An equilibriumallocationunder a cre1it group regime can be
thought of as a Nash equilibriumof the game where each agent computeshis
optimal borrowing,consumptionand productionplan, given the actions of
the others agents and knowing what the resultingexpected distributionof
income would be. That allocationhas the propertythan no one can do
better by deviating in his choice of actions given what the otinersare
doing. Then the resultingaggregate income is Yl + Y2 +
+ Yn
(1+r)nK,with of course they y's and K's being different than the E
made under an individualisticregime of production,since there, agents
were not acting strategicallywith respect to each other, and of course
there were not moral hazard problems. Here again the agent's variance of
income is reduced to var (y - (l+r)K)/n. Of course the yi's are a function
of a, a, K and r. The chosen values of y will depend on the institutional
organizationof the group, particularlythe incentivestructure implemented
by the group.
Assuming equal and exhaustivedistributionof the proceeds by the
group, the problem solved by agent i, under the credit group regime, that
gives rise to the y's is,
a1 , ai. K1 Ul(aiKi) + ZU2 (Y)
Y ' [Ei-...
n(PQi - (l+rc)Kj}]In
Qi = Qi(v, hi. ai, (l-ai)Ki)
Note that this formulationcapturesthe joint liabilitycharacteristicof
the arrangement. All the proceeds are pooled by the group and all loans
are paid out prior to any distributionof income to the members. Then,
because of symmetry,all of them receive the same share, independent f
their own realizationof output Qi. This formulationis not equivalentto
the one (also capturing joint liability)where each agent is allocatedhis
net income less a share
of the debt
from bankruptmembers (when
applicable). The latter formulationinduces lower expectedutility,
because of a higher variance on the realizedincome. The dominance of the
former fonmulationreflectsthe benefitsof risk-pooling.
The first order conditionsfor a maximum of problem III are,
PQi )]In VI
+ ,U2 (PQa
U;ai +
(-Ki)]/n* 0
2 EPQ'i (1-ai) -(1 + rc
- 0
Every agent solves a similarproblem. Tne Nash equilibrium
allocationis the simultaneoussolutionto the set of n first order for each agent.
There is now a moral hazard problem, since @i and ai are not
observableby the group, and thus cannot be contractedfor. The group only
observesKi, and aggregateoutput. As of now we assume that the Qi's are
not observableby the group. Later we will relax this assumption.
To make the claim that a credit group regime dominates
individualisticproductionfrom the agent's standpoint,we have to compare
the expected utility levels under both regimes,namely the solutionsto
problems I and III. The tradeoffsare clear. Under regime I, the agent
acts unilaterally,keeping all the proceeds induced by his actions,but has
to incur higher input costs, and a higher variance of income, ceteris
paribus and perhaps credit ceilings. While under regime III, he benefits
from lower costs, lower variance but receivesonly one n-th of his
contribution. His strategicbehaviorbehaviorvis-a-vis the other agents
(Nash non-cooperative)will tend to induce a lower contributiontowards the
general pool. If we evaluate the first order conditionsIV at the optimal
values given by the solutionto II, we obtain that: i) the sign of IVa is
negative, implyinga lower effort contribution;ii) the sign of IVb is
positive, implyingthat a higher proporuionof credit will be allocated to
nonproductiveactivities;and iii) the sign of IVc is positive,meaning
that a larger amount of credit will be requested.
The allocationinduced by III, is clearly suboptimaleven relative
to the second best or co,
one. The credit group regime
problem shares many featureswith the standardcommon ownershipand team
productionproblems. As with those, the equilibriumallocationis not
Pareto optimal. Non-cooperativebehavior there usually yields an
inefficientoutcome if joint output or liabilityis fully shared among the
agents. Everyone'swelfare can be improvedby exercisingrestraint in
present consumption,and by increasingthe productiveactivities. The
source of the inefficiencyis that each agent imposes a negative
externalityon the others by the diversion of ctedit and actions from the
productiveactivity. That behavior is neverthelessoptimal for the agent,
given the allocationrule of problem III, since while he incurs the full
cost of the actions taken in the productiveactivityhe receivesonly onenth of the output; a similar argumentapplies for his use of credit on
productiveand nonproductiveactivities. That arrangementfosters moral
hazard and free rider problems, since agents cannot be induced to supply
proper amounts of productive inputswhen their actions cannot be observed
and contractedfor directly. Moreover, a severe problem that can appear is
that the agents might increasetheir credit demands and the proportionof
credit for other nonproductivepurposes (like current consumption),and
decrease their effort contribution,reducingthe expected productionlevels
- 12
so much that credit group will be unable to repay the loans. Bankruptcy
and failure of the credit group as a viable institutionwould be the end
results. Therefore it should be clear that the internaldynamics of the
set of actions taken by the members cannot be ignored,and a system of
incentivesbased on the acquired informationought to be implementedto
induce the desired or optimal actions. The criticalelements in the design
of incentive schemes are the nature of the informationavailable,the
nature of the uncertaintyaffectingthe agents' output, and the structure
of production.
The importantquestion then is whether there are alternative
institutionalarrangementsand incentivemechanismsthat can elicit an
efficient or at least a better allocationthan the one describedabove for
a credit group regime. Presumablythe larger the differencebetween the
allocationinduced by I and the one induced by the credit group regime, the
more attractiveand stable the group will be. To resolve the question,we
turn to the theory of incentivesunder imperfectinrormationand moral
hazard. We know that in these situationsthe assignmentof an individual
or entity to serve the role of a principalcan reduce problems
significantly,since implementingother allocationrules can induce more
efficientoutcomes (see Alchian and Dempsetz (1972),Mirrlees (1976),and
Holmstrom (1982)). We can assign that role to the credit group. The group
is empoweredto monitor, allocate and implementincentiveschemes. Given
transactioncosts and risk factors,delegatingthe monitoring to one or all
members will enhance total output relativeto what could be achievedon an
individualbasis. Thus, even though productionwill take place on an
individualbasis, the group aspect of the arrangementwill require settingup incentive schemes and sharing rules that are usually associatedwith
teams and structuresunder observabilityand moral hazard problems.
Moreover, in its role as principal,the group can account for any surplus
or deficit incurred. This is essentialsince it is often the case that
*optimal"incentive schemes do not balance the budget. Without that
capacity, those schemes might not be implementable.
Under certainty,and where only in aggregate is the outcome
observable,one can constructa set of sharing (the output-income)rules,
si(y) > 0, i - 1,..., n, inducinga Nash equilibriumin actions,which
satisfies the conditionsfor Pareto optimality. Generally,they take the
followingform: si (y) - ci if y 2 y(a*, a*, K*), and si (y) - 0 otherwise,
where the argumentsof y are the Nash equilibriumand Pareto optimal
actions. If all the agents are identicalex-ante, the sharing rules will
also be identical for all agents. The optimal sharing rules are, in
general,discontinuousin income, and need not be budget-balancing. This
latter feature is essentialto solve the free rider problem, and to
neutralizeexternalities. It reflectsthe ability to sufficientlypenalize
deviationsfrom the optimum. The enforcementproblem is then overcomeby
bringing in a principal,in our case the credit group, which will assume
the residualof the nonbudget-balancingsharing rules (when applicable).
Group incentivescan also work quite well under uncertainty,
particularlyif the agents are risk-neutral. Mirrlees (1974),and
Holmstrom (1982)have shown that a first best solutioncan be approximated
arbitrarilyclosely by using group penalties. In that situation,the
sharing rules, in general,take the followingform: si (Y) - siy if y 2
and siy - ki otherwise,where E si - 1, and ki > 0. The term ki describes
the penalty to agent i if a critical output j is not reached. The
effectivenessof these rules, however, is greatly reduced if there are many
agents and if they are risk averse. Of course, the group has the option to
- 14 -
subdivide itself into several cells to keep the size reducedwhen
desirable. Under risk aversion and uncertaintyin production,the first
best is usually not attainable. Then monitoringbecomes quite important
since it can help improvewelfare and achieve an allocationthat
approximatesthe first best, (see Holmstrom (1982) for a general statement
of the problem). In our formulation,monitoringshould be a viable and
quite natural option, since observationsby the group of each agent's
output can be obtained,genericallyat fairly low cost. 31
Let us considernow those situationswhere the informationsystem
is so rich or monitoring so easy that total output can be itemized
according to the contributionof each agent; this is the case when the Qi's
are separatelyobserved; then,
Q(§,z)- £iQi(§i.
where z - (zl,...,zn),
§ - (§l'... §n) and §i - (ai,ai, Ki). If the z'is
are not random or observableby everybody,then efficiencycan be achieved
by holding each agent responsiblefor his own output. However, the most
frequentcase is where the 'lisare random and not observable. Then the
sharing rules are functionsof the output and should describe the
proportionof insolventloan claims to be assessed against agent i. In
general,the optimal sharing rule of agent i will depend on somethingelse
than i's output. It will only depend on i's output alone if the outputs of
all agents are independent.
Generally,the optimal set of sharing rules fsi(y) i-l to n) will
have si depend on some relativeor averagemeasure like y and yi alone
where 7 is a weighted average of the agents' outcomes. The only
assumptionsneeded to generate thetseresults are that v, hl,...,hn are
independentand normally distributed. The intuition is that the aggregate
measure of peer performancey capturesall the relevant informationabout
- 15 -
the common uncertainty. In other words, the aggregatemeasure, y, is then
a sufficientstatistic.
Clearly,this rationalizesthe common practice of
comparingperformanceagainst peer aggregates,and basing compensations
(pecuniaryor non-pecuniary)on that differential.
In those contests, incentiveschemes based on zelativeoutput
performance,or rank-ordertournamentscan do quite well as has been shown
in Nal .Aff and Stiglitz (1982) and Bhattacharyaand Guasch (1988). 41
They can be utilized,not only to elicit the desired actions,but also to
allocate among the members the excess balance of the credit group, induced
by interest rate differentialsor nonbudget-balancingrules. A rank-order
tournamentawards agents merely on their performancerank, not on the value
of the output itself; thus it is based on ordinalityas opposed to
cardinality. An advantage of this compensationscheme comparedto cthers
based on cardinalityis that it requiresless informationsince only the
ranking of the agents needs to be determined. In particular,when all
agents' output (the monitored variable) is subject to a common (correlated)
risk or random variable, these reward (or penalty) schemes automatically
neutralize that risk or adjust for its effects.
A rank order tournamentgenerallyconsist of a set of n prizes q1
2 q2 2...2...%, one for each agent, and an observablevariable(s)upon
which the ranking of the agents is established. If that variable is, say,
the output, then the agent with the highest output receivesql, and so on.
Of course, some of the prizes can be penalties.
If the agents are risk neutral, a properly designedcontest can
elicit the efficientallocation,(see Lazear and Rosen (1981),and
Bhattacharyaand Guasch (1987)with either homogenousor heterogeneous
agents. Moreover, under risk aversion, such contestsmay be preferred to
individualisticreward schemes,particularlywhen the risk associatedwith
16 -
the common environmentalvariable,v, is large. Again, the role of a
principal is essential for the implementationof these schemes. Among the
various forms a contest can take, that with a penalty to the lowest ranked
individualwill be superiorto one with a prize to the highest ranked
individual (see Nalebuff and Stiglitz (1982) for an analysisof relative
effectivenessof different types of tournaments).5/
The analysis developedabove has been largely static. It .egs the
questionof why agents do not 'take the money and run', and limits
enforcementconsiderably. In a static framework,threats to agents for
deoarting from the expected or establishedcourse of action are not
credible, since they cannot be implemented. By the time inferencesor
observitionscan be made about deviant agsnts, the game is over, so
retaliationcannot take place. It is only in a dynamic (infiniteor
uncertainhorizon) frameworkthat stated punishmentscan be carried out.
Future periods provide the place for discipliningagents who deviatedand
the agents can take into account the future consequencesof any deviations.
A dynamic analysisincreasesthe viability of credit groups.
Given the moral hazard and team problems, the success of the credit group
in supportinga cooperativescheme that is superior to an individualistic
one lies in its ability to punish any defector from the scheme. In this
section,we extend the previous analysisto an environmentwhere each
agent, within a credit group regime, repeatedlysets his choice variables.
The group responds to such choices. This becomes a repeatedgame and since
we are consideringan infinitenumber of repetitions,it is a supergame.
The environmentdoes not change and decisionscan be made contingenton
past outcomes of the game.
- 17 -
In our structure,the credit group cannot perfectly observe or
infer the actions ai and ai taken by the agents. Then the natural
strategiesfor the credit group to consider are trigger output or review.
Mentioned by Stigler (1964),their general formulationhas been developed
by Green and Porter (1984) in repeatedcollusivemarket games and by Radner
(1985) in repeatedgames with imperfectmonitoringand moral hazard, and
are most appropriatein formulationswith informationalimperfections. Our
formulationis a hybrid of those two types of problems. While each agent
prob. m is more like a repeatedmoral hazard problem, the fact that it has
consequencesfor group welfare (the expectedutility of a member of the
group depends positivelyon the size of the group) brings in the market
Under trigger output strategies,each agent selects his level,
agreed by the group, of unobservableactions,until his output (if
observableby the group) or the aggregate output falls below a certain
specifiedtrigger output Q*, during some period. Then, in the former case,
that or those agents whose output falls below that selectedtrigger
benchmark is or are forced out of the credit group for T-1 periods. After
T periods, the agent(s) is/(are)allowed to return to the credit group, to
resume cooperationand so on. If aggregateoutput is the only observable
variable,when output Zalls below its trigger value the credit group is
dismantledfor the T-1 periods. After T periods, the credit group resumes
operations. The analysisbelow deals with this latter case, but it also
fits the former when the expectedutility for any agent in the group does
not depend on the number of members. This would be the case if the group
is quite large. Then, at the margin or inframarginthe variation is
negligiblesince all the scale effects are exhaustedat a relatively
smaller size. Otherwise,we need to keep account of the size of the group
18 -
and correspondingprobabilities. Our choice is based on ease of
A trigger output scheme is characterizedby four parameters,
assuming identicalagents, a*, a*, Q*, and T. Note that the capital or
loan principal K, need not be part of it since it is observable,and can be
forced to the agent at the onset of each period. The problem for the
credit group is, then, to select values of those parametersin order to
induce the highest possible expectedutility for each agent. Deviations
from agreed actions are undesirableto the group because they might lead to
insolvencyof the agent. Then because of the joint liability,the group
has to cover the losses.
Let Cc be the agent's expectedpayoff per period under cooperative
behavior in the credit group regime. Let Om be the expectedpayoff per
period when operating on his own. Let o be the discount rate and p the
induced probabilityof having a realizationof output below the trigger
level. The distributionof that probabilitydepends on a, a, K, the
trigger output Q*, and the random variables v and h.
The overall expectedutility ff to each agent is given implicitly
U - UC + (1
U + p (OM (o + ...
It contains three elements: (1) the current expectedpayoff from agreed or
cooperativebehavior; (2) the expectedutility startingnext period when
the credit group is still operating,discountedby the probabilityof that
event, namely that the output is above the specifiedlevel and (3) the
expectedutility upon the credit group being dissolved for T-1 periods,
and resumingoperationsthereafteraffectedby the probabilityof that
event. Solving for 0, we obtains
(MC (1-0)
+ p(q-T))
further manipulationsyield:
[ (f3m(l-r))
+ (ftc
+ p(q-qT))J
with the two terms being, first the expectedutility from the
individualisticregime from now on, and second, the single period gains
accruing each period from now on from the cooperativebehavior, properly
Then the credit group problem is:
max 0 - max [(ftml (1-0r))
- (U4/aai)
1a* i d°(OPI84i)
em) I ()(l-o)
( (C
+ p(a-gT))
(Ofi/ai)la* i U(5PIjai)((Ocwhere the first constraintguaranteesthat it will not be possible to
increase the agent's expectedutility by increasingthe share of capital
for nonproductivepurposes beyond a*.
The second constraintstates that
the agent cannot increasehis expectedutility by decreasinghis effort
below a*. The solutionof this problem will determine a*, O*, Q*, and T*
which provides for the maximum expectedutility and makes the credit group
It could well be that the optimal solution is to set T equal to
infinity. Then if the output level falls below a certain specifiedtrigger
level Q*, the credit group is dissolvedforever. However, that policy
might not always be optimal, since it might induce agents to make excessive
efforts,when on average they all can be made better off by selectinga
- 20 -
finite T. It depends on the discountrate and the differencebetweeen rim
and eC.
The characteristicsof the solutionto problem V, are as follows.
For risk averse agents, the resultingallocationgenerateshigher levels of
utility than those induced in the static framework. In equilibrium,agents
do not deviate from agreed actions,but excluding agents or dissolvingthe
group takes place every now and then, during periods cf 'bad' realizations
of the random variable affectingproduction. It is optimal for agents to
supply less effort or less expectedoutput than the levels they would
choose if operating alone but under the same terms (interestrate) of the
credit group. Agents go through alternativephases of being in the credit
group and operatingoutside the group. While the latter phase is
deterministic,lasting T-1 periods,the former phase has random length.
The optimal length of exclusion or dissolutionmight be infinite. 6/
Another advantageof the dynamic formulationof the problem is that to
implementthe allocationstated above, the credit group need not have as
large a degree of control as it is requiredto implementthe sharing rules
or contest induced allocationsin the static forwulation.
The empirical evidenceon credit cooperativesis quite extensive
and rather a mixed bag. Examples of successfulcooperativesand credit
groups abound, particularlyin East Asia. A large number of credit
programs in that region have achievedmost of their objectives,
particularlyin reachinga large number of small agents, having high
repayment rates and increasingoutput in a cost-effectivemanner. Besides
early land reform, the success of rural credit programs in Korea, Taiwan
and Japan have been frequentlyattributedto strong village cooperative
systemswhich have provided significantincentivesto participateand
21 -
comply, as well as credible enforcementprocedures. Peer esteem and social
norms served the role of an effective incentivescheme. Other successful
examples are scattered throughoutdifferent countries,like Kenya, Malawi,
Nicaragua,etc. The success there can be attributedto a much better
incentive,control and monitoringsystems (see von Pischke,Adams and
Donalds (1983).
Unfortunately,however, the empiricalevidence also indicatesthat
the number of failed cooperativesis extraordinarilylarge. Thailand is a
typical example. Despite the extensivecooperativenetwork in Thailandand
the government'ssignificantinvolvementin their development,the success
rate has ranged from mediocre to poor. The reasons are the followingt
first, a lack of sense of belonging and joint responsibilityby most
members. Cooperativesare perceivedas merely nominal organizations.
Second, cooperativeslack efficientadministrationand are short on
incentive schemes.
Dishonestyis quite common amongst officials. Third,
there is not much coordinationwith the financialintermediary. Fourth,
there does not seem to be much coordinationbetween the credit,marketing
and productionactivitieswithin the cooperative. Last, their large size
and lack of proper monitoringactivitiescoupled with the perceptionby
members that credit funds are more like grants or aid given by the state
induces detachment,high delinquencyrates and the improperuse of funds.
Poor performancesuch as Thailand exhibits-Levenrelativeto individual
farmers--isquite disturbing,since we tend to think of cooperativesas an
effective tool for rural developmentand for improvingthe plight of small
farmers. Delinquencyrates through the last decade have ranged from 35
percent for individualfarmers to 60 percent for farmers'cooperativesand
associationson average.
- 22 The viabilityof any credit organizationis stronglylinked to its
success in recoveringloans. Strong punitivemeasures and a proper set of
incentivesought to be implementedto induce high repaymentrates; those
elements seem to be lacking in most credit cooperatives,thus the high
failure rates. Most empirical studiesof credit group programs in rural
areas in developingcountries report low recoveryrates. Defining default
or non-performingloans as those loans that are still on the books, but are
past due by 90 days or more, are non-accruing,or have been renegotiated,
those studies have indicateddefault rates ranging from 20 percent to 95
percent for credit programs in Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America.
Similar results have been reported in South and SoutheastAsia, (see
Braverman and Guasch, 1986). To some extent, the reasons for those high
levels of default can be attributedto a lack of properly designed
incentive schemes,lack of enforcementproceduresand quite often to a
self-servingconfusionon the farmer'spart regardingthe nature of credit.
It is not unusual for them to perceivethe loans as grants or welfare. In
fact, in some South Asian languagesthe word used for loans from government
institutions(tagai,taccari)means assistance,grant". Thus the
reluctanceto repay those loans should not be surprising.
We have presented an analysis of the motivation, formationand
design of credit cooperatives. We have shown that they can provide
significantadvantagesto their members, insofar as their intzinsic
informationaland moral hazard problemsare properlyaccounted for.
Particularcare to the design of incentivemechanisms is warranted if
credit cooperativesare to prove successful. The incentive schemes,degree
of control,
and information
by the credit
- 23
cooperativesare most importantto predict the likelihoodof success.
Long-term arrangements,rather than one-shot liaisonscan provide higher
benefits to the members and financialviability to the organization.
We have also mentioned the empiricalrelevanceof those forms of
organizations,describingsome of both successfuland unsuccessful
ventures. By and large, the elements that we have been able to identifyas
present in the successfulincentiveschemes,control of resources,quality
monitoringand enforcementof punishing rules. We believe that a policy of
providing assistanceto existing and potential credit groups on how to set
incentives,implementmonitoring schemes and develop centralizedcontrol of
resources,is most desirableand should receive highest priority.
Moreover, it is better and much more cost effectivethan the old fashioned
and largely regressivesubsidizedcredit policies. It is just as important
to address the political rigiditiesthat so often hamper genuine
- .4 -
The argumentsare as follows. The lower the r is, the larger the
demands from both types of agents for institutionalfunds. As
stated above, on purely efficiencygrounds, if there is need for
rationing,the small agents will be the affected ones. Moreover,
the larger the differencebetween r and the "free"market, the
more attractivethe subsidizedloans (the larger the income
transfer) are and the strongerthe pressures put upon the lending
institutionby the larger agents. As a result, the share of the
institutionalfunds going to small agents will decrease as the
rate r decreasesand in consequence,the demand for credit by the
small agents in the informalmarket will increase.
If indeed reachinga large number of small agents is one of the
main objectivesof credit policies, another option is to intervene
directly in the credit market by setting targets or quotas in the
compositionof the inetitution'sloan portfolio. Then a
proportionof the funds allocatedto the institutionis earmarked
for the small agents. A more detailed interventionmighc.entail a
descriptionof the number of agents to be reached as well as the
size of the individual'sloan to be allocated. Incentivesto
induce compliancewill need to be developed. They can take the
form of tying future availabilityof public funds to the
institution'sportfoliocompositionand performance. Another
option would be to offer interestrate rebates on loans granted to
the targetedgroups of agents up to a certain proportionor volume
of funds; this is equivalentto subsidizingtargeted loans ex-post
to neutralizethe higher transactioncost and risk arguments.
Alternativebudget-balancingsharing rules that might prove
effective if the agents are sufficientlyrisk averse are those
where all the agents but one (randomlychosen) are penalized,a
massacre contract, or those where one agent (randomlychosen) is
severelypenalized,a scapegoatcontract,whenever the output
falls below the desired level. Their effectivenesshas been shown
by Rasmussen (1987) in the absence of productionuncertainties. A
problem with those rules is that they might require the agents to
have significantwealth endowments.
Followingupon the early work of Lazear and Rosen (1981),and
Bhattacharya(1982),the optimalityof tournamentcontractsin
that context has been shown for hteterogeneous
agents by
Bhattacharyaand Guasch (1988) and for a restrictedscenario in
which marginal productivityof effort is not affectedby common
shocks, in Green and Stokey (1983),whereas Lazear and Rosen
(1981) and Nalebuff and Stiglitz (1983) have compared tournaments
with linear piece-ratescontracts.
For a game-theoreticanalysisof individual.ncentivesto form
cooperatives,see Sexton (1986),and Staatz 1983). These studies
depart from the traditionalorganization-oriented
cooperativeanalysis and emphasize tti core of the game as the
viable solutionor allocation. The idea is that since there are
gains to be realizedby forming a cooperative,relativeto each
one acting independently,one has to considerhow the gains ought
- 25 -
to be allocated among the members, particularlywhen they are not
identical. In addition, for a view of the traditionalanalysisof
cooperativesand of its motivations see, e.g., Helmbergerand Hoos
(1962),and Vitaliano (1983).
A generalizationof the trigger-pricestrategiesmodels has been
developedby Abreu, Pearce and Stacchetti(1986),where they
characterizethe optimal strategies. They take a fairly simple
form. The punishmentphase last only one period and carries a
more severe punishmentthan unilateralproduction. Its usefulness
in our frameworkis questionablesince punishmentsmore severe
than exclusion from the group might not be implementable. A
policy to force the defector(s)to work as bonded labor for a
period might not be sustainable.
- 26 -
Abreu, D., D. Pearce and E. Stafchetti,(1986), *OptimalCartel Equilibria
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*nd Rorch
Agricultural Policy
Few smallholders have obtained credit from
formal sources - this, despite the remarkable
expansion of credit throughout the rural areas of
developing countries over the last three decades. They have been largely screened out of
formal credit by higher transaction costs,
greater perceived risks, and patronizing lenders.
To overcome these obstacles, small-scale
farmers have formed organized credit groups
and cooperatives. But such endeavors have
frequently failed.
This paper takes new developments in the
theory of incentives and organizations and
applies them to the institutional design of credit
Because the proper design of these organizations considerably increases their likelihood
of success, policies to promote appropriate
designs could be much more effective than
mere subsidies, the predominant policy instrument so far.
More specifically, the focus of such policies
should be on the optimal nature and scope of
joint-liability arrangements, on the gathering
and use of information in setting incentives, and
on the rigidity of enforcement rules.
This paper is a product of the Agricultural
Policies Division, Agriculture and Rural
Development Department. Copies are available
free from the World Bank, 1818 H Street NW,
Washington DC 20433. Please contact Cecily
Spooner, room J2-084, extension 37570. The
paper will also appear in Pranab Bardhan (ed.),
Economic Theoryfor Agrarian Institutions,
Oxford University Press (forthcoming).
The PPRWorkingPaperSeriesdisseninatesthe findingsof work underway in the Bank'sPolicy,Planning,and Research
Complex.An objectiveof the seriesis to get thesefindingsoutquickly,even if prsentations are less than fullypolished.
The findings,interpretations,and conclusionsin these papersdo not necessarilyrepresentofficialpolicyof the Bank.
Copyright@ 1988by the IntemationalBank for Reconstructionand DevelopmenVThe
WPSl Imports Under a Foreign Exchange
Cristian Moran
March 1988
WPS2 Issues in AdjustmentLending
Vinod Thomas
March 1988
WPS3 CCE Models for the Analysis of Trade
Policy in DevelopingCountries
Jaime de Melo
March 1988
Miguel A. Kiguel
Nissan Liviatan
April 1988
Angus Maddison
Bart van Ark
April 1988
Steven Haggblade
Peter B. Hazell
James Brown
April 1988
Avishay Braverman
J. Luis Cuasch
April 1988
Steven Haggblade
Peter B. Hazell
April 1988
WPS4 InflationaryRigiditiesand
WPS5 Comparisons of Real Output
in Manufacturing
WPS6 Farm/NonfarmLinkages in Rural SubSaharan Africa
WPS7 InstitutionalAnalysis of Credit
WPS8 Prospects for EquitableGrowth in
Rural Sub-SaharanAfrica
For informationon obtaining copies of papers, contact the ResearchAdministrator's
Office, 473-1022.