Orlando, January 2007 - IEEE Standards Working Group Areas

Distribution Automation Working Group
2007 IEEE/PES Joint Technical Meeting
Orlando, FL, USA
January 10, 2007 8:00 to 10:00 AM
Georges Simard introduced himself as Secretary of the Working Group and apologized for
Doug Staszesky, chair, not being able to attend. NDR Sarma , vice-Chair, also send his
regrets. Mark McGranaghan will take notes of the meeting for Georges (thanks Mark).
Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
Minutes from the Working Group meeting in Montreal were approved.
Membership list was passed around for update and members introduced themselves.
DA Group Businesses
Preparation of IEEE / PES 2007 general meeting, Tampa June 2007
Panel Sessions for IEEE / PES 2007
One panel session will be held in Tampa
• Panel session title "Economic Justification of Distribution Automation"
The panel will present 3 papers
o "City Distribution Automation Projects - Economic Justification
Aspects" (J.Rexline Terese, A.Thiagarajan, Krishna V.Prasad,
Ranjeet Vaishnav, and N.D.R.Sarma)
o "Business case for feeder Automation", Bob Uluski, Enernex
o "Hydro-Québec's Economic and Technical Approach to Justify its
Distribution Automation Program" , Georges Simard, HydroQuébec
The other planned panel session "Communication and Information Management
Technologies for Distribution Automation" is postponed to the next general
meeting in 2008.
DA Tutorial
Tutorial scheduled for Summer Meeting and is being completed. Drafts of
presentations need to be completed by the beginning of February.
Participants are
ƒ Anil Pahwa
ƒ Dr. Sarma
ƒ Dan Nordell
ƒ Sioe Mak
ƒ Charlie Williams (thanks to Charlie for filling in for Doug's part)
ƒ Georges Simard
ƒ Mark McGranaghan
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Owners of trademarks and copyrights do not need to release them to IEEE if they
are referenced in the tutorial.
It is permissible to simply provide slides in lieu of full paper-oriented texts when
giving the tutorial. We believe this will help us actually get the tutorial updated.
DA Projects and Research Intiatives for Coordination
Some important projects were discussed in a short roundtable review of activities:
Georges Simard mentioned large DA project at HQ that is ongoing. Initial 100
switches have been automated. 6 year project - this is the first year
Manuel Gonzalez (Centerpoint) - possible upgrading of old DA
Jim Beauford, Cheri Warren, John McDaniel, Vince Forte - National Grid - improving
reliability is highest priority but automation strategies are being developed
Keith Frost - automation of 34.5 kV system, 5000 12 kV circuits have mid circuit
reclosers with fault control data acquisition systems
Lee Taylor - not too many ties on radial systems in the Carolinas and conductors
might not support automation in many cases but working on substation functions.
Midwest 34.5 kV systems and may go into more automation there.
Mike Pehosh - NRECA - wide range of automation systems at coops
Mort Khodaie - PNM - 450 SCADA switches, reclosers and regulators with SCADA
Greg Ardrey - Alliant Energy - automation at selected locations but extensive
distribution SCADA
Research efforts
Mark McGranaghan summarized some of the important research efforts under way at
Monitoring system infrastructure and integration of advanced metering
IUT - intelligent universal transformer
Solid state switchgear for ADA
New topologies and control strategies
DOE Project on Fault Location and DFA - update from Mark McGranaghan
Provide a link to DOE-funded projects in the distribution automation area
Georges asked for information on other projects - please provide the links
Open discussion on Distribution Automation
Coordination with others
Large void in the area of the communication infrastructure. Need to establish
coordination with IT infrastructure.
ƒ Mike agreed that communications is a major issue and has risen to the top
of priorities. Integration is the key problem right now - many different
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communications efforts exist but the options are not understood as they
apply to distribution automation technologies
Tom McCarthy LADWP went through this kind of analysis
o Links to metering are being discussed in many places - maybe we need a task
force on this.
o Lot of discussion related to the incremental advantages of information from
ƒ Most of the information needed for circuit restoration already available
ƒ The information is probably better and more appropriate related to
losses, equipment loading, demand response, etc.
Action: DA WG needs to coordinate with other activities going on in IEEE about
ƒ Monitoring systems
ƒ Communications
ƒ Equipment technologies (metering and others)
Technology watch:
A Tech watch section will be created on the Distribution Automation web site and
a portion of the meetings to come will be assigned to review technologies that
are being applied to keep track of projects going on around the industry.
One of the focus areas for this tech watch should be communication systems that
are being applied. - We would like this working group to be a coordination point
for understanding what technologies and approaches are being used in the
Coordination with Distributech conference as part of the Tech Watch - assign
some people to provide feedback to the Working Group
ƒ Frank Goodman - EPRI
ƒ Charlie Williams - S&C
ƒ Georges will assign a few others
Distribution Automation WG proposed next work:
Should we develop an IEEE report on DA functions and associated
communications and control requirements?
ƒ This could be the next task for the Working Group after the tutorial.
Possible title : "Communications and Control Requirements for Distribution
Automation Functions"
New "Intelligent Transmission and Distribution Grids" IEEE subcommittee
A new "Intelligent Transmission and Distribution Grids" IEEE subcommittee is
proposed. This sub committee would be chaired by Mack Grady. There was a meeting
hold by Gene Wolf at this Orlando meeting. Mack Grady will be the Chairman. Scope
and the structure definition is undergoing.
Dave Gilmer underlines that there is not enough people in distribution to
provide input to both the Intelligent Grid Subcommittee and the
Distribution Subcommittee
Cheri Warren will gather input on appropriate coordination with this group
and how we can contribute.
Provide input to Cheri for discussion at T&D Level
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Other Distribution Automation related conferences
The list of Distribution Automation related conferences was updated
Distributech, February 4-7 , San Diego CA
Clemson University,Advanced Metering, Protection and Control, Communication and
Distributed Resources March 2007,
IEEE PES General Meeting 24-28 June 2007, Tampa, FL USA
o IEEE Distribution Automation WG meeting scheduled
o Distribution automation Tutorial
o Panel session "Economic Justification of Distribution Automation"
EPRI PQA/ADA Conference June 2007, Long Beach California U.S.A.
EPRI Advanced Distribution Automation International Workshop, to be announced
The list will be updated on the website as well. Members are solicited to advise the secretary for
any upcoming event.
New reports
Public reports of interest for Distribution Automation will be posted on the website. The
next one to be added to the existing documents will be:
Energy Commission, Made by Energy and Environmental Economics, Inc and
EPRI Solutions, Inc.
"San Diego Smart grid final study" for theEnergy Policy Initiatives Center
(University od San Diego School of Law) by Science Application International
Question from Heide - is there anything about how to target circuits for DA in order
to optimize reliability? Exchanges on the subject. The question may have several
answers. Charlie's contribution to the WG session will definitely cover this
Presentation was made by Charlie Williams on "Distribution Automation Cost
We will plan to meet at the general IEEE/PES meeting in Tampa in June 2007.
Look forward to advice on webmeetings or teleconferences related to the tutorial and panel
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