APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 97, 134102 共2010兲 Coupling electron-hole and electron-ion plasmas: Realization of an npn plasma bipolar junction phototransistor C. J. Wagner,a兲 P. A. Tchertchian, and J. G. Eden Laboratory for Optical Physics and Engineering, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 61801, USA 共Received 20 May 2010; accepted 23 August 2010; published online 29 September 2010兲 Coupling e− – h+ and gas phase plasmas with a strong electric field across a potential barrier yields a transistor providing photosensitivity and voltage gain but also a light-emitting collector whose radiative output can be switched and modulated. This optoelectronic device relies on the correspondence between the properties of a low temperature, nonequilibrium plasma and those for the e− – h+ plasma in an n-type semiconductor. Hysteresis observed in the collector current-base current characteristics is attributed primarily to charge stored in the base, and the photogeneration of e− – h+ pairs at the base-collector junction. Extinguishing the collector plasma requires an emitter-base junction reverse bias of ⬍1 V. © 2010 American Institute of Physics. 关doi:10.1063/1.3488831兴 Low temperature, weakly ionized plasmas in the gas phase and electron–hole 共e− – h+兲 plasmas in semiconductors are closely related. Having a common mathematical and physical ancestry, both plasmas are described by virtually identical relationships for charged particle drift, diffusion, and recombination 共for example兲. Early in the development of solid state electronics, the close linkage between e− – h+ plasmas and nonequilibrium e−-ion plasmas was recognized.1 In the six decades since the invention of the transistor in 1947, however, the inherent correspondence between the properties of the two plasma genres has largely been overlooked in plasma research and optoelectronic device design. The first strides toward integrating gas phase and electronhole plasmas were taken in 2005 when, in the course of characterizing the Si/microplasma photodetector,2 Ostrom and Eden3 identified the pivotal role of coupling both plasmas with an electric field imposed across the semiconductor/ gas phase plasma interface. In this letter, we report the interaction of e−-ion and − e – h+ plasmas across a narrow potential barrier, mediated by a strong electric field provided by the sheath of the gas phase plasma. Integration of a plasma with a semiconductor emitter and base yields a phototransistor having a light-generating collector and the ability to modulate and switch the collector plasma with voltages as small as ⬍1 V applied to the emitter-base junction. Not only does this device offer optoelectronic functionality not available previously in a single device but it also provides a window onto the physics of e− – h+ and e−-ion plasmas separated by a thin barrier and yet linked by e− tunneling. Figure 1 is a simplified drawing of the plasma bipolar junction transistor 共PBJT兲. The primary difference between this device and a conventional npn BJT is the substitution of a gas phase plasma for the n-type collector. A potential difference between the anode at top and the p-type base generates and partially sustains a plasma confined within a cavity fabricated in a dielectric 共blue in Fig. 1兲. For clarity, a portion of the dielectric has been cut away. The injection of current into the plasma through the vacuum potential barrier a兲 Electronic mail: 0003-6951/2010/97共13兲/134102/3/$30.00 at the base-collector junction, and subsequent electron avalanche in the plasma, provides a mechanism for modulating and extinguishing the gas phase plasma. As illustrated schematically in Fig. 2, the PBJT draws on the resemblance between the properties of a low temperature, gas phase plasma and those of the e− – h+ plasma within an n-type semiconductor. In normal mode operation of the transistor, for example, the emitter-base junction is forward-biased so as to inject electrons from the emitter into the p-type base. Electrons diffusing from the emitter-base junction are, upon reaching the reverse-biased, base-collector junction, swept into the collector. Because the electron mobility in the gas phase plasma is much higher than that for the ions, the conductivity of the collector is dictated by the electrons which drift to an anode under the influence of the local electric field in the ជ p. plasma, E Although the physics of the PBJT is similar in several respects to that of a conventional npn BJT, the plasma collector has several distinguishing characteristics. Foremost among these is the emission of atomic and/or molecular radiation owing to electron-neutral collisions in the gas phase FIG. 1. 共Color兲 Drawing of a plasma BJT in which the collector plasma is confined within a cavity fabricated in dielectric 共shown in blue兲, a portion of which has been cut away for clarity. The cavity also serves to expose the collector plasma to the base. 97, 134102-1 © 2010 American Institute of Physics Downloaded 23 Sep 2011 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see 134102-2 Wagner, Tchertchian, and Eden Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 134102 共2010兲 FIG. 3. 共Color兲 Cross-sectional diagram 共not to scale兲 of one configuration of an npn PBJT that has been fabricated and tested to date. FIG. 2. 共Color兲 Generalized diagram of a plasma BJT operating in the normal mode in which the emitter-base junction is forward biased. All red and blue arrows indicate the direction of local electron and hole flow, respectively. The green arrow represents plasma-produced photons incident on the p-Si base. plasma. Furthermore, photons with energies above the Si band gap 共1.1 eV兲 are produced by the plasma, impinge on the base, and generate e− – h+ pairs at or near the reversebiased base-collector junction. After tunneling into the collector, photogenerated electrons contribute to the total current flowing through the plasma whereas photogenerated holes either replace holes lost in e− − h+ recombination in the base or are injected into the emitter, thereby contributing to both iB and iE. Because the base of the PBJT is exposed and the collector plasma is generally optically thin, external radiation is also capable of producing e− − h+ pairs at the basecollector junction and the PBJT behaves as a phototransistor. Although plasma radiation-generated e− − h+ pairs contribute to the dark current of the device, judicious choice of the collector gas共es兲 will minimize the impact of this process. Much of the voltage required to sustain a gas phase plasma appears across the sheath 共or cathode fall region兲4 which, in a PBJT, extends to the surface of the base, and the depth of penetration of the collector’s electric field into the base is dependent upon the base doping level. It is clear that the built-in electric field normally present at the surface of Si in vacuum5,6 is reinforced by this intense electric field that exists in the cathode fall region of the collector plasma. Together they facilitate the tunneling of electrons through the semiconductor/plasma potential barrier 共⬃4 eV兲,5 and possibly modify the secondary electron emission coefficient at the base/collector junction. For an electron temperature and number density of 2 eV and 1013 cm−3, respectively, and an assumed width of the plasma sheath of 5D 共where D is the electron Debye length兲, the sheath electric field strength is estimated to be ⬃105 V / cm for an applied voltage of 200 V. This value is only slightly larger than that existing within the depletion region of a reverse-biased, conventional n+ – p junction for which the donor and acceptor number densities are 1018 cm−3 and 1015 cm−3, respectively, and the bias is ⫺10 V. Therefore, the presence of the sheath electric field at the base-collector interface has the same effect as the imposition of a reverse bias on the base-collector junction of a conventional BJT. A cross-sectional diagram of an npn PBJT structure characterized in the present experiments is shown in Fig. 3. All devices were fabricated on 100 mm diameter silicon-oninsulator wafers comprising two boron-doped Si regions, 350 m and 15 m in thickness, separated by a 2 m thick SiO2 layer. The background doping density of the base is ⬃1015 cm−3 and its width is ⬃14 m, which represents a tradeoff between preventing punchthrough and minimizing the loss of electrons in the base by recombination. A cylindrical cavity having a diameter in the 500 m – 5 mm range was etched into the Si handle layer by an inductivelycoupled plasma process and the base was exposed by wet etching of the buried SiO2 film. Electrically isolating the collector plasma from the handle Si layer required depositing a thin dielectric film on the cavity wall and around the perimeter of the cavity aperture. Fabrication of the device was completed by installing a collector anode which, for these studies, was planar or a needle centered on the cavity axis. For this initial demonstration of the device, the diameter of the collector cavity was either 3 mm or 5 mm and the cavity volume was several microliters. Neon served as the plasma collector gas. Figure 4 presents a set of 14 collector current 共iC兲-base FIG. 4. 共Color online兲 Collector current 共iC兲-base current 共iB兲 characteristics for a PBJT having a collector diameter of 3 mm and a Ne gas pressure of 25 Torr. The base-emitter junction is driven by a 200 Hz sinusoidal voltage waveform with an rms value of 2.8 V. Throughout these measurements, the collector anode was planar. Downloaded 23 Sep 2011 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see 134102-3 Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 134102 共2010兲 Wagner, Tchertchian, and Eden current 共iB兲 characteristics for a PBJT with a collector cavity diameter 共d兲 of 3 mm. Data are given for VCC varied in 10 V increments from 270 to 400 V, a Ne gas pressure 共p兲 of 25 Torr 共thus corresponding to a pd product of 7.5 Torr-cm兲, 5 k⍀ and 67.2 k⍀ resistors in series with the base and collector, respectively, and the base-emitter junction driven by a 200 Hz sinusoidal voltage waveform having an rms amplitude of 2.8 V. Several general properties of these curves are immediately apparent. Among them is the observation that, for all values of VCC, the characteristics exhibit hysteresis. Testing of the emitter-base junction in the absence of a plasma in the collector cavity indicates that, although other factors may be involved, this effect is attributable to the RC time constant dictated by the emitter-base junction and the current limiting series base resistor employed in device testing. For the data of Fig. 4, the maximum value of hFE, the small signal current gain, is approximately 3, although considerably higher gains are expected as the device structure is optimized. The base-collector junction of the PBJT 共reverse-biased by the potential across the collector兲 serves as a photodetector. In Fig. 4, the influence of photogenerated carriers is apparent in the monotonic shift in the iC – iB curves to larger values of iC and 兩iB兩 as VCC is increased, a trend which appears to be mediated by the Early effect.7 Raising the voltage imposed on the collector enhances the magnitude of the collector current, optical emission, and the e− – h+ production rate at the base. In this regard, the dashed line in Fig. 4 is the locus of 共iB , iC兲 ordered pairs—one for each value of VCC—for which transistor operation has ceased. The emitterbase junction is no longer forward biased and iC and iB are equal. Both currents have two components: 共1兲 photocurrent generated in the base by collector emission and 共2兲 the replenishment of base electrons lost to secondary electron emission and the neutralization of atomic ions arriving at the base/collector interface. When the relative emission intensity of the collector plasma is monitored 共with a photodiode兲 as a function of VCC and iB, a set of characteristics similar to those of Fig. 4 is obtained. Experiments were also conducted in which the base of the PBJT was irradiated by an external He–Ne laser. With the collector plasma extinguished, approximately 1.4 mW of 632.8 nm radiation was estimated to reach the base. The incoming optical beam was chopped at 100 Hz and, for the sake of comparison, all other experimental parameters were maintained at the same values as those of Fig. 4. The impact of supplemental e− – h+ production on the iC – iB characteristics of the transistor 共Fig. 4兲 is to displace them to higher 兩iB兩 and iC and, for a fixed value of iC, ⌬iB is measured to be ⬃0.2 mA. This photogenerated current is equivalent to the absorption of 0.4 mW of 632.8 nm photons in the base and the complete conversion of this absorbed radiation into base current. Accounting for optical power losses incurred by reflection at the plasma-Si 共collector-base兲 interface and resonant absorption as the incident beam traverses the collector plasma, calculations show that the measured value of ⌬iB is approximately the same as that expected on the basis of e− – h+ generation alone. To probe the temporal dynamics of the device, several different waveforms were applied to the base of a PBJT for which d is 5 mm and VCC = 300 V. A low frequency 共2 Hz兲 sinusoid having a peak-to-peak voltage of 2 V yields a collector-emitter voltage 共VCE兲 waveform having a swing of ⬃54 V, thus yielding a voltage gain of 27, and the collector current and VCE waveforms are mirror images of one another. Applying a 2 V, 400 Hz square wave to the base resistor results in a collector visible fluorescence waveform that, except for a rise time of ⬃100 s, replicates the input waveform. Owing to the large emitter-base junction capacitance at present 共⬃2 nF兲, the maximum PBJT driving frequency has thus far been limited to 4 kHz. Consequently, the device performance is restricted by the semiconductor junction and not the collector plasma in which electron mobilities are considerably higher than the corresponding values for Si. Despite the early stage of this technology, it is important to note that collector plasmas can now be modulated and completely extinguished with input voltages ⬍1 V. As one example, a 15 Hz sinusoid superimposed onto a 0.4 V dc offset voltage is able to extinguish the collector plasma when the base voltage reaches ⫺0.5 V. Modulating the emission of the collector plasma by ⬎80% while preserving the fidelity of VCE to the input waveform has also been demonstrated. Although the voltage 共VCC兲 required at present to produce and sustain the collector plasma is ⱕ300 V, the ability to control the plasma by modulation and switching with base voltages ⬍1 V is unprecedented. In summary, the first in a class of optoelectronic devices has been realized by substituting a low temperature, nonequilibrium plasma for the n-type collector of an npn BJT. Interfacing the electron-hole plasma existing in the vicinity of an n+ – p junction with its gas phase 共e−-ion兲 counterpart yields a light-emitting phototransistor that offers the ability to modulate plasmas with base-emitter voltages well under 1 V. The greater impact of the results reported here may well be the window they provide onto the behavior of e− – h+ and gas phase plasmas separated by a nanometer-scale potential barrier and coupled by a strong electric field. Discussions with D. J. Sievers, the technical expertise of T. C. Galvin and B. R. Flachsbart, and the support of this work by the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research, the National Science Foundation, and the Department of Energy under grant numbers FA9550-07-1-0003 and FA9550-10-10048, CBET 08-53739, and DE-SC0001540, respectively. 1 See, for example, W. Shockley, Electrons and Holes in Semiconductors 共Van Nostrand, New York, 1950兲. S. J. Park, J. G. Eden, and J. J. Ewing, Appl. Phys. Lett. 81, 4529 共2002兲. 3 N. P. Ostrom and J. G. Eden, Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 141101 共2005兲. 4 M. A. Lieberman and A. J. Lichtenberg, Principles of Plasma Discharges and Materials Processing, 2nd ed. 共Wiley, New York, 2005兲. 5 I. Vaquila, J. W. Rabalais, J. Wolfgang, and P. Nordlander, Surf. Sci. 489, L561 共2001兲. 6 W. Mönch, P. Koke, and S. Krueger, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. 19, 313 共1981兲. 7 J. M. Early, Proc. IRE 40, 1401 共1952兲. 2 Downloaded 23 Sep 2011 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see