PORTOLA NEIGHBORHOOD PROFILE ER NN E DO AV ER NN AV E GO UL D ST G EXOUL ET D ER ST ST EX CR ETE AN R S T E ST CR AN E ST LP AV UEL E AV PA U ST STA S AU G U T STA S T PS DO ST L OL RR VE CAL A L RO E AV EL AU G U PH R CA E AV PS N ELMIRA ST AVE BAYSHORE BLVD BAYSHORE BLVD ELL ST SAN BRUNO AVE SAN BRUNO AVE BURROWS ST BURROWS ST FELTON ST FELTON ST SILLIMAN ST SILLIMAN ST SILVER AVE SILVER AVE D BOYLSTON ST BOYLSTON ST SOMERSET ST SOMERSET ST HOLYOKE ST HOLYOKE ST HAMILTON ST HAMILTON ST BOWDOIN ST BOWDOIN ST 1/4 Mile 1/4 Mile ORDWAY ST OLMSTEAD ST OLMSTEAD ST DWIGHT ST DWIGHT ST WOOLSEY ST WOOLSEY ST WAYLAND ST GOETTINGEN ST GOETTINGEN ST WAYLAND ST BRUSSELS ST BRUSSELS ST MERRILL ST MERRILL ST BACON ST BACON ST GIRARD ST HALE ST SWEENY ST HALE ST RICKARD ST BLV D NY BLV MA NY ALE MA GAVEN ST GAVEN STSWEENY ST ALE SAN BRUNO AVENUE FROM SWEENY TO MANSELL STREETS RICKARD ST GIRARD ST BARNEVELD AVE BARNEVELD AVE ORDWAY ST SAN BRUNO AVE SAN BRUNO AVE MANSELL ST MANSELL ST ELL ST ER AVE BA FT RO E NC AV BA FT O R C ELMIRA ST AVE BOUTW BOUTW OAK SILV TER AVE ER A ST CHAR TER OAK CHAR SILV ELMIR VESTA ST ST EL LED D YAR LED T DS YAR PH WATER VILL ELMIR E ST A ST ST THORNTON AVE VILLE THORNTON AVE VESTA ST WATER PORTOLA SUMMARY Neighborhood Features SEE MORE ON PAGE 3 Bordered by Silver Avenue, McLaren Park and the 101 Highway, the Portola District is a family-oriented, multi-cultural neighborhood. Comprised mainly of single-family homes, the Portola’s residents represent a variety of ages, incomes, and cultural backgrounds, including new residents and others who have lived in the neighborhood for over 80 years. San Bruno Avenue is the thriving commercial main street of the Portola District. The street is a mix of neighborhood-serving retail, locally-owned restaurants, green grocers, and specialty food stores which have served the community for generations. It also features a high concentration of vibrant businesses owned by and serving Chinese Americans. In the last few years, San Bruno Avenue has undergone significant physical improvements including the undergrounding of utility lines, placement of new street lights, planting of trees and fortnight lilies, mural installations, and numerous storefront improvement projects. The Portola Neighborhood Association, comprised of local merchants, property owners, and residents, is committed to improving the commercial corridor and the neighborhood. Other nonprofit organizations in the area provide support services and activities targeting local youth, seniors and immigrants. Invest in Neighborhoods is a City initiative to provide focused, customized assistance to meet the specific needs of San Francisco’s neighborhood commercial corridors. This assessment is a snapshot of existing conditions in Portola as of February 2013. It will help to inform the City’s investments in the neighborhood, and provide a resource for neighborhood stakeholders. Contents include: - Neighborhood Features - Commercial District Health - Key Takeaways Commercial District Health SEE MORE ON PAGE 4 San Bruno Avenue is a mix of neighborhood-serving retail, locally-owned restaurants, green grocers, and specialty food stores that have served the community for generations. Sales tax captured in the district has grown by 3% since 2006, compared with 17% growth Citywide. The corridor’s growth opportunities include apparel, shoe stores, and full service food establishments. Public safety along San Bruno Avenue in the Portola is a concern for both businesses and residents. Between 2010 and 2012 the neighborhood experienced an increase in vehicle thefts/theft from vehicles of 111%. Over that period, hot spots of criminal activity existed at Silver Ave, Felton Street and Bacon Street. Public safety along San Bruno Avenue in the Portola is a concern for both businesses and residents, for purposes of this assessment, crime data was collected on an annual basis between; Nov 2009 - Oct 2012 reflecting assaults, robberies and vehicle theft. In this three year period, 1 rape was reported and 2 homicides occurred. The data demonstrates that there was a 27% decrease in assaults for the period of Nov 2011- Oct 2012. Data demonstrated increases for the period of Nov 2011-Oct 2012 in vehicle theft/theft from vehicles by 52% and burglary by 38%. - Demographics - Land Use - Business Mix - Transportation - Existing Plans & Interventions Note: This document includes some subjective descriptions of the neighborhood based on findings gathered through direct observation and interviews with key neighborhood stakeholders. 2 INVEST IN NEIGHBORHOODS Demographics SEE MORE ON PAGE 7 Over 19,000 people live within a one-quarter mile radius of Portola’s San Bruno neighborhood commercial corridor. Although Portola has a higher proportion of children under 18 years olds, its population is a little older than San Francisco’s overall. Majority of Portola’s residents are Asian; its proportion of Latino residents is also higher than Citywide. There are about 6,300 housing units in the area, mostly in single-family units and in two- to four-unit multi-family structures. Twothirds of Portola households are homeowners, twice the rate Citywide. Majority of households in the area are family households and are larger than the Citywide average. NEIGHBORHOOD FEATURES READ NEIGHBORHOOD FEATURES SUMMARY ON PAGE 2 C AVAEVE TETE NN CO CO LELE PHILLIP PHILLIP&&SALA SALABURTON BURTON ACADEMIC ACADEMICHIGH HIGHSCHOOL SCHOOL TT Y YS S NN KEKE AN AN HARK H NESS ARKN ESS A AVE VE ST D ST AND TLLAN RUT RU ST L T IL S MILL M ELELDORADO DORADO ELEMENTARY ELEMENTARYSCHOOL SCHOOL EE AV V EE A ILDLD WWI ST R ST DEER ALD AL 4 STT OPP S SHO BISH BI HHAAMM ILIL TTOONN SSTT WAR W D ST ARD ST MAN M SELL ANS ELL S ST T SSOOMME ERRSSEE TTSSTT Portola Portola (San (San Bruno Bruno Avenue) Avenue) Notable Places in Portola ACADEMY ACADEMY AVAEVE KEKYEY SSAANN BBRRUU NNOO AAVVEE HHOOLL YYOOKKEE SSTT University UniversityMound Mound Reservoir ReservoirWater WaterFacilities Facilities CO CO LB LB Y YSTST AVAEVE NN OW OW ESETST KIPP KIPPBAYVIEW BAYVIEW AM JAJM EE AVAV SS NANA LILI SASA BBOOWW DDOOIN INSSTT STSTMARYS MARYSHOSPITAL HOSPITAL &&MEDICAL MEDICALCENTER CENTER AVAEVE O NN RSRSO GE GE ININ 101 101 PORTOLA 6 PORTOLA BRANCH BRANCHLIBRARY LIBRARY E.R. E.R.TAYLOR TAYLOR ELEMENTARY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SCHOOL DD AR AR TM TM OO UU TH THSTST E BBAAYYSS HHOORRE EBBLLVV DD OLMS O TEAD LMST EAD ST ST BACO B N ST ACON ST MARTIN MARTINLUTHER LUTHER KING KINGJR. JR. MIDDLE MIDDLESCHOOL SCHOOL BURR B URRO OWS ST WS S T FELT F ON S ELTO T N ST SILLIM S ILLIM AN ST AN S T SILVER AVE SIL VER AVE A D DWIG D HT S WIGH T T ST Palega Palega Playground Playground B O R DW O RDWAY S AY ST T AAVVE E GGOOEETT TIN INGGEE NNSSTT 5 BO BO WW DD OO ININS S TT EE AVAV UUL L PAPA WOO W LSEY OOL SEY S ST T MM ER ER RIRI LLLLSTST 2 WAYL W AND AYL A ST ND S T GAVEN ST GAVE N ST HALE ST HALE ST SWEENY SWEE ST NY ST RICKARD ST RICKARD ST TO TO M M PK PK IN IN S A S V AV E E CR CR E ESSCE CE NT NT A AVVE E NORTH NORTHEAST EAST MEDICAL MEDICALSERVICES SERVICES BBRRUUSS SSEELLSS SSTT BO BY OLYSL TSO TO NNSTS T 280 280 AVAEVE RT T BE BER EG EG ST D ST ULLD GOU GO FOFO LSLS OM OM STST GAGA TETE SS STST AVAEVE AN AN MM GIL GIL STT NEE S AN CRA CR PRPR ENEN TITI SSSS STST AVAEVE LDLD RA RA GE ZGZE FIT FIT STT ERR S ETTE EXE EX D LVD BLV YB NY AN MA EM LE AL A PUPU TNTN AM AM STST AVEVE IAIA A YD LYLD 3 SILVER SILVERAVE AVEFAMILY FAMILY GGIRIRAA RRDDSS HEALTH HEALTHCENTER CENTER TT AVAEVE RTRT BE BE EG EG STT RRR S CAR CA AVAEVE ER ER NN NN DO DO 1 AVAEVE ER ER NN NN DO DO AAVVEE LLLL RROO CCAARR AVAEVE ER TETR ISIS OLOLLL HH STT SS PS ELLP HE PH P AVAEVE LLLL RO RO AR CACR ST INT ST QUINT QU AU GU AU S GU STTA S A ST T AVAEVE OFOTFT CR CR NN BA BA ELEL MM IRIR A ASTST AVAEVE OFOTFT CR CR NN BA BA STT SS GS N I NG E NN I N JJEN MM ER ER CU CU RR Y YSTST Silver SilverTerrace Terrace Playground Playground MM ENEN DEDE LLLL STST IRIR IC SISC OR OR VE VE STST A ASTST DDSTST YAR YAR LED LED 101 101 BA BA RN RN EV EV ELEL DDAV AV EE SHSH OUOU PP AVAV EE SOUTH SOUTHEAST EAST HEALTH HEALTHCENTER CENTER Bay BayView View Playground Playground STT DS RD 33R BO BO UU TW TW ELEL L LS S TT STST MM AR AR ST L ST ALL HAL EWH NEW N BBAA YYSSHH OORR EEBB LV LVDD ES S TT ELEL MM IRIARA STST BAYVIEW BAYVIEWHUNTER'S HUNTER'SPOINT POINT VEVE G GA A SENIOR SENIORCENTER CENTER NN RO RO A STST VEVE NUN SUS STST APAP OLOL LOLO STST AVE TIA TIAAVE SCO SCO E AVE ER AV LVER SILV SI CH CH ARAR TETE R RO O AKAK AVAV EE WW ATAT ERER VIVLIL LEL 280 280 AVE TATAFEFEAVE SAN SAN NEN PETPT UNU ENE STST W W IL IL LI LI AM AM S S AV AV E E CO CO NN KLKL ININ G GS S TT HO TTH ORRN NTTO N ON THURGOOD THURGOODMARSHALL MARSHALL HIGH HIGHSCHOOL SCHOOL AVAEVE ER ER AFATFT SH SH DIDI ANAN A EE AVAV KAKA PEPE TOTO T T ST QUINT S QUIN INDU IN STRIA DUS L ST TRIAL ST AVE AS ASAVE OM OM TH TH AVE DUX AVE M A DD U X MAD DORM AN AV DORM E AN AV E WILLIE WILLIEBROWN BROWN ELEMENTARY ELEMENTARYSCHOOL SCHOOL 1/4 1/4Mile Mile Merchant & Resident Groups 1 Alemany Island Mural Friends of McLaren Park 2 Avenue Theatre Help McLaren Park 3 Burrows Pocket Park Portola Family Connections 4 McLaren Park Portola Neighborhood Association 5 Palega Recreation Center Save McLaren Park 6 Portola Branch Library 1 SFGate 2 Pipeline Projects A 2724 San Bruno Avenue 3 units B 2775 San Bruno Avenue 2 units C 2798 San Bruno Avenue 3 units D 2809 San Bruno Avenue 2 units E 2895 San Bruno Avenue 10 units 4 SFGate 5 Google 7 Fun Cheap SF 8 Portola Neighborhood Association 6 The Portola Planet 9 Portola Neighborhood Association Cultural Events 7 A Night in the Portola 8 Pop Up Art Gallery 9 Portola Garden District Tour NEIGHBORHOOD PROFILE: PORTOL A / SAN BRUNO AVENUE 3 COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HEALTH Photos by Glenn Halog READ COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HEALTH SUMMARY ON PAGE 2 2006 2007 $200,000 COMMERCIAL DISTRICT AREA STOREFRONTS $100,000 $0 2008 Sales Tax Change 2006-2012 Eating and Drinking Places 27 Personal Services 20 Other Retail Stores 13 Grocery Stores, Small Markets 11 2009 2010 2011 2012 CITYWIDE PORTOLA 17% 3% Demographics PORTOLA 1/4 MILE DEMOGRAPHIC AREA 6 Auto Repair 5 Bakeries 5 Hardware, Building Supply 5 Medical Services 5 Non-Retail Services 5 Banks, Financial Services 4 Clothing, Accessories 4 Other 4 Child Care 3 Observations About Physical Conditions Gas, Service Stations 3 Close proximity to 101 Freeway and 280 Served by several bus lines, easily accessible, bike lanes Beautification projects; planted tree pits and new flower barrels Graffiti is significant issue district-wide Most storefronts are run down and unappealing :( Dirty sidewalks, litter, poor lighting :( 61% Dry Cleaners, Laundry :( Asian 8 :) 8% Electronics Retail :) 16% Black 9 :) White Business or Professional Service Vacant Storefronts 10 Source: November 2012 parcel inventory within Commercial District Area (see boundary map on page 6) conducted by Planning Department / OEWD. 4 $373,716 $300,000 $357,688 $400,000 $340,355 7% PORTOLA TRADE AREA $318,963 $500,000 $402,331 147 % VACANT $367,295 TOTAL STOREFRONTS Sales Tax $363,764 Portola Storefronts INVEST IN NEIGHBORHOODS Native American / Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 0% Other / Two or More 15% % Latino 21% District Population No. of Households Median Household Income 19,014 5,675 $60,757 KEY TAKEAWAYS Recent Accomplishments Recruitment of Four Barrel Coffee to open a kiosk on Burrows Street. Alemany Island Beautification Project created a new mural; garden currently under construction. The Portola Planet Portola Neighborhood Association Burrows Pocket Park under construction; completion expected in June 2013. Architecture for Humanity STRENGTHS Portola Neighborhood Association OPPORTUNITIES • Strong residential involvement in Portola Neighborhood Association and events. • Leverage the new Four Barrel Coffee location to attract new shoppers and businesses. • High foot-traffic; a destination for Latino and Asian shoppers. • Develop and preserve character of the Avenue Theater as an active venue. • High accessibility: proximity to 101 and 280 highways and served by several bus lines. • Attractive streetscape; has benefited from a number of recent beautification projects. • Proximity to Alemany Farmers Market. “We’re hopeful that Four Barrel will have the same type of impact it had in the Mission in terms of attracting more diverse types of businesses to the business corridor.” Neighborhood Advocate 2012 ‘A Night in the Portola’ event attracted over 500 attendees. • Improve the physical appearance of the corridor, e.g. by creating façade design guidelines. • Green cul-de-sacs and clean vacant lots. CHALLENGES • Lack of consistent merchant engagement. • Most storefronts are run down and unappealing. • Absentee property owners. • Buy-in from community on type of businesses to attract to corridor. • Little to no retail offerings (e.g., apparel, shoes, general merchandise). • Residents purchase elsewhere due to narrow offerings, perceptions of crime. • Complete Alemany Island Project and create a gateway to the district. • Neighborhood projects rely on steering committee, whose enthusiasm waxes and wanes. • Create a safety program to encourage more police presence on corridor. • Cultural and language barriers among residents and merchants. • Develop a clear strategy to diversify retail offerings. • Lack of police presence on the corridor. • Market district as a “Chinatown” for the southern portion of the City. • Physical conditions: graffiti, litter, poor lighting. • Not being able to maintain neighborhood enthusiasm and engagement. • Cultural and language barriers. • Lack of Police presence on the corridor. • Graffiti is significant issue district-wide. • Dirty sidewalks, litter, poor lighting. • Most storefronts are run down and unappealing. • Establish Burrows Pilot Park as an active public space. • Increase frequency of popup gallery activities. NEIGHBORHOOD PROFILE: PORTOL A / SAN BRUNO AVENUE 5 DATA APPENDIX PORTOLA ON ST AR SH ST S AM LI W NO NT VE EA AVE NESS ST WAR D ST SELL MAN NY ST OP KE SH ST ST ST Business mix data presented on page 9 corresponds with the Trade Area indicated on the map. AVE ST BRU CO EAD OLMST HT ST DWIG LSEY WOO WAYLA ST ND ST ST OWS FELT CE ES CR AVE W ST DOIN KEY BI BURR ON ST AN ST SILLIM SILVER AVE SET ST VE NA HARK N ST ST ST HALE BACO RICKARD ST SWEENY GAVEN ST AV E ST N LE SAN AN BOW S M L RU IL TL AN ST D ST Portola (San Bruno Avenue) Y ST University Mound Reservoir Water Facilities ILTON NA OW R COLB H ST HAM LI EST DE MOUT SA AL DART BLVD SO E AV O R DW AY ST GU AV E S IN PK M TO NT ST ORE ER AVE ST DOIN SOMER OKE ING JAM Demographic data presented on page 7 represents the area within 1/4 mile of the Portola commercial district. AVE D BOW SEE PORTOLA: BUSINESS MIX HOLY L ST 280 U PA E AV 101 Trade Area TER UL ST LLIS GO ST VE NA ST B BAYSH EN ST Palega Playground MA ST EG ELS ST ST AVE HO AVE E RT E S OM AVE RT GS AVE AN GA TE LS LD RR R NE ST FO STON RA CA N BE NIN CA RD ST TING ZGE ER GOET FIT AVE LL CR BOYL SEE PORTOLA: DEMOGRAPHICS ET ILL ST DO 1/4 Mile Demographic Area AVE EX ST IA Commercial District Area BRUSS R ST MERR CAR VE RA EG IR IC RS LYD ELD AV E GIRA ST R ST GIL O RR T SS S NC E NN L R NC ELP TIS VD ANY BL EN AM BA AVE OLL PH ALEM PR TN LL NOTE: Bay View Playground AVE OFT AL AU O AVE OFT ST RA ST DE AVE IL ST ST BA ELMI EN AV E NG H URY DO PU M P TRO JEN MERC 101 BARNEV OU MS ST ST Silver Terrace Playground ST AS T A ST AV E NT OR TH L ST INDU S AN VEST A ST INT D LO SCOTIA AVE LEDYARD NU E EW ST OL UN N AS T VE PT D MIR NE 3R EL KA VE AP QU EB LV LL ES T AVE SANTA FE T ST WE GS T AVE RO A ILL LIN QUIN OR UT TE RV NK E SILVER AV BO WA TE 280 AR DI E AV AVE CO CH KA DUX STRIA ER AFT PE AV E AVE TO SH BA YSH THOMAS MAD DORM AN AV E Study Area Boundaries 1/4 Mile ILD E E AV Portola storefronts data presented on page 4 corresponds with the Commercial District Area indicated on the map. PORTOLA: DEMOGRAPHICS READ DEMOGRAPHICS SUMMARY ON PAGE 2 CITYWIDE PORTOLA 48% 16% 19,014 White Black 6% 8% vs. 805,240 Citywide Asian 33% 61% 1% 0% 15% Native American / Hawaiian or Pacific Islander Population Density Other / Two or More 11% 27 % Latino 15% 21% 51/49% 51/49% 36% 48% 14% 19% 4% 6% per acre Male / Female Ratio Foreign Born Linguistic Isolated Households vs. 27 Citywide Median Age Age 40.3 Under 5 5 to 17 9% 13% vs. 38.5 Citywide 18 to 34 30% 22% 35 to 59 37% 37% 60 and over 19% 21% Family Households 44% 70% Single-Person Households 39% 14% Non-Family Households 17% 16% Average Household Size 2.3 3.7 Average Family Household Size 3.1 4.1 No. of Households 5,675 vs. 345,810 Citywide % of Households Without a Car 14% vs. 29% Citywide Households Median Household Income Unemployment Income $60,757 9.8% Median Family Household Income $86,670 $62,708 Per Capita Income $45,478 $23,343 vs. $71,420 Citywide vs. 7% Citywide % Poverty 12% 13% Unemployment 7.0% 9.8% High School or Less 29% 57% Some College / AA Degree 20% 26% College Degree 31% 15% Post Graduate 20% 3% Education A higher percentage of high shool graduates or less. Education No. of Housing Units Housing 6,300 Renting Households 62% 33% Rental Vacancy Rate 3.4% 3.8% $1,260 $821 vs. 376,940 Citywide APPENDIX Race / Background Population Median Rent Housing Type Residential Density Single Family Housing 33% 34% 8 2 - 4 Units 21% 35% 5 - 9 Units 10% 14% 10 units or more 35% 17% units per acre vs. 12 Citywide DATA APPENDIX: PORTOL A / SAN BRUNO AVENUE 7 PORTOLA: LAND USE Neighborhood Zoning SMALL-SCALE NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL DISTRICT HHAARRKK NNEESSSS AAVVEE M MAANN SSEELLLL SSTT OORRDDW WAAYY SSTT NO KEY AVE AVE LE CO NT VE EA AVE AVE E ILD O R DW AY ST 1/4 Mile ST OP NY SH KE BI ST ST AL DE W R ST AVE ST WAR D ST ST TEAD OLMS HT S T DWIG LSEY WOO NESS WAR D O R DW AY ST ST MAN ST D ST WAYL AN HARK TEAD OLMS DWIG SELL ST HT S T ST LSEY WOO N ST BACO AVE N NESS OOLLM MSSTTEE AADD SS TT DDW WIG IGHHTT SSTT W WAAYYLL AANNDD SSTT AV E S AM LI IL ST SELL ST E AV OW ST BURR S EST D ON S T NA JAM AN FELT VE NA TL OWS OWS BURR FELT SO HARK AV E ON NT OR TH N ST WAYL AN ST ON S T ST HALE ER RU AN S T BRU ST SILLIM SAN LI W AN ST DOIN ST ST VE RA D ST ST NY SA ST RSET KE OP ILTON ST AN SH ST OKE BLVD STE ING ER HORE LLI UL PA AVE E AV UL ET BAYS ST ST HOLY NO EX RSET BRU BI SILVER AVE W WOOOO LLSSEEYY SSTT AV E S AM LI IL W D ST ST AS T GU AU VE E E A AV NT N CO ILMA G GO SWEEN SIL LIMAY ST N ST VE DA HO ST SILVER AVRIC E KARD ST W WAARR DD SSTT AAVV EE WW ILIL LLI I AAMM SS AAVV EE BBAACCOO NN SSTT AV E ON NT OR TH FFEELLTT OONN SS TT SIL SILVE VERR AV AVEE SSIL ILLLIM IMAANN SSTT BACO ST HALE W ST ST HA HALE LE SW SWEE EENY NY ST AS T GU L ST STRIA AU Y ST SWEEN AL AVEZGER KEY FIT E GAVEN ST VE TA AVE RT AVE N ST E ER GB BE ST AVE AVE GS RICKARD ST OW RR GAVEN ST E AV AN AV E EST ER NIN SAN NN CA ER ST BOW DO AVE EG MAN AAUU GGUU SSTT AASS TT ST ST RICK RICKARD ARDST ST GA GAVE VENNST ST TTOO MM PPKK IN IN SS AAVV EE CCRR EESS CCEE NNTT AAVV EE AN AV E DORM INDU ER N SO JEN S CR NT JAM ST AV E D S 3R CE ST IN AVE ER ING RR NA ST ES ST IST R CR GS SSTT DD AANN TTLL RRUU CA PK NIN E AVE E AV DE IILLD W W AVE NN HAM AVE JEN SSTT OOPP SSHH BBI I SSTT RR DDEE AALL OM SSTT SSTT RRRR CCAA SSTT DD UULL GGOO LL SOME M University Mound ST RO L TH S T S I AL IL MOU VE NA DE D A RT RT D INVEST IN NEIGHBORHOODS BE M ST AVE MA AVE 1/4 1/4 Mile Mile AL DOIN IA GIL H AVE LL RO ST AVE UL E AV ER AVE UL BOW DOIN ST IR IC RS BLLVYDD LD GO O HORE RA OLL CAR ST University Vacant Lots & Surface Parking Lots Mound B OY Reservoir LSTO NC STOL Vacant StorefrontsBY ST Water Facilities Palega Spaces indicated as “Vacant Storefronts’ Playground BOW ILTON LL R ZGE ER TH S T EN S T DE NC E MOU TING HAM AV E BA AVE OFT ET D A RT GOET ST P EN TR AN LL ST OU M MS NN EG Bay View Playground AVE PA BAYS SOME OKE FIT SSTT LL ILIL MM SH T SS MERRI SELS AR ST G ON EX CAR Palega Playground BRUS AVE CR FT E AV VE EA NT TE CO ON LLE EC LE ELD AV E HOLY R STT NYY S KE EN NK A AN ST DO RD S T CAR E AV VE A E AV VE A ST RO EN S T GIRA IA NU S STVE A E RT EY K KEY DO L NC NE N ST BARNEV AVE ST GB OL E LO ST TU E AVVE SS A B BR RU UN NO OA AV VE E AVE OLL D VE ELP TING A ST LYD AL ELMIR OFT IR SI C H S ST OR EW BA BA ST R NC S SO OM ME ER RS SE ET TS ST T N ST Silver Terrace BRUS Playground SEL GOET ST 8 URY EP E AV VE ON NA RS SO GE ER IN ING N WN TOW ES STO ME JJA AM NAA LIIN SSAAL S SA AN N Bay View Playground AVE PH ST VESTA RD S T LL NG DI AN B BO OW WD A OIN DO IN ST ST N ST AP ST DE TRO ST S NN EN MS L OM DO AVE ER M AV E H HA AM ILT MIL TO ON NS T ST UniversityE Mound AV LL Reservoir RO CAR Water Facilities MERC P AR AL LEDYARD GIRA OU H HO OL LY OK YO KE ES ST T T SS ST ST ELP LS ST EE AAVV 101 ST ST ST ST PH ST E A SH INT LVD ANY B ST DOIN S UN AN E SCOTIA AV ES T LL ST NU PT QU ALEM BOW LO AVE FT AVE LSTO RA OL ST DUX MERRI MI ILL MAD ST EL RV T ST VD SS CO COLB LBY Y ST ST AVE SANTA FE GS T VE B BA AY YS HO SH OR RE EB LV BL VD D H TO A ST QUIN LIN A ST LL B OY AM NK K PE RO INT WE BARNEV KA ELD AV VE E EB LVD TN ELMIR include all ground floor commercial spaces San Bruno Avenue) that were unoccupied as of February 2013. GA TE ST NC D DAR ARTM BA TMO OU UTH TH ST VE AST Vacancy & Opportunity Sites FO URY AP VESTA QU UT RO A VE AVE NA AN MA ILM G GIL VE AVE TA E RT GB BER E EG EW MERC Silver Terrace PlaygroundTHOMAS AVE WA TE TE E AV VE LD A RALD GERA ZGE ITZ F FIT E AV VE ER A TER IST OLLLLIS H HO N ST Palega Playground Portola (San Bruno Avenue) AR E AVE IA AV YDIA LLYD 3R B BO ST OW DO LEDYARD WD OIN IN ST CO NE VE E AV TA ER RT GB BE E EG SSTT EERR EETT EEXX B BO OY LS YL ST TO ON NS ST T Residential VE RA DI G GO OE ET TT ING TIN GE EN NS T ST K AVE SH E AFT SST T SSTT EE AANN CCRR T E OP E SILVER AV OR TI KEY Public PU EN 280 Industrial BO PR E M MER ERRI AV RILL LLAST ST DUX LS T B BR RU US SS SE EL LS SS ST T E SCOTIA AV ST Commercial CH AYS H AVE SANTA FE GS T G GIR IRA RD AR DS T ST T ST EL KA VE E AVE LL AV ROLL ARRO C CAR BA BARN RNEV EVEL ELD D AV E AVE MAD TW SST T EL ZONING MI COLOR RA ST LIN E SILVER AV OU ESS PP AAV VEE E AV VE ER RA NN NE ON D DO E VE AV LL A OLL RO RR AR C CA GGSS NNIINN JJEENN EL ELM MIR IRA A ST ST QUIN NK ZoningLE OA AVE THOMAS AT SSTT ER G GAAT VIL TE ER VE E AV A T OF FT CR RO AN NC B BA Silver Terrace Playground M ME EN ND DEEL LLL w Bay View Playground IR I CIR RS SI C O OR TT SS SS EELLPP PPHH SST T SST T CO RT LLO OS STT O OU U VE AVE TA OF FT CR RO AN NC B BA SSTT M MER ERCU CUR RY Y ST ST SSTT IN INTT QQUU P PR REEN NTTI ISSS S FFO OLLS SO M W OM HA SSH H SS SST T E AV VE ER RA NN NE ON D DO LVDD BBLV MAANNYY AALLEEM AF E AV VE NG GA RON ST TRO RM MS A AR ULL AU PPA P PU UTTN NAAM M SH AA SST T EE SST T VE VEST STA A ST ST ST YARD ST LED LEDYARD 101 AVE TER O OLL VVE EN NU U PPT TU UN N SSTT LL AALL HH EEWW NN A AS STT B BO OU UTTW WE ELLL LS STT O OR RE EB BLV LVD D AAP P TIA AVE SCO SCOTIA AVE AVEE ER AV LVER SI SILV E ELLM MIR IR AVE TA FE AVE SAN SANTA FE N NEE DD 33RR 280 C CH HA AR RTTE ER RO OA AK KA AV VE E B BA AY YS SH H W WA ATTER ERV VIL ILLLE ES STT TTHH OORR NNTT OONN IN INDDUU SSTTRRIA IALL SS TT C CO ON NK KLLIN ING GS STT SSTT INTT QQUUIN VE AVE RA ER FTE HA AFT S SH D DIIA AN N VEE A AV A KA PEEK TTO OP AAVVEE DDUUXX MMAADD DO DORM RMAN ANAV AVEE AS AVE TH OMAS AVE THOM BBUURRRR OOW WSS SS TT APPENDIX NC-2 ILD E E AV R IL PORTOLA: BUSINESS MIX NAICS BUSINESS CATEGORY Source: Business data provided by Infogroup, Omaha NE Copyright 2012, all rights reserved. ESRI forecasts for 2011. BUSINESSES EMPLOYEES Construction 41 205 Manufacturing 23 229 Wholesale Trade 14 60 Retail Trade 65 357 Transportation & Warehousing 13 79 Information 13 56 9 39 Real Estate, Rental & Leasing 12 330 Professional, Scientific & Tech Services 37 306 Finance & Insurance Businesses by Category No. of Businesses 368 Employees by Category No. of Employees 2,672 Admin. Support, Waste Mgmt. & Remediation Services 15 102 Educational Services 10 256 Health Care & Social Assistance 20 167 Arts, Entertainment & Recreation 3 6 Accommodation & Food Services 34 226 Other Services (except Public Administration) 52 142 Public Administration 3 101 Unclassified Establishments 5 12 APPENDIX Summary of Business by Categories, 2011 Leakage / Surplus Factor by Industry Group, Portola The Leakage / Surplus Factor summarizes the relationship between supply (retail sales by businesses in the commercial district) and demand (consumer spending by households within a quarter-mile radius of the commercial district). As the Leakage / Surplus Factor trends toward +100, the market is experience leakage, meaning there is less retail activity relative to local demand. As the factor trends toward -100, this means that the market is in surplus and retail activity is in excess of local demand. SURPLUS LEAKAGE DATA APPENDIX: PORTOL A / SAN BRUNO AVENUE 9 PORTOLA: TRANSPORTATION ST NY Y ST KE AN NKEN A 88 XX HA HARRKKNESS NESS AVE AVE 88 AA XX W WAARRD ST D ST M MAANNSELL S SELL T ST OL OLMMSSTEAD TEAD ST ST W WOOOOLSEY S LSEY T ST W WAAYYLL AND S AND T ST DW DWIGIGHT ST HT S T 29 29 E AV E AVE ILD E W ILD W ADN TALN RTUL RU T OR ORDDWWAY ST AY ST T THHO ORRN NT TO ONN A AV VE E W W ILL IL IA LI M AM S S AVE AV E 54 54 56 56 ST DST Portola Portola(San (SanBruno BrunoAvenue) Avenue) 1/4 1/4Mile Mile Major Transit Line on San Bruno Ave. Major Transit Line on San Bruno Ave. 9, 9L San Bruno 8X, 8AX Bayshore Express Cross Lines VE E EA NT TE AV CO LE E CON L ST OPST SOHP BSIH BI University UniversityMound Mound oiroir Reservoir Reservoir Water WaterFacilities Facilities BO BW DD OW OIN OINSTS AVE E KEYEY AV K 99 99 LL ST LT ILLS IML COLB Y ST COLB Y ST HH AM ILIL AM TO TN ONSTS T AVEVE A N OW N EST TOW JAMAMES J 101 101 M Major Transit Lines / Cross Lines DARTM DARTM OUTH OUTH ST ST 88 BB XX VE N A AVE SO ER SON ING GER IN E AV E S AV NA S LI INA SA AL S ST RST DRE ADLE AL 44 44 BA BYASYH OR SH OE REBLBVD LVD SO SM ER OM ES RESTETST ST HH OL OYLO YK OE KESTST FELT ON FELT ON SST T BOW BOD WODIN ST OIN ST SIL IM SILLLIM AN AN SST T 280 280 SILVE AVE SILVERRAV E T SASN ANBR NN BU RU O OAV AEVE BA BACCOON ST N ST AU AU G U S GU TA ST ST AS T Palega Palega Playground ground Playground ground 67 67 T E AVAVE ULUL A P PA 88 AA XX 8X 8X BU BURRRROWS OWS ST ST RICKARD ST RICKARD ST GAVEN GAVEN ST ST SWEENY ST SWEENY ST DORM DORM AN AVE AN AV E IN INDDUUSTRIAL STRIA ST L ST TO TO MP M KIN PK IN S A S VE AV E CR CR ESC ES EN CE T NT AV AV E E B OY BOLYSTO LSTNO ST N ST VE T A VE BER T A EG GBER E ST T T AVE E TER R AV LLIS TE HO OLLIS H 29 29 ST T GO GE OTETTIN GE TIN GN ENSTS AVE ER R AVE NN DO ONNE D VE N A VE MA N A GIL ILMA G RRS CRAR CA BR SSSEL BU RU SESLSST ST AVEVE LL RO LL A CARARRO C AVE RT T AVE BE EG GBER E AVEVE LD RA LD A ZGE RA FIT ITZGE F TT AVE IA AVE LYDYDIA L ST T GIR AR GIR AD RDSTS T MERRI LL ST MERRI LL ST IR SI C IR OR RSI C O AVEVE FT RO OFT A NC BA ANCR B AVE ER R AVE NN DO ONNE D T DS UDL GUOL GO E T FO FLOS O LSM OM ST S GA GTEA TSE SST S 99 9L 9L LSL TS AVE E LLLL AV RO RO CACR AR ST RST T 14X 14 X PR PERN ETNI STSI SSS TS ELMIR ELMIR A ST A ST EAV E EMN EDN EDL LE ES AEN CARN CR LVD ANY B D ALEMANY BLV ALEM PU PTUN TANM AM ST S 14X 14X BARNEV BARNEV ELD AV E ELD AV MERCU MERCU RY ST RY ST Silver SilverTerrace Terrace Playground Playground M AVEVE FT RO OFT A NC BA ANCR B E EETR EEXT EX 23 23 D ST LEDYAR ST LEDYARD T S ST ELPS S PHELP PH 88 XX T T VEST A ST VEST A ST T T TS UIN TS QIN QU 99 LL 101 101 OAPL LOOL LSO TS SH SOH UOP UAP V ST LT ALLS AHL H EW ENW BO BUOT UWTE WLEL LSLT ST BAB YASYH SO HR OER B E LBV LD VD 99 AVE SCOTIA SCOTIA AVE HALE HALE ST ST E AP 54 54 T N EL EMLIR MAI RSAT ST FE AVE SANTATA AVE SAN FE NVEU NSU SST S Bay ww BayView View Playground dd Playground AVE NG AVE TRORONG MS AR RMST A T ST DST 3RD 3R 280 280 T ST QUIN T ST QUIN CH CAHR ATRER TEO RAOK AAKV AEV CO CNOK NLKIN LG INSG TS T VE ADNI AAN SAT S NE NP E TUP TNU EN SET S ST GSST NINGS JENNIN JEN 44 44 WA WTAE TREVI RLVL ILELS ETS T DI E AV E KA AV PE KA TO OPE T E X VAEV DDU A M AD UX MAD 24 24 AVE ER AVE AFT ER SH HAFT S E SILVER AVE SILVER AV APPENDIX AVE THOMASAS AVE THOM Walking 29 on Mansell 54 on Bacon to Phelps 44 on Silver Key Walking Streets San Bruno Avenue (southward from Paul Avenue); Silver Avenue; Mansell Street; Bayshore Boulevard (northward from Silver Avenue) High Priority Segments San Bruno Avenue (from Silver Avenue to Paul Avenue) Parking High Risk Corridors Metered Spaces 100 Unmetered Spaces 119 Parking Lots San Bruno Avenue (from Silver Avenue to Gaven Street); Paul Avenue (from San Bruno Avenue to Wheat Street) munidave 2 Bicycling Bicycle Racks 2 SF Chronicle 10 INVEST IN NEIGHBORHOODS www.chaffeeyiu.com PORTOLA: EXISTING PLANS & INTERVENTIONS DATE: 2012 SUMMARY: This document lists and describes the planned activities for 2012-2013 for the Portola Neighborhood Association. SOURCE: APPENDIX San Bruno Avenue Revitalization Action Plan Portola Neighborhood Association The Portola Neighborhood Association’s goal is to revitalize the San Bruno Avenue commercial corridor in the Portola by increasing cleanliness, safety, working with property owners to fill vacancies, providing support to existing merchants, promoting the shopping district, attracting resources for physical improvements, and building community pride through organizing special event such as the Portola Festival. The Action Plan is the working blueprint for a variety of enhancements in the area. It identifies specific improvements to make San Bruno Avenue a safe, attractive and vital commercial district and lays out basic implementation steps to guide the community’s efforts towards accomplishing these objectives. URL: http://oewd.org/media/docs/Invest%20in%20Neighborhoods/Neighborhoods/Portola/PNA%20 Action%20Plan%202012-13.pdf San Bruno Avenue Revitalization Action Plan DATE: 2005 SUMMARY: This document lists and describes the planned activities for 2005-2006 for the Portola Neighborhod Steering Committee (now known as the Portola Neighborhood Association). URL: http://oewd.org/media/docs/Invest%20in%20Neighborhoods/Neighborhoods/Portola/2005%20 Action%20Plan%20San%20Bruno%20Avenue.pdf SOURCE: Portola Neighborhood Association DATA APPENDIX: PORTOL A / SAN BRUNO AVENUE 11 Mayor Edwin M. Lee Board of Supervisors David Chiu, President John Avalos London Breed David Campos Malia Cohen Mark Farrell Jane Kim Eric Mar Katy Tang Scott Wiener Norman Yee To learn more about Invest in Neighborhoods please visit our website at http://oewd.org/IIN.aspx, or contact the Office of Economic and Workforce Development at (415) 554-6969 or moewd@sfgov.org and ask to speak with a member of the Invest in Neighborhoods team. The Invest in Neighborhoods Commercial District Profiles have been brought to you by: V.0 4. 2 9. 2 013