PEE DEE NWR VISITOR CONTACT STATION WADESBORO, NC 50% Design Submittal Design Narratives & Calculations November 25, 2014 Power Solutions Electric, Inc. 5763 Mining Terrace Jacksonville, FL 32257 Wiley|Wilson 6606 West Broad Street, Suite 500 Richmond, Virginia 23230 Table of Contents Pages 1. Design Narratives 1-14 2. Structural Design Analysis 15-48 3. Mechanical & Plumbing Calculations a. Energy Analysis b. Duct Static Calculations c. Equipment Cut Sheets d. Solar Hot Water Life Cycle Cost Analysis e. Water Heater Calculations f. Plumbing Calculations 49 50-171 172-196 196 197 198-201 4. Electrical Calculations a. Lightning Risk Calculation 202-204 5. LEED Template 205-208 6. Final Geotechnical Report 209-231 Executive Summary US Fish and Wildlife Service wishes to replace to construct a new Visitor Contact Station for the Pee Dee National Wildlife Refuge located in Wadesboro, NC. The new facility will be approximately 2141 SF and provide multi-purpose exhibit and reception space for visitors as well as office space and secured storage for USFWS staff. The project includes associate site improvements including modifications to existing parking lots. The new facility will be classified as Construction Type “V B” and Occupancy Group “B” per the 2012 North Carolina State Building Code. The project will conform to LEED Silver 3.0 and will comply with “ABA (Architectural Barriers Act) Accessibility Standard”. Special Design Features The project will be designed to meet the requirements of USGBC LEED Silver 3.0. The Design-Build team’s preliminary checklist is included within this report. Preliminary LEED Strategy A. Sustainable Design a. Introduction – This section addresses sustainable design for the Pee Dee National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Contact Station. The section includes design criteria, regulatory requirements, and proposed operating conditions for the individual sites. b. The sources for the design criteria are as follows: i. Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) 4-030-01 – Sustainable Development, 21 December 2007 ii. USGBC Green Building Design and Construction Reference Guide, 2009 Edition c. Visitor Contact Station, Pee Dee NWR i. Design, development, and construction of the Visitor Contact Station, Pee Dee NWR shall be designed to meet the Silver Certification requirements of the United States Green Building Council LEED Building Design and Construction Rating System v3. Sustainable principles shall be integrated into the project in accordance with Executive Order 13423 and other applicable laws, including the Energy Policy Act of 2005. ii. Sustainable Sites (SS) 1. SS Prerequisite 1 – Construction Activity Pollution Prevention a. Intent – Create and implement an erosion and sediment control plan for all construction activities associated with the project. 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. b. Compliance – Provided. The Erosion & Sediment Control Plan will be reviewed and approved by the required authorities. SS Credit 1 – Site Selection a. Intent – To avoid the development of inappropriate sites and reduce the environmental impact from the location of a building on a site. b. Compliance – Provided. Site is not prime farmland, previously undeveloped land lower than 5 feet above 100-year flood elevation, habitat for any threatened or endangered species, within 100 feet of delineated wetlands, within 50 feet of any water body, or former park land. SS Credit 4.3 – Alternative Transportation – Low-Emitting and Fuel-Efficient Vehicles a. Intent- To reduce pollution and land development impacts from automobile use. b. Compliance - Provided. LE/FEV signage is provided for 5% of parking spaces (4 spaces). SS Credit 4.4 – Alternative Transportation – Parking Capacity a. Intent – To reduce pollution and land development impacts from automobile use. b. Compliance – Provided. No new parking will be provided. SS Credit 5.1 – Site Development – Protect or Restore Habitat a. Intent – To conserve existing natural areas and restore damaged areas to provide habitat and promote biodiversity. b. Compliance – Provided. Native & adapted planting area measures at least 20% of total site area or 50% of site excluding building. SS Credit 5.2 – Site Development – Maximize Open Space a. Intent – To promote biodiversity by providing a high ratio of open space to development footprint. b. Compliance – Provided. Vegetated open space equal in area to building footprint will be provided. SS Credit 6.1 – Stormwater Design – Quantity Control a. Intent – To limit disruption of natural hydrology by reducing impervious cover, increasing on-site infiltration, reducing or eliminating pollution from stormwater runoff and eliminating contaminants. b. Compliance – 25% reduction in peak runoff and volume from the 2-year storm event provided by bioretention. 2 8. SS Credit 6.2 – Stormwater Design – Quality Control a. Intent – To limit disruption and pollution of natural water flows by managing stormwater runoff. b. Compliance – 80% TSS removal from runoff due to first 1-inch of rainfall provided by bioretention. 9. SS Credit 7.2 – Heat Island Effect – Roof a. Intent – To reduce heat islands to minimize impacts on microclimates and wildlife habitats. b. Compliance - Option 1, provide Solar Reflectance Index (SRI) equal to or greater than 29 SRI for a minimum of 75% of the roof surface. iii. Water Efficiency (WE) 1. WE Prerequisite 1 - Water Use Reduction – 20% Reduction a. Intent – To increase water efficiency within buildings to reduce the burden on municipal water supply and wastewater systems. b. Compliance – Provided. High- efficiency fixtures will be provided to reduce water use 20% below calculated building baseline. 2. WE Credit 1 – Water Efficient Landscaping a. Intent – To limit or eliminate the use of potable water or other natural surface water or subsurface water resources available on or near the project for landscape irrigation. b. Compliance – Provided. No landscape irrigation is provided. 3. WE Credit 3 – Water Use Reduction – Reduce by 30% a. Intent – To further increase water efficiency within buildings to reduce the burden on municipal water supply and wastewater systems. b. Compliance – High- efficiency fixtures will be provided to reduce water use 30% below calculated building baseline. iv. Energy & Atmosphere (EA) 1. EA Prerequisite 1 – Fundamental Commissioning a. Intent – To verify that the project’s energy-related systems are installed, and calibrated to perform according to the owner’s project requirements, basis of design and construction documents. b. Compliance – Provided. A commissioning authority (CxA) will lead, review, and oversee the completion of commissioning processes for all commissioned systems based upon project requirement, basis of design, and report all findings to the owner. 3 2. EA Prerequisite 2 – Minimum Energy Performance a. Intent – To establish the minimum level of energy efficiency for the proposed building and systems to reduce environmental and economic impacts associated with excessive energy use. b. Compliance – Provided. OPTION 1. Whole Building Energy Simulation 3. EA Prerequisite 3 – Fundamental Refrigerant Management a. Intent – To reduce atmospheric ozone depletion. b. Compliance – Provided. Zero chlorofluorocarbon (CFC)- based refrigerants will be used in HVAC&R systems. 4. EA Credit 1 – Optimize Energy Performance a. Intent – To achieve increasing levels of energy performance beyond the prerequisite standard to reduce environmental and economic impacts associated with excessive energy use. b. Compliance – Provided. A minimum of 30% energy cost savings (10 points) will be achieved compared to ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2007 Appendix G baseline building performance. Savings will be accomplished by the use of energy efficient mechanical systems, energy efficient lighting systems, increased envelope insulation values and energy efficient domestic heating system. Programmable thermostats will be used to schedule equipment operating times and setpoints to minimize energy use during unoccupied times. Energy efficiency will be documented by the Trane Trace 700 program. 5. EA Credit 5 – Measurement and Verification a. Intent – To provide for the ongoing accountability of building energy consumption over time. b. Compliance – Provided. A measurement and verification plan (M&V) and corrective action processes will be provided to cover 1 year of postconstruction occupancy. v. Materials and Resources (MR) 1. MR Prerequisite 1 – Storage and Collection of Recyclables a. Intent – To facilitate the reduction of waste generated by building occupants that is hauled to and disposed of in landfills. b. Compliance – An easily accessible, dedicated area for the collection and storage of materials for recycling is provided in the building. 2. MR Credit 2 – Construction Waste Management 4 a. Intent – To divert construction and demolition debris from disposal in landfills and incineration facilities. Redirect recyclables recovered resources back to the manufacturing process and reusable materials to appropriate sites. b. Compliance – Provided. A Construction Waste Management Plan shall be developed by Contractor and strictly adhered to such that at least 75% of all debris material during construction will be recycled or salvaged, calculated by weight or volume. All subcontractors prior to start of work will be notified of intent of source separation and/or co-mingle method to be employed. 3. MR Credit 4 – Recycled Content a. Intent – To increase demand for building products that incorporate recycled content materials, thereby reducing impacts resulting from extraction and processing of virgin materials. b. Compliance – Provided. Building will use materials (i.e. Concrete, masonry, and finishes) with recycled content such that the sum of postconsumer recycled content plus 1/2 of the pre-consumer recycled content constitutes at least 20%, based on cost, of the total value of the materials in the project. 4. MR Credit 5 – Regional Materials a. Intent – To increase demand for building materials and products that are extracted and manufactured within the region, thereby supporting the use of indigenous resources and reducing the environmental impacts resulting from transportation. b. Compliance – Provided. Building will use materials (i.e. Concrete, masonry, and finishes) that are extracted, harvested or recovered, as well as manufactured within 500 miles of the project site for at least 20%, based on cost, of the total value of the materials in the project. vi. Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) 1. IEQ Prerequisite 1 – Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance a. Intent – To establish minimum indoor air quality (IAQ) performance to enhance indoor air quality in buildings, thus contributing to the comfort and wellbeing of the occupants. b. Compliance – Mechanically ventilated spaces will meet minimum requirements of Sections 4-7 of 5 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2007, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality. IEQ Prerequisite 2 – Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control a. Intent – To prevent or minimize exposure of building occupants, indoor surfaces and ventilation air distribution systems to environmental Tobacco Smoke. b. Compliance – Option 1 - prohibit smoking in the building or on the property within 25 feet of entries, outdoor air intakes and operable windows. Signage designating outdoor smoking areas will be provided. IEQ Credit 3.1 – Construction IAQ Management Plan – During Construction a. Intent – To reduce indoor air quality (IAQ) problems resulting from construction or renovation and promote the comfort and well-being of construction workers and building occupants. b. Compliance – An IAQ management plan will be developed and implemented to protect HVAC systems during construction, control pollutant sources and interrupt contamination pathways. IEQ Credit 3.2 – Construction IAQ Management Plan – Before Occupancy a. Intent – To reduce indoor air quality (IAQ) problems resulting from construction or renovation and promote the comfort and well-being of construction workers and building occupants. b. Compliance – An IAQ management plan will be developed and implemented to perform a building flush out prior to occupancy. IEQ Credit 4.1 – Low-Emitting Materials – Adhesives and Sealants a. Intent – To reduce the quantity of indoor air contaminants that are odorous, irritating and/or harmful to the comfort and well-being of installers and occupants. b. Compliance – All adhesives and sealants will comply with the “South Coast Air Quality Management District” (SCAQMD) Rule #1168 that limits the Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) in building products. IEQ Credit 4.2 – Low-Emitting Materials – Paints and Coatings a. Intent – To reduce the quantity of indoor air contaminants that are odorous, irritating and/or harmful to the comfort and well-being of installers and occupants. 6 b. Compliance – Paints and coatings used in the interior of a building will comply with VOC content limits established by the Green Seal Standard – GS-11, GS-03, and South Coast Air Quality Management District Rule 1113. 7. IEQ Credit 4.3 – Low-Emitting Materials – Flooring systems a. Intent – To reduce the quantity of indoor air contaminants that are odorous, irritating and/or harmful to the comfort and well-being of installers and occupants. b. Compliance – All flooring will comply with the standards indicated including but not limited to the requirements of the “Carpet and Rug Institute Green Label Plus Program” and “Floor Score” standard for carpets and hard surface flooring. 8. IEQ Credit 4.4 – Low-Emitting Materials – Composite Wood and Agrifiber Products a. Intent – To reduce the quantity of indoor air contaminants that are odorous, irritating and/or harmful to the comfort and well-being of installers and occupants. b. Compliance – Composite wood and agrifiber products on the interior of the building will contain no added Urea-formaldehyde resins. 9. IEQ Credit 6.1 – Controllability of Systems - Lighting a. Intent – To provide a high level of lighting system control by individual occupants or groups in multioccupant spaces and promote their productivity, comfort, and well-being. b. Compliance – Individual work spaces will be provided with occupant lighting control to ensure 90% of building occupants can adjust their lighting to suit individual lighting needs. The individual lighting will be task lighting. The area lighting for spaces containing individual workstation will be designed to the minimum allowable lighting values. Multi-level lighting will be available in all multi-occupant spaces. Area lighting will be provided on either multiple circuits or with multiple ballasts. 10. IEQ Credit 6.2 – Controllability of Systems – Thermal Comfort a. Intent – To provide a high level of thermal comfort system control by individual occupants or groups in multi-occupant spaces and promote their productivity, comfort, and well-being. 7 b. Compliance – Individual comfort controls will be provided for 50% of building occupants to enable adjustments to meet individual needs and preferences. Shared multi-occupant spaces will be provided with comfort system controls to enable adjustments to meet group needs and preferences. 11. IEQ Credit 8.1 – Daylight and Views - Daylight a. Intent – To provide for the building occupants with a connection between indoor spaces and the outdoors through the introduction of daylight and views into the regularly occupied areas of the building. b. Compliance – Appropriate daylighting levels will be provided for at least 75% of regularly occupied spaces. 12. IEQ Credit 8.2 – Daylight and Views - Views a. Intent – To provide for the building occupants with a connection between indoor spaces and the outdoors through the introduction of daylight and views into the regularly occupied areas of the building. b. Compliance – Direct line of sign to the outdoor environment via vision glazing will be provided for 90% of all regularly occupied spaces. vii. Innovation and Design (ID) 1. ID Credit 1.1 – Exemplary performance MRc4– 30% Regional Content a. Intent – To increase demand for building materials and products that are extracted and manufactured within the region, thereby supporting the use of indigenous resources and reducing the environmental impacts resulting from transportation. b. Compliance – Provided. Building will use materials (i.e. Concrete, masonry, and finishes) that are extracted, harvested or recovered, as well as manufactured within 500 miles of the project site for at least 30%, based on cost, of the total value of the materials in the project. 2. ID Credit 1.2 – Exempliary Performance WEc3 – 50% Reduction a. Intent – To further increase water efficiency within buildings to reduce the burden on municipal water supply and wastewater systems. b. Compliance – High- efficiency fixtures will be provided to reduce water use 50% below calculated building baseline. 3. ID Credit 1.3 –Integrated Pest Management Plan 8 a. Intent – To reduce the exposure of building occupants and maintenance personnel to potentially hazardous chemical, biological and particulate contaminants, which adversely affect air quality, human health, building finishes, building systems and the environment. b. Compliance – An indoor integrated pest management plan will be developed for purchasing and using the least toxic chemical pesticides, use only in targeted locations and for targeted species. 4. ID Credit 1.2 – Low Mercury Lighting a. Intent – Reduce overall average mercury content of purchased lamps to reduce the risk of mercury exposure and consumption. b. Compliance – A low-mercury lighting purchasing plan will be developed to indicate low mercury lighting policies and coordinate verification and calculations of mercury content in all lighting to show that project lighting does not exceed 70 picograms of mercury per lumen hour of lighting. 5. ID Credit 1.4 – Exempliary Performance SSc5.2 – Double Open Space a. Intent – To promote biodiversity by providing a high ratio of open space to development footprint. b. Compliance – Provided. Vegetated open space equal to double the area of building footprint will be provided. viii. Regional Priority Credits 1. RP Credit 1.1 – EAc1 2. RP Credit 1.2 – EQc7.1 3. RP Credit 1.3 – SSc6.1 4. RP Credit 1.4 – WEc3 Architectural Compatibility Statement The project will conform to LEED Silver 3.0 as a requirement. The exterior character of the Visitor Contact Station will be in keeping and compatible with the buildings typically seen on US National Wildlife Reserve facilities. The facility design will result in a durable, high quality facility that meets the operational and functional requirements of the project scope with reasonable and appropriate maintenance and operating life cycle cost. Architectural and Structural 9 Interior Circulation and Adjacencies: The new Visitor Contact Station is comprised of three major activity groupings: multi-use/exhibit; office and work areas; and building support areas. The multi-use and exhibit area includes an entry vestibule with reception counter and open space for wildlife exhibits and education, as well as an exterior concrete patio for outdoor exhibits. The office and work areas will include private offices with storage closets. The building support areas include restrooms and break room for staff use, IT and janitor spaces, and secured and open storage spaces for staff. These various functions are combined to provide an efficient, flexible facility for continued use. The main entrance vestibule will have direct access to the multi-purpose/exhibit space as well as the reception counter for visitor information. This will be the primary access for visitors and staff. An oversized door from the multi-use area leads to the exterior public exhibit patio. The reception areas, staff offices, secure and open storage, staff restrooms, break room, and IT and janitor spaces are accessed through a locked door off of the multi-use room. The work room serves as an interstitial space located between and for convenient access to all offices in the facility. The staff restrooms and break room are located toward the rear of the facility off of a hallway leading to a rear covered porch for staff use. Exterior Facade: The visitor contact station will be a one story structure with an exterior wall system constructed of load bearing, structural insulated panels (SIP) with exterior wall finish of cement fiber lap siding with simulated stacked stone veneer wainscot. The roof will be a steep-slope standing seam metal roof over structural insulated panels (SIP). The exterior character of the Visitor Contact Station will be in keeping and compatible with the buildings typically seen on US National Wildlife Reserve facilities and in the surrounding areas. Exterior windows will be wood windows with pre-finished aluminum cladding at the exterior and solar “blue-green” tined glazing. The windows throughout the facility will be operable, double hung with a single fixed stained glass window located in the gable of the multi-use ceiling. Exterior doors will be fiberglass reinforced plastic paneled doors and frames with insulated laminated glazing that will match the window glazing. Building Envelope: The building is a single-story structure with a slab on grade floor. Exterior walls will be 4 ½” structural insulated panels (SIP) with cement fiber lap siding and simulated stone veneer. The exterior walls will offer a thermal resistance rating of R24 and will be protected by commercial grade building wrap. The building will have a steep-slope standing seam metal roof system over 6 ½” structural insulated panels (SIP) over prefabricated wood beams and framing. The roof assembly will contain all appropriate materials for adequate installation of an ice and water shield. The roof assembly will offer a thermal resistance of R-40. The roof framing will be supported by interior and exterior wood framed walls, which will be supported by concrete turn-down footings. 10 The baseline building was modeled with the ASHRAE 90.1 baseline walls, fenestrations, and roof construction. The proposed building exterior wall U-value is 0.041 Btu/(h ∙ft2 ∙deg F) as opposed to 0.065 Btu/(h ∙ft2 ∙deg F) for the baseline. The proposed building roof U-value is 0.025 Btu/(h ∙ft2 ∙deg F) versus 0.027 Btu/(h ∙ft2 ∙deg F) for the baseline. The combined u-value (glazing and frame) and SHGC for the fenestrations for the proposed building is 0.3 Btu/(h ∙ft2 ∙deg F) and 0.19 respectively, baseline values are 0.550 Btu/(h ∙ft2 ∙deg F) and 0.40. Life Safety Refer to Life Safety Drawing A-100 for code information. Civil Design The site layout for the new Visitor’s Center building will be within the eastern portion of the existing asphalt parking lot approximately 3/4 mile northeast of the site’s main entrance (existing refuge headquarters). Existing parking spaces and a new east entrance have been provided for this project. The existing parking area will be modified and restriped as necessary to accommodate visitor parking and bus access. Utilities Water service will be provided by a new 2” service line and will be connected to a new Wadesboro City Water 1-½” water meter and tap from the existing 10” line in route 52. A water line extension will be placed at a designated check station near the new Visitor’s Center for future connection. A new RPZ type backflow preventer will be provided in the mechanical room. Natural Gas service is not required for this project. A new septic system will be designed by the Anson County health department. An application has been prepared to start the process. The anticipated flow rate is 100 GPD and a 1,000 septic tank is anticipated. Storm Water Considerations The result of this project is a net reduction in stormwater runoff from the site. Calculations are provided on C-108 along with the drainage plan. Fire Protection A fire protection system is not required. Fire hydrants are not required at the new visitor station. 11 Geotechical Investigation A Geotechnical investigation and report has been performed by ECS Carolinas and is included in this document. Topographic Survey A Topographic survey was performed by Foresite Engineering and Surveyings and is included in the plan document. Mechanical The HVAC system for the building will consist of two high efficiency heat pumps with electric heating coils. One of the heat pumps will serve the Exhibit area and the other will serve the rest of the building as one singe zone. Outside air will be ducted from hooded gravity intakes located on the roof to the return duct serving each air handler. The heat pump serving the Exhibit area will utilize demand control ventilation to increase energy performance and humidity control. A carbon dioxide sensor will be located in the space and will be wired to a motorized damper in the outside air intake duct serving the air handler. When the carbon dioxide level increases above a particular threshold, the motorized damper will adjust from it minimum position to its maximum position to increase the flow of outside air to the space until the carbon dioxide level in the room returns to a lower value. Both heat pump air handling units will have electronically commutated motors (ECM’s) that will adjust the airflow to each zone to maintain set point. The heat pump serving the Exhibit area will also utilize a two stage compressor to further modulate capacity. The outdoor heat pumps will be located on concrete equipment pads next to the building. Condensate from the air handlers will be piped through the attic and will discharge indirectly to a hub drain in the plumbing chase. Each bathroom will be exhaust with a ceiling mounted cabinet exhaust fan to be wired with the light switch. The exhaust will be ducted up through the roof to hooded relief vents. Ceiling diffusers and grilles will be 12”x12” to fit within the joists spacing. Ductwork, fittings, accessories and supports will be G90 galvanized steel, unlined, constructed to SMACNA standards. All ductwork shall be sealed to either Class A or B standards, as required. Outside air, supply air, and return air ductwork shall be externally insulated with flexible fiberglass duct wrap, with a foil faced vapor barrier jacket. Pre-insulated flexible ducts will be used in limited lengths to connect to diffusers. 12 Plumbing Sanitary and vent piping is to be PVC piping and fittings for above and below ground. Domestic water piping is to be type L copper with soldered fittings. All public water closets are to be tank type, vitreous china, with open front seats and 1.28 GPF manual flush lever. All lavatories are to be vitreous china wall mounted type with battery powered electronic sensor and 0.5 GPM aerators. The kitchen sink will be stainless steel self-rimming type with 1.5 GPM manual faucet. Domestic cold water piping shall be insulated with polyisocuanurate insulation with vapor barrier. Domestic hot water water piping shall be insulated with mineral fiber insulation. Electrical Design Power Distribution System The power distribution system will be 400A/120/240V, 1-phase, 3-wire. The connected load is estimated to be 275 Amperes. Service to the facility, including the metering type and location, will be coordinated with Progress Energy. The electrical contractor will pay all utility company charges associated with connection of power to the facility. The nearest utility company power line is located along Highway 52. The Contractor shall employ Progress Energy to run primary power either overhead or underground to the project site where the utility company will provide either a pole-mounted or padmounted transformer located at the edge of the project site to serve the building. The secondary service from the transformer shall be routed underground to the meter base and the building main distribution panel. A service disconnect will be located outside next to the meter base and an additional trough will be provided on the secondary side of the disconnect to allow for the future installation of a generator connection. The panelboard will be equipped with a Type 1 surge protective device. Standby power is not required; hence, emergency lighting will be provided by battery packs inside fluorescent light fixtures. Lightning Protection System A UL Master Labeled Lightning Protection System will be specified for the facility and a #2/0 counterpoise will be specified to be installed around the buildings perimeter with test wells. Lighting 13 Interior lighting fixtures will consist predominantly of LED fixtures with dimming capabilities. To achieve the target LEED certification, occupancy sensors shall be utilized throughout the building, and daylight harvesting will be used. Battery packs inside the interior fixtures will be used to provide emergency egress lighting. Exterior lighting fixtures will consist predominantly of LED wall pack fixtures. Battery packs will be used at building exteriors to provide occupants with safe egress from the building during nighttime power outages. Telecommunications Systems Two 4” conduits will be run to the telephone company right of way for telephone service. One of them will be equipped with three 1” inner-ducts. Conduit containing Cat 5e cable will be run from the telecommunications outlets back to the IT Room. Typical outlets will be combination telephone and data outlets with two RJ45 jacks. Two Cat 5e cables shall be routed back to the IT Room from the outlet box – one for telephone and the other for data. Small offices shall have two combination telephone/data outlets. Auxiliary Systems A Doorbell/chime System will be used at the main entrance. Fire Alarm System A fire alarm system is not required. 14 STRUCTURAL DESIGN ANALYSIS INDEX Loading/Design Criteria Manufacturer Data Beam/Joist Design DC-1 to 14 MD-1 to 6 BM-1 to 13 15 DESIGN CALCULATIONS Pee Dee Visitors Center Structural Loading Criteria Comm. No. -214180 Loading Criteria Nov-14 Design Criteria: Publications: International Building Code (IBC, 2009) American Concrete Institute (ACI): ACI 318-08, Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ACI 315, Details and Detailing of Concrete Reinforcement American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE 7-05, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures) General Criteria & Design Loads: All Buildings 1. Occupancy Category: II (ASCE 7-05, Table 1-1) 2. Structure Dead Load: Ceiling Area Plywood 2 psf Lighting/Misc Mechanical 5 psf Gypsum Ceiling 3 psf Total Distributed Ceiling Dead Load 10 psf Roof Standing Seam Metal Roof 5 psf 6.5" SIP Panel 10 psf Total Roof Dead Load 15 psf Project: Pee Dee Visitors Contact Station By SNG Date 11/14/2014 Comm No: 214180 Sheet No: 16DC-1 DESIGN CALCULATIONS 2. Structure Dead Load (cont.): Porch Plywood 2 psf Insulation 2 psf Gypsum Board 3 psf Total Distributed Porch Dead Load 7 psf 3. Floor Live Loads: Ceiling Space 25 psf (per ASCE 7 Guidelines - Attic) 4. Roof Live Loads: Base (Minimum) Roof Live Load 20 psf (IBC chap 16) 5. Snow Loads: Ground Snow (pg) 10 psf Flat Roof Snow Load pf = 0.7CeCtIspg = 7 (ASCE 7-05, Figure 7-1) psf (ASCE 7-10, Equation 7.3-1) Minimum snow load for pg < 20 psf pm = Ispg = 10 < Controls (ASCE 7-10, Section 7.3.4) Roof Live Load at 20 psf controls over snow load Snow Exposure Factor (Ce) 1.0 (ASCE 7-05, Table 7-2) For Terrain Category C, and partially exposed roof) Snow Importance Factor (Is) 1.0 (ASCE 7-05, Table 7-4) Thermal Factor (Ct) (ASCE 7-05, Table 7-3) 1.0 For structures with cold ventilated roof with a thermal resistance factor greater than R-25 Project: Pee Dee Visitors Contact Station By SNG Date 11/14/2014 Comm No: 214180 Sheet No: 17DC-2 DESIGN CALCULATIONS 6. Wind Loads Basic Wind Speed 90 Exposure Category C mph (ASCE 7-05, Figure 6-1) Basic Velocity Pressure (Components & Cladding) Interior Zone 17.3 PSF End Zone 19.9 PSF See supplemental calculations for additional information at end of loading criteria section. 7. Seismic Loads Building Risk Category Seismic Importance Factor (Ie) II 1.0 Seismic Site Class (from geotechnical report) D Mapped Spectral Response Accelerations Ss MCE 0.369 S1 0.117 Fa (ASCE 7-05, Table 11.4-1) 1.505 Values of Fa as a Function of Site Class and Mapped Short-Period Spectral Acceleration, Ss (ASCE 7-05, Table 11.4-1) Site Class Mapped Spectral Acceleration at Short Periods Ss<0.25 Ss=0.5 Ss=0.75 Ss=1.00 Ss>1.25 A 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 B 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 C 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.0 D 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.1 1.0 E 2.5 1.7 1.2 0.9 0.9 F * * * * * Per code straight line interpolation may be used for values which fall in between values indicated above * - Indicates that site-specific geotechnical investigation and dynamic site response analyses is required. Project: Pee Dee Visitors Contact Station By SNG Date 11/14/2014 Comm No: 214180 Sheet No: 18DC-3 DESIGN CALCULATIONS Fv (ASCE 7-05, Table 11.4-2) 2.332 Values of Fv as a Function of Site Class and Mapped Short-Period Spectral Acceleration, Ss (ASCE 7-05, Table 11.4-2) Site Class Mapped Spectral Acceleration at Short Periods S1 < 0.1 S1 = 0.2 S1 = 0.3 S1 = 0.4 S1 > 0.5 A 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 B 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 C 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 D 2.4 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.5 E 3.5 3.2 2.8 2.4 2.4 F * * * * * Per code straight line interpolation may be used for values which fall in between values indicated above * - Indicates that site-specific geotechnical investigation and dynamic site response analyses is required. SMS = FaSS = (ASCE 7-05, Eq. 11.4-1) 0.5553 SM1 = FvS1 = (ASCE 7-05, Eq. 11.4-2) 0.273 SDS = 2/3(SMS) = (ASCE 7-05, Eq. 11.4-3) 0.370 SD1 = 2/3(SM1) = (ASCE 7-05, Eq. 11.4-4) 0.182 Seismic Design Category Per ASCE 7-05, Tables 11.6-1 & 11.6-2 MCE Loadings - C Seismic Force Resisting Systems & corresponding R-values Structural Wood Insulated Panel System Analysis Procedure Project: Pee Dee Visitors Contact Station By SNG (ASCE 7-05, Table 12.2-1) 2 Equivalent Lateral Force Date 11/14/2014 Comm No: 214180 Sheet No: 19DC-4 DESIGN CALCULATIONS Seismic Response Coefficient: Cs = SDS/(R/Ie) (ASCE 7-05, Equation 12.8-2) Cs = MCE Loadings: Cs,min = 0.01 0.185 (ASCE 7-05, Equation 12.8-5) Seismic Base Shear: W as defined by ASCE 7-05, Section 12.7.2: 1 In areas used for storage a minimum of 25% of the floor live load. 2 Where provisions for partitions is required by the floor load design, the actual partition weight or a minimum weight of 10 psf of floor area, whichever is greater. 3 Total operating weight of permanent equipment. 4 Where the flat roof snow load exceeds 30 psf, 20% of the uniform design snow load regardless of actual roof slope 5 Weight of landscaping and other materials at roof gardens and similar areas. Seismic Weight of Building (W): Total W = Base Shear: V = CsW 50 kips (ASCE 7-05, Eq. 12.8-1) MCE Loadings: V= 9.3 kips Equivalent lateral force procedure permitted per ASCE 7-05, Table 12.6-1. Structural Materials & Stresses 1. Concrete: f'c = 4000 psi Reinforcing Steel ASTM A615, Grade 60 KSI Welded Wire Fabric ASTM A185 2. Structural Dimensional Lumber Southern Yellow Pine, No. 2 3. Structural Glulam Lumber: 24F-V4 Douglas Fir Project: Pee Dee Visitors Contact Station By SNG Date 11/14/2014 Comm No: 214180 Sheet No: 20DC-5 DESIGN CALCULATIONS 4. Structural Composite Lumber: MicroLam LVL - 1 3/4" wide Design Summary: 1. Foundations: The building is supported on a series of shallow strip footings which are cast integrally with the slab on grade, and comply with minimum bearing and frost depths indicated in the project geotechnical report. 2. Framing Systems: The vertical framing system consists mainly of structural insulated panel system for the exterior walls, and a dimensional lumber stud wall system for the interior bearing walls. The roof joist framing system is also a structurally insulated panel system supported off of bearing walls or the glulam beams at exposed conditions or engineered lumber at non-exposed conditions. The ceiling system is a series of dimensional lumber joists supported off of interior and exterior bearing walls. 3. Lateral Systems: The structural insulated panels based on their cladding requirements have adequate lateral capacity to carry the applicable building forces. The lateral system will implement limited use of interior walls. Project: Pee Dee Visitors Contact Station By SNG Date 11/14/2014 Comm No: 214180 Sheet No: 21DC-6 Wiley|Wilson JOB TITLE 7000 Central Parkway, Ste 1475 Atlanta, GA 30328 678-320-1888 JOB NO. CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY Pee Dee Visitors Contact Station 214180 SNG WD SHEET NO. DATE DATE 11/14/14 11/14/14 CS12 Ver 2014.01.01 STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS FOR Pee Dee Visitors Contact Station Wadesboro, NC 22 Wiley|Wilson JOB TITLE 7000 Central Parkway, Ste 1475 Atlanta, GA 30328 678-320-1888 Pee Dee Visitors Contact Station 214180 SNG CHECKED BY WD JOB NO. SHEET NO. CALCULATED BY DATE DATE 11/14/14 11/14/14 Code Search Code: ASCE 7 - 05 Occupancy: Occupancy Group = B Business Occupancy Category & Importance Factors: Occupancy Category = II Wind factor = Snow factor = Seismic factor = 1.00 1.00 1.00 Type of Construction: Fire Rating: Roof = Floor = 2.0 hr 2.0 hr Building Geometry: Roof angle (θ) Building length (L) Least width (B) Mean Roof Ht (h) Parapet ht above grd Minimum parapet ht 4.00 / 12 63.0 ft 60.0 ft 10.5 ft 13.0 ft 0.0 ft 18.4 deg Live Loads: Roof 0 to 200 sf: 20 psf 200 to 600 sf: 24 - 0.02Area, but not less than 12 psf over 600 sf: 12 psf Floor: Typical Floor 50 psf Partitions 15 psf Corridors above first floor Lobbies & first floor corridors 80 psf 100 psf Balconies (exterior) - same as occupancy 100 psf 23 Wiley|Wilson JOB TITLE 7000 Central Parkway, Ste 1475 Atlanta, GA 30328 678-320-1888 Wind Loads : 214180 SNG CHECKED BY WD K1 = 0.000 x/Lh = 0.31 K2 = 0.792 z/Lh = 0.09 At Mean Roof Ht: K3 = 1.000 Kzt = (1+K1K2K3)^2 = 1.00 Gust Effect Factor 11/14/14 11/14/14 Flexible structure if natural frequency < 1 Hz (T > 1 second). However, if building h/B < 4 then probably rigid structure (rule of thumb). 10.5 ft 60.0 ft 15.0 ft h/B = 0.18 G= Rigid Structure 0.20 ē= G= DATE Flat 80.0 ft 100.0 ft 0.80 0.50 160.0 ft 50.0 ft downwind H/Lh= 0.50 c= gQ, gv = Lz = Q= Iz = DATE Gable Topographic Factor (Kzt) Topography Hill Height (H) Half Hill Length (Lh) Actual H/Lh = Use H/Lh = Modified Lh = From top of crest: x = Bldg up/down wind? ℓ = SHEET NO. 90 mph 1.00 II C Enclosed Building +/-0.18 0.85 0.849 0.849 Type of roof zmin = JOB NO. CALCULATED BY ASCE 7 - 05 Basic Wind Speed Importance Factor Occupancy Category Exposure Category Enclosure Classif. Internal pressure Directionality (Kd) Kh case 1 Kh case 2 h= B= /z (0.6h) = Pee Dee Visitors Contact Station 500 ft 15 ft 0.20 3.4 427.1 ft 0.91 0.23 0.88 use G = 0.85 Rigid structure 0.85 Using rigid structure default Flexible or Dynamically Sensitive Structure Natural Frequency (η1) = 0.0 Hz Damping ratio (β) = /b = 0 0.65 /α = Vz = N1 = Rn = Rh = RB = RL = gR = R = G = 0.15 76.0 0.00 0.000 28.282 28.282 28.282 0.000 0.000 0.000 η= η= η= 0.000 0.000 0.000 h= 10.5 ft 24 Wiley|Wilson JOB TITLE 7000 Central Parkway, Ste 1475 Atlanta, GA 30328 678-320-1888 JOB NO. CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY Pee Dee Visitors Contact Station 214180 SNG WD SHEET NO. DATE DATE 11/14/14 11/14/14 Wind Loads - MWFRS h≤60' (Low-rise Buildings) Enclosed/partially enclosed only Kz = Kh (case 1) = Base pressure (qh) = GCpi = 0.85 15.0 psf +/-0.18 Edge Strip (a) = End Zone (2a) = Zone 2 length = 4.2 ft 8.4 ft 26.3 ft Wind Pressure Coefficients Transverse Direction Perpendicular θ = 18.4 deg Surface 1 2 3 4 5 6 1E 2E 3E 4E GCpf 0.52 -0.69 -0.47 -0.42 -0.45 -0.45 0.78 -1.07 -0.67 -0.62 w/-GCpi w/+GCpi 0.70 -0.51 -0.29 -0.24 -0.27 -0.27 0.96 -0.89 -0.49 -0.44 0.34 -0.87 -0.65 -0.60 -0.63 -0.63 0.60 -1.25 -0.85 -0.80 Longitudinal Direction Parallel θ = 0.0 GCpf w/-Gcpi w/+GCpi 0.40 0.58 0.22 -0.69 -0.51 -0.87 -0.37 -0.19 -0.55 -0.29 -0.11 -0.47 -0.45 -0.27 -0.63 -0.45 -0.27 -0.63 0.61 0.79 0.43 -1.07 -0.89 -1.25 -0.53 -0.35 -0.71 -0.43 -0.25 -0.61 Nominal Wind Surface Pressures (psf) 1 2 3 4 5 6 1E 2E 3E 4E 10.4 -7.6 -4.3 -3.5 -4.0 -4.0 14.4 -13.3 -7.4 -6.6 5.0 -13.0 -9.7 -8.9 -9.4 -9.4 9.0 -18.7 -12.8 -11.9 8.7 -7.6 -2.8 -1.6 -4.0 -4.0 11.8 -13.3 -5.2 -3.7 3.3 -13.0 -8.2 -7.0 -9.4 -9.4 6.4 -18.7 -10.6 -9.1 Parapet Windward parapet = Leeward parapet = 22.4 psf -15.0 psf (GCpn = +1.5) (GCpn = -1.0) Windward roof overhangs = 10.2 psf (upward) add to windward roof pressure Horizontal MWFRS Simple Diaphragm Pressures (psf) Transverse direction (normal to L) Interior Zone: Wall 13.9 psf Roof -3.3 psf ** End Zone: Wall 20.9 psf Roof -5.9 psf ** Longitudinal direction (parallel to L) Interior Zone: Wall 10.3 psf End Zone: Wall 15.6 psf ** NOTE: Total horiz force shall not be less than that determined by neglecting roof forces (except for MWFRS moment frames). 25 Wiley|Wilson 7000 Central Parkway, Ste 1475 Atlanta, GA 30328 678-320-1888 JOB TITLE JOB NO. CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY Pee Dee Visitors Contact Station 214180 SNG WD SHEET NO. DATE DATE Location of MWFRS Wind Pressure Zones NOTE: Torsional loads are 25% of zones 1 - 6. See code for loading diagram. ASCE 7 -99 and ASCE 7-10 (& later) NOTE: Torsional loads are 25% of zones 1 - 4. See code for loading diagram. ASCE 7 -02 and ASCE 7-05 26 11/14/14 11/14/14 Wiley|Wilson JOB TITLE 7000 Central Parkway, Ste 1475 Atlanta, GA 30328 678-320-1888 JOB NO. CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY Pee Dee Visitors Contact Station 214180 SNG WD SHEET NO. DATE DATE 11/14/14 11/14/14 Nominal Wind Pressures Wind Loads - Components & Cladding : h <= 60' Kh (case 1) = 0.85 Base pressure (qh) = 15.0 psf Minimum parapet ht = 0.0 ft Roof Angle (θ) = 18.4 deg Type of roof = Gable Roof Area Negative Zone 1 Negative Zone 2 Negative Zone 3 Positive All Zones Overhang Zone 2 Overhang Zone 3 10 sf -1.08 -1.88 -2.78 0.68 h= a= GCpi = GCp +/- GCpi 50 sf 100 sf -1.01 -0.98 -1.53 -1.38 -2.36 -2.18 0.54 0.48 10.5 ft 4.2 ft +/-0.18 Surface Pressure (psf) 10 sf 50 sf 100 sf -16.2 -15.1 -14.7 -28.1 -22.9 -20.6 -41.6 -35.3 -32.6 10.2 10.0 10.0 User input 75 sf 500 sf -14.8 -14.7 -21.6 -20.6 -33.7 -32.6 10.0 10.0 -2.20 -2.20 -2.20 -32.9 -32.9 -32.9 -32.9 -32.9 -3.70 -2.86 -2.50 -55.4 -42.8 -37.4 -39.6 -37.4 Overhang pressures in the table above assume an internal pressure coefficient (Gcpi) of 0.0 Parapet qp = 15.0 psf CASE A = pressure towards building (pos) CASE B = pressure away from bldg (neg) Walls Area Negative Zone 4 Negative Zone 5 Positive Zone 4 & 5 10 sf -1.28 -1.58 1.18 Solid Parapet Pressure CASE A : Interior zone: Corner zone: CASE B : Interior zone: Corner zone: GCp +/- GCpi 100 sf 500 sf -1.10 -0.98 -1.23 -0.98 1.00 0.88 Surface Pressure (psf) 10 sf 100 sf 500 sf 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Surface Pressure (psf) 10 sf 100 sf 500 sf -19.2 -16.5 -14.7 -23.6 -18.4 -14.7 17.7 15.0 13.2 User input 40 sf 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 User input 50 sf 200 sf -17.3 -15.7 -19.9 -16.8 15.8 14.2 27 Wiley|Wilson JOB TITLE 7000 Central Parkway, Ste 1475 Atlanta, GA 30328 678-320-1888 JOB NO. CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY Pee Dee Visitors Contact Station 214180 SNG WD SHEET NO. DATE DATE 11/14/14 11/14/14 Nominal Wind Pressures Location of C&C Wind Pressure Zones Roofs w/ θ ≤ 10° and all walls h > 60' Monoslope roofs 10° < θ ≤ 30° h ≤ 60' & alt design h<90' Walls h ≤ 60' & alt design h<90' Multispan Gable & Gable 7° < θ ≤ 45° Gable, Sawtooth and Multispan Gable θ ≤ 7 degrees & Monoslope ≤ 3 degrees h ≤ 60' & alt design h<90' Monoslope roofs 3° < θ ≤ 10° h ≤ 60' & alt design h<90' Hip 7° < θ ≤ 27° Sawtooth 10° < θ ≤ 45° h ≤ 60' & alt design h<90' Stepped roofs θ ≤ 3° h ≤ 60' & alt design h<90' 28 Design Maps Summary Report 1 of 1 Design Maps Summary Report User–Specified Input Report Title Pee Dee Visitor Contact Station Tue November 4, 2014 19:42:50 UTC Building Code Reference Document 2006/2009 International Building Code (which utilizes USGS hazard data available in 2002) Site Coordinates 34.96821°N, 80.07673°W Site Soil Classification Site Class D – “Stiff Soil” Occupancy Category I/II/III USGS–Provided Output SS = 0.369 g SMS = 0.555 g SDS = 0.370 g S1 = 0.117 g SM1 = 0.274 g SD1 = 0.182 g Although this information is a product of the U.S. Geological Survey, we provide no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the data contained therein. This tool is not a substitute for technical subject-matter knowledge. 29 11/4/2014 2:42 PM CSI 06 12 16 Listing Report: PRODUCT: DIVISION: SECTION: TPS082604-13 Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) Wood and Plastics (06) Structural Panels (06 12 16) Report Holder Thermocore Panel Systems, Inc. 1801 Hancel Parkway Mooresville, Indiana 46158 Manufacturing Locations Thermocore Panel Systems, Inc. (NTA Plant #500) 1801 Hancel Parkway Mooresville, Indiana 46158 Thermocore of Missouri (NTA Plant #501) 8805 Stoney Gap Road Jefferson City, Missouri 65101 1. SUBJECT 1.1. Thermocore Building Panels. Wall and Roof Panels 8 ft to 24 ft long, 4 in. to 8-1/4 in. thick. 2. SCOPE NTA, Inc. has evaluated the above product(s) for compliance with the applicable sections of the following codes: 2.1. 2006, 2009, 2012 International Building Code (IBC) 2.2. 2006, 2009, 2012 International Residential Code (IRC) NTA, Inc. has evaluated the above product(s) in accordance with: 2.3. NTA IM 014 Structural Insulated Panel Evaluation 2.4. NTA IM 036 Quality System Requirements NTA, Inc. has evaluated the following properties of the above product(s): 2.5. Structural performance under axial, transverse and inplane shear loads. To obtain the most current NTA Listing Report visit 3. USES 3.1. General. Thermocore Building Panels are used as structural insulated wall and roof panels. 3.2. Construction Types. Thermocore Building Panels shall be considered combustible building elements when assessing construction type in accordance with 2012 IBC (IM 014 NACU1) Chapter 6. 3.3. Fire Resistive Assemblies. Thermocore Building Panels shall not be used as part of a fire-rated assembly unless suitable evidence and details are submitted and approved (IM 014 ACU14) by the authority having jurisdiction. 4. DESCRIPTION 4.1. General. Thermocore Building Panels are factoryassembled, engineered-wood-faced, structural insulated panels (SIPs) with polyurethane foam plastic core. The panels are intended for use as load-bearing or non-load bearing wall and roof components. Panels are available in 4 in., 6-1/2 in. and 8-1/4 in. overall thicknesses. The panels are custom made to the specifications for each use and are assembled under factory-controlled conditions. The maximum panel size is 8 ft wide and up to 24 ft in length. 4.2. Materials. 4.2.1. Facing. The facing consists of two single-ply oriented strand board (OSB) facings a minimum of 7/16 in. thick complying with DOC PS 2, Exposure 1, Rated Sheathing with a span index of 24/16 and 2012 IRC Table 613.3.2. Panels shall be manufactured with the facing strength axis (IM 014 ACU4) oriented parallel to the direction of SIP bending. 4.2.2. Core. The polyurethane core material is minimum 2.2 pcf density which is foamed in place and self adhering to the facing. The foam plastic core has a self-ignition temperature of 650 °F or greater when tested in accordance with ASTM D1929. The foam core has a flame spread rating not exceeding 75 and a smokedeveloped rating not exceeding 450 in compliance with 2012 IBC Section 2603.3 Exception 4. 4.3. Material Sources. The facing and core materials used in the construction of Thermocore Building Panels shall be composed only of materials from approved sources as identified in the in-plant quality system documentation. This listing report is intended to indicate that NTA Inc. has evaluated product described and has found it to be eligible for labeling. Product not labeled as specified herein is not covered by this report. NTA Inc. makes no warranty, either expressed or implied, regarding the product covered by this report. NTA, INC. • 305 NORTH OAKLAND AVENUE • P.O. BOX 490 • NAPPANEE, INDIANA 46550 WEB: HTTP://WWW.NTAINC.COM TPS082604-13 Listing Report 2014-06-17 NTA FORM ISQA 3.2n Listing Report Template 2014-05-21 PHONE: 574-773-7975 FAX: 574-773-2260 Re-Issued Date: 06/17/2014 This report is subject to annual renewal. Page 1 of 6 30 CSI 06 12 16 Listing Report: TPS082604-13 5. DESIGN 5.1. Overall Structural System. The scope of this report is limited to the evaluation of the SIP component. Panel connections and other details related to incorporation of the panel into the overall structural system of a building (IM 014 NACU3) are beyond the scope of this report. 5.6. Eccentric and Side Loads. Axial loads shall be applied concentrically to the top of the panel. Loads shall not be applied eccentrically or through framing attached to one side of the panel (such as balloon framing) except where (IM 014 additional engineering documentation is provided. 5.2. Design Approval. Where required by the authority having jurisdiction, structures using Thermocore Building Panels shall be designed by a registered design professional. Construction documents, including engineering calculations and drawings providing floor plans, window details, door details, and connector details, shall be submitted to the code official when application is made for a permit. The individual preparing such documents shall possess the necessary qualifications as required by the applicable code and the professional registration laws of the state where the construction is undertaken. Approved construction documents shall be (IM available at all times on the jobsite during installation. 5.7. Openings. Openings in panels shall be reinforced with wood or steel designed in accordance with accepted engineering practice to resist all loads applied to the opening as required by the adopted code. Details for door and window openings shall be provided to clarify the manner of supporting axial, transverse and/or racking shear loads at openings. Such details shall be shown on approved design documents and subject to approval by (IM 014 ACU8) the local authority having jurisdiction. Unreinforced openings may exist where the spans, uniform loads and deflection limits provided in Table 3 meet or exceed the design requirements. 014 NACU4) 5.3. Design Loads. Design loads to be resisted by the SIPs shall be as required under the applicable code. Loadings on the panels shall not exceed the loads noted in this report. Where loading conditions result in several modes of superimposed stressing, the sum of the ratio of actual loads over allowable loads shall not exceed one. Calculations demonstrating that the loads applied are less than the allowable loads described in this report shall be (IM 014 NACU5) submitted to the code official for approval. 5.4. Allowable Loads. Allowable axial, transverse, and inplane shear loads are noted in Tables 1 through 4. (IM 014 ACU2) Maximum and minimum panel heights, spans (IM 014 ACU3) and thicknesses are limited as provided in Tables 1 through 4. Unless otherwise noted, all allowable loads apply to panels joined with surface or block splines. For loading conditions not specifically addressed herein, the specific condition shall be supported by members designed in accordance with accepted engineering practice to meet applicable code requirements. 5.5. Concentrated Loads. Axial loads shall be applied to the panel through repetitive members spaced at regular intervals of 24 in. on center or less. Such members shall be fastened to a rim board or similar member to distribute the load along the top of the panel. For other loading conditions, such as concentrated loads, reinforcement shall be provided. This reinforcement shall be designed in (IM 014 accordance with accepted engineering practice. ACU12) ACU13) 5.8. In-Plane Shear Design. Shear walls shall be sized to resist all code required wind and seismic loads without exceeding the allowable loads provided in Table 4. The (IM 014 maximum panel height-to-width ratio shall be 2:1. ACU17) 5.9. Seismic Design. Use of panels as shear walls (racking shear) is limited to structures in Seismic Design Categories A, B and C. Where panels are used to resist seismic forces the following factors shall be used for design: Response Modification Coefficient, R = 2.0; System Overstrength Factor, Ω0 = 2.5; Deflection (IM 014 ACU16) Amplification Factor, Cd = 2.0. 6. INSTALLATION 6.1. General. Thermocore Building Panels shall be fabricated, identified and installed in accordance with this report, the approved construction documents and the applicable code. In the event of a conflict between the manufacturer’s published installation instructions and this report, this report shall govern. Approved construction documents shall be available at all times on the jobsite during (IM 014 NACU7) installation. 6.2. Splines. Thermocore Building Panels are connected to each other at the panel edges through the use of a tongue-and-groove spline arrangement. The connection is secured in place by the field application of 7/16 in. x 1-1/2 in. x 16 gauge staples at 4 in. on-center or an approved equivalent fastener. This listing report is intended to indicate that NTA Inc. has evaluated product described and has found it to be eligible for labeling. Product not labeled as specified herein is not covered by this report. NTA Inc. makes no warranty, either expressed or implied, regarding the product covered by this report. NTA, INC. • 305 NORTH OAKLAND AVENUE • P.O. BOX 490 • NAPPANEE, INDIANA 46550 WEB: HTTP://WWW.NTAINC.COM TPS082604-13 Listing Report 2014-06-17 NTA FORM ISQA 3.2n Listing Report Template 2014-05-21 PHONE: 574-773-7975 FAX: 574-773-2260 Re-Issued Date: 06/17/2014 This report is subject to annual renewal. Page 2 of 6 31 CSI 06 12 16 Listing Report: 6.3. Plates. The top and bottom plates of the panels shall be dimensional or engineered lumber sized to match the core thickness of the panel. The plates shall be secured in place using 7/16 in. x 1-1/2 in. x 16 gauge staples at 4 in. on-center or an approved equivalent fastener. 6.4. Cutting and Notching. No field cutting or routing of the panels shall be permitted except as shown on approved (IM 014 NACU6) drawings. 6.5. Protection from Decay. Panels that rest on exterior foundation walls shall not be located within 8 in. from exposed earth. Panels supported by concrete or masonry that is in direct contact with earth shall be protected from (IM 014 ACU6) the concrete or masonry by a moisture barrier. 6.6. Protection from Termites. In areas subject to damage from termites, panels shall be protected from termites using an approved method. Panels shall not be installed (IM 014 ACU7, ACU22) below grade or in contact with earth. 6.7. Heat-Producing Fixtures. Heat-producing fixtures shall not be installed in panels unless protected by a method approved by the code official or documented in test reports. This limitation shall not be interpreted to prohibit (IM 014 heat-producing elements with suitable protection. NACU9) 6.8. Plumbing Installation. Plumbing and waste lines may extend at right angles through the wall panels but are not permitted vertically within the core. Lines shall not interrupt splines or panel plates unless approved by the (IM 014 NACU2) local authority having jurisdiction. 6.9. Voids and Holes 6.9.1. Voids in Core. Voids may be provided in the panel core during fabrication at predetermined locations only. Voids shall be limited to a single 1 in. maximum hole running parallel to the panel span. Voids shall be spaced a minimum of 4 ft. on center, measured perpendicular to the panel span. Two 1/2 in. diameter holes may be substituted for the single 1 in. hole provided they are (IM 014 maintained parallel and within 2 in. of each other. TPS082604-13 6.10. Panel Cladding 6.10.1. Roof Covering. The roof covering shall comply with the applicable codes. Underlayment and flashing shall be installed in accordance with the applicable codes. All roofing materials must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s installation instructions. Roofs with hotasphalt or hot-coal tar pitch are prohibited. 6.10.2. Exterior Wall Covering. Panels shall be covered on the exterior by a water-resistive barrier as required by the applicable code. The water-resistive barrier shall be attached with flashing in such a manner as to provide a continuous water-resistive barrier behind the exterior wall (IM 014 ACU9) veneer. The exterior facing of the SIP wall shall be covered with weather protection as required by the (IM 014 adopted building code or other approved materials. ACU10) 6.11. Interior Wall Covering. The SIP panel foam plastic core shall be separated from the interior of the building by an approved thermal barrier of ½ in. gypsum wallboard or equivalent thermal barrier where required by 2012 IBC 2603. 7. CONDITIONS OF USE 7.1. Thermocore Building Panels as described in this report comply with the codes listed in Section 2 above, subject to the following conditions: 7.1.1. Installation complies with this report and the approved construction documents. 7.1.2. This report applies only to the panel thicknesses (IM 014 ACU3) specifically listed herein. 7.1.3. In use panel heights/spans shall not exceed the values listed herein. Extrapolation beyond the values listed herein (IM 014 ACU2) is not permitted. 7.1.4. The panels are manufactured in the production facilities (IM 014 NACU8) noted in this report. ACU11) 6.9.2. Holes in Panels. Holes may be placed in panels during fabrication at predetermined locations only. Holes shall be limited to 4 in. x 4 in. square. The minimum distance between holes shall not be less than 4 ft. on center measured perpendicular to the panel span and 24 in. on center measured parallel to the panel span. Not more than three holes shall be provided in a single line of holes parallel to the panel span. The holes may intersect voids (IM 014 ACU15) permitted elsewhere in this report. This listing report is intended to indicate that NTA Inc. has evaluated product described and has found it to be eligible for labeling. Product not labeled as specified herein is not covered by this report. NTA Inc. makes no warranty, either expressed or implied, regarding the product covered by this report. NTA, INC. • 305 NORTH OAKLAND AVENUE • P.O. BOX 490 • NAPPANEE, INDIANA 46550 WEB: HTTP://WWW.NTAINC.COM TPS082604-13 Listing Report 2014-06-17 NTA FORM ISQA 3.2n Listing Report Template 2014-05-21 PHONE: 574-773-7975 FAX: 574-773-2260 Re-Issued Date: 06/17/2014 This report is subject to annual renewal. Page 3 of 6 32 CSI 06 12 16 Listing Report: 8. EVIDENCE SUBMITTED NTA, Inc. has examined the following evidence to evaluate this product: 8.1. Review of plant quality assurance manual in accordance with NTA IM 036. 8.2. Plant certification inspection of manufacturer’s production facilities, test procedures, frequency and quality control sampling methods, test equipment and equipment calibration procedures, test records, dates and causes of failures when applicable in accordance with NTA IM 036. 8.3. Qualification test data in accordance with NTA IM 014 Standard Evaluation Plan 01 (IM 014 SEP 01) 8.4. Periodic quality assurance audits of the production facilities. 8.5. Periodic verification testing in accordance with NTA, Inc. NTA IM 014. Evaluation evidence and data are on file with NTA, Inc. NTA, accredited by the International Accreditation Service (IAS) as follows: ISO17020 Inspection Agency (AA-682) ISO17025 Testing Laboratory (TL-259) ISO Guide 65 Product Certification Agency (PCA-102) TPS082604-13 9. FINDINGS All products referenced herein are manufactured under an in-plant Quality Assurance program to insure that the production quality meets or exceeds the requirements of the codes noted herein and the criteria as established by NTA, Inc. Furthermore, product must comply with the conditions of this report. This report is subject to annual renewal. 10. IDENTIFICATION Each eligible product shall be permanently marked to provide the following information: 10.1. The NTA, Inc. listing mark, shown below; 10.2. NTA’s Listing No. TPS082604-13 10.3. In-plant quality assurance stamp; 10.4. Identifier for production facility; 10.5. Project or batch number. The scope of accreditation related to testing, inspection or product certification pertain only to the test methods and/or standard referenced therein. Design parameters and the application of building code requirements, such as special inspection, have not been reviewed by IAS and are not covered in the accreditation. Product evaluations are performed under the direct supervision of Professional Engineers licensed in all jurisdictions within the United States as required by the building code and state engineering board rules. . This listing report is intended to indicate that NTA Inc. has evaluated product described and has found it to be eligible for labeling. Product not labeled as specified herein is not covered by this report. NTA Inc. makes no warranty, either expressed or implied, regarding the product covered by this report. NTA, INC. • 305 NORTH OAKLAND AVENUE • P.O. BOX 490 • NAPPANEE, INDIANA 46550 WEB: HTTP://WWW.NTAINC.COM TPS082604-13 Listing Report 2014-06-17 NTA FORM ISQA 3.2n Listing Report Template 2014-05-21 PHONE: 574-773-7975 FAX: 574-773-2260 Re-Issued Date: 06/17/2014 This report is subject to annual renewal. Page 4 of 6 33 CSI 06 12 16 Listing Report: TPS082604-13 1, 3 1 Panel Length (ft) 8 10 12 14 16 18 19.5 22 24 Table 1: Allowable Uniform Transverse Loads 4 in. Thick SIP 6-1/2 in. Thick SIP 8-1/4 in. Thick SIP 2 2 2 Deflection Limit Deflection Limit Deflection Limit L/180 L/240 L/360 L/180 L/240 L/360 L/180 L/240 L/360 57.9 43.6 29.2 93.5 87.4 57.1 113.0 113.0 81.0 55.8 42.0 28.2 85.5 84.3 55.1 107.2 107.2 79.7 51.9 39.1 26.2 75.7 75.7 51.4 100.1 100.1 77.4 45.6 34.3 23.0 64.1 64.1 45.3 91.7 91.7 73.6 35.9 27.0 18.1 50.7 50.7 36.0 82.0 82.0 67.7 21.8 16.4 10.9 35.5 33.9 22.4 71.1 71.1 59.2 7.6 5.7 3.8 16.3 12.8 8.8 58.8 58.8 47.3 ------45.3 45.3 31.2 ------20.4 15.0 10.1 Table values assume a simply supported panel with 1.5 in. of continuous bearing on facing at supports (Cv = 1.0) with solid wood plates at bearing locations. Values do not include the dead weight of the panel. For wall panel capacities (4 in. and 6-1/2 in. thickness panels only) utilizing a zero bearing configuration (Figure 1), the allowable load shall be determined using Cv = 0.66. 2 Deflection limit shall be selected by building designer based on the serviceability requirements of the structure and the requirements of adopted building code. Values are based on loads of short duration only and do not consider effects of creep. 3 Permanent loads, such as dead load, shall not exceed 0.50 times the tabulated load. 1, 2, 3, 4 1 Panel Length (ft) 8 10 12 14 16 18 19.5 5 2693 2693 2523 2315 1747 1321 747 Table 2: Allowable Combined Axial and Transverse Loads 4 in. Thick SIP 6-1/2 in. Thick SIP Uniform Transverse Load (psf) 10 20 30 40 50 5 10 20 30 Allowable Axial Load (plf) 2693 2661 2196 1730 1265 4505 4505 4505 4505 2693 2459 2007 1555 1103 4505 4505 4505 4268 2523 2195 1749 1304 858 4345 4345 4345 3887 2305 1851 1398 944 491 4149 4149 4002 3390 1543 1136 728 321 -3919 3806 3145 2485 1046 498 ---3350 3262 2389 1517 23 ----3091 2165 313 -- 40 50 4079 3760 3339 2778 1824 644 -- 3597 3251 2790 2167 1163 --- Allowable axial tension loads shall not exceed the allowable compression loads above. Loads may be interpolated to determine the allowable load under transverse loads or spans bounded by those provided. Deflections due to transverse loads are limited to L/180. All values are for normal duration and may not be increased for other durations. For applications requiring eccentric loads or loads applied to the face of the panel, contact the manufacturer for design assistance. 2 Permanent loads, such as dead load, shall not exceed 0.50 times the tabulated load. 3 Axial loads shall be applied concentrically to the top of the panel through repetitive members spaced not more than 24 inches on center. Such members shall be fastened to a rim board or similar member to distribute the load along the top of the SIP. 4 The ends of both facings must bear on the supporting foundation or structure to achieve the tabulated axial loads. This listing report is intended to indicate that NTA Inc. has evaluated product described and has found it to be eligible for labeling. Product not labeled as specified herein is not covered by this report. NTA Inc. makes no warranty, either expressed or implied, regarding the product covered by this report. NTA, INC. • 305 NORTH OAKLAND AVENUE • P.O. BOX 490 • NAPPANEE, INDIANA 46550 WEB: HTTP://WWW.NTAINC.COM TPS082604-13 Listing Report 2014-06-17 NTA FORM ISQA 3.2n Listing Report Template 2014-05-21 PHONE: 574-773-7975 FAX: 574-773-2260 Re-Issued Date: 06/17/2014 This report is subject to annual renewal. Page 5 of 6 34 CSI 06 12 16 Listing Report: TPS082604-13 1,2 1 Span (ft) 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 4 Table 3: Allowable Header Loads (Dead + Live) 3 4 in. Thick SIPs – 12 in. Depth Header Deflection Limit L/240 L/360 L/180 Uniform Header Loads (plf) 1354 1268 1354 1262 1262 1229 1158 1158 1158 1044 1044 1044 919 919 919 784 784 784 673 673 637 479 479 479 Vertical loads only. Lateral loads on header and opening shall be resisted by engineered framing provided around opening. Jack/jamb studs shall be provided on each side of each opening to transfer loads into the supporting structure. 2 Permanent loads, such as dead load, shall not exceed 0.50 times the tabulated value. 3 Typical panel with single top and bottom plate installed at header location. 4 For longer spans, engineered header members and support columns shall be built into the panel as determined by the designer of record. 1 Table 4: Allowable In-Plane Shear Strength (Pounds per Foot) 1,3 for SIP Shear Walls (Wind and Seismic Loads in Seismic Design Categories A, B and C) Nominal 2,4 Shear Min. SIP Minimum Facing Connections Strength Spline Thickness 3 2 2 3 Type (plf) (in.) Plate Spline Chord Block or 7/16” x 1-1/2” x 0.131”x 3” nails, 0.131”x 3” nails, 16 Ga. staples 4 Surface 237 6 in. oc 6 in. oc 4 in. oc Spline Maximum shear wall dimension ratio 2:1 (height:width) for resisting wind or seismic loads. Chords, hold downs and connection to other structural elements must be designed by a registered design professional in accordance with accepted engineering practice. 3 Spline type at interior panel-to-panel joints only. Solid chord members are required at each end of each shear wall segment. 4 Required connections must be made on each side of the panel. Dimensional or engineered lumber shall have an equivalent specific gravity of 0.42 or greater. 2 Figure 1: Zero Bearing Support This listing report is intended to indicate that NTA Inc. has evaluated product described and has found it to be eligible for labeling. Product not labeled as specified herein is not covered by this report. NTA Inc. makes no warranty, either expressed or implied, regarding the product covered by this report. NTA, INC. • 305 NORTH OAKLAND AVENUE • P.O. BOX 490 • NAPPANEE, INDIANA 46550 WEB: HTTP://WWW.NTAINC.COM TPS082604-13 Listing Report 2014-06-17 NTA FORM ISQA 3.2n Listing Report Template 2014-05-21 PHONE: 574-773-7975 FAX: 574-773-2260 Re-Issued Date: 06/17/2014 This report is subject to annual renewal. Page 6 of 6 35 MEMBER REPORT PASSED Level, Ceiling Joist - 10 ft 1 piece(s) 2 x 8 Southern Pine No. 2 @ 16" OC All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. Design Results LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) System : Floor Member Type : Joist Allowed 242 @ 2 1/2" 1907 (2.25") Passed (13%) Shear (lbs) 205 @ 10 3/4" 1269 Passed (16%) 1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Building Use : Residential Moment (Ft-lbs) 603 @ 5' 3 1/2" 1013 Passed (60%) 1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Building Code : IBC Live Load Defl. (in) 0.120 @ 5' 3 1/2" 0.254 Passed (L/999+) -- 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Total Load Defl. (in) 0.168 @ 5' 3 1/2" 0.508 Passed (L/725) -- 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) N/A N/A -- -- -- TJ-Pro™ Rating Result 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Actual @ Location Member Reaction (lbs) -- Design Methodology : ASD • Deflection criteria: LL (L/480) and TL (L/240). • Bracing (Lu): All compression edges (top and bottom) must be braced at 10' 4 1/2" o/c unless detailed otherwise. Proper attachment and positioning of lateral bracing is required to achieve member stability. • Applicable calculations are based on NDS 2005 methodology. • No composite action between deck and joist was considered in analysis. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Floor Live Total 1 - Stud wall - SYP 3.50" 2.25" 1.50" 71 176 247 1 1/4" Rim Board 2 - Stud wall - SYP 3.50" 2.25" 1.50" 71 176 247 1 1/4" Rim Board Accessories • Rim Board is assumed to carry all loads applied directly above it, bypassing the member being designed. Loads Location Spacing Dead (0.90) Floor Live (1.00) 1 - Uniform (PSF) 0 to 10' 7" 16" 10.0 25.0 Comments Residential - Living Areas Weyerhaeuser Notes Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Refer to current Weyerhaeuser literature for installation details. ( Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by Forte Software Operator Forte Software Operator Stacy Gerhardt Wiley|Wilson (678) 320-1878 Job Notes 11/14/2014 11:50:06 AM Forte v4.6, Design Engine: V6.1.1.5 Pee Dee Visitors.4te Page 1 of 1 36 MEMBER REPORT PASSED Level, Ceiling Joist - 15 ft 1 piece(s) 2 x 10 Southern Pine No. 2 @ 16" OC All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. Design Results LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) System : Floor Member Type : Joist Allowed 364 @ 2 1/2" 2966 (3.50") Passed (12%) Shear (lbs) 314 @ 1' 3/4" 1619 Passed (19%) 1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Building Use : Residential Moment (Ft-lbs) 1342 @ 7' 9 1/2" 1426 Passed (94%) 1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Building Code : IBC Live Load Defl. (in) 0.287 @ 7' 9 1/2" 0.506 Passed (L/635) -- 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Total Load Defl. (in) 0.401 @ 7' 9 1/2" 0.758 Passed (L/454) -- 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) N/A N/A -- -- -- TJ-Pro™ Rating Result 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Actual @ Location Member Reaction (lbs) -- Design Methodology : ASD • Deflection criteria: LL (L/360) and TL (L/240). • Bracing (Lu): All compression edges (top and bottom) must be braced at 4' 5 9/16" o/c unless detailed otherwise. Proper attachment and positioning of lateral bracing is required to achieve member stability. • Applicable calculations are based on NDS 2005 methodology. • No composite action between deck and joist was considered in analysis. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Floor Live Total 1 - Stud wall - SYP 3.50" 3.50" 1.50" 104 260 364 Blocking 2 - Stud wall - SYP 3.50" 3.50" 1.50" 104 260 364 Blocking Accessories • Blocking Panels are assumed to carry no loads applied directly above them and the full load is applied to the member being designed. Loads Location Spacing Dead (0.90) Floor Live (1.00) 1 - Uniform (PSF) 0 to 15' 7" 16" 10.0 25.0 Comments Residential - Living Areas Weyerhaeuser Notes Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Refer to current Weyerhaeuser literature for installation details. ( Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by Forte Software Operator Forte Software Operator Stacy Gerhardt Wiley|Wilson (678) 320-1878 Job Notes 11/14/2014 11:50:33 AM Forte v4.6, Design Engine: V6.1.1.5 Pee Dee Visitors.4te Page 1 of 1 37 MEMBER REPORT PASSED Level, Ceiling Joist - 6 ft 1 piece(s) 2 x 8 Southern Pine No. 2 @ 24" OC All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. Design Results LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) System : Floor Member Type : Joist Allowed 223 @ 2 1/2" 1907 (2.25") Passed (12%) Shear (lbs) 168 @ 10 3/4" 1269 Passed (13%) 1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Building Use : Residential Moment (Ft-lbs) 333 @ 3' 3 1/2" 1013 Passed (33%) 1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Building Code : IBC Live Load Defl. (in) 0.024 @ 3' 3 1/2" 0.154 Passed (L/999+) -- 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Total Load Defl. (in) 0.034 @ 3' 3 1/2" 0.308 Passed (L/999+) -- 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) N/A N/A -- -- -- TJ-Pro™ Rating Result 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Actual @ Location Member Reaction (lbs) -- Design Methodology : ASD • Deflection criteria: LL (L/480) and TL (L/240). • Bracing (Lu): All compression edges (top and bottom) must be braced at 6' 4 1/2" o/c unless detailed otherwise. Proper attachment and positioning of lateral bracing is required to achieve member stability. • Applicable calculations are based on NDS 2005 methodology. • No composite action between deck and joist was considered in analysis. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Floor Live Total 1 - Stud wall - SYP 3.50" 2.25" 1.50" 66 165 231 1 1/4" Rim Board 2 - Stud wall - SYP 3.50" 2.25" 1.50" 66 165 231 1 1/4" Rim Board Accessories • Rim Board is assumed to carry all loads applied directly above it, bypassing the member being designed. Loads Location Spacing Dead (0.90) Floor Live (1.00) 1 - Uniform (PSF) 0 to 6' 7" 24" 10.0 25.0 Comments Residential - Living Areas Weyerhaeuser Notes Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Refer to current Weyerhaeuser literature for installation details. ( Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by Forte Software Operator Forte Software Operator Stacy Gerhardt Wiley|Wilson (678) 320-1878 Job Notes 11/14/2014 11:51:02 AM Forte v4.6, Design Engine: V6.1.1.5 Pee Dee Visitors.4te Page 1 of 1 38 MEMBER REPORT PASSED Level, Ceiling Joist - 9 ft 1 piece(s) 2 x 8 Southern Pine No. 2 @ 16" OC All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. Design Results LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) System : Floor Member Type : Joist Allowed 219 @ 2 1/2" 1907 (2.25") Passed (11%) Shear (lbs) 182 @ 10 3/4" 1269 Passed (14%) 1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Building Use : Residential Moment (Ft-lbs) 490 @ 4' 9 1/2" 1013 Passed (48%) 1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Building Code : IBC Live Load Defl. (in) 0.079 @ 4' 9 1/2" 0.229 Passed (L/999+) -- 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Total Load Defl. (in) 0.111 @ 4' 9 1/2" 0.458 Passed (L/989) -- 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) N/A N/A -- -- -- TJ-Pro™ Rating Result 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Actual @ Location Member Reaction (lbs) -- Design Methodology : ASD • Deflection criteria: LL (L/480) and TL (L/240). • Bracing (Lu): All compression edges (top and bottom) must be braced at 9' 4 1/2" o/c unless detailed otherwise. Proper attachment and positioning of lateral bracing is required to achieve member stability. • Applicable calculations are based on NDS 2005 methodology. • No composite action between deck and joist was considered in analysis. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Floor Live Total 1 - Stud wall - SYP 3.50" 2.25" 1.50" 64 160 224 1 1/4" Rim Board 2 - Stud wall - SYP 3.50" 2.25" 1.50" 64 160 224 1 1/4" Rim Board Accessories • Rim Board is assumed to carry all loads applied directly above it, bypassing the member being designed. Loads Location Spacing Dead (0.90) Floor Live (1.00) 1 - Uniform (PSF) 0 to 9' 7" 16" 10.0 25.0 Comments Residential - Living Areas Weyerhaeuser Notes Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Refer to current Weyerhaeuser literature for installation details. ( Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by Forte Software Operator Forte Software Operator Stacy Gerhardt Wiley|Wilson (678) 320-1878 Job Notes 11/14/2014 11:51:29 AM Forte v4.6, Design Engine: V6.1.1.5 Pee Dee Visitors.4te Page 1 of 1 39 MEMBER REPORT PASSED Level, Front Porch 1 piece(s) 2 x 6 Southern Pine No. 2 @ 16" OC All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. Design Results System : Roof Member Type : Joist 3007 (3.50") 193 @ 1' 11 15/16" 1203 Passed (16%) 1.25 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Building Use : Residential 610 @ 7' 3 3/4" 788 Passed (77%) 1.25 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (Alt Spans) Building Code : IBC Live Load Defl. (in) 0.394 @ 7' 3 5/16" 0.396 Passed (L/362) -- 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (Alt Spans) Design Methodology : ASD Total Load Defl. (in) 0.531 @ 7' 3 5/16" 0.595 Passed (L/268) -- 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (Alt Spans) Member Pitch: 2/12 Moment (Ft-lbs) LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) Allowed 265 @ 1' 4 3/4" Shear (lbs) Result 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Actual @ Location Member Reaction (lbs) Passed (9%) -- • Deflection criteria: LL (L/360) and TL (L/240). • Overhang deflection criteria: LL (2L/360) and TL (2L/240). • Bracing (Lu): All compression edges (top and bottom) must be braced at 9' 11 7/8" o/c unless detailed otherwise. Proper attachment and positioning of lateral bracing is required to achieve member stability. • Applicable calculations are based on NDS 2005 methodology. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Roof Live Total 1 - Beveled Plate - SYP 3.50" 3.50" 1.50" 69 196 265 Blocking 2 - Beveled Plate - SYP 3.50" 3.50" 1.50" 57 161 218 Blocking Accessories • Blocking Panels are assumed to carry no loads applied directly above them and the full load is applied to the member being designed. Dead Loads Location Spacing (0.90) 1 - Uniform (PSF) 0 to 13' 4" 16" 7.0 Roof Live (non-snow: 1.25) 20.0 Comments Roof Weyerhaeuser Notes Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Refer to current Weyerhaeuser literature for installation details. ( Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by Forte Software Operator Forte Software Operator Stacy Gerhardt Wiley|Wilson (678) 320-1878 Job Notes 11/14/2014 11:51:53 AM Forte v4.6, Design Engine: V6.1.1.5 Pee Dee Visitors.4te Page 1 of 1 40 MEMBER REPORT PASSED Level, Back Porch 1 piece(s) 2 x 6 Southern Pine No. 2 @ 24" OC All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. Design Results System : Roof Member Type : Joist 2967 (3.50") Passed (10%) 156 @ 2' 9" 1203 Passed (13%) 1.25 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Building Use : Residential 224 @ 5' 5 15/16" 788 Passed (28%) 1.25 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (Alt Spans) Building Code : IBC Live Load Defl. (in) 0.040 @ 5' 4" 0.208 Passed (L/999+) -- 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (Alt Spans) Design Methodology : ASD Total Load Defl. (in) 0.052 @ 5' 4 5/16" 0.312 Passed (L/999+) -- 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (Alt Spans) Member Pitch: 0.25/12 Moment (Ft-lbs) LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) Allowed 304 @ 2' 1 3/4" Shear (lbs) Result 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Actual @ Location Member Reaction (lbs) -- • Deflection criteria: LL (L/360) and TL (L/240). • Overhang deflection criteria: LL (2L/360) and TL (2L/240). • Bracing (Lu): All compression edges (top and bottom) must be braced at 8' 7" o/c unless detailed otherwise. Proper attachment and positioning of lateral bracing is required to achieve member stability. • Applicable calculations are based on NDS 2005 methodology. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Roof Live Total 1 - Beveled Plate - SYP 3.50" 3.50" 1.50" 79 225 304 Blocking 2 - Beveled Plate - SYP 3.50" 3.50" 1.50" 41 126 167 Blocking Accessories • Blocking Panels are assumed to carry no loads applied directly above them and the full load is applied to the member being designed. Dead Loads Location Spacing (0.90) 1 - Uniform (PSF) 0 to 8' 7" 24" 7.0 Roof Live (non-snow: 1.25) 20.0 Comments Roof Weyerhaeuser Notes Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Refer to current Weyerhaeuser literature for installation details. ( Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by Forte Software Operator Forte Software Operator Stacy Gerhardt Wiley|Wilson (678) 320-1878 Job Notes 11/19/2014 9:20:59 AM Forte v4.6, Design Engine: V6.1.1.5 Pee Dee Visitors.4te Page 1 of 1 41 MEMBER REPORT PASSED Level, Valley Beam 1 piece(s) 3 1/2" x 13 1/2" 24F-V4 DF Glulam All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. Design Results LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) System : Roof Member Type : Drop Beam Allowed 3578 @ 2" 6921 (3.50") Passed (52%) 2903 @ 1' 4 5/16" 10434 Passed (28%) 1.25 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Building Use : Residential Pos Moment (Ft-lbs) 13784 @ 8' 9 11/16" 26578 Passed (52%) 1.25 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Building Code : IBC Live Load Defl. (in) 0.456 @ 9' 10 15/16" 0.712 Passed (L/561) -- 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Design Methodology : ASD Total Load Defl. (in) 0.857 @ 9' 11 1/8" 1.067 Passed (L/299) -- 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Member Pitch: 4/12 Shear (lbs) Result 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Actual @ Location Member Reaction (lbs) -- • Deflection criteria: LL (L/360) and TL (L/240). • Bracing (Lu): All compression edges (top and bottom) must be braced at 21' 8 3/8" o/c unless detailed otherwise. Proper attachment and positioning of lateral bracing is required to achieve member stability. • Critical positive moment adjusted by a volume factor of 1.00 that was calculated using length L = 21' 4 1/8". • The effects of positive or negative camber have not been accounted for when calculating deflection. • The specified glulam is assumed to have its strong laminations at the bottom of the beam. Install with proper side up as indicated by the manufacturer. • Applicable calculations are based on NDS 2005 methodology. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Roof Live Total Accessories 1 - Beveled Plate - SYP 3.50" 3.50" 1.81" 1649 1929 3578 Blocking 2 - Beveled Plate - SYP 3.50" 3.50" 1.50" 878 953 1831 Blocking • Blocking Panels are assumed to carry no loads applied directly above them and the full load is applied to the member being designed. Loads Tributary Dead Location Width (0.90) 1 - Tapered (PLF) 0 to 20' 7" N/A 210.0 to 0.0 Roof Live (non-snow: 1.25) 280.0 to 0.0 Comments Roof Weyerhaeuser Notes Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Refer to current Weyerhaeuser literature for installation details. ( Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by Forte Software Operator Forte Software Operator Stacy Gerhardt Wiley|Wilson (678) 320-1878 Job Notes 11/14/2014 11:52:39 AM Forte v4.6, Design Engine: V6.1.1.5 Pee Dee Visitors.4te Page 1 of 1 42 MEMBER REPORT PASSED Level, Ridge Beam - 16 ft 1 piece(s) 3 1/2" x 9" 24F-V4 DF Glulam All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. Design Results LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) System : Roof Member Type : Drop Beam Allowed 2253 @ 2" 6921 (3.50") Passed (33%) 1822 @ 1' 1/2" 6956 Passed (26%) 1.25 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Building Use : Residential Pos Moment (Ft-lbs) 6476 @ 6' 8 1/16" 11813 Passed (55%) 1.25 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Building Code : IBC Live Load Defl. (in) 0.382 @ 7' 6 3/16" 0.508 Passed (L/479) -- 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Design Methodology : ASD Total Load Defl. (in) 0.693 @ 7' 6 5/16" 0.762 Passed (L/264) -- 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Member Pitch: 0/12 Shear (lbs) Result 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Actual @ Location Member Reaction (lbs) -- • Deflection criteria: LL (L/360) and TL (L/240). • Bracing (Lu): All compression edges (top and bottom) must be braced at 15' 7" o/c unless detailed otherwise. Proper attachment and positioning of lateral bracing is required to achieve member stability. • Critical positive moment adjusted by a volume factor of 1.00 that was calculated using length L = 15' 3". • The effects of positive or negative camber have not been accounted for when calculating deflection. • The specified glulam is assumed to have its strong laminations at the bottom of the beam. Install with proper side up as indicated by the manufacturer. • Applicable calculations are based on NDS 2005 methodology. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Roof Live Total Accessories 1 - Stud wall - SYP 3.50" 3.50" 1.50" 1000 1253 2253 Blocking 2 - Stud wall - SYP 3.50" 3.50" 1.50" 522 617 1139 Blocking • Blocking Panels are assumed to carry no loads applied directly above them and the full load is applied to the member being designed. Loads Tributary Dead Location Width (0.90) 1 - Tapered (PLF) 0 to 15' 7" N/A 180.0 to 0.0 Roof Live (non-snow: 1.25) 240.0 to 0.0 Comments Roof Weyerhaeuser Notes Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Refer to current Weyerhaeuser literature for installation details. ( Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by Forte Software Operator Forte Software Operator Stacy Gerhardt Wiley|Wilson (678) 320-1878 Job Notes 11/14/2014 11:52:52 AM Forte v4.6, Design Engine: V6.1.1.5 Pee Dee Visitors.4te Page 1 of 1 43 MEMBER REPORT PASSED Level, Ridge Beam - 27 ft 1 piece(s) 5 1/2" x 19 1/2" 24F-V4 DF Glulam All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. Design Results Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) System : Roof 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Member Type : Drop Beam Actual @ Location Allowed 6884 @ 2" 10876 (3.50") Passed (63%) Shear (lbs) 6049 @ 1' 11" 23684 Passed (26%) 1.25 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Building Use : Residential Pos Moment (Ft-lbs) 57538 @ 13' 6" 80307 Passed (72%) 1.25 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Building Code : IBC Live Load Defl. (in) 0.600 @ 13' 9" 0.908 Passed (L/545) -- 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Design Methodology : ASD Total Load Defl. (in) 1.148 @ 13' 9" 1.362 Passed (L/285) -- 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Member Pitch: 0/12 Member Reaction (lbs) -- • Deflection criteria: LL (L/360) and TL (L/240). • Bracing (Lu): All compression edges (top and bottom) must be braced at 27' 7" o/c unless detailed otherwise. Proper attachment and positioning of lateral bracing is required to achieve member stability. • Critical positive moment adjusted by a volume factor of 0.92 that was calculated using length L = 27' 3". • The effects of positive or negative camber have not been accounted for when calculating deflection. • The specified glulam is assumed to have its strong laminations at the bottom of the beam. Install with proper side up as indicated by the manufacturer. • Applicable calculations are based on NDS 2005 methodology. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Roof Live Total Accessories 1 - Stud wall - SYP 3.50" 3.50" 2.22" 3269 3616 6885 Blocking 2 - Stud wall - SYP 3.50" 3.50" 2.16" 3187 3518 6705 Blocking • Blocking Panels are assumed to carry no loads applied directly above them and the full load is applied to the member being designed. Tributary Dead Location Width (0.90) 1 - Point (lb) 13' 6" N/A 522 617 2 - Point (lb) 13' N/A 878 953 Loads Roof Live (non-snow: 1.25) 14' N/A 878 953 0 to 27' 7" N/A 69.4 92.5 5 - Tapered (PLF) 0 to 13' 6" N/A 114.4 to 0.0 152.5 to 0.0 6 - Tapered (PLF) 13' 6" to 27' N/A 0.0 to 114.4 0.0 to 152.5 3 - Point (lb) 4 - Uniform (PLF) Comments Roof Weyerhaeuser Notes Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Refer to current Weyerhaeuser literature for installation details. ( Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by Forte Software Operator Forte Software Operator Stacy Gerhardt Wiley|Wilson (678) 320-1878 Job Notes 11/14/2014 11:53:11 AM Forte v4.6, Design Engine: V6.1.1.5 Pee Dee Visitors.4te Page 1 of 1 44 MEMBER REPORT PASSED Level, Porch Beam - 12.5 ft 3 piece(s) 2 x 10 Southern Pine No. 2 All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. Design Results LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) System : Roof Member Type : Drop Beam Allowed 1443 @ 2" 8899 (3.50") Passed (16%) 1208 @ 1' 3/4" 6070 Passed (20%) 1.25 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Building Use : Residential Moment (Ft-lbs) 4482 @ 6' 6 1/2" 5349 Passed (84%) 1.25 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Building Code : IBC Live Load Defl. (in) 0.172 @ 6' 6 1/2" 0.425 Passed (L/891) -- 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Design Methodology : ASD Total Load Defl. (in) 0.316 @ 6' 6 1/2" 0.637 Passed (L/485) -- 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Member Pitch: 0/12 Shear (lbs) Result 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Actual @ Location Member Reaction (lbs) -- • Deflection criteria: LL (L/360) and TL (L/240). • Bracing (Lu): All compression edges (top and bottom) must be braced at 13' 1" o/c unless detailed otherwise. Proper attachment and positioning of lateral bracing is required to achieve member stability. • Applicable calculations are based on NDS 2005 methodology. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Roof Live Total Accessories 1 - Stud wall - SYP 3.50" 3.50" 1.50" 658 785 1443 Blocking 2 - Stud wall - SYP 3.50" 3.50" 1.50" 658 785 1443 Blocking • Blocking Panels are assumed to carry no loads applied directly above them and the full load is applied to the member being designed. Loads Tributary Dead Location Width (0.90) 1 - Uniform (PLF) 0 to 13' 1" N/A 90.0 Roof Live (non-snow: 1.25) 120.0 Comments Roof Weyerhaeuser Notes Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Refer to current Weyerhaeuser literature for installation details. ( Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by Forte Software Operator Forte Software Operator Stacy Gerhardt Wiley|Wilson (678) 320-1878 Job Notes 11/14/2014 11:53:28 AM Forte v4.6, Design Engine: V6.1.1.5 Pee Dee Visitors.4te Page 1 of 1 45 MEMBER REPORT PASSED Level, Porch Beam - 9 ft 3 piece(s) 2 x 6 Southern Pine No. 2 All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. Design Results Result LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) System : Roof 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Member Type : Drop Beam Actual @ Location Allowed Member Reaction (lbs) 533 @ 2" 8899 (3.50") Shear (lbs) 450 @ 9" 3609 Passed (12%) 1.25 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Building Use : Residential Moment (Ft-lbs) 1190 @ 4' 9 1/2" 2363 Passed (50%) 1.25 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Building Code : IBC Live Load Defl. (in) 0.113 @ 4' 9 1/2" 0.308 Passed (L/981) -- 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Design Methodology : ASD Total Load Defl. (in) 0.210 @ 4' 9 1/2" 0.463 Passed (L/529) -- 1.0 D + 1.0 Lr (All Spans) Member Pitch: 0/12 Passed (6%) -- • Deflection criteria: LL (L/360) and TL (L/240). • Bracing (Lu): All compression edges (top and bottom) must be braced at 9' 7" o/c unless detailed otherwise. Proper attachment and positioning of lateral bracing is required to achieve member stability. • Applicable calculations are based on NDS 2005 methodology. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Roof Live Total 1 - Stud wall - SYP 3.50" 3.50" 1.50" 246 288 534 Blocking 2 - Stud wall - SYP 3.50" 3.50" 1.50" 246 288 534 Blocking Accessories • Blocking Panels are assumed to carry no loads applied directly above them and the full load is applied to the member being designed. Loads Tributary Dead Location Width (0.90) 1 - Uniform (PLF) 0 to 9' 7" N/A 45.0 Roof Live (non-snow: 1.25) 60.0 Comments Roof Weyerhaeuser Notes Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Refer to current Weyerhaeuser literature for installation details. ( Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by Forte Software Operator Forte Software Operator Stacy Gerhardt Wiley|Wilson (678) 320-1878 Job Notes 11/19/2014 9:22:53 AM Forte v4.6, Design Engine: V6.1.1.5 Pee Dee Visitors.4te Page 1 of 1 46 MEMBER REPORT FAILED Level, 21 ft ridge beam (2 span) 3 piece(s) 1 3/4" x 11 1/4" 2.0E Microllam® LVL This product failed due to an excessive uplift of -1250 lbs at support 21' 8 1/2". All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. Design Results LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) System : Roof Member Type : Drop Beam Allowed 10174 @ 15' 5 1/4" 10382 (3.50") Passed (98%) Shear (lbs) 5170 @ 14' 4 1/4" 11222 Passed (46%) 1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Building Use : Residential -14280 @ 15' 5 1/4" 24206 Passed (59%) 1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Building Code : IBC Live Load Defl. (in) 0.226 @ 7' 1 1/2" 0.509 Passed (L/812) -- 1.0 D + 1.0 L (Alt Spans) Design Methodology : ASD Total Load Defl. (in) 0.397 @ 7' 1 1/8" 0.764 Passed (L/461) -- 1.0 D + 1.0 L (Alt Spans) Member Pitch: 0/12 Moment (Ft-lbs) Result 1.0 D + 1.0 L (All Spans) Actual @ Location Member Reaction (lbs) -- • Deflection criteria: LL (L/360) and TL (L/240). • Bracing (Lu): All compression edges (top and bottom) must be braced at 20' 2 1/4" o/c unless detailed otherwise. Proper attachment and positioning of lateral bracing is required to achieve member stability. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Floor Live Roof Live Total 1 - Stud wall - SYP 3.50" 3.50" 1.50" 1820 2322/-34 128 4270/-34 Blocking 2 - Stud wall - SYP 3.50" 3.50" 3.43" 4507 5667 315 10489 Blocking Accessories 1107/29/-35 1136/-1284 Blocking 1186 • Blocking Panels are assumed to carry no loads applied directly above them and the full load is applied to the member being designed. 3 - Stud wall - SYP 3.50" 1.50" -63 Location Tributary Width Dead (0.90) Floor Live (1.00) 0 to 21' 10 1/2" N/A 270.0 360.0 Loads 1 - Uniform (PLF) 3.50" Roof Live (non-snow: 1.25) 20.0 Comments Roof Weyerhaeuser Notes Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Refer to current Weyerhaeuser literature for installation details. ( Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by Forte Software Operator Forte Software Operator Stacy Gerhardt Wiley|Wilson (678) 320-1878 Job Notes 11/14/2014 11:54:00 AM Forte v4.6, Design Engine: V6.1.1.5 Pee Dee Visitors.4te Page 1 of 1 47 MEMBER REPORT PASSED Level, Back Porch Ridge 2 piece(s) 2 x 6 Southern Pine No. 2 All locations are measured from the outside face of left support (or left cantilever end). All dimensions are horizontal. Design Results LDF Load: Combination (Pattern) System : Roof Member Type : Flush Beam Allowed 723 @ 9' 11" 5933 (3.50") Passed (12%) Shear (lbs) 567 @ 9' 4" 1925 Passed (29%) 1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (Alt Spans) Building Use : Residential 1246 @ 6' 9/16" 1260 Passed (99%) 1.00 1.0 D + 1.0 L (Alt Spans) Building Code : IBC Live Load Defl. (in) 0.155 @ 5' 8 13/16" 0.284 Passed (L/659) -- 1.0 D + 1.0 L (Alt Spans) Design Methodology : ASD Total Load Defl. (in) 0.277 @ 5' 8 7/8" 0.426 Passed (L/369) -- 1.0 D + 1.0 L (Alt Spans) Member Pitch: 0.25/12 Moment (Ft-lbs) Result 1.0 D + 1.0 L (Alt Spans) Actual @ Location Member Reaction (lbs) -- • Deflection criteria: LL (L/360) and TL (L/240). • Overhang deflection criteria: LL (2L/360) and TL (2L/240). • Bracing (Lu): All compression edges (top and bottom) must be braced at 2' 11 1/16" o/c unless detailed otherwise. Proper attachment and positioning of lateral bracing is required to achieve member stability. • Applicable calculations are based on NDS 2005 methodology. Bearing Length Loads to Supports (lbs) Supports Total Available Required Dead Floor Live Roof Live Total 1 - Beveled Plate - SYP 3.50" 3.50" 1.50" 253 305 115 673 Blocking 2 - Beveled Plate - SYP 3.50" 3.50" 1.50" 319 404/-3 87 810/-3 Blocking Accessories • Blocking Panels are assumed to carry no loads applied directly above them and the full load is applied to the member being designed. Loads Tributary Dead Floor Live Location Width (0.90) (1.00) 1 - Tapered (PLF) 0 to 10' 1" N/A 15.0 to 90.0 20.0 to 120.0 Roof Live (non-snow: 1.25) 20.0 to 20.0 Comments Roof Weyerhaeuser Notes Weyerhaeuser warrants that the sizing of its products will be in accordance with Weyerhaeuser product design criteria and published design values. Weyerhaeuser expressly disclaims any other warranties related to the software. Refer to current Weyerhaeuser literature for installation details. ( Accessories (Rim Board, Blocking Panels and Squash Blocks) are not designed by this software. Use of this software is not intended to circumvent the need for a design professional as determined by the authority having jurisdiction. The designer of record, builder or framer is responsible to assure that this calculation is compatible with the overall project. Products manufactured at Weyerhaeuser facilities are third-party certified to sustainable forestry standards. The product application, input design loads, dimensions and support information have been provided by Forte Software Operator Forte Software Operator Stacy Gerhardt Wiley|Wilson (678) 320-1878 Job Notes 11/14/2014 11:54:21 AM Forte v4.6, Design Engine: V6.1.1.5 Pee Dee Visitors.4te Page 1 of 1 48 Building Energy Analysis Summary Sheet Alternative 1 Pee Dee Building Total Building Energy Consumption Per Year(MMBTUH) Total Building Energy Consumption Not Including Plug Loads Per Year (MMBTUH) for EPACT 2005 Analysis Alternative 2 ASHRAE 90.1 2007 Baseline Building 90.0 128.9 54.9 93.8 Total Energy Cost Per Year for LEED Analysis $1,582 $2,226 EPACT 2005 Percentage Improvement over ASHRAE 90.1 2007 Baseline Building: 41.5% LEED Percentage Improvement over ASHRAE 90.1 2007 Baseline Building: 28.9% 49 214180 Location Building owner Program user Company Comments By Dataset name WILEYWILSON C:\Users\slittle\Documents\TRACE 700 Projects\214180 PEEDEE.TRC Calculation time TRACE® 700 version 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 6.3 Location Latitude Longitude Time Zone Elevation Barometric pressure Charlotte, North Carolina 35.0 deg 81.0 deg 5 735 ft 29.1 in. Hg Air density Air specific heat Density-specific heat product Latent heat factor Enthalpy factor 0.0739 0.2444 1.0840 4,771.9 4.4348 lb/cu ft Btu/lb·°F Btu/h·cfm·°F Btu·min/h·cu ft lb·min/hr·cu ft Summer design dry bulb Summer design wet bulb Winter design dry bulb Summer clearness number Winter clearness number Summer ground reflectance Winter ground reflectance Carbon Dioxide Level 92 74 24 0.95 0.95 0.20 0.20 400 °F °F °F Design simulation period Cooling load methodology Heating load methodology January - December CLTD-CLF (ASHRAE TFM) CEC-DOE2 ppm 50 System Checksums By WILEYWILSON HP-1 Single Zone COOLING COIL PEAK Peaked at Time: Outside Air: CLG SPACE PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 17 OADB/WB/HR: 90 / 73 / 98 Space Sens. + Lat. Plenum Sens. + Lat Btu/h Btu/h 0 0 1,771 2,306 821 1,789 0 0 0 0 6,687 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Of Total (%) Space Sensible Btu/h Percent Of Total (%) 0 0 0 1,771 2,306 821 1,789 0 0 0 0 6,687 0 0 7 9 3 7 0 0 0 0 26 0 0 1,772 2,291 811 1,765 0 0 0 0 6,639 0 0 9 12 4 9 0 0 0 0 34 2,828 2,600 8,757 707 0 0 3,535 2,600 8,757 14 10 34 2,895 1,411 8,842 15 7 45 14,185 707 14,892 57 13,148 66 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,942 0 0 0 -96 529 0 0 0 0 611 25,954 100.00 19,787 0 TEMPERATURES Mo/Hr: Heating Design OADB: 24 Net Total Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> HEATING COIL PEAK Mo/Hr: Sum of OADB: Peaks Space Peak Space Sens Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> Coil Peak Percent Tot Sens Of Total Btu/h (%) 0 0 -1,337 0 -2,934 -2,396 0 0 0 0 -6,666 0 0 -1,337 0 -2,934 -2,396 0 0 0 0 -6,666 0.00 0.00 6.44 0.00 14.14 11.54 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 32.12 Lights People Misc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total ==> 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 -9,189 0 -4,900 0 -9,189 0 0 0 0 0.00 23.61 0 44.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 -20,755 100.00 Internal Loads Internal Loads Lights People Misc Sub Total ==> Ceiling Load Ventilation Load Adj Air Trans Heat Dehumid. Ov Sizing Ov/Undr Sizing Exhaust Heat Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage 0 -96 0 0 20,872 Grand Total ==> 0 Ceiling Load 0 Ventilation Load 0 Adj Air Trans Heat Ov/Undr Sizing 0 Exhaust Heat OA Preheat Diff. RA Preheat Diff. Additional Reheat 0 Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage 100.00 Grand Total ==> -15,855 COOLING COIL SELECTION Total Capacity ton MBh Sens Cap. MBh Coil Airflow cfm AREAS Enter DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb Main Clg Aux Clg 2.2 0.0 26.0 0.0 22.3 0.0 892 0 77.1 0.0 62.1 0.0 61.7 0.0 Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total 2.2 26.0 Leave DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 54.0 51.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 55.8 0.0 0.0 Gross Total 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC Heating 86.4 70.0 70.0 64.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 AIRFLOWS Cooling 892 Heating 892 Terminal Main Fan 892 892 892 892 Sec Fan Nom Vent AHU Vent Infil MinStop/Rh Return Exhaust Rm Exh Auxiliary Leakage Dwn Leakage Ups 0 86 86 0 0 892 86 0 0 0 0 0 97 97 0 0 892 97 0 0 0 0 Diffuser ENGINEERING CKS % OA cfm/ft² cfm/ton ft²/ton Btu/hr·ft² No. People Cooling 9.6 0.73 412.63 566.85 21.17 6 Heating 10.9 0.73 -16.93 HEATING COIL SELECTION Glass ft² (%) Capacity Coil Airflow MBh cfm -20.8 0.0 Ent °F 892 64.9 0 0.0 Lvg °F Floor Part 1,226 0 Main Htg Aux Htg Int Door ExFlr Roof Wall 0 0 1,215 1,418 Preheat 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 112 0 8 Humidif Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 21 0 0 Total Ext Door Project Name: Cooling 54.6 75.0 75.7 77.1 0.1 0.1 0.4 SADB Ra Plenum Return Ret/OA Fn MtrTD Fn BldTD Fn Frict 86.4 0.0 -20.8 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 51 Alternative - 1 System Checksums Report Page 1 of 3 System Checksums By WILEYWILSON HP-2 Single Zone COOLING COIL PEAK Peaked at Time: Outside Air: Space Sens. + Lat. Plenum Sens. + Lat Btu/h Btu/h 0 0 939 2,179 416 823 0 0 0 0 4,357 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lights People Misc Sub Total ==> Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> CLG SPACE PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 15 OADB/WB/HR: 92 / 74 / 104 TEMPERATURES Mo/Hr: Heating Design OADB: 24 Net Total Btu/h Percent Of Total (%) Space Sensible Btu/h Percent Of Total (%) 0 0 0 939 2,179 416 823 0 0 0 0 4,357 0 0 5 11 2 4 0 0 0 0 21 0 0 903 2,496 219 799 0 0 0 0 4,417 0 0 8 23 2 7 0 0 0 0 41 2,237 6,454 897 559 0 0 2,796 6,454 897 14 32 4 2,237 3,254 897 21 30 8 9,589 559 10,148 50 6,389 59 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 0 0 0 -1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,872 0 0 0 -220 289 0 0 0 0 340 20,447 100.00 10,805 0 HEATING COIL PEAK Mo/Hr: Sum of OADB: Peaks Space Peak Space Sens Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> Coil Peak Percent Tot Sens Of Total Btu/h (%) 0 0 -787 0 -2,445 -1,231 0 0 0 0 -4,462 0 0 -787 0 -2,445 -1,231 0 0 0 0 -4,462 0.00 0.00 4.95 0.00 15.39 7.75 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 28.09 Lights People Misc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total ==> 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 -1,771 0 -9,652 0 -1,771 0 0 0 0 0.00 60.76 0 11.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 -15,885 100.00 Internal Loads Internal Loads Ceiling Load Ventilation Load Adj Air Trans Heat Dehumid. Ov Sizing Ov/Undr Sizing Exhaust Heat Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage 0 -220 0 0 13,946 Grand Total ==> 0 Ceiling Load 0 Ventilation Load 0 Adj Air Trans Heat Ov/Undr Sizing 0 Exhaust Heat OA Preheat Diff. RA Preheat Diff. Additional Reheat 0 Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage 100.00 Grand Total ==> -6,233 COOLING COIL SELECTION Total Capacity ton MBh Sens Cap. MBh Coil Airflow cfm AREAS Enter DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb Main Clg Aux Clg 1.7 0.0 20.5 0.0 14.2 0.0 487 0 81.0 0.0 66.8 0.0 78.8 0.0 Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total 1.7 20.5 Leave DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 54.0 53.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 60.3 0.0 0.0 Gross Total 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC Heating 81.8 70.0 70.0 51.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 AIRFLOWS Cooling 487 Heating 487 Terminal Main Fan 487 487 487 487 Sec Fan Nom Vent AHU Vent Infil MinStop/Rh Return Exhaust Rm Exh Auxiliary Leakage Dwn Leakage Ups 0 191 191 0 0 487 191 0 0 0 0 0 191 191 0 0 487 191 0 0 0 0 Diffuser ENGINEERING CKS % OA cfm/ft² cfm/ton ft²/ton Btu/hr·ft² No. People Cooling 39.3 0.68 286.01 419.63 28.60 16 Heating 39.3 0.68 -22.22 HEATING COIL SELECTION Glass ft² (%) Capacity Coil Airflow MBh cfm Ent °F Lvg °F Floor Part 715 0 Main Htg Aux Htg -15.9 0.0 487 51.7 0 0.0 81.8 0.0 Int Door ExFlr Roof Wall 0 0 715 758 Preheat -1.2 487 51.7 54.0 0 87 0 11 Humidif Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 21 0 0 Ext Door Project Name: Cooling 54.6 75.0 76.1 82.1 0.1 0.1 0.4 SADB Ra Plenum Return Ret/OA Fn MtrTD Fn BldTD Fn Frict Total 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -15.9 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 52 Alternative - 1 System Checksums Report Page 2 of 3 System Checksums By WILEYWILSON System 4 System 4 - Packaged Rooftop Heat Pump COOLING COIL PEAK Peaked at Time: Outside Air: Space Sens. + Lat. Plenum Sens. + Lat Btu/h Btu/h 0 0 4,527 7,668 1,360 4,558 0 0 0 0 18,113 0 0 0 0 0 0 Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> CLG SPACE PEAK Mo/Hr: 8 / 15 OADB/WB/HR: 90 / 74 / 105 TEMPERATURES Mo/Hr: Heating Design OADB: 24 Net Total Btu/h Percent Of Total (%) Space Sensible Btu/h Percent Of Total (%) 0 0 0 4,527 7,668 1,360 4,558 0 0 0 0 18,113 0 0 8 14 3 8 0 0 0 0 33 0 0 3,812 10,013 846 4,481 0 0 0 0 19,152 0 0 10 26 2 12 0 0 0 0 49 5,130 9,083 9,649 1,283 0 0 6,413 9,083 9,649 12 17 18 5,168 4,692 9,737 13 12 25 23,863 1,283 25,146 46 19,597 51 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11,183 0 0 0 -235 0 0 0 0 0 1,047 54,207 100.00 38,749 0 HEATING COIL PEAK Mo/Hr: 9 / 15 OADB: 85 Space Peak Space Sens Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> Coil Peak Percent Tot Sens Of Total Btu/h (%) 0 0 -4,273 0 -5,376 -5,937 0 -356 0 0 -15,943 0 0 -4,273 0 -5,376 -5,937 0 -356 0 0 -15,943 0.00 0.00 9.25 0.00 11.64 12.86 0.00 0.77 0 0.00 34.52 Lights People Misc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total ==> 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 -15,926 0 -14,316 0 -15,926 0 0 0 0 0.00 31.00 0 34.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 -46,184 100.00 Internal Loads Internal Loads Lights People Misc Sub Total ==> Ceiling Load Ventilation Load Adj Air Trans Heat Dehumid. Ov Sizing Ov/Undr Sizing Exhaust Heat Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage 0 -235 0 0 41,977 Grand Total ==> 0 Ceiling Load 0 Ventilation Load 0 Adj Air Trans Heat Ov/Undr Sizing 0 Exhaust Heat OA Preheat Diff. RA Preheat Diff. Additional Reheat 0 Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage 100.00 Grand Total ==> -31,869 COOLING COIL SELECTION Total Capacity ton MBh Sens Cap. MBh Coil Airflow cfm AREAS Enter DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb Main Clg Aux Clg 5.2 0.0 62.3 0.0 43.2 0.0 2,117 0 77.4 0.0 64.2 0.0 71.3 0.0 Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total 5.2 62.3 Leave DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 58.1 54.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 58.9 0.0 0.0 Gross Total 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC Heating 85.6 70.0 70.0 63.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 AIRFLOWS Cooling 2,117 Heating 2,117 Terminal Main Fan 2,117 2,117 2,117 2,117 Sec Fan Nom Vent AHU Vent Infil MinStop/Rh Return Exhaust Rm Exh Auxiliary Leakage Dwn Leakage Ups 0 273 273 0 0 2,117 273 0 0 0 0 0 284 284 0 0 2,117 284 0 0 0 0 Diffuser ENGINEERING CKS % OA cfm/ft² cfm/ton ft²/ton Btu/hr·ft² No. People Cooling 12.9 1.09 407.59 373.64 32.12 22 Heating 13.4 1.09 -25.85 HEATING COIL SELECTION Glass ft² (%) Capacity Coil Airflow MBh cfm -50.2 0.0 Ent °F 2,117 63.8 0 0.0 Lvg °F Floor Part 1,941 0 Main Htg Aux Htg Int Door ExFlr Roof Wall 0 11 1,930 2,176 Preheat 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 199 0 9 Humidif Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 42 0 0 Total Ext Door Project Name: Cooling 58.1 75.0 75.6 77.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 SADB Ra Plenum Return Ret/OA Fn MtrTD Fn BldTD Fn Frict 85.6 0.0 -50.2 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 53 Alternative - 2 System Checksums Report Page 3 of 3 Room Checksums By WILEYWILSON 101 - Entry COOLING COIL PEAK Peaked at Time: Outside Air: CLG SPACE PEAK Mo/Hr: 11 / 16 OADB/WB/HR: 74 / 56 / 39 Space Sens. + Lat. Plenum Sens. + Lat Btu/h Btu/h 0 0 53 1,421 -50 108 0 0 0 0 1,532 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Of Total (%) Space Sensible Btu/h Percent Of Total (%) 0 0 0 53 1,421 -50 108 0 0 0 0 1,532 0 0 5 124 -4 9 0 0 0 0 134 0 0 18 1,737 -247 83 0 0 0 0 1,591 0 0 1 95 -13 5 0 0 0 0 87 Lights People Misc 238 0 0 60 0 0 298 0 0 26 0 0 238 0 0 13 0 0 Sub Total ==> 238 60 298 26 238 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 -62 0 0 0 -2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -709 0 0 0 -23 49 0 0 0 0 1,770 36 1,146 100.00 1,829 Total Capacity ton MBh Sens Cap. MBh Coil Airflow cfm 0 TEMPERATURES Mo/Hr: Heating Design OADB: 24 Net Total Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> HEATING COIL PEAK Mo/Hr: 12 / 16 OADB: 62 Space Peak Space Sens Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> Coil Peak Percent Tot Sens Of Total Btu/h (%) 0 0 -116 0 -824 -116 0 0 0 0 -1,055 0 0 -116 0 -824 -116 0 0 0 0 -1,055 0.00 0.00 4.30 0.00 30.64 4.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 39.24 Lights People Misc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total ==> 0 0 0.00 0 Ceiling Load 0 Ventilation Load 0 Adj Air Trans Heat Ov/Undr Sizing 0 Exhaust Heat OA Preheat Diff. RA Preheat Diff. Additional Reheat System Plenum Heat Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage 0 0 0 0 0 -1,634 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 60.76 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -2,689 100.00 Internal Loads Internal Loads Ceiling Load Ventilation Load Adj Air Trans Heat Dehumid. Ov Sizing Ov/Undr Sizing Exhaust Heat Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage Grand Total ==> 0 -23 0 0 0 100.00 Grand Total ==> -1,055 COOLING COIL SELECTION Main Clg Aux Clg 0.2 0.0 1.8 0.0 1.8 0.0 83 0 Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 Total 0.2 1.8 AREAS Enter DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 75.0 60.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 57.6 0.0 0.0 Leave DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 54.0 52.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 57.6 0.0 0.0 Gross Total Cooling 54.6 75.0 75.7 75.0 0.1 0.1 0.4 SADB Ra Plenum Return Ret/OA Fn MtrTD Fn BldTD Fn Frict Heating 81.8 70.0 70.0 51.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 AIRFLOWS Cooling 83 Heating 83 Terminal Main Fan 83 83 83 83 Sec Fan Nom Vent AHU Vent Infil MinStop/Rh Return Exhaust Rm Exh Auxiliary Leakage Dwn Leakage Ups 0 32 32 0 0 83 32 0 0 0 0 0 32 32 0 0 83 32 0 0 0 0 Diffuser ENGINEERING CKS % OA cfm/ft² cfm/ton ft²/ton Btu/hr·ft² No. People Cooling 39.3 0.79 545.12 693.76 17.30 0 Heating 39.3 0.79 -25.61 HEATING COIL SELECTION Glass ft² (%) Capacity Coil Airflow MBh cfm Ent °F Lvg °F Floor Part 105 0 Main Htg Aux Htg -2.7 0.0 83 51.7 0 0.0 81.8 0.0 Int Door ExFlr Roof Wall 0 0 105 105 Preheat -0.2 83 51.7 54.0 0 42 0 40 Humidif Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 Ext Door 0 0 0 Total 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -2.7 Project Name: 214180 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC Alternative - 1 System Checksums Report Page 1 of 38 54 Room Checksums By WILEYWILSON 102 - Multi-Use Exhibit COOLING COIL PEAK Peaked at Time: Outside Air: CLG SPACE PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 15 OADB/WB/HR: 92 / 74 / 104 Space Sens. + Lat. Plenum Sens. + Lat Btu/h Btu/h 0 0 886 759 466 716 0 0 0 0 2,826 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Of Total (%) Space Sensible Btu/h Percent Of Total (%) 0 0 0 886 759 466 716 0 0 0 0 2,826 0 0 5 4 2 4 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 886 759 466 716 0 0 0 0 2,826 0 0 10 8 5 8 0 0 0 0 31 Lights People Misc 1,999 6,454 897 500 0 0 2,499 6,454 897 13 33 5 1,999 3,254 897 22 36 10 Sub Total ==> 9,350 500 9,850 51 6,150 69 0 0 0 0 0 0 34 0 0 0 -1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,581 0 0 0 -196 240 0 0 0 0 12,176 303 19,301 100.00 8,976 Total Capacity ton MBh Sens Cap. MBh Coil Airflow cfm 0 TEMPERATURES Mo/Hr: Heating Design OADB: 24 Net Total Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> HEATING COIL PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 15 OADB: 92 Space Peak Space Sens Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> Coil Peak Percent Tot Sens Of Total Btu/h (%) 0 0 -671 0 -1,621 -1,115 0 0 0 0 -3,407 0 0 -671 0 -1,621 -1,115 0 0 0 0 -3,407 0.00 0.00 5.09 0.00 12.28 8.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25.82 Lights People Misc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total ==> 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 -1,771 0 -8,018 0 -1,771 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 60.76 0 13.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -13,196 100.00 Internal Loads Internal Loads Ceiling Load Ventilation Load Adj Air Trans Heat Dehumid. Ov Sizing Ov/Undr Sizing Exhaust Heat Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage Grand Total ==> 0 -196 0 0 0 Ceiling Load 0 Ventilation Load 0 Adj Air Trans Heat Ov/Undr Sizing 0 Exhaust Heat OA Preheat Diff. RA Preheat Diff. Additional Reheat System Plenum Heat Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage 0 100.00 Grand Total ==> -5,178 COOLING COIL SELECTION Main Clg Aux Clg 1.6 0.0 19.3 0.0 12.4 0.0 405 0 Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 Total 1.6 19.3 AREAS Enter DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 82.2 68.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 83.1 0.0 0.0 Leave DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 54.0 52.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 58.3 0.0 0.0 Gross Total Cooling 54.6 75.0 76.1 82.2 0.1 0.1 0.4 SADB Ra Plenum Return Ret/OA Fn MtrTD Fn BldTD Fn Frict Heating 81.8 70.0 70.0 51.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 AIRFLOWS Cooling 405 Heating 405 Terminal Main Fan 405 405 405 405 Sec Fan Nom Vent AHU Vent Infil MinStop/Rh Return Exhaust Rm Exh Auxiliary Leakage Dwn Leakage Ups 0 159 159 0 0 405 159 0 0 0 0 0 159 159 0 0 405 159 0 0 0 0 Diffuser ENGINEERING CKS % OA cfm/ft² cfm/ton ft²/ton Btu/hr·ft² No. People Cooling 39.3 0.66 251.70 379.26 31.64 16 Heating 39.3 0.66 -21.63 HEATING COIL SELECTION Glass ft² (%) Capacity Coil Airflow MBh cfm Ent °F Lvg °F Floor Part 610 0 Main Htg Aux Htg -13.2 0.0 405 51.7 0 0.0 81.8 0.0 Int Door ExFlr Roof Wall 0 0 610 653 Preheat -1.0 405 51.7 54.0 0 45 0 7 Humidif Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 Ext Door 21 0 0 Total 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -13.2 Project Name: 214180 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC Alternative - 1 System Checksums Report Page 2 of 38 55 Room Checksums By WILEYWILSON 103 - Hall COOLING COIL PEAK Peaked at Time: Outside Air: CLG SPACE PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 15 OADB/WB/HR: 92 / 74 / 104 Space Sens. + Lat. Plenum Sens. + Lat Btu/h Btu/h 0 0 125 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 125 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Of Total (%) Space Sensible Btu/h Percent Of Total (%) 0 0 0 125 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 125 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 127 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 127 0 0 38 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 38 Lights People Misc 194 0 0 49 0 0 243 0 0 39 0 0 208 0 0 62 0 0 Sub Total ==> 194 49 243 39 208 62 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 -3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 255 0 0 0 -17 9 0 0 0 0 320 32 616 100.00 335 Total Capacity ton MBh Sens Cap. MBh Coil Airflow cfm 0 TEMPERATURES Mo/Hr: Heating Design OADB: 24 Net Total Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> HEATING COIL PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 17 OADB: 90 Space Peak Space Sens Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> Coil Peak Percent Tot Sens Of Total Btu/h (%) 0 0 -95 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -95 0 0 -95 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -95 0.00 0.00 17.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17.91 Lights People Misc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total ==> 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 -173 0 -260 0 -173 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 49.24 0 32.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -528 100.00 Internal Loads Internal Loads Ceiling Load Ventilation Load Adj Air Trans Heat Dehumid. Ov Sizing Ov/Undr Sizing Exhaust Heat Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage Grand Total ==> 0 -17 0 0 0 Ceiling Load 0 Ventilation Load 0 Adj Air Trans Heat Ov/Undr Sizing 0 Exhaust Heat OA Preheat Diff. RA Preheat Diff. Additional Reheat System Plenum Heat Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage 0 100.00 Grand Total ==> -268 COOLING COIL SELECTION Main Clg Aux Clg 0.1 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.5 0.0 15 0 Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 Total 0.1 0.6 AREAS Enter DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 82.6 66.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 73.5 0.0 0.0 Leave DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 54.0 52.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 59.2 0.0 0.0 Gross Total Cooling 54.6 75.0 78.0 82.6 0.1 0.1 0.4 SADB Ra Plenum Return Ret/OA Fn MtrTD Fn BldTD Fn Frict Heating 86.4 70.0 70.0 54.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 AIRFLOWS Cooling 15 Heating 15 Terminal Main Fan 15 15 15 15 Sec Fan Nom Vent AHU Vent Infil MinStop/Rh Return Exhaust Rm Exh Auxiliary Leakage Dwn Leakage Ups 0 5 5 0 0 15 5 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 0 0 15 5 0 0 0 0 Diffuser ENGINEERING CKS % OA cfm/ft² cfm/ton ft²/ton Btu/hr·ft² No. People Cooling 34.2 0.18 293.90 1,674.95 7.16 0 Heating 34.2 0.18 -6.14 HEATING COIL SELECTION Glass ft² (%) Capacity Coil Airflow MBh cfm Ent °F 15 54.1 0 0.0 Lvg °F Floor Part 86 0 Main Htg Aux Htg -0.5 0.0 86.4 0.0 Int Door ExFlr Roof Wall 0 0 86 0 Preheat 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 Humidif Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ext Door 0 0 0 Total -0.5 Project Name: 214180 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC Alternative - 1 System Checksums Report Page 3 of 38 56 Room Checksums By WILEYWILSON 104 - Reception COOLING COIL PEAK Peaked at Time: Outside Air: CLG SPACE PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 15 OADB/WB/HR: 92 / 74 / 104 Space Sens. + Lat. Plenum Sens. + Lat Btu/h Btu/h 0 0 150 226 159 280 0 0 0 0 816 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Of Total (%) Space Sensible Btu/h Percent Of Total (%) 0 0 0 150 226 159 280 0 0 0 0 816 0 0 5 8 6 10 0 0 0 0 29 0 0 152 214 153 255 0 0 0 0 773 0 0 7 11 8 13 0 0 0 0 38 226 427 732 56 0 0 282 427 732 10 15 26 242 234 778 12 12 38 1,384 56 1,440 50 1,254 62 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 556 0 0 0 -7 54 0 0 0 0 2,200 49 2,860 100.00 2,027 Total Capacity ton MBh Sens Cap. MBh Coil Airflow cfm 0 TEMPERATURES Mo/Hr: Heating Design OADB: 24 Net Total Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> HEATING COIL PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 17 OADB: 90 Space Peak Space Sens Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> Coil Peak Percent Tot Sens Of Total Btu/h (%) 0 0 -114 0 -550 -391 0 0 0 0 -1,055 0 0 -114 0 -550 -391 0 0 0 0 -1,055 0.00 0.00 5.22 0.00 25.10 17.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 48.15 Lights People Misc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total ==> 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 -569 0 -567 0 -569 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 25.86 0 25.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -2,191 100.00 Internal Loads Internal Loads Lights People Misc Sub Total ==> Ceiling Load Ventilation Load Adj Air Trans Heat Dehumid. Ov Sizing Ov/Undr Sizing Exhaust Heat Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage Grand Total ==> 0 -7 0 0 0 Ceiling Load 0 Ventilation Load 0 Adj Air Trans Heat Ov/Undr Sizing 0 Exhaust Heat OA Preheat Diff. RA Preheat Diff. Additional Reheat System Plenum Heat Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage 0 100.00 Grand Total ==> -1,624 COOLING COIL SELECTION Main Clg Aux Clg 0.2 0.0 2.9 0.0 2.3 0.0 91 0 Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 Total 0.2 2.9 AREAS Enter DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 77.5 62.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 63.3 0.0 0.0 Leave DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 54.0 51.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 54.8 0.0 0.0 Gross Total Cooling 54.6 75.0 75.6 77.5 0.1 0.1 0.4 SADB Ra Plenum Return Ret/OA Fn MtrTD Fn BldTD Fn Frict Heating 86.4 70.0 70.0 64.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 AIRFLOWS Cooling 91 Heating 91 Terminal Main Fan 91 91 91 91 Sec Fan Nom Vent AHU Vent Infil MinStop/Rh Return Exhaust Rm Exh Auxiliary Leakage Dwn Leakage Ups 0 11 11 0 0 91 11 0 0 0 0 0 11 11 0 0 91 11 0 0 0 0 Diffuser ENGINEERING CKS % OA cfm/ft² cfm/ton ft²/ton Btu/hr·ft² No. People Cooling 12.3 0.88 383.55 436.34 27.50 1 Heating 12.3 0.88 -21.06 HEATING COIL SELECTION Glass ft² (%) Capacity Coil Airflow MBh cfm Ent °F Floor Part 104 0 Main Htg Aux Htg -2.2 0.0 Int Door ExFlr Roof Wall 0 0 104 241 Preheat 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 28 0 12 Humidif Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ext Door 0 0 0 Total 91 64.3 0 0.0 Lvg °F 86.4 0.0 -2.2 Project Name: 214180 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC Alternative - 1 System Checksums Report Page 4 of 38 57 Room Checksums By WILEYWILSON 105 - Storage COOLING COIL PEAK Peaked at Time: Outside Air: CLG SPACE PEAK Mo/Hr: 8 / 17 OADB/WB/HR: 88 / 72 / 99 Space Sens. + Lat. Plenum Sens. + Lat Btu/h Btu/h 0 0 44 0 0 196 0 0 0 0 239 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Of Total (%) Space Sensible Btu/h Percent Of Total (%) 0 0 0 44 0 0 196 0 0 0 0 239 0 0 13 0 0 57 0 0 0 0 70 0 0 44 0 0 196 0 0 0 0 239 0 0 14 0 0 62 0 0 0 0 76 Lights People Misc 76 0 0 19 0 0 95 0 0 28 0 0 76 0 0 24 0 0 Sub Total ==> 76 19 95 28 76 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 315 19 343 100.00 315 Total Capacity ton MBh Sens Cap. MBh Coil Airflow cfm 0 TEMPERATURES Mo/Hr: Heating Design OADB: 24 Net Total Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> HEATING COIL PEAK Mo/Hr: 8 / 17 OADB: 88 Space Peak Space Sens Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> Coil Peak Percent Tot Sens Of Total Btu/h (%) 0 0 -36 0 0 -216 0 0 0 0 -253 0 0 -36 0 0 -216 0 0 0 0 -253 0.00 0.00 10.30 0.00 0.00 61.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 71.69 Lights People Misc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total ==> 0 0 0.00 0 Ceiling Load 0 Ventilation Load 0 Adj Air Trans Heat Ov/Undr Sizing 0 Exhaust Heat OA Preheat Diff. RA Preheat Diff. Additional Reheat System Plenum Heat Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage 0 0 0 0 0 -100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 28.31 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -353 100.00 Internal Loads Internal Loads Ceiling Load Ventilation Load Adj Air Trans Heat Dehumid. Ov Sizing Ov/Undr Sizing Exhaust Heat Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage Grand Total ==> 0 0 0 0 0 100.00 Grand Total ==> -253 COOLING COIL SELECTION Main Clg Aux Clg 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.3 0.0 14 0 Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 Total 0.0 0.3 AREAS Enter DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 76.2 60.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 57.6 0.0 0.0 Leave DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 54.0 52.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 57.5 0.0 0.0 Gross Total Cooling 54.6 75.0 76.2 76.2 0.1 0.1 0.4 SADB Ra Plenum Return Ret/OA Fn MtrTD Fn BldTD Fn Frict Heating 86.4 70.0 70.0 63.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 AIRFLOWS Cooling 14 Heating 14 Terminal Main Fan 14 14 14 14 Sec Fan Nom Vent AHU Vent Infil MinStop/Rh Return Exhaust Rm Exh Auxiliary Leakage Dwn Leakage Ups 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 14 2 0 0 0 0 Diffuser ENGINEERING CKS % OA cfm/ft² cfm/ton ft²/ton Btu/hr·ft² No. People Cooling 0.0 0.43 497.93 1,154.94 10.39 0 Heating 13.9 0.43 -10.68 HEATING COIL SELECTION Glass ft² (%) Capacity Coil Airflow MBh cfm Ent °F 33 0 Main Htg Aux Htg -0.4 0.0 Int Door ExFlr Roof Wall 0 0 33 118 Preheat 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 Humidif Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ext Door 0 0 0 Total Floor Part 14 63.5 0 0.0 Lvg °F 86.4 0.0 -0.4 Project Name: 214180 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC Alternative - 1 System Checksums Report Page 5 of 38 58 Room Checksums By WILEYWILSON 106 - IT Room COOLING COIL PEAK Peaked at Time: Outside Air: CLG SPACE PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 17 OADB/WB/HR: 90 / 73 / 98 Space Sens. + Lat. Plenum Sens. + Lat Btu/h Btu/h 0 0 47 0 0 121 0 0 0 0 168 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Of Total (%) Space Sensible Btu/h Percent Of Total (%) 0 0 0 47 0 0 121 0 0 0 0 168 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 47 0 0 121 0 0 0 0 168 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 5 Lights People Misc 75 0 3,112 19 0 0 93 0 3,112 3 0 90 75 0 3,112 2 0 93 Sub Total ==> 3,187 19 3,205 93 3,187 95 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 90 0 0 0 0 3,355 19 3,463 100.00 3,355 Total Capacity ton MBh Sens Cap. MBh Coil Airflow cfm 0 TEMPERATURES Mo/Hr: Heating Design OADB: 24 Net Total Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> HEATING COIL PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 17 OADB: 90 Space Peak Space Sens Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> Coil Peak Percent Tot Sens Of Total Btu/h (%) 0 0 -35 0 0 -116 0 0 0 0 -151 0 0 -35 0 0 -116 0 0 0 0 -151 0.00 0.00 1.26 0.00 0.00 4.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.41 Lights People Misc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total ==> 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 -2,537 0 -97 0 -2,537 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 3.48 0 91.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -2,785 100.00 Internal Loads Internal Loads Ceiling Load Ventilation Load Adj Air Trans Heat Dehumid. Ov Sizing Ov/Undr Sizing Exhaust Heat Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage Grand Total ==> 0 0 0 0 0 Ceiling Load 0 Ventilation Load 0 Adj Air Trans Heat Ov/Undr Sizing 0 Exhaust Heat OA Preheat Diff. RA Preheat Diff. Additional Reheat System Plenum Heat Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage 0 100.00 Grand Total ==> -2,688 COOLING COIL SELECTION Main Clg Aux Clg 0.3 0.0 3.5 0.0 3.5 0.0 151 0 Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 Total 0.3 3.5 AREAS Enter DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 75.1 60.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 57.6 0.0 0.0 Leave DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 54.0 52.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 57.5 0.0 0.0 Gross Total Cooling 54.6 75.0 75.1 75.1 0.1 0.1 0.4 SADB Ra Plenum Return Ret/OA Fn MtrTD Fn BldTD Fn Frict Heating 86.4 70.0 70.0 69.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 AIRFLOWS Cooling 151 Heating 151 Terminal Main Fan 151 151 151 151 Sec Fan Nom Vent AHU Vent Infil MinStop/Rh Return Exhaust Rm Exh Auxiliary Leakage Dwn Leakage Ups 0 0 0 0 0 151 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 151 2 0 0 0 0 Diffuser ENGINEERING CKS % OA cfm/ft² cfm/ton ft²/ton Btu/hr·ft² No. People Cooling 0.0 4.73 524.29 110.89 108.22 0 Heating 1.3 4.73 -87.02 HEATING COIL SELECTION Glass ft² (%) Capacity Coil Airflow MBh cfm Ent °F 151 69.4 0 0.0 Lvg °F Floor Part 32 0 Main Htg Aux Htg -2.8 0.0 86.4 0.0 Int Door ExFlr Roof Wall 0 0 32 63 Preheat 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 Humidif Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ext Door 0 0 0 Total -2.8 Project Name: 214180 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC Alternative - 1 System Checksums Report Page 6 of 38 59 Room Checksums By WILEYWILSON 107 - LE Office COOLING COIL PEAK Peaked at Time: Outside Air: CLG SPACE PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 17 OADB/WB/HR: 90 / 73 / 98 Space Sens. + Lat. Plenum Sens. + Lat Btu/h Btu/h 0 0 167 977 153 260 0 0 0 0 1,557 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Of Total (%) Space Sensible Btu/h Percent Of Total (%) 0 0 0 167 977 153 260 0 0 0 0 1,557 0 0 5 26 4 7 0 0 0 0 42 0 0 167 977 153 260 0 0 0 0 1,557 0 0 6 34 5 9 0 0 0 0 55 266 434 779 67 0 0 333 434 779 9 12 21 266 234 779 9 8 27 1,479 67 1,546 42 1,279 45 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 516 0 0 0 -6 76 0 0 0 0 3,036 60 3,689 100.00 2,836 Total Capacity ton MBh Sens Cap. MBh Coil Airflow cfm 0 TEMPERATURES Mo/Hr: Heating Design OADB: 24 Net Total Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> HEATING COIL PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 17 OADB: 90 Space Peak Space Sens Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> Coil Peak Percent Tot Sens Of Total Btu/h (%) 0 0 -125 0 -550 -367 0 0 0 0 -1,042 0 0 -125 0 -550 -367 0 0 0 0 -1,042 0.00 0.00 4.37 0.00 19.16 12.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 36.31 Lights People Misc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total ==> 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 -1,231 0 -597 0 -1,231 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 20.80 0 42.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -2,870 100.00 Internal Loads Internal Loads Lights People Misc Sub Total ==> Ceiling Load Ventilation Load Adj Air Trans Heat Dehumid. Ov Sizing Ov/Undr Sizing Exhaust Heat Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage Grand Total ==> 0 -6 0 0 0 Ceiling Load 0 Ventilation Load 0 Adj Air Trans Heat Ov/Undr Sizing 0 Exhaust Heat OA Preheat Diff. RA Preheat Diff. Additional Reheat System Plenum Heat Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage 0 100.00 Grand Total ==> -2,273 COOLING COIL SELECTION Main Clg Aux Clg 0.3 0.0 3.7 0.0 3.2 0.0 128 0 Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 Total 0.3 3.7 AREAS Enter DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 76.8 61.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 61.4 0.0 0.0 Leave DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 54.0 51.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 55.3 0.0 0.0 Gross Total Cooling 54.6 75.0 75.5 76.8 0.1 0.1 0.4 SADB Ra Plenum Return Ret/OA Fn MtrTD Fn BldTD Fn Frict Heating 86.4 70.0 70.0 65.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 AIRFLOWS Cooling 128 Heating 128 Terminal Main Fan 128 128 128 128 Sec Fan Nom Vent AHU Vent Infil MinStop/Rh Return Exhaust Rm Exh Auxiliary Leakage Dwn Leakage Ups 0 12 12 0 0 128 12 0 0 0 0 0 12 12 0 0 128 12 0 0 0 0 Diffuser ENGINEERING CKS % OA cfm/ft² cfm/ton ft²/ton Btu/hr·ft² No. People Cooling 9.3 1.12 416.17 370.87 32.36 1 Heating 9.3 1.12 -25.17 HEATING COIL SELECTION Glass ft² (%) Capacity Coil Airflow MBh cfm Ent °F Floor Part 114 0 Main Htg Aux Htg -2.9 0.0 Int Door ExFlr Roof Wall 0 0 114 228 Preheat 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 28 0 12 Humidif Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ext Door 0 0 0 Total 128 65.7 0 0.0 Lvg °F 86.4 0.0 -2.9 Project Name: 214180 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC Alternative - 1 System Checksums Report Page 7 of 38 60 Room Checksums By WILEYWILSON 108 - Closet COOLING COIL PEAK Peaked at Time: Outside Air: CLG SPACE PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 18 OADB/WB/HR: 88 / 71 / 92 Space Sens. + Lat. Plenum Sens. + Lat Btu/h Btu/h 0 0 17 0 0 54 0 0 0 0 71 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Of Total (%) Space Sensible Btu/h Percent Of Total (%) 0 0 0 17 0 0 54 0 0 0 0 71 0 0 16 0 0 49 0 0 0 0 65 0 0 17 0 0 54 0 0 0 0 71 0 0 18 0 0 54 0 0 0 0 72 Lights People Misc 28 0 0 7 0 0 35 0 0 32 0 0 28 0 0 28 0 0 Sub Total ==> 28 7 35 32 28 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 99 7 109 100.00 99 Total Capacity ton MBh Sens Cap. MBh Coil Airflow cfm 0 TEMPERATURES Mo/Hr: Heating Design OADB: 24 Net Total Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> HEATING COIL PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 18 OADB: 88 Space Peak Space Sens Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> Coil Peak Percent Tot Sens Of Total Btu/h (%) 0 0 -14 0 0 -46 0 0 0 0 -60 0 0 -14 0 0 -46 0 0 0 0 -60 0.00 0.00 12.04 0.00 0.00 38.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50.65 Lights People Misc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total ==> 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 -19 0 -39 0 -19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 33.11 0 16.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -119 100.00 Internal Loads Internal Loads Ceiling Load Ventilation Load Adj Air Trans Heat Dehumid. Ov Sizing Ov/Undr Sizing Exhaust Heat Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage Grand Total ==> 0 0 0 0 0 Ceiling Load 0 Ventilation Load 0 Adj Air Trans Heat Ov/Undr Sizing 0 Exhaust Heat OA Preheat Diff. RA Preheat Diff. Additional Reheat System Plenum Heat Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage 0 100.00 Grand Total ==> -79 COOLING COIL SELECTION Main Clg Aux Clg 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 4 0 Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 Total 0.0 0.1 AREAS Enter DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 76.4 61.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 57.6 0.0 0.0 Leave DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 54.0 52.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 57.5 0.0 0.0 Gross Total Cooling 54.6 75.0 76.4 76.4 0.1 0.1 0.4 SADB Ra Plenum Return Ret/OA Fn MtrTD Fn BldTD Fn Frict Heating 86.4 70.0 70.0 61.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 AIRFLOWS Cooling 4 Heating 4 Terminal Main Fan 4 4 4 4 Sec Fan Nom Vent AHU Vent Infil MinStop/Rh Return Exhaust Rm Exh Auxiliary Leakage Dwn Leakage Ups 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 Diffuser ENGINEERING CKS % OA cfm/ft² cfm/ton ft²/ton Btu/hr·ft² No. People Cooling 0.0 0.34 493.27 1,433.88 8.37 0 Heating 17.4 0.34 -9.14 HEATING COIL SELECTION Glass ft² (%) Capacity Coil Airflow MBh cfm Ent °F 4 61.9 0 0.0 Lvg °F Floor Part 13 0 Main Htg Aux Htg -0.1 0.0 86.4 0.0 Int Door ExFlr Roof Wall 0 0 13 25 Preheat 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 Humidif Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ext Door 0 0 0 Total -0.1 Project Name: 214180 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC Alternative - 1 System Checksums Report Page 8 of 38 61 Room Checksums By WILEYWILSON 109 - Secure Storage COOLING COIL PEAK Peaked at Time: Outside Air: CLG SPACE PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 17 OADB/WB/HR: 90 / 73 / 98 Space Sens. + Lat. Plenum Sens. + Lat Btu/h Btu/h 0 0 96 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 96 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Of Total (%) Space Sensible Btu/h Percent Of Total (%) 0 0 0 96 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 96 0 0 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 0 0 96 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 96 0 0 38 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 38 Lights People Misc 157 0 0 39 0 0 196 0 0 66 0 0 157 0 0 62 0 0 Sub Total ==> 157 39 196 66 157 62 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 253 39 299 100.00 253 Total Capacity ton MBh Sens Cap. MBh Coil Airflow cfm 0 TEMPERATURES Mo/Hr: Heating Design OADB: 24 Net Total Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> HEATING COIL PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 17 OADB: 90 Space Peak Space Sens Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> Coil Peak Percent Tot Sens Of Total Btu/h (%) 0 0 -72 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -72 0 0 -72 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -72 0.00 0.00 17.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17.91 Lights People Misc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total ==> 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 -131 0 -197 0 -131 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 49.24 0 32.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -399 100.00 Internal Loads Internal Loads Ceiling Load Ventilation Load Adj Air Trans Heat Dehumid. Ov Sizing Ov/Undr Sizing Exhaust Heat Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage Grand Total ==> 0 0 0 0 0 Ceiling Load 0 Ventilation Load 0 Adj Air Trans Heat Ov/Undr Sizing 0 Exhaust Heat OA Preheat Diff. RA Preheat Diff. Additional Reheat System Plenum Heat Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage 0 100.00 Grand Total ==> -203 COOLING COIL SELECTION Main Clg Aux Clg 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.3 0.0 11 0 Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 Total 0.0 0.3 AREAS Enter DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 78.2 61.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 57.6 0.0 0.0 Leave DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 54.0 52.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 57.5 0.0 0.0 Gross Total Cooling 54.6 75.0 78.2 78.2 0.1 0.1 0.4 SADB Ra Plenum Return Ret/OA Fn MtrTD Fn BldTD Fn Frict Heating 86.4 70.0 70.0 54.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 AIRFLOWS Cooling 11 Heating 11 Terminal Main Fan 11 11 11 11 Sec Fan Nom Vent AHU Vent Infil MinStop/Rh Return Exhaust Rm Exh Auxiliary Leakage Dwn Leakage Ups 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 11 4 0 0 0 0 Diffuser ENGINEERING CKS % OA cfm/ft² cfm/ton ft²/ton Btu/hr·ft² No. People Cooling 0.0 0.18 457.91 2,609.57 4.60 0 Heating 34.2 0.18 -6.14 HEATING COIL SELECTION Glass ft² (%) Capacity Coil Airflow MBh cfm Ent °F 11 54.1 0 0.0 Lvg °F Floor Part 65 0 Main Htg Aux Htg -0.4 0.0 86.4 0.0 Int Door ExFlr Roof Wall 0 0 65 0 Preheat 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 Humidif Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ext Door 0 0 0 Total -0.4 Project Name: 214180 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC Alternative - 1 System Checksums Report Page 9 of 38 62 Room Checksums By WILEYWILSON 110 - Work COOLING COIL PEAK Peaked at Time: Outside Air: CLG SPACE PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 17 OADB/WB/HR: 90 / 73 / 98 Space Sens. + Lat. Plenum Sens. + Lat Btu/h Btu/h 0 0 184 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 184 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Of Total (%) Space Sensible Btu/h Percent Of Total (%) 0 0 0 184 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 184 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 184 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 184 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 302 439 788 76 0 0 378 439 788 16 19 33 302 239 788 20 16 52 1,529 76 1,605 68 1,329 88 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 -1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 545 0 0 0 -14 40 0 0 0 0 1,713 62 2,360 100.00 1,513 Total Capacity ton MBh Sens Cap. MBh Coil Airflow cfm 0 TEMPERATURES Mo/Hr: Heating Design OADB: 24 Net Total Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> HEATING COIL PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 17 OADB: 90 Space Peak Space Sens Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> Coil Peak Percent Tot Sens Of Total Btu/h (%) 0 0 -138 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -138 0 0 -138 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -138 0.00 0.00 7.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.46 Lights People Misc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total ==> 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 -1,075 0 -630 0 -1,075 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 34.19 0 58.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1,843 100.00 Internal Loads Internal Loads Lights People Misc Sub Total ==> Ceiling Load Ventilation Load Adj Air Trans Heat Dehumid. Ov Sizing Ov/Undr Sizing Exhaust Heat Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage Grand Total ==> 0 -14 0 0 0 Ceiling Load 0 Ventilation Load 0 Adj Air Trans Heat Ov/Undr Sizing 0 Exhaust Heat OA Preheat Diff. RA Preheat Diff. Additional Reheat System Plenum Heat Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage 0 100.00 Grand Total ==> -1,213 COOLING COIL SELECTION Main Clg Aux Clg 0.2 0.0 2.4 0.0 1.8 0.0 68 0 Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 Total 0.2 2.4 Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC AREAS Enter DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 78.5 63.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 65.0 0.0 0.0 Leave DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 54.0 51.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 53.3 0.0 0.0 Gross Total Cooling 54.6 75.0 76.0 78.5 0.1 0.1 0.4 SADB Ra Plenum Return Ret/OA Fn MtrTD Fn BldTD Fn Frict Heating 86.4 70.0 70.0 61.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 AIRFLOWS Cooling 68 Heating 68 Terminal Main Fan 68 68 68 68 Sec Fan Nom Vent AHU Vent Infil MinStop/Rh Return Exhaust Rm Exh Auxiliary Leakage Dwn Leakage Ups 0 13 13 0 0 68 13 0 0 0 0 0 13 13 0 0 68 13 0 0 0 0 Diffuser ENGINEERING CKS % OA cfm/ft² cfm/ton ft²/ton Btu/hr·ft² No. People Cooling 18.3 0.55 347.02 635.52 18.88 1 Heating 18.3 0.55 -14.74 HEATING COIL SELECTION Glass ft² (%) Capacity Coil Airflow MBh cfm Ent °F 68 61.5 0 0.0 Lvg °F Floor Part 125 0 Main Htg Aux Htg -1.8 0.0 86.4 0.0 Int Door ExFlr Roof Wall 0 0 125 0 Preheat 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 Humidif Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ext Door 0 0 0 Total -1.8 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 63 Alternative - 1 System Checksums Report Page 10 of 38 Room Checksums By WILEYWILSON 111 - Hall COOLING COIL PEAK Peaked at Time: Outside Air: CLG SPACE PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 15 OADB/WB/HR: 92 / 74 / 104 Space Sens. + Lat. Plenum Sens. + Lat Btu/h Btu/h 0 0 213 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 213 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Of Total (%) Space Sensible Btu/h Percent Of Total (%) 0 0 0 213 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 213 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 215 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 215 0 0 38 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 38 Lights People Misc 330 0 0 83 0 0 413 0 0 39 0 0 353 0 0 62 0 0 Sub Total ==> 330 83 413 39 353 62 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 -3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 434 0 0 0 -28 15 0 0 0 0 543 54 1,046 100.00 568 Total Capacity ton MBh Sens Cap. MBh Coil Airflow cfm 0 TEMPERATURES Mo/Hr: Heating Design OADB: 24 Net Total Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> HEATING COIL PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 17 OADB: 90 Space Peak Space Sens Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> Coil Peak Percent Tot Sens Of Total Btu/h (%) 0 0 -161 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -161 0 0 -161 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -161 0.00 0.00 17.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17.91 Lights People Misc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total ==> 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 -295 0 -442 0 -295 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 49.24 0 32.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -897 100.00 Internal Loads Internal Loads Ceiling Load Ventilation Load Adj Air Trans Heat Dehumid. Ov Sizing Ov/Undr Sizing Exhaust Heat Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage Grand Total ==> 0 -28 0 0 0 Ceiling Load 0 Ventilation Load 0 Adj Air Trans Heat Ov/Undr Sizing 0 Exhaust Heat OA Preheat Diff. RA Preheat Diff. Additional Reheat System Plenum Heat Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage 0 100.00 Grand Total ==> -455 COOLING COIL SELECTION Main Clg Aux Clg 0.1 0.0 1.1 0.0 0.8 0.0 26 0 Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 Total 0.1 1.1 AREAS Enter DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 82.6 66.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 73.5 0.0 0.0 Leave DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 54.0 52.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 59.2 0.0 0.0 Gross Total Cooling 54.6 75.0 78.0 82.6 0.1 0.1 0.4 SADB Ra Plenum Return Ret/OA Fn MtrTD Fn BldTD Fn Frict Heating 86.4 70.0 70.0 54.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 AIRFLOWS Cooling 26 Heating 26 Terminal Main Fan 26 26 26 26 Sec Fan Nom Vent AHU Vent Infil MinStop/Rh Return Exhaust Rm Exh Auxiliary Leakage Dwn Leakage Ups 0 9 9 0 0 26 9 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 0 0 26 9 0 0 0 0 Diffuser ENGINEERING CKS % OA cfm/ft² cfm/ton ft²/ton Btu/hr·ft² No. People Cooling 34.2 0.18 293.90 1,674.95 7.16 0 Heating 34.2 0.18 -6.14 HEATING COIL SELECTION Glass ft² (%) Capacity Coil Airflow MBh cfm Ent °F 26 54.1 0 0.0 Lvg °F Floor Part 146 0 Main Htg Aux Htg -0.9 0.0 86.4 0.0 Int Door ExFlr Roof Wall 0 0 146 0 Preheat 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 Humidif Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ext Door 0 0 0 Total -0.9 Project Name: 214180 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC Alternative - 1 System Checksums Report Page 11 of 38 64 Room Checksums By WILEYWILSON 112 - Mech COOLING COIL PEAK Peaked at Time: Outside Air: CLG SPACE PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 18 OADB/WB/HR: 88 / 71 / 92 Space Sens. + Lat. Plenum Sens. + Lat Btu/h Btu/h 0 0 34 0 0 118 0 0 0 0 151 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Of Total (%) Space Sensible Btu/h Percent Of Total (%) 0 0 0 34 0 0 118 0 0 0 0 151 0 0 15 0 0 53 0 0 0 0 68 0 0 34 0 0 118 0 0 0 0 151 0 0 16 0 0 57 0 0 0 0 74 Lights People Misc 54 0 0 13 0 0 67 0 0 30 0 0 54 0 0 26 0 0 Sub Total ==> 54 13 67 30 54 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 205 13 224 100.00 205 Total Capacity ton MBh Sens Cap. MBh Coil Airflow cfm 0 TEMPERATURES Mo/Hr: Heating Design OADB: 24 Net Total Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> HEATING COIL PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 18 OADB: 88 Space Peak Space Sens Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> Coil Peak Percent Tot Sens Of Total Btu/h (%) 0 0 -28 0 0 -101 0 0 0 0 -128 0 0 -28 0 0 -101 0 0 0 0 -128 0.00 0.00 11.45 0.00 0.00 42.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 53.48 Lights People Misc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total ==> 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 -36 0 -76 0 -36 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 31.49 0 15.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -240 100.00 Internal Loads Internal Loads Ceiling Load Ventilation Load Adj Air Trans Heat Dehumid. Ov Sizing Ov/Undr Sizing Exhaust Heat Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage Grand Total ==> 0 0 0 0 0 Ceiling Load 0 Ventilation Load 0 Adj Air Trans Heat Ov/Undr Sizing 0 Exhaust Heat OA Preheat Diff. RA Preheat Diff. Additional Reheat System Plenum Heat Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage 0 100.00 Grand Total ==> -164 COOLING COIL SELECTION Main Clg Aux Clg 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 9 0 Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 Total 0.0 0.2 Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC AREAS Enter DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 76.3 60.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 57.6 0.0 0.0 Leave DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 54.0 52.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 57.5 0.0 0.0 Gross Total Cooling 54.6 75.0 76.3 76.3 0.1 0.1 0.4 SADB Ra Plenum Return Ret/OA Fn MtrTD Fn BldTD Fn Frict Heating 86.4 70.0 70.0 62.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 AIRFLOWS Cooling 9 Heating 9 Terminal Main Fan 9 9 9 9 Sec Fan Nom Vent AHU Vent Infil MinStop/Rh Return Exhaust Rm Exh Auxiliary Leakage Dwn Leakage Ups 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 9 2 0 0 0 0 Diffuser ENGINEERING CKS % OA cfm/ft² cfm/ton ft²/ton Btu/hr·ft² No. People Cooling 0.0 0.37 495.56 1,338.21 8.97 0 Heating 16.2 0.37 -9.60 HEATING COIL SELECTION Glass ft² (%) Capacity Coil Airflow MBh cfm Ent °F 9 62.5 0 0.0 Lvg °F Floor Part 25 0 Main Htg Aux Htg -0.2 0.0 86.4 0.0 Int Door ExFlr Roof Wall 0 0 25 55 Preheat 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 Humidif Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ext Door 0 0 0 Total -0.2 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 65 Alternative - 1 System Checksums Report Page 12 of 38 Room Checksums By WILEYWILSON 113 - PM Office COOLING COIL PEAK Peaked at Time: Outside Air: CLG SPACE PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 17 OADB/WB/HR: 90 / 73 / 98 Space Sens. + Lat. Plenum Sens. + Lat Btu/h Btu/h 0 0 193 887 153 240 0 0 0 0 1,474 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Of Total (%) Space Sensible Btu/h Percent Of Total (%) 0 0 0 193 887 153 240 0 0 0 0 1,474 0 0 5 24 4 6 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 193 887 153 240 0 0 0 0 1,474 0 0 7 32 5 9 0 0 0 0 53 310 435 780 77 0 0 387 435 780 10 12 21 310 235 780 11 8 28 1,524 77 1,601 43 1,324 47 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 563 0 0 0 -8 75 0 0 0 0 2,998 69 3,705 100.00 2,798 Total Capacity ton MBh Sens Cap. MBh Coil Airflow cfm 0 TEMPERATURES Mo/Hr: Heating Design OADB: 24 Net Total Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> HEATING COIL PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 17 OADB: 90 Space Peak Space Sens Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> Coil Peak Percent Tot Sens Of Total Btu/h (%) 0 0 -145 0 -550 -315 0 0 0 0 -1,010 0 0 -145 0 -550 -315 0 0 0 0 -1,010 0.00 0.00 5.02 0.00 19.00 10.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 34.93 Lights People Misc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total ==> 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 -1,231 0 -651 0 -1,231 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 22.51 0 42.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -2,893 100.00 Internal Loads Internal Loads Lights People Misc Sub Total ==> Ceiling Load Ventilation Load Adj Air Trans Heat Dehumid. Ov Sizing Ov/Undr Sizing Exhaust Heat Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage Grand Total ==> 0 -8 0 0 0 Ceiling Load 0 Ventilation Load 0 Adj Air Trans Heat Ov/Undr Sizing 0 Exhaust Heat OA Preheat Diff. RA Preheat Diff. Additional Reheat System Plenum Heat Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage 0 100.00 Grand Total ==> -2,242 COOLING COIL SELECTION Main Clg Aux Clg 0.3 0.0 3.7 0.0 3.2 0.0 126 0 Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 Total 0.3 3.7 Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC AREAS Enter DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 77.0 62.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 61.8 0.0 0.0 Leave DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 54.0 51.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 55.2 0.0 0.0 Gross Total Cooling 54.6 75.0 75.6 77.0 0.1 0.1 0.4 SADB Ra Plenum Return Ret/OA Fn MtrTD Fn BldTD Fn Frict Heating 86.4 70.0 70.0 65.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 AIRFLOWS Cooling 126 Heating 126 Terminal Main Fan 126 126 126 126 Sec Fan Nom Vent AHU Vent Infil MinStop/Rh Return Exhaust Rm Exh Auxiliary Leakage Dwn Leakage Ups 0 13 13 0 0 126 13 0 0 0 0 0 13 13 0 0 126 13 0 0 0 0 Diffuser ENGINEERING CKS % OA cfm/ft² cfm/ton ft²/ton Btu/hr·ft² No. People Cooling 10.2 0.96 408.67 427.54 28.07 1 Heating 10.2 0.96 -21.92 HEATING COIL SELECTION Glass ft² (%) Capacity Coil Airflow MBh cfm Ent °F Floor Part 132 0 Main Htg Aux Htg -2.9 0.0 Int Door ExFlr Roof Wall 0 0 132 200 Preheat 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 28 0 14 Humidif Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ext Door 0 0 0 Total 126 65.2 0 0.0 Lvg °F 86.4 0.0 -2.9 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 66 Alternative - 1 System Checksums Report Page 13 of 38 Room Checksums By WILEYWILSON 114 - Closet COOLING COIL PEAK Peaked at Time: Outside Air: CLG SPACE PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 18 OADB/WB/HR: 88 / 71 / 92 Space Sens. + Lat. Plenum Sens. + Lat Btu/h Btu/h 0 0 14 0 0 123 0 0 0 0 138 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Of Total (%) Space Sensible Btu/h Percent Of Total (%) 0 0 0 14 0 0 123 0 0 0 0 138 0 0 8 0 0 72 0 0 0 0 81 0 0 14 0 0 123 0 0 0 0 138 0 0 9 0 0 77 0 0 0 0 86 Lights People Misc 23 0 0 6 0 0 29 0 0 17 0 0 23 0 0 14 0 0 Sub Total ==> 23 6 29 17 23 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 161 6 171 100.00 161 Total Capacity ton MBh Sens Cap. MBh Coil Airflow cfm 0 TEMPERATURES Mo/Hr: Heating Design OADB: 24 Net Total Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> HEATING COIL PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 18 OADB: 88 Space Peak Space Sens Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> Coil Peak Percent Tot Sens Of Total Btu/h (%) 0 0 -12 0 0 -106 0 0 0 0 -118 0 0 -12 0 0 -106 0 0 0 0 -118 0.00 0.00 7.46 0.00 0.00 65.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 73.07 Lights People Misc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total ==> 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 -10 0 -33 0 -10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 20.52 0 6.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -162 100.00 Internal Loads Internal Loads Ceiling Load Ventilation Load Adj Air Trans Heat Dehumid. Ov Sizing Ov/Undr Sizing Exhaust Heat Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage Grand Total ==> 0 0 0 0 0 Ceiling Load 0 Ventilation Load 0 Adj Air Trans Heat Ov/Undr Sizing 0 Exhaust Heat OA Preheat Diff. RA Preheat Diff. Additional Reheat System Plenum Heat Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage 0 100.00 Grand Total ==> -129 COOLING COIL SELECTION Main Clg Aux Clg 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 7 0 Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 Total 0.0 0.2 Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC AREAS Enter DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 75.7 60.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 57.6 0.0 0.0 Leave DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 54.0 52.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 57.5 0.0 0.0 Gross Total Cooling 54.6 75.0 75.7 75.7 0.1 0.1 0.4 SADB Ra Plenum Return Ret/OA Fn MtrTD Fn BldTD Fn Frict Heating 86.4 70.0 70.0 65.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 AIRFLOWS Cooling 7 Heating 7 Terminal Main Fan 7 7 7 7 Sec Fan Nom Vent AHU Vent Infil MinStop/Rh Return Exhaust Rm Exh Auxiliary Leakage Dwn Leakage Ups 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 7 1 0 0 0 0 Diffuser ENGINEERING CKS % OA cfm/ft² cfm/ton ft²/ton Btu/hr·ft² No. People Cooling 0.0 0.66 509.36 772.25 15.54 0 Heating 9.1 0.66 -14.74 HEATING COIL SELECTION Glass ft² (%) Capacity Coil Airflow MBh cfm Ent °F 7 65.8 0 0.0 Lvg °F Floor Part 11 0 Main Htg Aux Htg -0.2 0.0 86.4 0.0 Int Door ExFlr Roof Wall 0 0 11 58 Preheat 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 Humidif Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ext Door 0 0 0 Total -0.2 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 67 Alternative - 1 System Checksums Report Page 14 of 38 Room Checksums By WILEYWILSON 115 - Asst PM Office COOLING COIL PEAK Peaked at Time: Outside Air: CLG SPACE PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 16 OADB/WB/HR: 91 / 74 / 102 Space Sens. + Lat. Plenum Sens. + Lat Btu/h Btu/h 0 0 200 109 80 83 0 0 0 0 473 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Of Total (%) Space Sensible Btu/h Percent Of Total (%) 0 0 0 200 109 80 83 0 0 0 0 473 0 0 7 4 3 3 0 0 0 0 18 0 0 195 107 77 84 0 0 0 0 463 0 0 11 6 4 5 0 0 0 0 26 300 433 743 75 0 0 375 433 743 14 16 28 315 236 783 18 13 44 1,476 75 1,551 58 1,334 74 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 619 0 0 0 -12 48 0 0 0 0 1,948 63 2,679 100.00 1,797 Total Capacity ton MBh Sens Cap. MBh Coil Airflow cfm 0 TEMPERATURES Mo/Hr: Heating Design OADB: 24 Net Total Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> HEATING COIL PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 17 OADB: 90 Space Peak Space Sens Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> Coil Peak Percent Tot Sens Of Total Btu/h (%) 0 0 -146 0 -275 -167 0 0 0 0 -588 0 0 -146 0 -275 -167 0 0 0 0 -588 0.00 0.00 6.99 0.00 13.13 7.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 28.08 Lights People Misc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total ==> 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 -852 0 -654 0 -852 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 31.25 0 40.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -2,094 100.00 Internal Loads Internal Loads Lights People Misc Sub Total ==> Ceiling Load Ventilation Load Adj Air Trans Heat Dehumid. Ov Sizing Ov/Undr Sizing Exhaust Heat Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage Grand Total ==> 0 -12 0 0 0 Ceiling Load 0 Ventilation Load 0 Adj Air Trans Heat Ov/Undr Sizing 0 Exhaust Heat OA Preheat Diff. RA Preheat Diff. Additional Reheat System Plenum Heat Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage 0 100.00 Grand Total ==> -1,440 COOLING COIL SELECTION Main Clg Aux Clg 0.2 0.0 2.7 0.0 2.1 0.0 81 0 Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 Total 0.2 2.7 Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC AREAS Enter DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 78.3 63.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 64.7 0.0 0.0 Leave DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 54.0 51.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 54.9 0.0 0.0 Gross Total Cooling 54.6 75.0 75.9 78.3 0.1 0.1 0.4 SADB Ra Plenum Return Ret/OA Fn MtrTD Fn BldTD Fn Frict Heating 86.4 70.0 70.0 62.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 AIRFLOWS Cooling 81 Heating 81 Terminal Main Fan 81 81 81 81 Sec Fan Nom Vent AHU Vent Infil MinStop/Rh Return Exhaust Rm Exh Auxiliary Leakage Dwn Leakage Ups 0 13 13 0 0 81 13 0 0 0 0 0 13 13 0 0 81 13 0 0 0 0 Diffuser ENGINEERING CKS % OA cfm/ft² cfm/ton ft²/ton Btu/hr·ft² No. People Cooling 16.0 0.61 363.04 595.79 20.14 1 Heating 16.0 0.61 -15.75 HEATING COIL SELECTION Glass ft² (%) Capacity Coil Airflow MBh cfm Ent °F Floor Part 133 0 Main Htg Aux Htg -2.1 0.0 Int Door ExFlr Roof Wall 0 0 133 105 Preheat 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 14 0 13 Humidif Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ext Door 0 0 0 Total 81 62.6 0 0.0 Lvg °F 86.4 0.0 -2.1 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 68 Alternative - 1 System Checksums Report Page 15 of 38 Room Checksums By WILEYWILSON 116 - Closet COOLING COIL PEAK Peaked at Time: Outside Air: CLG SPACE PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 17 OADB/WB/HR: 90 / 73 / 98 Space Sens. + Lat. Plenum Sens. + Lat Btu/h Btu/h 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Of Total (%) Space Sensible Btu/h Percent Of Total (%) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lights People Misc 28 0 0 7 0 0 34 0 0 98 0 0 28 0 0 100 0 0 Sub Total ==> 28 7 34 98 28 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 28 7 35 100.00 28 Total Capacity ton MBh Sens Cap. MBh Coil Airflow cfm 0 TEMPERATURES Mo/Hr: Heating Design OADB: 24 Net Total Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> HEATING COIL PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 17 OADB: 90 Space Peak Space Sens Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> Coil Peak Percent Tot Sens Of Total Btu/h (%) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Lights People Misc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total ==> 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 -22 0 -33 0 -22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 60.17 0 39.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -55 100.00 Internal Loads Internal Loads Ceiling Load Ventilation Load Adj Air Trans Heat Dehumid. Ov Sizing Ov/Undr Sizing Exhaust Heat Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage Grand Total ==> 0 0 0 0 0 Ceiling Load 0 Ventilation Load 0 Adj Air Trans Heat Ov/Undr Sizing 0 Exhaust Heat OA Preheat Diff. RA Preheat Diff. Additional Reheat System Plenum Heat Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage 0 100.00 Grand Total ==> -22 COOLING COIL SELECTION Main Clg Aux Clg 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 0 Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 Total 0.0 0.0 Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC AREAS Enter DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 80.1 62.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 57.6 0.0 0.0 Leave DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 54.0 52.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 57.5 0.0 0.0 Gross Total Cooling 54.6 75.0 80.1 80.1 0.1 0.1 0.4 SADB Ra Plenum Return Ret/OA Fn MtrTD Fn BldTD Fn Frict Heating 86.4 70.0 70.0 45.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 AIRFLOWS Cooling 1 Heating 1 Terminal Main Fan 1 1 1 1 Sec Fan Nom Vent AHU Vent Infil MinStop/Rh Return Exhaust Rm Exh Auxiliary Leakage Dwn Leakage Ups 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 Diffuser ENGINEERING CKS % OA cfm/ft² cfm/ton ft²/ton Btu/hr·ft² No. People Cooling 0.0 0.11 424.23 3,755.51 3.20 0 Heating 53.1 0.11 -5.03 HEATING COIL SELECTION Glass ft² (%) Capacity Coil Airflow MBh cfm Ent °F Lvg °F 11 0 Main Htg Aux Htg -0.1 0.0 1 45.3 0 0.0 86.4 0.0 Int Door ExFlr Roof Wall 0 0 0 0 Preheat 0.0 1 45.3 54.0 0 0 0 0 Humidif Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0 0 Ext Door 0 0 0 Total Floor Part 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.1 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 69 Alternative - 1 System Checksums Report Page 16 of 38 Room Checksums By WILEYWILSON 117 - Women COOLING COIL PEAK Peaked at Time: Outside Air: CLG SPACE PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 17 OADB/WB/HR: 90 / 73 / 98 Space Sens. + Lat. Plenum Sens. + Lat Btu/h Btu/h 0 0 78 0 0 69 0 0 0 0 147 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Of Total (%) Space Sensible Btu/h Percent Of Total (%) 0 0 0 78 0 0 69 0 0 0 0 147 0 0 25 0 0 22 0 0 0 0 47 0 0 78 0 0 69 0 0 0 0 147 0 0 29 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 54 Lights People Misc 124 0 0 31 0 0 156 0 0 50 0 0 124 0 0 46 0 0 Sub Total ==> 124 31 156 50 124 46 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 271 31 309 100.00 271 Total Capacity ton MBh Sens Cap. MBh Coil Airflow cfm 0 TEMPERATURES Mo/Hr: Heating Design OADB: 24 Net Total Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> HEATING COIL PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 17 OADB: 90 Space Peak Space Sens Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> Coil Peak Percent Tot Sens Of Total Btu/h (%) 0 0 -58 0 0 -119 0 0 0 0 -178 0 0 -58 0 0 -119 0 0 0 0 -178 0.00 0.00 26.84 0.00 0.00 54.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 81.73 Lights People Misc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total ==> 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 -40 0 0 0 -40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 18.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -217 100.00 Internal Loads Internal Loads Ceiling Load Ventilation Load Adj Air Trans Heat Dehumid. Ov Sizing Ov/Undr Sizing Exhaust Heat Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage Grand Total ==> 0 0 0 0 0 Ceiling Load 0 Ventilation Load 0 Adj Air Trans Heat Ov/Undr Sizing 0 Exhaust Heat OA Preheat Diff. RA Preheat Diff. Additional Reheat System Plenum Heat Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage 0 100.00 Grand Total ==> -217 COOLING COIL SELECTION Main Clg Aux Clg 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.3 0.0 12 0 Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 Total 0.0 0.3 Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC AREAS Enter DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 77.4 61.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 57.6 0.0 0.0 Leave DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 54.0 52.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 57.5 0.0 0.0 Gross Total Cooling 54.6 75.0 77.4 77.4 0.1 0.1 0.4 SADB Ra Plenum Return Ret/OA Fn MtrTD Fn BldTD Fn Frict Heating 86.4 70.0 70.0 70.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 AIRFLOWS Cooling 12 Heating 12 Terminal Main Fan 12 12 12 12 Sec Fan Nom Vent AHU Vent Infil MinStop/Rh Return Exhaust Rm Exh Auxiliary Leakage Dwn Leakage Ups 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 Diffuser ENGINEERING CKS % OA cfm/ft² cfm/ton ft²/ton Btu/hr·ft² No. People Cooling 0.0 0.23 474.16 2,055.32 5.84 0 Heating 0.0 0.23 -4.10 HEATING COIL SELECTION Glass ft² (%) Capacity Coil Airflow MBh cfm Ent °F 12 70.0 0 0.0 Lvg °F Floor Part 53 0 Main Htg Aux Htg -0.2 0.0 86.4 0.0 Int Door ExFlr Roof Wall 0 0 53 65 Preheat 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 Humidif Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ext Door 0 0 0 Total -0.2 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 70 Alternative - 1 System Checksums Report Page 17 of 38 Room Checksums By WILEYWILSON 118 - Men COOLING COIL PEAK Peaked at Time: Outside Air: CLG SPACE PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 17 OADB/WB/HR: 90 / 73 / 98 Space Sens. + Lat. Plenum Sens. + Lat Btu/h Btu/h 0 0 78 0 0 69 0 0 0 0 147 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Of Total (%) Space Sensible Btu/h Percent Of Total (%) 0 0 0 78 0 0 69 0 0 0 0 147 0 0 25 0 0 22 0 0 0 0 47 0 0 78 0 0 69 0 0 0 0 147 0 0 29 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 54 Lights People Misc 124 0 0 31 0 0 156 0 0 50 0 0 124 0 0 46 0 0 Sub Total ==> 124 31 156 50 124 46 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 271 31 309 100.00 271 Total Capacity ton MBh Sens Cap. MBh Coil Airflow cfm 0 TEMPERATURES Mo/Hr: Heating Design OADB: 24 Net Total Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> HEATING COIL PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 17 OADB: 90 Space Peak Space Sens Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> Coil Peak Percent Tot Sens Of Total Btu/h (%) 0 0 -58 0 0 -119 0 0 0 0 -178 0 0 -58 0 0 -119 0 0 0 0 -178 0.00 0.00 26.84 0.00 0.00 54.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 81.73 Lights People Misc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total ==> 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 -40 0 0 0 -40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 18.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -217 100.00 Internal Loads Internal Loads Ceiling Load Ventilation Load Adj Air Trans Heat Dehumid. Ov Sizing Ov/Undr Sizing Exhaust Heat Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage Grand Total ==> 0 0 0 0 0 Ceiling Load 0 Ventilation Load 0 Adj Air Trans Heat Ov/Undr Sizing 0 Exhaust Heat OA Preheat Diff. RA Preheat Diff. Additional Reheat System Plenum Heat Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage 0 100.00 Grand Total ==> -217 COOLING COIL SELECTION Main Clg Aux Clg 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.3 0.0 12 0 Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 Total 0.0 0.3 Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC AREAS Enter DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 77.4 61.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 57.6 0.0 0.0 Leave DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 54.0 52.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 57.5 0.0 0.0 Gross Total Cooling 54.6 75.0 77.4 77.4 0.1 0.1 0.4 SADB Ra Plenum Return Ret/OA Fn MtrTD Fn BldTD Fn Frict Heating 86.4 70.0 70.0 70.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 AIRFLOWS Cooling 12 Heating 12 Terminal Main Fan 12 12 12 12 Sec Fan Nom Vent AHU Vent Infil MinStop/Rh Return Exhaust Rm Exh Auxiliary Leakage Dwn Leakage Ups 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 Diffuser ENGINEERING CKS % OA cfm/ft² cfm/ton ft²/ton Btu/hr·ft² No. People Cooling 0.0 0.23 474.16 2,055.32 5.84 0 Heating 0.0 0.23 -4.10 HEATING COIL SELECTION Glass ft² (%) Capacity Coil Airflow MBh cfm Ent °F 12 70.0 0 0.0 Lvg °F Floor Part 53 0 Main Htg Aux Htg -0.2 0.0 86.4 0.0 Int Door ExFlr Roof Wall 0 0 53 65 Preheat 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 Humidif Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ext Door 0 0 0 Total -0.2 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 71 Alternative - 1 System Checksums Report Page 18 of 38 Room Checksums By WILEYWILSON 119 - Break COOLING COIL PEAK Peaked at Time: Outside Air: CLG SPACE PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 17 OADB/WB/HR: 90 / 73 / 98 Space Sens. + Lat. Plenum Sens. + Lat Btu/h Btu/h 0 0 131 106 275 176 0 0 0 0 688 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Of Total (%) Space Sensible Btu/h Percent Of Total (%) 0 0 0 131 106 275 176 0 0 0 0 688 0 0 4 3 7 5 0 0 0 0 18 0 0 131 106 275 176 0 0 0 0 688 0 0 4 4 9 6 0 0 0 0 23 Lights People Misc 210 434 1,824 52 0 0 262 434 1,824 7 12 49 210 234 1,824 7 8 62 Sub Total ==> 2,467 52 2,520 67 2,267 77 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 453 0 0 0 -4 79 0 0 0 0 3,156 48 3,736 100.00 2,956 Total Capacity ton MBh Sens Cap. MBh Coil Airflow cfm 0 TEMPERATURES Mo/Hr: Heating Design OADB: 24 Net Total Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> HEATING COIL PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 17 OADB: 90 Space Peak Space Sens Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> Coil Peak Percent Tot Sens Of Total Btu/h (%) 0 0 -99 0 -1,010 -332 0 0 0 0 -1,441 0 0 -99 0 -1,010 -332 0 0 0 0 -1,441 0.00 0.00 3.42 0.00 34.90 11.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 49.81 Lights People Misc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total ==> 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 -928 0 -524 0 -928 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 18.12 0 32.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -2,892 100.00 Internal Loads Internal Loads Ceiling Load Ventilation Load Adj Air Trans Heat Dehumid. Ov Sizing Ov/Undr Sizing Exhaust Heat Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage Grand Total ==> 0 -4 0 0 0 Ceiling Load 0 Ventilation Load 0 Adj Air Trans Heat Ov/Undr Sizing 0 Exhaust Heat OA Preheat Diff. RA Preheat Diff. Additional Reheat System Plenum Heat Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage 0 100.00 Grand Total ==> -2,368 COOLING COIL SELECTION Main Clg Aux Clg 0.3 0.0 3.7 0.0 3.3 0.0 133 0 Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 Total 0.3 3.7 Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC AREAS Enter DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 76.5 61.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 60.8 0.0 0.0 Leave DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 54.0 51.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 55.4 0.0 0.0 Gross Total Cooling 54.6 75.0 75.4 76.5 0.1 0.1 0.4 SADB Ra Plenum Return Ret/OA Fn MtrTD Fn BldTD Fn Frict Heating 86.4 70.0 70.0 66.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 AIRFLOWS Cooling 133 Heating 133 Terminal Main Fan 133 133 133 133 Sec Fan Nom Vent AHU Vent Infil MinStop/Rh Return Exhaust Rm Exh Auxiliary Leakage Dwn Leakage Ups 0 10 10 0 0 133 10 0 0 0 0 0 10 10 0 0 133 10 0 0 0 0 Diffuser ENGINEERING CKS % OA cfm/ft² cfm/ton ft²/ton Btu/hr·ft² No. People Cooling 7.8 1.48 428.14 289.06 41.51 1 Heating 7.8 1.48 -32.14 HEATING COIL SELECTION Glass ft² (%) Capacity Coil Airflow MBh cfm Ent °F 90 0 Main Htg Aux Htg -2.9 0.0 Int Door ExFlr Roof Wall 0 0 90 195 Preheat 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 14 0 7 Humidif Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ext Door 21 0 0 Total Floor Part 133 66.4 0 0.0 Lvg °F 86.4 0.0 -2.9 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 72 Alternative - 1 System Checksums Report Page 19 of 38 Room Checksums By WILEYWILSON 101 - Entry COOLING COIL PEAK Peaked at Time: Outside Air: CLG SPACE PEAK Mo/Hr: 9 / 15 OADB/WB/HR: 85 / 72 / 99 Space Sens. + Lat. Plenum Sens. + Lat Btu/h Btu/h 0 0 201 2,428 139 188 0 0 0 0 2,956 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Of Total (%) Space Sensible Btu/h Percent Of Total (%) 0 0 0 201 2,428 139 188 0 0 0 0 2,956 0 0 5 58 3 4 0 0 0 0 70 0 0 82 3,300 -49 186 0 0 0 0 3,518 0 0 2 88 -1 5 0 0 0 0 94 Lights People Misc 241 0 0 60 0 0 301 0 0 7 0 0 241 0 0 6 0 0 Sub Total ==> 241 60 301 7 241 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 950 0 0 0 -10 0 0 0 0 0 3,197 50 4,197 100.00 3,759 Total Capacity ton MBh Sens Cap. MBh Coil Airflow cfm 0 TEMPERATURES Mo/Hr: Heating Design OADB: 24 Net Total Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> HEATING COIL PEAK Mo/Hr: 11 / 15 OADB: 75 Space Peak Space Sens Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> Coil Peak Percent Tot Sens Of Total Btu/h (%) 0 0 -232 0 -824 -189 0 -356 0 0 -1,602 0 0 -232 0 -824 -189 0 -356 0 0 -1,602 0.00 0.00 7.50 0.00 26.60 6.11 0.00 11.50 0.00 0.00 51.71 Lights People Misc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total ==> 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 -55 0 -1,442 0 -55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 46.53 0 1.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -3,098 100.00 Internal Loads Internal Loads Ceiling Load Ventilation Load Adj Air Trans Heat Dehumid. Ov Sizing Ov/Undr Sizing Exhaust Heat Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage Grand Total ==> 0 -10 0 0 0 Ceiling Load 0 Ventilation Load 0 Adj Air Trans Heat Ov/Undr Sizing 0 Exhaust Heat OA Preheat Diff. RA Preheat Diff. Additional Reheat System Plenum Heat Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage 0 100.00 Grand Total ==> -1,657 COOLING COIL SELECTION Main Clg Aux Clg 0.4 0.0 4.8 0.0 3.6 0.0 169 0 Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 Total 0.4 4.8 Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC AREAS Enter DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 77.0 64.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 72.3 0.0 0.0 Leave DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 54.5 54.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 65.1 0.0 0.0 Gross Total Cooling 54.5 75.0 75.3 77.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 SADB Ra Plenum Return Ret/OA Fn MtrTD Fn BldTD Fn Frict Heating 81.2 70.0 70.0 62.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 AIRFLOWS Cooling 169 Heating 169 Terminal Main Fan 169 169 169 169 Sec Fan Nom Vent AHU Vent Infil MinStop/Rh Return Exhaust Rm Exh Auxiliary Leakage Dwn Leakage Ups 0 29 29 0 0 169 29 0 0 0 0 0 29 29 0 0 169 29 0 0 0 0 Diffuser ENGINEERING CKS % OA cfm/ft² cfm/ton ft²/ton Btu/hr·ft² No. People Cooling 16.9 1.61 420.51 261.06 45.97 0 Heating 16.9 1.61 -33.32 HEATING COIL SELECTION Glass ft² (%) Capacity Coil Airflow MBh cfm Ent °F Floor Part 105 0 Main Htg Aux Htg -3.5 0.0 Int Door ExFlr Roof Wall 0 11 105 105 Preheat 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 42 0 40 Humidif Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ext Door 0 0 0 Total 169 62.1 0 0.0 Lvg °F 81.2 0.0 -3.5 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 73 Alternative - 2 System Checksums Report Page 20 of 38 Room Checksums By WILEYWILSON 102 - Multi-Use Exhibit COOLING COIL PEAK Peaked at Time: Outside Air: CLG SPACE PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 15 OADB/WB/HR: 92 / 74 / 104 Space Sens. + Lat. Plenum Sens. + Lat Btu/h Btu/h 0 0 1,550 1,249 467 1,174 0 0 0 0 4,441 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Of Total (%) Space Sensible Btu/h Percent Of Total (%) 0 0 0 1,550 1,249 467 1,174 0 0 0 0 4,441 0 0 7 6 2 6 0 0 0 0 21 0 0 1,163 2,162 269 1,137 0 0 0 0 4,732 0 0 11 20 2 10 0 0 0 0 43 Lights People Misc 2,059 6,457 905 515 0 0 2,574 6,457 905 12 31 4 2,059 3,257 905 19 30 8 Sub Total ==> 9,422 515 9,937 47 6,222 57 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,832 0 0 0 -165 0 0 0 0 0 13,863 350 21,044 100.00 10,954 Total Capacity ton MBh Sens Cap. MBh Coil Airflow cfm 0 TEMPERATURES Mo/Hr: Heating Design OADB: 24 Net Total Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> HEATING COIL PEAK Mo/Hr: 9 / 15 OADB: 85 Space Peak Space Sens Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> Coil Peak Percent Tot Sens Of Total Btu/h (%) 0 0 -1,351 0 -1,619 -1,826 0 0 0 0 -4,796 0 0 -1,351 0 -1,619 -1,826 0 0 0 0 -4,796 0.00 0.00 10.58 0.00 12.69 14.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 37.57 Lights People Misc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total ==> 0 0 0.00 0 Ceiling Load 0 Ventilation Load 0 Adj Air Trans Heat Ov/Undr Sizing 0 Exhaust Heat OA Preheat Diff. RA Preheat Diff. Additional Reheat System Plenum Heat Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage 0 0 0 0 0 -7,970 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 62.43 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -12,765 100.00 Internal Loads Internal Loads Ceiling Load Ventilation Load Adj Air Trans Heat Dehumid. Ov Sizing Ov/Undr Sizing Exhaust Heat Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage Grand Total ==> 0 -165 0 0 0 100.00 Grand Total ==> -4,796 COOLING COIL SELECTION Main Clg Aux Clg 2.0 0.0 24.2 0.0 13.8 0.0 493 0 Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 Total 2.0 24.2 Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC AREAS Enter DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 81.0 66.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 78.8 0.0 0.0 Leave DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 54.5 50.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 49.1 0.0 0.0 Gross Total Cooling 54.5 75.0 76.0 81.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 SADB Ra Plenum Return Ret/OA Fn MtrTD Fn BldTD Fn Frict Heating 81.2 70.0 70.0 55.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 AIRFLOWS Cooling 493 Heating 493 Terminal Main Fan 493 493 493 493 Sec Fan Nom Vent AHU Vent Infil MinStop/Rh Return Exhaust Rm Exh Auxiliary Leakage Dwn Leakage Ups 0 158 158 0 0 493 158 0 0 0 0 0 158 158 0 0 493 158 0 0 0 0 Diffuser ENGINEERING CKS % OA cfm/ft² cfm/ton ft²/ton Btu/hr·ft² No. People Cooling 32.1 0.81 244.36 302.47 39.67 16 Heating 32.1 0.81 -22.89 HEATING COIL SELECTION Glass ft² (%) Capacity Coil Airflow MBh cfm -14.0 0.0 Ent °F 493 55.1 0 0.0 Lvg °F Floor Part 610 0 Main Htg Aux Htg 81.2 0.0 Int Door ExFlr Roof Wall 0 0 610 653 Preheat 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 45 0 7 Humidif Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ext Door 21 0 0 Total -14.0 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 74 Alternative - 2 System Checksums Report Page 21 of 38 Room Checksums By WILEYWILSON 103 - Hall COOLING COIL PEAK Peaked at Time: Outside Air: CLG SPACE PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 15 OADB/WB/HR: 92 / 74 / 104 Space Sens. + Lat. Plenum Sens. + Lat Btu/h Btu/h 0 0 219 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 219 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Of Total (%) Space Sensible Btu/h Percent Of Total (%) 0 0 0 219 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 219 0 0 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 0 0 219 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 219 0 0 52 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 52 Lights People Misc 203 0 0 51 0 0 253 0 0 37 0 0 203 0 0 48 0 0 Sub Total ==> 203 51 253 37 203 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 0 0 0 -2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 226 0 0 0 -10 0 0 0 0 0 422 40 688 100.00 422 Total Capacity ton MBh Sens Cap. MBh Coil Airflow cfm 0 TEMPERATURES Mo/Hr: Heating Design OADB: 24 Net Total Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> HEATING COIL PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 15 OADB: 92 Space Peak Space Sens Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> Coil Peak Percent Tot Sens Of Total Btu/h (%) 0 0 -190 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -190 0 0 -190 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -190 0.00 0.00 27.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 27.11 Lights People Misc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total ==> 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 -250 0 -262 0 -250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 37.32 0 35.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -702 100.00 Internal Loads Internal Loads Ceiling Load Ventilation Load Adj Air Trans Heat Dehumid. Ov Sizing Ov/Undr Sizing Exhaust Heat Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage Grand Total ==> 0 -10 0 0 0 Ceiling Load 0 Ventilation Load 0 Adj Air Trans Heat Ov/Undr Sizing 0 Exhaust Heat OA Preheat Diff. RA Preheat Diff. Additional Reheat System Plenum Heat Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage 0 100.00 Grand Total ==> -440 COOLING COIL SELECTION Main Clg Aux Clg 0.1 0.0 0.8 0.0 0.6 0.0 26 0 Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 Total 0.1 0.8 Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC AREAS Enter DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 79.8 65.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 74.2 0.0 0.0 Leave DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 59.8 55.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 60.9 0.0 0.0 Gross Total Cooling 59.8 75.0 76.8 79.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 SADB Ra Plenum Return Ret/OA Fn MtrTD Fn BldTD Fn Frict Heating 87.6 70.0 70.0 60.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 AIRFLOWS Cooling 26 Heating 26 Terminal Main Fan 26 26 26 26 Sec Fan Nom Vent AHU Vent Infil MinStop/Rh Return Exhaust Rm Exh Auxiliary Leakage Dwn Leakage Ups 0 5 5 0 0 26 5 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 0 0 26 5 0 0 0 0 Diffuser ENGINEERING CKS % OA cfm/ft² cfm/ton ft²/ton Btu/hr·ft² No. People Cooling 20.4 0.30 387.53 1,305.19 9.19 0 Heating 20.4 0.30 -8.72 HEATING COIL SELECTION Glass ft² (%) Capacity Coil Airflow MBh cfm Ent °F 26 60.5 0 0.0 Lvg °F Floor Part 86 0 Main Htg Aux Htg -0.8 0.0 87.6 0.0 Int Door ExFlr Roof Wall 0 0 86 0 Preheat 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 Humidif Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ext Door 0 0 0 Total -0.8 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 75 Alternative - 2 System Checksums Report Page 22 of 38 Room Checksums By WILEYWILSON 104 - Reception COOLING COIL PEAK Peaked at Time: Outside Air: CLG SPACE PEAK Mo/Hr: 9 / 15 OADB/WB/HR: 85 / 72 / 99 Space Sens. + Lat. Plenum Sens. + Lat Btu/h Btu/h 0 0 197 1,580 92 569 0 0 0 0 2,438 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Of Total (%) Space Sensible Btu/h Percent Of Total (%) 0 0 0 197 1,580 92 569 0 0 0 0 2,438 0 0 5 37 2 13 0 0 0 0 57 0 0 79 2,147 -34 523 0 0 0 0 2,715 0 0 2 55 -1 13 0 0 0 0 69 227 432 734 57 0 0 284 432 734 7 10 17 227 232 734 6 6 19 1,392 57 1,449 34 1,192 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 374 0 0 0 -3 0 0 0 0 0 3,830 54 4,258 100.00 3,908 Total Capacity ton MBh Sens Cap. MBh Coil Airflow cfm 0 TEMPERATURES Mo/Hr: Heating Design OADB: 24 Net Total Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> HEATING COIL PEAK Mo/Hr: 11 / 15 OADB: 75 Space Peak Space Sens Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> Coil Peak Percent Tot Sens Of Total Btu/h (%) 0 0 -230 0 -550 -640 0 0 0 0 -1,420 0 0 -230 0 -550 -640 0 0 0 0 -1,420 0.00 0.00 4.87 0.00 11.62 13.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30.02 Lights People Misc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total ==> 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 -2,745 0 -565 0 -2,745 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 11.94 0 58.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -4,730 100.00 Internal Loads Internal Loads Lights People Misc Sub Total ==> Ceiling Load Ventilation Load Adj Air Trans Heat Dehumid. Ov Sizing Ov/Undr Sizing Exhaust Heat Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage Grand Total ==> 0 -3 0 0 0 Ceiling Load 0 Ventilation Load 0 Adj Air Trans Heat Ov/Undr Sizing 0 Exhaust Heat OA Preheat Diff. RA Preheat Diff. Additional Reheat System Plenum Heat Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage 0 100.00 Grand Total ==> -4,165 COOLING COIL SELECTION Main Clg Aux Clg 0.4 0.0 4.9 0.0 3.8 0.0 237 0 Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 Total 0.4 4.9 Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC AREAS Enter DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 75.7 63.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 68.1 0.0 0.0 Leave DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 59.8 56.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 63.2 0.0 0.0 Gross Total Cooling 59.8 75.0 75.2 75.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 SADB Ra Plenum Return Ret/OA Fn MtrTD Fn BldTD Fn Frict Heating 87.6 70.0 70.0 67.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 AIRFLOWS Cooling 237 Heating 237 Terminal Main Fan 237 237 237 237 Sec Fan Nom Vent AHU Vent Infil MinStop/Rh Return Exhaust Rm Exh Auxiliary Leakage Dwn Leakage Ups 0 11 11 0 0 237 11 0 0 0 0 0 11 11 0 0 237 11 0 0 0 0 Diffuser ENGINEERING CKS % OA cfm/ft² cfm/ton ft²/ton Btu/hr·ft² No. People Cooling 4.7 2.28 579.85 254.86 47.09 1 Heating 4.7 2.28 -48.89 HEATING COIL SELECTION Glass ft² (%) Capacity Coil Airflow MBh cfm Ent °F Floor Part 104 0 Main Htg Aux Htg -5.1 0.0 Int Door ExFlr Roof Wall 0 0 104 241 Preheat 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 28 0 12 Humidif Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ext Door 0 0 0 Total 237 67.8 0 0.0 Lvg °F 87.6 0.0 -5.1 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 76 Alternative - 2 System Checksums Report Page 23 of 38 Room Checksums By WILEYWILSON 105 - Storage COOLING COIL PEAK Peaked at Time: Outside Air: CLG SPACE PEAK Mo/Hr: 8 / 17 OADB/WB/HR: 88 / 72 / 99 Space Sens. + Lat. Plenum Sens. + Lat Btu/h Btu/h 0 0 63 0 0 323 0 0 0 0 386 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Of Total (%) Space Sensible Btu/h Percent Of Total (%) 0 0 0 63 0 0 323 0 0 0 0 386 0 0 13 0 0 67 0 0 0 0 80 0 0 63 0 0 323 0 0 0 0 386 0 0 14 0 0 70 0 0 0 0 84 Lights People Misc 76 0 0 19 0 0 95 0 0 20 0 0 76 0 0 16 0 0 Sub Total ==> 76 19 95 20 76 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 462 19 481 100.00 462 Total Capacity ton MBh Sens Cap. MBh Coil Airflow cfm 0 TEMPERATURES Mo/Hr: Heating Design OADB: 24 Net Total Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> HEATING COIL PEAK Mo/Hr: 8 / 17 OADB: 88 Space Peak Space Sens Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> Coil Peak Percent Tot Sens Of Total Btu/h (%) 0 0 -73 0 0 -354 0 0 0 0 -427 0 0 -73 0 0 -354 0 0 0 0 -427 0.00 0.00 13.83 0.00 0.00 67.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 80.92 Lights People Misc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total ==> 0 0 0.00 0 Ceiling Load 0 Ventilation Load 0 Adj Air Trans Heat Ov/Undr Sizing 0 Exhaust Heat OA Preheat Diff. RA Preheat Diff. Additional Reheat System Plenum Heat Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage 0 0 0 0 0 -101 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 19.08 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -528 100.00 Internal Loads Internal Loads Ceiling Load Ventilation Load Adj Air Trans Heat Dehumid. Ov Sizing Ov/Undr Sizing Exhaust Heat Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage Grand Total ==> 0 0 0 0 0 100.00 Grand Total ==> -427 COOLING COIL SELECTION Main Clg Aux Clg 0.1 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.5 0.0 28 0 Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 Total 0.1 0.6 Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC AREAS Enter DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 75.6 62.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 66.6 0.0 0.0 Leave DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 59.8 56.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 62.8 0.0 0.0 Gross Total Cooling 59.8 75.0 75.6 75.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 SADB Ra Plenum Return Ret/OA Fn MtrTD Fn BldTD Fn Frict Heating 87.6 70.0 70.0 66.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 AIRFLOWS Cooling 28 Heating 28 Terminal Main Fan 28 28 28 28 Sec Fan Nom Vent AHU Vent Infil MinStop/Rh Return Exhaust Rm Exh Auxiliary Leakage Dwn Leakage Ups 0 0 0 0 0 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 28 2 0 0 0 0 Diffuser ENGINEERING CKS % OA cfm/ft² cfm/ton ft²/ton Btu/hr·ft² No. People Cooling 0.0 0.85 606.87 715.92 16.76 0 Heating 7.1 0.85 -19.25 HEATING COIL SELECTION Glass ft² (%) Capacity Coil Airflow MBh cfm Ent °F 33 0 Main Htg Aux Htg -0.6 0.0 Int Door ExFlr Roof Wall 0 0 33 118 Preheat 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 Humidif Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ext Door 0 0 0 Total Floor Part 28 66.7 0 0.0 Lvg °F 87.6 0.0 -0.6 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 77 Alternative - 2 System Checksums Report Page 24 of 38 Room Checksums By WILEYWILSON 106 - IT Room COOLING COIL PEAK Peaked at Time: Outside Air: CLG SPACE PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 17 OADB/WB/HR: 90 / 73 / 98 Space Sens. + Lat. Plenum Sens. + Lat Btu/h Btu/h 0 0 70 0 0 198 0 0 0 0 267 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Of Total (%) Space Sensible Btu/h Percent Of Total (%) 0 0 0 70 0 0 198 0 0 0 0 267 0 0 2 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 70 0 0 198 0 0 0 0 267 0 0 2 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 8 Lights People Misc 75 0 3,118 19 0 0 94 0 3,118 3 0 90 75 0 3,118 2 0 90 Sub Total ==> 3,193 19 3,212 92 3,193 92 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,461 19 3,479 100.00 3,461 Total Capacity ton MBh Sens Cap. MBh Coil Airflow cfm 0 TEMPERATURES Mo/Hr: Heating Design OADB: 24 Net Total Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> HEATING COIL PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 17 OADB: 90 Space Peak Space Sens Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> Coil Peak Percent Tot Sens Of Total Btu/h (%) 0 0 -71 0 0 -189 0 0 0 0 -260 0 0 -71 0 0 -189 0 0 0 0 -260 0.00 0.00 1.76 0.00 0.00 4.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.45 Lights People Misc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total ==> 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 -3,678 0 -96 0 -3,678 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 2.37 0 91.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -4,034 100.00 Internal Loads Internal Loads Ceiling Load Ventilation Load Adj Air Trans Heat Dehumid. Ov Sizing Ov/Undr Sizing Exhaust Heat Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage Grand Total ==> 0 0 0 0 0 Ceiling Load 0 Ventilation Load 0 Adj Air Trans Heat Ov/Undr Sizing 0 Exhaust Heat OA Preheat Diff. RA Preheat Diff. Additional Reheat System Plenum Heat Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage 0 100.00 Grand Total ==> -3,938 COOLING COIL SELECTION Main Clg Aux Clg 0.3 0.0 4.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 210 0 Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 Total 0.3 4.0 Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC AREAS Enter DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 75.1 62.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 66.6 0.0 0.0 Leave DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 59.8 56.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 63.0 0.0 0.0 Gross Total Cooling 59.8 75.0 75.1 75.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 SADB Ra Plenum Return Ret/OA Fn MtrTD Fn BldTD Fn Frict Heating 87.6 70.0 70.0 69.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 AIRFLOWS Cooling 210 Heating 210 Terminal Main Fan 210 210 210 210 Sec Fan Nom Vent AHU Vent Infil MinStop/Rh Return Exhaust Rm Exh Auxiliary Leakage Dwn Leakage Ups 0 0 0 0 0 210 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 210 2 0 0 0 0 Diffuser ENGINEERING CKS % OA cfm/ft² cfm/ton ft²/ton Btu/hr·ft² No. People Cooling 0.0 6.55 628.44 95.97 125.04 0 Heating 0.9 6.55 -128.08 HEATING COIL SELECTION Glass ft² (%) Capacity Coil Airflow MBh cfm Ent °F 210 69.6 0 0.0 Lvg °F Floor Part 32 0 Main Htg Aux Htg -4.1 0.0 87.6 0.0 Int Door ExFlr Roof Wall 0 0 32 63 Preheat 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 Humidif Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ext Door 0 0 0 Total -4.1 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 78 Alternative - 2 System Checksums Report Page 25 of 38 Room Checksums By WILEYWILSON 107 - LE Office COOLING COIL PEAK Peaked at Time: Outside Air: CLG SPACE PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 17 OADB/WB/HR: 90 / 73 / 98 Space Sens. + Lat. Plenum Sens. + Lat Btu/h Btu/h 0 0 248 991 153 427 0 0 0 0 1,820 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Of Total (%) Space Sensible Btu/h Percent Of Total (%) 0 0 0 248 991 153 427 0 0 0 0 1,820 0 0 7 26 4 11 0 0 0 0 48 0 0 248 991 153 427 0 0 0 0 1,820 0 0 8 32 5 14 0 0 0 0 59 268 438 780 67 0 0 335 438 780 9 11 20 268 238 780 9 8 25 1,486 67 1,553 41 1,286 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 442 0 0 0 -4 0 0 0 0 0 3,307 63 3,811 100.00 3,107 Total Capacity ton MBh Sens Cap. MBh Coil Airflow cfm 0 TEMPERATURES Mo/Hr: Heating Design OADB: 24 Net Total Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> HEATING COIL PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 17 OADB: 90 Space Peak Space Sens Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> Coil Peak Percent Tot Sens Of Total Btu/h (%) 0 0 -252 0 -550 -601 0 0 0 0 -1,403 0 0 -252 0 -550 -601 0 0 0 0 -1,403 0.00 0.00 6.58 0.00 14.33 15.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 36.56 Lights People Misc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total ==> 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 -1,840 0 -595 0 -1,840 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 15.50 0 47.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -3,837 100.00 Internal Loads Internal Loads Lights People Misc Sub Total ==> Ceiling Load Ventilation Load Adj Air Trans Heat Dehumid. Ov Sizing Ov/Undr Sizing Exhaust Heat Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage Grand Total ==> 0 -4 0 0 0 Ceiling Load 0 Ventilation Load 0 Adj Air Trans Heat Ov/Undr Sizing 0 Exhaust Heat OA Preheat Diff. RA Preheat Diff. Additional Reheat System Plenum Heat Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage 0 100.00 Grand Total ==> -3,243 COOLING COIL SELECTION Main Clg Aux Clg 0.4 0.0 4.4 0.0 3.4 0.0 188 0 Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 Total 0.4 4.4 Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC AREAS Enter DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 76.2 63.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 68.6 0.0 0.0 Leave DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 59.8 55.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 60.7 0.0 0.0 Gross Total Cooling 59.8 75.0 75.3 76.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 SADB Ra Plenum Return Ret/OA Fn MtrTD Fn BldTD Fn Frict Heating 87.6 70.0 70.0 67.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 AIRFLOWS Cooling 188 Heating 188 Terminal Main Fan 188 188 188 188 Sec Fan Nom Vent AHU Vent Infil MinStop/Rh Return Exhaust Rm Exh Auxiliary Leakage Dwn Leakage Ups 0 12 12 0 0 188 12 0 0 0 0 0 12 12 0 0 188 12 0 0 0 0 Diffuser ENGINEERING CKS % OA cfm/ft² cfm/ton ft²/ton Btu/hr·ft² No. People Cooling 6.3 1.65 515.02 312.12 38.45 1 Heating 6.3 1.65 -36.74 HEATING COIL SELECTION Glass ft² (%) Capacity Coil Airflow MBh cfm Ent °F Floor Part 114 0 Main Htg Aux Htg -4.2 0.0 Int Door ExFlr Roof Wall 0 0 114 228 Preheat 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 28 0 12 Humidif Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ext Door 0 0 0 Total 188 67.1 0 0.0 Lvg °F 87.6 0.0 -4.2 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 79 Alternative - 2 System Checksums Report Page 26 of 38 Room Checksums By WILEYWILSON 108 - Closet COOLING COIL PEAK Peaked at Time: Outside Air: CLG SPACE PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 18 OADB/WB/HR: 88 / 71 / 92 Space Sens. + Lat. Plenum Sens. + Lat Btu/h Btu/h 0 0 24 0 0 89 0 0 0 0 112 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Of Total (%) Space Sensible Btu/h Percent Of Total (%) 0 0 0 24 0 0 89 0 0 0 0 112 0 0 16 0 0 60 0 0 0 0 76 0 0 24 0 0 89 0 0 0 0 112 0 0 17 0 0 63 0 0 0 0 80 Lights People Misc 28 0 0 7 0 0 35 0 0 24 0 0 28 0 0 20 0 0 Sub Total ==> 28 7 35 24 28 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 141 7 148 100.00 141 Total Capacity ton MBh Sens Cap. MBh Coil Airflow cfm 0 TEMPERATURES Mo/Hr: Heating Design OADB: 24 Net Total Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> HEATING COIL PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 18 OADB: 88 Space Peak Space Sens Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> Coil Peak Percent Tot Sens Of Total Btu/h (%) 0 0 -29 0 0 -75 0 0 0 0 -104 0 0 -29 0 0 -75 0 0 0 0 -104 0.00 0.00 16.27 0.00 0.00 42.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 58.71 Lights People Misc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total ==> 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 -33 0 -40 0 -33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 22.79 0 18.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -177 100.00 Internal Loads Internal Loads Ceiling Load Ventilation Load Adj Air Trans Heat Dehumid. Ov Sizing Ov/Undr Sizing Exhaust Heat Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage Grand Total ==> 0 0 0 0 0 Ceiling Load 0 Ventilation Load 0 Adj Air Trans Heat Ov/Undr Sizing 0 Exhaust Heat OA Preheat Diff. RA Preheat Diff. Additional Reheat System Plenum Heat Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage 0 100.00 Grand Total ==> -137 COOLING COIL SELECTION Main Clg Aux Clg 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 9 0 Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 Total 0.0 0.2 Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC AREAS Enter DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 75.8 62.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 66.6 0.0 0.0 Leave DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 59.8 56.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 62.8 0.0 0.0 Gross Total Cooling 59.8 75.0 75.8 75.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 SADB Ra Plenum Return Ret/OA Fn MtrTD Fn BldTD Fn Frict Heating 87.6 70.0 70.0 65.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 AIRFLOWS Cooling 9 Heating 9 Terminal Main Fan 9 9 9 9 Sec Fan Nom Vent AHU Vent Infil MinStop/Rh Return Exhaust Rm Exh Auxiliary Leakage Dwn Leakage Ups 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 9 1 0 0 0 0 Diffuser ENGINEERING CKS % OA cfm/ft² cfm/ton ft²/ton Btu/hr·ft² No. People Cooling 0.0 0.65 601.76 919.22 13.05 0 Heating 9.4 0.65 -15.61 HEATING COIL SELECTION Glass ft² (%) Capacity Coil Airflow MBh cfm Ent °F 9 65.6 0 0.0 Lvg °F Floor Part 13 0 Main Htg Aux Htg -0.2 0.0 87.6 0.0 Int Door ExFlr Roof Wall 0 0 13 25 Preheat 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 Humidif Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ext Door 0 0 0 Total -0.2 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 80 Alternative - 2 System Checksums Report Page 27 of 38 Room Checksums By WILEYWILSON 109 - Secure Storage COOLING COIL PEAK Peaked at Time: Outside Air: CLG SPACE PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 15 OADB/WB/HR: 92 / 74 / 104 Space Sens. + Lat. Plenum Sens. + Lat Btu/h Btu/h 0 0 166 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 166 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Of Total (%) Space Sensible Btu/h Percent Of Total (%) 0 0 0 166 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 166 0 0 46 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 46 0 0 166 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 166 0 0 52 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 52 Lights People Misc 153 0 0 38 0 0 191 0 0 54 0 0 153 0 0 48 0 0 Sub Total ==> 153 38 191 54 153 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 319 38 357 100.00 319 Total Capacity ton MBh Sens Cap. MBh Coil Airflow cfm 0 TEMPERATURES Mo/Hr: Heating Design OADB: 24 Net Total Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> HEATING COIL PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 15 OADB: 92 Space Peak Space Sens Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> Coil Peak Percent Tot Sens Of Total Btu/h (%) 0 0 -144 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -144 0 0 -144 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -144 0.00 0.00 27.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 27.19 Lights People Misc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total ==> 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 -189 0 -197 0 -189 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 37.14 0 35.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -529 100.00 Internal Loads Internal Loads Ceiling Load Ventilation Load Adj Air Trans Heat Dehumid. Ov Sizing Ov/Undr Sizing Exhaust Heat Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage Grand Total ==> 0 0 0 0 0 Ceiling Load 0 Ventilation Load 0 Adj Air Trans Heat Ov/Undr Sizing 0 Exhaust Heat OA Preheat Diff. RA Preheat Diff. Additional Reheat System Plenum Heat Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage 0 100.00 Grand Total ==> -333 COOLING COIL SELECTION Main Clg Aux Clg 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.4 0.0 19 0 Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 Total 0.0 0.4 Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC AREAS Enter DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 76.8 63.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 66.6 0.0 0.0 Leave DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 59.8 55.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 62.6 0.0 0.0 Gross Total Cooling 59.8 75.0 76.8 76.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 SADB Ra Plenum Return Ret/OA Fn MtrTD Fn BldTD Fn Frict Heating 87.6 70.0 70.0 60.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 AIRFLOWS Cooling 19 Heating 19 Terminal Main Fan 19 19 19 19 Sec Fan Nom Vent AHU Vent Infil MinStop/Rh Return Exhaust Rm Exh Auxiliary Leakage Dwn Leakage Ups 0 0 0 0 0 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 19 4 0 0 0 0 Diffuser ENGINEERING CKS % OA cfm/ft² cfm/ton ft²/ton Btu/hr·ft² No. People Cooling 0.0 0.30 564.11 1,899.87 6.32 0 Heating 20.2 0.30 -8.70 HEATING COIL SELECTION Glass ft² (%) Capacity Coil Airflow MBh cfm Ent °F 19 60.6 0 0.0 Lvg °F Floor Part 65 0 Main Htg Aux Htg -0.6 0.0 87.6 0.0 Int Door ExFlr Roof Wall 0 0 65 0 Preheat 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 Humidif Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ext Door 0 0 0 Total -0.6 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 81 Alternative - 2 System Checksums Report Page 28 of 38 Room Checksums By WILEYWILSON 110 - Work COOLING COIL PEAK Peaked at Time: Outside Air: CLG SPACE PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 15 OADB/WB/HR: 92 / 74 / 104 Space Sens. + Lat. Plenum Sens. + Lat Btu/h Btu/h 0 0 318 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 318 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Of Total (%) Space Sensible Btu/h Percent Of Total (%) 0 0 0 318 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 318 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 274 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 274 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 295 443 755 74 0 0 368 443 755 15 18 31 312 247 798 19 15 49 1,493 74 1,567 65 1,357 83 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 542 0 0 0 -9 0 0 0 0 0 1,811 64 2,418 100.00 1,631 Total Capacity ton MBh Sens Cap. MBh Coil Airflow cfm 0 TEMPERATURES Mo/Hr: Heating Design OADB: 24 Net Total Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> HEATING COIL PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 17 OADB: 90 Space Peak Space Sens Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> Coil Peak Percent Tot Sens Of Total Btu/h (%) 0 0 -277 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -277 0 0 -277 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -277 0.00 0.00 11.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.31 Lights People Misc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total ==> 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 -1,541 0 -630 0 -1,541 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 25.74 0 62.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -2,448 100.00 Internal Loads Internal Loads Lights People Misc Sub Total ==> Ceiling Load Ventilation Load Adj Air Trans Heat Dehumid. Ov Sizing Ov/Undr Sizing Exhaust Heat Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage Grand Total ==> 0 -9 0 0 0 Ceiling Load 0 Ventilation Load 0 Adj Air Trans Heat Ov/Undr Sizing 0 Exhaust Heat OA Preheat Diff. RA Preheat Diff. Additional Reheat System Plenum Heat Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage 0 100.00 Grand Total ==> -1,818 COOLING COIL SELECTION Main Clg Aux Clg 0.2 0.0 2.8 0.0 1.9 0.0 99 0 Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 Total 0.2 2.8 Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC AREAS Enter DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 77.7 64.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 71.3 0.0 0.0 Leave DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 59.8 55.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 58.7 0.0 0.0 Gross Total Cooling 59.8 75.0 75.7 77.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 SADB Ra Plenum Return Ret/OA Fn MtrTD Fn BldTD Fn Frict Heating 87.6 70.0 70.0 64.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 AIRFLOWS Cooling 99 Heating 99 Terminal Main Fan 99 99 99 99 Sec Fan Nom Vent AHU Vent Infil MinStop/Rh Return Exhaust Rm Exh Auxiliary Leakage Dwn Leakage Ups 0 13 13 0 0 99 13 0 0 0 0 0 13 13 0 0 99 13 0 0 0 0 Diffuser ENGINEERING CKS % OA cfm/ft² cfm/ton ft²/ton Btu/hr·ft² No. People Cooling 12.7 0.79 426.33 539.47 22.24 1 Heating 12.7 0.79 -20.14 HEATING COIL SELECTION Glass ft² (%) Capacity Coil Airflow MBh cfm Ent °F 99 64.1 0 0.0 Lvg °F Floor Part 125 0 Main Htg Aux Htg -2.5 0.0 87.6 0.0 Int Door ExFlr Roof Wall 0 0 125 0 Preheat 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 Humidif Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ext Door 0 0 0 Total -2.5 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 82 Alternative - 2 System Checksums Report Page 29 of 38 Room Checksums By WILEYWILSON 111 - Hall COOLING COIL PEAK Peaked at Time: Outside Air: CLG SPACE PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 15 OADB/WB/HR: 92 / 74 / 104 Space Sens. + Lat. Plenum Sens. + Lat Btu/h Btu/h 0 0 372 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 372 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Of Total (%) Space Sensible Btu/h Percent Of Total (%) 0 0 0 372 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 372 0 0 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 0 0 372 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 372 0 0 52 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 52 Lights People Misc 344 0 0 86 0 0 430 0 0 37 0 0 344 0 0 48 0 0 Sub Total ==> 344 86 430 37 344 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 382 0 0 0 -17 0 0 0 0 0 716 69 1,166 100.00 716 Total Capacity ton MBh Sens Cap. MBh Coil Airflow cfm 0 TEMPERATURES Mo/Hr: Heating Design OADB: 24 Net Total Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> HEATING COIL PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 15 OADB: 92 Space Peak Space Sens Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> Coil Peak Percent Tot Sens Of Total Btu/h (%) 0 0 -323 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -323 0 0 -323 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -323 0.00 0.00 27.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 27.14 Lights People Misc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total ==> 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 -424 0 -444 0 -424 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 37.25 0 35.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1,191 100.00 Internal Loads Internal Loads Ceiling Load Ventilation Load Adj Air Trans Heat Dehumid. Ov Sizing Ov/Undr Sizing Exhaust Heat Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage Grand Total ==> 0 -17 0 0 0 Ceiling Load 0 Ventilation Load 0 Adj Air Trans Heat Ov/Undr Sizing 0 Exhaust Heat OA Preheat Diff. RA Preheat Diff. Additional Reheat System Plenum Heat Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage 0 100.00 Grand Total ==> -747 COOLING COIL SELECTION Main Clg Aux Clg 0.1 0.0 1.3 0.0 0.9 0.0 43 0 Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 Total 0.1 1.3 Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC AREAS Enter DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 79.8 65.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 74.2 0.0 0.0 Leave DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 59.8 55.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 60.9 0.0 0.0 Gross Total Cooling 59.8 75.0 76.8 79.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 SADB Ra Plenum Return Ret/OA Fn MtrTD Fn BldTD Fn Frict Heating 87.6 70.0 70.0 60.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 AIRFLOWS Cooling 43 Heating 43 Terminal Main Fan 43 43 43 43 Sec Fan Nom Vent AHU Vent Infil MinStop/Rh Return Exhaust Rm Exh Auxiliary Leakage Dwn Leakage Ups 0 9 9 0 0 43 9 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 0 0 43 9 0 0 0 0 Diffuser ENGINEERING CKS % OA cfm/ft² cfm/ton ft²/ton Btu/hr·ft² No. People Cooling 20.3 0.30 387.91 1,306.48 9.18 0 Heating 20.3 0.30 -8.71 HEATING COIL SELECTION Glass ft² (%) Capacity Coil Airflow MBh cfm Ent °F 43 60.6 0 0.0 Lvg °F Floor Part 146 0 Main Htg Aux Htg -1.3 0.0 87.6 0.0 Int Door ExFlr Roof Wall 0 0 146 0 Preheat 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 Humidif Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ext Door 0 0 0 Total -1.3 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 83 Alternative - 2 System Checksums Report Page 30 of 38 Room Checksums By WILEYWILSON 112 - Mech COOLING COIL PEAK Peaked at Time: Outside Air: CLG SPACE PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 18 OADB/WB/HR: 88 / 71 / 92 Space Sens. + Lat. Plenum Sens. + Lat Btu/h Btu/h 0 0 45 0 0 195 0 0 0 0 240 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Of Total (%) Space Sensible Btu/h Percent Of Total (%) 0 0 0 45 0 0 195 0 0 0 0 240 0 0 15 0 0 63 0 0 0 0 78 0 0 45 0 0 195 0 0 0 0 240 0 0 15 0 0 66 0 0 0 0 82 Lights People Misc 54 0 0 14 0 0 67 0 0 22 0 0 54 0 0 18 0 0 Sub Total ==> 54 14 67 22 54 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 294 14 308 100.00 294 Total Capacity ton MBh Sens Cap. MBh Coil Airflow cfm 0 TEMPERATURES Mo/Hr: Heating Design OADB: 24 Net Total Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> HEATING COIL PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 18 OADB: 88 Space Peak Space Sens Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> Coil Peak Percent Tot Sens Of Total Btu/h (%) 0 0 -55 0 0 -165 0 0 0 0 -221 0 0 -55 0 0 -165 0 0 0 0 -221 0.00 0.00 15.33 0.00 0.00 45.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 61.10 Lights People Misc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total ==> 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 -65 0 -76 0 -65 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 20.95 0 17.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -361 100.00 Internal Loads Internal Loads Ceiling Load Ventilation Load Adj Air Trans Heat Dehumid. Ov Sizing Ov/Undr Sizing Exhaust Heat Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage Grand Total ==> 0 0 0 0 0 Ceiling Load 0 Ventilation Load 0 Adj Air Trans Heat Ov/Undr Sizing 0 Exhaust Heat OA Preheat Diff. RA Preheat Diff. Additional Reheat System Plenum Heat Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage 0 100.00 Grand Total ==> -285 COOLING COIL SELECTION Main Clg Aux Clg 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.3 0.0 18 0 Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 Total 0.0 0.4 Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC AREAS Enter DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 75.7 62.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 66.6 0.0 0.0 Leave DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 59.8 56.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 62.8 0.0 0.0 Gross Total Cooling 59.8 75.0 75.7 75.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 SADB Ra Plenum Return Ret/OA Fn MtrTD Fn BldTD Fn Frict Heating 87.6 70.0 70.0 66.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 AIRFLOWS Cooling 18 Heating 18 Terminal Main Fan 18 18 18 18 Sec Fan Nom Vent AHU Vent Infil MinStop/Rh Return Exhaust Rm Exh Auxiliary Leakage Dwn Leakage Ups 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 18 2 0 0 0 0 Diffuser ENGINEERING CKS % OA cfm/ft² cfm/ton ft²/ton Btu/hr·ft² No. People Cooling 0.0 0.71 604.17 847.44 14.16 0 Heating 8.4 0.71 -16.64 HEATING COIL SELECTION Glass ft² (%) Capacity Coil Airflow MBh cfm Ent °F 18 66.1 0 0.0 Lvg °F Floor Part 25 0 Main Htg Aux Htg -0.4 0.0 87.6 0.0 Int Door ExFlr Roof Wall 0 0 25 55 Preheat 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 Humidif Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ext Door 0 0 0 Total -0.4 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 84 Alternative - 2 System Checksums Report Page 31 of 38 Room Checksums By WILEYWILSON 113 - PM Office COOLING COIL PEAK Peaked at Time: Outside Air: CLG SPACE PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 17 OADB/WB/HR: 90 / 73 / 98 Space Sens. + Lat. Plenum Sens. + Lat Btu/h Btu/h 0 0 288 1,002 154 393 0 0 0 0 1,837 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Of Total (%) Space Sensible Btu/h Percent Of Total (%) 0 0 0 288 1,002 154 393 0 0 0 0 1,837 0 0 7 25 4 10 0 0 0 0 47 0 0 288 1,002 154 393 0 0 0 0 1,837 0 0 9 32 5 12 0 0 0 0 58 314 440 784 79 0 0 393 440 784 10 11 20 314 240 784 10 8 25 1,538 79 1,616 41 1,338 42 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 483 0 0 0 -5 0 0 0 0 0 3,375 73 3,931 100.00 3,175 Total Capacity ton MBh Sens Cap. MBh Coil Airflow cfm 0 TEMPERATURES Mo/Hr: Heating Design OADB: 24 Net Total Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> HEATING COIL PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 17 OADB: 90 Space Peak Space Sens Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> Coil Peak Percent Tot Sens Of Total Btu/h (%) 0 0 -292 0 -550 -517 0 0 0 0 -1,359 0 0 -292 0 -550 -517 0 0 0 0 -1,359 0.00 0.00 7.34 0.00 13.80 12.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 34.11 Lights People Misc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total ==> 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 -1,974 0 -650 0 -1,974 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 16.33 0 49.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -3,983 100.00 Internal Loads Internal Loads Lights People Misc Sub Total ==> Ceiling Load Ventilation Load Adj Air Trans Heat Dehumid. Ov Sizing Ov/Undr Sizing Exhaust Heat Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage Grand Total ==> 0 -5 0 0 0 Ceiling Load 0 Ventilation Load 0 Adj Air Trans Heat Ov/Undr Sizing 0 Exhaust Heat OA Preheat Diff. RA Preheat Diff. Additional Reheat System Plenum Heat Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage 0 100.00 Grand Total ==> -3,333 COOLING COIL SELECTION Main Clg Aux Clg 0.4 0.0 4.5 0.0 3.5 0.0 192 0 Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 Total 0.4 4.5 Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC AREAS Enter DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 76.3 63.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 68.7 0.0 0.0 Leave DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 59.8 55.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 60.7 0.0 0.0 Gross Total Cooling 59.8 75.0 75.4 76.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 SADB Ra Plenum Return Ret/OA Fn MtrTD Fn BldTD Fn Frict Heating 87.6 70.0 70.0 66.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 AIRFLOWS Cooling 192 Heating 192 Terminal Main Fan 192 192 192 192 Sec Fan Nom Vent AHU Vent Infil MinStop/Rh Return Exhaust Rm Exh Auxiliary Leakage Dwn Leakage Ups 0 13 13 0 0 192 13 0 0 0 0 0 13 13 0 0 192 13 0 0 0 0 Diffuser ENGINEERING CKS % OA cfm/ft² cfm/ton ft²/ton Btu/hr·ft² No. People Cooling 6.7 1.46 510.29 350.36 34.25 1 Heating 6.7 1.46 -32.75 HEATING COIL SELECTION Glass ft² (%) Capacity Coil Airflow MBh cfm Ent °F Floor Part 132 0 Main Htg Aux Htg -4.3 0.0 Int Door ExFlr Roof Wall 0 0 132 200 Preheat 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 28 0 14 Humidif Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ext Door 0 0 0 Total 192 66.9 0 0.0 Lvg °F 87.6 0.0 -4.3 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 85 Alternative - 2 System Checksums Report Page 32 of 38 Room Checksums By WILEYWILSON 114 - Closet COOLING COIL PEAK Peaked at Time: Outside Air: CLG SPACE PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 18 OADB/WB/HR: 88 / 71 / 92 Space Sens. + Lat. Plenum Sens. + Lat Btu/h Btu/h 0 0 19 0 0 204 0 0 0 0 223 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Of Total (%) Space Sensible Btu/h Percent Of Total (%) 0 0 0 19 0 0 204 0 0 0 0 223 0 0 8 0 0 81 0 0 0 0 89 0 0 19 0 0 204 0 0 0 0 223 0 0 8 0 0 83 0 0 0 0 91 Lights People Misc 23 0 0 6 0 0 29 0 0 11 0 0 23 0 0 9 0 0 Sub Total ==> 23 6 29 11 23 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 246 6 252 100.00 246 Total Capacity ton MBh Sens Cap. MBh Coil Airflow cfm 0 TEMPERATURES Mo/Hr: Heating Design OADB: 24 Net Total Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> HEATING COIL PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 18 OADB: 88 Space Peak Space Sens Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> Coil Peak Percent Tot Sens Of Total Btu/h (%) 0 0 -24 0 0 -174 0 0 0 0 -199 0 0 -24 0 0 -174 0 0 0 0 -199 0.00 0.00 9.01 0.00 0.00 64.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 73.48 Lights People Misc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total ==> 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 -36 0 -35 0 -36 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 13.06 0 13.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -270 100.00 Internal Loads Internal Loads Ceiling Load Ventilation Load Adj Air Trans Heat Dehumid. Ov Sizing Ov/Undr Sizing Exhaust Heat Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage Grand Total ==> 0 0 0 0 0 Ceiling Load 0 Ventilation Load 0 Adj Air Trans Heat Ov/Undr Sizing 0 Exhaust Heat OA Preheat Diff. RA Preheat Diff. Additional Reheat System Plenum Heat Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage 0 100.00 Grand Total ==> -235 COOLING COIL SELECTION Main Clg Aux Clg 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.3 0.0 15 0 Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 Total 0.0 0.3 Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC AREAS Enter DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 75.4 62.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 66.6 0.0 0.0 Leave DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 59.8 56.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 62.9 0.0 0.0 Gross Total Cooling 59.8 75.0 75.4 75.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 SADB Ra Plenum Return Ret/OA Fn MtrTD Fn BldTD Fn Frict Heating 87.6 70.0 70.0 67.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 AIRFLOWS Cooling 15 Heating 15 Terminal Main Fan 15 15 15 15 Sec Fan Nom Vent AHU Vent Infil MinStop/Rh Return Exhaust Rm Exh Auxiliary Leakage Dwn Leakage Ups 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 15 1 0 0 0 0 Diffuser ENGINEERING CKS % OA cfm/ft² cfm/ton ft²/ton Btu/hr·ft² No. People Cooling 0.0 1.35 617.41 455.90 26.32 0 Heating 4.7 1.35 -29.08 HEATING COIL SELECTION Glass ft² (%) Capacity Coil Airflow MBh cfm Ent °F 15 67.8 0 0.0 Lvg °F Floor Part 11 0 Main Htg Aux Htg -0.3 0.0 87.6 0.0 Int Door ExFlr Roof Wall 0 0 11 58 Preheat 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 Humidif Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ext Door 0 0 0 Total -0.3 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 86 Alternative - 2 System Checksums Report Page 33 of 38 Room Checksums By WILEYWILSON 115 - Asst PM Office COOLING COIL PEAK Peaked at Time: Outside Air: CLG SPACE PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 15 OADB/WB/HR: 92 / 74 / 104 Space Sens. + Lat. Plenum Sens. + Lat Btu/h Btu/h 0 0 339 213 80 130 0 0 0 0 763 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Of Total (%) Space Sensible Btu/h Percent Of Total (%) 0 0 0 339 213 80 130 0 0 0 0 763 0 0 12 7 3 5 0 0 0 0 26 0 0 292 206 77 139 0 0 0 0 714 0 0 14 10 4 7 0 0 0 0 34 304 438 746 76 0 0 380 438 746 13 15 26 324 243 791 16 12 38 1,488 76 1,564 54 1,358 66 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 564 0 0 0 -8 0 0 0 0 0 2,251 68 2,883 100.00 2,072 Total Capacity ton MBh Sens Cap. MBh Coil Airflow cfm 0 TEMPERATURES Mo/Hr: Heating Design OADB: 24 Net Total Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> HEATING COIL PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 17 OADB: 90 Space Peak Space Sens Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> Coil Peak Percent Tot Sens Of Total Btu/h (%) 0 0 -294 0 -275 -273 0 0 0 0 -843 0 0 -294 0 -275 -273 0 0 0 0 -843 0.00 0.00 10.36 0.00 9.67 9.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 29.65 Lights People Misc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total ==> 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 -1,344 0 -655 0 -1,344 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 23.06 0 47.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -2,842 100.00 Internal Loads Internal Loads Lights People Misc Sub Total ==> Ceiling Load Ventilation Load Adj Air Trans Heat Dehumid. Ov Sizing Ov/Undr Sizing Exhaust Heat Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage Grand Total ==> 0 -8 0 0 0 Ceiling Load 0 Ventilation Load 0 Adj Air Trans Heat Ov/Undr Sizing 0 Exhaust Heat OA Preheat Diff. RA Preheat Diff. Additional Reheat System Plenum Heat Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage 0 100.00 Grand Total ==> -2,186 COOLING COIL SELECTION Main Clg Aux Clg 0.3 0.0 3.3 0.0 2.4 0.0 125 0 Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 Total 0.3 3.3 Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC AREAS Enter DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 77.2 64.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 70.5 0.0 0.0 Leave DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 59.8 55.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 59.6 0.0 0.0 Gross Total Cooling 59.8 75.0 75.6 77.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 SADB Ra Plenum Return Ret/OA Fn MtrTD Fn BldTD Fn Frict Heating 87.6 70.0 70.0 65.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 AIRFLOWS Cooling 125 Heating 125 Terminal Main Fan 125 125 125 125 Sec Fan Nom Vent AHU Vent Infil MinStop/Rh Return Exhaust Rm Exh Auxiliary Leakage Dwn Leakage Ups 0 13 13 0 0 125 13 0 0 0 0 0 13 13 0 0 125 13 0 0 0 0 Diffuser ENGINEERING CKS % OA cfm/ft² cfm/ton ft²/ton Btu/hr·ft² No. People Cooling 10.4 0.94 454.18 481.42 24.93 1 Heating 10.4 0.94 -22.95 HEATING COIL SELECTION Glass ft² (%) Capacity Coil Airflow MBh cfm Ent °F Floor Part 133 0 Main Htg Aux Htg -3.1 0.0 Int Door ExFlr Roof Wall 0 0 133 105 Preheat 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 14 0 13 Humidif Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ext Door 0 0 0 Total 125 65.2 0 0.0 Lvg °F 87.6 0.0 -3.1 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 87 Alternative - 2 System Checksums Report Page 34 of 38 Room Checksums By WILEYWILSON 116 - Closet COOLING COIL PEAK Peaked at Time: Outside Air: CLG SPACE PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 17 OADB/WB/HR: 90 / 73 / 98 Space Sens. + Lat. Plenum Sens. + Lat Btu/h Btu/h 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Of Total (%) Space Sensible Btu/h Percent Of Total (%) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lights People Misc 28 0 0 7 0 0 34 0 0 100 0 0 28 0 0 100 0 0 Sub Total ==> 28 7 34 100 28 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 7 34 100.00 28 Total Capacity ton MBh Sens Cap. MBh Coil Airflow cfm 0 TEMPERATURES Mo/Hr: Heating Design OADB: 24 Net Total Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> HEATING COIL PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 17 OADB: 90 Space Peak Space Sens Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> Coil Peak Percent Tot Sens Of Total Btu/h (%) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Lights People Misc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total ==> 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 -32 0 -35 0 -32 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 52.60 0 47.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -67 100.00 Internal Loads Internal Loads Ceiling Load Ventilation Load Adj Air Trans Heat Dehumid. Ov Sizing Ov/Undr Sizing Exhaust Heat Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage Grand Total ==> 0 0 0 0 0 Ceiling Load 0 Ventilation Load 0 Adj Air Trans Heat Ov/Undr Sizing 0 Exhaust Heat OA Preheat Diff. RA Preheat Diff. Additional Reheat System Plenum Heat Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage 0 100.00 Grand Total ==> -32 COOLING COIL SELECTION Main Clg Aux Clg 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2 0 Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 Total 0.0 0.0 Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC AREAS Enter DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 78.8 63.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 66.6 0.0 0.0 Leave DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 59.8 55.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 62.1 0.0 0.0 Gross Total Cooling 59.8 75.0 78.8 78.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 SADB Ra Plenum Return Ret/OA Fn MtrTD Fn BldTD Fn Frict Heating 87.6 70.0 70.0 50.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 AIRFLOWS Cooling 2 Heating 2 Terminal Main Fan 2 2 2 2 Sec Fan Nom Vent AHU Vent Infil MinStop/Rh Return Exhaust Rm Exh Auxiliary Leakage Dwn Leakage Ups 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 Diffuser ENGINEERING CKS % OA cfm/ft² cfm/ton ft²/ton Btu/hr·ft² No. People Cooling 0.0 0.15 505.86 3,335.53 3.60 0 Heating 42.0 0.15 -6.10 HEATING COIL SELECTION Glass ft² (%) Capacity Coil Airflow MBh cfm Ent °F Lvg °F 11 0 Main Htg Aux Htg -0.1 0.0 2 50.5 0 0.0 87.6 0.0 Int Door ExFlr Roof Wall 0 0 0 0 Preheat 0.0 2 50.5 59.8 0 0 0 0 Humidif Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0 0 Ext Door 0 0 0 Total Floor Part 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.1 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 88 Alternative - 2 System Checksums Report Page 35 of 38 Room Checksums By WILEYWILSON 117 - Women COOLING COIL PEAK Peaked at Time: Outside Air: CLG SPACE PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 12 OADB/WB/HR: 87 / 71 / 91 Space Sens. + Lat. Plenum Sens. + Lat Btu/h Btu/h 0 0 106 0 0 189 0 0 0 0 295 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Of Total (%) Space Sensible Btu/h Percent Of Total (%) 0 0 0 106 0 0 189 0 0 0 0 295 0 0 24 0 0 43 0 0 0 0 67 0 0 106 0 0 189 0 0 0 0 295 0 0 26 0 0 46 0 0 0 0 72 Lights People Misc 114 0 0 29 0 0 143 0 0 33 0 0 114 0 0 28 0 0 Sub Total ==> 114 29 143 33 114 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 409 29 438 100.00 409 Total Capacity ton MBh Sens Cap. MBh Coil Airflow cfm 0 TEMPERATURES Mo/Hr: Heating Design OADB: 24 Net Total Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> HEATING COIL PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 12 OADB: 87 Space Peak Space Sens Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> Coil Peak Percent Tot Sens Of Total Btu/h (%) 0 0 -117 0 0 -195 0 0 0 0 -313 0 0 -117 0 0 -195 0 0 0 0 -313 0.00 0.00 29.70 0.00 0.00 49.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 79.12 Lights People Misc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total ==> 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 -82 0 0 0 -82 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 20.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -395 100.00 Internal Loads Internal Loads Ceiling Load Ventilation Load Adj Air Trans Heat Dehumid. Ov Sizing Ov/Undr Sizing Exhaust Heat Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage Grand Total ==> 0 0 0 0 0 Ceiling Load 0 Ventilation Load 0 Adj Air Trans Heat Ov/Undr Sizing 0 Exhaust Heat OA Preheat Diff. RA Preheat Diff. Additional Reheat System Plenum Heat Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage 0 100.00 Grand Total ==> -395 COOLING COIL SELECTION Main Clg Aux Clg 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.4 0.0 25 0 Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 Total 0.0 0.5 Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC AREAS Enter DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 76.1 62.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 66.6 0.0 0.0 Leave DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 59.8 56.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 62.7 0.0 0.0 Gross Total Cooling 59.8 75.0 76.1 76.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 SADB Ra Plenum Return Ret/OA Fn MtrTD Fn BldTD Fn Frict Heating 87.6 70.0 70.0 70.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 AIRFLOWS Cooling 25 Heating 25 Terminal Main Fan 25 25 25 25 Sec Fan Nom Vent AHU Vent Infil MinStop/Rh Return Exhaust Rm Exh Auxiliary Leakage Dwn Leakage Ups 0 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 Diffuser ENGINEERING CKS % OA cfm/ft² cfm/ton ft²/ton Btu/hr·ft² No. People Cooling 0.0 0.47 590.64 1,263.76 9.50 0 Heating 0.0 0.47 -8.93 HEATING COIL SELECTION Glass ft² (%) Capacity Coil Airflow MBh cfm Ent °F 25 70.0 0 0.0 Lvg °F Floor Part 53 0 Main Htg Aux Htg -0.5 0.0 87.6 0.0 Int Door ExFlr Roof Wall 0 0 53 65 Preheat 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 Humidif Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ext Door 0 0 0 Total -0.5 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 89 Alternative - 2 System Checksums Report Page 36 of 38 Room Checksums By WILEYWILSON 118 - Men COOLING COIL PEAK Peaked at Time: Outside Air: CLG SPACE PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 12 OADB/WB/HR: 87 / 71 / 91 Space Sens. + Lat. Plenum Sens. + Lat Btu/h Btu/h 0 0 106 0 0 189 0 0 0 0 295 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Of Total (%) Space Sensible Btu/h Percent Of Total (%) 0 0 0 106 0 0 189 0 0 0 0 295 0 0 24 0 0 43 0 0 0 0 67 0 0 106 0 0 189 0 0 0 0 295 0 0 26 0 0 46 0 0 0 0 72 Lights People Misc 114 0 0 29 0 0 143 0 0 33 0 0 114 0 0 28 0 0 Sub Total ==> 114 29 143 33 114 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 409 29 438 100.00 409 Total Capacity ton MBh Sens Cap. MBh Coil Airflow cfm 0 TEMPERATURES Mo/Hr: Heating Design OADB: 24 Net Total Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> HEATING COIL PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 12 OADB: 87 Space Peak Space Sens Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> Coil Peak Percent Tot Sens Of Total Btu/h (%) 0 0 -117 0 0 -195 0 0 0 0 -313 0 0 -117 0 0 -195 0 0 0 0 -313 0.00 0.00 29.70 0.00 0.00 49.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 79.12 Lights People Misc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total ==> 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 -82 0 0 0 -82 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 20.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -395 100.00 Internal Loads Internal Loads Ceiling Load Ventilation Load Adj Air Trans Heat Dehumid. Ov Sizing Ov/Undr Sizing Exhaust Heat Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage Grand Total ==> 0 0 0 0 0 Ceiling Load 0 Ventilation Load 0 Adj Air Trans Heat Ov/Undr Sizing 0 Exhaust Heat OA Preheat Diff. RA Preheat Diff. Additional Reheat System Plenum Heat Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage 0 100.00 Grand Total ==> -395 COOLING COIL SELECTION Main Clg Aux Clg 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.4 0.0 25 0 Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 Total 0.0 0.5 Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC AREAS Enter DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 76.1 62.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 66.6 0.0 0.0 Leave DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 59.8 56.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 62.7 0.0 0.0 Gross Total Cooling 59.8 75.0 76.1 76.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 SADB Ra Plenum Return Ret/OA Fn MtrTD Fn BldTD Fn Frict Heating 87.6 70.0 70.0 70.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 AIRFLOWS Cooling 25 Heating 25 Terminal Main Fan 25 25 25 25 Sec Fan Nom Vent AHU Vent Infil MinStop/Rh Return Exhaust Rm Exh Auxiliary Leakage Dwn Leakage Ups 0 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 Diffuser ENGINEERING CKS % OA cfm/ft² cfm/ton ft²/ton Btu/hr·ft² No. People Cooling 0.0 0.47 590.64 1,263.76 9.50 0 Heating 0.0 0.47 -8.93 HEATING COIL SELECTION Glass ft² (%) Capacity Coil Airflow MBh cfm Ent °F 25 70.0 0 0.0 Lvg °F Floor Part 53 0 Main Htg Aux Htg -0.5 0.0 87.6 0.0 Int Door ExFlr Roof Wall 0 0 53 65 Preheat 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 Humidif Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ext Door 0 0 0 Total -0.5 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 90 Alternative - 2 System Checksums Report Page 37 of 38 Room Checksums By WILEYWILSON 119 - Break COOLING COIL PEAK Peaked at Time: Outside Air: CLG SPACE PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 17 OADB/WB/HR: 90 / 73 / 98 Space Sens. + Lat. Plenum Sens. + Lat Btu/h Btu/h 0 0 196 204 276 290 0 0 0 0 966 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Of Total (%) Space Sensible Btu/h Percent Of Total (%) 0 0 0 196 204 276 290 0 0 0 0 966 0 0 5 5 7 7 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 196 204 276 290 0 0 0 0 966 0 0 6 6 9 9 0 0 0 0 30 Lights People Misc 211 434 1,827 53 0 0 264 434 1,827 7 11 47 211 234 1,827 7 7 56 Sub Total ==> 2,472 53 2,524 65 2,272 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 389 0 0 0 -3 0 0 0 0 0 3,438 50 3,877 100.00 3,238 Total Capacity ton MBh Sens Cap. MBh Coil Airflow cfm 0 TEMPERATURES Mo/Hr: Heating Design OADB: 24 Net Total Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> HEATING COIL PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 17 OADB: 90 Space Peak Space Sens Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> Coil Peak Percent Tot Sens Of Total Btu/h (%) 0 0 -199 0 -1,008 -544 0 0 0 0 -1,751 0 0 -199 0 -1,008 -544 0 0 0 0 -1,751 0.00 0.00 5.20 0.00 26.31 14.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 45.70 Lights People Misc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub Total ==> 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 -1,556 0 -524 0 -1,556 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 13.68 0 40.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -3,831 100.00 Internal Loads Internal Loads Ceiling Load Ventilation Load Adj Air Trans Heat Dehumid. Ov Sizing Ov/Undr Sizing Exhaust Heat Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage Grand Total ==> 0 -3 0 0 0 Ceiling Load 0 Ventilation Load 0 Adj Air Trans Heat Ov/Undr Sizing 0 Exhaust Heat OA Preheat Diff. RA Preheat Diff. Additional Reheat System Plenum Heat Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage 0 100.00 Grand Total ==> -3,307 COOLING COIL SELECTION Main Clg Aux Clg 0.4 0.0 4.5 0.0 3.5 0.0 196 0 Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 Total 0.4 4.5 Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC AREAS Enter DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 76.0 63.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 68.3 0.0 0.0 Leave DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 59.8 55.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 60.8 0.0 0.0 Gross Total Cooling 59.8 75.0 75.3 76.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 SADB Ra Plenum Return Ret/OA Fn MtrTD Fn BldTD Fn Frict Heating 87.6 70.0 70.0 67.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 AIRFLOWS Cooling 196 Heating 196 Terminal Main Fan 196 196 196 196 Sec Fan Nom Vent AHU Vent Infil MinStop/Rh Return Exhaust Rm Exh Auxiliary Leakage Dwn Leakage Ups 0 10 10 0 0 196 10 0 0 0 0 0 10 10 0 0 196 10 0 0 0 0 Diffuser ENGINEERING CKS % OA cfm/ft² cfm/ton ft²/ton Btu/hr·ft² No. People Cooling 5.3 2.18 527.65 242.23 49.54 1 Heating 5.3 2.18 -47.44 HEATING COIL SELECTION Glass ft² (%) Capacity Coil Airflow MBh cfm Ent °F 90 0 Main Htg Aux Htg -4.3 0.0 Int Door ExFlr Roof Wall 0 0 90 195 Preheat 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 14 0 7 Humidif Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ext Door 21 0 0 Total Floor Part 196 67.5 0 0.0 Lvg °F 87.6 0.0 -4.3 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 91 Alternative - 2 System Checksums Report Page 38 of 38 Load / Airflow Summary By WILEYWILSON Floor System Zone Room ** Coil Coil Space Cooling Cooling Design Air Minimum VAV Heating Fan VAV Main Coil Heating Percent Area People Sensible Total Max SA Changes SA Minimum Sensible Max SA ft² # Btu/h Btu/h cfm ach/hr cfm % Btu/h cfm OA Clg Htg Alternative 1 103 - Hall Rm Peak 86 0.0 453 616 15 1.05 0 0 -528 15 34.2 34.2 104 - Reception Rm Peak 104 1.0 2,305 2,860 91 5.27 0 0 -2,191 91 12.3 12.3 105 - Storage Rm Peak 33 0.0 343 343 14 2.59 0 0 -353 14 0.0 13.9 106 - IT Room Rm Peak 32 0.0 3,463 3,463 151 28.37 0 0 -2,785 151 0.0 1.3 107 - LE Office Rm Peak 114 1.0 3,161 3,689 128 6.73 0 0 -2,870 128 9.3 9.3 108 - Closet Rm Peak 13 0.0 109 109 4 2.06 0 0 -119 4 0.0 17.4 109 - Secure Storage Rm Peak 65 0.0 299 299 11 1.05 0 0 -399 11 0.0 34.2 110 - Work Rm Peak 125 1.0 1,815 2,360 68 3.28 0 0 -1,843 68 18.3 18.3 111 - Hall Rm Peak 146 0.0 769 1,046 26 1.05 0 0 -897 26 34.2 34.2 112 - Mech Rm Peak 25 0.0 224 224 9 2.22 0 0 -240 9 0.0 16.2 113 - PM Office Rm Peak 132 1.0 3,148 3,705 126 5.74 0 0 -2,893 126 10.2 10.2 114 - Closet Rm Peak 11 0.0 171 171 7 3.96 0 0 -162 7 0.0 9.1 115 - Asst PM Office Rm Peak 133 1.0 2,084 2,679 81 3.66 0 0 -2,094 81 16.0 16.0 116 - Closet Rm Peak 11 0.0 35 35 1 0.68 0 0 -55 1 0.0 53.1 117 - Women Rm Peak 53 0.0 309 309 12 1.38 0 0 -217 12 0.0 0.0 118 - Men Rm Peak 53 0.0 309 309 12 1.38 0 0 -217 12 0.0 0.0 119 - Break Rm Peak 90 1.0 3,249 3,736 133 8.89 0 0 -2,892 133 7.8 7.8 Zn Peak 1,226 6.0 22,246 25,954 892 0 -20,755 892 9.6 10.9 0 HP-1 Zone Zn Block 1,226 6.0 22,322 25,894 892 -20,755 892 9.6 10.9 HP-1 HP-1 Zone Sys Peak 1,226 6.0 22,246 25,954 892 -20,755 892 9.6 10.9 HP-1 Sys Block 1,226 6.0 22,322 25,894 892 -20,755 892 9.6 10.9 101 - Entry Rm Peak 105 0.0 1,816 1,146 83 4.71 0 0 -2,689 83 39.3 39.3 102 - Multi-Use Exhibit 3.98 0 Rm Peak 610 16.0 12,364 19,301 405 0 -13,196 405 39.3 39.3 HP-2 Zone Zn Peak 715 16.0 14,181 20,447 487 0 -15,885 487 39.3 39.3 HP-2 Zone Zn Block 715 16.0 14,087 21,784 487 0 -15,885 487 39.3 39.3 HP-2 Sys Peak 715 16.0 14,181 20,447 487 -15,885 487 39.3 39.3 HP-2 Sys Block 715 16.0 14,087 21,784 487 -15,885 487 39.3 39.3 * This report does not display heating only systems. Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 92 Load/Airflow Summary Report Page 1 of 2 Floor System Zone Room ** Coil Coil Space Cooling Cooling Design Air Minimum VAV Heating Fan VAV Main Coil Heating Percent Area People Sensible Total Max SA Changes SA Minimum Sensible Max SA ft² # Btu/h Btu/h cfm ach/hr cfm % Btu/h cfm OA Clg Htg Alternative 2 103 - Hall Rm Peak 86 0.0 555 791 26 1.78 0 0 -750 26 20.4 20.4 104 - Reception Rm Peak 104 1.0 3,810 4,897 237 13.65 0 0 -5,085 237 4.7 4.7 105 - Storage Rm Peak 33 0.0 481 553 28 5.09 0 0 -635 28 0.0 7.1 106 - IT Room Rm Peak 32 0.0 3,479 4,001 210 39.29 0 0 -4,099 210 0.0 0.9 107 - LE Office Rm Peak 114 1.0 3,357 4,383 188 9.90 0 0 -4,188 188 6.3 6.3 108 - Closet Rm Peak 13 0.0 148 170 9 3.93 0 0 -203 9 0.0 9.4 109 - Secure Storage Rm Peak 65 0.0 357 411 19 1.78 0 0 -565 19 0.0 20.2 110 - Work Rm Peak 125 1.0 1,899 2,781 99 4.74 0 0 -2,517 99 12.7 12.7 111 - Hall Rm Peak 146 0.0 942 1,341 43 1.78 0 0 -1,272 43 20.3 20.3 112 - Mech Rm Peak 25 0.0 308 354 18 4.28 0 0 -416 18 0.0 8.4 113 - PM Office Rm Peak 132 1.0 3,454 4,521 192 8.74 0 0 -4,323 192 6.7 6.7 114 - Closet Rm Peak 11 0.0 252 290 15 8.13 0 0 -320 15 0.0 4.7 115 - Asst PM Office Rm Peak 133 1.0 2,351 3,315 125 5.66 0 0 -3,052 125 10.4 10.4 116 - Closet Rm Peak 11 0.0 34 40 2 0.91 0 0 -67 2 0.0 42.0 117 - Women Rm Peak 53 0.0 438 503 25 2.80 0 0 -473 25 0.0 0.0 118 - Men Rm Peak 53 0.0 438 503 25 2.80 0 0 -473 25 0.0 0.0 119 - Break Rm Peak 90 1.0 3,453 4,459 196 13.07 0 0 -4,269 196 5.3 5.3 6.7 Zone - 1 Zn Peak 1,226 6.0 25,756 33,311 1,455 0 -32,707 1,455 5.9 Zone - 1 Zn Block 1,226 6.0 24,637 31,835 1,455 0 -32,707 1,455 5.9 6.7 101 - Entry Rm Peak 105 0.0 3,568 4,827 169 9.66 0 0 -3,499 169 16.9 16.9 102 - Multi-Use Exhibit 4.85 0 Rm Peak 610 16.0 13,840 24,201 493 0 -13,964 493 32.1 32.1 Zone - 2 Zn Peak 715 16.0 17,408 29,027 662 0 -17,463 662 28.2 28.2 Zone - 2 Zn Block 715 16.0 16,681 28,379 662 0 -17,463 662 28.2 28.2 System 4 Sys Peak 1,941 22.0 43,164 62,338 2,117 -50,170 2,117 12.9 13.4 System 4 Sys Block 1,941 22.0 39,798 58,895 2,117 -50,170 2,117 12.9 13.4 * This report does not display heating only systems. Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 93 Load/Airflow Summary Report Page 2 of 2 SYSTEM SUMMARY DESIGN COOLING CAPACITIES By WILEYWILSON Alternative 1 Building Airside Systems and Plant Capacities Peak Plant Loads Plant System Heat Pump 2 HP-2 Heat Pump 1 HP-1 Building totals Block Plant Loads Stg 1 Stg 2 Desic Cond Main Coil Aux Opt Vent Misc Coil Coil Load Desic Cond ton ton ton ton ton 1.7 1.7 2.2 2.2 3.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Time Base Stg 1 Stg 2 Load Desic Cond Desic Cond Utility Block Total ton ton ton ton ton ton 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.7 1.7 2.2 2.2 3.9 Of Peak Main Coil Aux Opt Vent Misc Utility Peak Total Coil Coil ton ton ton mo/hr ton ton 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.7 1.7 2.2 2.2 3.9 6/15 6/15 6/17 6/17 1.7 1.7 2.2 2.2 3.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Building peak load is 3.9 tons. Base Building maximum block load of 3.8 tons occurs in July at hour 15 based on system simulation. Alternative 2 Building Airside Systems and Plant Capacities Peak Plant Loads Plant System 90_1 Baseline System 4 Building totals Project Name: Dataset Name: 214180 214180 PEEDEE.TRC Stg 2 Desic Cond Main Coil Aux Opt Vent Misc Coil Coil Load Desic Cond ton ton ton ton ton 5.2 5.2 5.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Building peak load is 5.2 tons. Block Plant Loads Stg 1 Time Base Stg 1 Stg 2 Load Desic Cond Desic Cond Utility Block Total ton ton ton ton ton ton 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.4 4.4 4.4 Of Peak Main Coil Aux Opt Vent Misc Utility Peak Total Coil Coil ton ton ton mo/hr ton ton 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.2 5.2 5.2 7/15 7/15 4.4 4.4 4.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 Base Building maximum block load of 4.4 tons occurs in July at hour 15 based on system simulation. TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Design Capacity Quantities report Page 1 of 1 94 SYSTEM SUMMARY DESIGN HEATING CAPACITIES By WILEYWILSON Alternative 1 System Coil Capacities System Description HP-1 HP-2 Stg 1 Stg 2 Stg 1 Stg 2 Optional Desic Desic Frost Frost Heating Vent Btu/h Regen Btu/h Regen Btu/h Prevention Btu/h Prevention Btu/h Totals Btu/h Main Aux System Type System Btu/h System Btu/h Single Zone Single Zone -20,755 -15,885 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -20,755 -15,885 -36,640 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -36,640 Totals Preheat Btu/h Reheat Btu/h Humid. Btu/h Building Plant Capacities Peak Loads Plant System Elec Backup HP-1 HP-2 Stg 1 Stg 2 Stg 1 Stg 2 Main Preheat Reheat Humid. Aux Opt Vent Misc Desic. Desic. Frost Frost Base Absorption Coil MBh Coil MBh Coil MBh Coil MBh Coil MBh Coil MBh Load MBh Regen. MBh Regen. MBh Prev. MBh Prev. MBh Utility MBh Load MBh 37 21 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Building peak load is 36.6 MBh. Alternative 2 System Coil Capacities System Description System 4 Totals Project Name: Dataset Name: 214180 214180 PEEDEE.TRC Stg 1 Stg 2 Stg 1 Stg 2 Optional Desic Desic Frost Frost Heating Vent Btu/h Regen Btu/h Regen Btu/h Prevention Btu/h Prevention Btu/h Totals Btu/h Main Aux System Type System Btu/h System Btu/h System 4 - Packaged Rooftop Heat Pump -50,170 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -50,170 -50,170 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -50,170 Preheat Btu/h Reheat Btu/h Humid. Btu/h TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Design Capacity Quantities report Page 1 of 2 95 Building Plant Capacities Peak Loads Plant System 90_1 Elec Backup System 4 Stg 1 Stg 2 Stg 1 Stg 2 Main Preheat Reheat Humid. Aux Opt Vent Misc Desic. Desic. Frost Frost Base Absorption Coil MBh Coil MBh Coil MBh Coil MBh Coil MBh Coil MBh Load MBh Regen. MBh Regen. MBh Prev. MBh Prev. MBh Utility MBh Load MBh 50 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Building peak load is 50.2 MBh. Project Name: Dataset Name: 214180 214180 PEEDEE.TRC TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Design Capacity Quantities report Page 2 of 2 96 Energy Cost Budget / PRM Summary By WILEYWILSON Project Name: 214180 Date: November 18, 2014 City: Weather Data: Charlotte, North Carolina Note: The percentage displayed for the "Proposed/ Base %" column of the base case is actually the percentage of the total energy consumption. * Denotes the base alternative for the ECB study. * Alt-2 ASHRAE Baseline Energy 10^6 Btu/yr Proposed / Base % Cli Peak kBtuh Alt-1 Pee Dee Energy 10^6 Btu/yr Proposed / Base % Peak kBtuh Lighting - Conditioned Electricity 25.1 19 7 25.1 100 7 Space Heating Electricity 29.3 23 71 9.1 31 29 Space Cooling Electricity 11.1 9 10 13.1 117 10 Heat Rejection Electricity 1.8 1 1 1.5 84 1 Fans - Conditioned Electricity 26.5 21 6 6.2 23 2 Receptacles - Conditioned Electricity 35.1 27 10 35.1 100 10 Total Building Consumption 128.9 90.0 * Alt-2 ASHRAE Baseline Total 0 33 * Alt-2 ASHRAE Baseline Energy 10^6 Btu/yr Total Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC Alt-1 Pee Dee 0 0 Number of hours heating load not met Number of hours cooling load not met Electricity Cli Cost/yr $/yr Cli Alt-1 Pee Dee Energy 10^6 Btu/yr Cost/yr $/yr 128.9 2,266 90.0 1,582 129 2,266 90 1,582 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 97 Energy Cost Budget Report Page 1 of 1 MONTHLY ENERGY CONSUMPTION By WILEYWILSON ------- Monthly Energy Consumption ------Utility Jan Alternative: 1 Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Total Pee Dee Electric On-Pk Cons. (kWh) 2,132 1,944 2,260 2,075 2,296 2,423 2,262 2,465 2,140 2,211 2,108 2,050 26,368 On-Pk Demand (kW) 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 8 8 8 8 8 9 Energy Consumption Environmental Impact Analysis 46,364 Btu/(ft2-year) Building Source 32,563 lbm/year CO2 SO2 NOX 139,106 Btu/(ft2-year) 160 gm/year 28 gm/year 1,941 ft2 Floor Area Alternative: 2 ASHRAE Baseline Climate Zone 4A Electric On-Pk Cons. (kWh) 3,462 3,153 3,268 2,924 3,138 3,138 3,023 3,248 2,985 3,157 3,036 3,234 37,765 On-Pk Demand (kW) 15 15 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 Energy Consumption 66,406 Btu/(ft2-year) Building Source 199,237 Btu/(ft2-year) Environmental Impact Analysis CO2 SO2 NOX 46,216 lbm/year 227 gm/year 40 gm/year 1,941 ft2 Floor Area Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Alternative - 2 Monthly Energy Consumption report Page 1 of 1 98 EQUIPMENT ENERGY CONSUMPTION By WILEYWILSON Alternative: 1 Pee Dee ------- Monthly Consumption ------- Equipment - Utility Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Total 611.8 553.4 662.1 584.0 637.0 634.3 586.7 662.1 584.0 637.0 609.1 586.7 7,348.0 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 855.6 773.9 926.0 816.7 890.8 887.0 820.4 926.0 816.7 890.8 851.8 820.4 10,276.1 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.6 Lights Electric (kWh) Peak (kW) Misc. Ld Electric (kWh) Peak (kW) Cooling Coil Condensate Recoverable Water (1000gal) Cpl 1: Heat Pump 2 [Sum of dsn coil capacities=1.70 tons] Heat Pump 2 [Clg Nominal Capacity/F.L.Rate=1.70 tons / 1.27 kW] [**Orig F.L.Rate=1.57 kW] (Cooling Equipment - Cooling Mode) Electric (kWh) 0.0 0.0 5.2 33.2 64.3 143.7 120.8 126.0 72.3 18.6 17.7 2.4 604.2 Peak (kW) 0.4 0.0 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.1 0.7 0.7 0.5 1.2 Heat Pump 2 [Htg Nominal Capacity/F.L.Rate=20.45 mbh / 1.19 kW] [**Orig F.L.Rate=1.50 kW] Electric (kWh) Peak (kW) (Cooling Equipment - Heating Mode) 360.3 336.8 250.2 185.3 154.2 103.8 116.3 110.4 147.7 231.7 229.5 317.6 2,543.8 2.9 2.8 3.1 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.2 90.1 Min Air Cooled Condenser [Design Heat Rejection/F.L.Rate=2.10 tons / 0.12 kW] Electric (kWh) 22.9 21.4 16.4 15.2 16.4 20.0 19.2 19.4 16.9 16.6 16.5 20.5 221.4 Peak (kW) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 Cntl panel & interlocks - 0.1 KW [F.L.Rate=0.10 kW] (Misc Accessory Equipment) Electric (kWh) 68.5 60.2 67.9 70.8 74.4 69.4 74.4 74.4 71.7 70.7 65.3 67.0 834.7 Peak (kW) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 Cpl 2: Heat Pump 1 [Sum of dsn coil capacities=2.16 tons] Heat Pump 1 [Clg Nominal Capacity/F.L.Rate=2.16 tons / 1.58 kW] [**Orig F.L.Rate=2.08 kW] (Cooling Equipment - Cooling Mode) Electric (kWh) 39.2 36.4 127.8 177.4 241.1 331.9 303.9 309.1 228.0 145.8 128.5 62.3 2,131.4 Peak (kW) 0.5 0.5 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.4 0.9 0.8 0.6 1.5 Heat Pump 1 [Htg Nominal Capacity/F.L.Rate=31.14 mbh / 1.91 kW] [**Orig F.L.Rate=2.40 kW] (Cooling Equipment - Heating Mode) Electric (kWh) 1.3 3.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.6 Peak (kW) 5.2 5.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.2 Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 99 Alternative - 1 Equipment Energy Consumption report page 1 of 3 EQUIPMENT ENERGY CONSUMPTION By WILEYWILSON Alternative: 1 Pee Dee ------- Monthly Consumption ------- Equipment - Utility Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Total Cpl 2: Heat Pump 1 [Sum of dsn coil capacities=2.16 tons] 90.1 Min Air Cooled Condenser [Design Heat Rejection/F.L.Rate=2.65 tons / 0.15 kW] Electric (kWh) 3.7 3.2 12.7 18.9 25.6 33.2 30.9 32.2 24.5 14.9 12.7 5.8 218.3 Peak (kW) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 Cntl panel & interlocks - 0.1 KW [F.L.Rate=0.10 kW] (Misc Accessory Equipment) Electric (kWh) 15.1 15.5 31.8 30.0 35.8 43.0 41.0 40.9 32.5 30.8 29.4 22.2 368.0 Peak (kW) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 Hpl 1: Elec Backup [Sum of dsn coil capacities=36.64 mbh] Sys 1: HP-1 90.1-07 Min VAV FC Centrifugal [DsnAirflow/F.L.Rate=892.4 cfm / 0.35 kW] Electric (kWh) Peak (kW) (Main Clg Fan) 122.3 110.6 130.8 117.7 127.7 127.3 120.0 132.7 118.0 126.6 121.3 118.1 1,473.0 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 Sys 2: HP-2 90.1-07 Min VAV FC Centrifugal [DsnAirflow/F.L.Rate=487.3 cfm / 0.19 kW] (Main Clg Fan) Electric (kWh) 31.2 29.6 28.8 26.3 29.2 30.0 28.2 31.4 27.5 27.9 26.7 27.4 344.1 Peak (kW) 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 100 Alternative - 1 Equipment Energy Consumption report page 2 of 3 EQUIPMENT ENERGY CONSUMPTION By WILEYWILSON Alternative: 2 ASHRAE Baseline Climate Zone 4A ------- Monthly Consumption ------- Equipment - Utility Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Total 611.8 553.4 662.1 584.0 637.0 634.3 586.7 662.1 584.0 637.0 609.1 586.7 7,348.0 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 855.6 773.9 926.0 816.7 890.8 887.0 820.4 926.0 816.7 890.8 851.8 820.4 10,276.1 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.6 Lights Electric (kWh) Peak (kW) Misc. Ld Electric (kWh) Peak (kW) Cooling Coil Condensate Recoverable Water (1000gal) Cpl 1: 90_1 Baseline [Sum of dsn coil capacities=5.19 tons] Air-cooled unitary - 001 [Clg Nominal Capacity/F.L.Rate=5.19 tons / 3.54 kW] [**Orig F.L.Rate=5.67 kW] (Cooling Equipment - Cooling Mode) Electric (kWh) 5.1 2.2 87.0 215.4 335.0 583.4 497.3 511.7 351.0 124.9 96.6 18.0 2,827.5 Peak (kW) 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.9 2.3 2.8 3.0 2.9 2.6 1.7 1.7 1.2 3.0 Air-cooled unitary - 001 [Htg Nominal Capacity/F.L.Rate=74.81 mbh / 7.59 kW] [**Orig F.L.Rate=9.72 kW] Electric (kWh) (Cooling Equipment - Heating Mode) 1,135.7 1,058.3 756.8 529.8 415.8 240.4 264.0 271.3 416.1 689.2 691.3 982.1 7,450.8 20.5 20.4 20.1 20.4 20.6 20.7 20.6 20.7 20.6 20.2 20.1 20.6 20.7 Peak (kW) 90.1 Min Air Cooled Condenser [Design Heat Rejection/F.L.Rate=6.30 tons / 0.35 kW] Electric (kWh) 34.6 32.0 32.1 37.6 44.7 60.4 55.0 58.1 46.8 33.7 30.7 31.4 497.1 Peak (kW) 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 Cntl panel & interlocks - 0.1 KW [F.L.Rate=0.10 kW] (Misc Accessory Equipment) Electric (kWh) 71.9 64.7 72.1 70.0 74.4 71.6 74.4 72.5 72.0 67.8 66.1 72.4 849.9 Peak (kW) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 Hpl 1: 90_1 Elec Backup [Sum of dsn coil capacities=50.17 mbh] Sys 1: System 4 90.1 FC Centrifugal WW [DsnAirflow/F.L.Rate=2,117 cfm / 1.78 kW (**Orig F.L.Rate=1.52 kW)] Electric (kWh) Peak (kW) Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC (Main Clg Fan) 700.6 627.3 684.6 682.2 717.6 689.3 674.5 733.9 689.3 671.9 646.1 656.4 8,173.6 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 101 Alternative - 2 Equipment Energy Consumption report page 3 of 3 Performance Rating Details By WILEYWILSON Project Name: 214180 Date: November 18, 2014 City: Weather Data: Charlotte, North Carolina Performance Rating Method Alternative: 0° Rotation Energy 10^6 Btu/yr Alt-2 ASHRAE Baseline 90° Rotation Peak kBtuh Energy 10^6 Btu/yr Climate Zone 4A 180° Rotation Peak kBtuh Energy 10^6 Btu/yr 270° Rotation Peak kBtuh Energy 10^6 Btu/yr Average Peak kBtuh Energy 10^6 Btu/yr Peak kBtuh Lighting - Conditioned Electricity 25.1 7 25.1 7 25.1 7 25.1 7 25.1 7 Space Heating Electricity 27.2 71 32.9 71 28.3 70 28.8 72 29.3 71 Space Cooling Electricity 10.8 10 11.5 10 11.2 10 11.1 10 11.2 10 Heat Rejection Electricity 1.7 1 1.9 1 1.7 1 1.8 1 1.8 1 Fans - Conditioned Electricity 27.9 6 27.1 6 23.5 5 27.6 6 26.5 6 Receptacles - Conditioned Electricity 35.1 10 35.1 10 35.1 10 35.1 10 35.1 10 127.7 106 133.7 106 124.9 104 129.4 107 128.9 106 Total Building Consumption 0° Rotation 90° Rotation 180° Rotation 270° Rotation Average Electric ($) $2,245 $2,350 $2,195 $2,274 $2,266 Total Building Cost ($) $2,245 $2,350 $2,195 $2,274 $2,266 214180 214180 PEEDEE.TRC 102 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Performance Rating Details Report Page 1 of 1 PRM Fan Power Details By WILEYWILSON Baseline Alternative: Alternative 2 - ASHRAE Baseline Method: 90.1-2007 Performance Rating Method System Description: System 4 System Type: Single Zone User-entered Total Fan Power Design Supply Airflow 1.52 2,117 Climate Zone 4A kW cfm PRM Fan Power Adjustment Factor Primary 0.00 in. H2O Main Exhaust 0.00 in. H2O Room Exhaust 0.00 in. H2O Return 0.00 in. H2O PRM Fan Motor Efficiency 83.53 % PRM Fan Power Adjustment BHP 0.00 Bhp Calculated System BHP 1.99 Bhp Total Fan Power 1.78 kW Fan Ratio Override Zone Description Zone - 1 1.174 Design Airflow (cfm) Original F.L. Rate (kW) PRM Fan Power (kW) Fan Name Fan Type Fan Level 90.1 FC Centrifugal WW Primary fan Zone 1,455 1.04 1.22 90.1 FC Centrifugal WW Primary fan Zone 662 0.47 0.56 Zone - 2 Project Name: Dataset Name: 214180 214180 PEEDEE.TRC TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 103 LEED Energy Performance Summary Report By WILEYWILSON Section 1.1 - General Information Simulation Program: TRACE™ 700 v6.3 Principle Heating Source: Electric Energy Code Used: ASHRAE 90.1-2007 Weather File: Charlotte, North Carolina (Reduced Year) Climate Zone: 4A New Construction Percent: 100 % Existing Renovation Percent: 0% Quantity of Floors: 1 Proposed: Alternative 1 - Pee Dee Baseline: Alternative 2 - ASHRAE Baseline Climate Zone 4A Section 1.2 - Space Summary Space Area (ft²) Regularly Occupied Area (ft²) Break Room 90 90 0 Corridor 337 337 0 Exhibit 610 610 0 Storage 158 158 0 IT Room 32 32 0 Toilet 106 106 0 Office 608 608 0 Total 1,941 1,941 0 Building Use (Occupancy Type) Unconditioned Area (ft²) Section 1.3 - Advisory Messages Advisory Messages Baseline Building (0 deg rotation) Proposed Building Number of hours heating load not met: 0 0 Number of hours cooling load not met: 0 33 Total 0 33 Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 104 LEED Energy Performance Summary Report By WILEYWILSON Section 1.4 - Comparison of Proposed Design Versus Baseline Design Input Parameter Proposed Design Input Baseline Design Input Exterior Wall Construction Pee Dee U-factor: 0.039 Btu/h·ft²·°F 90.1-07 Min Wall Nonres Zone 4-8 U-factor: 0.065 Btu/h·ft²·°F Roof Construction Pee Dee U-factor: 0.024 Btu/h·ft²·°F Reflectivity: 0.10 90.1-07 Min Roof Nonres Zone 2-8 U-factor: 0.048 Btu/h·ft²·°F Reflectivity: 0.30 9.0 % 9.0 % 90.1 Window Zone 4 Nonmetal Frame U-factor: 0.400 Btu/h·ft²·°F SHGC: 0.40 Visible Transmissivity: 0.900 90.1 Window Zone 4 Nonmetal Frame U-factor: 0.400 Btu/h·ft²·°F SHGC: 0.40 Visible Transmissivity: 0.900 Window-to-gross wall ratio Fenestration Type Shading Devices Overhang - Pee Dee Overhang Interior Light Power Density Lighting Compliance: Space-By-Space Method Daylighting Controls: No Building: 1.16 W/ft² Lighting Compliance: Space-By-Space Method Daylighting Controls: No Building: 1.16 W/ft² Interior Light Power Density Room Type: Break Room - 1.00 W/ft² Corridor - 1.00 W/ft² Exhibit - 1.50 W/ft² Storage - 1.00 W/ft² IT Room - 1.00 W/ft² Room Type: Break Room - 1.00 W/ft² Corridor - 1.00 W/ft² Exhibit - 1.50 W/ft² Storage - 1.00 W/ft² IT Room - 1.00 W/ft² Interior Light Power Density Room Type: Toilet - 1.00 W/ft² Office - 1.00 W/ft² Room Type: Toilet - 1.00 W/ft² Office - 1.00 W/ft² Slab-on-grade or Exposed Floor 12" LW Conc Slab-On-Grade F-Factor: 0.000 Btu/hr·ft·°F 12" LW Conc Slab-On-Grade F-Factor: 0.730 Btu/hr·ft·°F Receptacle Equip Power Density 1.62 W/ft² 1.62 W/ft² Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 105 LEED Energy Performance Summary Report By WILEYWILSON Section 1.4 - Comparison of Proposed Design Versus Baseline Design Input Parameter Proposed Design Input HVAC System Type HP-2 Single Zone Supply vol: 487 cfm Fan power: 0.19 kW HVAC System Type HP-1 Single Zone Supply vol: 892 cfm Fan power: 0.35 kW Cooling Equipment Plant: Heat Pump 2 Type: 90.1-07 Min ACHP AllHeat SS < 65 MBh Category: Air-cooled unitary Clg Cap: Design Engy Rate: 13 Packaged EER HR Cap: 12 Mbh/ton Engy Rate: 4 Packaged COP Cooling Equipment Plant: Heat Pump 1 Type: 90.1-07 Min ACHP AllHeat SS < 65 MBh Category: Air-cooled unitary Clg Cap: Design Engy Rate: 12.5 Packaged EER HR Cap: 14.4 Mbh/ton Engy Rate: 3.8 Packaged COP Heat Rejection Parameters Heating Equipment Thermal Energy Storage Baseline Design Input System 4 System 4 - Packaged Rooftop Heat Pump Supply vol: 2117 cfm Fan power: 1.78 kW Plant: 90_1 Baseline Type: 90.1-07 Min ACHP AllHeat SP < 65 MBh Category: Air-cooled unitary Clg Cap: Design Engy Rate: 11 Packaged EER HR Cap: 14.4 Mbh/ton Engy Rate: 7.7 Packaged EER Type: 90.1 Min Air Cooled Condenser HR Type: Air-cooled condenser Energy Consumption: 0.055290 kW/ton Quantity: 2 Type: 90.1 Min Air Cooled Condenser HR Type: Air-cooled condenser Energy Consumption: 0.055290 kW/ton Plant: Elec Backup Type: Default electric resistance Category: Electric resistance Capacity: Design Energy Rate: 100 Percent efficient Plant: 90_1 Elec Backup Type: Default electric resistance Category: Electric resistance Capacity: Design Energy Rate: 100 Percent efficient No No Section 1.5 - Energy Type Summary (Proposed) Energy Type Utility Rate Description Units Electric Consumption Fitness Center WW kWh Electric Demand Fitness Center WW kW Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 106 LEED Energy Performance Summary Report By WILEYWILSON Section 1.6 Baseline Performance - Performance Rating Method Compliance End Use Space Heating Space Cooling Process Baseline Design Energy Type No Electricity No Heat Rejection Electricity No Fans - Interior Electricity No Electricity Units of Annual Energy & Peak Demand Baseline (0 deg rotation) Baseline (90 deg rotation) Baseline (180 deg rotation) Baseline (270 deg rotation) Baseline Design Energy Use (kWh) 7,967 9,649 8,299 8,423 8,584 Demand (kW) 20.8 20.9 20.5 21.1 20.8 Energy Use (kWh) 3,161 3,377 3,268 3,260 3,267 Demand (kW) 3.0 3.1 3.0 3.0 3.0 Energy Use (kWh) 497 565 505 519 522 Demand (kW) 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 8,174 7,944 6,887 8,071 7,769 1.8 1.8 1.6 1.8 1.7 10,276 10,276 10,276 10,276 10,276 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 7,348 7,348 7,348 7,348 7,348 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 37,423 39,159 36,583 37,898 37,766 31.0 31.1 30.5 31.3 31.0 Energy Use (kWh) Demand (kW) Receptacle Equipment Yes Electricity Energy Use (kWh) Demand (kW) Interior Lighting No Electricity Energy Use (kWh) Demand (kW) Energy Use (kWh) Baseline Energy Totals: Demand (kW) Section 1.6 Proposed Performance - Performance Rating Method Compliance End Use Space Heating Process Baseline Design Energy Type No Electricity Units of Annual Energy & Peak Demand Energy Use (kWh) Demand (kW) Space Cooling No Heat Rejection No Fans - Interior No Electricity Electricity Electricity Energy Use (kWh) Yes Electricity No Electricity Project Name: 214180 214180 PEEDEE.TRC 3,827 Energy Use (kWh) 440 Demand (kW) 0.3 Energy Use (kWh) Energy Use (kWh) Energy Use (kWh) Demand (kW) Dataset Name: 8.4 2.9 Demand (kW) Interior Lighting 2,660 Demand (kW) Demand (kW) Receptacle Equipment Proposed Design 1,817 0.5 10,276 3.0 7,348 2.1 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 107 LEED Energy Performance Summary Report By WILEYWILSON Energy Use (kWh) Proposed Energy Totals: Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC Demand (kW) 26,368 17.2 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 108 LEED Energy Performance Summary Report By WILEYWILSON Table 1.6 Table EAp2-9 Energy Cost Summary (Manual Cost Input) - Baseline Case Energy Type Electric Consumption Baseline Cost (0° rotation) Baseline Cost (90° rotation) Baseline Cost (180° rotation) Baseline Cost (270° rotation) Average $2,245 $2,350 $2,195 2274.00 $2,266 Table 1.6 Table EAp2-9 Energy Cost Summary (Manual Cost Input) - Proposed Case Energy Type Electric Consumption Proposed Cost $1,582 Proposed building economic cost improvement over baseline building: 30.2 % Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 109 BUILDING U-FACTORS By WILEYWILSON Room Room Mass Capacitance Ceiling lb/ft² Btu/lb·°F 0.000 0.000 23.3 5.0 0.039 0.000 39.1 10.0 0.000 0.039 0.000 50.9 13.7 0.000 0.039 0.000 38.5 9.8 0.410 0.000 0.039 0.000 36.9 9.3 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.039 0.000 38.2 9.7 0.024 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 23.3 5.0 0.000 0.024 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 23.3 5.0 0.000 0.024 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 23.3 5.0 0.000 0.000 0.024 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.039 0.000 40.3 10.3 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.024 0.400 0.410 0.000 0.039 0.000 33.4 8.2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.024 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.039 0.000 64.0 17.8 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.024 0.400 0.410 0.000 0.039 0.000 28.6 6.7 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 13.3 2.7 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.024 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.039 0.000 32.8 8.0 118 - Men 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.024 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.039 0.000 32.8 8.0 119 - Break 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.024 0.400 0.410 0.700 0.039 0.000 38.8 9.9 HP-1 Zone - Zone 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.024 0.400 0.410 0.700 0.039 0.000 31.4 7.6 HP-1 - System 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.024 0.400 0.410 0.700 0.039 0.000 31.4 7.6 101 - Entry 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.024 0.400 0.410 0.000 0.039 0.000 27.9 6.5 102 - Multi-Use Exhibit 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.024 0.400 0.410 0.700 0.039 0.000 31.0 7.4 HP-2 Zone - Zone 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.024 0.400 0.410 0.700 0.039 0.000 30.5 7.3 HP-2 - System 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.024 0.400 0.410 0.700 0.039 0.000 30.5 7.3 ROOM U-FACTORS Internal Exposed Summer Winter Partition Door Floor Skylight Skylight 103 - Hall 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 104 - Reception 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 105 - Storage 0.000 0.000 0.000 106 - IT Room 0.000 0.000 0.000 107 - LE Office 0.000 0.000 108 - Closet 0.000 109 - Secure Storage Btu/h·ft²·°F Summer Winter External Roof Window Window Door Wall 0.000 0.024 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.024 0.400 0.410 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.024 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.024 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.024 0.400 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.024 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 110 - Work 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 111 - Hall 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 112 - Mech 0.000 0.000 0.000 113 - PM Office 0.000 0.000 114 - Closet 0.000 0.000 115 - Asst PM Office 0.000 116 - Closet 0.000 117 - Women Description Alternative 1 Overall U-Factors Project Name: Dataset Name: 214180 214180 PEEDEE.TRC Overall Thermal Transfer Values Roof 0.024 Btu/h·ft²·°F Roof (OTTVr) 1.18 Btu/hr·ft² Wall 0.084 Btu/h·ft²·°F Wall (OTTVw) 8.62 Btu/hr·ft² Building 0.056 Btu/h·ft²·°F TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Building U-Factors Report Page 1 of 2 110 BUILDING U-FACTORS By WILEYWILSON Room Room Mass Capacitance Ceiling lb/ft² Btu/lb·°F 0.000 0.000 14.3 2.9 0.065 0.000 34.6 7.6 0.000 0.065 0.000 49.7 11.0 0.000 0.000 0.065 0.000 33.8 7.4 0.410 0.000 0.065 0.000 31.7 6.9 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.065 0.000 33.3 7.3 0.048 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 14.3 2.9 0.000 0.048 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 14.3 2.9 0.000 0.048 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 14.3 2.9 0.000 0.000 0.048 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.065 0.000 36.1 7.9 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.048 0.400 0.410 0.000 0.065 0.000 27.2 5.8 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.048 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.065 0.000 66.4 14.9 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.048 0.400 0.410 0.000 0.065 0.000 21.1 4.4 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 13.3 2.7 117 - Women 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.048 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.065 0.000 26.4 5.7 118 - Men 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.048 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.065 0.000 26.4 5.7 119 - Break 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.048 0.400 0.410 0.700 0.065 0.000 34.2 7.5 Zone - 1 - Zone 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.048 0.400 0.410 0.700 0.065 0.000 24.8 5.3 101 - Entry 0.000 0.000 0.730 0.000 0.000 0.048 0.400 0.410 0.000 0.065 0.000 20.3 4.2 102 - Multi-Use Exhibit 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.048 0.400 0.410 0.700 0.065 0.000 24.2 5.1 Zone - 2 - Zone 0.000 0.000 0.730 0.000 0.000 0.048 0.400 0.410 0.700 0.065 0.000 23.6 5.0 System 4 - System 0.000 0.000 0.730 0.000 0.000 0.048 0.400 0.410 0.700 0.065 0.000 24.4 5.2 ROOM U-FACTORS Internal Exposed Summer Winter Partition Door Floor Skylight Skylight 103 - Hall 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 104 - Reception 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 105 - Storage 0.000 0.000 0.000 106 - IT Room 0.000 0.000 107 - LE Office 0.000 0.000 108 - Closet 0.000 109 - Secure Storage Btu/h·ft²·°F Summer Winter External Roof Window Window Door Wall 0.000 0.048 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.048 0.400 0.410 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.048 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.048 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.048 0.400 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.048 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 110 - Work 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 111 - Hall 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 112 - Mech 0.000 0.000 0.000 113 - PM Office 0.000 0.000 114 - Closet 0.000 115 - Asst PM Office 116 - Closet Description Alternative 2 Overall U-Factors Project Name: Dataset Name: 214180 214180 PEEDEE.TRC Overall Thermal Transfer Values Roof 0.048 Btu/h·ft²·°F Roof (OTTVr) 4.36 Btu/hr·ft² Wall 0.107 Btu/h·ft²·°F Wall (OTTVw) 9.60 Btu/hr·ft² Building 0.079 Btu/h·ft²·°F TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Building U-Factors Report Page 2 of 2 111 BUILDING AREAS By WILEYWILSON Number of Duplicate Floors Rooms Sys Zon Room Floor Area/ Duplicate Room ft² Total Floor Area ft² Partition Area ft² Int Door Area ft² Exposed Floor Area ft² Skylight Area ft² Net Roof Area ft² Window Area ft² Window/ Wall % 86 104 33 32 114 13 65 125 146 25 132 11 133 11 53 53 90 1,226 1,226 105 610 715 715 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 86 104 33 32 114 13 65 125 146 25 132 11 133 0 53 53 90 1,215 1,215 105 610 715 715 0 28 0 0 28 0 0 0 0 0 28 0 14 0 0 0 14 112 112 42 45 87 87 0 12 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 13 0 0 0 7 8 8 40 7 11 11 Ext Door Area ft² Net Wall Area ft² Alternative 1 103 - Hall 104 - Reception 105 - Storage 106 - IT Room 107 - LE Office 108 - Closet 109 - Secure Storage 110 - Work 111 - Hall 112 - Mech 113 - PM Office 114 - Closet 115 - Asst PM Office 116 - Closet 117 - Women 118 - Men 119 - Break HP-1 Zone 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 86 104 33 32 114 13 65 125 146 25 132 11 133 11 53 53 90 101 - Entry 102 - Multi-Use Exhibit HP-2 Zone 1 1 1 1 105 610 HP-1 HP-2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 21 21 0 21 21 21 0 213 118 63 200 25 0 0 0 55 172 58 91 0 65 65 181 1,306 1,306 63 608 671 671 Total building Window Area: 199 ft² Total building Wall Area: 2,218 ft² Building Total Window %: 9.0% Total building Skylight Area: 0 ft² Total building Roof Area: 1,930 ft² Building Total Skylight %: 0.0% Total building Floor Area: 1,941 ft² Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 112 Building Areas Report Page 1 of 2 BUILDING AREAS By WILEYWILSON Number of Duplicate Floors Rooms Sys Zon Room Floor Area/ Duplicate Room ft² Total Floor Area ft² Partition Area ft² Int Door Area ft² Exposed Floor Area ft² Skylight Area ft² Net Roof Area ft² Window Area ft² Window/ Wall % 86 104 33 32 114 13 65 125 146 25 132 11 133 11 53 53 90 1,226 105 610 715 1,941 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 11 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 86 104 33 32 114 13 65 125 146 25 132 11 133 0 53 53 90 1,215 105 610 715 1,930 0 28 0 0 28 0 0 0 0 0 28 0 14 0 0 0 14 112 42 45 87 199 0 12 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 13 0 0 0 7 8 40 7 11 9 Ext Door Area ft² Net Wall Area ft² Alternative 2 103 - Hall 104 - Reception 105 - Storage 106 - IT Room 107 - LE Office 108 - Closet 109 - Secure Storage 110 - Work 111 - Hall 112 - Mech 113 - PM Office 114 - Closet 115 - Asst PM Office 116 - Closet 117 - Women 118 - Men 119 - Break Zone - 1 101 - Entry 102 - Multi-Use Exhibit Zone - 2 System 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 86 104 33 32 114 13 65 125 146 25 132 11 133 11 53 53 90 1 1 1 1 105 610 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 21 0 21 21 42 0 213 118 63 200 25 0 0 0 55 172 58 91 0 65 65 181 1,306 63 608 671 1,977 Total building Window Area: 199 ft² Total building Wall Area: 2,218 ft² Building Total Window %: 9.0% Total building Skylight Area: 0 ft² Total building Roof Area: 1,930 ft² Building Total Skylight %: 0.0% Total building Floor Area: 1,941 ft² Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 113 Building Areas Report Page 2 of 2 Entered Values TRACE® 700 version 6.3 By WILEYWILSON Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: C:\Users\slittle\Documents\TRACE 700 Projects\214180 PEEDEE.TRC Location: Building Owner: Program User: Company: Comments: Cooling Design Period: January thru December Peak Hour Override: 0 Daylight Savings Period: Summer Period: Cooling Methodology: Heating Methodology: Infiltration Methodology: Outside Film Methodology: Terrain Methodology: CLTD-CLF (ASHRAE TFM) CEC-DOE2 Vary with wind speed Vary with wind speed Center of a large city Room Circ Rate: Medium Wall Load To Plenum: YES Building Orientation: 0 degrees from north Simulation Hours: Reduced year Calendar Code: Standard (1978) Energy Simulation Period: January thru December Project Name: Dataset Name: 214180 C:\Users\slittle\Documents\TRACE 700 Projects\214180 PEEDEE.TRC Location: Charlotte, North Carolina Summer Design Dry Bulb: 91.50 °F Summer Design Wet Bulb: 74.30 °F Winter Design Dry Bulb: 23.50 °F Summer Clearness Number: Winter Clearness Number: 0.95 0.95 Summer Ground Reflectance: 0.20 Winter Ground Reflectance: 0.20 Carbon Dioxide Level: 400 Force VAV Min => Nominal Ventilation at Design: Allow Energy Recovery/Transfer at Design: Retest Design Peaks: Calculate Building Block Loads: ppm No No Yes No Close ventilation dampers during unoccupied hours: Yes TRACE® 700 v6.3 Entered Values - Project Information 114 ENTERED VALUES ROOM BY ROOM By WILEYWILSON Room Description: 103 - Hall System Description: HP-1 Zone Description: HP-1 Zone GENERAL INFORMATION PEOPLE Floor Area: 86 ft² Flr-Flr Height: 10.0 ft Plenum Height: 0.0 ft Height Above Flr: Slab Cnstr Type: 4* LW Concrete Room Mass: Time delay based on actual mass Ceiling R-Value: 1.786 hr·ft²·°F/Btu Is There Carpet?: YES Design Clg DB / Drift Point: 75.0 °F / 81.0 °F Design Htg DB / Drift Point: 70.0 °F / 64.0 °F 50 % Design Relative Humidity: Moisture Capacitance: Medium Clg Tstat: None Htg Tstat: None Floor Multiplier: 1 Room Multiplier: 1 Thermostat Location: Room Humidistat Location: Room CO2 Sensor Location: None Room Type:Conditioned People Type: # of People: People Sensible: People Latent : People Schedule: AIRFLOW INFORMATION None 0 sq ft/person 250 Btu/h 250 Btu/h Cooling Only (Design) Vent Type: Vent Value: Vent Schedule: Infil Type: Infil Value: Infil Schedule: Vav Airflow: Vav Sched: Supply: Aux Supply: Room Exhaust: Rm Exh Sched: Workstation: 1.0 workstation/person LIGHTS Lighting Type: Recessed fluorescent, not vented, 80% load to space Fixture Type: RECFL-NV % Load to RA: 20 % Lighting Schedule: Lights - Low rise office Lighting Amount: 1.0 W/sq ft Ballast Factor: 1.0 Cooling (Peop-based) Corridors 0.00 cfm/person Available (100%) None 0.00 air changes/hr Available (100%) Available (100%) To be calculated To be calculated Roof - 1 Area/ Amount 86 ft² Const Type / Tilt Schedule Dir 0 90 Pee Dee Room Description: 104 - Reception U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F 0.0237 Available (100%) Std 62.1-2004 Cooling Ez: Custom Heating Ez: Custom Er: Default based on system type Area ft² U Value Shade Coef Btu/h·ft²·°F 0 External Shading Internal Shading Overhang - None Floor Multiplier: 1 Room Multiplier: 1 People Type: # of People: People Sensible: People Latent : People Schedule: 104 ft² Roof - 1 S 203 ft² Opening - 1 E 38 ft² Misc Load 1 250.000 Watts/workstation Project Name: Dataset Name: Dir 0 180 90 Const Type / Tilt Schedule General Office Space 1 People 250 Btu/h 200 Btu/h People - Low Rise Office Vent Type: Vent Value: Vent Schedule: Infil Type: Infil Value: Infil Schedule: Vav Airflow: Vav Sched: Supply: Aux Supply: Room Exhaust: Rm Exh Sched: LIGHTS Lighting Type: Recessed fluorescent, not vented, 80% load to space Fixture Type: RECFL-NV % Load to RA: 20 % Lighting Schedule: Lights - Low rise office Lighting Amount: 1.0 W/sq ft Ballast Factor: 1.0 90 Pee Dee 0 Pee Dee Window 0 Pee Dee Misc - Low rise office 0.0237 0.0394 0.0394 214180 C:\Users\slittle\Documents\TRACE 700 Projects\214180 PEEDEE.TRC Type / Alpha Energy Type 0.90 0.90 90.1 Window Zone 4 0.90 Electricity Pct Ret/ Perm Len Rad Frc/ Loss Coef AIRFLOW INFORMATION Workstation: 1.0 workstation/person U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F Pct Pct Sen/ Rm/ Cool Heat Tmp Tmp None Cooling (Peop-based) Office space 5.00 cfm/person Available (100%) None 0.00 air changes/hr Available (100%) Available (100%) To be calculated To be calculated Area ft² None 0.00 air changes/hr Available (100%) Std 62.1-2004 Cooling Ez: Custom Heating Ez: Custom Er: Default based on system type U Value Shade Coef Btu/h·ft²·°F 0 28 Heating (Area-based) Office space 0.06 cfm/sq ft To be calculated To be calculated Glass Area/ Amount Adj Temp/ Grnd Refl System Description: HP-1 PEOPLE Floor Area: 104 ft² Flr-Flr Height: 10.0 ft Plenum Height: 0.0 ft Height Above Flr: Slab Cnstr Type: 4* LW Concrete Room Mass: Time delay based on actual mass Ceiling R-Value: 1.786 hr·ft²·°F/Btu Is There Carpet?: YES Design Clg DB / Drift Point: 75.0 °F / 81.0 °F Design Htg DB / Drift Point: 70.0 °F / 64.0 °F 50 % Design Relative Humidity: Moisture Capacitance: Medium Clg Tstat: None Htg Tstat: None Description 80 % 80 % Zone Description: HP-1 Zone GENERAL INFORMATION Thermostat Location: Room Humidistat Location: Room CO2 Sensor Location: None Room Type:Conditioned Type / Alpha Energy Type 0.90 None 0.00 air changes/hr To be calculated To be calculated Glass Description Heating (Area-based) Corridors 0.06 cfm/sq ft 0.46 0.40 External Shading Internal Shading Overhang - None None Overhang - Pee None 80 % 80 % Adj Temp/ Grnd Refl Pct Pct Sen/ Rm/ Cool Heat Tmp Tmp Pct Ret/ Perm Len Rad Frc/ Loss Coef 0.00 100 100 115 0 60.00 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Alternative - 1 Entered Values - Rooms Page 1 of 26 ENTERED VALUES ROOM BY ROOM By WILEYWILSON Room Description: 105 - Storage System Description: HP-1 Zone Description: HP-1 Zone GENERAL INFORMATION PEOPLE Floor Area: 33 ft² Flr-Flr Height: 10.0 ft Plenum Height: 0.0 ft Height Above Flr: Slab Cnstr Type: 4* LW Concrete Room Mass: Time delay based on actual mass Ceiling R-Value: 1.786 hr·ft²·°F/Btu Is There Carpet?: YES Design Clg DB / Drift Point: 75.0 °F / 81.0 °F Design Htg DB / Drift Point: 70.0 °F / 64.0 °F 50 % Design Relative Humidity: Moisture Capacitance: Medium Clg Tstat: None Htg Tstat: None Floor Multiplier: 1 Room Multiplier: 1 Thermostat Location: Room Humidistat Location: Room CO2 Sensor Location: None Room Type:Conditioned People Type: # of People: People Sensible: People Latent : People Schedule: AIRFLOW INFORMATION None 0 sq ft/person 250 Btu/h 250 Btu/h Cooling Only (Design) Workstation: 1.0 workstation/person LIGHTS Lighting Type: Recessed fluorescent, not vented, 80% load to space Fixture Type: RECFL-NV % Load to RA: 20 % Lighting Schedule: Lights - Low rise office Lighting Amount: 1.0 W/sq ft Ballast Factor: 1.0 Vent Type: Vent Value: Vent Schedule: Infil Type: Infil Value: Infil Schedule: Vav Airflow: Vav Sched: Supply: Aux Supply: Room Exhaust: Rm Exh Sched: Cooling Heating Occupiable storage rooms for dryOccupiable materia storage rooms for dry materia 5.00 cfm/person 0.06 cfm/sq ft Available (100%) None None 0.00 air changes/hr 0.00 air changes/hr Available (100%) Available (100%) To be calculated To be calculated To be calculated To be calculated Available (100%) Glass Description Roof - 1 S W Area/ Amount 33 ft² 53 ft² 65 ft² Dir Const Type / Tilt Schedule 0 180 270 90 Pee Dee 0 Pee Dee 0 Pee Dee Room Description: 106 - IT Room U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F 0.0237 0.0394 0.0394 Area ft² U Value Shade Coef Btu/h·ft²·°F 0 External Shading Internal Shading Overhang - None Floor Multiplier: 1 Room Multiplier: 1 People Type: # of People: People Sensible: People Latent : People Schedule: Area/ Amount Roof - 1 W Misc Load 1 32 ft² 63 ft² 1.000 kW Project Name: Dataset Name: Dir 0 270 Const Type / Tilt Schedule None 0 sq ft/person 250 Btu/h 250 Btu/h Cooling Only (Design) Workstation: 1.0 workstation/person LIGHTS Lighting Type: Recessed fluorescent, not vented, 80% load to space Fixture Type: RECFL-NV % Load to RA: 20 % Lighting Schedule: Lights - Low rise office Lighting Amount: 1.0 W/sq ft Ballast Factor: 1.0 90 Pee Dee 0 Pee Dee Misc - Low rise office U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F 0.0237 0.0394 214180 C:\Users\slittle\Documents\TRACE 700 Projects\214180 PEEDEE.TRC Type / Alpha Energy Type 0.90 0.90 Electricity Rad Frc/ Loss Coef AIRFLOW INFORMATION Vent Type: Vent Value: Vent Schedule: Infil Type: Infil Value: Infil Schedule: Vav Airflow: Vav Sched: Supply: Aux Supply: Room Exhaust: Rm Exh Sched: Cooling Heating Occupiable storage rooms for dryOccupiable materia storage rooms for dry materia 5.00 cfm/person 0.06 cfm/sq ft Available (100%) None None 0.00 air changes/hr 0.00 air changes/hr Available (100%) Available (100%) To be calculated To be calculated To be calculated To be calculated Available (100%) Glass Description Pct Ret/ Perm Len System Description: HP-1 PEOPLE Floor Area: 32 ft² Flr-Flr Height: 10.0 ft Plenum Height: 0.0 ft Height Above Flr: Slab Cnstr Type: 4* LW Concrete Room Mass: Time delay based on actual mass Ceiling R-Value: 1.786 hr·ft²·°F/Btu Is There Carpet?: YES Design Clg DB / Drift Point: 75.0 °F / 81.0 °F Design Htg DB / Drift Point: 70.0 °F / 64.0 °F 50 % Design Relative Humidity: Moisture Capacitance: Medium Clg Tstat: None Htg Tstat: None Pct Pct Sen/ Rm/ Cool Heat Tmp Tmp None Zone Description: HP-1 Zone GENERAL INFORMATION Thermostat Location: Room Humidistat Location: Room CO2 Sensor Location: None Room Type:Conditioned Type / Alpha Energy Type 0.90 0.90 0.90 Adj Temp/ Grnd Refl Area ft² 0 U Value Shade Coef Btu/h·ft²·°F External Shading Overhang - None Internal Shading Adj Temp/ Grnd Refl Pct Pct Sen/ Rm/ Cool Heat Tmp Tmp Pct Ret/ Perm Len Rad Frc/ Loss Coef None 100 100 116 0 60.00 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Alternative - 1 Entered Values - Rooms Page 2 of 26 ENTERED VALUES ROOM BY ROOM By WILEYWILSON Room Description: 107 - LE Office System Description: HP-1 Zone Description: HP-1 Zone GENERAL INFORMATION PEOPLE Floor Area: 114 ft² Flr-Flr Height: 10.0 ft Plenum Height: 0.0 ft Height Above Flr: Slab Cnstr Type: 4* LW Concrete Room Mass: Time delay based on actual mass Ceiling R-Value: 1.786 hr·ft²·°F/Btu Is There Carpet?: YES Design Clg DB / Drift Point: 75.0 °F / 81.0 °F Design Htg DB / Drift Point: 70.0 °F / 64.0 °F 50 % Design Relative Humidity: Moisture Capacitance: Medium Clg Tstat: None Htg Tstat: None Floor Multiplier: 1 Room Multiplier: 1 Thermostat Location: Room Humidistat Location: Room CO2 Sensor Location: None Room Type:Conditioned People Type: # of People: People Sensible: People Latent : People Schedule: AIRFLOW INFORMATION General Office Space 1 People 250 Btu/h 200 Btu/h People - Low Rise Office Vent Type: Vent Value: Vent Schedule: Infil Type: Infil Value: Infil Schedule: Vav Airflow: Vav Sched: Supply: Aux Supply: Room Exhaust: Rm Exh Sched: Workstation: 1.0 workstation/person LIGHTS Lighting Type: Recessed fluorescent, not vented, 80% load to space Fixture Type: RECFL-NV % Load to RA: 20 % Lighting Schedule: Lights - Low rise office Lighting Amount: 1.0 W/sq ft Ballast Factor: 1.0 Cooling (Peop-based) Office space 5.00 cfm/person Available (100%) None 0.00 air changes/hr Available (100%) Available (100%) To be calculated To be calculated Area/ Amount 114 ft² Roof - 1 W 90 ft² Opening - 1 N 138 ft² Opening - 1 Misc Load 1 250.000 Watts/workstation Project Name: Dataset Name: Dir 0 270 0 Const Type / Tilt Schedule 90 Pee Dee 0 Pee Dee Window 0 Pee Dee Window Misc - Low rise office U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F 0.0237 0.0394 0.0394 214180 C:\Users\slittle\Documents\TRACE 700 Projects\214180 PEEDEE.TRC Type / Alpha Energy Type 0.90 0.90 90.1 Window Zone 4 0.90 90.1 Window Zone 4 Electricity Area ft² None 0.00 air changes/hr To be calculated To be calculated Available (100%) Std 62.1-2004 Cooling Ez: Custom Heating Ez: Custom Er: Default based on system type Glass Description Heating (Area-based) Office space 0.06 cfm/sq ft U Value Shade Coef Btu/h·ft²·°F 0 External Shading Internal Shading Overhang - None None 80 % 80 % Adj Temp/ Grnd Refl 14 0.46 0.40 Overhang - None None 0.00 14 0.46 0.40 Overhang - None None 0.00 Pct Pct Sen/ Rm/ Cool Heat Tmp Tmp 100 100 117 Pct Ret/ Perm Len Rad Frc/ Loss Coef 0 60.00 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Alternative - 1 Entered Values - Rooms Page 3 of 26 ENTERED VALUES ROOM BY ROOM By WILEYWILSON Room Description: 108 - Closet System Description: HP-1 Zone Description: HP-1 Zone GENERAL INFORMATION PEOPLE Floor Area: 13 ft² Flr-Flr Height: 10.0 ft Plenum Height: 0.0 ft Height Above Flr: Slab Cnstr Type: 4* LW Concrete Room Mass: Time delay based on actual mass Ceiling R-Value: 1.786 hr·ft²·°F/Btu Is There Carpet?: YES Design Clg DB / Drift Point: 75.0 °F / 81.0 °F Design Htg DB / Drift Point: 70.0 °F / 64.0 °F 50 % Design Relative Humidity: Moisture Capacitance: Medium Clg Tstat: None Htg Tstat: None Floor Multiplier: 1 Room Multiplier: 1 Thermostat Location: Room Humidistat Location: Room CO2 Sensor Location: None Room Type:Conditioned People Type: # of People: People Sensible: People Latent : People Schedule: AIRFLOW INFORMATION None 0 sq ft/person 250 Btu/h 250 Btu/h Cooling Only (Design) Workstation: 1.0 workstation/person LIGHTS Lighting Type: Recessed fluorescent, not vented, 80% load to space Fixture Type: RECFL-NV % Load to RA: 20 % Lighting Schedule: Lights - Low rise office Lighting Amount: 1.0 W/sq ft Ballast Factor: 1.0 Vent Type: Vent Value: Vent Schedule: Infil Type: Infil Value: Infil Schedule: Vav Airflow: Vav Sched: Supply: Aux Supply: Room Exhaust: Rm Exh Sched: Cooling Heating Occupiable storage rooms for dryOccupiable materia storage rooms for dry materia 5.00 cfm/person 0.06 cfm/sq ft Available (100%) None None 0.00 air changes/hr 0.00 air changes/hr Available (100%) Available (100%) To be calculated To be calculated To be calculated To be calculated Available (100%) Glass Description Roof - 1 W Area/ Amount 13 ft² 25 ft² Dir Const Type / Tilt Schedule 0 270 90 Pee Dee 0 Pee Dee Room Description: 109 - Secure Storage U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F 0.0237 0.0394 Area ft² U Value Shade Coef Btu/h·ft²·°F 0 External Shading Overhang - None Floor Multiplier: 1 Room Multiplier: 1 People Type: # of People: People Sensible: People Latent : People Schedule: Roof - 1 Project Name: Dataset Name: Area/ Amount 65 ft² Dir 0 Const Type / Tilt Schedule None 0 sq ft/person 250 Btu/h 250 Btu/h Cooling Only (Design) LIGHTS Lighting Type: Recessed fluorescent, not vented, 80% load to space Fixture Type: RECFL-NV % Load to RA: 20 % Lighting Schedule: Lights - Low rise office Lighting Amount: 1.0 W/sq ft Ballast Factor: 1.0 90 Pee Dee 0.0237 214180 C:\Users\slittle\Documents\TRACE 700 Projects\214180 PEEDEE.TRC Type / Alpha Energy Type 0.90 Rad Frc/ Loss Coef AIRFLOW INFORMATION Workstation: 1.0 workstation/person U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F Pct Ret/ Perm Len None Vent Type: Vent Value: Vent Schedule: Infil Type: Infil Value: Infil Schedule: Vav Airflow: Vav Sched: Supply: Aux Supply: Room Exhaust: Rm Exh Sched: Cooling Heating Occupiable storage rooms for dryOccupiable materia storage rooms for dry materia 5.00 cfm/person 0.06 cfm/sq ft Available (100%) None None 0.00 air changes/hr 0.00 air changes/hr Available (100%) Available (100%) To be calculated To be calculated To be calculated To be calculated Available (100%) Glass Description Pct Pct Sen/ Rm/ Cool Heat Tmp Tmp System Description: HP-1 PEOPLE Floor Area: 65 ft² Flr-Flr Height: 10.0 ft Plenum Height: 0.0 ft Height Above Flr: Slab Cnstr Type: 4* LW Concrete Room Mass: Time delay based on actual mass Ceiling R-Value: 1.786 hr·ft²·°F/Btu Is There Carpet?: YES Design Clg DB / Drift Point: 75.0 °F / 81.0 °F Design Htg DB / Drift Point: 70.0 °F / 64.0 °F 50 % Design Relative Humidity: Moisture Capacitance: Medium Clg Tstat: None Htg Tstat: None Internal Shading Zone Description: HP-1 Zone GENERAL INFORMATION Thermostat Location: Room Humidistat Location: Room CO2 Sensor Location: None Room Type:Conditioned Type / Alpha Energy Type 0.90 0.90 Adj Temp/ Grnd Refl Area ft² 0 U Value Shade Coef Btu/h·ft²·°F External Shading Overhang - None Internal Shading Adj Temp/ Grnd Refl Pct Pct Sen/ Rm/ Cool Heat Tmp Tmp Pct Ret/ Perm Len Rad Frc/ Loss Coef None 118 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Alternative - 1 Entered Values - Rooms Page 4 of 26 ENTERED VALUES ROOM BY ROOM By WILEYWILSON Room Description: 110 - Work System Description: HP-1 Zone Description: HP-1 Zone GENERAL INFORMATION PEOPLE Floor Area: 125 ft² Flr-Flr Height: 10.0 ft Plenum Height: 0.0 ft Height Above Flr: Slab Cnstr Type: 4* LW Concrete Room Mass: Time delay based on actual mass Ceiling R-Value: 1.786 hr·ft²·°F/Btu Is There Carpet?: YES Design Clg DB / Drift Point: 75.0 °F / 81.0 °F Design Htg DB / Drift Point: 70.0 °F / 64.0 °F 50 % Design Relative Humidity: Moisture Capacitance: Medium Clg Tstat: None Htg Tstat: None Floor Multiplier: 1 Room Multiplier: 1 Thermostat Location: Room Humidistat Location: Room CO2 Sensor Location: None Room Type:Conditioned People Type: # of People: People Sensible: People Latent : People Schedule: AIRFLOW INFORMATION General Office Space 1 People 250 Btu/h 200 Btu/h People - Low Rise Office Workstation: 1.0 workstation/person LIGHTS Lighting Type: Recessed fluorescent, not vented, 80% load to space Fixture Type: RECFL-NV % Load to RA: 20 % Lighting Schedule: Lights - Low rise office Lighting Amount: 1.0 W/sq ft Ballast Factor: 1.0 Vent Type: Vent Value: Vent Schedule: Infil Type: Infil Value: Infil Schedule: Vav Airflow: Vav Sched: Supply: Aux Supply: Room Exhaust: Rm Exh Sched: Cooling (Peop-based) Office space 5.00 cfm/person Available (100%) None 0.00 air changes/hr Available (100%) Available (100%) To be calculated To be calculated Area/ Amount 125 ft² Roof - 1 Misc Load 1 250.000 Watts/workstation Const Type / Tilt Schedule Dir 0 90 Pee Dee Misc - Low rise office Room Description: 111 - Hall U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F 0.0237 Type / Alpha Energy Type 0.90 Electricity Area ft² Available (100%) Std 62.1-2004 Cooling Ez: Custom Heating Ez: Custom Er: Default based on system type U Value Shade Coef Btu/h·ft²·°F 0 External Shading Internal Shading Overhang - None Floor Multiplier: 1 Room Multiplier: 1 Thermostat Location: Room Humidistat Location: Room CO2 Sensor Location: None Room Type:Conditioned People Type: # of People: People Sensible: People Latent : People Schedule: Project Name: Dataset Name: 146 ft² Dir 0 Const Type / Tilt Schedule 90 Pee Dee LIGHTS Lighting Type: Recessed fluorescent, not vented, 80% load to space Fixture Type: RECFL-NV % Load to RA: 20 % Lighting Schedule: Lights - Low rise office Lighting Amount: 1.0 W/sq ft Ballast Factor: 1.0 0.0237 214180 C:\Users\slittle\Documents\TRACE 700 Projects\214180 PEEDEE.TRC Rad Frc/ Loss Coef 100 0 60.00 System Description: HP-1 None 0 sq ft/person 250 Btu/h 250 Btu/h Cooling Only (Design) Type / Alpha Energy Type 0.90 Pct Ret/ Perm Len AIRFLOW INFORMATION Workstation: 1.0 workstation/person U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F Pct Pct Sen/ Rm/ Cool Heat Tmp Tmp None Vent Type: Vent Value: Vent Schedule: Infil Type: Infil Value: Infil Schedule: Vav Airflow: Vav Sched: Supply: Aux Supply: Room Exhaust: Rm Exh Sched: Cooling (Peop-based) Corridors 0.00 cfm/person Available (100%) None 0.00 air changes/hr Available (100%) Available (100%) To be calculated To be calculated Area ft² 0 Heating (Area-based) Corridors 0.06 cfm/sq ft None 0.00 air changes/hr To be calculated To be calculated Available (100%) Std 62.1-2004 Cooling Ez: Custom Heating Ez: Custom Er: Default based on system type Glass Roof - 1 Adj Temp/ Grnd Refl 100 PEOPLE Floor Area: 146 ft² Flr-Flr Height: 10.0 ft Plenum Height: 0.0 ft Height Above Flr: Slab Cnstr Type: 4* LW Concrete Room Mass: Time delay based on actual mass Ceiling R-Value: 1.786 hr·ft²·°F/Btu Is There Carpet?: YES Design Clg DB / Drift Point: 75.0 °F / 81.0 °F Design Htg DB / Drift Point: 70.0 °F / 64.0 °F 50 % Design Relative Humidity: Moisture Capacitance: Medium Clg Tstat: None Htg Tstat: None Area/ Amount 80 % 80 % Zone Description: HP-1 Zone GENERAL INFORMATION Description None 0.00 air changes/hr To be calculated To be calculated Glass Description Heating (Area-based) Office space 0.06 cfm/sq ft U Value Shade Coef Btu/h·ft²·°F External Shading Overhang - None Internal Shading 80 % 80 % Adj Temp/ Grnd Refl Pct Pct Sen/ Rm/ Cool Heat Tmp Tmp Pct Ret/ Perm Len Rad Frc/ Loss Coef None 119 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Alternative - 1 Entered Values - Rooms Page 5 of 26 ENTERED VALUES ROOM BY ROOM By WILEYWILSON Room Description: 112 - Mech System Description: HP-1 Zone Description: HP-1 Zone GENERAL INFORMATION PEOPLE Floor Area: 25 ft² Flr-Flr Height: 10.0 ft Plenum Height: 0.0 ft Height Above Flr: Slab Cnstr Type: 4* LW Concrete Room Mass: Time delay based on actual mass Ceiling R-Value: 1.786 hr·ft²·°F/Btu Is There Carpet?: YES Design Clg DB / Drift Point: 75.0 °F / 81.0 °F Design Htg DB / Drift Point: 70.0 °F / 64.0 °F 50 % Design Relative Humidity: Moisture Capacitance: Medium Clg Tstat: None Htg Tstat: None Floor Multiplier: 1 Room Multiplier: 1 Thermostat Location: Room Humidistat Location: Room CO2 Sensor Location: None Room Type:Conditioned People Type: # of People: People Sensible: People Latent : People Schedule: AIRFLOW INFORMATION None 0 sq ft/person 250 Btu/h 250 Btu/h Cooling Only (Design) Workstation: 1.0 workstation/person LIGHTS Lighting Type: Recessed fluorescent, not vented, 80% load to space Fixture Type: RECFL-NV % Load to RA: 20 % Lighting Schedule: Lights - Low rise office Lighting Amount: 1.0 W/sq ft Ballast Factor: 1.0 Vent Type: Vent Value: Vent Schedule: Infil Type: Infil Value: Infil Schedule: Vav Airflow: Vav Sched: Supply: Aux Supply: Room Exhaust: Rm Exh Sched: Cooling Heating Occupiable storage rooms for dryOccupiable materia storage rooms for dry materia 5.00 cfm/person 0.06 cfm/sq ft Available (100%) None None 0.00 air changes/hr 0.00 air changes/hr Available (100%) Available (100%) To be calculated To be calculated To be calculated To be calculated Available (100%) Glass Description Roof - 1 W Project Name: Dataset Name: Area/ Amount 25 ft² 55 ft² Dir Const Type / Tilt Schedule 0 270 90 Pee Dee 0 Pee Dee U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F 0.0237 0.0394 214180 C:\Users\slittle\Documents\TRACE 700 Projects\214180 PEEDEE.TRC Type / Alpha Energy Type 0.90 0.90 Area ft² 0 U Value Shade Coef Btu/h·ft²·°F External Shading Overhang - None Internal Shading Adj Temp/ Grnd Refl Pct Pct Sen/ Rm/ Cool Heat Tmp Tmp Pct Ret/ Perm Len Rad Frc/ Loss Coef None 120 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Alternative - 1 Entered Values - Rooms Page 6 of 26 ENTERED VALUES ROOM BY ROOM By WILEYWILSON Room Description: 113 - PM Office System Description: HP-1 Zone Description: HP-1 Zone GENERAL INFORMATION PEOPLE Floor Area: 132 ft² Flr-Flr Height: 10.0 ft Plenum Height: 0.0 ft Height Above Flr: Slab Cnstr Type: 4* LW Concrete Room Mass: Time delay based on actual mass Ceiling R-Value: 1.786 hr·ft²·°F/Btu Is There Carpet?: YES Design Clg DB / Drift Point: 75.0 °F / 81.0 °F Design Htg DB / Drift Point: 70.0 °F / 64.0 °F 50 % Design Relative Humidity: Moisture Capacitance: Medium Clg Tstat: None Htg Tstat: None Floor Multiplier: 1 Room Multiplier: 1 Thermostat Location: Room Humidistat Location: Room CO2 Sensor Location: None Room Type:Conditioned People Type: # of People: People Sensible: People Latent : People Schedule: AIRFLOW INFORMATION General Office Space 1 People 250 Btu/h 200 Btu/h People - Low Rise Office Vent Type: Vent Value: Vent Schedule: Infil Type: Infil Value: Infil Schedule: Vav Airflow: Vav Sched: Supply: Aux Supply: Room Exhaust: Rm Exh Sched: Workstation: 1.0 workstation/person LIGHTS Lighting Type: Recessed fluorescent, not vented, 80% load to space Fixture Type: RECFL-NV % Load to RA: 20 % Lighting Schedule: Lights - Low rise office Lighting Amount: 1.0 W/sq ft Ballast Factor: 1.0 Cooling (Peop-based) Office space 5.00 cfm/person Available (100%) None 0.00 air changes/hr Available (100%) Available (100%) To be calculated To be calculated Area/ Amount 132 ft² Roof - 1 N 105 ft² Opening - 1 W 95 ft² Opening - 1 Misc Load 1 250.000 Watts/workstation Project Name: Dataset Name: Dir 0 0 270 Const Type / Tilt Schedule 90 Pee Dee 0 Pee Dee Window 0 Pee Dee Window Misc - Low rise office U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F 0.0237 0.0394 0.0394 214180 C:\Users\slittle\Documents\TRACE 700 Projects\214180 PEEDEE.TRC Type / Alpha Energy Type 0.90 0.90 90.1 Window Zone 4 0.90 90.1 Window Zone 4 Electricity Area ft² None 0.00 air changes/hr To be calculated To be calculated Available (100%) Std 62.1-2004 Cooling Ez: Custom Heating Ez: Custom Er: Default based on system type Glass Description Heating (Area-based) Office space 0.06 cfm/sq ft U Value Shade Coef Btu/h·ft²·°F 0 External Shading Internal Shading Overhang - None None 80 % 80 % Adj Temp/ Grnd Refl 14 0.46 0.40 Overhang - Pee None 0.00 14 0.46 0.40 Overhang - None None 0.00 Pct Pct Sen/ Rm/ Cool Heat Tmp Tmp 100 100 121 Pct Ret/ Perm Len Rad Frc/ Loss Coef 0 60.00 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Alternative - 1 Entered Values - Rooms Page 7 of 26 ENTERED VALUES ROOM BY ROOM By WILEYWILSON Room Description: 114 - Closet System Description: HP-1 Zone Description: HP-1 Zone GENERAL INFORMATION PEOPLE Floor Area: 11 ft² Flr-Flr Height: 10.0 ft Plenum Height: 0.0 ft Height Above Flr: Slab Cnstr Type: 4* LW Concrete Room Mass: Time delay based on actual mass Ceiling R-Value: 1.786 hr·ft²·°F/Btu Is There Carpet?: YES Design Clg DB / Drift Point: 75.0 °F / 81.0 °F Design Htg DB / Drift Point: 70.0 °F / 64.0 °F 50 % Design Relative Humidity: Moisture Capacitance: Medium Clg Tstat: None Htg Tstat: None Floor Multiplier: 1 Room Multiplier: 1 Thermostat Location: Room Humidistat Location: Room CO2 Sensor Location: None Room Type:Conditioned People Type: # of People: People Sensible: People Latent : People Schedule: AIRFLOW INFORMATION None 0 sq ft/person 250 Btu/h 250 Btu/h Cooling Only (Design) Vent Type: Vent Value: Vent Schedule: Infil Type: Infil Value: Infil Schedule: Vav Airflow: Vav Sched: Supply: Aux Supply: Room Exhaust: Rm Exh Sched: Workstation: 1.0 workstation/person LIGHTS Lighting Type: Recessed fluorescent, not vented, 80% load to space Fixture Type: RECFL-NV % Load to RA: 20 % Lighting Schedule: Lights - Low rise office Lighting Amount: 1.0 W/sq ft Ballast Factor: 1.0 Cooling Heating Occupiable storage rooms for dryOccupiable materia storage rooms for dry materia 5.00 cfm/person 0.06 cfm/sq ft Available (100%) None None 0.00 air changes/hr 0.00 air changes/hr Available (100%) Available (100%) To be calculated To be calculated To be calculated To be calculated Available (100%) Glass Description Roof - 1 W Area/ Amount 11 ft² 58 ft² Dir Const Type / Tilt Schedule 0 270 90 Pee Dee 0 Pee Dee Room Description: 115 - Asst PM Office U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F 0.0237 0.0394 Area ft² U Value Shade Coef Btu/h·ft²·°F 0 External Shading Overhang - None Floor Multiplier: 1 Room Multiplier: 1 People Type: # of People: People Sensible: People Latent : People Schedule: Area/ Amount 133 ft² Roof - 1 N 105 ft² Opening - 1 Misc Load 1 250.000 Watts/workstation Project Name: Dataset Name: Dir 0 0 Const Type / Tilt Schedule General Office Space 1 People 250 Btu/h 200 Btu/h People - Low Rise Office Vent Type: Vent Value: Vent Schedule: Infil Type: Infil Value: Infil Schedule: Vav Airflow: Vav Sched: Supply: Aux Supply: Room Exhaust: Rm Exh Sched: LIGHTS Lighting Type: Recessed fluorescent, not vented, 80% load to space Fixture Type: RECFL-NV % Load to RA: 20 % Lighting Schedule: Lights - Low rise office Lighting Amount: 1.0 W/sq ft Ballast Factor: 1.0 90 Pee Dee 0 Pee Dee Window Misc - Low rise office 0.0237 0.0394 214180 C:\Users\slittle\Documents\TRACE 700 Projects\214180 PEEDEE.TRC Type / Alpha Energy Type 0.90 0.90 90.1 Window Zone 4 Electricity Rad Frc/ Loss Coef AIRFLOW INFORMATION Workstation: 1.0 workstation/person U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F Pct Ret/ Perm Len None Cooling (Peop-based) Office space 5.00 cfm/person Available (100%) None 0.00 air changes/hr Available (100%) Available (100%) To be calculated To be calculated Area ft² None 0.00 air changes/hr Available (100%) Std 62.1-2004 Cooling Ez: Custom Heating Ez: Custom Er: Default based on system type U Value Shade Coef Btu/h·ft²·°F 0 14 Heating (Area-based) Office space 0.06 cfm/sq ft To be calculated To be calculated Glass Description Pct Pct Sen/ Rm/ Cool Heat Tmp Tmp System Description: HP-1 PEOPLE Floor Area: 133 ft² Flr-Flr Height: 10.0 ft Plenum Height: 0.0 ft Height Above Flr: Slab Cnstr Type: 4* LW Concrete Room Mass: Time delay based on actual mass Ceiling R-Value: 1.786 hr·ft²·°F/Btu Is There Carpet?: YES Design Clg DB / Drift Point: 75.0 °F / 81.0 °F Design Htg DB / Drift Point: 70.0 °F / 64.0 °F 50 % Design Relative Humidity: Moisture Capacitance: Medium Clg Tstat: None Htg Tstat: None Internal Shading Zone Description: HP-1 Zone GENERAL INFORMATION Thermostat Location: Room Humidistat Location: Room CO2 Sensor Location: None Room Type:Conditioned Type / Alpha Energy Type 0.90 0.90 Adj Temp/ Grnd Refl 0.46 0.40 External Shading Internal Shading Overhang - None None Overhang - Pee None 80 % 80 % Adj Temp/ Grnd Refl Pct Pct Sen/ Rm/ Cool Heat Tmp Tmp Pct Ret/ Perm Len Rad Frc/ Loss Coef 0.00 100 100 122 0 60.00 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Alternative - 1 Entered Values - Rooms Page 8 of 26 ENTERED VALUES ROOM BY ROOM By WILEYWILSON Room Description: 116 - Closet System Description: HP-1 Zone Description: HP-1 Zone GENERAL INFORMATION PEOPLE Floor Area: 11 ft² Flr-Flr Height: 10.0 ft Plenum Height: 0.0 ft Height Above Flr: Slab Cnstr Type: 4* LW Concrete Room Mass: Time delay based on actual mass Ceiling R-Value: 1.786 hr·ft²·°F/Btu Is There Carpet?: YES Design Clg DB / Drift Point: 75.0 °F / 81.0 °F Design Htg DB / Drift Point: 70.0 °F / 64.0 °F 50 % Design Relative Humidity: Moisture Capacitance: Medium Clg Tstat: None Htg Tstat: None Floor Multiplier: 1 Room Multiplier: 1 Thermostat Location: Room Humidistat Location: Room CO2 Sensor Location: None Room Type:Conditioned People Type: # of People: People Sensible: People Latent : People Schedule: AIRFLOW INFORMATION None 0 sq ft/person 250 Btu/h 250 Btu/h Cooling Only (Design) Workstation: 1.0 workstation/person LIGHTS Lighting Type: Recessed fluorescent, not vented, 80% load to space Fixture Type: RECFL-NV % Load to RA: 20 % Lighting Schedule: Lights - Low rise office Lighting Amount: 1.0 W/sq ft Ballast Factor: 1.0 Vent Type: Vent Value: Vent Schedule: Infil Type: Infil Value: Infil Schedule: Vav Airflow: Vav Sched: Supply: Aux Supply: Room Exhaust: Rm Exh Sched: Cooling Heating Occupiable storage rooms for dryOccupiable materia storage rooms for dry materia 5.00 cfm/person 0.06 cfm/sq ft Available (100%) None None 0.00 air changes/hr 0.00 air changes/hr Available (100%) Available (100%) To be calculated To be calculated To be calculated To be calculated Available (100%) Glass Description Area/ Amount Const Type / Tilt Schedule Dir Room Description: 117 - Women U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F Type / Alpha Energy Type Area ft² U Value Shade Coef Btu/h·ft²·°F External Shading Internal Shading PEOPLE Floor Area: 53 ft² Flr-Flr Height: 10.0 ft Plenum Height: 0.0 ft Height Above Flr: Slab Cnstr Type: 4* LW Concrete Room Mass: Time delay based on actual mass Ceiling R-Value: 1.786 hr·ft²·°F/Btu Is There Carpet?: YES Design Clg DB / Drift Point: 75.0 °F / 81.0 °F Design Htg DB / Drift Point: 70.0 °F / 64.0 °F 50 % Design Relative Humidity: Moisture Capacitance: Medium Clg Tstat: None Htg Tstat: None Floor Multiplier: 1 Room Multiplier: 1 Thermostat Location: Room Humidistat Location: Room CO2 Sensor Location: None Room Type:Conditioned People Type: # of People: People Sensible: People Latent : People Schedule: Roof - 1 E Project Name: Dataset Name: 53 ft² 65 ft² Dir 0 90 Const Type / Tilt Schedule None 0 sq ft/person 250 Btu/h 250 Btu/h Cooling Only (Design) Workstation: 1.0 workstation/person LIGHTS Lighting Type: Recessed fluorescent, not vented, 80% load to space Fixture Type: RECFL-NV % Load to RA: 20 % Lighting Schedule: Lights - Low rise office Lighting Amount: 1.0 W/sq ft Ballast Factor: 1.0 90 Pee Dee 0 Pee Dee U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F 0.0237 0.0394 214180 C:\Users\slittle\Documents\TRACE 700 Projects\214180 PEEDEE.TRC Type / Alpha Energy Type 0.90 0.90 Pct Ret/ Perm Len Rad Frc/ Loss Coef AIRFLOW INFORMATION Vent Type: Vent Value: Vent Schedule: Infil Type: Infil Value: Infil Schedule: Vav Airflow: Vav Sched: Supply: Aux Supply: Room Exhaust: Rm Exh Sched: Cooling None 0.00 cfm Available (100%) None 0.00 air changes/hr Available (100%) Available (100%) To be calculated To be calculated Area ft² 0 U Value Shade Coef Btu/h·ft²·°F Heating None 0.00 cfm None 0.00 air changes/hr To be calculated To be calculated Available (100%) Glass Area/ Amount Pct Pct Sen/ Rm/ Cool Heat Tmp Tmp System Description: HP-1 Zone Description: HP-1 Zone GENERAL INFORMATION Description Adj Temp/ Grnd Refl External Shading Overhang - None Internal Shading Adj Temp/ Grnd Refl Pct Pct Sen/ Rm/ Cool Heat Tmp Tmp Pct Ret/ Perm Len Rad Frc/ Loss Coef None 123 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Alternative - 1 Entered Values - Rooms Page 9 of 26 ENTERED VALUES ROOM BY ROOM By WILEYWILSON Room Description: 118 - Men System Description: HP-1 Zone Description: HP-1 Zone GENERAL INFORMATION PEOPLE Floor Area: 53 ft² Flr-Flr Height: 10.0 ft Plenum Height: 0.0 ft Height Above Flr: Slab Cnstr Type: 4* LW Concrete Room Mass: Time delay based on actual mass Ceiling R-Value: 1.786 hr·ft²·°F/Btu Is There Carpet?: YES Design Clg DB / Drift Point: 75.0 °F / 81.0 °F Design Htg DB / Drift Point: 70.0 °F / 64.0 °F 50 % Design Relative Humidity: Moisture Capacitance: Medium Clg Tstat: None Htg Tstat: None Floor Multiplier: 1 Room Multiplier: 1 Thermostat Location: Room Humidistat Location: Room CO2 Sensor Location: None Room Type:Conditioned People Type: # of People: People Sensible: People Latent : People Schedule: AIRFLOW INFORMATION None 0 sq ft/person 250 Btu/h 250 Btu/h Cooling Only (Design) Workstation: 1.0 workstation/person LIGHTS Lighting Type: Recessed fluorescent, not vented, 80% load to space Fixture Type: RECFL-NV % Load to RA: 20 % Lighting Schedule: Lights - Low rise office Lighting Amount: 1.0 W/sq ft Ballast Factor: 1.0 Vent Type: Vent Value: Vent Schedule: Infil Type: Infil Value: Infil Schedule: Vav Airflow: Vav Sched: Supply: Aux Supply: Room Exhaust: Rm Exh Sched: Cooling None 0.00 cfm Available (100%) None 0.00 air changes/hr Available (100%) Available (100%) To be calculated To be calculated Roof - 1 E Project Name: Dataset Name: Area/ Amount 53 ft² 65 ft² Dir 0 90 Const Type / Tilt Schedule 90 Pee Dee 0 Pee Dee U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F 0.0237 0.0394 214180 C:\Users\slittle\Documents\TRACE 700 Projects\214180 PEEDEE.TRC Type / Alpha Energy Type 0.90 0.90 Area ft² 0 U Value Shade Coef Btu/h·ft²·°F None 0.00 air changes/hr To be calculated To be calculated Available (100%) Glass Description Heating None 0.00 cfm External Shading Overhang - None Internal Shading Adj Temp/ Grnd Refl Pct Pct Sen/ Rm/ Cool Heat Tmp Tmp Pct Ret/ Perm Len Rad Frc/ Loss Coef None 124 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Alternative - 1 Entered Values - Rooms Page 10 of 26 ENTERED VALUES ROOM BY ROOM By WILEYWILSON Room Description: 119 - Break System Description: HP-1 Zone Description: HP-1 Zone GENERAL INFORMATION PEOPLE Floor Area: 90 ft² Flr-Flr Height: 10.0 ft Plenum Height: 0.0 ft Height Above Flr: Slab Cnstr Type: 4* LW Concrete Room Mass: Time delay based on actual mass Ceiling R-Value: 1.786 hr·ft²·°F/Btu Is There Carpet?: YES Design Clg DB / Drift Point: 75.0 °F / 81.0 °F Design Htg DB / Drift Point: 70.0 °F / 64.0 °F 50 % Design Relative Humidity: Moisture Capacitance: Medium Clg Tstat: None Htg Tstat: None Floor Multiplier: 1 Room Multiplier: 1 Thermostat Location: Room Humidistat Location: Room CO2 Sensor Location: None Room Type:Conditioned People Type: # of People: People Sensible: People Latent : People Schedule: AIRFLOW INFORMATION Hotel/Motel Lobby 1 People 250 Btu/h 200 Btu/h People - Low Rise Office Vent Type: Vent Value: Vent Schedule: Infil Type: Infil Value: Infil Schedule: Vav Airflow: Vav Sched: Supply: Aux Supply: Room Exhaust: Rm Exh Sched: Workstation: 1.0 workstation/person LIGHTS Lighting Type: Recessed fluorescent, not vented, 80% load to space Fixture Type: RECFL-NV % Load to RA: 20 % Lighting Schedule: Lights - Low rise office Lighting Amount: 1.0 W/sq ft Ballast Factor: 1.0 Cooling (Peop-based) Office space 5.00 cfm/person Available (100%) None 0.00 air changes/hr Available (100%) Available (100%) To be calculated To be calculated Roof - 1 E N Opening - 1 Opening - 2 Misc Load 1 Project Name: Dataset Name: Area/ Amount 90 ft² 68 ft² 148 ft² 2,000.000 Btuh Dir 0 90 0 Const Type / Tilt Schedule 90 Pee Dee 0 Pee Dee 0 Pee Dee Window Door Misc - Low rise office U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F 0.0237 0.0394 0.0394 214180 C:\Users\slittle\Documents\TRACE 700 Projects\214180 PEEDEE.TRC Type / Alpha Energy Type 0.90 0.90 0.90 90.1 Window Zone 4 90.1 Baseline Swinging Electricity Area ft² Available (100%) Std 62.1-2004 Cooling Ez: Custom Heating Ez: Custom Er: Default based on system type U Value Shade Coef Btu/h·ft²·°F 0 14 21 None 0.00 air changes/hr To be calculated To be calculated Glass Description Heating (Area-based) Office space 0.06 cfm/sq ft 0.46 0.00 0.40 0.70 External Shading Internal Shading Overhang - None None Overhang - Pee Overhang - None None None 80 % 80 % Adj Temp/ Grnd Refl Pct Pct Sen/ Rm/ Cool Heat Tmp Tmp Pct Ret/ Perm Len Rad Frc/ Loss Coef 0.00 0.00 100 100 125 0 60.00 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Alternative - 1 Entered Values - Rooms Page 11 of 26 ENTERED VALUES ROOM BY ROOM By WILEYWILSON Room Description: 101 - Entry System Description: HP-2 Zone Description: HP-2 Zone GENERAL INFORMATION PEOPLE Floor Area: 105 ft² Flr-Flr Height: 10.0 ft Plenum Height: 0.0 ft Height Above Flr: Slab Cnstr Type: 4* LW Concrete Room Mass: Time delay based on actual mass Ceiling R-Value: 1.786 hr·ft²·°F/Btu Is There Carpet?: YES Design Clg DB / Drift Point: 75.0 °F / 81.0 °F Design Htg DB / Drift Point: 70.0 °F / 64.0 °F 50 % Design Relative Humidity: Moisture Capacitance: Medium Clg Tstat: None Htg Tstat: None Floor Multiplier: 1 Room Multiplier: 1 Thermostat Location: Room Humidistat Location: Room CO2 Sensor Location: None Room Type:Conditioned People Type: # of People: People Sensible: People Latent : People Schedule: AIRFLOW INFORMATION None 0 sq ft/person 250 Btu/h 250 Btu/h Cooling Only (Design) Vent Type: Vent Value: Vent Schedule: Infil Type: Infil Value: Infil Schedule: Vav Airflow: Vav Sched: Supply: Aux Supply: Room Exhaust: Rm Exh Sched: Workstation: 1.0 workstation/person LIGHTS Lighting Type: Recessed fluorescent, not vented, 80% load to space Fixture Type: RECFL-NV % Load to RA: 20 % Lighting Schedule: Lights - Low rise office Lighting Amount: 1.0 W/sq ft Ballast Factor: 1.0 Cooling (Peop-based) Corridors 0.00 cfm/person Available (100%) None 0.00 air changes/hr Available (100%) Available (100%) To be calculated To be calculated Roof - 1 S Opening - 1 Floor - 1 Project Name: Dataset Name: Area/ Amount 105 ft² 105 ft² Dir 0 180 Const Type / Tilt Schedule 90 Pee Dee 0 Pee Dee Window U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F 0.0237 0.0394 Type / Alpha Energy Type 0.90 0.90 90.1 Window Zone 4 Area ft² Available (100%) Std 62.1-2004 Cooling Ez: Custom Heating Ez: Custom Er: Default based on system type U Value Shade Coef Btu/h·ft²·°F 0 42 None 0.00 air changes/hr To be calculated To be calculated Glass Description Heating (Area-based) Corridors 0.06 cfm/sq ft 0.46 0.40 External Shading Internal Shading Overhang - None None Overhang - Pee None 80 % 80 % Adj Temp/ Grnd Refl Pct Pct Sen/ Rm/ Cool Heat Tmp Tmp Pct Ret/ Perm Len 0.00 11 214180 C:\Users\slittle\Documents\TRACE 700 Projects\214180 PEEDEE.TRC Rad Frc/ Loss Coef 126 0.00 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Alternative - 1 Entered Values - Rooms Page 12 of 26 ENTERED VALUES ROOM BY ROOM By WILEYWILSON Room Description: 102 - Multi-Use Exhibit PEOPLE Floor Area: 610 ft² Flr-Flr Height: 10.0 ft Plenum Height: 0.0 ft Height Above Flr: Slab Cnstr Type: 4* LW Concrete Room Mass: Time delay based on actual mass Ceiling R-Value: 1.786 hr·ft²·°F/Btu Is There Carpet?: YES Design Clg DB / Drift Point: 75.0 °F / 81.0 °F Design Htg DB / Drift Point: 70.0 °F / 64.0 °F 50 % Design Relative Humidity: Moisture Capacitance: Medium Clg Tstat: None Htg Tstat: None Floor Multiplier: 1 Room Multiplier: 1 Thermostat Location: Room Humidistat Location: Room CO2 Sensor Location: None Room Type:Conditioned System Description: HP-2 Zone Description: HP-2 Zone GENERAL INFORMATION People Type: # of People: People Sensible: People Latent : People Schedule: AIRFLOW INFORMATION Hotel/Motel Lobby 16 People 250 Btu/h 200 Btu/h People - Pee Dee WW Vent Type: Vent Value: Vent Schedule: Infil Type: Infil Value: Infil Schedule: Vav Airflow: Vav Sched: Supply: Aux Supply: Room Exhaust: Rm Exh Sched: Workstation: 1.0 workstation/person LIGHTS Lighting Type: Recessed fluorescent, not vented, 80% load to space Fixture Type: RECFL-NV % Load to RA: 20 % Lighting Schedule: Lights - Low rise office Lighting Amount: 1.5 W/sq ft Ballast Factor: 1.0 Cooling (Peop-based) Museums/ galleries 7.50 cfm/person Available (100%) None 0.00 air changes/hr Available (100%) Available (100%) To be calculated To be calculated Roof - 1 W S Opening - 1 Opening - 2 E Opening - 1 Opening - 2 N Misc Load 1 Project Name: Dataset Name: Area/ Amount 610 ft² 38 ft² 260 ft² 238 ft² 138 ft² 0.500 W/sq ft Dir 0 270 180 90 0 Const Type / Tilt Schedule 90 Pee Dee 0 Pee Dee 0 Pee Dee Window Window 0 Pee Dee Window Door 0 Pee Dee Misc - Low rise office U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F 0.0237 0.0394 0.0394 0.0394 0.0394 214180 C:\Users\slittle\Documents\TRACE 700 Projects\214180 PEEDEE.TRC Type / Alpha Energy Type 0.90 0.90 0.90 90.1 Window Zone 4 90.1 Window Zone 4 0.90 90.1 Window Zone 4 90.1 Baseline Swinging 0.90 Electricity Area ft² None 0.00 air changes/hr To be calculated To be calculated Available (100%) Std 62.1-2004 Cooling Ez: Custom Heating Ez: Custom Er: Default based on system type Glass Description Heating (Area-based) Museums/ galleries 0.06 cfm/sq ft U Value Shade Coef Btu/h·ft²·°F 0 External Shading Internal Shading Overhang - None None 80 % 80 % Adj Temp/ Grnd Refl 28 3 0.46 0.46 0.40 0.40 Overhang - Pee Overhang - None None None 0.00 0.00 14 21 0.46 0.00 0.40 0.70 Overhang - None Overhang - None None None 0.00 0.00 Pct Pct Sen/ Rm/ Cool Heat Tmp Tmp 100 100 127 Pct Ret/ Perm Len Rad Frc/ Loss Coef 0 60.00 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Alternative - 1 Entered Values - Rooms Page 13 of 26 ENTERED VALUES ROOM BY ROOM By WILEYWILSON Room Description: 103 - Hall System Description: System 4 Zone Description: Zone - 1 GENERAL INFORMATION PEOPLE Floor Area: 86 ft² Flr-Flr Height: 10.0 ft Plenum Height: 0.0 ft Height Above Flr: Slab Cnstr Type: 4* LW Concrete Room Mass: Time delay based on actual mass Ceiling R-Value: 1.786 hr·ft²·°F/Btu Is There Carpet?: YES Design Clg DB / Drift Point: 75.0 °F / 81.0 °F Design Htg DB / Drift Point: 70.0 °F / 64.0 °F 50 % Design Relative Humidity: Moisture Capacitance: Medium Clg Tstat: None Htg Tstat: None Floor Multiplier: 1 Room Multiplier: 1 Thermostat Location: Room Humidistat Location: Room CO2 Sensor Location: None Room Type:Conditioned People Type: # of People: People Sensible: People Latent : People Schedule: AIRFLOW INFORMATION None 0 sq ft/person 250 Btu/h 250 Btu/h Cooling Only (Design) Vent Type: Vent Value: Vent Schedule: Infil Type: Infil Value: Infil Schedule: Vav Airflow: Vav Sched: Supply: Aux Supply: Room Exhaust: Rm Exh Sched: Workstation: 1.0 workstation/person LIGHTS Lighting Type: Recessed fluorescent, not vented, 80% load to space Fixture Type: RECFL-NV % Load to RA: 20 % Lighting Schedule: Lights - Low rise office Lighting Amount: 1.0 W/sq ft Ballast Factor: 1.0 Cooling Corridors 5.20 cfm Available (100%) None 0.00 air changes/hr Available (100%) Available (100%) To be calculated To be calculated Roof - 1 Area/ Amount 86 ft² U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F Const Type / Tilt Schedule Dir 0 90 90.1-07 Min Roof Nonres Room Description: 104 - Reception 0.0476 Available (100%) Area ft² U Value Shade Coef Btu/h·ft²·°F 0 External Shading Internal Shading Overhang - None Floor Multiplier: 1 Room Multiplier: 1 People Type: # of People: People Sensible: People Latent : People Schedule: Area/ Amount 104 ft² Roof - 1 S 203 ft² Opening - 1 E 38 ft² Misc Load 1 250.000 Watts/workstation Project Name: Dataset Name: Dir General Office Space 1 People 250 Btu/h 200 Btu/h People - Lowrise Bldg Vent Type: Vent Value: Vent Schedule: Infil Type: Infil Value: Infil Schedule: Vav Airflow: Vav Sched: Supply: Aux Supply: Room Exhaust: Rm Exh Sched: Workstation: 1.0 workstation/person LIGHTS Lighting Type: Recessed fluorescent, not vented, 80% load to space Fixture Type: RECFL-NV % Load to RA: 20 % Lighting Schedule: Lights - Low rise office Lighting Amount: 1.0 W/sq ft Ballast Factor: 1.0 0 180 90 Const Type / Tilt Schedule 90 90.1-07 Min Roof Nonres 0 90.1-07 Min Wall Nonres Window 0 90.1-07 Min Wall Nonres Misc - Low rise office U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F 0.0476 0.0646 0.0646 214180 C:\Users\slittle\Documents\TRACE 700 Projects\214180 PEEDEE.TRC Type / Alpha Energy Type 0.70 0.90 90.1 Window Zone 4 0.90 Electricity Pct Ret/ Perm Len Rad Frc/ Loss Coef AIRFLOW INFORMATION Cooling Office space 11.20 cfm Available (100%) None 0.00 air changes/hr Available (100%) Available (100%) To be calculated To be calculated Area ft² U Value Shade Coef Btu/h·ft²·°F 0 28 0.46 0.40 Heating Office space 11.20 cfm None 0.00 air changes/hr To be calculated To be calculated Available (100%) Glass Description Pct Pct Sen/ Rm/ Cool Heat Tmp Tmp System Description: System 4 PEOPLE Floor Area: 104 ft² Flr-Flr Height: 10.0 ft Plenum Height: 0.0 ft Height Above Flr: Slab Cnstr Type: 4* LW Concrete Room Mass: Time delay based on actual mass Ceiling R-Value: 1.786 hr·ft²·°F/Btu Is There Carpet?: YES Design Clg DB / Drift Point: 75.0 °F / 81.0 °F Design Htg DB / Drift Point: 70.0 °F / 64.0 °F 50 % Design Relative Humidity: Moisture Capacitance: Medium Clg Tstat: None Htg Tstat: None Adj Temp/ Grnd Refl None Zone Description: Zone - 1 GENERAL INFORMATION Thermostat Location: Room Humidistat Location: Room CO2 Sensor Location: None Room Type:Conditioned Type / Alpha Energy Type 0.70 None 0.00 air changes/hr To be calculated To be calculated Glass Description Heating Corridors 5.20 cfm External Shading Internal Shading Overhang - None None Overhang - None None Adj Temp/ Grnd Refl Pct Pct Sen/ Rm/ Cool Heat Tmp Tmp Pct Ret/ Perm Len Rad Frc/ Loss Coef 0.00 100 100 128 0 60.00 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Alternative - 2 Entered Values - Rooms Page 14 of 26 ENTERED VALUES ROOM BY ROOM By WILEYWILSON Room Description: 105 - Storage System Description: System 4 Zone Description: Zone - 1 GENERAL INFORMATION PEOPLE Floor Area: 33 ft² Flr-Flr Height: 10.0 ft Plenum Height: 0.0 ft Height Above Flr: Slab Cnstr Type: 4* LW Concrete Room Mass: Time delay based on actual mass Ceiling R-Value: 1.786 hr·ft²·°F/Btu Is There Carpet?: YES Design Clg DB / Drift Point: 75.0 °F / 81.0 °F Design Htg DB / Drift Point: 70.0 °F / 64.0 °F 50 % Design Relative Humidity: Moisture Capacitance: Medium Clg Tstat: None Htg Tstat: None Floor Multiplier: 1 Room Multiplier: 1 Thermostat Location: Room Humidistat Location: Room CO2 Sensor Location: None Room Type:Conditioned People Type: # of People: People Sensible: People Latent : People Schedule: AIRFLOW INFORMATION None 0 sq ft/person 250 Btu/h 250 Btu/h Cooling Only (Design) Workstation: 1.0 workstation/person LIGHTS Lighting Type: Recessed fluorescent, not vented, 80% load to space Fixture Type: RECFL-NV % Load to RA: 20 % Lighting Schedule: Lights - Low rise office Lighting Amount: 1.0 W/sq ft Ballast Factor: 1.0 Vent Type: Vent Value: Vent Schedule: Infil Type: Infil Value: Infil Schedule: Vav Airflow: Vav Sched: Supply: Aux Supply: Room Exhaust: Rm Exh Sched: Cooling Heating Occupiable storage rooms for dryOccupiable materia storage rooms for dry materia 0.00 cfm 2.00 cfm Available (100%) None None 0.00 air changes/hr 0.00 air changes/hr Available (100%) Available (100%) To be calculated To be calculated To be calculated To be calculated Available (100%) Glass Description Roof - 1 S W Area/ Amount 33 ft² 53 ft² 65 ft² U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F Dir Const Type / Tilt Schedule 0 180 270 90 90.1-07 Min Roof Nonres 0 90.1-07 Min Wall Nonres 0 90.1-07 Min Wall Nonres Room Description: 106 - IT Room 0.0476 0.0646 0.0646 Area ft² U Value Shade Coef Btu/h·ft²·°F 0 External Shading Internal Shading Overhang - None Floor Multiplier: 1 Room Multiplier: 1 People Type: # of People: People Sensible: People Latent : People Schedule: Area/ Amount Roof - 1 W Misc Load 1 32 ft² 63 ft² 1.000 kW Project Name: Dataset Name: Dir None 0 sq ft/person 250 Btu/h 250 Btu/h Cooling Only (Design) Workstation: 1.0 workstation/person LIGHTS Lighting Type: Recessed fluorescent, not vented, 80% load to space Fixture Type: RECFL-NV % Load to RA: 20 % Lighting Schedule: Lights - Low rise office Lighting Amount: 1.0 W/sq ft Ballast Factor: 1.0 0 270 Const Type / Tilt Schedule 90 90.1-07 Min Roof Nonres 0 90.1-07 Min Wall Nonres Misc - Low rise office U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F 0.0476 0.0646 214180 C:\Users\slittle\Documents\TRACE 700 Projects\214180 PEEDEE.TRC Type / Alpha Energy Type 0.70 0.90 Electricity Rad Frc/ Loss Coef AIRFLOW INFORMATION Vent Type: Vent Value: Vent Schedule: Infil Type: Infil Value: Infil Schedule: Vav Airflow: Vav Sched: Supply: Aux Supply: Room Exhaust: Rm Exh Sched: Cooling Heating Occupiable storage rooms for dryOccupiable materia storage rooms for dry materia 0.00 cfm 1.90 cfm Available (100%) None None 0.00 air changes/hr 0.00 air changes/hr Available (100%) Available (100%) To be calculated To be calculated To be calculated To be calculated Available (100%) Glass Description Pct Ret/ Perm Len System Description: System 4 PEOPLE Floor Area: 32 ft² Flr-Flr Height: 10.0 ft Plenum Height: 0.0 ft Height Above Flr: Slab Cnstr Type: 4* LW Concrete Room Mass: Time delay based on actual mass Ceiling R-Value: 1.786 hr·ft²·°F/Btu Is There Carpet?: YES Design Clg DB / Drift Point: 75.0 °F / 81.0 °F Design Htg DB / Drift Point: 70.0 °F / 64.0 °F 50 % Design Relative Humidity: Moisture Capacitance: Medium Clg Tstat: None Htg Tstat: None Pct Pct Sen/ Rm/ Cool Heat Tmp Tmp None Zone Description: Zone - 1 GENERAL INFORMATION Thermostat Location: Room Humidistat Location: Room CO2 Sensor Location: None Room Type:Conditioned Type / Alpha Energy Type 0.70 0.90 0.90 Adj Temp/ Grnd Refl Area ft² 0 U Value Shade Coef Btu/h·ft²·°F External Shading Overhang - None Internal Shading Adj Temp/ Grnd Refl Pct Pct Sen/ Rm/ Cool Heat Tmp Tmp Pct Ret/ Perm Len Rad Frc/ Loss Coef None 100 100 129 0 60.00 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Alternative - 2 Entered Values - Rooms Page 15 of 26 ENTERED VALUES ROOM BY ROOM By WILEYWILSON Room Description: 107 - LE Office System Description: System 4 Zone Description: Zone - 1 GENERAL INFORMATION PEOPLE Floor Area: 114 ft² Flr-Flr Height: 10.0 ft Plenum Height: 0.0 ft Height Above Flr: Slab Cnstr Type: 4* LW Concrete Room Mass: Time delay based on actual mass Ceiling R-Value: 1.786 hr·ft²·°F/Btu Is There Carpet?: YES Design Clg DB / Drift Point: 75.0 °F / 81.0 °F Design Htg DB / Drift Point: 70.0 °F / 64.0 °F 50 % Design Relative Humidity: Moisture Capacitance: Medium Clg Tstat: None Htg Tstat: None Floor Multiplier: 1 Room Multiplier: 1 Thermostat Location: Room Humidistat Location: Room CO2 Sensor Location: None Room Type:Conditioned People Type: # of People: People Sensible: People Latent : People Schedule: AIRFLOW INFORMATION General Office Space 1 People 250 Btu/h 200 Btu/h People - Lowrise Bldg Vent Type: Vent Value: Vent Schedule: Infil Type: Infil Value: Infil Schedule: Vav Airflow: Vav Sched: Supply: Aux Supply: Room Exhaust: Rm Exh Sched: Workstation: 1.0 workstation/person LIGHTS Lighting Type: Recessed fluorescent, not vented, 80% load to space Fixture Type: RECFL-NV % Load to RA: 20 % Lighting Schedule: Lights - Low rise office Lighting Amount: 1.0 W/sq ft Ballast Factor: 1.0 Cooling Office space 11.80 cfm Available (100%) None 0.00 air changes/hr Available (100%) Available (100%) To be calculated To be calculated Area/ Amount 114 ft² Roof - 1 W 90 ft² Opening - 1 N 138 ft² Opening - 1 Misc Load 1 250.000 Watts/workstation Project Name: Dataset Name: Dir 0 270 0 Const Type / Tilt Schedule 90 90.1-07 Min Roof Nonres 0 90.1-07 Min Wall Nonres Window 0 90.1-07 Min Wall Nonres Window Misc - Low rise office U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F 0.0476 0.0646 0.0646 214180 C:\Users\slittle\Documents\TRACE 700 Projects\214180 PEEDEE.TRC Type / Alpha Energy Type 0.70 0.90 90.1 Window Zone 4 0.90 90.1 Window Zone 4 Electricity Area ft² U Value Shade Coef Btu/h·ft²·°F 0 None 0.00 air changes/hr To be calculated To be calculated Available (100%) Glass Description Heating Office space 11.80 cfm External Shading Internal Shading Overhang - None None Adj Temp/ Grnd Refl 14 0.46 0.40 Overhang - None None 0.00 14 0.46 0.40 Overhang - None None 0.00 Pct Pct Sen/ Rm/ Cool Heat Tmp Tmp 100 100 130 Pct Ret/ Perm Len Rad Frc/ Loss Coef 0 60.00 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Alternative - 2 Entered Values - Rooms Page 16 of 26 ENTERED VALUES ROOM BY ROOM By WILEYWILSON Room Description: 108 - Closet System Description: System 4 Zone Description: Zone - 1 GENERAL INFORMATION PEOPLE Floor Area: 13 ft² Flr-Flr Height: 10.0 ft Plenum Height: 0.0 ft Height Above Flr: Slab Cnstr Type: 4* LW Concrete Room Mass: Time delay based on actual mass Ceiling R-Value: 1.786 hr·ft²·°F/Btu Is There Carpet?: YES Design Clg DB / Drift Point: 75.0 °F / 81.0 °F Design Htg DB / Drift Point: 70.0 °F / 64.0 °F 50 % Design Relative Humidity: Moisture Capacitance: Medium Clg Tstat: None Htg Tstat: None Floor Multiplier: 1 Room Multiplier: 1 Thermostat Location: Room Humidistat Location: Room CO2 Sensor Location: None Room Type:Conditioned People Type: # of People: People Sensible: People Latent : People Schedule: AIRFLOW INFORMATION None 0 sq ft/person 250 Btu/h 250 Btu/h Cooling Only (Design) Workstation: 1.0 workstation/person LIGHTS Lighting Type: Recessed fluorescent, not vented, 80% load to space Fixture Type: RECFL-NV % Load to RA: 20 % Lighting Schedule: Lights - Low rise office Lighting Amount: 1.0 W/sq ft Ballast Factor: 1.0 Vent Type: Vent Value: Vent Schedule: Infil Type: Infil Value: Infil Schedule: Vav Airflow: Vav Sched: Supply: Aux Supply: Room Exhaust: Rm Exh Sched: Cooling Heating Occupiable storage rooms for dryOccupiable materia storage rooms for dry materia 0.00 cfm 0.80 cfm Available (100%) None None 0.00 air changes/hr 0.00 air changes/hr Available (100%) Available (100%) To be calculated To be calculated To be calculated To be calculated Available (100%) Glass Description Roof - 1 W Area/ Amount 13 ft² 25 ft² U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F Dir Const Type / Tilt Schedule 0 270 90 90.1-07 Min Roof Nonres 0 90.1-07 Min Wall Nonres Room Description: 109 - Secure Storage 0.0476 0.0646 Area ft² U Value Shade Coef Btu/h·ft²·°F 0 External Shading Overhang - None Floor Multiplier: 1 Room Multiplier: 1 People Type: # of People: People Sensible: People Latent : People Schedule: Roof - 1 Project Name: Dataset Name: Area/ Amount 65 ft² Dir None 0 sq ft/person 250 Btu/h 250 Btu/h Cooling Only (Design) LIGHTS Lighting Type: Recessed fluorescent, not vented, 80% load to space Fixture Type: RECFL-NV % Load to RA: 20 % Lighting Schedule: Lights - Low rise office Lighting Amount: 1.0 W/sq ft Ballast Factor: 1.0 0 90 90.1-07 Min Roof Nonres U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F 0.0476 214180 C:\Users\slittle\Documents\TRACE 700 Projects\214180 PEEDEE.TRC Type / Alpha Energy Type 0.70 Rad Frc/ Loss Coef AIRFLOW INFORMATION Workstation: 1.0 workstation/person Const Type / Tilt Schedule Pct Ret/ Perm Len None Vent Type: Vent Value: Vent Schedule: Infil Type: Infil Value: Infil Schedule: Vav Airflow: Vav Sched: Supply: Aux Supply: Room Exhaust: Rm Exh Sched: Cooling Heating Occupiable storage rooms for dryOccupiable materia storage rooms for dry materia 0.00 cfm 3.90 cfm Available (100%) None None 0.00 air changes/hr 0.00 air changes/hr Available (100%) Available (100%) To be calculated To be calculated To be calculated To be calculated Available (100%) Glass Description Pct Pct Sen/ Rm/ Cool Heat Tmp Tmp System Description: System 4 PEOPLE Floor Area: 65 ft² Flr-Flr Height: 10.0 ft Plenum Height: 0.0 ft Height Above Flr: Slab Cnstr Type: 4* LW Concrete Room Mass: Time delay based on actual mass Ceiling R-Value: 1.786 hr·ft²·°F/Btu Is There Carpet?: YES Design Clg DB / Drift Point: 75.0 °F / 81.0 °F Design Htg DB / Drift Point: 70.0 °F / 64.0 °F 50 % Design Relative Humidity: Moisture Capacitance: Medium Clg Tstat: None Htg Tstat: None Internal Shading Zone Description: Zone - 1 GENERAL INFORMATION Thermostat Location: Room Humidistat Location: Room CO2 Sensor Location: None Room Type:Conditioned Type / Alpha Energy Type 0.70 0.90 Adj Temp/ Grnd Refl Area ft² 0 U Value Shade Coef Btu/h·ft²·°F External Shading Overhang - None Internal Shading Adj Temp/ Grnd Refl Pct Pct Sen/ Rm/ Cool Heat Tmp Tmp Pct Ret/ Perm Len Rad Frc/ Loss Coef None 131 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Alternative - 2 Entered Values - Rooms Page 17 of 26 ENTERED VALUES ROOM BY ROOM By WILEYWILSON Room Description: 110 - Work System Description: System 4 Zone Description: Zone - 1 GENERAL INFORMATION PEOPLE Floor Area: 125 ft² Flr-Flr Height: 10.0 ft Plenum Height: 0.0 ft Height Above Flr: Slab Cnstr Type: 4* LW Concrete Room Mass: Time delay based on actual mass Ceiling R-Value: 1.786 hr·ft²·°F/Btu Is There Carpet?: YES Design Clg DB / Drift Point: 75.0 °F / 81.0 °F Design Htg DB / Drift Point: 70.0 °F / 64.0 °F 50 % Design Relative Humidity: Moisture Capacitance: Medium Clg Tstat: None Htg Tstat: None Floor Multiplier: 1 Room Multiplier: 1 Thermostat Location: Room Humidistat Location: Room CO2 Sensor Location: None Room Type:Conditioned People Type: # of People: People Sensible: People Latent : People Schedule: AIRFLOW INFORMATION General Office Space 1 People 250 Btu/h 200 Btu/h People - Lowrise Bldg Workstation: 1.0 workstation/person LIGHTS Lighting Type: Recessed fluorescent, not vented, 80% load to space Fixture Type: RECFL-NV % Load to RA: 20 % Lighting Schedule: Lights - Low rise office Lighting Amount: 1.0 W/sq ft Ballast Factor: 1.0 Vent Type: Vent Value: Vent Schedule: Infil Type: Infil Value: Infil Schedule: Vav Airflow: Vav Sched: Supply: Aux Supply: Room Exhaust: Rm Exh Sched: Cooling Office space 12.50 cfm Available (100%) None 0.00 air changes/hr Available (100%) Available (100%) To be calculated To be calculated Area/ Amount 125 ft² Roof - 1 Misc Load 1 250.000 Watts/workstation U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F Const Type / Tilt Schedule Dir 0 90 90.1-07 Min Roof Nonres Misc - Low rise office Room Description: 111 - Hall 0.0476 Type / Alpha Energy Type 0.70 Electricity Area ft² U Value Shade Coef Btu/h·ft²·°F 0 Available (100%) External Shading Internal Shading Overhang - None Floor Multiplier: 1 Room Multiplier: 1 Thermostat Location: Room Humidistat Location: Room CO2 Sensor Location: None Room Type:Conditioned People Type: # of People: People Sensible: People Latent : People Schedule: Roof - 1 Project Name: Dataset Name: Area/ Amount 146 ft² Dir None 0 sq ft/person 250 Btu/h 250 Btu/h Cooling Only (Design) LIGHTS Lighting Type: Recessed fluorescent, not vented, 80% load to space Fixture Type: RECFL-NV % Load to RA: 20 % Lighting Schedule: Lights - Low rise office Lighting Amount: 1.0 W/sq ft Ballast Factor: 1.0 0 90 90.1-07 Min Roof Nonres U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F 0.0476 214180 C:\Users\slittle\Documents\TRACE 700 Projects\214180 PEEDEE.TRC Type / Alpha Energy Type 0.70 Rad Frc/ Loss Coef 100 0 60.00 System Description: System 4 Workstation: 1.0 workstation/person Const Type / Tilt Schedule Pct Ret/ Perm Len AIRFLOW INFORMATION Vent Type: Vent Value: Vent Schedule: Infil Type: Infil Value: Infil Schedule: Vav Airflow: Vav Sched: Supply: Aux Supply: Room Exhaust: Rm Exh Sched: Cooling Corridors 8.80 cfm Available (100%) None 0.00 air changes/hr Available (100%) Available (100%) To be calculated To be calculated Area ft² 0 U Value Shade Coef Btu/h·ft²·°F Heating Corridors 8.80 cfm None 0.00 air changes/hr To be calculated To be calculated Available (100%) Glass Description Pct Pct Sen/ Rm/ Cool Heat Tmp Tmp 100 PEOPLE Floor Area: 146 ft² Flr-Flr Height: 10.0 ft Plenum Height: 0.0 ft Height Above Flr: Slab Cnstr Type: 4* LW Concrete Room Mass: Time delay based on actual mass Ceiling R-Value: 1.786 hr·ft²·°F/Btu Is There Carpet?: YES Design Clg DB / Drift Point: 75.0 °F / 81.0 °F Design Htg DB / Drift Point: 70.0 °F / 64.0 °F 50 % Design Relative Humidity: Moisture Capacitance: Medium Clg Tstat: None Htg Tstat: None Adj Temp/ Grnd Refl None Zone Description: Zone - 1 GENERAL INFORMATION None 0.00 air changes/hr To be calculated To be calculated Glass Description Heating Office space 12.50 cfm External Shading Overhang - None Internal Shading Adj Temp/ Grnd Refl Pct Pct Sen/ Rm/ Cool Heat Tmp Tmp Pct Ret/ Perm Len Rad Frc/ Loss Coef None 132 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Alternative - 2 Entered Values - Rooms Page 18 of 26 ENTERED VALUES ROOM BY ROOM By WILEYWILSON Room Description: 112 - Mech System Description: System 4 Zone Description: Zone - 1 GENERAL INFORMATION PEOPLE Floor Area: 25 ft² Flr-Flr Height: 10.0 ft Plenum Height: 0.0 ft Height Above Flr: Slab Cnstr Type: 4* LW Concrete Room Mass: Time delay based on actual mass Ceiling R-Value: 1.786 hr·ft²·°F/Btu Is There Carpet?: YES Design Clg DB / Drift Point: 75.0 °F / 81.0 °F Design Htg DB / Drift Point: 70.0 °F / 64.0 °F 50 % Design Relative Humidity: Moisture Capacitance: Medium Clg Tstat: None Htg Tstat: None Floor Multiplier: 1 Room Multiplier: 1 Thermostat Location: Room Humidistat Location: Room CO2 Sensor Location: None Room Type:Conditioned People Type: # of People: People Sensible: People Latent : People Schedule: AIRFLOW INFORMATION None 0 sq ft/person 250 Btu/h 250 Btu/h Cooling Only (Design) Workstation: 1.0 workstation/person LIGHTS Lighting Type: Recessed fluorescent, not vented, 80% load to space Fixture Type: RECFL-NV % Load to RA: 20 % Lighting Schedule: Lights - Low rise office Lighting Amount: 1.0 W/sq ft Ballast Factor: 1.0 Vent Type: Vent Value: Vent Schedule: Infil Type: Infil Value: Infil Schedule: Vav Airflow: Vav Sched: Supply: Aux Supply: Room Exhaust: Rm Exh Sched: Cooling Heating Occupiable storage rooms for dryOccupiable materia storage rooms for dry materia 0.00 cfm 1.50 cfm Available (100%) None None 0.00 air changes/hr 0.00 air changes/hr Available (100%) Available (100%) To be calculated To be calculated To be calculated To be calculated Available (100%) Glass Description Roof - 1 W Project Name: Dataset Name: Area/ Amount 25 ft² 55 ft² Dir Const Type / Tilt Schedule 0 270 90 90.1-07 Min Roof Nonres 0 90.1-07 Min Wall Nonres U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F 0.0476 0.0646 214180 C:\Users\slittle\Documents\TRACE 700 Projects\214180 PEEDEE.TRC Type / Alpha Energy Type 0.70 0.90 Area ft² 0 U Value Shade Coef Btu/h·ft²·°F External Shading Overhang - None Internal Shading Adj Temp/ Grnd Refl Pct Pct Sen/ Rm/ Cool Heat Tmp Tmp Pct Ret/ Perm Len Rad Frc/ Loss Coef None 133 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Alternative - 2 Entered Values - Rooms Page 19 of 26 ENTERED VALUES ROOM BY ROOM By WILEYWILSON Room Description: 113 - PM Office System Description: System 4 Zone Description: Zone - 1 GENERAL INFORMATION PEOPLE Floor Area: 132 ft² Flr-Flr Height: 10.0 ft Plenum Height: 0.0 ft Height Above Flr: Slab Cnstr Type: 4* LW Concrete Room Mass: Time delay based on actual mass Ceiling R-Value: 1.786 hr·ft²·°F/Btu Is There Carpet?: YES Design Clg DB / Drift Point: 75.0 °F / 81.0 °F Design Htg DB / Drift Point: 70.0 °F / 64.0 °F 50 % Design Relative Humidity: Moisture Capacitance: Medium Clg Tstat: None Htg Tstat: None Floor Multiplier: 1 Room Multiplier: 1 Thermostat Location: Room Humidistat Location: Room CO2 Sensor Location: None Room Type:Conditioned People Type: # of People: People Sensible: People Latent : People Schedule: AIRFLOW INFORMATION General Office Space 1 People 250 Btu/h 200 Btu/h People - Lowrise Bldg Vent Type: Vent Value: Vent Schedule: Infil Type: Infil Value: Infil Schedule: Vav Airflow: Vav Sched: Supply: Aux Supply: Room Exhaust: Rm Exh Sched: Workstation: 1.0 workstation/person LIGHTS Lighting Type: Recessed fluorescent, not vented, 80% load to space Fixture Type: RECFL-NV % Load to RA: 20 % Lighting Schedule: Lights - Low rise office Lighting Amount: 1.0 W/sq ft Ballast Factor: 1.0 Cooling Office space 12.90 cfm Available (100%) None 0.00 air changes/hr Available (100%) Available (100%) To be calculated To be calculated Area/ Amount 132 ft² Roof - 1 N 105 ft² Opening - 1 W 95 ft² Opening - 1 Misc Load 1 250.000 Watts/workstation Project Name: Dataset Name: Dir 0 0 270 Const Type / Tilt Schedule 90 90.1-07 Min Roof Nonres 0 90.1-07 Min Wall Nonres Window 0 90.1-07 Min Wall Nonres Window Misc - Low rise office U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F 0.0476 0.0646 0.0646 214180 C:\Users\slittle\Documents\TRACE 700 Projects\214180 PEEDEE.TRC Type / Alpha Energy Type 0.70 0.90 90.1 Window Zone 4 0.90 90.1 Window Zone 4 Electricity Area ft² U Value Shade Coef Btu/h·ft²·°F 0 None 0.00 air changes/hr To be calculated To be calculated Available (100%) Glass Description Heating Office space 12.90 cfm External Shading Internal Shading Overhang - None None Adj Temp/ Grnd Refl 14 0.46 0.40 Overhang - None None 0.00 14 0.46 0.40 Overhang - None None 0.00 Pct Pct Sen/ Rm/ Cool Heat Tmp Tmp 100 100 134 Pct Ret/ Perm Len Rad Frc/ Loss Coef 0 60.00 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Alternative - 2 Entered Values - Rooms Page 20 of 26 ENTERED VALUES ROOM BY ROOM By WILEYWILSON Room Description: 114 - Closet System Description: System 4 Zone Description: Zone - 1 GENERAL INFORMATION PEOPLE Floor Area: 11 ft² Flr-Flr Height: 10.0 ft Plenum Height: 0.0 ft Height Above Flr: Slab Cnstr Type: 4* LW Concrete Room Mass: Time delay based on actual mass Ceiling R-Value: 1.786 hr·ft²·°F/Btu Is There Carpet?: YES Design Clg DB / Drift Point: 75.0 °F / 81.0 °F Design Htg DB / Drift Point: 70.0 °F / 64.0 °F 50 % Design Relative Humidity: Moisture Capacitance: Medium Clg Tstat: None Htg Tstat: None Floor Multiplier: 1 Room Multiplier: 1 Thermostat Location: Room Humidistat Location: Room CO2 Sensor Location: None Room Type:Conditioned People Type: # of People: People Sensible: People Latent : People Schedule: AIRFLOW INFORMATION None 0 sq ft/person 250 Btu/h 250 Btu/h Cooling Only (Design) Vent Type: Vent Value: Vent Schedule: Infil Type: Infil Value: Infil Schedule: Vav Airflow: Vav Sched: Supply: Aux Supply: Room Exhaust: Rm Exh Sched: Workstation: 1.0 workstation/person LIGHTS Lighting Type: Recessed fluorescent, not vented, 80% load to space Fixture Type: RECFL-NV % Load to RA: 20 % Lighting Schedule: Lights - Low rise office Lighting Amount: 1.0 W/sq ft Ballast Factor: 1.0 Cooling Heating Occupiable storage rooms for dryOccupiable materia storage rooms for dry materia 0.00 cfm 0.70 cfm Available (100%) None None 0.00 air changes/hr 0.00 air changes/hr Available (100%) Available (100%) To be calculated To be calculated To be calculated To be calculated Available (100%) Glass Description Roof - 1 W Area/ Amount 11 ft² 58 ft² U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F Dir Const Type / Tilt Schedule 0 270 90 90.1-07 Min Roof Nonres 0 90.1-07 Min Wall Nonres Room Description: 115 - Asst PM Office 0.0476 0.0646 Area ft² U Value Shade Coef Btu/h·ft²·°F 0 External Shading Overhang - None Floor Multiplier: 1 Room Multiplier: 1 People Type: # of People: People Sensible: People Latent : People Schedule: Area/ Amount 133 ft² Roof - 1 N 105 ft² Opening - 1 Misc Load 1 250.000 Watts/workstation Project Name: Dataset Name: Dir General Office Space 1 People 250 Btu/h 200 Btu/h People - Lowrise Bldg Vent Type: Vent Value: Vent Schedule: Infil Type: Infil Value: Infil Schedule: Vav Airflow: Vav Sched: Supply: Aux Supply: Room Exhaust: Rm Exh Sched: LIGHTS Lighting Type: Recessed fluorescent, not vented, 80% load to space Fixture Type: RECFL-NV % Load to RA: 20 % Lighting Schedule: Lights - Low rise office Lighting Amount: 1.0 W/sq ft Ballast Factor: 1.0 0 0 90 90.1-07 Min Roof Nonres 0 90.1-07 Min Wall Nonres Window Misc - Low rise office U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F 0.0476 0.0646 214180 C:\Users\slittle\Documents\TRACE 700 Projects\214180 PEEDEE.TRC Type / Alpha Energy Type 0.70 0.90 90.1 Window Zone 4 Electricity Rad Frc/ Loss Coef AIRFLOW INFORMATION Workstation: 1.0 workstation/person Const Type / Tilt Schedule Pct Ret/ Perm Len None Cooling Office space 13.00 cfm Available (100%) None 0.00 air changes/hr Available (100%) Available (100%) To be calculated To be calculated Area ft² U Value Shade Coef Btu/h·ft²·°F 0 14 0.46 0.40 Heating Office space 13.00 cfm None 0.00 air changes/hr To be calculated To be calculated Available (100%) Glass Description Pct Pct Sen/ Rm/ Cool Heat Tmp Tmp System Description: System 4 PEOPLE Floor Area: 133 ft² Flr-Flr Height: 10.0 ft Plenum Height: 0.0 ft Height Above Flr: Slab Cnstr Type: 4* LW Concrete Room Mass: Time delay based on actual mass Ceiling R-Value: 1.786 hr·ft²·°F/Btu Is There Carpet?: YES Design Clg DB / Drift Point: 75.0 °F / 81.0 °F Design Htg DB / Drift Point: 70.0 °F / 64.0 °F 50 % Design Relative Humidity: Moisture Capacitance: Medium Clg Tstat: None Htg Tstat: None Internal Shading Zone Description: Zone - 1 GENERAL INFORMATION Thermostat Location: Room Humidistat Location: Room CO2 Sensor Location: None Room Type:Conditioned Type / Alpha Energy Type 0.70 0.90 Adj Temp/ Grnd Refl External Shading Internal Shading Overhang - None None Overhang - None None Adj Temp/ Grnd Refl Pct Pct Sen/ Rm/ Cool Heat Tmp Tmp Pct Ret/ Perm Len Rad Frc/ Loss Coef 0.00 100 100 135 0 60.00 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Alternative - 2 Entered Values - Rooms Page 21 of 26 ENTERED VALUES ROOM BY ROOM By WILEYWILSON Room Description: 116 - Closet System Description: System 4 Zone Description: Zone - 1 GENERAL INFORMATION PEOPLE Floor Area: 11 ft² Flr-Flr Height: 10.0 ft Plenum Height: 0.0 ft Height Above Flr: Slab Cnstr Type: 4* LW Concrete Room Mass: Time delay based on actual mass Ceiling R-Value: 1.786 hr·ft²·°F/Btu Is There Carpet?: YES Design Clg DB / Drift Point: 75.0 °F / 81.0 °F Design Htg DB / Drift Point: 70.0 °F / 64.0 °F 50 % Design Relative Humidity: Moisture Capacitance: Medium Clg Tstat: None Htg Tstat: None Floor Multiplier: 1 Room Multiplier: 1 Thermostat Location: Room Humidistat Location: Room CO2 Sensor Location: None Room Type:Conditioned People Type: # of People: People Sensible: People Latent : People Schedule: AIRFLOW INFORMATION None 0 sq ft/person 250 Btu/h 250 Btu/h Cooling Only (Design) Workstation: 1.0 workstation/person LIGHTS Lighting Type: Recessed fluorescent, not vented, 80% load to space Fixture Type: RECFL-NV % Load to RA: 20 % Lighting Schedule: Lights - Low rise office Lighting Amount: 1.0 W/sq ft Ballast Factor: 1.0 Vent Type: Vent Value: Vent Schedule: Infil Type: Infil Value: Infil Schedule: Vav Airflow: Vav Sched: Supply: Aux Supply: Room Exhaust: Rm Exh Sched: Cooling Heating Occupiable storage rooms for dryOccupiable materia storage rooms for dry materia 0.00 cfm 0.70 cfm Available (100%) None None 0.00 air changes/hr 0.00 air changes/hr Available (100%) Available (100%) To be calculated To be calculated To be calculated To be calculated Available (100%) Glass Description Area/ Amount U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F Const Type / Tilt Schedule Dir Room Description: 117 - Women Type / Alpha Energy Type Area ft² U Value Shade Coef Btu/h·ft²·°F External Shading Internal Shading PEOPLE Floor Area: 53 ft² Flr-Flr Height: 10.0 ft Plenum Height: 0.0 ft Height Above Flr: Slab Cnstr Type: 4* LW Concrete Room Mass: Time delay based on actual mass Ceiling R-Value: 1.786 hr·ft²·°F/Btu Is There Carpet?: YES Design Clg DB / Drift Point: 75.0 °F / 81.0 °F Design Htg DB / Drift Point: 70.0 °F / 64.0 °F 50 % Design Relative Humidity: Moisture Capacitance: Medium Clg Tstat: None Htg Tstat: None Floor Multiplier: 1 Room Multiplier: 1 Thermostat Location: Room Humidistat Location: Room CO2 Sensor Location: None Room Type:Conditioned People Type: # of People: People Sensible: People Latent : People Schedule: Roof - 1 E Project Name: Dataset Name: Area/ Amount 53 ft² 65 ft² Dir None 0 sq ft/person 250 Btu/h 250 Btu/h Cooling Only (Design) Workstation: 1.0 workstation/person LIGHTS Lighting Type: Recessed fluorescent, not vented, 80% load to space Fixture Type: RECFL-NV % Load to RA: 20 % Lighting Schedule: Lights - Low rise office Lighting Amount: 1.0 W/sq ft Ballast Factor: 1.0 0 90 Const Type / Tilt Schedule 90 90.1-07 Min Roof Nonres 0 90.1-07 Min Wall Nonres U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F 0.0476 0.0646 214180 C:\Users\slittle\Documents\TRACE 700 Projects\214180 PEEDEE.TRC Type / Alpha Energy Type 0.70 0.90 Pct Ret/ Perm Len Rad Frc/ Loss Coef AIRFLOW INFORMATION Vent Type: Vent Value: Vent Schedule: Infil Type: Infil Value: Infil Schedule: Vav Airflow: Vav Sched: Supply: Aux Supply: Room Exhaust: Rm Exh Sched: Cooling None 0.00 cfm Available (100%) None 0.00 air changes/hr Available (100%) Available (100%) To be calculated To be calculated Area ft² 0 U Value Shade Coef Btu/h·ft²·°F Heating None 0.00 cfm None 0.00 air changes/hr To be calculated To be calculated Available (100%) Glass Description Pct Pct Sen/ Rm/ Cool Heat Tmp Tmp System Description: System 4 Zone Description: Zone - 1 GENERAL INFORMATION Adj Temp/ Grnd Refl External Shading Overhang - None Internal Shading Adj Temp/ Grnd Refl Pct Pct Sen/ Rm/ Cool Heat Tmp Tmp Pct Ret/ Perm Len Rad Frc/ Loss Coef None 136 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Alternative - 2 Entered Values - Rooms Page 22 of 26 ENTERED VALUES ROOM BY ROOM By WILEYWILSON Room Description: 118 - Men System Description: System 4 Zone Description: Zone - 1 GENERAL INFORMATION PEOPLE Floor Area: 53 ft² Flr-Flr Height: 10.0 ft Plenum Height: 0.0 ft Height Above Flr: Slab Cnstr Type: 4* LW Concrete Room Mass: Time delay based on actual mass Ceiling R-Value: 1.786 hr·ft²·°F/Btu Is There Carpet?: YES Design Clg DB / Drift Point: 75.0 °F / 81.0 °F Design Htg DB / Drift Point: 70.0 °F / 64.0 °F 50 % Design Relative Humidity: Moisture Capacitance: Medium Clg Tstat: None Htg Tstat: None Floor Multiplier: 1 Room Multiplier: 1 Thermostat Location: Room Humidistat Location: Room CO2 Sensor Location: None Room Type:Conditioned People Type: # of People: People Sensible: People Latent : People Schedule: AIRFLOW INFORMATION None 0 sq ft/person 250 Btu/h 250 Btu/h Cooling Only (Design) Workstation: 1.0 workstation/person LIGHTS Lighting Type: Recessed fluorescent, not vented, 80% load to space Fixture Type: RECFL-NV % Load to RA: 20 % Lighting Schedule: Lights - Low rise office Lighting Amount: 1.0 W/sq ft Ballast Factor: 1.0 Vent Type: Vent Value: Vent Schedule: Infil Type: Infil Value: Infil Schedule: Vav Airflow: Vav Sched: Supply: Aux Supply: Room Exhaust: Rm Exh Sched: Cooling None 0.00 cfm Available (100%) None 0.00 air changes/hr Available (100%) Available (100%) To be calculated To be calculated Roof - 1 E Project Name: Dataset Name: Area/ Amount 53 ft² 65 ft² Dir 0 90 Const Type / Tilt Schedule 90 90.1-07 Min Roof Nonres 0 90.1-07 Min Wall Nonres U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F 0.0476 0.0646 214180 C:\Users\slittle\Documents\TRACE 700 Projects\214180 PEEDEE.TRC Type / Alpha Energy Type 0.70 0.90 Area ft² 0 U Value Shade Coef Btu/h·ft²·°F None 0.00 air changes/hr To be calculated To be calculated Available (100%) Glass Description Heating None 0.00 cfm External Shading Overhang - None Internal Shading Adj Temp/ Grnd Refl Pct Pct Sen/ Rm/ Cool Heat Tmp Tmp Pct Ret/ Perm Len Rad Frc/ Loss Coef None 137 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Alternative - 2 Entered Values - Rooms Page 23 of 26 ENTERED VALUES ROOM BY ROOM By WILEYWILSON Room Description: 119 - Break System Description: System 4 Zone Description: Zone - 1 GENERAL INFORMATION PEOPLE Floor Area: 90 ft² Flr-Flr Height: 10.0 ft Plenum Height: 0.0 ft Height Above Flr: Slab Cnstr Type: 4* LW Concrete Room Mass: Time delay based on actual mass Ceiling R-Value: 1.786 hr·ft²·°F/Btu Is There Carpet?: YES Design Clg DB / Drift Point: 75.0 °F / 81.0 °F Design Htg DB / Drift Point: 70.0 °F / 64.0 °F 50 % Design Relative Humidity: Moisture Capacitance: Medium Clg Tstat: None Htg Tstat: None Floor Multiplier: 1 Room Multiplier: 1 Thermostat Location: Room Humidistat Location: Room CO2 Sensor Location: None Room Type:Conditioned People Type: # of People: People Sensible: People Latent : People Schedule: AIRFLOW INFORMATION Hotel/Motel Lobby 1 People 250 Btu/h 200 Btu/h People - Low Rise Office Vent Type: Vent Value: Vent Schedule: Infil Type: Infil Value: Infil Schedule: Vav Airflow: Vav Sched: Supply: Aux Supply: Room Exhaust: Rm Exh Sched: Workstation: 1.0 workstation/person LIGHTS Lighting Type: Recessed fluorescent, not vented, 80% load to space Fixture Type: RECFL-NV % Load to RA: 20 % Lighting Schedule: Lights - Low rise office Lighting Amount: 1.0 W/sq ft Ballast Factor: 1.0 Cooling Office space 10.40 cfm Available (100%) None 0.00 air changes/hr Available (100%) Available (100%) To be calculated To be calculated Roof - 1 E N Opening - 1 Opening - 2 Misc Load 1 Project Name: Dataset Name: Area/ Amount 90 ft² 68 ft² 148 ft² 2,000.000 Btuh Dir 0 90 0 Const Type / Tilt Schedule 90 90.1-07 Min Roof Nonres 0 90.1-07 Min Wall Nonres 0 90.1-07 Min Wall Nonres Window Door Misc - Low rise office U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F 0.0476 0.0646 0.0646 214180 C:\Users\slittle\Documents\TRACE 700 Projects\214180 PEEDEE.TRC Type / Alpha Energy Type 0.70 0.90 0.90 90.1 Window Zone 4 90.1-07 Min Swinging Electricity Area ft² U Value Shade Coef Btu/h·ft²·°F 0 14 21 0.46 0.00 0.40 0.70 None 0.00 air changes/hr To be calculated To be calculated Available (100%) Glass Description Heating Office space 10.40 cfm External Shading Internal Shading Overhang - None None Overhang - None Overhang - None None None Adj Temp/ Grnd Refl Pct Pct Sen/ Rm/ Cool Heat Tmp Tmp Pct Ret/ Perm Len Rad Frc/ Loss Coef 0.00 0.00 100 100 138 0 60.00 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Alternative - 2 Entered Values - Rooms Page 24 of 26 ENTERED VALUES ROOM BY ROOM By WILEYWILSON Room Description: 101 - Entry System Description: System 4 Zone Description: Zone - 2 GENERAL INFORMATION PEOPLE Floor Area: 105 ft² Flr-Flr Height: 10.0 ft Plenum Height: 0.0 ft Height Above Flr: Slab Cnstr Type: 4* LW Concrete Room Mass: Time delay based on actual mass Ceiling R-Value: 1.786 hr·ft²·°F/Btu Is There Carpet?: YES Design Clg DB / Drift Point: 75.0 °F / 81.0 °F Design Htg DB / Drift Point: 70.0 °F / 64.0 °F 50 % Design Relative Humidity: Moisture Capacitance: Medium Clg Tstat: None Htg Tstat: None Floor Multiplier: 1 Room Multiplier: 1 Thermostat Location: Room Humidistat Location: Room CO2 Sensor Location: None Room Type:Conditioned People Type: # of People: People Sensible: People Latent : People Schedule: AIRFLOW INFORMATION None 0 sq ft/person 250 Btu/h 250 Btu/h Cooling Only (Design) Vent Type: Vent Value: Vent Schedule: Infil Type: Infil Value: Infil Schedule: Vav Airflow: Vav Sched: Supply: Aux Supply: Room Exhaust: Rm Exh Sched: Workstation: 1.0 workstation/person LIGHTS Lighting Type: Recessed fluorescent, not vented, 80% load to space Fixture Type: RECFL-NV % Load to RA: 20 % Lighting Schedule: Lights - Low rise office Lighting Amount: 1.0 W/sq ft Ballast Factor: 1.0 Cooling Corridors 28.60 cfm Available (100%) None 0.00 air changes/hr Available (100%) Available (100%) To be calculated To be calculated Roof - 1 S Opening - 1 Floor - 1 Project Name: Dataset Name: Area/ Amount 105 ft² 105 ft² Dir 0 180 Const Type / Tilt Schedule 90 90.1-07 Min Roof Nonres 0 90.1-07 Min Wall Nonres Window U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F 0.0476 0.0646 Type / Alpha Energy Type 0.70 0.90 90.1 Window Zone 4 Area ft² U Value Shade Coef Btu/h·ft²·°F 0 42 0.46 0.40 None 0.00 air changes/hr To be calculated To be calculated Available (100%) Glass Description Heating Corridors 28.60 cfm External Shading Internal Shading Overhang - None None Overhang - None None Adj Temp/ Grnd Refl Pct Pct Sen/ Rm/ Cool Heat Tmp Tmp Pct Ret/ Perm Len 0.00 11 214180 C:\Users\slittle\Documents\TRACE 700 Projects\214180 PEEDEE.TRC Rad Frc/ Loss Coef 139 0.73 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Alternative - 2 Entered Values - Rooms Page 25 of 26 ENTERED VALUES ROOM BY ROOM By WILEYWILSON Room Description: 102 - Multi-Use Exhibit PEOPLE Floor Area: 610 ft² Flr-Flr Height: 10.0 ft Plenum Height: 0.0 ft Height Above Flr: Slab Cnstr Type: 4* LW Concrete Room Mass: Time delay based on actual mass Ceiling R-Value: 1.786 hr·ft²·°F/Btu Is There Carpet?: YES Design Clg DB / Drift Point: 75.0 °F / 81.0 °F Design Htg DB / Drift Point: 70.0 °F / 64.0 °F 50 % Design Relative Humidity: Moisture Capacitance: Medium Clg Tstat: None Htg Tstat: None Floor Multiplier: 1 Room Multiplier: 1 Thermostat Location: Room Humidistat Location: Room CO2 Sensor Location: None Room Type:Conditioned System Description: System 4 Zone Description: Zone - 2 GENERAL INFORMATION People Type: # of People: People Sensible: People Latent : People Schedule: AIRFLOW INFORMATION Hotel/Motel Lobby 16 People 250 Btu/h 200 Btu/h People - Pee Dee WW Vent Type: Vent Value: Vent Schedule: Infil Type: Infil Value: Infil Schedule: Vav Airflow: Vav Sched: Supply: Aux Supply: Room Exhaust: Rm Exh Sched: Workstation: 1.0 workstation/person LIGHTS Lighting Type: Recessed fluorescent, not vented, 80% load to space Fixture Type: RECFL-NV % Load to RA: 20 % Lighting Schedule: Lights - Low rise office Lighting Amount: 1.5 W/sq ft Ballast Factor: 1.0 Cooling Museums/ galleries 158.10 cfm Available (100%) None 0.00 air changes/hr Available (100%) Available (100%) To be calculated To be calculated Roof - 1 W S Opening - 1 Opening - 2 E Opening - 1 Opening - 2 N Misc Load 1 Project Name: Dataset Name: Area/ Amount 610 ft² 38 ft² 260 ft² 238 ft² 138 ft² 0.500 W/sq ft Dir 0 270 180 90 0 Const Type / Tilt Schedule 90 90.1-07 Min Roof Nonres 0 90.1-07 Min Wall Nonres 0 90.1-07 Min Wall Nonres Window Window 0 90.1-07 Min Wall Nonres Window Door 0 90.1-07 Min Wall Nonres Misc - Low rise office U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F 0.0476 0.0646 0.0646 0.0646 0.0646 214180 C:\Users\slittle\Documents\TRACE 700 Projects\214180 PEEDEE.TRC Type / Alpha Energy Type 0.70 0.90 0.90 90.1 Window Zone 4 90.1 Window Zone 4 0.90 90.1 Window Zone 4 90.1-07 Min Swinging 0.90 Electricity Area ft² U Value Shade Coef Btu/h·ft²·°F 0 None 0.00 air changes/hr To be calculated To be calculated Available (100%) Glass Description Heating Museums/ galleries 158.10 cfm External Shading Internal Shading Overhang - None None Adj Temp/ Grnd Refl 28 3 0.46 0.46 0.40 0.40 Overhang - None Overhang - None None None 0.00 0.00 14 21 0.46 0.00 0.40 0.70 Overhang - None Overhang - None None None 0.00 0.00 Pct Pct Sen/ Rm/ Cool Heat Tmp Tmp 100 100 140 Pct Ret/ Perm Len Rad Frc/ Loss Coef 0 60.00 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Alternative - 2 Entered Values - Rooms Page 26 of 26 SYSTEM ENTERED VALUES By WILEYWILSON HP-1 - Single Zone Design Air Conditions Cooling supply: Leaving cooling coil: Heating supply: Max Min 54.0 °F 54.0 °F Supply duct temperature diff: 0.0 °F Reheat Temperature diff: 0.0 °F Design humidity ratio diff: Min room relative humidity: Advanced Options Cooling coil sizing method: Cooling coil location: Block cooling airflow: Ventilation deck location: Supply duct location: Return air path: Peak Zone Supply fan motor location: Return fan motor location: Supply fan cofiguration: Supply fan sizing: Fan mechanical efficiency : Apply Std62 People Avg: Std62 Max Vent (Z) Ratio: Return/Outdoor Deck Return Air DUCTED Coils Main cooling: Aux cooling: Main heating: Aux heating: Preheat: Reheat: Humidification: Capacity Primary Secondary Return System Exhaust Room Exhaust Optional ventilation Auxiliary Fan Cycling CO2-based DCV: None System ventilation flag: Sum Room OA Reqs Control Type Return Air 100 % 0.0 ft 0.8 hr·ft²·°F/Btu 0% 0% 0% None None Schedule Diversity People 100% Lights 100% Misc loads 100% Available (100%) 100.0 % of Design Capacity by adjusting airflow Available (100%) Available (100%) 100.0 % of Design Capacity Available (100%) 100.0% of Design Capacity Available (100%) 100.0 % of Design Capacity Available (100%) 100.0 % of Design Capacity Available (100%) Fans Project Name: Dataset Name: Control Method Activate After Primary System Activate After Primary System No Fan Night purge schedule: Off (0%) Optimum start schedule: Off (0%) Optimum stop schedule: Off (0%) Supply air path / duct location: Space convective gains to occupied layer: Underfloor plenum height: Conductive resistance of raised floor: Upstream nominal leakage fraction: Downstream constant leakage fraction: Aux cooling coil losses to plenum: Reset per worst case room schedule: Off (0%) Max reset: Use system default outside air reset: Yes Auxiliary cooling coil Auxiliary heating coil Auxiliary fan Supply Return Draw Thru Peak 75% No Type Static Press. 90.1 SP Adj Full Load Energy Rate Schedule 90.1-07 Min VAV FC Centrifugal None None None None None None 1.0 in. wg 0.0 in. wg 0.0 in. wg 0.0 in. wg 0.0 in. wg 0.0 in. wg 0.0 in. wg 0.0 in. wg NA 0.0 in. wg 0.0 in. wg 0.0 in. wg NA NA 0.00035 kW/Cfm-in wg 0.00000 kW 0.00000 kW 0.00000 kW 0.00000 kW 0.00000 kW 0.00000 kW Available (100%) Available (100%) Available (100%) Available (100%) Available (100%) Available (100%) Available (100%) Cycle with occupancy 214180 C:\Users\slittle\Documents\TRACE 700 Projects\214180 PEEDEE.TRC Efficiency Priority 90 85 90 90 85 90 85 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Alternative - 1 Entered Values Systems page 1 of 3 141 SYSTEM ENTERED VALUES By WILEYWILSON HP-2 - Single Zone Design Air Conditions Cooling supply: Leaving cooling coil: Heating supply: Max Min 54.0 °F 54.0 °F Supply duct temperature diff: 0.0 °F Reheat Temperature diff: 0.0 °F Design humidity ratio diff: Min room relative humidity: Advanced Options Cooling coil sizing method: Cooling coil location: Block cooling airflow: Ventilation deck location: Supply duct location: Return air path: Peak Zone Supply fan motor location: Return fan motor location: Supply fan cofiguration: Supply fan sizing: Fan mechanical efficiency : Apply Std62 People Avg: Std62 Max Vent (Z) Ratio: Return/Outdoor Deck Return Air DUCTED Coils Main cooling: Aux cooling: Main heating: Aux heating: Preheat: Reheat: Humidification: Capacity Primary Secondary Return System Exhaust Room Exhaust Optional ventilation Auxiliary Fan Cycling CO2-based DCV: Single Setpoint System ventilation flag: ASHRAE Std 62.1-2004/2007 w/ Vent Reset Control Type Return Air 100 % 0.0 ft 0.8 hr·ft²·°F/Btu 0% 0% 0% None None Schedule Diversity People 100% Lights 100% Misc loads 100% Available (100%) 100.0 % of Design Capacity by adjusting airflow Available (100%) Available (100%) 100.0 % of Design Capacity Available (100%) 100.0% of Design Capacity Available (100%) 100.0 % of Design Capacity Available (100%) 100.0 % of Design Capacity Available (100%) Fans Project Name: Dataset Name: Control Method Activate After Primary System Activate After Primary System No Fan Night purge schedule: Off (0%) Optimum start schedule: Off (0%) Optimum stop schedule: Off (0%) Supply air path / duct location: Space convective gains to occupied layer: Underfloor plenum height: Conductive resistance of raised floor: Upstream nominal leakage fraction: Downstream constant leakage fraction: Aux cooling coil losses to plenum: Reset per worst case room schedule: Off (0%) Max reset: Use system default outside air reset: Yes Auxiliary cooling coil Auxiliary heating coil Auxiliary fan Supply Return Draw Thru Peak 75% No Type Static Press. 90.1 SP Adj Full Load Energy Rate Schedule 90.1-07 Min VAV FC Centrifugal None None None None None None 1.0 in. wg 0.0 in. wg 0.0 in. wg 0.0 in. wg 0.0 in. wg 0.0 in. wg 0.0 in. wg 0.0 in. wg NA 0.0 in. wg 0.0 in. wg 0.0 in. wg NA NA 0.00035 kW/Cfm-in wg 0.00000 kW 0.00000 kW 0.00000 kW 0.00000 kW 0.00000 kW 0.00000 kW Available (100%) Available (100%) Available (100%) Available (100%) Available (100%) Available (100%) Available (100%) Cycle with occupancy 214180 C:\Users\slittle\Documents\TRACE 700 Projects\214180 PEEDEE.TRC Efficiency Priority 90 85 90 90 85 90 85 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Alternative - 1 Entered Values Systems page 2 of 3 142 SYSTEM ENTERED VALUES By WILEYWILSON System 4 - System 4 - Packaged Rooftop Heat Pump Design Air Conditions Max Min Supply duct temperature diff: 0.0 °F Reheat Temperature diff: 0.0 °F Cooling supply: Leaving cooling coil: Heating supply: Design humidity ratio diff: Min room relative humidity: Advanced Options Cooling coil sizing method: Cooling coil location: Block cooling airflow: Ventilation deck location: Supply duct location: Return air path: Peak Zone Supply fan motor location: Return fan motor location: Supply fan cofiguration: Supply fan sizing: Fan mechanical efficiency : Apply Std62 People Avg: Std62 Max Vent (Z) Ratio: Return/Outdoor Deck Return Air PLENUM Supply Return Draw Thru Peak 75% No Coils Main cooling: Aux cooling: Main heating: Aux heating: Preheat: Reheat: Humidification: Supply air path / duct location: Space convective gains to occupied layer: Underfloor plenum height: Conductive resistance of raised floor: Upstream nominal leakage fraction: Downstream constant leakage fraction: Aux cooling coil losses to plenum: Control Type Capacity Schedule Available (100%) Available (100%) Available (100%) Available (100%) Available (100%) Available (100%) Available (100%) 125.0 % of Design Capacity 125.0% of Design Capacity 100.0 % of Design Capacity 100.0 % of Design Capacity Primary Secondary Return System Exhaust Room Exhaust Optional ventilation Auxiliary Fan Cycling Return Air 0.0 ft 0.8 hr·ft²·°F/Btu 0% 0% 0% None None 115.0 % of Design Cooling Capacity Fans Project Name: Dataset Name: Control Method Activate After Primary System Activate After Primary System No Fan CO2-based DCV: None System ventilation flag: Sum Room OA Reqs Reset per worst case room schedule: Off (0%) Max reset: Use system default outside air reset: Yes Auxiliary cooling coil Auxiliary heating coil Auxiliary fan Night purge schedule: Off (0%) Optimum start schedule: Available (100%) Optimum stop schedule: Off (0%) Diversity People 100% Lights 100% Misc loads 100% Type Static Press. 90.1 SP Adj Full Load Energy Rate Schedule 90.1 FC Centrifugal WW None None None None None None 0.0 in. wg 0.0 in. wg 0.0 in. wg 0.0 in. wg 0.0 in. wg 0.0 in. wg 0.0 in. wg 0.0 in. wg NA 0.0 in. wg 0.0 in. wg 0.0 in. wg NA NA 0.00064 kW/Cfm 0.00000 kW 0.00000 kW 0.00000 kW 0.00000 kW 0.00000 kW 0.00000 kW Available (100%) Available (100%) Available (100%) Available (100%) Available (100%) Available (100%) Available (100%) Cycle with occupancy 214180 C:\Users\slittle\Documents\TRACE 700 Projects\214180 PEEDEE.TRC Efficiency Priority 90 85 90 90 85 90 85 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Alternative - 2 Entered Values Systems page 3 of 3 143 ENTERED VALUES ROOM ASSIGNMENTS By WILEYWILSON Alternative 1 ASSIGNED ROOMS Description HP-1 HP-1 Zone 103 - Hall 104 - Reception 105 - Storage 106 - IT Room 107 - LE Office 108 - Closet 109 - Secure Storage 110 - Work 111 - Hall 112 - Mech 113 - PM Office 114 - Closet 115 - Asst PM Office 116 - Closet 117 - Women 118 - Men 119 - Break HP-2 HP-2 Zone 101 - Entry 102 - Multi-Use Exhibit Alternative 2 ASSIGNED ROOMS Description System 4 Zone - 1 103 - Hall 104 - Reception 105 - Storage 106 - IT Room 107 - LE Office 108 - Closet 109 - Secure Storage 110 - Work 111 - Hall 112 - Mech 113 - PM Office 114 - Closet 115 - Asst PM Office 116 - Closet 117 - Women 118 - Men 119 - Break Zone - 2 101 - Entry 102 - Multi-Use Exhibit Project Name: Dataset Name: C:\Users\slittle\Documents\TRACE 700 144 TRACE® Load 700 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Alternative - 2 Entered Values Room Assignments Page 1 of 2 ENTERED VALUES ROOM ASSIGNMENTS By WILEYWILSON Project Name: Dataset Name: C:\Users\slittle\Documents\TRACE 700 145 TRACE® Load 700 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Alternative - 2 Entered Values Room Assignments Page 2 of 2 ENTERED VALUES PLANTS By WILEYWILSON Cooling Plant: Heat Pump 2 Sizing method: Heat rejection type: Secondary distribution pump: Secondary pump consumption: Thermal storage type: Thermal storage capacity: Thermal storage schedule: Peak None None 0 Ft Water None 0 ton-hr Off (0%) TLoop Ent Bldg: TLoop schedule: Flow rate: Loop pump Pump F.L. rate: Operating Mode Capacity Cooling: Heat recovery: 12.0 Mbh/ton Tank charging: Tank charging & heat recovery: Energy Rate 13.0000 Packaged EER 4.0000 Packaged COP Heat Rejection and Thermal Storage Heat rejection type: 90.1 Min Air Cooled Condenser Thermal storage type: None T-storage capacity: 0 ton-hr T-storage schedule: Storage Reset Based On Chilled Water: None Condenser Water: None Included in full load energy rate Fully mixed 0% 0 °F Cooling Type: 90.1-07 Min ACHP AllHeat SS < 65 MBh Equipment tag: Heat Pump 2 Package energy breakout Geothermal Loop None Flow scheme: None Loop fluid glycol: 100.00% of condenser flow rate Heat exchanger approach: None 0.00ft water Pumps Chilled water: Condenser water: Heat recovery or aux cond: Free cooling: Sequencing type: Single Demand lim priority: Dsn chilled water delta T: 12 °F Dsn cond water delta T: 0 °F Reset Curve None None Equipment Options Free clg type: None Fluid cooler type: None Load shed econ: no Evap precooling: no Hot gas reheat No Energy source: Elec Backup Reject cond heat: Heat Reject.Equip Cond. heat to plant: Equip schedule: Available (100%) Max Reset TD 0°F 0°F Primary fan Secondary fan Exhaust fan Optional ventilation fan Condenser fan Yes No No No Yes Apply same fans for heat recovery energy breakout: Heat Pump 2 Full Load Consumption Type None None None None Yes Cooling Plant: Heat Pump 1 Sizing method: Heat rejection type: Secondary distribution pump: Secondary pump consumption: Thermal storage type: Thermal storage capacity: Thermal storage schedule: Peak None None 0 Ft Water None 0 ton-hr Off (0%) TLoop Ent Bldg: TLoop schedule: Flow rate: Loop pump Pump F.L. rate: Heat Rejection and Thermal Storage Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC Fully mixed 0% 0 °F Cooling Type: 90.1-07 Min ACHP AllHeat SS < 65 MBh Equipment tag: Heat Pump 1 Operating Mode Capacity Cooling: Heat recovery: 14.4 Mbh/ton Tank charging: Tank charging & heat recovery: Geothermal Loop None Flow scheme: None Loop fluid glycol: 100.00% of condenser flow rate Heat exchanger approach: None 0.00ft water Energy Rate 12.5000 Packaged EER 3.8000 Packaged COP Pumps Chilled water: Condenser water: Heat recovery or aux cond: Free cooling: Heat Pump 1 Full Load Consumption Type None None None None Equipment Options TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 146 Alternative - 1 Entered Values - Plants Page 1 of 4 ENTERED VALUES PLANTS By WILEYWILSON Heat rejection type: Thermal storage type: T-storage capacity: T-storage schedule: 90.1 Min Air Cooled Condenser None 0 ton-hr Storage Reset Based On Chilled Water: None Condenser Water: None Package energy breakout Included in full load energy rate Sequencing type: Single Demand lim priority: Dsn chilled water delta T: 12 °F Dsn cond water delta T: 0 °F Reset Curve None None Energy source: Elec Backup Reject cond heat: Heat Reject.Equip Cond. heat to plant: Equip schedule: Available (100%) Free clg type: None Fluid cooler type: None Load shed econ: no Evap precooling: no Hot gas reheat No Max Reset TD 0°F 0°F Primary fan Secondary fan Exhaust fan Optional ventilation fan Condenser fan Yes No No No Yes Apply same fans for heat recovery energy breakout: Yes Heating Plant: Elec Backup Sizing method: Cogeneration type: Secondary distribution pump: Secondary pump consumption: Thermal storage type: Thermal storage capacity: Peak None None 0 Ft Water None 0 ton-hr Heating Type: Default electric resistance Equipment tag: Elec Backup Elec Backup Thermal storage type: None Thermal storage capacity: 0 ton-hr Thermal storage schedule: Storage Heating capacity: Energy rate: 100.00 % Effic. Equipment schedule: Available (100%) Demand limiting priority: Base Utilities Plant assigned to: Stand-alone Type: None Description: Demand limiting priority: Schedule: Off (0%) Hourly demand: 0.00 kW Miscellaneous accessories Plant assigned to: Heat Pump 2 Equipment tag: All Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC Type: None Description: Schedule: Off (0%) Energy: 0.00 kW TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 147 Alternative - 1 Entered Values - Plants Page 2 of 4 ENTERED VALUES PLANTS By WILEYWILSON Cooling Plant: 90_1 Baseline Sizing method: Heat rejection type: Secondary distribution pump: Secondary pump consumption: Thermal storage type: Thermal storage capacity: Thermal storage schedule: Peak None None 0 Ft Water None 0 ton-hr Off (0%) TLoop Ent Bldg: TLoop schedule: Flow rate: Loop pump Pump F.L. rate: Energy Rate 11.0000 Packaged EER 7.7000 Packaged EER Heat Rejection and Thermal Storage Heat rejection type: 90.1 Min Air Cooled Condenser Thermal storage type: None T-storage capacity: 0 ton-hr T-storage schedule: Storage Reset Based On Chilled Water: None Condenser Water: None Package energy breakout Pumps Chilled water: Condenser water: Heat recovery or aux cond: Free cooling: Sequencing type: Single Demand lim priority: Dsn chilled water delta T: 12 °F Dsn cond water delta T: 0 °F Reset Curve None None Equipment Options Free clg type: None Fluid cooler type: None Load shed econ: no Evap precooling: no Hot gas reheat No Energy source: 90_1 Elec Backup Reject cond heat: Heat Reject.Equip Cond. heat to plant: Equip schedule: Available (100%) Max Reset TD 0°F 0°F Secondary fan Exhaust fan Optional ventilation fan Condenser fan Yes No No No Yes Apply same fans for heat recovery energy breakout: 90_1 Baseline Full Load Consumption Type None None None None Primary fan Included in full load energy rate Fully mixed 0% 0 °F Cooling Type: 90.1-07 Min ACHP AllHeat SP < 65 MBh Equipment tag: Air-cooled unitary - 001 Operating Mode Capacity Cooling: Heat recovery: 14.4 Mbh/ton Tank charging: Tank charging & heat recovery: Geothermal Loop None Flow scheme: None Loop fluid glycol: 100.00% of condenser flow rate Heat exchanger approach: None 0.00ft water Yes Heating Plant: 90_1 Elec Backup Sizing method: Cogeneration type: Secondary distribution pump: Secondary pump consumption: Thermal storage type: Thermal storage capacity: Peak None None 0 Ft Water None 0 ton-hr Equipment tag: Electric Resistance - 001 Heating capacity: Energy rate: 100.00 % Effic. Heating Type: Default electric resistance 90_1 Elec Backup Thermal storage type: None Thermal storage capacity: 0 ton-hr Thermal storage schedule: Storage Equipment schedule: Available (100%) Demand limiting priority: Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 148 Alternative - 2 Entered Values - Plants Page 3 of 4 ENTERED VALUES PLANTS By WILEYWILSON Base Utilities Plant assigned to: Type: Description: Demand limiting priority: Schedule: Hourly demand: Type: Description: Schedule: Energy: Miscellaneous accessories Plant assigned to: Equipment tag: Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 149 Alternative - 2 Entered Values - Plants Page 4 of 4 Library Members Exposed Floor - Construction Types 12" LW Conc Layer Code 1 E0 Inside Surface Resist. 2 C4 12 in. LW Concrete 3 A0 Outside Surface Resist. Lamda = Delta = Description 0.28 10 hours Thickness Conductivity Density Specific Heat 0.10 Btu/hr·ft·°F 40.00 lb/cu ft Resistance 0.69 ft²·hr·°F/Btu 12.00 in. 0.20 Btu/lb·°F 0.33 ft²·hr·°F/Btu Weight = Heat Capacity = 40.00 lb/ft² 8.00 Btu/ft²·lb·°F U-Value = 0.091 Btu/hr·ft²·°F C-Coefficient = 0.0000 Btu/hr·ft²·°F Alpha = 0.90 Floor - Construction Types 4" LW Concrete 4" lightweight concrete Layer Code 1 E0 Inside Surface Resist. 2 C1 4 in. LW Concrete 3 E0 Inside Surface Resist. Lamda = Delta = Description 0.89 3 hours Thickness Conductivity Density Specific Heat 0.10 Btu/hr·ft·°F 40.00 lb/cu ft Resistance 0.69 ft²·hr·°F/Btu 4.00 in. 0.20 Btu/lb·°F 0.69 ft²·hr·°F/Btu Weight = Heat Capacity = 13.33 lb/ft² 2.67 Btu/ft²·lb·°F U-Value = 0.213 Btu/hr·ft²·°F C-Coefficient = 0.0900 Btu/hr·ft²·°F Alpha = 0.90 Partitions - Construction Types 0.75" Gyp Frame Layer Code 0.75" gypsum board frame wall Description Thickness 1 E0 Inside Surface Resist. 2 E1 0.75 in. Plaster 3 B0 Air Space Resistance 4 E1 0.75 in. Plaster 5 E0 Inside Surface Resist. Lamda = Delta = 1.02 1 hours 0.20 Btu/lb·°F 0.75 in. 0.42 Btu/hr·ft·°F 100.00 lb/cu ft 0.20 Btu/lb·°F 0.91 ft²·hr·°F/Btu 0.69 ft²·hr·°F/Btu = 214180 PEEDEE.TRC Resistance 0.69 ft²·hr·°F/Btu 100.00 lb/cu ft = 214180 Specific Heat 0.42 Btu/hr·ft·°F Heat Capacity Dataset Name: Density 0.75 in. Weight Project Name: Conductivity 12.50 lb/ft² 2.50 Btu/ft²·lb·°F U-Value = 0.388 Btu/hr·ft²·°F C-Coefficient = 0.2400 Btu/hr·ft²·°F Alpha = 0.90 TRACE® 700 v6.3 150 Page 1 of 15 Library Members Roof - Construction Types Pee Dee Layer Code Description Thickness 1 M201 2 A3 90.1 Exterior Air Film Steel Siding 0.06 in. Conductivity Density Specific Heat 0.17 ft²·hr·°F/Btu 26.00 Btu/hr·ft·°F 480.00 lb/cu ft 0.10 Btu/lb·°F 3 M58 3/4 in. Plywood Sheathing 0.75 in. 0.07 Btu/hr·ft·°F 34.00 lb/cu ft 0.29 Btu/lb·°F 4 M57 0.50 in. 0.07 Btu/hr·ft·°F 34.00 lb/cu ft 0.29 Btu/lb·°F 5 M292 1/2 in. Plywood Sheathing 6.5 in SIP insl only 6 M57 1/2 in. Plywood Sheathing 0.50 in. 0.07 Btu/hr·ft·°F 34.00 lb/cu ft 0.29 Btu/lb·°F 7 M60 5/8 in. Gypsum Board-horiz 0.63 in. 0.09 Btu/hr·ft·°F 50.00 lb/cu ft 0.26 Btu/lb·°F 8 M148 90.1 roof inside surface Lamda = Delta = 0.94 2 hours Resistance 38.75 ft²·hr·°F/Btu 0.61 ft²·hr·°F/Btu Weight = 9.96 lb/ft² U-Value = 0.024 Btu/hr·ft²·°F Heat Capacity = 2.36 Btu/ft²·lb·°F C-Coefficient = 0.0100 Btu/hr·ft²·°F Alpha = 0.90 90.1-07 Min Roof Nonres Zone90.1-07 2-8 App A roof with insul above deck, Table A2.2 Layer Code 1 M146 2 M143 Description Thickness 0.02 Btu/hr·ft·°F 2.00 lb/cu ft 0.20 Btu/lb·°F 0.00 in. 0.00 Btu/hr·ft·°F 0.00 lb/cu ft 0.00 Btu/lb·°F M160 90.1-07 Min Roof metal deck M159 90.1-07 Min Roof int air film = Specific Heat 6.00 in. 3 Delta Density 90.1-07 Min ext air film 90.1-07 Min roof insul R-20 ci 4 Lamda = Conductivity 0.98 1 hours 0.17 ft²·hr·°F/Btu 0.61 ft²·hr·°F/Btu Weight = 1.00 lb/ft² U-Value = 0.048 Btu/hr·ft²·°F Heat Capacity = 0.20 Btu/ft²·lb·°F C-Coefficient = 0.0400 Btu/hr·ft²·°F Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC Resistance Alpha = 0.70 TRACE® 700 v6.3 151 Page 2 of 15 Library Members Wall - Construction Types Pee Dee Layer Code 1 M201 90.1 Exterior Air Film Description Thickness 2 E2 0.5 in. Slag or Stone 3 M57 1/2 in. Plywood Sheathing 4 M291 3.5 in SIP insl only 5 M57 Conductivity Density 0.50 in. 0.83 Btu/hr·ft·°F 55.00 lb/cu ft 0.40 Btu/lb·°F 0.50 in. 0.07 Btu/hr·ft·°F 34.00 lb/cu ft 0.29 Btu/lb·°F 0.50 in. 0.07 Btu/hr·ft·°F 34.00 lb/cu ft 0.29 Btu/lb·°F 0.63 in. 0.12 Btu/hr·ft·°F 50.00 lb/cu ft 0.26 Btu/lb·°F 22.75 ft²·hr·°F/Btu 6 M130 7 M174 90.1 Interior Vertical Surface Air Film Lamda = = 0.95 2 hours Resistance 0.17 ft²·hr·°F/Btu 1/2 in. Plywood Sheathing 5/8 in. Gypsum Board-Vert Delta Specific Heat 0.68 ft²·hr·°F/Btu Weight = 7.73 lb/ft² U-Value = 0.039 Btu/hr·ft²·°F Heat Capacity = 2.42 Btu/ft²·lb·°F C-Coefficient = 0.0200 Btu/hr·ft²·°F Alpha = 0.90 90.1-07 App A steel-framed wall, standard framing 3.5" depth 90.1-07 Min Wall Nonres Zone 4-8 Layer Code Description Thickness 1 M146 90.1-07 Min ext air film 2 M131 90.1-07 Min stucco Conductivity Density Specific Heat 0.17 ft²·hr·°F/Btu 0.38 in. 0.40 Btu/hr·ft·°F 116.00 lb/cu ft 0.20 Btu/lb·°F 3 M60 5/8 in. Gypsum Board-horiz 0.63 in. 0.09 Btu/hr·ft·°F 50.00 lb/cu ft 0.26 Btu/lb·°F 4 M207 90.1-07 Min insulation R-13 3.50 in. 0.05 Btu/hr·ft·°F 2.00 lb/cu ft 0.20 Btu/lb·°F 2.25 in. 0.03 Btu/hr·ft·°F 2.00 lb/cu ft 0.20 Btu/lb·°F 0.63 in. 0.09 Btu/hr·ft·°F 50.00 lb/cu ft 0.26 Btu/lb·°F 5 M152 6 M60 90.1-07 Min insulation R-7.5 ci 5/8 in. Gypsum Board-horiz 7 M159 90.1-07 Min Roof int air film Lamda = Delta = 0.97 2 hours 0.61 ft²·hr·°F/Btu Weight = 9.88 lb/ft² U-Value = 0.065 Btu/hr·ft²·°F Heat Capacity = 2.29 Btu/ft²·lb·°F C-Coefficient = 0.0500 Btu/hr·ft²·°F Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC Resistance Alpha = 0.90 TRACE® 700 v6.3 152 Page 3 of 15 Library Members Glass types Properties based on Std DS Glass Single Clear 1/4" Number of Panes 1 Shading Coeff 0.95 Glass U-Value 0.95 Btu/hr·ft²·°F Visible Transmissivity 0.78 Inside Solar Reflectivity 0.13 Inside Visible Reflectivity 0.14 Outside Long Wave Emissivity 0.84 Solar Transmissivity 0.69 Inside Long Wave Emissivity 0.84 Properties based on Std DS Glass 90.1-07 Min Swinging Nonres Zone 1-6 Number of Panes 1 Shading Coeff 0.00 Glass U-Value 0.70 Btu/hr·ft²·°F Visible Transmissivity 0.00 Inside Solar Reflectivity 0.00 Inside Visible Reflectivity 0.00 Outside Long Wave Emissivity 0.00 Solar Transmissivity 0.00 Inside Long Wave Emissivity 0.00 Properties based on Std DS Glass 90.1 Window Zone 4 Nonmetal Frame Number of Panes 2 Shading Coeff 0.46 Glass U-Value 0.40 Btu/hr·ft²·°F Visible Transmissivity 0.90 Inside Solar Reflectivity 0.15 Inside Visible Reflectivity 0.15 Outside Long Wave Emissivity 0.90 Solar Transmissivity 0.90 Inside Long Wave Emissivity 0.90 Properties based on Std DS Glass 90.1 Skylight Zone 4-6 Curb Glass 0-2% Number of Panes 2 Shading Coeff 0.56 Glass U-Value 1.17 Btu/hr·ft²·°F Visible Transmissivity 0.90 Inside Solar Reflectivity 0.15 Inside Visible Reflectivity 0.15 Outside Long Wave Emissivity 0.90 Solar Transmissivity 0.90 Inside Long Wave Emissivity 0.90 Properties based on Std DS Glass 90.1 Baseline Swinging Door Number of Panes 1 Shading Coeff 0.00 Glass U-Value 0.70 Btu/hr·ft²·°F Visible Transmissivity 0.00 Inside Solar Reflectivity 0.15 Inside Visible Reflectivity 0.00 Outside Long Wave Emissivity 0.90 Solar Transmissivity 0.00 Inside Long Wave Emissivity 0.90 Lights Recessed fluorescent, not vented, 80% load to space Fixture Type Percent Lights to RA Ballast Factor Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC RECFL-NV 20 % Longwave Radiant Fraction 50 % Shortwave Radiant Fraction 0% 1.00 TRACE® 700 v6.3 153 Page 4 of 15 Library Members People Member Name People Density General Office Space Member Name 143.00 ft²/person People Density Hotel/Motel Lobby 33.30 ft²/person Sensible Load Latent Load 250.00 Btuh 200.00 Btuh Sensible Load Latent Load 250.00 Btuh 200.00 Btuh Longwave Radiant Fraction 70 % Longwave Radiant Fraction 70 % Ventilation Member Name Area-based Rate (Ra) People-based Rate (Rp) Corridors 0.0 cfm/person Member Name 0.1 cfm/ft² Area-based Rate (Ra) People-based Rate (Rp) Museums/ galleries 8.0 cfm/person Member Name 0.1 cfm/ft² Heating Design Cooling Design Occupiable storage rooms for dry materia 5.0 cfm/person Member Name 0.1 cfm/ft² Area-based Rate (Ra) People-based Rate (Rp) Office space 5.0 cfm/person 0.1 cfm/ft² Overhang - Shading Pee Dee Overhang Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC 0.00 ft 1.00 ft 8.50 ft TRACE® 700 v6.3 154 Page 5 of 15 Library Members Schedules Cooling Only (Design) January - December Cooling design to Sunday Heating Design Simulation type: Reduced year Start time End time Percentage Midnight Midnight 100.0 Start time End time Percentage Midnight Midnight Utilization Utilization 0.0 Off (0%) Simulation type: Reduced year January - December Cooling design to Sunday Start time End time Status Midnight Midnight Off Available (100%) January - December Equipment operation Simulation type: Reduced year Cooling design to Sunday Heating Design Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC Start time End time Percentage Midnight Midnight 100.0 Start time End time Percentage Midnight Midnight 100.0 Utilization Utilization TRACE® 700 v6.3 155 Page 6 of 15 Library Members Schedules People - Pee Dee WW January - December Cooling design to Weekday Heating Design January - December Saturday to Sunday Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC Simulation type: Reduced year Percentage Start time End time Midnight 6 a.m. 0.0 6 a.m. 7 a.m. 5.0 7 a.m. 8 a.m. 5.0 8 a.m. 10 a.m. 15.0 10 a.m. 11 a.m. 50.0 11 a.m. 2 p.m. 5.0 2 p.m. 3 p.m. 100.0 3 p.m. 4 p.m. 20.0 4 p.m. 7 p.m. 5.0 7 p.m. Midnight 0.0 Start time End time Midnight Midnight Start time End time Midnight Midnight Percentage Utilization Utilization 0.0 Percentage Utilization 0.0 TRACE® 700 v6.3 156 Page 7 of 15 Library Members Schedules Lights - Low rise office January - December Cooling design to Weekday Heating Design January - December Saturday to Sunday Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC Simulation type: Reduced year Start time End time Percentage Midnight 7 a.m. 5.0 7 a.m. 8 a.m. 80.0 8 a.m. 10 a.m. 90.0 10 a.m. noon 95.0 noon 2 p.m. 80.0 2 p.m. 4 p.m. 90.0 4 p.m. 5 p.m. 95.0 5 p.m. 6 p.m. 80.0 6 p.m. 7 p.m. 70.0 7 p.m. 8 p.m. 60.0 8 p.m. 9 p.m. 40.0 9 p.m. 10 p.m. 30.0 10 p.m. Midnight 20.0 Start time End time Percentage Midnight Midnight Start time End time Percentage Midnight Midnight 5.0 Utilization Utilization 0.0 Utilization TRACE® 700 v6.3 157 Page 8 of 15 Library Members Schedules Misc - Low rise office January - December Cooling design to Weekday Heating Design January - December Saturday to Sunday Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC Simulation type: Reduced year Start time End time Percentage Midnight 7 a.m. 5.0 7 a.m. 8 a.m. 80.0 8 a.m. 10 a.m. 90.0 10 a.m. noon 95.0 noon 2 p.m. 80.0 2 p.m. 4 p.m. 90.0 4 p.m. 5 p.m. 95.0 5 p.m. 6 p.m. 80.0 6 p.m. 7 p.m. 70.0 7 p.m. 8 p.m. 60.0 8 p.m. 9 p.m. 40.0 9 p.m. 10 p.m. 30.0 10 p.m. Midnight 20.0 Start time End time Percentage Midnight Midnight Start time End time Percentage Midnight Midnight 5.0 Utilization Utilization 0.0 Utilization TRACE® 700 v6.3 158 Page 9 of 15 Library Members Schedules People - Lowrise Bldg January - December Cooling design to Weekday Heating Design January - December Saturday to Sunday Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC Simulation type: Reduced year Percentage Start time End time Midnight 6 a.m. 0.0 6 a.m. 7 a.m. 10.0 7 a.m. 8 a.m. 30.0 8 a.m. 11 a.m. 100.0 11 a.m. 1 p.m. 80.0 1 p.m. 5 p.m. 100.0 5 p.m. 6 p.m. 10.0 6 p.m. Midnight 0.0 Start time End time Midnight Midnight Start time End time Midnight Midnight Percentage Utilization Utilization 0.0 Percentage Utilization 0.0 TRACE® 700 v6.3 159 Page 10 of 15 Library Members Schedules People - Low Rise Office January - December January - December Cooling design to Weekday Saturday to Sunday Heating Design Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC Simulation type: Reduced year Percentage Start time End time Midnight 7 a.m. 0.0 7 a.m. 8 a.m. 30.0 8 a.m. 11 a.m. 100.0 11 a.m. noon 80.0 noon 1 p.m. 40.0 1 p.m. 2 p.m. 80.0 2 p.m. 5 p.m. 100.0 5 p.m. 6 p.m. 30.0 6 p.m. 9 p.m. 10.0 9 p.m. Midnight 5.0 Start time End time Percentage Midnight Midnight Start time End time Midnight Midnight Utilization Utilization 0.0 Percentage Utilization 0.0 TRACE® 700 v6.3 160 Page 11 of 15 Library Members Utility Rates From Amendment 4 Fitness Center WW Electric consumption Min Charge 0 Start period January Off peak Min demand 0 End period December Fuel adjustment 0 kWh/kW flag No Customer charge 0 Electric consumption Min Charge 0 Start period January On peak Min demand 0 End period December Fuel adjustment 0 kWh/kW flag No Customer charge 0 Min Charge 0 Start period January Water On peak Oil On peak Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC Min demand 0 Fuel adjustment 0 kWh/kW flag No Customer charge 0 Min Charge 0 Min demand 0 Fuel adjustment 0 kWh/kW flag No Customer charge 0 End period December Start period January End period December Rate $ Rate $ Cutoff 4.800 Rate $ Cutoff 0.060 Rate $ Cutoff 0.060 Cutoff 2.690 TRACE® 700 v6.3 161 Page 12 of 15 Library Members Cooling Equipment TRACE® 700 Cooling Equipment Library 90.1-07 Min ACHP AllHeat SS < 65 MBh Air-cooled unitary - Air to air heat pump Comments: Air Cooled, Electrically Operated HP, CV, All Heating SS Operating Mode Capacity Cooling tons Heat Recovery 14.40 Mbh/ton Tank Charging Tank Chrg. & Heat Rec. Unloading Curves Primary Power consumed 90.1 min Air to Air HP 90.1 Min Air-Air HP Ambient modification Capacity Load Shed Economizer No Evap Precooling No Fuel Source Heating plant Fuel type Electric Free cooling type None Fluid cooler type None Thermal Storage None Tower/condenser 90.1 Min Air Cooled Condenser Package energy breakout Primary fan Included in full load energy rate Yes Energy Rate 11.100 Packaged EER 7.700 Packaged EER 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC Type None None None None Secondary Reset Based On 90_1 AAHP Power Consumed Curve E 90_1 AAHP Ambient Relief Curve Chilled water None 90.1 HP Htg Cap Curve Condenser water None Chilled water temp Design leaving Chilled water temp Difference Condenser temp design temp entering Condenser temp min. operating Condenser temp Difference Reject Cond heat to ref Reject Cond heat at water temp Apply same fans for heat recovery energy breakout: Project Name: Pumps Chilled water Condenser water Ht Rec or aux cond. Free cooling pump Secondary fan No Exhaust fan No Optional ventilation fan No Reset Curve Pump Head Full Load Consumption 0.000000 kW 0.00000 kW kW Max Reset TD Miscellaneous accessories Cntl panel & interlocks - 0.1 KW 44.00°F 12.00°F 95.00°F 17.00°F 0.00°F Heat rejection equipment Condenser fan Yes Yes TRACE® 700 v6.3 162 Page 13 of 15 Library Members Cooling Equipment TRACE® 700 Cooling Equipment Library 90.1-07 Min ACHP AllHeat SP < 65 MBh Air-cooled unitary - Air to air heat pump Comments: Air Cooled, Electrically Operated HP, CV, All Heating SP Operating Mode Capacity Cooling tons Heat Recovery 14.40 Mbh/ton Tank Charging Tank Chrg. & Heat Rec. Unloading Curves Primary Power consumed 90.1 min Air to Air HP 90.1 Min Air-Air HP Ambient modification Capacity Load Shed Economizer No Evap Precooling No Fuel Source Heating plant Fuel type Electric Free cooling type None Fluid cooler type None Thermal Storage None Tower/condenser 90.1 Min Air Cooled Condenser Package energy breakout Primary fan Included in full load energy rate Yes Energy Rate 11.000 Packaged EER 7.700 Packaged EER Pumps Chilled water Condenser water Ht Rec or aux cond. Free cooling pump Type None None None None Secondary Reset Based On 90_1 AAHP Power Consumed Curve E 90_1 AAHP Ambient Relief Curve Chilled water None 90.1 HP Htg Cap Curve Condenser water None Chilled water temp Design leaving Chilled water temp Difference Condenser temp design temp entering Condenser temp min. operating Condenser temp Difference Reject Cond heat to ref Reject Cond heat at water temp Secondary fan No Apply same fans for heat recovery energy breakout: Exhaust fan No Optional ventilation fan No Reset Curve Pump Head Full Load Consumption 0.000000 kW 0.00000 kW kW Max Reset TD Miscellaneous accessories Cntl panel & interlocks - 0.1 KW 44.00°F 12.00°F 95.00°F 17.00°F 0.00°F Heat rejection equipment Condenser fan Yes Yes Fans 90.1-07 Min VAV FC Centrifugal Fan type Comments Full load energy Unloading curve Variable volume G3.1.3.15 VAV PERFORMACE 0.00035 kW/Cfm-in wg 90.1-07 Min VAV 90.1 FC Centrifugal WW Fan type Comments Full load energy Unloading curve Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC Constant volume G3.1.2.9 Forward curved Centrifugal fan constant volume WW 0.00064 kW/Cfm Fan Curve Straight Line TRACE® 700 v6.3 163 Page 14 of 15 Library Members Heating Equipment Default electric resistance ROOFTOP ELECTRIC HEAT Electric resistance Utility Electric Mbh 100.000 Percent efficient None 0.00 kW °F None Htg Straight Line Comments Category Heat Source Fuel Type Capacity Energy Rate Hot Water Pump Hot Water Pump Full Load Hot Water Leaving temp Storage tank Unloading Curve Miscellaneous Accessories Heat Rejection 90.1 Min Air Cooled Condenser Comments Capacity Energy consumption Low speed consumpt Fluid type Condenser type Number of cells % Air at low Speed Approach Temp Temp Range Wet bulb Temp Design water flow rate Makeup water flow rate Hourly Amb WB Offset Unloading curve For Air-cooled Centrifugal 100.00 Percent 0.06 kW/ton 14.30 Percent full load Water Air-cooled condenser 1 50.00 10.00 °F 10.00 °F 78.00 °F 3.00 gpm/ton 0.00 gal/ton-hr °F Cooling Tower with 2-Speed Fan Project Name: 214180 Dataset Name: 214180 PEEDEE.TRC Coil load assignmen + Main Direct evaporator + Indirect evaporator + Auxiliary + Optional ventilation + Misc cooling load TRACE® 700 v6.3 164 Page 15 of 15 ENTERED VALUES Walls by Cardinal Direction By WILEYWILSON Alternative 1 0.00 East Facing 0.00 1.00 Glass Room Description Wall Description Area Dir Tilt Const Type 102 - Multi-Use Exhibit E 238.0 90 Opening - 2 0 Pee Dee Door Opening - 1 Window 1.00 2.00 U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F 0.0394 Alpha Type SHGC 90.1 Baseline Swinging Door 21.0 0.00 90.1 Window Zone 4 Nonmetal 14.0 Frame 0.40 E 38.0 90 0 Pee Dee 0.0394 0.90 117 - Women E 65.0 90 0 Pee Dee 0.0394 0.90 118 - Men E 65.0 90 0 Pee Dee 0.0394 0.90 119 - Break E 68.0 90 0 Pee Dee 0.0394 0.90 14.01 0.0394 14.0 0.20 North Facing 0.00 Area 102 - Multi-Use Exhibit N 138.0 107 - LE Office N 138.0 1.00 Tilt Const Type U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F 0 0 Pee Dee 0.0394 0.90 0 0 Pee Dee Window 0.0394 0.90 0 Pee Dee Window 0.0394 0 Pee Dee Window 0.0394 0 Pee Dee Door 0.0394 Opening - 2 Opening - 1 Window Dir Opening - 1 113 - PM Office N 2.00 105.0 0 Opening - 1 115 - Asst PM Office N 3.00 105.0 0 Opening - 1 N 148.0 0 634.0 Project Name: Dataset Name: 0.7000 Overhang - None None 0.4000 Overhang - None None 0.5500 Glass Wall Description 4.00 5.00 Internal Shading External Shading 1.00 Room Description 119 - Break U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F 0.90 104 - Reception 474.0 Area ft² 214180 C:\Users\slittle\Documents\TRACE 700 Projects\214180 PEEDEE.TRC Alpha Type Area ft² SHGC 0.0394 External Shading Internal Shading 90.1 Window Zone 4 Nonmetal 14.0 Frame 0.40 0.4000 Overhang - None None 90.1 Window Zone 4 Nonmetal 14.0 Frame 0.40 Overhang - Pee Dee Overhang None 0.4000 90.1 Window Zone 4 Nonmetal 14.0 Frame 0.40 Overhang - Pee Dee Overhang None 0.4000 90.1 Baseline Swinging Door 21.0 Overhang - None None 0.7000 Overhang - Pee Dee Overhang None 0.4000 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.00 90.1 Window Zone 4 Nonmetal 14.0 Frame 0.40 70.05 U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F 56.0 0.32 0.4600 165 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Alternative - 1 Entered Values - Rooms Page 1 of 6 ENTERED VALUES Walls by Cardinal Direction By WILEYWILSON South Facing 0.00 1.00 Glass Room Description Wall Description Area Dir Tilt Const Type 101 - Entry S 105.0 180 0 Pee Dee Window 0.0394 0.90 260.0 180 0.0394 0.90 Opening - 2 0 Pee Dee Window Opening - 1 Window 1.00 Opening - 1 102 - Multi-Use Exhibit S 2.00 3.00 104 - Reception 203.0 S 4.00 180 Opening - 1 105 - Storage S 53.0 180 U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F 0 Pee Dee Window 0.0394 0 Pee Dee 0.0394 171.22 621.0 Alpha Type Area ft² SHGC Overhang - Pee Dee Overhang None 0.4000 90.1 Window Zone 4 Nonmetal3.1 Frame 0.40 90.1 Window Zone 4 Nonmetal 28.0 Frame 0.40 Overhang - None None 0.4000 Overhang - Pee Dee Overhang None 0.4000 90.1 Window Zone 4 Nonmetal 28.0 Frame 0.40 Overhang - Pee Dee Overhang None 0.4000 0.90 0.90 0.0394 101.2 0.40 0.4000 1.00 Wall Description 102 - Multi-Use Exhibit W 105 - Storage Dir Tilt Const Type U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F 38.0 270 0 Pee Dee 0.0394 0.90 W 65.0 270 0 Pee Dee 0.0394 0.90 106 - IT Room W 63.0 270 0 Pee Dee 0.0394 0.90 107 - LE Office W 90.0 270 0 Pee Dee Window 0.0394 0.90 1.00 Area Opening - 1 Alpha Type 108 - Closet W 25.0 270 0 Pee Dee 0.0394 0.90 112 - Mech W 55.0 270 0 Pee Dee 0.0394 0.90 113 - PM Office W 95.0 270 0 Pee Dee Window 0.0394 0.90 0 Pee Dee 0.0394 2.00 Opening - 1 W 58.0 270 489.0 Note: Internal Shading Glass Room Description Total Area External Shading 90.1 Window Zone 4 Nonmetal Frame 0.40 42.0 West Facing 0.00 114 - Closet U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F 199.24 2,218 0.0394 Area ft² SHGC U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F External Shading Internal Shading 90.1 Window Zone 4 Nonmetal 14.0 Frame 0.40 0.4000 Overhang - None None 90.1 Window Zone 4 Nonmetal 14.0 Frame 0.40 0.4000 Overhang - None None 0.90 28.0 0.40 0.4000 199 1. The areas include the floor multiplier and the room multiplier. Project Name: Dataset Name: 214180 C:\Users\slittle\Documents\TRACE 700 Projects\214180 PEEDEE.TRC 166 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Alternative - 1 Entered Values - Rooms Page 2 of 6 ENTERED VALUES Walls by Cardinal Direction By WILEYWILSON 2. Door areas are not included in the glass area totals. Project Name: Dataset Name: 214180 C:\Users\slittle\Documents\TRACE 700 Projects\214180 PEEDEE.TRC 167 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Alternative - 1 Entered Values - Rooms Page 3 of 6 ENTERED VALUES Walls by Cardinal Direction By WILEYWILSON Alternative 2 0.00 East Facing 0.00 1.00 Glass Room Description Wall Description Area Dir 102 - Multi-Use Exhibit E 238.0 90 1.00 2.00 Opening - 2 U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F Tilt Const Type 0 90.1-07 Min Wall Nonres Door 0.0646 Alpha Type 104 - Reception E 38.0 90 0 90.1-07 Min Wall Nonres 0.0646 0.90 117 - Women E 65.0 90 0 90.1-07 Min Wall Nonres 0.0646 0.90 118 - Men E 65.0 90 0 90.1-07 Min Wall Nonres 0.0646 0.90 119 - Break E 68.0 90 0 90.1-07 Min Wall Nonres 0.0646 0.90 14.01 474.0 SHGC 0.7000 Overhang - None None 90.1 Window Zone 4 Nonmetal 14.0 Frame 0.40 0.4000 Overhang - None None 0.0646 14.0 0.20 Glass Wall Description Area 102 - Multi-Use Exhibit N 138.0 0 0 90.1-07 Min Wall Nonres 0.0646 0.90 107 - LE Office N 138.0 0 0 90.1-07 Min Wall Nonres Window 0.0646 0.90 0 90.1-07 Min Wall Nonres Window 0.0646 0 90.1-07 Min Wall Nonres Window 0.0646 0 90.1-07 Min Wall Nonres Door 0.0646 1.00 Dir Opening - 1 113 - PM Office N 2.00 105.0 0 Opening - 1 115 - Asst PM Office N 3.00 105.0 0 Opening - 1 N 148.0 Opening - 2 0 U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F Tilt Const Type Window Opening - 1 634.0 Project Name: Dataset Name: 0.5500 1.00 Room Description 4.00 5.00 Internal Shading External Shading 90.1-07 Min Swinging Nonres21.0 Zone 1-60.00 North Facing 0.00 119 - Break U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F 0.90 Window Opening - 1 Area ft² 214180 C:\Users\slittle\Documents\TRACE 700 Projects\214180 PEEDEE.TRC 70.05 0.0646 Alpha Type Area ft² SHGC U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F External Shading Internal Shading 90.1 Window Zone 4 Nonmetal 14.0 Frame 0.40 0.4000 Overhang - None None 90.1 Window Zone 4 Nonmetal 14.0 Frame 0.40 0.4000 Overhang - None None 90.1 Window Zone 4 Nonmetal 14.0 Frame 0.40 0.4000 Overhang - None None 90.1-07 Min Swinging Nonres21.0 Zone 1-60.00 0.7000 Overhang - None None 90.1 Window Zone 4 Nonmetal 14.0 Frame 0.40 0.4000 Overhang - None None 0.90 0.90 0.90 56.0 0.32 0.4600 168 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Alternative - 2 Entered Values - Rooms Page 4 of 6 ENTERED VALUES Walls by Cardinal Direction By WILEYWILSON South Facing 0.00 1.00 Glass Room Description Wall Description Area Dir 101 - Entry S 105.0 180 0 90.1-07 Min Wall Nonres Window 0.0646 0.90 260.0 180 0 90.1-07 Min Wall Nonres Window 0.0646 0.90 1.00 Opening - 1 102 - Multi-Use Exhibit S 2.00 3.00 Opening - 2 203.0 S 4.00 180 Opening - 1 105 - Storage S Alpha Type Window Opening - 1 104 - Reception Tilt Const Type U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F 53.0 180 0 90.1-07 Min Wall Nonres Window 0.0646 0 90.1-07 Min Wall Nonres 0.0646 171.22 621.0 Area ft² SHGC 0.4000 Overhang - None None 90.1 Window Zone 4 Nonmetal3.1 Frame 0.40 0.4000 Overhang - None None 90.1 Window Zone 4 Nonmetal 28.0 Frame 0.40 0.4000 Overhang - None None 90.1 Window Zone 4 Nonmetal 28.0 Frame 0.40 0.4000 Overhang - None None 0.90 0.0646 101.2 0.40 0.4000 1.00 Glass Wall Description 102 - Multi-Use Exhibit W 38.0 270 0 90.1-07 Min Wall Nonres 0.0646 0.90 105 - Storage W 65.0 270 0 90.1-07 Min Wall Nonres 0.0646 0.90 106 - IT Room W 63.0 270 0 90.1-07 Min Wall Nonres 0.0646 0.90 107 - LE Office W 90.0 270 0 90.1-07 Min Wall Nonres Window 0.0646 0.90 1.00 Area Dir Opening - 1 Tilt Const Type U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F Alpha Type 108 - Closet W 25.0 270 0 90.1-07 Min Wall Nonres 0.0646 0.90 112 - Mech W 55.0 270 0 90.1-07 Min Wall Nonres 0.0646 0.90 113 - PM Office W 95.0 270 0 90.1-07 Min Wall Nonres Window 0.0646 0.90 0 90.1-07 Min Wall Nonres 0.0646 2.00 Opening - 1 W 58.0 270 489.0 Note: Internal Shading 0.90 Room Description Total Area External Shading 90.1 Window Zone 4 Nonmetal Frame 0.40 42.0 West Facing 0.00 114 - Closet U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F 199.24 2,218 0.0646 Area ft² SHGC U Value Btu/h·ft²·°F External Shading Internal Shading 90.1 Window Zone 4 Nonmetal 14.0 Frame 0.40 0.4000 Overhang - None None 90.1 Window Zone 4 Nonmetal 14.0 Frame 0.40 0.4000 Overhang - None None 0.90 28.0 0.40 0.4000 199 1. The areas include the floor multiplier and the room multiplier. Project Name: Dataset Name: 214180 C:\Users\slittle\Documents\TRACE 700 Projects\214180 PEEDEE.TRC 169 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Alternative - 2 Entered Values - Rooms Page 5 of 6 ENTERED VALUES Walls by Cardinal Direction By WILEYWILSON 2. Door areas are not included in the glass area totals. Project Name: Dataset Name: 214180 C:\Users\slittle\Documents\TRACE 700 Projects\214180 PEEDEE.TRC 170 TRACE® 700 v6.3 calculated at 04:10 PM on 11/18/2014 Alternative - 2 Entered Values - Rooms Page 6 of 6 Preliminary Duct Static Calculations HP-1 Supply Duct Total Length of Duct (Longest Run) Length x2 for Fitting Losses Equivialent Length of Duct Average Loss per 100 FT Duct Loss Diffuser Pressure Drop Total Loss HP-1 Return Duct Total Length of Duct (Longest Run) Length x 2 for Fitting Losses Equivialent Length of Duct Average Loss per 100 FT Duct Loss Pressure Drop of Return Grille Total Loss HP-2 Supply Duct Total Length of Duct (Longest Run) Length x2 for Fitting Losses Equivialent Length of Duct Average Loss per 100 FT Duct Loss Diffuser Pressure Drop Total Loss HP-2 Return Duct Total Length of Duct (Longest Run) Length x 2 for Fitting Losses Equivialent Length of Duct Average Loss per 100 FT Duct Loss Pressure Drop of Return Grille Total Loss 55 110 165 0.07 0.1155 0.1 FT FT FT IN-H2O/100 FT IN-H2O IN-H2O 0.22 IN-H2O 65 130 195 0.07 0.14 0.1 FT FT FT IN-H2O/100 FT IN-H2O IN-H2O 0.24 IN-H2O 30 60 90 0.07 0.063 0.1 FT FT FT IN-H2O/100 FT IN-H2O IN-H2O 0.16 IN-H2O 35 70 105 0.07 0.07 0.1 FT FT FT IN-H2O/100 FT IN-H2O IN-H2O 0.17 IN-H2O 171 Submittal Prepared For: Wiley Wilson Date: October 24, 2014 Engineer: Wiley Wilson Job Name: Engineering Budget Pricing Trane U.S. Inc. is pleased to provide the enclosed submittal for your review and approval. Product Summary Qty Product 2 Split System Air Conditioning Units (Small) The attached information describes the equipment we propose to furnish for this project, and is submitted for your approval. Jason Williamson Trane 10408 Lakeridge Parkway, Suite 100 Ashland, VA 23005-8124 Phone: (804) 747-3588 Fax: (804) 273-0119 J:\JOBS\25\66136\9\WW Split System Heat Pump Submittal October 24th.doc 172 Table Of Contents Product Summary ...........................................................................................................................1 Split System Air Conditioning Units (Small) (Items A1, A2).......................................................3 Tag Data .................................................................................................................................................. 3 Product Data ............................................................................................................................................ 3 Performance Data .................................................................................................................................... 3 Mechanical Specifications ........................................................................................................................ 5 Unit Dimensions ....................................................................................................................................... 7 Weight, Clearance & Rigging Diagram ................................................................................................... 15 Field Installed Options - Part/Order Number Summary ............................................................16 Split System Air Conditioning Units (Small) ........................................................................................... 16 173 Engineering Budget Pricing October 24, 2014 Tag Data - Split System Air Conditioning Units (Small) (Qty: 2) Item Tag(s) Qty Description Model Number A1 2 TON 1 2 Ton Split System Heat Pump 4TWR7024A1000-TAM7A0B30H21SD A2 3 TON 1 3 Ton Split System Heat Pump 4TWR7036B1000-TAM7A0C36H31SD Product Data - Split System Air Conditioning Units (Small) Item: A1 Qty: 1 Tag(s): 2 TON 4TWR7 Heat Pump Outdoor Unit 2 Ton - Nominal Cooling Capacity Major design sequence 200 - 230 Volt 1 Phase 60 Hertz Trane Multi-poise 4-way Best, Retail replacement hi eff varspeed Major designs sequence 21.0" wide x 21.5" deep 2.5 Ton air handler High EFF Multi-speed Power Supply System Control Type 7.21/9.60 kW Electric Htr w/Ckt Brk for 208/240V 1 Phase 60 Hz (Fld) Item: A2 Qty: 1 Tag(s): 3 TON 4TWR7 Heat Pump Outdoor Unit 3 Ton - Nominal Cooling Capacity Major Design Sequence 200 - 230 Volt 1 Phase 60 Hertz Trane Multi-poise 4-way Best, Retail replacement hi eff varspeed Major designs sequence 23.5" wide x 21.5" deep 3 Ton air handler High EFF Multi-speed Power Supply System Control Type 10.80/14.40 kW Htr w/Ckt Brk 208/240/1 (Fld) Single point entry kit (Fld) Performance Data - Split System Air Conditioning Units (Small) Tags Design clg outdoor DB (F) Cooling EDB (F) Cooling EWB (F) Rated gross capacity (AHRI) (Btuh) Clg net total capacity (Btuh) Clg net sensible capacity (Btuh) Clg net latent capacity (Btuh) Calc clg LDB (F) Calc clg LWB (F) SEER @ AHRI (btuh/watt) EER @ AHRI (EER) Cooling airflow (cfm) Min system airflow clg (cfm) Max system airflow clg (cfm) Min system airflow htg (cfm) Max system airflow htg (cfm) AHRI airflow (cfm) AHRI reference number ( ) Compressor power @ (specific Ambient) (W) FLD = Furnished by Trane U.S. Inc. / Installed by Others 2 TON 95.00 80.00 67.00 25800.00 25100.00 17600.00 7500.00 59.30 56.70 17.00 13.0 800 700 900 700 900 940 5773514 1698.0 3 TON 95.00 80.00 67.00 36000.00 35900.00 26700.00 9200.00 59.10 57.20 17.00 13.0 1200 1050 1350 1050 1350 1225 7039031 2420.0 Equipment Submittal Page 3 of 16 174 Engineering Budget Pricing Tags Condenser fan power @ (specific SP) (W) Supply fan power @ (specified SP) (W) ASHRAE 90.1 S6.4.1 compliant Htg outdoor DB (F) Heating airflow (cfm) Heating capacity @ 47F (Btuh) COP @ AHRI 47F (with Air Handler) (COP) COP @ AHRI 17F (with Air Handler) (COP) Heating capacity @ 17F (Btuh) HSPF @ AHRI (btuh/watt) Heating EDB (F) Htg system net capacity (Btuh) Htg system LDB (F) AHRI high compressor power heating mode (W) AHRI low compressor pwer heating mode (W) AHRI condenser fan power heating mode (W) AHRI supply fan power heating mode (W) Blower capability 80 to 90 second blower off delay OD AHRI Model (Each) Electric heat capacity @ 208 Volts (Btuh) Electric heat capacity @ 240 Volts (Btuh) FLD = Furnished by Trane U.S. Inc. / Installed by Others October 24, 2014 2 TON 121.0 166.0 Yes 17.00 800 25000.00 4.00 2.76 15200.00 8.50 70.00 15000.00 87.40 1544.0 1327.0 121.0 166.0 2.0 ton to 2.5 ton airflow Not Required -1.00 - 3 TON 125.0 224.0 Yes 17.00 1200 34000.00 3.90 2.60 21200.00 9.00 70.00 21100.00 86.30 2205.0 2040.0 125.0 224.0 3.0 ton to 3.5 ton airflow Not Required -1.00 36900.00 49200.00 Equipment Submittal Page 4 of 16 175 Engineering Budget Pricing October 24, 2014 Mechanical Specifications - Split System Air Conditioning Units (Small) Item: A1, A2 Qty: 2 Tag(s): 2 TON, 3 TON Air-Tite IITM cabinet - 2% or less air leakage - Precision applied - durable door seals - Specially designed air seal around refrigerant, condensate and conduit connections - Double wall foamed cabinet system - R-4.2 insulating value - No loose fiber design - Smooth cleanable interior design - Sweat eliminating design - Composite foamed cabinet doors - Water proof cabinet design - Integrated horizontal drain pans - Modular cabinet with 5/16" allen wrench "quick latch" design Multi-position up/down flow horizontal left/ right Side return option (sold as accessory) Control board protection pocket built into cabi-net wall Alert port to view control board codes without door removal Alert code notification Low voltage terminal connection point Quarter turn phillips head door fasteners Vortica blower with polarized plug con-nections and integrated slide deck for easy emoval Aluminum coil with integrated slide deck for easy removal and polarized plug connections on coil EEV Patented enhanced coil fin Electronic Expansion Valve (EEV) with low ambient and low superheat compressor protection Dual refrigerant compatible as shipped Slide in electric heaters with polarized plug connections (sold as accessory) Slide in hot water coils with polarized plug connections (sold as accessory) UVC light kit with safety switch and polarized plug connections (sold as accessory) Labeled panels and connections Molded in 1" standard filter rail Variable speed ECM motor Soft start fan motor operation Comfort RTM mode Built in fan delay modes Maximum width of 23 1/2" Compact 20 13/16" depth with doors removed Two tone color Fused 24v power Safety door switch Heater Section - 1 Phase Vertical Air Handler A compartment is provided in the blower section for field installation of supplementary heater. Polarized plugs are provided for making electrical connections to the air handler control box from the supplementary heater. General - 4TWR7 The 4TWR6 is fully charged from the factory for matched indoor section and up to 15 feet of piping. This unit is designed to operate at outdoor ambient temperatures as high as 115 Degrees Fahrenheit. Cooling capacities are matched with a wide se-lection of air handlers and furnace coils that are AHRI certified. The unit shall be certified to UL 1995. Exterior is designed for outdoor application. Casing - 4TWR7 Unit casing is constructed of heavy gauge, G60 galvanized steel and painted with a weather-resistant powder paint on all louvers and panels. Cor-rosion and weatherproof CMBP-G30 DuraTuff base. Refrigerant Controls - 4TWR7 Refrigeration system controls include condenser fan, compressor contactor and high pressure switch. High and low pressure controls are inherent to the compressor. A factory installed liquid line drier is standard. Compressor - 4TWR7 The Climatuff 2-stage compressor features internal over temperature and pressure protection and hermetic motor. Other features include: centrifugal oil pump and modular plugs for electrical connections. FLD = Furnished by Trane U.S. Inc. / Installed by Others Equipment Submittal Page 5 of 16 176 Engineering Budget Pricing October 24, 2014 Condenser Coil - 4TWR7 The outdoor coil provides low airflow resistance and efficient heat transfer. The coil is protected on all four sides by louvered panels. Low Ambient Cooling - 4TWR7 As manufactured, this unit has a cooling capability to 55 Degrees Fahrenheit. For low ambient cool-ing below 55 Degrees Fahrenheit see Application Guide. FLD = Furnished by Trane U.S. Inc. / Installed by Others Equipment Submittal Page 6 of 16 177 Engineering Budget Pricing October 24, 2014 Unit Dimensions - Split System Air Conditioning Units (Small) Item: A1 Qty: 1 Tag(s): 2 TON NOTES: 1. VERIFY WEIGHT, CONNECTION, AND ALL DIMENSION WITH INSTALLER DOCUMENTS BEFORE INSTALLATION 21 13/16" 1 1/2" 14 3/8" 5 15/16" 1 1/2" 21 5/16" 18 3/8" 1 1/2" LIQUID LINE 3/8" GAS LINE 3/4" 9 3/16" 55 11/16" 3" 1 1/2" 45 1/2" 24 3/8" 21 13/16" 1 1/2" 17 1/8" 3 1/8" 1 1/2" 18 3/8" 1 1/2" AIRHANDLER - TAM7A0B30 DRAWING FLD = Furnished by Trane U.S. Inc. / Installed by Others Equipment Submittal Page 7 of 16 178 Engineering Budget Pricing October 24, 2014 Unit Dimensions - Split System Air Conditioning Units (Small) Item: A1 Qty: 1 Tag(s): 2 TON ELECTRICAL / GENERAL DATA GENERAL (1)(2)(4) INDOOR MOTOR Model: TAM7A0B30H21SA Unit Primary Voltage: Unit Secondary Voltage: Unit Hertz: Unit Phase: 208 230 60 1 STANDARD (5) 4.0/4.0 15.0/15.0 ELECTRIC HEAT # of Circuit: Phase: Type: REF. Line Connections Coupling or Conn. Size - Gas: Coupling or Conn. Size - Liq.: (3) 1 0.5 Variable ECD 1 3.0 Type: Furnished: Number: Recommended: R-410A Shipping: Net: Throwaway No 1 20"x20"x1" Weights 150.0 lb 138.0 lb 3/4" 3/8" NOTES: 240 Volt / 208 Volt Capacity Circuit #1: Capacity Circuit #2: Capacity Circuit #3: Number: Horsepower: Motor Speed (RPM): Phase: Full Load Amps: Locked Rotor Amps: FILTERS REFRIGERANT 230 Volt / 208 Volt Minimum Circuit Ampacity: Maximum Overload Protection: (1) 9.60/7.20 N/A N/A 1 1 Heater Amps Per Circuit Circuit #1: Heater Amps Per Circuit Circuit #2: Heater Amps Per Circuit Circuit #3: 40.0/34.60 N/A N/A Minimum Circuit Ampacity Circuit #1: Minimum Circuit Ampacity Circuit #2: Minimum Circuit Ampacity Circuit #3: 54.0/47.0 N/A N/A Maximum Overload Protection Circuit #1: Maximum Overload Protection Circuit #2: Maximum Overload Protection Circuit #3: 60.0/50.0 N/A N/A FLD = Furnished by Trane U.S. Inc. / Installed by Others 1. These air handlers are a.r.i. certified with various split system air conditioners and heat pumps (ari standard 210/240). refer tothesplit system outdoor unit product data guides for performance data. 2. 3/4" male plastic pipe (ref.: astm 1785-76) 3. Minimum filter size for horizontal applications will be based on airflow selection and will be calculated as follows: low velocity filter: face area (sq. ft.) = cfm / 300 high velocity filter: face area (sq. ft.) = cfm / 500 4. For customer ease of filter maintenance, it is recommended that a properly sized, remote filter and grille be installed for horizontal applications. airflow should not exceed the face value of the filter being used 5. Standard mca and mop without electric heat. Equipment Submittal Page 8 of 16 179 Engineering Budget Pricing October 24, 2014 Unit Dimensions - Split System Air Conditioning Units (Small) Item: A1 Qty: 1 Tag(s): 2 TON NOTES 1. TOP DISCHARGE AREA SHOULD BE UNRESTRICTED FOR AT LEAST 60" ABOVE UNIT. UNIT SHOULD BE PLACED SO ROOF RUN-OFF WATER DOES NOT POUR DIRECTLY ON UNIT, AND SHOULD BE AT LEAST 12" FROM WALL AND ALL SURROUNDING SHRUBBERY ON TWO SIDES. OTHER TWO SIDES UNRESTRICTED. 2. ELECTRICAL AND REFRIGERANT COMPONENT CLEARANCES PER PREVAILING CODES. 3. VERIFY WEIGHT, CONNECTION, AND ALL DIMENSION WITH INSTALLER DOCUMENTS BEFORE INSTALLATION 37 1/4" SERVICE PANEL SEE NOTE 2 34 1/4" 1" ELECTRICAL SERVICE PANEL 7/8" DIA. HOLE LOW VOLTAGE 28" 41 1/8" 1 1/8" DIA. K.O. WITH 7/8" DIA. HOLE IN CONTROL BOX BOTTOM FOR ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY 1" 5 5/8" LIQUID LINE SERVICE VALVE, 3/8" I.D. FEMALE BRAZE CONNECTION WITH 1/4" SAE FLARE PRESSURE TAP FITTING. 6" 3 3/8" 3 7/8" GAS LINE 1/4" TURN BALL SERVICE VALVE, 5/8" I.D. FEMALE BRAZED CONNECTION WITH 1/4" SAE FLARE PRESSURE TAP FITTING. 4TWR7024 OUTLINE DRAWING FLD = Furnished by Trane U.S. Inc. / Installed by Others Equipment Submittal Page 9 of 16 180 Engineering Budget Pricing October 24, 2014 Unit Dimensions - Split System Air Conditioning Units (Small) Item: A1 Qty: 1 Tag(s): 2 TON ELECTRICAL / GENERAL DATA GENERAL POWER CONN. Model: Unit Primary Voltage: Unit Secondary Voltage Unit Hertz: Unit Phase: Number: Phase: Rated Load Amps: Locked Rotor Amps: 1 1 11.7 58.3 Minimum Circuit Ampacity: Maximum Circuit Breaker: Minimum Protection Rating: 1 0.125 835 1 0.74 - 1. Certified in accordance with the Unitary Air-Conditioner equipment certification program which is based on AHRI Standard 210/240. 2. Calculated in accordance with N.E.C. Use only HACR circuit breakers or fuses. 3. Standard line lengths - 60'. Standard lift - 60' Suction and Liquid line. For Greater lengths and lifts refer to refrigerant piping software Pub# 32-3312-0 4. * = 15, 20, 25, 30, 40 and 50 foot lineset available. OUTDOOR MOTOR Number: Horsepower: Motor Speed (RPM): Phase: Full Load Amps: Locked Rotor Amps: COMPRESSOR 15.0 25.0 25.0 4TWR7024* 208 230 60 1 NOTES: REFRIGERANT Type: Charge: Line Size O.D. Gas: Line Size O.D. LIQ: R410A 10.2 lb 5/8" 3/8" C1 WEIGHT 272.0 lb 236.0 lb DISCHARGE SHIPPING: NET: NOTES: C1. TOP DISCHARGE SHOULD BE UNRESTRICTED FOR AT LEAST 60" ABOVE UNIT C2. PLACE UNIT FROM WALL C3. PLACE SHRUBBERY AT LEAST 12" FROM UNIT ON TWO SIDES, OTHER SIDES UNRESTRICTED C4. PLACE UNIT SO ROOF RUN-OFF DOES NOT FALL DIRECTLY ON UNIT C4 C3 C2 C3 WEIGHT AND CLEARANCE FLD = Furnished by Trane U.S. Inc. / Installed by Others Equipment Submittal Page 10 of 16 181 Engineering Budget Pricing October 24, 2014 Weight, Clearance & Rigging Diagram - Split System Air Conditioning Units (Small) Item: A1, A2 Qty: 2 Tag(s): 2 TON, 3 TON VERTICAL DOWNFLOW REFRIGERANT CONNECTION DOWNFLOW CONDENSATE DRAIN REFRIGERANT CONNECTION DOWNFLOW CONDENSATE DRAIN REFRIGERANT CONNECTION VERTICAL UPFLOW REFRIGERANT CONNECTION HORIZONTAL LEFT FLOW DOWNFLOW CONDENSATE DRAIN HORIZONTAL RIGHT FLOW DOWNFLOW CONDENSATE DRAIN NOTES 1. NO INTERNAL MODIFICATIONS REQUIRED FOR ANY POSITION. 2. BADGE ROTATION WILL BRAND IN CORRECT POSITION. MINIMUM UNIT CLEARANCE TABLE TO COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS (REQUIRED) SIDE FRONT BACK INLET DUCT OUTLET DUCT SERVICE CLEARANCE (RECOMMENDED) 0 0 0 0 0 2" 21" 0 0 0 CLEARANCE NOTES: * 1" FOR THE FIRST 3 FT. OF OUTLET DUCT WHEN ELECTRIC HEATERS ARE INSTALED EXCEPT MODELS BAYHTR1405, 1408, AND 1410 ARE APPROVED FOR 0" PLEMUM AND DUCT CLEARANCE IN THE UPFLOW CONFIGURATION ONLY ON TWE-P MODELS. FLD = Furnished by Trane U.S. Inc. / Installed by Others Equipment Submittal Page 15 of 16 182 Engineering Budget Pricing October 24, 2014 Field Installed Options - Part/Order Number Summary This is a report to help you locate field installed options that arrive at the jobsite. This report provides part or order numbers for each field installed option, and references it to a specific product tag. It is NOT intended as a bill of material for the job. Product Family - Split System Air Conditioning Units (Small) Item A1 Tag(s) 2 TON Qty Description 1 2 Ton Split System Heat Pump Field Installed Option Description 7.21/9.60 kW Electric Htr w/Ckt Brk for 208/240V 1 Phase 60 Hz Item A2 Tag(s) 3 TON Qty Description 1 3 Ton Split System Heat Pump Field Installed Option Description 10.80/14.40 kW Htr w/Ckt Brk 208/240/1 Single point entry kit FLD = Furnished by Trane U.S. Inc. / Installed by Others Model Number 4TWR7024A1000TAM7A0B30H-1S0----000-0--0 Part/Ordering Number BAYEVAC10BK1AB Model Number 4TWR7036B1000TAM7A0000H-1S0----000-0--0 Part/Ordering Number BAYEVBC15BK1AB BAYSPEKT200A Equipment Submittal Page 16 of 16 183 Submittal Prepared For: Wiley Wilson Date: November 17, 2014 Owner: Department of Game and Inland Fisheries Job Name: Department of Game and Inland Fisheries Trane U.S. Inc. is pleased to provide the enclosed submittal for your review and approval. Product Summary Qty Product 1 Split System Air Conditioning Units (Small) The attached information describes the equipment we propose to furnish for this project, and is submitted for your approval. Jason Williamson Trane 10408 Lakeridge Parkway, Suite 100 Ashland, VA 23005-8124 Phone: (804) 747-3588 Fax: (804) 273-0119 J:\JOBS\25\66136\11\Department of Game and Inland Fisheries Submittal November 17th.doc 184 Table Of Contents Product Summary ...........................................................................................................................1 Split System Air Conditioning Units (Small) (Item A1) ...............................................................3 Tag Data .................................................................................................................................................. 3 Product Data ............................................................................................................................................ 3 Performance Data .................................................................................................................................... 3 Mechanical Specifications ........................................................................................................................ 4 Unit Dimensions ....................................................................................................................................... 6 Weight, Clearance & Rigging Diagram ................................................................................................... 10 Accessory .............................................................................................................................................. 11 Field Installed Options - Part/Order Number Summary ............................................................12 Split System Air Conditioning Units (Small) ........................................................................................... 12 185 Engineering Budget Pricing November 17, 2014 Tag Data - Split System Air Conditioning Units (Small) (Qty: 1) Item Tag(s) Qty Description Model Number A1 2-1/2 TON 1 2-1/2 Ton Split System Heat Pump 4TWR5030G1000-TAM7A0B30H21SD Product Data - Split System Air Conditioning Units (Small) Item: A1 Qty: 1 Tag(s): 2-1/2 TON 4TWR5 Heat Pump Outdoor Unit 2.5 Ton - Nominal Cooling Capacity 200 - 230 Volt 1 Phase 60 Hertz Trane Multi-poise 4-way 21.0" wide x 21.5" deep 2.5 Ton air handler Multi-speed 7.21/9.60 kW Electric Htr w/Ckt Brk for 208/240V 1 Phase 60 Hz (Fld) Performance Data - Split System Air Conditioning Units (Small) Tags Design clg outdoor DB (F) Cooling EDB (F) Cooling EWB (F) Rated gross capacity (AHRI) (Btuh) Clg net total capacity (Btuh) Clg net sensible capacity (Btuh) Clg net latent capacity (Btuh) Calc clg LDB (F) Calc clg LWB (F) SEER @ AHRI (btuh/watt) EER @ AHRI (EER) Cooling airflow (cfm) Min system airflow clg (cfm) Max system airflow clg (cfm) Min system airflow htg (cfm) Max system airflow htg (cfm) AHRI airflow (cfm) AHRI reference number ( ) Compressor power @ (specific Ambient) (W) Condenser fan power @ (specific SP) (W) Supply fan power @ (specified SP) (W) ASHRAE 90.1 S6.4.1 compliant Htg outdoor DB (F) Heating airflow (cfm) Heating capacity @ 47F (Btuh) COP @ AHRI 47F (with Air Handler) (COP) COP @ AHRI 17F (with Air Handler) (COP) Heating capacity @ 17F (Btuh) HSPF @ AHRI (btuh/watt) Heating EDB (F) Htg system net capacity (Btuh) Htg system LDB (F) FLD = Furnished by Trane U.S. Inc. / Installed by Others 2-1/2 TON 95.00 80.00 67.00 31600.00 31900.00 24400.00 7500.00 57.10 56.50 15.00 12.5 1000 875 1125 875 1125 950 5021416 2118.0 230.0 180.0 Yes 17.00 1000 30000.00 3.80 2.84 18900.00 9.00 70.00 19000.00 87.60 Equipment Submittal Page 3 of 12 186 Engineering Budget Pricing November 17, 2014 Mechanical Specifications - Split System Air Conditioning Units (Small) Item: A1 Qty: 1 Tag(s): 2-1/2 TON Air-Tite IITM cabinet - 2% or less air leakage - Precision applied - durable door seals - Specially designed air seal around refrigerant, condensate and conduit connections - Double wall foamed cabinet system - R-4.2 insulating value - No loose fiber design - Smooth cleanable interior design - Sweat eliminating design - Composite foamed cabinet doors - Water proof cabinet design - Integrated horizontal drain pans - Modular cabinet with 5/16" allen wrench "quick latch" design Multi-position up/down flow horizontal left/ right Side return option (sold as accessory) Control board protection pocket built into cabi-net wall Alert port to view control board codes without door removal Alert code notification Low voltage terminal connection point Quarter turn phillips head door fasteners Vortica blower with polarized plug con-nections and integrated slide deck for easy emoval Aluminum coil with integrated slide deck for easy removal and polarized plug connections on coil EEV Patented enhanced coil fin Electronic Expansion Valve (EEV) with low ambient and low superheat compressor protection Dual refrigerant compatible as shipped Slide in electric heaters with polarized plug connections (sold as accessory) Slide in hot water coils with polarized plug connections (sold as accessory) UVC light kit with safety switch and polarized plug connections (sold as accessory) Labeled panels and connections Molded in 1" standard filter rail Variable speed ECM motor Soft start fan motor operation Comfort RTM mode Built in fan delay modes Maximum width of 23 1/2" Compact 20 13/16" depth with doors removed Two tone color Fused 24v power Safety door switch Heater Section - 1 Phase Vertical Air Handler A compartment is provided in the blower section for field installation of supplementary heater. Polarized plugs are provided for making electrical connections to the air handler control box from the supplementary heater. General - 4TWR5 The 4TWR5 is fully charged from the factory for up to 15 feet of piping. This unit is designed to operate at outdoor ambient temperatures as high as 115 F. Cooling capacities are matched with a wide selection of air handlers and furnace coils that are AHRI certified. The unit is certified to UL 1995. Exterior is designed for outdoor application. Casing - 4TWR5 Unit casing is constructed of heavy gauge, G90 galvanized steel and painted with a weather-resistant powder painton all louvers, panels, prepaint on all other panels. Corrosion and weather-proof CMBP-G30 DuraTuff base. Refrigerant Controls - 4TWR5 Refrigeration system controls include condenser fan and compressor contac-tor. High and low pressure controls are inherent to the compressor. A factory installed liquid line drier is standard. Compressor - 4TWR5 The Climatuff compressor features internal over temperature and pressure protection and total dipped hermetic motor. Other features include: centrifugal oil pump and low vibration and noise. FLD = Furnished by Trane U.S. Inc. / Installed by Others Equipment Submittal Page 4 of 12 187 Engineering Budget Pricing November 17, 2014 Condenser Coil - 4TWR5 The outdoor coil provides low airflow resistance and efficient heat transfer. The coil is protected on all four sides by louvered panels. Low Ambient Cooling - 4TWR5 As manufactured, this unit has a cool-ing capability to 55 F. The addition of an evaporator defrost control with TXV permits low ambient cooling to 20 F. FLD = Furnished by Trane U.S. Inc. / Installed by Others Equipment Submittal Page 5 of 12 188 Engineering Budget Pricing November 17, 2014 Unit Dimensions - Split System Air Conditioning Units (Small) Item: A1 Qty: 1 Tag(s): 2-1/2 TON NOTES: 1. VERIFY WEIGHT, CONNECTION, AND ALL DIMENSION WITH INSTALLER DOCUMENTS BEFORE INSTALLATION 21 13/16" 1 1/2" 14 3/8" 5 15/16" 1 1/2" 21 5/16" 18 3/8" 1 1/2" LIQUID LINE 3/8" GAS LINE 3/4" 9 3/16" 55 11/16" 3" 1 1/2" 45 1/2" 24 3/8" 21 13/16" 1 1/2" 17 1/8" 3 1/8" 1 1/2" 18 3/8" 1 1/2" AIRHANDLER - TAM7A0B30 DRAWING FLD = Furnished by Trane U.S. Inc. / Installed by Others Equipment Submittal Page 6 of 12 189 Engineering Budget Pricing November 17, 2014 Unit Dimensions - Split System Air Conditioning Units (Small) Item: A1 Qty: 1 Tag(s): 2-1/2 TON ELECTRICAL / GENERAL DATA GENERAL (1)(2)(4) INDOOR MOTOR Model: TAM7A0B30H21SA Unit Primary Voltage: Unit Secondary Voltage: Unit Hertz: Unit Phase: 208 230 60 1 STANDARD (5) 4.0/4.0 15.0/15.0 ELECTRIC HEAT # of Circuit: Phase: Type: REF. Line Connections Coupling or Conn. Size - Gas: Coupling or Conn. Size - Liq.: (3) 1 0.5 Variable ECD 1 3.0 Type: Furnished: Number: Recommended: R-410A Shipping: Net: Throwaway No 1 20"x20"x1" Weights 150.0 lb 138.0 lb 3/4" 3/8" NOTES: 240 Volt / 208 Volt Capacity Circuit #1: Capacity Circuit #2: Capacity Circuit #3: Number: Horsepower: Motor Speed (RPM): Phase: Full Load Amps: Locked Rotor Amps: FILTERS REFRIGERANT 230 Volt / 208 Volt Minimum Circuit Ampacity: Maximum Overload Protection: (1) 9.60/7.20 N/A N/A 1 1 Heater Amps Per Circuit Circuit #1: Heater Amps Per Circuit Circuit #2: Heater Amps Per Circuit Circuit #3: 40.0/34.60 N/A N/A Minimum Circuit Ampacity Circuit #1: Minimum Circuit Ampacity Circuit #2: Minimum Circuit Ampacity Circuit #3: 54.0/47.0 N/A N/A Maximum Overload Protection Circuit #1: Maximum Overload Protection Circuit #2: Maximum Overload Protection Circuit #3: 60.0/50.0 N/A N/A FLD = Furnished by Trane U.S. Inc. / Installed by Others 1. These air handlers are a.r.i. certified with various split system air conditioners and heat pumps (ari standard 210/240). refer tothesplit system outdoor unit product data guides for performance data. 2. 3/4" male plastic pipe (ref.: astm 1785-76) 3. Minimum filter size for horizontal applications will be based on airflow selection and will be calculated as follows: low velocity filter: face area (sq. ft.) = cfm / 300 high velocity filter: face area (sq. ft.) = cfm / 500 4. For customer ease of filter maintenance, it is recommended that a properly sized, remote filter and grille be installed for horizontal applications. airflow should not exceed the face value of the filter being used 5. Standard mca and mop without electric heat. Equipment Submittal Page 7 of 12 190 Engineering Budget Pricing November 17, 2014 Unit Dimensions - Split System Air Conditioning Units (Small) Item: A1 Qty: 1 Tag(s): 2-1/2 TON NOTES 1. TOP DISCHARGE AREA SHOULD BE UNRESTRICTED FOR AT LEAST 60" ABOVE UNIT. UNIT SHOULD BE PLACED SO ROOF RUN-OFF WATER DOES NOT POUR DIRECTLY ON UNIT, AND SHOULD BE AT LEAST 12" FROM WALL AND ALL SURROUNDING SHRUBBERY ON TWO SIDES. OTHER TWO SIDES UNRESTRICTED. 2. ELECTRICAL AND REFRIGERANT COMPONENT CLEARANCES PER PREVAILING CODES. 3. VERIFY WEIGHT, CONNECTION, AND ALL DIMENSION WITH INSTALLER DOCUMENTS BEFORE INSTALLATION 37 1/4" SERVICE PANEL SEE NOTE 2 34 1/4" 1" ELECTRICAL SERVICE PANEL 7/8" DIA. HOLE LOW VOLTAGE 20" 41 1/8" 1 1/8" DIA. K.O. WITH 7/8" DIA. HOLE IN CONTROL BOX BOTTOM FOR ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLY 1" 8 5/8" LIQUID LINE SERVICE VALVE, 3/8" I.D. FEMALE BRAZE CONNECTION WITH 1/4" SAE FLARE PRESSURE TAP FITTING. 6" 3 3/8" GAS LINE 1/4" TURN BALL SERVICE VALVE, 3/4" I.D. FEMALE BRAZED CONNECTION WITH 1/4" SAE FLARE PRESSURE TAP FITTING. 3 7/8" 4TWR5030 OUTLINE DRAWING FLD = Furnished by Trane U.S. Inc. / Installed by Others Equipment Submittal Page 8 of 12 191 Engineering Budget Pricing November 17, 2014 Unit Dimensions - Split System Air Conditioning Units (Small) Item: A1 Qty: 1 Tag(s): 2-1/2 TON ELECTRICAL / GENERAL DATA GENERAL POWER CONN. Model: Unit Primary Voltage: Unit Secondary Voltage Unit Hertz: Unit Phase: Number: Phase: Rated Load Amps: Locked Rotor Amps: 1 1 11.1 63.0 Minimum Circuit Ampacity: Maximum Circuit Breaker: Minimum Protection Rating: 1 0.125 825 1 0.74 - 1. Certified in accordance with the Unitary Air-Conditioner equipment certification program which is based on AHRI Standard 210/240. 2. Calculated in accordance with N.E.C. Use only HACR circuit breakers or fuses. 3. Standard line lengths - 60'. Standard lift - 60' Suction and Liquid line. For Greater lengths and lifts refer to refrigerant piping software Pub# 32-3312-0 4. * = 15, 20, 25, 30, 40 and 50 foot lineset available. OUTDOOR MOTOR Number: Horsepower: Motor Speed (RPM): Phase: Full Load Amps: Locked Rotor Amps: COMPRESSOR 15.0 25.0 25.0 4TWR5030 208 230 60 1 NOTES: REFRIGERANT Type: Charge: Line Size O.D. Gas: Line Size O.D. LIQ: R-410 9.2 lb 3/4" 3/8" C1 WEIGHT 281.0 lb 245.0 lb DISCHARGE SHIPPING: NET: NOTES: C1. TOP DISCHARGE SHOULD BE UNRESTRICTED FOR AT LEAST 60" ABOVE UNIT C2. PLACE UNIT FROM WALL C3. PLACE SHRUBBERY AT LEAST 12" FROM UNIT ON TWO SIDES, OTHER SIDES UNRESTRICTED C4. PLACE UNIT SO ROOF RUN-OFF DOES NOT FALL DIRECTLY ON UNIT C4 C3 C2 C3 WEIGHT AND CLEARANCE FLD = Furnished by Trane U.S. Inc. / Installed by Others Equipment Submittal Page 9 of 12 192 Engineering Budget Pricing November 17, 2014 Weight, Clearance & Rigging Diagram - Split System Air Conditioning Units (Small) Item: A1 Qty: 1 Tag(s): 2-1/2 TON VERTICAL DOWNFLOW REFRIGERANT CONNECTION DOWNFLOW CONDENSATE DRAIN REFRIGERANT CONNECTION DOWNFLOW CONDENSATE DRAIN REFRIGERANT CONNECTION VERTICAL UPFLOW REFRIGERANT CONNECTION HORIZONTAL LEFT FLOW DOWNFLOW CONDENSATE DRAIN HORIZONTAL RIGHT FLOW DOWNFLOW CONDENSATE DRAIN NOTES 1. NO INTERNAL MODIFICATIONS REQUIRED FOR ANY POSITION. 2. BADGE ROTATION WILL BRAND IN CORRECT POSITION. MINIMUM UNIT CLEARANCE TABLE TO COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS (REQUIRED) SIDE FRONT BACK INLET DUCT OUTLET DUCT SERVICE CLEARANCE (RECOMMENDED) 0 0 0 0 0 2" 21" 0 0 0 CLEARANCE NOTES: * 1" FOR THE FIRST 3 FT. OF OUTLET DUCT WHEN ELECTRIC HEATERS ARE INSTALED EXCEPT MODELS BAYHTR1405, 1408, AND 1410 ARE APPROVED FOR 0" PLEMUM AND DUCT CLEARANCE IN THE UPFLOW CONFIGURATION ONLY ON TWE-P MODELS. FLD = Furnished by Trane U.S. Inc. / Installed by Others Equipment Submittal Page 10 of 12 193 Engineering Budget Pricing November 17, 2014 Accessory - Split System Air Conditioning Units (Small) Item: A1 Qty: 1 Tag(s): 2-1/2 TON NOTES: 1. FOR MULTIPLE STAGES OF ELECTRIC HEAT, JUMPER W1, W2, AND W3 TOGETHER IF COMFORT CONTROL HAS ONLY ONE STAGE OF HEAT 2. YI AND YO CONNECTIONS MUST BE MADE AS SHOWN FOR FREEZE PROTECTION AND INTERNALLY MOUNTED CONDENSATE OVERFLOW CIRCUITS TO WORK PROPERLY 3. INTERNALLY MOUNTED CONDENSATE SWITCH IS OPTIONAL AND MUST BE ORDERED SEPARATELY 4. IF A 3RD PARTY CONDENSATE OVERFLOW SWITCH IS INSTALLED, IT SHOULD BE WIRED IN SERIES BETWEEN YO AND Y TO THE OUTDOOR UNIT CONDITIONER BLACK ORANGE COMFORT CONTROL AIR HANDLER X2 W G Y1 O R B RED WHITE W2 W1 GREEN BLUE YELLOW / BLACK W3 WHITE BK YELLOW ORANGE RED BLUE G Y2 YI O R B ORANGE RED BLUE YO YELLOW AIR HANDLER HOOK-UP - TWO STAGE HEATPUMP FIELD WIRING DIAGRAM FLD = Furnished by Trane U.S. Inc. / Installed by Others Equipment Submittal Page 11 of 12 194 Engineering Budget Pricing November 17, 2014 Field Installed Options - Part/Order Number Summary This is a report to help you locate field installed options that arrive at the jobsite. This report provides part or order numbers for each field installed option, and references it to a specific product tag. It is NOT intended as a bill of material for the job. Product Family - Split System Air Conditioning Units (Small) Item A1 Tag(s) 2-1/2 TON Qty Description 1 2-1/2 Ton Split System Heat Pump Model Number 4TWR5030G1000-TAM7A0B30H21SD Field Installed Option Description 7.21/9.60 kW Electric Htr w/Ckt Brk for 208/240V 1 Phase 60 Hz FLD = Furnished by Trane U.S. Inc. / Installed by Others Equipment Submittal Part/Ordering Number BAYEVAC10BK1AB Page 12 of 12 195 SUBMISSION Client: Project: Pee Dee National Wild Life Refuge Wadesboro, NC 11/7/14 50% Designer SWL WW Comm. No. Checked JM 214180.00 Date 11/7/14 Sheet Number X Domestic Hot Water Use - Solar vs. Electric Heater Comparison Lowest Case Hot Water Use (Best Case Solar Comparison) Fixture Type: Quantity Usages GPM Duration min. Gallons Used Lavatory 2 3 0.5 Gallon/Use 0.25 0.8 Kitchen Sink 1 3 1.0 0.5 1.5 2.3 = Estimated Domestic Hot Water Use = gallon/day 2.3 Gallons/day 0.00469 Gallons Per Minute (GPM) Domestic Water Incoming Temperature = 50 °F Hot Water Discharge Temperature = 140 °F ΔT = 90 °F 1 kWh = 3,412 BTU $/kWh = $1.00 Water Energy Calc q = GPMx500xΔT BTU/hr 211 BTU/hr 1,688 BTU/day (8 hour day) 250 Day/yr (5 days a week, 50 weeks/year) 421,875 BTU/year 124 kWh/year Cost to use Electric Water Heater: $123.64 year 37.1 kWh/year projected Solar Hot Water Savings (30%) $37.09 per year savings Equipment Estimate $4,871.00 Solar Equipment & Installation Cost $1,500.00 Elec WH Equipment & Installation Cost $3,371.00 Cost Difference Simple Pay Back Period Simple pay back = Cost Difference/Savings Per Year 91 years Wiley|Wilson 2850 Eisenhower Avenue, Suite 200 - Alexandria, Virginia 22314 Phone: 703.329.3200 / Fax: 703.329-8141 196 Water Heater Calculations Fixture Lavatory Kitchen Sink Hot Water GPM Temperature Rise (deg F) 0.5 1 70 70 Capacity Actual Water Required Heater Capacity (kW) (kW) 5.1 7 10.3 13 Note: Temperature rise is based on 50 deg F entering water and 120 deg F supply water. 197 Plumbing Calculations PROJECT INFORMATION SHEET: 1 of 4 Project: Client No: Date: Pee Dee National Wild Life Refuge 11/18/2014 Project Address: By: SWL Wadesboro, NC Building Type, used for sizing hot water system (See list below): 7 Location of Water Main: Location of Fire Hydrant: Date of Flow Test: If no flow test data is available request flow test. New Flow Test Data Will Be Available: TEST DATA: Elevation of Hydrant (FT) 0 Static Pressure (PSIG) 0 Residual Pressure (PSIG) 60 Flow at Time of Test (GPM) 0 Source of Information: Building Types: NOTE: A FLOW TEST HAS NOT BEEN PERFORMED AT THIS TIME. AN ASSUMPTION OF 60 PSI AVAILABLE AT THE MAIN HAS BEEN USED FOR THIS CALCULATION. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 - Apartment House - Club - Gymnasium - Hospital - Hotel - Industrial Plant - Office Building - Private Residence - School - YMCA 198 Plumbing Calculations FIXTURE UNIT & HOT WATER DEMAND TALLY Project: SHEET: 2 of 4 Pee Dee National Wild Life Refuge Client No: 0 Building Floor or Section: Date: 11/18/2014 By: SWL SFU SOURCE: ASPE Data Book, ASPE 3 (1988) and The International Plumbing Code/2012 DFU SOURCE: The International Plumbing Code/2012 FIXTURE Automatic clothes washer (4) Metal Fab. Sink Upholstery Sink Photo Studio Hot Wash wash tank Textiles wet lab wash table Dental lavatory (2) Dishwasher (2),(5) Dishwasher, commercial (6) Drinking fountain Floor drains, 2" trap Floor drains, 3" trap Floor drains, 4" trap Kitchen sink Lavatory Public Laundry tray (1 or 2 compartments) Shower, each head Sink (4) Sink, service (3) Urinal, 1"Valve Urinal (wall lip) Urinal stall3/4"Valve Urinal w/flush tank Clinic Sink Bathroom Group Private Flush Valve Private Water closet: Flush valve Tank Pneumatic assist SUB-TOTALS NO SFU EA. HW CW TOT 9 SFU TOT. HW CW TOT DFU EA. DFU TOT. 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 10 3 3 3 10 4 4 4 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 2 8 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 8 1.5 2.3 8 1.5 2.3 12 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 4 4 0 0.25 0.25 0 0 73 0 0 0 0 0 40.8 1 1 1.4 0.5 0.5 0.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.4 0 0.5 2 2 6 2 1 0 0 0 4 0 0 2 0 3 3 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 2.25 2.25 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 3 0 3 10 0 4.5 9.75 4 1.4 1.4 3 10 5 5 3 10 11 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 3 4 4 6 4 6 12 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 6 2.2 5 0 0 0 0 4.4 0 0 4.4 0 6 6 6 0 12 0 2 6.4 7.2 0 0 0 6 2.2 5 20 HW GPH EA. HW GPH TOT. 8 16 20 20 36 199 Plumbing Calculations SERVICE LINE SIZE SHEET: 3 of 4 Project: Client No: Pee Dee National Wild Life Refuge Date: 11/18/2014 Project Address: 0 By: SWL Wadesboro, NC 9 Total Supply Fixture Units: 7 Resulting Demand from Attached Table: Flush Valve: Tank Type: 7 GPM Cooling Tower Make-Up Wall Hydrant 5GPM Each Misc. Constant Flow 0 10 0 GPM GPM GPM 17 GPM Total Water Demand FALSE TRUE TRUE or FALSE TRUE or FALSE Water meter selection: Size: 1-1/2" Pressure Drop: 5 PSI Developed Length (DL) of service line from Main to Service Entrance: 3000 ft. Developed Length (DL) of piping from service entrance to most remote outlet: 70 ft. Difference in elevation (Static Lift) from test hydrant to service entrance: 0 ft. Difference in elevation (Static Lift) between service entrance and most remote outlet: 10 ft. Minimum pressure available in main: 60 PSIG SERVICE LINE SIZE Design Criteria: 1. Maximum Velocity - 8 ft. per second. 2. Allowable pressure drop - 5 PSI per 100 ft. Material: PVC Demand Flow: Pipe Size: Pressure Loss: Velocity: 17 GPM 0.3 PSI per 100 ft. 2 ft. per second 2 200 Plumbing Calculations SERVICE LINE SIZE SHEET: 4 of 4 Project: Client No: Date: Pee Dee National Wild Life Refuge 11/18/2014 Project Address: 0 By: SWL Wadesboro, NC SERVICE LINE CAPACITY Minimum pressure available in main: Minus: 60 PSIG Static lift (from main to service entrance) 0 PSIG Meter Loss 2 PSIG Strainer Loss 1 PSIG Backflow Preventor Loss 10 PSIG Pressure Reducing Valve Loss 0 PSIG Pipe, fittings, and valves 3000 ft. * 1.1 (fitting allowance) * 0.3 PSI/100 ft. 10 PSIG 37 PSIG 37 PSIG Static lift (from service entrance to most remote outlet) 4 PSIG Minimum pressure required at governing fixture 25 PSIG Service Line Capacity is: 17 GPM at ALLOWABLE FRICTION LOSS (AFL) Pressure available at service entrance: Minus: Worst case total equivalent feet (EL) of pipe from service entrance to most remote outlet. Includes fitting loss: 25 At pressure Loss: 0.8 % PSI per 100 ft. Required Booster Pump Pressure (Negative Number Indicates Pump Not Required) 0.7 PSIG -7 PSIG 201 Client: U.S. Dept Fish & Wildlife [ Project: Pee Dee Visitor Center BASIS FOR ESTIMATE Designer BWY WW Comm. No. ] Schematic Checked BWY 214180.00 [ X ] 65% Date [ ] 90% [ ] FINAL LIGHTNING RISK CALCULATION FORM 11/20/14 Sheet Number 1 of * *NFPA 780 2011 EDITION If Nd <= Nc, a lightning protection system may be optional Constraints If Nd > Nc, a lightning protection system should be installed H.3 Lightning Strike Frequency Nd = (Ng)(Ae)(C1) Nd = Lightning strike density; The yearly lighting strike frequency to the structure Ng Ae = Lightning flash density; The yearly average flash density in the region where the structure is located 2 = the equivalent collective area of the structure in km C1 = The environmental coefficient Ng = 4 Ae = 0.00193 C1 = 1 Nd = 0.00774 From figure H.2 From Table H.4.3 Determination of Environmental Coefficient C1 H.4 Equivalent collective area for rectangular structure 2 Ae = LW+6H(L+W)+π9H L W H = = = Ae = Ft 36.88 64 17 km 0.011 0.020 0.005 0.00193 km 2 H.5 Tolerable Lightning Frequency (Nc) Nc = (1.5)/(1000xC) C = (C2)(C3)(C4)(C5) C2 = 2.0 From Table H.5(a) Determination of Structural Coefficient C2 C3 = 1.0 From Table H.5(b) Determination of Structure Contents C4 = 1.0 From Table H.5(c) Determination of Structure Occupancy C5 = 1.0 From Table H.5(d) Determination of Lightning Consequence C = 2 Nc = 0.00075 Nd 0.00774 Results > > Nc 0.00075 Nd > Nc, therefore a lightning protection system should be installed Calculation Cell KEY Input Cell 202 3 Client: U.S. Dept Fish & Wildlife BASIS FOR ESTIMATE [ Project: Pee Dee Visitor Center ] Schematic [ X ] 65% [ ] 90% Designer BWY WW Comm. No. Checked BWY 214180.00 Date [ ] FINAL Sheet Number 11/20/14 2 of "C" COEFFICIENT TABLES Table H.4.3 Determination of Environmental Coefficient C1 Relative Structure Location C1 Structure located within a space containing structures or trees of the same height or taller within a distance of 3H Structure surrounded by smaller structures within a distance of 3H Table H.5(a) Determination of Structural Coefficient C2 C2 — Structural Coefficients Roof 0.25 0.5 Isolated structure, no other structures located within a distance of 3H 1 Isolated structure on a hilltop 2 Table H.5(b) Determination of Structure Contents Metal Structure Flammable Metal 0.5 1.0 2.0 Nonmetallic 1.0 1.0 2.5 Flammable 2.0 2.5 3.0 Table H.5(c) Determination of Structure Occupancy Coefficient C3 Structure Contents Nonmetallic Coefficient C4 C3 Structure Occupancy C4 Low value and nonflammable 0.5 Unoccupied 0.5 Standard value and nonflammable 1.0 Normally Occupied 1.0 High value, moderate flammability 2.0 Difficult to evacuate or risk of panic 3.0 Exceptional value, flammable, computer or electronics 3.0 Exceptional value, irreplaceable cultural items 4.0 Table H.5(d) Determination of Lightning Consequence Coefficient C5 Lightning Consequence C5 Continuity of facility services not required, no environmental impact 1.0 Continuity of facility services required, no environmental impact 5.0 Consequences to the environment 10.0 203 3 Client: U.S. Dept Fish & Wildlife [ Project: Pee Dee Visitor Center BASIS FOR ESTIMATE Designer BWY WW Comm. No. ] Schematic Checked BWY 214180.00 [ X ] 65% [ ] 90% Date [ ] FINAL 11/20/14 Sheet Number 3 of LIGHTNING FLASH DENSITY MAP 204 3 LEED 2009 for New Construction and Major Renovation Project Checklist Project Name: PeeDee National Wildlife Refuge Date: November 20, 2014 11 13 2 Y N ? Sustainable Sites Possible Points: 26 Y Prereq 1 Construction Activity Pollution Prevention 1 Credit 1 Site Selection 1 5 Credit 2 Development Density and Community Connectivity 5 1 Credit 3 Brownfield Redevelopment 1 6 Credit 4.1 Alternative Transportation—Public Transportation Access 6 1 Credit 4.2 Alternative Transportation—Bicycle Storage and Changing Rooms 1 3 Credit 4.3 Alternative Transportation—Low-Emitting and Fuel-Efficient Vehicles 3 2 Credit 4.4 Alternative Transportation—Parking Capacity 2 1 Credit 5.1 Site Development—Protect or Restore Habitat 1 1 Credit 5.2 Site Development—Maximize Open Space 1 1 Credit 6.1 Stormwater Design—Quantity Control 1 Credit 6.2 Stormwater Design—Quality Control 1 Credit 7.1 Heat Island Effect—Non-roof 1 Credit 7.2 Heat Island Effect—Roof 1 1 Credit 8 Light Pollution Reduction 1 2 Water Efficiency 1 1 1 6 2 Y Prereq 1 Water Use Reduction—20% Reduction 4 Credit 1 Water Efficient Landscaping Y Y No Potable Water Use or Irrigation Reduce by 50% 2 2 2 Possible Points: 10 2 to 4 2 4 Credit 2 Innovative Wastewater Technologies 2 Credit 3 Water Use Reduction 2 to 4 Y Reduce by 30% Y Reduce by 35% Y Reduce by 40% 2 3 4 205 13 22 0 Energy and Atmosphere Y Prereq 1 Fundamental Commissioning of Building Energy Systems Y Prereq 2 Minimum Energy Performance Y Prereq 3 Fundamental Refrigerant Management Credit 1 Optimize Energy Performance 10 9 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N 7 Credit 2 1 to 19 Improve by 12% for New Buildings or 8% for Existing Building Renovations 1 Improve by 14% for New Buildings or 10% for Existing Building Renovations 2 Improve by 16% for New Buildings or 12% for Existing Building Renovations 3 Improve by 18% for New Buildings or 14% for Existing Building Renovations 4 Improve by 20% for New Buildings or 16% for Existing Building Renovations 5 Improve by 22% for New Buildings or 18% for Existing Building Renovations 6 Improve by 24% for New Buildings or 20% for Existing Building Renovations 7 Improve by 26% for New Buildings or 22% for Existing Building Renovations 8 Improve by 28% for New Buildings or 24% for Existing Building Renovations 9 Improve by 30% for New Buildings or 26% for Existing Building Renovations 10 Improve by 32% for New Buildings or 28% for Existing Building Renovations 11 Improve by 34% for New Buildings or 30% for Existing Building Renovations 12 Improve by 36% for New Buildings or 32% for Existing Building Renovations 13 Improve by 38% for New Buildings or 34% for Existing Building Renovations 14 Improve by 40% for New Buildings or 36% for Existing Building Renovations 15 Improve by 42% for New Buildings or 38% for Existing Building Renovations 16 Improve by 44% for New Buildings or 40% for Existing Building Renovations 17 Improve by 46% for New Buildings or 42% for Existing Building Renovations 18 Improve by 48%+ for New Buildings or 44%+ for Existing Building Renovations 19 On-Site Renewable Energy N N N N N N N Possible Points: 35 1 to 7 1% Renewable Energy 1 3% Renewable Energy 2 5% Renewable Energy 3 7% Renewable Energy 4 9% Renewable Energy 5 11% Renewable Energy 6 13% Renewable Energy 7 2 Credit 3 Enhanced Commissioning 2 2 Credit 4 Enhanced Refrigerant Management 2 Credit 5 Measurement and Verification 3 Credit 6 Green Power 2 3 2 206 6 6 2 Y 3 Materials and Resources Prereq 1 Storage and Collection of Recyclables Credit 1.1 Building Reuse—Maintain Existing Walls, Floors, and Roof Possible Points: 14 1 to 3 N Reuse 55% N Reuse 75% N Reuse 95% 1 2 Building Reuse—Maintain 50% of Interior Non-Structural Elements Construction Waste Management Materials Reuse N Reuse 5% N Reuse 10% Credit 4 Recycled Content Y 10% of Content Y 20% of Content 2 Credit 5 Regional Materials Y 10% of Materials Y 20% of Materials 10 0 3 Credit 2 Credit 3 2 2 Credit 1.2 Y 50% Recycled or Salvaged Y 75% Recycled or Salvaged 2 1 1 1 to 2 1 2 1 to 2 1 2 1 to 2 1 2 1 to 2 1 2 1 Credit 6 Rapidly Renewable Materials 1 1 Credit 7 Certified Wood 1 5 Indoor Environmental Quality Possible Points: 15 Y Prereq 1 Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance Y Prereq 2 Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) Control 1 Credit 1 Outdoor Air Delivery Monitoring 1 1 Credit 2 Increased Ventilation 1 1 Credit 3.1 Construction IAQ Management Plan—During Construction 1 1 Credit 3.2 Construction IAQ Management Plan—Before Occupancy 1 1 Credit 4.1 Low-Emitting Materials—Adhesives and Sealants 1 1 Credit 4.2 Low-Emitting Materials—Paints and Coatings 1 1 Credit 4.3 Low-Emitting Materials—Flooring Systems 1 1 Credit 4.4 Low-Emitting Materials—Composite Wood and Agrifiber Products 1 Credit 5 Indoor Chemical and Pollutant Source Control 1 Credit 6.1 Controllability of Systems—Lighting 1 Credit 6.2 Controllability of Systems—Thermal Comfort 1 Credit 7.1 Thermal Comfort—Design 1 Credit 7.2 Thermal Comfort—Verification 1 1 Credit 8.1 Daylight and Views—Daylight 1 1 Credit 8.2 Daylight and Views—Views 1 1 1 1 1 1 207 5 0 1 Innovation and Design Process Possible Points: 6 Credit 1.1 Innovation in Design: Exempliary-30% Regional (MRc5) 1 Credit 1.2 Innovation in Design: Exempliary - 50% Reduction (WEc3) 1 1 Credit 1.3 Innovation in Design: Integrated Pest Management Plan 1 1 Credit 1.4 Innovation in Design: Low Mercury Lighting 1 1 Credit 1.5 Innovation in Design: Exempliary - SS5.2 1 1 Credit 2 LEED Accredited Professional 1 1 1 3 0 1 Regional Priority Credits Possible Points: 4 1 Credit 1.1 Regional Priority: EAc1 1 1 Credit 1.2 Regional Priority: EQc7.1 1 Credit 1.3 Regional Priority: SSc6.1 1 1 Credit 1.4 Regional Priority: WEc3 1 13 Total 1 54 43 Possible Points: 110 Certified 40 to 49 points Silver 50 to 59 points Gold 60 to 79 points Platinum 80 to 110 208 REPORT OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION NEW VISITOR CENTER – PEE DEE NWR WADESBORO, NORTH CAROLINA ECS PROJECT NO. 08-10354 NOVEMBER 7, 2014 209 REPORT OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION New Visitor Station – Pee Dee NWR Wadesboro, North Carolina Prepared For: Mr. R. C. (Chris) Garner, PE Project Manager Wiley|Wilson 6606 West Broad Street, Suite 500 Richmond, Virginia 23230 Prepared By: ECS CAROLINAS, LLP 1812 Center Park Drive Suite D Charlotte, NC 28217 ECS Project No: 08-10354 Report Date: November 7, 2014 210 211 Report of Subsurface Exploration New Visitor Station – Pee Dee NWR Wadesboro, North Carolina Page 2 Wiley|Wilson ECS Project No. 08-10354 November 7, 2014 1. 1.1. INTRODUCTION Project Information The project site is located on the east side of Highway 52 approximately ¾ miles north of the intersection with Pleasant Grove Church Road in Wadesboro, Anson County, North Carolina as shown on the Site Vicinity Map (Figure 1) included in the Appendix. We understand that the project will include a new National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) building encompassing a footprint area of approximately 2,150 sq ft. Construction will include a single-story structure with structural insulated panels, wood framing, and a concrete slab-on-grade. Fill depths ranging from 2 to 4 feet are anticipated to reach finished grade. Structural loading conditions were unknown at the time of this report. However, based on our experience with similar structures, we anticipate that maximum column and wall footing loads will not exceed 75 kips and 3 kips per linear foot, respectively 1.2. Scope of Services Our scope of services included a subsurface exploration with soil test borings, engineering analysis of the foundation support options, and preparation of this report with our recommendations. The subsurface exploration included four (4) soil test borings (B-1 through B-4) to depths of 15 feet below existing grades. Approximate boring locations are shown on the Boring Location Diagram (Figure 2) included in the Appendix. The soil borings were performed using a SIMCO 2400 ATV-mounted drill rig using continuous-flight, hollow-stem augers. 2. 2.1. FIELD SERVICES Test Locations The soil boring locations and depths were selected and located in the field by ECS using a handheld GPS device and existing landmarks as reference. The approximate test locations are shown on the Boring Location Diagram (Figure 2) presented in the Appendix of this report and should be considered approximate. Ground surface elevations at the boring locations were estimated from Google Earth and should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the method used to obtain them. 2.2. Soil Test Borings Four (4) soil test borings were drilled to evaluate the stratification and engineering properties of the subsurface soils at the project site. Standard Penetration Tests (SPT’s) were performed at designated intervals in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. The Standard Penetration Test is used to provide an index for estimating soil strength and density. In conjunction with the penetration testing, split-barrel soil samples were recovered for soil classification at each test interval. Boring Logs are included in the Appendix. The drill crew also maintained a field log of the soils encountered at each of the boring locations. After recovery, each sample was removed from the auger and visually classified. Representative portions of each sample were then sealed and brought to our laboratory in Charlotte, North Carolina for further visual examination. Groundwater measurements were attempted at the termination of drilling at each boring location. 212 Report of Subsurface Exploration New Visitor Station – Pee Dee NWR Wadesboro, North Carolina Page 3 Wiley|Wilson ECS Project No. 08-10354 November 7, 2014 3. LABORATORY SERVICES Soil samples were collected from the borings and examined in our laboratory to check field classifications and to determine pertinent engineering properties. Data obtained from the borings and our visual/manual examinations are included on the respective boring logs in the Appendix. 3.1. Soil Classification A geotechnical engineer classified each soil sample on the basis of color, texture, and plasticity characteristics in general accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). The soil engineer grouped the various soil types into the major zones noted on the boring logs. The stratification lines designating the interfaces between earth materials on the boring logs and profiles are approximate; in situ, the transition between strata may be gradual in both the vertical and horizontal directions. The results of the visual classifications are presented on the Boring Logs included in the Appendix. 4. 4.1. SITE AND SUBSURFACE FINDINGS Area Geology The site is located in the Piedmont Physiographic Province of North Carolina. The native soils in the Piedmont Province consist mainly of residuum with underlying saprolites weathered from the parent bedrock, which can be found in both weathered and unweathered states. Although the surficial materials normally retain the structure of the original parent bedrock, they typically have a much lower density and exhibit strengths and other engineering properties typical of soil. In a mature weathering profile of the Piedmont Province, the soils are generally found to be finer grained at the surface where more extensive weathering has occurred. The particle size of the soils generally becomes more granular with increasing depth and gradually changes first to weathered and finally to unweathered parent bedrock. The mineral composition of the parent rock and the environment in which weathering occurs largely control the resulting soil's engineering characteristics. The residual soils are the product of the weathering of the parent bedrock. In addition, it is apparent that the natural geology within the site has been modified in the past by grading that included placement of fill materials. The quality of man-made fills can vary significantly, and it is often difficult to access the engineering properties of existing tests performed in soil test borings and the degree of compaction of existing fill soils; however, a qualitative assessment of existing fills can sometimes be made based on the N-values obtained and observations of the materials sampled in the test borings. 4.2. Subsurface Conditions The subsurface conditions at the site, as indicated by the borings, generally consisted of fill, residual soil, and partially weathered rock (PWR) to the depths explored. The generalized subsurface conditions are described below. For soil stratification at a particular test location, the respective Boring Log found in the Appendix should be reviewed. Approximately 1 inch of topsoil (i.e. organic laden soil) was encountered at the ground surface at Borings B-3 and B-4. Asphalt was present at the ground surface at Borings B-1 and B-2. The asphalt was approximately 5 inches thick, underlain by approximately 7 to 14 inches of stone base. 213 Report of Subsurface Exploration New Visitor Station – Pee Dee NWR Wadesboro, North Carolina Page 4 Wiley|Wilson ECS Project No. 08-10354 November 7, 2014 Fill soils were encountered at Boring B-3. The fill soil extended to a depth of approximately 5½ feet below the existing ground surface. The fill soils encountered generally consisted of Silty SAND (SM) and Clayey SAND (SC) exhibiting SPT N-values ranging from 8 to 15 blows per foot (bpf). Rock fragments were encountered within the existing fill soils. Residual soil was encountered below the surficial materials at each of the boring locations. Residual soils are formed by the in-place chemical and mechanical weathering of the parent bedrock. The residual soils encountered in the borings generally consisted of Plastic Clay (CH), Sandy CLAY (CL), Clayey SAND (SC), and Silty SAND (SM) exhibiting SPT N-values ranging from 8 to 59 bpf. Borings B-1 and B-3 were terminated in residual soils. PWR was encountered below the residual soils at Borings B-2 and B-4 at a depth of approximately 12 feet below the existing ground surface. PWR is defined as residual material exhibiting SPT N-values greater than 100 bpf. The PWR encountered in the borings generally consisted of Silty SAND exhibiting SPT N-values ranging from 50 blows per 4 inches to 50 blows per 3 inches of penetration. Borings B-2 and B-4 were terminated in the PWR 4.3. Groundwater Observations Groundwater measurements were attempted at the termination of drilling at the time of our exploration. Groundwater was not encountered at the boring locations at the time of our observations. Fluctuations in the groundwater elevation should be expected depending on precipitation, run-off, utility leaks, and other factors not evident at the time of our evaluation. Normally, highest groundwater levels occur in late winter and spring and the lowest levels occur in late summer and fall. 5. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The borings performed at this site represent the subsurface conditions at the location of the borings. Due to inconsistencies associated with the prevailing geology, there can be changes in the subsurface conditions over relatively short distances that have not been disclosed by the results of the test location performed. Consequently, there may be undisclosed subsurface conditions that require special treatment or additional preparation once these conditions are revealed during construction. Our evaluation of foundation support conditions has been based on our understanding of the site, project information and the data obtained in our exploration. The general subsurface conditions utilized in our foundation evaluation have been based on interpolation of subsurface data between and away from the borings. In evaluating the boring data, we have examined previous correlations between penetration resistance values and foundation bearing pressures observed in soil conditions similar to those at your site. 5.1. Organic Laden Soils A layer of organic laden soil was encountered at the ground surface at Borings B-3 and B-4. The surficial organic laden soil is typically a dark-colored soil material containing roots, fibrous matter, and/or other organic components, and is generally unsuitable for support of engineering fill, foundations, or slabs-on-grade. Please keep in mind that mechanical clearing was performed in order to access the boring locations and organic laden soil depths will likely vary from those provided within this report. ECS has not performed laboratory testing to determine the organic content or other horticultural properties of the observed surficial organic laden soils. Therefore, the phrase “surficial organic laden soil” is not intended to indicate suitability for 214 Report of Subsurface Exploration New Visitor Station – Pee Dee NWR Wadesboro, North Carolina Page 5 Wiley|Wilson ECS Project No. 08-10354 November 7, 2014 landscaping and/or other purposes. The surficial organic laden soil depths provided in this report and on the individual Boring Logs are based on driller observations and should be considered approximate. Please note that the transition from surficial organic laden soils to underlying materials may be gradual, and therefore the observation and measurement of the surficial organic laden soil depth is approximate. Actual surficial organic laden soil depths should be expected to vary and generally increases with the amount of vegetation present over the site. 5.2. Existing Fill Fill soils were encountered below the organic laden soil at Boring B-3 and extended to a depth of 5½ feet below the existing ground surface. The fill materials encountered generally consisted of Silty SAND (SM) and Clayey SAND (SC), exhibiting SPT N-values ranging from 8 to 15 blows per foot (bpf). ECS was not provided with test records (such as previous subsurface exploration, proofrolling, compaction testing, etc.) at the time of this report; therefore, the fill should be considered undocumented. Undocumented fill poses risks associated with undetected deleterious inclusions within the fill and/or deleterious materials at the virgin ground fill interface that are covered by the fill. Deleterious materials can consist of significant amount of organics derived from organic rich strippings, rubbish, construction or demolition debris, stumps and roots, and logs. If these materials are covered over by or are within undocumented fill, the organic materials tend to decompose slowly in the anaerobic conditions in or under the fill. Decomposition can occur over periods ranging from several years to several decades. As the organic materials decompose, a void is created which can create soft conditions and even subsidence in areas above the organics. Where these types of conditions exist under or within undocumented fill, they are sometimes in discreet pockets that can go undetected by normal subsurface exploration techniques, i.e., soil test borings and test pits. Decomposition of these materials can cause settlement of the structure, resulting in excessive cracking. The only way to remove the risk associated with bearing the structure on the undocumented fill is to completely remove the existing and replace with engineered backfill. Due to the lightly loaded nature of the planned structure we anticipate the potential risk of settlement from bearing the structure on the undocumented fill is relatively low and that the owner will elect to leave the existing fill soils in place and accept the risks indicated in the following paragraph. Once the facts relating to the undocumented fill are disclosed, the level of risk appropriate becomes a business decision that only the owner can make. However, if the existing fill proofrolls successfully prior to new fill placement and the owner is willing to accept some limited risk, the fill soils are likely suitable for support of the structures. 5.3. Structure Foundations Provided the recommendations outlined herein are implemented, the proposed buildings may be adequately supported on a shallow foundation system consisting of spread footings bearing on firm undisturbed low plasticity residual soil, newly-placed engineered fill, or approved existing fill with a net allowable bearing pressure of up to 3,000 pounds per square foot (psf). For this project, minimum wall and column footing dimensions of 18 and 24 inches, respectively, should be maintained to reduce the possibility of a localized, “punching” type, shear failure. Exterior foundations and foundations in unheated areas should be embedded deep enough 215 Report of Subsurface Exploration New Visitor Station – Pee Dee NWR Wadesboro, North Carolina Page 6 Wiley|Wilson ECS Project No. 08-10354 November 7, 2014 below exterior grades to reduce potential movements from frost action or excessive drying shrinkage. For this region, we recommend footings bear at least 18 inches below finished grade. Total settlement is anticipated to be less than 1 inch, while differential settlement between columns is anticipated to be less than ½ inch for shallow foundations bearing on low plasticity residual soil or newly-placed engineered fill. Foundation geometry, loading conditions, and/or bearing strata different than those described in this report may result in magnitudes of settlement inconsistent with the previous estimates. 5.4. Slab-On-Grade Support Slabs-on-grade can be adequately supported on undisturbed low plasticity residual soils, newlyplaced engineered fill, or approved existing fill provided the site preparation and fill recommendations outlined herein are implemented. For a properly prepared site, a modulus of subgrade reaction (ks) for the soil of 100 pounds per cubic inch for the soil can be used. This value is representative of a 1-ft square loaded area and may need to be adjusted depending on the size and shape of the loaded area and depending on the method of structural analysis. We recommend the slabs-on-grade be underlain by a minimum of 4 inches of granular material having a maximum aggregate size of 1½ inches and no more than 2 percent fines. Prior to placing the granular material, the floor subgrade soil should be properly compacted, proofrolled, and free of standing water, mud, and frozen soil. A properly designed and constructed capillary break layer can often eliminate the need for a moisture retarder and can assist in more uniform curing of concrete. If a vapor retarder is considered to provide additional moisture protection, special attention should be given to the surface curing of the slabs to minimize uneven drying of the slabs and associated cracking and/or slab curling. The use of a blotter or cushion layer above the vapor retarder can also be considered for project specific reasons. Please refer to ACI 302.1R96 Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction and ASTM E 1643 Standard Practice for Installation of Water Vapor Retarders Used in Contact with Earth or Granular Fill Under Concrete Slabs for additional guidance on this issue. ECS recommends that the slab be isolated from the footings so differential settlement of the structure will not induce shear stresses on the floor slab. Also, in order to minimize the crack width of shrinkage cracks that may develop near the surface of the slab, we recommend mesh reinforcement as a minimum be included in the design of the floor slab. For maximum effectiveness, temperature and shrinkage reinforcements in slabs on ground should be positioned in the upper third of the slab thickness. The Wire Reinforcement Institute recommends the mesh reinforcement be placed 2 inches below the slab surface or upper onethird of slab thickness, whichever is closer to the surface. Adequate construction joints, contraction joints and isolation joints should also be provided in the slab to reduce the impacts of cracking and shrinkage. Please refer to ACI 302.1R96 Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction for additional information regarding concrete slab joint design. 5.5. Cut and Fill Slopes We recommend that permanent cut slopes with less than 10 feet crest height through undisturbed residual soils be constructed at 2:1 (horizontal: vertical) or flatter. Permanent fill slopes less than 10 feet tall may be constructed using controlled fill at a slope of 2.5:1 or flatter. 216 Report of Subsurface Exploration New Visitor Station – Pee Dee NWR Wadesboro, North Carolina Page 7 Wiley|Wilson ECS Project No. 08-10354 November 7, 2014 A slope of 3:1 or flatter may be desirable to permit establishment of vegetation, safe mowing, and maintenance. The surface of all cut and fill slopes should be adequately compacted. All permanent slopes should be protected using vegetation or other means to prevent erosion. The outside face of building foundations and the edges of pavements placed near slopes should be located an appropriate distance from the slope. Buildings or pavements placed at the top of fill slopes should be placed a distance equal to at least 1/3 of the height of the slope behind the crest of the slope. Buildings or pavements near the bottom of a slope should be located at least ½ of the height of the slope from the toe of the slope. Slopes with structures located closer than these limits or slopes taller than the height limits indicated should be specifically evaluated by the geotechnical engineer and may require approval from the building code official. Temporary slopes in confined or open excavations should perform satisfactorily at inclinations of 2:1. All excavations should conform to applicable OSHA regulations. Appropriately sized ditches should run above and parallel to the crest of all permanent slopes to divert surface runoff away from the slope face. To aid in obtaining proper compaction on the slope face, the fill slopes should be overbuilt with properly compacted structural fill and then excavated back to the proposed grades. 5.6. Below Grade Excavation Information regarding the depth of the planned underground utilities or site grades was not provided at the time of this report. Based on the results of the soil test borings, we do not anticipate difficult excavation will be encountered. In mass excavation for general site work, dense soils and PWR can usually be removed by ripping with a single-tooth ripper attached to a large crawler tractor or by breaking it out with a large front-end loader. In confined excavations such as foundations, utility trenches, etc., removal of PWR may require use of heavy duty backhoes, pneumatic spades, or blasting. As a general guide, we recommend the following definitions be used to define rock: General Excavation Rip Rock: Material that cannot be removed by scrapers, loaders, pans, dozers, or graders; and requires the use of a single-tooth ripper mounted on a crawler tractor having a minimum draw bar pull rated at not less than 56,000 pounds. Blast Rock: Material which cannot be excavated with a single-tooth ripper mounted on a crawler tractor having a minimum draw bar pull rated at not less than 56,000 pounds (Caterpillar D-8 or equivalent) or by a Caterpillar 977 frontend loader or equivalent; and occupying an original volume of at least one (1) cubic yard. Trench Excavation Blast Rock: Material which cannot be excavated with a backhoe having a bucket curling force rated at not less than 25,700 pounds (Caterpillar Model 225 or equivalent), and occupying an original volume of at least one-half (1/2) cubic yard. 217 Report of Subsurface Exploration New Visitor Station – Pee Dee NWR Wadesboro, North Carolina Page 8 Wiley|Wilson ECS Project No. 08-10354 November 7, 2014 As noted in the Geology section of this report, the weathering process in the Piedmont can be erratic and significant variations of the depths of the more dense materials can occur in relatively short distances. In some cases, isolated boulders or thin rock seams may be present in the soil matrix. 6. 6.1. CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS Site Preparation Prior to construction, the proposed construction area should be stripped of all topsoil and organic material, and other soft or unsuitable material. Upon completion of these razing and stripping operations, the exposed subgrade in areas to receive fill should be proofrolled with a loaded dump truck or similar pneumatic-tired vehicle having a loaded weight of approximately 25 tons. After excavation, the exposed subgrades in cut areas should be similarly proofrolled. Proofrolling operations should be performed under the observation of a geotechnical engineer or his authorized representative. The proofrolling should consist of two (2) complete passes of the exposed areas, with each pass being in a direction perpendicular to the preceding one. Any areas which deflect, rut or pump during the proofrolling, and fail to be remedied with successive passes, should be undercut to suitable soils and backfilled with compacted fill. The ability to dry wet soils, and therefore the ability to use them for fill, will likely be enhanced if earthwork is performed during summer or early fall. If earthwork is performed during winter or after appreciable rainfall then subgrades may be unstable due to wet soil conditions, which could increase the amount of undercutting required. Drying of wet soils, if encountered, may be accomplished by spreading and disking or by other mechanical or chemical means. 6.2. Fill Material and Placement The project fill should be soil that has less than five percent organic content and a liquid limit and plasticity index less than 50 and 30, respectively. Soils with Unified Soil Classification System group symbols of SP, SW, SM, SC, and ML are generally suitable for use as project fill. Soils with USCS group symbol of CL that meet the restrictions for liquid limit and plasticity index are also suitable for use as project fill. As previously mentioned in this report, ECS classified the soils using the visual/manual method. Therefore, we recommend Atterberg limits testing be performed on encountered CL soils to evaluate their suitability to support the structure. Soils with USCS group symbol of MH or CH (high elasticity or plasticity soil) or corrosive soils are generally not suitable for use as engineered fill. The fill should exhibit a maximum dry density of at least 90 pounds per cubic foot, as determined by a standard Proctor compaction test (ASTM D 698). We recommend that moisture control limits of -3 to +2 percent of the optimum moisture content be used for placement of project fill with the added requirement that fill soils placed wet of optimum remain stable under heavy pneumatic-tired construction traffic. During site grading, some moisture modification (drying and/or wetting) of the onsite soils will likely be required. Project fill should be compacted to at least 95 percent of its standard Proctor maximum dry density except within 24 inches of finished soil subgrade elevation beneath slab-on-grade and pavements. Within the top 24 inches of finished soil subgrade elevation beneath slab on grade and pavements, the approved project fill should be compacted to at least 100 percent of its standard Proctor maximum dry density. Aggregate base course (ABC stone) should be compacted to 100 percent of standard Proctor maximum dry density. However, for isolated 218 Report of Subsurface Exploration New Visitor Station – Pee Dee NWR Wadesboro, North Carolina Page 9 Wiley|Wilson ECS Project No. 08-10354 November 7, 2014 excavations around footing locations or within utility excavations, a hand tamper will likely be required. ECS recommends that field density tests be performed on the fill as it is being placed, at a frequency determined by an experienced geotechnical engineer, to verify that proper compaction is achieved. The maximum loose lift thickness depends upon the type of compaction equipment used. The table below provides maximum loose lifts that may be placed based on compaction equipment. LIFT THICKNESS RECOMMENDATIONS Maximum Loose Lift Equipment Thickness, in. Large, Self-Propelled Equipment (CAT 815, etc.) 8 Small, Self-Propelled or Remote Controlled (Rammax, etc.) 6 Hand Operated (Plate Tamps, Jumping Jacks, Wacker4 Packers) ECS recommends that fill operations be observed and tested by an engineering technician to determine if compaction requirements are being met. The testing agency should perform a sufficient number of tests to confirm that compaction is being achieved. For mass grading operations we recommend a minimum of one density test per 2,500 SF per lift of fill placed or per 1 foot of fill thickness, whichever results in more tests. When dry, the majority of the site soil should provide adequate subgrade support for fill placement and construction operations. When wet, the soil may degrade quickly with disturbance from construction traffic. Good site drainage should be maintained during earthwork operations to prevent ponding water on exposed subgrades. We recommend at least one test per 1 foot thickness of fill for every 100 linear ft of utility trench backfill. Where fill will be placed on existing slopes, we recommend that benches be cut in the existing slope to accept the new fill. All fill slopes should be overbuilt and then cut back to expose compacted material on the slope face. While compacting adjacent to below-grade walls, heavy construction equipment should maintain a horizontal distance of 1(H):1(V). If this minimum distance cannot be maintained, the compaction equipment should run perpendicular, not parallel to, the long axis of the wall. 6.3. Foundation Construction & Testing Foundation excavations should be tested to confirm adequate bearing prior to installation of reinforcing steel or placement of concrete. Unsuitable soils should be undercut to firm soils and the undercut excavations should be backfilled with compacted controlled fill. Exposure to the environment may weaken the soils at the footing bearing level if the foundation excavations remain open for too long a time; therefore, foundation concrete should be placed the same day that foundations are excavated. If the bearing soils are softened by surface water intrusion or exposure, the softened soils must be removed from the foundation excavation bottom immediately prior to placement of concrete. If the excavation must remain open overnight, or if rainfall becomes imminent while the bearing soils are exposed, a 1- to 3-inch thick "mud mat" of "lean" concrete may be placed on the bearing surface to protect the bearing soils. The mud mat should not be placed until the bearing soils have been tested for adequate bearing capacity. Foundations undercut should be backfilled with engineered fill. If lean concrete is placed within the undercut zone, the foundation footprint does not require oversizing. However, if soil or ABC stone is used in lieu of lean concrete, the foundation footprint should be oversized on a 1V:1H scale. 219 Report of Subsurface Exploration New Visitor Station – Pee Dee NWR Wadesboro, North Carolina Page 10 Wiley|Wilson ECS Project No. 08-10354 November 7, 2014 We recommend testing all shallow foundations to confirm the presence of foundation materials similar to those assumed in the design. We recommend the testing consist of hand auger borings with Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) testing performed by an engineer or engineering technician. 7. GENERAL COMMENTS The borings performed at this site represent the subsurface conditions at the location of the borings only. Due to the prevailing geology and presence of existing undocumented fill, changes in the subsurface conditions can occur over relatively short distances that have not been disclosed by the results of the borings performed. Consequently, there may be undisclosed subsurface conditions that require special treatment or additional preparation once these conditions are revealed during construction. Our evaluation of foundation support conditions has been based on our understanding of the site and project information and the data obtained in our exploration. The general subsurface conditions utilized in our foundation evaluation have been based on interpolation of subsurface data between and away from the test holes. If the project information is incorrect or if the structure locations (horizontal or vertical) and/or dimensions are changed, please contact us so that our recommendations can be reviewed. The discovery of any site or subsurface conditions during construction which deviate from the data outlined in this exploration should be reported to us for our evaluation. The assessment of site environmental conditions for the presence of pollutants in the soil, rock, and groundwater of the site was beyond the scope of this exploration. The recommendations outlined herein should not be construed to address moisture or water intrusion effects after construction is completed. Proper design of landscaping, surface and subsurface water control measures are required to properly address these issues. In addition, proper operation and maintenance of building systems is required to minimize the effects of moisture or water intrusion. The design, construction, operation, and maintenance of waterproofing and dampproofing systems are beyond the scope of services for this project. 220 APPENDIX Site Vicinity Map Boring Location Diagram Borelogs ASFE Documents 221 LEGEND: Source: Google Maps FIGURE 1 Site Vicinity Map New Visitor Station - Pee Dee NWR Wadesboro, North Carolina PROJ. MGR. EHF DRAFTSMAN JBB REVISIONS SCALE N.T.S. PROJECT NO. 10354 FIGURE 1 DATE 222 10-30-14 B-1 B-3 B-4 B-2 LEGEND: = Approximate Location of Boring Background Image Provided By: Wiley|Wilson FIGURE 2 Boring Location Diagram New Visitor Station - Pee Dee NWR Wadesboro, North Carolina PROJ. MGR. EHF DRAFTSMAN JBB REVISIONS SCALE N.T.S. PROJECT NO. 10354 FIGURE 2 DATE 223 10-30-14 JOB # CLIENT Wiley|Wilson BORING # 10354 SHEET B-1 1 OF 1 ARCHITECT-ENGINEER PROJECT NAME New Visitor Station - Pee Dee NWR - DTR SITE LOCATION CALIBRATED PENETROMETER TONS/FT2 1 Highway 52, Wadesboro, Anson County, North Carolina NORTHING EASTING 2 LOCATION RQD% DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL 4 5+ REC.% 40% PLASTIC LIMIT % BLOWS/6" 229 ELEVATION (FT) LOSS OF CIRCULATION SURFACE ELEVATION 0 ENGLISH UNITS WATER LEVELS RECOVERY (IN) SAMPLE DIST. (IN) SAMPLE TYPE SAMPLE NO. DEPTH (FT) 20% BOTTOM OF CASING 3 ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION & RECOVERY 60% 80% 100% WATER CONTENT % LIQUID LIMIT % STANDARD PENETRATION BLOWS/FT 10 20 30 40 50+ Asphalt Depth [5"], ABC Stone Depth [7"] S-1 SS 18 16 S-2 SS 18 14 S-3 SS 18 18 S-4 SS 18 14 12 7 5 (SM) SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND, Brown, Moist, Medium Dense (CL) SANDY CLAY, Orangish Tan to Brown, Moist, Very Stiff 225 5 5 6 10 12 16 8 8 10 220 10 18 7 9 16 25 (CH) PLASTIC CLAY, Brown, Moist, Very Stiff S-5 SS 18 215 18 15 7 10 19 29 END OF BORING @ 15.0' 210 20 205 25 200 30 THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES. IN-SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL. WL GNE WL(BCR) WL WS WL(ACR) WD GNE BORING STARTED 10/21/14 BORING COMPLETED 10/21/14 RIG SIMCO 2400 FOREMAN CAVE IN DEPTH Cody @ 11.9' DRILLING METHOD 2.25 H.S.A. 224 JOB # CLIENT Wiley|Wilson BORING # 10354 SHEET B-2 1 OF 1 ARCHITECT-ENGINEER PROJECT NAME New Visitor Station - Pee Dee NWR - DTR SITE LOCATION CALIBRATED PENETROMETER TONS/FT2 1 Highway 52, Wadesboro, Anson County, North Carolina NORTHING EASTING 2 LOCATION RQD% 40% PLASTIC LIMIT % BLOWS/6" 228 ELEVATION (FT) LOSS OF CIRCULATION SURFACE ELEVATION 0 ENGLISH UNITS WATER LEVELS RECOVERY (IN) SAMPLE DIST. (IN) SAMPLE TYPE SAMPLE NO. DEPTH (FT) DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL 4 5+ REC.% 20% BOTTOM OF CASING 3 ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION & RECOVERY 60% 80% 100% WATER CONTENT % LIQUID LIMIT % STANDARD PENETRATION BLOWS/FT 10 20 30 40 50+ Asphalt Depth [5"], ABC Stone Depth [14"] S-1 S-2 SS SS 18 18 18 6 4 4 (SM) SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND, Tannish to Orangish Brown, Moist, Loose to Medium Dense 5 7 16 16 5 S-3 SS 18 16 (CL) SANDY CLAY, Trace Gravel, Grayish Tan, Moist, Very Stiff 12 9 11 SS 18 (PWR) PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK SAMPLED AS SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND, Brown, Moist SS 16 29 215 17 30 50/4 16 15 20 6 10 19 18 10 S-5 23 220 (CL) SANDY CLAY, Brown, Moist, Very Stiff S-4 8 225 100+ END OF BORING @ 15.0' 210 20 205 25 200 30 THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES. IN-SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL. WL GNE WL(BCR) WL WS WL(ACR) WD GNE BORING STARTED 10/21/14 BORING COMPLETED 10/21/14 RIG SIMCO 2400 FOREMAN CAVE IN DEPTH Cody @ 12.0' DRILLING METHOD 2.25 H.S.A. 225 JOB # CLIENT Wiley|Wilson BORING # 10354 SHEET B-3 1 OF 1 ARCHITECT-ENGINEER PROJECT NAME New Visitor Station - Pee Dee NWR - DTR SITE LOCATION CALIBRATED PENETROMETER TONS/FT2 1 Highway 52, Wadesboro, Anson County, North Carolina NORTHING EASTING 2 LOCATION RQD% DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL S-1 SS 18 12 Topsoil Depth [1"] (SM FILL) SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND, Grayish Brown, Moist, Loose S-2 SS 18 6 (SC FILL) CLAYEY COARSE SAND, Contains Rock Fragments, Brown, Moist, Medium Dense S-3 SS 18 16 (CL) SANDY CLAY, Orangish Brown and White, Moist, Very Stiff S-4 SS 18 16 225 220 60% 80% 100% WATER CONTENT % LIQUID LIMIT % STANDARD PENETRATION BLOWS/FT 10 20 30 40 50+ 8 15 17 16 9 17 23 18 15 5+ 215 (SM) SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND, Dark Brown, Moist, Dense 18 5 7 10 3 6 10 10 SS 3 4 4 14 7 8 5 S-5 4 REC.% 40% PLASTIC LIMIT % BLOWS/6" 227 ELEVATION (FT) LOSS OF CIRCULATION SURFACE ELEVATION 0 ENGLISH UNITS WATER LEVELS RECOVERY (IN) SAMPLE DIST. (IN) SAMPLE TYPE SAMPLE NO. DEPTH (FT) 20% BOTTOM OF CASING 3 ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION & RECOVERY 40 END OF BORING @ 15.0' 210 20 205 25 200 30 THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES. IN-SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL. WL GNE WL(BCR) WL WS WL(ACR) WD GNE BORING STARTED 10/21/14 BORING COMPLETED 10/21/14 RIG SIMCO 2400 FOREMAN CAVE IN DEPTH Cody @ 12.2' DRILLING METHOD 2.25 H.S.A. 226 JOB # CLIENT Wiley|Wilson BORING # 10354 SHEET B-4 1 OF 1 ARCHITECT-ENGINEER PROJECT NAME New Visitor Station - Pee Dee NWR - DTR SITE LOCATION CALIBRATED PENETROMETER TONS/FT2 1 Highway 52, Wadesboro, Anson County, North Carolina NORTHING EASTING 2 LOCATION RQD% DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL S-1 SS 18 16 S-2 SS 18 18 S-3 SS 18 14 S-4 SS 18 18 Topsoil Depth [1"] (SM) SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND, Tannish Brown, Moist, Medium Dense 5 4 7 (SC) CLAYEY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND, Brown, Moist, Dense 220 5 (CL) SANDY CLAY, Brown, Moist, Hard SS 9 9 15 60% 5+ (SM) SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND, Dark Brown, Moist, Very Dense 215 (PWR) PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK SAMPLED AS SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND, Dark Brown, Moist 210 80% 100% WATER CONTENT % LIQUID LIMIT % STANDARD PENETRATION BLOWS/FT 10 20 30 40 50+ 11 43 6 17 26 11 17 18 10 S-5 4 REC.% 40% PLASTIC LIMIT % BLOWS/6" 224 ELEVATION (FT) LOSS OF CIRCULATION SURFACE ELEVATION 0 ENGLISH UNITS WATER LEVELS RECOVERY (IN) SAMPLE DIST. (IN) SAMPLE TYPE SAMPLE NO. DEPTH (FT) 20% BOTTOM OF CASING 3 ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION & RECOVERY 35 7 19 40 59 34 50/3 100+ END OF BORING @ 15.0' 205 20 200 25 195 30 THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES. IN-SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL. WL GNE WL(BCR) WL WS WL(ACR) WD GNE BORING STARTED 10/21/14 BORING COMPLETED 10/21/14 RIG SIMCO 2400 FOREMAN CAVE IN DEPTH Cody @ 11.9' DRILLING METHOD 2.25 H.S.A. 227 GW Well graded gravels, gravelsand mixtures, little or no fines GP Poorly graded gravels, gravelsand mixtures, little or no fines d Clean Sands (Little or no fines) Sands with fines Typical Names Silty Gravels, gravel-sand-silt mixtures u GC Clayey Gravels, gravel-sandclay mixtures SW Well-graded sands, gravelly sands, little or no fines SP Poorly graded sands, gravelly sands, little or no fines SMa d Silty sands, sand-silt mixtures u Clayey sands, sand-clay mixtures SC ML CL Laboratory Classification Criteria Determine percentages of sand and gravel from grain size curve Depending on the percentage of the fines (fraction smaller than No. 200 sieve size), Coarse grained soils are classified as follows: Less than 5% GW, GP, SW, SP More than 12% GM, GC, SM, SC 5 to 12% Borderline cases requiring dual symbolsb Gravels (More than half of coarse fraction is larger than No. 4 sieves size) Clean Gravels Gravels with (Little or no fines) fines Sands (More than half of coarse fraction is smaller than No. 4 sieve size) Group Symbols GMa Highly Silts and Clays Silts and Clays Organi (Liquid Limit less than (Liquid Limit greater than 50) c 50) Soils Fine-Grained Soils (More than half of material is smaller than No. 200 sieve) Coarse-Grained Soils (More than half of the material is larger than No. 200 sieve size) Major Divisions Cu=D60/D10 greater than 4 Cc= (D30)2/(D10 x D60) between 1 and 3 Not meeting all gradation requirements for GW Atterberg limits below “A” line or P.I. less than 4 Atterberg limits above “A” line with P.I. greater than 7 Above “A” line with P.I. between 4 and 7 are borderline cases requiring use of dual symbols Cu=D60/D10 greater than 6 Cc= (D30)2/(D10 x D60) between 1 and 3 Not meeting all gradation requirements for SW Atterberg limits below “A” line or P.I. less than 4 Atterberg limits above “A” line with P.I. greater than 7 Limits plotting in hatched zone with P.I. between 4 and 7 are borderline cases requiring use of dual symbols Inorganic silts and very fine sands, rock flour, silty or clayey fine sands, or clayey silts with slight plasticity Inorganic clays of low to medium plasticity, gravelly clays, sandy clays, silty clays, lean clays OL Organic silts and organic silty clays of low plasticity MH Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous fine sandy or silty soils, elastic silts CH Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays OH Organic clays of medium to high plasticity, organic silts Pt Peat and other highly organic soils Reference: Winterkorn & Fang, 1975 (ASTM D-2487) a Division of GM and SM groups into subdivision of d and u are for road and airfields only. Subdivision is based on Atterberg limits; suffix d used when L.L. is 28 or less and the P.I. is 6 or less; the suffix u is used when L.L. is greater that 28. b Borderline classifications, used for soils possessing characteristics of two groups, are designated by combinations of group symbols. For example: GW-GC, well-graded gravel-sand mixture with clay binder. 1812 CENTER PARK DRIVE SUITE D CHARLOTTE, NC 28217 704/525-5152 FAX/704-357-0023 UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM 228 REFERENCE NOTES FOR BORING LOGS I. Drilling Sampling Symbols SS RC DC BS HSA REC II. Split Spoon Sampler Rock Core, NX, BX, AX Dutch Cone Penetrometer Bulk Sample of Cuttings Hollow Stem Auger Rock Sample Recovery % Shelby Tube Sampler Pressuremeter Rock Bit Drilling Power Auger (no sample) Wash sample Rock Quality Designation % Correlation of Penetration Resistances to Soil Properties Standard Penetration (blows/ft) refers to the blows per foot of a 140 lb. hammer falling 30 inches on a 2-inch OD split-spoon sampler, as specified in ASTM D 1586. The blow count is commonly referred to as the N-value. A. Non-Cohesive Soils (Silt, Sand, Gravel and Combinations) Density Under 4 blows/ft Very Loose 5 to 10 blows/ft Loose 11 to 30 blows/ft Medium Dense 31 to 50 blows/ft Dense Over 51 blows/ft Very Dense Boulders Cobbles Gravel Sand Coarse Medium Fine Coarse Medium Fine Silt and Clay B. III. ST PM RD PA WS RQD Relative Properties Adjective Form 12% to 49% With 5% to 12% Particle Size Identification 8 inches or larger 3 to 8 inches 1 to 3 inches ½ to 1 inch ¼ to ½ inch 2.00 mm to ¼ inch (dia. of lead pencil) 0.42 to 2.00 mm (dia. of broom straw) 0.074 to 0.42 mm (dia. of human hair) 0.0 to 0.074 mm (particles cannot be seen) Cohesive Soils (Clay, Silt, and Combinations) Blows/ft Consistency Under 2 3 to 4 5 to 8 9 to 15 16 to 30 31 to 50 Over 51 Very Soft Soft Medium Stiff Stiff Very Stiff Hard Very Hard Unconfined Comp. Strength Qp (tsf) Under 0.25 0.25-0.49 0.50-0.99 1.00-1.99 2.00-3.00 4.00–8.00 Over 8.00 Degree of Plasticity Plasticity Index None to slight Slight Medium High to Very High 0–4 5–7 8 – 22 Over 22 Water Level Measurement Symbols WL Water Level WS While Sampling WD While Drilling BCR Before Casing Removal ACR After Casing Removal Est. Groundwater Level DCI Dry Cave-In WCI Wet Cave-In Est. Seasonal High GWT The water levels are those levels actually measured in the borehole at the times indicated by the symbol. The measurements are relatively reliable when augering, without adding fluids, in a granular soil. In clay and plastic silts, the accurate determination of water levels may require several days for the water level to stabilize. In such cases, additional methods of measurement are generally applied. 229 Important Information About Your Geotechnical Engineering Report Subsurface problems are a principal cause of construction delays, cost overruns, claims, and disputes The following information is provided to help you manage your risks. Geotechnical Services Are Performed for Specific Purposes, Persons, and Projects Geotechnical engineers structure their services to meet the specific needs of their clients. A geotechnical engineering study conducted for a civil engineer may not fulfill the needs of a construction contractor or even another civil engineer. Because each geotechnical engineering study is unique, each geotechnical engineering report is unique, prepared solely for the client. No one except you should rely on your geotechnical engineering report without first conferring with the geotechnical engineer who prepared it. And no one - not even you - should apply the report for any purpose or project except the one originally contemplated. Read the Full Report Serious problems have occurred because those relying on a geotechnical engineering report did not read it all. Do not rely on an executive summary. Do not read selected elements only. A Geotechnical Engineering Report Is Based on A Unique Set of Project-Specific Factors Geotechnical engineers consider a number of unique, project-specific factors when establishing the scope of a study. Typical factors include: the client’s goals, objectives, and risk management preferences; the general nature of the structure involved, its size, and configuration; the location of the structure on the site; and other planned or existing site improvements, such as access roads, parking lots, and underground utilities. Unless the geotechnical engineer who conducted the study specifically indicates otherwise, do not rely on a geotechnical engineering report that was: • not prepared for you, • not prepared for your project, • not prepared for the specific site explored, or • completed before important project changes were made. Typical changes that can erode the reliability of an existing geotechnical engineering report include those that affect: • the function of the proposed structure, as when it’s changed from a parking garage to an office building, or from alight industrial plant to a refrigerated warehouse, • elevation, configuration, location, orientation, or weight of the proposed structure, • composition of the design team, or • project ownership. As a general rule, always inform your geotechnical engineer of project changes - even minor ones - and request an assessment of their impact. Geotechnical engineers cannot accept responsibility or liability for problems that occur because their reports do not consider developments of which they were not informed. Subsurface Conditions Can Change A geotechnical engineering report is based on conditions that existed at the time the study was performed. Do not rely on a geotechnical engineering report whose adequacy may have been affected by: the passage of time; by man-made events, such as construction on or adjacent to the site; or by natural events, such as floods, earthquakes, or groundwater fluctuations. Always contact the geotechnical engineer before applying the report to determine if it is still reliable. A minor amount of additional testing or analysis could prevent major problems. Most Geotechnical Findings Are Professional Opinions Site exploration identifies subsurface conditions only at those points where subsurface tests are conducted or samples are taken. Geotechnical engineers review field and laboratory data and then apply their professional judgment to render an opinion about subsurface conditions throughout the site. Actual subsurface conditions may differ-sometimes significantly from those indicated in your report. Retaining the geotechnical engineer who developed your report to provide construction observation is the most effective method of managing the risks associated with unanticipated conditions. A Report’s Recommendations Are Not Final Do not overrely on the construction recommendations included in your report. Those recommendations are not final, because geotechnical engineers develop them principally from judgment and opinion. Geotechnical engineers can finalize their recommendations only by observing actual 230 subsurface conditions revealed during construction. The geotechnical engineer who developed your report cannot assume responsibility or liability for the report’s recommendations if that engineer does not perform construction observation. A Geotechnical Engineering Report Is Subject to Misinterpretation Other design team members’ misinterpretation of geotechnical engineering reports has resulted in costly problems. Lower that risk by having your geotechnical engineer confer with appropriate members of the design team after submitting the report. Also retain your geotechnical engineer to review pertinent elements of the design team’s plans and specifications. Contractors can also misinterpret a geotechnical engineering report. Reduce that risk by having your geotechnical engineer participate in prebid and preconstruction conferences, and by providing construction observation. Do Not Redraw the Engineer’s Logs Geotechnical engineers prepare final boring and testing logs based upon their interpretation of field logs and laboratory data. To prevent errors or omissions, the logs included in a geotechnical engineering report should never be redrawn for inclusion in architectural or other design drawings. Only photographic or electronic reproduction is acceptable, but recognize that separating logs from the report can elevate risk. Give Contractors a Complete Report and Guidance Some owners and design professionals mistakenly believe they can make contractors liable for unanticipated subsurface conditions by limiting what they provide for bid preparation. To help prevent costly problems, give contractors the complete geotechnical engineering report, but preface it with a clearly written letter of transmittal. In that letter, advise contractors that the report was not prepared for purposes of bid development and that the report’s accuracy is limited; encourage them to confer with the geotechnical engineer who prepared the report (a modest fee may be required) and/or to conduct additional study to obtain the specific types of information they need or prefer. A prebid conference can also be valuable. Be sure contractors have sufficient time to perform additional study. Only then might you be in a position to give contractors the best information available to you, while requiring them to at least share some of the financial responsibilities stemming from unanticipated conditions. Read Responsibility Provisions Closely Some clients, design professionals, and contractors do not recognize that geotechnical engineering is far less exact than other engineering disciplines. This lack of understanding has created unrealistic expectations that have led to disappointments, claims, and disputes. To help reduce the risk of such outcomes, geotechnical engineers commonly include a variety of explanatory provisions in their reports. Sometimes labeled “limitations” many of these provisions indicate where geotechnical engineers’ responsibilities begin and end, to help others recognize their own responsibilities and risks. Read these provisions closely. Ask questions. Your geotechnical engineer should respond fully and frankly. Geoenvironmental Concerns Are Not Covered The equipment, techniques, and personnel used to perform a geoenvironmental study differ significantly from those used to perform a geotechnical study. For that reason, a geotechnical engineering report does not usually relate any geoenvironmental findings, conclusions, or recommendations; e.g., about the likelihood of encountering underground storage tanks or regulated contaminants. Unanticipated environmental problems have led to numerous project failures. If you have not yet obtained your own geoenvironmental information, ask your geotechnical consultant for risk management guidance. Do not rely on an environmental report prepared for someone else. Obtain Professional Assistance To Deal with Mold Diverse strategies can be applied during building design, construction, operation, and maintenance to prevent significant amounts of mold from growing on indoor surfaces. To be effective, all such strategies should be devised for the express purpose of mold prevention, integrated into a comprehensive plan, and executed with diligent oversight by a professional mold prevention consultant. Because just a small amount of water or moisture can lead to the development of severe mold infestations, a number of mold prevention strategies focus on keeping building surfaces dry. While groundwater, water infiltration, and similar issues may have been addressed as part of the geotechnical engineering study whose findings are conveyed in-this report, the geotechnical engineer in charge of this project is not a mold prevention consultant; none of the services performed in connection with the geotechnical engineer’s study were designed or conducted for the purpose of mold prevention. Proper implementation of the recommendations conveyed in this report will not of itself be sufficient to prevent mold from growing in or on the structure involved. Rely on Your ASFE-Member Geotechnical Engineer For Additional Assistance Membership in ASFE/The Best People on Earth exposes geotechnical engineers to a wide array of risk management techniques that can be of genuine benefit for everyone involved with a construction project. Confer with your ASFE-member geotechnical engineer for more information. The Best People on Earth 8811 Colesville Road/Suite G106, Silver Spring, MD 20910 Telephone:’ 301/565-2733 Facsimile: 301/589-2017 e-mail: Copyright 2004 by ASFE, Inc. Duplication, reproduction, or copying of this document, in whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, is strictly prohibited, except with ASFE’s specific written permission. Excerpting, quoting, or otherwise extracting wording from this document is permitted only with the express written permission of ASFE, and only for purposes of scholarly research or book review. Only members of ASFE may use this document as a complement to or as an element of a geotechnical engineering report. Any other firm, individual, or other entity that so uses this document without being anASFE member could be committing negligent or intentional (fraudulent) misrepresentation. IIGER06045.0M 231