COSPAR Training Event on Space Weather (Submitted by Jean

IPET-SUP-2/Doc. 15.2
ITEM: 15.2
Original: ENGLISH
COSPAR Training Event on Space Weather
(Submitted by Jean-Louis Fellous, COSPAR)
Summary and Purpose of Document
It is planned to hold a COSPAR Capacity Building Workshop on Space
Weather in Kamchatka, Russia, in August 2016. A Local organizing
committee has been formed within the Institute of Cosmo-physical Research
and Radio waves Propagation (IKIR). It is recommended that this workshop
be co-sponsored by WMO in the framework of the Memorandum of
Understanding signed by COSPAR and WMO in 2012 and renewed in 2015.
The second session is invited to:
Take note of the information provided on current plans to hold a COSPAR capacity building
workshop on Space Weather in Russia in 2016;
Recommend WMO and other organizations to contribute to the organization of that workshop
through dissemination of the information, a grant for students and support to lecturers; and,
Make any other appropriate recommendation concerning the objectives and content of the
Appendices: A.
“Impact of Space Weather on Earth”, Kamchatka Capacity Building Workshop,
Russian Federation, Site visit report (Jan 2016).
IPET-SUP-2/Doc. 15.2, p. 2
The Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) and the WMO Space Programme signed in
January 2012 a Memorandum of Understanding through which they agreed to pursue the following
cooperative activities:
a. Exchange of information on capacity building activities;
b. Exchange of contact points;
c. Mutual acknowledgment and promotion;
d. Collaboration of VLab and COSPAR host institutions, and partner satellite agencies, in
organizing capacity building events;
e. Provision of mutual sponsorship of capacity building events (in-kind);
f. Exploration of further areas of partnership.
In 2015, this partnership was renewed beyond its initial period of three years.
Training and capacity building workshops
The COSPAR Panel on capacity building (PCB) and the WMO VLab used several opportunities
in the past three years to collaborate on the organization of training workshops held in various
countries, notably in China, Thailand, and Russia, on topics of mutual interest.
The COSPAR CB programme includes a companion Fellowship programme open to young
scientists who have been participants at one of the COSPAR Capacity Building workshops to enable
them to build on skills gained at the workshop. It provides for visits of 2-4 weeks duration for the
purpose of carrying out joint research to laboratories that collaborate with COSPAR in providing the
fellowship pro-gram. Details on the COSPAR Capacity Building and Fellowship programmes are
available on the COSPAR Web site .
Training event on space weather
Earlier discussions held in 2013-2014 independently by the two organizations and jointly in the
context of the WMO ET-SUP and at the COSPAR Scientific Assembly in Moscow identified Space
Weather as a priority topic for collaboration in training and capacity building. Several projects have
been envisioned, including expressions of interest in hosting and/or organizing a CB workshop by the
Brazilian INPE (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais) and the Institute of Cosmo-physical
Research and Radio waves Propagation (IKIR) of the Far-East Branch of the Academy of Sciences of
the Russian Federation.
The Brazilian project was submitted to COSPAR in May 2015, but it showed a number of
features that required significant clarification or adjustment. At this point in time, the project has not
yet responded to the comments made by the PCB and has been put on hold.
The Russian proposal was first submitted to COSPAR in March 2015, and following initial
comments and questions from the PCB, it was recently resubmitted in a more comprehensive
manner. A site visit has taken place on 7-8 January 2016 with Dr Alexi Glover (ESA), Chair of the
COSPAR Panel on Space Weather and an active member of the PCB. The report from the site visit is
reproduced as Appendix A. Based on this report the PCB has accepted the Russian proposal,
assuming that additional sponsorship will help close the budget.
It is in particular anticipated that WMO will be interested in disseminating the information about
the Workshop, contributing to the selection of students, and providing a grant for students and support
for lecturers.
Appendix A: “Impact of Space Weather on Earth”, Kamchatka Capacity Building Workshop, Russian
Federation, Site visit report (Jan 2016)
1 and
Impact of Space Weather on Earth, Kamchatka Capacity Building Workshop
Site visit: 7-8th January 2016.
Present: Boris Mikhailovich Shevtsov, Valentina Bulgakova, Nina Volodarovna Cherneva,
Anna Larionova, Andrey Perezhogin, Arkadiy Ivanov, Alexi Glover
1. Team introductions
Team introductions were held and short presentations were held on the wide range of
research carried out by the institute.
Prof Boris Mikhailovich Shevtsov will lead the workshop scientific organising committee
with support of the IKIR team.
The Scientific organising committee will be composed of IKIR scientists, COSPAR PCB
representative and the guest lecturers.
The LOC will be composed of IKIR scientists.
Preliminary lists were discussed. These will be finalised by 18th January.
2. Main aims and scope of the workshop including planned dates
Aims and scope are as described in the proposal document.
The dates were agreed as being 15th August – 26th August.
3. Scientific Programme and coursework planning
The overall scope of the scientific programme was agreed. All guest lecturers have confirmed
availability and willingness to participate. The programme will be refined over the coming
weeks, and a first version made available online by 18th January.
Lectures will take place in the morning, project work in the afternoon. Each student will be
able to choose a project and will have an associated project tutor. The final day will include
student presentations.
All lectures and student presentations will be given in English.
It is understood that projects need to be defined and that tutors will be assigned for each
project. Projects will be defined following the conclusion of the application process in April.
4. Application Process
This will start in mid-January. Students will be asked to provide CV, letter of
recommendation from their institute, list of publications and a short letter of motivation
explaining how the course will benefit their research.
The application process will be the same for all participants, and the application should be
made in English.
Selection of successful candidates shall be made by the SOC. Candidates will primarily be
selected based on scientific merit. The aim is for 50% Russian and 50% international
5. IKIR on-site facilities
The local facilities for the meeting at IKIR were reviewed. The lecture theatre can
accommodate 54 people with fixed seating, plus there is space for additional seating if
needed. The room includes overhead projection facilities. See picture (2) below.
Poster boards are available if needed.
Project work will be mainly carried out using MATLAB. The institute has ~15 free terminals
which can be used by the students. This means around half will need to bring their own
laptops, or another (e.g. rental) solution will be needed. Personal laptops can be configured to
connect to the institute server. It was assured that sufficient licenses are available for ~30
students to connect simultaneously to the server.
Additional quiet working areas including the library will be equipped with desks and seating
for students to carry out project work during the afternoon sessions.
Internet connection in Kamchatka is slow due to the necessary use of satellite connection.
Students and lecturers will be asked to take this into account during normal course time and
not use e.g. Skype during these times. Large data volumes required for the workshop should
be brought on physical media or downloaded in advance. Wifi is available at the IKIR
6. Proceedings/course material publication
It was agreed to investigate publishing the lecture notes as a special issue of ASR. Alexi will
ask the editors whether this could be foreseen. IKIR will nominate guest editors. It was noted
that some additional support for English correction may be needed. Alexi will see if this is
something ASR could provide.
7. Travel, Visas and Accommodation
In order to request visas, around 1 month is needed as minimum. IKIR will handle the
requests for “common humanitarian” type visa.
Flight prices change substantially over the year and are expected to be high since August is
the main tourism period in Kamchatka. Booking/reservation requires passport details. Flights
for lecturers will be reserved ASAP. Flights for students will need to be reserved as soon as
possible and so are a possible driver for the applications schedule.
IKIR will arrange pick-up and transfer of all participants from Petropavlovsk airport to the
hotels on arrival, and transfer to the airport on departure with their own bus. Most arrivals are
expected 13-14th August and departure on 27th August. All lecturers are encouraged to stay
for the full 2 week period. However, it’s understood that some may need to arrive/leave
during this time.
The Krechet hotel has been booked for the duration of the meeting for ~30-40 people.
Additional guests will be accommodated at the hotel next door: Sypuchka.
Both hotels were visited and Alexi stayed in the Krechet during the visit. Accommodation
and catering standard at the Krechet is good. The restaurant is not sufficiently large to
accommodate all workshop participants at the same time (capacity ~28). As the hotel doesn’t
have wifi, a temporary connection would be provided by IKIR for the duration of the meeting
for participants use.
The Sypuchka hotel was closed on the day visited but a tour of the facilities was arranged.
These are of a very high standard and include a large restaurant and professional conference
room (picture 1 below), both of which could accommodate all participants. The hotel can
accommodate 30-40 guests and has wifi already installed. The restaurant can cater for up to
60 guests in the main room.
Lunch and dinner for all participants was proposed to be held at the Krechet due to the very
small size of the IKIR canteen. This is 5minute drive from the institute premises. Lunch
breaks will be longer in order to accommodate travel time.
8. Social Programme
A full social programme will be compiled including excursions over the weekend. Several
ideas were discussed including:
Hiking up to a local volcano crater
Boat trip
Trip to the valley of geysers
Evening lecture on the geology of the Kamchatka region
9. Budget
In addition to the COSPAR support, IKIR are looking into additional support and have
preliminary confirmation that the regional government will provide support for the meeting.
Other sources have also indicated positively. An overall budget sheet will be compiled.
10. COSPAR fellowship programme
IKIR confirmed their interest to participate in this programme.
11. Advertising
The first version of the website including draft programme will be made available by the 18th
January, and a first advertisement letter will be circulated to various institutes and mailing
12. Schedule including key dates until workshop
18th Jan: first version of website and draft programme and application period open
31th March: Close applications and start review (online programme finalised in the
30th April: Finalise review and inform successful participants
1st May: start visa application process & student project preparation
15th August: Workshop takes place
Meeting room option 1: Sypuchka Conference Room
Meeting room option 2: IKIR conference room