COMPENSATING WAGE DIFFERENTIALS FOR RISK OF DEATH IN GREAT BRITAIN: AN EXAMINATION OF THE TRADE UNION AND HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEE IMPACT S. Grazier University of Wales Swansea ABSTRACT British estimates of the compensating wage differential for injury risk have centred around 1980s data; the nature and prevalence of accidents in the workplace have however, changed substantially since then. This paper, using recent British data, finds a significant wage premium for exposure to risk of fatality at work. Research in this area has pointed to the ambiguous effect that trade unions have upon the risk premium, and a re-examination of the union impact points to a negative effect. With an emerging literature investigating the relationship between other forms of worker representation and injuries, consideration is also given to the arrangements for dealing with health and safety at the workplace level. Health and safety committees established solely to discuss health and safety issues are found to have an independent, positive effect upon the risk premium. Evidence therefore supports the notion that the role of health and safety committees should be considered separately from any trade union effect. JEL Classification: J0, J3, J5 Keywords: Compensating wage differentials, Accident risk, Trade unions, Health and safety committees Contact Details: Suzanne Grazier, School of Business and Economics, Swansea University, Richard Price Building, Singleton Park, Swansea, SA2 8PP E mail: 1 1. INTRODUCTION The theory of compensating wage differentials has been investigated by many papers, especially with regard to whether workers receive a wage premium for exposure to high accident risk 1 . In such models, the compensating wage differential would be the price employers are required to pay workers in order for them to accept employment with an increased risk of fatality or injury. Such findings have a direct policy application; estimates of a risk premium can be used to calculate the Value of a Statistical Life (VSL) or Injury (VSI) which can be applied to evaluate many public policies in areas such as the environment and road safety 2 . Marin and Psacharopoulos (1982), in the first paper using British data from the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys (OPCS) Occupational Mortality Decennial Supplement 1970-72, find evidence of a wage premium for exposure to fatal risk. Sandy and Elliott (1996) and Arabsheibani and Marin (2000) using similar data over the period 1979 to 1983, and Siebert and Wei (1994) using Health and Safety Executive (HSE) data for 1986 to 1988, all find evidence of a fatal risk premium. There are no papers however, that attempt to estimate the premium using more recent British data. The existence of a wage premium for exposure to risk of non-fatal injury is uncertain, with no UK study finding evidence that workers are compensated for this. Arabsheibani and Marin (2000) include a non-fatal injury variable in their estimation based on a sample of male manual workers using data from the General Household Survey (GHS), which asks respondents if they have had an accident at work that 1 Recently, Sandy and Elliott (2005) estimate a significant compensating differential for exposure to high illness risk. 2 See Ashenfelter (2006) for a full discussion. 2 resulted in a visit to a doctor or hospital. No evidence of a premium is found, which they attribute to the fact that their variable does not distinguish the degree of severity of an accident. Siebert and Wei (1994) again for a sample of male manual workers, include a non-fatal injury variable defined as an accident that resulted in absence from work for 3 or more days using HSE data. This also turns out to be insignificant. There has been particular interest in the effect that trade unions have upon the risk premium. Theoretically trade unions could increase the risk premium, through improved information collection and collective bargaining, or reduce it, if unions are more concerned with reducing risk rather than increasing compensation for exposure to it. US studies tend to find that unions increase the premium while British studies tend to find they reduce it, Siebert and Wei being the exception. Given the decline in union membership since the 1980s 3 , when most studies analysed the issue, the impact trade unions have upon the risk premium seems to require further investigation. In recent years, investigations into the effect unions have upon safety in the workplace have also tended to consider firms arrangements for dealing with health and safety within the workplace 4 . Under current legislation firms are not obliged to appoint safety representatives or establish health and safety committees. However, safety representatives can now be appointed in firms with no union presence under the Health and Safety (Consultation with Employees) Regulations 1996. If two or more safety representatives request a committee be established, a firm must do so within three months. Health and Safety committees are mandatory for firms over a certain 3 4 See Machin (2000) See Fenn and Ashby (2004) p.464 3 size in both France and Germany, and as Reilly et al. (1995) note EU legislation may eventually require this elsewhere. Reilly et al. (1995) suggest that in Britain health and safety committees may adopt an important role “given the potential for a continued decline in union workplace strength” (p.276). Supporting this, they find that firms with such committees have on average fewer injuries. They claim establishments with joint consultative committees exclusively for health and safety and with all employee representatives chosen by unions, have on average 5.7 fewer injuries per 1000 employees compared to establishments where management deals with health and safety without consultation (p.283). This paper has been extremely influential, with their findings widely cited in support of the beneficial effects that trade unions and health and safety committees have upon workplace safety 5 . In a replication of Reilly et al. (1995) however, the evidence provided by Nichols et al. (2005) is less certain. Although their results support the view that health and safety should not be left to management alone, they find no evidence to support their more precise conclusions (p.25). Related to this, Fenn and Ashby (2004) find conflicting evidence that the presence of health and safety committees is associated with a higher number of injuries, which they attribute to improved and greater awareness of accident reporting procedures. Nichols et al. go on to conclude that “there is good cause to re-examine a whole number of issues and dynamics that may affect the determination of health and safety” (p.26). Litwin (2000), in a study of the effect trade unions have upon industrial injury, emphasises the need to “separate the effect of 5 Nichols et al. (2005) present extracts from numerous policy documents in which the findings of Reilly et al. are cited. 4 health and safety committees and joint consultative committees from the effects of the variables of workplace union strength” (p.5). The effect, if any, that health and safety committees may have upon the accident risk premium has not yet however, been investigated. Given the growth of such institutions in the British labour market, such analysis is timely. Compensating wage differential research has been constrained by problems of endogeneity and unobserved heterogeneity. Risk may be endogenously determined with wages; if safety is a normal good, we would expect those with greater earnings potential to choose safer jobs. In addition, unobserved heterogeneity may influence the premium for job risk if some individuals possess unobserved qualities that affect their ability to work in risky jobs. There is disagreement over the effect this will have upon estimates. While Hwang, Reed and Hubbard (1992) find such measurement error leads to a downward bias in the risk premium, Shogren and Stamland’s (2002) analysis suggests the risk premium will be overestimated. Although Garen (1988) formulates a model to control for this bias, his method involves finding instrumental variables that proxy risk aversion, and this has proved problematic. Weak instruments are found to lead to biased estimates close to the original OLS estimates by Bound et al. (1995). Consequently, Bell et al. (2004) describe controlling for unobserved heterogeneity as “the greatest challenge facing researchers in estimating compensating wage differentials for workplace risks” (p.1). This paper uses recent data to estimate whether workers receive a compensating wage differential for exposure to fatal accident risk in Britain. Using data which distinguishes major injuries from less severe accidents, we also consider whether a 5 risk premium is found for non-fatal accident risk. In addition, particular attention is given to the impact that trade unions and workplace health and safety committees may have upon the risk premium. 2. METHODOLOGY A standard wage equation is estimated [1], where Yi denotes the earnings of the ith individual, X is a vector of other determinants of earnings, Di is a measure of fatal and/or non-fatal risk in individual i’s occupation, the interaction term Ui Di denotes the impact of unions on the risk premium, and εi is a random error term which has an expected value of zero with zero covariance. Ln Yi = β0 + β1 Xi + β2 Di + β3 Di2 + β4 Ui Di + εi [1] A positive and significant β2 coefficient indicates a premium is received for exposure to risk. We are also interested in whether the wage-risk trade-off takes a linear, convex or concave form, and to test this, Di² is often included in equation 1. If positive and significant risk coefficients are estimated, they can be used to calculate VSL and VSI estimates. Such measures have been criticised 6 on the grounds that estimates are so wide-ranging that this reduces their usefulness as a guide for policy. Equation 2 depicts the VSL / I formula, assuming risk is measured per 1000 workers. VSL / I = (Average Annual Income) (Risk Paramerter * 1000) 6 [2] Viscusi and Aldy (2003) discuss these criticisms in detail. 6 Viscusi and Aldy (2003) report estimates from a range of studies in terms of US dollars for the year 2000, and so to enable comparison with the literature, VSL/I estimates are also reported in this way 7 . Workers may select into firms covered by trade unions and hence union status may be non-random. The Heckman Selectivity Correction (1979) is employed to control for sample selectivity. A probit equation for union status is estimated with a vector of instruments that determine union status but which are uncorrelated with earnings. These results are used to calculate the Inverse Mills Ratio [3]: λ (t) = - f (t) / F (t) [3] f is the standard normal density function, F the cumulated normal and t = γ ’ y calculated from the probit with y the explanatory variables. Lambda is included as an explanatory variable in the wage equation, with a significant lambda coefficient indicating union selection is a problem in the estimation. As there is also the potential for the presence of a health and safety committee to be endogenous within a firm, with employees in risky occupations choosing to join a firm where there is one, the same method is employed for selection into health and safety committees. The previous literature has highlighted endogeneity of risk as being one of the greatest problems for research in this area. There are two problems: individuals with higher earnings potential are likely to choose safer jobs, and there is unobserved 7 Estimates are converted using Officer and Williamson (2006) 7 heterogeneity that affects productivity and therefore earnings in risky jobs. Consequently, there is a cross-equation correlation of disturbances in the wage and risk equations. Heckman’s method cannot be used here because risk is a continuous variable. Garen (1988) proposes an instrumental variables method for obtaining unbiased estimates of the compensating wage differential and this has been extensively used in the subsequent literature. Considering only fatal risk, the first stage involves estimating a risk equation [4], where Zi proxies risk aversion, Li is nonwage income, and μ is unobserved heterogeneity. D i = δ 0 + δ1 Xi + δ2 Zi + δ3 Li + μi [4] The disturbance term μ may depend on the wage equation [1] disturbances as workers with unobservable characteristics that make them more productive in risky jobs will choose higher D. The second stage involves estimating equation 5, which uses the disturbances obtained through the risk estimation: Ln Yi = β0 + β1 Xi + β2 Di + γ1 μi’ + γ2 μi’ Di + θi [5] Garen shows estimating equation 5 will yield consistent estimates. 3. DATA Data from the HSE are used to measure accident risk and the Labour Force Survey (LFS) to estimate numbers of workers in each occupation. The Workplace Employment Relations Survey 2004 (WERS 04) is used for matched data on workers and workplace characteristics. 8 The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR 95) places a legal requirement upon employers in Britain to report specific incidences of fatalities and injuries at work to the HSE or local authority. Statistics available from the HSE on work fatalities, major injuries and over 3-day injuries are compiled from reports made under this regulation. RIDDOR 95 states employers must report incidences of an accident resulting in death or major injury 8 arising out of, or in connection with, work. Employers are also required to report accidents that result in an employee being incapacitated from work for more than 3 consecutive days 9 . Fatal risk is calculated across occupations following Sandy et al. (2001) who find this is superior to assigning risk by industry or by a mix of industry and occupation codes. HSE data for 2002/03, 2003/04 and 2004/05 are utilised. The number of accidents over this three year period is used given that fatal accidents are rare events. A fatal risk variable is calculated for each occupation as a rate per 1000 workers, as shown by equation 6: ⎡ Fatalities at Work 2002 / 03 − 2004 / 05 ⎤ Fatal Risk = ⎢ ⎥ * 1000 ⎣ Number employed in occupation ⎦ [6] The LFS is used to provide data on the number of workers employed in each occupation over the same period as the HSE data. Risk is calculated for each 3 digit Standard Occupational Classification 2000 (SOC 2000) giving a total of 81 occupations. In addition, a variable is constructed for Major Injury Risk. 8 See HSE (2006) for the full list of injuries that are reportable under the Major Injuries category. Incidences that are not reportable include road traffic accidents that involve people travelling in the course of work which is covered by road traffic legislation. Accidents to members of the Armed Forces and injuries to the self-employed due to an accident at their own premises are also excluded. 9 9 WERS 2004 is used to provide data on employees. As a matched employer-employee survey, WERS provides detailed information on employee personal characteristics, the nature of their work and their attitudes towards their job, but also provides manager reported workplace data. Risk variables are assigned to workers in WERS via occupation codes. Estimations are usually carried out for male manual workers, because an accident premium is most likely to be found in samples of workers who are exposed to the greatest risk. The sample therefore, is divided into manual and non-manual occupations 10 , leaving 33 manual occupations. Regressions are estimated for two samples: all manual workers and male manual workers 11 . Estimations are usually restricted to men because of problems of measuring risk for women, who are less likely to be found in more risky occupations. However, the risk data used are applicable to both men and women and so a sample that includes women is tested. Those that work less than 30 hours per week are excluded as these workers may be exposed to less risk than that captured by the risk variable. Table 1 presents means and standard deviations for the three risk variables in each sample. Siebert and Wei (1994) calculate a mean fatal risk of 0.038 per 1000 workers for their sample of male manual workers, and Sandy and Elliott (1996) calculate a mean fatal risk of 0.044 per 1000 male manual workers. Derived fatal accident rates do not differ considerably from the earlier literature therefore. In terms of non-fatal risk, Siebert 10 The following occupations are classed as manual: 51 skilled agricultural trades, 52 skilled metal and electrical trades, 53 skilled construction and building trades, 54 textiles, printing and other skilled trades, 61 caring personal service occupations, 62 leisure and other personal service occupations, 81 process, plant and machine operatives, 82 transport and mobile machine drivers and operatives, 91 elementary trades, plant and storage related occupations, 92 elementary service occupations. 11 Estimations were also conducted for non-manual workers with no significant risk premiums found, as predicted. 10 and Wei derive a variable that encompasses major and over 3 day injuries with a mean value of 14.246 per 1000 workers for their male manual sample. For the equivalent sample, a mean major injury risk of 5.65 per 1000 is calculated. Hence, major injury risk is found to be much lower than their variable which also encompassed less serious injuries, emphasising the difference between the two. Table 1: Risk Variable Descriptive Statistics (per 1000 workers) ALL MANUAL Number Mean Standard Deviation MALE MANUAL Number Mean Standard Deviation Fatal Major Injury 5580 0.0328 0.0382 5580 5.0212 3.8317 3956 0.0412 0.0399 3956 5.6499 3.8043 The fatal risk rates include 6 out of the 33 manual occupations that have been assigned a zero value. Sandy et al. (2001) suggest assigning the average value of this variable to such occupations. They believe it unlikely these occupations have no accident risk, and suggest the zero rate occurs because of data problems, with no accidents occurring over the time period taken. A 3 year period however, is fairly extensive, and considered to result in a fairly accurate picture of the degree of riskiness of occupations. Sandy et al. also acknowledge that assigning average risk to such occupations makes little difference, as this value is very close to zero. Here, assigning average fatal risk to zero fatal risk occupations increases the mean fatal risk rate from 0.0412 per 1000 workers to 0.0422 per 1000 workers for the sample of male manual workers. Although estimations will be carried out without assigning average risk to zero risk occupations, this will be considered for comparison purposes. 11 The dependent variable is based on WERS, which asks employees to consider their average weekly pay before tax and other deductions. Each worker has a choice of 14 possible pay brackets, so interval regression is used for the estimation. To calculate VSL and VSI we need to know the average annual income for each sample. The same question used to formulate the dependent variables is used, only the mid point of the mean wage bracket is taken as the average income, and multiplied by 52 to give a yearly figure. The resulting variables are Wkincome and Anincome WERS is used to construct explanatory variables similar to those used in the earlier literature. Appendix 1 defines the variables, which are taken from both the employee and management surveys, and reports descriptive statistics. Two trade union variables are constructed. Unioncov is derived from the employee survey and indicates whether the workplace has a union presence. Appendix 1 reports that for the sample of all manual workers, 52.6 per cent of workplaces have a trade union presence, compared to 56.1 per cent in the male manual sample. A further trade union variable, Runion, is a dummy drawn from the management survey according to whether managers have reported recognising a union. Descriptive statistics reveal differences between the two variables, with Runion having a greater mean in both samples, suggesting some workers do not realise their workplace has a union presence. We would expect Runion to give the most accurate reflection. Further variables have been constructed to denote arrangements for dealing with health and safety in the workplace. Reilly et al. (1995) construct 8 variables with some having very small means. One of the criticisms made by Nichols et al. of the Reilly et al. study is that there are too many variables covering the organisation of the 12 arrangement of health and safety committees. Therefore, we construct four variables by merging the Reilly et al. variables 12 . Of these, the main variables tested in the estimation are Commspecific, which denotes a workplace that has a committee exclusively for health and safety, and Commgen which denotes a workplace that has a committee that deals with a range of issues in addition to health and safety. Whilst 41.9 per cent of manual workplaces in the sample have a committee that deals specifically with health and safety issues, 27.4 per cent do not consult with employees regarding health and safety matters. 4. ESTIMATION Interval regressions are first estimated with just the fatal risk variable, as many studies in the literature do not include a non-fatal injury variable. Table 2 presents results. Working overtime, being a supervisor, being a permanent employee and having worked for a firm for more than a year are all associated with a greater wage. Working for a large firm is significantly associated with greater pay, with nemps² negative and significant indicating a concave relationship. Runion and Commspecific are positive and significant suggesting unions and health and safety committees have a positive impact upon wages overall 13 . 12 In terms of the Reilly et al variables: Commspecific=Hs1+Hs2+Hs3; Commgeneral=Hs4+Hs5+Hs6; Emprep=Hs7;Nohsconsult=Hs8 13 The presence of health and safety committees may indicate a firms’ commitment to consultation, both in terms workplace safety but also in terms of wages. 13 Table 2: Interval Regression Estimates (Fatal risk variable only) Dependent variables: Lnwpayl Lnwpayh MANUALWORKERS Constant 4.8388*** (0.0443) Educ1 0.1270*** (0.0105) Educ2 0.0466*** (0.0160) Educ3 0.2123*** (0.0157) Tenure2 -0.0002 (0.0190) Tenure3 0.0484*** (0.0165) Tenure4 0.0686*** (0.0165) Tenure5 0.1430*** (0.0164) Overtime 0.0066*** (0.0008) Flexitime -0.0008 (0.0109) Supervise 0.1336*** (0.0119) Runion 0.0904*** (0.0144) Commspecific 0.0408*** (0.0103) Permanent 0.0668*** (0.0230) Age 0.2234*** (0.0171) Age2 -0.0212*** (0.0019) Nemps 4.64e-05*** (1.33e-05) Nemps2 -5.91e-09** (2.51e-09) Meritpay 0.0545*** (0.0114) Public -0.0737*** (0.0123) Female -0.3285*** (0.0115) Fatal 0.6456*** (0.1828) Fatal*Runion -0.3789** (0.3643) Obs Wald chi2 Log pseudo likelihood VSL(2004 £) VSL (2000 US$) 5474 3092.41 -10988.213 £10,557,277 $15,194,431 MALE MANUAL WORKERS 4.7005*** (0.0584) 0.1224*** (0.0122) 0.0400** (0.0188) 0.2090*** (0.0215) -0.0210 (0.0225) 0.0531*** (0.0183) 0.0608*** (0.0191) 0.1422*** (0.0189) 0.0076*** (0.0010) -0.0018 (0.0129) 0.1255*** (0.0138) 0.0600*** (0.0177) 0.0477*** (0.0119) 0.0696** (0.0285) 0.2815*** (0.0223) -0.0259*** (0.0024) 5.47e-05*** (1.58e-05) -7.30e-09** (3.25e-09) 0.0481*** (0.0129) -0.1136*** (0.0145) 0.5074** (0.2028) -0.1345 (0.2893) 3897 1263.89 -7784.232 £9,163,664 $13,188,691 14 Results indicate there is a wage premium for being exposed to risk of death in the workplace, with a positive coefficient estimated for Fatal which is significant at the 1 per cent level in both samples. The all manual workers sample produces the greatest wage premium, with a VSL of £10.6 million compared to £9.2 million for the male manual sample. The premium is likely to be larger in the all manual sample because of the inclusion of women, who are exposed to less risk and are more averse to risk, and hence require a larger wage premium per unit of risk14 . The union-risk interaction variable Fatal*Runion is negative but only significantly so in the all manual sample. This suggests trade unions have the effect of reducing the risk of death premium, as found in most of the UK literature. The estimation is repeated including a Fatal² variable: the Fatal² coefficient is significantly negative in both samples indicating the relationship between wages and fatal risk is concave. This is consistent with findings in the earlier literature. The estimation is repeated including in addition to Fatal, the Major Injury variable. Key results are reported in Table 3. A premium for exposure to risk of death still remains when Major Injury is included in the manual workers and male manual workers sample. Major Injury however, is significantly negative in both samples, suggesting no premium is received for exposure to non-fatal injury risk. This finding is similar to that found in other compensating wage differential studies using UK data. 14 Deleire and Levy (2004) discuss this issue, and find evidence that the risk of death associated with an occupation has a greater negative effect upon occupation choice for women compared to men. 15 Table 3: Interval Regression Results (Fatal and Major Injury) Dependent Variables: Lnwpayl Lnwpayh MANUAL WORKERS Constant 4.8544*** (0.0443) Runion 0.0921*** (0.0144) Commspecific 0.0447*** (0.0103) Female -0.3298*** (0.0115) Fatal 1.0374*** (0.2160) Major Injury -0.0066*** (0.0016) Fatal*Runion -0.3848 (0.2620) Obs Wald chi2 Log pseudo likelihood VSL (2004 £) VSL (2000 US$) MALE MANUAL WORKERS 4.7244*** (0.0583) 0.0622*** (0.0179) 0.0523*** (0.0119) 0.9343*** (0.2309) -0.0085*** (0.0018) -0.1191 (0.3006) 5474 3119.68 -10978.661 3897 1301.19 -7770.938 £16,964,249 $24,415,587 £16,873,495 $24,284,970 Other variables included in estimation: Educ1, Educ2, Educ3, Tenure2 Tenure3, Tenure4, Tenure5, Overtime, Flexitime, Supervise, Security, Permanent, Age, Age², Nemps, Nemps², Meritpay, Public Interval regressions are also performed assigning average risk to the variable Fatal. Fatal remains positive and significant in both samples, with the magnitude of the variable slightly smaller when average values are assigned. TRADE UNIONS The role that trade unions have upon the risk premium is examined further. Results have indicated trade unions have a negative effect upon the risk premium. This conclusion remains when the variable Unioncov, taken from the employee questionnaire, is included in the estimations in replace of Runion. 16 An alternative way to consider the effect that trade unions have upon the premium for injury risk is to split the sample of workers according to their union coverage status. Although the usual method in the literature is to use a risk*union interaction variable, Siebert and Wei use this sample splitting method, and Fairris (1992) argues that estimating separate equations by union status is the most appropriate method because of “important institutional differences between the union and non-union sectors” (p.266). Table 4: Descriptive Statistics by Union Status (Mean and Standard Deviation) Wkincome Anincome Wpayl Wpayh Commspecific Fatal Major ALL MANUAL Covered Uncovered 333.1531 290.8539 (132.472) (137.1949) 17323.96 15124.40 (6888.543) (7134.136) 302.7724 263.6879 (118.2643) (125.1147) 361.7016 314.4329 (142.9971) (143.2844) 0.5558 0.2463 (0.4970) (0.4309) 0.0310 0.0350 (0.0287) (0.0391) 5.0110 5.0293 (3.8257) (3.8399) MALE MANUAL Covered Uncovered 362.3650 326.7213 (129.8704) (137.4774) 18842.98 16989.51 (6753.262) (7148.827) 329.1103 296.7959 (115.2189) (124.56) 393.2336 352.3882 (140.5282) (143.8491) 0.5929 0.2473 (0.4914) (0.4316) 0.03829 0.0451 (0.0391) (0.0407) 5.6344 5.6638 (3.8227) (3.7803) The two samples are divided according to the variable Runion; workers who are employed by a firm where managers have indicated they do recognise a union are assigned to the covered sector, those that do not are assigned to the uncovered sector. Table 4 illustrates that workers covered by union terms and conditions receive higher pay in both samples, which is consistent with the positive Runion estimates in the wage regressions. Workers in the covered sector are shown to face on average a slightly lower risk of death. This is consistent with the argument that unions are 17 concerned with increasing safety in the workplace rather than increasing the compensation for risk. Table 5: Interval Regression Results (Fatal) Dependent Variables: Lnwpayl Lnwpayh ALL MANUAL Covered Uncovered Constant 4.9403*** 4.8263*** (0.0626) (0.0612) Commspecific 0.0345*** 0.0432** (0.0131) (0.0174) Fatal 0.3564* 0.5054*** (0.1931) (0.1906) Obs Wald chi2 Log pseudo likelihood VSL (2004 £) VSL (2000 US$) MALE MANUAL Covered Uncovered 4.8599*** 4.6304*** (0.0758) (0.0829) 0.0409*** 0.0622*** (0.0145) (0.0214) 0.3489* 0.4910** (0.2057) (0.2054) 3058 1518.49 -6065.5404 2416 1342.14 -4890.8649 2251 698.28 -4395.5211 1646 523.08 -3363.5314 £5,828,088 $8,388,004 £8,264,634 $11,894,773 £6,301,148 $9,068,850 £8,867,480 $12,762,411 Other variables included in estimation: Educ1, Educ2, Educ3, Tenure2 Tenure3, Tenure4, Tenure5, Overtime, Flexitime, Supervise, Permanent, Age, Age², Nemps, Nemps², Meritpay, Public, Female (all manual sample) Splitting the sample by union status suggests that trade unions have a negative effect upon the fatal risk premium (Table 5), as found in other studies that included an interaction variable (e.g. Marin and Psacharopoulos 1982, Sandy and Elliott 1996). Greater premiums are found for uncovered workers in both samples. This reinforces earlier conclusions that trade unions reduce the fatal risk premium. HEALTH AND SAFETY ARRANGEMENTS Having found that trade unions are associated with a lower risk premium, we now estimate the effect that the presence of health and safety committees may have upon the risk premium. Runion and Commspecific are positively correlated indicating 18 health and safety committees are more likely in unionised firms, but only at around 34 per cent. It is therefore possible to consider separately the effect upon the risk premium. Table 6: Interval Regression (Fatal, Commspecific) Dependent Variables: Lnwpayl Lnwpayh ALL MANUAL Constant 4.8427*** (0.0444) Runion 0.0940*** (0.0145) Commspecific 0.0227* (0.0138) Female -0.3288*** (0.0115) Fatal 0.5492*** (0.1921) Fatal*Runion -0.5244* (0.2725) Fatal*Commspecific 0.5582** (0.2725) Obs Wald chi2 Log pseudo likelihood VSL (2004 £) VSL (2000 US$) 5474 3108.04 -10986.093 £8,980,881 $12,925,622 MALE MANUAL 4.7042*** (0.0586) 0.0634*** (0.0181) 0.0327* (0.0173) 0.4445** (0.2124) -0.2298 (0.3098) 0.3876* (0.2021) 3897 1264.37 -7783.4355 £8,027,688 $11,553,751 Other variables included in estimation: Educ1, Educ2, Educ3, Tenure2 Tenure3, Tenure4, Tenure5, Overtime, Flexitime, Supervise, Permanent, Age, Age², Nemps, Nemps², Meritpay, Public Key interval regression estimates (Table 6) indicate that unions reduce the fatal premium, as found earlier. However, health and safety committees appear to increase the fatal premium, with the variable Fatal*Commspecific significantly positive. Interval regressions are also estimated including in addition the Fatal*Commspecific interaction variable, a Fatal*Commgeneral variable to capture the effect that committees that deal with a range of issues have upon the risk premium. See Appendix 2. Whilst Fatal*Commspecific remains significantly positive in the all manual worker sample, Fatal*Commgeneral is insignificant. In terms of risk 19 compensation therefore, it is only committees that deal specifically with health and safety that have an independent impact. A significantly positive coefficient estimated for Commgeneral however, indicates a positive impact upon wages, again supporting the positive union wage effect 15 . To consider this further, the samples are divided according to whether a specific health and safety committee is present in a workplace. Descriptive statistics reveal that workers employed by a firm that does have a health and safety committee have slightly lower mean Fatal and Major Injury risk. Through descriptive statistical analysis only therefore, health and safety committees do appear to be associated with fewer workplace accidents. This in part can be attributed to the fact that such committees are more likely in firms that are covered by union terms and conditions (although the correlation coefficient is small) as it has also been shown accidents are less likely in such firms. The finding that trade unions and health and safety committees have the same negative effect upon accident rates, but have a different effect upon the risk premium however, is particularly interesting. It could be that such committees have a positive impact upon the compensation bargaining environment. If committees work to highlight and disseminate information concerning the injury risk of certain occupations, they could strengthen the case for higher compensation. Table 7 presents key interval regression estimates dividing workers according to whether a specific health and safety committee is present in the workplace. 15 Regressions are also estimated with a Fatal*Emprep variable. No significant result is found, indicating workplaces with safety representative have no independent effect upon the premium. 20 Table 7: Interval Regression Results (split by Commspecific) Dependent Variables: Lnwpayl Lnwpayh ALL MANUAL Commspecific No Commspecific Constant 4.9269*** 4.8277*** (0.0615) (0.0589) Runion 0.0631*** 0.0957*** (0.0235) (0.0190) Female -0.3306*** -0.3261*** (0.0183) (0.0147) Fatal 0.6816*** 0.5179 (0.2077) (0.3703) Fatal*Runion -0.7605** 0.2248 (0.3323) (0.4346) Obs Wald chi2 Log pseudo likelihood VSL (2004£) VSL (2000$) 2299 1349.84 -4532.1895 3175 1595.11 -6433.9152 £11,145,973 $16,041,705 MALE MANUAL Commspecific No Commspecific 4.8129*** 4.6770*** (0.0704) (0.0814) 0.0300 0.0761*** (0.0294) (0.0232) 0.5232** (0.2261) -0.4417 (0.30) 0.3801 (0.4244) 0.3651 (0.5023) 1745 600.76 -3403.9261 2152 638.77 -4363.2703 £9,449,013 $13,599,376 Other variables included in estimation: Educ1, Educ2, Educ3, Tenure2 Tenure3, Tenure4, Tenure5, Overtime, Flexitime, Supervise, Permanent, Age, Age², Nemps, Nemps², Meritpay, Public The above supports earlier conclusions; higher fatal risk premiums are estimated for workers employed in firms where there is a specific health and safety committee compared to those where no such committee is present. Given the changing nature of industrial relations in Britain, the role of ensuring risk compensation in the form of a wage premium is received may be better investigated by examining the role of health and safety committees in addition to the union effect. 5. MEASUREMENT ERROR HECKMAN SELECTIVITY CORRECTION The Heckman selection correction is employed to correct for potential endogeneity of union presence within a firm. Instruments typically reflect management and worker 21 attitude towards trade unions, which are available in WERS. The union probit is estimated with instruments that are found to be uncorrelated with earnings 16 . Lambda is significant at the 5 per cent level in the all manual sample suggesting a problem of union selection, although it is insignificant in the male manual sample. Fatal remains significantly positive and Fatal*Runion significantly negative when Lambda is included. Conclusions as to the union effect therefore, remain unchanged. As with trade unions, the presence of a health and safety committee in a firm may be endogenous, with workers employed in risky occupations selecting into firms with such a committee 17 . Instrumental variables that predict whether a respondent works for a firm that has a specific health and safety committee but do not predict wages are constructed. Instruments proxy management attitude towards health and safety consultation and communication. The Heckman selectivity correction term is insignificant in both samples, indicating there is not a problem with selection here. RISK ENDOGENEITY Garen’s method is employed to control for potential endogeneity of risk, as highlighted in the methodology. A risk equation with explanatory variables including variables for non-labour income, and proxies for a workers’ degree of risk aversion is estimated. As Garen acknowledges “finding proxies for the degree of risk aversion is a difficult task” (p.12). Measures of the stability of an individual’s lifestyle are frequently used, assuming they are inversely correlated with the degree of aversion to risk. These include household income other than wages, marital status, house value, 16 For reasons of space, results are not reported but are available. Specific health and safety committees only are considered as they appear to have the greatest independent effect upon the risk premium. 17 22 and number of dependents. Some variables that are often used in the risk estimation are not in WERS, including whether the respondent is a house owner, partners’ schooling, and whether their partner works. Essentially therefore, there is a lack of variables to give an indication of non-labour income. The WERS management survey does include however, questions for the largest occupational group on access to an employer pension scheme, company car or car allowance, and private health insurance. These non-monetary variables may provide some approximation to workers’ non-wage wealth. Industry dummies are also included in the risk estimations, as in the previous literature 18 . Appendix 3 lists the instrumental variables and descriptive statistics. Instrumental variables are included in fatal risk regressions, with key results reported in Table 8. The R² of the fatal injury regressions are 26 per cent and 17 per cent, which although small, is similar to those usually reported in the literature 19 . In terms of the instruments, married is negative but insignificant as commonly reported. The variables children and disability are also insignificant. Pension and health insurance are both significantly negative and may provide some proxy for risk aversion. 18 Although there may be some argument for including industry dummies in the wage regressions, they are often excluded, as the risk coefficients can be sensitive to their inclusion. 19 For example Sandy and Elliott (1996) report R² of 17 per cent for their fatal estimation. 23 Table 8: Risk Regression Results Dependent Varable: Fatal ALL MANUAL Constant 0.0332*** (0.0039) Runion -0.0008 (0.0012) Commspecific 0.0012 (0.0011) Female -0.0184*** (0.0012) Married -0.0002 (0.0010) Children 0.0023 (0.0378) Disability 0.0009 (0.0013) Pension -0.0039*** (0.0012) Car 0.0062*** (0.0015) Healthins -0.0040*** (0.0014) Number of obs 5563 F 51.79 R2 0.2575 Adj R2 0.2526 MALE MANUAL 0.0338*** (0.0053) -0.0007 (0.0015) 0.0011 (0.0014) -0.0004 (0.0015) 0.0027 (0.0411) 0.0009 (0.0017) -0.0055*** (0.0017) 0.0081*** (0.0020) -0.0037** (0.0018) 3809 22.78 0.1786 0.1707 Other variables included in estimation: Educ1, Educ2, Educ3, Tenure2 Tenure3, Tenure4, Tenure5, Overtime, Flexitime, Supervise, Permanent, Age, Age², Nemps, Nemps², Meritpay, Public, Ind1, Ind2, Ind3, Ind5, Ind6, Ind7, Ind8, Ind9, Ind10, Ind11, Ind12 Hausman Tests To see if risk endogeneity is a problem, Hausman tests are conducted. Wage regressions are estimated including the residuals from the risk estimations. If the residual is significant, the null of exogeneity is rejected. Table 9 shows risk endogeneity is a problem, with the residual variable significant in both estimations. 24 Table 9: Hausman Tests Dependent Variables: Lnwpayl Lnwpayh ALL MANUAL Constant 4.7015*** (0.0462) Runion 0.0998*** (0.0144) Commspecific 0.0162 (0.0137) Female -0.2335*** (0.0147) Fatal 3.7743*** (0.3509) Fatal*Runion -0.4613* (0.2618) Fatal*Commspecific 1.0162*** (0.2791) Resid -3.9312*** (0.3822) Obs Wald chi2 Log likelihood 5474 3280.91 -10933.072 MALE MANUAL 4.5624*** (0.0612) 0.0748*** (0.0181) 0.0298* (0.0174) 3.3332*** (0.3607) -0.2224 (0.3057) 0.8371*** (0.3258) -3.6312*** (0.3910) 3754 1333.09 -7445.318 Other variables included in estimation: Educ1, Educ2, Educ3, Tenure2 Tenure3, Tenure4, Tenure5, Overtime, Flexitime, Supervise, Permanent, Age, Age², Nemps, Nemps², Meritpay, Public Controlling for Endogeneity Following Garen, residuals from the risk estimations are included in the wage regressions. Residuals are multiplied by the risk variable with this also included as an explanatory variable. Key results are reported in Table 10. Fatal remains positive and significant with the magnitude of the coefficients much larger. This is reflected in the considerably higher VSL estimates. This is consistent with the literature; OLS estimates that do not control for endogeneity appear to be biased downwards. Sandy and Elliott (1996) observe this is consistent with the argument that safety is a normal good, as “workers with high unobserved earnings 25 capacity are willing to pay for occupations with more safety” (p.300). The fact the Fatal*Resid is significantly negative is also consistent with the literature, implying “workers with unusually high risk have low values of unobserved earnings ability in the presence of risk” (p.300). Other key conclusions remain once risk endogeneity is controlled for, with health and safety committees having a positive effect and unions having a negative impact upon the risk premium. Table 10: Interval Regression Results Controlling for Endogeneity Dependent Variables: Lnwpayl Lnwpayh ALL MANUAL Constant 4.7012*** (0.0463) Runion 0.0950*** (0.0142) Commspecific 0.0215 (0.0135) Fatal 2.8489*** (0.3621) Fatal*Runion -0.4164* (0.2523) Fatal*Commspecific 0.8009*** (0.2692) Resid -3.2124*** (0.4152) Fatal*Resid -9.2013*** (2.0702) MALE MANUAL 4.5606*** (0.0613) 0.0702*** (0.0178) 0.0384** (0.0171) 2.2658*** (0.3762) -0.0952 (0.2933) 0.5638* (0.3170) -2.8076*** (0.4421) -10.2950*** (2.4620) Obs Wald chi2 Log likelihood VSL (2004£) VSL (2000 US$) 3754 1357.32 -7434.235 £40,920,438 $58,894,238 5474 3300.18 -10922.264 £46,587,093 $67,049,902 Other variables included in estimation: Educ1, Educ2, Educ3, Tenure2, Tenure3, Tenure4, Tenure5, Overtime, Flexitime, Supervise, Permanent, Age, Age², Nemps, Nemps², Meritpay, Public Instrument Tests The instruments selected to proxy risk aversion are included in the wage estimation to ensure they are appropriate. Most of the instruments are significant in the wage 26 estimations in both samples (with the exception of disability and some of the industry dummies, and disability is never significant in the risk estimation) indicating they are not appropriate instruments. The problems encountered in the literature when attempting to control for risk endogeneity are so large, that Bound et al. (1995) have suggested using weak instruments results in coefficients that are biased towards the original OLS estimates. To test if the instruments are weak, F tests are conducted. See Table 11. Table 11: F Tests Dependent variable Married Prob>F Children Prob>F Disability Prob>F Pension Prob>F Car Prob>F Healthins Prob>F ALL MANUAL 0.11 (0.7446) 5.49 (0.0191) 0.03 (0.8552) 21.33 (0.0000) 37.18 (0.0000) 13.79 (0.0002) MALE MANUAL 0.06 (0.8088) 5.91 (0.0151) 0.04 (0.8433) 22.01 (0.0000) 35.30 (0.0000) 11.07 (0.0009) Staiger and Stock (1997) recommend that when testing the strength of an instrument, the F statistic must take the value of at least 10. Similarly, Stock, Wright, and Yogo (2002) found that an F statistic of 9 or above is needed for an appropriate instrument. Table 11 reports married, children and disability are weak instruments in this case. Pension, car and healthins however appear to be strongly correlated with a workers’ occupational risk. However, each of these three instruments were significantly associated with pay. 27 Controlling for risk endogeneity may not be as essential to studies of compensating wage differentials as some imply. Lalive et al. (2006) use Austrian longitudinal data to estimate compensating wage differentials for risk of injury; the nature of their data therefore controls for unobserved heterogeneity. They estimate a risk premium that is roughly equal to the one obtained in a standard cross-sectional wage regression and hence “find no evidence for a bias of the compensating differential obtained from a standard cross-sectional hedonic wage function that can be attributed to unobserved worker productivity” (p.4). Their results therefore suggest “the bias of the compensating differential obtained from a standard cross-sectional hedonic wage function that is due to unobserved productivity of workers or unobserved ability to cope with risks is small” (p.19). This paper had access to very detailed data upon work accidents and individual employment over time and so replication using other international data may be difficult. It does however, suggest that risk premium estimates obtained from cross sectional data with risk exogenous, may not be misleading. Furthermore, although endogeneity may affect the magnitude of the risk premium, the effect that institutions such as trade unions and health and safety committees have upon the premium are unlikely to be altered by such potential bias. 6. CONCLUSIONS Manual workers do appear from these results to receive a wage premium for being exposed to risk of death in British workplaces. Given that the only other UK cross sectional studies use data from the 1980s, this is an important finding. VSL estimates are calculated which enables the size of risk premiums to be compared with other studies. For the sample of male manual workers, a VSL of approximately $13.2 million (in 2000 US$) is estimated, increasing to $58.9 million once we control for 28 endogeneity. Estimates vary widely between studies, as they depend upon many factors such as what variables are included in the estimation, and whether endogenity is controlled for. Viscusi and Aldy (2003) report estimates in US dollars relative to the year 2000, results from key UK studies are reported below. Table 12: UK VSL Estimates Marin and Psacharopoulos (1982) Siebert and Wei (1994) Sandy and Elliott (1996) Arabsheibani and Marin (2000) Sandy et al. (2001) Implicit VSL (million, 2000 US$) $4.2 $19.6-$21.7 $5.2-$69.4 $19.9 $5.7-$74.1 Source: Viscusi and Aldy (2003) Estimates calculated here therefore, are slightly higher than in the earlier literature but do fit within the ranges. As with most studies using cross-sectional data, estimates suffer from potential risk endogeneity. Although attempts to control for this bias are adopted, here and in other papers, the problem of finding appropriate instruments to proxy risk aversion limits the effectiveness of Garen’s method. Recent papers however, have suggested the bias may not be as great as first thought. Consistent with most of the British literature, trade unions are found to have a negative effect upon the risk premium. This result is often explained by the suggestion that unions are more concerned with increasing safety in the workplace rather than bargaining for compensation for accidents. This explanation is supported by the finding that firms that recognise a trade union have a smaller average risk rate. Most significantly, the role of other health and safety institutions was considered, given that their role may be increasing in importance in the workplace with the decline in the presence of trade unions. Having a general committee that deals with a range of issues 29 or a safety representative with no committee had no impact upon the risk premium. The presence of a committee that deals specifically with health and safety however, had a positive impact upon the risk premium in the manual workers sample, with the union effect remaining negative. This suggests that health and safety committees have a significant role in influencing risk compensation and that they operate differently and independently from trade unions in terms of health and safety. Health and safety committees appear to have a positive impact upon the environment in which bargaining takes place. 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VISCUSI, W. KIP &ALDY, J E (2003) ‘The Value of a Statistical Life: A Critical Review of Market Estimates Throughout the World’, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, Vol. 27, No.1, pp.5-76 32 APPENDIX 1: Explanatory Variables and Descriptive Statistics (Mean and Standard Deviation) VARIABLE DEFINITION MANUAL Anincome Annual Income Wpayl Lower value of weekly pay bracket. Wpayh Higher value of weekly pay bracket. Educ1 Dummy variable equals one if highest qualification is GCSE level. Dummy variable equals one if highest qualification A level. Dummy variable equals one if respondent has a degree. Dummy variable equals one if respondent has no academic qualifications (excluded in estimation). Dummy variable equals one if respondent has worked for the firm for less than one year (excluded in estimation). Dummy variable equals one if respondent has worked for the firm for between 1 to less than 2 years. Dummy variable equals one if respondent has worked for the firm for between 2 to less than 6 years. Dummy variable equals one if respondent has worked for the firm for between 5 to less than 10 years. Dummy variable equals one if respondent has worked for the firm for 10 years or more. Corresponds to the overtime or extra hours the respondent usually works each week, paid or unpaid. Dummy variable equal to one if respondent has a flexitime arrangement available to them if needed. Dummy variable equal to one if respondent supervises other employees. Value between 0 and 4, with 0 indicating employee very dissatisfied with job security, and 4 indicating they are very satisfied with their job security. Dummy variable equal to one if the respondent is a permanent employee. Equal to between 0-8, with 8 indicating the employee is aged between 16-17 and a value of 8 indicating they are aged 65 or over. Equal to the number of employees on the payroll in the firm. Dummy variable equal to one if some employees within the firm receive merit pay. Dummy variable equal to one if the respondent works in the public sector. Dummy variable equal to one if management 16352.66 (7082.163) 285.4982 (122.8716) 340.8521 (145.0228) 0.5070 (0.5000) 0.1199 (0.3249) 0.0914 (0.2882) 0.3254 (0.4686) 0.1407 (0.3477) MALE MANUAL 18060.04 (6982.503) 315.4544 (120.3039) 376.0072 (143.3464) 0.5038 (0.5000) 0.1145 (0.3185) 0.0897 (0.2858) 0.3296 (0.4701) 0.1322 (0.3388) 0.1095 (0.3123) 0.0996 (0.2995) 0.2344 (0.4237) 0.2265 (0.4186) 0.2022 (0.4016) 0.2030 (0.4023) 0.3115 (0.4631) 4.4294 (7.0093) 0.3375 (0.4729) 4.9074 (7.2196) 0.2566 (0.4368) 0.2482 (0.4320) 2.5052 (1.0434) 0.2343 (0.4236) 0.2492 (0.4326) 2.4374 (1.0506) 0.9448 (0.2284) 4.6405 (1.4130) 0.9542 (0.2090) 4.7037 (1.3837) 360.8466 (730.4300) 0.2283 (0.4198) 0.2129 (0.4089) 0.5256 365.4467 (683.7581) 0.2417 (0.4281) 0.1663 (0.3724) 0.5609 Educ2 Educ3 Educ4 Tenure1 Tenure2 Tenure3 Tenure4 Tenure5 Overtime Flexitime Supervise Security Permanent Age Nemps Meritpay Public Unioncov 33 Runion Commspecific Commgen Emprep Nohsconsult report recognising a trade union for negotiating pay and conditions Dummy variable equal to one of the respondent works for a firm where there is a trade union. Dummy variable equal to one if the workplace has a safety representative Dummy variable equal to one if the workplace has a consultative committee that deals with a range of issues including health and safety. Dummy variable equal to one if the workplace has a specific health and safety committee. Dummy variable equal to one if management deals with health and safety matters without any form of consultation. (0.4994) (0.4963) 0.5575 (0.4967) 0.4186 (0.4934) 0.0636 (0.2441) 0.5758 (0.4943) 0.4462 (0.4972) 0.0705 (0.2561) 0.2443 (0.4299) 0.2735 (0.4458) 0.2475 (0.4732) 0.2358 (0.4246) 34 APPENDIX 2: Key Interval Regression Results (Fatal, Commspecific, Commgeneral) Dependent Variables: Lnwpayl Lnwpayh ALL MANUAL Constant 4.8419*** (0.0443) Runion 0.0925*** (0.0145) Commspecific 0.0274* (0.0142) Commgeneral 0.0334 (0.0252) Female -0.3279*** (0.0252) Fatal 0.5452*** (0.1980) Fatal*Runion -0.5692** (0.2700) Fatal*Commspecific 0.5939** (0.2844) Fatal*Commgeneral 0.0420 (0.5040) Obs Wald chi2 Log pseudo likelihood VSL (2004 £) VSL (2000 US$) 5474 3111.46 -10984.538 £13,628,307 $19,614,374 MALE MANUAL 4.7042*** (0.0585) 0.0581*** (0.0181) 0.0430** (0.0180) 0.0618** (0.0304) 0.4572** (0.2195) -0.2363 (0.3077) 0.3604 (0.3255) -0.2213 (0.5443) 3897 1269.82 -7780.617 £14,150,041 $20,365,273 Other variables included in estimation: Educ1, Educ2, Educ3, Tenure2 Tenure3, Tenure4, Tenure5, Overtime, Flexitime, Supervise, Permanent, Age, Age², Nemps, Nemps², Meritpay, Public 35 APPENDIX 3: Risk Instrumental Variables and Descriptive Statistics (Mean and Standard Deviation) VARIABLE DEFINITION Married Equal to 1 if the worker is married or living with a partner. Equal to 1 if the worker has dependent children (aged 0-18) Equal to 1 if the worker describes themselves as having a long-term illness, health problem, or disability. Equal to 1 if manager reports workers in the largest occupational group are entitled to an employee pension scheme. Equal to 1 if manager reports workers in the largest occupational group are entitled to a company car or car allowance. Equal to 1 if manager reports workers in the largest occupational group are entitled to private health insurance. Equal to 1 if workplace in manufacturing industry. Equal to 1 if workplace in electricity industry. Equal to 1 if workplace in construction industry. Equal to 1 if workplace in wholesale industry (excluded). Equal to 1 if workplace in hotel industry. Children Disability Pension Car Healthins Ind1 Ind2 Ind3 Ind4 Ind5 Ind6 Ind8 Equal to 1 if workplace in transport industry. Equal to 1 if workplace in financial industry. Equal to 1 if workplace in other industry. Ind9 Equal to 1 if workplace in public industry. Ind10 Equal to 1 if workplace in education industry. Equal to 1 if workplace in health industry. Ind7 Ind11 Ind12 Equal to 1 if workplace in other community industry. ALL MANUAL 0.6683 (0.4709) 0.3737 (0.4838) 0.1385 (0.3455) MALE MANUAL 0.6903 (0.4624) 0.4200 (0.4936) 0.1413 (0.3484) 0.7776 (0.4159) 0.7912 (0.4065) 0.1204 (0.3255) 0.1198 (0.3248) 0.1398 (0.3255) 0.15091 (0.3580) 0.3142 (0.4642) 0.0201 (0.1403) 0.0692 (0.2538) 0.0713 (0.2574) 0.0367 (0.1881) 0.1344 (0.3411) 0.0036 (0.0598) 0.0665 (0.2492) 0.0181 (0.1333) 0.0525 (0.2231) 0.1522 (0.3592) 0.0613 (0.2400) 0.3678 (0.4823) 0.0265 (0.1608) 0.0948 (0.2930) 0.0872 (0.2822) 0.0255 (0.1578) 0.1663 (0.3724) 0.0033 (0.0572) 0.0756 (0.2644) 0.0187 (0.1355) 0.0245 (0.1547) 0.0485 (0.2149) 0.0612 (0.2397) 36