Dry Contact Controlled Rackmount Power Strips


96-01136 / rev lb / 6-21-13

Dry Contact Controlled

Rackmount Power Strips

( I g i g j j j l g Ill»/TI» Compliant!

E X C E P T IO N A L S U P P O R T & P R O T E C T IO N "

Remotely Controlled Rackmount pow er distribution unit with 2-stage surge suppression


• No computer required; use existing control system or remote power switches

• Built-in 2-stage surge suppression with surge status notification

• 9 outlets - 1 on front (unswitched), 8 on rear

• Either 2 or 6 contact-closure controlled outlets on rear, depending on model

• Settings fo r m om entary or maintained control style, norm ally open or norm ally closed

• Controlled Outlets LED power status indicators

• Illum inated master power switch


6 0 6 8 6


* r


Architects and Engineers’ Specifications

EIA com pliant 19" Rackmount power strip shall be M iddle Atlantic Products model # PDC-915R-_

(2 ,6 ), w ith a 15 amp capacity, 2-stage diffe ren tial and common mode surge and spike protection with surge status notification. Rackmount power strip shall operate on 120 volt AC/60Hz supply.

Rackmount power strip shall include 9 ' SignalSAFE™ 4 / 3 power cord term inated w ith 5-15P.

Rackmount power strip shall include 1 fron t outlet and have _ (2, 6) contact-closure controlled outlets on rear, and shall provide settings fo r m om entary or m aintained, and norm ally open or norm ally closed dry contact control. Rackmount power strip shall occupy one rackspace and be constructed of 18-gauge phosphate pre-treated steel with a black powdercoat finish. Rackmount power strip shall comply w ith the requirements of RoHS EU Directive 2 0 0 2 /9 5 /E C . Rackmount power strip shall be GREENGUARD Indoor A ir Q uality Certified fo r Children and Schools.

Rackmount power strip shall be manufactured by an ISO 9001 registered company. Rackmount power strip shall be warrantied to be free from defects in m aterials and workm anship under norm al use and conditions fo r a period of 3 years. Rackmount power distribution unit shall be

ETL listed to UL standard 1419, UL 60950-1 and UL 60065 in the US; CSA standard 60950-1, and CSA C22.2 No. 60065 in Canada.

C U S T O M i Z A B L E S P E C i F i C A T i O N C L i P S A V A i L A B L E AT M i D D L E A T L A N T i C . C O M

US: N e w J e rs e y • C a lifo rn ia • Illinois • V o ic e : 9 7 3-839-1011 Fax: 9 7 3 -8 3 9 -1 9 7 6 • m id d le a tla n tic .c o m

C a n a d a : O n ta rio • B ritis h C o lu m b ia • V o ic e : 6 1 3 -8 3 6 -2 5 0 1 Fax: 6 1 3 -8 3 6 -2 6 9 0 • m id d le a tla n tic .c a

Remotely Controlled Rackmount power distribution unit with 2-stage surge suppression basic dimensions______

A ll d im e n s io n s in in c h e s u n le s s o th e rw is e n o te d [All d im e n s io n s in b r a c k e ts a re in m illim e te rs ]

FRONT VIEW -surge status indicators

1.74 [44.1] o t


= 0 75' 7T controlled outlet switch — ' o o

------------------------------ 19.00 [482.6]---------------------------------►

- master power switch



-9.81 [249]-

-activation controls ground screw control/status terminals





M a x im u m D e ra te d L o a d (N o rth A m e ric a ): 12 A m p s

A Group brand j a i e ^ a n d *

US: N e w J e rs e y • C a lifo rn ia • Illinois • V o ic e : 973-8 3 9 -1 0 1 1 Fax: 9 7 3 -8 3 9 -1 9 7 6 • m id d le a tla n tic .c o m

C a n a d a : O n ta rio • B ritis h C o lu m b ia • V o ic e : 6 1 3 -8 3 6 -2 5 0 1 Fax: 6 1 3 -8 3 6 -2 6 9 0 • m id d le a tla n tic .c a
