National 5 English assessment overview (June 2012)

National 5 English assessment overview (June 2012)
Key points
SQA is currently developing Unit and Course assessment support and this document
outlines what SQA will produce for the National 5 English Course.
 Unit Assessment Support — three exemplar support packages, each exemplifying a
different approach to assessment and gathering evidence. Centres will be free to
develop their own assessment packages.
 A specimen question paper will sample skills, knowledge and understanding from across
the Units, and application of this skills, knowledge and understanding to answer
appropriately challenging questions.
 A specimen portfolio will require learners to use their writing skills and techniques.
 The Unit assessment support will cover the contexts of literature, language and media.
 SQA will engage with key stakeholders and practitioners on the list of specified Scottish
 The list of specified Scottish texts will be finalised in Autumn 2012.
 All Coursework will be published by 30 April 2013 in a phased release:
 28 February 2013
 31 March 2013
 30 April 2013
Unit assessment support
This section should be read in conjunction with the National 5 English Unit Specifications.
The resources can be used in a number of ways, as appropriate to the needs of the learner.
These packages will show how to generate evidence and make assessment judgments.
Each package will provide complete coverage of the requirements of the Units of the
Package 1: Unit-by-Unit assessment (31 October 2012)
Unit-by-Unit assessment support will be provided, showing how centres could generate
evidence for Outcomes within the Units in the Course. One reading and listening
assessment and one talking and writing assessment will be produced. The opportunity to
incorporate the skill of listening within the talking and writing assessment will also be
exemplified. Tasks that could be used to generate evidence for this Unit-by-Unit assessment
approach will be provided.
Package 2: combined assessment (28 February 2013)
Combined assessment support will be provided, showing how centres could generate
evidence for Outcomes across the Units in the Course. One reading and writing assessment
and one talking and listening assessment will be produced. Tasks that could be used to
generate evidence for this combined assessment approach will be provided.
Package 3: combined assessment (30 April 2013)
Combined assessment support will be provided, showing how centres could generate
evidence for Outcomes across the Units in the Course. One reading and talking assessment
and one listening and writing assessment will be produced. Tasks that could be used to
generate evidence for this combined assessment approach will be provided.
Specimen question paper
(publication by 28 February 2013)
This section should be read in conjunction with the National 5 English Course Assessment
There is one question paper for the National 5 English Course.
The question paper will assess the skill of reading. The question paper will have two
Sections. The question paper will have a total of 70 marks.
Section 1: Reading for understanding, analysis, and evaluation — all questions
will be mandatory.
This Section will have 30 marks.
One non-fiction text will be presented. Questions on the text will be answered to
demonstrate understanding, analysis and evaluation.
Questions will be broader and more open and will include inference making and
summarising questions.
The assessment of reading for understanding, analysis and evaluation is likely to be similar
to the assessment of close reading in Standard Grade and Intermediate 2 assessments.
Section 2: critical reading
This section has two Parts. In each part, one question will be chosen from a range of
questions set to cover the genres of drama, prose, poetry, film and TV drama, or language.
In each Part, learners must cover a different genre and cannot use the same text twice.
This Section will have 40 marks. Each Part will have 20 marks.
Part A: critical essay
Learners will answer one question from a range of questions.
Learners will provide an extended written response, based on a previously studied text.
The critical essay approach is based on current practice in Standard Grade and Intermediate
2 assessments.
Part B: Scottish texts
Learners will answer one question from a range of questions, based on a list of specified
Scottish texts. One extract from a previously studied specified Scottish text will be selected.
The external assessment of prescribed Scottish texts is a new method of assessment for this
Specimen portfolio
(publication by 30 April 2013)
This section should be read in conjunction with the National 5 English Course Assessment
The purpose of this portfolio is to assess learners’ writing skills in different genres, and for a
range of purposes and audiences.
The portfolio will have 30 marks.
The portfolio will comprise two pieces of writing. Twenty marks will be awarded for a creative
text. Twenty marks will be awarded for a discursive text.
The assessment of writing is likely to be similar to the assessment of writing in
Intermediate 2.