SAP® PartnerEdge® Program Guide for Distributors

SAP® PartnerEdge®
Program Guide for Distributors
Table of Contents
The SAP PartnerEdge Program: ­Accelerating Your Growth
Getting Started
Program Requirements for
Maintaining Membership
Product Authorization
Business Plan
Dedicated Investment and Resources
Product Authorization
How to Become Authorized
How to Maintain Product Authorization
SAP PartnerEdge Education:
Overview of Training, Qualification,
and Certification
Curriculum Formats
Role-Based Training
SAP-Delivered Support Options:
Choices that Provide Flexibility
Why Provide Options in Support Offerings?
Rewards for Active Participation
General Partner Benefits
Business Enablement Benefits
Software Benefits
Marketing and Selling Support Benefits
Appendix: Logo for Distributors in
SAP PartnerEdge
The SAP® PartnerEdge® program showcases
new features designed to enhance and inspire
your partnership experience with SAP. This
guide explains how the program works for SAP
distributors. You will find it useful in managing
the ongoing relationships with prospective
and active partners in the authorized reseller
The SAP PartnerEdge Program:
­Accelerating Your Growth
As members of the SAP PartnerEdge program, distributors receive top-notch training and
­support to promote a selection of powerful, business-enhancing SAP solutions. As an SAP
­PartnerEdge program member, you can:
•• Win more business by offering resellers a key selection of the award-winning SAP software
solutions authorized resellers
•• Display the SAP distributor logo to demonstrate your relationship with SAP
•• Gain access to a dedicated section for distributors in the dedicated portal for members of
SAP PartnerEdge,, where you can find test and demo software,
­educational information, SAP-designated marketing campaigns, select authorized reseller
­recruitment campaigns, and so on
•• Access the approved SAP solutions on the product list available to authorized resellers
This guide summarizes the program framework, benefits, and requirements.
We look forward to your participation in the SAP PartnerEdge program. SAP’s goal is to build a
strong partnership that provides you with significant opportunities to offer SAP solutions. We aim
to help you and your SAP authorized resellers expand your mutual revenue and market potential.
This guide does not cover your agreement with the authorized reseller. Further, it does not set or
suggest prices for marketing and distribution of the SAP solutions between you and an authorized
reseller that sells select SAP solutions through your company.
After your SAP distributor account manager has brought you on board, your organization will
start receiving program benefits that include access to the dedicated section for distributors in
the partner-dedicated Web site.
To remain in good standing, your organization is required to meet the ongoing program
­requirements described in this guide. To successfully engage with potential partners, we
suggest the following simple steps.
Inform Your Team
Have your SAP-dedicated team become familiar with the authorized reseller program and how
it works:
•• Review this program guide – This guide provides you with an overview of the benefits and
­requirements for distributors. A copy of the guide is also available in the Distributors section
in the partner-dedicated Web site. In this section of the Web site, you will find program
­information, documentation, and more.
•• Review the region-specific program information guide – This document provides you with
additional program requirements and specific program details unique for your region. A copy
of the guide is also available in the Distributors section in the partner-dedicated Web site.
•• Understand and obtain product authorization – This is an important aspect of the reseller
program, as it describes the required e-learning and Web assessment to become authorized
to sell and implement the products.
•• Get acquainted with SAP offerings – Make sure your team understands the SAP pricing
model for marketing and distributing the SAP solutions and support, including the available
support offerings.
Program Requirements for
Maintaining Membership
To help ensure that your organization is prepared to support and guide authorized resellers,
SAP requires that your organization achieve product authorization before marketing and
distributing an SAP solution for a certain product family. This means having your selected
­employees successfully complete the required training (free e-learning) and respective
­Web-based qualification tests. Additional training may be required for certain products.
An employee is qualified or certified by satisfactorily completing the required training and passing
the corresponding Web-based assessment (for qualification) or in-person exam (for certification).
Partners must maintain a minimum level of trained and qualified or certified employees.
To sell more than one SAP product, partners need to achieve and maintain product authorization for each product. Partners may be deauthorized if the authorization requirements are not
maintained for a specific product family.
SAP may develop new training curriculums for niche products within a solution portfolio. This
training and corresponding Web assessments are needed for product authorization. A partner
that completes only the niche product training can sell only that specific product.
Additionally, SAP may add new product authorizations or product focus areas that have specific
training requirements. More information can be found in the partner dedicated web site.
SAP requires distributors to submit a yearly business plan for license revenue for the respective
product portfolio of focus. You must submit the initial business plan with the SAP distributor
­account manager and then annually thereafter. Business plans outline specific goals, including
revenue and training activities. A partner organization must submit a business plan during the
recruitment phase and then annually to meet the requirements of the program. SAP provides
the template and timeline for review and completion to all partners, and the SAP distributor
account manager will make best efforts to collaborate in developing a plan that both parties will
agree to.
Note: If you are obtaining authorization for another product, you are required to update your
business plan during the new-product onboarding phase.
Distributors must also have dedicated investment and resources in place for sales and ­consulting
practices for the respective product portfolio of focus: analytics, enterprise mobility, and database
and technology products. See the SAP product list on the partner-dedicated Web site.
Ongoing Program Requirements
Promote authorized reseller products – Distributors are required to actively promote the
­eligible authorized reseller products. A complete and current product list is available in the
Distributors section of the partner-dedicated Web site.
Serve as a point of contact with authorized resellers – Distributors are required to be the
point of contact for authorized resellers. That means your organization will manage the
relationship lifecycle during the prospective partner and active authorized reseller stages.
Verify reseller product-authorization status – Distributors are required to verify that an authorized reseller has achieved product authorization before being able to buy SAP products
from your organization.
Recruit new resellers – Distributors are required to actively recruit new resellers.
Assist in onboarding – Distributors are required to assist the SAP distributor account
manager in the onboarding process in terms of sending the partnership application and the
signed distributor agreement to the appropriate contact.
Product Authorization
Getting off to a fast and productive start is easy. As soon as SAP receives your signed agreement
and acknowledgement of your relationship as an SAP distributor, you should immediately focus
on achieving product authorization.
Achieving product authorization will help you better understand the SAP products and assist
your reseller customers on the solutions you choose to represent. Your company will receive
­access to the Distributors section of the partner-dedicated Web site. Your designated staff can
access the online education content for the required training sessions and assessments.
Once you achieve product authorization, you can then start selling. To sell more than one SAP
product, the SAP distributor needs to achieve and maintain product authorization for each product. The section below details how to get authorized and how to maintain product authorization.
For resellers and distributors, product authorization is achieved when the required number of
employees within your company complete mandatory training and pass the qualification and
certification for each product family you plan to sell.
The minimum number of trained individuals is listed in this section, and the training table below
outlines the specific training required. Successful completion of the course assessment or exam
is required. Requirements may be satisfied by the same employee who successfully completes
multiple assessments or exams. If your company represents multiple SAP solutions in the marketplace, you must complete the product authorization requirements for all solutions. If you
have any questions, please consult your SAP distributor account manager.
The training qualifications and assessments for SAP software are organized by different roles to
ensure that individual employees receive the relevant education. The Product Authorization area in
the Distributors section of the partner-dedicated Web site provides specifics on the required training and links you directly to the Web-based training that you need to take for your specific solution.
To obtain product authorization for your product portfolio of focus, you are required to complete
all the applicable Level 1 training and pass the Web assessments required for authorization listed in
the table below. The available product portfolios that you may make available to your resellers are:
•• Analytics
•• Database and technology
•• SAP Mobile Platform and related products
Note: Please refer to the product
list and your region-specific
program information guide for
details of available product
The following table outlines the training levels and requirements for selling and implementing
SAP software.
Requirements for selling and implementing
SAP® software per product family
Number of
SAP-qualified sales executive –
Employee selling software to customers
Level 1
SAP-qualified presales consultant – Employee
who works with the sales team to help define
customer needs and recommend the appropriate
Level 1
SAP-qualified consultant – Employee responsible
for implementing the software at customer sites
Level 1
Your company must maintain at least one product authorization to remain an operational
­member in the program. In July and January of each year, SAP will verify that members are
meeting the ongoing program requirements. If product authorization compliance is not met
in two consecutive checks, the distributor will become deauthorized.
Also, the loss of an employee trained or certified by SAP affects whether you meet the ongoing
program requirements for product authorization. It is your responsibility to notify SAP when
a trained employee leaves your company, and to correct and update any deficiencies in the
­Manage My Partnership application located in the partner-dedicated Web site. It is best to select
another individual quickly for qualification or certification to avoid possible termination from the
Once SAP receives your signed SAP Authorized Reseller Program Distribution Agreement, the
next step is to meet the program membership requirements. Achieving program membership is
required so that your company can receive the benefits of the SAP PartnerEdge program.
In general, an SAP distributor has six months to complete the product authorization requirement for a new release. When a new release becomes available in your country, you will receive
notice no less than six months for employees to get qualified or certified on the new release. The
SAP Education Services Terms and Conditions, which are made available on (add website), and
the current price list apply to any education services that SAP provides to the distributor.
New partners have six months to complete the product authorization requirements. If product
authorization is not achieved within that period, partners face the possibility of termination of
their partnership agreement with SAP.
Existing partners that choose to represent an additional SAP product also must meet the
required six-month product authorization deadline.
Note: The SAP database and
technology product authorization
will not require training, but the
training is still highly recommended.
Partners will be notified if SAP will
require mandatory database and
technology training in the future.
SAP PartnerEdge Education:
Overview of Training, Qualification,
and Certification
The SAP PartnerEdge Education program enables your employees to earn qualification or certification for specific products within the SAP portfolio. SAP helps your employees become better
prepared to provide your SAP authorized resellers with guidance and help with SAP products so
that they can market and distribute their SAP solutions to their customers with confidence. Our
intelligently designed training is ­organized by job role to ensure that individual employees get the
right training to their customers.
SAP PartnerEdge Education is offered with progressively more challenging content at each
level. For new program members, Level 1 is the required foundation training. As the SAP product
portfolio expands, additional training opportunities may be offered. Level 2 training and certification
is offered for a fee and delivered in classes. Live virtual classroom training over the Internet is
also available in some regions.
We offer a blended approach of classroom training, workshops, and e-learning resources available
via the Education section of the partner-dedicated Web site. Once they complete the course work,
your employees must pass tests to become qualified or certified. The tests consist of:
•• Web assessments used for qualification
•• Proctored exams at a certified testing center for SAP certification
•• A combination of both, depending on the employee’s role
Web assessments that are linked in a series must all be completed to be counted toward product
authorization. Some Web assessments are offered in various local languages. All linked Web
­assessments should be completed in the same language.
The following table summarizes the training provided for the different job roles. The role may
vary depending on the SAP solution. Please see the Education section of the partner-dedicated
Web site for additional information and a detailed training matrix. Testing that requires an in-­
person proctored exam will be held at a certified testing center.
Role Function
Sales executive
Sell to customers
Presales consultant
Work with the sales team to define customer needs and
­recommend the appropriate application
Solution consultant
Implement qualified partner solutions at customer sites and
­develop qualified partner solutions that package and productize
these solutions
Note: We strongly recommend that resellers and distributors have the ability to demonstrate
the technology. We encourage you to maintain and have access to a current functioning demo
environment in support of the solutions they are selling. See the Test & Demo Software area in
the Distributors section of the partner-dedicated Web site.
SAP-Delivered Support Options:
Choices that Provide Flexibility
SAP customers have options when it comes to the level of support they need: SAP Enterprise
Support services or SAP Standard Support services. While both offerings are suitable, SAP
­highly recommends SAP Enterprise Support as the choice for maintaining the highest customer
satisfaction while reducing the total cost of ownership of SAP solutions.
SAP-delivered support is the smart option to offer customers. Since neither distributors nor
authorized resellers are eligible to provide direct support to customers, nor are they eligible to
achieve support ­certification for a partner center of expertise, SAP-delivered support helps
ensure that a ­customer’s support needs are covered.
SAP authorized resellers will need to talk to their customers to make sure they know the
­significant differences between SAP Standard Support and SAP Enterprise Support services.
By offering customers a choice in the level of support they receive, we are providing a reliable,
consistent approach to maintenance and support that is applicable to the needs of their business.
We stand by SAP Enterprise Support services as the preferred choice. But there may be
­customers that are willing to forego a more comprehensive, proactive support approach
in favor of a lower-cost option in order to meet fiscal requirements. They have the choice.
Differences at a Glance
SAP® Standard Support Services – A
­reactive support model focusing on legal
updates, problem resolution, and quality
management to keep IT landscapes
up-­to-date and stable
SAP Enterprise Support Services – An
­industry-leading proactive support offering
•• Builds on standard support services plus
focuses on business continuity, business
process improvement, and protection
of investment
•• Reduces total cost of operations by
­increasing efficiencies and decreasing
­system downtime
You can find more information in the partner-dedicated Web site.
Rewards for Active Participation
The SAP PartnerEdge program offers rich benefits that reward your organization for active
­participation and success with SAP products and programs. Actual benefits may vary by
The following benefits are available to all partners.
Partner Newsletter
Partner newsletters are available in both local and global editions. These e-newsletters keep
you informed of product announcements and developments, program-related issues and news,
and how to make the most of your partnership.
SAP PartnerEdge Program E-Welcome Kit
Upon entering the program, new partners receive an e-welcome kit with documentation and
­resources to facilitate the initial selling and development of SAP products and solutions.
Figure: The Partner-Dedicated Web Site,
Access to the Partner-Dedicated Web Site
You receive access to the partner-dedicated Web site – a password-protected, single-sign-on,
partner-only Web site for easy information management and access to sales and marketing
­resources, educational content, and ordering (see Figure 2). The Manage My Partnership
­application also allows you to manage your business relationship, view your distributor product
training status, and more.
Customer Satisfaction Survey Program
SAP runs a partner-centric customer satisfaction survey program with an external vendor. The
program helps you understand your company’s performance in the market using a satisfaction
benchmarking approach. If you are interested in joining this program, please talk to your SAP
distributor account manager.
Partner Conferences
SAP partner conferences and events offer an opportunity to learn about the latest products and
program developments and provide a chance to meet SAP executives and colleagues.
The following benefits help you grow your business relationship and market base with SAP.
Partner Locator Listing
Your company contact information will be posted on the authorized reseller recruitment Web
site so that prospective resellers can find your company quickly and easily.
Demo Software
Demo software is made available to distributors. Fees may apply. See the Test & Demo Software
area in the Distributors section of the partner-dedicated Web site.
Product Briefings
All partners have the opportunity to receive the latest product briefings via different events or
modes including electronic newsletters or mailings.
SAP’s goal is to build a strong partner­ship that
provides you with significant ­opportunities to
offer business intelligence solutions from SAP.
You may have access to a variety of marketing and selling support and resources to help you sell
better, market better, and grow your business.
Demand-Generation Tools
Find demand-generation tools in the partner-dedicated Web site, including the online campaign
creation tool. With this tool, you have a simple, cost-effective way to generate quality sales leads
for your organization.
Using this tool, you can develop targeted demand-generation campaigns from a library of ­materials
– including e-mails, postcards, direct mailers, brochures, and more. Leverage demand-generation
campaign messaging as well as prebuilt templates – or build your own campaigns. You can view,
­customize, and execute comprehensive marketing campaigns at little to no cost to your business.
In North America and the Asia-Pacific-Japan and Latin America regions, the tool is called the
SAP Virtual Agency partner campaign creator. In Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, it is called
SAP partner campaign creator.
Marketing Tools and Collateral
The partner-dedicated Web site includes tools to assist you in your marketing efforts, including
marketing collateral, demand-generation marketing campaigns, and detailed product
­documentation to help you communicate with current and prospective customers.
SAP may also provide you with additional collateral for use in your marketing efforts (for
­distribution to prospective customers). Such collateral, as well as all marketing tools, is provided
without warranty of any kind by SAP.
SAP understands the challenges of selling to small
and midsize enterprises and has produced superior
solutions to meet the specific needs of this market.
Development Funds
SAP may provide you with development funds to help you market your solutions and develop your
overall business around SAP solutions. Rules and availability for development funds may vary by
country or region. Please check availability within your region with your SAP representative.
Marketing Training
The SAP channel marketing university is a free online training Web site created especially for
SAP partners for the small and midsize enterprise market. You will have access to 10 training
modules covering basic marketing concepts, demand-generation fundamentals, marketing
planning and execution, lead management, and success metrics. All of the training modules
have been specifically created to enable you to drive your own demand-generation campaigns.
Access to SAP Facilities
Use SAP facilities for demonstrations and customer briefs by making a request through your
SAP distributor account manager. Special conditions apply. Contact your SAP account manager
for more details.
Comarketing Opportunities
Partners may have opportunities to comarket with SAP.
Partner Networking
On-site partner events provide a venue for partners to network with and promote their
Sales Tools
SAP has a variety of Web-based and CD resources and hard-copy tools to aid you through the
customer engagement lifecycle.
As members of the SAP PartnerEdge program,
­distributors receive top-notch training and support
to promote powerful, business-enhancing SAP
SAP Logo Usage Rights and Logo Kit
Authorized distributors may use the appropriate SAP partner logo and SAP trademarks in ­marketing
and sales efforts, subject to terms and conditions outlined by SAP in the SAP Authorized Reseller
Program Distribution Agreement. Terms of the SAP logo license included with the distributor
agreement apply.
Other Opportunities
SAP periodically conducts training and other events. SAP may limit invitations to select
Participation in a Partner Advisory Council or Solution Partner Advisory Council
Partners may be selected to participate in an exclusive partner advisory council (by invitation
Invitational Webcasts, Specialized Workshops, Training, and Executive Summits
Your organization can boost business and technology acumen by participating in highly focused
Note: Please be advised that on the issue of termination, the provisions of the SAP Authorized
Reseller Program Distribution Agreement and its exhibits apply. Any unused benefits are forfeited
upon termination.
The SAP PartnerEdge program offers
a set of benefits rewarding your
organization for active participation
and success with SAP solutions.
Appendix: Logo for Distributors in
SAP PartnerEdge
Upon completing all minimum program entry requirements, your organization is entitled to the
official status of being a member of the SAP PartnerEdge program and may use the distributor
logo ­according to the terms of the agreement. You can download the partner logo and logo usage
guideline from the partner-dedicated Web site.
Here is a reproduction of the partner logo.
CMP 15154 (12/11) ©2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
SAP, R/3, SAP NetWeaver, Duet, PartnerEdge, ByDesign,
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