VSSC/P/ADV/149/2015 Dt. 03.03.2015

Ê´ÉYÉÉ{ÉxÉ ºÉÆ. ´ÉÒBºÉBºÉºÉÒ/{ÉÒ/Ê´ÉYÉÉ{ÉxÉ/149/2015 ÊnùxÉÉÆEò 03.03.2015
ADVT. NO. VSSC/P/ADVT/149/2015 DT. 03.03.2015
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(´ÉÒBºÉBºÉºÉÒ), Êiɯû´ÉxÉÆiÉ{ÉÖ®ú¨É ¨ÉÉä½þ®ú¤ÉÆnù ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉBÆ +ɨÉÆÊjÉiÉ Eò®úiÉä ½éþ:
For & on behalf of the President of India, the Sr. Head Purchase & Stores, Vikram Sarabhai
Space Centre (VSSC), Thiruvananthapuram invites Sealed Tenders for the following :-
Gò¨É ºÉÆ.
Sl. No.
Tender No.
दो भाग / TWO
Ê´É´É®úhÉ /Description
500KVA/400KW डजी सेट क आपूित,
1 सं./No.
संःथापन, परण तथा उसे चालू करना
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning
of 500KVA/400KW DG set
दो भाग / TWO
डोर ए$श अ'सेस क$शोल िसःटम आ)द का
1 लॉट/Lot
संःथापन तथा उ$ह+ चालू करना (3 सामिमयां)।
2यौरे िन4वदा के अनुसार
Installation & Commissioning of Door Entry
Access Control Systems etc. (3 items) Details as
per Tender.
दो भाग / TWO
दो वष9 के िलए ूित काय आधार पर पीसीय<
4 मद+ /
तथा पे=रफेरल< के खराबी-अनुरण क दर< का
Fixation of Rates for Breakdown Maintenance of
PCs and Peripherals on per Job basis for two
[एकल भाग /
ईडएम होल )सCDलंग मशीन क आपूित,
1 सं./No.
संःथापन तथा कमीशिनंग।
Supply, Installation and Commissioning of EDM
Hole Drilling Machine
नोट:- 4विनदF शन तथा 4वःतृत िनबंधन एवं शतH िन4वदा दःतावेज़ के अनुसार
Note :- Specification and detailed terms & conditions as per Tender document
ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉ ¶ÉÖ±Eò / Tender Fee
ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉ ¡òÉì¨ÉÇ VÉÉ®úÒ Eò®úxÉä EòÒ +ÆÊiÉ¨É ÊiÉÊlÉ
Last Date for issue of Tender Forms
Due Date for Receipt of Tender
ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉ JÉÉä±ÉxÉä EòÒ ÊiÉÊlÉ /
<ºÉ®úÉä ´Éä¤ÉºÉÉ<]õ
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Tender Opening Date
/ ´ÉÒBºÉBºÉºÉÒ ´Éä¤ÉºÉÉ<]õ
Rs. 227/06/04/2015 16.00 ¤ÉVÉä
iÉEò/up to 16:00 Hrs.
07/04/2015 16.00 ¤ÉVÉä
iÉEò/up to 16:00 Hrs.
08/04/2015 10:00 ¤ÉVÉä/at 10:00 Hrs.
¨Éå ÊxÉÊ´ÉnùÉ nùºiÉÉ´ÉäWÉ ={ɱɤvÉ
Tender documents are available on ISRO website www.isro.gov.in / VSSC website
½þºiÉÉIÉÊ®úiÉ/Sd/´ÉÊ®ú¹` |ÉvÉÉxÉ, GòªÉ B´ÉÆ ¦ÉÆb÷É®/ Sr. Head, Purchase & Stores
Note: 1.
Full details and specifications of the items and general instructions to be
followed regarding submission of tenders are indicated in the tender
2. Tender Documents can be downloaded from our websites and also be obtained
from the following address on request and submission of tender fee:
For Sl. No. 1 : Sr. Purchase & Stores Officer, Purchase Unit-I, Main Purchase,
RFF Area, VSSC, ISRO Post, Thiruvananthapuram - 695 022, Ph: 04712563139/3523.
For Sl. No. 2, 3 & 4 : Sr. Purchase & Stores Officer, Purchase Unit-II, AVN
Purchase, ATF Area, VSSC, ISRO Post, Thiruvananthapuram - 695 022, Ph :
While requesting for Tender Documents please indicate on the envelope as
“Request for Tender Documents- Tender No……….. dt……………”.
3. Tender Fee (Rs. 227/-) shall be paid in the form of CROSSED DEMAND DRAFT
ONLY. Other mode of payment is not acceptable. The Demand Draft should
be in favour of : Sr. Accounts Officer, Main Accounts, VSSC (for item under
Sl. No. 1), Sr. Accounts Officer, AVN Accounts, VSSC (for items under Sl. No.
2, 3 & 4) payable at State Bank of India, Thumba Branch,
Thiruvananthapuram – 695 022 [The tender fee is NON-REFUNDABLE]
Government Departments, PSUs (both Central and State), Small Scale
Industries units borne in the list of NSIC and foreign sources are exempted
from submission of tender fee. Those who are coming under the above
category should submit documentary evidence for the same.
4. While submitting your offer, the envelope shall be clearly superscripted with
Tender No. and Due Date and to be sent to the following address.
For Sl. No. 1 : Sr. Purchase & Stores Officer, Purchase Unit-I, Main
Purchase, RFF Area, VSSC, ISRO Post, Thiruvananthapuram - 695 022,
Ph : 0471-2563139/3523.
For Sl. No. 2, 3 & 4 : Sr. Purchase & Stores Officer, Purchase Unit-II, AVN
Purchase, ATF Area, VSSC, ISRO Post, Thiruvananthapuram - 695 022,
Ph : 0471-2565141.
5. Quotations received after the Due Date/Time will not be considered.
6. VSSC, Thiruvananthapuram is not responsible for any postal delay/loss of
documents in transit.
7. Sr. Head, Purchase & Stores, VSSC, Thiruvananthapuram reserves the right to
accept or reject any/or all the tenders in part or full without assigning any
reasons thereof.
Annexure I
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 500 kVA 415V 0.8pf. Diesel Generator
Set comprising of Diesel engine with all accessories, alternator with all accessories, control panel,
acoustic enclosure and all other details described below as per relevant IS/BS/IEC
specifications,emission & noise criteria as per Central pollution control board norms with its latest
amendments, terms and conditions enclosed.
Diesel engine shall be of Cummins, Greaves, PERKINS, caterpillar&Volvo Penta make
(DOS approved makes)and shall deliver sufficient BHP at full load at 1500 rpm for powering
alternator of 500 kVA (400 kW at 0.8pf) and shall be preferably turbo charged after cooled type
conforming to BS: 5514 with an overload capacity of 10% for one hour in any 12 continuous hours
of operation. The engine shall be suitable for cold starting and shall be equipped with all
The engine shall be complete with the following accessories:
Radiator with blower fan
Pipe couplings for engine cooling system piping
Paper element filters – fuel, lube oil and bypass
Fly wheel housing and flywheel with guard
Dry type air cleaners and vacuum indicators
Hospital type silencer
Stainless steel exhaust flexible bellows
Electric starter 24V DC
Battery charging alternator with built in regulator 24V DC
Thermostat valve for radiator
Digital electronic governor
Any other item not included/ specified but is a standard design of the manufacturer.
1. The radiator shall also be of the engine manufacture.
2. Installation and interconnection of exhaust pipe providing necessary support, fixtures
heat resistant gasket etc. providing elsewhere to conform to the provisions of the
Central Pollution Control Board. Minimum height of the exhaust should be 4.5 mtrs
above the top roof level of the building.
Engine instrument panel (Powercom monitor) shall consist of
1. Starting switch with key
2. Lube oil pressure indicator
3. Lube oil temperature indicator
4. Water temperature indicator
5. Hour meter and RPM indicator
6. Idle and Run Control Switch
All other required standard accessories/equipments.
Alternator shall be of DOS approved make such as Stamford-AVK, Crompton Greaves &
Leroy Somer and a capacity of 500 KVA/400 KW at 0.8 pf continuous operation rating at
1500rpm,self-excitedself-regulated brushless type with excited field controlled by a solid state
voltage regulator, and regulation of +/- 1% of rated voltage. From no load to full load, class ‘F’ (or
better) insulation, floor mounted, self-ventilated SPDP enclosure (IP: 23). Alternator shall be
suitable for tropical climate and saline atmosphere and generally conforming to IS: 4722. Adequate
size terminal boxes shall be provided for phase and for the neutral terminals. Maximum output
voltage shall be 415 volts 3 phase 4 wire 50HZ with neutral terminals brought out for earthing. The
alternator generally conform to BS 5000 / IS 4722 and having the following accessories.
Winding temperature detectors
Bearing temperature detectors
Space heater with thermal cut off
RTD and BTD should be with necessary probes and electronics digital scanner system
and annunciation devices, with alarm and indication of RTD and BTD conditions. The
annunciation system shall be provided along with annunciation/meters/indications
specified elsewhere in the specification.
1. The alternator should be capable of parallel operation with similar capacity DG sets.
2. The alternator should be capable of feeding rectifiers /SCR type UPS/Computer loads
and non-linear loads etc.
Outer body and doors are made up of 1.6mm thick (16G) CRCA sheet. The acoustic is
composite in construction and is a fully assembled integral unit and provided with two 4’X36 W
Tube lights for inside illumination. The acoustic enclosure parts will be powder coated after pretreatment process.
The diesel engine and alternator shall be perfectly aligned and assembled, dynamically
balanced on a sturdy, fabricated, welded construction, channel iron base frame. Base frame shall
have lifting provisions and predrilled holes suitable for grouted foundation.
E. FUEL TANK (In built)
700Ltr Capacity inbuilt fuel tank with fuel level indicator, fuel inlet and outlet, necessary
hose pipes etc.
F. BATTERY with Charger - 1 SET
Battery of required capacity with built in static charger with all interconnections shall
supplied with suitable stand.
Control panel shall be of front operated, cubicle type, free standing, floor mounting 1000 A
MV panel controlled by 1000A ACB suitable for operation on 415V, three phase, 4 wire, 50Hz AC
supply system and to withstand a short circuit level of 50KA rms symmetrical. The main body,
structure, doors of control panel shall be fabricated out of 14 SWG CRCA sheet steel whereas the
internal barriers may be fabricated with 16 SWG CRCA sheet. The panel shall be of dust and
vermin proof construction with IP 53 degree of protection and suitable for installation on built up
trench with the following facilities:
a) Fire and corrosion resistant coating similar to VIPER FR-1101 (primer) & FR 1102
(paint) applied in two coats inside and powder coating outside.
b) Fire retardant DMC/SMC fitting for opening around bus bar near the sectional barrier
c) Facilities in the terminals to have direct termination with aluminium cables
d) Shall have high mechanical and electrical strength
e) Door interlocking facility
f) Shall have fire barriers
g) Switch body shall be made of fire retardant materials
h) Shall be painted with heavy coat of anti corrosive paint
i) Shall be mountable in any position in vertical plane for operation
j) The electrical panel board should undergo the metal surface treatment through a 7 tank
process system.
The electrical panel board should be fabricated in an ISO certified facility and they should
be in possession of test Certificate issued by CPRI or any other national test house for the panels of
similar capacity already fabricated by them for short circuit test and temperature rise test. The
proposed panel should conform to the above fabrication standards.
The Panel shall consists of the following:
1000A 4 pole draw out type electrically operated ACB with neutral link – 1 NO
1. 1 No. Ammeter with CTs and selector switch for RYB phase
2. 1 No. Voltmeter O-500V with selector switch for RYB phase
3. 1 No. Frequency meter (digital type)
4. 1 No. DC ammeter for exciting current
5. 1 No. Power factor meter (digital type)
6. 1 No. Phase Sequence meter
7. 1 No. DC Ammeter for indicating battery charging current
8. 1 No. DC Voltmeter (0-50V) for showing battery voltage
9. 1 No. electronic Trivector meter.
10. 1 No. Electronic energy meter
11. Epoxy resin cast current transformers of suitable capacity, ratio, accuracy class shall be
provided for metering and protection separately for the metering and protective devices
stipulated below (vide IS 2705 with latest amendments)
12. Voltmeter – DC exciting voltage
1. 1 No. microprocessor based Combined 3 element over current and earth fault relay with
IDMTL characteristics.
2. 1 No. Reverse Power Relay
3. 1 No. Restricted Earth Fault Relay
4. 1 No. Over voltage Relay
5. 1 No. Emergency stop push button shall be providedoutside the enclosure.
Multiple LED type indication shall be provided for the following:
Generator ON
ACB Spring charge
Trip circuit healthy
24V DC Control supply ON
Push Buttons
Engine start
Engine stop
Fault accept/reset
Speed raise
Speed lower
ACB close and trip
Phase sequence check
1 Set
The annunciation panel shall have trip, alarm and visual indication features in the event of
the following conditions:
Low Lube oil pressure
High water temperature
Engine over speed
Earth fault
Over current
Under voltage
Over Voltage
Winding temperature high
Bearing temperature high
Reverse power
Installation, Testing and Commissioning of the proposed DG Set
Positioning of Engine, alternator and accessories to the foundation (Foundation will be
provided by department) and final alignment including erection of electrical panel and other
associated accessories, interconnection of power and control cables up to the main control
panel. It may be noted that the control panel has to be located 50-55M away from the DG set.
Supply &laying of control cable, laying only of power cable is in the scope of the bidder. The
required power cable will be supplied by the Dept. at free of cost.
Installation and interconnection of exhaust pipe and thermal insulation with glass wool and
aluminum cladding and positioning of silencer and other exhaust system inside the room.
Providing necessary support fixtures and fasteners, heat resistant gasket etc; inside the
building and providing exhaust stack with supporting structure as provided elsewhere to
control the provisions of the pollution control board. The exhaust pipe exposed outside shall
be given coating of heat resistant paint. Minimum height of the exhaust should be 4.5M
above the top roof level of the building.
Installation and interconnection of the fuel pipes with diesel engine and return lines and
fixing control valve etc.
Conducting and pre-commissioning functional and acceptance tests on complete system
including the engine, alternator, panel etc., for all electrical mechanical and other functional
parameters including over loading condition as per relevant IS/BS and other department
TRIAL RUN of the set and load test including over loading conditions for continuous 12
hours as all satisfactory results rendered in conformity with the relevant IS/BS. The
equipment should be load tested continuously 12 hours on full load. Out of which one hour
should be on over load. All consumables like diesel, lubrication oil etc and load shall be
supplied by you. Please note that the above tests are in addition to the pre dispatch test to be
conducted at your works and should be complete with control equipments with push button
switches for the following operations in the control panel. Necessary visual indications shall
also be provided wherever required.
Panel shall have adjustment knob for adjustment of RPM of DG set.
Cable entry shall be suitable for 3R x 3.5 C x 240sq.mm. XLPE cable
DG set without control panel shall be offered for 4 hours of routine test at various loads
at your works. Control panel shall be offered for testing at the panel manufactures
works. Manufactures type test certificates for engine and alternators should be
submitted at the time of pre dispatch inspection. All required materials instruments
tools etc; shall be provided by you.
Supply and providing earthing stations (2 Nos GI earthing for Body and 2 Nos of
copper plate earthing for neutral) and necessary interconnections as per IS 3043/1987 is
in the scope of the department.
The DG sets shall be tested with all required acceptance and commissioning tests in the
presence of Engineer in charge after installation at site. Primary and secondary
injection tests of the entire relay to be conducted at site before commissioning the DG
sets and the test results shall be submitted after commissioning the DG set. Any other
site test insisted by the CEA are also to be conducted.
Foundation for the DG set will be made available by department as per drawing to be
submitted by you. However, necessary foundation bolts as per requirement are to be
provided by you.
10. All minor civil works like chipping, cutting away and making of holes embedment of
grouting of brackets etc are to be carried out by you.
11. On placement of Purchase Order, the supplier shall furnish all the necessary drawings
of DG set, Control panel etc. for Department’s approval.
12. The following items shall be supplied along with the DG set
1. 4 sets of technical literature, maintenance manual and brochure of the Engine,
Alternator and Panel.
2. 6 sets of control and power circuit diagram.
3. List of essential spares.
4. DG Set of essential maintenance tools like grease gun and tool kit with Ratchet
spanner sets, Torque wrenches, Allen keys special keys (if any) etc.
13. The offer shall include provision for conducting all the routine tests in their works in the
presence of Departmental Engineer.
14. The DG set along with all the accessories shall be guaranteed for minimum period of 12
months from the date of commissioning.
Terms and Conditions:I. The 500kVA DG set is to be supplied at our site at VSSC, Thumba.
II. The tenderers are requested to carefully go through all the technical specifications of
tender and list out any deviations separately.
III. The tenderers are requested to furnish the salient features of their offer in the enclosed
compliance report without fail.
IV. The tenderers shall furnish the un priced Bill of Quantities for supply and installation
parts separately along with technical bid.
V. The tenderers shall enclose all the relevant technical documents / literatures clearly
marking the model quoted by them along with technical bid.
Makes of Components shall be as below
(Other than specified above)
1. Engine
Cummins, Greaves, PERKINS, caterpillar, Volvo
2. Alternator
Stamford-AVK, Crompton Greaves, Leroy Somer.
3. Protective Relays
ASEA, ALIND, Brown Boveri, Easun,Siemens,
Areva T&D, Jyothi, L&T, CSPC, Prok dv’s.
4. Digital meters
5. Anti vibration mounts
6. ACB s
7. Cable
Clectro systems, AE, L&T, Conzerv, GE Digital, CG
Schlumberger, MECO, Rishab, Prok dv’s.
L&T, Siemens, GE, Jyothi,, ABB, C&S, Schneider
Gloster, Rallison , Universal, Finolex, Torrent,
Nicco, Havells, L&T ,Mysocables ,Q Flex , Anchor,
RR Kabel, Rajnigandha cable, Standard AVOCAB,
DarshanPlus, LAPP kabel, EON (INDO KOPP ), VGuard .
500kVA DG Set for INSTEF
Power output
% Regulation
Insulation class
Control Panel
Fuel tank
Installation, testing
& commissioning
Items to be
supplied along with
DG set
Payment terms
Delivery period
Validity offer
Department Specification
As per offer
Cummins, Greaves, PERKINS, caterpillar,
Volvo Penta
To be specified by the bidder
Stamford-AVK, Crompton Greaves, Leroy
To be specified by the bidder
500kVA, 415V, 3ph, 50Hz
± 1% or better
F or better
Control panel shall be fabricated using 14
SWG CRCA sheet steel and shall contain
1000Amps capacity ACB including all the
accessories/metering and protection devices
as mentioned in tender enquiry.
Inbuilt fuel tank of 700 litres capacity
Battery with built in static charger with
suitable stand.
Hospital type
As per the terms and conditions of
department specification (The scope includes
load testing for 12hrs including supply of
load bank and all consumables)
1.Four sets of technical literature,
maintenance manual of engine, alternator and
control panel
2. Six sets of control and power diagrams.
3. List of essential spares.
4. Essential maintenance tools like grease
gun, toolkit with ratchet spanner sets, torque
wrenches, allen keys if any etc.
Minimum 12 months from the date of
80% of the supply value after the receipt of
the item at site, balance 20% after successful
installation, testing and commissioning.
4 Months from the date of receipt of
purchase order.
120 days
Signature of Tenderer with seal
I. PART I - TECHNICAL AND COMMERCIAL BID (In duplicate) in one cover.
Technical and commercial part should clearly indicate the technical details, scope of supply,
payment terms, delivery terms. [FOB/FOR/Ex-Works] delivery period, taxes and duties.
Warranty, guarantee, security deposit, performance bank guarantee, etc. under separate
heads. Please note that the price should NOT be indicated in the Technical and Commercial
Offer. Tender Fee, by way of Demand Draft should be enclosed with Technical Bid,
failing which the offer will not be considered.
Complete literature/leaflets/catalogues or brochures relevant to the offered models are to be
enclosed with the Technical and Commercial Part of the Tender.
The cover should clearly be super scribed “Technical and Commercial Bid”. The Tender
Number - due Date and Time should also be indicated on the cover.
II. PART II - PRICE BID in one cover:Price alone should be indicated (in duplicate). Wherever installation/commissioning is involved,
such charges may be indicated separately in the Price Bid.
The cover should clearly be super scribed “Price Bid”. The Tender Number - Due Date and
Time should also be indicated on the cover.
III. The “Technical and Commercial Bid” and the “Price Bid” are to be in separate sealed covers
and they should be put into a single envelope super scribed with the Tender Number, Due
Date and Time. The cover thus prepared should be sent to the following address so as to reach
us on or before the due date and time specified in the tender form.
The Senior Purchase & Stores Officer
Purchase Unit I, Main Purchase,
Trivandrum - 695 022
IV. a) In a tender, either the Indian agent on behalf of the Principal / OEM or Principal / OEM
itself can bid but both cannot bid simultaneously for the same item / product in the
same tender.
b) If an agent submits bid on behalf of the Principal / OEM, the same agent shall not
submit a bid on behalf of another Principal / OEM in the same tender for the same item
/ product.
V. Tenders may be hand delivered or sent by post or through couriers. Levels of responsibility and
reliability among couriers with respect to the delivery to VSSC are not entirely satisfactory and
tenderers shall therefore choose the couriers with particular case.
VI. The offer should be valid for a minimum period of 120 days from the due date.
VII. TENDER OPENING : The Technical and commercial Bid will be opened on the specified day
and in case any further clarification/discussions are required, such clarifications/discussions
shall be called for before opening the Price Bid.
VIII. Late and Delayed Tenders will not be considered. Therefore, please ensure that your tender is
posted well in time to reach us before the due date and time.
IX. Tenders which are not prepared in terms of these instructions are liable to be rejected.
X. Fax / e-mail offers shall not be considered for TWO PART BIDS.
XI. All the pages of your offer should be signed / initialed by competent authority and affixed with
your Company’s Seal.
XII. Our enclosed standard terms and conditions (Form P003) shall also form part of this tender.
Form No. P003
ISRO PO, Thiruvananthapuram – 695 022
M/s. …………………………………
Dear Sir,
The Sr. Head, Purchase & Stores / Purchase Officer for and on behalf of the President of India (The
Purchaser) invites sealed tender for the supply of stores detailed in the tender form here to annexed. The conditions of
contract which will govern any contract made are printed on the reverse / enclosed. If you are in a position to quote for
the supply in accordance with the stated requirements, please submit your quotation in the attached tender form.
Your tender must reach us on or before the due date and time as indicated in the attached tender schedule.
Yours faithfully,
For and on behalf of the President of India
(The Purchaser)
Tenders should be sent in sealed envelopes superscribing the relevant tender No. and the due date of opening.
Only one tender should be sent in each envelope.
Late tenders will not be considered.
Sales Tax / VAT and / or other duties / levies where legally leviable and intended to be claimed should be
distinctly shown separately in the tender.
As a Government of India Department this office is exempted from the payment of Octroi and similar local levies.
Tenderers shall ensure that necessary exemption certificates are obtained by them from the Purchase Officer
concerned to avoid any payment of such levies.
a) Your quotation should be valid for 90 days from the date of opening of the tender.
b) Prices are required to be quoted according to the units indicated in the annexed tender form. When quotations
are given in terms of units other than those specified in the tender form relationship between the two sets of
units must be furnished.
Preference will be given to those tenders offering supplies from ready stocks and on basis of FOR destination /
delivery at site.
a) All available technical literature catalogues and other data in support of the specifications and details of the
items should be furnished along with the offer.
b) Samples if called for, should be submitted free of all charges by the tenderer and the Purchaser shall not be
responsible for any loss or damage thereof due to any reason whatsoever. In the event of non-acceptance of
tender will have to remove the samples at his own expense.
c) Approximate net and gross weight of the items offered shall be indicated in your offer, if dimensional details
are available the same should also be indicated in your offer.
d) Specifications :- Stores offered should strictly conform to our specifications. Deviations, if any should be
clearly indicated by the tenderer in their quotation. The tenderer should also indicate the Make / Type number
of the stores offered and provide catalogues, technical literature and samples, wherever necessary along with
the quotations. Test Certificate wherever necessary should be forwarded along with supplies. Whenever
options are called for in our specifications, the tenderer should address all such options. Wherever specifically
mentioned by us the tenderer could suggest changes to specifications with appropriate response for the same.
8. The purchaser shall be under no obligation to accept the lowest or any tender and reserves the right of acceptance
of the whole or any part of the tender or portions of the quantity offered and the tenderer shall supply the same at
the rates quoted.
9. Corrections, if any must be attested. All amounts shall be indicated both in words as well as in figures. Where
there is difference between amounts quoted in words and figures, amount quoted in words shall prevail.
10. The tenderer should supply along with his tender, the name of his bankers as well as the latest Income-Tax
clearance certificate duly countersigned by the Income-Tax Officer of the Circle concerned under the seal of his
office, if required by the Purchaser.
11. The Purchaser reserves the right to place order on the successful tenderer for additional quantity up to 25% of the
quantity offered by them at the rates quoted.
12. The authority of the person signing the tender, if called for should be produced.
Definitions :a)
The term ‘Purchaser’ shall mean the President of India or his successors or assigns.
The term ‘Contractor’ shall mean, the person, firm or company with whom or with which the Order for the
supply of stores is placed and shall be deemed to include the Contractor’s successors, representatives, heirs,
executers and administrators unless excluded by the contract.
c) The term ‘Stores’ shall mean, what Contractor agrees to supply under the contract as specified in the
Purchase Order including erection of plant and machinery and subsequent testing should such a condition be
included in the Purchase Order.
d) The term ‘Purchase Order’ shall mean, the communication signed on behalf of the Purchaser by an Officer
duly authorized intimating the acceptance on behalf of the purchaser on the terms and conditions mentioned
or referred to in the said communication accepting the Tender or offer of the Contractor for supply of stores or
plant, machinery or equipment or part thereof.
2. Prices
Tenders offering firm prices will be preferred. Where a price variation clause is insisted upon by a tenderer,
quotations with a reasonable ceiling should be submitted. Such offers should invariably be supported by the base
price taken into account at a time of tendering and also the formula for any such variations.
3. Security Deposit
On acceptance of tender, the Contractor shall, at the option of the Purchaser and within the period specified by
him deposit with him in cash or in any other form as the Purchaser may determine security deposit not exceeding
ten percent of the value of the contract as the Purchaser shall specify. If the Contractor is called upon by the
Purchaser to deposit, ‘Security’ and the Contractor fails to provide the security with in the period specified, such
failure shall constitute a breach of the contract and the Purchaser shall be entitled to make other arrangement for
the re-purchase of the stores contracted for at the risk of the Contractor in terms of Sub-Clause (ii) and (iii) of
clause 10(b) hereof and / or to recover from the Contractor damages arising from such cancellation.
4. Guarantee and Replacement
a) The Contractor shall guarantee that the stores supplied shall comply fully with the specifications laid down,
for material, workmanship and performance.
b) For a period of twelve months after the acceptance of the stores, if any defects are discovered therein or any
defects therein found to have developed under proper use, arising from faulty stores design or workmanship
Contractor shall remedy such defects at his own cost provided he is called upon to do so within a period of
14 months from the date of acceptance thereof by the Purchaser who shall state in writing in what respect
the stores or any part thereof are faulty.
c) If in the opinion of the Purchaser, it becomes necessary to replace or renew any defective stores such
replacement or renewal shall be made by the Contractor free of all costs to the Purchaser provided the notice
informing the Contractor of the defect is given by the Purchaser in this regard within the said period of 14
months from the date of acceptance thereof.
d) The Contractor fail to rectify the defects, the Purchaser shall have the right to reject or repair or replace at the
cost of the Contractor the whole or any portion of the defective stores.
e) The decision of the Purchaser not withstanding any prior approval or acceptance or inspection thereof on
behalf of the Purchaser, as to whether or not the stores supplied by the Contractor are defective or any
defects has developed within the said period of 12 months or as to whether nature of the defects requires
renewal or replacement, shall be final, conclusive and binding on the Contractor.
f) To fulfil guarantee conditions outlined in clause 4 (a) to (e) above, the Contractor shall, at the option of the
Purchaser furnish a Bank Guarantee (as prescribed by the Purchaser) from a Bank approved by the
Purchaser from an amount equivalent to 10% of the value of the contract along with first shipment
documents. On the performance and completion of the contract in all respects, the Bank Guarantee will be
returned to the Contractor without any interest.
g) All the replacement stores shall also be guaranteed for a period of 12 months from the date of arrival of store
at purchaser’s site.
h) Even While the 12 months guarantee applies to all stores in case where a greater period is called for by our
specifications then such a specification shall apply in such cases the period of 14 months referred to in para
4 (b) & (c) shall be asked for guarantee period plus two months.
Packing, Forwarding & Insurance
The Contractor will be held responsible for the stores being sufficiently and properly packed for transport by rail,
road, sea or air to withstand transit hazards and ensure safe arrival at the destination. The packing and marking
of packages shall be done by and at the expense of the Contractor. The Purchaser will not pay separately for
transit insurance all risks in transit being exclusively of the Contractor and the Purchaser shall pay only for such
stores as are actually received in good condition in accordance with the contract.
The Contractor is responsible for obtaining a clear receipt from the transport authorities specifying the goods
dispatched. The consignment should be despatched with clear Railway Receipt / Lorry Receipt. If sent in any
other mode it is at the risk of the Contractor. Purchaser will take no responsibility for short deliveries or wrong
supply of goods when the same are booked on said to contain basis. Purchase shall pay for only such stores as
are actually received by them in accordance with the contract.
Test Certificate
Whenever required, test certificates should be sent along with the despatch documents.
Acceptance of stores
a) The stores shall be tendered by the Contractor for inspection at such places as may be specified by the
Purchaser at the contractor’s own risk, expense and cost.
b) It is expressly agreed that the acceptance of the stores contracted for is subject to final approval by the
Purchaser, whose decision shall be final.
c) If, in the opinion of the Purchaser all or any of the stores that do not meet the performance or quality
requirements specified in the purchase order, they may be either rejected or accepted at a price to be fixed
by the Purchaser and his decision as to rejection and the prices to be fixed shall be final binding on the
d) If the whole or any part of the stores supplied are rejected in accordance with Clause No. 8 (c) above the
Purchaser shall be at liberty with or without notice to the Contractor, to purchase in the open market at the
expense of the Contractor, stores meeting the necessary performance and quality contracted for in place of
those rejected, provided that either the purchase or the agreement to purchase from another supplier is
made within six months from the date of rejection of the stores as aforesaid.
Rejected stores
Rejected stores will remain at destination at the contractor’s risk and responsibility, if instructions for their disposal
are not received from the Contractor within a period of 14 days from the date of receipt of the advice of rejection,
the Purchaser or his representative has, at his discretion the right to scrap or sell or consign the rejected stores to
contractor’s address at the contractor’s entire risk and expense Freight being payable by the Contractor at
10. Delivery
a) The time for and the date of delivery of the stores stipulated in the purchase order shall be deemed to be
essence of the contract and delivery must be completed on or before the specified dates.
b) Should the Contractor fail to deliver the stores or any consignment there of within the period prescribed for
such delivery, the Purchaser shall be entitled at his option either.
i. to recover from the Contractor as agreed liquidated damages and not by way of penalty, a sum of 0.5% per
week subject to a maximum of 10% of the order value. or
ii. to purchase elsewhere, without notice to the Contractor on the account and at the risk of the Contractor the
stores not delivered or others of a similar description (where others exactly complying with the particulars,
are not in the opinion of the Purchaser readily procurable, such opinion being final) without cancelling the
contract in respect of the consignment (s) not yet due for delivery, or
iii. to cancel the contract of a portion thereof and if so desired to purchase or authorize the purchase of stores
not so delivered or others of a similar description (where others exactly complying with the particulars are not
in the opinion of the Purchaser readily procurable such opinion final) at the risk and cost of the Contractor.
In the event of action being taken under sub-clause (ii) & (iii) of clause 10 above, the Contractor, shall be liable for
any loss which the Purchaser may sustain on that account, provided that the re-purchase, or if there is an
agreement to re purchase then such agreements is made within six months from the date of such failure. But the
Contractor shall not be entitled to any gain on such re-purchase made against default. The manner and method
of such re-purchase shall be at the discretion of the Purchaser, whose decision shall be final. It shall not be
necessary for the Purchaser to serve a notice of such re-purchase on the defaulting Contractor. This right shall
be without prejudice to the right of the Purchaser to recover damages or breach of contract by the Contractor.
11. Extension of time
As soon as it is apparent that contract dates cannot be adhered to an application shall be sent by the Contractor
to the Purchaser if failure, on the part of the Contractor to deliver the stores in proper time shall have arisen from
any cause which the Purchaser may admit as reasonable ground for an extension of the time (and his decision
shall be final) he may allow, such additional time as be considers it to be justified by circumstances of the case
without prejudice to the purchaser’s rights to recover liquidated damages under clause 10 thereof.
12. Erection of Plant & Machinery
Wherever erection of a plant or machinery is the responsibility of the Contractor as per the terms of the contract
and in case of Contractor fails to carry out the erection as and when called upon to do so within the period
specified by the Purchaser, the Purchaser shall have the right to get the erection done through any source of his
choice. In such an event, the Contractor shall be liable to bear any additional expenditure that the Purchaser is
liable to incur towards erection. The Contractor shall, however, not be entitled to any gain due to such an action
by the Purchaser.
13. Payment
Contractor’s bill will be passed for payment only after the stores have been received, inspected and accepted by
the Purchaser.
14. Mode of payment
Normally payment will be made for the accepted stores within 30 days from the date of receipt of the materials.
15. Recovery of sums due
Whenever any claim for the payment of whether liquidated or not, money arising out of under this contract against
the Contractor, the Purchaser shall be entitled to recover such sum by appropriating. In part or whole the security
deposited by the Contractor, if a security is taken against the contract. In the event of the security being
insufficient or if no security has been taken from the Contractor, then the balance or the total sum recoverable, as
the case may be, shall be deducted from any sum then due or which at any time thereafter may become due to
the Contractor under this or any other contract with the Purchaser. Should this sum be not sufficient to cover the
full amount recoverable, the Contractor shall pay to the Purchaser on demand the remaining balance due.
Similarly, if the Purchaser has or makes any claim, whether liquidated or not, against the Contractor under any
other contract with the Purchaser, the payment of all moneys payable under the contract to the Contractor
including the security deposit shall be with-held till such claims of the Purchaser are finally adjudicated upon and
paid by the Contractor.
16. Indemnity
The Contractor shall warrant and be deemed to have warranted that all stores supplied against this contract are
free and clean of infringement of any Patent, Copyright or Trademark, and shall at all times indemnity the
Purchaser against all claims which may be made in respect of the stores for infringement of any right protected by
Patent Registration of design or Trade mark and shall take all risk of accidents or damage which may cause a
failure of the supply from whatever cause arising and the entire responsibility for sufficiency of all means used by
him for the fulfillment of the contract.
17. Arbitration
In the event of any question, dispute or difference arising under these conditions or any conditions contained in
the purchase order or in connection with this contract, (except as to any matter the decision of which is specially
provided for by these conditions) the same shall be referred to the sole arbitration of the Head of the Purchase
office or of some other person appointed by him. It will be no objection that the Arbitrator is a Government
servant, that he had to deal with matter to which the contract relates or that in the course of his duties as
Government servant he has expressed views on all or any other matters in dispute or difference. The award of
the Arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties of this contract.
It is a term of this contract
a) If the arbitrator be the Head of the Purchase Office
(i) In the event of his being transferred or vacating his office by resignation or otherwise, it shall be lawful for his
successor-in-office either to proceed with reference himself, or to appoint another person as Arbitrator, or
(ii) In the event of his being unwilling or unable to act for any reason, it shall be lawful or the Head of the
Purchase Office to appoint another person as arbitrator, or
b) If the arbitrator be a person appointed by the Head of the Purchase Office in the event of his dying, neglecting
or refusing to act or resigning or being unable to act, for any reason it shall be lawful for the Head of the
Purchase office either to proceed with the reference himself or appoint another person as arbitrator in place of
the outgoing Arbitrator.
Subject as aforesaid the Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1996 and the rules thereunder and any statutory
modifications there of for the time being in force shall be deemed to apply to the arbitration proceedings under this
Clause. The Arbitrator shall have the power to extend with the consent of the Purchaser and the Contractor the
time for making and publishing the award. The venue of arbitration shall be the place as Purchaser is his absolute
discretion may determine. Work under the contract shall, if reasonably possible continue during Arbitration
18. Counter Terms and Condition of Suppliers
Where counter terms and conditions / printed or cyclostyled conditions have been offered by the supplier, the
same shall not be deemed to have been accepted by the Purchaser, unless specific written acceptance thereof is
19. Security for Purchaser’s Materials
Successful tenderer will have to furnish in the form of a bank guarantee or any other form as called for by the
Purchaser towards adequate security for the materials / property provided by the Purchaser for the due execution
of the contract.
Vendor qualification criteria
The bidder should be an established System Integrator with experience in works
of similar nature for the last three years.
Vendor must be a recognized company registered under Indian Company Act1956with majority Directors with Indian nationality and have been in existence
for a minimum of three years prior to date of issue of this tender, with
experience as mentioned above.
Vendor should have backend support from OEM during warranty and post
warranty period. Vendor’s association with OEM should be clearly brought out
with documentary evidences for readers/sensors, EM locks, softwares,etc.
Finger print based biometric with smart card (Mifare classic) based ACS for IN &
OUT at door entry access control ( using EM Lock ) for employees and nonemployees.
Specifications of Door entry Access control system
Finger print sensor
Smart card and Biometric reader
Storage capacity
Protection of transaction data
Optical ( Minimum 500 dpi)
Minimum 32 bit
Keypad for PIN entry.
Reader shall read 13.56 MHz contactless
smart cards - Mifare Card (ISO 14443
compliant) with dual key authentication
( Both Key A and B of Mifare architecture )
and to read the Biometric template in the
native format for local Employee and ISO
19794 Format for authenticated employee of
other centre/unit
Shall support Mifare 4K cards.
Minimum 9500 finger print template storage
In case memory is full, the reader shall
disable further transactions to protect
transactions data. Message shall be displayed
on reader.
Sensor Type
Finger print
Biometric type
Local & remote admin
Real Time Clock (RTC)
Operation Modes
Transaction time
Transaction capacity
Data & time retention
Operating temperature & relative
Sensor sensing conditions
Power requirement
The reader shall support local and remote
administration and maintenance through
RTC with battery backup. Reader RTC time
shall be synchronized with server time.
Shall support (Finger + Smart card), (Finger
+ Smart card + PIN), (Finger + PIN), (Smart
Card + PIN), Finger only, Smart Card only
for single / multiple user/s., Standalone &
proxy/ slave modes
Sufficient size of LCD/TFT display to show
day, date & time by default. To display the
details of valid / invalid entry with name and
employee ID at the time (24 Hrs. Format) of
card flashing.
Less than one second for 1:1 biometric
Minimum 50,000 events
Ethernet, RS232, RS485, Weigand ,USB
Optional : WiFi, POE.
In case of power failure, the data retention to
be provided using flash memory and the Real
Time Clock of the unit should be retained
with current date and time.
To handle EM lock
UL/CE or STQC certified
0o to 50o C, 10% to 90% non-condensing
Should be capable for reading finger in dry
and wet
230 VAC 50 Hz with suitable power adapter
Audio/Visual Indicators
Audio-visual indications for valid entry,
invalid entry and any error. Alarm shall be
audible in outdoor conditions.
Smart card operating Range
Minimum 1 cm and to accommodate +/- 30
deg elevation error during presentation by the
EM lock for Single door with Exit switch
600 lbs. minimum
Holding Force
Protection level
Flame tamper proof
Dual voltage selectable (12 VDC or 24
Operating voltage
Automatic release by powering off
Built-in Door Status sensor with voltage
spike suppressor
UL/CE or STQC certified
EM Lock shall be supplied with all
required accessories for mounting on a
single door
Mounting Accessories
Casing with anti rust surface treatment &
Anti-tamper jam nuts
LED indication
RED/GREEN LED indication for EM
lock status
Exit switch with glass enclosure with
mechanism to open the doors from inside
in case of emergency situations and reader
Emergency Exit switch
Temperature & Relative humidity
0o to 55 o C, 10% to 95% non-condensing
EM lock for Double door with Exit switch
Holding Force
600 lbs. minimum x 2 for dual doors
All other specifications as per EM lock for single door with exit switch
ACS software
All Transactions that occur at door entry access control shall be logged in flash
memory of respective readers as event with transaction data. Transaction data which
include date, time, ID of employee/non-employee/visitor, reader ID, direction of
movement (IN/OUT), transaction ID and error code/status shall be transferred to
server in real time through network.
Biometric enrolment, smart card personalization and authentication
software for entrants
1. SDK for the reader. Documentation of libraries for the API. Linux or
windows support. Configuration over TCP/IP should be supported. The
reader command set should support software to
a. Add, remove, and modify user records in the database of the
b. Modify reader configuration parameters.
c. Access of import reader event logs in real time.
The SDK should be comprehensive enough to enable VSSC to migrate
existing user database (with finger print records) to the reader and set
access rights to these users.
2. Reader should support storing user finger print records in ISO format, in
case only native format is supported, the SDK should provide the
software support to convert ISO to native reader format.
Administration & Maintenance software
Administrative software shall provide tools for :
a) Role based login creations and assigning privileges
b) Authorize and blocking the access and movement of personnel at door entry
access control.
c) To set reader / location wise access permission
d) To view access control report of Entrants
e) To authorize VMS, ACS complaints, Administrator for the door entry Access
Software shall provide health monitoring of different hardware components like
readers, EM locks, network components, etc. In case of failure of any
component, pop-up screen shall be generated with relevant details on virtual
location map.
Details of break-down and preventive calls shall be generated
Event logs on data upload/download, backups, scheduled scripts or any other
event in the system shall be made available.
Provision for displaying raw data captured for employees and non-employees
from the selected or all reader/s should be provided to administrators.
Any loss of communication should be logged as event providing details of
reader ID, date & time and nature of failure.
Door open time at door entry access control shall be logged and alerted when
door is left opened for long duration. ( User defined )
Software shall define a set of rights that may be associated with an individual or
group of individuals.
The system shall cater to various reports for trouble shooting and performance
monitoring. The performance logs shall be generated catering to diagnostics of
the system (ACS Hardware).
System integration requirements
EM lock should provide emergency exit with adequate instruction of safety
warning. Location of exit switch should be placed appropriately for access
during emergency.
Design of the system shall ensure reliability and minimum down time of the
system. Single point failure like server, database or network should not bring
down the basic operation of ACS system.
Acceptance Test Plan ( ATP )
Acceptance Test will be conducted only after successful installation and
uninterrupted operation of the entire system at site for minimum period of 15
Warranty will be in effect from the date of acceptance of entire system.
Warranty shall include preventive & unlimited break-down maintenance calls
including repair/replacement of material, spares, modules, software, etc.
During five year warranty, ACS system shall be maintained with minimum 95%
In case of any breakdown/malfunctioning of hardware, etc., the relevant defect
should be rectified within one day.
Vendor shall supply replacement of spare/item of same make and model against
faulty component during warranty. In case the manufacturer discontinues any
model, vendor shall supply spare/item with higher model of supplied make with
better specifications at no extra cost and ensure that it gets integrated within the
Vendor shall upgrade software or firmware of any part of ACS system or bugfixing if required free of cost during warranty period.
Vendor shall provide preventive maintenance schedule and maintain
Vendor shall carry out alignment of doors at buildings and laboratories for
proper functioning of EM locks as and when required.
During warranty, installation, re-deployment / shifting of any equipment or item
shall be carried out free of cost as and when required.
Any item shall be added / deleted from warranty on pro-rata basis.
Vendor shall provide on-site FIVE YEARS comprehensive warranty i.e. one
year free warranty and paid warranty from 2nd year to 5th year for the ACS
installed at door entry.
Emergency services shall be provided by vendor during off-office hours and
holidays, whenever required at a very short notice, without any extra payment.
If required, additional qualified engineer and senior engineers should be
Service engineers shall perform:
a. Preventive and break down maintenance of the system.
b. Management of the spare parts, materials and consumables.
c. Periodical database back-up and preparation of weekly, monthly and
quarterly report on system performance in prescribed format.
d. Any other related work assigned from time to time
The deputed engineers should be on payroll (bona-fide employees) of Vendor
and due Police Clearance Certificate (PCC) must be obtained for each vendor
Vendor should provide contact details of service engineer like address, landline
phone numbers, fax numbers, mobile numbers, etc.
DOS/ISRO reserves right to disqualify any engineer deputed, for various
reasons like technical incompetence, indiscipline, irregularity, insincerity,
disobedience, doubtful credentials/ integrity, etc.
Vendor shall provide 10 % bank guarantee towards entire extended warranty
period of five years.
Vendor shall impart operation training for two days at least to ten employees.
Training should include documentation required for understanding the system,
its working concepts and basic trouble shooting guidelines. Training shall be
part of integration and acceptance of the system.
Vendor shall submit documents for understanding, operation and maintenance
of entire system. All the documents shall be provided in CD media in two
Vendor should provide the information about the deviations in technical
specifications or terms & conditions. DOS/ISRO may or may not accept the
deviation. Vendor offer shall be rejected without asking for any clarification if
any one or more deviations are not acceptable to DOS/ISRO.
Terms and conditions
Vendor shall quote make and model of each item along with technical
datasheet/literature highlighting the compliance to specifications.
Vendor shall provide site requirements, power supply & environmental
requirements, accessories requirements for each door entry ACS. This is
required for pre preparation work for ACS installation.
Vendor may visit site to assess the total requirement before bidding with prior
intimation to purchase department. Electrical points and network points
provided by VSSC
Vendor shall carry out related civil and finishing work after completion of the
installation. Vendor shall maintain the aesthetics of building and other places.
Purchase order will be placed to a single vendor for all the items and will not be
split considering seamless integration.
Non compliance of specification of any item or terms & conditions, will reserve
right to accept or reject the offer.
NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT (NDA) :Personnel deputed by
vendor shall maintain absolute secrecy and security of the ACS data stored on
various computing systems at DOS/ISRO. The data / information provided by
DOS/ISRO from time to time, are for the execution of this work only; and
should not be used / copied / reproduced / published in any form or disclosed to
third party, by vendor or their personnel. Thus, vendor is required to sign a
Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with DOS/ISRO. Vendor will also be
responsible for any violation or infringement of NDA by their personnel.
Network sockets and power sockets required for ACS location will be provided
Annexure II
Purchase Terms
1. Our normal payment term is Sight Draft / by within 30 days after receipt
and acceptance. Please confirm acceptance in your quote.
2. Specify name of Indian Agent and percentage of Agency commission, if any.
1. Sales Tax: The facility of Inter-State purchase by Government Department
against Form-D stands withdrawn w.e.f 01.04.2007. As such, please indicate
the applicable CST/VAT.
2. Excise Duty: We are completely exempted from payment of Excise Duty in
terms of Notification No.10/97-CE Dt.01.03.97 as amended by Notification
No. 16/2007 Central Excise Dt.01.03.2007. The necessary ED Exemption
Certificate shall be provided by VSSC for availing exemption. Tenderers
are requested to take note of the ED exemption available to ISRO/VSSC and
accordingly submit the offer without ED element.
3. Customs Duty: - We are completely exempted from payment of Customs
terms of Notification
No.12/2012-Cus dated 17.03.2012
VSSC for availing CD Exemption. Tenderers are requested to take note of the
CD Exemption available to ISRO/VSSC and accordingly submit the offer
without CD Element.
4. Where an agent participate in a tender;
(a) Either the Indian agent on behalf of the Principal/OEM or Principal/OEM
item/product in the same tender.
(b) If an agent submits bid on behalf of the Principal/OEM, the same agent
shall not submit a bid on behalf of another principal/ OEM in the same
tender for the same item/product.
5. VSSC has a right to cancel the tender without assigning any reason etc.
6. In order to avail the benefits extended by Govt. of India to the Micro and
Small Sectors, please submit attested copy of the valid Entrepreneur
Memorandum Part II signed by the General Manager, District Industries
Centre or NSIC Registration Certificate along with your offer, if applicable.
I. PART I - TECHNICAL AND COMMERCIAL BID (In duplicate) in one cover.
Technical and commercial part should clearly indicate the technical details, scope of supply,
payment terms, delivery terms. [FOB/FOR/Ex-Works] delivery period, taxes and duties.
Warranty, guarantee, security deposit, performance bank guarantee, etc. under separate heads.
Please note that the price should NOT be indicated in the Technical and Commercial Offer.
Tender Fee, by way of Demand Draft should be enclosed with Technical Bid, failing which
the offer will not be considered.
Complete literature/leaflets/catalogues or brochures relevant to the offered models are to be
enclosed with the Technical and Commercial Part of the Tender.
The cover should clearly be super scribed “Technical and Commercial Bid”. The Tender Number
- due Date and Time should also be indicated on the cover.
II. PART II - PRICE BID in one cover:Price alone should be indicated (in duplicate). Wherever installation/commissioning is involved,
such charges may be indicated separately in the Price Bid.
The cover should clearly be super scribed “Price Bid”. The Tender Number - Due Date and Time
should also be indicated on the cover.
III. The “Technical and Commercial Bid” and the “Price Bid” are to be in separate sealed covers and
they should be put into a single envelope super scribed with the Tender Number, Due Date and
Time. The cover thus prepared should be sent to the following address so as to reach us on or
before the due date and time specified in the tender form.
The Senior Purchase & Stores Officer
Purchase Unit II, AVN Purchase,
Trivandrum - 695 022
IV. a) In a tender, either the Indian agent on behalf of the Principal / OEM or Principal / OEM
itself can bid but both cannot bid simultaneously for the same item / product in the
same tender.
b) If an agent submits bid on behalf of the Principal / OEM, the same agent shall not
submit a bid on behalf of another Principal / OEM in the same tender for the same item /
V. Tenders may be hand delivered or sent by post or through couriers. Levels of responsibility and
reliability among couriers with respect to the delivery to VSSC are not entirely satisfactory and
tenderers shall therefore choose the couriers with particular case.
VI. The offer should be valid for a minimum period of 120 days from the due date.
VII. TENDER OPENING : The Technical and commercial Bid will be opened on the specified day and
in case any further clarification/discussions are required, such clarifications/discussions shall be
called for before opening the Price Bid.
Late and Delayed Tenders will not be considered. Therefore, please ensure that your tender is
posted well in time to reach us before the due date and time.
IX. Tenders which are not prepared in terms of these instructions are liable to be rejected.
X. Fax / e-mail offers shall not be considered for TWO PART BIDS.
XI. All the pages of your offer should be signed / initialed by competent authority and affixed with
your Company’s Seal.
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I. PART I - TECHNICAL AND COMMERCIAL BID (In duplicate) in one cover.
Technical and commercial part should clearly indicate the technical details, scope of supply,
payment terms, delivery terms. [FOB/FOR/Ex-Works] delivery period, taxes and duties.
Warranty, guarantee, security deposit, performance bank guarantee, etc. under separate heads.
Please note that the price should NOT be indicated in the Technical and Commercial Offer.
Tender Fee, by way of Demand Draft should be enclosed with Technical Bid, failing which
the offer will not be considered.
Complete literature/leaflets/catalogues or brochures relevant to the offered models are to be
enclosed with the Technical and Commercial Part of the Tender.
The cover should clearly be super scribed “Technical and Commercial Bid”. The Tender Number
- due Date and Time should also be indicated on the cover.
II. PART II - PRICE BID in one cover:Price alone should be indicated (in duplicate). Wherever installation/commissioning is involved,
such charges may be indicated separately in the Price Bid.
The cover should clearly be super scribed “Price Bid”. The Tender Number - Due Date and Time
should also be indicated on the cover.
III. The “Technical and Commercial Bid” and the “Price Bid” are to be in separate sealed covers and
they should be put into a single envelope super scribed with the Tender Number, Due Date and
Time. The cover thus prepared should be sent to the following address so as to reach us on or
before the due date and time specified in the tender form.
The Senior Purchase & Stores Officer
Purchase Unit II, AVN Purchase,
Trivandrum - 695 022
IV. a) In a tender, either the Indian agent on behalf of the Principal / OEM or Principal / OEM
itself can bid but both cannot bid simultaneously for the same item / product in the
same tender.
b) If an agent submits bid on behalf of the Principal / OEM, the same agent shall not
submit a bid on behalf of another Principal / OEM in the same tender for the same item /
V. Tenders may be hand delivered or sent by post or through couriers. Levels of responsibility and
reliability among couriers with respect to the delivery to VSSC are not entirely satisfactory and
tenderers shall therefore choose the couriers with particular case.
VI. The offer should be valid for a minimum period of 120 days from the due date.
VII. TENDER OPENING : The Technical and commercial Bid will be opened on the specified day and
in case any further clarification/discussions are required, such clarifications/discussions shall be
called for before opening the Price Bid.
Late and Delayed Tenders will not be considered. Therefore, please ensure that your tender is
posted well in time to reach us before the due date and time.
IX. Tenders which are not prepared in terms of these instructions are liable to be rejected.
X. Fax / e-mail offers shall not be considered for TWO PART BIDS.
XI. All the pages of your offer should be signed / initialed by competent authority and affixed with
your Company’s Seal.
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