Lecture 3: Maxwell equations and electromagnetic wave propagation • • • • • • • • • • Plane waves Phase velocity Polarization Maxwell equations Wave equations Solutions of wave equations Poynting vector Fresnel reflection Total internal reflection Evanescent wave Reading: Senior 2.3 Keiser 2.1-2.2 1 Plane linearly polarized waves • The electric or magnetic field of a plane linearly polarized wave traveling in a direction k can be represented in the general form A(r, t) = eiA0 exp i(k ● r – ωt) where r = xex + yey + zez represents a general position vector and k = kxex + kyey + kzez represents the wave propagation vector (wavevector). The magnitude of the wavevector k is k = 2π/λ, which is known as the wave propagation constant, λ is the wavelength of the light in a vacuum or free space ω = 2πυ, where υ is the frequency of the light, υ = c/λ A0 is the maximum amplitude of the wave 2 Plane waves y r exp i(kr – ωt) @ a particular time t k Wave vector k perpendicular to the plane wavefront λ kr = const. + 2π spatial phase kr = const. x 3 • The components of the actual (measurable) electromagnetic field are obtained by taking the real part of the complex exponential form. • For example, if k = kez, and A denotes the electric field E in the ei = ex direction, then the real measurable electric field is given by Ex(z, t) = Re (E) = ex E0x cos (kz – ωt) which represents a plane wave that varies harmonically as it travels in the z direction. y wavefronts (⊥ k) E-field polarization (x) (plane wave in free space) z λ k = ez k = ez 2π/λ (wavevector) 4 Phase velocity • For a plane optical wave traveling in the z direction, the electric field has a phase varies with z and t φ = kz – ωt For a point of constant phase on the space- and time-varying field, φ = constant and thus kdz – ωdt = 0. If we track this point of constant phase, we find that it is moving with a velocity of vp = dz/dt = ω/k phase velocity • In free space, the phase velocity vp = c = ω/k = υλ the propagation constant k = ω/c (c = 3 × 108 m/s) 5 • For a wave propagating in a dielectric medium of refractive index n vp = c/n = ω/k Propagation constant in a k = n ω/c medium of refractive index n • The propagation constant in any medium k = n ko = n 2π/λο free space free space wavenumber wavelength 6 Fields in a linearly polarized plane wave H E H E k k • Maxwell equations show that E and H are both perpendicular to the direction of propagation. Such a wave is called a transverse wave. • Furthermore, E and H are mutually perpendicular – E, H, and k form 7 a mutually orthogonal triad. General state of polarization • A general state of polarization is described by considering another linearly polarized wave which is independent of the first wave and orthogonal to it. Ey (z, t) = ey E0y cos (kz - ωt + δ) where δ is the relative phase difference between the waves. The resultant wave is E(z, t) = Ex(z, t) + Ey(z, t) • If δ is zero or an integer multiple of 2π, the waves are in phase. The wave is then also a linearly polarized wave with polarization vector making an angle E0y E θ = tan-1 E0y/E0x with respect to ex and having a magnitude E = (E0x2 + E0y2)1/2 • θ E0x Conversely, an arbitrary linearly polarized wave can be resolved into two independent orthogonal plane waves that are in phase. 8 Elliptical and circular polarization • For general values of δ the wave is elliptically polarized. The resultant field vector E both rotates and changes its magnitude as a function of the angular frequency ω. For a general value of δ (Ex/E0x)2 + (Ey/E0y)2 – 2(Ex/E0x) (Ey/E0y) cosδ = sin2δ which is the general equation of an ellipse. • This ellipse represents the trajectory of the E vector = state of polarization (SOP) • The axis of the ellipse makes an angle φ relative to the x axis given by tan 2φ = 2E0xE0y cosδ / (E0x2 – E0y2) 9 • To get a better picture, let us align the principal axis of the ellipse with the x axis. Then φ = 0, or equivalently, δ = ±π/2, ±3π/2, …, so that (Ex/E0x)2 + (Ey/E0y)2 = 1 This is the familiar equation of an ellipse. • When E0x = E0y = E0 and the relative phase difference δ = ±π/2, ±3π/2, …, then we have circularly polarized light. Ex2 + Ey2 = E02 which defines a circle • Choosing the positive sign of δ, Ex (z, t) = ex E0 cos(kz - ωt) Ey (z, t) = -ey E0 sin(kz - ωt) • In this case, the endpoint of E traces out a circle at a given point in space. 10 • Consider an observer located at some arbitrary point toward which the wave is approaching. For convenience, we choose this point at z = π/k at t = 0. Ex (z, t) = -ex E0, Ey (z, t) = 0 E lies along the –x axis. At a later time, say t = π/2ω, the electric field vector has rotated through 90o and now lies along the -y axis. Thus, as the wave moves toward the observer with increasing time, E rotates counterclockwise at an angular frequency ω. It makes one complete rotation as the wave advances through one wavelength. Such a light wave is right circularly polarized. • If we choose the negative sign for δ, then the electric field vector is given by E = E0 [ex cos(kz - ωt) + ey sin(kz – ωt)] Now E rotates clockwise and the wave is left circularly polarized. H k LHC H E k RHC E 11 Electromagnetic fields • The electromagnetic field in a medium is generally characterized by the following four field quantities: Electric field Electric displacement Magnetic intensity Magnetic field or magnetic induction V m-1 E(r, t) D(r, t) H(r, t) C m-2 A m-1 B(r, t) Wb m-2 or T (The units are in SI units) (coulomb C = A•s) (weber Wb = V•s) • E and H are the electric and magnetic field vectors, and D and B are 12 the corresponding flux densities. Maxwell equations Faraday’s law of induction curl equations ∇ × E = -∂B/∂t divergence conditions ∇ ● D = ρ Gauss’ law for the electric field ∇ ● B = 0 Gauss’ law for the magnetic field (No free poles) ∇ × H = J + ∂D/∂t Ampere-Maxwell law where the current density vector J (= σE, σ is the conductivity) and the charge density ρ represent the sources for the electromagnetic field. 13 Constitutive relations • The flux densities (arise in response to E and H propagating inside the medium) are related to the field vectors by the constitutive relations D(r, t) = εoE(r, t) + P(r, t) B(r, t) = µoH(r, t) + µ0M(r, t) where εo = 8.854 × 10-12 F m-1 ≈ (1/36π) × 10-9 F m-1 is the electric permittivity of free space, µo = 4π × 10-7 H m-1 is the magnetic permeability of free space, polarization (electric polarization) magnetization (magnetic polarization) P(r, t) C m-2 M(r, t) A m-1 • For nonmagnetic materials such as silica glass, M = 0, and thus B = µ0H. 14 Electric susceptibility • The relation between E and P is through the electric susceptibility function χe. P(r, t) = ε0χe(k, ω) E(r, t) D = εo (1+ χe(k, ω)) E(r, t) = ε0 εr(k, ω) E(r, t) = ε(k, ω) E(r, t) where the dielectric constant (relative permittivity) εr is defined as 1+χe, and the permittivity of the medium ε = εr ε0. • For isotropic medium, χe and εr are scalars so that E // P and D // E. (∇·E = (1/ε) ∇·D = 0 in free space) • In general, χe and εr are second-rank tensors (expressed in 3×3 matrices), in which case the medium they describe is anisotropic. (E not // P, D not // E, in general ∇·E ≠ 0) 15 • The four field vectors are related by the relations: D = εE B = µH where ε is the dielectric permittivity and µ is the magnetic permeability of the medium ε = ε0 εr µ = µ0 µr where µr and εr are the relative permeability and relative permittivity for the dielectric medium, and µ0 and ε0 are the permeability and permittivity of free space (for non-magnetic materials, µr = 1) 16 Maxwell equations in a medium with no sources • The basis for the study of electromagnetic wave propagation is provided by Maxwell equations. • For a medium with zero conductivity these vector relationships may be written in terms of the electric field E, magnetic intensity H, electric flux density D and magnetic flux density B as the curl equations and the divergence conditions: Curl equations ∇ × E = -∂B/∂t ∇ × H = ∂D/∂t Divergence equations ∇ ● D = 0 (no free charges) ∇ ● B = 0 (no free poles) 17 Wave equations • Maxwell equations can be used to obtain the wave equations that describe light propagation. ∇ × (∇ × E) = -µε ∂2E/∂t2 ∇ × (∇ × H) = -µε ∂2H/∂t2 • Using the vector identity ∇ × (∇ × ) ≡ ∇ (∇ • ) - ∇2( ) • For homogeneous (source free), isotropic media, ∇·E = (1/ε) ∇·D = 0 We obtain the wave equations: ∇2E = µε ∂2E/∂t2 and ∇2H = µε ∂2H/∂t2 18 Scalar wave equations • For rectangular Cartesian and cylindrical polar coordinates the above wave equations hold for each component of the field vector, every component satisfying the scalar wave equation: ∇2ψ = µε ∂2ψ/∂t2 where ψ may represent a component of the E or H field • If planar waveguides, described by rectangular Cartesian coordinates (x, y, z), or circular fibers, described by cylindrical polar coordinates (r, φ, z), are considered, then the Laplacian operator takes the form: ∇2ψ = ∂2ψ/∂x2 + ∂2ψ/∂y2 + ∂2ψ/∂z2 or ∇2ψ = ∂2ψ/∂r2 + (1/r) ∂ψ/∂r + (1/r2) ∂2ψ/∂φ2 + ∂2ψ/∂z219 Uniform plane waves as a basic solution • The basic solution of the wave equation is a harmonic wave. The most important form of which is a uniform plane wave: ψ = ψo exp i(k • r – ωt) where ω is the angular frequency of the field, t is the time, k is the propagation vector which gives the direction of propagation and the rate of change of phase with distance, the components of r specify the coordinate point at which the field is observed λ is the optical wavelength in a vacuum. The magnitude of the propagation vector or the vacuum phase propagation constant k (where k = |k|) is given by k = 2π/λ (k is also known as the free space wave number) 20 To see the plane wave as a solution to the wave equation: Consider a plane wave propagating in free space in the z direction, E = Eo exp i(kz - ωt) 1-D wave equation ∂2E/∂z2 = µε ∂2E/∂t2 = µ0ε0 ∂2E/∂t2 k2 E = µ0ε0 ω2 E k2/ω2 = µ0ε0 k2/ω2 = (2π/λ)2 / (2πυ)2 = 1/(λυ)2 = 1/c2 = µ0ε0 21 Phase velocity in free space • It is known that εo = 8.854 x 10-12 F m-1 ≈ (1/36π) × 10-9 F m-1 is the electric permittivity of free space, µo = 4π × 10-7 H m-1 is the magnetic permeability of free space, (µ0 ε0)-1/2 = (4π × 10-7 × (1/36π) × 10-9)-1/2 = 3 × 108 (F·Hm-2)-1/2 [F = C/V = A· s/V; H = Wb/A = V· s/A; F·H = s2] • Maxwell realized that light is an electromagnetic wave from the fact that the phase velocity derived from the wave equation agrees with the measured speed of light. 22 Phase velocity in dielectric media vp = 1/√(µ0ε) = 1 /√(µ0ε0εr) • The velocity of light in a dielectric medium is therefore vp = c /√εr where we used the relation µ0ε0 = 1/c2 and c is the speed of light. vp = c / n n = √εr ⇒ The refractive index n is rooted in the material relative permittivity. 23 Transverse waves • For plane waves in a non-conducting isotropic medium the Maxwell equations take the following forms H k × E = ωµ H k × H = -ωε E k●E=0 k●H=0 E k • The three vectors k, E, and H constitute a mutually orthogonal triad. 24 Vector Helmholtz equations • Using the operator form ∂/∂t = -iω, we find that the wave equations become ∇2E + k2E = 0 ∇2H + k2H = 0 where k = ω√(µ0ε) is the wavenumber, having units of m-1. • These two equations are known as the vector Helmholtz equations. • They form the starting point for the analysis of all types of waveguides that are constructed from linear, homogeneous, and isotropic materials. 25 Energy flow and the Poynting vector • Poynting’s theorem states that the time rate of flow of electromagnetic energy per unit area (or optical power per unit area) is given by the vector S, called the Poynting vector, S=E×H This vector specifies both the direction and the magnitude of the energy flux. (watts per square meter) • Consider the case of plane harmonic waves in which the fields are given by the real expressions E = Eo cos (k • r - ωt) H = Ho cos (k • r - ωt) 26 • For the instantaneous value of the Poynting vector S = Eo × Ho cos2 (k • r - ωt) • As the average value of the cosine squared is ½, then for the average value of the Poynting vector <S> = ½ Eo × Ho *if the complex exponential form of the wave function for E and H is used, the average Poynting flux can be expressed as ½ Eo × Ho* • As the wavevector k is perpendicular to both E and H, k has the same direction as the Poynting vector S. 27 Relationships among the directions of E, D, H, B, k, and S in free space or in simple media H // B E // D k // S • In isotropic media the direction of the energy flow is specified by the direction of S and is the same as the direction of the wavevector k. (In anisotropic media (e.g. in certain crystals and semiconductors) S and k are not always in the same direction.) 28 Intrinsic impedance √(µ0/ε) • The electric and magnetic field amplitudes are related by the intrinsic impedance Z = √(µ0/ε). (in units of Ω) • In free space, it becomes Zo = √(µ0/ε0) ≈ 120π Ω ≈ 377 Ω. We can express Z = Z0/n. • Consider a uniform plane wave that propagates in the +z direction. Suppose the polarization is along x, so that its phasor form is E = axE = ax E0 exp(-ikz), where ax is a unit vector along x. Apply the curl E equation ∇ x E = (∂E/∂z) ay = -ikE ay = -iωµ0H ⇒ H = H0 exp(-ikz) ay, where E0/H0 = ωµ0/k = √(µ0/ε) ≡ Z. 29 • An alternative expression for the average Poynting flux is <S> = I k/k unit vector in the magnitude of the average Poynting flux direction of propagation • I is called the irradiance or intensity, given by I = ½ EoHo = (n/2Zo) |Eo|2 ∝ |Eo|2 [W/cm2] = [V2/(Ω·cm2)] = [1/Ω] [V/cm]2 • Thus the rate of flow of energy is proportional to the square of the amplitude of the electric field. Z0 is the intrinsic impedance of free space in units of Ω. 30 Reflection and refraction • We now review the phenomena of reflection and refraction of light from the standpoint of electromagnetic theory. • Consider a plane harmonic wave incident upon a plane boundary separating two different optical media. ki incident kr θi θr reflected θt transmitted kt *The space-time dependence of these three waves, aside from constant amplitude factors, is given by exp i(ki•r – ωt) exp i(kr•r – ωt) exp i(kt•r – ωt) incident reflected transmitted 31 • The condition that ki • r = kr • r = kt • r is required at the interface for the boundary conditions to be satisfied at all points along the interface at all times. • This implies that the three wavevectors lie in the same plane known as the plane of incidence. • The projections of these three wavevectors on the interface are all equal so that ki sin θi = kr sin θr = kt sin θt where θi is the angle of incidence, θr is the angle of reflection and θt is the angle of refraction. 32 • Because ki = kr and ki/kt = n1/n2 θi = θr (Law of reflection) n1 sin θi = n2 sin θt (Snell’s law) Boundary conditions Medium 1 Medium 2 n × H1 n × H2 B1n D1n B2n D2n n × E1 n n × E2 Because B = µoH for optical fields, the tangential component of B and the normal component of H are also continuous. All of the magnetic field components in an optical field are continuous across a boundary. Possible discontinuities in an optical field exist only in the normal component of E or the 33 tangential component of D. TE polarization (s-wave) • The electric field is linearly polarized in a direction perpendicular to the plane of incidence, while the magnetic field is polarized parallel to the plane of incidence. This is called the transverse electric (TE) polarization. This wave is also called s-polarized. n Hi ki n1 n2 x Ei Hr θi x Er θr θt kr x Et Ht kt 34 • The reflection coefficient, r, and the transmission coefficient, t, of the TE electric field are given by the following Fresnel equations: rs ≡ Er/Ei = ts ≡ Et/Ei = n1 cos θi – n2 cos θt n1 cos θi + n2 cos θt 2n1 cos θi n1 cos θi + n2 cos θt = = n1 cos θi - (n22 – n12 sin2θi)1/2 n1 cos θi + (n22 – n12 sin2θi)1/2 2n1 cos θi n1 cos θi + (n22 – n12 sin2θi)1/2 • The intensity reflectance and transmittance, R and T, which are also known as reflectivity and transmissivity, are given by Rs ≡ Ir/Ii = n1 cos θi – n2 cos θt 2 n1 cos θi + n2 cos θt Ts ≡ It/Ii = 1 - Rs 35 TM polarization (p-wave) • The electric field is linearly polarized in a direction parallel to the plane of incidence while the magnetic field is polarized perpendicular to the plane of incidence. This is called the transverse magnetic (TM) polarization. This wave is also called p-polarized. n Ei ki n1 • Hi Er θi θr kr • Hr n2 θt Ht Et • kt 36 • The reflection coefficient, r, and the transmission coefficient, t, of the TM electric field are given by the following Fresnel equations: rp ≡ Er/Ei = tp ≡ Et/Ei = -n2 cos θi + n1 cos θt n2 cos θi + n1 cos θt 2n1 cos θi n2 cos θi + n1 cos θt = -n22 cos θi + n1(n22 – n12 sin2θi)1/2 = n22 cos θi + n1(n22 – n12 sin2θi)1/2 2n1n2 cos θi n22 cos θi + n1(n22 – n12 sin2θi)1/2 • The intensity reflectance and transmittance for TM polarization are given by Rp ≡ Ir/Ii = -n2 cos θi + n1 cos θt 2 n2 cos θi + n1 cos θt Tp ≡ It/Ii = 1 - Rp 37 Total Internal Reflection For θi > θc sin θi > n2/n1 |rs| = |rp| = n1 cos θi - i (n12 sin2θi - n22)1/2 n1 cos θi + i (n12 sin2θi - n22)1/2 -n22 cos θi + i n1(n12 sin2θi – n22)1/2 2 n2 cos θi + i 2 n1(n1 sin2θi – n2 2)1/2 =1 =1 38 total internal reflection for θ > θc n1 = 1.5 (internal n2 = 1.0 reflection) θB ~ 34o (Brewster angle) θc ~ 42o Rp Rs θB θc 39 Phase changes in total internal reflection • In the case of total internal reflection the complex values for the coefficients of reflection, given by the Fresnel coefficients rs and rp, imply that there is a change of phase which is a function of the angle of incidence. • As the absolute values of rs and rp are both unity, we can write rs = ae-iα / aeiα = exp –iϕs rp = -be-iβ / beiβ = -exp -iϕp where ϕs and ϕp are the phase changes for the TE and TM cases, and the complex numbers ae-iα and –be-iβ represent the numerators in rs and rp. Their complex conjugates appear in the denominators. 40 2 2 2 1/2 ae-iα = n1 cos θi - i (n1 sin θi - n2 ) be-iβ 2 cos θ - i n (n 2 sin2θ – n 2)1/2 n i 1 1 i 2 = 2 • We see that ϕs = 2α and ϕp = 2β. Accordingly, tan α = tan (ϕs/2) and tan β = tan (ϕp/2). • We therefore find the following expressions for the phase changes that occur in internal reflection: tan (ϕs/2) = (n12 sin2θi - n22)1/2 / (n1 cos θi) tan (ϕp/2) = n1(n12 sin2θi – n22)1/2 / (n22 cos θi) 41 Phase change (radian) Total internal reflection phase shifts n1 = 1.5, n2 = 1 ϕp ϕs Angle of incidence • Useful for our discussion on the phase-matching condition of 42 waveguide modes Evanescent wave • In spite of the fact that the incident energy is totally reflected when the angle of incidence exceeds the critical angle, there is still an electromagnetic wave field in the region beyond the boundary. This field is known as the evanescent wave. • Its existence can be understood by consideration of the wave function of the electric field of the transmitted wave: Et = Et exp i (kt • r – ωt) Choose the coordinate axis such that the plane of incidence is on the xy plane and the boundary is at y = 0. 43 exp (-κy) exp i((ki sin θi)x – ωt) y wavefronts λ/(n1sin θi) vp = ω/(ki sinθi) n2 x n1 λ/n1 Ei θi > θc kt • r = kt x sin θt + kt y cos θt Er total internal reflection = kt x (n1/n2) sin θi + kt y (1 – (n1/n2)2 sin2 θi)1/2 = ki x sin θi + i kt y ((n12sin2θi/n22) – 1)1/2 44 • The wave function for the electric field of the evanescent wave is Eevan = Et exp (-κy) exp i ((ki sin θi)x - ωt) where κ = kt ((n12sin2θi/n22) – 1)1/2 • The factor exp (-κy) shows that the evanescent wave amplitude drops off very rapidly in the rarer medium as a function of distance from the boundary. • The oscillatory term exp i ((ki sin θi) x - ωt) indicates that the evanescent wave can be described in terms of surfaces of constant phase moving parallel to the boundary with phase velocity ω/(ki sin θi). • The evanescent field stores energy and transports it in the direction of surface propagation, but does not transport energy in the transverse direction. Therefore, evanescent wave is also known as surface wave. 45 Evanescent wave amplitude normal to the interface drops exponentially e-κy y n2=1 λ = 600 nm θi n1=1.5 θi= 42o ≈ θc 1/e θi= 60o θi= 44o Position y (nm) 46