Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 PMS Photo Mess Systeme AG Copyright 1999 PMS Photo Mess Systeme AG. All rights preserved. This manual covers all versions 6.x of ELCOVISION 10 For further information please do not hesitate to contact your local distributor or directly: PMS PHOTO-MESS-SYSTEME AG Bahnhofstraße 8 CH - 9430 St. Margrethen Phone Fax Internet Email: +41 (71) 744 70 91 +41 (71) 744 68 29 1st Print 2nd Print November 2002 October 2003 Contents Installation of ELCOVISION 10 4 The Installation of ELCOVISION 10 ..................................................................................4 Switch the Language of ELCOVISION 10 ...........................................................5 Additional Programs and Data on the Installation CD.........................................................5 ELCOVISION 10 Stereo Plugin............................................................................5 ELCOVISION 10 ELSP Light ..............................................................................5 ELCOVISION 10 ElTheo .....................................................................................5 IntelliCAD 2000 ....................................................................................................6 Documentation about programs by PMS AG ........................................................6 DISTO online ........................................................................................................6 Shareware Total Commander ................................................................................6 Shareware Paint Shop Pro .....................................................................................6 Freeware Adobe Acrobat Reader ..........................................................................6 Shareware 3D Exploration ....................................................................................6 Sample Images for a Sample Project.....................................................................6 Supported Operating Systems..............................................................................................7 Information about Windows 95.............................................................................7 Information about Windows 98.............................................................................7 Information about Windows NT 4.0......................................................................7 Information about Windows 2000 / XP.................................................................7 Recommended Hardware.....................................................................................................8 ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start 9 Introduction .........................................................................................................................9 Overview ...............................................................................................................9 Preparation.............................................................................................................9 Preparation for Measurement...............................................................................................9 Overview ...............................................................................................................9 Fire up ELCOVISION 10......................................................................................9 Open a New Project.............................................................................................10 Add Images into a Project ...................................................................................11 Add Images Using "File open" Dialog ................................................................11 Sort all Images in a Project..................................................................................12 Save the Project ...................................................................................................12 Configure ELCOVISION 10 ...............................................................................13 Configure Keyboard Keys or Puck Buttons ........................................................15 Displaying an Image............................................................................................16 ELCOVISION 10 Magnifiers..............................................................................16 Turn Magnifier On or Off....................................................................................17 How To Measure and How To Move the Magnifier ...........................................18 The Réseau Measurement....................................................................................19 Add an Additional Image ....................................................................................21 A Simple Rectification Sample..........................................................................................23 Define a Rectification Plane by Distances...........................................................23 Form Boundary of Rectification Planes ..............................................................24 Digital Rectification ............................................................................................25 The Orientation Process.....................................................................................................27 Overview .............................................................................................................27 Preparation...........................................................................................................27 The Orientation Measurement .............................................................................28 Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 Contents • i Measure the Orientation Points .......................................................................... 28 Detail views ........................................................................................................ 29 Compute the First Relative Orientation .............................................................. 30 How To Correct Erroneous Measurements......................................................... 31 Renumber a Measurement .................................................................................. 32 Compute The First Absolute Orientation............................................................ 34 The Global Orientation ....................................................................................... 38 Add the Third Image Pair to the Project ............................................................. 40 The Single Photo Orientation ............................................................................. 41 The Final Global Orientation.............................................................................. 43 The Evaluation of the Project............................................................................................ 46 Overview ............................................................................................................ 46 Preparation.......................................................................................................... 46 Open an ELCOVISION 10 Project..................................................................... 47 Fade in and Fade out the Orientation measurements .......................................... 48 The ELCOVISION 10 Measurement Window................................................... 48 Transfer ELCOVISION 10 Points into AutoCAD ............................................. 49 How To Use the Two Photo Measurement......................................................... 49 How To Use the Multiple Photo Measurement .................................................. 49 Move the Magnifier to the Expected Coordinates .............................................. 50 Definition of Spatial Planes ................................................................................ 50 Mono Photo Measurement.................................................................................. 53 Definition of Rectification Planes....................................................................... 53 Form Boundary of Rectification Planes.............................................................. 55 Digital Rectification into an Orthophoto ............................................................ 56 Save Rectified Images ........................................................................................ 57 Measure in Rectified Images .............................................................................. 57 Print Rectified or any Other Images ................................................................... 58 Automatic Transfer of Rectified Images Into a Drawing ................................... 59 ii • Contents Glossary 61 Index 63 Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 Installation of ELCOVISION 10 • 3 Installation of ELCOVISION 10 The Installation of ELCOVISION 10 The installation of ELCOVISION 10 is very simple: • Determine whether your computer is running a suitable operating system like Windows NT 4.0 service pack 4 or better, Windows 2000/XP or not. Refer also to chapter "supported operating systems". starting from page 7. • If you are running Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000/XP you need to have administrator rights. • Insert your ELCOVISION 10 CD into your CD Rom drive. The PMS AG Installer will start: If this window does not appear, you may have switched off the auto run function of your CD ROM drive Run "PMSInstall.exe" to fire up the installer. The PMS AG installation program The demo version uses no dongle, you can skip this step. • Plug your ELCOVISION 10 dongle into a free parallel port of your computer. If you use an old AutoCAD dongle be sure that the ELCOVISION 10 dongle is the first dongle in the chain. The demo version uses no dongle, you can skip this step. • Install the driver for the dongle by clicking the [Hardlock Dongle Driver] button and follow the instructions on the screen. • Install ELCOVISION 10 by clicking the [ELCOVISION 10- Version 6.xx] button and follow the instructions on the screen. 4 • Installation of ELCOVISION 10 Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 • After the install ELCOVISION 10 is ready to run: Locate it in the Start menu: Start -> Programs -> ELCOVISION 10. The installation of the plugins for the various CAD systems has to be done in a second step. Please refer to the appropriate manuals, later in this manual we will show how to install the AutoCAD plugins. Switch the Language of ELCOVISION 10 There are following languages installed: German, English and French. You can switch the language at any time: You will find this function in Start – Program Files – ELCOVISION 10 – Sprache Language Additional Programs and Data on the Installation CD ELCOVISION 10 Stereo Plugin The ELCOVISION 10 stereo plugin is an additional module for all ELCOVISION 10 versions. It enables stereoscopic measurements even with free hand photographs. In order to achieve the stereo view there are several methods available: anaglyph (blue, red) various LCD shutter methods such as Crystal Eyes and a stereoscope. ELCOVISION 10 ELSP Light This is the low cost version of ELCOVISION 10 ELSP. The main difference is that rectification planes can be defined only over 4 distances, besides these distances must form a rectangle. There is also no CAD plugin available for this product. ELCOVISION 10 ElTheo ElTheo is a Tachymeter "driver" for AutoCAD, AutoCAD Architectural Desktop and IntelliCAD 2000. It impresses by simplest handling and enormous power. Do not hesitate to contact us in order to get more information about this program. Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 Installation of ELCOVISION 10 • 5 IntelliCAD 2000 Find more information about the IntelliCAD Technology Consortium at: IntelliCAD 2000 is a low cost AutoCAD clone. It contains most of the AutoCAD R14/2000/2002 features, with exception of volume modelling and raster image handling. It features completely Lisp compatibly, and can also be used as DWG/DXF converter for the DXF and DWG of formats of AutoCAD 8 to AutoCAD 2002. ELCOVISION 10 and ElTheo are seamlessly integrated in IntelliCAD 2000. Documentation about programs by PMS AG The .pdf files are optimised for printing. In the tab "PMS AG Documentation" you have access to all documentations from PMS AG. All manuals are presented in the Adobe PDF format. DISTO online Download the most current version at: or DISTO online is a freeware by PMS AG. You can simple remote control your Leica DISTO and record any measurement done by the DISTO into any windows or DOS application. Shareware Total Commander Download the most current version at: Total Commander is a shareware file manager for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP. It operates like the famous Norton Commander, but is much more powerful. Special features are the easy handling of .zip, .rar and other archives. We recommend Total Commander because with this tool your computer do what you want, and not what the Windows Explorer wants to do.. Shareware Paint Shop Pro Download the most current version at: Paint Shop pro is a nice, small, simple, fast and powerful image manipulation program, which has most abilities of "large" image manipulation programs such as PhotoShop. Freeware Adobe Acrobat Reader Download the most current version at: The Adobe PDF format is the de facto standard for digital documents. The Adobe Acrobat Reader is freeware. Shareware 3D Exploration Download the most current version at: This program is a universal CAD data viewer and converter. It reads also nearly all CAD files and 3D file formats and displays them in a very user-friendly way. Sample Images for a Sample Project In the folder <CD-Rom>\Photos are some sample images you could use for the sample project in this manual. 6 • Installation of ELCOVISION 10 Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 Supported Operating Systems You need one of the following operating systems: • Windows 95 OSR 2.0 or better • Windows 98 • Windows NT 4.0 SP4 or better • Windows 2000 • Windows XP Information about Windows 95 For running ELCOVISION 10 or ELCOVISION ElTheo you need Windows 95 OSR 2.0 or better. ELCOVISION 10 uses the so-called OpenGL library, which was missing in the first versions of Windows 95. You will get an "openg32.dll not found error" if you use an earlier version of Windows 95. However there is a patch for old versions of Windows 95: See the folder "\Patch\Win95\OpenGL1.1" on your ELCOVISON 10 CD and run "OpenGL95.exe". Generally speaking, Windows 95 is not recommended for running ELCOVISION 10, since this operating system becomes very unstable under high load, which is very typical in digital image processing applications. For running ELCOVISION 10 ElTheo Windows 95 is suitable. Information about Windows 98 Both ELCOVISION 10 and ElTheo work with Windows 98. Generally speaking Windows 98 is not recommended for running ELCOVISION 10, since this operating system becomes very unstable under high load, which is very typical in digital image processing applications. For running ELCOVISION 10 ElTheo Windows 98 is suitable. Information about Windows NT 4.0 You need Windows NT 4.0 with service pack 4 or better installed in order to run ELCOVISION 10 or ElTheo. You will find the most current service pack as a benefit on your ELCOVISION 10 CD. We recommend you to copy the service pack installation into your hard disk, because each time you install some software from your original Windows NT CD you have to rerun the service pack. Note: You need administrator rights in order to install a service pack. Windows NT4.0 is recommended by PMS AG for running all ELCOVISON 10 programs. Information about Windows 2000 / XP Windows 2000 or Windows XP is recommended by PMS AG for running all ELCOVISON 10 programs. Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 Installation of ELCOVISION 10 • 7 Recommended Hardware ELCOVISION 10 requires no special hardware equipment, any modern computer fulfils the needs of ELCOVISION 10. However you should have enough RAM, 512 MB will be a good start. Your graphics card should be one of good quality, multi screen support will be great. 8 • Installation of ELCOVISION 10 Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start Introduction Overview Here we will do a small project with ELCOVISION 10. You will get a general idea about the capabilities of ELCOVISION 10. However, this short introduction can not replace a thorough training by the PMS AG or one of our selling offices. To do this small project you need knowledge about working with Microsoft Windows and AutoDesk AutoCAD. You will need approximately 45 minutes for this sample project. Preparation Normally image files load faster from an hard disk than from a CD Rom drive You need the sample images from the ELCOVISION 10 installation CD for this introduction. These images are in the folder " \Photos CD". You may copy these images into any folder of your hard disk. Preparation for Measurement Overview You will learn how to open a new ELCOVISION 10 project and how to do a so called réseau measurement. Fire up ELCOVISION 10 By locating it in the Start Menu: Start -> Programs -> ELCOVISION 10-> ELCOVISION. You will see following window: Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start • 9 The ELCOVISION 10 main window Open a New Project Open a new ELCOVISION 10 project via Menu: File – New or Key [Ctrl] + [N] or Button in the toolbar. You will see the ELCOVISION 10 project manager. The ELCOVISION 10 main window with the project manager 10 • ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 Add Images into a Project There are several ways how to insert images into an ELCOVISION 10 project: Menu: File – Insert Photo(s) Button in the toolbar. (File Open Dialog) or (File Open Dialog) or Drag&Drop with Explorer, Windows Commander etc. If you are using the first two methods the standard windows "File open" dialog will appear, in which multiple selections are possible. We recommend that you install Windows Commander on your computer. Drag&Drop is the most simple method to add images into an ELCOVISION 10 project: Select like with the Explorer or Windows Commander as many images as you , and drag and drop them into the ELCOVISION 10 window. Add Images Using "File open" Dialog Click the button in the toolbar. Select following image files: File open dialog with 6 selected images. The unique number is generated from the file name of the image. ELCOVISION 10 assigns each image of a project a unique number. You can choose your own number, or ELCOVISION 10 can choose a unique number for you. Accept all suggested unique numbers by clicking the [OK] button. Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start • 11 The time ELCOVISION needs to generate the thumbnails is image file type dependent . ELCOVISION 10 displays all images in the project as thumbnails in the project manager: Project manager with all loaded images Sort all Images in a Project When you start a project think about the sequence in which the photos will be used. During the work it might be very useful when the photos are sorted ascending by their id number. Right click on any thumbnail and choose [Sort photos]. Save the Project Save the project using a meaningful name: Menu: File – Save or Menu: File – Save as or Key [Ctrl] + [S] or button in the toolbar. If a project is save for the first time then you are asked automatically for a file name. 12 • ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 Configure ELCOVISION 10 Please refer to the reference manual of ELCOVISION 10 to get more information about the settings in ELCOVISION 10 . In order to work fast you have to adjust some settings of ELCOVISION 10. Most settings are preset with meaningful default values by the installation. Fire up the settings dialog: Menu: ELCOVISION 10 – ELCOVISION 10 Settings or button in the toolbar ELCOVISION 10 setting dialog: General Settings Select the same default camera as shown above, all other settings are already correct. Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start • 13 Now choose tab [Digitizer]: ELCOVISION 10 setting dialog: Digital images settings [Enlargement of a picture for the first loading] Depending upon the screen resolution used by you please enter the following values: 17“ Monitor, 1024 * 785 pixel: approx 5% 19“ Monitor, 1280 * 1024 pixel: approx 10% 21“ Monitor, 1600 * 1200 pixel: approx 25% [Page of Kodak PhotoCD] In our example we use Kodak PhotoCD images, so we use highest resolution stored in this image file in order to get very exact results: Select "Base * 16" to get the highest resolution of a Kodak PhotoCD image loaded by default. 14 • ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 Configure Keyboard Keys or Puck Buttons In order to accelerate an orienting process of the pictures and later the evaluation, many functions of ELCOVISION 10 can be programmed on keys on your keyboard. Run the "Configure Buttons" dialog: Menu: ELCOVISION10 | Implement functions.... or button in the toolbar. Choose a valuable keyboard layout for you like the one seen above. Notice the order of the increase/decrease counter keys which are at the numeric keyboard. A most useful function is "Move Magnifier to expected coordinates" , which will be used very often in the following sample, so don’t miss to define it. Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start • 15 Displaying an Image Double-click on any thumbnail in the project manager. The picture is immediately loaded and displayed. You can position the picture now on any place on the screen. After a right click into the loaded image you get a context menu with various commands. Loaded image with context menu Get some time to play with an image. Note that if you increase a image it does not longer fit into its frame. In this case just grab the frame and enlarge it, even beyond the image size. After releasing the mouse button the frame will snap back to fit the image. ELCOVISION 10 Magnifiers In ELCOVISION 10 there are 2 different kind of magnifiers A static one and a floating one The static magnifier beside an image 16 • ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 The floating magnifier within an image Turn Magnifier On or Off Play a little with both magnifying glasses and find out which of those is the best for you! If you use a 3 button mouse both magnifiers could be turned on or off using the middle mouse button or the scroll wheel. If you are using a 2 button mouse you can use the space bar on your keyboard to turn the magnifier on or off. Generally we suggest the use of a wheel mouse because the wheel also controls the magnification of the magnifier which is very comfortable. By using the images context menu you can switch between the floating and the static magnifier. Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start • 17 How To Measure and How To Move the Magnifier Action With the mouse The measure cursor is moved. [Ctrl] + mouse The measure cursor is moved concerning the zoom level in the floating magnifier in 10 or in ½ pixel steps [Shift] + mouse 18 • ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start Comment Arrow keys (keyboard) The measure cursor is moved in pixel steps in the choosen direction [Ctrl] + arrow keys The measure cursor is moved in 10 pixel steps in the choosen direction [Shift] + arrow keys The measure cursor is moved in ½ pixel steps in the choosen direction. [Move ↑] key The magnifier window will be enlarged [Move ↓] key The magnifier window will be shrunken [+] of the numeric bloc The displayed section is enlarged (zoom in) [-] of the numeric bloc The displayed section is reduced (zoom out) „wheel“ on the mouse The displayed section is zoomed in or out [Spacebar] The magnifier window is switched on / off [RETURN] Key Makes a measurement Left mouse button Makes a measurement Middle mouse button The magnifier window is switched on / off Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 The Réseau Measurement You will find information about the theory behind the réseau measurement in your reference manual. Please refer to chapter "The Réseau Measurement" and also to the chapter "The Réseau Measurement in ELCOVISION 10" The réseau measurement defines a system of coordinates in an image and compensates all the distortions and deformations of the image applied during the production process like printing or scanning. In the interest of high measuring accuracy the réseau measurement must be accomplished with greatest possible care since it has crucial influence on the later attainable measuring accuracy! Using the images of a digital camera the réseau measurement is much simplified: You need only to rotate the image if needed. Start the réseau measurement: Menu: ELCOVISION 10 – Réseau Measurement or or Button in the toolbar. Any thumbnails context menu – Réseau Measurement The following dialog will pop up: Réseau Measurement: Select Photo dialog Choose image number 1. Notice the position of the réseau crosses 11 and 57. After clicking on [Measure] the selected image will be loaded and displayed. It will use the settings done before. Following dialog came up: Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start • 19 Dialog to rotate an image The images 1 to 5 were already scanned correctly, you can measure directly réseau cross 11. When image 6 is loaded ELCOVISION 10 notice the orientation of that image and rotates it automatically to show it correctly. Please note that because of the rotation of image 6 that the location of the réseau cross is now nearby the lower left corner of the image! The "Move Magnifier .." command works the better the more accurate the image was scanned. After typing the previously defined key "x" on the keyboard the "Move Magnifier to expected coordinates" function gets called: The magnifier will be positioned nearby the réseau cross number 11. Maybe you need to move the magnifier a little bit closer to the réseau cross. If there is a wrong place on the cross snapped, try to move the mouse a little. ELCOVISION 10 will try to snap the cross automatically and shows this by an red doubled circle. You don’t need to fetch this circle exactly, just left click it somewhere nearby just like below: The static magnifier showing the suggested point for measurement. 20 • ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 After measuring réseau cross 11 proceed to réseau cross 57 and measure it. You can also type the key "x" first, to jump nearby the cross. After that ELCOVISION 10 measures all remaining réseau crosses automatically and shows the result in this dialog: The réseau measurement dialog. All measured réseau crosses are displayed in red colour, all residuals as blue vectors. We use the projective transformation because of the performance gain in the digital rectification we will do later. Check in [Réseau transformation] the radio box [Projective] and delete all erroneous measurements using the button [Delete Measurement xx] until the values in [Mean Error Value] are something about or less than 0.004mm (4µm). Typically if the images are well scanned there are not more than 1 or 2 erroneous measurements per image.. If there are any missing measurements, you can add them very simple: Move the mouse/magnifier exactly over a réseau cross and measure it by clicking the left mouse button or pressing the [Enter] key. ELCOVISION 10 will automatically assign the measurement to the corresponding réseau cross. After clicking [OK] the réseau measurement will be completed and the current réseau transformation will be assigned to the photo. Apply now the same procedure to the images 2 to 6. Add an Additional Image In order to show you a simple digital rectification we load image #2 Img0002.jpg again. Either use drag&drop from the explorer or use the Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start • 21 symbol in the toolbar to open the Load Image dialog. Then start the réseau measurement again. Please note that another réseaufile is used: Click the button [Change Réseaufile] and look for the file "Amateur.res". Using this réseaufile ELCOVISION 10 will do the réseaumeasurement fully automatic. Run the measurement by clicking the button [Measure]: Click [Finish]. 22 • ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 A Simple Rectification Sample Define a Rectification Plane by Distances Start "ELSP Plane Definition by Distances" by: Menu: ELCOVISION 10 – ELSP Plane Definition by … o button in the toolbar Now we will define a rectification plane for the front facade of the chapel: Fill in the value of 5.42 for the Distance 1-2 and the value of 2.89 for the distance 2-3. Click the button [Calculate Rectangle] and ELCOVISION 10 will fill in the other values. Now measure the points 1 .. 4 in the same manner as shown schematically in the dialog. Make sure that you really measure the corners of the front facade. Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start • 23 The measurement points 1 .. 4 for the facade rectification plane Finish the dialog by clicking [OK] and answer the following question about connecting the plane with an another system of coordinates with [No]. Now we have to cut the rectification plane. If we don't do that step we would get the following result: The front part of the facade is correctly rectified however every other picture content is clearly distorted. Form Boundary of Rectification Planes Run the form the boundary of planes dialog: or button in the toolbar Menu: ELCOVISION 10 – Form boundary of Planes 24 • ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 ELCOVISION 10 has already selected the last defined rectification plane By clicking the button [->From plane def. ] ELCOVISION 10 will cut the plane using the plane definition points. Now we are done and you can finish the dialog by clicking the [OK] button. Digital Rectification Now we are ready for a correct digital rectification: Run the digital rectification dialog: or button in the toolbar Menu: ELCOVISION 10 – ELSP Digital rectification Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 or ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start • 25 Select both the Photo and the plane on the left side and click on [Preview]. You will get result shown above. You can now do some settings like changing the size of the pixels or change the colour depth. After clicking [OK] the digital rectification will be executed and the result will be shown as a digital image. You can handle this rectified image like any other image in ELCOVISION 10. You can save them, you can measure directly from them, you can print them true to scale. For further information about rectified images please read chapter "Measure in Rectified Images" on page 57. 26 • ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 The Orientation Process Overview You will find much more information about the orientation process in the reference manual The so-called orientation process calculates the points of view of the images so that finally 3D coordinates can be measured from that images. As welcome and very useful by-product we get the highly accurate 3D coordinates from the so called orientation points. These points could then be used in many ways. Preparation Arrange your image, project and other windows as shown in the following example: ELCOVISION 10 Save your project by clicking the button in the toolbar. This will also save the layout of your windows so that they can be restored by ELCOVISION 10 in another working session. Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start • 27 The Orientation Measurement Run the orientation measurement: button in the toolbar. Following dialog appears: ELCOVISION 10 orientation measurement dialog ELCOVISION 10 suggest the first 2 photos for orientation an assigns the previously defined default camera lens combination to them. Measure the Orientation Points Here we use the programmed keys we defined previously Measure the shown homologous points in image 1 and image 2. Note that identical points on the object have the same point number! You can use the programmed keys to adjust the number, or you can edit the number in the [Measurement] edit field. The number which will be taken for an image is shown in the magnifier. (Left) image 1: Overview measurements 1 to 8 28 • ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 (Right) image 2: Overview measurements 1 to 8 Detail views Please measure the points extremely carefully. They have to be measured all the same in all images. Note point 7: This point is on the lower end of an black end cap of the levelling rod: Measurement for point 1 Measurement for point 2 Measurement for point 3 Measurement for point 4 Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start • 29 Measurement for point 5 Measurement for point 6 Measurement for point 7 Measurement for point 8 Compute the First Relative Orientation Now you can compute the first relative orientation. Just click on the [Relative Orientation] button. You will get a result similar like this: For details about this step please see the ELCOVISION 10 reference manual. In the overview diagrams you can judge particularly well the question whether the measurements are like desired display filling format or not. The measurements faded in the images often leads into an optical illusion. The result of an relative orientation In the overview diagrams you can see the residuals of the measurements. The length of vector is proportional to the error, the direction of the vector shows to the estimated point. You should reach an [Accuracy] better than 3.5µm. 30 • ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 How To Correct Erroneous Measurements Now we measure Point 6 at a wrong place: Adjust your measurement counter in [Measurement] to the number 6 and measure point number 6 again at the following position: The measurement for point 6 at a wrong position ELCOVISION 10 knows that this point was measured before and asks you how to proceed: The unit of the measurements is typically [mm]. The measurements are in the so called photo coordinate system. This dialog will always appear when a double measurement is detected by ELCOVISION 10 The double measurement dialog from ELCOVISION 10 Take over the wrong measurement by clicking the [Accept new measurement] button. Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start • 31 Repeat the relative orientation by clicking the [Relative Orientation] button. You will get this result: The relative orientation with an erroneous measurement on point 6 The length of a vector shows the amount of the error. Generally speaking the measurement with the longest residual vector is erroneous. You will see the biggest residual vector at point 6. The [Accuracy] is now very bad: Its about 44µm and the numbers turned into red to indicate a measurement error. You can locate point 6 very easy because point 6 has the longest residual vector. The residual vector of point 2 is also very big. This is because the error in point 6 carries along point 2. Renumber a Measurement Select point 6 in the list on the image where you did the wrong measurement. Click [Renumber]. Renumber Point number dialog Choose a new number for the point, e.g. 15. Renumbering a measurement is the preferred method to resolve a measuring error rather than deleting the measurement, because mostly you just mixed up 2 points. So you can save your measurement. Now please measure point 6 again in his correct position. Repeat the relative orientation. The accuracy should be back to 4µm or better. 32 • ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 Now measure following points: (Left) image 1: Overview orientation measurements 1 to 40 (Right) image 2: Overview orientation measurements 1 to 40 As you may notice a system is essential for the definition of the numbering of the points. In our example each wall receives its own numbering range. After doing all measurements do a new relative orientation. If there are any erroneous measurements correct them. The [Accuracy] should be around 3.5µm or better. Epipolar lines are faded in all orientated images during a measurement. During the measurements you may have noticed an another feature of ELCOVISION 10. There were turquoise lines faded in into the images. These lines are the so called "epipolar lines". They help you to find the exact points for measurement because one characteristic of these lines is that they intersect with the point of interest. So you can find the points very easily. Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start • 33 Compute The First Absolute Orientation Now we calculate for the fist time the three dimensional coordinates of the measured points. Click button [Absolute Orientation]: This dialog only pops up only when the very first absolute orientation is done. After the first absolute orientation there are 3d points in the project and ELCOVISION 10 can expand this points with the new ones. Define a system of coordinates for a project We will do a [Local System of Coordinates] because we have no control points for this sample. Definition of a local system of coordinates. We use point 1 as the origin of the system of coordinates. Point 3 shows the direction for the Z axis so the Z axis shows to the top. The scale is defined by the points 7 and 8 on the levelling rod. The levelling rods length is 4m. 34 • ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 After clicking [OK] you can see the result in the project manager: The project manager with the result of the first absolute orientation For further information please refer to the ELCOVISION 10 reference manual. By clicking and holding the left mouse button anywhere in an empty area in the cloud of points you can rotate the view. If you use [All photos] in the left tree you can see the view points of the images drawn as red rectangles. You can also fade in the real images by right click into the view – Fade in images. You can do a lot of manipulations using this view. Play a little with them and use also the right click context menu. You can directly measure the distance of two points: Project manager with fade-in images and the dialog to measure distances. Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start • 35 Add the Second Image Pair to the Project Now choose as the next images image 3 and 4. The correct camera is automatically assigned by ELCOVISION 10. Measure following points: (Left) image 3: Overview of the measurements 1 to 41. You see an epipolar line through point 1 (Right) image 4: Overview of the measurements 1 to 61 Run the relative orientation and correct possible erroneous measurements. After that run the absolute orientation. You can see the result in the project manager: 36 • ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 The cloud of points after the 2nd absolute orientation. Note that you can see for the first times deviations at the points. You could expect values from 1 to approx. 18mm. These deviations are caused from various sources like inaccuracy of measurement and error propagation. Theses sources could be eliminated by the so called global orientation. Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start • 37 The Global Orientation Run the global orientation: or Button in the toolbar. [Global Orientation] Button in the dialog. The photo select dialog for the global orientation Select the checkbox [Enter additional observations] and proceed with [OK]. Following dialog pops up: This dialog shows all suspicious points In the above dialog all suspicious measurements e.g. if they cause big errors in the project. In the above sample you get only the information that some 38 • ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 measurements do not have the needed corresponding second measurement. This is ok for now, you can proceed with [OK]. Dialog to enter additional observations like distances Select the first line in the list and choose the points 7 and 8. Enter 4 as distance and check the [Active] checkbox. Proceed with [OK]. The result of a global orientation Note that also after a global orientation the accuracy should be in a range of 4µm like shown above. You can use [Limit for Display] to change the amount of photos measurements listed in [Residuals of Photo Measurements]. This is useful in order to find the most erroneous measurements. Proceed with [OK] and have a look to deviations in the project manager. You will see that they are very small now. Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start • 39 Within a project it is meaningful to compute every 2 or 3 models a global orientation because possible measuring errors can be promptly uncovered, and the error propagation is prevented. Add the Third Image Pair to the Project Select image 5 instead of image 3 into the orientation dialog. Image 4 stays selected. Measure following points: Image 5: Overview measurements 1 to 61 Please note the you can't measure point 4 because this point is hidden by the rain gutter. Run the [Relative Orientation]. ELCOVISION 10 notes that image 4 is the left image and image 5 is the right image and exchanges them in the dialog automatically. Correct any possible errors until you reach an accuracy of 4µm or better. Now run the [Absolute Orientation] again. Now you can see in the project manager the additional points 51, 52, 60 and 61 because they are measured twice now. 40 • ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 The Single Photo Orientation In some cases it can occur that there is no second image in order to do a model orientation. To solve these cases there is the so-called single photo orientation. In contrast to the model orientation the single photo orientation calculates only the point of view of the photo. The single photo orientation calculates no 3d points. For our example we pretend now that there is no matching partner image for image 5. You can use the right image as well. Select image 5 into the left image in the dialog and uncheck the [Orientation of right Photo] checkbox. ELCOVISION 10 changes into single photo orientation mode. Orientation measure dialog showing mode single photo orientation Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start • 41 Measure these points: Image 6: Measurements 1 to 41 There are no new 3D points as said above. Run the orientation by clicking the [Single Photo Ori.] button. The accuracy should be in the range of 15µm or less. If you have a look to the project manger with [All Photos] selected you can see the point of view for image 6.. Now we have nearly finished the first step: The orientation of the images. Now we need to do the final global orientation. This will remove the error propagations and shows us any measurement errors. 42 • ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 The Final Global Orientation Run the global orientation: Button in the toolbar. or [Global Orientation] Button in the dialog. The photo select dialog for the global orientation Check the [Define a new local system of coordinates] checkbox and proceed with [OK]. Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start • 43 We can define a new system of coordinates now: It is often the case that you cannot specify the correct local system of coordinates at the beginning of the project because the needed points are missing. However within this step in the global orientation you can change the locals system of coordinates into any system of coordinates. Define a local system of coordinates during global orientation. Proceed by clicking [OK]. Check the result of the global orientation: The accuracy should be better than 5µm. Correct any measurement errors as needed. Now the project is ready. We can start the analysis in a CAD system. Please save the result of our work: Menu: File – Save or Keys [Ctrl] + [S] or button in the toolbar. All images are now orientated, all point of views are known. Now we can use the images for the 3d measurement. We have also a lot of very good determined points we can use now. 44 • ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 You can see the result of your work using the project manager: Now you can close the orientation part of ELCOVISION 10. Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start • 45 The Evaluation of the Project Overview Here you learn something about the ELCOVISION 10 AutoCAD plugin and how to use it to evaluate 3d information out of images. There are several other CAD plugin available, please refer to the appropriate reference manuals for further information. You need to know how to operate AutoCAD because we will not explain AutoCAD here. Preparation Install the ELCOVISION 10 AutoCAD Plugin: During installation all necessary files are already copied onto your computer. We just need to register the plugin within AutoCAD. Run the ELCOVISION 10 AutoCAD plugin register program: Start | Program Files | ELCOVISION 10 | ELCOVISION in AutoCAD registrieren This window will pop up: Normally the current path is correct, if not you can locate the ELCOVISION 10 files using the […] button. After clicking the [Register!] button you register all of the ELCOVISION 10 plugins in all AutoCAD's you may have installed on your computer. Run now your AutoCAD. Type in „elcovisiondemo“ for the demo version Run the ELCOVISION 10 plugin: Type in "elcovision" into the AutoCAD command line. Type in „elcotoolsdemo“ for the demo version Run the ELCOVISION 10 tools plugin by typing in „elcotools“ into the AutoCAD command line 46 • ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 Open an ELCOVISION 10 Project Open the ELCOVISION 10 project we did before. button in the toolbar or Command line „ElOpenProject“ Locate your previously created project using the file open dialog. The images are loaded automatically. But for the first time we don't need all of the orientated images You can always load necessary images by doubleclicking them in the project manager Arrange the image 2,3,4,5 like shown below and close the others. If you are using a dual screen computer you may put them to the second screen. AutoCAD 2000 with ELCOVISION 10 plugin and ELCOVISION 10 tools. Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start • 47 Fade in and Fade out the Orientation measurements Sometimes it might be helpful when you know where the orientation measurements were done. So you can fade them in or out at any time. Fade in the orientation measurements or button in the toolbar Command line: „ElShowImoMeasures“ Fade out the orientation measurements or button in the toolbar Command line: „ElHideImoMeasures“ The ELCOVISION 10 Measurement Window With this floating window you can control all the measurements and measurement modes of ELCOVISION 10. In AutoCAD it is always visible. The ELCOVISION 10 measurement window The menu when you click the button [Menu] 48 • ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 Transfer ELCOVISION 10 Points into AutoCAD Now we transfer all points we calculated during the orientation process into AutoCAD. You may use them to draw lines etc. Or button in the toolbar Command line: „ElExportCooToAcad“ You can transfer single points, selected points by the project manager or you can transfer all of them at once. The points will be copied to the current layer. You can also label them during this process. How To Use the Two Photo Measurement The measurement principle of the two photo measurement is the so called spatial intersection. We compute the point of intersection of two skew rays. The desired accuracy could be adjusted in the settings If the point of intersection is calculated with a sufficient accuracy, the point is automatically accepted. Switch ELCOVISION 10 into the two photo measurement mode: or button in the toolbar Measurement window – Menu – Two Photo Measurement or Menu: ELCOVISION 10 – Two Photo Measurement or Command line „ElMeasureMode2Pic“ Run any drawing command e.g. line. Measure any point in any image. ELCOVISION 10 will display epipolarlines in all other images in order to simplify the search the same point in other images. Measure the point in another image. The result will be sent to AutoCAD, now you can start measuring the end point of the line. How To Use the Multiple Photo Measurement The measurement principle of the multiple photo measurement is also the so called spatial intersection. We compute the point of intersection of two or more skew rays. You can also program a key on the keyboard as well Opposed to the two photo measurement you have to accept a measurement by yourself by clicking the [Accept] button. Switch ELCOVISION 10 into the multiple photo measurement mode: or button in the toolbar Measurement window – Menu – Multiple Photo Measurement or Command line: „ElMeasureModeNPic“ Run any drawing command e.g. line. Measure any point in any image. ELCOVISION 10 will display epipolarlines in all other images in order to simplify the search the same point in other images. Measure the point in another image. Now there is an additional marker on the epipolar lines: Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start • 49 Magnifier with epipolarline and a point marker The accuracy will be displayed in red if it exceeds the settings. The more measurements are done the more accurate the point will be. You can see the accuracy in the measurement window besides the field [Raw value]. After clicking [Accept] the calculated 3d value is transferred to AutoCAD and you can start measuring the end point of the line. Move the Magnifier to the Expected Coordinates This function is most useful when you are using multiple photo measurement or if you want to control various points. When you see a point marker in an image you can press the previously defined "x" key on your keyboard to jump in the centre of that marker. You can also edit the coordinates of a 3d point into the [Raw value] edit field of the measurement window, move the mouse into the appropriate image and press the "x" key. ELCOVISION 10 will move the magnifier exactly to the position in the image which will cause this 3d coordinates. Definition of Spatial Planes You can define arbitrary spatial planes in ELCOVISION 10. They could be used as planes for mono photo measurement or as projection planes for measurements or points. Run the define spatial planes dialog: or button in the toolbar Measurement window – Menu – Define Spatial Plane or Menu: ELCOVISION 10 – Define Spatial Plane or Command line: „ElDefineSip“ 50 • ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 Definition of a spatial plane using points 1,2,3 and 4 You can select definition points by clicking them in the cloud of points view, by checking the [Accept] checkbox in the list or typing their number in the edit field. ELCOVISION 10 calculates a balanced spatial plane through these selected points. Please note the deviation column in the list view. Now we make a little experiment: Select point 7 and now see what happens: Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start • 51 Spatial plane with big deviations View the "inclined" plane from all sides by rotating the view. 52 • ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start As you see the deviations are now very big. There are now several small blue cubes displayed who shows the base points on the plane. Please deselect point 7 now and name the plane. Proceed with [OK] and the plane will be saved into the project. The plane also became the active plane for mono photo measurement automatically. Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 Mono Photo Measurement The measurement principle of the mono photo measurement is the intersection of a beam with a spatial plane. Therefore you need only one measurement to get a 3d point but there is no possibility to calculate the accuracy. Switch to mode mono photo measurement: or button in the toolbar Measurement window – Menu – Mono Photo Measurement or Menu: ELCOVISION 10 – Mono Photo Measurement or Command line: „ElMeasureModeSip“ Choose and select any plane in the project manager [Spatial Planes] and measure some lines using the mono photo measurement mode for practice. Definition of Rectification Planes Rectification planes can be defined in any kind of images of any camera. No camera calibration is required. Rectification planes are assigned to a photo and there is no limit in the number. There is no need to have orientated photos but you have some great advantages if you have orientated photos. You can define rectification planes using 4 or more 3d points, or you can define rectification planes using 5 known distances. In our sample we have a lot of 3d points and orientated images so take benefit of them. Run the definition dialog: or button in the toolbar Measurement window – Menu – ELSP Plane definition with points or Menu: ELCOVISION 10 – ELSP Plane definition with points or Command line: „ElDefineElspByPoints“ Following dialog pops up: Definition of a rectification plane by points, measurement for point 4 is missing Select in the left side of the above dialog the points 1,2,3,4 in exactly the same manner as you did in defining a spatial plane. Note the deviations in the column. Choose in the right side of the dialog photo 5. As you may remember point 4 was not visible because of the rain gutter so it was not measured during the Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start • 53 orientation measurement. But since photo 5 is orientated ELCOVISION 10 knows the coordinates of the point and shows it using a double red circle: Measurement suggestion for point 4 Accept Single Measurement Suggestions In order to accept single measurement suggestions just click on the double red circle symbol. You don't need to take care of the numbering of the point because ELCOVISION 10 knows the point already and will give him the correct number. Accept All Measurement Suggestions Click [Accept Suggestions] to accept all suggestions at once. Delete Measurement Suggestions If you want to delete a measurement suggestion because you think it is wrong just move your mouse nearby or above the symbol and press the [Del] key on your keyboard. Now proceed by accepting the measurement suggestion and name the rectification plane. Click [OK] to assign the rectification plane to the photo. Please do also define following planes: 54 • ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start Image Using this points Commend 1 and 2 1, 4, 21, 22, 41 Front wall of the chapel 2 20, 21, 22, 23 Small sidewall at the entrance 4 1, 2, 3, 4 Wall with the two windows 5 2, 3, 60, 61 Left wall with one window Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 Form Boundary of Rectification Planes You can define and edit rectification planes boundaries at any time Seldom, if ever rectification planes are valid for the whole image. Mostly they are only valid for a small area of the image. So we need a tool to cut them accordingly. If we do this very carefully ELCOVISION 10 can even put a lot of them together into a so called orthophoto without any noticeable rims. Run the form the boundary of planes dialog: or button in the toolbar Measurement window – Menu – Form boundary of Planes or Menu: ELCOVISION 10 – Form boundary of Planes or Command line: „ElCutElsp“ Following dialog pops up: The finished boundary for the front wall Select image 4 from the combo box an select the first rectification plane in the list. Button [-> From plane def.] became active. By clicking this button ELCOVISION 10 uses the plane definition points to generate a convex hull which normally is close to your desired boundary. Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start • 55 Using the spin buttons you can move along the boundary. The boundary is faded into the image in red colour and also displayed in the overview. With the tools in [Border point] you can edit the boundary. The current point on the boundary is displayed as a small rectangle in the overview and as a small red circle in the image. If [Insert Point] is active all new measured border points are inserted after the current point, if [Replace Point] is active the current point is replaced by the new measurement. All changes on the planes are adopted instantly. Now define borders for all rectification planes you have defined before. You don’t need to click [OK] after a border is complete, just select another plane. Digital Rectification into an Orthophoto ELCOVISION 10 can rectify as many as desired rectification planes into one orthophoto. Run the digital rectification dialog: or button in the toolbar Measurement window – Menu – ELSP Digital rectification or Menu: ELCOVISION 10 – ELSP Digital rectification or Command line: "_ElDigitalElsp" Following dialog pops up: Digital rectification using 3 rectification planes Select image 2,4,5 and also the according rectification planes. Enter a value 45 or bigger into the field [Max. angel between planes] which results in a developed view. Click [Preview] to get a real preview instead of the green fields. Check also [Reduce pixel effect] to get a smooth image. After clicking [OK] you will get following result: 56 • ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 The rectified image with faded in borders Note that rectification is only valid in the proper planes. Any other planes are not rectified correctly. Save Rectified Images If possible also don't use GIF or LZW Tiff formats because Unisys had patented them and collects horrendous licence fees. Chose [Save as] in the image context menu and chose a file format. If you want to process this image again you should chose a file format with lossless or none compression like .bmp. If you think that you don't need to process this image any further you can chose a file compression format like JPEG. But note that e.g. JPEG compression loses image data. Measure in Rectified Images You can measure at any time and independent of the current measurement mode in any rectified image. ELCOVISION 10 preserves any 3D information in a rectified image, so you could even measure 3d coordinates from a plan image! Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start • 57 Print Rectified or any Other Images Image context menu – Print or Menu: File – Print image Print a image using a user defined scale. For our sample we use [Landscape]. If we click [Round off] we will get a straight value for the scale. You can position the image anywhere on the screen using the displayed cursor buttons. If you check [Dimension X] and [Dimension Y] there will also a scale be printed. 58 • ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 Automatic Transfer of Rectified Images Into a Drawing For example if you need a lot of details about your object you can directly transfer rectified images textures into your drawing: or button in the toolbar Command line: „ElExportElspImages“ Following dialog pops up: Transfer selected rectification planes into an AutoCAD drawing. Select all images and rectification planes you would like to transfer into AutoCAD and proceed with [OK]. All images are now processed and after a view seconds you get this: Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start • 59 AutoCAD drawing with textures. Now we have finished our short example in which we showed you a small part of the power of ELCOVISION 10. For further information please refer to the ELCOVISION 10 reference manual. As mentioned this short sample can not replace a training. Therefore we would be pleased if were able to welcome you in our training centre. Yours PMS AG 60 • ELCOVISION 10 Quick Start Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 Glossary Absolute Orientation The model determined in relative orientation is rotated and shifted in space, and scale is adjusted by known distances. The object coordinate system which is necessary for this is defined either locally or with control points. The scale is determined over distances or else together with known point coordinates. Results of the absolute orientation are the exterior orientation parameters of the photos and the object point coordinates of the orientation points. Local Coordinate System A local coordinate system is an object coordinate system which is defined by the user. In general it is determined with the minimum information on the object which is to be restituted (minimum datum information). The object scale is defined by known distances. Orthogonal Right-Handed System Object coordinates of ELCOVISION 10 are always organised in a orthogonal right-handed system (mathematical coordinate system). In a right-handed system the positive X-axis points from the left to the right, the positive Y-axis points from the front to the back (away from the observer) and the positive Z-axis from the ground to the top. All axes are perpendicular (they include right angles). A right-handed system can also be represented with three fingers of the right hand: The thumb points in the direction of the positive X-axis, the index finger in the direction of the positive Y-axis, and the middle finger points in the direction of the positive Z-axis. Surveyors (geodesy) often use a left-handed coordinate system (Gauß-Krüger coordinate system) as 3D-coordinate system. This system can be described with the fingers of the left hand. A left-handed system cannot be transformed to righthanded system by rotations around the coordinate axes. Therefore it cannot be used directly in ELCOVISION10. In order to change a left-handed system to a right-handed system two axes must be exchanged (e.g. X- and Y-coordinates), or the sign of the values of one axis have to be exchanged (+ into - or vice versa, which means a reflection of an axis). Before using control points in ELCOVISION 10 the operator must know very clearly, if the given control points belong to a right-handed or a left-handed system. If necessary the system must be changed as described above. Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 Glossary • 61 Relative Orientation Relative orientation of a pair of photos (model) establishes the correlation's of two bundles of rays. Upon computation of the orientation parameters homologous pairs of rays are intersected by rotating and shifting one photo relatively to the other. After computation all orientation points (model coordinates) form a model which is in its shape similar to the object. The reference to the object coordinate system is still missing. This is established in absolute orientation. Réseau Grid (Measurement Grid) The réseau grid of a camera is the basis for measurement. So-called réseau crosses are etched into thin glass plates. These crosses are the reference of the photo coordinate system. For lower accuracy requirements the four photo corners can be used as a reference. The grid is mounted directly in front of the film plane, and it is copied to the film whenever a photo is taken. The position of the crosses is known very exactly. Therefore each kind of film distortion such as film deformation during development process, film unevenness during data capture, non-linearity of scanner, irregularities of digitising tablets can be corrected numerically. The more crosses are available for this correction, the more accurately distortions can be compensated. Example of a 3*3 réseau grid (Ricoh KR-10M) Residual Vector Point accuracy and measurement errors in ELCOVISION 10 are displayed in lists, and in most cases also graphically as residuals. The vector points in the direction of the ‘true’ value of a point or a measurement; the length of the vector is proportional to its amount. The biggest residual has the value 1, all other vectors are proportional to this value. This way the biggest one can easily be recognised, if several vectors are displayed. 62 • Glossary Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 L Landscape 58 language 5 Local System of Coordinates 34 Index M magnifier 15 measurement modes 48 measurement suggestions 54 mono photo measurement 50 multiple photo measurement 49 O A Absolute Orientation 34 AutoCAD 4, 9 B boundary 55 orientation measurement 9 orientation process 27 P PhotoCD 14 point of intersection 49 points of view 27 project manager 10 D developed view 56 deviations 37 digital camera 19 digital rectification 21 distance 35 DISTO 6 dongle 4 E English 5 epipolarlines 49 error propagation 37 F French 5 G German 5 global orientation 37 R Rectification planes 5, 53 relative orientation 30 Renumbering 32 réseau 9 réseau crosses 19 réseau measurement 19 residual vector 32 rotation 20 S sample images 6, 9 second image 36 service pack 4 settings 13 spatial planes 50 stereo 5 suspicious measurements 38 system of coordinates 19 T hardware 8 homologous 28 textures 59 thumbnail 12 turquoise 33 two photo measurement 49 I W installation 4, 9 IntelliCAD 5 Windows 2000 4 Windows 95 6 Windows 98 7 Windows NT 4.0 4 Windows XP 7 H K keyboard 15 Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10 Index • 63 64 • Index Installation and Quick Start ELCOVISION 10