Seismic Analysis of Existing Bridges with Detailing Deficiencies A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements of the Master Degree in Earthquake Engineering By Davide Kurmann Supervisor(s): Prof. Dr. A Dazio, IBK, ETH Zürich February, 2009 Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori di Pavia Università degli Studi di Pavia The dissertation entitled “Seismic Analysis of Existing Bridges with Detailing Deficiencies”, by Davide Kurmann, has been approved in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the Master Degree in Earthquake Engineering. Prof. Dr. A. Dazio …… … Mr. M. Bimschas………… … ……… …… Abstract ABSTRACT The main objective of this work is to investigate the influence of detailing deficiencies, such as low transverse reinforcement ratios and lap-splices in potential plastic hinge regions of existing bridge piers with wall-type cross sections, as compared with equivalent members properly detailed to undergo large inelastic deformations without loss of lateral load carrying capacity when subjected to earthquake excitations. Both, capacity and demand were investigated, by performing inelastic time-history analyses on singledegree-of-freedom systems representing isolated bridge piers and multi-degree-of-freedom systems as models for entire bridge structures subjected to transverse earthquake excitations. Special attention was focused on the potentially increased demand as a result of initiation of strength degradation. Accurate modelling of the monotonic and cyclic behaviour of the considered bridge piers has been achieved by means of numerical analyses, existing capacity prediction methods and experimental observations. Although, previous studies and theories demonstrating strength degradation dealt almost exclusively with splice lengths of 20dbl and were focused on square columns, experimental evidence, based on quasi-static cyclic loading tests carried out at the ETH Zürich [Bimschas et al., 2008], was used to characterize the hysteretic behaviour of the bridge piers considered in this study. The ETH experiments were performed on two identical wall-type bridge piers (aspect ratio h/lw=2.2) with the only difference being a 43dbl lap-splice of the longitudinal reinforcement in one test unit. Results of dynamic analyses show, that differences arising from ductility-based versus energy-based strength degradation rules do not affect maximum displacement demands, if energy dissipation is properly accounted for. Moreover results indicate, that for members with spliced longitudinal reinforcement at pier base and deformations above initiation of strength degradation, an increased displacement demand arises compared with same member detailed with continuous longitudinal reinforcement. Nevertheless, due to redundancy of entire bridge structures, modelled as multi-degreeof-freedom systems with elasto-plastic abutments, degradation effects are less important than in the case of isolated piers (single-degree-of-freedom systems) subjected to same input motion. A displacement factor is proposed in order to account for higher pier demands arising from strength degradation when predicting displacement demand from simplified procedures. Keywords: bridge assessment; pier; strength degradation; lap-splice; abutment i Acknowledgements ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS It has been a pleasure and honour for me, to take part in the master program at the ROSE School. I really appreciate the time spent in Pavia with its unique opportunity to encounter teachers and classmates from all over the world with such different backgrounds and cultures but a common passion for Earthquake Engineering. In particular, I will never forget the good time spent at the CAR College and in Pavia with Antonio and his family, Riccardo, Beatriz, Angie, Sara, Ilaria, Fabrizio, Antonio, Carlos, Joao, Mario, Gabriele, Giovanni and Tiziana with Marianella and Cristina. Moreover, I would like to especially thank Prof. H. Bachmann, Dr. M. Koller, Dr. D. Somaini and Mr. B. Basler, Mr. H. Hader, Mr. Beat Weiss, for the encouragement, trust and financial support over the past year. Attending the master program at ROSE would never have been possible for me without the scholarships provided by the Foundation for Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering and Ernst Basler and Partners Ltd., the company I’m working for. During the last three months of the master program I had the possibility to work on my thesis at the Institute for Structural Engineering of the ETH Zürich under the supervision of Prof. A. Dazio with the support of Mr. M. Bimschas. For the guidance and patient support, they gave me throughout this time I express here my sincere gratitude. Finally I could never describe in words, the patience, support, encouragement and love of my wife, Evelyn. Her unlimited and contagious “joie de vivre” accompany me every day and are simply irreplaceable. I’m so proud of you! ii Index TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................................i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS....................................................................................................................ii TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................................................iii LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLES................................................................................................................................xx LIST OF SYMBOLS .........................................................................................................................xxiii 1 INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................................28 1.1 Statement of the problem .........................................................................................................28 1.2 Definition of terms and previous research ...............................................................................28 1.2.1 Strength degradation ......................................................................................................28 1.2.2 Lap-splice failure ...........................................................................................................30 1.3 Objective and scope of the work..............................................................................................31 2 OVERVIEW OF THE REPORT.....................................................................................................32 2.1 Previous research .....................................................................................................................32 2.2 Experimental data used in this work ........................................................................................33 2.3 Evaluation of monotonic and cyclic member response............................................................34 2.4 Definition of target seismicities ...............................................................................................34 2.5 Single-degree-of-freedom-analyses .........................................................................................35 2.6 Multi-degree-of-freedom-analyses...........................................................................................36 3 PREVIOUS STUDIES ON STRENGTH DEGRADATION..........................................................37 3.1 Strength degradation model according to [Priestley et al., 1996]............................................37 3.2 Experimental studies................................................................................................................38 3.2.1 Chai et al., 1991 .............................................................................................................38 3.2.2 Lynn et al., 1996 ............................................................................................................39 iii Index 3.2.3 Melek et al., 2004...........................................................................................................41 3.2.4 Considerations on test specimen from past studies........................................................42 3.3 Comparison of experimental evidence with the method according to [Priestley et al., 1996] 43 3.3.1 Unit with circular a cross section...................................................................................43 3.3.2 Units with quadratic cross sections................................................................................44 3.3.3 Summary considerations ................................................................................................45 4 EXPERIMENTAL DATABASE ....................................................................................................46 4.1 Motivation of experimental work ............................................................................................46 4.1.1 Code provisions dependence on required splice length .................................................46 4.1.2 Experimental test units...................................................................................................46 4.1.3 Effects of cross section type on member .......................................................................47 4.2 Test setup and units..................................................................................................................47 4.3 Quasi-static cyclic experiments ...............................................................................................49 5 FUNDAMENTAL MODELLING ASSUMPTIONS .....................................................................51 5.1 Sectional and member response...............................................................................................51 5.1.1 Flexural response without lap splice..............................................................................51 5.1.2 Flexural response with lap splice ...................................................................................54 5.1.3 Shear capacity envelope.................................................................................................56 5.2 Modelling of reinforced concrete members without lap splices ..............................................58 5.2.1 Monotonic member behaviour .......................................................................................58 5.2.2 Cyclic member behaviour ..............................................................................................59 5.3 Modelling of reinforced concrete members with lap splices ...................................................62 5.3.1 Monotonic member behavior .........................................................................................62 5.3.2 Cyclic member behaviour ..............................................................................................63 5.4 Calibration of monotonic and hysteretic behaviour on experimental yielding points .............66 5.4.1 Monotonic member behaviour .......................................................................................67 5.4.2 Cyclic member behaviour ..............................................................................................68 5.5 Scaling Factors.........................................................................................................................68 6 TARGET SEISMICITY FOR THE ANALYSES...........................................................................70 6.1 Selection of target response spectra .........................................................................................70 6.1.1 Selection and scaling procedure of real ground motions ...............................................71 6.2 Artificial Ground Motion Database .........................................................................................74 6.2.1 Generation Procedure.....................................................................................................74 7 SINGLE-DEGREE-OF-FREEDOM ANALYSES .........................................................................76 7.1 Introduction..............................................................................................................................76 7.2 Evaluation of responses from NLTHA on SDOF systems ......................................................79 iv Index 7.2.1 Influence of strength degradation modelling .................................................................79 7.2.2 Influence of reinforcement detailing..............................................................................82 7.2.3 Influence of bridge pier height.......................................................................................84 7.2.4 Influence of damping ratio.............................................................................................89 7.2.5 Influence of critical damping coefficient .......................................................................90 7.2.6 Displacement increasing factors f(δ) and f(μ) ...............................................................92 7.3 Simplified procedures for maximum displacement demand prediction...................................95 7.3.1 Brief overview and main considerations........................................................................95 7.3.2 Miranda et al., 2003 .......................................................................................................97 7.3.3 Priestley et al., 2007.....................................................................................................100 7.3.4 Iwan, 1980....................................................................................................................109 7.3.5 Guyader et al., 2004 .....................................................................................................114 7.3.6 Probabilistic evaluation of simplified displacement prediction procedures.................122 8 MULTI-DEGREE-OF-FREEDOM ANALYSES.........................................................................129 8.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................129 8.2 Parametrical study on abutment elastic stiffness ...................................................................132 8.2.1 Bridge model M1-CRA-SLM-EL................................................................................134 8.2.2 Bridge model M2-CRA-SLM-EL................................................................................135 8.2.3 Bridge model M3-CRA-SLM-EL................................................................................136 8.2.4 Bridge model M4-CRA-SLM-EL................................................................................137 8.2.5 Conclusions..................................................................................................................138 8.3 Influence of spliced reinforcement at pier base .....................................................................139 8.3.1 Bridge model M1 .........................................................................................................140 8.3.2 Bridge model M2 .........................................................................................................142 8.3.3 Bridge model M3 .........................................................................................................144 8.3.4 Bridge model M4 .........................................................................................................146 8.4 Discussion of results from multi-degree-of-freedom analyses ..............................................148 9 CONCLUSIONS AND OUTLOOK .............................................................................................153 9.1 Conclusions............................................................................................................................153 9.1.1 General considerations.................................................................................................153 9.1.2 Single-degree-of-freedom analyses..............................................................................154 9.1.3 Multi-degree-of-freedom-analyses...............................................................................155 9.2 Outlook for further studies.....................................................................................................155 10 REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................................1 v Index LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 1.1: Classification of reinforced concrete column failure modes as ATC-6 (1981)...................29 Figure 1.2: Shear failure prevention due to shear strength degradation in lap-splice............................30 Figure 1.3: Lap-splice failure of longitudinal bars in columns [Priestley et al., 1996] .........................30 Figure 2.1: Examples of force displacement relation according to [Priestley et al., 1996] method versus experimental results on rectangular column units performed by [Melek et al., 2004].......32 Figure 2.2: Examples of typical bridge column cross section [Bimschas et al., 2008] .........................33 Figure 2.3: Experimentally recorded hysteretic (force deformation) behaviour of test unit VK1 (left, continuous reinforcement) and VK2 (right, spliced reinforcement) [Bimschas et al., 2008] .......33 Figure 2.4: Experimentally obtained cyclic behaviour of test units VK1 (left) and VK2 (right) versus hysteretic loops using software code Ruaumoko [Carr, 2004] and Idarc [Idarc, 2006] ................34 Figure 2.5: Assumed elastic response spectra of acceleration (left) and displacement (right) according to code provisions [SIA 261, 2003] for PGA of 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g (agd), stiff soil conditions (Soil B), structure importance factor III and elastic viscous damping ξ=0.02 .............................35 Figure 2.6: Idealized single-degree-of-freedom systems representing a single bridge pier with lumped mass subjected to transverse earthquake excitation (left). Front (middle) and lateral view (right) of a typical bridge pier and superstructure considered in this study..............................................35 Figure 2.7: Example of bridge model (top). Superstructure and piers maximum displacement demands from single NLTHA and PGA 0.35g are represented by grey lines. Mean NLTHA displacement pattern (black thick line) and pier displacement demands P1 to P4 (points) are evidenced for case of continuous longitudinal reinforcement (centre) and spliced longitudinal reinforcement at pier base (bottom). ................................................................................................................................36 Figure 3.1: Idealized moment-curvature relationship for members without or with lap-splices in potential plastic hinge regions [Priestley et al., 1996]...................................................................37 Figure 3.2: Tension stress induced by force transfer in lap splices [Priestley et al., 1996]...................38 Figure 3.3: Test setup and reinforcement details for the columns tested by [Chai et al., 1991]............39 vi Index Figure 3.4: Hysteretic response of reference columns without (left) and with lap-splice (right) from experiments performed by [Chai et al., 1991]...............................................................................39 Figure 3.5: Load assembly and specimen location [Lynn et al., 1996] .................................................40 Figure 3.6: Column test unit and cross section with different transverse detailing [Lynn et al., 1996] 40 Figure 3.7: Load-displacement relations for the test units with spliced reinforcement [Lynn et al., 1996]..............................................................................................................................................40 Figure 3.8: Test setup, reinforcing details and unit cross sections [Melek et al., 2004].......................41 Figure 3.9: Normalized moment drift relations for all test units [Melek et al., 2004]..........................41 Figure 3.10: Example of a force-displacement rel. computed according to [Priestley et al., 1996] compared to the experimental results of a circular column (left) and relevant testing setup (right) [Chai et al., 1991] ..........................................................................................................................43 Figure 3.11: Examples of force-displacement relationships computed according to [Priestley et al., 1996] compared to experimental results of rectangular columns ..................................................44 Figure 4.1: Examples of typical bridge column cross section ...............................................................47 Figure 4.2: Setup for the quasi-static test on existing Swiss bridge piers carried out at the ETH Zürich [Bimschas et al., 2008] ..................................................................................................................47 Figure 4.3: Cross section, reinforcement detailing and elevation of test units VK1-2 [Bimschas et al., 2008]..............................................................................................................................................48 Figure 4.4: Experimentally recorded hysteretic (force deformation) behaviour of test unit VK1 (left, continuous reinforcement) and VK2 (right, spliced reinforcement) [Bimschas et al., 2008] .......49 Figure 4.5: Quasi-static cyclic displacement application on test unit VK1 (left, continuous reinforcement) and VK2 (right, spliced reinforcement) [Bimschas et al., 2008] ..........................49 Figure 4.6: Quasi-static cyclic horizontal load application on test unit VK1 (left, continuous reinforcement) and VK2 (right, spliced reinforcement) [Bimschas et al., 2008] ..........................50 Figure 5.1: Curvature ductility for members without and with lap splices in column end regions .......56 Figure 5.2: Analytical and experimental results for test unit VK1 (continuous longitudinal reinforcement) ...............................................................................................................................58 Figure 5.3: Hysteretic rules used for the analysis: Modified Takeda with degrading stiffness (left, IHYST=4) and Origin-Centred (right, IHYST=7) according to Ruaumoko [Carr, 2004].............59 Figure 5.4: Comparison of analytical and experimental hysteretic responses for test unit VK1...........60 Figure 5.5: Hysteretic area for damping calculation in one cycle of loading [Priestley et al., 2007]....61 Figure 5.6: Comparison of analytical and experimental cumulative dissipated energy ........................61 Figure 5.7: Analytical and experimental results for test unit VK2 (spliced longitudinal reinforcement) .......................................................................................................................................................62 Figure 5.8: Strength degradation model implemented in Ruaumoko [Carr, 2004] ...............................64 vii Index Figure 5.9: Ductility based (left) and energy based (right) strength degradation in Idarc [Idarc, 2006] in a force-displacement-relationship..............................................................................................64 Figure 5.10: Comparison of analytical and experimental hysteretic responses for test unit VK2.........65 Figure 5.11: Comparison of analytical and experimental cumulative dissipated energy ......................66 Figure 5.12: Capacity curve envelope for test specimen VK1 and VK2 based on experimental data according to [Bimschas et al., 2008] .............................................................................................67 Figure 5.13: Experimentally obtained cyclic behaviour of test units VK1 (left) and VK2 (right) versus hysteretic loops using software code Ruaumoko [Carr, 2004] and Idarc [Idarc, 2006] based on backbone assumptions presented in Table 5.11 and Figure 5.12 (left).........................................68 Figure 6.1: Assumed elastic response spectra of acceleration (left) and displacement (right) according to code provisions [SIA 261, 2003] for PGA of 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g (agd), stiff soil conditions (Soil B), structure importance factor III and elastic viscous damping ξ=0.02 .............................70 Figure 6.2: Comparison of target, elastic response spectra for a PGA 0.35g with ground motion scaled response spectra of acceleration (left) and displacement (right) using the described matching procedure on displacement spectra for different period ranges.....................................................73 Figure 6.3: Comparison of target, elastic response spectra for a PGA 0.35g with ground motion scaled response spectra of acceleration (left) and displacement (right) using the described matching procedure on displacement spectra for a period range of T=0.50-2.00sec. (these motions are identified as RGM) ........................................................................................................................74 Figure 6.4: Comparison of target, elastic response spectra for a PGA 0.35g with ground motion scaled response spectra of acceleration (left) and displacement (right) using the described matching procedure on displacement spectra for a period range of T=0.35-1.00sec. (these motions are identified as RGM N) ....................................................................................................................74 Figure 7.1: Idealized single-degree-of-freedom systems representing a single bridge pier with lumped mass subjected to transverse earthquake excitation (left) and front, lateral view of a typical bridge pier and superstructure considered in this study (middle, right)....................................................76 Figure 7.2: Capacity curves from Table 7.1 displayed in Acceleration Displacement Response Spectra (ADRS) versus seismic demands (left) and force-deformation relations of bridge piers considered in dynamic single-degree-of-freedom analyses...........................................................77 Figure 7.3: Nomenclature used in this study for dynamic analyses on single-degree-of-freedom systems ..........................................................................................................................................78 Figure 7.4: Comparison of hysteretic loops obtained with Ruaumoko [Carr, 2004] vs. Idarc [Idarc, 2006] in dynamic analyses on single-degree-of-freedom systems for input motion AGM44 and 2% damping ratio. Backbone curve without strength degradation(left) and with strength degradation (right) .........................................................................................................................79 viii Index Figure 7.5: Comparison of total dissipated hysteretic energy for analyses carried out using Ruaumoko [Carr, 2004] vs. Idarc [Idarc, 2006], considering members with continuous and spliced reinforcement, experimental and numerical backbone assumptions for systems with 100H100MI.......................................................................................................................................................80 Figure 7.6: Influence of software code on maximum displacement demand for member with continuous reinforcement and influence of strength degradation modeling (energy vs. ductility based) for members with spliced longitudinal reinforcement at pier base. Legend: input ground motion (AGM = Artificial, RGM, Real) and backbone assumption (Exp=Experimental, Num=Numerical)...........................................................................................................................81 Figure 7.7: Influence of strength degradation modeling (energy vs. ductility based) on lateral force carrying capacity corresponding to maximum displacement demand for members with spliced end reinforcement. Legend: input ground motion (AGM = Artificial, RGM, Real) and backbone assumption (Exp=Experimental, Num=Numerical) ......................................................................82 Figure 7.8: Maximum displacement demand ratio from NLTHA as a function of drift (left) and displacement ductility (right) based on experimental backbone assumption. Analyses assumed a SDOF system with a pier height of h=6.6m and a lumped mass of m=550t. Aspect ratio correspond to h/lw = 2.2 .................................................................................................................83 Figure 7.9: Maximum displacement demand ratio from NLTHA as a function of drift (left) and displacement ductility (right) based on numerical backbone assumption. Analyses assumed a SDOF system with a pier height of h=6.6m and a lumped mass of m=550t. Aspect ratio correspond to h/lw = 2.2 .................................................................................................................83 Figure 7.10: Pseudo spectral acceleration vs. spectral displacement (ADRS response spectra) and initial periods of different SDOF systems considered in this study on the influence of pier height (left) and initial stiffness (or stiffness to yield) of the same members in a force-displacement relation (right). A lumped mass to m=550to has been considered for all cases. ...........................84 Figure 7.11: Trend of mean value, standard deviation and single values of displacement ductility demands obtained from NLTHA for different pier heights as presented in Figure 7.10 and Table 7.4 assuming systems without strength degradation, initial stiffness prop. elastic viscous damping ratio of ξ=0.02 and a seismicity of PGA 0.16g (left) and PGA 0.35g (right). Ground motion type (AGM = Artificial, RGM = Real GM, RGM N = Real newly scaled) ..........................................86 Figure 7.12: Trend of mean value, standard deviation and single values of drift demands obtained from NLTHA for different pier heights as presented in Figure 7.10 and Table 7.4 assuming systems without strength degradation, initial stiffness prop. elastic viscous damping ratio of ξ=0.02 and a seismicity of PGA 0.16g (left) and PGA 0.35g (right). Ground motion type (AGM =Artificial, RGM = Real GM, RGM N = Real newly scaled)......................................................................86 ix Index Figure 7.13: Trend of mean value, standard deviation and single values of displacement ductility demands obtained from NLTHA for different pier heights as presented in Figure 7.10 and Table 7.4 assuming systems with strength degradation, initial stiffness prop. elastic viscous damping ratio of ξ=0.02 and a seismicity of PGA 0.16g (left) and PGA 0.35g (right). Ground motion type (AGM = Artificial, RGM = Real RGM, RGM N = Real newly scaled) .......................................87 Figure 7.14: Trend of mean value, standard deviation and single values of drift demands obtained from NLTHA for different pier heights as presented in Figure 7.10 and Table 7.4 assuming systems with strength degradation, initial stiffness prop. elastic viscous damping ratio of ξ=0.02 and a seismicity of PGA 0.16g (left) and PGA 0.35g (right). Ground motion type (AGM=Artificial, RGM=Real GM, RGM N=Real newly scaled) .............................................................................87 Figure 7.15: Comparison of the trend of mean value (continuous line) and standard deviation (dotted line) of displacement ductility demands obtained from NLTHA for different pier heights as presented in Figure 7.10 and Table 7.4 assuming systems with and without strength degradation, initial stiffness prop. elastic viscous damping ratio of ξ=0.02 and a seismicity of PGA 0.16g (left) and PGA 0.35g (right). Ground motion type (AGM = Artificial, RGM = Real GM, RGM N = Real newly scaled).........................................................................................................................88 Figure 7.16: Comparison of the trend of mean value (continuous line) and standard deviation (dotted line) of drift demands obtained from NLTHA for different pier heights as presented in Figure 7.10 and Table 7.4 assuming systems with and without strength degradation, initial stiffness prop. elastic viscous damping ratio of ξ=0.02 and a seismicity of PGA 0.16g (left) and PGA 0.35g (right). Ground motion type (AGM=Artificial, RGM=Real GM, RGM N=Real newly scaled) ..88 Figure 7.17: Influence of initial stiffness proportional elastic viscous damping ratio ξel assumed in NLTHA on maximum displacement demand for member with continuous and spliced longitudinal reinforcement. Legend: input ground motion (AGM = Artificial, RGM=Real, RGM N = Real newly scaled)..................................................................................................................90 Figure 7.18: Influence of damping coefficient c on maximum displacement demand for member with continuous and spliced longitudinal reinforcement, experimental backbone assumption and a pier height of 6.60m and a lumped mass of 550t. (AGM = Artificial Ground Motion) .......................91 Figure 7.19: Comparison of proposed prediction (orange line) using displacement increasing factor versus effective obtained mean and standard deviation values of displacement ductility (left) and drift ratio (right) for systems suffering strength degradation from NLTHA. Pier heights on horizontal axes are obtained considering a reference pier of h=6.60m. Only systems presented in Figure 7.10 and Table 7.4 have been considered here...................................................................93 Figure 7.20: Proposed prediction (red line) for consideration of increased displacement demand as a function of displacement ductility (left) and drift ratio (right) for systems suffering strength degradation. Displacement ductilities and drift ratios on horizontal axis are referred to systems x Index with strength degradation. Only systems presented in Figure 7.10 and Table 7.4 have been considered here. .............................................................................................................................93 Figure 7.21: Proposed prediction (red line) for consideration of increased displacement demand as a function of displacement ductility (left) and drift ratio (right) for systems suffering strength degradation. Displacement ductilities and drift ratios on horizontal axis are referred to systems without strength degradation. Only systems presented in Figure 7.10 and Table 7.4 have been considered here. .............................................................................................................................94 Figure 7.22: Proposed prediction (red line) for consideration of increased displacement demand as a function of drift ratio for systems suffering strength degradation. Drift ratios on horizontal axis are referred to systems with strength degradation. Only single-degree-of-freedom systems with pier height of h=6.60m, a lumped mass of m=550to and an experimental backbone (left) and numerical backbone (right) are presented here. Ground motion type (AGM=Artificial, RGM=Real GM, RGM N=Real newly scaled) .............................................................................94 Figure 7.23: Proposed prediction (red line) for consideration of increased displacement demand as a function of displacement ductility for systems suffering strength degradation. Displacement ductilities on horizontal axis are referred to systems with strength degradation. Only singledegree-of-freedom systems with pier height of h=6.60m, a lumped mass of m=550t and an experimental backbone (left) and numerical backbone (right) are presented here. Ground motion type (AGM=Artificial, RGM=Real GM, RGM N=Real newly scaled) ........................................95 Figure 7.24: Ratio of maximum displacement demand from NLTHA divided by maximum displacement demand according to procedure proposed by [Miranda et al., 2003] and sorted by longitudinal reinforcement detailing, ground motion type, seismicity (PGA 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g left to right). All NLTHA assumed a SDOF system with a pier height of 6.60m and a lumped mass of 550t...................................................................................................................................99 Figure 7.25: Ratio of maximum displacement demand from NLTHA divided by maximum displacement demand according to procedure proposed by [Miranda et al., 2003] and sorted by longitudinal reinforcement detailing, seismicity (PGA 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g left to right) and considering artificial GM only. All NLTHA assumed a SDOF system with a pier height of 6.60m and a lumped mass of 550t ............................................................................................................99 Figure 7.26: Ratio of maximum displacement demand from NLTHA divided by maximum displacement demand according to procedure proposed by [Miranda et al., 2003] and sorted by longitudinal reinforcement detailing, seismicity (PGA 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g left to right) and considering real GM only. All NLTHA assumed a SDOF system with a pier height of 6.60m and a lumped mass of 550t .................................................................................................................100 Figure 7.27: Ratio of maximum displacement demand from NLTHA divided by maximum displacement demand according to procedure proposed by [Miranda et al., 2003] and sorted by xi Index longitudinal reinforcement detailing, seismicity (PGA 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g left to right) and considering real, newly s. GM only. All NLTHA assumed a SDOF system with a pier height of 6.60m and a lumped mass of 550t ...............................................................................................100 Figure 7.28: Concept of effective (secant) stiffness proposed by Priestley [Priestley et al., 2007] ....101 Figure 7.29: Capacity curves from Table 7.9 displayed in Acceleration Displacement Response Spectra (ADRS) versus seismic demands (left) and force-deformation relations of bridge piers considered in capacity spectrum method (CSM) according to the procedure of [Priestley et al., 2007]............................................................................................................................................102 Figure 7.30: Comparison of hysteretic damping obtained from elastic, linear time-history analysis ELTHA based on effective period Te and maximum displacement demand from NLTHA performed in this study versus prediction according to [Priestley et al., 2007] procedure assuming a Thin Takeda model (TT)...........................................................................................................104 Figure 7.31: Examples of iterative procedure adopted in CSM for a real scaled ground motion (left) and an artificial ground motion (right) in order to find the performance point (PP), defined as intersection of capacity and demand on locus of performance points, considering effective period Te and equivalent viscous damping ξe as proposed by [Priestley et al., 2007]. ...........................105 Figure 7.32: Examples of iterative procedure adopted in CSM for a case with multiple solutions (left) and a case without solution (right) assuming a capacity curve with strength degradation considering effective period Te and equivalent viscous damping ξe as proposed by [Priestley et al., 2007]......................................................................................................................................106 Figure 7.33: Ratio of maximum displacement demand from NLTHA divided by maximum displacement demand according to procedure proposed by [Priestley et al., 2007] and sorted by longitudinal reinforcement detailing, ground motion type, seismicity (PGA 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g left to right). All NLTHA assumed a SDOF system with a h=6.60m, m=550t and neglected strength degradation on capacity .................................................................................................107 Figure 7.34: Ratio of maximum displacement demand from NLTHA divided by maximum displacement demand according to procedure proposed by [Priestley et al., 2007] and sorted by longitudinal reinforcement detailing, ground motion type, seismicity (PGA 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g left to right). All NLTHA assumed a SDOF system with a h=6.60m, m=550t and considered strength degradation on capacity .................................................................................................107 Figure 7.35: Ratio of maximum displacement demand from NLTHA divided by maximum displacement demand according to procedure proposed by [Priestley et al., 2007] and sorted by longitudinal reinforcement detailing, seismicity (PGA 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g left to right) and considering artificial GM only. All NLTHA assumed a SDOF with a h=6.60m, m=550t and neglected strength degradation. ...................................................................................................108 xii Index Figure 7.36: Ratio of maximum displacement demand from NLTHA divided by maximum displacement demand according to procedure proposed by [Priestley et al., 2007] and sorted by longitudinal reinforcement detailing, seismicity (PGA 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g left to right) and considering real GM only. All NLTHA assumed a SDOF with a h=6.60m, m=550t and neglected strength degradation. ...................................................................................................................108 Figure 7.37: Ratio of maximum displacement demand from NLTHA divided by maximum displacement demand according to procedure proposed by [Priestley et al., 2007] and sorted by longitudinal reinforcement detailing, seismicity (PGA 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g left to right) and considering real, newly s. GM only. All NLTHA assumed a SDOF with a h=6.60m, m=550t and neglected strength degradation. ...................................................................................................109 Figure 7.38: Early effort to define optimal equivalent linear parameters [Iwan, 1980] ......................109 Figure 7.39: Comparison of equivalent linear parameters based on the procedure proposed by [Iwan, 1980], based on optimal stiffness and damping, versus the procedure proposed [Priestley et al., 2007], based on secant stiffness and equivalent viscous damping. Periods are intended as initial period T=T0 .................................................................................................................................110 Figure 7.40: Comparison of predicted displacement demand according to [Iwan, 1980] (left) using equivalent linear optimal parameters (modified CSM) versus conventional CSM according to [Priestley et al., 2007] (right) using secant stiffness for same ground motion, elastic viscous damping and capacity curve (RGM42, 2%, numerical backbone). .............................................111 Figure 7.41: Comparison of equivalent viscous damping obtained from elastic, linear time-history analysis ELTHA based on effective period Teff on secant stiffness and maximum displacement demand from NLTHA performed in this study versus prediction according to [Iwan., 1980]. Effective period on horizontal axis (right) correspond to a secant stiffness................................112 Figure 7.42: Ratio of maximum displacement demand from NLTHA divided by maximum displacement demand according to procedure proposed by [Iwan, 1980] and sorted by longitudinal reinforcement detailing, ground motion type, seismicity (PGA 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g left to right). All NLTHA assumed a SDOF system with a h=6.60m, m=550t and neglected strength degradation on capacity .................................................................................................112 Figure 7.43: Ratio of maximum displacement demand from NLTHA divided by maximum displacement demand according to procedure proposed by [Iwan, 1980] and sorted by longitudinal reinforcement detailing, seismicity (PGA 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g left to right) and considering artificial GM only. All NLTHA assumed a SDOF with a h=6.60m, m=550t and neglected strength degradation. ...................................................................................................113 Figure 7.44: Ratio of maximum displacement demand from NLTHA divided by maximum displacement demand according to procedure proposed by [Iwan, 1980] and sorted by longitudinal reinforcement detailing, seismicity (PGA 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g left to right) and xiii Index considering real GM only. All NLTHA assumed a SDOF with a h=6.60m, m=550t and neglected strength degradation. ...................................................................................................................113 Figure 7.45: Ratio of maximum displacement demand from NLTHA divided by maximum displacement demand according to procedure proposed by [Iwan, 1980] and sorted by longitudinal reinforcement detailing, seismicity (PGA 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g left to right) and considering real, newly s. GM only. All NLTHA assumed a SDOF with a h=6.60m, m=550t and neglected strength degradation. ...................................................................................................114 Figure 7.46: Mean value contours (left) and standard deviation contours (right) of εD error distribution over two-dimensional parameter space for entire ensemble [Guyader et al., 2004] ...................115 Figure 7.47: Engineering acceptability range applied to distribution of εD considering an additive relation for effective damping and a ratio for effective period [Guyader et al., 2004] ...............115 Figure 7.48: Force (f) vs. displacement (x) for bilinear (BLH), stiffness degrading (KDEG), strength degrading (STRDG) and pushover backbone models from a THA with a sinusoidal acceleration function (left) and schematic diagram and hysteresis loops for the pinching models (right) [Guyader et al., 2004b]................................................................................................................117 Figure 7.49: Comparison of equivalent linear parameters based on procedure proposed by [Guyader et al., 2004], based on optimal stiffness and damping, versus procedure proposed [Priestley et al., 2007], based on secant stiffness and equivalent viscous damping. Periods are intended as initial period T=T0 .................................................................................................................................118 Figure 7.50: Comparison of equivalent linear parameters based on procedure proposed by [Guyader et al., 2004] versus previous study carried out by Iwan [Iwan, 1980], both based on optimal stiffness and damping. Periods are intended as initial period T=T0 ............................................118 Figure 7.51: Comparison of equivalent viscous damping obtained from elastic, linear time-history analysis ELTHA based on effective period Teff on secant stiffness and maximum displacement demand from NLTHA performed in this study versus prediction according to [Guyader et al.., 2004]. Effective period on horizontal axis (right) corresponds to a secant stiffness. ..................119 Figure 7.52: Ratio of maximum displacement demand from NLTHA divided by maximum displacement demand according to procedure proposed by [Guyader et al., 2004] and sorted by longitudinal reinforcement detailing, ground motion type, seismicity (PGA 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g left to right). All NLTHA assumed a SDOF system with a h=6.60m, m=550t and neglected strength degradation on capacity .................................................................................................119 Figure 7.53: Ratio of maximum displacement demand from NLTHA divided by maximum displacement demand according to procedure proposed by [Guyader et al., 2004] and sorted by longitudinal reinforcement detailing, seismicity (PGA 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g left to right) and considering artificial GM only. All NLTHA assumed a SDOF with a h=6.60m, m=550t and neglected strength degradation. ...................................................................................................120 xiv Index Figure 7.54: Ratio of maximum displacement demand from NLTHA divided by maximum displacement demand according to procedure proposed by [Guyader et al., 2004] and sorted by longitudinal reinforcement detailing, seismicity (PGA 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g left to right) and considering real GM only. All NLTHA assumed a SDOF with a h=6.60m, m=550t and neglected strength degradation. ...................................................................................................................120 Figure 7.55: Ratio of maximum displacement demand from NLTHA divided by maximum displacement demand according to procedure proposed by [Guyader et al., 2004] and sorted by longitudinal reinforcement detailing, seismicity (PGA 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g left to right) and considering real, newly s. GM only. All NLTHA assumed a SDOF with a h=6.60m, m=550t and neglected strength degradation. ...................................................................................................121 Figure 7.56: Comparison of probability density function (PDF, left) and cumulative probability density function (CDF, right) of displacement error for normal distribution and four methods, considering members with continuous longitudinal reinforcement only (no strength degradation of backbone curve) and seismicities of PGA 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g. All NLTHA assumed a SDOF with a h=6.60m, m=550t ........................................................................................................................123 Figure 7.57: Comparison of probability density function (PDF, left) and cumulative probability density function (CDF, right) of displacement error for normal distribution and four methods, considering members with spliced longitudinal reinforcement only (with strength degradation of backbone curve in NLTHA) but without considering it when predicting displacement. All presented data includes seismicities of PGA 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g and SDOF systems with a h=6.60m, m=550t .....................................................................................................................................................124 Figure 7.58: Comparison of probability density function (PDF, left) and cumulative probability density function (CDF, right) of displacement error for normal distribution the four methods, considering members with spliced longitudinal reinforcement only (with strength degradation of backbone curve in NLTHA) but without considering it when predicting displacement and applying to the displacement prediction the factor f(δ) as in section 7.2.6. All presented data includes seismicities of PGA 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g and SDOF systems with a h=6.60m, m=550t.................................125 Figure 7.59: Comparison of probability density function (PDF, left) and cumulative probability density function (CDF, right) of displacement error for normal distribution the four methods, considering members with spliced longitudinal reinforcement only (with strength degradation of backbone curve in NLTHA) but without considering it when predicting displacement and applying to the displacement prediction the factor f(μ) as in section 7.2.6. All presented data includes seismicities of PGA 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g and SDOF systems with a h=6.60m, m=550t.................................126 Figure 7.60: Comparison of probability density function (PDF, left) and cumulative probability density function (CDF, right) of displacement error for normal distribution and the method [Priestley et al., 2007], considering four different assumptions for the estimation of displacement prediction xv Index and considering members with spliced longitudinal reinforcement only. All presented data includes seismicities of PGA 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g and SDOF systems with a h=6.60m, m=550t .....................................................................................................................................................127 Figure 7.61: Performance Point error results for stiffness degrading model (KDEG) with second slope ratio of 0% - two far-field ground motion databases [Guyader et al., 2004] and results for this study according to Figure 7.56 as points, considering roughly μ(mean)= 3.0 for this distribution .....................................................................................................................................................128 Figure 8.1: Nomenclature used in this study for dynamic analyses on multi-degree-of-freedom systems .....................................................................................................................................................129 Figure 8.2: Front and lateral view of bridge piers considered in this study. Pier height is defined as the height starting from connection pier footing to pier up to centre of superstructure mass. ..........130 Figure 8.3: Multi-degree-of-freedom systems for dynamic analyses considering an homogeneous repartition of mass on superstructure (top), with constant lumped masses of mi=78.6t (abutments masses mi=38.3t), respective a concentrated tributary mass on each pier (bottom), with constant lumped masses of mi=550t , neglecting mass on abutments. ......................................................130 Figure 8.4: Plan and longitudinal view of bridge model 1 (short M1) considered. Piers P1-P4 have a pier height of h=6.60m to superstructure centre of mass of; all piers and abutments are assumed to be laterally restrained for transverse excitations .....................................................................131 Figure 8.5: Plan and longitudinal view of bridge model 2 (short M2) considered. Piers P1 and P4 have a pier height of h=6.60m while central piers have an height of h=13.20m to the superstructure centre of mass; all piers and abutments are assumed to be laterally restrained for transverse excitations....................................................................................................................................131 Figure 8.6: Plan and longitudinal view of bridge model 3 (short M3) considered. Piers P1 and P4 have a pier height of h=13.20m while central piers have an height of h=6.60m to the superstructure centre of mass; all piers and abutments are assumed to be laterally restrained for transverse excitations....................................................................................................................................131 Figure 8.7: Plan and longitudinal view of bridge model 4 (short M4) considered. Piers P1 and P2 have a pier height of h=13.20m while piers P3 and P4 have an height of h=6.60m to the superstructure centre of mass; all piers and abutments are assumed to be laterally restrained for transverse excitations....................................................................................................................................131 Figure 8.8: Initial stiffness Rayleigh damping model (ICTYPE=0) described in Ruaumoko [Carr, 2004]............................................................................................................................................132 Figure 8.9: Abutment force-displacement relationships considered in this parametrical study. Equal elastic stiffness assumption has been modelled in both abutments (AL and AR) .......................133 xvi Index Figure 8.10: Bridge model M1 (top), superstructure and piers displacement demands from mean NLTHA (bottom). Displacement patterns for k,el=1MN/m (black thick line) and k,el=100MN/m (grey thick line) have been evidenced; point represents pier positions P1 to P4.........................134 Figure 8.11: Abutments (AL and AR) strength demands for bridge model M2 in order to remain elastic (left) and pier displacement ductility demands (P1 to P4) from mean NLTHA on MDOF (empty points) vs. mean NLTHA on SDOF (full points and dotted lines)..................................134 Figure 8.12: Bridge model M2 (top), superstructure and piers displacement demands from mean NLTHA (bottom). Displacement patterns for k,el=1MN/m (black thick line) and k,el=100MN/m (grey thick line) have been evidenced; point represents pier positions P1 to P4.........................135 Figure 8.13: Abutments (AL and AR) strength demands for bridge model M2 in order to remain elastic (left) and pier displacement ductility demands (P1 to P4) from mean NLTHA on MDOF (empty points) vs. mean NLTHA on SDOF (full points and dotted lines)..................................135 Figure 8.14: Bridge model M3 (top), superstructure and piers displacement demands from mean NLTHA (bottom). Displacement patterns for k,el=1MN/m (black thick line) and k,el=100MN/m (grey thick line) have been evidenced; point represents pier positions P1 to P4.........................136 Figure 8.15: Abutments (AL and AR) strength demands for bridge model M3 in order to remain elastic (left) and pier displacement ductility demands (P1 to P4) from mean NLTHA on MDOF (empty points) vs. mean NLTHA on SDOF (full points and dotted lines)..................................136 Figure 8.16: Bridge model M4 (top), superstructure and piers displacement demands from mean NLTHA (bottom). Displacement patterns for k,el=1MN/m (black thick line) and k,el=100MN/m (grey thick line) have been evidenced; point represents pier positions P1 to P4.........................137 Figure 8.17: Abutments (AL and AR) strength demands for bridge model M4 in order to remain elastic (left) and pier displacement ductility demands (P1 to P4) from mean NLTHA on MDOF (empty points) vs. mean NLTHA on SDOF (full points and dotted lines)..................................137 Figure 8.18: Maximum abutments strength demands for bridge models M1-M4 according to NLTHA analyses presented in sections 8.2.1 to 8.2.4 for a seismicity level of PGA 0.16g (left) and PGA 0.35g (right).................................................................................................................................138 Figure 8.19: Elasto-plastic hysteresis implemented in Ruaumoko [Carr, 2004] and used in this study to represents abutment behaviour in multi-degree-of-freedom analyses .........................................139 Figure 8.20: Bridge model M1 (top), superstructure and piers maximum displacement demands from single NLTHA for members with continuous longitudinal reinforcement (centre) and with spliced longitudinal reinforcement at pier base (bottom). Mean NLTHA displacement pattern (black thick line) and displacement demands P1 to P4 (points) have been evidenced...........................140 Figure 8.21: Bridge model M1 (top), superstructure and piers maximum displacement demands from single NLTHA for members with continuous longitudinal reinforcement (centre) and with spliced xvii Index longitudinal reinforcement at pier base (bottom). Mean NLTHA displacement pattern (black thick line) and displacement demands P1 to P4 (points) have been evidenced...........................141 Figure 8.22: Bridge model M2 (top), superstructure and piers maximum displacement demands from single NLTHA for members with continuous longitudinal reinforcement (centre) and with spliced longitudinal reinforcement at pier base (bottom). Mean NLTHA displacement pattern (black thick line) and pier displacement demands P1 to P4 (points) have been evidenced....................142 Figure 8.23: Bridge model M2 (top), superstructure and piers maximum displacement demands from single NLTHA for members with continuous longitudinal reinforcement (centre) and with spliced longitudinal reinforcement at pier base (bottom). Mean NLTHA displacement pattern (black thick line) and pier displacement demands P1 to P4 (points) have been evidenced....................143 Figure 8.24: Bridge model M3 (top), superstructure and piers maximum displacement demands from single NLTHA for members with continuous longitudinal reinforcement (centre) and with spliced longitudinal reinforcement at pier base (bottom). Mean NLTHA displacement pattern (black thick line) and pier displacement demands P1 to P4 (points) have been evidenced....................144 Figure 8.25: Bridge model M3 (top), superstructure and piers maximum displacement demands from single NLTHA for members with continuous longitudinal reinforcement (centre) and with spliced longitudinal reinforcement at pier base (bottom). Mean NLTHA displacement pattern (black thick line) and pier displacement demands P1 to P4 (points) have been evidenced....................145 Figure 8.26: Bridge model M4 (top), superstructure and piers maximum displacement demands from single NLTHA for members with continuous longitudinal reinforcement (centre) and with spliced longitudinal reinforcement at pier base (bottom). Mean NLTHA displacement pattern (black thick line) and pier displacement demands P1 to P4 (points) have been evidenced....................146 Figure 8.27: Bridge model M4 (top), superstructure and piers maximum displacement demands from single NLTHA for members with continuous longitudinal reinforcement (centre) and with spliced longitudinal reinforcement at pier base (bottom). Mean NLTHA displacement pattern (black thick line) and pier displacement demands P1 to P4 (points) have been evidenced....................147 Figure 8.28: Bridge model M4 (top), superstructure and piers maximum displacement demands from single NLTHA for PGA 0.35g (grey lines). Mean NLTHA displacement pattern (black thick line) and pier displacement demands P1 to P4 (points) have been evidenced for the case of continuous longitudinal reinforcement (centre) and with spliced longitudinal reinforcement at pier base (bottom). ......................................................................................................................................148 Figure 8.29: Comparison of displacement demand ratio from multi-degree-of-freedom analyses on entire bridge structure carried out in section 8.3 versus predictions developed in this study (see section 7.2.6) assuming capacity curves from numerical analyses in NLTHA. Displacement ductilities and drift ratios on horizontal axis are referred to systems without strength degradation (thus Model-CRA-SLM-EP) .......................................................................................................150 xviii Index Figure 8.30: Comparison of probability density function (PDF, left) and cumulative probability density function (CDF, right) of displacement error for normal distribution arising from differences between prediction (red line) and effectively obtained displacement ratios presented in Figure 8.29 ..............................................................................................................................................150 Figure 8.31: Comparison of displacement demand ratio from multi-degree-of-freedom analyses on entire bridge structure carried out in section 8.3 versus predictions developed in this study (see section 7.2.6) assuming capacity curves from numerical analyses in NLTHA. Displacement ductilities and drift ratios on horizontal axis are referred to systems without strength degradation (thus Model-CRE-SLM-EP)........................................................................................................ 151 Figure 8.32: Comparison of probability density function (PDF, left) and cumulative probability density function (CDF, right) of displacement error for normal distribution arising from differences between prediction (red line) and effectively obtained displacement ratios presented in Figure 8.31 ..............................................................................................................................................151 xix Index LIST OF TABLES Page Table 3.1: Column lap-splice requirements according to the ACI Code Provisions from years 1951 to 1989 ...............................................................................................................................................42 Table 3.2: Test specimen from previous studies considered here and having a circular section...........42 Table 3.3: Test specimen from previous studies considered here and having a quadratic cross section .......................................................................................................................................................43 Table 4.1: Characteristic data of test units.............................................................................................48 Table 5.1: Evaluation of sectional response quantities according to [Priestley et al., 2007]................53 Table 5.2: Results of bilinear idealization of member analysis with CUMBIA for test unit VK1 ........58 Table 5.3: Modeling assumptions for the cyclic inelastic analysis in Ruaumoko [Carr, 2004].............59 Table 5.4: Modelling assumptions for the cyclic inelastic analysis in Idarc [Idarc, 2006]....................60 Table 5.5: Comparison of calculated damping for single cycling of loading in analyses and experiment .......................................................................................................................................................61 Table 5.6: Results of linear idealization of member analysis by application of [Priestley et al., 1996] model .............................................................................................................................................62 Table 5.7: Results of linear idealization of member analysis by application of modified [Priestley et al., 1996] model in order to fit experimental data .........................................................................63 Table 5.8: Strength degradation modelling assumption for analysis in Ruaumoko [Carr, 2004]..........64 Table 5.9: Modelling assumptions for the cyclic inelastic analysis in Idarc [Idarc, 2006]....................64 Table 5.10: Comparison of calculated damping for single cycling of loading in analyses and experiment .....................................................................................................................................66 Table 5.11: Capacity curve assumptions considered in this study for NLTHA.....................................67 Table 5.12: Scaling factors experimental test units to real bridge piers dimensions .............................69 Table 5.13: Scaling factors for pier height variation starting from real bridge piers dimensions..........69 Table 6.1: Soil conditions for stiff soil (Soil B) according to code provisions [SIA 261, 2003]...........71 Table 6.2 Typical frequencies generated by different seismic sources..................................................72 xx Index Table 6.3 Post-processing procedures of real accelerograms ................................................................72 Table 6.4: Criteria for consideration of real ground motion data ..........................................................72 Table 6.5: Accepted real ground motions from past earthquakes..........................................................73 Table 6.6: Scaling factors based on Displacement Response Spectra for different seismicities in period range between T = 0.50-2.00sec. (3th-4th columns) and T = 0.35-1.00sec. (5th-6th columns), respectively....................................................................................................................................73 Table 6.7: Artificial ground motion generation parameters used in SIMQKE ......................................75 Table 7.1: Capacity curve assumptions considered in this study for NLTHA on single-degree-offreedom systems representing bridge piers subjected to transverse earthquake excitations..........77 Table 7.2: Modeling assumptions for reference, tested bridge pier (scaled to real dimensions) ...........77 Table 7.3: Variability of considered SDOF models for NLTHA ..........................................................78 Table 7.4: Single-degree-of-freedom systems considered in this section. Each system follow the backbone assumptions presented in Table 7.1 for members with and without strength degradation obtained with numerical analyses. Ductility dependent strength degradation is considered according to Table 5.8 ...................................................................................................................85 Table 7.5: Modified damping ratios to be consistent in terms of critical damping coefficients when performing NLHTA.......................................................................................................................91 Table 7.6: Stiffness and damping model assumptions for the considered methods...............................95 Table 7.7: Statistical data of earthquakes used in [Miranda et al., 2003] ..............................................97 Table 7.8: Site dependent coefficients for inelastic displacement ratios CR [Miranda et al., 2003]......98 Table 7.9: Capacity curve assumptions considered in this study for NLTHA.....................................101 Table 7.10: Secant stiffness correction factors λ for elastic damping [Priestley et al., 2007].............103 Table 7.11: Equivalent viscous damping coefficients for hysteretic damping component according to the procedure proposed by [Priestley et al.,2007] .......................................................................104 Table 7.12: Coefficients for effective linear parameters according to [Guyader et al., 2004b] for farfield ground motions, different hysteretic models and second slope ratios α .............................117 Table 7.13: Mean m, standard σ deviation of displacement error εD and probabilities for some ranges assuming a normal distribution according to error bound defined in [Guyader et al., 2004]......123 Table 7.14: Mean m, standard σ deviation of displacement error εD and probabilities for some ranges assuming a normal distributed distribution according to data presented in Figure 7.56 .............123 Table 7.15: Mean m, standard σ deviation of displacement error εD and probabilities for some ranges assuming a normal distributed distribution according to data presented in Figure 7.57 .............124 Table 7.16: Mean m, standard σ deviation of displacement error εD and probabilities for some ranges assuming a normal distributed distribution according to data presented in Figure 7.58 .............125 Table 7.17: Mean m, standard σ deviation of displacement error εD and probabilities for some ranges assuming a normal distributed distribution according to data presented in Figure 7.59 .............126 xxi Index Table 7.18: Mean m, standard σ deviation of displacement error εD and probabilities for some ranges assuming a normal distributed distribution according to data presented in Figure 7.60 .............127 Table 8.1: Superstructure properties according to a study carried out by Kuhn [Kuhn, 2008] on an existing Swiss roadway bridge with box-girder cross section.....................................................131 Table 8.2: Elasto-plastic modelling assumptions for abutments considered in this study...................138 xxii Index LIST OF SYMBOLS a agd Factor Peak ground acceleration according to [SIA 261, 2003] b Factor c concrete cover of concrete; distance from extreme compression fibre to neural axis c Damping coefficient; Factor ccr d Critical damping ratio Factor dbl Longitudinal reinforcing bar diameter ds Reinforcing bar diameter of transverse bars fc Concrete compressive cylinder strength fcc Compressive strength of confined concrete compressive fco Maximum feasible compressive strength of unconfined concrete f(δ) Drift dependent, displacement increasing factor f(μ) Ductility dependent, displacement increasing factor fl Lateral confining stress flx Lateral confining stress in x-direction fly Lateral confining stress in y-direction fs Stress of longitudinal reinforcement fy Yield strength of longitudinal reinforcement fyh Yield strength of transverse reinforcement fyt Yield strength of transverse reinforcement ft Concrete tensile strength fu Ultimate strength of longitudinal reinforcement g Acceleration due to gravity ke Effective stiffness kinit h h’ href Initial stiffness Bridge pier height Rectangular section core dimension measured to inside of longitudinal reinf. cage Pier height of reference pier xxiii Index ke Confinement effectiveness coefficient kel Elastic stiffness (of an abutment) lw Wall length ls Lap-splice length m Lumped mass me Effective mass p Perimeter of crack surfaces around bar in lap-splice failure r Bilinear factor for second slope stiffness s Longitudinal spacing of transverse reinforcement vs Soil shear wave velocity A Cross section area ADRS Aeff Ag AGM Aloop As Acceleration Displacement Response Spectra Acceleration in response spectra according to effective period Gross section area Artificial ground motion Area enclosed in a force-displacement loop Effective shear area Asec Acceleration in response spectra according to secant period Asx Total area of transverse reinforcement within spacing s, in x-direction Asy Total area of transverse reinforcement within spacing s, in y-direction Asp Bar area of spiral reinforcement Bc Column section width CR Inelastic correction factor CSM D D’ Capacity spectrum method Diameter of circular column Core diameter of circular column Dlin Maximum displacement amplitude of the linear time-history Dinel Maximum displacement amplitude of the non-linear time-history E Elastic modulus of elasticity Ec Concrete modulus of elasticity Es Modulus of elasticity of reinforcement Esec Secant modulus of elasticity Etot Total energy dissipation in hysteresis loops F Force Fdeg Force corresponding to initiation of degradation in capacity curve of a member Feff Force at effective (secant) stiffness Fel Elastic stiffness (of an abutment) Fm Force at maximum displacement Fres Fy Force corresponding residual displacement capacity Yielding force xxiv Index Fult Force corresponding ultimate displacement capacity G Shear modulus Hc Column section depth K0 Initial stiffness Iv Moment of inertia L Column length Lc Member length Leff Effective length of the member Lp Effective length of plastic hinge Lsp Strain penetration length M MADRS Moment; Earthquake Magnitude; Modification factor Modified Acceleration Displacement Response Spectra Mn Nominal flexural strength Ms Moment capacity of section, as limited by lap-splice strength Ms Moment magnitude of surface waves Mr Residual capacity of section, after failure by lap-splice My Yield moment Mu Ultimate moment capacity N NLTHA P Axial load Nonlinear time-history analysis Axial load PGA Peak Ground Acceleration PGD Peak Ground Displacement PGV Peak Ground Velocity PSA Peak pseudo spectral acceleration R RGM S SA Sa, real Sa, target SD T Force reduction factor Real ground motion Soil factor Peak spectral acceleration Peak spectral value in real ground motion response spectra Peak spectral value in target response spectra Peak spectral displacement Period TB Period for construction of response spectra TC Period for construction of response spectra TD Period for construction of response spectra Te Effective period Teff Effective period Tinit Initial vibration period T0 Initial vibration period Tsec Secant vibration period xxv Index V Shear force; shear strength Vc Shear capacity from concrete mechanism Vp Shear capacity from axial load mechanism Vs Shear capacity from steel truss mechanism α Factor αPGA β δ δdeg δmax εc εcc εco εcu εD εs εsm φ φy φn φu γ η λ μ μdeg μΔ μφ ξ ξe ξeff ξel ξel,NLTHA ξhyst ξ0 ρcc ρl ρs ρx ρy Scaling factor of ground motion Factor Drift ratio Member drift at initiation of strength degradation Maximum drift demand Concrete compression strain Strain at peak stress for confined concrete Strain at peak stress for unconfined concrete Ultimate compression strain in concrete Error measure of displacement error Strain of longitudinal reinforcement Maximum Strain of longitudinal reinforcement Curvature Yield curvature Nominal curvature Ultimate curvature Factor Damping reduction factor Secant stiffness correction factor Ductility factor; Factor Displacement ductility factor for initiation of strength degradation Displacement ductility factor Curvature ductility factor Viscous damping ratio Effective viscous damping ratio Effective viscous damping ratio Elastic viscous damping ratio Elastic viscous damping ratio assumed in NLTHA Hysteretic viscous damping ratio Elastic viscous damping ratio Volumetric ratio of transverse reinforcement Longitudinal reinforcement ratio Volumetric ratio of transverse reinforcement Area ratio of transverse reinforcement in x-direction Area ratio of transverse reinforcement in y-direction xxvi Index ρt σ Transverse reinforcement ratio Δ Displacement Δdemand Δelastic Δfy Δfu Δinelastic Δm Δmax Δres Δy Δtop Δult ϑ Standard deviation Displacement demand Displacement demand for an elastic analysis Flexural yield displacement of a member Ultimate flexural displacement of a member Displacement demand for an inelastic analysis Maximum displacement Maximum displacement experienced in a NLTHA Residual displacement capacity Yield displacement Displacement at top of member (i.e. bridge pier) Ultimate displacement capacity Angle of inclination of steel truss mechanism xxvii Chapter 1. Introduction 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Statement of the problem In many countries the majority of bridges as built before the establishment of modern seismic design codes. As a consequence, often these structures do not comply with current standards, and their seismic safety is, even in countries of moderate seismicity such as Switzerland, rather uncertain. On one hand, this may be the result of the higher seismic demand in modern codes compared to older provisions. On the other hand, from today’s perspective, older structures often show insufficient detailing which limits the deformation capacity significantly. Typical examples for deficient detailing are very low transverse reinforcement ratios or lap-splices in the potential plastic regions of the piers. Although in past decades significant progress has been made in the development of analysis procedures for newly designed structures, these same methods may not always be directly applicable to existing bridges. This is mainly the case because modern design principles preclude certain undesired failure modes, thus warranting a ductile and predictable deformation behaviour. However, these failure modes, shear failure, lap-splice failure or failure of the soil-foundation system for example, cannot generally be ruled out in existing structures, making their analysis more demanding. This is particularly the case if a failure mode does not only influence the deformation capacity but rather also the deformation demand, as for example in the case of a lap-splice failure. 1.2 Definition of terms and previous research 1.2.1 Strength degradation Considering a reinforced concrete member with continuous longitudinal reinforcement first, an idealized flexural response can usually be assumed as bilinear, with an elastic and an inelastic branch of deformation. The behaviour in the inelastic range starts at a yielding point, defined by a yield displacement and by a yielding lateral force and terminates at failure in correspondence with the ultimate displacement capacity. Over this range of deformations, the 28 Chapter 1. Introduction lateral load carrying capacity of the member is assumed to be approximately constant without degradation effects. On the other hand, in recognising the fact that the shear strength of reinforced concrete members is ductility dependent, different design and assessment models have been developed, experimentally tested and calibrated with the aim to describe the real shear capacity at different ductility levels. The first conceptual shear model can be found in the 1981 Seismic Design Guidelines for Highway Bridges [ATC-6, 1981] of the Applied Technology Council and more recently Kowalski and Priestley [Kowalski et al., 2000], Sezen and Moehle [Sezen et al., 2004] proposed revised or new models that explicitly take into consideration additional factors such as aspect ratio and axial load level. Together with the idealized flexural response, these shear models are used to categorize three different failure modes of columns subjected to lateral displacements: a) Flexural failure b) Flexural-shear failure c) Brittle shear failure Figure 1.1: Classification of reinforced concrete column failure modes as ATC-6 (1981) It has been experimentally demonstrated that the flexural behaviour of members with lap splices in plastic hinge regions suffer strength degradation starting in the inelastic branch of deformation (or even before yielding for short lap splices). As a consequence, the bilinear idealization of flexural strength capacity presented in Figure 1.1 must be corrected for this detailing deficiency in order to capture the real behaviour of the member. A conceptual strength degradation model that accounts lap-splice failure has been proposed by Priestley, Seible and Calvi in [Priestley et al., 1996] starting from considerations on the force-mechanism transfer in lap-splices and analyzing the interaction between longitudinal reinforcement, concrete matrix and lateral confinement at failure state. In their model Priestley el al. recognise the fact that a concrete matrix degrades with increasing ductility demand, thus lap splices capacity also diminishes with increasing ductility. A lap-splice failure is achieved when a rupture surface parallel and perpendicular to the member cross section is formed (see also Figure 1.3). Assuming the same shear strength envelope for members with or without lap splices, Figure 1.2 shows the capability of flexural strength degradation to avoid a shear failure reducing the shear demand in the inelastic range of deformations for certain cases. Moreover, it has to be noticed that strength degradation is always associated with the partial loss of lateral load 29 Chapter 1. Introduction capacity, with an increase of member displacement demand, and with a deterioration of the critical concrete section which can potentially lead to a deterioration of the axial load carrying capacity mechanism. Any improvement in shear failure prevention for members with splicedend reinforcement must always be regarded critically and weighted against these negative consequences. a) Failure without lap-splice b) Behaviour with lap-splice Figure 1.2: Shear failure prevention due to shear strength degradation in lap-splice 1.2.2 Lap-splice failure As described in [Priestley et al., 1996], “lap splice failure involves relative longitudinal movement of the spliced bars, and requires the formation of a fracture both perpendicular and parallel to the member surface in order to permit the bars to slide relative to the RC-member core. Depending on the spliced bars, the concrete, and reinforcement but mostly on splice length, the splice failure can occur before or after any yielding of the longitudinal bars, governing the displacement capacity of the member.” Figure 1.3: Lap-splice failure of longitudinal bars in columns [Priestley et al., 1996] 30 Chapter 1. Introduction 1.3 Objective and scope of the work Objective of this master thesis is the proper modelling of the monotonic and hysteretic behaviour of single-degree-of-freedom systems (SDOF) and multi-degree-of-freedom systems (MDOF) representing on one hand single existing bridge pier and on the other hand entire existing bridges featuring detailing deficiencies. Among the several possible deficiencies, the work focuses on the cyclic strength degradation resulting from the failure of lap-splices in potential plastic hinge regions. Accurate, realistic modelling of the hysteretic behaviour of bridge piers with or without spliced longitudinal-reinforcement at the pier base is a main goal of this study. To this purpose, recommendations and models given in the literature but also experimental results coming from test performed at ETH Zürich by Bimschas [Bimschas et al., 2008] on wall type bridge piers will be used to calibrate the numerical models. Firstly, the behaviour of single-degree-of-freedom systems representing single bridge piers with tributary superstructure mass will be studied and compared by means of dynamic analyses for the case of members with or without spliced longitudinal reinforcement at pier base. This will show the effect of a cyclically degrading system in an isolated and pure form, without any influence of other parts of the structure. In a later stage, entire bridge modelled as multi-degree-of-freedom systems are used to study the effect of strength degradation on integral systems, as well as the interaction between degrading and non-degrading parts of the structure. 31 Chapter 2. Overview of the report 2 OVERVIEW OF THE REPORT 2.1 Previous research Research on lap splice behaviour in reinforced concrete members under cyclic loading performed in the past was mainly intended for formulation of adequate development length for code provisions and retrofit assessment. Behavioural assessments only became major goal in recent times [Melek et al., 2004]. Moreover, these past studies were mostly focused on quadratic cross sections that were built to meet the requirements of the previous code provisions of the West Coast of the United States (pre 1971, according to Table 3.1), thus having a typical splice length of longitudinal reinforcement of roughly 20dbl (dbl longitudinal bar diameter). These very short (compression)-lap splices did not usually meet the requirements for tension yielding of the longitudinal bars, with consequently dramatically reduced strength capacity even at low ductilities. Figure 2.1: Examples of force displacement relation according to [Priestley et al., 1996] method versus experimental results on rectangular column units performed by [Melek et al., 2004] 32 Chapter 2. Overview of the report The influence of longer splice lengths, as it is the case of even older Swiss Code provisions, as well as of wall-type cross section shape on the backbone of the strength degradation curve can be quantified only very approximatively by means of existing test data, leading to the experimental works undertaken at the ETH Zürich by Dazio and Bimschas [Bimschas et al., 2008]. 2.2 Experimental data used in this work I the framework of an ongoing research project at the ETH Zürich, two test units were designed to represent real existing Swiss bridge piers from the 1960s with detailing incorporating seismic deficiencies typical for structures of that time. Both test units had the same concrete dimensions, same steel properties and similar concrete properties, the only difference being that one unit had a 43dbl lap-splice at the base of the pier while the other had continuous reinforcement [Bimschas et al., 2008]. Figure 2.2: Examples of typical bridge column cross section [Bimschas et al., 2008] Figure 2.3: Experimentally recorded hysteretic (force deformation) behaviour of test unit VK1 (left, continuous reinforcement) and VK2 (right, spliced reinforcement) [Bimschas et al., 2008] 33 Chapter 2. Overview of the report Despite the only difference between the two specimens being a lap-splice of the longitudinal reinforcement in test unit VK2, the observed hysteretic behaviour of the two units strongly differed especially in the inelastic deformation range. While VK1 exhibits hysteretic loop with practically no loss of strength up to shear failure, VK2 suffers significant cyclic strength degradation, but achieves longer drifts because of the "shear failure prevention provided by the splice" (section 1.2.1), being able to sustain the full axial load up to ultimate drift capacity. 2.3 Evaluation of monotonic and cyclic member response Based on existing theories on strength degradation, experimental evidence observed in [Bimschas et al., 2008] and appropriate hysteresis rules implemented in the software codes Ruaumoko [Carr, 2004] and Idarc [Idarc, 2006], monotonic and hysteretic member behaviour representing existing bridge piers with or without spliced longitudinal reinforcement at pier base has been reproduced. Figure 2.4: Experimentally obtained cyclic behaviour of test units VK1 (left) and VK2 (right) versus hysteretic loops using software code Ruaumoko [Carr, 2004] and Idarc [Idarc, 2006] The calibration of the shape of numerical hysteresis loops focused particularly on the matching of the hysteretic energy dissipated during the tests. In the numerical models, strength degradation was reproduced by means of two different theories. 1) based on pure ductility dependence in Ruaumoko [Carr, 2004] or 2) based on pure energy dissipation in Idarc [Idarc, 2006]. In this way, the influence of the strength degradation modelling on the response in dynamic analyses could be studied. 2.4 Definition of target seismicities Appropriate hazard levels covering a wide range of seismicities, from moderate to high, have been considered with the aim of producing inelastic member deformations of different magnitudes in single- and multi-degree-of-freedom systems. 34 Chapter 2. Overview of the report Based on target displacement response spectra given in the Swiss design code provisions [SIA 261, 2003], a total of twelve real and artificial ground motions were scaled or generated in order to match the target spectra for each hazard level. Figure 2.5: Assumed elastic response spectra of acceleration (left) and displacement (right) according to code provisions [SIA 261, 2003] for PGA of 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g (agd), stiff soil conditions (Soil B), structure importance factor III and elastic viscous damping ξ=0.02 2.5 Single-degree-of-freedom-analyses Firstly bridge piers were studied as isolated systems, in order to properly observe the influence of spliced longitudinal reinforcement in potential plastic hinge regions at pier base on their response. Moreover, parametrical variation of damping ratio, pier height, backbone curve assumptions were considered and their influence on member response (drift ratio, ductility demand) evaluated. Based on results arising from dynamic analyses, simplified displacement increasing factors accounting for larger displacement demands in members suffering strength degradation, when compared with the same members with no degradation were developed. Figure 2.6: Idealized single-degree-of-freedom systems representing a single bridge pier with lumped mass subjected to transverse earthquake excitation (left). Front (middle) and lateral view (right) of a typical bridge pier and superstructure considered in this study 35 Chapter 2. Overview of the report Finally, by means of different displacement prediction methods based on initial stiffness, secant stiffness or effective stiffness, displacement demands were estimated and compared with results stemming from dynamic analyses for members without and with strength degradation. In the latter case, improvements in the application of the displacement increasing factors mentioned previously were evaluated. 2.6 Multi-degree-of-freedom-analyses Entire bridge structures, formed by a series of bridge piers linked by a superstructure and restrained by elasto-plastic abutments were finally modelled and analyzed. Effects of strength degradation on multi-degree-of-freedom systems were thus studied and compared with observations obtained from single-degree-of-freedom analyses. Figure 2.7: Example of bridge model (top). Superstructure and piers maximum displacement demands from single NLTHA and PGA 0.35g are represented by grey lines. Mean NLTHA displacement pattern (black thick line) and pier displacement demands P1 to P4 (points) are evidenced for case of continuous longitudinal reinforcement (centre) and spliced longitudinal reinforcement at pier base (bottom). As a general consideration, due to the higher redundancy of complex bridge models versus “isolated” bridge piers, strength degradation in multi-degree-of-freedom systems was less important and severe than that single-degree-of-freedom analyses. In fact, loss of lateral load carrying capacity in one pier was compensated by adjacent piers and abutments connected through the superstructure, thus preventing a local and global structural failure. 36 Chapter 3. Previous studies on strength degradation 3 PREVIOUS STUDIES ON STRENGTH DEGRADATION 3.1 Strength degradation model according to [Priestley et al., 1996] Using the description presented in [Priestley et al., 1996], “[…] curves 1 and 2 of Figure 3.1 describe the moment-curvature interaction of a section without spliced longitudinal reinforcement. The flexural moment capacity at yielding is equal to the nominal moment Mn and correspond to a curvature ductility of μφ=1; beyond this point, in members detailed with significant lateral confinement the moment capacity increase up to the ultimate moment capacity Mu and curvature ductility μ1 while by members with low transverse confinement the moment capacity remains constant up to failure, at a ductility μ1. On the other hand, curves 3 and 4 of Figure 3.1 represent the idealized sectional behaviour for members with spliced reinforcement. In this case the flexural strength will degrade from the initial strength Ms to a residual strength Mr as cyclic inelastic response develops. For sections where splice failure initiates before Mn is achieved, an ultimate curvature ductility of μφ=8 for attainment of Mr can be assumed otherwise a value of μφ=(8+μ3) is set for the damage-control limit state. The value of μ3 corresponds to an extreme compression fibre compression strain of εc=0.002.” Figure 3.1: Idealized moment-curvature relationship for members without or with lap-splices in potential plastic hinge regions [Priestley et al., 1996] 37 Chapter 3. Previous studies on strength degradation The maximum bar force capacity Tb, that can be transferred without the assistance of special transverse reinforcement confining the splice depends on the splice length ls, and tension strength of the concrete ft together with the idealized perimeter of the concrete failure block p as follows: Tb = Ab f s = f t pl s (2.1) Therefore, once the transferring force has been defined for a specific detailing, the member behaviour can be estimate (see section 5.1.2). Figure 3.2: Tension stress induced by force transfer in lap splices [Priestley et al., 1996] 3.2 Experimental studies Researche on lap-splice behaviour in reinforced concrete members under cyclic loading performed in the past can be categorized into three different groups, depending on the main goal: a) required development length, b) retrofit assessment and c) behaviour assessment. Among the previous experimental studies, work done by Chai [Chai et al., 1991], Lynn [Lynn et al., 1996] and Melek [Melek et al., 2004] can be considered of particular interest. In the latter case, research was focused on full scale columns covering a wide range of parameters such as different levels of axial load, lateral load history (cyclic and near fault) and considering the interaction between lateral load capacity and loss of axial load-carrying capacity. 3.2.1 Chai et al., 1991 Chai [Chai et al., 1991] investigated primarily the retrofit of circular columns by encasing plastic hinge regions in a bonded steel jacket. As reference they tested two identical bridge columns built according to 1960s standards in California with the following detailing deficiencies: 20dbl splice at column base (only for one case) and low transverse reinforcement ratio. According to the behaviour of members with lap splices, the backbone curve of this reference column suffered from rapid, asymptotically strength degradation after the first cycle to displacement ductility of 1.5, thus decreasing the lateral load carrying capacity down to a residual level dictated from pure axial load eccentricity. On the contrary, the reference specimen with continuous longitudinal reinforcement was able to carry the high lateral load 38 Chapter 3. Previous studies on strength degradation capacity up to failure which occurred at approximately a displacement ductility of 5.0 as can be seen in Figure 3.4. Figure 3.3: Test setup and reinforcement details for the columns tested by [Chai et al., 1991] Figure 3.4: Hysteretic response of reference columns without (left) and with lap-splice (right) from experiments performed by [Chai et al., 1991] 3.2.2 Lynn et al., 1996 Lynn [Lynn et al., 1996] conducted experiments on vulnerable building columns with typical proportion and details based on surveys of RC buildings built before the 1970's on the West Coast of the United States of America in order to provide new information on the lateral and axial load carrying capacity of these structural elements. Column test units were built with a quadratic cross section, two different configurations of longitudinal bars and three different detailing of transverse reinforcement. Out of a total of eight test units, three were built with a 20dbl splice of longitudinal reinforcement at the column base. 39 Chapter 3. Previous studies on strength degradation Figure 3.5: Load assembly and specimen location [Lynn et al., 1996] Figure 3.6: Column test unit and cross section with different transverse detailing [Lynn et al., 1996] Experimental evidence of degradation of the lateral load carrying capacity mechanism with increasing displacement ductility demand was noticed for two of the three units with spliced reinforcement subjected to the double bending. Nevertheless, consistently different backbones for these specimens were obtained. Comparing the results of specimen 3SLH18 with these of 2SLH18, the only difference between them being in longitudinal reinforcement ratio (3% against 2%), the different level of strength degradation is evident (Figure 3.7). Figure 3.7: Load-displacement relations for the test units with spliced reinforcement [Lynn et al., 1996] 40 Chapter 3. Previous studies on strength degradation The authors also observed that the likelihood that gravity load can be maintained beyond the point where lateral load capacity is dramatically reduced depends upon the nature of the lateral load failure, the column details, the level of axial load and the lateral load history. If primarily shear failure occurs, this results in rapid loss of gravity load carrying capacity regardless of the gravity load level (specimen 3SMD12) but as experimental evidence supports, if failure initiates in the lap-splice, the column may simply "hinge at the splice" temporarily relieving shear demands and leaving a column capable of sustaining gravity loads until splice failure degenerates to shear failure. 3.2.3 Melek et al., 2004 Melek and Wallace [Melek et al., 2004] performed experiments with the aim to overcome the lack of knowledge on the lateral load behaviour of columns with splice of the longitudinal reinforcement, and to study the influence of important parameters such as axial load and shear for a level as well as load history. The lap splice implemented in the test units was 20dbl for all cases. Figure 3.8: Test setup, reinforcing details and unit cross sections [Melek et al., 2004] Evidence of degradation of the lateral load resisting mechanism can be seen in Figure 3.9, where normalized base moment versus lateral drift is plotted. All specimen exhibit similar responses with lateral strength degradation stating at drift levels of δ=1-1.5% (μ=1.5-2.5). Figure 3.9: Normalized moment drift relations for all test units [Melek et al., 2004] 41 Chapter 3. Previous studies on strength degradation As a consequence lateral strength degradation started either just prior to or just after yielding of the longitudinal starter bars, thus leading to non-ductile member responses with limited energy dissipation. 3.2.4 Considerations on test specimen from past studies Among the test specimen presented in sections 3.2.1 to 3.2.3, nine out of ten presented a quadratic cross section while column tested in [Chai et al., 1991] had a circular shape. Moreover, test specimen were built according to previous code provisions in West Coast of United Stated (pre 1971, Table 3.1), thus featuring a typical splice length of roughly 20dbl (dbl longitudinal bar diameter). These very short (compression)-lap splices usually did not fullfil the requirements for tension yielding of the longitudinal bars, with consequently dramatically reduced strength capacity even at low ductilities. Table 3.1: Column lap-splice requirements according to the ACI Code Provisions from years 1951 to 1989 fy f'c (ksi) (psi) 40 ≥ 3000 (20.7MPa) (275.8MPa) 1951 1956 1963 19711 19712 19771 App(A) 40 < 3000 (275.8MPa) (20.7MPa) 50 ≥ 3000 (344.7MPa) (20.7MPa) 50 < 3000 (344.7MPa) (20.7MPa) 60 ≥ 3000 (413.7MPa) (20.7MPa) 60 < 3000 (413.7MPa) (20.7MPa) 19772 19831 App(A) 19833 19891 19894 Ch.21 App(A) 20dbl 20dbl 20dbl 20dbl 30dbl 20dbl 30dbl 20dbl 39dbl 20dbl 30dbl 27dbl 27dbl 27dbl 27dbl 30dbl 27dbl 30dbl 27dbl 39dbl 27dbl 30dbl 20dbl 20dbl 20dbl 25dbl 30dbl 25dbl 30dbl 25dbl 49dbl 25dbl 38dbl 27dbl 27dbl 27dbl 33dbl 33dbl 33dbl 33dbl 33dbl 49dbl 33dbl 38dbl 24dbl 24dbl 24dbl 30dbl 30dbl 30dbl 30dbl 30dbl 59dbl 30dbl 45dbl 32dbl 32dbl 32dbl 40dbl 40dbl 40dbl 40dbl 40dbl 59dbl 40dbl 45dbl 1 Values may be reduced 17% for confinement by "minimum ties" Appendix A of the ACI code, "Special Provisions for Seismic Design" 3 Appendix A of the ACI code, Class "C" Lap Splice calculated for f'c=3000psi" 4 Chapter 21 of the ACI code, Class "B" Lap Splice calculated for f'c=3000psi" 2 Compared with Swiss Code requirements of the same years (previous 1970), the development length according to Table 3.1 are consistently lower. In fact, even in older Swiss provisions a minimal development length of 40dbl had always been used in practice, because of a tension splice requirements. Therefore, experimental evidence stemming from studies performed by [Chai et al., 1991], [Lynn et al., 1996] and [Melek et al., 2004] as well as the model proposed by [Priestley et al., 1996] (see Figure 3.10, Figure 3.11 as well as Annex A) can be considered just as a starting point for the study of the behaviour of existing building and bridges constructed in Switzerland, thus underlying the lack of research in this field. Table 3.2: Test specimen from previous studies considered here and having a circular section Study Spec. D (m) L (m) fy (MPa) fu (MPa) f’c (MPa) dbl (mm) ρl (-) ties (-) P/(f’cAg) (-) ls (-) [Chai et al., 1991] Col. 1 0.61 3.658 315.1 497.8 38.2 19.05 2.53 S 0.177 20dbl 42 Chapter 3. Previous studies on strength degradation Table 3.3: Test specimen from previous studies considered here and having a quadratic cross section Study Spec. b..h (m) L (m) fy (MPa) fu (MPa) f’c (MPa) dbl (mm) ρl (-) ties (-) P/(f’cAg) (-) ls (-) [Lynn et al., 1996] 3SLH18 0.46 2.95 331 495 25.6 31.8 3 H 0.09 20dbl [Lynn et al., 1996] 2SLH18 0.46 2.95 331 495 33.1 25.4 2 H 0.07 20dbl [Lynn et al., 1996] 3SMD12 0.46 2.95 331 495 25.5 31.8 3 D 0.28 20dbl [Melek et al., 2004] 2S10M 0.46 1.83 510 818 36 25.4 2 H 0.1 20dbl [Melek et al., 2004] 2S20M 0.46 1.83 510 818 36 25.4 2 H 0.2 20dbl [Melek et al., 2004] 2S30M 0.46 1.83 510 818 36 25.4 2 H 0.3 20dbl [Melek et al., 2004] 2S20H 0.46 1.68 510 818 35 25.4 2 H 0.2 20dbl [Melek et al., 2004] 2S20HN 0.46 1.68 510 818 35 25.4 2 H 0.2 20dbl [Melek et al., 2004] 2S30X 0.46 1.52 510 818 35 25.4 2 H 0.3 20dbl 3.3 Comparison of experimental evidence with the method according to [Priestley et al., 1996] 3.3.1 Unit with circular a cross section Based on test results of an "as-built" circular column in [Chai et al., 1991] a comparison between predicted force-displacement behaviour and real capacity curve can be seen in Figure 3.10. Priestley degradation model [Priestley et al., 1996] describes with accuracy the member response in terms of force and deflection. In this case the splice length of 20dbl was able to develop the full nominal moment capacity, thus ensuring a moderate inelastic deformation without loss of lateral load capacity, before strength degradation started at displacement ductility of approximately μ=1.5. Moreover, it can be noticed that the rate of strength degradation is somewhat smaller compared to that observed in tests on columns with quadratic cross section. This is a positive consequence of the distribution of the longitudinal reinforcement over the cross section of the column (see chapter 4.1.3). Figure 3.10: Example of a force-displacement rel. computed according to [Priestley et al., 1996] compared to the experimental results of a circular column (left) and relevant testing setup (right) [Chai et al., 1991] 43 Chapter 3. Previous studies on strength degradation 3.3.2 Units with quadratic cross sections The nine units with quadratic cross section tested by [Lynn et al., 1996] and [Melek et al., 2004] considered in this study and summarized in Table 3.3 all had a sectional dimension of 457 time 457millimeters. According to the [Priestley et al., 1996] degradation model only one specimen was able to develop full nominal moment capacity while in eight cases yielding of longitudinal bars could not be achieved. Figure 3.11 shows for four of these nine columns capacity curve experimentally obtained versus analytical prediction. Also in these cases, the [Priestley et al., 1996] degradation model accurately describes the force displacement behaviour of the specimens, particularly for those with "no yielding of longitudinal bar" but seems to be conservative in the prediction of the lateral load carrying capacity for the member with yielding of longitudinal bars (Figure 3.11, top left). In one case (Figure 3.11, bottom left) simulation of a near fault directivity pulse was tested, hence a different experimental backbone curve for positive and negative loading can be observed. Figure 3.11: Examples of force-displacement relationships computed according to [Priestley et al., 1996] compared to experimental results of rectangular columns 44 Chapter 3. Previous studies on strength degradation 3.3.3 Summary considerations Because of the complexity and the number of factors governing cyclic strength degradation of a single member, a linear idealization of an irregular backbone curve is always difficult to achieve. Nevertheless comparison of experimental results on circular and quadratic columns performed in previous studies with the proposed analytical procedure by Priestley [Priestley et al., 1996] have shown, that for short lap splice lengths (20dbl), the analyses accurately described the general member force deformation behaviour, capturing the point of initiation and the shape of strength degradation for most of the cases (see also Annex A). As previously stated, all the test units were built with a lap splice of 20dbl according to older ACI Code provisions and for 90% of the cases the considered column cross section was quadratic with dimensions 457mm squared. Influence of longer splice length and wall-type cross section shape on initiation and backbone of strength degradation curve can not be quantified with these data. This lead to the experimental work undertaken at ETH Zürich by Dazio and Bimschas presented in [Bimschas et al., 2008] and considered for the next sections of this work. 45 Chapter 4. Experimental database 4 EXPERIMENTAL DATABASE 4.1 Motivation of experimental work 4.1.1 Code provisions dependence on required splice length As described in Chapter 3, cyclic failure of lap-splices in plastic regions has been studied experimentally and a model to describe its influence on the cyclic strength degradation of the member has been proposed, but previous research has been conducted with short lap-splices of 20dbl length, which were common in the U.S. older provisions as pure compression splices. However, in Switzerland for example, even in the past compression as well as tension lapsplices have been designed with a length of at least 40dbl which should warrant to some extent a better performance than that of the short lap-splices mentioned above. 4.1.2 Experimental test units Two of the most common deficiencies of older existing bridge piers are low transverse reinforcement ratios and lap-splices at the pier base. The former may cause premature shear failure, thus reducing the displacement capacity of the pier, while the latter can lead to a degradation of flexural strength during inelastic cyclic loading which can cause an increase in displacement demand. As the flexural strength defines the shear demand, there may also be an interaction between the lap-splice behaviour and potential shear problems. In order to quantify the effects of lap-splice on member behaviour two 1:2 scale quasi-static cyclic tests on bridge piers with wall type cross section were carried out at ETH Zürich [Bimschas et al., 2008]. The test units were designed to represent real existing Swiss bridge piers from the 1960s with detailing incorporating seismic deficiencies which are typical for structures of that time. All units have the same concrete dimensions, the same steel properties and similar concrete properties with the only difference being that one unit had a lap-splice at the base of 43dbl while the other one had continuous reinforcement. 46 Chapter 4. Experimental database 4.1.3 Effects of cross section type on member Previous research was mainly conducted on squared cross sections and only in the work conducted by Chai [Chai et al., 1991] was a circular cross section studied. Squared cross sections, contrary to circular and wall cross sections have the particularity that reinforcement is mainly concentrated at the extremities, thus leading to consistently higher contribution of "end reinforcement bars" on the overall flexural strength. As a consequence, loss of tension strength at the extremities due to splice degradation for increasing sectional curvature leads to a faster degradation of the overall member behaviour in comparison with wall and circular sections. Figure 4.1: Examples of typical bridge column cross section For this reason and because wall shape cross sections are widely used in older existing Swiss bridge piers, this has been the preferred cross section in the experiments carried out by Bimschas [Bimschas et al., 2008]. 4.2 Test setup and units The experimental test setup consisted of a reaction wall with a horizontal actuator able to provide lateral force on the tested specimen and two vertical actuators for axial force. In order to provide a strong footing for the tested specimens, the footings were also bi-directionally pre-stressed. The experiments consisted of displacement controlled, quasi-static loading history applied to the cantilever pier with a lateral load application at 3.3m height above the pier base. Figure 4.2: Setup for the quasi-static test on existing Swiss bridge piers carried out at the ETH Zürich [Bimschas et al., 2008] 47 Chapter 4. Experimental database Table 4.1: Characteristic data of test units Test Unit VK1 Test Unit VK2 Axial load N (kN) 1370 1370 Concrete compressive cylinder strength fc (MPa) 35 39 Yield strength of longitudinal reinforcement fy (MPa) 515 515 Ultimate strength of longitudinal reinforcement fu (MPa) 630 630 Yield strength of transverse reinforcement fyh (MPa) 500 500 Longitudinal reinforcement ratio ρl (%) 0.82 0.82 Transverse reinforcement ratio ρt (%) 0.08 0.08 Aspect ratio H/lw 2.2 2.2 Lap-splice length Ls (mm) - 600 (∼43dbl) In order to simulate bridge pier behaviour, the test units were subjected to a constant axial load of 1370kN during the whole test, corresponding to a moderate axial load ratio of N/(Agf'c)=0.075 respective 0.067 for VK1 and VK2. Figure 4.3: Cross section, reinforcement detailing and elevation of test units VK1-2 [Bimschas et al., 2008] 48 Chapter 4. Experimental database 4.3 Quasi-static cyclic experiments Load application consisted of the quasi-static loading of the tested specimen to target top displacements. Small cycles of loading were interposed between two identical large cycles up to a target displacement of about 60mm; beyond this only large cycles were performed up to the failure of the tested units. Figure 4.4: Experimentally recorded hysteretic (force deformation) behaviour of test unit VK1 (left, continuous reinforcement) and VK2 (right, spliced reinforcement) [Bimschas et al., 2008] Figure 4.5: Quasi-static cyclic displacement application on test unit VK1 (left, continuous reinforcement) and VK2 (right, spliced reinforcement) [Bimschas et al., 2008] A detailed description of the test results can be found in [Bimschas et al., 2008]; relevant here is, that despite the only difference between the two specimens being a splice of the longitudinal reinforcement in specimen VK2, the observed hysteretic behaviour of the two units strongly differed in the inelastic range of deformations. While VK1 exhibits hysteretic loop with practically, no loss of strength up to shear failure, VK2 suffers high cyclic strength 49 Chapter 4. Experimental database degradation but achieves higher drifts because of the "shear failure prevention" effect provided by the lap-splice (see section 1.2.1), thus being able to sustain the full axial load up to ultimate drift capacity. Figure 4.6: Quasi-static cyclic horizontal load application on test unit VK1 (left, continuous reinforcement) and VK2 (right, spliced reinforcement) [Bimschas et al., 2008] 50 Chapter 5. Fundamental modelling assumptions 5 FUNDAMENTAL MODELLING ASSUMPTIONS 5.1 Sectional and member response 5.1.1 Flexural response without lap splice Sectional response is obtained by performing a moment curvature analysis and idealized into a bilinear curve. Subsequently, by making use of the concentrated plasticity concept, a forcedeformation relationship is obtained by integrating section curvatures over member length. The moment curvature diagram is constructed with the aid of the computer software Cumbia [Montejo et al., 2007] to carry out the moment curvature analysis using the properties of the critical section. The program is written in software code Matlab and performs the sectional analysis using the unconfined and confined concrete models proposed by Mander [Mander et al., 1988a,b] and the reinforcing steel model proposed by King [King et al., 1986]. Alternatively the user is able to define any other model for unconfined or confined concrete and for reinforcing steel. Default material models in Cumbia [Montejo et al., 2007] used for the analyses are presented herein. (a) Model for the Confined Concrete The longitudinal compressive stress f’c is given by fc = f cc' xr r −1+ xr (5.1) where: x= εc ε cc (5.2) ⎡ ⎛ f cc' ⎞⎤ − 1 ⎟⎟ ⎥ ' ⎝ f co ⎠ ⎥⎦ ε cc = ε co ⎢1 + 5 ⎜⎜ ⎣⎢ (5.3) 51 Chapter 5. Fundamental modelling assumptions Ec E c − E sec r = f cc' E sec = ⎛ ε cu = 1 .4 ⎜⎜ 0 .004 + ⎝ (5.4) (5.5) ε cc 1 . 4 ρ s f yh ε su ⎞ ⎟⎟ , with εcu 40% larger as in [Mander et al., 1988a,b] f cc' ⎠ (5.6) The level of confinement is defined differently for circular and rectangular sections and depends on the amount of transverse reinforcement in the section. For circular sections: ⎛ 7 . 94 f l ' fl' 2 f cc' = f co' ⎜ − 1 . 254 + 2 . 254 1 + − ⎜ f co' f co' ⎝ f l' = ρs = 1 k e ρ s f yh 2 (5.9) dss ⎛ s' ⎞ ⎟ ⎜⎜ 1 − 2 d s ⎟⎠ ⎝ ke = 1 − ρ cc ke = (5.7) (5.8) 4 A sp 1− ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ 2 s' 2d s 1 − ρ cc for circular hoops (5.10) for circular spirals (5.11) For rectangular sections: f lx' = k e ρ x f yh and ρx = ⎛ ⎜1 − ⎜ ke = ⎝ n Asx sH c and (w ) ∑ 6B i =1 f ly' = k e ρ y f yh ρy = ⎞⎛ ⎟⎜ 1 − s ' ⎟⎜ 2 Bc c H c ⎠⎝ 1 − ρ cc ' 2 i (5.12) A sy (5.13) sB c ⎞⎛ s' ⎟⎟ ⎜⎜ 1 − 2H c ⎠⎝ ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎠ (5.14) To determine the confined concrete compressive strength in rectangular sections Cumbia [Montejo et al., 2007] assumes an average effective lateral confined stress of f l ' = 0 . 5 ( f lx' + f ly' ) (5.15) 52 Chapter 5. Fundamental modelling assumptions (b) Model for the Unconfined Concrete The unconfined concrete follow the same curve as the confined concrete with a lateral confined stress of f'l = 0. The part of the falling branch for strains larger than 2εo is assumed to be a straight line which reaches zero at εsp. (c) King Model for the Reinforcing Steel The stress-strain relation for the reinforcing steel used the model proposed by King [King et al., 1986] is f s = E sε s εs ≤ εy (5.16) fs = f y εy ≤ εs ≤ εsh (5.17) ⎡ m (ε s − ε sh ) + 2 (ε s − ε sh )(60 − m ) ⎤ fs = f y ⎢ + ⎥ εsh ≤ εs ≤ εsm 2 2 (30 r + 1) ⎣ 60 (ε s − ε sh ) + 2 ⎦ (5.18) ⎛ f su ⎜ ⎜ f y m= ⎝ ⎞ ⎟ (30 r + 1)2 − 60 r − 1 ⎟ ⎠ 15 r 2 and r = εsm - εsh (5.19) (d) Idealization of the moment curvature diagram The bilinear idealization of the moment curvature diagram is estimated according to the recommendations given by [Priestley et al., 2007] as follow: Table 5.1: Evaluation of sectional response quantities according to [Priestley et al., 2007] Condition (at fist occurrence of either) Point First Yield My, φy εs = εy = fy/Es εc = 0.002 Nominal Moment Mn εs = 0.015 εc = 0.004 Description Steel strain at yielding Strain at peak stress of unconfined concrete Strain limit on steel deformations after yielding (onset of 1mm crack width) Ultimate strain of unconfined concrete (onset of spalling) Nominal Curvature φn φn = φn Mn/My Linearly extrapolated nominal curvature from first yielding Ultimate Capacity Mu, φu εs = 0.6εsu Effective ultimate strain of steel Ultimate strain of confined concrete εc = εcu The member response is obtained using the plastic hinge method proposed by [Priestley et al., 1996]. The plastic hinge method replaces the real curvature distribution with an equivalent curvature distribution in order to find the displacements in the member. L p = kL c + L sp ≥ 2 L sp (5.20) 53 Chapter 5. Fundamental modelling assumptions L sp = 0 . 022 f s d bl f sp ≥ f y ⎛ f ⎞ k = 0 . 2 ⎜ su − 1 ⎟ ≤ 0 . 08 ⎜ f ⎟ ⎝ y ⎠ (5.21) (5.22) An effective length of the member is then defined as: L eff = L + L sp single bending (5.23) L eff = L + 2 L sp double bending (5.24) The flexural displacement of the member at yielding considers the effective length of the member and is calculated as: Δ fy = φ n L2eff single bending (5.25) double bending (5.26) Δ fu = (φ u − φ n )L p (L + L sp − 0 . 5 L p ) + Δ fy single bending (5.27) Δ fu = (φ u − φ n )L p (L + 2 (L sp − 0 . 5 L p )) + Δ fy double bending (5.28) Δ fy = 3 φ n L2eff 6 The flexural displacement at ultimate capacity is given by: 5.1.2 Flexural response with lap splice The maximum bar force Tb that can be transferred without the assistance of special transverse reinforcement confining the splice according to the procedure of [Priestley et al., 1996] is Tb = Ab f s = f t pl s (5.29) And the perimeter p of the characteristic block is p= p= πD ' 2n + 2 ( d bl + c ) ≤ 2 2 ( c + d bl ) s + 2 ( d bl + c ) ≤ 2 2 ( c + d bl ) 2 circular cross section (5.30) rectangular cross section (5.31) where n is the number of longitudinal bars of diameter dbl evenly spaced around the core of diameter D' with cover c and s is the average spacing between spliced pairs of bars along the critical member face. The upper limit to Equations (5.30) and (5.31) applies when bars are widely spaced and failure by the starter bars pulling off the core with a 45° wedge result in a lower effective perimeter. Taking a conservative estimate the tension strength as 54 Chapter 5. Fundamental modelling assumptions f t = 0 . 33 f c' ( MPa ) (5.32) the required splice length so that the longitudinal bar reach a given stress fs is l s = 0 . 48 d bl f s / f c' (5.33) Assuming fs=fy we obtain the necessary development length of the longitudinal bar in order to reach yielding thus the considered lap splice length of each member can be checked for this condition. (a) Yielding of longitudinal bars achieved If yielding of longitudinal reinforcement bars is achieved, the multi-linear idealized momentcurvature follows the same path as bilinear idealized curve up to the point of nominal capacity Mn. Beyond this point the flexural capacity is assumed to be constant up to an extreme fibre compression strain of concrete εc=0.002. After this point the capacity degrades linearly up to the residual strength moment Mr (based on axial force eccentricity alone): ⎛ h '− a ⎞ M r = P⎜ ⎟ ⎝ 2 ⎠ rectangular section (5.34) ⎛ D' ⎞ M r = P⎜ ⎟ ⎝2− x⎠ circular section (5.35) It has been experimentally estimated, that this residual moment capacity can be conservatively associated with a sectional curvature of: φ = 8φ n + φ (ε c = 0 . 002 ) φn (5.36) Priestley, Seible and Calvi [Priestley et al., 1996] recommend that this sectional curvature be considered the ultimate curvature capacity for assessment of damage-control limit state, although experimental evidence from a limited database indicates that larger curvature ductilities can be sustained. The idealized moment-curvature relationship for the case where yielding of the longitudinal reinforcement is not achieved is shown in Figure 5.1 by means of curve number four. (b) Yielding of longitudinal bars not achieved If yielding of longitudinal reinforcement bars is not achieved, because of short lap splice, the nominal moment capacity will never be achieved and the maximum flexural strength of the section can be estimated assuming a reinforcing steel stress fs. The corresponding curvature can be calculated as φs = φn Ms Mn (5.37) 55 Chapter 5. Fundamental modelling assumptions The flexural strength of the member will degrade after this point from Ms to a residual moment Mr as cyclic inelastic response develops. Experimental results support a residual section curvature, associated with Mr of: φ = 8φ n (5.38) Figure 5.1: Curvature ductility for members without and with lap splices in column end regions 5.1.3 Shear capacity envelope The shear capacity envelope for each column is estimated using the revised UCSD Model by Kowalsky and Priestley [Kowalsky et al., 2000] and the Sezen [Sezen et al., 2004] shear model. Both models are ductility dependent for increasing member curvature and explicitly consider the effects of axial load on total shear strength capacity. (a) Modified UCSD shear model The model predicts shear strength capacity of the member as the sum of three separate components: steel truss mechanism Vs, axial load mechanism Vp and concrete shearing mechanism Vc. V = Vs + V p + Vc (5.39) The steel truss mechanism assumes an angle of inclination of ϑ=30° from the longitudinal axis of the member and is calculated as follow: Vs = π 2 D − c lb + A sp f yh V s = A xx f yh s H − c lb + s dh −c 2 cot( ϑ ) dh −c 2 cot( ϑ ) circular section (5.40) rectangular section (5.41) The concrete shear strength mechanism is ductility dependent and accounts for degradation of concrete the matrix with increasing member curvature: 56 Chapter 5. Fundamental modelling assumptions f c' (0 . 8 A g ) V c = αβγ (5.42) M ≤ 1 .5 VD β = 0 .5 + 20 ρ l ≤ 1 (5.43) 0 . 05 ≤ γ = 0 . 37 − 0 . 04 μ Δ ≤ 0 . 29 uni-axial bending (5.45) 0 . 05 ≤ γ = 0 . 33 − 0 . 04 μ Δ ≤ 0 . 29 bi-axial bending (5.46) 1≤α = 3− (5.44) Where the yield displacement corresponds to Δfy, calculated considering only the flexural deformation and the ratio M/VD is equivalent to the aspect ratio Lc/D. For rectangular sections Lc/lw is assumed. The axial load contribution describes the positive effect of compression load on shear strength and is considered as: D−c 2L D−c Vp = P L Vp = 0 Vp = P P>0 single bending (5.47) P>0 double bending (5.48) P<0 (5.49) The previous equations are used for the assessment of existing structures. In the case of a design for a new structure a more conservative approach is used, reducing the acting axial load by 15%, increasing the angle of inclination up to ϑ=35° and applying a global strength reduction factor of 0.85. (b) Sezen shear model The model predicts the shear strength capacity of the member as the sum of two separate components: the steel truss mechanism Vs and the concrete shearing mechanism Vc. In this procedure the shear strength degradation is related to both the concrete and the steel truss mechanism, with the latter one being the result of anchorage degradation and reinforcement misalignment. V n = k Δ (V c + V s ) Vc = Vs = f c' 0 .5 a d Ast f yh d s 1+ (5.50) P 0 .5 f c' A g 0 .8 A g (5.51) (5.52) As noted by Miranda [Miranda et al., 2004] “[…] the formulation of concrete shear strength corresponds to the principal tension stress of un-cracked concrete members subjected to both normal and shear stresses and is limited by 0 .5 f c' . Moreover the aspect ratio a/d correction factor was introduced to calibrate the equation as the result of experimental data, but the specimen covered only a small range between 2.0 and 4.0, thus caution is needed outside this range.” 57 Chapter 5. Fundamental modelling assumptions 5.2 Modelling of reinforced concrete members without lap splices With the aim to perform NLTHA on single piers and on whole structures, the experimental member behaviour (monotonic and cyclic) of test unit VK1 (continuous longitudinal reinforcement) was estimated analytically based on assumptions of Chapter 5.1. 5.2.1 Monotonic member behaviour Assuming material and sectional properties given in Chapter 4, member deformations were obtained from sectional analysis and using the theory of lumped plasticity. Finally by means of an idealization a bilinear approximation of member force deformation relation was calculated. Table 5.2: Results of bilinear idealization of member analysis with CUMBIA for test unit VK1 Sectional response -1 Member response Description of considered point φ (m ) M (kNm) Δ top (mm) F (KN) nominal yielding (φy, Mn) 0.00325 2357.9 14.52 714.51 ultimate capacity (φu, Mu) 0.03439 2230 48.97 697.0 Comparison of analytical results versus experiment can be seen in Figure 5.2. The analytical pushover curve is very similar to the backbone curve of the experiments in terms of displacement and lateral load capacity, but conservative regarding ultimate displacement capacity. This latter consideration arises because Cumbia uses a conservative hinge length Lp for walls, neglecting the wall length contribution on plastic hinge length, that for the considered case correspond to about 50% of Lp. Figure 5.2: Analytical and experimental results for test unit VK1 (continuous longitudinal reinforcement) 58 Chapter 5. Fundamental modelling assumptions It is interesting to notice, that even if a shear failure was reported in [Bimschas et al., 2008], analytical verification predicts flexural failure. Shear capacity is greater than flexural capacity; [Kowalski et al., 2000] prediction is 10% above [Sezen et al., 2004] model. 5.2.2 Cyclic member behaviour Starting from the analytical results of section 5.2.1, the cyclic member response of specimen VK1 subjected to quasi-static cyclic loading was reproduced by means of appropriate hysteretic rules in software Ruaumoko [Carr, 2004] and Idarc [Idarc, 2006]. Consistency of analyses with experimental results were validated in terms of lateral load capacity, displacement capacity, total energy dissipation and cyclic dissipation. (a) Model using software code Ruaumoko Quasi-static cyclic analysis with identical displacement history, such as in experiments of [Bimschas et al., 2008], was performed using two spring in series with different hysteretic rules in order to achieve the desired loop behaviour. By setting the point of nominal yielding as in section 5.2.1 and modelling the two independent springs as in Table 5.3 a consistent analysis response was obtained in Ruaumoko [Carr, 2004]. Figure 5.3: Hysteretic rules used for the analysis: Modified Takeda with degrading stiffness (left, IHYST=4) and Origin-Centred (right, IHYST=7) according to Ruaumoko [Carr, 2004] Table 5.3: Modeling assumptions for the cyclic inelastic analysis in Ruaumoko [Carr, 2004] Hysteretic Rule Percent Stiffness K0 Force Fy (positive/negative) Stiffness rK0 Unloading Reloading Factor α Factor β Modified Takeda 85% 41’828kN/m 607kN 0 0.5 0.0 Origin-Centred 15% 7’381kN/m 107kN 0 - - Total Response 100% 49’209kN/m 714kN 0 (b) Model using software code Idarc As for the prior analysis, a quasi-static cyclic analysis was performed in Idarc [Idarc, 2006] using a single hysteretic rule able to independently describe stiffness degradation, strength deterioration (ductility of energy dependent) and slip (or pinching) behaviour. In this case the sectional and member properties of the column were defined and by means of lumped plasticity theory a force drift relation was automatically defined. Table 5.4 shows the relevant modelling assumptions. 59 Chapter 5. Fundamental modelling assumptions Table 5.4: Modelling assumptions for the cyclic inelastic analysis in Idarc [Idarc, 2006] Hysteretic Rule Trilinear Δy Member Length Defined Plastic Hinge Lp Post Yield Stiffness HC HBD HBE HS 14.5mm 3300mm L/6=167mm 0.0 2.0 0.01 0.01 0.54 Percent Force Fy Displ. 100% 714kN (c) Comparison of results By means of these analyses the experimental behaviour of test unit VK1 could accurately be reproduced in terms of hysteretic loops, cumulative energy dissipation and comparative hysteretic cyclic damping for single cycles of loading according to the procedure proposed by Jacobsen [Jacobsen, 1960]. Figure 5.4: Comparison of analytical and experimental hysteretic responses for test unit VK1 The method proposed by Jacobsen for damping estimation compare the effective energy dissipated in one cycle of loading with the energy arising from a substitute structure behaving perfectly elastic up to a target displacement Δm and force Fm (see Figure 5.5) as ξ = Ah 2π F m Δ m (5.53) By considering first the experimental data, assuming analytical yield displacement and considering the relevant cycles of loading, an elastic material damping for test unit VK1 has been found to be ξel = 5.0%. 60 Chapter 5. Fundamental modelling assumptions Figure 5.5: Hysteretic area for damping calculation in one cycle of loading [Priestley et al., 2007] By subtracting the equivalent amount of energy dissipated in the experiment before yielding, the cumulative energy dissipated in the quasi-static cyclic analyses in Ruaumoko [Carr, 2004] and Idarc [Idarc, 2006] were compared with test results. Figure 5.6: Comparison of analytical and experimental cumulative dissipated energy Table 5.5: Comparison of calculated damping for single cycling of loading in analyses and experiment Displacement ductility μΔ ξExperimental (%) ξRUAUMOKO (%) ξIDARC (%) 1.09 7.44 2.02 1.44 1.44 8.33 7.22 8.01 2.17 12.8 12.2 13.4 2.89 14.6 13.6 14.2 3.63 15.6 14.9 15.7 4.35 16.3 15.5 15.8 61 Chapter 5. Fundamental modelling assumptions 5.3 Modelling of reinforced concrete members with lap splices As for members with continuous longitudinal reinforcement, the experimental behaviour (monotonic and cyclic) of test unit VK2, detailed with a lap splice of 43dbl at the column base was estimated analytically based on the assumption of Chapter 5.1. 5.3.1 Monotonic member behavior Neglecting the marginal effect of a slightly higher measured concrete compression strength in test unit VK2, but considering that the full nominal moment capacity can develop in the section and applying the strength degradation model of Priestley [Priestley et al., 1996] a linear idealized member force deformation relationship was calculated. Because of the high scatter of the original model in the prediction of strength degradation compared with experimental results, a modification of the model in [Priestley et al., 1996] was adopted with the aim to better fit the real observed strength degradation. Table 5.6: Results of linear idealization of member analysis by application of [Priestley et al., 1996] model Sectional response -1 Member response Description of considered point φ (m ) M (kNm) Δ top (mm) F (KN) nominal yielding (φy, Mn) 0.00325 2357.9 14.5 714.5 degrading curvature φc(εc = 0.002) 0.00641 2357.9 16.8 714.5 ultimate curvature φ = φc/φy + 8φy 0.003241 828 36.8 250.9 Because from experimental report of test unit VK2 a real member failure was not observed even beyond the maximum test displacements of 110mm, a linear idealization of strength decay after this point was interpolated down to zero lateral load carrying capacity. Figure 5.7: Analytical and experimental results for test unit VK2 (spliced longitudinal reinforcement) 62 Chapter 5. Fundamental modelling assumptions As for previous predictions of backbone curves, the lumped plasticity model described in Chapter 5.1 was used to get member response from sectional analysis. It should be noted, that assumptions regarding modification of the [Priestley et al., 1996] model proposed here are purely base on experimental data on test unit VK2, thus further use on members with different characteristics should be evaluate on a case by case basis. Table 5.7: Results of linear idealization of member analysis by application of modified [Priestley et al., 1996] model in order to fit experimental data Sectional response -1 Member response Description of considered point φ (m ) M (kNm) Δ top (mm) F (KN) nominal yielding (φy, Mn) 0.00325 2357.9 14.5 714.5 degrading curvature φc(εc = 0.005) 0.019 2357.9 25.9 714.5 residual capacity φ = φc/φy + 20φy 0.084 828 72.9 250.9 - 0 140 0 no capacity, by interpolation Comparison of analytical and experimental results in Figure 5.7 underlines the need for improved strength degradation models for columns with splice length greater than 20dbl and for wall shaped cross section. Because of the limited database and the simplicity of the original model with respect to real behaviour, general considerations of experimental evidence versus proposed idealization (modification) of [Priestley et al., 1996] prediction cannot be done for splices of 43dbl. Nevertheless the model greatly underestimates the initiation of strength degradation and overestimates the strength decay, leading to a much lower ultimate displacement as observed in test unit VK2, underling the fact that a calibration has been undertaken for splice length of roughly 20dbl. 5.3.2 Cyclic member behaviour Based on results of section 5.3.1 the cyclic member response of test unit VK2 subjected to quasi-static cyclic loading was reproduced by means of appropriate hysteretic rules in software Ruaumoko [Carr, 2004] and Idarc [Idarc, 2006]. Because the only difference between the two test units is a lap-splice at column base in one specimen, identical hysteretic rules will be assumed in these cyclic analyses with the only difference being definition and implementation of strength degradation. As for previous test unit, consistency of analyses with experimental results was validated in terms of lateral load capacity, displacement capacity, total energy dissipation and cyclic dissipation. (a) Model using software code Ruaumoko According to the strength degradation implementation in Ruaumoko [Carr, 2004], both hysteretic rules were degraded as a function of maximum ductility as showed in Figure 5.8. As for previous analyses, a wall top yield displacement of Δy = 14.5mm and a lateral yielding force equal to Fy = 714.5kN were assumed. 63 Chapter 5. Fundamental modelling assumptions Table 5.8: Strength degradation modelling assumption for analysis in Ruaumoko [Carr, 2004] Strength degradation ILOS DUCT 1 DUCT 2 RDUCT DUCT 3 3 (function of max. ductility) 1.78 5.01 0.35 9.71 Figure 5.8: Strength degradation model implemented in Ruaumoko [Carr, 2004] (a) Model using software code Idarc Modelling of cyclic strength degradation in Idarc [Idarc, 2006] can be achieved in three ways: by purely ductility or energy dependence or as a combination of both, thus resulting in different hysteretic loops as shown in the next figure. Figure 5.9: Ductility based (left) and energy based (right) strength degradation in Idarc [Idarc, 2006] in a force-displacement-relationship Because of experimental evidence of strength degradation observed in two cycles to equal displacement ductility and with increasing ductility, pure energy based strength degradation was assumed for the analysis, thus the only parameter changing from test unit VK1 is HBE. Table 5.9: Modelling assumptions for the cyclic inelastic analysis in Idarc [Idarc, 2006] Δy Member Length Defined Plastic Hinge Lp Post Yield Stiffness HC HBD HBE HS 14.5mm 3300mm L/6=167mm 0.0 2.0 0.01 0.65 0.54 Hysteretic Rule Percent Force Fy Displ. Trilinear 100% 714kN 64 Chapter 5. Fundamental modelling assumptions (c) Comparison of results Reproduction of experimental behaviour for test unit VK2 has been accurately modelled with both software and comparison of hysteretic loops and cumulative energy dissipation concur well with observations. Nevertheless hysteretic cyclic damping for single cycles of loading according to the procedure proposed by Jacobsen [Jacobsen, 1960] were 10-20% longer as reported in Table 5.10. Figure 5.10: Comparison of analytical and experimental hysteretic responses for test unit VK2 As explained in section 5.2.2 comparisons of dissipated energy did not account for experimental energy before yielding. In this case an elastic material damping for test unit VK2 has been found to be ξel = 4.6%. 65 Chapter 5. Fundamental modelling assumptions Figure 5.11: Comparison of analytical and experimental cumulative dissipated energy Table 5.10: Comparison of calculated damping for single cycling of loading in analyses and experiment Displacement ductility μΔ ξExperimental (%) ξRUAUMOKO (%) ξIDARC (%) 1.08 8.60 1.95 1.35 1.43 7.79 7.05 8.06 2.17 13.8 12.7 14.0 2.90 13.7 14.2 15.8 3.63 15.0 15.3 16.8 4.35 15.1 16.5 17.5 5.01 13.8 16.6 17.7 5.76 14.8 17.3 18.1 6.48 14.3 17.8 17.6 7.20 14.5 18.5 17.5 5.4 Calibration of monotonic and hysteretic behaviour on experimental yielding points Beside the calibration of monotonic and cyclic behaviour of test units VK1 and VK2 based on numerical analyses using the theory described in section 5.1, force deformation capacity has been reproduced using experimental data, considering the effective yielding force and displacements for specimens VK1 and V K2 recorded during experiments carried out at the ETH Zürich by Bimschas [Bimschas et al., 2008]. Moreover cyclic behaviour has been 66 Chapter 5. Fundamental modelling assumptions calibrated using software codes Ruaumoko [Carr, 2004] and Idarc [Idarc, 2006] as described in section 5.2.2 and 5.3.2, but using experimental backbone curves. In this way, dynamic single-degree-of freedom analyses and multi-degree-of-freedom analyses could be performed twice, firstly considering capacity estimated on an analytical basis (section 5.2.2 and 5.3.2) and then considering calibration on experimental data presented in this section (5.4). 5.4.1 Monotonic member behaviour Experimental results for specimen VK1 and VK2 shows, that although equal sectional properties, yielding force and displacement differs for the two test units, the member with spliced end-reinforcement is stiffer, as a consequence of the double reinforcement ratio at pier base due to this bar detailing. Table 5.11: Capacity curve assumptions considered in this study for NLTHA yielding point degradation residual cap. failure point Capacity curve [kN, mm] Fy Δy Fdeg Δdeg Fres Δres Fult Δult Continuous, Experimental data 700 9.77 - - - - 700 64 Lap-splice, Experimental data 715 8.22 715 31.32 171.5 94.55 0 148 As can be seen, the level of strength capacity can easily be predicted using numerical analyses, but yield displacement sometimes varies up to 50% when compared with experimental observed behaviour versus application of lumped plasticity theory starting from sectional analysis. Figure 5.12: Capacity curve envelope for test specimen VK1 and VK2 based on experimental data according to [Bimschas et al., 2008] 67 Chapter 5. Fundamental modelling assumptions 5.4.2 Cyclic member behaviour Considering the capacity curves presented in Figure 5.12, the hysteretic behaviour has been calibrated with software codes Ruaumoko [Carr, 2004] and Idarc [Idarc, 2006] in order to match the experimentally observed loops. The amount of energy dissipation has particularly been optimized in order to avoid an overestimation of the hysteretic energy dissipation in within the numerical loops compared with experiment. Figure 5.13: Experimentally obtained cyclic behaviour of test units VK1 (left) and VK2 (right) versus hysteretic loops using software code Ruaumoko [Carr, 2004] and Idarc [Idarc, 2006] based on backbone assumptions presented in Table 5.11 and Figure 5.12 (left). The calibration of the hysteretic behaviour presented in this section has been performed by Bimschas (ETH Zürich) and was kindly shared to the author for this study. 5.5 Scaling Factors Because tested specimens were built on a 50% scale compared to reality dimensions, scaling factors on Table 5.12 must be applied to achieve real bridge pier dimensions and capacities. As a consequence the yielding point of the 6.6m height real bridge pier will correspond to a top displacement of Δy = 29.04mm and a lateral force equal to Fy = 2858kN (backbone from numerical analyses). 68 Chapter 5. Fundamental modelling assumptions Table 5.12: Scaling factors experimental test units to real bridge piers dimensions Unit to scale Scaling factors Density 1 Pressure 1 Length 2 Area 4 Force 4 Mass 8 Volume 8 Moment 8 Starting from real pier dimensions, member length will be varied in a range between 6.6m 13.2m in order to cover different possible pier height of existing bridges, keeping sectional properties constant. As a consequence, following scaling factors must be applied to the different piers: Table 5.13: Scaling factors for pier height variation starting from real bridge piers dimensions Unit to scale Scaling factors Yield displacement (L/Lreal)2 Yield force (Lreal/L) 69 Chapter 6. Target seismicity for the analyses 6 TARGET SEISMICITY FOR THE ANALYSES 6.1 Selection of target response spectra Considering the aim of the analyses being mostly focused on the evaluation of possible increased displacement demand for existing bridge piers with detailing deficiencies compared with those without, three level of seismicity ranging from moderate to very high have been selected in order to cover a wide range of hazard levels. Elastic response spectra of acceleration (left) and displacement (right) can be seen in Fig. 6.1. According to [SHA, 2004] a PGA 0.16g implies a return period of 475 years or 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years, while a PGA 0.35g roughly corresponds to a return period of 2500 years or 2% probability of exceedance in 50years for the highest hazard region of Switzerland (Wallis). Figure 6.1: Assumed elastic response spectra of acceleration (left) and displacement (right) according to code provisions [SIA 261, 2003] for PGA of 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g (agd), stiff soil conditions (Soil B), structure importance factor III and elastic viscous damping ξ=0.02 70 Chapter 6. Target seismicity for the analyses Elastic response spectra of acceleration according to [SIA 261, 2003] are calculated as ⎛ (2 .5η − 1)T PSA = a gd γ f S ⎜⎜ 1 + TB ⎝ ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎠ PSA = 2 . 5 a gd γ f S η T < TB (6.1) T B < T < TC (6.2) PSA = 2 . 5 a gd γ f S η TC T TC < T < T D (6.3) PSA = 2 . 5 a gd γ f S η TC T D T2 T > TD (6.4) Where agd is the peak ground acceleration (PGA), γf is the structure importance factor (1.4 for this study) and η is the damping correction factor (or damping reduction factor Rξ) implemented in code provisions [SIA 261, 2003] and [EC8, 1998] for generation of response spectra with an elastic viscous damping differing from 5% critical damping ⎛ 1 ⎞ 0 . 50 η = Rξ = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎝ 0 . 5 + 10 ξ ⎠ ≥ 0 . 55 (6.5) Parameters S, TB, TC and TD account for site soil condition and are listed below in the case of a stiff soil assumption. Table 6.1: Soil conditions for stiff soil (Soil B) according to code provisions [SIA 261, 2003] Soil vs (m/s) NSPT (-) Su (kPa) S (-) TB (s) TC (s) TD (s) B 400-800 > 50 > 250 1.20 0.15 0.50 2.00 Based on elastic response spectrum of pseudo-acceleration (PSA), displacement response spectrum (SD) is estimated using the following period dependence as SD = PSA ω2 2 T2 ⎛ T ⎞ = PSA ⎜ ⎟ = PSA 4π 2 ⎝ 2π ⎠ (6.6) Based on elastic displacement response spectra real ground motion are selected and scaled while artificial ground motion are generated. 6.1.1 Selection and scaling procedure of real ground motions Considering the fact, that due to many factors the frequency range over which recording instruments work can differ from station to station, but a typical frequency band over which modern strong motion instruments work is 0.01Hz to 25Hz (response characteristics), and considering that the typical frequency band of interest in earthquake engineering is in a range 0.01Hz to 10Hz, a reasonable band pass filter between 0.01 and 25Hz is adopted for all engineering applications. Nevertheless, for very low frequencies (up to say 0.1-0.2Hz) noise could strongly influence the response and the use of strong motions for structures with vibration period Te > 5s should consider appropriate post-processing analyses. 71 Chapter 6. Target seismicity for the analyses Table 6.2 Typical frequencies generated by different seismic sources Frequency Type of measurement 0.00001-0.0001 Earth tides 0.0001-0.001 Earth free oscillations, earthquakes 0.001-0.01 Surface waves, earthquakes 0.01-0.1 Surface waves, P and S waves, earthquake with M>6 0.1-10 P and S waves, earthquakes with M>2 10-1000 P and S waves, earthquakes with M<2 Table 6.3 Post-processing procedures of real accelerograms Application of Polinomial type Baseline correction Linear Butterworth filter 4th order Filtering type Filtering configuration Frequency Pass range Butterworth Bandpass 0.01 to 25Hz The selection and scaling procedure of real ground motions from past earthquakes consisted first of post-processing the recorded accelerograms by performing a baseline correction, a filtering procedure as described before and subsequently a matching procedure of the actual displacement response spectra with target spectra over a period range that approximately described the vibration periods of the structures considered. Because of the high variability of real ground motions with respect to target spectra in code provisions care was taken while choosing the shape and scaling factor of selected motions. An important issue in the matching of real ground motion displacement response spectra with target displacement spectra is represented by the scaling factor α, defined as the factor for which the minimum of squared error of the area enclosed by two periods is achieved, as T2 ⎛ T2 min = ⎜ ∫ S a ,t arg et ( T )dT −α ∫ S a ,real ( T )dT ⎜T T1 ⎝ 1 ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ 2 (6.7) Because this scaling procedure implicitly modifies the characteristics of the real ground motion, according to [NZS 06] matching of the target response spectra should be achieved for factors corresponding to 30% to 300% of the real ground motion. Table 6.4: Criteria for consideration of real ground motion data Ground motion scaling factor Range of periods to be scaled lower bound of acceptance upper bond of acceptance α T1 - T2 = 0.5 – 2.0s 0.30 3.00 α T1 - T2 = 0.35 – 1.0s 0.30 3.00 72 Chapter 6. Target seismicity for the analyses Figure 6.2: Comparison of target, elastic response spectra for a PGA 0.35g with ground motion scaled response spectra of acceleration (left) and displacement (right) using the described matching procedure on displacement spectra for different period ranges. A total of four strong ground motions coming from four different earthquakes were selected from different databases according to criteria listed in Table 6.4. For each ground motion the SD and PSA response spectra for ξ=2% was calculated and compared with the target spectrum of displacement. Table 6.5: Accepted real ground motions from past earthquakes RGM record Earthquake Date Magnitude (Richter) Location Fault Comp. PGA (g) PGV (m/s) PGD (m) 1 Kobe 17.01.1995 7.2 Kobe JMA NS 0.819 0.878 0.220 2 Friuli 6.05.1976 6.5 unknown - 0.473 0.297 0.0859 3 Kocaeli 17.08.1999 7.4 Sakaria - 0.595 0.811 0.320 4 Loma Prieta 18.10.1989 7.1 Corralitos - 0.810 0.602 0.197 Because of the broad period range initially considered in the scaling procedure (T=0.502.00sec.) a new scaling was performed for a shorter period range (T=0.35-1.00sec.) in a subsequent phase. NLTHA were performed for both scaling factors and results are presented in the next chapter in a separated form. Table 6.6: Scaling factors based on Displacement Response Spectra for different seismicities in period range between T = 0.50-2.00sec. (3th-4th columns) and T = 0.35-1.00sec. (5th-6th columns), respectively RGM record Earthquake Scaling Factor Scaling Factor Scaling Factor Scaling Factor αPGA 0.16g , ξ = 2- 5% αPGA 0.35g , ξ = 2- 5% αPGA 0.16g , ξ = 2- 5% αPGA 0.35g , ξ = 2- 5% 1 Kobe 0.30 0.65 0.24 0.52 2 Friuli 1.32 2.88 0.87 1.90 3 Kocaeli 0.40 0.88 0.54 1.18 4 Loma Prieta 0.53 1.16 0.32 0.70 73 Chapter 6. Target seismicity for the analyses Figure 6.3: Comparison of target, elastic response spectra for a PGA 0.35g with ground motion scaled response spectra of acceleration (left) and displacement (right) using the described matching procedure on displacement spectra for a period range of T=0.50-2.00sec. (these motions are identified as RGM) Figure 6.4: Comparison of target, elastic response spectra for a PGA 0.35g with ground motion scaled response spectra of acceleration (left) and displacement (right) using the described matching procedure on displacement spectra for a period range of T=0.35-1.00sec. (these motions are identified as RGM N) 6.2 Artificial Ground Motion Database 6.2.1 Generation Procedure Artificial, statistically independent ground motions has been generated using the software Simqke [Carr, 2004] based on a target response spectra matching procedure. The generation of artificial strong ground motions implied a trapezoidal envelope of the accelerogram, according to [Carr, 2004] and used following parameter: 74 Chapter 6. Target seismicity for the analyses Table 6.7: Artificial ground motion generation parameters used in SIMQKE Generation parameter Definition Value Minimum period of simulation Ts 0.1s Maximum period of simulation Tl 4s Acceleration duration DUR 20-30s Acceleration rise time TRISE 2s Acceleration level time TLVL 15s Time step for accelerogram DELT 0.02s AGMAX 0.16-0.5g DAMP 2% Maximum acceleration Damping ratio 75 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses 7 SINGLE-DEGREE-OF-FREEDOM ANALYSES 7.1 Introduction Based on the cyclic modelling assumptions presented in chapter 5, NLTHA on single-degreeof-freedom systems have been carried out assuming member capacity behaviours and lumped mass consistent with experiments carried out by [Bimschas et al., 2008], but scaling all involved parameters to match real dimensions (pier height h=6.60m) and studying members with and without strength degradation (see Table 7.1). Moreover, a set of different parameters have been varied according to Table 7.3 in order to study their influence on displacement demand. Single-degree-of-freedom dynamic analyses in this study aim to represent, in a simplified manner, bridge pier behaviours of multi-span bridges, when they are subjected to transverse earthquake excitations. Therefore “isolation” of the single pier starting from a multi-degreeof-freedom system is obtained by consideration of an appropriate superstructure bridge portion to concentrate as lumped mass on top of the pier as presented in Figure 7.1 (left). Figure 7.1: Idealized single-degree-of-freedom systems representing a single bridge pier with lumped mass subjected to transverse earthquake excitation (left) and front, lateral view of a typical bridge pier and superstructure considered in this study (middle, right). 76 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses Table 7.1: Capacity curve assumptions considered in this study for NLTHA on single-degree-of-freedom systems representing bridge piers subjected to transverse earthquake excitations yielding point degradation residual cap. failure point Fy Δy Fdeg Δdeg Fres Δres Fult Δult Continuous, Experimental data 2800 19.54 - - - - 2800 295.9 Continuous, Numerical data 2858 29.04 - - - - 2858 281.9 Lap-splice, Experimental data 2860 16.44 2860 62.47 686 189.1 0 295.9 Lap-splice, Numerical data 2850 29.04 2858 51.69 1000 145.5 0 281.9 Capacity curve [kN, mm] Figure 7.2: Capacity curves from Table 7.1 displayed in Acceleration Displacement Response Spectra (ADRS) versus seismic demands (left) and force-deformation relations of bridge piers considered in dynamic single-degree-of-freedom analyses Due to differences in estimation of yield displacements arising from experimental observations versus numerical methods, three different initial vibration periods were considered in dynamic analyses (Table 7.2). Table 7.2: Modeling assumptions for reference, tested bridge pier (scaled to real dimensions) Initial period Experimental backbone Numerical backbone Δy (mm) Reinforcement Height and Mass Tinit (s) Δy (mm) Fy (kN) Continuous 6.60m, 550t 0.39-0.47 19.54 2800 29.04 2858 Lap-Splice 6.60m, 550t 0.35-0.47 16.44 2860 29.04 2858 Fy (kN) An important issue of the study has been the choice of a conservative elastic viscous damping ratio. In contrast to experimental evidence, where 5% damping was obtained, initial stiffness proportional elastic viscous damping has been considered to be either ξel, NLTHA = 2% or 5%. A damping ratio of 2% is in our opinion the minimal, realistic assumption for reinforced concrete columns. Moreover, other parameters were varied as described in Table 7.3. 77 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses Table 7.3: Variability of considered SDOF models for NLTHA Parameter Considered range Symbol Pier height (see section 7.2.3) 6.6m to 13.2m H Pier mass 550t M Initial stiffness prop., elastic viscous damping ratio 2 to 5% I Reinforcement detailing Continuous, Lap-splice C, L Software code Ruaumoko, Idarc R, I Backbone curve assumption Experimental, Numerical E, A Ground motion type Artificial, Real (scaled) Seismicities 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g AGM, RGM 11/14, 41/44, 61/64 The explained nomenclature used for the description of each dynamic analysis carried out in this work is listed below and provides information about the single-degree-of-freedom system, elastic viscous damping, reinforcement detailing, software code, backbone curve, ground motion type and the seismicity considered. Figure 7.3: Nomenclature used in this study for dynamic analyses on single-degree-of-freedom systems The results of each dynamic analysis performed on the SDOF system have been evaluated in terms of maximum response in: displacement demand, ductility, drift, force at peak displacement and total energy dissipation from cycles of inelastic deformations. The comparison of results presented below acknowledges the influence of strength degradation modelling (energy or ductility based), longitudinal reinforcement detailing (continuous or spliced), elastic damping ratio assumed in NLTHA and backbone assumption (experimental or numerical) on different responses. Moreover, displacement demands obtained with NLTHA were predicted by means of four different methods: [Miranda et al., 2003], [Priestley et al., 2007], [Iwan et al., 1980], [Guyader et al., 2006] using straightforward or iterative procedures such as the capacity spectrum method (CSM) or the modified capacity spectrum method (MADRS) performing elastic linear time-history analyses with the chosen accelerograms to obtain damped response spectra. 78 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses 7.2 Evaluation of responses from NLTHA on SDOF systems 7.2.1 Influence of strength degradation modelling Based on the different hysteretic models, input ground motions and parameter variations presented in previous sections, NLTHA were carried out using two different software Idarc [Idarc, 2006] and Ruaumoko [Carr, 2004]. The aim was to provide comparison and consistency in the results, and to study the differences in response, mostly in terms of maximum displacement demand and energy dissipation, depending on the degradation modelling assumptions. Figure 7.4: Comparison of hysteretic loops obtained with Ruaumoko [Carr, 2004] vs. Idarc [Idarc, 2006] in dynamic analyses on single-degree-of-freedom systems for input motion AGM44 and 2% damping ratio. Backbone curve without strength degradation(left) and with strength degradation (right) Strength degradation in software code Idarc [Idarc, 2006] is implemented on a pure (hysteretic) energy dissipative basis while in Ruaumoko degradation is implemented on a pure displacement ductility basis. Due to these considerations we first compare the total energy dissipated by Ruaumoko Etot,Ruaumoko with the total energy dissipated by Idarc Etot,Idarc for the same NLTHA as: E tot , Ruaumoko E tot , Idarc (7.1) As it can be seen from the comparison of hysteretic loops in Figure 7.4 respective in data presented in Figure 7.5(left PGA 0.16g, right PGA 0.35g) the mean value of the total energy dissipation ratio lies only 6% off the optimum (defined as a ratio of 1.00) with a coefficient of variation CV ranging between 0.089-0.14=8.9-14%. The ratio diminishes with increasing PGA and generally a slightly higher energy is dissipated by software code Ruaumoko [Carr, 2004]. This means, that for a given NLTHA, differences in terms of total energy dissipation depending on the software code used can be neglected for all the analyses. 79 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses Figure 7.5: Comparison of total dissipated hysteretic energy for analyses carried out using Ruaumoko [Carr, 2004] vs. Idarc [Idarc, 2006], considering members with continuous and spliced reinforcement, experimental and numerical backbone assumptions for systems with 100H100MI- The optimum corresponds to a ratio of 1.00 because means that an equal amount of energy is dissipated in the Ruaumoko and Idarc analysis for a defined SDOF model and ground motion. This remark is also valid for the next plots, where displacement demand, maximum force or others indicators are analized. The influence of the strength degradation modelling on maximum displacement demand is shown in Figure 7.6 (left PGA 0.16g, right PGA 0.35g). As it can be seen, the mean value of the maximum displacement demand ratio defined as the maximum displacement obtained by Ruaumoko Δmax,Ruaumoko divided by the maximum displacement obtained by Idarc Δmax,Idarc for the same NLTHA: Δ max, Ruaumoko Δ max, Idarc (7.2) lies 1-6% off the optimum (defined as a ratio of 1.00) with a coefficient of variation CV ranging between 0.04-0.094 = 4.0-9.4% and generally a slightly higher displacement demand obtained by means of the software code Ruaumoko [Carr, 2004]. 80 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses Figure 7.6: Influence of software code on maximum displacement demand for member with continuous reinforcement and influence of strength degradation modeling (energy vs. ductility based) for members with spliced longitudinal reinforcement at pier base. Legend: input ground motion (AGM = Artificial, RGM, Real) and backbone assumption (Exp=Experimental, Num=Numerical) As a consequence of previous comparison remarks between Ruaumoko and Idarc analyses, responses obtained with NLTHA on SDOF systems in terms of maximum displacement demands (or drift, or ductilities) are not affected by the art of degradation rule used (energy or ductility based). Moreover, approximately the same variability can be noticed in terms of lateral force at maximum displacement demand (or at effective period), comparing the effective force at secant stiffness obtained by Ruaumoko Feff,Ruaumoko divided by equivalent force obtained by Idarc Feff,Idarc for the same NLTHA: Feff , Ruaumoko Feff , Idarc (7.3) Figure 7.7 shows that the mean of the ratio defined in Equation 7.3 lies only 2-4% off the optimum (defined as a ratio of 1.00) with a CV ranging between 0.029-0.16 =2.9-16% and that increases for high seismicities. An example of the difference in level of effective force at maximum displacement demand can be seen in Figure 7.4: While in Ruaumoko [Carr, 2004] to a defined displacement ductility correspond one lateral force capacity, in Idarc [Idarc, 2006] due to the energy based degradation rule, the level of Feff is affected by the energy history of the previous peak pulse. Typically, this means a lower force drop in the energy based hysteretic rule, as confirmed in Figure 7.7. 81 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses Figure 7.7: Influence of strength degradation modeling (energy vs. ductility based) on lateral force carrying capacity corresponding to maximum displacement demand for members with spliced end reinforcement. Legend: input ground motion (AGM = Artificial, RGM, Real) and backbone assumption (Exp=Experimental, Num=Numerical) 7.2.2 Influence of reinforcement detailing Detailing deficiencies at the pier base, i.e. lap-splices of the longitudinal reinforcement, have as a consequence a degradation of the plastic hinge region, and thus a degradation of the lateral load carrying capacity mechanism with increasing displacement demand. Comparison of models representing bridge piers with or without lap-splice when subjected to the same earthquake ground motions was carried out in terms of displacements defining the ratio of maximum displacement demand for a SDOF system with spliced reinforcement Δmax,L divided by the maximum displacement demand for the same system with continuous reinforcement Δmax,C (Equation 7.4) Δ max, L Δ max, C (7.4) Because of the different modelling of strength degradation depending on which software code (energy or ductility based) or backbone curve (experimental or numerical) were used, four different cases should be distinguished. Nevertheless, because it has been observed in section 7.2.1, that the influence of strength degradation modelling generally doesn’t affect displacement demand, the results obtained from Ruaumoko [Carr, 2004] and Idarc [Idarc, 2006] are presented together in Figure 7.8 and. Figure 7.9. Drifts and ductility demands on horizontal axes are relative to the models with spliced reinforcement (letter L). 82 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses Figure 7.8: Maximum displacement demand ratio from NLTHA as a function of drift (left) and displacement ductility (right) based on experimental backbone assumption. Analyses assumed a SDOF system with a pier height of h=6.6m and a lumped mass of m=550t. Aspect ratio correspond to h/lw = 2.2 Figure 7.9: Maximum displacement demand ratio from NLTHA as a function of drift (left) and displacement ductility (right) based on numerical backbone assumption. Analyses assumed a SDOF system with a pier height of h=6.6m and a lumped mass of m=550t. Aspect ratio correspond to h/lw = 2.2 It is interesting to notice, that considering experimental evidence described in [Bimschas et al., 2008], thus taking into account the higher initial stiffness (stiffness to yield) for a member with spliced reinforcement kinit,L compared with the stiffness of the same member with continuous reinforcement kinit,C, generally results in a reduced displacement demand for the member with spliced reinforcement for low ductilities (or drift ratios), because of the shorter vibration period of piers detailed with lap-splices. Nevertheless, primarily due to the shortperiod for a model with a splice Tinit,L = 0.35s and the variability of ground motions, (see Figure 7.8 and Figure 7.9) it can occur, that for drifts below initiation of strength degradation (δ = 0.95%, experimental backbone) the model with larger initial stiffness kinit,L experiences higher displacement demands than the model having kinit,C (see Figure 7.8). 83 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses Adopting an engineering approach, thus neglecting the higher initial stiffness for a member with spliced reinforcement kinit,L compared with the stiffness of the same member with continuous reinforcement kinit,C, reduces the scatter of the data below initiation of strength degradation (δ = 0.78%, numerical backbone) and show a clearer trend of degradation effects on displacement demand (see Figure 7.9). Neglecting the differences between experimental and numerical backbone assumption in initiation of strength degradation, a mean drift ratio of δdeg = 0.85% can be defined as the point where systems with spliced longitudinal reinforcement start to degrade. 7.2.3 Influence of bridge pier height As previously mentioned in this study, experiments on wall-type bridge piers carried out at the ETH Zürich and presented in [Bimschas et al., 2008] were scaled (scale 1:2) in order to represent single-degree-of-freedom-systems with a pier height of h=6.60m and a lumped mass of m=550t. The influence of bridge pier height on maximum displacement demand has been studied here performing NLTHA on twenty-two different systems with eleven pier heights ranging from h=6.60-13.2m and assuming backbone curves from numerical analyses and scaling factors as in Table 5.13. Finally, cyclic behaviour in dynamic analyses considered both degradation and non-degradation depending on longitudinal reinforcement detailing and were performed using an initial stiffness proportional elastic viscous damping ratio of ξ=0.02. Figure 7.10: Pseudo spectral acceleration vs. spectral displacement (ADRS response spectra) and initial periods of different SDOF systems considered in this study on the influence of pier height (left) and initial stiffness (or stiffness to yield) of the same members in a force-displacement relation (right). A lumped mass to m=550to has been considered for all cases. As can be seen from Figure 7.10 and Table 7.4, the initial vibration periods of the SDOF considered in this study lie in the acceleration and velocity proportional portions of the elastic response spectra and due to the level of chosen yielding forces, displacement ductilities greater than one are expected for all systems even for the lower seismicity with PGA 0.16g. 84 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses To ensure consistency between the experiments performed by Bimschas [Bimschas et al., 2008] and the sectional analyses presented in chapter 5.2 and 5.3, the lumped mass has not been varied with increasing pier height, thus meaning that axial load ratio remains constant for all systems. Table 7.4: Single-degree-of-freedom systems considered in this section. Each system follow the backbone assumptions presented in Table 7.1 for members with and without strength degradation obtained with numerical analyses. Ductility dependent strength degradation is considered according to Table 5.8 Name (-) Pier height (m) Height ratio h/href (-) Pier mass (t) Fy (kN) Δy (mm) Tinit (sec) 100H100M 6.60 1.00 550 2858 29.04 0.47 110H100M 7.26 1.10 550 2598 35.14 0.54 120H100M 7.92 1.20 550 2382 41.82 0.62 130H100M 8.58 1.30 550 2198 49.08 0.70 140H100M 9.24 1.40 550 2041 56.92 0.78 150H100M 9.90 1.50 550 1905 65.34 0.86 160H100M 10.56 1.60 550 1786 74.34 0.95 170H100M 11.22 1.70 550 1681 83.93 1.04 180H100M 11.88 1.80 550 1588 94.09 1.13 190H100M 12.54 1.90 550 1504 104.83 1.23 200H100M 13.20 2.00 550 1429 116.16 1.33 From the comparison of maximum displacement ductility demands for different levels of seismicity (Figure 7.11 and Figure 7.13 for single-degree-of-freedom systems with continuous and spliced longitudinal reinforcement respectively) the following considerations can be made: a) the shape of the mean displacement ductility values (continuous lines) for systems with spliced reinforcement are similar to those for systems with continuous reinforcement, b) the shapes of mean values depends on seismicity, c) generally a decrease of displacement ductility is observed for increased pier height, but d) a roughly constant or slightly increased ductility demand is observed for the lowest seismicity (PGA 0.16g) up to a pier height ratio of h/href=1.5. As a consequence, the slope of the mean value of maximal drift ratio vs. pier height is steeper for the lowest seismicity (Figure 7.12, left and Figure 7.14, left) when compared with the drift ratios for a PGA 0.35g (Figure 7.12, right and Figure 7.14, right), this means that for a PGA 0.16g displacement ductility demands of a single-degree-of-freedom are roughly constant independently of the pier height (μΔ≅1.25), while for PGA0.35g displacement ductility demands decrease with increased pier height. 85 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses Figure 7.11: Trend of mean value, standard deviation and single values of displacement ductility demands obtained from NLTHA for different pier heights as presented in Figure 7.10 and Table 7.4 assuming systems without strength degradation, initial stiffness prop. elastic viscous damping ratio of ξ=0.02 and a seismicity of PGA 0.16g (left) and PGA 0.35g (right). Ground motion type (AGM = Artificial, RGM = Real GM, RGM N = Real newly scaled) Figure 7.12: Trend of mean value, standard deviation and single values of drift demands obtained from NLTHA for different pier heights as presented in Figure 7.10 and Table 7.4 assuming systems without strength degradation, initial stiffness prop. elastic viscous damping ratio of ξ=0.02 and a seismicity of PGA 0.16g (left) and PGA 0.35g (right). Ground motion type (AGM =Artificial, RGM = Real GM, RGM N = Real newly scaled) 86 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses Figure 7.13: Trend of mean value, standard deviation and single values of displacement ductility demands obtained from NLTHA for different pier heights as presented in Figure 7.10 and Table 7.4 assuming systems with strength degradation, initial stiffness prop. elastic viscous damping ratio of ξ=0.02 and a seismicity of PGA 0.16g (left) and PGA 0.35g (right). Ground motion type (AGM = Artificial, RGM = Real RGM, RGM N = Real newly scaled) Figure 7.14: Trend of mean value, standard deviation and single values of drift demands obtained from NLTHA for different pier heights as presented in Figure 7.10 and Table 7.4 assuming systems with strength degradation, initial stiffness prop. elastic viscous damping ratio of ξ=0.02 and a seismicity of PGA 0.16g (left) and PGA 0.35g (right). Ground motion type (AGM=Artificial, RGM=Real GM, RGM N=Real newly scaled) Comparing the trend of mean values and standard deviations for increasing pier height and considering the lowest seismicity (PGA 0.16g) shown in Figure 7.15, left and Figure 7.16, left it can be noticed, that strength degradation does not affect the member response because the maximum displacement demand remains below the initiation of degradation (see Table 5.8). On the other hand, for an higher seismicity (PGA 0.35g) shown in Figure 7.15, right and 87 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses Figure 7.16, right it can be noticed, that strength degradation increases the maximum displacement demand (and drift ratio) for all pier heights considered (h=6.60-13.2m), but this seems to be more important for shorter piers. Moreover, strength degradation (Figure 7.16, right) introduces more uncertainty in the member response, reflected in a larger standard deviation when compared with the trend obtained for the case without strength degradation. Figure 7.15: Comparison of the trend of mean value (continuous line) and standard deviation (dotted line) of displacement ductility demands obtained from NLTHA for different pier heights as presented in Figure 7.10 and Table 7.4 assuming systems with and without strength degradation, initial stiffness prop. elastic viscous damping ratio of ξ=0.02 and a seismicity of PGA 0.16g (left) and PGA 0.35g (right). Ground motion type (AGM = Artificial, RGM = Real GM, RGM N = Real newly scaled) Figure 7.16: Comparison of the trend of mean value (continuous line) and standard deviation (dotted line) of drift demands obtained from NLTHA for different pier heights as presented in Figure 7.10 and Table 7.4 assuming systems with and without strength degradation, initial stiffness prop. elastic viscous damping ratio of ξ=0.02 and a seismicity of PGA 0.16g (left) and PGA 0.35g (right). Ground motion type (AGM=Artificial, RGM=Real GM, RGM N=Real newly scaled) 88 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses 7.2.4 Influence of damping ratio Dynamic analyses carried out in this study are based on initial stiffness proportional viscous damping, thus maintaining constant the elastic part of system damping throughout the analysis. As a consequence, in order to reduce the risk of a possible overestimation of the damping in the analyses and because of the interest in studying the effects of different elastic viscous damping ratios ξel assumptions on maximum displacement demands, all NLTHA were performed with two elastic damping ratios, i.e. ξel=0.02 and ξel=0.05. Because artificial and real ground motions were generated or scaled to match a determined response spectra with ξel=0.02 and considering the fact that this spectrum was calculated starting from a spectrum with ξel=0.05 by means of an elastic viscous damping reduction factors Rξ implemented in the code provisions [SIA 261, 2003] and [EC8, 1998] as ⎛ ⎞ 1 Rξ = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ ⎝ 0 . 5 + 10 ξ ⎠ 0 . 50 ≥ 0 . 55 (7.5) The responses (displacement demand) for systems with ξel=0.02 is expected to be about 20% larger than those with ξel=0.05. The maximum displacement demand ratio is defined as the maximum displacement obtained with 2% elastic damping Δmax,0.02 divided by the maximum displacement obtained by the same analysis with 5% elastic damping Δmax,0.05 for the same NLTHA, i.e. Δ max, 0 .02 Δ max, 0 .05 (7.6) Figure 7.17 shows that the mean value of the maximum displacement demand ratio defined in Eq. 7.6 corresponds for systems without strength degradation to a value of 1.18-1.22 being constant over the whole seismicity range considered (left to right PGA 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g) and having a CV of about 10%. Ratios about 6-8% larger were obtained for systems suffering strength degradation for maximal drift demands up to δmax = 2%. This underlying the fact underline the fact, that especially for some moderate seismicities the level of elastic viscous damping assumed in NLTHA can both a) determine if a system suffer strength degradation or not and b) consequently increase the displacement demand gap between the two elastic viscous damping ratios. In any case it is interesting to notice, that also below initiation of strength degradation, especially for the case with the shorter vibration period Tinit = 0.35s (experimental backbone, spliced reinforcement) a larger ratio can not be excluded for some ground motions. Generally it can be stated, that independently of any consideration of strength degradation or not, the predicted increase in displacement demand for different damping ratios can generally be accurately predicted by means of simplified methods present in code provisions. 89 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses Figure 7.17: Influence of initial stiffness proportional elastic viscous damping ratio ξel assumed in NLTHA on maximum displacement demand for member with continuous and spliced longitudinal reinforcement. Legend: input ground motion (AGM = Artificial, RGM=Real, RGM N = Real newly scaled) 7.2.5 Influence of critical damping coefficient The comparisons presented in section 7.2.4 studied the influence of different initial stiffness proportional elastic viscous damping ratios ξ used in NLTHA on maximum displacement demands assuming that the ratio of the damping coefficient c divided by the critical damping ccr was constant for all initial stiffness, i.e. ξ = c c = = const. c cr 2 k init m (7.7) independently of the initial stiffness kinit considered in the NLTHA. Therefore, for a given elastic viscous damping ratio ξ, different damping coefficients c were implicitly assumed. In section 7.1 it was shows that the determination of the initial stiffness kinit yields different results depending if the determination is based on experimental evidence or on an analytical model. Thus, it seems reasonable to estimate and compare results of NLTHA for the same damping coefficients c (or different damping ratios ξ) and comment on the effects of different initial stiffness kinit on displacements demands. Equivalent elastic damping ratios ξ to be used for NLTHA considering experimental backbone, when compared with analyses using ξ=0.02−0.05 and numerical backbone are listed in Table 7.5. As an example, when performing NTHA with ξ=0.02 (numerical backbone, continuous reinforcement) this corresponds to an initial stiffness proportional damping ratio of ξ=0.01657 (experimental backbone, continuous reinforcement) due to the fact, that the experimental data describe a stiffer system than the numerical one. 90 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses Table 7.5: Modified damping ratios to be consistent in terms of critical damping coefficients when performing NLHTA Num. BB Exp. BB ξ (-) Reinforcement Height and Mass ξ (-) ccr (kNs/m) Continuous 6.60m, 550t 0.02 294 0.01657 355 Continuous 6.60m, 550t 0.05 736 0.04144 888 Lap-Splice 6.60m, 550t 0.02 294 0.01504 391 Lap-Splice 6.60m, 550t 0.05 736 0.03761 978 ccr (kNs/m) The maximum displacement demand ratio defined as the maximum displacement obtained with 2% respective 5% elastic damping Δmax,(2-5%) (continuous or spliced reinforcement, Exp. BB) divided by the maximum displacement obtained with the same analysis using a damping ratio of 1.657% or 4.144% (continuous reinforcement, Exp. BB) respective 1.504% or 3.761% (spliced reinforcement, Exp. BB) Δmax,ξ(c,crit) for the same NLTHA is defined as: Δ max, 2 − 5 % Δ max, ξ ( c ,crit ) (7.8) Figure 7.18 shows that the mean value of the maximum displacement demand ratio defined by Eq. 7.8 corresponds for systems without strength degradation to a value of 0.97 being constant over the whole seismicity range (left to right PGA 0.16g, 0.35g) and having a covariance of about 8%. Once again, the displacement demand decrease for a damping of 1.657% to 2% or for one of 4.144% to 5% can be roughly predicted according to the ratio of the viscous damping reduction factors Rξ for damping of 5% versus 4.144% implemented in code provisions [SIA 261, 2003] and [EC8, 1998] and described by equation (7.7). The former case has a ratio of 1.23/1.20=0.98 and the latter one a ratio of 1/1.05=0.95; both cases are very close to the mean of 0.97 in Figure 7.18. Figure 7.18: Influence of damping coefficient c on maximum displacement demand for member with continuous and spliced longitudinal reinforcement, experimental backbone assumption and a pier height of 6.60m and a lumped mass of 550t. (AGM = Artificial Ground Motion) 91 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses 7.2.6 Displacement increasing factors f(δ) and f(μ) Based on to the results obtained from NLTHA performed in this study and because of the need of simplified relations to describe strength degradation effects in an earthquake engineering performance-based design and assessment domain, two displacement increasing factors f(δ) and f(μ) are defined here. The aim of these factors is to roughly describe the increased displacement demand arising from a ductility or energy based cyclic strength degradation when compared with the same single-degree-of-freedom system without loss of lateral load carrying capacity. Thus, the general definition of these factors is somewhat proportional to the ratio of maximum displacement demand for a system with strength degradation Δmax,L divided by the maximum displacement demand for the same system without strength degradation Δmax,C, i.e.: f (δ ) or f ( μ ) ∝ Δ max, L Δ max, C (7.9) As it can be seen in Figure 7.8 and Figure 7.9, a mean drift ratio of δdeg = 0.85% can be defined as the drift value where for systems with 100H100M strength degradation initiates. This drift ratio corresponds to a ductility demand of μΔ, LE = 3.41 (spliced reinforcement, experimental backbone) or μΔ, LA = 1.93 (spliced reinforcement, numerical backbone), thus well beyond yielding especially for the first case. As a consequence, the initial period (or initial stiffness kinit,L) marginally affects the displacement demand at this point and whatever the backbone assumption was (experimental or numerical) a linear increase of displacement demand for single-degree-of-freedom systems with spliced reinforcement Δmax,L with respect to the same system with continuous reinforcement Δmax,C can be predicted as a function of lateral drift taking into account a bridge pier aspect ratio h/lw as follows f (δ ) = Δ max, L =1 Δ max, C ⎡ ⎢ δ max − δ deg Δ max, L f (δ ) = = 1+ ⎢ Δ max, C ⎢ 2 ⋅ ⎛⎜ h ⎞⎟ − δ deg ⎣⎢ 2 . 2 ⎝ l w ⎠ ⎤ ⎥ ⎥ ⋅ 0 . 20 ⎥ ⎦⎥ for δ max ≤ δ deg (7.10) for δ deg < δ max ≤ 2 % ⋅ ⎛⎜ h ⎞⎟ (7.11) ⎝ lw ⎠ Assuming that strength degradation occurs at approximately the same inelastic deformation for systems with pier height other than h=6.60m (reference pier), the drift ratio for the initiation of degradation can be estimated as follows δ deg = 0 . 85 % ⎛ h ⎞ ⋅⎜ ⎟ 2 .2 ⎝ l w ⎠ (7.12) In the same way, a ductility dependent displacement factor f(μ) that describes the same behaviour has been found to be f (μ ) = Δ max, L =1 Δ max, C for μ ≤ μ deg (7.13) 92 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses f (μ ) = Δ max, L ⎛ μ − μ deg = 1 + ⎜⎜ Δ max, C ⎝ 2 . 00 ⎛ 1 . 80 ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⋅ 0 . 20 ⋅ ⎜ ⎜μ ⎠ ⎝ deg ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ for μ deg < μ ≤ 2 ⋅ μ deg (7.14) Due to the relatively small number of performed NLTHA and to the increased scatter in the data, an upper limit for the use of these approximation has been set to be a drift ratio of δmax = 2% (for h=6.60m) and a displacement ductility of μmax=2 μdeg. The parameters have been estimated in order to fit the trend in Figure 7.19 (mean value for spliced reinforcement). Figure 7.19: Comparison of proposed prediction (orange line) using displacement increasing factor versus effective obtained mean and standard deviation values of displacement ductility (left) and drift ratio (right) for systems suffering strength degradation from NLTHA. Pier heights on horizontal axes are obtained considering a reference pier of h=6.60m. Only systems presented in Figure 7.10 and Table 7.4 have been considered here. Figure 7.20: Proposed prediction (red line) for consideration of increased displacement demand as a function of displacement ductility (left) and drift ratio (right) for systems suffering strength degradation. Displacement ductilities and drift ratios on horizontal axis are referred to systems with strength degradation. Only systems presented in Figure 7.10 and Table 7.4 have been considered here. 93 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses Figure 7.21: Proposed prediction (red line) for consideration of increased displacement demand as a function of displacement ductility (left) and drift ratio (right) for systems suffering strength degradation. Displacement ductilities and drift ratios on horizontal axis are referred to systems without strength degradation. Only systems presented in Figure 7.10 and Table 7.4 have been considered here. Even if the displacement increasing factor was calibrated mostly following the trend of Figure 7.19, this simplified approach seems to represent in a conservative manner the expected displacement demands for systems with backbone assumption based on experimental data (see Figure 7.22 and Figure 7.23). As noticed in section 7.2.2, the scatter in the data prior to initiation of strength degradation depends here on the differing initial stiffness of systems without loss of lateral load capacity, compared with those suffering it (see also [Bimschas et al., 2008]). Figure 7.22: Proposed prediction (red line) for consideration of increased displacement demand as a function of drift ratio for systems suffering strength degradation. Drift ratios on horizontal axis are referred to systems with strength degradation. Only single-degree-of-freedom systems with pier height of h=6.60m, a lumped mass of m=550to and an experimental backbone (left) and numerical backbone (right) are presented here. Ground motion type (AGM=Artificial, RGM=Real GM, RGM N=Real newly scaled) 94 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses Figure 7.23: Proposed prediction (red line) for consideration of increased displacement demand as a function of displacement ductility for systems suffering strength degradation. Displacement ductilities on horizontal axis are referred to systems with strength degradation. Only single-degree-of-freedom systems with pier height of h=6.60m, a lumped mass of m=550t and an experimental backbone (left) and numerical backbone (right) are presented here. Ground motion type (AGM=Artificial, RGM=Real GM, RGM N=Real newly scaled) 7.3 Simplified procedures for maximum displacement demand prediction 7.3.1 Brief overview and main considerations The maximum displacement demand obtained by NLTHA has been compared with different simplified approaches proposed by [Miranda et al., 2003], [Priestley et al., 2007], [Iwan, 1980] and [Guyader et al., 2004]. The theories underlying these methods are based on different stiffness and damping model assumptions. Table 7.6: Stiffness and damping model assumptions for the considered methods Method Stiffness model Damping model Other considerations [Miranda et al., 2003] initial (elastic) equivalent viscous damping Δinelastic based on correction factor (CR) applied on Δelastic [Priestley et al., 2007] effective (secant) equivalent viscous damping iterative procedure using capacity spectrum method (CSM) to estimate Δdemand [Iwan, 1980] effective (optimal) equivalent viscous damping (optimized) iterative procedure using modified capacity spectrum method (CSM) to estimate Δdemand [Guyader et al., 2004] effective (statistically optimal) equivalent viscous damping (statistically optimized) iterative procedure using modified capacity spectrum method (CSM) to estimate Δdemand Except for the procedure proposed by Miranda [Miranda et al., 2003], that considers an inelastic displacement correction factor CR as linearization (see section 7.3.2), the other three methods use an approximate analysis technique by replacing the actual nonlinear system with 95 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses an equivalent linear system in order to estimate displacement demand of inelastic system. A brief description of this technique will be presented here and can be found in [Guyader et al., 2004]. “Based on the analysis of linear system response, different conclusions of the nonlinear system response may be deduced. Recalling the equation of motion for the SDOF system: where f ( x , x& ) represents a linear viscous damped system, the differential equation of motion may be expressed as m &x&lin + c eff x& lin + k eff x lin = − m u&&(t ) (7.15) Where m=mass of the system, ceff=effective viscous damping coefficient and keff=effective spring stiffness. For a given ground excitation, ü(t), the solution xlin(t) may be computed using any convenient numerical solution procedure. For an inelastic system, the restoring force f ( x , x& ) may take a variety of forms. The solution for an inelastic system is designated as xinel(t). […] Dividing by the mass Equation (7.15) may be written as &x&lin + 4πξ eff x& lin Teff ⎛ 2π +⎜ ⎜T ⎝ eff 2 ⎞ ⎟ x lin = − u&&( t ) ⎟ ⎠ (7.16) Where the effective fraction of critical damping ξeff and the effective period are expressed as ξ eff = c eff 2 k eff m Teff = 2π m k eff (7.17) (7.18) Numerous approaches can be employed for making a comparison between displacement time histories xinel(t) and xlin(t). Within the framework of performance-based engineering, the key performance variable is the maximum relative displacement amplitude that a structure experiences from the demand earthquake. The relative displacement for the inelastic and linear SDOF systems is xinel(t) and xlin(t) respectively. The effective linear parameters obtained based on a comparison of displacement values would not be appropriate for use in a velocity or force-based design procedure. […] The maximum acceleration or maximum pseudo-acceleration as compared to &x&linel (t ) would be a much better comparison parameter for determining effective linear parameters intended for use in a forcebased analysis procedure”. Effective linear parameters can be found in literature for different input motions based on steady-state harmonic, stationary random response or earthquake excitations. The effective linear parameters developed by [Priestley et al., 2007] and [Guyader et al., 2004] are based on earthquake excitations and assume a secant stiffness as effective stiffness for the former and a statistically optimized effective stiffness and damping for the latter. Iwan [Iwan, 1980] used 96 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses statistically random response as input motions and optimal effective parameters, thus being in some sense the precursor of the work proposed by [Guyader et al., 2004]. 7.3.2 Miranda et al., 2003 The procedure proposed by Miranda [Miranda et al., 2003] arises from studies based on constant relative strength inelastic displacement ratios to estimate maximum lateral inelastic displacement demands on structures from maximum lateral elastic displacement demand. A relatively large number of recorded earthquake ground motions and three different soil conditions were considered and the influence of initial (elastic) period of vibration, level of lateral yielding strength, site conditions, earthquake magnitude, distance to source and strainhardening ratio were evaluated. Table 7.7: Statistical data of earthquakes used in [Miranda et al., 2003] Ms Earthquakes Accelerograms Soil Class A Soil Class B Soil Class C 5.8-7.7 12 216 (72 each soil) vs30 = 760-1525m/s vs30 = 360-760m/s vs30 = 160-360m/s The inelastic displacement ratio CR, is defined as the maximum lateral inelastic displacement demand Δinelastic, divided by the maximum lateral elastic displacement demand Δelastic, on systems with same mass and initial stiffness when subjected to the same earthquake ground motion. CR = Δ inelastic Δ elastic (7.19) The inelastic displacement demand is computed in systems with constant yielding strength relative to the strength required to maintain the system elastic, and the relative lateral strength is characterized by the strength ratio R, which is defined as R= mS a Fy (7.20) where m is the mass of the system, Sa correspond to the spectral acceleration ordinate and Fy is the lateral yielding strength of the system. Based on nonlinear regression analyses, the following simplified expression of inelastic displacement ratios to estimate maximum inelastic displacement demand from maximum elastic displacement demand for structures with given lateral strength ratio R has been proposed: CR = Δ inelastic =1+ Δ elastic ⎡ 1 1⎤ − ⎥ (R − 1) ⎢ b c⎦ ⎣ a (T / T s ) (7.21) where T is the period of vibration of the system, Ts is the characteristic period at the site and a, b, c are constants that depend on site conditions. 97 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses Table 7.8: Site dependent coefficients for inelastic displacement ratios CR [Miranda et al., 2003] Site class a b c Ts (s) B 42 1.60 45 0.75 C 48 1.80 50 0.85 D 57 1.85 60 1.05 simplified, all classes 50 1.80 55 a-c class dependent Site independent (simplified) coefficients a, b, c are used in the study presented here to estimate the displacement demand for all the systems because of the relative low scatter in the data when using these values of a, b, c instead of site class dependent parameters. Moreover, because the artificial and real ground motions generated for this study were respectively scaled to match a defined response spectra with a soil class B according to [SIA 261, 2003], thus explicitly assuming a soil shear wave velocity vs = 400-800m/s, a characteristic period at the site equal to Ts = 0.85s was assumed (see also chapter 6). In the following figures, comparison of the maximum displacement demand ratio defined as the maximum displacement obtained by a dynamic analysis Δmax,NLTHA divided by the maximum displacement obtained by procedure [Miranda et al., 2003] Δmax,Miranda et al. for the same NLTHA as Δ max, NLTHA Δ max, Miranda (7.22) el al . is plotted. As it can be seen in next figure, the mean value of the displacement ratio correspond to approximately 0.90 (or 90%) with a CV ranging between 0.11-0.23=11-23% over the whole seismicity range considered for members with continuous reinforcement. As can be expected, considering a determined ground motion type (Figure 7.25, Figure 7.26, Figure 7.27), the CV increases with increasing seismicity (or drift ratio) because higher inelastic displacement demands are less reliable and dependent from initial period than those close to an elastic response using this method of prediction. For members with spliced longitudinal reinforcement this method doesn’t capture any degradation because it relies on initial stiffness only. Nevertheless, as it can be seen in Figure 7.24 the mean value of the displacement ratio corresponds to about 0.94 (or 94%) for the lowest seismicity, thus being very close to the value of the member with continuous reinforcement. Increases of respectively 10% and 20% are reached at each higher hazard level. Considering a determined ground motion type (Figure 7.25, Figure 7.26, Figure 7.27) we can observe that the CV also increases with increasing seismicity implying higher uncertainty for higher drift (and ductility) demand. 98 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses Figure 7.24: Ratio of maximum displacement demand from NLTHA divided by maximum displacement demand according to procedure proposed by [Miranda et al., 2003] and sorted by longitudinal reinforcement detailing, ground motion type, seismicity (PGA 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g left to right). All NLTHA assumed a SDOF system with a pier height of 6.60m and a lumped mass of 550t Figure 7.25: Ratio of maximum displacement demand from NLTHA divided by maximum displacement demand according to procedure proposed by [Miranda et al., 2003] and sorted by longitudinal reinforcement detailing, seismicity (PGA 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g left to right) and considering artificial GM only. All NLTHA assumed a SDOF system with a pier height of 6.60m and a lumped mass of 550t 99 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses Figure 7.26: Ratio of maximum displacement demand from NLTHA divided by maximum displacement demand according to procedure proposed by [Miranda et al., 2003] and sorted by longitudinal reinforcement detailing, seismicity (PGA 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g left to right) and considering real GM only. All NLTHA assumed a SDOF system with a pier height of 6.60m and a lumped mass of 550t Figure 7.27: Ratio of maximum displacement demand from NLTHA divided by maximum displacement demand according to procedure proposed by [Miranda et al., 2003] and sorted by longitudinal reinforcement detailing, seismicity (PGA 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g left to right) and considering real, newly s. GM only. All NLTHA assumed a SDOF system with a pier height of 6.60m and a lumped mass of 550t 7.3.3 Priestley et al., 2007 Procedure proposed by Priestley [Priestley et al., 2007] arises from studies on effective period Te, based on secant stiffness of structures to peak displacement demand, and on an equivalent viscous damping ξe as a result of elastic and hysteretic damping. Calculation of the expected 100 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses displacement demand for existing structures is based on an iterative procedure called capacity spectrum method (CSM) where a performance point has to be found. The performance point is the intersection of the capacity spectrum and the locus of performance points (demand) where for both sides (capacity and demand) compatibility in terms of effective period Te and equivalent viscous damping ξe is accomplished. Capacity is defined by means of a backbone curve that represents the envelope of the forcedeformation relation assumed for a SDOF system in a NLTHA. Each point on the capacity curve corresponds to a unique displacement and consequently to a defined ductility μ and effective period Te. Figure 7.28: Concept of effective (secant) stiffness proposed by Priestley [Priestley et al., 2007] Table 7.9: Capacity curve assumptions considered in this study for NLTHA yielding point degradation residual cap. failure point Fy Δy Fdeg Δdeg Fres Δres Fult Δult Continuous, Experimental data 2800 19.54 - - - - 2800 295.9 Continuous, Numerical data 2858 29.04 - - - - 2858 281.9 Lap-splice, Experimental data 2860 16.44 2860 62.47 686 189.1 0 295.9 Lap-splice, Numerical data 2850 29.04 2858 51.69 1000 145.5 0 281.9 Capacity curve [kN, mm] By CSM the capacity curves with strength degradation where idealized in the degrading branch as linear up to a lateral force carrying capacity equal to zero with a line described by points Fdeg and Fres 101 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses Figure 7.29: Capacity curves from Table 7.9 displayed in Acceleration Displacement Response Spectra (ADRS) versus seismic demands (left) and force-deformation relations of bridge piers considered in capacity spectrum method (CSM) according to the procedure of [Priestley et al., 2007] Displacement ductility μ, is defined as the ratio of a given target displacement Δe, divided by the yield displacement Δy as μ = Δe Δy (7.23) Structural effective period Te, is defined as the period at maximum deflection Δe, thus depends on effective stiffness ke and effective mass me of system as T e = 2π me = 2π ke me Fe / Δ e (7.24) Considering that effective stiffness can always be expressed as a function of initial stiffness and backbone assumptions, the effective period for a structure without strength degradation can be expresses by means of displacement ductility as T e = 2π me = 2π ke me = 2π Fe / Δ e me = 2π F y /( Δ y μ ) μ me = 2π Fy / Δ y μ me (7.25) ky Assuming that for systems with strength degradation, drop in lateral force capacity can be expressed by means of reduction factor Rμ, c for a given displacement ductility μ as the ratio of the yield force Fy divided by the effective force at Fe as R μ ,c = Fy Fe (7.26) the effective period for a structure suffering strength degradation is 102 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses T e = 2π me = 2π ke me = 2π Fe / Δ e me = 2π ( F y / R μ ,c ) /( Δ y μ ) μ R μ ,c me ky (7.27) As a consequence, a period shifting (lengthening) occurs for inelastic deformation at all periods and for an equal displacement ductility a structure suffering strength degradation has a longer inelastic vibration period than one without loss of lateral load capacity. For this reason, because the proposed methodology is primarily intended for systems without strength degradation, for the case of systems with spliced reinforcement the CSM was performed twice: firstly neglecting degradation on capacity side, then considering it. According to the procedure by [Priestley et al., 2007] there exists for each displacement demand an equivalent viscous damping ξe equal to the damping that a structure must develop in order to remain elastic so that the maximum displacement response Δe of the elastic system be equal to those achieved in the NLTHA based on the same input accelerogram and considering the effective period of structure Te obtained from NLTHA. Equivalent viscous damping ξe is defined as the sum of an elastic viscous damping ξel (material damping) and a hysteretic damping ξhyst coming from cycles of inelastic deformation as ξ eq = ξ el + ξ hyst (7.28) The elastic damping according to [Priestley et al., 2007] is not equal to the elastic damping assumed in NLTHA, but is corrected by a ductility dependent factor λ that accounts for the damping proportional stiffness model considered in NLTHA (initial or tangent) and for the hysteretic rule. ξ el = ξ el , NLTHA μ λ (7.29) The hysteretic damping according to [Priestley et al., 2007] accounts for the damping proportional to the energy dissipated in cycles of inelastic deformations and in its complete form is ductility and period dependent (see Eq. 7.30). Moreover, hysteretic damping depends on the hysteretic rule adopted, since some rules dissipate considerable more energy than others for the same force-deformation envelope. ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ 1 ⎞ 1 ⎟ ξ hyst = a ⎜⎜ 1 − b ⎟⎟ ⎜⎜ 1 + μ ⎠⎝ (Te + c )d ⎟⎠ ⎝ (7.30) Table 7.10: Secant stiffness correction factors λ for elastic damping [Priestley et al., 2007] Model Initial stiffness Tangent stiffness EPP 0.127 -0.341 Bilinear (BI) 0.193 -0.808 Takeda Thin (TT) 0.340 -0.378 Takeda Fat (TF) 0.312 -0.313 Flag 0.387 -0.430 Ramberg-Osgood -0.060 -0.617 103 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses Table 7.11: Equivalent viscous damping coefficients for hysteretic damping component according to the procedure proposed by [Priestley et al.,2007] Model a b c d EPP 0.224 0.336 -0.002 0.250 Bilinear (BI) 0.262 0.655 0.813 4.890 Takeda Thin (TT) 0.215 0.642 0.824 6.444 Takeda Fat (TF) 0.305 0.492 0.790 4.464 Flag 0.251 0.148 3.015 0.511 Ramberg-Osgood 0.289 0.622 0.856 6.460 In comparison of damping prediction according to [Priestley et al., 2007] metohd, equivalent viscous damping ξe was estimated performing a series of elastic, linear time-history analyses based on effective period Te and maximum displacement demand Δe obtained from NLTHA with different backbone assumptions and with or without degradation; results are presented below and shows the high scatter in data even for low ductility demands. Nevertheless, because displacement does not linearly depend on damping (damping is usually considered in a squared-root as in Equation 7.5) this error in damping prediction will not be directly reflected in displacement demand prediction. Figure 7.30: Comparison of hysteretic damping obtained from elastic, linear time-history analysis ELTHA based on effective period Te and maximum displacement demand from NLTHA performed in this study versus prediction according to [Priestley et al., 2007] procedure assuming a Thin Takeda model (TT) Demand in CSM is estimated by means of the response spectra the accelerograms considered in the NLTHA. Loci of performance points (LPP) are estimated at small intervals of equivalent viscous damping ξe based on the effective period Te assumed on capacity side and performance point is found at the intersection of the capacity curve with the LPP (Figure 7.31). 104 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses Figure 7.31: Examples of iterative procedure adopted in CSM for a real scaled ground motion (left) and an artificial ground motion (right) in order to find the performance point (PP), defined as intersection of capacity and demand on locus of performance points, considering effective period Te and equivalent viscous damping ξe as proposed by [Priestley et al., 2007]. Multiple solutions may occur in CSM, meaning that the locus of performance points intersects the capacity curve more than once (Figure 7.31 and Figure 7.32, left). In these cases different assumptions may be made as to which is the most representative solution of the CSM; [Guyader et al., 2006] use the most conservative solution, but in our opinion, based on analyses performed here, this assumption usually leads to a large overestimation of displacement demand for most cases. Depending on the shape of the locus of performance points compared to the capacity curve, multiple solutions may be categorized into those with a) LPP tangent to the capacity curve (Figure 7.31, left) and those with the b) LPP intersecting capacity curve at single, separated displacements (Figure 7.32, left). The first case means, that more solutions are very close to each other and a slight difference in prediction of effective period and equivalent viscous damping leads to a relatively high shift in displacement demand but also implies, that for a given ground motion there is a high probability of peak response being achieved at approximately the same time by a single peak of acceleration. In the second case the solutions are usually divided by a relatively high gap in effective period and equivalent viscous damping, meaning that we are dealing with two clearly separated systems. It is also possible, that the CSM does not have a solution meaning that the locus of performance points will never intersect the capacity curve (Figure 7.32, right). In our analyses this was mostly the case for large ductility demands (PGA 0.50g) and systems suffering strength degradation. As it can be seen in Figure 7.30, the assumed equivalent viscous damping ξe according to [Priestley et al., 2007] procedure is about constant for ductilities μ > 6, implying a constant damped response spectra for these cases. Moreover, for members suffering strength degradation the capacity curve decays for large ductilities, thus falling approximately parallel to the damped ground motion response spectra (Figure 7.32, right). 105 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses Figure 7.32: Examples of iterative procedure adopted in CSM for a case with multiple solutions (left) and a case without solution (right) assuming a capacity curve with strength degradation considering effective period Te and equivalent viscous damping ξe as proposed by [Priestley et al., 2007]. Comparisons of the maximum displacement demand ratio defined as the maximum displacement obtained by a dynamic analysis Δmax,NLTHA divided by the maximum displacement obtained by procedure [Priestley et al., 2007] Δmax,Priestley et al. for the same NLTHA as Δ max, NLTHA Δ max, Priestley (7.31) el al. are plotted in Figure 7.33 to Figure 7.36. As discussed previously the CSM was performed twice for systems suffering strength degradation; in Figure 7.33 the results for the case without consideration of capacity degradation are presented while in Figure 7.34 degradation is considered for the members with spliced reinforcement. As expected, difference in displacement ratio for members with spliced reinforcement presented in Figure 7.33 and Figure 7.34 are observed for drift ratios δ >δdeg and are very high for a PGA 0.50g. At this seismicity level, considering an initial stiffness proportional elastic damping ratio of ξel,NLTHA=2% all performed CSM analyses (artificial ground motions) had no solution for both numerical and experimental backbone assumption but leaded to a solution for ξel,NLTHA=5%. At moderate to high seismicities (PGA 0.16g, 0.35g) a mean value of displacement ratio corresponding to about 1.05-1.10 (or 105-110%) with a CV of 0.12-0.25 (or 12-25%) is obtained for members with spliced reinforcement in both CSM analyses. As for the prediction proposed by [Miranda et al., 2003] a better fit of the data was obtained for members with continuous reinforcement, a mean value of displacement ratio corresponding to about 1.01-1.07 (or 101-107%) and a CV of 0.11-0.21 (or 11-21%) were obtained for the whole seismicity range considered. Treating members with continuous reinforcement only and dividing the results depending on ground motion type it can be observed, that the CV remains constant for artificial ground motions and increases with increasing seismicity (or drift ratio) for real, scaled ground 106 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses motions. For real ground motion a shifting of the mean displacement ratio into the conservative sector (ratio < 1.00) has been observed for increasing seismicity while for artificial accelerograms a mean value around 1.00 was obtained. Figure 7.33: Ratio of maximum displacement demand from NLTHA divided by maximum displacement demand according to procedure proposed by [Priestley et al., 2007] and sorted by longitudinal reinforcement detailing, ground motion type, seismicity (PGA 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g left to right). All NLTHA assumed a SDOF system with a h=6.60m, m=550t and neglected strength degradation on capacity Figure 7.34: Ratio of maximum displacement demand from NLTHA divided by maximum displacement demand according to procedure proposed by [Priestley et al., 2007] and sorted by longitudinal reinforcement detailing, ground motion type, seismicity (PGA 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g left to right). All NLTHA assumed a SDOF system with a h=6.60m, m=550t and considered strength degradation on capacity 107 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses Figure 7.35: Ratio of maximum displacement demand from NLTHA divided by maximum displacement demand according to procedure proposed by [Priestley et al., 2007] and sorted by longitudinal reinforcement detailing, seismicity (PGA 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g left to right) and considering artificial GM only. All NLTHA assumed a SDOF with a h=6.60m, m=550t and neglected strength degradation. Figure 7.36: Ratio of maximum displacement demand from NLTHA divided by maximum displacement demand according to procedure proposed by [Priestley et al., 2007] and sorted by longitudinal reinforcement detailing, seismicity (PGA 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g left to right) and considering real GM only. All NLTHA assumed a SDOF with a h=6.60m, m=550t and neglected strength degradation. 108 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses Figure 7.37: Ratio of maximum displacement demand from NLTHA divided by maximum displacement demand according to procedure proposed by [Priestley et al., 2007] and sorted by longitudinal reinforcement detailing, seismicity (PGA 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g left to right) and considering real, newly s. GM only. All NLTHA assumed a SDOF with a h=6.60m, m=550t and neglected strength degradation. 7.3.4 Iwan, 1980 The procedure proposed by Iwan [Iwan, 1980] was one the of early efforts to define optimal linear parameters for earthquake excitation based on making an adjustment to the linear response spectrum. As described in [Guyader et al., 2004], in the study of Iwan [Iwan, 1980] “ductility dependent inelastic response spectra were compared with elastic response spectra, and displacement preserving shifts of the inelastic spectra were determined which minimized the average absolute value difference between the inelastic and equivalent linear spectra over a range of periods. Figure 7.38: Early effort to define optimal equivalent linear parameters [Iwan, 1980] 109 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses A family of hysteresis behaviour was considered including bilinear hysteretic as well as pinching hysteretic models.[…] Using the stated procedure, the following relationships were obtained for the optimal effective linear parameters: Teff − 1 = 0 . 121 (μ − 1) (7.32) ξ eff − ξ 0 = 5 . 87 (μ − 1)0 .371 (7.33) T0 0 . 939 The proposed equations were not developed to have dependence on the second slope ratio and in addition, the optimal effective period defined by the above relationship is significantly less than the period associated with the secant stiffness (or, the optimal stiffness is significantly greater than the secant stiffness). The period employed is the optimal effective linear period in the conventional CSM (in this study defined as Teff in [Priestley et al., 2007]). It is also observed that the damping value used in the conventional CSM approach (defined as ξeq in [Priestley et al., 2007]) is significantly greater than the optimal damping parameter”. Figure 7.39 shows the comparison of predicted effective periods and damping, for three different initial periods T=0.35-1.00s It can be seen how the optimal equivalent linear parameters proposed in [Iwan, 1980] are considerably lower than those proposed by [Priestley et al., 2007]. Effective (equivalent) viscous damping has been estimated assuming a Thin Takeda (TT) hysteretic rule, initial stiffness proportional damping and the relationship in Equation (7.15) to obtain the effective period Teff . Figure 7.39: Comparison of equivalent linear parameters based on the procedure proposed by [Iwan, 1980], based on optimal stiffness and damping, versus the procedure proposed [Priestley et al., 2007], based on secant stiffness and equivalent viscous damping. Periods are intended as initial period T=T0 As an example, considering an elastic viscous damping ratio of ξel=0.02 (NLTHA), an initial period of T0=0.50s and a displacement ductility of μ=4.00 we obtain ξeff=0.16, Teff=1.00s for [Priestley et al., 2007] versus ξeff=0.11, Teff=0.67s for [Iwan, 1980], thus a difference of roughly 45% for both parameters. 110 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses Seismic demand in the procedure of [Iwan, 1980] is represented by means of a damped response spectrum as for a conventional CSM, but due to the different definition of effective period (optimal stiffness instead of secant stiffness) some modification must be undertaken in order to allow for the use of the optimal linear equations (7.22 and 7.23). Considering that the conventional CSM, described in section 7.3.3 for the procedure of [Priestley et al., 2007], implicitly use the relation Te=Tsec or Teff=Tsec for ADRS seismic demand, a modification of the response spectra MADRS that allows for use of any period T different from Tsec is used in this procedure. A modification factor M is estimated for a single ADRS (see Figure 7.40), where each value of PSA at every spectral displacement SD may be multiplied by the ratio of secant stiffness proportional pseudo-acceleration Asec divided by the effective stiffness proportional pseudoacceleration Aeff as M = Asec ⎛ Teff = ⎜⎜ Aeff ⎝ Tsec ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎠ 2 (7.34) Figure 7.40: Comparison of predicted displacement demand according to [Iwan, 1980] (left) using equivalent linear optimal parameters (modified CSM) versus conventional CSM according to [Priestley et al., 2007] (right) using secant stiffness for same ground motion, elastic viscous damping and capacity curve (RGM42, 2%, numerical backbone). Comparing the results from a conventional CSM with a modified CSM for a single ground motion (Figure 7.40) is interesting to notice, that not only damping and effective period are different but also the shape of locus of performance points is affected by the modification proposed by Iwan [Iwan, 1980]. As it can be seen in Figure 7.40 a multiple-solution arises using the conventional CSM and the shape of locus of PP lies parallel to the capacity curve in a wide range of displacement, but a unique, defined solution is achieved in MADRS. 111 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses Figure 7.41: Comparison of equivalent viscous damping obtained from elastic, linear time-history analysis ELTHA based on effective period Teff on secant stiffness and maximum displacement demand from NLTHA performed in this study versus prediction according to [Iwan., 1980]. Effective period on horizontal axis (right) correspond to a secant stiffness. Figure 7.42: Ratio of maximum displacement demand from NLTHA divided by maximum displacement demand according to procedure proposed by [Iwan, 1980] and sorted by longitudinal reinforcement detailing, ground motion type, seismicity (PGA 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g left to right). All NLTHA assumed a SDOF system with a h=6.60m, m=550t and neglected strength degradation on capacity 112 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses Figure 7.43: Ratio of maximum displacement demand from NLTHA divided by maximum displacement demand according to procedure proposed by [Iwan, 1980] and sorted by longitudinal reinforcement detailing, seismicity (PGA 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g left to right) and considering artificial GM only. All NLTHA assumed a SDOF with a h=6.60m, m=550t and neglected strength degradation. Figure 7.44: Ratio of maximum displacement demand from NLTHA divided by maximum displacement demand according to procedure proposed by [Iwan, 1980] and sorted by longitudinal reinforcement detailing, seismicity (PGA 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g left to right) and considering real GM only. All NLTHA assumed a SDOF with a h=6.60m, m=550t and neglected strength degradation. 113 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses Figure 7.45: Ratio of maximum displacement demand from NLTHA divided by maximum displacement demand according to procedure proposed by [Iwan, 1980] and sorted by longitudinal reinforcement detailing, seismicity (PGA 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g left to right) and considering real, newly s. GM only. All NLTHA assumed a SDOF with a h=6.60m, m=550t and neglected strength degradation. 7.3.5 Guyader et al., 2004 The procedure proposed by Guyader [Guyader et al., 2004] arises from early studies carried out by Iwan [Iwan, 1980] and improves and extends the procedure described in section 7.3.4 for several hysteretic systems including bilinear, stiffness degrading, strength degrading and pinching models and considers the effects of different second slope ratios (post-yield divided by initial stiffness). The main improvement of this modified CSM compared with Iwan [Iwan, 1980] is the fact, that effective linear parameter equations have been statistically optimized in order to minimize errors in terms of accuracy and precision, thus giving insight into the sensitivity of the performance point prediction. In order to compare the maximum displacement amplitude of the nonlinear time history xinel(t), designated as Dinel and the maximum displacement amplitude of the linear time history xlin(t), designated as Dlin Guyader defines an error measure capable of distinguishing between a conservative displacement prediction and a non-conservative displacement prediction as D − D inel (7.35) ε D = lin D inel With this definition, a negative value of εD corresponds to a non-conservative displacement prediction while a positive value reflects a conservative displacement prediction. As observed in [Guyader et al., 2004],”[…] εD might be considered to have a positive bias as it ranges from -1 to ∞”. However, for the range of systems and excitations considered in this study ([Guyader et al., 2004]), the slight positive bias in statistical distribution of εD is inconsequential. 114 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses Figure 7.46: Mean value contours (left) and standard deviation contours (right) of εD error distribution over two-dimensional parameter space for entire ensemble [Guyader et al., 2004] It is interesting to notice, that there is a nearly diagonal (linear) contour of zero error in Figure 7.46 (left) thus meaning, that for certain combinations, overprediction of effective period and damping or underprediction of both parameters leads to consistent maximum displacement response. Assuming a normal distribution of results and using mean and standard deviation Guyader completely described the error distribution and defined an engineering acceptability range of error εD ranging from -10% to 20% in order to estimate the effective linear parameters to be used as ℑ EAR ≡ 1 − P ( − 0 . 10 < ε D < 0 . 20 ) = minimum (7.36) Figure 7.47: Engineering acceptability range applied to distribution of εD considering an additive relation for effective damping and a ratio for effective period [Guyader et al., 2004] The general form of statistically optimized linear parameter equations for effective damping and effective period developed by [Guyader et al., 2004] are 115 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses ξ eff − ξ 0 = A (μ − 1)2 + B (μ − 1)3 for μ < 4 .0 (7.37) ξ eff − ξ 0 = C + D (μ − 1) for 4 .0 ≤ μ ≤ 6 .5 (7.38) − 1 = G (μ − 1 ) + H (μ − 1 ) for μ < 4 .0 (7.39) − 1 = I + J (μ − 1) for 4 .0 ≤ μ ≤ 6 .5 (7.40) Teff T0 Teff T0 2 3 As noticed in [Guyader et al., 2004] “for large values of ductility, a semiempirical approach has been adopted to extend the effective linear parameter equations. Data points were calculated at ductilities of 8.0 and 10.0. The equations are based on the asymptotic behaviour of the secant period and equivalent viscous damping”. The following equations are proposed ξ eff F (μ − 1) − 1 ⎛ Teff ⎜ − ξ0 = E [F (μ − 1)]2 ⎜⎝ T0 ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎠ 2 ⎞ ⎛ (μ − 1) − 1 = K ⎜⎜ − 1 ⎟⎟ T0 ⎠ ⎝ 1 + L [(μ − 1) − 1] Teff for μ > 6 .5 (7.41) for μ > 6 .5 (7.42) Because this study is mainly focused on the comparison of behaviour of members without strength degradation with those suffering strength degradation, the parameters for estimation of effective damping and period have been considered for a stiffness degrading model (KDEG) without post-yield stiffness (α=0%) and for ground motions in the far-field as in Table 7.12. Observing the hysteresis loops proposed in Figure 7.48 the energy dissipation for stiffness degrading models seems to be more appropriate when compared with the hysteresis loops assumed in NLTHA and presented in Figure 5.4 and Figure 5.10 due to the shape and amount of area included in the loops. 116 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses Figure 7.48: Force (f) vs. displacement (x) for bilinear (BLH), stiffness degrading (KDEG), strength degrading (STRDG) and pushover backbone models from a THA with a sinusoidal acceleration function (left) and schematic diagram and hysteresis loops for the pinching models (right) [Guyader et al., 2004b] Table 7.12: Coefficients for effective linear parameters according to [Guyader et al., 2004b] for far-field ground motions, different hysteretic models and second slope ratios α Model TRange α BLH Tshort BLH Tshort BLH Tshort BLH Tshort BLH Tshort BLH A B C 0% 3.1922 −0.6598 10.5687 2% 3.3338 −0.6405 9.3792 5% 4.1504 −0.8260 10% 5.0731 −1.0826 20% 4.64 Tshort 60% STRDG Tshort D E F G H I J K L 0.1156 19.13 0.73 0.1108 −0.0167 0.2794 0.0892 0.57 0 1.1101 18.85 0.42 0.1034 −0.0142 0.2107 0.1125 0.665 0.02 10.1243 1.6428 22.35 0.4 0.1145 −0.0178 0.1777 0.124 0.768 0.05 11.6899 1.5791 24.38 0.36 0.1262 −0.0224 0.1713 0.1194 0.87 0.1 −0.9900 11.75 1.13 25.25 0.37 0.0952 −0.0149 0.1748 0.093 0.98 0.2 2.377 −0.6125 4.8036 0.0169 13.42 0.35 0.0433 −0.0091 0.0677 0.0257 0.96 0.6 −5% 5.6014 −1.2944 13.6407 0.608 22.012 0.9 0.195 −0.0379 0.1843 0.1825 0.71 −0.05 −0.03 STRDG Tshort −3% 5.2749 −1.1635 13.9824 0.6924 23.7334 0.9 0.1801 −0.0331 0.2128 0.1716 0.76 KDEG Tshort 0% 5.1261 −1.1090 12.1052 1.3622 20.66 0.62 0.1725 −0.0317 0.1673 0.1767 0.85 0 KDEG Tshort 2% 5.3031 −1.1722 11.2724 1.6023 19.79 0.51 0.1756 −0.0335 0.1637 0.1708 0.88 0.02 KDEG Tshort 5% 5.642 −1.2962 10.182 1.8661 19.51 0.38 0.1809 −0.0366 0.1472 0.164 0.92 0.05 KDEG Tshort 10% 5.3056 −1.2203 8.8425 1.9861 21.14 0.37 0.1652 −0.0338 0.1419 0.144 0.97 0.1 KDEG Tshort 20% 4.5877 −1.0250 9.6022 1.3379 23.38 0.34 0.1343 −0.0267 0.224 0.0839 1.01 0.2 KDEG Tshort 60% 2.414 −0.6128 2.9263 0.7511 20.2018 0.295 0.0639 −0.0157 0.0715 0.0262 0.976 0.6 PIN1 Tshort 0% 3.2857 −0.6870 5.4427 1.8604 12.4 0.49 0.2222 −0.0445 0.1628 0.212 0.987 0 PIN1 Tshort 2% 3.4226 −0.7156 5.6695 1.9379 13.3673 0.42 0.2057 −0.0412 0.1507 0.1963 0.988 0.02 PIN1 Tshort 5% 3.3888 −0.7083 5.6711 1.9015 13.5806 0.375 0.2034 −0.0417 0.1367 0.1898 1.05 0.05 PIN1 Tshort 10% 3.3443 −0.7438 5.5659 1.4835 13.4024 0.37 0.199 −0.0430 0.1581 0.1575 1.08 0.1 PIN1 Tshort 20% 2.7945 −0.6374 6.9221 0.3397 11.6507 0.4 0.1682 −0.0363 0.2829 0.0839 1.06 0.02 PIN1 Tshort 60% 0.8507 −0.2201 1.7454 −0.0106 4.4852 0.4 0.071 −0.0168 0.1278 0.0189 1.06 0.6 PIN2 Tshort 0% 5.0641 −1.1737 9.4127 1.4917 16.2 0.5 0.2109 −0.0435 0.186 0.1785 0.866 0 PIN2 Tshort 2% 5.2207 −1.2100 9.7038 1.5378 17.3304 0.45 0.1962 −0.0405 0.173 0.166 0.872 0.02 PIN2 Tshort 5% 4.9926 −1.1225 9.3702 1.7518 18.1582 0.395 0.182 −0.0365 0.1704 0.1604 0.94 0.05 PIN2 Tshort 10% 4.7203 −1.0514 10.0604 1.3451 18.6225 0.39 0.168 −0.0338 0.1923 0.1361 0.99 0.1 PIN2 Tshort 20% 3.6915 −0.7815 10.9408 0.394 17.8952 0.4 0.1301 −0.0242 0.2756 0.0806 1.02 0.2 PIN2 Tshort 60% 1.5464 −0.3964 3.4977 −0.0937 8.355 0.45 0.058 −0.0129 0.1213 0.0175 1.02 0.6 PB Tshort NA 5.6683 −1.4363 12.8666 −0.2112 11.705 0.89 0.1691 −0.0344 0.1115 0.1609 0.738 0 117 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses Figure 7.49: Comparison of equivalent linear parameters based on procedure proposed by [Guyader et al., 2004], based on optimal stiffness and damping, versus procedure proposed [Priestley et al., 2007], based on secant stiffness and equivalent viscous damping. Periods are intended as initial period T=T0 Figure 7.50: Comparison of equivalent linear parameters based on procedure proposed by [Guyader et al., 2004] versus previous study carried out by Iwan [Iwan, 1980], both based on optimal stiffness and damping. Periods are intended as initial period T=T0 The comparison in Figure 7.49 of equivalent linear effective parameter obtained by Guyader [Guyader et al., 2004] with those proposed by [Priestley et al., 2007] shows that the amount of effective damping is actually lower in [Priestley et al., 2007] for a ductility range up 3 and greater for higher displacement ductilities while the effective period, based on secant stiffness is the optimal effective period for all ductilities. According to Figure 7.46 this qualitatively means, that for ductilities up to 3, overestimations of both parameters in [Priestley et al., 2007] may lead to consistent maximum displacement responses, but for higher ductilities, because of overprediction of effective period combined with underprediction of effective damping, the risk of substantial errors in predictions [Priestley et al., 2007] is higher. 118 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses In fact for this ductility range we are moving roughly “perpendicular” to the line of zero error in Figure 7.46 (left). Figure 7.51: Comparison of equivalent viscous damping obtained from elastic, linear time-history analysis ELTHA based on effective period Teff on secant stiffness and maximum displacement demand from NLTHA performed in this study versus prediction according to [Guyader et al.., 2004]. Effective period on horizontal axis (right) corresponds to a secant stiffness. Figure 7.52: Ratio of maximum displacement demand from NLTHA divided by maximum displacement demand according to procedure proposed by [Guyader et al., 2004] and sorted by longitudinal reinforcement detailing, ground motion type, seismicity (PGA 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g left to right). All NLTHA assumed a SDOF system with a h=6.60m, m=550t and neglected strength degradation on capacity 119 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses Figure 7.53: Ratio of maximum displacement demand from NLTHA divided by maximum displacement demand according to procedure proposed by [Guyader et al., 2004] and sorted by longitudinal reinforcement detailing, seismicity (PGA 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g left to right) and considering artificial GM only. All NLTHA assumed a SDOF with a h=6.60m, m=550t and neglected strength degradation. Figure 7.54: Ratio of maximum displacement demand from NLTHA divided by maximum displacement demand according to procedure proposed by [Guyader et al., 2004] and sorted by longitudinal reinforcement detailing, seismicity (PGA 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g left to right) and considering real GM only. All NLTHA assumed a SDOF with a h=6.60m, m=550t and neglected strength degradation. 120 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses Figure 7.55: Ratio of maximum displacement demand from NLTHA divided by maximum displacement demand according to procedure proposed by [Guyader et al., 2004] and sorted by longitudinal reinforcement detailing, seismicity (PGA 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g left to right) and considering real, newly s. GM only. All NLTHA assumed a SDOF with a h=6.60m, m=550t and neglected strength degradation. 121 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses 7.3.6 Probabilistic evaluation of simplified displacement prediction procedures Comparison of the proposed simplified procedures versus results from NLTHA in terms of precision and accuracy is obtained considering a probabilistic approach. As a first step, definition of a displacement response error εD as in [Guyader et al., 2004] is presented. “The displacement response error is defined as the ratio of the difference between the linear displacement at the effective period and damping and the inelastic displacement to the inelastic displacement expressed as ε D (α , μ , HYST ) = [ ] D lin Teff (T0 , α , μ ), ξ eff (ξ 0 , α , μ ) − D inel (T0 , ξ 0α , μ , HYST D inel (T0 , ξ 0α , μ , HYST ) ) (7.43) The maximum displacement of nonlinear system, Dinel, is a function of the initial period, T0, linear viscous damping, ξ0, second slope ratio, α, response ductility, μ, and hysteretic model, denoted HYST. The linear system response, Dlin, is a function of the two linear system parameters: effective period and effective damping. In the analysis, Dinel, is a function of ductility. Therefore, scaling ground motions will have no effect on the results obtained.” In a more general form, the displacement response error can be defined as the ratio of the difference between the displacement from a simplified procedure described in previous sections and the inelastic displacement form NLTHA to the inelastic displacement obtained by NLTHA expressed as εD = D lin ,Prediction − D nltha D nltha (7.44) Motivation and advantages to describe a displacement difference between simplified prediction and dynamic analysis in this way has been discussed in section 7.3.5. As stated in [Guyader et al., 2004], it is generally assumed, that distributions of errors are normal in shape. Therefore, for a given simplified prediction, knowing the mean m and standard deviation σ of the distribution, the normal density function can be described as f (x , μ , σ ) = ⎛ ⎜− 1 e⎝ 2π σ (x−m ) ⎞ ⎟ 2σ 2 ⎠ (7.45) thus, the probability density function (PDF) is the integral from -∞ to ∞ of the considered distribution is: CDF = f ( x , μ , σ ) = −∞ ∫ −∞ ⎛ ⎜− 1 e⎝ 2π σ (x−m ) ⎞ ⎟ 2σ 2 ⎠ dx (7.46) According to [Guyader et al., 2004], the probability that the displacement prediction error for the procedures proposed by [Miranda et al., 2003], [Priestley et al., 2007], [Iwan, 1980] and [Guyader et al., 2004] lies in ranges listed in Table 7.14 and folllowing. They have been estimated considering two separate groups (or distributions) a) continuous reinforcement and b) spliced longitudinal reinforcement at the pier base. For members with spliced reinforcement two different approaches have been considered in [Priestley et al., 2007], [Iwan, 1980] and [Guyader et al., 2004] when computing the performance point; first neglecting strength degradation on capacity curve, than considering it. 122 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses Moreover, in the case of strength degradation, distributions that accounted for the effects of displacement increasing factors defined in 7.2.6 have been estimated and evaluated. Table 7.13: Mean m, standard σ deviation of displacement error εD and probabilities for some ranges assuming a normal distribution according to error bound defined in [Guyader et al., 2004] Method m σ Probability Probability Probability Probability (-10%<PP error<20%) (-20%<PP error<40%) (PP error<-20%) (PP error>40%) From an engineering point of view, a desirable range of acceptability (EAR) of displacement error εD can be assumed between values of -0.10 < εD < 0.20 meaning that a conservative displacement prediction up to 20% and a non-conservative underprediction up to -10% lies between these boundaries. As can be seen in Figure 7.56 (members with continuous reinforcement), the procedure proposed by [Priestley et al., 2007] has the highest probability (53%) to be within the EAR compared with the other procedures. Due to its generally conservative prediction, the procedure of [Miranda et al., 2003] has the highest probability (83%) to be within the second range of error (-20% to 40%), with [Priestley et al., 2007] prediction being slightly lower. Table 7.14: Mean m, standard σ deviation of displacement error εD and probabilities for some ranges assuming a normal distributed distribution according to data presented in Figure 7.56 m σ Probability Probability Probability Probability (-10%<PP error<20%) (-20%<PP error<40%) (PP error<-20%) (PP error>40%) [Miranda et al., 2003] 0.12 0.22 0.48 0.83 0.07 0.10 [Priestley et al., 2007] -0.01 0.20 0.53 0.81 0.17 0.02 [Iwan, 1980] -0.15 0.15 0.36 0.63 0.37 0.00 [Guyader et al., 2004] -0.09 0.15 0.50 0.77 0.23 0.00 Method Figure 7.56: Comparison of probability density function (PDF, left) and cumulative probability density function (CDF, right) of displacement error for normal distribution and four methods, considering members with continuous longitudinal reinforcement only (no strength degradation of backbone curve) and seismicities of PGA 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g. All NLTHA assumed a SDOF with a h=6.60m, m=550t 123 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses Nevertheless, dispersion of the procedures proposed by [Iwan, 1980] and [Guyader et al., 2004] are considerably lower than in [Miranda et al., 2003], [Priestley et al., 2007] in Figure 7.56, but looking at the results for members with spliced reinforcement in Figure 7.57 this difference becomes smaller. As expected, the probability to be in EAR decreases for all methods and shapes “shifted” to the non-conservative range, because displacement prediction Dlin,prediction is now estimated neglecting strength degradation. However strength degradation is considered in displacement from NLTHA Dnltha have considered it. The method of [Priestley et al., 2007] has the highest probability to be within the EAR (49%) and [Miranda et al., 2003] those in the second range of error (-20% to 40%), with 76%. In this case predictions proposed by [Iwan, 1980] and [Guyader et al., 2004] have considerably lower probabilities to lie within EAR with 28% and 40% when compared with other the two methods. Table 7.15: Mean m, standard σ deviation of displacement error εD and probabilities for some ranges assuming a normal distributed distribution according to data presented in Figure 7.57 m σ Probability Probability Probability Probability (-10%<PP error<20%) (-20%<PP error<40%) (PP error<-20%) (PP error>40%) [Miranda et al., 2003] 0.04 0.25 0.45 0.76 0.17 0.07 [Priestley et al., 2007] -0.07 0.19 0.49 0.75 0.25 0.01 [Iwan, 1980] -0.20 0.18 0.28 0.50 0.50 0.00 [Guyader et al., 2004] -0.13 0.19 0.40 0.64 0.36 0.00 Method Figure 7.57: Comparison of probability density function (PDF, left) and cumulative probability density function (CDF, right) of displacement error for normal distribution and four methods, considering members with spliced longitudinal reinforcement only (with strength degradation of backbone curve in NLTHA) but without considering it when predicting displacement. All presented data includes seismicities of PGA 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g and SDOF systems with a h=6.60m, m=550t 124 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses With the aim of better predict displacement demands of members suffering strength degradation based on simplified approaches, thus neglecting strength degradation on capacity side when performing CSM or modified CSM but considering it with a displacement increasing factor as found in 7.2.6, comparison of displacement errors based on this approach are presented in Figure 7.58 and have bee estimated as εD eff = f (δ ) ⋅ D lin ,Prediction − D nltha D nltha (7.47) Compared with results presented in Figure 7.57, a roughly equal or reduced scatter in the data and a shift of all distributions in the conservative range can be observed in Figure 7.58. As a consequence the probability that the margin of error lies within EAR increases for three out of four predictions underlying the positive effects of a displacement factor f(δ) on correction of error. Table 7.16: Mean m, standard σ deviation of displacement error εD and probabilities for some ranges assuming a normal distributed distribution according to data presented in Figure 7.58 m σ Probability Probability Probability Probability (-10%<PP error<20%) (-20%<PP error<40%) (PP error<-20%) (PP error>40%) [Miranda et al., 2003] 0.08 0.26 0.43 0.75 0.14 0.11 [Priestley et al., 2007] -0.03 0.21 0.49 0.77 0.21 0.02 [Iwan, 1980] -0.17 0.17 0.33 0.57 0.43 0.00 [Guyader et al., 2004] -0.11 0.17 0.44 0.70 0.30 0.00 Method Figure 7.58: Comparison of probability density function (PDF, left) and cumulative probability density function (CDF, right) of displacement error for normal distribution the four methods, considering members with spliced longitudinal reinforcement only (with strength degradation of backbone curve in NLTHA) but without considering it when predicting displacement and applying to the displacement prediction the factor f(δ) as in section 7.2.6. All presented data includes seismicities of PGA 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g and SDOF systems with a h=6.60m, m=550t 125 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses Roughly the same considerations can be applied to the case where a ductility dependent displacement increasing factor f(μ) instead of drift dependent factor f(δ) is used. Table 7.17: Mean m, standard σ deviation of displacement error εD and probabilities for some ranges assuming a normal distributed distribution according to data presented in Figure 7.59 m σ Probability Probability Probability Probability (-10%<PP error<20%) (-20%<PP error<40%) (PP error<-20%) (PP error>40%) [Miranda et al., 2003] 0.08 0.27 0.42 0.73 0.15 0.12 [Priestley et al., 2007] -0.03 0.22 0.48 0.75 0.22 0.03 [Iwan, 1980] -0.17 0.17 0.33 0.57 0.43 0.00 [Guyader et al., 2004] -0.11 0.18 0.44 0.69 0.31 0.00 Method Figure 7.59: Comparison of probability density function (PDF, left) and cumulative probability density function (CDF, right) of displacement error for normal distribution the four methods, considering members with spliced longitudinal reinforcement only (with strength degradation of backbone curve in NLTHA) but without considering it when predicting displacement and applying to the displacement prediction the factor f(μ) as in section 7.2.6. All presented data includes seismicities of PGA 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g and SDOF systems with a h=6.60m, m=550t By the procedure [Priestley et al., 2007] a conventional CSM has been utilized for the estimation of the performance point. Strength degradation on capacity for members with spliced reinforcement was firstly neglected (Figure 7.31) and then considered (Figure 7.32) leading to the distributions presented in Figure 7.57 (and Figure 7.60, curve 1) and Figure 7.60 (curve 2) respectively. Moreover, based on displacement increasing factors, two more distributions have been obtained in Figure 7.58 (and Figure 7.60, curve 3) and Figure 7.59 (and Figure 7.60, curve 4) leading to a total of four possibilities to predict displacement demand for members with spliced reinforcement using [Priestley et al., 2007]. Comparison of these four different way underline the fact, that neglecting strength degradation in dynamic analyses and when performing CSM, but considering it by means of a displacement increasing factor f(μ) or f(δ) leads to better results. As in the case of consideration of strength degradation on capacity when carrying out a conventional CSM, 126 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses where a higher scatter in the data has been found (Figure 7.60, curve 2). Moreover, for this case the probability of multiple solutions or no solutions in CSM is higher, as discussed in 7.3.3. Table 7.18: Mean m, standard σ deviation of displacement error εD and probabilities for some ranges assuming a normal distributed distribution according to data presented in Figure 7.60 m σ Probability Probability Probability Probability (-10%<PP error<20%) (-20%<PP error<40%) (PP error<-20%) (PP error>40%) [Priestley et al., 2007] (1) -0.07 0.19 0.49 0.75 0.25 0.01 [Priestley et al., 2007] (2) -0.03 0.24 0.45 0.72 0.24 0.04 [Priestley et al., 2007] (3) -0.03 0.21 0.49 0.77 0.21 0.02 [Priestley et al., 2007] (4) -0.03 0.22 0.48 0.75 0.22 0.03 Method Figure 7.60: Comparison of probability density function (PDF, left) and cumulative probability density function (CDF, right) of displacement error for normal distribution and the method [Priestley et al., 2007], considering four different assumptions for the estimation of displacement prediction and considering members with spliced longitudinal reinforcement only. All presented data includes seismicities of PGA 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g and SDOF systems with a h=6.60m, m=550t In his study [Guyader et al., 2004] proposes probability ranges of performance point error (displacement error) as a function of ductility for the cases listed in Table 7.12. When considering Figure 7.61, representing the case utilized here (KDEG, α=0, far-field ground motions) we can observe for example, how the probability of the displacement error lying within the EAR (-10% to 20%) rapidly decrease for μ<3 and remains roughly constant to a value of 35-40% for higher ductilities. As a validation of results founded in [Guyader et al., 2004], considering results from members with continuous reinforcement only (distribution of Table 7.14), we compare the probabilities obtained in this study using the method [Guyader et al., 2004] assuming a mean displacement ductility of μ=3 (red points in Figure 7.61) with the dotted lines in the next figure. Even though this study considered a relatively small database of input ground motions, 127 Chapter 7. Single-degree-of-freedom analyses approximately the same values as proposed by [Guyader et al., 2004] were found here. In fact, even if in [Guyader et al., 2004] optimization of effective parameters based on probabilistic approach was performed, a slight bias in the data was found in this study, thus meaning that the mean values of the predicted displacement errors for method [Guyader et al., 2004] were found to be on the non-conservative side (negative error, see Figure 7.56 to Figure 7.59). Figure 7.61: Performance Point error results for stiffness degrading model (KDEG) with second slope ratio of 0% - two far-field ground motion databases [Guyader et al., 2004] and results for this study according to Figure 7.56 as points, considering roughly μ(mean)= 3.0 for this distribution 128 Chapter 8. Multi-degree-of-freedom analyses 8 MULTI-DEGREE-OF-FREEDOM ANALYSES 8.1 Introduction Based on modelling assumptions and on analyses and observations on single-degree-offreedom systems from the previous chapter, the effects of spliced longitudinal reinforcement detailing in potential plastic hinge regions at pier ends have been implemented and studied in a series of multi-degree-of-freedom systems representing both regular and irregular five span bridge configurations. Due to the potentially high influence of abutment modelling and restraining on single piers and overall bridge responses, firstly a parametrical study of elastic abutment restraining has been performed and in a second step, due to the level of strength demand observed in the abutments an appropriate elasto-plastic abutment model has been used for further studies. Backbone curve assumptions considered both experimental observation and results from numerical analyses as it has been the case for single-degree-of-freedom systems. A nomenclature has been defined for dynamic analyses of multi-degree-of-freedom systems as follows Figure 8.1: Nomenclature used in this study for dynamic analyses on multi-degree-of-freedom systems 129 Chapter 8. Multi-degree-of-freedom analyses The majority of multi-degree-of-freedom analyses considered a series of lumped masses distributed homogeneously along the superstructure, modelled as an elastic beam. I however, to allow a more straightforward check of the results obtained during single-degree-of-freedom analyses, a series of dynamic analyses considered lumped masses at each pier top only. In all cases, the masses were supposed to be lumped at an height corresponding to the superstructure centre of mass, thus pier height was defined as for single-degree of-freedom analyses according to Figure 8.2. Figure 8.2: Front and lateral view of bridge piers considered in this study. Pier height is defined as the height starting from connection pier footing to pier up to centre of superstructure mass. Figure 8.3: Multi-degree-of-freedom systems for dynamic analyses considering an homogeneous repartition of mass on superstructure (top), with constant lumped masses of mi=78.6t (abutments masses mi=38.3t), respective a concentrated tributary mass on each pier (bottom), with constant lumped masses of mi=550t , neglecting mass on abutments. As for the majority of dynamic analyses on bridges, the superstructure has been assumed to remain elastic during dynamic excitations. Moreover, superstructure properties has been set equal to a previous study carried out by Kuhn [Kuhn, 2008] at the ETH Zürich on an existing Swiss roadway bridge with box-girder cross section (Table 8.1). Starting from a superstructure cross-sectional area A=5.13m2 and a reinforced concrete specific weight of γconc=25kN/m3 this corresponds to a superstructure unitary mass of msuperstructure,G=12.8t/m’. Bridge spans have been estimated in order to obtain a constant pier tributary mass of m=550t due to compatibility reasons with experiments carried out by Bimschas [Bimschas et al., 2008]. Therefore, choosing a bridge central span of L=36m it follows that a total mass per length of msuperstructure,tot=550t/36m=15.3t/m’; subtracting msuperstructure,G a reasonable residual mass of msuperstructure,res=2.5t/m can be attributed to non-structural elements. 130 Chapter 8. Multi-degree-of-freedom analyses Table 8.1: Superstructure properties according to a study carried out by Kuhn [Kuhn, 2008] on an existing Swiss roadway bridge with box-girder cross section Elastic (Young’s) Modulus E Shear Modulus G Cross-sectional Area A Effective-Shear Area As Moment of inertia of section in vertical axis Iv 30’000MPa 11’600MPa 5.13m2 1.74m2 41.24m4 Figure 8.4: Plan and longitudinal view of bridge model 1 (short M1) considered. Piers P1-P4 have a pier height of h=6.60m to superstructure centre of mass of; all piers and abutments are assumed to be laterally restrained for transverse excitations Figure 8.5: Plan and longitudinal view of bridge model 2 (short M2) considered. Piers P1 and P4 have a pier height of h=6.60m while central piers have an height of h=13.20m to the superstructure centre of mass; all piers and abutments are assumed to be laterally restrained for transverse excitations Figure 8.6: Plan and longitudinal view of bridge model 3 (short M3) considered. Piers P1 and P4 have a pier height of h=13.20m while central piers have an height of h=6.60m to the superstructure centre of mass; all piers and abutments are assumed to be laterally restrained for transverse excitations Figure 8.7: Plan and longitudinal view of bridge model 4 (short M4) considered. Piers P1 and P2 have a pier height of h=13.20m while piers P3 and P4 have an height of h=6.60m to the superstructure centre of mass; all piers and abutments are assumed to be laterally restrained for transverse excitations 131 Chapter 8. Multi-degree-of-freedom analyses Damping in dynamic analyses has been considered in form of initial stiffness proportional Rayleigh damping, meaning that the damping matrix is based on the elastic stiffness of the structure at the beginning of the time-history and remains constant throughout the timehistory analysis. As noted in [Carr, 2004] “The tangent, secant and elastic damping matrices are identical. This means, that as the structure softens, by yielding etc., the effective damping increases because the Rayleigh coefficients α and β were computed for the initial natural frequencies of free-vibration and some of the frequencies have now decreased. […] the Rayleigh damping model shows that the level of damping in the higher model of free vibration can be very large.” Coefficients α and β were computed for each multi-degree-of-freedom model considering an elastic damping ratio ξ=0.02 for the first and fourth natural frequencies, thus implicitly keeping a roughly constant damping ratio between vibration periods T1 and T4. Figure 8.8: Initial stiffness Rayleigh damping model (ICTYPE=0) described in Ruaumoko [Carr, 2004] 8.2 Parametrical study on abutment elastic stiffness The influence of abutment elastic stiffness assumption on single elements and overall bridge transverse response in terms of forces and deformations has long been recognised. Moreover, in existing bridges a sort of detailing deficiency can arise from the fact, that “shear keys” or “abutment restraining systems” strength have not been estimated from a capacity design methodology due to the force-based philosophy of the older code provisions leading to undesired abutment mode of failure during earthquakes. For these reasons, a parametric study on the effects of these important members for the four bridge configurations (Figure 8.4 to Figure 8.7) has firstly been performed with the aim to define abutments demand levels and further adjustments of abutment modelling for further studies. For this purpose, modelling assumptions defined with the following nomenclature (M1 to M4)-CRA-SLM-EL were considered. Abutment elastic stiffness spaced between kel=1MN/m to 100MN/m covering a wide range of bridge applications, from very stiff to soft abutment restraining level. Furthermore a set of 28 accelerograms from either real or artificial ground 132 Chapter 8. Multi-degree-of-freedom analyses motions, scaled into three seismicity levels (PGA 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g), presented in chapter 6 and considered in single-degree-of-freedom analyses (chapter 7) were used for the scope of this study. For each hazard level, the mean NLTHA was used to define the demands for abutments, piers and superstructure. Figure 8.9: Abutment force-displacement relationships considered in this parametrical study. Equal elastic stiffness assumption has been modelled in both abutments (AL and AR) 133 Chapter 8. Multi-degree-of-freedom analyses 8.2.1 Bridge model M1-CRA-SLM-EL Figure 8.10: Bridge model M1 (top), superstructure and piers displacement demands from mean NLTHA (bottom). Displacement patterns for k,el=1MN/m (black thick line) and k,el=100MN/m (grey thick line) have been evidenced; point represents pier positions P1 to P4. Figure 8.11: Abutments (AL and AR) strength demands for bridge model M2 in order to remain elastic (left) and pier displacement ductility demands (P1 to P4) from mean NLTHA on MDOF (empty points) vs. mean NLTHA on SDOF (full points and dotted lines) 134 Chapter 8. Multi-degree-of-freedom analyses 8.2.2 Bridge model M2-CRA-SLM-EL Figure 8.12: Bridge model M2 (top), superstructure and piers displacement demands from mean NLTHA (bottom). Displacement patterns for k,el=1MN/m (black thick line) and k,el=100MN/m (grey thick line) have been evidenced; point represents pier positions P1 to P4. Figure 8.13: Abutments (AL and AR) strength demands for bridge model M2 in order to remain elastic (left) and pier displacement ductility demands (P1 to P4) from mean NLTHA on MDOF (empty points) vs. mean NLTHA on SDOF (full points and dotted lines) 135 Chapter 8. Multi-degree-of-freedom analyses 8.2.3 Bridge model M3-CRA-SLM-EL Figure 8.14: Bridge model M3 (top), superstructure and piers displacement demands from mean NLTHA (bottom). Displacement patterns for k,el=1MN/m (black thick line) and k,el=100MN/m (grey thick line) have been evidenced; point represents pier positions P1 to P4. Figure 8.15: Abutments (AL and AR) strength demands for bridge model M3 in order to remain elastic (left) and pier displacement ductility demands (P1 to P4) from mean NLTHA on MDOF (empty points) vs. mean NLTHA on SDOF (full points and dotted lines) 136 Chapter 8. Multi-degree-of-freedom analyses 8.2.4 Bridge model M4-CRA-SLM-EL Figure 8.16: Bridge model M4 (top), superstructure and piers displacement demands from mean NLTHA (bottom). Displacement patterns for k,el=1MN/m (black thick line) and k,el=100MN/m (grey thick line) have been evidenced; point represents pier positions P1 to P4. Figure 8.17: Abutments (AL and AR) strength demands for bridge model M4 in order to remain elastic (left) and pier displacement ductility demands (P1 to P4) from mean NLTHA on MDOF (empty points) vs. mean NLTHA on SDOF (full points and dotted lines) 137 Chapter 8. Multi-degree-of-freedom analyses 8.2.5 Conclusions The elastic restraining level of abutments (elastic stiffness kel) directly influences vibration periods and mode shapes of any multi-degree-of-freedom system. Stiffer abutments lead to shorter vibration periods when compared with the same bridge configurations with lower values of kel and usually restrain more superstructure at the abutments. This reduces pier displacement demands on external piers, but increases the demand for the central spans (as showed in sections 8.2.1 to 8.2.4). On the other hand, stiff abutments capture more forces than softer abutments thus increasing the strength demands in order to remain elastic (see Figure 8.18). It is usually very difficult to predict the real behaviour of structure at abutments, due to the influence of many factors, but results presented in sections 8.2.1 to 8.2.4 can be considered as a possible upper and lower limit of solutions. If we consider that existing bridges have usually been restrained at abutments by means of very stiff shear keys, lets say with elastic stiffness in the order of kel=50-100MN/m and low level of strength being in a range of 2-5% of vertical load, it appears clear from Figure 8.18, that insufficient strengthening is provided in these members for a fully elastic assumption. In fact, 2-5% of vertical load corresponds in this study for bridge models M1-M4 to a lateral abutment force capacity of Fel=440-1100kN, while lateral force demands on abutments, even for a PGA 0.16g lies above these values (Figure 8.18, right). Figure 8.18: Maximum abutments strength demands for bridge models M1-M4 according to NLTHA analyses presented in sections 8.2.1 to 8.2.4 for a seismicity level of PGA 0.16g (left) and PGA 0.35g (right) As a consequence, for further analyses on multi-degree-of-freedom systems presented in the following sections, an elasto-plastic modelling of abutments according to Table 8.2 will be considered. Table 8.2: Elasto-plastic modelling assumptions for abutments considered in this study Elastic stiffness k0 100MN/m Yielding Force Fy Yield Displacement Δy Post-Yield Stiffness ratio r Hysteretic rule in Ruaumoko [Carr, 2004] 500kN 5.00mm 0.00 IHYST = 1 138 Chapter 8. Multi-degree-of-freedom analyses Figure 8.19: Elasto-plastic hysteresis implemented in Ruaumoko [Carr, 2004] and used in this study to represents abutment behaviour in multi-degree-of-freedom analyses Pier displacement ductility demands have also been particularly observed in this parametrical study on elastic abutments. As showed in Figure 8.11(right), Figure 8.13 (right), Figure 8.15 (right) and Figure 8.17 (right) maximum pier ductility demands recorded in dynamic analyses on multi-degree-of-freedom systems representing entire bridge structures under transverse earthquake excitations are usually higher compared with single-degree-of-freedom systems having short piers (h=6.60m), but are lower for taller piers (h=13.20m). Particularly critical seems to be the case of a short, stiff pier (h=6.60m) close to a taller piers (h=13.20m) and both piers being placed in central spans, thus without positive restraining effects of the abutments (see section 8.2.3). Another critical configuration is represented by the irregular bridge model in section 8.2.4, that increases the influence of higher modes on the overall bridge response and particularly on stiff pier P3. Reasons for the higher pier displacement ductility demands observed here could be the consequence of many factors such as distribution of lumped masses on the superstructure, stiffness assumption of superstructure and abutments, bridge configurations that in general can be resumed in the influence of higher modes present in each multi-degree-of-freedom system compared with a pure single-degree-of-freedom system. Although maximum pier displacement ductility demands (without considering strength degradation) observed in section 8.2 are sometimes higher compared with single-degree-offreedom systems, this does not necessary means, that strength degradation effects will be amplified when analyzing entire bridge systems. In fact, due to system redundancy present in multi-degree-of-freedom systems, when a single bridge pier suffers strength degradation, superstructure, adjacent bridge piers and abutments are expected to control the systems for the successive excitation steps, thus preventing a possible member and systems collapse. 8.3 Influence of spliced reinforcement at pier base As for single-degree-of-freedom analyses, the influence of spliced longitudinal reinforcement at pier base has been studied on multi-degree-of-freedom systems representing typical bridge configurations, as showed in (Figure 8.4 to Figure 8.7). Both backbone assumptions, based on experimental data and numerical analyses, were considered in a separate form here. For each bridge model, results in terms of superstructure and pier maximum displacement demands with or without strength degradation (continuous vs. spliced reinforcement) were compared with each others and with single-degree-of-freedom-analyses. A set of 28 accelerograms from either real or artificial ground motions, scaled into three seismicity levels (PGA 0.16g, 0.35g, 0.50g), presented in chapter 6 were used for the scope of this study. 139 Chapter 8. Multi-degree-of-freedom analyses 8.3.1 Bridge model M1 a) Pier capacity models considering data from numerical analyses Figure 8.20: Bridge model M1 (top), superstructure and piers maximum displacement demands from single NLTHA for members with continuous longitudinal reinforcement (centre) and with spliced longitudinal reinforcement at pier base (bottom). Mean NLTHA displacement pattern (black thick line) and displacement demands P1 to P4 (points) have been evidenced 140 Chapter 8. Multi-degree-of-freedom analyses b) Pier capacity models considering data from experimental observations Figure 8.21: Bridge model M1 (top), superstructure and piers maximum displacement demands from single NLTHA for members with continuous longitudinal reinforcement (centre) and with spliced longitudinal reinforcement at pier base (bottom). Mean NLTHA displacement pattern (black thick line) and displacement demands P1 to P4 (points) have been evidenced 141 Chapter 8. Multi-degree-of-freedom analyses 8.3.2 Bridge model M2 a) Pier capacity models considering data from numerical analyses Figure 8.22: Bridge model M2 (top), superstructure and piers maximum displacement demands from single NLTHA for members with continuous longitudinal reinforcement (centre) and with spliced longitudinal reinforcement at pier base (bottom). Mean NLTHA displacement pattern (black thick line) and pier displacement demands P1 to P4 (points) have been evidenced 142 Chapter 8. Multi-degree-of-freedom analyses b) Pier capacity models considering data from experimental observations Figure 8.23: Bridge model M2 (top), superstructure and piers maximum displacement demands from single NLTHA for members with continuous longitudinal reinforcement (centre) and with spliced longitudinal reinforcement at pier base (bottom). Mean NLTHA displacement pattern (black thick line) and pier displacement demands P1 to P4 (points) have been evidenced 143 Chapter 8. Multi-degree-of-freedom analyses 8.3.3 Bridge model M3 a) Pier capacity models considering data from numerical analyses Figure 8.24: Bridge model M3 (top), superstructure and piers maximum displacement demands from single NLTHA for members with continuous longitudinal reinforcement (centre) and with spliced longitudinal reinforcement at pier base (bottom). Mean NLTHA displacement pattern (black thick line) and pier displacement demands P1 to P4 (points) have been evidenced 144 Chapter 8. Multi-degree-of-freedom analyses b) Pier capacity models considering data from experimental observations Figure 8.25: Bridge model M3 (top), superstructure and piers maximum displacement demands from single NLTHA for members with continuous longitudinal reinforcement (centre) and with spliced longitudinal reinforcement at pier base (bottom). Mean NLTHA displacement pattern (black thick line) and pier displacement demands P1 to P4 (points) have been evidenced 145 Chapter 8. Multi-degree-of-freedom analyses 8.3.4 Bridge model M4 a) Pier capacity models considering data from numerical analyses Figure 8.26: Bridge model M4 (top), superstructure and piers maximum displacement demands from single NLTHA for members with continuous longitudinal reinforcement (centre) and with spliced longitudinal reinforcement at pier base (bottom). Mean NLTHA displacement pattern (black thick line) and pier displacement demands P1 to P4 (points) have been evidenced 146 Chapter 8. Multi-degree-of-freedom analyses b) Pier capacity models considering data from experimental observations Figure 8.27: Bridge model M4 (top), superstructure and piers maximum displacement demands from single NLTHA for members with continuous longitudinal reinforcement (centre) and with spliced longitudinal reinforcement at pier base (bottom). Mean NLTHA displacement pattern (black thick line) and pier displacement demands P1 to P4 (points) have been evidenced 147 Chapter 8. Multi-degree-of-freedom analyses 8.4 Discussion of results from multi-degree-of-freedom analyses Multi-degree-of-freedom analyses carried out in section 8.3 have demonstrated, that influence of strength degradation as a consequence of spliced longitudinal reinforcement in the potentially plastic hinge region of bridge piers is less critical than in the case of single-degreeof-freedom analyses carried out in chapter 7, this because of the redundancy present in whole bridge structures compared with isolated members (bridge piers). This means, that while a single pier starts suffering strength degradation in a bridge system adjacent piers may help it via superstructure to retain the “softened” member, so that the global bridge behaviour remains similar to the case without strength degradation. As a consequence of strength degradation, the other piers and abutments may have to sustain higher demands in subsequent cycles of earthquake shaking, leading to higher peak displacement demands than for the continuous case, even if these piers do not experience strength degradation. As an example we consider the mean displacement demand values from NLTHA for bridge model M4-CRA-SLM-EP versus M4-LRA-SLM-EP (Figure 8.28) and a seismicity level of PGA 0.35g (see chapter 6). Piers P1-P2 have a yield displacement of Δy=116.16mm, while piers P3-P4 have a yield displacement of Δy=29.04mm. Initiation of strength degradation starts for all piers at a displacement ductility of 1.78 (according to Table 5.8). Based on mean displacement patterns for model M4-CRA-SLM-EP in Figure 8.28 it is expected, that only piers P3-P4 will increase displacement demand due to strength degradation in model M4LRA-SLM-EP, but due to the reasons discussed previously a slightly higher displacement demand is effectively obtained for pier P1-P2, even if these values are well below initiation of strength degradation (in fact P1 and P2 remains elastic). Figure 8.28: Bridge model M4 (top), superstructure and piers maximum displacement demands from single NLTHA for PGA 0.35g (grey lines). Mean NLTHA displacement pattern (black thick line) and pier displacement demands P1 to P4 (points) have been evidenced for the case of continuous longitudinal reinforcement (centre) and with spliced longitudinal reinforcement at pier base (bottom). 148 Chapter 8. Multi-degree-of-freedom analyses With the aim to provide consistency with observations based on Figure 8.28, comparisons of single pier displacement values from dynamic analyses on multi-degree-of-freedom systems will be presented in this section. A displacement demand ratio, analogue as in section 7.2.2 , is defined as the maximum displacement demand for a member (bridge pier P1-P4) with strength degradation Δmax,L divided by the maximum displacement demand of the same member without strength degradation Δmax,C, i.e.: Δ max, L (8.1) Δ max, C Ratios have firstly been calculated for each pier P1-P4 in each bridge model M1-M4 and for every NLTHA carried out in section 8.3, then compared with prediction factors developed in section 7.2.6. Factor f(μ) and f(δ) in section 7.2.6 which aims to account for higher pier displacement demands due to strength degradation as a consequence of member deterioration in potential plastic hinge regions compared with member without strength degradation. As can be seen in Figure 8.29 and Figure 8.31, predictions (red lines) are mostly conservative when compared with effective obtained ratios of MDOF analyses. Considerably higher scatter in the data has been observed for the case dynamic analyses performed with backbone curves from experimental behaviours, because of the difference in yield displacement recorded during the tests carried out by Bimschas [Bimschas et al., 2008] while for pier capacity curves from numerical analyses this difference was neglected. Moreover, from previous example on Figure 8.28, in multi-degree-of-freedom analyses, single piers that experience ductilities or drifts well below initiation of degradation based on models with continuous reinforcement (CRA or CRE) can increase displacement demand for the cases with consideration of strength degradation (LRA or LRE) because of system redundancy. A generally trend can not be predicted here, as can be seen from Figure 8.29 and Figure 8.31, but ratios Δmax,L / Δmax,C > 1.10 were seldom observed in this study. In order to measure the effectiveness of the displacement factors f(μ) and f(δ) with results arising from NLTHA performed on multi-degree-of-freedom systems in section 8.3, an error has been defined as εD = f ( μ , δ ) ⋅ Δ max, C − Δ max, L Δ max, L Δ max, C (8.2) Δ max, C Analogously to the error distributions developed in section 7.3.6 a normal distribution of error data εD has been assumed here. Results are plotted in Figure 8.30 and Figure 8.32 and underline the increased difficulty to capture variability of data with simplified predictions for the case of pier capacity curves based on experimental behaviour (Figure 8.32) as compared with those from numerical analyses (Figure 8.30). 149 Chapter 8. Multi-degree-of-freedom analyses Figure 8.29: Comparison of displacement demand ratio from multi-degree-of-freedom analyses on entire bridge structure carried out in section 8.3 versus predictions developed in this study (see section 7.2.6) assuming capacity curves from numerical analyses in NLTHA. Displacement ductilities and drift ratios on horizontal axis are referred to systems without strength degradation (thus Model-CRA-SLM-EP) Figure 8.30: Comparison of probability density function (PDF, left) and cumulative probability density function (CDF, right) of displacement error for normal distribution arising from differences between prediction (red line) and effectively obtained displacement ratios presented in Figure 8.29 Considering as an acceptable engineering range (EAR), displacements errors in predictions lying between -10% (underestimation) and +20% (overestimation), it can be seen from Figure 8.30, that applying the displacement factors f(μ) and f(δ) to the Eq.8.2 a probability of 90% is achieved. It means, that by performing dynamic analyses on bridge models calibrated without considering strength degradation, maximum pier displacement demands obtained can easily be multiplied with factors f(μ) and f(δ) to obtain demands for the case of spliced reinforcement. The resulting, increased bridge pier displacements lie with a probability of 150 Chapter 8. Multi-degree-of-freedom analyses roughly 90% within the EAR range. In this way, it is not necessary to perform dynamic analyses with implementation of strength degradation. Strength degradation can be accounted after dynamic analyses have been performed by means of factors f(μ) and f(δ). Figure 8.31: Comparison of displacement demand ratio from multi-degree-of-freedom analyses on entire bridge structure carried out in section 8.3 versus predictions developed in this study (see section 7.2.6) assuming capacity curves from numerical analyses in NLTHA. Displacement ductilities and drift ratios on horizontal axis are referred to systems without strength degradation (thus Model-CRE-SLM-EP) Figure 8.32: Comparison of probability density function (PDF, left) and cumulative probability density function (CDF, right) of displacement error for normal distribution arising from differences between prediction (red line) and effectively obtained displacement ratios presented in Figure 8.31 If we effectively perform dynamic analyses considering capacity behaviour observed in experiments carried out by [Bimschas et al., 2008] instead of numerical analyses, prediction using displacement increasing factors f(μ) and f(δ) are less reliable. The probability, that displacement ratios from simplified methods lie within EAR drops to 58%. This is mostly due 151 Chapter 8. Multi-degree-of-freedom analyses to the fact, that members with spliced reinforcement did not have same initial stiffness as those with continuous reinforcement according to [Bimschas et al., 2008]. Nevertheless, as can be seen in Figure 8.31, simplified factors are usually conservative. Increase in displacement demands for members suffering strength degradation is partially compensated by stiffer initial behaviour, leading to values generally lower than 1.00 for ductilities smaller that μdeg. 152 Chapter 9. Conclusions and outlook for further studies 9 CONCLUSIONS AND OUTLOOK 9.1 Conclusions 9.1.1 General considerations Consequences of spliced longitudinal reinforcement in potential plastic hinge regions of wall type bridge columns on monotonic and hysteretic behaviour have been presented in this study and compared with the behaviour arising from identical members without this detailing deficiency. This was done by performing inelastic analyses on both single-degree-of-freedom and multi-degree-of-freedom systems. Calibration of capacity curves for single elements (bridge columns) was based on both numerical analyses carried out by means of methods developed from previous studies and experimental observations steaming from tests performed at the ETH Zürich by Bimschas and Dazio [Bimschas et al., 2008] on two wall type bridge columns with an aspect ratio of h/lw=2.2. However, due to the fact that previous studies and methods dealing with strength degradation considered almost exclusively with splice lengths of 20dbl and were focused on square columns, while experiments at the ETH Zürich aimed to represent typical existing Swiss bridge piers with splices of 43dbl, calibration adopted in this study has mostly been derived empirically from [Bimschas et al., 2008]. Cyclic strength degradation for dynamic analyses has independently been reproduced in two different ways, on one hand considering a ductility based hysteretic rule implemented in software code Ruaumoko [Carr, 2004] and on the other hand adopting a pure energy dissipative hysteretic rule implemented in software code Idarc [Idarc, 2006]. Within the framework of single and multi-degree-of-freedom systems, dynamic analyses attempted to represent three different hazard levels, from moderate to very high. Therefore, artificial and real ground motions have been consistently generated or scaled for this purpose, matching the target displacement spectra at each hazard level. 153 Chapter 9. Conclusions and outlook for further studies 9.1.2 Single-degree-of-freedom analyses As a first step, inelastic dynamic analyses on single-degree-of-freedom systems representing typical bridge piers was performed assuming continuous longitudinal reinforcement at pier base and then compared with the same members having spliced longitudinal reinforcement in potential plastic hinge regions. A variety of pier configurations with different pier heights and damping ratios were considered. In this way, drop of lateral force carrying capacity in members with spliced reinforcement due to plastic hinge region deterioration was studied using stand alone system, without the interaction of any other external factors. Results have shown, that maximum displacement demand increase for members suffering strength degradation compared to “non-degrading” members in the range of 0-25%, depending on displacement ductilities (or drift) level achieved and backbone curve assumptions (based on experimental observations or numerical analyses). A larger scatter in the data has been observed for the case where the backbone curve of the piers war obtained directly from the experimental results presented in [Bimschas et al., 2008] compared to the case where the same backbone curve was computed analytically by means of the plastic hinge method. This difference is due to the stiffer behaviour of the pier observed during the tests. The behaviour was stiffer because the amount of longitudinal reinforcement in the 43dbl lap-splice region is double compared to the case without lap-splice. Moreover, it has been found that the art of strength degradation modelling (ductility or energy based) hardly affected the maximum displacement demand, if both model were calibrated to dissipate roughly an equal amount of energy during inelastic deformation cycles. Nevertheless, this did not always corresponded to the same drop in lateral force level. In fact, using an energy based strength degradation model, the energy dissipation history influenced the drop in lateral force capacity and generally resulted in lower strength degradation compared with a ductility based rule (in average 515%). The results of inelastic dynamic analyses on single-degree-of-freedom systems have been compared in terms of maximum displacement demand to results obtained by means of four different simplified prediction methods. The four methods differ significantly regarding the assumption of the stiffness of the considered SDOF systems, i.e. initial, secant or effective stiffness assumptions were made. Generally, the results steaming from the simplified methods agreed well with those of the inelastic dynamic analyses, however, the method proposed by [Priestley et al., 2007] was the more accurate one. Nevertheless, when comparing displacement predictions from these methodologies versus displacement demands from dynamic analyses on systems suffering strength degradation, less reliable results and large scatter in the data are obtained. Displacement increasing factors f(μ) (ductility dependent) and f(δ) (drift dependent) have finally been developed with the aim to consider strength degradation in a simplified manner, by multiplication of maximum displacement demands obtained from dynamic analyses on members without strength degradation. The effectiveness of these factors has been tested within the framework of displacement predictions arising from simplified procedures. 154 Chapter 9. Conclusions and outlook for further studies 9.1.3 Multi-degree-of-freedom-analyses Based on the observations on single piers, dynamic analyses on multi-degree-of-freedom systems representing four entire bridge structures subjected to transverse earthquake excitations have been carried out in order to study the interaction of strength degradation in single members (piers) combined with such external factors as adjacent piers with equal or different characteristics, superstructure stiffness, abutments restraining level and distributed mass. Due to the large abutment strength demand encountered during a parametric study on the abutment elastic stiffness, elasto-plastic abutment assumptions have been adopted when studying strength degradation. Results from multi-degree-of-freedom analyses have shown, that due to the higher redundancy of these systems compared with analyses on isolated piers, strength degradation effects are less important when considering entire bridge models. This means, that the probability of a structural collapse as a consequence of a single pier suffering degradation is reduced by activation of “displacement reserves” of adjacent piers or abutments and superstructure. Nevertheless, due to the distributed mass in the superstructure and the restraining effects of the abutment, maximum pier displacements within the framework of bridge systems may still be larger than the demand encountered in single-degree-of-freedom analyses. It has also been shown, that starting from the maximum pier displacement demands of single piers arising from dynamic analyses on entire bridge structures without strength degradation and applying the displacement factors f( or f() obtained in the framework of SDOF system analyses, conservative demand predictions are usually obtained for softened piers, when compared with dynamic analyses on bridges with consideration of strength degradation. Moreover it can be stated, that for the majority of the bridge systems encountered, strength degradation did not have an effect on displacement demand for the lowest seismicity considered (PGA 0.16g), due to the low level of ductility demands encountered. As a consequence, even for the highest Swiss hazards level, with a return period of 475 years (or 10% of exceedance in 50 years), strength degradation did not occur in the majority of the bridge configurations having the characteristics considered, this based on degradations curves experimentally obtained in [Bimschas et al., 2008] and reproduced in this study. 9.2 Outlook for further studies Strength degradation effects within the framework of earthquake engineering performancebased design and retrofit of structures has mostly been neglected in analyses and little research has been carried out on this topic up to now. Experiments were usually based on a lap-splice length of 20dbl, and focused on square cross sections, neglecting a wide range of possibilities that can be encountered in existing structures with circular or rectangular cross section shapes or longer splices. A drop in lateral force carrying capacity may or may not be combined with partial loss of axial load carrying capacity for column members. In any case, experimental evidence shows, that higher deterioration of the concrete matrix in plastic hinge regions compared with a member having continuous reinforcement is expected. A consequence of this, is a higher 155 Chapter 9. Conclusions and outlook for further studies variability in structural response leading to a greater risk of structural collapse in the presence of this detailing deficiency. Therefore, in my opinion, further studies should be focussed on both numerical analyses and experimental studies. In numerical analyses, demand should be investigated by performing parametric studies. Initial stiffness, level of yielding force, point of initiation and shape of degradation should be varied, preferably using a ductility dependent hysteretic rule, in order to relate increases in displacement demand for members suffering strength and backbone assumptions. As a result, revised displacement increasing factors f(μ) or f(δ) should be proposed for a wider range of backbone curves, covering a wider range of engineering applications and implying different splice length, section shapes and axial load ratios. In addition experimental tests should be carried out on columns having “tension-splices”, i.e. as considered in [Bimschas et al., 2008], in order to provide additional information on the capacity behaviour of these members. In my opinion, short piers having circular cross section shapes could be considered as a priority. Partly because of the large number of circular piers in existing bridges and partly because these members generally degrade more rapidly than the wall-type piers tested by [Bimschas et al., 2008] with consequent premature collapse. In any case, when performing experimental tests, axial load carrying capacity should be related to a drop in lateral force carrying capacity in order to provide guidelines for collapse prevention of structures where members suffering strength degradation are evident. P-Δ effects may be discussed in some special cases. 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The shear capacity envelope has been estimated according to [Kowalsky et al., 2000] Lynn et al., 1996 Figure A 2: Force displacement capacity curve from test performed by [Lynn et al., 1996 ] on rectangular columns versus [Priestley et al., 1996] prediction method. Shear capacity envelope has been estimated according to [Kowalsky et al., 2000] A1.1 Annex A. Experimental capacity curves for members with spliced end-reinforcement versus prediction Figure A 3: Force displacement capacity curve from test performed by [Lynn et al., 1996 ] on rectangular columns versus [Priestley et al., 1996] prediction method. Shear capacity envelope has been estimated according to [Kowalsky et al., 2000] Melek et al., 2004 Figure A 4: Force displacement capacity curve from test performed by [Melek et al., 2004 ] on rectangular columns versus [Priestley et al., 1996] prediction method. Shear capacity envelope has been estimated according to [Kowalsky et al., 2000] A1.2 Annex A. Experimental capacity curves for members with spliced end-reinforcement versus prediction Figure A 5: Force displacement capacity curve from test performed by [Melek et al., 2004 ] on rectangular columns versus [Priestley et al., 1996] prediction method. Shear capacity envelope has been estimated according to [Kowalsky et al., 2000] Figure A 6: Force displacement capacity curve from test performed by [Melek et al., 2004 ] on rectangular columns versus [Priestley et al., 1996] prediction method. Shear capacity envelope has been estimated according to [Kowalsky et al., 2000] A1.3 Annex B. Ground Motions Annex B. Ground Motions Accelerogram AGM11 Figure B 1:Ground motion (top), elastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement computed for different damping ratios (middle) and constant-ductility inelastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement generated with for a viscous damping of ξ = 2% (bottom) B1.1 Annex B. Ground Motions Accelerogram AGM12 Figure B 2: Ground motion (top), elastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement computed for different damping ratios (middle) and constant-ductility inelastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement generated with for a viscous damping of ξ = 2% (bottom) B1.2 Annex B. Ground Motions Accelerogram AGM13 Figure B 3: Ground motion (top), elastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement computed for different damping ratios (middle) and constant-ductility inelastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement generated with for a viscous damping of ξ = 2% (bottom) B1.3 Annex B. Ground Motions Accelerogram AGM14 Figure B 4: Ground motion (top), elastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement computed for different damping ratios (middle) and constant-ductility inelastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement generated with for a viscous damping of ξ = 2% (bottom) B1.4 Annex B. Ground Motions Accelerogram RGM11 Figure B 5: Ground motion (top), elastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement computed for different damping ratios (middle) and constant-ductility inelastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement generated with for a viscous damping of ξ = 2% (bottom) B1.5 Annex B. Ground Motions Accelerogram RGM12 Figure B 6: Ground motion (top), elastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement computed for different damping ratios (middle) and constant-ductility inelastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement generated with for a viscous damping of ξ = 2% (bottom) B1.6 Annex B. Ground Motions Accelerogram RGM13 Figure B 7: Ground motion (top), elastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement computed for different damping ratios (middle) and constant-ductility inelastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement generated with for a viscous damping of ξ = 2% (bottom) B1.7 Annex B. Ground Motions Accelerogram RGM14 Figure B 8: Ground motion (top), elastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement computed for different damping ratios (middle) and constant-ductility inelastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement generated with for a viscous damping of ξ = 2% (bottom) B1.8 Annex B. Ground Motions Accelerogram RGM11N Figure B 9: Ground motion (top), elastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement computed for different damping ratios (middle) and constant-ductility inelastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement generated with for a viscous damping of ξ = 2% (bottom) B1.9 Annex B. Ground Motions Accelerogram RGM12N Figure B 10: Ground motion (top), elastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement computed for different damping ratios (middle) and constant-ductility inelastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement generated with for a viscous damping of ξ = 2% (bottom) B1.10 Annex B. Ground Motions Accelerogram RGM13N Figure B 11: Ground motion (top), elastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement computed for different damping ratios (middle) and constant-ductility inelastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement generated with for a viscous damping of ξ = 2% (bottom) B1.11 Annex B. Ground Motions Accelerogram RGM14N Figure B 12: Ground motion (top), elastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement computed for different damping ratios (middle) and constant-ductility inelastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement generated with for a viscous damping of ξ = 2% (bottom) B1.12 Annex B. Ground Motions Accelerogram AGM41 Figure B 13: Ground motion (top), elastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement computed for different damping ratios (middle) and constant-ductility inelastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement generated with for a viscous damping of ξ = 2% (bottom) B1.13 Annex B. Ground Motions Accelerogram AGM42 Figure B 14: Ground motion (top), elastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement computed for different damping ratios (middle) and constant-ductility inelastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement generated with for a viscous damping of ξ = 2% (bottom) B1.14 Annex B. Ground Motions Accelerogram AGM43 Figure B 15: Ground motion (top), elastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement computed for different damping ratios (middle) and constant-ductility inelastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement generated with for a viscous damping of ξ = 2% (bottom) B1.15 Annex B. Ground Motions Accelerogram AGM44 Figure B 16: Ground motion (top), elastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement computed for different damping ratios (middle) and constant-ductility inelastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement generated with for a viscous damping of ξ = 2% (bottom) B1.16 Annex B. Ground Motions Accelerogram RGM41 Figure B 17: Ground motion (top), elastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement computed for different damping ratios (middle) and constant-ductility inelastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement generated with for a viscous damping of ξ = 2% (bottom) B1.17 Annex B. Ground Motions Accelerogram RGM42 Figure B 18: Ground motion (top), elastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement computed for different damping ratios (middle) and constant-ductility inelastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement generated with for a viscous damping of ξ = 2% (bottom) B1.18 Annex B. Ground Motions Accelerogram RGM43 Figure B 19: Ground motion (top), elastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement computed for different damping ratios (middle) and constant-ductility inelastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement generated with for a viscous damping of ξ = 2% (bottom) B1.19 Annex B. Ground Motions Accelerogram RGM44 Figure B 20: Ground motion (top), elastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement computed for different damping ratios (middle) and constant-ductility inelastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement generated with for a viscous damping of ξ = 2% (bottom) B1.20 Annex B. Ground Motions Accelerogram RGM41N Figure B 21: Ground motion (top), elastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement computed for different damping ratios (middle) and constant-ductility inelastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement generated with for a viscous damping of ξ = 2% (bottom) B1.21 Annex B. Ground Motions Accelerogram RGM42N Figure B 22: Ground motion (top), elastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement computed for different damping ratios (middle) and constant-ductility inelastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement generated with for a viscous damping of ξ = 2% (bottom) B1.22 Annex B. Ground Motions Accelerogram RGM43N Figure B 23: Ground motion (top), elastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement computed for different damping ratios (middle) and constant-ductility inelastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement generated with for a viscous damping of ξ = 2% (bottom) B1.23 Annex B. Ground Motions Accelerogram RGM44N Figure B 24: Ground motion (top), elastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement computed for different damping ratios (middle) and constant-ductility inelastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement generated with for a viscous damping of ξ = 2% (bottom) B1.24 Annex B. Ground Motions Accelerogram AGM61 Figure B 25: Ground motion (top), elastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement computed for different damping ratios (middle) and constant-ductility inelastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement generated with for a viscous damping of ξ = 2% (bottom) B1.25 Annex B. Ground Motions Accelerogram AGM62 Figure B 26: Ground motion (top), elastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement computed for different damping ratios (middle) and constant-ductility inelastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement generated with for a viscous damping of ξ = 2% (bottom) B1.26 Annex B. Ground Motions Accelerogram AGM63 Figure B 27: Ground motion (top), elastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement computed for different damping ratios (middle) and constant-ductility inelastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement generated with for a viscous damping of ξ = 2% (bottom) B1.27 Annex B. Ground Motions Accelerogram AGM64 Figure B 28: Ground motion (top), elastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement computed for different damping ratios (middle) and constant-ductility inelastic response spectra of acceleration and displacement generated with for a viscous damping of ξ = 2% (bottom) B1.28