MBC 4780 — Internship in Medicinal and Biological Chemistry 2016 -Fall 2016/Spring 2017: See course director for appropriate deadlinesCourse Description This course/experience is an integral component of the BSPS program within the College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Students will acquire practical knowledge and hands-on experience in the areas of Medicinal and Biological Chemistry by working in an academic, private, or government laboratory or professional site. The experience will provide the student an opportunity to work with leaders and leading institutions in research facilities, biotechnology companies, forensics, the chemical industry, hospital laboratories, and pharmaceutical companies in order to gain a contemporary perspective of the principles and concepts described and studied through classroom instruction. The student will complete an eight to 12 week experience at a host institution that will include developing, implementing and reporting on a project that is of importance to the institution and consistent with the student’s program of study. Syllabus Students will gain hands-on experience in medicinal and biological chemistry areas in a working environment. While each internship will be unique for each student, common as well as experiencespecific objectives will be achieved. Projects will involve working with a primary preceptor at the host institution or company and will encompass the development, implementation, analysis and presentation of a research, analytical or technical problem pertaining to the mission of the given laboratory environment. All projects will promote learning competencies through a structured process of research and inquiry: ► Objective: Problem definition through literature search, review and analysis ● Method: Literature and information searching, precedent identification, results analysis ►Objective: Experimental design and implementation ● Method: Record work flow path(s) and project execution ► Objective: Record keeping ● Method: Maintain laboratory or project notebook detailing aspects of work carried out. Details to be recorded include: date of work; contacts made; materials and methods used; data collected, and raw outcomes assessments. A report describing the internship will be required as part of MBC 4780. ►Objective: Professional communication ● Method: Presentation of electronically assisted paper at the internship site reflective of the project’s background/origin, planning and execution, and results/outcomes. In addition, the students will submit a brief abstract/summary of the project for local, regional, or national meeting venues as appropriate. Internship Site The internship experience will be conducted in a chemical or biological research/laboratory setting in business, industry, education, and other public or private settings. The broad base upon which the discipline itself is constructed allows for a internship experience to also be developed and utilized in areas requiring a knowledge of chemistry, biochemistry, cell biology, and biomedical research. Performance Evaluation Grading policy for the internship will be determined by the faculty member who is in charge of the section for which the student is registered. In all cases students will be evaluated using the “grade only” option. For students taking the internship under the supervision of MBC faculty member in sections 110-008, 010, 011, and 043 contact the supervising professor for course requirements and grading policies. Students taking the internship outside of the MBC department will register for section 009 with Prof James Slama, and grades will be determined using on-site preceptor reports, evaluation of the project abstract, oral presentation, and a written report. See the detailed instructions on the following pages. Details ► Instructor(s) Dr. James Slama, A.B., Ph.D. ►Tentative Schedule Report to Internship site: May 16-20, 2016 Complete Internship rotation and submit paper: August 5 2 Updated 3.2.2016 MEDICINAL and BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY INTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE MBC 4780 Internship in Medicinal Chemistry Section 009 under Slama, J: 30594 Section # 009 Slama, J Full Term: 5/16/2016 through 8/5/2016 This instruction applies to students taking the internship in Section 009 for an internship at a site outside of The University of Toledo or at a site in The University of Toledo but under a preceptor who is not a member of the Medicinal and Biological Chemistry Department. The grading will be based on a written report and your preceptor’s evaluation. Make arrangements for your preceptor to complete the web-based preceptors report. In addition you must fill out a web-based evaluation of the internship site. Your evaluation of the internship site must be done but it will not be graded. Your report must be typed, double-spaced and submitted to Dr. James Slama (HEB 274 E) between Friday, August 5 and Monday, August 8. Late submissions will result in grade reduction unless prior arrangement is made with the instructor. The report should be written in clear English prose, using complete sentences and with words spelled correctly. Number each page of the report, and put your name on each page. Be sure you save a copy of the paper for your files, at least until you determine that the grade has been assigned. Submit this report to Professor James Slama, MBC Office, HEB 274; or electronically by e-mail to james.slama@utoledo.edu. Specific report contents: A cover page that contains the following information along with the Abstract: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Student name: ___________________________________________________________ Internship site: ___________________________________________________________ Internship supervisor: ______________________________________________________ Dates of Internship experience: ______________________________________________ Date of submission of the report: _____________________________________________ A 100-word Abstract describing the work undertaken and summarizing the result. The body of the report must contain the following items: 1. Description of project(s)/problem(s) assigned during the internship 2. Methodology/methodologies employed 3. Results of project(s)/problem(s) 4. Discussion of results/findings 5. Summary of conclusions 6. Career skills acquired 7. Impact of this internship experience on your career goals 8. Rate this internship experience on a scale of 1-5 (1=poor; 5 = excellent) 9. Would you consider employment at this site? (yes or no: please explain.) A copy of a technical report submitted to your supervisor at the practicum site that describes the methods used and the results of research conducted during the practicum will be accepted as a description of items # 1-5. If you include a copy of the technical report, be sure to answer items # 6-9 on a separate sheet. If you want to submit a copy of a technical report, be sure to obtain the permission of your supervisor—some companies and research groups prohibit distribution of internal reports. 3 Updated 3.2.2016